0 i i) 1 - i5. p 1 i . t ' Sunday, Julj,';4tb, 1869..'; .Editor aal, roM-ltiv- i e : IbzU t MTint fclTparl rh City 4 ' riFTEEX CENTS per wefc yable only to Tr. JA. IK yOYIiS-Tder ... kykla oiUmv with telner- thl Office. 'r--- " ' ' ' obtained in all the cities, ad la many large towns, we consider tnem safe, and the beat dollars or leas. Orders may o I .with, the neculiaritiflB of then Indian dir- or tno ? f i ,. j ..w .. . ... 7?r : 7 " Donocur moana o remitting fifty 49- Pwt Ofllee Homey erfectly U it 49 Registered Letter, under the new system, wliioh went Into effect Jane 1st, are a small sums or mo era cannot be easl- Thk - Ikmaks. CJolonel RandoIpbT IIT Marcy, Inspector General, U. S. Army, has recently written a letter to the (Com missioners lor visiting the Indians, giving his views ia reference tdlhe wisest policy that can be pursued lit the present time In reference to the wild tribes inhabiting the -unsettled .portions of the United kiicfcOoBbt&wcyi during his thirty- cTttrsrrof t&rviee Apr thoTrrs.Xfniy; has. acquired an extensive - acquaintance lished a fsarLied extract from one "of Hon. Reverdy Johnson's letters to Mr. Seward on tho Alabama. claims, foe the purpose of. uowia utin, x eDruary loss Mr. John.' son agreed with Mr. Sumner tion of the racooni'tlnn iif tho fVT, fi ....... i -BF'""--'. "V VUJCUCJI)C as belligerents as connected with the set tlement or tne 'Alabama clalmsf Mr, Johnson has unearthed ; the entire -letter; which, raren ut W Boltf; ffrUtfaf t hafi hi held thenj-es hetilr tioldshfW. MuMft(! ute-doctriBev " " 1111 11 1 llCtM;rlterjLwvM mrAv' Mr. ik a 1 .1 . i i a-- General Hews. -MISCELLANEOUS. ' AUSOLL-AJrJOUS.5 alio nncefof WIMf wWiV '"' OftATD GALE if" Opfr'by betting on the- Derby.U "' ? !1 " ? ' V of , 4 y Andrei J olmsdn intends tovrit n liistnnr if his nniiIttc..IW I Sf --Oniythrca ioSB .-T1V-ri riiMnMiinnw A. JLa, Ul iU. U C .v . ti. acter; and hi opinion is entitled -to great "Tespect." 'After citing numerous facts very sare means or sending1 ney wbere P. O Money Ord ly obtained. . Observe, the Registry fee as well as postage, mwt btpaid in stamp at the office where the lettes Is mailed, or it will be liable Ttrifain in. J t 'rl i 5U,U- ? ., she recognized thV Cotfederates as bellWlad,wt5nj!8ntirft?J m. J latf cerent8;nt rin'o :r. t . w-ftni . tack on the blondea. An "oriirinal hm. lCl?.- . .Ltf i .aii.t.:ri itt'.' ill L I npH hohir olinnl) T..l . wuyiuuou ;piaung inattue system ot w;rr . 7 k A irreverent eHow- Says it-is aa-mnch a . -.r . m w. i uui . na' lis w in ins ' pcupirai SfocK- J - 9130,000 x "OTgJflb'ananEat'en Vf responsftTiTpersons" 7 Josl e:HriskrPre's tdJrlWi8eoV S.OOO Talnabie.Pleeea oX Property to - e UMMTw feis l Wortb flM,604. ' -' 73,347 prickets will be sold ak $3- each 1 - to be sent to the Dead Letter Offloe. Buy and amx the ttamo both for vottaae ana reaUtru. vtU in the money and seal tXe tetter in the pretence of the post-matter and lake his receipt for it. Letters sent in this way to as are at oar risk. THE COLORED PEOPLE. , , , We leara that our suggestion to th col ored people to 6rgani2e a :;BaiI4hig Asso ciation ftteefr7wi& m&i&ar'j& .'V hands. We are gratified to hear it. There is no plan by which. they can so certainly, l Lkooba Casaldni ; ok. The Maubi4.ge 'WW cteafVly'nrJv.rhfh "Secret." By TAdorPhns Trollope. . T. is: ietereon es Urotners, ' 306 Chestnat GQYernmeut, wU, if carried oat and per- oututhoTity'froih or co-operation of petuated io the sam benevolent spirit in Congress ; next, there is a delicate ques- which it waa ! conceiyed; mult . in ore uul com""g our government to lt.n. tufl(Tfo A rt, ' k t-f propaBiuona mat are layolfetl itf tM ton lasung oeneflta jto the xed meli than any I tmYc-i4 t)iuiA"'L.:.ir. , RE A "..-.atjlti. .V n RaXeifl '.in a recent; tpterviqvvitu'; a re- wwvu UUll U19 UjtUUS eigh, N. C... at to and thing that has ever before been done for tUcuu He adds that the appointment of agents from the Society of Friends w ill prove eminently wise. ,. iVi .., twyeray.with, thetBritisa.V'gpverhment wuen the latter government may have been premature in -conpqdlng, belligerent ,righta,to,tlift,C!QnFeaeratea ; ;iiaaUy-.it is ascertained that the, adniinistatioiv finds the niost acceptabld Solution o (he diffi- culty in a-proposition to the Spanish. his head wonders if i be js:sane.?!;i i "" A blind .liprseY waudered', into Ayhtte river,' at Indianapolis, and, getting beyond "his depth, swam . around in a cir cle to find his way out." UTa distress at tracted onflther, horset not iar 'awav from ,tna jbaui whp : first weoMc the water's Li One Besidenoe in One ' Oa'."it . niisv'-f 4-T4v..n One " , Warrenton, One s-h- iv.iChanl tfllf. One Dotel tn TaylorsviUo, Jf. c. ...vlIOOO' v.W. 8,000 6,500 5,o -fi,(K) '2,000 au. uvusii,viiiruuii!i a 11(1 one ana throe-fourths acres of land. " Value, $2,000. . Those orderinjr tickets can select any num ber from l to 7M47, If the number ordered bas been taken, the number nearest will be sent. One three cent stamp mnst accompany every order All tickets will nave the Company and the signature of the Secretary i-ersens urar at a distance will be furnish-' ed with an official list of the 4cawln - . We rofsr Ao amy Mercbtist, Bfter or other Gentlenmn 6f ' standing in tBr citv of St" For furr.nnr nnarrlntinna .nil no-itimf latsjaddreM .Y.tV W VJJ.A W 11 ' ' .; - S. Eal estate wanted- fer tha 2nd Draw. 'lag1. - Persons desiring: to dispose Of Ileal Es .tata through., this iCompany wtU boreqnjred send us a description, and' a certificate of title,- o, .Desirable, property; win be taken In any part of the United States, for the second ' drawing;. . ( Preference will be given to persons 'who pOBBhase, the"laMreHi:jtiunYwi. nrh-ota i,. unj i-wwin A m a jw t f J y "J f -- -. V";'' .'this teaerlva from its ?nny of "which r rifled" and eurmi Wi and -dlsoroers. i,ih fcrourftamlrao.CTT?n painfully affile tinrhave been radically enr " Iwsaeh great- numbers hi 'armost everr w tion of the country, that -the- pnbllo seareow. ced to be informed of it vlrtnw, r 5Ss?el? ct?. "I"8 PolBO,J " O" Of- tbe"most de struotive enemies ef out race. .rirtn. and unfelt tenant of the oriranism nnl 'I seen 1 I list, biT Personal Property. Samples on exhibition at llester, Bros. & Co.: 2Rrayettevllle street, Baleirh. N. . " AT THK KEGULAB CASH PEICES. . No. 1 Pennrian Guano. I AVBlSIi lllliU 1AO. COTTOV t. For sale by' :!T .J. 10 fine Pheatoas, six hundred dol- .ars each, made - by- If. D. . , Schmidt, Baltimore, 1 - - ,ooo Jftn24-319-tf ; siorriTt cb. housea; ,or, if they do not all wish to own ,', bouses, 'ej cjm ,ijs tho t Association as'a Street, Pkiladcfphia. . 1 A 111' . . . ... , governraehCWtUe purchase of Cuba, and i"-"?5 W,BU tne Pima Dorse to that JdUminSr.tACneral Sickle" to.m&V&A falling ID thl8.be took to i instructodrto. nraonedat the- earhesi u? wr.ana awa out to hUrehef, and i Top iSngsas, (350 each, made 1st premium,'. 7 octave Plnnnn. ' made by Tremaine Bros., New Pianos, ' jNew fifty after swimming around hiqi for . P,vm2S lianK ana aCCUnuilate a. hanrlanmR th iJSu7 SS? umtorcadit, we append a n v MtWerWOuW i adnso the . colored people, tliepeof RSheltoa Mickeniip- nearly a got the however, in case they determine to engage in the enterprise, not to be too tasty fti'or- ganization. , Let them ' spend several , I . i'-- . l . i'v ' v weeks, in; soliciting stock subscriptions; and, py the , time they have secured the' 1 r amount desired the, "WilmingtonViAssoci- atioirwill have been organized and placed l in-- suoeessfar 1 dpcrktioo5, 1 when tn'can gather all iHe practical lufbrwitlon trccd' - red 111 '" JiU-.-- t u - wf-.f.? i- These BoiVdixig Aasociations are produc- Wo havo received from tlm . nuhH91iP 1 Madrid, to ne?otiata a treat. h-, 9?.' an hour He- vflnt rniioriivAYp T TToino itJr.Ji cbaso-t the island of OoH ' v -T. h blind .horse to umiorstaod inwhat direc- The income to the Spanish government from Cuba ; is between thirty and forty millions, bat it is certain that the expen ses of warfare with the . Cubans will PT. ceed that amount per annum. It is there- The Im parent!, one ot the lead copy of the etitad otice from "literary editor of the Philadelphia Jftctf , i; . Trollope, who may be quarter of an hour ti' final W 1. n.. j 1. 1 . . tion the land lay; and the two horses -came to' the shore side l sidejamid the cheers of upwards of one hundred persons who had become spectators. : r - n rr a 1 1 1 4 MUvlUUlU If termed the Italian as his brother is the English novelist, was almost unknown in this country until n. T. Tuckerman, a very competent critic, and perfectly fa miliar with the people and scenery ot Italy, drew attention to his works in a very appreciative article in the Atlantic 'Monthly. The ; bint was taken by T. B Peterson & Brothers, of Philadelphia, who nre now. publishing a complete Library Edition of his works of fiction. In this iSeries have already appeared tive of immense Vflwftr.. f 1 i ."ca u?vu 'ay uppcarect Uemma,' a ii 'JdZZl t 1 ... -'Jealousy; f t; J . - mmr av their members on ' terms so liberal as. to seem almostincedible, .and offer'to depos itors the best Savings Banks" in the world; but they giyo employment J saw mills and Inechfiilts'andUborers to such an ex tent that evervbraneh nf Marietta' in -which life in Tuscanv is charmingly depicted ; -and 4 Beppo, the Conscript,' which gives the best view of rural society .yet produced by any foreign er. A fourth of these novels, entitled Leonora ' Casaloni,' is now ready, and those who have been delighted, as we have, with ' Gemma,' 4 Marietta,' and 4Bep po will be glad to" have 'another Italian novel by the same author, hopictures of life in Italy, as drawn by Trollope, are as charming as they are true. In the present w,k, tho description of the basi lie of "St. John of Latefan, at Rome, of the hills on the sea-coast where Leonora fore argued that the Spanish government ing Spanish. Journals, -makes a strange statement. ; It i says 'that agents of - the Government have been sent about to the newspaper offices to tamper with the press, with a view to-obtaining its advocacy for the wile, .of Cuba to ne United States. The Spanish cause in Cuba is by no means hopeless, but the cost of carrying on the present desultory war at such a distance is too- bur'densomo to be longer endured. The Spanish Government--thick they may as well, have a good, round. sunifor.their fine possession, and fhev have, according to the' indignant: Imparcial, invited tlie press to get up an agitation on the sub ject." . . , , - w in ue uisposea to get na ot ouba on more reasonable tennsjthan , erer heret fore suggested, and that our administra tion Bhold take advantage of the oppor runity thus presented, and by purchase on fcnsonable terms avoid a possible collision or unpleasant controversy With Spain, and at thu same time , steer clear of the probable complications of international law involved in the Alabama claims con troversy with Engbind so far as by analogy these questions may be applicable to the recognition of belligerent rights of Cuban insurgents., .. M , Data. ANDREW JOHNSON. V- - T - ' " i r I m . ' ' h -4-L J - b .; W - Jt- S e p i a de to E x-X.jr e s I d en t JohuHon Eulhtishism Ap pi u use S pcec h f. JM r Job u - , , yASIIIKOTON. July. 1. A large crowd assembled before the Me tropolitan Hotel to-aight on the occasion t a serenade to Ex-President Joh nson Tlie band having played a tune, Mrt John- York.) six h undred and . dollars each. . - S Parlor or Chnroh Organs, 6 stops, . two hundred and fifty dollars each, made by Tremalno Bros ' j . New York, -BOO Sewing Machines, Wilcox & Gibbs. ' - sixty dollars each, T 500 Silk dresses, best article, twelve , yards each; forty dollars, , 6 velocipedes, seventy-five dollars ' ' each. 24 rolls Brussels Carpet, forty-five ' ' yards each, 135 per roU, 6 Salamander Safes. Wilder's pat ent, best in the world, two hundred and sixty dollars : each, , l eash prize, ono thousand dollars -in gold, 10 cash prizes, one hundred dollars each, , 200 cash prizes, ten dollars each, 67-i cash prizes, five dollars each, 1,000 cash prizes, two dollars each, ' 3,noo i 32,500 30,000, 20,000. ' 450 3,240 1,5C0 1.3S4 1,000 2,000 3,30 ITbds. and Bbls. MOLASSES SUGAR , ' Molasses SligaT,r &c. 500 ISO Bags COFFEE ; 1,300 Sacks SALT ; 1,000 BaVesItAY; '' 5,000 Bushels COBN; ' . ' 1 'id I .". .!.'!. . -AND -. .I'.-'-ifh' A General Assortment of Groceries', IN STORE, and for sale by i.: .t i ' WILLAED BROS v aplo-tf t 3,000 Prizes. Value of tho total" amount, $140,694 Notice of Copartnership :" ! ' WitMmeTOiT, N. C.:rApril 15, lfieo. "ITTi-.tiie csdebnibsed; have f 1 l "ay enmreu into uo-paitnership. uuueruie nrm name and stvleof IiASNifw purpose or con- TER. COWAN A CO 4nci?n5l tne business ef a JtEAL ESTATE SPECIAL" NOTICES. to ' tiie, isepnbitcnn Voters of . Xew IlanoTer County. THE 'POST," FOR SELFISH REASONS, refuse to publish the following! " CAPT. SOLOX V. LARKIXS Will bu Mupporie.1 f3- hU Ropublicaa friends to succeed Hon.; I. G. Kst.w, member of the State Legislaturu, i-lprne.i. .. JetO-tf : Wiole No. of Tickets ' MODEOFDRAWIIfC. All of tho above is put in the drawing at the regular cash seHing prices and will be -disposed bya regular mode of di-awing. and in order to accomplish this, the Company, wi 1 sell 73,347 tickets at $2 each. y The drawine wUl tako place- in TUCKER "A'-V1 m i ietuyw Kaieigh, immediately af- lue notice will be given, a least one weeJc before, the davof juv.cju, atm of toe wya passes m the Ad-dcv t'l":a'w ou tue uaicony, ana was re nines through which Cesaro tfavoJed,.aje ceve4,with applause. among the most vivid things of their kind Rend Some i:ni:Usli Tost fmo Hi in,uuu. i xiic vuaracter. oi u-oubo is quite an original one, and the poor fellow strangely enlists our sympathies. The in- tnnu-f tnM. MM. if.. . . ' : i " .urns ujjvii nic marriage-secret ot a woaa JSi-jNorns, ot Washington, intro duced him as having been known for irrany years as the great champion of tho democracy of the Ulrited: State, l and as having fought many a battle and won many a victory in behalf of constitutional freedom. Mr. Johnson then climbed over a rail and took his stand 'near the nport- 1.1 4L.1 , . 1 It' I duced by the maturity of its cilted auth. cr3' tabie on the balcony. or's mind. The volume is handsomely was gab greeted printed. Pnpe f 1.75 in cloth; or $1.50 in paper cover. All the other novels of Mr. Trollope will , bo published, in due succession, in Messrs. Petersons' series." everyT)ranch of industry and ',cap'rUVrWeive9itipoportlbnfe share of Economy and thrift should be sedulous ly euUivafe'dby the colored race. They are . nowdependttfcetjoiJh'clr own exer. .fefeW.'An when old age .VfeM&W1 Protect them, trom, want.- A monthly-deposit; of five dollars lstojiit a period jof five -ror, six yeara? accumulates rr"Vyr31 QW fgreat Roman family, which is adroitly iars at tne exmration rt that t.i. it v " t TTr. .j sf rtrT li I uijotcij uum iucuonciuQin; pa"es. . i. i i . - . I ti - . t. .... pro" ma voiorea .people ',eanT nnd better in. a story oi striKing merit pro vu(n.n .uii ii. 1 L . , . i I duced bv the inaturitvof it nlrtAwl .,ti. wvmivui, .uiau luui incy-wui ue lortunate J-iS lute. r .'. .:.-.-.. ..h. -- indeed, . . : OOODroaMUEJlLAMD. f ''epto! mary pf hei joceedings of a 'meeddg tejfo at Payetteville, Ton the 26th ult,v for the purpose- ofUting the initiatory steps in '&VWiiMmt (fomU'rfaid-' iiog was a speeesSj np SO ar as toi , advise-the holding i)f an AWriftnltnrkl Vair'at Fayetterille doting', the ieominV We are highly gratified aUhis evidence ot renewedUieadtMgoA,n the good! -people bf Crfmberland. Ko'' 6duntr ;cVn produce better or more 'intelligent farm- :' jj. i t-..ii'jt . ., ers ; and we look forward to even a bet ter system of UHautfAira. than has ever Jeen jcnp.wn ibera beiorei 1 1 1 1 1 , ,TberAgrt.cnU(i aira'beid'Ai Favette- "ville previous toj the war were: amono- the I that5l most successful in '-the State." ;Wei 6ften thodsaa pounds;.would be. amply uffl Pe will be aroused to the importance and -lk m-tyrnnnn T-wj think of the Fair of 1859 wbere'wS cicnt. ' - ' - b&l? V: M8&1 Freights, on the Pacific Railroad, afe TerJ bigh, and the rates are even as serted to bo extortionate. with ai)i)l;iu.s'. add said : It was not lus ournosc to make a ieech-, but merely to tender his thanks, his heartfiJt thankafor fhft cordial wel come ' bni'" his return to Waritfgton. It was not necessary for him, on this-occasion to recapitulate or rehearse the argu ments, be heretofore made in behalf of The people and irtlehalf.f' those 'J- great prin ciples which should be maintained and TKno consisting ofJSS.ftOO' pounds of Utah hides preserved by those calling themiclvcs free, waa reccntlv sent from O-rrl t rn,;.. -patriotic AntL intelligent. :In taking the - ' " - ?o" and the charges were no fnllovs vrnin o - w a, a a w ui Ogden tof"jOmaha, a distance of 1033 Jniles,.$1957, and from Omaha to Chicago, 1 00 miles, $368 making, for 1523 mile?, &320. Reducing tins freight bill to the charges per ton per mile, it will be seen thatoa tfiot road from Omaha to Chicago' he rates Were i cents, aud from Oden to Omaha, llj cents per mile for a ton of 2000 pounds. It is contended that both ot these charges m are unreasonable, and that one c'enVaJia i half a! ton. of two st.ind he did,' Ire" believed he was doinf his duty.;' (Applause. lie had tried to act on principles and vindication and in vindication of principles. He had collect ed fact and arguments, which, in times gone by, were considered unanswerable and irresistible. a They had been presented for the consideration of Congress and the country, but it appeared they did not avail much crufhe.tinie lie iad! ttrentld them.. Ilowever, in his politics, as in his religion,' when his facts gave out and his jcusous, lauea Aim lie drew pretty largely on bis faith, and Tiis faith was jet strotig and unbroken.' 'The time would come. and that ere Ions, when the American reo- Urebmk's Sailors' Homk, i - Poplar Street, London, England. I take this method of making known tho perfect cure I havo obtained from the use of Four valuable medicine, the PAIN KILLEU. was urged by a friend to try it, and procured a bottle of Dr. Kernot, Apothecary. I had been afflicted three year- with Neu ralgia and -violent spasms of the stomach, winch caused a constant rejection Of food. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up tnv C?AeAI,Uesnalr- Tuen 1 tried your PAIN KILLER, which gave me lmmodiate relief from pain and sickness, and 1 regained inv ;sui,iiiiiu iHiwaoio t. loilow inv usu al occupation of sailor. . . Yours respectfully, CHARLES POWELL. Sia I desire to bear willing testimony 'to tllO WOIlllOrful tftiCHPV flf M.t Im.rl... , eIy called Pain Killer, which I believe has no elu,a,Jn th 8 country. I have been afflicted with heart riisease, and could find no relief till I got the Pain KUler, which soon made a cure. Iam quite willing to answer anv in quiries about my case. - Yours, etc FANNY SILVERS, Dudley (Worcestershire), England. ubjiibKas, I rnn Willi pnnnilnnn vri.. mem I vonr excellent inmitoi HA. tllO Pnln 1.' 1 1 J' or Bhenmtlsm,. fadigestlon, and Also above complaints. Yours, Ac- ' f j yBEUBN XITCHSLL, . ter aula of tickets, Of whicT riven, at lrawing. The Company is working under the provis ions of a special Charter granted by the Gen- oiyuiy ox aona LAroitna. which com pels the tympany to comply faithfully with all contracts. , . . ComPieS bd 11 aPPlication to tho Alftheabove tiientionmi Uinly be dUpoeed of as abovefted7 Jnd those drawinsrH will lx, mvit.,i .1. .1 - r tie in fee simple. , . N member of the Company is allowed to purchase any tickets. tiSPlfSJw maU at the over's risk; that sent sent by Express, Registerel Letters! Cheek or Drafts, at the risk of the Commhy. No nronertv will h n.T.., ... 'Ti.-, IS tndisputable. . mi uue The I reasurcr has been required, to give a bond of five thousand dollars for the faithful Xi2.rVuan.?f Pf liis dutie. He is required to deposit, dailr. In the banV. all tii ccived; where it will n-nimn nnu k .ii,. . are sold and all the property will be positive ly drawn and delivered to the parties drawl lng. Send two dollars by Express, Post of fice Order, Rogistered Letter or Drift, At our I 1 aJ yarown. and take achauco atJ,h? 'V)00 vluble prizes offered. tS IcwSwIIIa ""tauy where ii tho Uni Ltri a th Company risk uijon re cIpt of $2 and postage stamp. : . Tho Plan of drawing shall be' as follows : there elxall be two wliAnia. Aa . w anl one a number vfaMiirmn.i poNle place in thw city," wherTthe ticket holder may witness tho .lr if . .i...i: Bridgeman's Place Bolton. b iijiTLaKEx 1 , iiaTe very great pleasure in recommencing yor medieiBe. the Pa la Killer Ln'K.!?? cvrBjT fw week sinoe with Bronchitis, and ooold scarcely swallow anyfood. bo Inflamed was my throat, I was advised by a friend to try your rain- Killer, and, after taking a few doses, was completely cured. Youra respectfully. - vry P. S. I have refiommninIniT thn fT,?",1 ? ?Kiy Srittd5' to eTory Instance, it lias had tho desired effect. ?-Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Me AQ-tf of the Cumberland iarmerajv as strikingly fically IftulcAleSy A 4e way, that Fair is always associated in our mind with tha name and form ? of W. W. Holden, whO delivered the address, and whom we saw far the first time. Ije was no Jove .for him or bis nolitica.: t We ha 4a tilt JesJipwlV iBut.i - we' are. iligressiog. And we most do thoGoyernor the justice to soy tti'altbpuch, 'lddirery was : RumorsfWab. Rumors are prevalent abroad that France will soon be convuls ed with internal war. Thia report has arisen tbrwglbt .that jthe reread cdrrlage faetories til Trance bave' recently received of ders to fjupply 00,000 wooden ats rW JPded with four strong oorila, so' that fhey can' be' suspended from the roofs of freight cars. fIt is mferred that these seats are intended to facilitate i the hasty transportation of large bodies Wretchedytaatte! "'Na d- of troops to different lTarU-pf France, dress Was such' a ta onnvin, 1 - z- ' ..v-w uis ucucia trbeen da voted iuh ius energies iiaa. n eiilietfcsOri We beg our Cumberland friends to push on tto-good- worfctrVBeorganize your Ag ricultnra iutj. Hold, your Fair next Fait; There is life in the old land yetV' ,and,e nt to see you; prove it to the , w orld. And w hen you hold the Fair doiKt for8e theppaltry department. We ar coming' up with our Stonefence tjamesi our. Blacfc Spanial'!pur"BHbW Pootras,. i$mtoin&iaa Just toishSw bti what we are doing n that line.- t - fc.The dutaion of the next Presi dency i becoming genWal' with.' the lead ing journ'alsthe .country,. Chase' an Hancock are mentioned on the qpnserva- ""te1 V"d.G .aht-.n' the Radical 1uPaI?.io-aayian ihteresting extra6t .from the Washington ' corrcspon nce onheBaItrmore:o, ln ,which Gen. Hancock is bromrnrntlw It i a the early to express a preference for WASHINGTON. Bpecial Dispateh to the Baltimore 8un Coiiflrmatlou of ih Report from ' Iopcz in Pairagnay Position of the' OoTCrn merit on the Cuban iaesttonOen. t Sickles Instructions toPqrr chaser Cuba Revenue Stamp : Commission 'Appointment of a Snpcrvisor Tlio jp ali 1 i c Debt. "..''" V .' '.r-.,.V ::-V . Wasuinoxon, July i; A TM !e5ntilittbUshed to-day shows an extraordinary and unex pected decrease, of the debt : The estimate sent by your correspondent 'few evening since was based upon official record and estimates pf tf easury' -fecials ; , biU tmach to the surprise- of the. Secretary of the Treasury, About five' millions : of rec.Mnf a . .(.' i ' . . . i - : " I e. . j ... . n.-itc.iuauxpociea ior tne month of "ut an appie-sizea : nead, and a J une came to the treasury within the past ra9Pberry moustache with biz hairs, in it forty-eight hours., This excess is from Paint P' on hischcek, and a., little dot PL, oatee on hfa-Tdiin wrth'orett? pies which have been overslaughed and A 1 1 1 . O uuiupiou uoaer loot so long. ; He would say let us have faith. He be lieved a glearplioniing of redemp tion could W be Wft-. Hethought the time was opming when the constitution of our fathers would be Yestored. "' ' " " ' - it. was not nefjtasuLT tifhiM . .n k , - . UUx. v,. van UU lAAA,iJJ... . J.AliJ.iT- J - - .' 1. A akicutiuu oi tins intelligent aualencrr to tlie struggles and contest . transruring within Nthe last four r "years. N It 3was not necessary, for. him. to , point their attention to the- indicia! department of the Povern- ;ment. to ; show that under, the domina tion - ot an U6urnihT Conrrresa that the judiciary of the country was made to o,uail .and shrink before it. Applauee. It was not neeessay to turar attention to theother end "of the.: avenue, .fcries' of uear, ;"pear, nor waa it necessary to do more than to point to the tyrannical body called Congress, which attempted to absorb eyery single power of the president; . 'He hau .colled them tyrants standing with the mailed heel "of power on the inecks of the freemen of the United States, endeavoring to blot out the lines which separated the States, and to wipe out the Other twoco-ordinate branchesof the gov ernment, and in this Congress stood 6m hipotentiiji u", . ' Itully for Fan n j. ... Fanny Fern thus disposes of that orna mental and useless object called a "hand some man," and sensible folks will concur. She says : , V -. --r) v f i k " " But vour copyentional "jiandsome mad" oftfife barberVWimloV, Avax figure-head pauero y win peciocKin the: middle of RIS- egetatlva powers of life are strong, but in a few veara hnv rn. t?.p?1ild l,ue V16. lack-lustre eye and ema ciated form, and the impossibility of applica uon to mental effort-, show tts baneful influ ence. It soon becomes evident to the obsei v er that some depressing Influence is cheekinc the development of the bo ly. Consumption , mm ii um i-iiM youin la removed from school and sent into the countrTais Is one of the worst movements. Removed from ordinary diversions of the everhang. ing scones of the city, the powers of the b !y too much enfeebled to give zest to healthful and rural exercises, thoughts are turned in wards upon themselves. , " Ifthepittent be a female the approach of t menses is looked for with anxiety, as tlie first symptom In which Nature ls to sho hc? saving power in diffusing the circulatiom and visrting tbooheek with the bloom of hcaHh" 1tITCV?8GanPtlte ha9 STOwn by what iSSiii1!?1 f tb 8-tem ar Pros trated, aad the whole economy is deranrcd The beautiful and wonderful period in wEich body and mind undergo sofasclnattog a ehange from child to wowan. Is looked for in vain r the parent's neart Weed in anxietv and fancies the grave bat Waitin for its Viol Hklkbold's Extract Bcchit, for Weakness arising from excesses or early Indiscretion attended with the following symptomV: ffis! position to Exertion, Loss of Power Lossof fcemory, Difficulty of Breathing, 'oeeml Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves Trembling Dreadful II, ror of jDmlhV Nllht Sweats, Cold- PeetrWakefulinsssrmesf of a imieSane Va Captions on the Face, Pain in the Back, Heaviness of the Eyelids p nnpntt-tr itlaob- firwtA vu. V ' ,.ua' . re i" " lv.-r.B,Dcr wneci there shall bo iuL ;hf. ,,0Orref,ooliBF. to' number v those which have been sold. In tho nrlz wlieel thero shall be deposited by the ifoard ?Uli 5y the Directors; ; T v no pnues to no drawn, atet which the wheel eliall be sealed npamlplaoed in the bank In this city, uatil luV'JJ ui?wia?. when the Supervisors Hhall brrng them; to the place' of drawing, break the seals and the drawing shall be dial poseo or ty taking a ticket from fLoll wlmpl a the name ,Um,iui(t the prise ticket taken from the prize wheel shall designate the priao drawn by the ticket xrrc8poudlng In num- same time The wheel shall bo well shaken after each ticket Is drawn. vJJuPfrvl!orAW"1 be genUemon well i. ,,, lur nonesty and intoaritv. who wUl not be aUowed to purchase ticket-,' or own any stock in the Company. The num bers and prizes will be drawn from each wheel by two blind boys, and afuUporTof ' r ""wmiB piizcs wui uermbiished drawing prizes, may have them sent to anv part Pf Jtho. lif9X btatoa they laayXsire Description, of Real Estate. Alexander county, N. C -tol; about2 aereMn foresToak and hkory" house fronting on the street and about fel, back; walks to thehonan is foot -.1.1 on either side With Kmoisimns for aTriS a mnrhlK atAtmt. nt1V .i . - W lU one sideSifsikelieV'r. . . - -'-'-v-v- va ni; 111 ii iirn Oa trie other sidp.. for the business f a AJNU .FINANCIAL AGENCY, -'with principal offlcqs at Wilmington, N. C, and New York ' I Wa rnsriAo.tfiillT- rvflro,- onn. . i. public. j . s 1 ' , i , , . LEMUEL BANNISTER, ' .D. 8.! COWAN, a, . - J.C KENYON. 1 or further information, address , . , , . BANNISTER, COWAN A CO. - Wilminu-trm. N r apXS-493-tf , ., ; ... ' To Tuientiiie Distillers (CIBCULAK.) THE SITBSCltlBER; IN CORDf ALLT returning Uianks to their friends in the country .who were last year engaged in the Turpentine Business, for their continued con fidence and support, desire at the commence ment of another season to renew their assur ances of untiring efforts in their endeavors by economy in expenses and charges and prompt attention to their orders, as well as the ut most care in the sale of their consignments to promote thciylnteresla. . Account Bales and remittances guaranteed to be prompt. .apl-47&nl SPRUNT 4 U1NSON. A CHUECH ! OF THE STEANGEES' y;;c'H.i'To'rk,,',.1 TTISITORS TO TUB ClfTY Op XKW y YOUK are Informed that: they will find Divine Service every Sunday, in the Large Chapel of the University Washiugton Senate, at luhi A. M. and P. M. Tii vnft. Ur! vice in summer is at 8oclock. Waverly Place immediately north pf the New York Hotel! out of Broadway, runs west to Washington Square, on the east side of which is the Uni versity. The entrance to the church is the main door of the University. -; University Place cars run from the door of the Fifth Av enue Hotel, to the door of the Church. .Prom the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the corner Of Broadway and Broome,' leave at Waverly Place, and go west one block. At the Astor House take University Place cars, leave at . Waverly J'lace, and ko west one b a , Strangers will find cordial welcome, and polite attention. - ,. . The Pastor is Rev. Dr. DEEMS,' who devotes himself to the spiritual interests of strangers. If any be sick, let t hem address him a note by matt, as Pastof the Church of the Stran gers, New York.," and it will reach him. The ladies who compose the " Society of the Slav tcrs of the Stranecr. nrocara mAillmi. iami and spiritual help for strangers in perplexity. r'S.88 or sickness. Address, Sisters ot the 1 Stranger," care Bev. Dr. DEEMS. N. Y. Jf you. are coming to JVeta York toon, cut this otU and paste tt in your memorandum book. , febl!M4l-tf . , n-i4i.'j j ' ; ... ; , Phbtogpliy. TO JhTY ESTAB. 8WV&S PATENT SOLAR CAMERA, i7tipr?ptre' tgLjurnlah pictures from the smallest sixe to Life size. ' C W. YATES, " ; apl3-86-tf Market stree. : dermlnes the constitution, and inritcstha ! lacxoi enieeDiing or Tatal .dlBeascs, Wlthoiu exciting a snspicW or tts presence, TAgain Itseems to br ed iiifectionthrougnout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion rapfdry develop Into one ot ltlr otT& id": ous forms, eUher on the surfaeo ot among the vlUls.' In the latte. tubercles nav be Tsii.i denly deposited in the lungs or heartToMu! L rllla is advisable, eves when no acrro tjiun. - - , i i a uouiu ounvieu wil h 'o'lowing complafnts -generally find lm. mediate relief; anrl, at length,- cure, t)y the use of this BARSAPARILLA sJst. Akthoxt's rraRosa or ERTsrrttAs; Tstttkr. Salt Hbk- ExrS, and other eruptions ttr visible forms of ?I1fva di80af- Also in -the more: con cealed forms, as DTSrararA, Daorsr, HfcABT Diskaai FrrB, Epilkpsty, MKTKALorA, and the yff0?:.8 affecMPn8 of tlie -muscular and nervous systems.., ,. - '.-,,... Syphilis or Vxhirxai.' anil .'MxnctmtAi. Dir. xases are cured by Itthough a longtime is required for subduing these obstinate mal adies by any medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint JjrotroBRHosAo)r ' Whites, UtxriAr UjxraI tiows, and FzitaiJ! Disxases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by Its on rlfying and invigorating effect. 'Minute l)i rectlons for each case are found In our Alma nac, supplied gratis.. Bhenraatlsm and Wont, when caused bv accumnlattnna nt Lruneuus matters in tne oioou, ' to it, as also I.Iyer Complninj ly, uongesnon or yield quickly is. Tttrolali. InnitmmiiMnn nf tho .iver, ane jsnnaiee, when arising, as they ften, lo.!rom tne rankling poisons in the blood. This BARSAPARILLA is a great re storer for the strength and vlo-er nf t.hn tcm. ' Those who ar LAWorrr-n and I.iATTiua Despoboxht, Sutepless,' and troubled with' Nervous Apprkhewsioks or Fears, or an- of the affections avmntomatia nf Wt . rw.. find immediate relief and convincing evi den e of Its restorative power upon trial. Dr. J. C ATER P R J2 .P A R CO., S D, B Y . IOwell, Mhmh., ioal and1 Analytical Chemists. ' ' Ki-hll 1-kr H TVr-(11(n TIT 1 r wa r . a 1 . rTiU A. MhH.TlrA W41 vv.1rkiyri aw1 mil TMn.. istswiiftealerseyerywhereiM, . G E ILK It A L . S7 WATER STREET, NEW TORK - 1UJ 1 Tor the Bale of -1 1 ;! '' ' Peanuts, Leal and Fine-cut Tobacoo. Cotton . 1(iroou, Hides,- Skins, Furs, Hemp, Tar, a urpenune, Jtosm, ueeswax, Whiskey, r Rags, Lard, Tallow, EggaFloar, Oraln, Steeds, Green and Pried Fruits, Vegetables, and all . ; kinds of Southern x , , . . ..Productions. . GASH jtdvaneed on CONSIGNMENT Order- for -Merchandise promptly 11110,1 free of charge. Send, for our Price Current and Marking Plate.' - ap!7-H0-ly ... . i ..i . ...4 The Liverpool & L011 doii&.Globe T Co. Tei$Goldi 17.606.00 "tn the f United States 2,000,000 Directors personally respon sible for all' engagements of the Company. ' , BafryBrotTierSy C4 TXAVINO ADDED jaa. usument a '-Agents, I 1 L, i ma- C tC., " "? u tne other side Sun 1 Dial on marble column, both on marble oe! destals. Front Dallinirs on th atirIli.ffZ hewed granite KieTVritb """"5 postsT; The-groanda ITthe are hilfal cal and the diniiui-rnnm. im-n .ri tries weU fitted aW On nl ?Il halli reczes. -one uucuny uutCK BDOia IlTlDir Turn.n K Tr,. with Temporary Suffusion Tand Loss of Sl i nT WJant of Attentfon, Great MooUi liess, with Horror of Society. NothlngiTmore desirable to suoh-iNitienti thajiSicitad and nothing- 4hy-Soe dreoTfo? Fea? of Themselves ; no Repose of Manner, no Earn estaessno Speoulatlon, but a hurried Transi tion from one question to another r . -rr These symptoms if allowed to go oh which this Medlaine tovariabV removn S are two large rooms, with fire placesmd flno yariegate.1 marble mantles, and a ar anu open room for enjoy Ing the summer hita 8UirF are two larand email dna-mltnrv. .-ui. a SO t?e wltU cases lor w'arorbe? In a-i-A "? rmitory,wiJS Jlee ? port100 t the house SxU feet, with floor of hc ed granite slabs. The S of the buildingnWnt and rearfariof hlw! 5l.Bran,ite? Ta11 on banisters, and all te ?00ran2wmlowiUs we of hewed I granite and all the sash hung on balances. TlK? worjc oi uie building are of the choicest mate r,anvae entire building recentlyahnted The out-houses consist of a bam 40x20 feet wtk Wment walled with g rjlte, i enough for 12 horses or cowsfwttii ,Vi5 f wLni.?1 tu" wo Snd8 ono endrfitted up I Lf?5r miIch "or ? norse stable 14x28 feet Alta Vela Phosphate ! rr IN COMPOSED OF THE CELEBBA toil Guano from A L T A V E T. A Combined with other valmfble fertilizing muu, sciontmoauy treated, making a i COMPLETE MANUilE Jfo1568 vigorous growth to the Vegeta tion and permanently enriches the soiL ; For sale iu Wilmington. N. C, by ALEX JOHNSON' A CO., at 960 per ton.. urine ALTA VELA GUANO CO., febg8-447-ly i r , . 67 Broadway. N. Y. ' 'Bingham .School. " ; - f MEBANETILIaE, X. C. . WM. BIXOHAM, ROBERT BIMIAM, .W. B. I.Y1TCH. TaShSfSS.?' -, begins August 25th, and continues forty weeks. e,QHuc"on fucludes the ordi- j ..n.uU mauuues, me Ancient lAtn- f i???9' lreach MathenVatics; Bk.KeeplA.S i?lenJ?nt? ,f Naturallclencer P S' il rinelnsurancd effect- ed'to allSBSVie yVel Indies i by Barr Brothers y .-Hfilwington, .r,-; v 'V.-i; :if?rrif ' TTk'T . Pbllosopliy of Marrlaffc. ANEW COURSE ClF LECTURES, as deliv S lth New York Museui. Anato- embraclni 4H.' . il 5.l'10 sojects now to Live ami liat to rLrre Fot YoothMatarity a-oid Diseases accounted fori Marriaae l'liloor,hi callv Con8idemrA -f it -.rV 1 . -w. a. hvoo tcvbUimi Will lm J0iWTded on fec?P-o&ftmn stamps-by ad dressing : Seo'y BALTiaora MirTr--VT Air. 9J WA.A n.1.1 : TT. . T ----- v a.aj' may 0-eodly lore, Md- J. W. Mppitti&. Ca.r (Snccesaorsto Wm. H-'LIppltt) 'i !. . 1 AT THE OLD STANDV; Vh:- ' Corner of ..MarKTand' Front Sis:, WHOLE SAXB AND RETAIL SSAXJCB f M 2?F owei:, atuity. and EDilentie x in nun ot wnioii tne' patient mavVTntM - Durlmrlhe 8inMrintAiimiMi ni of tl o UL A "i a , "AASUXl. IWiiTrAr1 trk tun Mnfii.A . ! rJT. av time lert them, nd both dCTrMply l'y ? Consumption -;Th. reeorol the mucellaBeoqs funds;, sales jot: lands, feie. etc. ; -;"',-",. ' Jt?.211 minister, rpceiyedfca ,dU- 1 H.III1 H. 1 1 IT. W niiflf.tia fliof 1a1a. If 1 - jv r -rjj T ? - 7. I f 7' , a wucivcu, u lUlil I -----v vvA-u Kuan luutva as n ne m?i 7m. fUft ?lQsn tteinslMTblol f Patcn wdJ confirmatory of .the -report weW&mtwertf li-umbled-itrd -asrief um vuerea, tnrougu Minister I ".1 pv'Vf v a aiways jeel, a desire VcMahon, to surrender his army,, piovid- f with1 h pafr bff sugar ' tones, ed the allies- would guarantee him 'per-' t dropit gently into a bowl of eream.-aod sonal afety. - The I strew Wnk roAA'-IeflTes nW thw -titfU' theend of , the. struggle between the l m1Uk - ;' ? r..i ,:: . ... sufficient JiifereBli W .justify discussion, if " V"?4 j Juage irom tho number: ot jour nafS' engaged in i " ' ' " "?T ortmg W.'Unioni ii th2 nhC Jec,l5 ftwa W in the hand of -Ed ntttod. Aboht ,"I,a' ' i -w'- I bv'ElS.SE HdeathS truth of larSaarrtoV-K liurZS?ll -m.UH .4 -1 as Paraguayana and -alliesi f $f JJt rtomn of t.h a rvrteT , :-C&i '.trinrjy town; reiSi 2k-'. m? J. V uJ ue "PPotraeal .' is said tTje one Of th6 'Wealthiest id p'ri .cteJR.tfS :rk, Mr. Tullock. iiave been martcrl k , nnrt; k ? Vi. lu - There is no tonic U AUy 1009, .Wit.5, rerior' 1,, '5 SiS'lIfe by portion to its size in the world for his labors in Ja ' ' ' fX If?. a.7v " BP.ieen Da "JMace as it exported above nine million gallons of Naooieln n ?- 5' 5 Emperor .f.n. ft?a8ectaJBoU brandy, almost ali of which wmtoTnJ: r"rr?ni-Mvto"IUftnn.-.Ai . rflu . ia several instances ... when the land. The ption, bear ahlple witness to the t.h rr",' iuviiKuu4jr cumulation annAArft. destitnli "With vnefnl rv, a- t.jCrV: ,M- rvfr.w snlln sounds their grief Derailed " Whilst we rum-ot . . 'i B . diseases and syiptomswe preparod to offer an invaluahle gift of ehemlstrv inr th removal tf tiT I , , , 77. the Hiohxt YolfcTklTiu KrExTacVorBu! chit. There is no tonic like itTlt to'ZZ anT '"ff fa ju waj nave used Apoieon uibaa riven" tlooo-itAAiJw. I ff11- tn several inst . w ,7 e aame writer. itiiWi I. the fta u. A. removed brought 1 ne DODUlatlOn Of Coornan la mnt wmutf stomas z&a JUUi this is the , teatimou or oresorxoaa it- r J?l?ZPru5!ita nd Dealers everywhere 2 w Ji Her mottle,, or six bottles JoiT & k'. DeUvered to any address. lipHti, TAma 1m All - a - arwaaio Ax au vumixianioav ons, "- 'wn won nnisneu, with two fire, places. andt recently painted, and has a fiV7 . bricoke-house, aox feet, of very high pitch, eheddod alTround rKith ar chicken house? under Aurougn tne grove passes a branch with never-falling spring-of pure cool water ir. medhttely below this is a mnZ So the water of the spring, which la "kS' ant, passes in a stone'intik hrnSn? the milk house, ani . Uwchargw i.VcrsS. fish pond, some 15x180 feet, 1 n which i W?.. rhll60!08 many of them 80 umo thlt they oat from nWera. Pri .m ,w " lnac P.wlS groundgTlr beautiful oak grove! Value W.jlo?' lar8"o house on Newborn and Ttiri worth streets, containing twentyrm aW? for a boarding house, all ScSr onf rooms, double TiiaxzJlfrt i? 8 terge the place, wiU S as nf."1: resmences in beauttfuroakM0 r ! i a wiiii mt i iiivmai Auction Sale I U CLOSE BUSINESS. Drug, OiemieaUri M. CR0NLY Auctioneer. PRESCRIPTIONS aocu'rateiy : eou'pouniled . at any hour of the dav w ia-hf?iS . StOClc nf Pulnl a ani 4"liT 1 4 . 1 I . , ' . . T v. uawiu w 11 UI UOl ClOSe, ' : 1 'r 1 i . will be sola By CBOJTLY A MORRIS. OaWo'cI? JaU CTH 1863 MkrVii?i;, A- t at the store No. S3 Market-street, the entire stock of i i T! ooTi warms-eacn. t ' ' XV i I m i ti t t'X . -" I r-: -.1.1 . June 2tl, 1800. - - 11, 1 V n. ijl I..I4 4 -. .1 StaP 'PT Goods, ;Mil "cothinff, Roots',' Sliow, Mats, .Kotions,,, &c., , ot , ,. , , MESSUS.- ,... I A, ( FECIAL-meettng 'or. thk STOC& . uiiJ2rf?rd RaJJ KoaACowpany- will be i held In Wilmington one Wiiaay prjuly, iSS amnSuTCft ;orwaiara1 andirtha amended charter of the Company. k s ; ; ... da-'of JueBOOk 'l4l1 ne'ti . By order of the President and Directors,-''' - v L T. ALDERMAN., . . e 3-lawtd .- ,U T SeBUry: Aslr : nnxtTlTniororvcf 1 . - m. JT. KATZ .v. t-o zzi'jyfbbr j -i i . , .tit .' I V VOTtUatoiTand PtobBeWfron? ' rf "i.i it doit uui-uuiimnu-a- ' r 1 . KJ5 - tlvi8 isvery'attrac- ttl.n....... " P. It IS a HOtel fit . , - sympw It . mm aauuw r .Kill! Arohni ATTOBXEY A1V1T J ' v. l f. , f BUfrSTROXKl' ' I iiw, imjr vema.. :CU ' Asst. Annllnl fatntAt Mr A il,. I. I ., It may save your life I, 4. II. VT ALAiiK, ma74f fie . - & . 11 i' 1 j in 1.111,11 1 ia .ui iuuu a .ajiJMra . - cukiA. 1 a . v , ClieimcaV Warehouse and siamed -A u fSlf .ouiliUfisxre nw.SValaJ2,Mivr! :uT?L a H. . ilET.TtfnVTvM -.WV4.V, -vm ii uuin.i mil. - - a . .4 . 1. a . . iwiuuBiiilloirMtiftul;- . P""568 and one forty foot OUning 'ConriNoiiAi. rtif j. CTrtf viS.1?110 counties. SuprtMe liSlm' oollocU5d n parts of , North CarV Special ITdticol miiE SVnSCSJBEtt. TARES- PLEAm a. ure 111 1 informing nia friends and the pu ... .n . .... nwn ryw' Having aanV" r V i .. .. . ..... I . . 11 Tk t. 1 . n I . - , "" 4j 1 .4' AX&aDJD.n-ciAiBeii Having oient asaistance. euslomera win Mt ha ma tn. j t-walt to be aoeommodatcd. Sharn JRaspra and. -4 - " olean Towels- are our motto.' JAS.H.CARRAWAY, 4iAn .-. . dec2996 tf ISO. v bo. jcrontst.