MORNING STAR; I Saturday, JnnqlQtU; '1809. . " W 'H. 23 23 IR H.AL IE& 3D,- rv-The STAR is delivered t Aob 1130 serlbers In all part f Ike, City1 t rrrTEKTf cemts peneK;imyM only JUr. JOHN H.'PtfcH.i Order mw ten either with him r ,at this Office, i it 40- Ofllee JWwney.Orden.innv he obtained In all the eitirs, AnU, la many ot the large towns. We consider thofti perfectly safe, and the boat moans of remitting fifty dollars or leas. ' r Registered ltten,tadr thenew ytitem, which went into effect June 1st, are a very safe means of sending small lums of mo ney whore P. O. Money Ordrs cannot be easi ly obtained. 06-rtv the JU9ifryfee. M as postage, mutt be paid in top at t''00 whore the letter-MuaHod, or ll will be liable to be sent to the Dead Letter Offloo. Buy and affix the HamtmJni Jorpotpeaml regy thnnMt.mmurmidttlktliU receipt for it. 1 ree oj Trotters nent in this way Jo, Vs atoaxjisk. ' . ' EanoitVridit.' , M"i We copy tho annexed' paragraph from a Northern paper. : , , , , , , A letter from one of the Liverpool steam ship agencies received at New York Sat urdav mornlnsM savs an average of ifive thousand emigrants may be,' expected at the port of New York for the1 next five of six weekB to eomo. " Tbe pressure "for pasiJ age,-the writer says; i tremendous-ctn-ing was overseen like" itfoefbre. What is to be done with the crowd ' when they come, unless they push on West, is a prob lem. Even now the streets in the lower part of the city are thronged with the ad arrl. not onW from Liverpool, but from Hamburg, Premcn, Amsterdam, anJ Swedish and Norwegian ports. ;, , The problem (".What is toU ddbc.uith the crowd when they come, unless: they push out West ?" la easily solvecL And we are surprised that some of tbe North-,1 em editors, have not found the solution by turning their eves Southward.' 'North 1 Carolina offers far ltetter inducements to the emigrant who has sufficient means to purfha48, a small ttrm,ban,he,cao.fnd at any point in ;tbo, so-called, Great West Here he can buy land almost as cheaply as he can in even the unsettled portion of the Western States and Territories. And here he not only finds cheap Jand, but he lo catcs in a region aUeady settled, with good society, Bchoo1a churches,' 'railroads and other mprqrements COftpar&tivety tirf know'n In tliat portion of the Qreat West " towards which the immense stream of foreign feltl4gtatibi tendto. Excellent land may now -be' bought in North Carolina for five idollars cash) per acre. ; Ordinarily, fifty acres is the maxi mum quantity that a foreigner would care to cultivate. Two hundred and. fifty dol lars will buy that quantity. We offer inducements' also to those emi grants, who," having no capital, are willing to work as farm laborers. It is too late now to make contracts for the present year, generally ; but, even at this time, there! are some planters who would be glad to employ, skilled and reliable white labor - r- i j ' -North CaroHna ndeds more capital and more mnacle.1 "A man of capital can tome here and his money will do his work. A 'man of muscle may come here and dig pe cuniary independence ont of our eenereus Tf Ne w York is at a loss for tej-ritory and employment for emigrants,' let her unfold to their minds the inducements we offer right here State." thi s X tig&f$ d North 53TTht'NoroTk lihivbuCl ha thbfof lowing liTai ton rtielcj pa hfrecrnt visit of or4 lCarolinnswtovlhU city : "Vlrgta" snakes hands with North Caro lina." Don't ijjk'qpr'pfri Gjo tight, Lcwellen, Those "tar-heeTs" liavc cotton to sell. J3TI!ead the advertisement of the " Bincrham Scliool?' nn lnotitiif ion . . . . ... i-- learning vof which every, NrU Caroli nian feels jastlyprbHd. f" Friend ifoore,'of the Sentinel we are after him.witli ft ' sharp Btic lie is mistaken. We leave these little matters to our repdrtori CI 1 OT j ' lr iT udge pJarsoa IhinkllLe eJoletA protest" lawyers have treated him with Supreme contempt f fi ' E&Tli edjtpr i)fhe Qoldsboro Me- aenger wants to know if Methuselah was drowned. We. imagine not.' lie was too old a coon 'V for that. ... Puimetto .Leaves., r. ji i i -I i i i.. i ,1 . f j V .4( t , a t - ,. . -t-. (I t ;. , lcBterdav was Jhe day appointed r the banging5 U ras-.Coactimaniafr tering. mercantile poiiuita..; , Bip peailies' "from ' ' ite ' 'farm v.ptMe Jo.viHiricsron-- WddncsdaT, .:..,. ,,.. ,. . t r. ,,,,;J J.J i 'An anrnTfeccdrred in f A anrny (occdrred in Charles- ion ueiween magistrate bickey r.and..bis uepuew, mt. Alien is. Miller. The' unci gave the yoang I mart severalV tanplcasant strnhes, with his cane, and wna for ti.i. arrastc4 to Btaud trial for- assanlt nnd bat ter. . 4 " ,.- ), i. ,11 i it M .1 !, "ri.tillTA tit . vJ-uv.vwvAfo'vu mewl $aya. " The officers and members of Uninb nH ter, No. 8, A. M., at,their last regular meeting prcscnllj.lxf Alex. Lind strom, Lsq.,- with a fine gold mounted PlMettocane, as-st'nark'ofi theii ArjprfeCi tioft fr, the valuabla aortices rendered, by i him to their body..1 ' - i :S(bDaini?t0P ''pwMcrat says : "At Tl'nnvpilf, last fenndAy, duringDi-i vine service in the Methodist Church Just e : "nd ffiT ' Tbe ViSl grave. Mrs. towers 'V Member of the cC 'h." "Pl"T fo a fthJWnt, nierchahf o' JCharJesWn, has depafte.l rorXrapcV. where he intends en- THE LATE EXCURSION. . . - -.- :., t Departure of the Excursionists from WeldonCourtesles on the part of the Managers I Arrival at Portsmouth-Visit r tosJT0rtreps ;3nre--Ilelurn Entertainment t.tiie. opera House General Remarks, Gorrespondcjice,of theStar.J : . .anoacvoiviiHiisvJune 17. 1 Dtar Star; It was my. , pappy ;frt to bo numbered with the excuraionista.wb visited Norfolk.and tUe Capes ott Wednes day. , Tho .train, consisting bf '; pixtcm cars, after the party had been transferred from the train which brought them to Raleigh, left this place at 7Ai' Mi for Norfolk. Everything had been prepared lor their accommodatio,n by ,t,h'o gentle manly manager of the Seaboard Road, Mr. Ghio, even the smallest service that would tend to augment .their pleasure had not been 'overlooked. Food i and drinks of all kinds, had been prepared and;were served to thoppreciattre crowd fct inter vals of half, an hour. We traveled rapid ly, and nothing that could in any manner mar our pleasure wcuVt'cd'. ""It was sound ed with one acclaim by this large body of persons of . both sexes that on - no part of ckrei I their route had they &een. so well r for '.as on the Seaboard.' Road and jSteabx-; era, which is all due to Mr. Ghid, Capt. Brenan, the condnctor,nd their well-tried assistants. We' reached t Portsmouth at 11, AM where wc were met by a dele gation from Norfolk, who conducted us on board uiq elegant steamers Louisiana ancTN. 1. Banks,.. wnich. were in readiness to convey ns tfi Fortress Monroe, ' whither 5 ..n cvn rvrwin rtt ?f ' rtrvlr lnf o chr4 I while tp get, all on TJoard, notwithstand ing thegrea number of persons from all parts of the State who were on the trip. We soon reached. h fpt, i where, wc were welcomed Dy-tn commander, UenMlarry, who'in honor of 'our 1 ariival,' revtewe'l his'troops, which made quite ft grand dis play vv' '"' '. Ku. ,;.;. i.-.i-' I wouVdjfilddescJhejgrand icenery, ,botb .atuxal and artificial, that J met our gaze at every step, but I have not the time and must confess that I am inad equate to the task. ''" ' ' Wc surveyed the.Fort and its surround ings for three-quarters ot an hour, when we went back on board and started on our return iVo.liorplk,; .where 'wp-arrived at 3, P. II., and were met by a vast con course of people who conducted us, to the Opera House where everything was in readiness to receive tbe company. I should; here mention that one or two lire compa nies turned out to meet us, presenting quite a gcand display. Arrived at the Opra House, Col Lamb introduced May or Decordy who, fna few brief but appro priate remarks, welcomed us to their "city by the sea." - CoL Ilinton was next mtro-, duced, and entertained the audience for a l few minutes in a1 style that would elicU the commendation of vcry admirer of el oquence. JudgeOabornic next spoke in tones that need ,no encomium aTny hands. . In'toDclni6h CoUl LftmUmade a few. remarks, invitipjr tbe. company to a collation.' prepared '. 'tor ilujm at the hall) above Burnrts' pankfng' honse. -' " All of the speakers extolled the ad van-, tages ot Norfolk' as a saport town, and spoke of the reciprocal and mntual feel ings that should And do exi 'between North Carolina and the "Old Common wealth.", t'. ' 1 ' '. " 'r I forgot to remark that the Opera House was beautifully decorated with a national flag on each: side-of the stage, and the V irginia motto in tbe background, ; while above, a bold, but imposing design,. were, in large letters,1 "Welcome, North Caroli- nans.": ,f , ..... , . ( . -. , ' - We repaired to the Hall; where we found the Choicest viands in rich 'profu sion, and every-drink that could have graced the board of -Blcchus of y5re, That this repast met its duo appreciation ino one wm,doabt.-. Tim over,' the crowd. :dis persed to find lodgings and while, away tbeghtachV4nettnatioo-prompted. i lett, on raj mprg trip tohis, place :xt morning, with an ardent hope cher ished as wpl 1' s i x pressed that tbty might be tlio inccptlonf a "grand reunion' W tweenithe Old 'North. State' and the Old Commonwealth,. , f , ,tt ' -Arnvintr at Wrlrton wplpnmrul tlmf f W ball which was to have been given on the night of the 16th. .was a ' irrand success. and many fair girls gracpd the occasion. It was wittrflo regret ".that! 1 left home, which was so soon .to be the, scene of gafctyj but motives Which nd 6ne! will question prompted me. : I purpose attend ing a grand pic-nic at nneld to-day, and will mention, it next time, provided ,. any thing occurs that I think would interest your readers" ft . 2 1 I tf 5' iX I have only to regret that time and. as I f$rr, iapprprhtf g tot fJatch;8ptearwilt prevcub me irurn giving a more eiienaea account.' Suffiee it to say1 that everything connected with tbe excursion and the ball at .Weldon, of. .which I. have an account from a friend, passed off as merry ns the chiming of evening bells, . More anon. . - Weldon. . University oNortU' .Carolina. The closing ceremonies' of the collegiate session at 'Chapel Hill have, just taken place. The Governor and nine other trus tcesjittyfuled. iff sfate, and prepar$.tki!J i were madefor atirilfiant celcbrtftidn' The j whole cotnpany present on tlie grand day- j dentajTadies aad visitors, froni towriand actnai cant tojis rTbe following is tbe lisUo students as reported by ' the Presi dent VAoU) ! Wilfer Gulhric, John Overman, lSeven students for the great University of North Crol jnai-an institution whicb, in former ;days,"v?as among, the most nourishinc in the I The downfall has been ttouiat 4v -HadiriftlAm- Ahu , and learned men -were urofessora iWn. they were removed to give place to iron cladtrBep.if recftfehaari6h: wajrcnnreapacity totafke thaf pntifyifig oath. . . l ne same fate is onpnlv thrpotono t.- the Welb fateldn tfhnst tne enivfirsfty of Virginia and the other colleges of the State. -Richmond Whig. ; W TYw,,?" -V""" AND TISITINO tvie at " tr IP elegan WM. H, BERNARD'S , S " TOng.ana PubliBhinir House.:? .yiJ ieb7f .ratsa wr x'oo,iranking a ifophomores, and : f.IVroy,, Charlea . Suggs,- John ' "DT?riTAT. xirvroYTrQ - Tjl 1IBNISUE D BOOM ; WaWtED FOB toe Summer. y - K . Address, e t0x;jJpo6TRi way- ti je l(M5t .! lain!. 3S(il0. jTii JicCISiK ih'-.m TO TAX . PAYERS. ; a''-P BBS6lff9 LtABifJ tdk TAXE ARE 6etty notiUaai tint th Aseensors. for mingto Townibi vciH receive tbe tax list ot all jfesideita;wi thin TowQsbip,' on Mo; day, t)ia JUt, at the Cpurti powse, 4h Wiloiiagi, top, Huu wiw cwutwifi V4 "raaiuu avuii ajr iuj day no tU,toa 90th day pf vine instant ; Aftcir which time the books will be . loscij nd.. p.U persons not giving In .their taxable property, within the time prescribed, will, be f repaired . to pay a uouoie tx, . ,,,,, .j,. , ..H,.-,i . ,. ., Office hours from 8 o'clock x'. H 1 P. M. and from S P. M. tiU 6.P. M. , , , , , . , . JAMES WILSONk ; E. D HEWLETT,' . ' ' ' , i HEXBY JOSES, ii .-. Assessors. Wilmington, N. C, June 12th, 1869-taoj t To ' the 'Republican Voters of i New Hanover County. THE 'POST," FOB SELFISH REASONS, refuse to publish tlie following : . , ..CAPT. SOLOH-VrLAEKINS Will be Supported by bis Ecpubl lean friends to succeed Hon, L. U.' Estea, member .of tbe State I'f,Kislaluro resigned. ; jelO-tf if: Read ycf t;r.;jir I!nellsh nlals. ,i Some Testimo- Grkbnk's SxiLoaa' IIomb. 1 1 Poplar 8treetXAntlon, England. I take tolf method of - making kaown the perfect cure I have obtained from the use of l n le n our vaiuauie meaicine, me rAia was urared by a friend to urared by a friend to try it, and procured a bottle of Dr. Kernot, Apotlecary. ;t I bad been afflicted ibree years with Neu ralgia and violent . -spasms of Ahe stomach, which caused a constant rejection of food. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in despair. Then I tried your PAIN KILLER, which prave mo immediate relief from pain and sickness, and 1 regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usu al occupation of sailor. . ,. ; Yonrs respectfully, CHARLES POWELL. ' ' Sin I desire to bear willing testimony to l tne wonderful cmoaey oi mat Amencao rem ely called Pain Killer, -which I believe has no equal in th s country. I have been altticted with beart disease, and could find no relief till I got tbe Pain Killer,, which eoon made a cure. I am quite wi.ling to answer any in quiries about my case. ' ' ' - TuTiiyete.; VAHif SltVKKS, p Jud ley (WorcestersUleJ.ngland. y, Gbntlkmsx I can with confldenee recom mend yoar excellent niediehio, the U "Kil ler. Kr BamatiawiwUe8tir'aBAl ahA Toothache, having proved iU efficacy in the abo.vecomplaluta..ETEoursfecaf . , Briiigeman's Place JJoltoil. Giirruni!!-1 nave very ' preat pleasure in recommending yonr medicine, the Pain Killer. I was suffering severely a few weeks since with Bronchitis, and could scarcely swallow any food, so inflamed was my throat. I was advised by a friend to try your Pain Killer, and, after ta ing a few doses, was completely cured. Yours reapect fully, H . . T. WILKINSON, Bolton, En z. P. S. I have recommended tbe medicine to several of my friends and, in every Instance, it has had the desired effect. Sold by all alodMine Dealers. Je 10-tr - I M AXIIOOI). IN THE YOUNG AND Ris ing generation, the vegetative powers of life are stronar. but in a few years bow often the paUid hue, tlie lack-lustre eye and emu. dated rorm, anu tne impossiouity oi applica tion to mental enor, snow tta oanerui inna ence. It soon becomes evident to the obeei v er that some depressing influence is checking the development of the body. Consumption Is talked of, and perhaps the youth is removed from school and sent Into the country. , This is one of tne worst movements. Removed from ordinary diversions of the ever-chang lng scenes of the city, tbe powers of the b- y too much enfeebled to give rest to healthful and rural exercise, ' thoughts are turned in wards upon themselves. . If the patient be a female the approach Of tbe menses is looked for with anxiety, as the first symptom In which Nature Is to show her saving power in diffusing tbe circulation and visiting tbe cbeek with tbe bloom of health. Alas 1 increase of appetite baa grown by what it fed on ; tbe energies of tbe system are pros- tnUed, and the wTlole, economy is deranged. The beautiful and wonderful period in which. body and mind Undergo so fascinating a change from child to wowan, is looked for in vain: tbe paxeafa heart bleoda in anxiety, and fancies tk grave bat waltla for -its vic tim. Uklxbold's Extract Brest;,' -for Weakness arising from - excesses' or early indiscretion. attended with tbe following symptoms : Indnw position to fexeruon, Joss or v ower, loss or Memory Difficulty -of t Breathing, General Weakness Herror of Disease, Wok Nerves, Trembling. Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold .Feet, - Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Langour, Universal lassitude of the M nsenlar Sytem, Often Enormoas Appetite witb Dvsnetio oymntoms. Hot Hands, f s, Flush- mg of the Body. Di yness of the Skin, PaUid countenance anu eruptions on tne. race, iaan in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, wttu Temporary BtnrasiOB anu ioss or sight. Want of Attention, Great Mobility,, ResU. ts ness, with Horror of fcoclety, Nothing la more desirable to such patients . than Solicitude, and nothing they more dread, for Fear of Themselves ; no Repose of Manner, no Earn estness, no Speculation, but a hurried Transi tion from one question to another. These symptoms, If allowed to go on which this Medicine invariably removes soon fol- low Loss of Power, Fatuity. ifw. n .1 T.-tl Pits, in one ot which the patient may expire. During the Supertotendofyoe ol Dr. Wilson, at the Bloomlngdale'Asyiunvfhis sad result occurred to two patlanta : reason had for a time left them, and both died of epilepsy. They were of both sexes, and about twenty yearsofagflj'!! - i . ! . - : no can say xoai tnese exoessee are not ire qnently followed by those direful diseases. In sanity and Consumption I The records of the" Insane Asylums,' and the melancholy deaths by Consumptton, bear ample witness to tbe truth of this assertion. In Lunatie Asylums the most melancholy exhibintion appears The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute neither Mirth or Grief ever vlsts it. Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely Art 1 a tA "With woeful measures -wan Despair Low sal Nn feonmts theirgrief beguiled." Whilst we regret tbe existence of the alove diseases and symptoms, we are prepared to offer an invaluable gift of chemistry for the removal of the conaequenoesi UsLXBOhDs Highly Couckntkatkd Fluid Extract or liu- chc. i nero is no tonic iiKe it. it is an an chor of hope to tlie surgeon and patient, and this is the testimony of all who have used or prescribed it. j -f v r.i , ;.( , , . . Sold by Lrrugi?fstS and Dealers everywhere, i Price $1 25 per bottle, or six bottles for ta 50. Delivered to any address. Describe symp toms in all communlcat ons. Address II. T. ULMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, Jol0-2m . . .004 Broadway, N. T. , None are genuine unless done up in steel. engrayed wrapper, with fac-simlle of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed- , . v ,Iiiv,J: lI.T.-UELitftOLD. ; Choice Table Butter, "THRESH CRACKERS, . . l -- ' -.(( (, i ! i i j . i . . . . . ; N0.1HAKXRRT4 r . ' , ! , ,.!.",i.t -;o..i f $ 'ir.-rit '.- , ,.! , j SMOKED TONGUES,'!! t-,.,; ; ,i ' j COD-FISH, i .,!?.' t K.uir ' :i .-; HERRIN.G, .;.,ff (Eagle JJrandj, - and ' -';,':';!; V:-;''; V,'!v-' " i I k r"r, Tr f" ePf y . y 1 Je 15-tf No, 10 South Front Street. DRYGOODS, IDIP 0 tlHt.,C 1 0 13liy GrSt J. . " V SAVEJHONIir r. . friends for tbe kind patronage extend ed to ns since we advertised to l ' 8 E E E O TJ.T. We are now determined to sell tbe balance EXTRA! INDUCEMENTS .' -.!'H,:I 1'K-::'A ..JvliJIVi."! i ..;:.' f;? To pi arties buying a fair amoout. . We offer. early i' ,)" i!i;i j!i'.iii:Ji'i --liv k ; 56:PeriCent Cheaper ; 1 Tbaa they can, be, -purchased .three, mouths hence.- " . r ' , ' ' ' ' ', - We Offer good assortment of ' 1 - u :U3 i Dress ami JFancy i Goods, jMEJT;8 AD BOT8' CLOTHINGj 7' ' ' BOOTS AND SHOES, AT ALMOST ANY PRICE. Terms positively Cash. ... r . ii. M. KATZ etc CO., , in.;:. '..I ; " V ; '23 Market Street.: may 30-tf Dry Goods and Clothing xrrti ke:p constantly obt hahd if? a complete assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLE- MENS FURNISHING GOODS. All of the very latest style and finish, as man ufactured by ourselves. - A LARGE STOCK" OF FELT AND WOOL MATS 'AttD CAPS. Our stock of ;-. . ...t ) DSTJuVD FANQY G OODS JTOTIOyS AND We have no hesitation 'in'saying, is tbe largest, beot selected, and mont complete in the Slate. We would also particularly call the atten tion of the public to our large stock of - BOOTS ANI SHOES. 4 Over five hundred cases, all direct from the aianuiacTurers, ooiwisung or MEN'S SEWED AND PKUUED-BOOTS, CALF AND LEATHER GAITERS, BALMO RALS, OXFORD TI3 and BKOGANS. LADIES' CALF,' ilOROCCO, GOAT and LEA THER, SEWED and PEGGED SHOES And CLOTH GAITERS. MISSES', CHILDREN'S, INFANTS' AND BOYS' SHOES. All of the above we sell at reduced prices, and to WHOLESALE BUYERS we offer goods on i lie most aocommoaaung terms. SOL. BEAU ft BROS., IS Market street, mayl&tt-tc Wilmington, N. C, EXCELSIOR. Cheapest Dry, Goods iJf THE CITY. 1 r OOK : AT . OUR - PRICE LIST" BELOW Bleached 8heetlngs and Shirtings, 9, 12, 15, 18c and upwards: Brown- Sheeting and Shirtings, 9, 12, 15 and up . wards; Calicoes. 8. 10. 1214 and 13 cents. Spring and Summer DeLaiaes, 18, SOand 35 eta. Hummer ropiins sa cents. ' v : Choice HesamMines 25 Vats. Striped Grenadines 90 cents. . . Parisian Style lawns and Organdies 2d - 25, 35 and 40 ont. Fine article White Marseilles SPX cents. White and Colored l'e reals 35 to 50 cents. White Jaconets 20 to 60 cents. Swiss Mnftlins 15 cents and upwards. 1 ' Checked Nansooks 20 cents and upwards, " BRILLIAHTS 23 CENTS. ino Checked and Striped Cambrics 30 cents, Black Alpacas 43 cents. Linen Table Damasks CO cents. " Poylieeoa)y41.anttr-kaen. -M Napkins only l.7a per dozen, Towds Only 2.0 pur dozen. ' i Irish Linens onlv 35 cents and wowards. Ladies' and Misses Hose 12,-15, 20, and 25 cents and upwards. . . Laidies ana Migsca Gloves 23,'. to, ' 85 cents ana upwards. Ladies' Silk Parasols and Umbrellas 11.50 and . upwards. - i Fine NansoOk Tuning only 75 cent. And looo etlv-r articles equally as low. We are determined not to be undersold. n"-.i.:..i. A.WKlLL4CO. mayO-tf .r ". V i s Ko.11 Market U: New Goods! New Goofls! New Goods! AT , COR. MARKET AND FRONT 8TS.t C AN BE FOUND A LARGE AND ent of - NEW assonnicnt jk . I. v i '!.! i . .) -;i(t .' .1. v.i:.,:i iJ .1. ,1.3 i lress Trimmings, llattons Ac. i -i i Suited to the Spring and Summer Trade. White Mkrseiles from S3e.. to $1 per yard.' . . . White and Buff Pique, 36 inches wide, ; . Marseiles Trimmings, Fringes, Gimps, Ac,, 10, 15 and 20 ceats per yard.- Palm Leaf Fans, & cents ; Parasols, $1 to H. .ALSO ... The. largest and. cheapest stock. of jjJ; Hats TO BE FOUND IN THtt STATE. . J . ... . , Hats At Hanafaetnrer'a Prices, , And another lot Of those . r POPULAR HAND-jk-ADE HOOP-SKlRTS AT i EIGHTY-FIVE CENTS, i . ., . ' Consult your lnteiiest tyr caning at A. D . BR O w f i. ft Where yon will be greeted witb polite atten . lion ana cneap jsargains. HIS TEBJtS ARE CASH! CASH!! Je9-tf ' i CASH!!! : SINCLAIR, OWENS & BROWN,' Old Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, h BRANDIES, e&C., V; Xo. 44 ' lrliombard Street, f ' BALTIMORE MD. I. , J G. T.iCLAm,liiorToik!.!' I; ' ) i. Wl p WEN,S, Baltimore A.' SINCLAIR; Norfoit." .UiiiVl.'ui - J. jQ.RQWN, WnmiAgton!, '7?,' . fje&ini JiJ-. iallTotice. x rriHE SUBSCRIBKB TARES PLXiAS. txar cioue .asgi8triee,'CU8Kmers wHl not have to ai to b aeeommodated, j Sharp Razors and dean Towels are our motto. JAS. H. CARS A WAT, dec2596tf No. So. Front at. inSOELIiANEOUS.,, REAL" ESTATE & PEESONAL PROFERTT .... ; .BT.'H1IU.1 ; '-r-r. - Ho. Carolto Keal Jtecusl Estate igeiicy, Capffai&tocl Subscribed and taken by responsible persons : and. . chartered by tbe Legislature! or j North Carolina. . I . i t i t " .1 s . I j.r i;i "'" " " ' : ..... ' ... ... . job. m. ukstbb, l'res't, I Johs J. HK8TBK, secy joa ixsn, v.. jres't,' u.u.Jtwis, eginjtv j - S,000 Talaable Pieces of Property, to, q iiMwa lor, worm siitt,eii4. 73,347 Tickets will be sold it Sf each f!i .REAESTa One Residence in Raleigh, N. -Vi 7; '.$W,l)00 One One 8.00U ,500l One,, , j One ti i i2 t Warren ton, .,..... fi,ooo One Chai ellUll, One Hotel in Taylors vllle, N. Q., .. . . 2,000 1.1st of Personal Property. Samples on exhibition af TIester, Bros. & Co., 26 Fayettevllle street Raleigb, N. C., . - AT THE REGULAR CASHPRICES. ' 10 fine Pbeatons, six hundred dol-. -.. ... -1 - ars eacb made by H." 4 " . . Schmidt, Baltimore, , 1 7 , .0,000 10 fine Top Buggies, 350 each, made - . . Jay H. D, Schmidt, Baltimore, t ;500 50 1st premium, 7 octave Pianos, , '.i u mmue y TremaineJiros New? :i? j- York, six hundred and, fifty i i dollar each, .:: a j j.i: . . i 33,500 5 Parlor or Church Organs. 6 stops, i i . ; . . two hundred and fifty dollars " 1 ' " , each, made by Tremaine .Bros w -; New York, . r ' 1,250 500 Sewing Machines, Wilcox AGibbs, , sixty dollars each 30,000 auu sukaresses,teflt article, tweiva yards each, foi ty dollars, 6 Velocipedes, seventy-live dollars -each, 24 rolls Brussels Carpet.' forty-five .20,000. 50 t . yards each, 135 per roll,. . 3,340 6 Salamander Safes. Wilder's pat- ' ent, best in the world, two ,,H :o', hundred and sixty dollars ' each, - 1 1,560 1 casta prize, one thousand, dollars in gold, ,.'.' ,?'..iii 1,384 10 cash prizes, one hundred dollars each, - : -- 'i,60a 200 casta prizes, ten dollars each, 2,000 674 cash prizes, five dollars each. ' 1 ' 3.3(50 1,000- casta prizes two dollars each, . . ,, , , 2,000 3.000 Prizes. Value of tlio total . amount,0. 146,094 173,347 i.l: . ; Whole No. of Tickets, 1 T l . - , - fi..I ' MQD OF DRAWING. , . All of tbe above is put In thedrawlnarat the regular casta selling prices and will' Tie" dis posed of by a regular mode of drawing, and in order to accomplish this, the Company wll sen 73,347 ucKets at eacn..i. j .,,.!, Tbe drawing will take place in TUCKER HALL, in the City of Baleigb, immediately af ter sale of tickets, of which due notice will be given, at least one-week before the day ef ilpaiHnir The Company is working under the provtW ions y I jl special t;narter granteat- oy tne lien- . eral Assembly ot North Carolina, Which com pel the Company to comply faithfully with ' all contracts. Copies can bo had on application. tA the Company. All the above mentioned property -will cer tainly be disposed of as above stited, and those drawing it will be invested with the ti tle in fee simple. JH3 No member of tbe Company is allowed to purchase any tickets. .. n; !.. All moneys sent by mail at the owner's risk: that sent seat by Express. Registered Letters, necas or until a. at me nsK ox tne company. No property w ill be listed unless tbe title is indisputable. . . The Treasurer bas been required to give a bond of five thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties."' He is required to deposit daily, in the bank, all the monies re ceived, wncre it win remain until the tickets are sold and all the property will be positive-. lyarawn anu ueuvereu to the parties draw ing. Send two dollars by .Express,- Post Of fice Order, Registered Letter or Draft, at our risk, or by mau at your own, and take a chanoe at the S,000 valuable prizes offered. Tickets will be sent any where in the Uni ted States at the Company's risk upon re ceipt of fi and postage stamp. - - Tbo plan of drawing shall be as follows : there shall be two wheels, one a prize wheel and one a number wheel, arranged in some public place iu the city,, where the ticket holder may witness the drawing If he desires. In tbe number wheel there .shall be 73,3(7 tickets corresponding In number' to those which have been sold. In the prize wheel there shall be deposited by the Board of Supervisors, appointed by the Directors, S.000 tickets, designating tbe prizes to be drawn, after which the wheel shall be sealed up and placed in the bank in this city, until the time of drawing, when the Supervisors shall bring them ,to. the place of drawing, break tbe seals and tbe drawing shall "bo dis posed of by taking a Uoket .from each wheel, at the same time, and tbe prize ticket taken from tho prize wheel shall designate the prize; drawn by the ticket corresponding in num ber to the ono taken: from tha wheel at tho same time. The wheel shall be well shaken after each ticket is drawn. . The Supervisors will be gentlemen , well known and noted for honesty and Integrity; who will not be allowed to purchase tickets or own any stock in the Company. The num -bers and prizes will Ito, drawn from each wheel by two blind boys, and a full report of all numbers drawing prizes will be published in some -prominent newspaper immediately after the drawing.. - Persons at a distance drawing prizes, may have them sent to any part of the United States they may tlosirev Description of Real Estate. SEVEN FINE RESIDENCES FouK im ma, Citt or Ralbioh. One in Warronton, Warren county, N. C. i One Hotel in Taylorsville, county scat of AWxander county, N. C. One lot consisting of 8 acres iu RaleisH. about three-fourths of a mile from the Capi tol about 2 acres in forest oak and hickory, honse fronting on the street and about 50 feet back: walks to the house 15 feet wide, planted on either side with Emoisimus for hedge, with a marble statute of tbe goddess. Flora on the one siae mil size a nne piece or sculpture, said to have cost fti,3U On the other side,' Sun Dial on marble column, both on marble pe destals - Front pailifurs on tbe street, resting an hewed granite base, with granite gate poets. - The grounds in the giove are highly fertilized, producing, last year, besides much bay and vegetables. 4 bales of cotton. ' The dwelling of brick, is 42x35 with conical metal roof, and two Franklin rods. In the basement is tbe kitchen, about 20 feet-square, and the dining room, 18x 2 feet, and two pan tries well fitted up.. On tha middle floor thero are two large rooms, with lire places, and fine variegated marble' mantle, nd a -spacious- hall and open room for enjoying the summer brccrcs. In the third story are two large and one small dormitory, with fire-places, and a largo passajrowitb cases lor wardrobe. In tlio attic story is a small dormitory, with stairs to scuttle in the roof. There is a portico to the bouse v8xl4 Coct, with floor of hewed granite slabs. The steps of the building, in front and rear, are of hew. ed 'granite, with iron banisters, and all the doorand window sills are of hewed granite, and all the sash hung on balances. Tho wood, work of the building are 'f the choicest mate rial, and the entire building recently painted, . The out-honses consist or a barn 40x20 feet, With i basement walled ,with: granitow Jarge, enough for 12 horses' Or c o ws, witli slied In front and on the 4, wo ends,-one ad fitted np for four milch cows ; a horse stable 14x28 foot ; a carriage bouse 18x24 feet; a house for setv vants 18x37 feet, well finished, with, two, fire places, and recently painted.- - and J' bas u arood drv collar : a brick smoke-bouso. 20x20 feet, of very high pitch, shedded all round' with wooa, gear, ana ciiicken house, . nndei with granite; :i r'i?:: j;;..; .;; 3 t.;-, .IoIti-j Through the grove passes a branch, with never-failing spring of pure cool water, i In-i mediately oeiow this is a granite milk House, the water of the spring, which is very abund ant, passes in a stone miK trougn through the milk house, and discharges in a crystal' fish pond, some 15x190 feet, in which is a large variety of 4sb, many of them so tame that they eat from Angers. Price $10,000. , . , . j t. . , ono large anu convenient nonse in the city large rooms, uoi rooms, double parlors, with all necessa-t-buildtngs, 1 acres of ground, and a tiful oak grove. Value $6,600. ry out-buj beautiful oak gri . One large houso on Newborn and Blood worth streets, containing twenty rooms, suitt able for a boarding house, all necessary out buildings, with a Deautiful oak grove in tbe, yard and acre of gronnd. ' Value 5,000. ' One beautiful large residence, on. N ew bern. street, eigbt rooms and basement, four out buildings and stable, seven aores of ground,: elm grove, very desirable and attractive.. Value $8)000. .'. -ij'v One in Warrenton, N. C known as the Ala ton property, in perfect wder. one of the best built houses iu the Si ate, containing 8 large rooms, double piazzas and porticos, one of the most commanding and beautuui resiliences in the place, with 8 acres of ground, one orchard, beautiful oak grove in the yard, and aUneces-: irv lings. . value S3,uuu. v at Tavlorsville is very i The property at Taylorsville is very attrac- tive, valuable; and .cheap.'., It is . Hotel at the county seat of a flourishing and growing vaum.V V. VAWM0v uvVuuUWMMriie.1 and situated one square from a good' and vi 11 a nra a a thnnoanri as tnnia inhoKHon nourunmKiiiee,.nosenooioi atet,L-r trrado. ; right on the line of the Atlantic ft Ohio Rail Koaaana-Oerag mtaateaan tne mountain re gion, tbe scenery is truly delightful and fitoU natlng. . Contains i twenty roomgi and tho- buildings are new. Value txtOO. . One In Chapel Hill, containing fonr rooms, with lire places, and one forty foot dining MLSCELLANEOTJS. room. AlfO, kitchen, out-honses and one and three-fourths acres of land. Value, $2,000. . Those ordering tickets can select anv num ber from 1 to 73,347, if tbe number ordered bas ' been takes, the number, nearest will be sent. une tnree cent stamp muse accompany every order. All tickets will have the seaf of the Company and tbe atenatnreof thecreta Persons living at h distaSeo will VeJurplsa- A eu wnn an omciai listot tne arawincr. .49W refer tooDVMoFoltant." Banker or "vuor gentleman ot standing in me city or i 4- For further descriptions and-particulars, address 'V vi.;v. -i.'u v.; ,-, ft 1 Kaieigh, N.c. 1 P..j8.t Real estate -wanted, ibr tke find Draw-' tag". Persons desiring to dispose of Real Es tate through thi Company win e required drawing, s Preference will 1mm Hvph tA. Aivnrai;in purtliade" tli'6 largest number of Tickets In I J mayl3m . !T , .. -f1. , e " 'I ll I I ! I ' Nil j r No; l Peruviaif Guliiib. T AUKEL II1LI. HILLS COTTOBi JLJ YAUNv ! - jl f, -'.? t For sale by - ... v . MOFFITT & CO. . jan24-31tf:.ttl Molasses, Sugar &b1. 50O ! owj.,.Jn(; f l; r , ISO Bags COFFEE "i SUGAR V-) i'i::, i-i l-... . ,.;-r. It' . -1 i l.SOoi Sacks SALT ? 1 ' 1 ? '' -' 1,000 Bales HAY ;' ' : ' S,000 BustaeWCORN A Genehd Asmrtmknt of Groceries, IN STORE, aftd for Sale by ii '' '( - WILLARD BROS. apl5-tf , Notice bf opsiftiiership c'irllv.. tula ! J ;i,.n a WltifivoTOir. N. fl Anril IS IRAQ -rrri!,''!trit1El undeicsigned, have ' YY - this day entered into Co-partnership, nnoertnonrm name ana styleof BANNIS TER, CQWAN CO., for the purpose of con ducting the business of a REAL ESTATE AND FIN ANCLAIi AGENCY.! -with nrincinal offices at AYilmington, N. C, and New York we rcspeptfuiiy offer, our S9rvices to the pituiic. - -' -- l. , ( ; . LEMUEL BANNISTER, . 1 !, '; ' J. KJSNYO.X. ; ,-j . For further information, address : ; ; : 1; BANNIST1SR. COWAN A CO. WUinington, N. C. ; apbMU-tr v Mitt.' ;. ( . To Turpentine Distillers - r ( ' ! tCIBCtTLAK.J ' . fTUIE SUBSCRIBER, IN CORDIALLY I ' returnine? thanks to their friends in the country who were last year engaged in tlie Turpentine Business, for their continued con ddence and support, desire at the commence ment ot another season" tb"renew their assur ances of untiring efforts in their endeavors by economy in efcpenses-and charges and prompt attention, to their, orders, as well as the ut most care in the sale of their consignment s to promote their interests, .Account sales and remittances guaranteed to be prompt. apb470mij .';;;;),-: SPRUN5Q 4 H IN SON. ' CHURCH OF.THE STRANGERS," Bfew.Ydrk. XTISITORS TO THE CITT OF NEW y YORK are- informed that they will find Divine Service every Sunday, in the Large Chapel of the University, Washington Square, at 10VS A. M. and 14 P. M. The evening ser vice in summer is at8 o'clock. Waverly Place, immediately north of the New York. Hotel, out of Broadway, rtins west to Washington Square, en tho east side of which is the Uni versity. The entrance to the church is the main .door of tho University. ; University Place cars run from the door of the Fifth Av enue Hotel, to the door of the Church. From the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the cars corner of Broadway and Broome, leave at Waverly Place, and go west one block. At the.stor House take University Place cars, leave at Waverly Place, and go west- ono block. Strangers will find cordial welcome, and polite attention. , , t- ft , ; The Pastor is Rev. Dr. DEEMS, who devotes himself to the spiritual interests of strangers. If any be sick, let them address him a note by mail, as " Pastor of tlie Church of the Stran gers, New York.,' and it will reach him. The ladies wbo.compose the u Society of tho 'Star ters of the Stranger, procure medical, legal, and spiritual help for strangers in perplexity, distress, , or; sickness. Address,' "Sistei sot the Stranger," care Rev. Dr. DEEMS, N. Y'. ij you art coming is jxwuf rorie goon, eta zm out and paste it in your memorandum book ,feblfM4-tf ;iiil .i,. ti. , . ,,Kiot6gfapn;;;: HATING ADDER TO JttY ESTAB lishment. a SHIVERS PATENT SOLAR CAMERA!, I am prepared to furnish pictui"es from the smallest size to Life size. , .. C. W. TATES, apl3-J8i-tf Market strcc. Alta Vela Phosphate I, rr IS COMPOSED OF THE CELEBRA. tod Guano from-' . ' A L TA V E L A Combined with other valuable fertilizing ma terial,! scientifically treated, making at i V.' ! COMPIjETE manure. 1 .., ' : -.; . ' r- - - I : , It prbddccs a vigorous growth to the vegeta tioHMnd permaueijLtlyeiirichesth0 8oil. f .. i ' For sale 5 in Wiluiingtoiij N. . by. ALEX JOHNSON ft CO., at 60 per tonn . Or the ' ALTA VELA GUANO CO., fcb2ft447-ly :; 57 Broadway, N.T-. The Plaindealer, 'Ay- "-: WILSON N:1 C. ' li ": 1 .-!! r A GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM. rwn , . MERCHANTS antj, .othci-s, willing to wse its columns, win nana tiieir cards to . . ft - :WM. II; BERNARD. -:;. ;.', r Editor of the " Star." . Or send direct to' :'j 'Hi..- Ii 't-.-'ft c. s, McDANIEU - Editor: ,mhl8-tf . ; ".'ifiii rf ! The Widows; in;!! ! . limn fill.' ii - tfi'it.tlitdJ VI l: f.Sif. Benefit Life : ! Insurance Conipany BROADWAY, , NEW; .YORK. . ! CASH ASSETTS $1,250,000. -XOLICIES ISSUED ON THE ORDINARY IT LIFE, ENDOWMENT. SINGLE PAY MENT and TONTINE DIVIDEND PLANS. All Policies are. NON,-FORFKITING.f cr. u . j ( DIVIDENDS i'.'i oe j.fj1 I.' s-., . ! Declared Annually ' ,! v, Ou tlie Contribution Pian, and may bo nsed to the, increase of Policy or reduction of Premium; The system of the Company is CASH. The policy of the Com pany is SECURITY. The managemeet of the Company is SUCCESS. The object of the Com' pfcny is BENEFIT to its Policy-holders. The entire surplus 33 ARNING&are by its charteu required to be equitably divided among its piicy4ioMers. No Oharge for MEDICAL EX AMINATION or POLICY FEE.. Parties eon-, tempbtttng insurance are requested to exam-' ine the system of this Company. Application Blanks, with necessary instructions, mailed to those who may desire them. . . N .. i .. .,... LOCAL AGENTS wanted in 'hit" towns una villages in Eastern, North Carolina, and with whom liberal arrangements wiil be made. 1 Dn WM. 'A.' B. NviRCOMv Edenton,. Nv G.J Medical Referee for North Carolina. Dr. Wi J. H. BELLAMY, Medical Examiner, 1 . t Wilmington, , v. - .- w . .. i I. B. MARTIN ft CO., Gen'l A cents. Kdenton. N. Ci f "WMk aTuumming, Agent, ; ' t f ' wAf Ic3u-i J iuit Wiimiaiwn,flii .may ! wmj -aui . ' v . KJ llshed Weekly Sv E- JteMillan, Proprie vor. WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, sept23-l-tr Wilmington, N C. - u a uescnption, ana, a certificate or titlev o-J Desirable property wlU be taken- in anv part Of the United States, for thu amnnd msciXAisrEOTJS. Ayers Sarsaparilla, For Pa r i f yi it c.ihu ttl.i .......... The : TeDttfaUrm excllciit. medicine en oysis derived from its S2I&ilna,,yf W,,,(1 HtyiT navenons.--iivterat9ases of Scrofulous disease where the system seem! iedjaturated with cor- rifled and cured bv it ocrpiuious:i affections sissr-: anu, uisorders., .whih ' ' , , ' 1 Y,ere "ffmvated by the scrofulous contamination until thv paipfnlly afflicting, have been rad leally cured In such great numbers in aim not V' m radicsaiiv m... tion of the country, that the public scarce J need to be informed" of its virtues or nV , ""uip every gec- Scrofnlous poison is one of the mostOe strnctlve enemies of our race, Often, this seen ahd nnfelt tenant of the organism dermincs the constitution, and invites th t tack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, witho.,." exciting a suspicion of its presence Amu! It seemsto br ed infection' throughout Ti e body, and then, on some favorabll occasion rapidiy develop Into one or other of its lS ous forms, either on tbe surface or amonli iiL vitals. In-tho ltte-, tubercles ma? be n , denly deposited in tlie lungs or ffitoPtn" mors formad in the liver, orit showt its nrcs' eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcera tions on some part of the bod v". Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Saran rllla te advisable, even when noVelyJn?;. toms of disease appear. Persons afflicted wi t h mediate relief, and, Ht length, dure, hv tin. Firk, Rosh or Erysipelas, Tkttbb 8ai.t Rm,. TO, SoAtn Head, Rikowork; Sor ffcriif &a Ears, and other eruptions or visibleformt of "T disease. Also in the more con cealed forms, as Dtspbpsia, Dropsy, Hbart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous atrections of the muscular and nervous systems. " Stphilts or Venereal and Mercurial Dis eases are cured by it, though a lontf time is required for subdniog these obstinate mal adies by any medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint Jjsuoorrhoja .or . WftiTus, Utbeikb Ulcera. tiows, and FekAlu Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its pu rifying and Invigorating effect. Minute Di rections lor each case are found in our Alma nac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Oont, when caused bv accumulations of ex traneous matters in tho blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints. Torpldi ty, Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, as thev often do, from the rankling., poisons in th'o blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great re . storer for the strength and . vigor or the kvn tcm. Those who are Languid and Listlkhs, Despondeht, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evi. dcn of its restorative power upon triak V II K P A It E D B Y 1 " Dr. j; c. A Iter ac., iAweiiJ sians.. : u. 2rodiml Mnd', Atudylical CKentuitti c Soldfby Ei Wim,'V:H. Lippitt,? H. Mt Lhi and wV. Mo bane, Wilmington, anl all Jiu gists and Dealers everywbei-c. - t . ;at4M9ieod4mSF "i - Hvi ui William Faxber & Co., Gommissidn'Merchdnts 37 TfATER STREET, NEW YORK, . . " " For tbe Sale 6f - Peanuts, Leat'and Fineout Tobacco1,' -Cotton , wooa, iiiaes, bkins, t urs, nemp. xas-, Turpentine, Rosin, Beeswax, Whiskey, ' Rags, Lard,' Tallow, - Eggs, Flour, : " i . Grain, Seeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, and all '.; kinds of Southern : '..i i Productions. GASH advanced on CONSIGNMENTS Order for Merchandise promptly ill led free of charge. Send' for our Pric3 Current and Marking Plate. api-4u-iy i U , 7 ..M .I.."' Wth-h TheLiverpool & Lon don, & Globe Ins. Co. Afeis Gpld 1 7,690,390 " in th e U nited States 2 ,000 ,000 Directors personally respon sible for all engagements of (he Company.1 Barry , Brothers, :i ..1 .(,. . .-n it . .'' . ' .'.' .' ; ..-.; -i-:, s .uGenl Agents, .... ..... , . r'rr'j . ., . vyjimingwn, -I'-.ii'my.-j !: it T"1 f Pli:" Marinelnsurandeeffect' edict all forts in the U hiied: States ana Well Indies, by Barry Brothers; Wilmington Plillosopliy of -JIarr iagiv . j new COURSE Of Lectures," as nciiv- tered at tho New Y'orfc, Museum , of Anatc- mnracingtne sunjects : now to A.ive anu to LivnFor j Youth, Maturity . And' Old Mitnlirbrul nAnRrflllT RflvlAWArl Tht Cause of Indigestion ? Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted fori Marriage Philosophi cally Considered, ftcv ' These ' lectui-8 will be forwarded on receipt of four stamps by ad dressing : Sko'y Baltimo& Mcskck or An at omt, 74. Wst Baltimore Street, Baltimore. Md may 9-eodly - . Sealed Proposals. TilER U AVINO JBKEN -A MTSUNDKn standing as to tho series of Bonds offered for sale in' the advertisement dated 'May- 41, .1869, the Finance Committee have., decided to. receive Sealed Proposals until Jnne litlf,! !i!, )at noon, The $30,000 in bonds tp be dispoaeil ot, . and issued for the necessary wexpenes of the Cityoader auOaority of an, Acft-of the tfetral Assembly, ratified Dec. 18, 1C8, will lw dated July 1st,' ISdS), and bear interest , at the i rate ot six per cent, per annum, payable in . gold. The Committee,' as beforo, 'reserve the right to reject any and all bids, -r . . v r.i ; Address, GEO. Z. FRENCH, je 3-tjeiaj.j unm -a, nuance conrniite. A D V,E R T I 3 E.J IN TaIJKc- IV PltV " - IN THE Sunday 'Messenger, : J'iTssued every' Saturday fBoithe'. Dally1 Mesfeehgcr O 01 cc. ' " GOLhBOItON. Cl l (The great Centrd of - the W ft W R R, and ... -s v,- ,C R R'd,). ; , THE SUNDAY MESSENGER llS A live 24 column paper, up with the tlmeit, and in favor of progress. Is read inalnil every hamlei- village and town in Kastern North Carolina and on the, line f th W A W I1IO UV. V ..A U.C1... ... v. . . ... . .... .in of prices and advertise.. Tarms reasonable 'Address,- 8UNDAY MESSENGER. -'.JanSMXf ' r,.UOs-tf'' .kisborpi A. U ilmt ii STi'o ny-N t..v tXtnsn9 4'" Jane Sd, 1809.f "f A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE fiTOCK- ,.. ( ... -i- -.-. y-- L holders of the- Wilminartom Charlnu A Rutherford Rail Road Company will be, hehl -in MrumlagtoK'on the 29th day of July. ii, -for the purpose-of reorganization under the 'amended elmrter of the Company;' ' - "' Traiinfr KnnlM -will, 1a liu.i a th.. wuii j';! llt tr fday of j'r-trrrr'To-- -By order of the President and Directors , . - LT. ALDER MAN, ' . el-lawtd t- Secret iry.