MM ) THE RIOIINING STAIt, .. .riiviRD. Editor 4 Prwp'r. ' Orvica biwof Bank' BuftdlnVdnl 8t - ;i r'tV-TJ ',' r" : " ' v' Ono year; In advance: . J .V. S. . i . .... . ; . .ft 00 Mxmontk in advance..... ..... J " Three months, in advance .. One memtu, In advance. . ...... ....... The Monno Sta will be delivered In any part of the City at riromc Crr per week. , .: I I . u I'. ti.-v... I. . I I, , . i . ii, l-- .- ' 1 ' .'(' I -'J - nil ik tiff, tJt M . . . - r, j t Li' ; -T!t . .i tart ,4,1.V V ' iif)." : VTTT Vol. IV-No. 51. WILimTGTOITr IT. Cv THURSDAY LI0E1HNG, HAY 20, 1869; .'II .. 'J. Whole Ho. 518. ' ; ' ... - - , . . - -... Li i ; -i - posTorricB DiREaoBT. I Sthi Anothek, Tb?thekalready Catholic FE8TiTAL.-i-Thl8 'Festi-1 promises well, tbe damage Trom the . cold ' ' - f A' - ; J.i.u k..-'l.i-i .H:n ia xtai-v.?i, not being nearly so great as was supposed. large list, oi swinui? u .j OT .. -.b..- tu0 Tnestand cf cotton, is moch; better than i f J - 1 t- - j - - . . t - ! -TT -r ---v Northern through way iiihU 5:00 A.. M. p"? Northern through mail 7H P M. - M Southern Ma1U.vj......i:t ' . .. . W. C. and K. K. tt- . Moil- day,WedewUya4d.rldH.ya. rayetteyllle wta Warsaw,. A. M. Pally, except Bunday. - . ' ' ' "Vhroc SmithvUle via teaiu... r. tmec ' times a week ' " ! X A i. t t ' A B M i T K' AT 0FIO.' .Vorthem Through Mall : A. . M. Dftlly Northern Through and Way Mall, ,JM P. M. 1 ally, except Sunday-delivered at 8:00 1 M . from alley window. v- s r-. i . . . . Southern, : P. M. Daily . we W C and :00 P. My Three tloie a , ? PaVeUliTeP. MTdaily, ewpt Sii.tthvllle, i:iP. M.-Throe times a week. fflco open from 70 A. M. to6:J0 F. M. ., name,' Citj Hall, ami -.will' rcontinoe for -several Anticipated, thrppghout founty. r! of days and nights,' opening at"?eh o'clock. We hope the first pfctore'ia inore ghiomy ink he morning and closing at eleven evening ' than the reality, and that the raits of the visited onr city may be added the or more correctly the nor ' de guerre t'Fred. ' Kent, New Orleans. Thus he J morning, and closing at eleven evening. registered hn name ai toe rurceu uauae . n, . weather, which wiU revive - the iroopibg last Sunday, remained daring the day and Wk once raore' ' request,.allude ' pUDtB.li8tolMar4 -fc. -,-rfPT,rtd -on-Mondav. forget- to the closing of the stores at sunset. A .,. " . tinr to pay his bill for theVumptuooB fare portion pt the merchants abide by the KotthQupliliaVUtshell After sreeu,enli alm iuu ueserve coinuieuuu To 'Arrive; past few. days will be followed by warm TONS.:. 50 I t Tf , Willi 11' lit? IISU . LIKCSU leaving the PuVetl nouVe ie stopped at a small part disregard theirword, the boarding bouse of a lady of ( our city, and there remained nntih Tuesday night, when the proprietress orer.u u.iu . To-Day. Thecotnplimentory ex leave, as lie tppeareu . . Senator Abbott was bostnoned ; .The Ladies, TTTITH THEIE' WOTTOK TASTE A udtfment; when in want of " ' ' : ' " " ALWAYS go to : . ;, IIEUrSBEBGER'S - maylC-tf ' ' jve Book Store. and thus add little th their reputation for generosity.; an acceptable boarder, and placed t.M lit- to.daK wnen it ?9i. It All. WAT OIRKVIOKT. " WILMINGTOK A MANCH ESTEE R. ttOAO . i t 1 Hull. !.. I ., . . . . ' 't.iM)1'i nmnt .- . J SrSXWwTwwaK "ft "JV " T restrain. m "8wl--..r,T- tended to embark on a steamer and S?rS,lLn j 'rfiurtiett, jaw'ee w. Burr. Hteh? to falsehood. k vil , ,. . the M classic" shores "of old CaroHSaT ihtAgeHu, Wilmingumr-T. B. Llppitt. WILMINGTON, j JrtiMidenti Directrf& CHARLOTTE A . UUTII Kli- 'ORU KAIL ROAD. PmnUtonl ttolrt H. Cowan. ; Tj I'nrsoH. A. II. Vanllokkelen, JnXMcDowell. llolMirt tk rraneh Walter j. Utttole Stephen W. Cole, Samuel 11. walkup, Is.. NlluUhlSon, H-ywood W. Gulon, CC. fle.i- .lerson, A. U. AB . MrWwM-.W.l.Bverett. . retory arf Vw';r71- f-AWennan... Mectumio- W. Ui 11. VyW irnW. R. t rench. Wll.M.NUTl)W WlCLlOJI 11AIL.RAIV i . wrist s. Ik Wallftcov KH Mnrrar. Airre. u..;;.-" a H Vttnllokkolen. Ge. JlarriH, i to falsehood, Since that time he has jut ibeen heard of, and we trust he has'declded to leave a city that will congratulate" itself on his disappearance. V1S1 still ,.r:A Ldoz l No. 1; Peruvian Guano wIIon.' D. XIeaton, ofNewbern, is Berousiy in iron, nemorrnage. oi tne t . . . jrj .One thousand acres . of. land recently sold in Northampton couaty for j- fifty dollars. New Goods! N JEW dOD8 ! ! MEW GOODS ! I ! Per Steamers and Rail, Just received at mayNi-515-tfJ HKIN8BKRGERS ' ' LIVE Boor Stokk. VVm. 11. i aynk 8 wite was engaged, yesterday, in trying to , obtain bail for her husband, but her laudable et the , 8Teli la'Aopbing ut),l and The Protestani Episcobel ccVventon for the Diocese of North Caro- laSnet in Raleigh, yesterday, : " " ' ' ' ' The cotton in 'the vicinity 6t 1,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL .SALT Weldon, supposed to have been rotted by the recent cold snelLia'bopinng ub'land fnrta aa a wife failed without accomDlish- I unlesn further damaged, a srood stand will !Db. VoGELL, SoPERLNTEND- J t more than unavailin2 sympathy for yet be had. EaT of tuk Bukkau Schools for North l lf r A'suocessfnl colored cambler Carolika. Dr, .Vogell was. yesterday in I , was attacked by a party from whom he Dally Expected. For sale low by ; , Ruling. pAPEB RULED In any form desired at IIEIN SBERGER'd LIVE BOOKSTORE, my 19-517-tf i : f iwoaayi 4 - ..:;.. l so three-days... ...... 1 b& i ooi flay . .. ... - i CO M U IVA1ira S M ' one week,.. f 60 Con tract Advertisement taken atDrd'I VV portionately low rates. x r , Marriages, Death&. 'RigtousPunVrai and Obituary notleea will be Inserted at half rate when paid, tor in advance otherwise full rate . . will be eharged, . . ; , ,TRi-casb. on demand. NewTork and North Oarotina" ' LJL ' -. .... .-.....,.. t j ' STEAMSHIP LINE: ' .V ' - . ( . THK FINE FA8T SAILING STEAMSHIP MAEY. SANF0RD, Captain HOORE, " " I.F.AVE OUR v WHARF. : IT twoen Dock and Omnare titreetn. for the above port, oa TUESDAY, Way ltu.. ;j s This Line win - ctmiprlsc ' riie 'foilowi,. '. Steamers t '- - 1 .i ....;.,. FAIRBAN K8 ! ;".''.; . , Uapt. A ; lfoNTaW." WM.P. CLYDE. REBCCEA CLYDE...: MARY 8ANF0RD our city, haying am vedrom Raleigh, for lie ordered Gen. Rutherlord to repair wnmVtea.iohnKv were in a bad deWwniton,lc.i;.,4. sort.!, condition, and to charge the cost to the TarWo, and Thoiiia i. Uo,r, of lUtolirii. r ' ' . - s Dr. Vogell is, also. Disbursing Agent of the Feabody Fund for this 8tate and in tends to render assistance to those schools most in need of appropriations, , Locals are compelled to exert un- had won considerable money, in Leasburg, the purpose of visiting the Bureau Schools usual energy, in order to gather a very in- woul'( robbers arrested. 1 ' 1 in company with Gen. Rutherford and different number of items. to decide what pecuniary aid each school . ' 7, ri , . , A Special Meeting ot the ioard of Aldermen will be held this evening. WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. rayMU4)?-tc . . . .. . fthMMMij ti9kl - CM' iyi'r mM yrnrr -l a f: l- 1""' v- , THE CITY. Several Excursions will take place during the week. , . ' . , . . The dnst is certainly clfectually " laid" at least lor the next few days. Tfc STAR In delivered Bob- erlfcem I" !! Pra Ml rirTlififl' yw - r mly ta Mr.' JroiIJJ M. PBOII. Orders nay be left cither with him this The Ioldest on Uecord. To us have been related the particulars of. a bur glary which, in boldness, stands pre emi nent among the many bold nets of outlaw ry lately committed in our city. . Tuesday night or rather Wednesday morning about 3 o'clock, a party of villians, supposed to be two In number, went to the house of Mr". Thomas J. "Williams, who re sides on Second street botween Nunand Church. Here' they "discovered " a table which had been left in the piazza. They carried away the table, and placed it un Robberies are becoming very fre ouent in onr citv ' and nnlees BDeedilv I nect for a tobacco croo in , Granville, (the Caught. Tuesday Hftornoou 8t ' dnoman win feeI 8afe either at largest tobacco Dowirvcopnty-in the Dublin Drake, a colored ladi well known home or walking thc street, . ;. 7 to the police courts, attempted to commit ; - having' destroyed two-thirds of them. a bold trick, and was caught in the act WILMINGTON in point of produc- There is also a great want of cotton seed tia entered the st6re of Mr. 87 II. Denmark, ing fine strawberries will compare favor- to replant the fields that have ., been in on Water Street, stole a quantity of ground I ably with any city south of 44 Mason's and peas, was departing with his ill gotten Dixie's Line, load, 'when he was seen, captured, and sent A' gentleman named Wyatt, of Polk county, was bitten . by a large rattlesnake several days ago. He ran his hand into a hollow to pull out a rabbit, and the snake bit it. He hastened home, qitrperior aRTTC drank a quart of spirits and is now' en- O ceived by steampahU tirely recovered wnetner irom me Due or 'sperrets,"' we are not able to say. In Granville, ; "Warren, Wake PifT SaUlS. nri Franlclinl the wheat cron was never I 5 t . i.ftthpr I -irARYLAND CHOICE JtldT IH F ,it a ,i 1 iXL -tore, at two last mentioned counticai The pros; English Breakfast Tea. VRPERIOR ARTICLE ' JITST RE i Mary ttanxora, at . Market St.. may20-tf COWAN A METTS. may20-tf 7 Market Street, COWAN A METTS. Saw Mill Wanted. milK SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO nnrchuB it " Hcoid -haiu 1 ' ' Circular baw Will, with all the fixtures, in good running or der. - . . . . Address me at Kockmgham, Kicnmona 1.0., Country Buyers "TTTLL ALWAYS FIND A WELL SELEC ted stock of GROCERIES, just atlaptcd to their wants, and at the lowest Cash Price, at ' Edwards & Hairs, ; Who also buy and sell ALL KINDS of COUN TRY PRODUCE, and respectfully solicit con signments of tho same. ' : Don't forget the place, r ( EDWARDS A II ALL, . No.3 SoiutU Water street, . apl5-18-tf Wilmington. To Country Publislxers. I AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY PUR. Ushers in either of tho Carolinas with a good article of , t , . t ... , " FOLIO POST AND FLAT, CAPPAPESS, of the usual weights. .. .. Casta orders for one or more reams prompt lyniiea. no attention paid to oraers unac. companied with the money or a request to aendC. 0. 1). i ' WM. IT. BERNARD. novl4-35S-nactf . .,. , , ., . ,, " D. P. Momoam. ' O. Chtchksteh. JonV Moohb., With aaeh ddltlnal Steamers rs inay be Required to meet tho Demand . t . of the Trade. ' ' i Sailing from ?NEW YORK every . .. : WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, 1 At 4 P M., tpafc Pier J5, E. foot pf WaU SC , , , The attent ion o SHIPPERS (N called to the LOW RATES and GREAT FACILITIES offni el by this Line. ' n. .1.. ' All IOHMC Proittpitjr Paid. ., ' THROUGH BILL8 OF LADING given to V AYETTEV1LLE, N. C, and all points on the Wilmington. Charlotte 'and R-. u. ltoad, Wil mington A Wcldon R. Road, Wilmington and Manchester R. Road, and their Connections. ' For Freight engagements, apply to , . . ... . WORTH DANIEL, Agents. 'Agent In New York, ft JAMES HAND, ii-4 ,' " ,, : . . , y , Philadelphia and? 8onihem t. Mall Steamship Xlue.t ' THE FA8T AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP ... .,' I! -JW'-'. mil - ; ... ' 1 rn -r T ' XT ;n to the Guard House. After remaining du: - - ... ring the night, he was released the next take place to-morrow, and the children mom n!r and delivered to Marsh Walker, a anupaie a uaPPv t....c. OI colo:ed policeman who agreed to teach the vagrant a trade, and to play the part ot uardian until the boy arrived at matu- RIVER AND MARINE NEWS. rity A; Commendable Movement-Wc hear that the "Ladies MemoriiilJ Associa tion" are discussing tho propriety of paint iu' the iron railing enclosing the"Couted- rk-r tho window of Mr. David II, Waica erale Cemetery ' una oi turuug me gia, who lived near to Mr. Williams ; and by thus adding greatly to; the appeaiauce ot standing on it were enabled to reach the a spot which will lorevcr be held sacred blinds, raise the window. and enter a room by every true citizen of Wilmington, and where slept two little sons of Mr. Walch which will stand aa a proua memorial oi 0JManh inforin8 that the Brig UfUifield One of the boys heard a noise jo tho room J the gratitude, lelt by boutuern lauies lor . an(l gchrs. Clara Bell and & E. Groves are bound out. Wedhk8DAV, May 19. .Weather quite pleasant, though the horizon occasionally assumes a threatening aspect, and mars the beauty of un other wise clcur, azure sky. . Business has for the last few days steadily improved. FROM BE30W. Bound out. Capt. Harper, of . the i i o About six hundred bands have N- S VkAon itimnn nut of pmnlnvment in Gran' ville by the closing up of the tobacco fac- Call and See Them. tones. 1 ne nanus are an negrues, nuu uu- ii . r i : : . : ... less tne lactones ga.u gcv t ujc.l.uU a AND SEE XHOSE HANDSOME an early day, they must suffer greatly for V ... the Dccessaries ' of life. We cannot . :. !; .. ' i Ail-ii see the. j policy : of- closing? a factory . ShftW fflf MBS. ' MlSSBS W CMTO. m vmlaf fn sf tho Kppnnp Law 1 -. ' Why not arrest the offender and place him under bond to ranswer, . and permit the factory continue in operation thus allevating much distress among the work- j .ing classes ? , P I--!0;iH;;.E;.iE;:B.'' . Copt. I D. BARRETT) At 29 North Front Street. "7 Ton can buy them at very Iow " ""' ; ' Prices. . ':'' md nmiii ?lftncinr around tliscoveretl a ...... -1 r ; o ; negro man, standing iri immediate prox. imity to the bed.' The little boy awoke his brother, and the two would have given the alarm, had. not v the -desperado used harsh threats and made . gesticulations of anger. After thus silencing the' Uy, the negro entered the Bleeping apartment of Ml. Walcli, stole a coat, and a pocket book containing a small amount oF money, wnd then departed in the same manner, as he had entered - i,i ! Mr. Walch's sons informed their parent of the fact, so soon as they durst venture from their Led :1 bat the bursrUr had es- Southern dead. Soon tq.,be-; ppENEDrr77Tbe(.folIl lowing postoflices on the route between Wilminffton aad Onslow will, in a very 'lew days, bej)pene4il i:oj:)3H07 ' Scott's Hill. . Snecd's Ferry.. Golden Place. ' Topsail Sound. i ; , Stone's Bay. Anson's Store, i -, " Oakley's., Bound in. No reports. Went to sea to-day. Schrs. Ocean Bell and Flying Scud. 11 Wind moderate from Northwest. Brig. Monica arrived in Boston 16th inst. BUSINESS NOTICES. it -i : i. t Arrested on" ' Suspicion. After To Bosiness Men. Parties wish ing to advertise ; in "any newspdper pub li8hed in either of the Carolinas' may save TRoaadalls! Itosadalls! I , Dr. F. Olin Dannelly, now of this city, for merlv Professor of Phvsioloev and Pathologi- cal'Anatomy in the Middle Georgia Medical College, Chief Surgeon State of South Caroli na during the war, Vice-President Georgia Medical Association, says : , Da. Lawmwck: 1 have' carefully examined your formula for the Rosodalis, and recom mended it to several of my patients. The combination is a happy one, and must prove a potent remedy in. allfdiaeasea requiring the virtues of a great alterative medicine.. ; I wish yon success. F. OLIN DANNELLY. Baltimore! April 22d, 1868. n;ii4.- I o-For sale by all druggists. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. P. Hejnsbkrokr's Live Bookstore New Goods New . MnsicT-Boo'kbindery. Baling. DeRosskt & Co. Life Insurance Premi ums lower than uif Ahe? rompany. 7 , J. II. Anderson Business Men exposed to the sun. R. J. 8ieBle; Jr.-SawMni Wantedi: Geo. R. Fkench & Son Call and see them handsome Shoes. iny20-5UMc GEO. R. FRENCH & SON,. . 29 North Front Street,' Life Insurance. J. J. EDWARD. . j , ,, mi-.- i . . , BjF.HAIU EDWARDS & HAM., . 7 ; Wholesale and Retail ' O R O C E R 8 ' ; 1 1 1 1 Aim ' i . i t no mrrssrn isr UEnnnA irrs: I -tttixi. r v ' t n e wuq at, nMira. n vn,i nr pottwtrV l' I LVY Schedule bet wisen PHILADELPHIA and W1LMINUTUN, Hsiito-ii: :v !m"! . .. tEAVK HtLAiaPHlA ' ' 1 January 7JSri,;'l8B9.- April 3rd '18BU, " '17th, " .-. " 18th,; February 2nd, nf1 1,. Mayi. .s Snd, t . - ; 18th, k " , , 16th, . J March "' ftth, v Jhne ; Hat, ; .,llath, :(" i ." ..! 15th,. i ... 1 ;i ' LEAVE WILMINGTON, N.C'i 5 January 10th, 1969. April . loth. 1869 " - th, ' M - 44 S5th, " February 10thr May ! 10th, 8Sth, " , . . 24th, March mh, " ' June 8th, " ; 2Gth, . " , 2ni. " For Frelgbtw Paswlge:' apply to ' i WORTH DANIEL, Agents, . , i ' Wilmington, N. C W. L. JAMES, Gene rali Agent, jQneen Btree Wliarr, PlUladelpbla. CHA8. K. IILKJS, Freight Agent, 136 Walnut Street. Pbiiadelplila. naniu And Dealers In an kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, . ' No, So. Waier SJti, apl5-488-tf Wilmington, N. C- MERCANTILE PRINTING! .-' F JanlO-407-tlJul JNNTTRE IN THE WORLD MUTUAL5 OF NEW TDSK. iry '..',. Assets large and increasing. Dividends an nual and increase each ye ar. No extra charge for Railroad Conductors. No restrictions as to traveL . Premium iJower than any Oth er Company. AU kinds of Endowment. Ten -Year and Life Policies issued, and no charge for Policy. DkROSSET A CO., Fire, Marine A Life Ag'ta. BUSINESS CARDS', " 'LETTER HEADINGS, BILLHEADS, NOTE HEADINGS,'"- CIRCULARS). , . , ENVELOPES' . ; STATEMENTS,, , NOTEBOOKS,,. , TAGS, and Marine Insurance effect- edidlltports in the my 20-518-tf 1'aus, ana . i , . r " V general joli PRIXTINGX United States ana JVeJl In dies fiy ' K Barry Brothers ton. NiCi Business Men caped, aaa)wus1eyonftufsuU.;XL bbcry, Monday glitt;of7roh . . I t- anr Tlomit Wm Moore, col.. on.l nn the doubtful trail ot the rob- Va w" w - - He has not as yet been captured. ; Cheraw & Salisbury Railroad. As a matter of interest to our citizens we clip from the Charleston Courier the fol lowing : . , in i . ; ( ' A meeting of the friends and stockhold ers of the Cheraw and Salisbury Railroad wus held at Cheraw on last Wednesday, the 12th lastaof. ' Tile meeting1 was "well tlcnded,co (uprising Williams & Murcbisoh To Arrive, , , Cowan & Metts. Entrlish Breakfast Tea. much unnecessary time and trouble by Hams Cheese Dessicated Cocoanut making their contracts with the Morning Old Government Java Coffee. . ; , Star Advertising Agency, which is fully - geobgb Myers Golden Age Flour, authorized to receive advertisements at , , noT.Rsliiaixjctora ol.Foraire Urs, and pursued it with s vigihnce that I pobUshers'' lowest rates. All necessary. in- j and Provisions. ' ' ' ' -piXFOSEP TO THE BUN, LABORERS, PILOTS, FISHERMEN, Executed in the best manner, and at the short- est notioe, at the. . . i . ' . MORNING STAR . JOB PRINTING OFFICE. ap9-48a-iiactf . .. .. .. .;. , t : 5. IT Fancy Fowls and Eggs. TjWOB OF THE BRAHMA' POOTBA and BLACK SPANISH FOWL8 for salOr-freBh and genuine. Sent safely by Expx-ess. . j. ... . -ALSO . . Two trios BLACK SPANISH FOWLS, one year old. Eggs 3 00 per dozen. Fowls, 12 00 per trio. Address,' ' 'i ' '! '', , . .-. CAROLINA FARMER,; mh21-467-lw If .:: .ni iWilmJii M'"f . i ended at least in partial success. He caught two negroes calling them selves the Crow brothers, and enjoying respectively the distinguishing "appella tions Peter and Alfredl " " ' ' " "' ' 'f j formation given, , and advfertisements mailed direct to publishers "as soon as handed in. Business men will consolb-l their interests by patronizing this Agen cy." Advertiser pays no commissions, tf . Munson & Co. Thc Patent Raiu Protector. DIED. x t. r And everybody who wishes to keep cool this Summer, should buy a " Against these two worthies there exists m taeetln-was-ein i gu idon tHoagh no p91tive proof; Arrl from Anson! Stanley. Richmond and they have been confined in the Uuard Farme- one of tbc most popular agri and Rowan Counties, North Carolina, and House, to remain, otil lurther velop- culturill mHffuZineg in the country. Only Bcvciai iiwm viii.w... w-- " " I ments snail nave transpireu, made uy ilieisrs. jjargan, mooney, tann er, Greert and Ingram, of North Carolina ; VV. L. Trenholm. pj. Charleston ; Benators In lhfs city on the afternoon of the 15th inst. WILLIAM II. LUyj.'T. agea 456 .years .ana months. J ic 1 j i 5j my 20-tc) At ANDERSON'S. CUboun. Faemkb. :Tbe CarA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Next Thursday is tho day ap- T. J. .Roberts; tod .RJ Jj Donaldaon, I pointed by the County Commissioners for proxies lor me otare, auii n. j. lowiweuu, he exaiuinat,on ol the Sheriff's bond, and rKiiSir. wB1a elected S , if U be found sufficient it is "all right- E. D. TOWNSEND, President. . . v and If it be thought not sufficient it is f 2.00 per year. Address Wra. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C. directors. A. F. RAVENEL. I D. MO WRY. I). INGRAM. A. J. WHITE. D. MALLOY. all wrong.1 To Advertisers. As advertising mediums the Morning Star and Carolina Farmer ate not surpassed by any publica tions in the State. 7 7 77 The Patent RAIN PROTECTOR. Twelve Rib Old Gov't Java Coffee. GE Pi CINE ARTICLE BY STEAM myt? V1Unteer' CiN MERIT'S.- GOLDEN AGE FLOUR. SOMETHING NEW FROM THE LAND OF GOLD AND WHEAT. BOOKBINDERS T AW BOOKS, 1 1 -t ft ; ? ' rt't ri.-i MEDICAL. BOOKS, ; .. ... i ' . 4 ri . ; . I : :l it i. 'Iii ".!. l iU..JERIOpiCALS,,-;, .ui .-.Uf ? ! r. H.I NEWSPAPER FILESk' f ; .MUfeiC. &0jlC..'; i:; i Bouad in the best and most substantial raato"1 ner, at .-.- ..... ' J ' HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK STORE. myl9-M8-tc '' ' :i' " '"' The Liverpool & Loii don u'& ;iGlohe jns.lCo. 'Affets Gdldytt 7999 7!"; ;c' in the imtogum,N.,c. i UnUedStales ' ,000 ,000 j Directors personally respon- t sible for all engagements of the Lompany, Hi j. r , . i Barry iBrotherSy rGenVAgentst - Wilmington - ( i'iCi.: X IMPORTANT ' T 6 -T r ii c k e r s. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City of t Wil- Has been tried and tested by one of our S O O T C IP G TN G If A 3f. leading bakers1 pronounced TYsKa 'catiRxf OF SUPERIOR (4UAL41 X. Call ami Get One. W .VSSlNS. E GREn;;. - - ,Ranaway.-A dray, horse yester. o, ja,iun viojuxMJ. l day ran away, aasning atung ficr turning up Market siul creating, no small excitement iHetlwii8: stopped' neaf' the R. J. DONALDSON. nay-20-tf MUNSON A CO., City Clothiers. ARRE8TEDlAridersoii7Drake,' a colored, boy abdh fifteeu years' of age, s,n old offender, and a former inmate of the County" Work1 House, was yesterday arrest ed for peddling tobacco, which he was un- ,,..r,t . .1. ... i ....... able to prove his owd; ': i ' : - !.. He appears to know a number of secrets on other parties l a ' character similar to' his own, and hp affirms that be procured the tobacco froin a frcedraan, whose name1 for Drudetttial motive's, we will not statu. AndeVson-' was ''oou lined in tlhi ' &uard : House,' where he' will stay, 'until some, ono will uke'pcTaunentUiarga tof .hial and redeem biuirfroin his :. ruinous course a( Job Printing. The most com plete Printery in the State, including Printing Office, Book Bindery and Ruling. Machine, at , the office of, the Mornino corner of larket and Front by a police- " ' ' ' maU'pld in change ol ftheW ''. p .TJl IT , .:.,u.n uknwii inmniAned to an-l- 5-T ua um court. ' u WraW Whitaker. asent for the f , r js t ; t t ' t vr.h n-rnlina Real and Personal Estate ! . 7( Ci. i vV 1 w A A ' xr r 7Tr:i .i..nK-th?rt. no. is n. watee st. iuf oti, OTRAWBKKltllWJ. " o uutiucu csi- i Agency, lias jut ubtcigu uv.g" J I-. .1. .... r'.'hrria t th nffthe cotton trrowing : counties ; of' this . rni B . n. I Ifn 111 W CI W'UUC BSVT fcwa a - - . . .1 I IV 1 . (Wl IjI-WI .1 tl.; v 1 - . -". 7 - . - af-to , H informs us that in tnose coun- .. store of Mri Fred. F. French . yesterday, il. rtinn of the cotton which :hev were" from Excelsior" tarm, and oa n was tilled to the eround ;( by the references .(BT,i permissions "Ffthrnitrv.l MM wpnther; and the seed which hid not r . m.-v,wo rvi- Harrisa & Howell, manager 01 xliavcisiui. S. V. LABKIS, , I ,itIipVSVA MOLMKS. ; LABKIN. UOLHE8, It Is lower in price than the LEADING NORTHERN BRANDS Put up in SO raTJTI SAUIi.S, Expressly for Eamlly Use,,, . . , : We offer this California Hour, with all of our other Brands, at ..." ' , imr immediatelTon the Wilminsrton and Wel- donRail Road, nearly equi-distant between Wilmington and Goldsboro,conteining FIFTY IX ACRES Olf LAND, all of which may be converted into a ':' ' . ',' " ' and as it is located at fixed Depot, the own er would, have every aciuty in making nis ntincton--t "? v.7;v'';, ; no excavation shall oe naea as a pnvy :"" and every owner or occupant of any lot witn in the said boundaries shall 'aUBe to be con- atructed a good and substantial box or boxes , . to be placed under each privy er privies for the deposit of filth, and so arranged that they , , lw can be withdraws at any time.. - - v . . (,1 . i 1 j . .... " cbtlp That on or before the 15th day of myiO-tf GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 Front Street, shipments which a Rau Boaa can give.-.., 1 " h,Tthe Mai-shal shall eause all auch LJVSSir.-.i'r iHybiiWwithta the limits .a. above de.- Produce: Early' Crops flnel; v-.- Tiiera is wooa enonarn on ine iraciw pay for getting the whole ready for the plow ami nav for cutting and hanlinK the wood be sides. 1.: f -ti. ' ; -There is on the premises a WELL-iiuxix cribed to be emptied and the filth therein re- La: Hi f "if. .,!,...- XKt movad to a dlst the city. nee at least one mile' from . . two RTfiBV fmntw and near S3nd dnd Power I toitohOTbiertimni I sages, c. ; agooa Ajicnen wiiu mu .w. tWubm ffi value. The houses alone rent for two hundred Anii.M .tmt. phm aiooa.i m-; u i ! i: THE UNDERBIkw, nAmr. pplv rt Editor of the Carolina Farmer, Wll An. for the Southern States, mingto.t, N. C, 1 ' iSAFnactf : of CtottrelI,&"Babcoci's celebrated Hand and SEC That the owner, or in the absence of . h a owner the oocuDant. of each lot shall pay for every privy box emptied th sum of ..i 1 .me. , , ,t ffi'p . .t I- ; .- ft f "rTitt.rfiirs Snrinora. 7, V ; J w ; iSrmers are replanting cotton but seed feteam Power Printing Presses, is prepared to ; ; , f 5 , .difficult to obtain, and commands . $2.50 "Myg0t1 myis4w; manufacturers - o il T Ii' C A 11 'Otlll'l - f-' 4. KnahaL.; Manv ottbe planters are pow- , . . ,,ii v u'u'Q i n l,f"tt .tllmi -A " 77-. "T J , , a a a '. "NTkw rTTANOVEK AGRICULTURAL 1 4i i,?r p.otton 1 fields1 and planting 1 ; DliAAea .,.o.-.,..1.iJ i pmoeS. '""" ''! '" .1.7 kiktY. Tiie tuira annuar meeting oi tnem in cri. . " . '-:.: - . : ' ' ' . . I -Jnnd'aihnm onttnn' is a failure 1 'A ' TwENTT-friREE JEIpejriL'p-T h c Steamship Volunteer . arrived ; at our. port, and within twenty-three hours had un loaded, reloaded, ami sailed. Ci, .( i is i 7 1 Important matters, relative to the soci .... ... . .... ... 7. .. I ' ' .' '.-i-.." ", ' -'"! - i us quicKett, ii mo ujver.yci uiauv. My this alwny quick veeK: ' J . . . . r i f u ti- ' RorTr.tV t, . ..... , , . . ' ' 4- I .an t done where cotton' is a failure1 !A Vhis etyjwill .. beldMO ; ear. crty , to- corn w yet obtained,' if morrow, and it Is earnestly, hoped much 1 ?ho nf nUniinflr it is not too ereat, as . .. , .. . 1 HJw a-vuw -w y C7 . . . a' : . i t . .. J I . . - (ntiAorarl ' interest wiltJ&e shown uy tie roemucrs any i jt;Wiu be witn many woo uj i ;-rr 7i i , t f - i t i Aki i IM theblicerierall,- ;7:;r 'j-""v fLSL1 f S H' DeSSl(ea. 000011. ENGLISH DAIRY, FACTORY 'AND tate, by tmr Mary Sanford.aj. l ...n' y ,COWAN AMETTS, may20-tf ' " " " '. ' 7 juarxetsi.. PRICES. These pi-esses are recommended for cheap ..... ..U t, . ., . ..!!' i I ness, speed, strength; durability and finish ' Tha "Improved Country Newspaper1 and Mr HOtlSE AT THE RAILROAD, - half mile from the Springs, wilt be open for Boarders after 1st June. .' v! J L - ,(l l . . . . v.rt wont- I ineeunoiBPUtK ui iue nuicnu aicr ui Job Press' is specially adapted ,t.ho .T"11' I the aeeommodatlona at my honse as both are tv-Ave cents perT month, and the Marshal Is hereby authorized to eolleet the same at the endot each month. , g tHW;jltt': 'SEC. i Any violation of the above aactioM of this ordinance shall subject the offender to a fine not less than five dollars nor more man twenty dollars, n.Mt..utX.u. ..v. " SEC; & This rdmanoe Shall not apply to prlviea emptying into sewers or streams of water.'. .irAVi1.'' ,'f 8ec 6 This ordinance snail taae eneci, and after the first day of Jane, 180ft. - -..i V with the thorough enforcement of this ordl nance, and the execution thereof shall be done without any expenaetd the eity.n- ; i n .-'... my iv-oii-iui i 7, To .the -Ladies. V1.'. ...... , 1 . - - - fl el are oiico more ,urg(;d,tamftku the(r ap pearance before the Clerk of the : Superior Court. Important matter., relative to the socie- $t wfij be great calamity. ; , ' ty, will be discussed.. ;ir.o m , ' i f J in opposition t? these iobservations, ft Tlh'n.i'J. TtA'n'aU r. 'iJwo'm j foe 1 nttman''"'' frnni'"' ClaVtori. JOhnBton d the hour chosen 1 counyt any. . of Southern Publishers. ;One ofthUr class mas generally well known, i -,..1,1 i. ;..:.. ' -ii'tlJ nSSSff i-Wfbn at my Mtt ft? . US. So - . T Margex ptree. - 4 , wwm - -r .,,,, t r r ... , - ? Uvfo.. ""T COWAN AMIS'. rr A. "TTrT.'u w .rirwitT . Circulars sen2bMiipIieatioi.U'JUl 'iJ7r' ' ,T..vft--f- tnay20tf Invalid Ladies and others will, find At my ouse a pleasant home. - ;5 '1 . i7' r.. Ji n h.v-K VHted has-ondef t TTriT.ii-x'xrx .-.k- f ----- the stimulus uie rain wituiu, v ..vr-stf f : . "tjjl t c ' AgenVfpr'the'nth'ernS "i v7 WUmingtomN.C.V . .. Li. ' W R . ai . RKKNaKI). JtlTPIll. 'I ' vv ' five days, taken a new start, and now myi3-si2-iw Drug Store. jan24-419-nactf vt.X ;.n WM. H. BERNARD. sept23-i- Wilmington, C. -1 . '-i M r i. id Water atMOta. -T ADIEU ARE rJIVITED TO oAt.lV W I J the undersigned for Life Insurance in the &ge and popular MedaeemS Life Isaao Wldows anxious to make provisions for" their fatherless children, or for others depen-. dnt unon tnem, are aavisea vo arau pruiupb- or tne c Apply may 15-tf ! General Insnranoe Agent. f'-7 - Two'-dosr fights yesterday, heavy item I 'r' . : W 1 4

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