TIII3 MOnNIKO KTAU, ,. PUBLISHED DAILY, ,. v ... WK. II. DCKNABD, Editor avad ftrwp'r. One year. In advance .$7 00. Minottha, In advance. J.A.4..l.j..V...i. S 80 Three months, In advance., 4 00 One month, la advance 79 The Mbamd Sta will: be -delivered in any part of the City at Fir-rana Csvts per week. t ', PORT OFFICE jailBCCTORY. : mt.l tlOM,"' ' Northern through A way mall B.-00 A. M. Dally. Northern through mail 7:00 P. M. Southern Mall...... .:...;.8:00. ' W.C. and ICR. U., 8:00 r M- Mon- . days, Wednesdaya and Fridays. Fayette vtile via Warsaw,. .... ,8iiOA, II. Daily, eroopt Sunday.- ':'' " ' ImlthTllle mi btenuvi;...t. ld P. 11., three tlmea a week. i- " ...::.. i ', l .' it dt tt'it n't'V aAr ',o I o V.f . Northern Through Mail 8:00 A. M. Dally., t -Northern Through and Way Mail, 7:30 P. M. Daily, exoept Sunday delivered at 8:00 P. M. from alley window. -.. Southern, :4A P.M. Dolly. v !'' W.U.WM1 11,3:00 P. M. Three t lines a week Fnyttevllle,7:0 Pj M. daily, exoept Sunday. HmlthvUle, 10 P. aL Three times a week. , omoeopen from 7H A. M. to6:JP. Al... i BAILWAT DIBKtTOBY. f - W ILM1NQT0N MANCHESTER . R.' ROAD 2aA n HulL.. " t. - i ; 1 '.IVI lMrmelor John Dawsoa. Henry Nutt, O. U, Hmn etarv and TWajmrsr Wm A. Walker, m (Znerrti YaM Ticket AffentJfHi. It. latu. JVtrftfM Agent, mimimntort-rT. B. LippitU WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RUTHER FORD HAIL ROAD. . ' knhrt H. Cowan. r-- . i : jirwtori-8. J. Person, A. H. VanBokkelen, Nv Ouraon, A- w. AAgan, a. xw. uuiimcwj. , Afurwrtewieni W. I. Everett. . Hauler Of lYantnortationW. II. Alien. Heoreiarp and 'Vecuwir I. T. A Merman. . " futr AfocAonio W. Gill. ; v,, . , tymghiAffn W.B. French... ' : 1 w i lminutom' Wkli hn r ail road. YideM-4i. it. Bridgers. - ZXreetora on thepart of the Stockhotder-Vf uiiw, ti i WkiinM..HiL Murrav. Alfred Martin? A- H. VanBokkeien, Ueo.Harria, of Wll mington, and John Kverutt, or OoiUHDorc. IHrentortonthtpartof the Mate J. 8. Cannon, n ti Kmilwii anilL. G. stes. V,'U AiMer am Uenerat HiqxirvUerulent 8. !. Fremont. . .. . iW' Matter of TraniKtariauoi t iu omim. UtrrHaryand lreamrer4. W.Thotnpeon. Mnt of AladUnrry John F.Devine : or t,. Dudif.v. '' Mtul of 8umUe.Yf. G. MaeBae. General Ticket Ager I Agent YT. hi. Polsson. rv uitfcs 8TAK la dllTee tm Saifef UUO aniera lai Mil prts f the City at FIFTEEN CENTS per week, payable nir f Mr. JTOIIN M. PC1I. Orders k. n .ithu rlk lilaa mr at this TO PRINTER AND PfJBUSMERN. nr. AAAtvail irannral AftaAftmfnt ofBWcPrfnthut Inks; manufactnr at C, E.-f Koblnson'a Gray's Terry Prluting; Ink Works. We have now on band Book, News, Job and Card Inka, at prices varying Jrom M ecnU to ' KfriA two eve and ten oounds . . . ... j I News Inka In packages oi ten, vwenty-nve aim fifty pounds. We sell those aaperior ibmh manutactaer8, net casn prices,' charging; noth ing for frelKbt from Philadelphia to W liming - ton. Printers and publishers hi this section will thus see that they can buy theiu from us thin ti fan hnv them at the msnu- ..... . . civ- orden -Tcrmi.'eoak. 1, We con also furnish, oA abort notice. News I ' - . i . a 1 ai An -J J . L inks, in pacKagca oi noi ics- yumu atlfl,18andcnts: 1csstbah-S001ba.,atl4cenU. Except rorau , .j ..r.j,r... , - r--.-. ' ua nf Ink MMittnr leas than 25 rents. . . I --C.G?'. ' .V.VTYV.V: ' Thanks. To JUapt. liarrctt, oi the SteamshiD Pioneer, we return , our banks for copies of late' Northern papers, "' -vr V" V " "'' -'"'' Pio Nic A select party ot young . - . , " I tnaoKS lur copies oi iutc aujiucija 9, folk, yesterday departed per the ... mingtoa arul; Mancbter . IU,1 s M .... . rout to vvaccamaw mae, - wueru - proposed to spead the day in that delight ful manner always aftefeding pic nics. Cabs Expected. "We' lear u tbat the cars for the City Railway, are expected to arrive per days, ' ' . , v v The laying of the"rack js progressing rapidly, and the enterprise; will, hff 0om plcted ere long. - P. a 'w- M 4 Rrooklin Fire I Company, (col.) now, have yerx teat sil- ver Ldge, made by Messrs Brown & Anrton of this citv 4 The badges are very tasty and exhibit fine workmanship. Mr. 1 B. Granger was requested to act bovft colored, both- rogues, .'attDo4h the', j laJFpurtli bf Jtilyf fieier - 8ecrelBrTi; , . . t i. smartest, BCOundreU thAti..hAve Unfested , brated at Louisburg on Monday. Tntf SWpi& ; Subsmption.a.to 'stock were,, solicited, Bectibn. for sornetime:.. ! ' Tlxe tollowio. yotijig- ladies tee of the'.atttiapd . and three hundred, shares, at $20 ,per i Yesterday y cd iSlege7 com- eate the-' :aimira'of certaiWbaiiki h'aie.; share, wel(fcken0ib sobacrjptiorfl to be t' Va8Wgag-'seiuS;.yeotobieaJ.. :meneemciit fAes.7.P. rV.Colc, a;E. Lnciudeatheiri'bvestigaiionstbeBan and'durinthe of ifqrib'CarpUba uiiti tlieceting 6iIthe. ..each. ; j.f V, . jV,rt o. t very respectable amount of-moneyi.Tb Wombwell, 1L $. Wharton, J. V. Yorker UishUuf,''and ..luive; adjoohetJ.':They,.; ' A commilfee to solicit subscriptions to tWb'Iplck-pclWoalXiy .Wafchd,'.; . J,f no.it 11H .liuuui iiU; i 1 . r. :' .r. . -.Ji!rLLAL--iL wa-.wJt . r-. . ; . '.'rL..ii3u.i-i . . : Ihe farmers oi lroy, i. will aocm meet In Wilmington toinyestcj stocK, prepare vonsutauon anu dj-mwi, him, andJ lOinccr . Mnoore .as, .uuusij pate the affairs of the Bank of Cape Pear'' and apply foh aa act of tacqrporationwas; watched them.' " ! : ' ' , V, V,.,'';,, :!i('rP' hnittM . J 'appointed; Ji'The'a following gentlemen i RnlA1v-lmffhtida: flitted' aero HAED EGOS.TUree xri. iUcpmpose the' comniittee : Messrs.. W., A dren,;; agViTilrcflpccti WirTiW..1 Midaie.pwi.ni(lf,a'nd(,weould if alleorr for art "opinion; emphatically term those hard eggs' w U V.i ilrl pnn ,T 1- Al ,1 1-..I ......... ' Thfi'irazycoredaianT , t , . . ..i : t -j ?.T... t' ivJ-it-j-ji tnl a few days aeo. died Thursday night; anl will be ounea to aay iu iin s X orcst . . . . m .. w-k w-a .1 Cemetery. His remains ,wtfl be accom- , f . - -s ' ' '' " psnieU to the grvc joy the colored tire com- panies, ho having been a member, of one J Jk it . . f K ". .'. 4 4 ; f .(kill4 ot them. ;t ;r !.' . ; His bame is tainiliaf. to all, as the un- lortunate man rendered insame1 by sun-, stroke. ... , ; !; '"-.I A; A. tiBeUe' waii a rather delicate I looking;t colored. omariV call- ed at Jnstice.McQaigg's 6ffice yesterday, and represented' herself as a badly injured fcmalcone vijy had'leea imposed oh by a l)i?lkl.ch'ap.f..cr9yU)'.lLlJfta Betsey became eloquent in. her appeal - to the Magi8traio,' and swore so well ..that ho believed ter, . and issued'a' warrant for, ' the arrest of the accused party. ? .Vt't-! V WWwUa,'nfl-aren,4'arAAte,':lietWeeii-1,irer ' nnfhlmselfr'Habroceedi.to I them:iastMcdai.rd modon the ChairmBWfc and the voumtest.when last, heard from,, committee, which will meet next Wednes- ftionai cuirenct'.'M ltijAaner.that; iMonoWAlre thl tnt'f Wh-".HThe avem tbe l my evening at the same Jtihfe and place, I ; Zl'tA nftfc jj. rVristakeni This sum-ten' r from the Okl children of 6nejere JSverett, xesiaiBg m. '"j""; '(wv2,w"M",v cents) be piaceaina pocet jjooaf ncpc i Vol. IV-lTo;- 77, H! 1 : .,-. ..! List of nhinailable letters remain ing In' the ' Citj Tosi "Offilco Vune'iDtfc; 1869, which' win fee ecnV to the Ded Let ter Office at WaihiDgtottto-nigbt.if tbe axnot jre-pid : .t.: i, j n'ft i. 'A- Ptu'Oxf Qhei!couo'y Pa. ; J. W. Cameron; New Torfc j Qeorge Remhill, Raleigli, ' N. iO; WnV.; FcfiBel' Bogue ftwamp, N. 0. ; Mrs.''Kizi4vBoy Kinuwaaea-iuucaro... Spring HJUiy. a i rWyXjdSkel, By fWt 'f ' lH i Vf..n: r?APKTie (Ktvl Clerk informs us that at an ear.y date be will Oder yaluaoie prizes 10 me oesc ye tbc lists. : Prizes will be distributed Id tne iastcst ana ine slowest naor.nnu, aiso, to wiiomsovvi-r may eimifij liiuei. naiik a managing the machine. 7 .Mi ..1 ilUO The prizes can be seen , at jtbe jewelry store of Messrs. Browa Anderson. For full particulars aca the large billa that will. be posted about tW street ither,to,day wr uii vus mviiuwi . i 1 "I . . rp 0.,. 1. I A WPrtOfTx- I TT YjT w b VI TI ITltfT rl , f SaOTli -J .i'H --1, v.iliU rl donhlP-harreled ana from the Plantation of oL T;a. Mclihenny.: JWiUma. was ar- rested in this city, where he has ben 'for sometime, occupying1 a berth in an M . . rrr . ' , house, on the corner. or.Water and Mul- Kr,. t and ahrll, believed to be tl,e -headouarte'of he nd of bur-' glare who carried on so extensively a : few lociDeuc-riaerss A rr j ivi-,n ni, n;t.n.u.tuf. i.A..-ii,M;.f'i;'i w.i Artbo-Veloc another articK werh triea be tue coniesianis win ttsseiuuie, huu qivi WmiihdXX and, a once. asked arluns to Quigg, and fined $10 and costs, and not being able to pay this sum waa committed 'I w jail,. . r ,:; v.,-i-. fit ' : ; ii . j ;Tl&llHwAV;lfiCl. Fred Kling was indicted for. retailing jjqnor, and be was summoned ;rto ! appear at the 8peciai Court yesterday "morning. At toe required ume r. iingvappear- iul n.-? ?nt5mtrl bpr 'ilftirminnt.Inh '" to I - ; ' " I exhibited, that weakness common to her sex. " She could not restrain )er . . r l0ngue. Due impeacueu, o nw r, Bcu- tleterma, the yeracity oi witnesses ; .he 8,j0wed toa6 little degree, a (Contempt, ror thefficers-or.the, inced a heroism equal to that of the ewinceu a heroism equat w ina t,of,jo historic Joan of Arc. ; 1 i In facL - Mr, V Klini , - , , .- I "much ot A . man," and .we4akaPb?aaare in recording this nnmistakeable , sign of ' prornjM' n-; ihc teachings of Elizabeth --juiacia m , AmAAy ttAAvMw h -v----vr- w . progrese, to 'tne teachings oi - wma If o . , . Cady Staunton aid ; We regret to sa, 1 Mrs. Kling's heroism wag manifested to no avail. She was fiaedf25' and ' her tAsfe placed on the StateMockef. ., :. ,1 We cannot but aiunire;such "wifely':. conduct as that she exhibited i in,, so re- Ii I markable a manner. ,' . 1. :.,. J.. i:iw i NrAJfDpQ.ASIAT -Many gentlemen , met inthe rooms .of I the Chamber of Commerce, last evening, i for tbe purpose of organizing s Loan and Building Associations I Wm.IL Bernard, Esq., waa Called to he Chair,. nd in .rfew mark he ex- plained the system by which .similar, Aa- sociations, in other cities, were goyerneo. .Cu'nrai,l? Jae' McGamty, I. B. GrnT, ly expected to be taken . .,rrPrr7 Alter passing-n most mtrrnvnioaa wo-, ing, tbe meeting adjourned to meet again ...tF,,.,ttN,S,,.Ilw, I ' ' m m ' ' V t .1.. r . A i J!..i i4 .. IaaI' - v xo0B (Jok, x VoKiMwiy?.? ing freedraartealllog himSelf Joe 'KetteyV ins: freed mart entered Bouire JHcUuitr'aomce testeruar. . A . M . , I , w and his face bore the saddest. expression I that mortal countenance Joe said he was from I bnrcr. on the farm of M ,was once a married man; with .a pretty a married man; with ptty weebit baby, and a aandayvan.it of the iiistof which bad been'stelen j wife, wee- clotllCS. T leavinor 1 Tbe, loss troubled . Quigg to issue a fwarraot for the arrestol I one Joe Grant (col.) whom he strofigly sus- pected of being r the' hard-hearted rogue, against whom be could proddcft di-f . ..The orebngedbaepi wdi. h . departed feeling very much consoled,' am Tneeded only the M. Sunday suit, to con I pW.fiiVrldty.fiappio; nsoama, ,o aera wf dr,w from his pocket Che, official report -f; 1 ttaef nWltalK PWDfOWfc -ai,. .V,r 1 LEAVE WILMINGTON.,' N. C . " she, according to her version, that aoldr of the AdjntlinrGeDeral ' 6f ;NeW York, i ..Viv.ril;.. tor is the place to get the best assort menf and prices in the Courts of BladenC'Cumber; Jantiary ' l0th,: April 10th, 'WW the liquor,' and'it should, be she who ana informed Larkiris his name wis not .Job PRlNTlNO.-Tlie most com- 'iTnWe of 'Saii' A'-lStfr-::- should, "face, the! dangernd she did ofl v. Parkin, stammered out an plete 'Priniery1 'in the .tate,1 inclnding ?tn . r..::,;,:!; Lr? face it in, a most , Uon-likc . planner. , She uMbti wtilto which R. retorted Printing .Office, Book-Bindery and Ruling next jmm ISSTuf JS- I " ';ilymnS, : .fy. -,-;', ii wth, r;t f !2r il.a,t' M hU-;'onlr " thawlfo and -.baby:. Moore seized him, and the evidence ot his .mU..WoaVw J.ie. and ha" w s bed Soinrt Mc, 1 ot ivinCT.; Were .uui:u, -wr mon,i T. Camentcr. James barker wnitr 1 '-T. - -- i.i imillllTGTdllj-ltC., Jffi&;n.-.CTi.W cbnv I '-1-"" H McQaigg.to.stand bia, trial. .Jp.flonsWcratjpn or.the.Vug'.,tiaveft wm.u..u.u .1, . $3 nd cc-ta, . was allowed :, wticU fo'MraiUit fiTe,f..w ' "L1 , 0 JsI- IJ ON6A?s;?UE,Wmi8 Hartsfichjr tnii'maDadley, be two . - - . - . i : fbre the !lpre,tlie SDecial Court. a.nL.euch rtanired to he I CQuliut;d iu' bounty ;Work flouse tor ued iu the county Worki. House tor - : '"jU-'t f .ii;u pace, :ot;pnBl month, .Kjorwg, , which tbeyshall be forced to perform hard , ; ; v. rn. V. ml -J 8pace labor. fter their term Work Hoex wm - ; fu'r iieait with as tLe'W mayJirect. Utf w. , Tfa wiU Bcc'sent to the Work n . l. -!( !! ' I ' m-... cj -i i .. r- . I "i -Labions rt'0KNOUNCKD ' AS T AN lil- na.wL.'AJ..A . a lk. lw LI Ma - fl t cfc ,uc DUS UUU5C1"' P the interest of the .Institution After Zu UtiUU- Rutherford was seen b give one bf nis . , e ,r -. m blfc smiles, And it waa then known e-detn.ou' tM.Z iTlmGeneralWiong fn&t --operandi ;ob'ttendiiJg"o-small what regimenOeibeJpnged during; lU . - , 1..,. I i . w.. h . ..i'iia. vnmv 'inaa rv ' rna .1 ii , -(ill ...".I ..-l i ' ' ' - - did he belong at the cfof of the war. The j answer was' toihe 8th New York Artil- j Mek Captaia. -t r : ' .. - . ! ;tt. ' I itumenora s eje iwmaieu. . xie cuoiy y requesting to point out his name. :ThiB LYkiD9 fd9'n? lbenBtttb: Jcnounced uim M aD imiXttUr. and iappHed wug'bty inainaadooi Lar- .f;. . . .-i --r.. ... il, .n1 ,.Wunmll(i:- uii tAntorin oi ! tbe Committee raised ite 'stentorian .voice. VVIUUIMItWW avaaM-" j www-, - y . . a week to refute tuct senoua I chargwmrie'.'a nd1onrtied. Larkins wishinsr -Rather-- ii UCII IA1.1 IUUI ucA. Ami ntua nivuiuM M .r. ..a- ' ' i i. -. ' . 1 ' ' I i mn nnrtAfnWl I " " ' " i V ! Discomfited Larkiris ! J."-' ; ri ! ' . 1 ;,,' '-.-v "4';". ' 'y .: ' 'icK-PcETCTwo -picWpocjt- eto-were yeday'arreeted b officer W. IlV MycolV-tAd'tiM'mWi' :uSsl' for their"; captures reflect I creflitl Htn tlie 1 1 strategy of the colored Officer. ... - ' . T. Moore had for sometime' gptcd the two men. w horn he knew to :J be scoundrels, but their cunning had long Wbled" themltopracti .J,. .toa-tp-4r;JL.ta:fA:;. 1ot wen assumed iniiocence!., Tbeif names Willis .iHaytsfield and James Dudley,- iio rasiTh waa the, proaminbluiown uM triiiQ vegetablerseUer; and of- fercd tojend hini . pocket boolc in wbicb. to bulk- pf m0ney. The offer was pk.ndtheoinpjijgwl.k.of .1 ,.."J.ntnnH c Trri rlArd the I &ll''-LXr ':n ,'W;.TwUb4 .hnt did not. P TT77",, ' put any money into. it-r . in I i I Tr ' a rna tTOTlT I V 11 111 m re stood near ,by ; apparently, quite, u : jnoore unconcerned. yt,C M 1 ! - A few moments :lapsed;'whien Willis .) ! A.few Ilartdfie.ld quietlylippe.-the pocket book from lord's -pocket' : In a moment officer fore the Special Court. . j -1 ;'' A"--, -'i 'rwtn ..; ' ' OABoraA Al cultnraliBMgazinei thl--.criuattyrtPIT;.1 tiiOob'iw'Vewdrea. man, wbo for .the last month or two has piquant remark 'u. tfegncdltatbft .Eal-j. , v. ; - Qa2LX JX, i"-'rrir'' ,'- I rfi iiafico-iit' jdisiywoitay. ofthata,,:. . ,; - i ., And.Provisions. t'jrMSit:!i,i' i.ifr.ft!itf?,,Ci?i ;onn'Mis1,w'n' 01 cononement, anci carrietu oeiore oquire i ward Lieutenant"'. " . ...... -..'.. ...hi, . . j u , , , j4i 1V--J- ' ' vaterdn.v . ,,i I, . . ,ti,h- r. i-.-v.i-i. sm - try PRODUCE, and respectfully solicit. on i Cspt. I D, BABRETT,,, , , This didn'taatisfy. the inqnisitwe Roth- ulT-V'"' - "Vf" NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. Jr.!.: h.... :i l.i.s -.vf, .i .,f..,u.., .r ., ...u .. ? PWord andh'ar"rkaedfiianrAeaiantin- 1 lund In. Steamsoip Vntear ly a . . . . -.fr; signmentsof thesame. 4! . jj (. .. :uj. TaTIl.1- B H T.H VaiXwWIJflUkft erlord, ana 4ia,pursua ins 4inpieaaant in r . j TTaT43Ti1 T3 ATTVTtJ S A.Tkti i Donfoiwttbeplace.,. f ,j , ' VV Schedule between PHILADELPHIA and terrogatories by asking to. wharregmebt, trig off tfewlrdet if 1 OOH ! HORSEa EML K0BJJ. ! 7' wilmintonN,cu Vi. i wU,A I "-- ... ... I -,.- . . ,r I u; uivi nine uv.v, ...o.., - v . " r . . ' , ,1 t I OT X reigui ur riMongc, BIllllJ w iy ac3iowieagea.j;oe :.as-j .."jtm vv.i son r wu, t'.sri .?r ;blidJt6? aai Propr SATURDAY HOSNDTG, 1" " ' . V" J Raymond the neatest; Mr. -Erastas 1 a - mar.. m!ti i5J 'Ul lf " rmarestMrnjelirTse theahiffteat, JIjf, test, Mr. Oakey-Hllfjth7 wittiest, Mr. ! Winter lhe tousle Mrs! Stantoh the bheppiotbo prem Eleanor Jirite ine i prettiesN-NelBoffHotdbinsoil the prettiest. n(rw rlsiiSgiinlitfgiiik majjifacturga at 8 v , t v r a x aa f. a av LWAiJi a xxajFw a4ijm "v- r Grav's Ferrv Printing Ink Works, for ich fj-'-V mington 3 the Agent. It is easily wnrkt nrT crivwi a fine and elear inihres- sion, and we re!ommead our brethren of sion, ana wts repommeaq out orewren yi the press to erive it a trial. We are better wt,f,tflllhl MU4i ; fnkSe'hav osed at the same price, and. aa , it sold hv him at maVitafaetnrerV def cash Trices. by him at mabf'acturer's'iiet bash prices, wUbont extra ohargejlor freight to twu mington cannot'fiir New, V th' Wo call the attention of our friends toi Siil.ti'U.-X ') QiirO.L' QJl c auuo uut.c, vwwH.. vi. .. i aki. ...v vr:.i i a n.?. ,i tnaUK UlUiiC wn(t-nYB anusuj ioicu uo i with. orders iaado tt iaolicit a trial from H n 1 1 1 I1UI I I V , . . t. " J-L ' nTTiTm iwTi triTYriTTi iTrma ivv'v.v .rnr vr.D18, Weather warm yet fairv 71 ' ; tf ' ' ed dnring this dali season of the year, , ' ' . . Dounu ' wut. Dieamsnip Mary aunt - " -Barque dmlis c)earc(Vh.lfliti;il. from.New.York for this . port:. to. receive orders. '.: Machine, at -tlw office of ;the JIorniko $TAR V - To BlilfrEM3 w,sh inj: to advertise in any newspaper pub- mucBlian4KrY ihne ndtriaiileiLy I1 . - . a. ou"vl'w" ww.w-w- - irmaaon giveo au 1: uruKiaeu mailed direct to pnblfshe as . s, their interests by patronizing this Ageo- cy. Advertiser pays no commissions. . tf -'ur t rrr. u To ADVfiRTiSKlis:-4 Afldvertisin . mediums t'jijaj ?4 farmer ar'e'nof surpassed, by. any public.-. tions in the SUtc., ,f;'; v; d f-.i 1 vs. i I 1 North Caroliimm'alifcliell i Hi'" A- . TJwratou ,;harib(jeni! .rf V? Special Term ot Robeson Sn- perior ltjfiuoj.y -j. - are rcabinff'thebest'drop'bfwbeat'harVekf- ed in tea Tears or-more, if' not the.-largest f 8 ever before, iff th ttuty.'.Mq tne-crop i$ , "1 . .. ..I . '..,. 'i. - .T ' . 4 ; - ' - Uftja A7tV W w eetockbolders ot tne- vvii Tarhoro.Railroad. held last lii'efbihel-'rbadliwas located . MilliWharti on tbeiKoanoke at Willianiaton . via RobasonviUe. o.l.f 'A VlitlA ' fn,AZ '"f npnes Tnr Riygr at Tar Landing and pass up Mill Creek . Street to.; the, 7 Tarboro Urancii Road. The following i gentlemen were KggW 1' v rwt :u t. , t t . TT T : ii-Roiiaafin.Joa. S. 8taton and Jos. B. Cot- I field. ' At a meeting of the Directors on 1 j ?ue fame day. Gen. J. R. Stabbs was 1 . 5 ' j . w7I nr S 1 V - ' I i cu09erf jpreTjdetrf,1 Gerif -W." sO.-JLewfe, Chief Engineer and, upcrintenaentt dos. bubW LSSS Ralefgbjane f- u . . . , . Cumberland Connty, John Fre,' Mal- 'i;UL McNair.Dunson Jones; AnsonEleneza j r Tneram f Columbus; Daniel M.vButler ; JJeBlJBiiiei; SanipsoniAlmond .:D...jngralj,t. nsVe beer allowed the' beiiefit thna whn Tatroni7.n his Ao-p.nftv I tion orcscroiuia in any rerm. niiemnaiiBin, ito- t , V" "-y . . n j I . . ,,. ,r. . , t-.. - itI .1 lvnfifirfl 4 ' i.jf-.'.U-TsA-' a..,4.tj n euaia. in-ercomDwiBi.oKinwioasesOTieu-.i . i ... 1 f r l.iV. ' 1 n inn fwl li.nirnlrl nr denrt!ssed in SDirits ? 1 ' I Aim SiMrfl. .V Itramti- MtmH.TVi3l .' irr ' 'tj. tji..u 1- .U.K.... UUIIUIUiJ W VI I i ' ' 1 i , ? 1 i T3TTCTMT?QQ WnTTnWS. i.i i "iii u" 7 sv'-1?. 1 ,;l L" . 'f ' ' " " " ' .V. 1 19th.' . . " .. : ilOt h. vi . JUNE 49y 1869 tribatioaofithMeppsiH. tliafe tyo cases are made4l fcetorfpai tOediffchargcs. rhi.AU?i A " Wort "iSrff" Rtkfe to li&Sw t6'lK WooVl Iteaper-hot'theyfeer rfP,B frt 00.1Xhifttfir1nfwrU' u u - r t . ii i iriPY nfiruin ih arii j liii. unvr.r uuu iiic . unsteadiness, of the, team (Signcii.) - w. ic ppott;.-: .en , ' , . ,K, B. Haywoi ! J. SORBELD. t - .. -. .. - vvii(nwic. i I itaieign, June id, xoou. ll.o'..JllII nndnilalliaf V Are you sunenng wiin incipieiii wmsurap. Would vou be rid of these? Try Rosadal This remedy has been fully -tested ; Ihe de- increasing to such an extent as to cause - t... . n.nnct. i..k ius rroiinewn! hi ui. up umo or.ui iau- ma. a. - a I aMeeot Its yta-tuea )a tthatrtbnony f -thoe chance Place. Ask you Omggist for a fioa dalia Almaiurc for 1809. ,. i--y.it ; r ' mi '- , - i ii i i ' ; i: 'NEW ADtlEBTWEMCTW.'-.;1 naWswhpiit'sXlve.Bdijfc rcThe.LAst Athenian.' .--ik:mmm(a j.ir"i ;M 't !;?. -" L liii r nl ;.ril'.li i.'.rfl i ' i ADEiAWct 'iVoLtias Groeerias and Pro- TiaMn;.i hum..--k -V I: 'W- ; tL, WAUwbjt Co. Horse Uailroad-t f J? - .pLi . S'PPortant, KereiitteiNtf, ! it' f, gqnowua. i; '..l I ,v iri':- - iK.nt ... - -T-a H. WALDKdN 4bo.. ETER WHy XV ling And anxious to accommodate their Triends,,arrahgements have been made for the cars to pass tneir aoor in tne eariy par of next week. ' . '.;, ' , '.' ... dew-- - ; Fffidwu. 35 to 40c; beautiful figured Jac6nets and Or- Saamb Dress Goods, including a ew patterns Fig'd Grenadines, at very low figures. DOMESTIC GOODS AT OLD TIME ' I'.'.i'.; jPItlvp;. .;',.,. ' JJ n ...... .ni.ni . tf fnv fviiMvoa'i lOctbest Calicoes KU-anrf5cj Bfeacbed and Brown Sbutings and Sheetings 10, I r. .? L. " t i ! u,iiQi; I 'f landr wards, great bargain.. " ... . ixtiA- L-.a.- A 'a--. from I9e. np.- Pln Hem Stitch Handkerchiefs only S5 cents. ". . Umbrellas. Sun Shades, Parasols and Fails, cy : also, a complete stock ot . Furnishing Soocte. modern styles. and at Hying prices. Time and space wnl not. permit1 aurtlret- enumeration;" A "word to hewise,' V' . .. . 9 WALjORQN A COV V Proprietors t)f the Wilmington Begnlator, Jtine Ki-tf . ':; ' j- NO. JjTortu Front- Street. f Iiitenial TLt&emi&M 1 ,. .Prricn AasM80Ror.LrtMWAj,Uav A,t VOTICK la bereby gtven that all the assess- IX merits tn'the3ra jnsonot lorwie expiring i current fiscal year, will be reviewed atithisl office. A rigid investigation inlyearly. ln- i merits tn tha 3rd DisDrict fbrthe expiring eomesylegaeiea aud aaocessiona, will be mad a anfwFiiiariO!iaw. 'ixeiinfiaens wu unu isii- farms or mieroanviie 1 purwioi, re - tbat unless proper' returns: tv maae- at wii early: d4v, tliW-w5U be proceeded agalnst ac- cording totlte revenue Jaws, 'which -intiiet ss I per ceuxutti penoicy en an BuB Binuiieiiw.' Tbe attention? of legal s representatives of solvent estates 19 respectraiiy eaiiea to tnie iiftlfiAKimtJ ag it J'tntended: to 'enforce riiditlv the Revenue Usof tbe United 8tateM m regaru to hii wiTeni. csiaws ui uwwwn-1 persons' ' Xne penawy oi ou peruent is always exacted where Administrators and Exeentrs fail to make a true and faithful report ef the assets of sa d solvent estates at tbis Office. 1 1 , ' .ii,,- i-ti 'ar ' " T" " , .U'it '.-.ii Tir0 -" ' i i .. ;i i 'drricafAsssdiVlirVitiiSAt BW, l , ;, ForsrdpirtjorN.c,.'.;. i OTICE Is hereby given tna from ana at-. J .ter Monday tbe afsti jst.,.tlieomoef tbe a a MtMsor for the 8rd District will be held in utuiP top T.nM nni UH.rnii win uu utuu aia Mm tmrn of L.nmbertOB. .Hi CU until further ; Persons Having any mTsinesB wiw ne omoe arm ninase addi-nas vue at Lumberton. Robeson will nlease address me at Lumberton,Robeson county, until further orders. ' : . . ! ti una Tvm .TO ,:;. - " r nini.iuin, ioi9-lm . -r t i-,ii.V, r.-ii. i , ;-.Asies8or.-- The Tropical , Hat : .! ; !; . i :-. s .i. : . 3 1 ! i .ij TH Arili THE OO NOW. ui; 7i . u- -i;:i-' JL. iiiint n f . ;: ! " ;"IJ l ;( i ' 'i i d i'ii M 1 ; t' tiOjiii i - r - ' A NEW, SUPPLY i0F(. THEM1 Tp-DAY. i .jfjivf '!-.- (' .:'). '!. !?' - u : - -i-livvit .(v - :t ' v ' ' At .1;' jAbEBsbs i rjit store. Bingham ; - MEBANEYILLE,-Sr. V- THE SESSION OF J8R9-7Q begins, AugUSj 25th, an d continues forty' weeks. - ; 1 r--71 " v 1 The course of instruction includes the ordi-1 nary English branches, the .AsclLeBt: imtx guages, French, Mathematics, Book-Keeping, and the elements of Natural beleaoa. -i i U' Expenses (lnclnding Tuition, Board, Fuel, , Washing, Books ana Clothing) 3taiJ liivuuiiB dcii ii oil np ui ivai ivui T ' je 19-lmSA3mF . . ; ii-T Vi o : To e A fTi or ion ' A N IMMENSELY FASCINATING .AND noDular new wora, transiaiea rroiii tne Swedish of Victor Hydberg.- . 4 .-. ... THE CHANUKD UKiiisi ana SieqneL .1 THE BRIDE'S FATE, lost Wit. .with other ! !new JelS-tf tv -i" Live Book Store. 'isrooKa I triBi v, "xv ,w.lt.-tliI.rlftntationi off d:'ifl nfida and i0 boxes Dry Salted 8houldert T 'f. Sbanks--T".-: r.. ;utwAt, ft-t -f-it itv r"' W witnessing the1 operation and the' Wk of r!V,Jf hj.HaHas,, f, ..jr 4 ; ;:V; ,f SSSSS' '' poll- Wi.-K.Hl.-ii HHirkeiri i 20 bbls. aiidSW tabs LurU-prl me, natural f -.. .gfJsg.-''. V 1 r fi : i: vnvni i - ' ani , .tvi : i : . : . uii.i .1 i . ' tr t,ynr f totiTT. lnn.mil k i !'1ii , t" i - ii-" i--t ; .. iimW?AIVBRTISEMENTS .itM 4 . 4000 lbs. N. C. Bacon, . . . . . ! ' . . ' - aa boixes extra CodSsb. S drama Hake, . : ' iid hum Rio. 1 Ao-iitivrfi and Java Coffees, - 80 Tos and 10 nrk ns cnoice aui w i t i iii bki. ViVLfWbA' y.iirrt bVandff an1' SOTOxes and' SO catldlcs iJold'Leaf fthd J J !j ii pweet i-ODacou, i.n.l l.'lV;: 'lii? .iJl L j . caseaJUbampaiih Cider, I ; 25 boxes Lemons and Oranges, .j ' 200 bbls and boxes fresh cracKers iiur- -i i ' , i ent kinds. i ; r .. j j i i ' .' n ant ; 203 bbls Cuba Molasses and Sugar House Sy- t A iargbv8innt ef Twtaesv Scales-for i, Jjrooms, wnoie anu giyuuu Lm. ' Btarcn, Toiiei aoaps Bmm, ju-i- Js ami Lines. Demijohns Bottles, Crock-itiir-Rrnm Riiuk.'' Soans. all makes; smoking xooacco ana .if nans,. Began,) cuava.- ing. Kerosene Oil, Ac, Ac j Tl a hiiva Affii1' aw t.llA t4arlA A.t. MlA VW. , . ,w ' lowest market prices. ; j.-. i .i. i :, iCT ADRIAN A VOLL.EB8!" ' Corner Front and Dock Streets, i Jel9tf;i ". ' ; ' Wilmtiigton1, N.O. - - -' - 1 J. KDWAKD. A,vwi3 ."r -i 1 Wholebale' and Retail;' - '-f a..-'!E'ilVSVv.-. KiiMrfnft rXTT-tTivVrT Trrcrl tJ.UJU.JHia'SlUjy lU.JnUUM.IM 1 A 44 TVmlara In 11 IrT-nla) rtr I f lr . NTK V -' I - PRODUCE. No. S So. Water . . apia-lStttf i i.- Wilmington, N. Cr .,.' CountryLBuyers ;:, , XitmMW$ TO.jiLWTgriNp WEI WEL 8ELEC. tedatock, of GROCERIES Jnstj adapted to THOMAS II SUTTON, g plyjus,receivedr t....:- le 18-tf 1 :f!o a.'iiJ : V 1 live-Book Store." : wipokf&tif r"'i;i: o !T- r u crk r s. . mira attention opMAkitET gab-' . I ..nicNRKfl in inviteA to a Trat of Land ly- Ing immediately the W41mlng and WeW ; dou Kail Road, nearly equidistant hetween wMminvtim nd tttdHboro.vontainina: FIFTY SIX ACRES OK LAND, airof,wblcbrm.y ber eouverted into a , , ft .,rr,i ri;i.j 1 i iAMa.,rwt . - tft-f TAAnhr ttlfi Awn.' subsoil ami wpol therefora-, ; j.,-,.. :: !. : I . P.oTlir.,f!rmMl rsi There is wood enongh oh the Tractto pay for getting be jJJZ and pay forou.tttng.nd.kaling ttoe wood bo-. "ff- . ZlVASv nwir?wMfi I TWO STORX DWELLING, remises a WELL-BtnLf tfontmat and near tli linil Rruul. eontajnine ebrht room with lire place in wclf, tlrmbie portico in front, pas- aiireay iAe. t Koodi ' jtitcatnv wrtn two jjoobbs anu try value. j , Apply toEilltorof tbe CarolinaFarmex, Wll- aoUftrs . year, j-rieerw. .- r '.'n.!ii'r , , -irTCJOl7T'T AiinJTiY"iTr . . " M MlpUililjlj AJN EiU U C?. ' ' f.-v.i-i-f i-ft-n Jn-nni.-m-iTn . t ii p'in .'m ittitiiJMaijf. AtutiiA'')r,Jji;tiAiiiiiu,(ini s,oa - -ItrT-E HAVE ON HAND AND -FOR. SALIC ;YYf tr.i'u I vtnuil a -.bin t.; a.tjnmnuiivbtory prices, s WVV&i 9f i '.teiOMsi Tr:; -thfeeeletrfateifSr ;,.lj ' n-i I iiQ'i .!: 2:i.-!i;tlii-i?.3 vr.r.-ii i Hero Fruit Jar. wiiir VtrLt DiiTi6iisi0Bu ptTTiNa ,UP FRldLTiOR VKGETABLEtl. 'f V'-V Ji;i'i!UTTb-ft;cHrLDs,' " teJfcr ' ! ' Cor. Princess A rrOnt-street. I jl I'-'.t )' V-'' ZIMMERMAN'S i':i::M I,. ! ; ,1.- w.iir J-'i-i i ' i '; j. 1. Sewincr Machine Rooms I I,..! ., i ...ri.t ; vii.tii; f'it fill 2; V'1 OtEB TUE NEW UPHOLSTERINa, PAPEB i ----- HANUINa AND FURNITURE STORE, i ejtSUUJSU CiJiJiOi . JUUttviatf JJUUJX. I , , n -n ri. i. . .,m . T AM AGENT FOB THE HOME SHUTTLE 1 Machine. It stlcpes alike on botb stiles, and will do anv sewintr that anv machine wUl do Price, 125. I am atso Agent for the Na- tional- Sewing Machine Pree, !).' THE caas CaU BEST CHEAP JMAA;H1N. BAUE ami see them for yourselves.' jeiast ... -r ; uumckmaa- i Post and Journal copy. . Bopt3f ; Shoes & Leather; AT PBICES TO SUIT i .j '-. 'y- : ; iff .r. ... ,fUETlIES... . v ( ' .-,;-!j--'i. h , - - , i . Our ' assortment is large and stock exten sive. Our goods )rime and durable. . ... ; ,-it-:T l i.. ' -S i. -..- ' ' Come and See, ' -Y. V' ''' r '-' 1 .' , . AT . .." . Jo lUf .-Jr - ; 29 North Front Street. .;iiA-Oia.i,l.,JVa .-.fcfCuuOiJ,.- ; i'i "'.-11:1a ! : icv'A.i;-; SEWING- IIACHHIES, ,. " ' . - f -H ' 'J ff f Oft ! ;rI3lIIlW,3lrtMAlw , nil in y;'ii --s: w M '-"."i '' I Olb7 Agency lathis ity. I : ;-iu..xyatT .li..J.':- " ' 'I Wti CU ; ' 1 .l , . Ii . I 1 I ''1 lit' I ... . . . . v - . . s 50 bhds. and 50 bbls SHjrarj-! grades, ,1 pATRBANlf S ix tj JCXiT A. TI UNtKa. i 1 ,"OvhaJf bbte MaokSrel-Noa, S and a, v I WMitF, CLYDE., s..s 'i D PJIoROAiiVxu I 1 . . '-,.;. L , .... I I I ; piO-KVIHu -i:i.. iifniiiiiitw.. j . i . i ATTORNEY AT i LA W, ,-. .1 rj. BATES orADVERTISIWQ t ti J J ti 1 bb --"' three day;.l.-.i?..-.I..i.i4.-- it oui aays,. w f . five days,. i. 86 M -ineweek..;v..,.4j.w....;..; too Contract Advertisements taken at T)fo ' : portionatelylow.ratesii ix .3: --;; v - MarriairRii. Dnathn. Itelicrionn. FnnArn.1 anil Obitaar notices Will be insetted at half rates when paid for in advance ; otherwise fall rates Ne-w York and North Oaroliita'' the Irisrai FAST sailing steamship . t.' St iii .1 !! ' A . t.'w ,i.rMi. . FAIRBAITKS., ' CAW, lUTlfTEK. ifV twocn Dock and Oruniie tttreets, for tb owi i, mum n.M.jii.) o This Una will comprise the 'VotWa iU1 KKBCUKACUYUK.4j " ir i. CHIcautSTEh. AIUO With acb addttlal Stetvaawm aus way 1 tMt kcaialMd t ! ike Ptwana Sailing from NEW, TOK.K, cv epy, j , , . rtrMTmrii'OTt 'M'v'! t urn a 1 vrrrtan 1 .r ' .vr of!J trf i;: vx.r ' v.i . r.i At'4Pt;it,:lr6m liei H . foot of wan m. j 1 ayntJAB 4 MHIPPERS lM Oil ll tTtl lvW i IX)W RATES and UREAT KACJI4TIEj o.rtVt , f4 by this UiMM.Jfy lJ V V' Jl'.'? ' 1 ' ' 'All Xtowies IronplIy Paid. ' THROtTOtf HBIIASOr JL'ADING tven t FAYKTTKVILLE, N. C, and all ; all twd n t ta All tlkil tv unifiiK will ma, avdct bmim tnington A Weblon U. Road, Wilmington and ; nancne8ter w. Koaa, aiia meir umiiiwuuiiK. For Freight emrasrements, apply to ,:r l;, i . d. u. wOKTH, Agwt. Agent in NewTork, w'i -tuni .i i '' 104 Wall, Corner of South Street. uit: may4-H-tf . ... , .Hew rfc. Plilladelpliln 'an d ' Nonllirrti i Bfall SteamHliip IJno, , - THE "FAST AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP 4 - ii I J r tHl I'l.itj ) J - 1 i.J J I.1- .'. 1.1 i'l.. ! I . .. & M if! ht;L .AitrTi-i J.Jif.J,.,t iu-l, ,. Jan nary - Srd,' X869.,i April v ..nt,i 0W.v -; February end --'HayS V nd, ' v JM! 1 1 :i i T .18th, ". lWh. , Freisbt or Passaae. apply to a H.'H H.lr irfiT mm WUKia.'AnBK'. '; - - Wilmington, N. C. , WVU'JAMESV General AgentJ Queen Htlt-et ; 1 Wharf, Philadelphia ,. .. CHAS. E.DLLKE8, Freight AKent,l3 Walnn 1 j Street,' PhUadelplria. j QanlQ-ieTi-tlJult j. Patronize the pppoaitipnHAd : ' , .m Iiwure low itateaVi,, v..tt . J 1. . . , J.-.iifc-f'iV. LOIULLAUD'S. 'iO Ji t til S te ajhshijp r Line BETWEEN NEW YORK, AND WILMING TON, N.cv, ' :' -'- ; " :' 4 - r .-!-i ;-i j New v.Iron 8teatU8btpa k ;u--v-i.:;-v;i:4dEEMA1 rill leave Wilmlnirton alternately every five days. This line brings'gboda from NewTork At he iiauowlaff Jow -tftMp th" 4xti?jl'y'ilU Hair .15 Vcvta per Barrel,.. ;,';. .Park. 8S Cento per Barrel, " ' . it ns MTlasaa 33 Cwt per Jtavtvrl, t Naiar ltMt perl f tr cu.ni Measurement g-oods 4 ceniaper foot Weight . goods l cents per 100 lbs. ,; i jajr Insurance enected at lowest rates. . :,. BARRY BROTHERS, Agents. , i nmin'gtonfN. C. MkyxJ-tf " ' P" . u Patronise the '.Til w w'i4 i i.i the sew york.. . - AND N OR TJIJQA Ii OLINA ; Vj, STEAlSfflP IlNE. ' . WVf -s i ' t .1 WHICH HAS OTJTLl VTEr' SIX Op positions and never taken advantage of a monopoly, ana wnoee nuea nava uwii -r pnifbrinlyli Aud Present UntoH 1 or Frciglu ''. I j WW -t.'otAE .l ; sir. .v t 'J4hd ; an l I najti rnri ce Una ran eeu ; ' V 11 as bow as the Lowct. '). -. The only Line connecting with or anthOrV' aed to give through Bills of Lading by either -the ''i i -"j ', . v,'-- W1LMINGT0N A MArCHKSTEB B, B,! ... ! WILMINGTON It, WE LDON B. Br? ' WILMINGTON, CH A ULOTTE A BUTHEB-" FORD B. B. - ' - - - - .ii i All k-relght const. ned "to the 'RaU;BoaJ A gents will have benefit of Joweet rator to or from New York. - -,v- -- . - . Sailing from New- York- every V- m " " TUESDAY, :xAU. Xi udk .'Al ,v,'mI k 't xtivrt'TEUBSDATMN&tit ti. . I -it-t.'i -J-f.w SATUltDAYi . At 4 P. M from Pier IS -Kast Blver, oarerlng i tne aavaniages oi a iri-weeaiy line. D. G. WORTH, Agent, J 1 , Wilmington, . V. i 1 i TYjimmgijoa, a. i AMES rfANDj Agent,1 lis Walistreet,-N; j JnmU-tf ?f.' ?Cfcw J'- -.? -.?2 '"v 1 '' r CtrGARrCAvXBV war, Hoop Iron, Spice, . Nails. ..Glue,1 Ac.,,. , ., ;. Vorae b.fNi 1 ! Jl-fcs.W!i.y V aaortlt-Water St. i"iii:i Qax t KEKCHAFIT t FOkV WALUEa'l V Ventilator and Protector .(rqai .j; ; i!. ,::. . -j '.' omr Offrnitrn . .... .4 v.- .'L .-nit. prioe, Fifty Cents. It may ve yont life l ' v' ..S-:.i- 1i-? 4 J.B. WALKER, , J .fc i "'-.'Asst. Applied Chemistry, A., . , i ' Washlnrton.U41ere. Lexlncton. Va. 1 1 v College, Lexington, Va, 1 1 v - sit-iU to rViMi-iu ' ) may Wf f IT VI tV. 'A.MA'h : .1 .'J V. mw.-'il.tti- " .4 -rfii. ---- a Tiiij5'r Tr" fc iiaX