I V . 4 I ) . VllBUsirtoAV-WILiOTON, N. C ' J r Br WlfIf JIIKRJIAIID. . r , I . ' ' ' ? SUBSCRIPTION! JPy Hail, IT, 0 jer yeej M P for f IX eity at 15 cent per week. "' ' ". v i rimcm HY 'TELEGRAPH. 0 f l ,THB; MORNING' fSTAR. NOON ltFfPpUT. . i i, t Washington. July & The LIght-IIoase Board has information that a wreck, bottom up, r Ilea la the main ship .", ; channel to Key West, near the West triangle , of the bay.' Vessel entering tbe night should be careful to avoid the wreli. .-.:-' i . The State Department has official advices that among the articles admitted duty free in Great Britain are wheat, bailey, , oats, rye, ' flour, biscuit and thread, .floor, peas, beans, . potatoes, Indian corn "and their meals and flour. .;; (.., $ ' p ? U, lOsrUst risings are reported in Spain. tTUotreeUo .YitVorla ajce filled with a rev olutkmary mau-who are armed with ecythes and revolvers, and shouting for Carlos and l Cabfe6nu,'r "t- " . ' i-Tho wob murdered Alcadd and wounded thirty citizens. , ! ' ' , j 1 J Similar risings are reported In Carthagcnia ;u,l"aBd Valencia. Troops havo been dispatched -;to suppress them. ' - t :: r : Foreign. Bkkst, July 8. re-.establi&hed at noon yesterday. . The , cable J i -J f t .J tL Madeto, July 5. The Republican Junta at New Castile has ned a manifesto against the reactionary pol icy of ministers, recommending reorganization aud affirming tbe right of insurrection. ' ''Carilst demonstrations are reported lathe provinces. r.i" '. . -Vfm -.Ireland. The Orange demonstration resulted in a riot at Partadowa. ' The -police , fired, - killing one M ;4ind wouadiag another.1. a v v ; TerkHarkcts. ' .a i l l Nw ToaK, July 8 Noon. f i- Stqpkf &ft au fqrerisht I Moaey acUve at . 78 cent -,wiu V commission. .,, Sterling : Ex change 109. Gold , 137.. Five-Tweuties of iorh Carolina Sixes 57 asked; ' 'new Issue 50V, Virginia Sixes old 57; 1 issue 61. " ' r -a a..- " " new f Flour datl and unchanged. Wheat scarcely ,so firm.' Corn unchanged. Pork, dull at S31 753L 87. . Lard dull.. Cotton quiet at 84K cents. . Spirits Turpentine firm at 4243 i cents. i Boem dull common Strained' $3 25; good 6330,, - FreighU qalet- -: - .-' ; ' FavwUm Karkcts. vj- , " sv , ' V Lohdoh, July 3 Noon. ' ' ' Consols Bonds 81. Fine Rosin 14s.Cd. ; , ;5fOIioi&iS!;Afternoon-' Bonds 81. ' r " 1 . ' Ctlloo Vshade tfrtner Uplkida lil; Orl eans 12Lr Spies 15q0OJalcs. ; j ,v" i - 1JvWool, Jaly 3 Af ternoop. Cotton continues active at unchanged ' prices. f i '-- v i f - . " . r".,v , , . OfJK , NlCim REPORTS. FltDltf TT ASTIlGTOW. Receipts froni l&Vernal revenue to-day over $1.250,000... ' Ki Solomon Poole, Assessor Fourth North Car olina DLatrJc has rqshiped, , ... Bismarck refuses to recognize Emil Iloech ester, of Chicago, the ' appointed , Consul to Bremen. ..-.,-. ... .... .: , ,;. Cubans here have an official account of a re cent.attempt to relieve Laa.Tunhv. . ; The train, guarded by fifteen to twenty five hundred soldiers,' was-attacked by a sqnad-- ron of Mormal'a cavalry, and a large . portion of the train captured. . , ' -.V " In tbe toDtest tbe Spaniards , lost over 200. : but saccejded In reaching Loa Tunis with i portion of the train. - - , , .- .--i'.-The garrison was almost helpless from ctaol . era and yellow; fever; " The disease soon at tacked the reinforcements. The encampment was vacated sad, after a severe loss, the troops succeeded in retreating. Lesac was repulsed with severe loss in Cinco f - Villas district, and. district , regained , by 'the Cuban army.'ij' The question whether members of tbe Vir ginia Assembly must take the iron-clad oath' has been brought to the attention of the Pres ident but too late to make changes in the Vir-. graia canvass, even should the President sus tain Canby's views. The latter will be submit .. r tad to Hoar before the meeting of the General Assembly,' and his decision will establish a nnlform rule for Virginia, Mississippi nd 'Xeza.umtf4 ;nu.uvtk-y:.- -i" t It is certain the president has no present in' tentlon Of molesting Georgia at a Btate in the Union, nor has he asked Hoar's opinion re garding her poliUcafrcoadiUon: . . . , i. j f' NkwTork, JulyS. ' George Peabodv has iven another 1mUlion dollars in bonds for Southern education.' .. Amons the bonds ' are19,000 LoaisianaC's. 10,000 New Orleans city V, 35,000 Motile city 5's, 7V.0O0 Alabama 6'sy 69,900 . Louisiana con. -, selidated bana 5's. 'All the sectrritles' are 'flftt-class dividends certain of payment. ,,.;. In addition he gives Florida 6s, which, with 1 JJI?1 oopoM. wUl amount to about $384, 000 These Cut. Ilk the MlasUsippl . bonds, Will require many years for. payment. t f-5 fit. Louis, Jniy 3.- ' There has been no flood North or West of Bioux pty, not below Council Blufft the dam age Is Very great. 4 f kn ' r r' 1 f , , The loss ol life. Is very great. The, Captain t flw'ateamer Mountaineer saw twenty-seven bodies taken ; from ' a creek below Council Blufls. ' "; ' - .., Th rndHnstif Iflssoarl are dtasatlsSed, and sa they don't Understand or like the Quakers. Indian oateages have been resumed at Grand lvsr, thoy having no previsions and having , been repsstedJy deceived. They are firing lato stesmboau, driving ofl stock and threateninir death to all the whites. - -; . v . A fearful storm passed over Clinton county, . lows. Several lives were lost.; , , Kansas papers say that sr colony oi 8wedes, 1 w were noped on Kaw Biver en route . lor the back settlements, were engulphed and . twenty-three drowned.- i- : . . -. . " A From 'llfril. w v-. ; Sa? j-BAsciscor ' July 8. ' i Secretary Seward was' rccelyed hereenUm lactlcally. , . iV, ' ""The erial steamer Atltor made a successful trial trip. 'The machinery worked well, pro pelling th Teasel With considerable speed. A public trial trip occurs to-morrow. 7- Wells, Fargo A Co. Jiava shipped a million and .half overland slnco the opening of the road.'- ," v ,'-V. v'v Z ' I York Markets. r- Nbw Tork, July 8. "H V Cotton quiet, with sales of 800 bales at S4K cents. Flour unchanged. . Wheat 13 cents lower. Corn closed quiet Whisky firmer at tl. Fork firmer at $32S3 25. Lard lower kettle 19X12 cents. Naval 8tores quiet. Groceries dull. Freights a shade firmer. ,' BaJUsnore Harket. " - Baltimore, July 3. Cotton firm at 34 cents. Flour dull. Wheat weaker prime new red SI 55al 80; white $1 601 80. Corn dull white 9S96 cents; yel low 93 cents. Oats firmer and light at 70(73 cents. Pork quiet at $34." Bacon shoulders 15 cents. Lard 20 cents. Whisky $1 03. Virginia Sizes old 50 bid. .North Carolina Sixes new Issue 59 bid. Cbarleston Market. ' " v ' Charleston, July 3. ' Cotton quiet but firm sales 70 bales Midd ling at 33c - - , --- ' Atkinson's Ivsusanck Rooms, ) ' , Princess street, between , I ' front and Water streets.) . I HAVE BEEN INFORMED THAT some Agents of competing Life - Insurance Companies in this city, with more seal than wisdom or regard for truth, have been en deavoring to disparage this most reliable and responsible Company, thus vainly supposing they may promote the success of their loss popular Institutions. I am happy to inform the Policyholders in the Piedmont Life Company that tlio success Which has so singularly attended this Compa ny in every direction still continues. . ; Our dividends are larger, our lexponses smaller, and by consequence our terms to the assured easlej than any otherUompany. I respectfully urge tho . claims of the PieO--mont upon the attention of the citizens of Wilmington, as In every respect equal to any othox.:ojnj&ny In: the? United States, anxl iu most regards superior. Since Its establishment in Wilnington it has issued more Policies than all other Insurance Agencies put together. . -And such has been its history In Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia : m v..- - i j 5.. c: .- - - " Witness the following figures showing th comparative progress of tho Pie kiont and oth er Life Companies : K - Name of Company. Year of op UccM in pre miuins. No. ot Policies . eration. first l7iuos Piedmont Kuui table active workovorl.r0,000 over 2,700 60U 1,040 S76 Second Second 7li,0OU N.America li,000 :ct,Kio 7i,ono Knckrbckr Universal N. Y. X,ife Manhattan iEtfia Secontl Klrst Thlrtl . 7X000 Fiah 10i,aool Eleventh For Insurance in this Company apply at Once to . . JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, JuaeSO-tf General Insurance Agent. At ITd. 19. Front Street, YAJTai.WAYS BE FOUND, V VJ - FANCY TOILKT SKT8, T 1 . ' ' ICE CKEAM rZUS, Water Coolers and -. REfltlGKUATORS; . A 1m, Hero Fruit Jars. jeia-tf t a. u. neff. Clinton Hale Academy. B. F. GBADY," Ju., A M. UcLEOD, Principals. THE Fall Sera ton will begin Monday, July 9Kth, and continue 30 eeks. Tuition ti; 60 ami ii 50. Board $12 50 per month. Circulars sent on application. Je3-taijyatt ,- . GR0CEEIES : ; ' And Provisions. 2QQ BBT NEW HEAVY CITY MESS GO Hhds. Western rib Sides and Shoulders, 40 hhds and boxes Dry Salted Shoulders - - - and Side, . . 2 hhds., 10 casks and 5 bbls Breakfast Ba s con and Pig Hams. - 20 bbls. and 200 tubs Lard pri me, natural , and extra, 4O0Q lbs. N. C. Bacon. , 20 boxes extra Codfish. 3 drums Hake, 4(i0 bags Bio, lAguayra and Java Coffees, 60 Tuos and 10 Firk.vs choice Table But- " ter; 1200 Bbl9.)Fiour fresh, favored brands an ; all grades, 50 boxes and 20 caddies Gold Leaf and . Sweet Tobacco, ' 50 cases line Clarets, 26 cases Champagne Cider, 590 cases 'Pickles Jellies, Preserves and canned Fruits, 60 hhds. and 8ao bbls Suirar all grades. 80 half bbls Mackerel N os. 1, 3 and 3, 25 boxes Lemons and Oranges, 150 caddies Imperial Tea. " ' 200 cases Lye, Potash, Soda and Salaratns, .200 bbls and boxes fresh Crackers differ ent kinds, 200 bbls Cuba Molasses and, Sugar Ilouse Sy- ' x ' ALSO,' A largo assortment of Twines, Scales for Grocers, Brooms, whole and ground Spices, Essences, Starch, Toilet Soaps, Sifters, Shot, Cords and Lines, Demijohns, Bottles, Crock, ery, Bar-Boom Glasses, Soaps, all makes ; Smoking Tobacco and Bnuils, Segars, Black ing, Kerosene Oil, Ac; ic. - - - - The above we offer to the trade at the very lowest market prices. . AIMUAJT A VOLX.EBS, ' . Corner Front and Dock Streets, ' JOiatr Wilmiiigtop, N. c. . gto, N. Bricks! Bricks!! Contracts' foe bbicks fou any amount can now be made by applying to H 9. VAN AMklKGE, josj-tr -. South Water St. Fancy Fowls and Eggs. TjlGUff OF THE BBAUKA POOTBA and BLACK SPANISH FOWLS for sale fresh and genuine. Sent safely by Express. ' :. ALSO Two trios BLACK SPANISH FOWLS, one year old. Eggs 3 00 per dozen. Fowls, $12 00 per trio. Address,' "V1'T.T'j CAROLINA FARMER, mh21-467-lw Wilmington, N. C. A" Good Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina ! ., 1 i t . - . ' .- ... 1 The7estern Democrat, PUBLISHED AT cilAllLOTTE, N. C. (Cm of ths Oldest Jfewspaperi in. thi State.) TTA8 A tAR(i'AS OEKEBALCIB. .IT. eolation in Western and Southwestern North' Carolina and: adjoining Districts tf South Carolina, - r -Advertisements are ' solicited. Termsfor ten lines of this size tvne. ftl for one laser tion, $5for one month. SlO for three months. All J . ... .... . . iu iot aim. uiuui.ua, 920 ior one year, iceasona ble terms will be mado for greater space. :. Send direct to the Editor and Proprietor vt Charlotte. N. C, (and not through Advertising AKencies.) A copy of the paper containing advertisement will be sent to nnh njivewinru " ' U W..J. YATES, Ed. and Prop., ..... . ep24-fl . ir i CfMudoueT S."C f mo IT AGISTS ATES AND C09TSTA a ' ucs-reace rrarrants, state Warrants, Cirll Warrants, Search Warrants, Ac. Ao., for sale at - WM. H. BERNARD'S -, - & ... ; " V Printing and Publishing House, . And Ra.akI TtntV TtinrloT-w - L ifebTtf ? Dawson Bank BuUdings.Tontsti t.-. a ; . 1 1 . . : .-.7 : 1 ft fl CA8E8i AND 2 LB.C AN8, ato 't ) WITiIINGTON, AJCKK'I v."-4w .";.wi.ivf V ,-4. .- ' ' STAR OFFICE. "July a 3PIRIT8XURPENTINE We heard of sales' of 9nly 18 casks at eenta. Yt fi'"" Is" : ... KOSINSales of 21 tola at $1 65 for Strain ed and $i7Q for No. ?L V. : CRUDE TURPENTINE Sales ' reached j 33 Jbbla at 13 for Virgin and $3 65 for Soft t , TAR Sales of only 17 pbls at 12 25. . j WHOLK8AUE fBICES. XTICLKS. raicas. BA G QINQ Gnnny f yd BA.CON Nobtb Carolina, ' Hams,. J Shoulders, Hog Bound...... ft 1 Hams, ..-V Sides... i Shoulders,. ft BARRELS Spirit Turpentine. Second Hand,.., each New New York, each New City, eack BEESWAX ..ft ft i2CKS-WUminirton M. 21 4 S2 20 : 21 Is & 13 .:'?,,; 20l 22 is & .19 15 1 ,2 00 ,2 25 i 60 ? : S 00 2- 50 "3 00 40 4 3 10 00 15 CO B UTTER north. Carolina, f Northern, ..........w ft CAXD LJ&S Spovm, B. . Tallov, ;. t 80 35 56 65 20 23 Sri 22 40 25 28 ;47 ; 60 fc oo 21 15 20 ' I) , 25 1 15 & 1 Adamantine...... W CHKESR Northern, Fac'y, V B. Dairy, vf...T!.......il ft COFFEX-JH.V&, ft -..Rio,-..; ...fft , , Luguayra,......M.....f ft St. Domingo W ft CORN MEAL bush COTTON TIES XOifiCrTC5S SheotiUK,4-4 flyd 28 1 20 8 13'4 2 00 , 12 SO 10 00 10 00 10 00 0 00 FISH Mackerel, No. 1,. 14 bbl . Mackerel, Nov 2, VV?bbl Mackerel, No. 3,. . . ft bbl ' - Mullets,...:......;..;.. bbl N. C. Herring it bbl :Dry Cod,:.... .......ft ft FLOUR ' . - Fine....';:...'.".'..!....r.... bbl 6 00 6 2S e oo 7 oo 7 00 760 7 60 14 00 11 00 11 25 00 00 00 00 11 50 12 00 00 00 82 60 65 09 75 00 65 00 75 00 00 00 CO 00 65 00 70 00 00 00 65-00 70 00 80 00 70 00 85 00 50 00 10 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 65 00 bunetv Northern,... ... bbl ! Extra Do. " ....... bbl Family bbl N. Carolina Super,. .... ft bbl . - . -- -. Hxtra, ddi " Family,. ..fl bbl FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano,... ft 3000 fts - Paciflo Guano, .. ...f) 2000 fts Patapsco Guano,. . .ft 2000 fts Bauglis Phosphate, , " Rhoilos' Stan. Manure, M. Lister' Superphosphate. " Woolston's Auiuionlat'a Itone Phosph. of .Lime, M Wilmx,Gibbs&Co'sMa- nlpulated Guano, Phosnlx Guano, . O. Carolina Bone Phos phate, i Alkaline Super Phosph., ; " Araino'd Super Phosph., . .. Animonia'd Alkaline Su- " , ' per Phosphate M Chesapeake Phosphate, Croasodalo's Superphos phat " Alta Vela l'liosphate.... iroanl Bone " Bone Meal " Flour Complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate .... u Wando " - Bcryer A Butz's Phos phate 0 00 00 DO 70 00 70 00 OS 00 60 00 00 00 fit 00 OO 40 00 oo oo 43 00 57 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 i 00 00 i DO 00 I 00 00 ( 60 00 00 00 - 19 (0 . 90 UEUE ft ft GRAIN Corn, In Store, ft OK fts Corn, Cargcv... ft 56 fts Corn, New ft bush Oats,; ...ft bush Peas. Cow.:.. bush HOAV-GreCn,., Dry, HAY Eastern,.. North River,, HOOP IRON.. ft ft ..ft 100 fts Mft 100 fts wton LARD Northern- North Carolina,... ft ft LIME bbl LUMBER Iiivsa Last sales, Wide Boards ft M ft 15 00 12 00 17 00 . SeanUlng, ftMft Flooring,.. v..fM ft ClTT StSAK SlWlflk. Ship Stuff, resawed..Vft M ft! Rough Edge Plank,.. .ft M ft . West India Cargoes, accord ing to o nalitv M ft 23 00 25 00 21 00 (j 22 00 18 00 20 00 20 00 35 00 . Dressed Flooring, seasoned, j Bcanuing.ana isoaras, com-i monu.... fiurt Jt)kS Cuba,hhOsM JB gal Syrup,bbbi- gal NAILS Cut,d to 20d,......V ft OILS Kerosene,-., .f) gal Lara, w gal Linseed, Rosin PEANUTS POTA TOES 8 weet,. Irish, Northern. PORK Northern City Mess, Thin, ; . Prime ....ft gal ....fjgal bush ..ft bnsh ft bbl 34 oo S3 oo 31 W 32 00 lov 00 1 50 10 l 60 0 00 1 80 1 oo ... 00 17 17' 16U 18V . 12 . 00 . eo . so oo oo oo oo 12 60 10 AO 8.00 0(1 00 00 .......! Eastlndk. , Rough, ...ft bush SALT Almost... bush Lrrerpool,......:f:.".. sack l iAnMu-eaa,.......M.flaack SUGAR CulXL,. ...,f ft Porto Rico...... ...i ft . A.aHOOlTBOeeee' i B. . " ft C. " 4ft BOA P Northern,... . . , e . ft fti wummgton, &inNULE8Contriictr M common, ........ STA VESW. O. Bbl R.O. Hhd., . ft TIM J?A'A-Shipping ..ft k t MIU Prime......... ft Mill Fair, Inferior to Ordinary,...!) M M M Mi Mi M WHISKEY Northern,.. ..ft gal North Carolina. gal ARRIVED. Stmr W P Clyde,' korgun,' New York, D. G. Worth. 25 (Stmr RE Lee, Green, Fayctteville, Wil liams & Murchhton. - Bark Lemuel, llowes, Boston, M array Br Bark Campanero, Bronghton, N Yj E Kidder & Sons. Schr D C Hulse, Hildrcth, New York, D G Worth. ' r . , ' CLEARED. . Steamship Fairbanks, linn ter, New York, D. G. WorUi. Stmr K E Lee, Green, Fayctteville, Williams & Mnrchison. . ' ' BECEIPTH.' . FER RIVER STEAMERS. - ' Stmt Lee 197 csks spts, 198 bbls rosin, Williams & tyurchison. ;.;. ; -. T ; EXPORT". COA8TW1SE. BaltImokk S 8 Gary 978 bbls rosin, 15 casks spts, 403 bushels peanuts, 27 empty kegs 2pkgsmdsel , MO.- J. Naw Youk S S Fairbanks 12C3 bbls , ros, in, 447 casks spts, 63 bales cotton, 57 bbls tar, 13hhlrfnnrlr 2?i8 Mia Dinar 07 Khl. inn.tA. I 66 bushels peanuts, 28 pkgs' mdse. ' Consignees. Per Steamship W P Clyde Adrian fc Toi lers, Dr J T Schcnwald, Col S L Fremont, Cowan & Metts. W C McMillan, J A Mebsne, Williams & Murchisou, D G Worth, Dawson,' Teel & Henning, Jas Anderson & Co, A B 8heppersod & Co. Rev G H Wells, Wm Pat ten, C T Halgh & 8on, J W Mallett,Blzzen & Murray, O 8 Hayes & Co, W II Lutterloh, S J Hinsdale, A -A Solomon, B BJilers, GHW Runge, J &H Sampson, T H McKoy, D A 8mltbT A H VanBokkelen, WlUard Bros, Wm Mackal, C I Grady, M D Williams, Gregg & Bronson, Hart & Bailey, Geo Myers, Mitchell fc Hnggins, Henry Nutt, Gas Co, laron & Rheinstein, J M Hardwickt & H Neff. . For Sale. it j. ilrat TtT tm CARDS AND VIS IT! JIG TV CARDS printed in the most elegan Bt.vlA . . uru u TiTDVinnta r j,,. , . , Printing and Publishing House, " feb7-tf v,. Dawson Bank BoUdiaxs, Front si. r i ift- 11 00 9 00 14 00 7 60 0 00 1 05 1 10 W 1 04 0 00 0 00 30 1 00 1 05 1 10 . 9V .17 20 . 1 20 1 35 5 - 90 130 00 135 00 17 21 20 21 1 60 0 00 12 00 10 M 15 M "Clou LARGE FLATS, admirably adapted Jj to lightering freight. . , . u r , , Apply u . .T .7 BOLLMAN, ? Jo 25-Iw ' " Hilton Bridge. 1 J ':) .:, THE JOURNAL, .fi 1 , j i-UDiisnea Daily ana weekly, at ! j !':,-V-:. WUnUiaa,lf:c.t;; t -ENGELHARD A PRICE, Editors and Prop's. One year.... .. ..I..,...,. ...,Jt..H0 00 ; OU 1UUU11U o u , .Three months WXXKLV. i . One year...;;t,.,v..v,........ 8 M ! Six months , t oo r V THE POST, u . ? s Published Semi-Weekly, at . wiiminicton,' w; c, ' ''' CHAS. I. GRADY. ..Editor. Subscription : j One year. ..........i.........T;..i44 oo . Stxmonths... v ,..2 00 t" Three months", ......... . ....... . ...... 1 25 f THE MORNING STAR i . ... Mi c Publiahed-Dollyi at . J ,.WllmlnctoB'r. f . C, if ( WM. H." BERNARD,. . .Editor and Proprietor. Term of Subscription, strictly in advance : ? : One yeari. ...V..;.V.';w."i.'.'.VJ.;.f7 (X Six months...... ........ ...,., . 3 60 i Three months...... S oo , : One month ..............4.. 75 THE CAROLINA. tfAKMEIi, DEVOTED TO THI AGRICULTURAL IJTEFE8T8 OF - TBS TWO CABOUKAg, ' Published Monthly, at ' W ilmlngten If ii Ci , '' WM. U. BERNARD,!.; Editor and Proprietor. ROBT. K.JBRYAN,U.. Associate Editor. Subscription, in advance : One year 2 00 . Six months 1 26 THE SENTINEL,' Published Dally, Semi- Weekly and Weekly, at Ralelarn, JT. C, 1 JOSIAII TURNER, Jn............ Editor. " Rates of Subscriptiort : daily. . One year 10 00 , Six months. 500 SKHI-WKKKLT. One year 6 00 " . Six months 300 4 . -. WEEKLY. One year 3 00 , Six months 2 00 ' STANDARD, Published Dally and Weekly, a - Ralelgb, IT. C, ' J. B. NEATHERY A CO., .....Proprietors. Subscription, in advance : daily. One year jio 00 Six months 6 00 Three months 3 00 WXKKLY. One year 3 00 Six months 160 '" CAROLINA TIMES, Publish o l Daily and Trl-Weekly, at . , , , Cnarlotte, lir . C, It. P. WA1UNG,... ...... Editor and Proprietor. SUBKCBIPTIOir : Daily, per year $7 00 Tri-Weekly 4 00 ' THE WEEKLY NEWS, Two Dollars ami .fifty Cents per year. THE NEVVJ3ERN TIMES,- Publlslina Daily, at N e w b t r n, S. C, GEO. W. NAS0N,n... Publisher. P.H. STERNS.......... Editor. Term .j 1. Six Dollars p. . . . CAROLINA 777.C. 7iVl ZIT' Published Dally and Tri-w?t!K:y, . Cbarlofte, N. c, SMITH, WATSON A CO., ..... Proprietors. subscription:' DaPy. per year ,...J6 00 Trl-Weekly, per year.. ..... 3 60 GOLDSBORO MESSENGER, Published Daily and Weekly, at Ueldsboro', W. C, JULIUS A BONITZ, Editor, Ac Terms of Subscription ; daily. , One year .f8 00 Six months........... 4 Ou SUWDAY XXSSKROKa One year.. $3 00 Stxmonths 1 00 THE ROANOKE NEWS, , . Published Semi-Weekly, at ?' ' Wfidss, n. c, j- JORDAN STONE .Editor. AND. J. BURTON, Ass. Editor. 4 . Males of Subscription .- . Fonr Dollars per year, to advance. N. C. PRESBYTERIAN, , Published Weekly, at Farettevlllei If,C,, Rxr. JOHN M. SHERWOOD, Ed'r and Prep'r. 'suBscRrrnoH : Three Dollars per year, In advance. 'THE RECORDER, ! . Pnbllsned Weekly, at Illllakoro., If. C, T. C. EVANS, Editor and Proprietor. scBScarrnoK: Two Dollars er year, in advan.ee. ' THE INTELLIGENCER, 4 Published Weekly, at , wibictH, jr. c JOHN S. LONG,.-. Editor. spBscarrrioicf .-.. .'.. , NThree Dollars per year. EPISCOPAL METHODIST, Published Weekly, at Kaleigb, IV. C, IUv. J. B. BOBBITT Editor. SUBSCRIPTION : . . Two Dollars per year, In advance. ESTERN VINDICATOR, , mousnea weekly, at Bntherfordton. N. C, ERWlN A HUTCHINSON, Editors. subscription: , Two Dollars per year, In advance. THE OLD NORTH STATE. , Published Weekly, at Salisbury, N. C, LEWIS IIANES, Editor and Proprietor. Terms of Subscription .- ' Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE LIVING PRESENT, Published Weekly, at Wsrrenton; H C, WALTER, a. MONTGOMERY, t VA(tn, JMWADDILL, . ' J Editors. Terms of Subscription : . Three Dollars per year, in advance. WESTERN DEMOCRAT, - Published Weekly at" . Charlotte, If. C, WM. J. YATES, .Editor and Proprietor. Terms of Subscription: . Three Dollars per year, In advance. - GOLDSBORO'NEWS, . .. Published Weekly, at. tioldibor', N,C, J..B. WB3TAKER,:. ; . .Editor and Proprtetor. Terms of Subscription t Three Dollars per year. ' Journal of commerce, Published bally, at ' Nerwbera, If. C, ! S. D. POOL A SONS,'.... Editors A Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION : Eight Do. lars per year, in advance. - - THE EAGLE, .!.vi ,. it i . Published Weekly, at f JTAYETTEVIXLK, N. CU, M. J. McSWEEN. . . . . ... .Editor and Publisher." Terms Subscription; Three Dollate per year, ia advance. - THE CHRONICLE, ; , , ' Published Weekly, at - ; '' V 3 1 4 Milton, W. C, l'b " CN. B. EVANS, .......Editor and Proprietor. . . ' " SUBSCRIPTION , ' Three Dollars per year, in advance. :.v;;v!..!;"-the,news v,-;..-: . : 'i Published Weekly , at lrv:; ' i - ' . - Asbeville. JS.C-, , - robkrt m. stokes,:...?..;...:.:; : ' GEORGE W. tITESr Ultor- Three Dollar per year, in adraaoe. ij' Pobllshed Weekly, at-; 5 . iiv- r: ,( Vr "WHeeii , J. C, t, hi i r r C. & McDANIEL,..t..i.Edttor 'and Prtiprletotj '!':" ;. ' -Bate qf Subscription':': t..-s, j ,J( THE AMERICAN, .- f r s - Published Weekly, at.,.,,,, '- f ' ' sUUitUU, I. .', f E. B. DRAKE A SONST. ; . . . Ed Iforg and PropB .V '- u liie of bubscriptUm J ' ... i " v - Three Dollars per year, ln advanee l, f rlT. WESTERN- SENTINEL, " .--' : tPblished Weekly, at ; r,:. . t. V 'gxo.1L' iLATHis,.??:;.: .. . . Editor. , r ,juues o auoserxpuon a wu uuuan jr year, iu luivauce. . ,1 ; ; THE ARGUS. t 1 , . . r' Published Weekly, at eii t ' Wadelar;if. c; '' d. MoNxii;.i..:r.:.;.;r.t .:;:;Ediiori1 . - Rates of Subscription .' : : 1 , Three Dollars per year. In advance. - : ; - . . ; THE PATRIOT, - . Published Weekly, at . ; Graibrr w. Ciy "' j jiMES Wi ALBRIGHT A BRO.,.. Proprietors, v.. - r ' v.--Baofiuoscrtpttem.- - . ? : 1 . Two Dollars per year, ln advande. . . . , THE TOPlO, i, , -Published Weekly, at . . Grccnib or If . C,. t ' ' A. B. CHAPIN,.:.:;.t.'..Editor and Proprietor. 1 . -.- ). 1.4. Mates oj tsuoscrtpuon : t ; -"One Dollar per year, in advance. INDEPENDENT PRESS,1 - Published Weekly, 'at " Mor-gante.il, 'If . C., ; J. Or U. NUTTALL,.... Editor and Proprietor. Rates of Subscription : Tro Dollars and ITifty Cents per year, In ad - -r vanoe. . THE LIVE GIRAFFE, ' Published Weekly, at , Balefgb, Jf , C, : BABNUM A wmTAKER,V..;...Proprietorsl Terms of Subscription: Two Dollars per year, in advance. , THE SOUTHERNER, Published Weekly, t I' Tarbore', N. C, ' CHARLES A BIGGS, ...Proprietors. Rates of Subscription: . Three Dollars per year, to advance, j ' THE IIDEX, ; Published Semi-Weekly, at . Henderson, N. C, HARRISS A NEWBY, .Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION : Four Dollars per year, in advance. , THE PEOPLE'S PRESS, Published Weekl f, at Salem, jr. C, L. V. BLUM, ............ Editor an d Proprietor. SUBSCBIPTIOI : Two Dollars per year, In a .vafnee. FRIEND OF TEMPERANCE, 4 Published Weekly, at RALEIGH, N. C., R. H. WH1TAKER,.... Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION : One Dollar and a Half per year, to advance. THE EVAN. LUTHERAN, Published Weekly, at CHARLOTTE, N. C, Rav. N. ALDRICH, EditOr-Proprletor, subscription: Three Dollars per year, in advance. BIBLICAL RECORDER, Published Weekly, at RALEIGH, N. C, Subscription: J Three Dollars per year, In advance. THE STAR, Published Weekly, at RUTHERFORDTON, N. C, CARPENTER A LOGAN....'. Editors." . Subscription : Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE MESSAGE, Published Weekly, at GREENSBORO', N. C, Mas. C. M. BUMP ASS .Editress. Terms of Subscription : Two Dollars per year,- in advance. SOUTH CAROLINA. THE NEWS, Published Trt Weekly, at wmxsMOB,o, & a; DEPORTES, WILLIAMS A CO., Editors. SUBSCRIPTION : Four Dollars per year, to advance. THE WATCHMAN, Published Weekly, at SUMTER, S.C., GILBERT A FLOWERS!. ...Proprietors. auBacBirnojf : Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE NEWS, ' Published Daily, at CHARLESTON, 8. t. RIOBDAN, DAWSQN & CO., SUBSCRIPTION : One year.'. , Six months ..Editors. ...".8 00 .... 3.00 . HORRY NEWS, Published Weekly, at ' CONWAYBORO 8. C, C. P. BOLTON, Kditor A Prop'r. subscription : Two Dollars per year, In advafice. THE COURIER, Pnblished Daily and Trl-Weekly, at CHARLESTON, S. C, A. S. WILLGTON A CO.,... Eds', and Prop' subscription: Dallv One year . a .S HO Tri-Weekly One year 4 00 THE JOURNAL, Published Weekly, at BARNWELL C. II, S. C, JOHN S. SHUCK........ ...Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars per year, in advance. - THE JOURNAL, Published Weekly, at BENNET1SVILLE, . G, WILLIAM LITTLE, Editor A Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars per year, in advance. CAROLINA SPARTAN, , Published Weekly, at SPARTANBURG, S. C, F. M. TRIMMLKK, ....:Editor. SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars (specie) per year. . THE REPUBLICAN, T Published Weekly, at CHARLESTON, 3. C, ' BY THE UNION' PRINTING COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION : Two Dollars per year. ' THE ADVERTIZER; . Published Weekly, at EDGEFIELD, S. C, JAS. T. BACON, ........Editor. subscription: . - Three Dollars per year, to advance. ? - THE "G AZETTE j . Published Weekly, at .' CHARLESTON, S. C, J, D. BUDDS, Proprietor. BtTBSCMPTION!: Four Dollars per year, to advance. ' THE NEWS, Puolished Weekly, at ORANGEBURG, S. C, j ANDREWS ft HALL, ; Proprietors IsuBscEiPTioR : - Two Dollars per year, to advance. THE GAZETTE, Published Weekly, at ; SPARTANBURG, S.-C, P. M. W VLLAOE,..., ...?......Editor. Subscriation : Two Dollars per year, to advance" 4 1 f THE CRESCENT, ' ' i t.. Pnbllahed Weekly, at n 4: ' f MARION, 8. CX,. , .. 8. E. McMILLAN, .Editor and Proprietor. - -.-: 'sraMBnmtki - . -- Two Dollars per year, to advance. .. Published Weekly, a P. J. ARTEa...v.tSditor and Proprietor.; ' ""' 2.' A 1. BWMCB3PTION I t . ,v3fwv PoUarf and a Hall per ya,;ir T.'-l.-'T trey A 'Tl ;-n 11U U ill OUXV IW'iiiiii.. .t ; 1 . 'sa ,.,fTHE-.TIr.LESj'.r3ii i 1- t. . Is published Weekly, f-' - " GEORGETOWN, 6?, t "i VT0..W, ,TARBOX,..,w..Edior A-Proprietor ? i:.', .' " " 1 SUBSmiPTIOW: . ; -- ( ..- s : Three Dollars per year, in advance; r . . .. 1 Published Weekly, at .. , " - ' t :'d ft-K 18 Jt't I 'tf. 7-8 t. , Vi: ; G. E. ELFOHD.'.i .. ; .' .Editor and Proprietor. ,1V BOSTICX,'..,;. . j M.'.'.',.; ; ..Publisher.' 1,-.,.. :.: -:t :.. BUBttBlrnow l :i;.,i:;i .. i One Dollar and Fifty CenU per year. ) T . i-vKEOWEE COURIER i . ,v ,Pnbllshed. Weekly, at Wwj W.C. KEITH,. .....,........, ....... Kdlto. WH1TNER 8YMMES, .Associate Editor SUBSORiPTio t .,! .. Two Dollars per year, to ad vaitce. ' - ,., TMJb llii;KAL,D i.:..--f 't-tjii. f Published Weekly, a. S ; LAURENSVTLLE, 8. C, - ! : T. B. CREWS, JW.SIMPSON,;,. tPuWisher9. - SUBSCRIPTION : , . . . , . Three Dollars per year In advance; v js, j. i v . THE HERALD, . ; ;.. , 1 Published Weekly, at : " NEWBERRY C. H., S. C, f ' THOS. F. & R. H. GRENEKER, ..Editors.. ' SUBBCHIPTIOW , .. . . 1 Three Dollars per year, in advaace. ;- THE NBWfc5: ; ' ' ' Published Weekly, at 1 ; '4 DARR A QSTEKN,.... . r " . : .Proprietors. BUBSCRIPTIOlf Threer Dollars per year, to advance. r T,HE DEMOCRAT , Published Weekly, at , . DARLINGTON, 8. C.; -E. P. LUCAS, v. . . . . Editor and Proprietor. SUBSOMPTIOWt I Two Dollars and a Half per year, In advance THE STAR, I Pwblished Weekly, at MARION, 8. , W. J. McKERALL, Editor and Proprietor. subscription: ; Two Dollars per year, in advance. i ERN ENTERPRISE, Published Weekly, at GREENVILLE, S, C, -G. F. TOWNE8, AEditor. J. C. BAILEY,. . . . Proprietor and Ass. Editor. - subscription: - Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE SENTINEL, ' V ; Published .Weekly, at BARNWELL q. H., S. il . , b . C , ....publisher. 1.. a. uuujjiauA, ...... SUBSCRIPTION! Two Dollars per year, in advance. ' THE DEMOCRAT, ;." ' , Published Weekly, at . ,v CHER A W, S. C . , '' ..' W. L. T., PRINCE,.. Editor. subscriptions - Two Dollars per year, in advance. THE INTELLIGENCER, Published Weekly, at T ANDERSON, &?., ' 1 t HOYT A CO., - Proprietors. -subscription: . . --' i Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, ' , THE SOUTHERNER; Published Weekly, at darlington a h:, S. C., " , J. M. BROWN,. .....Editor. Miss 12. B. CHEESBOKOUGH, Lit'ry Editress. subscription Two Dollars per year, to advance. THE REPORTER, Published Weekly, at CHESTER, S. C, . ED. C. McLURK and JNO. A. BRAIJLEY, Jb Editors and Publishers. 8FB8CRIPTION : Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE ENQUIRER, Published Weekly, at YORKVILLE, s! C, L. M. GRIST, .Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION : Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, in ad ' . ' vancc. THE PHCENIX, Published Daily and Tri-Weekly, at - ; COLUMBIA, 8. C, ' i. - , JULIAN A. SELBY,.... Editor and Proprietor. suBscBionoN : - Dallv, six months..;.... ......ai 00 Tri-Weekly, six months to Weekly (TnaGLRANNR) six months.. Jt. 1 80 "MISOEIaLANEOUS. ' ' NEW BOOKS AT; LOVE'S BOOKSTORE. rTUIE CHANGED BRIDES, . . . JL - By Mrs. Southworth. HIIJ TO HILT, By J. Eeten Cooke, OLDTOWN FOLKS, Bv M."B. Stowe! T Y PHAINES ABBEY, By Do Gobineaui. SPRINGDALE ABBEY, Edited by Joseph Partln, D. D. . BL1N DPITS, A Story of Scottish Life. ANNE SEVEREN, By Mad. Ausrustus Craven. BLACK FOREST VILLAGE- STORIES, By . AucrbHCh. THE RIFLE AND HORN IX .CETLON, By NORMAN LERIiIE, trtrit a w v a 1HIKCT. By Theodore 8. Fay, T - tri r,v;n "Ai LiijF.rn, iy autnoroi iiavmoua's Heroine THE GIRLS OF FEVERSIIAM, By F.orence f.By author of 1 5 OF FEVERSI FROM AN ISLAND. By Miss Thackery. a y 11IUUUUUU5U. tlllt. THE GATES WIDE OPEN, By George Wood. MEN, WOMEN AND GHOSTS, By K. h. Phelps, DrtVllQ T fTl. II tr r. mi. THE VELOCIPEDE, its history, varlctlcsand practice, with illustrations, Ao. : myi5-tf Notice! TiyfTt. JT A1IES REIL1.T IS MYAGENT ATAl in Wilmington for the sale of Shinsles. Persons to want of Shingles for, building pur pose, or for shipment, will please caltou him at the Ferry, where samples can be seeta. ' H, B- SHORT. Wilmington, N. C, May 23, 18U9. may23-2awtf PRINTING INK. - - . . GESCT FOB THE SALE OF C. E. .ROBINSON'S Justly celebrated Black and Colored PRINTING INKS, At the Office of the " MORNING STAR.. , No orders filled unless accompanied with the money, or a request to send C O. .' Book and News Inks constantly on hand, and for sale at MANUFACTURER'a PRICES, with a small per centago freight. added ' to cover r Address, . . c - mayll-510-nactf WM. H. BERNARD, Wilmington, N. C To Country Publisheijs. I AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY PUB Ushers in either of the Carolina with a good article of , - FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAP TAPERS, of the usrial weights. '- Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled. NO attention paid to orders unac companied with the money or a request to send.C. O. D. ; ; . .1 1 i;- . WM. H.BERN ARB. . novi-ss-nactx EMOBESrs ypUK.O AMERICA,. 1 ENLARGED.- It is the best JUVKNII.Ji GAZINE. Everv llov and Girl that. ma it says -bo , ati ine irress say so ; ana Parents and Teachers confirm it. Do not fail to se cure a copy. A good Microscope, with Gold Cylinder to confine livingjobjecta, or a gold two-bladed pearl PocketTKnife, and a large number of other desirable articles, given as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, tl. SO. .Publication Office, - - . . .r--,..- . . . ass Breadwav.Nw York: de16-385-tf For Hew York ! , ' I. rpHE FINE SCHOONER "BEN, JL ROLLINS, Mastery will have dispatch for the above port. For. n freight engagements apply to - I vnLLtAMj)AuinicinaoK.i SOUTH ."IT l F.'A.LiCASSlDKt DBltKY C CA88IDKY 'WILJOTONjuMnB! 'rjCJITyAT, SHlJ - Yf? CAR?T CA URlR!i uuj :u o.l '; J; AND' SFAHMaISSS, '.i- 6 , '-'A tri iri?erfAVki !to ixFrirr tSVhV Stf-P t?" 'i iue ,aII?est vessels ooutlaa'ta this port have' been frequently taken i ease xeras reasonhble. m i. rry.'"' octl!M3-3-tf "J" " l'' i A. ADKIAN. a - X. VOLIKBH Cor. Front and JDock $t TpiOtE AUG GROCERS. t dtl Ite branches.'4 if .'U.'J . ! COUNTRY MERCHANT will do well by caiynj? on ns and examining' onr Stocky ' hovi-4i.f . U.--; . ;. REAL ESTATE AGENT, ,n ,A8HKVILLE j! - . . i B UNCOMBB CO UNTT, N. C. Activity, and' efneiency In bringing to gether the Buyers and Sellers of Real Kh tat in North Carolina,. and tt facilitate advanta geous transactions between them also the encouragement, of Northern and European KmirTanta- to -vomer' and settle In the 8outh. COaHSSION KCliANTS. ' S. n:, DENMAlRK?j: ProduceConiniissidii iMerphant T 'No.' South'- Wcti&:M?''-1 W WilmlnKtoii, W. : ' jJ.-Vit, s WILL GIVE . PROMPT PERSOIV A I. attention to conslgouaenta of all kind of Farm, produce- ;i.j...-. (ooU-830-6tii MOFFITT sSc ; CO.i' ' ' GENERAL COMMISSION WereiinN. NORTH WATEK STREET, . -. , WIlnlntoM,-N. IU WIU give prompt personal attention to Jit. salo or shipment ot ?otton. Naval 8tores, General Produce, etc., etc. - Also to receiving and forwarding goods. ' ' v Orders solicited and prbmptry filled ' 8Cpt21-tf f. - : GEO. z. frencu, w commission merchant . and ,rfal - ' estate 'agent, "'. WILMINGTON.iWw C.. . 'r ' ISSUES HONTIILV, FOR FREE DIS. trlbution, a Catalogue of Landa for sale In North and South Carolina. Send in a descrip tion and price of . lands. Jfo charge unless' sale Is effected. . , . - inarM.VJ-tf - - . .v- i ,,u ' PKOFESSIONAL..: Dr. Sr-S. EVERITT QTTCCENSOR TO "tor. BF. :aRRIN. . - -i . !..- Office, same as formerly occupied by Dr. Ar lington. . . . ap488-tf .;,,; .s.-;A;'. ; a h u e, A TTORNZ YiAT LA XV, WlLliriWflTOH, TS.C. OFFICE OI PRINCESS, BETWEEN Front and Second Streets: oct 1-8-tf . .. . IlAlL R0T) . IJNES: general' supers ofeice. Wilmington and Manchester E J ...i t; S Company .:. . i.- - ,aiTi'tt if if i Wiliwoto, X. C, April 10,' 1;9. ON mm Mfter APRIL 11th, PASSE. GER TRAINS of this Road rlll run on the following Schedule :. - ' EXPRESS TRAIK '. '' Leave Wilmington daily at-.;.,..... 5:1R A. M Arrive at Florenee..., ....102 A. M. Arrive at KingsviUe..... 1:45 P, M. Leave Kin ravine .......1$:40 A. M. Arrive at Florence.. ...., 1-65 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. 4. una p.m. Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charles ton, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad toi Cheraw, and at Kings vUle with the South Carolina Railroad .for AoirTiata, to whioh point the cars run through without change,'. 1 ' - I ACCOMMODATION A TV' ?' ' LeayeWUmingtoa daily (Sun, ex.)at 8:06 p,ju Arrive at Florence.. 2:40' A. M Arrive at KingsvllV3'r'-.rrr:t",ft;00 A, M Leave KlngsvflleV.l;-..'..-..,..!...;.4.oi p. m Arrive at Flprence...,..,..,.. :40 P, M. Arrive at Wilmington. ?.....".....' 5:10 A. M . Accommodation Train ' connects closely nl Florence .with the North Eastern Railroad rot Charleston, and atJOngsvilie with the Soutl, Cnrolina Railroad for Augusta., Pamahgers for Colmnbia should take tin Accommodation Train. ,.., -.. :;;; j . t i.n i WM. MacRAE, apll-486-tfJ , . r . . -r Gen'l 8upM. I ' ' ... . . v ' i i Vilin inKt on, jC liar lotto ui ! y- ' lit Vl.ii: Ji..-,.Wf -4' T 171 .',T. ? . '" ! IT " airicAi. trrtiTirt)Kirr's Orric, ; Wilmington, N. C. Aug. , 1867. ON ANII AFTER TUERDA Y Next. An srust 13th. the Passenff'er Tmin'imV'ihK Road will -lea vo. Wilmington onTue1pu . Thursday irtdSattfrday, at To'clofcjt, 'A. :Sr. ' diiy, Thursday and 8atnrday at 8 P, M. ' Roave Reeldnebam IfStage), o M0ndity . Wednesday and Friday, at (xSOJl. M.f ; 1 uav tuu c liua v, ai, UTlffCK, A, M, , Arrive at Wumlhgton same days.i . . T7. i .1 . . 1 . 1 at S P. M Gen. Sup't. Wilmington A Wei. 11.' It. Ci ' Orrfcs titir Ebsiykkk A Gx. BuP't, ( ' . Wll.lcarTOrN. C, April 29, 1IW9. - r : Cluiiige of; Schediile. ' ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. TRIE Ulh Inst., oar PASSKNGER TRAINS on this Road will leave Wilmington at fl.-0 A. M. and 10:00 P. M., and arrive at Weldon at 46 A. M. and 2:M P.m. Leave Weldon at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington 4: ,a:m. ad 70S P..lL.yjl :-A ' ? ' .? .:i 1 FREIGHT TRAINS ' W'lU leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays-, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,and rrtve-ai Wilmington same dayi at 8 o'clock, P, Mv . .... ... 7 - . 8. L. FREMONT, .. v. f v , Engineer and Superintendent. Wamington, May .Jth, 186SL r , . ; w ;,.. I tf ; , ' .lS.IAEP;;; mHE ABOVE ttEWABlVWILL ,BB PAID JL for the plantation JL for the return of a horse stolen tomtfee Ion of Obed ' Aiexanaer, on nmuie Bo Rntmri hut WmIiwkIiV nlffht. . 1 rht.. The horse-was orse-vi fore 1 1. on t a dark bay. with both "hind and one fore leg white, and has a lnttn in . hie mouth, on tne rbrht side. Also has a white spot, m uu rore- rigiit siue. head. , u r1 iiv t tri'i' " 1 r ,r I 1 . Vbjtci BLUARD, iuilif ".''" i Middle Soun j4- ;'Purmfc3tHoBl6od.v:; Foi Sale y JulySl-2fi4-ly . Drusralsta ' Evrrvvrbere - f i- v.- -1.,- A.' FrU. SlTPPI.Y OF TIIE'tATEST tvls Wedding , Carua an4.Aavelopeav s We on I MUliJSUiU STAR 4QH PRINTING OFFIOB a?EJ3v" a5a .nni m y ai&Pv M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage), at VI nid hthV n LeavaiWadesboro f8tH.irU h-t.,i.k 4 OJJ.7- .i.lirtiW . f ikt 3 - r f . ir'' -'f uj.-vi ; .i'--.-jj-i-fU ( . Horn o i ;X. ; 1' . .!- .-" i '.': I I; 1

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