N. C, . writ. lit. BERNARD.? --aB Mail, 17 00 per year or H 60 for lx n0T months. 1 De-iverod to ubsoriborsloaoypartof the cpy at 15 cents per we. run BY. TELEGRAPH. -to ! I" TUB MOMlMSTAIt. -1-J.C .OOIV -'KKIHITM v v From WiuIiIbkIou. "." - '. 'it.'. ' -. AVashikoton, May 14. " Tho Grape Shot vat at Beaufort, S. C, on the 12th, loaded with arms and ammunition, , and regularly cleared for Falmouth. The rev enue oillcers declined to Interfere. Adflccs from City of Mexico to the 6th have been received.' Slnalva, at the head of the revolutionist, had been routed, and fled to the mountains. ' "' Th Bute of Guanajata is hostile to and de fies the Ministry.,, . The proposition to issue; greenbacks meets with great opposition. , A dispatch from Admiral Iloff, dated at Ha vana, the 6th, states that he would be absent a few days and relieve "the NarraKansett at Key West,. In order to give the officers and crew of the Contoocook a change of air. . Matters were quiet Somo dissatisfaction among the Cubans at that end ol the island at tho manner in which operations were carried on in the SUte. However, the present inac tivity is caused by time bcimr required to in struct and exercise the meu in the use of arms with the view of resuming operations at the end of the rainy season. . . Cespedes and Quseda Lave each of their bands acting geparatcly and independently with their own adherents. . Tue Peruvian monitor, Franco Mauco, is sapposed to have been lost, as she had not reached Nassau. The crew of her convoy, the Monterey, had left Havana in a French steam er for New Orleans. . ..jt Foreign. London, .May 14. Minister Johnson's dispatch to Secretary Fish, announcing his withdrawal and giving an account of his friendly farewell with the Queen says: "This terminates a mission which has been conducted with coal and fidel ity on jny part; which has fulfilled tho letter of Instructions from my Government, and which has aimed to protect the rights, pre serve the honor and promote the Interests cf my country." Mohtkeal, May 14. Information has been received here that the Emrliah orivv Council are conaiderinir the abandonment of ail the colonies except India, New YsrkHsrktU. Nbw Tome, May 14 Noon. FinancicL , Money easy at 6Yo)7 V cent prem. Sterling Exchange 109. Gold 138. Five-Twentlea of 1 1 North Carolina Sixes 60 ; new 55 1 Viririula Sixes. ex-Coupon. 58; uew Commercial. Flour 50 10 cents lower. Wheat dull and 1 cent lower. Corn 2(ffi3 eents better. New Mess Pork $3L Lard , quiet Steam 18o318i centa. Cotton steady at 28, cents. SplriU Turpentine weak at 45 cents. Rosin scaccely so firm Strained f J (HXCgt . t'orelcu Marlteta. ''j ' London; May 14 Noon. Consols Bonds 78. London, May 14 Afternoon. Consols Bonds 7. , , ' 1 Livkkpooi, May 14 Nwn. Cotton quiet Uplands 12d; Orleans 11K sales 60U0 bales. ,,-,. ; ', , :. , m Litickpool, May 14 Afternoon. Cotton afloat 583 bales American 183 bales. Breadstuffs dull.: Provisions quiet. Olllfc F ltO.1I -1 WA81IINOTON. .' - Washington, May 14. There was a full Cabinet inectinjr to-day. The proclamation for the Virginia election issues to-morrow, ine did oi wuiy naa oeen lixed as the day: There' will be a separate vote on the test oath ana atsirancnising clauses. The efforts to have the county organization clauses submitted to a separate vote have failed. , , . It has been- determined to send Sickles to Soain. ' A close construction of the neutrality laws will be enforced regarding Cuba. , 1 heir plain mandates will be obeyed, but nothing more. Cresswell has reorganized a special mail ser vice for the country, divided into six divisions The third division comprises Virginia, North and Sarolina, Georgia, Florida, 'Alabama, Mis sissippi and Louisiana, of which C. J, French Is Superlntendant. . ' - : - Superintendents are responsible for postal afTnira over the whole of their divisions. ' Commodore A. 1L Adams is dead. Death caused bv paralysis. . Ilnn 1 if CHmi.n.U rVtl V k Pnfflr, .Tuc AAV11. V. A AUUiuuuua, w j. a.mu..., R. Cowardin, of the Richmond Dispatch, and Franklin Sears,, all of Virginia, visited the President to-day. The Interview lasted twen ty minutes. The delegation left this evening lor home. , . . . From Oeofg-la. 1 ' Acousta, May 14.. The weather Is cool and Injurious to the cot ton crop. Foreign. ' r .r Pakis, May 14. There Is an Increase in tho specie of twenty million francs. Bourse steady. Rentes tJl(g 07 francs.' " ' - - From If ew York. Nkw York, May 14. The French steam frigate Tremrauns, fifteen days from St. Thomas, arrived here to-day, naving on ooara near Admliai jb. Megrecu, Commanding the French Westloda Squadron. United States Marshal Barlow expresses the opinion that oo regular organized, armed and equipped expedition has tailed from this port for Cuba since the commencement of the war. lie believes that many have taken passage for uuoa, pqruapa, to assist tue revolutionists, and, also,' much war material has been shipped, but men went ostensibly as passengers and munitions as ireignt. ' Frns ftMth Carolina. . . . r t - .'-, CHASUsTon, May 14. ACCOUnU from all parts Of the State renrn. sent that the Upland cotton crop Is very crl- uij iijjurcu vj uv recent coia weather, In jnany cases rendering replanting necessary. u Di-a iiuuu vrvy Kcoeraiiy looks promls- ' Foreign MmrUmi. : ' ov' Lohdok, May 14 Evening. -ud Bonds 78. 1 f J - AUUIIIg. . Cnarloaton nmrUt. 1 a ... . ' ' CuALKIT(Wf;MaU: n Wet.; Sale of 2no WW iim, ' t 27 conU. Racelpu SlT KWdlln" iiui uiiitn AT WILMINGTON, Mew If orlc Market. r ' - Nkw YokK, May 14. Money easy and nnchanUcd 8terling chanire dull. Gold firmer and bibber, closing at lravMiKui'- Bonds closed strong. Flve- Cotton steadv--fale of 4.VJ00 bales at 28le. Flour dull Superfine taiSQi0; eommwi io fair exlra Southern W 6017. . Wbcat dull Corn very scarce new mixed Western 80t87 cents, the-' latter' the citremfl ?nite. Pork firm at $31 00$31 12. Lard quiet-Kettle ceuU. . Whisky In moderate re quest at 6(iy7 cent. Rice dnll. Sugar firm Muscovado 1113K eT,u- Coffee dull. Molasses quiet but steady Porto Hlco ti8(&72 cenU. Spirits Turpentine 451 cents., Kos lnfa60& Freights firm. . MARINJi:. ARRIVED. 3 ' s ' Strut-Marlon,: Phillips, Fayettevllle , Wil liams & Murchison. .. .. Stmr A P Hurt, Skinner, Fayettevllle, Worth A Danlil.: i"- .. .-. .". '. CLEARED. , Stmr Marion, Phillips, Fayettevllle, Wil liams & Murchison. Str Gov Worth, Hurt, Fayette ville, Worth & Daniel. (' ' 'V StmrAPIIurt.Sklnner, Fayettevllle, Worth & Daniel. . Schr John Ferris, St John, New XorK, w u lluins fc Murchison. RECEIPT!. PER RIVER STEAMEKS. Stmr Hurt a bbls roalu,-100 casks spts, 18 bbls turpi, Worth & Daniel, Williams te Murchison, Smith & Strauss, A Alderman, Jas Alderman, A Johnson te C o, Jeff W il liams. PER RAILROADS. Receipts per Wilmington and Sinn Cbemter B. R., May 14, -1809. Dinsmore & Kyte, 3 bales cotton, S Freeman & Co, 3 do do, AU8, Di Macon, ddis nour, 15 do pork, 1 tee rice, 1 bx tomatoes, 1 do pre serves. WfiMKU, t,ow it inmuer, tviiuams A Murchison. 163 bbls rosin, 19 do spts, t W Kerchner, 32 bbls rosin, 13 do spts, Sprunt & Hlnson, 98 bbls rosin, 16 do spts, Vick & Me bane, 100 bbls rosin, 12 do spts, A B Sheppcr son, 38 bbls rosin, Edward &, Hall, 46 bbls tar, Aiomit ec jo, ouis rosin, o uo spis, Murray & Co, 14 bbls rosin. Reeelpta per Wilmington mtU Weldon RAllrond. May 14. Finlayson it Bro, 6 bbls spts, 11 do rosin, J M Henderson, 16 bblatr,4i do turpi, Wallace F- U 'J A cr.a St An nuln .1 f pAwitun ' T An Ur, Ala & Chat, 120 bars R R iron, A & V, 25 bbls Pork. W & W R R. 40 bdls straps. O G' Parsley & (Jo, 1 crate eggs, Mount K McL, Do bbls rosiu, 26 do spts, Vick & Mebane, 00 bbls rosin, bprnnt s llmson, 20 do do, a do spts, 7 do turpi, Finlayson fe Bro, 40 do rosin, 3 do turpi, wnuanrs Aiurciiison, vj do rosin, do spts, Wallace & Southerlaud, 3 do rosin, 4 do spts, Jit lavi, a coops chickens, 1 II Smith. 1 bbl and bx eires. coop chickens, F Weacott, I bdl Digs. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Nkw Tobk Schr John Ferris 1,097 bhla rosin. ', .... , Conala;neea. Per Steamship W P Clyde Uart k Bailey. J B lluirirlns, Lilly & Patterson, Worth A Daniel, Geo Lander, E O Keilley, Cowan & Metts, L C Hubbard, P Heinsbcrger, McKen- tie & Giicurist, J v vv imams x uo, r rank 10 bey, A F Johnson, J & II Sampson, Harriss & Howell. Bizxell & Murray, B Bryant, A Stew art, A A Solomou, Dawson, Tell & Henniwr, Geo Myers, C Granain, Adrian cs v oilers, c k 15anks & Co, M Banks, j C Ucyer, Jf w Kerch ner, C Glover, II B Eilcrs, Jas Anderson & Co, Sprunt & Hiuson, Gregg & Brouson, Bard in. Smith & Co, J 11 Eberhart, A H NefT, W C McMillan, J Vansicklc, A J. Moses, Jno Shaw, J M Hard wick, P Newman, Cannon, Stokley cz Co, 11 Uurkheimer, J I Solomons, Zimmer man & White. Jas Utley. Willard Bros, L N Barlow. W & W R Atct, W & M R It Ajrt. WC4RRK Agt, Cape Fear Steamboat Co, J J Poissoii, James S Green, Jno S Boatwright and W A Williams. A; Good Advertising: Medium in Western North Carolina. The Western Democrat, . PUBLISHED AT , j CHARLOTTE, N. C. One of the Oldeal Newgpapert in tlu State.) HAH A tJiKUTE ANDGENEBALCIK. culation in Western and Southwestern North Carolina and acUoinins Districts of South Carolina. Advertisements aro solicited. Terms, for ten lines of this size type, 1 for one inser- $15 ror six months, 25 for one year. , reasona ble terms will oe mauo ror irreaier space. Send direct to the Editor and Proprietor t Charlotte, N. C, (and not through Advertising Agencies.) A copy of the paper containing advertisement win te sent to eacn auvertiser. i W. J. YATES, d. and Prop., 8ep24-tf . Chaalotte, N. C, The Plaindealer, WILSON. K a. "S A GOOD ADTEBTISIIkUlHEDIIIH. Terms Ucaonable. f MERCHANTS and others, wikinsr to use its columns, will hand their Cards to . Editor of the " Star." Or send direct to ' C. S. WcUANIEI, mhl8-tf i v Editor. - The Old Horth State, Recently Enlarged and Improved, it now the only paper published in Salisbury. THIS tVELL-ISSTABLISII'D, HIGH TONED and popular Weekly paper has recently been enlarged to the size of the largest Week lies In the State, and is confidently offered to the people of North Carolina as inferior to no paper in the State. , . n pontics uie ui.i imohth otatb is an ihdb pkndknt Conservative paper, but it is not de voted exclusively, to politics. A large space is a-lven to Aitrieultuic. Domestic Economy and the various material Interests of tho State, as well as to J"dicial opinions and much other miscellaneous matter of general interest tp all classes of readers, besides the news of tho day. 4 The circulation of the Old North Stats is believed to be tho largest of any paper West or Knieiirn witn a sin me excention. ana ills ranlrtlv increasing. If unnuestionablv affords tho best advertising medium In this part of tho state , TKRMS, ir ADTAKCK i - ; One year, - - . ' w Six months. ..,- ... I go ' Address, LEWIS If ANES, . Editor and Proprietor. " ap!4-487-tf Salisbury, N. C, The Marion (S. C.) Star, .i .... ..... klTera FACILITIES r58RPASSEI) by an v nanor in South Carolina to the lercbants of W llmtn arton and other locali ties, of extending their business to the Pee Dee section. , rD US INE S3 CARDS AND- - ADVEItTIS E M E NT l INSERTED ON LIBERAL TERMS, Which may be learned b byapplyingto . McKERALL, Editor. -w.J ocm-auMf John W. Hinsdale," ATTnnwp.v ivr - ' ' . VAV JSm. JA MM .0 ' . . , I s ... J J - : ; Counsellor nt X:iw, ; FAYETTEVILLE, N: C., ;! Will attend the Superior Courts of Cumber- ianu ana ew iianover counties, supreme Court Of North I'llrnlfnii 4ha IlnnllnTM Circuit Court atRalrioh, and U. S. District Court at Wilmington. cialuu oolleoted la all parts of North Care- i l !, .'. commekc., VI ! MIS fM.AHK '.': STAR OFFICE. May 14. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sale or 280 casks at40X centei aiid fc. New York' casks at 41 cent. . , . . , ROSIN Sales of 1H) bbk at $3 'ii for extra No. a, and $55 75 for Pale. ; CRUDETURPENTINEHasueciined. Bales of 613 bbls at $3 80 for Virgin, 3 80 for Soft, and $ 1 75 for Hard. y : TAR 450 bbls. changed hands at $2 85. ! WHOLESALE l-KICKS. ARTICtlW. raicaa. It A OOryOHunny V l. ft AVON Nohth Uawlia, ,-. SI y ' Hams T - Slioultlors,. V m Hok UouikI, l "RM VI JO 22 IK & H4 2 00 2 25 3 00 ,8 00 Jt M ' 40 42 10 0U 15 00 Siilea, -V j siinnltlitrs i BAKRULHttP11 Turpentine, SimimI Hand.. eoc a. Now New York each f New City,. each BEESWAX V II RICKN Wilmington, M. BV'ITER North Camliiui, Jb Nortiiern, m CANDLES-&MV..:.......W Tullow, t t, Adamantine,. .......;... tb CHEESE XorWixsvn., Fuc'y, W Jt Dairy. 11 COFFEE J avu, ft Hio.... W s Lasruavra V B CORN MEAL i bush COTTON TIES k7i. a'vi..a..n v, ............. v OilS7'C-Shectlng, 4-4 Vyd 12V Yarn,: t ounen FISH Mackerel, No. 1,. Wbbl Mackerel, .no. z, s doi Mackerel. No. 3........W bbl Mullets, bbl N.C. Herring W bbl Di-v Cod lb FLOUR Fine.. ..... ol 6 00 6 50 Q 7 50 6 2ft 8 00 8 00 Super. JNortnom, "' Extra Do. " V bbl Family bbl N. Carolina Super, ) bbl 7 59 15 00 11 00 Q 11 25 00 00 (j 00 00 11 80 12 WC " " Kxtra, W DPI Familv. ... bbl FERTILIZERS Peruvian uuanu,...f won n8 Pacific Uimno, 2000 s I'atapsco Guano,. . .f) 2U00 18 Ran;h'a Pbosnhate. " " m oo 65 00 65 00 00 00 tx 00 Uhoiies' Stan. Manure, " Lister' Superphosphate. W oolston's Am -non iat'd Itune PhoepU. of .Lime, Wilcox, Gibbe A Co's Ma nipulated Guano, PhcBtiix Guano, . Carolina llono Phos- fUate, kaline Super Phosph., Ainiuo'd Super Phoepii., Ammonia M Alkaline Su per Phosphate Chesapeake Phosphate, t;roasodale'8 Snpvrplios f)hate ta Vela Phosphate.... Grounl Bone Itone Meal " r'lour i... Complete Manure Wbann'H Pliospliate .... Wan.lo " lu-rj-cr A Dutr's Pbos- I on oo 70 on HO 00 70 TO 83 00 50 00 70 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 ti 60 oo 00 00 ti 5 00 no oo (D 70 oo oo oo 70 oo m oo a o oo oo oo a no oo oo on 40 oo 00 00 iy 45 00 oo no a 57 oo 00 00 Q 67 00 00 01) tj 70 00 00 00 70 00 nlialc 00 00 00 00 GLUE GRAIN Vtl 2U 0 1 ..V X Is' 4a w .a Corn, In More,... Corn, Cargo, Corn, New Oats, Pea. Cow, ..ij Imsh . .jp bnsh ..w bush ! HID -Green, t,. ia . HA Y Easterii, V 100 'S North liiver ft i 9 HOOP IRON V ton LA RD N orthenv f North Carolina, ft LIME V ool LUMBER Kivaa LASl saies. Wide uoanis, f i H 00 e 14 00 10 00 14 0 15 00 17 00 00 25 00 21 00 S 22 00 13 00 20 00 20 00 til 35 00 15 00 fj 20 00 Scantling, V M n Flooring, 1ft M ClTT STKAX SWKD-r Ship StnlT, resawed,..t1 jt n ItouKh Edge Plank,. M ft West India Cargoes, accora. lng to qnality, M ft Dressed Flowruisr. scasoncil. Scantling and Boards, com-i mon m i t AfO.li4S!-Culja,hhd8., gal u...( r.'..,.. ........... , Sugar House, bluls.,... gal " " bbls. Sgal Syrup, bbls iral NAILS Cut, M to 20d V Oius Kerosene, v gal I4ira, i w gai Linnud, ... gal Rosin,...- cat PEANUTS bush POT A TOES Street. bnsh lnsn, Kiortnern, w bbl PORK Northern City Mess,.... Thin, Prime Rump......... 83 50 31 00 32 50 S3 00 30 00 0 31 00 SI 00 00 00 v. 2C-Carolbia, r,ast lntiMV.. Ronsh, ........ oo o 1 on ft 7 50 2 00 W 1 70 r 114 15 17 16 16 18 Q 7 0 4 00 2 5U e 00 1 50 10 eo- 0 00 1 no 00 00 164 1HU 13 00 ROPE SALT Alum,..., V bush t sack ...fl sack V .............. Liverpool,.,. Ainc ileiin,... SrOK-Cnba... rono mco, A. Coffee....... B. " C. " Crashed SO A PS orthcrn, , v uminnon. 8HINOLES-Vontnu;lr. . , 6 00 3 00 tnmmon. 8TA VESW. O. Bbl., 30 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 on It. O. Hlid., TIMBER Shipping , II OS IS 50 9 50 10 50 7 00 8 00 5 on cut I 75 4 00 3 no fio ivi in rnme, Mill Fair Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY Northern..'. norxn Carolina. w gai F. W7 Kerchner FBS AT LOWEST PRICES I3,f00 bushels Corn, 700 Itales Hay, Eastern and Northern, ; fc bbls. City Mess Pork, l:i0 bbls. Prime and Rnmp Pork, 31 hlids. of Dry fait eides ami Shoulders, 40 hlnls. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 0 (MM) pounds of North Carolina Bacon. y-HM) pounds Tennessee Hams, 2)0 barrels or Flour from Superrino to Ex tra Family, 330 sacks Rio and Lagudyra Coffees, 40 bads, new crop Cuba Molasses, 170 bbls. and tierces Sugar House Molasses 37 hhds. Demarara and Porto Rico Sugars 125 bbls. A, Ex. C. and C. Sugar, K0 kegs and Pails of Family Lard, 100 boxes Cheese, 1000 bbls. fresh Stone Lime, 1 1300 Slight and Paulding Spirit Barrels. 25 t ons Hoop Iron, ONE THOUSAND SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 12000 pounds Glue. Lyo, Candles, Soap, Soda, Spices, Blacking, BUCKETS, TUBS BUOOMS, CORDAGE Candy, Crackers, Shot, Tobacco, Snuff, Nails Matches, Rivets, Ac., Ac. ' may B-lt At Low Prices. 2QQQ BBIh. FLOUR, Mil grade; woo dusiicis wmte corn, - 600 bales Eastern and Northern Hay, 100 hhds. and bbls. Molasses, loo baireli Kenned Sugars. 100 Bags Coffee,' 250 kegs Nails, 40 tons Hoop Iron, 10,000 lbs. Distillers' Glue, ' 500 Spirit Barrels, j' 50 bales Sheetings and Yarns. -AIiO- BACON SIDES frn ' AND SHOULDERS. MESS PORK, CANDY; CANDLES. CRACKERS, . 8ODA, SOAP, POTASH, ..1... ... &c, &e. Ac. : 4 . , .for sale by , . , WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. nay 7-tf 1 Account Sales. I s 4 CCOUNT K ALER FOR ROKIX, 8VIK ITS TURPENTINE and COTTON, print STAR Printing- and Publishing House, 1 1 .i a fKM :i";i l-;.?i;J ' If. ?.( ea in tne oesi style, ror sale at the uOKNiu i 1 1 a uo oo 75 00 a 75 oo CO u ft 70 00 05 00 1 03 a I 10 0 00 0 00 30 1 00 1 05 g 1 10 Q 9U 17 . l 15 i ao 65 a 00 130 00 135 00 17 rj 21 20 0 21 i oo e 1 70 -Ot4Q 55 57'- 00 45 00 45 & 47i uo a l oo 5 75 ft II U0 00 Q iU 38 a 65 1 40 ri i 50 00 00 s oo a io 1 50 00 i 00 a 2 50 W bbl bbl bbl ft bbl ..ft . bush IJEVJSPAPER DIRECTORY I NOUTII CAIIOLINA : THE JOUHNAL, ' Puldlsbed Dally and Weekly, at' " i. . 4 ' Wilmington, N. ENGELHARD Jt PRICE, Editors and Prop's. '1 ; V- : Subscription , . 1 ) ; i One year , ...iloOO, " Mx month9 5 00 Threo months .3 00 ; J . , WBilLV. i... . ii. M. .. One yiar........'... 3 00 Six months n..i..M....-.: 2 00 TTrriiE post, ;; ; , Publlshott Seuil-Weekly, at ' Wilmington, ft. C J.C. MANN ....Editor. ' Subscription 1 ' t Oneear...... WW . Mx months 2 00 Threo months 1 25 Tl'ue morning STAK, . :. Published Pally, at. , Wllnlurtou. K. C, WM.H.' 1SEUNAHD,... Editor and Proprietor. Til Term of Subscription, strictly in advance ; , , One year...' ..................7 (0 I Six months.... 3 50 Three months.... .............. 4 00 Quo month .......... . 75 . THE UAIlOLiNA FAUMEli, DEVOTKD TO TBI AGRICULTURAL ISTBRKSTB OV ; THK TWO OAROL1NA8, Published Monthly, at Wlliulnrton, N. .; WM H. BERNARD,... Editor and Proprietor. UOllT. K. 11K1AN,.... Associate suitor. . ' Sttbstriplion, in advance : - Ono year 3 00 Six mouths 1 25 "THE SENTINEL, . . Published Daily, Semi- Weekly and Weekly, at KalelKlt, M. C, JOSIAH TURNER. Jb Editor. ltates of Subucription : DAILY. One year ....10 00 Six months 5 00 SEXI-WKBKLY. 'One year-. 5 00 Six months 3 t WEEKLY. One year 3 00 Six months 2 00 STANDARD7 Published Daily and Weekly, a Raleleh, X. C, J. 11. NEATIIERY A CO., Proprietors. Subscription, in advance : DAILY. One year 10 00 Six months 6 00 Three months 3 00 WKKKLY. One year 300 Six months 1 50 CAROLINA TIMES7 Published Daily and Tri-Weokly, at CttArlottc, ft. V., R. P. WARING Editor and Proprietor. SUBRCRIPTIOW : Dull v. per year ..7 U .. 4 00 THE WEEKLY NEWS, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. THE NEWIiERN TIMES. Published Daily, at N ewfcern, X . C GEO. W. NASON, Jr., V. ii. STERNS, ..Publisher. , Editor. TVntit of Subscription : Six Dollars per year, 111 advance, CAROLINA OBSERVER, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, at Chariot I , X. C, SMITH, WATSON ft CO. Proprietors. subscription : Daily, peryear , ....4000 Tri-ft eekly, per year 3 50 GOLDSBO IlOrMESSEN GER7 Published Daily and Weekly, at Uoldnboro', N. C, JULIUS A RON1TZ, .Editor, Ac. Terms qf Subscrxptxon : DAILY. One year -is 00 Six months 4 Oo SUNDAY XKSSENOKB One rear.. 2 00 Six months 1 00 I THE ROANOKE NEWS, Published Semi-Weekly, at Weldon. K. C. JORDAN STONE Editor. AND. J. BURTON, Ass. Editor. Rates of Subscription: Four Dollars per year, in advance. 1 C. PRESBYTERIAN, " Published Weekly, at ry etvllle, H,C Rby. JOHN M. SHERWOOD, Ed'r and Prop'r. BtTBSCRIPTIOS : Tiiree Dollars per year, in advance. THE RECORDER, Published Weekly, at Illllsboro', N. C, T. C. EVANS,.. Editor and Proprietor. subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE INTELLIGENCER, Published Weekly, at Washing-ton,' JT. C JOHN S. LONG Editor. subscription : . ' Threo Dollars per year. "EPISCOPAL METHODIST, Published Weekly, at Raleigh, N. C, Rnv. J.B. BOBBITT ... Editor. subscription : Two Dollars per year, In advance.' ' WESTERN VINDICATOR, , Published Weekly, at Rntherfortiton, N. C. ERWIN & HUTCHINSON, Editors. subscription: Two I o liars per year, in advance. THE OLD NORTH STATE. Published Weekly, at: Nalisbnry, N. C, LEWIS IIANES, Editor ami Proprietor. Jerms of eiuoscnotion : ' Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE LIVING PRESENT, Published Weekly,, at Wurrenton, v, C, WALTER a. MONTGOMERY, ) v.nM J. M. WADDILI J Editors. Terms of Subscription : Three Dollars per year, in advance. WESTERN DEMOCRAT, Published Weekly at Charlotte, N, C, WM. J. YATES, .Editor and Proprietor. jvrms 0 auoscription : Threo Dollars per year, in advance. GOLDBORO NEWS; Published Weekly, at Uoldibsrs,, N.C, J. B. WHITAKER, Editor and Proprietor. - lerms oj ttuoscnption : . ' ' Three Dollars per year. JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, Published Daily, at Newbern, N. C, S. I. POOf, A SOXS,.:.. Editors & Proprietors. subscription : Eight Do. lars per year, in advance. THE EAGLE, Published Weekly, at FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., , M. J. McSWEEX, Editor and publisher. Terms of Subscription : Three Dollars per year, In advance. THE CHRONIQLE, ,A; j.; rumisuea vtr eekiy, at ' '.' ' ! 'Hilton, N. C, ' C. X. B. EVANS Editor and lToprictor. subscription: Three Dollars per year, in advance. , v.lTHE NEWS, . PnblUhed Weekly, at - Aaaeville, Jt. v.. BOnrBT TkT. (miKt' : '. '! UEORGK W. 81TKS, , Editors. subscription : Throe Dollars peryear, Jn advance. - . -; Pnldished Weekly, at' " ; -! C. S. McDANIEL,..,,.. Editor and Proprietor. ? Two Dollars per year, In advance. ' ) li-f'l .1 i.,-.l 1 l 1, ; ,,-.; PSSSISSZ: nTUE AMERICAN. j U , Published Weekly, at . , . Htatesvtllf, N.,C, . .. .11. DRAKE Jt SONS '....Editors anil Prop's -!;". ate$ of tiubscrtptUm t i Three Dollars per year, in advance. r- "7";- - JVESTERN SENTINEL : . ni,it..l.l Wnlri.. 4- r ' Wtuiisn, N. ., g Eorsc m a tHisnr. rr.T.'.r.t: .t. ?:.vtait6. T wo Dollars per year, in advance. 11 f 7 ' - . 1 wi 1 ' ; , ; ,T ; THE ARGUS, , . .. . Published Weekly, at VndeiDoro, N.?C.; McNElLL,..............rt..f... ..Editor. j Rates of Subscription : Thrtic Dollars per year,' in advance. "' THE PATRIOT, ' Published Weekly, at - - Urmbor', N. C, JAMES W. ALBRIGHT BRO.,. . Proprietors. - Rales of Subscription t Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE TOPIC. Published Weekly, at Greensboro, 'N.C, . B. CHAP1N '. Editor and Proprietor. Rates of Subscription : One Dollar per year, in advance. INDEPENDENT PRESS, Published Weekly, at Morgan ton, Jf.'C, J. O. U. NUTTALL,.... Editor and Proprietor. Rates of Subscription : Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, in ad vance. THE LIVE GIRAFFE, Published Weekly, at ' Raleigh, N. C, UARNUM A WH1TAKER, '. . .Proprietors. Terms of Subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE SOUTHERNER, Published Weekly, at Tarboro', X. C, CHARLES & BIGGS, Proprietors. Rates of subscription : Three Dollars per year, In advance. THE INDEX, Published Semi-Weekly, at lleuderaon, H. C, 11AKUISS A NEWBY, Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION : Four Dollars per year, In advance. THE PEOPLE'S PRESS, Published Weekly, at Saleiu, K. C, L. V. BLUM Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars p;r year, ia a-ivance. FRIEND OF TEMPERANCE, Published Weekly, at RALEIGH, N. C, K. H. WH1TAKER,.... Editor and Proprietor. sunscRiPTiOJ : One Dollar and a Half peryear, in advance THE EVAN. LUTHERAN, Published Weekly, at CHARLOTTE, X. C, Rbv. N ALDRICH, Editor & Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION : Three Dollars per year, in advance BIBLICAL RECORDER, Published Weekly, at RALEIGH, N. C, Subscription: Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE STAR, Published Weekly, at RUTHERFORDTOX, N. C, CARPENTER & LOG AX Editors. Subucription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE MESSAGE, Published Weekly, at GREENSBORO', X. C, Mas. C. M. BUMPASS, Editress. Terms of Subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. SOUTH CAROLINA. THE NEWS, Pubdshcd Trl-Weekly, at WINXSB0R0', & C, DEPORTES, WILLIAMS A CO. Editon?. subscription: Four Dollars per year, in advance. THE WATCHMAN, Published Weekly, at SUMTER, S. C, GILBERT & PLOWERS Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION : Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE NEWS, Published Daily, at CHARLESTON, S. G, RIORDAN, DAWSON & CO., .Editors. ...soo ... 3 00 subscription One year.... Six months HORRY NEWS, Published Weekly, at CONWA.YBORO; & d, . C. P. BOLTON, Kditor A Prop'r. subscription : Two Dollars per year, iu advance. THE COURIER, Published Daily and Trl-Weekly, at CHARLESTON. & C, A. S. W1LLINGTON A CO.,. ..Eds. and Prop'. subscription : Daily One year 3 00 Trl-Weckly One year.... 4 00 THE JOURNAL, Published Weekly, at BARNWELL C. H., S.C, JOHN S. SHUCK, Proprietor subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. TinT JOURNAL, Published Weekly, at BENNETTS VILLE, S. C. WILLIAM LITTLE, Editor & Proprietor. subscription : Two Dollars per year, In advance. CAROLINA SPARTAN, . Published Weekly, at 8PABTANBURG, S. C, M. TRIMM1&K, Editor. subscription : Two Dollars (specie) per year. THE REPUBLICAN, Published Weekly, at CHARLESTON, 8. C, BY THE UNION PRINTING LOMPANY. subscription: -Two Dollars per year. We advertizer, Published Weekly, at EDGEFIELD. S. C. JAS. T. BACON .......Editor. subscription: Three Dollars per year, in advance. ' THE GAZETTE, Published Weekly, at CHARLESTON, J. D. BUDDS Proorietor. subscription : Fonr Dollars per year, in advance. THE NEWS, Pu jllshed Weekly, at ORANGEBURG, S. C, ANDREWS A HALL.......... Proprietors subscription : Two Dollars per year, In advance. ; THE GAZETTE, T Published Weekly, at ; 3 PA ETA X IllIKU. S. C P. M. W VLLACE, . Editor. Subscription : . Two Dollars per year; In advance' ; ' ' s . THE CRESCENT, . . -H , , : fuonsiiea weekly, at : " MARION, 8. C . E. MCMILLAN, .....1 Editor and Proprietor. - subscription: - .-, ... r ... Two Dollars per year, in advanoa. ."- ; :;::::;TIIE: LEDGER, . . Publlshed,Weekly, at. v., . k; ' LANCASTER, a. n . ' D. J. CARTER Kditor and Proprietor. f - : - Two Dollar! and a Hal Viav tAai. NEWSPAPER t. DIREQTOBy. THE : DEMOCRAT,: Wished Weekly, ai v'" .:, -) KRAW S I' ; '?t-V:r ! h r r "Published CHER w;l.t.pkince,.:. t j subscriptjov : j - Two Dollars peryear. in advance. THE INTELLIGENCER, ' Published Weekly,' at T '( - i I HOYT A CO- , .aloprletpr.. BCBBCKlJrTlOlf ' t .Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year. THE SOUTHERNER, '1" Published Weekly, at 1 DARLINGTON G J7.. S. C. J. M. BROWN,. .....Editor. Miss K. B. CHEESBOUOUGII, Ut'ry Editress. subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE REPORTER. ' ! Published Weekly, at : : i CHESTER, S. C, ED. C. McLURE and JXO. A. BRADLEY, Jb Editors and Publishers. subscription : Threo Dollars per year, in advance. 3 ' ' THE ENQUIRER, Published Weekly, at YORKVILLE. S. C. L. M. GRIST, Publisher. subscription . Three Dollars and Fifty Cents peryear, in ad- vance. SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE, Published Weekly, a ' GREENVILLE.' 6; C. G. F. TOWNES Editor. J. C. BAILEY Proprietor and Ass. Editor. subscription; Two Dollars per year, In advance. THE SENTINEL, : Published Weekly, at BARNWELL C. II . , S C, E. A. BRONSON, : Publisher. subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE TIMES, Is published Weekly, at GEORGETOWN. 8. C. JNO. W. TARBOX, Editor A Proprietor subscription: Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE MOUNTAINEER, Published Weekly, at GREENVILLE. S. C. G. E. ELFORD Editor and Proprietor. F. J. BOSTICK ...Publisher. subscription : One Dollar and Fifty Cents per year. KEOWEE COURIER, Published Weekly, at WALHALLA. S. C. W. C. KEITH Editor. WU1TNER SYMMES Associate Editor subscription : Two Dollars per year, In advance. ' THE HERALD, Published Weekly, at LAUREXSVILLE, S. C. T. B. CREWS, J. W. SIMPSON, Publishers. subscription : Three Dollars per year in advance. THE PHCENIX, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, at COLUMBIA. S. C. JULIAN A. SELBY Editor and Proprietor. BUBBCKIUTIOA l Dailv, six months 1 00 Tri-Weeklv, six months t 50 Weekly (Tub Gleaner) six months.... 1 S6i THE HERALD, Published Weekly, at NEWBERRY C. H.. S. C. THOS. F. R. 11. GRKNKKER, Editors. subscription : Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE NEWS, Published Weekly, at SUMTER, S. C, DARR A OSTEEN, , Proprietoi-s. subscription : Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE DEMOCRAT, Published Weekly, at DARLINGTON, S. C. E. P. LUCAS,.. Editor and Proprietor. subscription : Two Dollars and a Half per year, in advance THE STAR, pNblished Weekly, at W. J. McKERALL, Editor and Proprietor. subscription: Two Dollars per year, in advance. BUITISII PERIODIAI. The London Quarterly Ileviw (Conser- vative). The Edinburgh Review (Whig). The Westminster Kevlew (Radical). The North British Review (Free Ch- rch). ' "' AND Blackwood's Edinburgh HI ag-nzlne (To ry). rn HESE PERIODICALS ARE ABLY 1 sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Lit erature, ana stana unnvaiien in the worm 01 letters. They are indispensable to the schol ar and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they furnish a better record of tho current literature of the day than can oe outaineu irom any oinersourcc. 0 Terms for 1869. For any one of the Reviews,.. For any two of the Reviews,.. . A 00 per aim. . 7 00 " For any three of the Reviews,.. 10 00 For all four of the Reviews,. ...12 SO For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews, 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews, 13 00 For Blackwood and the foui Re views, 13 00 Clubs. ( - It X u A discount 0 TWENTY PER CENT, will be allowed to clubs of fonr or more nersona.- Thus. fonr copies of Blackwood, or of one Ro view, will be sent to onk address for 12 80 rour copies or tne lour Keviews and Black wood, for f4B 00, and so on. Postage. Suoscribers should prepay bv the axarter at the office of delivery. The Postage to any part of tho United States is TWO CENTS a nnmoer. Tins rate only applies to current sudsc: lptions. or back numbers the postage as uvumu. Premiums to New Subscribers. New Subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive gratis any osk of tho Four Rbvikws for 1807. New Subscribers to all five of the Pnrlndlonla for 1868 may receive gratis, Blackwood or any two of the "Fonr Ti.evlws fni-lR7 Subscribers may obain back numbers at the lonowing reauceu rates, viz : Th NORTH nniTISH fpnm .hnn.h. 14 to December, 1867, inclusive: the EDINBURGH and the WESTMINSTER from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, and the" LONDON QUARTERLY for the years 1865, 1868 and 1867, at the rate of $1 50 a year for each or any Re view; also BLACKWOOD for 1866 and for 1967, 12 50 a year, or the two vears together for al.oo. 4 Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is iciiiuicu VIBKITY TO TBI rCBLISHKRS. No premiums can be given to Clubs. ' Th Leouard Seott Publishing; Co., 140 FULTON ST., N. Y. . The L. 3. PUB. CO., also publish the i Farmers' Galde. by HENRY STEPHEN8. of Edinbunrh. and tho late J. P. NORTON, of Yale College, a vols.. royal Octavo, 1,600 pages,- and numerous en gravings, i-rice, ji lor tue two volumes oy man, Hi-imu, fo. nov28.56-tf North Carolina Argus. Published Weekly, at W A D E SB 0 R0 , . , At the low rates of , , . j SO p e r A 11 ii n 11s i 92 TT IS NOW ACKNOWLEOGED TO BE JL one of the very best papers in the State. It lias a very wide circulation, and is fully ailvo to eveiy thing that is or interest to the lumn m ..... .. - , t A' CHOICE ADVERTISING MEDUMJ iwh. iDAnafnplttMVpav 1 -.. '' .' W. H. liBBWARD and Spsuxt A Hinsov Agen ta in Wilmington. ; Address. - - . .apl8.tr . '' D. McNIELL, Editor ATE 'TIME ASri TBOVBLE. - ' chants wishinar to advertise in any paper- North Carolina or 8outh Carolina, maysave themselves much uniteeeesary ; trouDio oy callin gontue suoscriDer. ,itaie, .hio.otj lowest ehedbytbebHsue . feb-tf Dawson Bank BuiWwarrontisi., DTTOrXTTUUI -( A T1T0 - ATM ;-: NB:P V"AHrrACTlIBEll AHD IKA1 i-Vll. HARDWARE, GUNS, STOVES, KEROSENKOIL, TIN and SHEET iki ALKH IK a niTiriiu KEROSENE OIL, TIN and SHEET IRON. Uooflntf .Dauo at Kliort JTollKlT Avont for Fairbanks Reals. No. 19 Front St.. Wilininirtnn. V. I oct24Htf.J 'ijh i.uuu-Mtl . 1 CASS1IB" BROTHER"- PKOPRIETORS OV WILMINGTON MARINE RAILWAY, SHU- IVRIGHTS, CARPENTERS, CAULKERS , ;t I . AND SPASM AXERS, . Mt-r. xr w. mr m n x. 11 -j w I.AKCUTK .fjL. work in their line u;.on the moat favors. ble terms. The largest vessels cowing; to this port lmvj been frequently taken out with ease. Terms reasonbble. - ' octl5sJ-tf ' ... . . , . .. ii.i. A. ADRIAX. H. VOLLKRS. ADRIAN & VOLLERS, Cor. Fronl and Dock Si., IF IL M 1 N G TO N: ; C HOLESALK OROCF.R8. A 1.1. its branches. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will do well by calling on us and examining onr Stock. ' novl9-4S-tf " ! ' ' " ' 1 ; - i 1 EDWARD J. ASTON, EAL ESTATE AGENT. V ASHE VILLE. I liUNOOMBJB COUNTY, N. C. 43- Activity and ctticiencv in brlniH n or in. ether the Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate 11 North Carolina, and to facilitate artvantn. geous transactions between them; also thu encouragement of Northern and European Emigrants to come and settle in the South, are the objects of this Agency. 1 romu-viu-ti COMMISSION MEKCIIANTS. JOHN W. CAMEROH, JAMES H. HI I.I.. CAMERON & HILL. SUCCESSORS TO .... II IL COWAN 4: CO., . GENERAL COMMISSION shipping merchants; AUESTR FOR M. DATIS A HWH'H (Lllierty, Va.,) Celebraied CHEWINC TOBACCO. Agents for Lester Brothers' SUPERPHOS PHATE OF LIME and BONE MANURE Agents for VULCAN IRON WORKS, Rich mond, Va. Agents iorcroasoaie'ssUFER PHOSPHATE. No. si North water St., mariW33-tf Wilmington, N. C. . ',S. II. DENMAHK.: " - Prodtice Commissioilj Merchant ,.. 1 Hio. 6 South W ater 61.,, . Wilmington, N. C. . . -ITriLL 8IVE PROMPT PERSONAL TV attention to consignments at all kind of Farm Produce. foctl3-,mm ' M OFF ITT & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION Merehavutx. NORTH WATER STREET, Wllinlngton, N. C. Will give prompt pex-sonal attention to . he aalc or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc, etc. Also to reoetvtng and forwarding goods. J- Orders solicited and promptly flli. sept23-l-tf CAtfXOJT, STOKLEY fc cioTT CI ROCERS AND COMMISSION MEK T CHANTS. No. 4 South Water Street. Wll. mington, N. C. . . Strict attention given to the ,nW ol . COUNTRY PRODUCE. , oct3-10-tf PK0FESSIONAL, S. S. EVERITT, SUCCESSOR TO Dr. B. F. ARRIKti TON, - Office same as formerlv occunled bv DfcAv- rington. . '. . ' apis-482-tf .. ! S. A. ASHE," ATTORN K Y A T LA U . WILMINOTOW. N. C. OFFICE ON PRINCESS, BETWEEN i Front and Second Streets. oct 1-8-tf . ' RAIL ROAD LIN Wilminglon Wei. It. It. t Opptcs Crikp Enoihker : Gi; Sup't, WiLMiaoTOK, N.C.,. April 8. istai. 1 lit r 111 irr a. u Chanffe of Schedule j ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 11th inst., our PASSENGER TRAINS 011 this Road will leave Wilminarton at 6:00 A. M. mid 10:00 P. M.. and arrivo at Weldon at H A. M. and 2:50 P. M. . Leave Weldon at 10:lfl A. M. and 7:45 P.M. Arrive at Wilmlnirton SM A. M. and 7:15 P. M. "m ' -The day train will not run on Sundays. A daily through freight train will li'ave Wil mington (.Sundays excepted) at :00 pk M.,- fnv the accommodation of Truck Farmers. Pas sengers can also get accommodations on c aid freight train m far as ttoldsboro. ;. ':' T ' ,lvwu.rg , FREM07FT. Engineer and Superintcnden 1 . Wilmington, A pril ilth 1809. (4M.VIT GENERAL SUPTS-OKVK K. Wilmington arid Mancbestt r H R. Company. j, Wilmihoton, N. C, April 10, 10. ON and aRer APRIL lltk, PASSEN" GER TRAINS of this Road will run on the following Schedule : ' EXPRESS TRAIN, Leave Wilmington daily at 5:15 A. SI. Arrive at r lorence A rri ve at Klngsville. . ,M . . Leave Kingsville ......10.' A, M. i ......12:40 A. M. Arrive at Florence. H.-NI 1. M.'( Arrive at Wilmington. :1 P. Mi , R-rnroaa Trntn eonnnet eloselv at FloreiMM- ........ with the North Eastern Railroad for Charh-i.'' ton, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad Int i Cheraw, and at Kingsville with the South, . Carolina Railroad for Augusta, to which poln t tho cars run through without change; ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.'" I Leave Wilmington dally (Sun. exOatOKM Pt i y "' Arrive at Florence. ...............,... : A. 11 , . Arrivo at Kingsville....... !: A. M . Ix;ave Kingsville 4:00 P. M Arrive at Florence w... v. 40 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington....:. ,,fl:M A. M , Accommodation Train connects closely ul Florence with the North Eastern Railroad foi Charleston, and at Kingsville with tho outh t Carolina Railroad for Augusta. Passengers for Columbia should take lh ,! Accommoilation Train.; - - r ,; ) -r I.. , , )TM. MacRAK. . apll-485-tf - ' cn'l Rnp'C i t it jf -r i j u t ii I n 1 -i T ij i im 1 1 " " Wilmington, Char lot 1 p ! Ati.i '; RUTHERFORD , BAIL ROAD. BaMfasjHBakiMHtrv - . If s r- j. UVWKBAI. SUTBBIWTKIIDKirT'B Qrtd, . Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 9, V M .! OK AND AFTER TUESDAY NmtiA, gust 13th, the Passenger Train wu thic Road will leave .Wilmington on ' Tnexlar.' " Thursday and Saturday, a I o'clock. A. M, .!... i Arrive at Sand Hill same days, at s P. M. i ! 'Arrive at WadesboTO (Stage), at 11 mill-' night. Leave WodesboW fStag, o Tn'"! Reave Rockingham ((Stage), on Monday.' Wednesday and Friday, At 4:30 A. M. : ' Teavo Sand Hill (Cars) iMoadny j WeAjew J Arrive at WDmington same clnVsat M- ' . isept23-l-tf Gen. Sup'?., KEROSENE OI AKR4&TED TO be the best. ' , . .4lmar-tfl i ;- UPPITT'S MCO T0BE, It