V YTHE EIORIf 1NQ (STAR, I ,! . PUBLISHED DAILY, L ' ' ' Y WJbi, "H. MERN ABIS1 K4itr ai)4 Proper. Otfich, Dawson Bank Buildings. Front St ; One year, in advance..... Y Y Y V.S7 00 Six months. In aUvftnoe. ...... ., s ou ! One montn, laa4vnc. ..,.... 75 v TbeUoue 8i twin he -dollvered ita any . n h a H-t a. k'rwMutf rn nM week. - ,' Northern 'thrWb A way maU SWA. Mflallyf 1 , Southern MalL.. 8.-00 - - -; -f , W. G. and K. B. B . . '-'-J , , M, Mon. ' . flays, WeUneUyaua fW'ii'V, J, Fayette vllle u W raw. . v -p.. -'M Imithville t Steam,, wITMhi Neirtn'era Through 'gi'J " Northern Through and Way Mall, 7:30 P, M. 1 J Southern, 9:43 P. M pally. . wav W. C. auJ E., 3H F. Mfhree timet rayetrevme,7aw r. ju, aauy, ' WILMINGTON MANCHESTER It. EOAD Parsley, a. r r, T7.7i , ir. - uZ-etaru and IVeawrer Win. A. Walker. rtSwrojVeiffW Ticket AgerU-Jpo. R. Iatta. . , fYeight Agent yifwtintfton-T-T. B Lipplt W . . .. : FORD KAIL KO AD, , , . pretidetU Robert ,11. Cowan. , , . Director b. J.i'ersoa, a. a. van-uoJteien, ' Jno. A. McDowell, Robert 8. rrench, "Walter L. Steele, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel U. Walk up, K. Nye HutcOUson,' naywood W. Guion, C. C, Hen derson. A, Q. Logan, A. U. Holmesly. . , , 8upmmtenrientyr. I. Everett. .. , f. f j . Muxl of TrwifoortationW. it. Allen. t , ; , .Vcretary and iVecunrtr 1. T. Alderman. , McuUtMecharUo-y.Oin. ,,,,. ' freight AffentW. EL Jrench. , ,; , , " WILMEttJTdx;' WJimQJf ttAtL ROAD. 4 JXrectur on the nart qf the JStockttoldertVf A. WliKht,S. D. WiOlace,' Ell Murray, AUrod Martin, A. H. VanBokkelen, Geo, llnrri, of WlluiiuKton, and Jolin Everett, or OoUUIkjio'. Iirectvri on Ute pari of the tftuloJ. 8 CaJinon, C. II. Brodgen and L. G. Eates. Cturl Engineer ami (jciumU Hv)erUitdent i 8. L. ireiuonU ,, ., t MuaLerof Traitxportciiioti AVui. SiiilLh. . .in-reUir y uiui Ireasurer J. W.TboinvHOU. , Muster vj MnetunerwJo'hn T. Dorlne. ti. L. UmU- v. Matter of 8upplie.W. G. MacRae. General Ticket Agent VT. M. rotation, THE OITT. Tb STAB it deUveaed tdSate- aerlbers la all parte af the Cltj mt rirTEEX CENTS per week, payable aly to Hr. JAB. It. 'OTIfSV Orders wayke left the wlthJaias aratthle Office. - TO aPJUSKEZS AJSTD riJBLJSJXKmS. . ' ' We have just received a geoerml aMorttnent of Black Printing Inks, mannfactored at C. E. Kohiosoa'a Gray's Ferry Printing Ink Works. We bare now on band Book, News, Job and Card Inks, at prices varying from 25 cents to $3 per pound.' Book,' Job and Card Ink in packages of one, two, five and ten pounds News Inks in packages of ten, twenty-five and; fifty pounds. ,W sell inese superior '.Inkaaf manufacturers' net cash prices, charging noth ing for freight from Philadelphia to WHauntf-! ton. Printers and publisbers in' ttUectlon ' .will thus see that they can them 'rom ns cheaper than they can buy then! at the manu taetory. -Gle as an rder. .'Term, caalu Vi We can also furnish, oft short notice, "News Ints,'irV packages of not less thirf lOd pounds, at 16, IS and 20 cents ; and, in packages of not less than 300 lbs., at 14 cents. ' 'Except for dai ly newspapers, hwyiiffrlya use of Ink costing less than 25 cents: Thermometer, yesteftlaj .reached ninety-two degrees in ,,the shade Vhe Stab office. ; Ysi';,. r J The Board of A8ses3ore( tor Wil- mimrtoo town&hlp closed the books on yes-, terday evening -Po8TFTfcit,i-trhe Post Office will.be closed from 9 o'clock morning till 5: 30 afternoon on tomorrow. -The CoMMi88iONKRflTwll meet to morrow morning, and', adjourn ' Until the 'next day without transacting any business. HoiJDATTo-mofrow VeV i common with the .city, enjoy a holiday; and we will for this reason welcome the 'Fifth.; . Otee. one' thousand persons, in Wilmingtpn township, have -listed their taxes. .The old.' .tax . Ixjoks contained twelve ' hundredAnd twentj-eight names. ; oi.Thtirsday lasf thd .Thermom eter stood the same at ' Wilmington, and. Cllarkstop--8tt ' degree a--at .'Savannah It reached thirteen degrees higher. '." ,7 ;J --' .Hi. -i i i ',- j , i. : "mTIme ExpiEED--Mary ' Mcl.au ri n , a colored woman, committed to jail one month ago.by Justice McQdigg-was- yes terday released, her term of imprisonment having expired. ;IIer ofienBOwas larceny. Theouoii Tickets. The W. A W. Rail Road Company advertises through tickets, tor one way, to a riumber of Sum mer resorts, and the cheapness of the fare will probably induce many to avail them- selves off the opportunity of visiting' those .resortsso reiresbing both to' mindi.and ' body duriog' , this, oppressively warm . a a : . , Government Sale. Oii : Friday ' morning Hr. StacilVan ciriDse:. Ane- 1 , tioneeifiold by public'aijctidn Ten tons of government Iron' and the hull of Hi.blck ade runner, also, belonging to the 'United SutesJ The total sale amounted to ,, $100.00 -if oa.$a00 per4 ton hull,-' The articles .were at Myrtle Grove;Ikach, below; the. city- ; - , . We leard that Cato Potts and John Black t two colored worthies, the-latter of whom "recently- escaped tron .the' Fayettevllle jail, were 'captured last Thursday near Lambertou, 'ana.the torses stolen from y:irptt;yp;clfllor.3,':wer!jrecoved . irom menxj UU H Uil'JUUd ,,Bl-v;rrulered; without fes'uturieeV butl'otts.foaght, hard and. lone ra he f Rvecvme .-iTiatoriner .WMafinfc ta -.Ooldsboro'; the lattefjagalnjatr ayeiievuie. n:t,t.ri-, , , .... . i& -f-iv JJ - fff "H ."; ' iTTTTT? T'T V" vbi.iv-iio;.9o. f . "-to A eand Excursion. A grand ex- CUfaon fo acmaw'iaewAl to-morrcrvr be giyen der'the apiceJpf .il. Oliver Coondl No. 9P, o i edge an inritation to fbnn one of tW par- T l-l . . ' - J-J'i J :,,...( I .J., .... , tj.- ' ; 5 ., ..' i ' -J'- 'I : t v , i,y j ; ,f .. ! ' 1 r.,Tlcket forfgentleman .with privilege of carrying a lady can W'procurred for the snmof timtloliara. "i t-s . ... : vfAERMELONS. W"ew Yesterday saw for sale in- our market watermelons, grown on the plantation of Mr. John A. Qdum, -Wrights ville Sound. The largest melons brought . $1.50 each, and .the srealler one eold irom fifty centsto $100 Mrl Odnm inforcned us that, he sent war termelons to this city last Thursday; I and he claims the credit bt having raised' the, first of the season. ' 1 : :" s 1 4" ; ' ; i ' u.r. -.,:;. i ' Present to the Marsh AL.rmTlie No 3 colored fire company has presented the Marshal with a beautiful gold badge, beariog on it the following engraving : "The Marshal of the pity of Wilmington." The badge was ordered from the North, and the workmanship is executed in an admirable style.;! It J was ; presenW iby Henry N. Jones, a colored member of the Board of Aldermen. "Tire Marshal replied in a few appropriate words. The presen tation took place at the latter's office on Friday evening. : ' ' -A negeo man employed by one of our Railroad Companies recently lost his sister, and,' not having means to pay her burial expenses, addressed a letter to the officers of the Company asking assis tance, which they liberally and , cheerful ly granted from their private purses, thus showing how readily disposed, our South ern whites are to aid the colored man when in distress ; and, also, showing the necessity ot the colored people organlz iug charitaule societies for soch purposes a3 the one to which we allude." .. r i Charles Simpson. This colored youth was yesterday r arrested ( by Con stables Sellars and Carr and carried be fore Justice McQuicff to answer the chants ot having stolen a watch from a colored man named Benjamin Robinson. ' It ap- peared the act,, was committed on the 26th ult, and on that day Simpson' wa4 arrested and carried before ' the - Special Court, but the principal witness was ab sent, and the testimony thus lost so much much of its weight, that theprisoner was deemed not guilty and was released. Con-j stable Sellers -" yesterday; ; recovered , the watch, and traced its theft to Simpson. Justice McQuigg decided the accused man most give a bond ot $200 for his future appearance for a final trial. ' . As A: paett of colored . persons were coming out of Pine Forest Cemetery on Sunday afternoon last, a coffin, con taining the corpse of a child, was discov ered lying upon "the ground nnburied. Upon inquiry, the keeper' of the Cemetery, stated the mother had brought it there but was without the means to pay for dig ging the grave, and hence it was left in that exposed state. They very generous ly took Bp a subscription arnqfig J hem selves, and paid the necessary , burial ex- . .... -(. - V' penscs. About . to Drown , IIer. John Saunders, a colored barber, was yesterday arrested on the charge of baring attempt ed to drown a " culled .'omaa". by throw ing on her several buckets of water. '' ; ' It appeared - that - she had occupied Saunders 'door, as a stand for retailing cakes and candy ; and the barber was by no- means anxious to have the , passage to his shop barricaded by the bulky form ot the cake seller ! lie informed her time and again to leave; and she persistenly re fused. Yesterday he tried the virtue of several buckets of water on the amazon's head. ' The effect was magical. She de- patred, but returned in a few minutes to see the arrest of the tonaorial gentleman, who was carried to the City Hall, and required to give a bond of $50 for. his future ap pearance before the Special Court, to be tried on the grave charge of attempting to ; " Vb?own7 a peaceable 4cullud onum.'! Nominations. Wa publish, a&.of general interest, a list 'of the nominations made by the Radicals of Harnett and Cas well townships. : , .. , , t HARNETT TOWNSHIP. For Magistrates, Daniel Davis and Dela ware Nixon (col.) For Township Clerk) A. H. Morrisa. Constable,: Judia Nixon (col). School Committee, Jason Lo&in (col,) Daniel C. Davis, and Joseph Heigb smith. Delegates to the Convention, to be held in this city on the 17th inst., A U. Morriss, Delaware Nixon (col.,) and Jason Loftin (col.) These nominations were made at a meeting ' held' on yester day. , ... CASWELL TOWNSHIP jj,; . Magistrates, Wm. A Lamb and Henry Hall (col). Township Clerk, J. A. Cor bett. Constable, Alonto . Brown (col.) Delegates to the Convention,' Henry Hall (col.,),id rAhmzo.: Brown (coLJ f , These nominations were made on jrrioay. j j, f Jffe .bear Jthat , the x delegates from the last named Jtownslup. -.were iinstructed to .vote for the nomination of .Larkins : and w further Jicar this" 'aspiring Vyouith is ' : confident of '; gaining; a.' completftvictotV' r , 7 v AJF ta .J . rrt is'" i :V:Vir--X TTXV. .WmmiOTPIT, Nr CtouW0;learrt : that the Sruoial HAnrt will hnlrl..nfi Aftaninn An. tr- I rtTT .:;Tr. i -tti T. - rt-t ttj. imomrwr The J6hrt! will? merely be called t tg.oretanaTtha; f prfltrruAaogei tor a ses- aion cai the next ay: bo arranged, r- .:' 7 4 Witnesses need not - attend until Tues- day:morniag:f jh f ,1 f ; j 4 Goni mitted' : ' to " JAiLT--Charles Simpson, a colored youth of precocious disposition and loose morals, was jester- giving ice Mc- 'uigglforewlwrn he underwent a pre- uuiiuary . .examinaiioo, . Dimpson was charged with larcedy,' 4i :niT: : . Called eetinq i op'tb s Board op AiETBiES.T A called meeting of the Board of AderrneAas , "yesterday, after noon held ; ; and we present the proceed ings to our readers in a Condensed form. . The ''dog croUTOnce' was repealed, and another substituted in its 'stead. The new one is very similar to the old one 'with the exception of haying tho harmless curs muz zled. This clause is omitted," and wisely, omitted.-."- yY ; The "barber ordinance" was changed so as to read " barbers. shall be allowed to keep open their shops till ten o'clock A M., on Sunday." s Y Y Y Y, ; The Board of Assessors were received and tendered their books which were also received with the thanks of the Board for the arduous task ,the Assessors; had per formed. , . .. ....... : It was resolved that the Mayor be in structed and authorized to make a note or notes, in the name of the City, for the amount ot $30,000, for twelve months, pay able to such persons and' in such manner as the Corporation Attorney and . the Fi nance Committee may advise,. An ordinance was passed, empowering the Mayor to form a contract with Dr. J. E. Winants and EL E. Scott to care for the City sick and poor. The lormex to re ceive the sick at 40 cents per diem and the latter to take charge of the poor at the rate of 30 cents each ' per day. The con tract with the ' U. S. Government for the support of marines will be turned over to Dr. Winants. ; Mr. Scott, the Superintend ent of the Poor House, must send his sick, furnishing himself the transportation, to the. City Hospital.. This ordinance dates from July 1st I860,' and the discontinuance of the CityThjsician'fi salary is to date from the same day. A'oard of Super visors;' consisting of the Mayor, Marshal, and Alderman Howe (col) was appointed to superintend the carrying put of this contract, and, there will be presented at the next meeting an ordinance, defining the duties of the Board of Supervisors. ' ; W. II. Moore (col) was granted a recom mendation for a license to 'retail liquors. : An ordinance was passed giving persons till 1st ; October next to remove obstruc tions from the streets. , ' .' ' . .,; . Board adjourned till 20th inst. - Ladies Benevolent Soctktyv 'A A meeting of the officers and visitors o: this Society ; will be held Tuesday after noon next at 5 o'clock at the house oi the President. ; Prompt attendance desired, . . . BukspAtkiassa'i Appatntaaeata ' for the 8mmvUhAtknl869!j i U Hillsboro, . . . ... . .V. . . . : July 15 St. Mary's Orange County, 16 Greensboro, ............ ...1 " ' 1 8tatesviHe, ............ " 21 G winn's Chapel, WUkea County, ..,,.". . 23 Wllkesboro, . 25 GroveCbapel, Caswell County, ...... 28 LCOOlr 4 w v'e Ve e ' Vi t ' S) Morzatrn, ..'...'.v..:....V:..Angust 1 Cavalry Creek, Henderson. County... , 5 Bt. John's in the WUdern.es,, Bender' . , " son Cpunty,.... .: t :. 6 AshevUle, ....i..tf..tii4w'v.'i.V, 8 Waynesville, ..... i . ' 11 Murphy, Cherokee County i, " 15 Liecester, Buncombe County, 21 Leaksville, Rockingham Coaaty'.... 28 Mountain Chapel, Roeklnham County, ' ,30 .. .Raleigh Sentinel and Standard please copy. i : BxrkcNEss" notices. ' -. Carolina Farmer. -The Caro lina 'Farrner, one of the most popular agri cultural magazines in the country. - Only $2.00 per year. Address Wm.' H.; Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, "Wilmington; N. C i To BUSINESS MEN.-Parties wish ing to advertise in any 1 newspaper pur lished In either of the Carolinas may save much 'unnecessary . time and. trouble by making their contracts with: the Morning Stab Advertising Agency, which is fully authorized to receive' advertisements at publisheraT lowest rates, i AU necessary in formation : given, i and '.advertisements mailed direct to publishers as soon .as handed in. Business ' men will f cbusult their interesU by patronizing this Agcn cv. - Advertiser Dave no commissions, tf 1 ' ; To AxVEimsEB8, As advertising mediums the Mokkihq Stab and Carolina Farmer are not surpassed by any publica tions in the State '' Y . , , 1 Job .PRiarnNa.-r-'The ..'rndst com plete Printery ' in the Statej , including Printing Office, Book Bindery and Ruling Machine, at the officq of the Mobntno' Stab. Ilowtdafia t (Hosadalis! t "'. Are you suffunng" with incipient -Consumption or Scrofula m any form. Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Skin Diseases or Nen .ralgla r Is your blood. In a disordered state f Do you. feel languid or depressed - in .spirits f Would yon be ridof these) - Try RosadaUs. This remedy has been fully tested (' the de mand Increasing to such an extent as to eaus the rropnetors to nt up a more extensive isd oratory for JU manufacture. The .best, evi dence of Its virtues is the testimony of .those ,who have osediU ..Wholesale Depot, $1 'Ex change riaee.v ask yoar wrurgwi tow m jma dalit Almanac tor 1809.3 u Y day committed to jail fri default of the bond Vehufrecr orhirh by Ju p ' .:" i n. i t i mm r . . . .... v i i i i ft , i i i i - ' . 1 1 i : 't h '.'Fill - v i . t ( i f ' f i m . ' i- i i 4 u' x 7(a : w i.trv . .4 II. C.V SU1IDAY H0ElimG;;:JPLY .4; 18G9;',.if; o.r i m j J f. J JM;A I Lv3 : : L - "A ' ' Notth' Carolina4 in wH!iNiitshell Fifty', SwissInfgranWarriv cd at'Ocldsbojo' Frldaf. i:ti 1 5 ,: Last , i jFriday. jugb t $3,200 were loaned to several members '.of the Raleigh Building and Loan. Association at jiicuiiuuis ia)igiug tiuiu,j.v lu no UCF cent.",' V . 'Y-Y Y -- Three men demanded admis sion of Mr. Snipes, in Raleigh, ;Thursday night, and curded the proprietor for, not. admitting them; who' fired at them twice,. vauaiug a uaotj tcucaii. - , , , . : , : u ' ' i i i ... t-i i 1 ' - .a -rThe contracts for the- 'heayy " work, on the Western Division of the W. N; O. R. R.; including; six ' tunnels,' has been let to contractors who are claimed to be men of energy andTespousibility. ; V Halifax county ; has formed a Medical. Society, by the election of the following officers:; Dr.- MJ AWiloox; as ?resident,'and Dr. A.' B. Pierce as'Vice resident, with' Dr - John A. Collins as Secretary and Dr. Chas. Gregory as Trea surer.. t , .,: ' .-I Says the Standard: ." A gen tleman insured his life in; the Brooklyn for $2,000, made his first payment on the 16th of June, was strnck speechless with paralysis on the 17th, and J. W. Lawrence, of this city, General agent for North Car olina, was notified,: and made prepara tions to promptly pay the $2,000 on the 18th. , lie has since been informed .that the insured may recover,though his shroud had been prepared by his friends. -. ' We clip the following para graph from 'an elaborate report ofthe com mencement exercises ot Klttrells Springs Female Colloge, published in the Weldon Newt : The session just closed, under the United management ot the Revs. T. M. Jones and C. B. Riddick, with a corps of able assistants, has had in attendance 'some ninety or a hundred boarding schol ars, the graduating classes embracing six teen yonng ladies, besides the awarding of a gold medal to a parlor boarder ?for having thoroughly mastered the languages, (the first medal that has ever been award ed at this college.) Miss Bettie A. Wright, of Caroline County, Ya., is 'the fortunate possessor of the gold medaL' The exer cises will be resumed Monday, no vaca tion being given.during the Summer. . NEW ADTKKTI8EHENTS. , HxutsBBBoaa'a. iLi?e , Book Store Bride's Fate. Y '" 1 ' -The Minrsosr & Co., City Clothiers Just" as I expected. i-.i - " John C. Koch Meeting of Howard Relief Fire Company. . " l t'V . ." - - Soutsbbxand & Stxiqall New Stables, New Horses,' Ac. . ..' Wm., M. Poisson Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Cow aw A Mrrrs Ale, Porter, Claret, and other arinkable,.YYYYYY 'Y -.,v ". D. G. Worth Postponement of the Smith field Excursion. Wm." L.' Smith aud other Insurance Ageuts A Card. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Servant . Wanted. A RELIABLE SERVANT WANTED i to do the Doo)dBg,L Washing, Iron in v ami General Work for a small family, eonslsi ung er two persons. . White preferred. ersons. . w mte preierrea. 1 Good Reference remrired: : : 1 ' Ar Apply to 4 , WM. B. WAKKOCK, Jt myr,i . At Morning Star Job Office. Wilnunjon 1 and Weldon liali Uoad CoM 3: ,. : .'OWfCK GxirxBaX icwr Aoctt, , , . WUmingtoni Joly .. TO ' EXCURSIONISTS. fTlHROUGH TICKETS TO THE EOLLOW - J.' ing Bummer resorts, at the prices speci fied, may be obtained upon application at the -Tieket Office of this Company: White Sntphnr Springs, va...... (23 60 Wrtok-lit-filu-w. Alnm - MM' HeaUnr Hot M7S; Wo will shortly, place oa sale Ezourtion ticket at greatly reduced prices, good until November 1st, U09, for grand exoonie 1 trips from Baltimore by Rail, Lake, River. Ae to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec Superior City, White Mountains, Saratoga i-tprlnga, Ac. Passengers going by one route ana returning by another. , , . , , , . . Corresponding tickets to connect at Balti more will be sold at the Wilmington and Wet don Railroad Ticket Office. , The priees of these excursion tickets vary in accordance with ihe route taken, but all terminate in New York or Boston. WM.M.V015SON TJU. JU AUlOOVflt ' General Ticltei Agent. "Jnlyi-lt Just ; as y I Expected ! .1! i--. .'.;.fl I i " ,i.ri. ' - , ' CLOTHING . 1 -f M' O TING OFJT ; R APIDL? ; UNDER , THE inflaenee of hot weather and " ( J' i ' t xow peices; , , ,.' . '?. . ; c . . -Our 6 tore will be kept opea Monday till 10 o'clock A. M., for the benaAt of persoaa who forget to buy before. 4 ' t- - i . . City .Clothiers. 4 ale; (To"tmgers SPASKLlltG, Edinburgh.) PORTER .1 ..... 1 (BARCLAY, PERKINS A ?0., Lon.J and. CLARET, All superior qoality. ' 9 ust received at .-w ti'f ' ;-' . 7 Harket Street. ti t-.N COWAN1 fir IIETTS. 1 fulyUf fl'3 I 3xt ; rr "'"t il!. ! rr . EzcwcionAban mHE EXTREMELX LOW-8TAGE OF THE ; Jt river preventing, the arrival of the GOV.- ;W ORTH yesterday ,Ter exoursion to. Smith.-' ,vllle en the pkx Jim peen abandoned. ; D. G. WORTH. Aaii 1 iwi '. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.', THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OP the Howard Relier Fire Enfine Com nan v: So; I, is postponed until Monday evening the. J3tb of, at 8 o'clock, nui.v.iu r. uy oraer oi tae resiaens. - zti t ! ' ft ' ' JOHJClKOCH, t July4-lt .it;'!-v,ii'& t''-i.t..u. fiecretaryi -r- New Mes.' New Horses.; BuEfies; Car- ..;tr.a?-rv . nam &-,' . TTTITH j EVERYTHING NEW! s'i WE 'ARE T T f prepared to let Horses, Top and No. Top Buggies, Phaeton's Close Carriages, Ac., on .reasonable terms. 'ij3Jfc .a . ; 5 ... Ho:ees boarded by.the day,week etaontli, and special attention paid to them, '.-.' - Horsee Always on hand ' for sale and ex- . : SOTJ TJttERLAND A STEAGALL. July 4-lw' ;" . . - '. '- 'A-(lA;T?.D;-; i, .1 i it. ; JTj .i,t7 ...rr.. t,u:. j . IN. CONSEQUENCE OF THE ; AB8ENCE from the Ciry of the General Agent of the Piedmont Life- Insurance Company, a reply te tats ad vertlseiat e June auth baa len tie-, layed, trat-wU ireoelye attention a (too &4 he returns. , . ;.,riM WM. lt. SMITH, ' i Y ' 'T.H.CAMERON,' 1 - Life, , ' J.E. SPKABMAN, Agents. ; :M. P.TAYLOR, ' J. A. BYRNE july4,18U9-tf Edwards & Hall. , . , . X.. ...... No; 3 South Water . Street, : .; .... j, '- ' V: 1 - ;.(y.ii:n.'1.. :.-nw.vK;i. - , HAVE ON ft AND AND -OR SALE IOO RARRELS : : N O I H e r ring Jyl-najctf New Books. mux: bridk fate, ! sequel to jl tne Changes Brides; . HansBrestmanh'8 Ballads in 1 vblnnie, bean- T rlr a lv nitnnit. v.. ...'., : ,,. t The "Privii al Man, by the Duke of Areyle; Gates Wide Open; Gates Ajar. Leonora Caraloni, by Trolloppo. Breaklns a Butterfly. The Last Athenian by Rydberff. VaaetKm; The Cricket for Geo. Santfj Cart up by the 8ea, by Baker: Little Foxes, by Mrs. Conrt Karm, by Mrs. Wood; Gold Elsie by Mrs, A..ia wittier j service Anoai, - Dy - JLamirai semmes. r or sale at - ; HEINSBIBGER'S Jy?-tf A-ti Live-Boole Store. , ? EDWARDS & HALL, ,, t.-" Wiholeeale and Retail . - ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers in all kinds or COUNTRY , PRODUCE, Na. S Ha. Water (., aplS48!M.r : r; . . . : WiimingtomN.O $5.00 - PMaas." BROWN. , i .' . m .--a h-o-- E, & E. "Capt. Jinks," AND - -'': R. & R. "Qui Vive," : AND BAY WHITE ; LEGHORN HATS, Just received at. ; t, if- - x:r- Hi i t "ANDERSON'S, &ign on the Tree. Durham Tobacco ' -ytrsT rteceived; a small nrrotCE ov fj sae xavonte orana oi uarnam snrarag Tobacco, M Pro Bono Publico," in one pound, half pound and quarter pound packages. CIQAR8, ; u .) Ij -T :' Y -!u ; - J OF APPROVED SRANBS, " Imported And Doaies tic, ' For sale by ' i , jySte - DxROSSET A CO. ' Dr. EicauV i.l li:; Golden 1 Remedies. ; ASK FOR JO OTHER, TAKE NO other, and you will save time, health and money. . . ....... gl,0UO REWAKD for any ease of disease In any stage which they fail to cure. . , Dr. Rfchan's Goldkh Balsam Na 1 cures Ul cers, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and- Morth, Sore Eyes, Cutaneous or Skia . Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotches, Soreness ofthe Scalp, Scrof ula, Ac.: is- the greatest Renovator, Altera tive and Blood Purifier known, removes all disease from the system, and leaves the blood pure and healthy. Dr. Richau'8 Goum Raxsax No. 8 cures Mercoiiai Affections, Rheumatism in all its forms, whether from mercury or other causes; ves immediate relief in til eases. - NO diet neeeeearv. J. have thousand of certifi cates proving the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Price of eitn er No. 1 or No. 1 15.00 per bottle, or two bottles for 19.00. Dr. Richau'S Goldek Axtidotx, a safe, spee dy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with fnll direc tions. Prioe 13.00 per bottle. ;,-, ;f ' s , . IDr. Richau'S Goldkw Elixis d'Axock, a rad ical cure for Nervous or General Debility, in old or vounar s lmnartirur enersrv : withi won- derful effect. Price 5.00 per bottle or two bot tles for S9.00.' ' . On reoelpt of price,, these remedies -will be shinned to anv nlace. Promnt attention naid to all correspondents. None genuine without the name Of "Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REM EDIES, D. B. RICHARDS, sole proprietor," Diown in glass oi notcies. Address, . it DBl.DL B.' RICHARDS, No. S28 Varick St.. New York. Circulars sent. Office honrs from 9 A. M. to lulyS-ly 1 v ' ! ' Wilmington and fi Weldon B. Co i . Omoi CHixEnoi A Gw. 8totY s . WlLMTNGTONj . .4uly S,!l!9. - iiiuHUik ... . . : . . . . . flxcarsloos .to .Oar Seashore. Fortand Tlattle Fields.- EXCURSION TRAINS WILL BE 'RUN IN connection with Steamers from all points on this road, as well -as connecting, roads, to carry excursionists to the Seaside at Smith- vuie, r oris uasweu, r isner, Anaerson ana toe numerous oiner aeiensive worn oominuivwi dnrinur the late civil war. . i v .' i : Who will take In hand the accommodations for excursionists on, the' Seashore and at Smithville. .U -vv-...' i -- - ' .. , -V-t , -tS- U FREMONT,., f 'juiyit !Ayr " : ,Y ?e- 8pt..! 100 Cases Lemon Sugar, BO CASES OASTarS", Y- T .kianiK''; sIcilt x.Enoir sttgar. - fp-t.ti?i.w Fuair ixxrolt -hv'6nl I In store imd receiving at 11 I Frnt street; ilERCAIITILE PRIIITIIIG! 4.. p Vff, '-.l-.-.j'i tljiJ. Lrr- -wy I', :..:! J BUSINESS CARDS, ' LETTER HEADINGS NOTE HKADINGS, BILL HEADS CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, NOTE BOOKS,' r TATJS, and GENERAL JOB '.PRINTING Executed in the beet manner, and at the short- est notice, at th v , . t MORLG STAR ,f job printing office: Hand and Steam Power PRINTING PRESSES. rpiIE TJNDERSIGNF.D, HA VINO AC cup ted the Agency, for the Southern States, of Cottrell ABabcock's celebrated Hand and Steam Power Printing Presses, is prepared to furnish' tbeni AT MANU FAfiT U RERS PRICES.-' ' '-'v '. -it '1'- These Presses aro recommended for Cheap- nes; speedy strength, durability and finish. The- Improved "Country Newspaper and 3 ob Press V is specially adapted, . to the wants of Southern Publishers. Ono of this class may be seen In operation at my Printing and Pub lishing House. ; . ;; .i . Y-.i .i... i Circulars sent on application.1 ' ' .''(. YyM. U. BERNARD,, -v. ; . .: ,Aa?ont for the Southern States, : ' ' Wilmington, N.C. m STORE And in Transit, OA Ann bvnheln wnn a4U,UlJU YELLOW CORN,.iij BVSITELfl WillTK ADD 1400 hbls. Freoh Ground Flonr,;. i ' i . . 1 - ' 30 hhds. Bacon Sides iiivl STftonlders, ' 150 hhds, and bbhiv Molasses, , 400 bales Beleoted Hay, ! ; - - .1 1500 Sacks Salt' i SO Tons No; 1 Peruvian Guano, , s J 100 bbls.: Distillers' Glue, r';: ''' ! 40 tons Hoop Iron, v :? 200 kegs Nails, Ac, Ac. ' Yv Y; 1 '--I v.--i For sale low for caslrpor to prompt paying :":-.! "1 --'.i !! .' "'-V. Vi'-l '-.f- i parties, by . . , jy 4 tf ' WILLlAMVAMuicHlloN. ' ! , Speciality, QVB $Z 50 FINE Lady's Serge ... . . - Congressjjait&rs. We eliallen ge any mar. ket to produce a bet ter pelco of goods for less money. The pub- lie are respectfully in- vitea to try tnem. ...... . ,f. ; GEO. R. FRENCH A SON, JyS-tf : - : 2 North Front Street. i iFlour, Hour-- fTKT BBLS. BEST BRAhS EXTRA FAMI f O LY FLOUR "Hiram Smith," "Oak land" and "Myers Double Extra," expressly for our family trail e. .a.. - aso bdis. Family, extra superfine and Lower trades, fresh ground, anl at low est prices, at , . .,. , GEO. MYERS. . ' ll A 13 Front-street. :j Qha,J,Mye?, Agent ixr. i Jyltfi EaUEoad Hills SnufiT. . Cf HALF-BARRETTS. JUST IN STORE, at mUKJ GEO. MYER,--11 A 19 Fro n Wat. Salmon, and UTackerel. Of? KITS NO. 1 MACKEREL and SALMON, mmifj as Jyl-tf . ' s ' ,vt SEO- MYERS,. 11 and 13 Front street. '- ' JUk. :vEemgy:::;',?,'',. THE undersigned respectfully give notice that they have removed their LIVERY AND SALE STABLES to the new buUding erected on the site of their old stand, corner Third and Princess streets, where at all times tho nublio can be accommodated wiih Horses. ASirriage&Bnggies and. every kind of convey ances, xneir irtenas are invjwsci to give tnem eall.i .'-'- Yl - , Jyl-St . , .. SQUTHERLAND A STEAQALL. t-New- Coach Shot). lllE 6vu)rleU'llftre'84tillshed a CAR- i RXAGS It tiP O I Xhirdtreet, next door Soutberland A Steagall's new Stables. They aolSoU aaR from all-ifr t of Oarriages or Wagons.. Repairing in, all.. the different branches neatly and promptly xlone, and all work warranted. Jyl-lw HAYDEN A HAN BY. Notice-Dissolution, y ,- II - . r. . : . ' 1 1 '. it . I . - l. 1 ' IN eons oane nee of the death of our Mr. JU STOKLEY, the firm Of Cannon, Stokley A Co. is. hereby dissolved. - . . ,; , The undersigned surviving partners will settle the business of the late firm, and we request all persons lnaeDt- ed thereto . to make immediate payment, and tnose caving claims against tne nam. wui please present them for adjustment. .... ... :r SAM'L W. C ANNON, I je 30-lm , ;i .... C. W OLDHAM, , , ! COPAUTXERSniP NOTICE. The undersigned surviving partners of the late firm of Cannon. Stokley A Co. have this dav formed a copartnership for the' transact! ion of a general Grocery and Commission! Business under the name and style of CAN MON A oLDHAM." Office and store at-No. 4 South Water street.. - SAM'L N. CANNON. l.Wtlm - r tXT AT TMI . . t! Butter! -Butter! i tTtaESHFROM THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA GUARANTEED TO BE tJPERIOBTO1 i --vrTTT- -o-Ta,rirvOTT"-cixr 1 . "Y Far sale VEBY CHEAP, la lata te snlt li?-ri. t retail, ay tf.' i.fJ-" .'fi W. M.-& J. Ci STEVENSON, ( , '1 1 - .'City' Hotel Building, I jezs-u - . si m aiir onunt UAH.- O." Al'i.i..iai OneSquareone rtarr."...'. :...UM. " ,tadavs. 1 25 .. . i ou uays,iv.,.,i.....,..i. : 9 00 . uua w wa.,... ....... ..... a w r Oofltrftt AaVeJrtlseinents taken at pro portlonatly low rate.- f , i-'MarrlaarM..' rWuLtriai Sl!-Wnat 1Sinpr.l nnd Oblioary nptioea 111 fpeerted at kalf rntea .w?n paid for In adyancttj otherwise full rates will be ehartred-. - - '-Tttife-cash'on demand- - STEAMSHIP" LINES:4' Patronise the t Sit! i o li -D ;:.7i;'i'N'''E ; THHEw; yonK:.rr i t ANI N08T& CAROLINA ' lUniCH HAH OrTMVKn BIT nn. Mr ' positions and nver taken advantage of a monopoly, and Fbpse rates have, been, Unifoimly Lower . i ci ' :!T , V " 311 WIjiib M Coast And . Present Rates of Freight 'and" Insurance Guaranteed ' as JLow n tho Xowesci The only Line connecting with, or author the ttmugh BiUs of Lading by either WlLMrNGTON A MANCHESTER R, R J -WILMINGTON A WELDON R. R.j rr ' ,J1J1ILar0N CHARLOTTE A liUTHER FORD R. R. . ... , All freight eonsioned. to the Rail Road Agents will have benefit ot lowest rater to or from New York. . - Sailing from New York every- , ''YYY."1-- , K . SATURDAY. At 4 P. M from Pier 1A East River, offerinir the advantages of a trl-weekly line. . '-. wtmiii, Agent, . , -- , Wllmlnrton. K. C. JAMES HAND, Agent, 119 WairstreeVN. Y . Patronize the Opposition : and so4 Insure lw llates. , : aILLARD'S :r. m'w S t e a ihWip & i ii 6 ' .TET WEEN N EW. YORK--AND . WILMIN.G- -a Vi Tho lVcw Iron , Steamships V0LU1ITEER, f . .Y Capt. JONES, . i wm leave vr iinum dava. . This Una lir igton alternately every five Tings gooda froaa New York at the following Tow rates. Flanr IS Ceate per Barrel; '-' Park, ss Cent per Barrel; r- Malaasee a3.Ce.ata. per. Barrel, ' Sagar iS.Ceata per' ; Measnrethent goods 4 cents per foot t Weight goods 10 cents per loo lbs,;, k j. .... mr insurance enectea at lowest rates. j . ! '.J ISARUY) BROTHERS, Agents. W ilmlngton, N. C May 82-tf , r ; 6 HOUSES AND LOTS, JO UNIMPROVED Lotd, 1 Horse, Rocks war and Harness, 1 Cart, and 1 Dray, at reasonable prices. JTHO. C. MJLL1S. E1. . fe 2S-lw or JAS. B. HPUGlffS, ALEX ALCOW&f'; rAXOpWXS. T71ALCONER.A JiON.ntAe and Iatk. er Dealer, No. 12 Dock-street, Wilmtng- ion, . v. we wisn v purcnase any quantity of Greeri ana Dry Hides Sheep Deer and Goat Skins, Leather, ln.the Rough, Wool, and Beeswax, for which the highest cash prices will -be paM. Always on hand, fine French and American Calf hkina, Oak and Hemlock Sole, Harness and Upper - Leather, Shoe find ings, Ac, for sale at ihe lowest market prices JeSOtf ' QnflYlBU8HEM EXTRA PRIME CORN OvUU hourly expected. , s , ; -. i For sale low from vessel by ' i Je 86-tf ; . W1LLARD BROS. Hotice.v H AVIKQ HOLD THE WAftmNCrTOH MARKET to Messrs. GarreU Tlllev. I snail sume Dnsiness again as tame roxer. Those having, FAT BEEVES or SHEEP for Bale, will tio well to let.me hear from them Those who are indebted tq the . house will please settle at onoe. . . . 1. "u .'hai. Weeklyi.at !-, 7 l.TT.il-JD BSBORO'j ' -k. J-.At tiie fo ieaST,fv''f J 1 9 Is 5 O ? ip o r " A n u n ni . ' . Hrr is wow1 ackno wledged to be JL one of the very best papers in -the State. It has a very wide circulation, and is fully alive to evei y thing that is of interest to tho people. ,v ;-,...,...... "V;- - ,":,? A CUOICS ADVERTISING XEAIUM. '. 'Try the Aaetrer for one year." ' ' W. II. Bkkkaju and 6r bokt A Hnrsoa Agents in Wilmington. Address, f. . aplS-tf . ;,f j i ( v u. P. MONIKLL, Editor. 1 1 The Old Hortli State,:; Recently ' Enlarged an& (Improved, it now , f A aZv paper puUuhed in BaUtfatry. ' mnTR vvrt.t-ist AnT.isrtTK melt TowEri I, and jopular Weekly paper has recently been enlarged to the size of the largest weeio lies in the State, and, is confidently offered to the people of North Carolina as inferior to no paper in the State. ,"'."' i..k'.- ?,-iitfVj m In politics the Old North 8tat is an Ivdb rasDitjrr Conservative paper, bat It to net de voted exclusively to polities. A large space is given to 4 grionlturef Domestic Economy ana the various material Interests of the State,' as well as- to Judicial opinions and much other miscellaneous matter of general Interest to all classes of readers, besides the ...V... .law . - ..... . . .... The circulation of the Old North Stati Is believed to be tho largest of any paper West ot Raleigh with a .single exception, and it Is rapidly Increasing. If una aestionably affords the best advertising medium in this part of the State. ' r vaaks, rr advaxce :' One year, i'-4 ,.!.;'..,- ' oo -.Sixmontiis, - '- ? 'V '4 i 150-, Address, r .- i-f; LEWIS HAKES, Kw-', v Editor and Pronrietor. " apl4-487-tfl , b . .. T - Salisbury, -N.-C . ,A D,V,E R T 18 El " f''. , -IN fHE if yI a IN THE "- 4 - IN THE . Sunday 'Ilessenger. .i , . lssaed every Saturday from the "uU Dail Meaieiigcr onceJ '' ... . .,f -. I' .;'';-v.-.,'li:f1 V ' GOiD&ffpjep', -v. a, (The great Centre of the W4 WRR," and v r " cRR'd.)- :. : TUB. SUNDAY : MESSENGER tS : Ai, live 4 column paper, up with the times, and - in favor of progress.- - Is read In altnnet every hamle , village and town lm t a. tern North CaroUna and on the line of the W A W RR. t J. -; '--. ' "? 1Jf I xtd t'4 aa-Prlbe (. per annuiu, . .The best aavertising ueuiuia. ; sena ior nn of Drices and advertise. Terms reaiwnable, .Address, v.:. SUNDAY -MESSENGaRy Jan2-tl , . Goldsboro, N.C. t , ' III i - i i.'M i I il ll in ,y- fXRESCKJOV MARION, S, 'i C, PUB- Vlished Weekly, 8. E. McMillan, Proprie tor. - " . 4 i . . v -. j . i v i WM. IL BERNARD, Agent septtS-l-tX 1 .., , W Umingtott, N C V

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