THE BIORNIG STAK? . . pCBLlSIIKI) DALLY. -. ffH. n. BEBtTABD, Editor And Prop'r. Orricis, Dawson Bank BunolnFrpnt St.- ' S J t -h 9 O n e year, in advance ... p. ......... '. ... w .$7 00 Six months, tu advance. . . . 3 CO Three months, in advance... . . . .i. . 2 00 On month, In ad -ranee. . ........ Jt v 73 The Moaimto 8-f A a win be deUvaed tn any part of the City at Firm Oorrs per week, , . t PONT OFFICE DIKECTOUY. . M : j- ( . Mf .i t tci""'1 ' i T'f. ;Viii:liILJ 0 1. OS II Northern through A way mail 5:00 A.M. Daily Mortnern tnrougu mtuj iu r. ai. . - . Southern Mail.. ...........8.00 . W. Cand H. U. it., ...... .v. ...8:00 F-M. . Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. ; . rayetterUle via Warsaw,.. ..6;iX A. M. Daily, except Sunday. ; - (i :r- f . . : .,. 3mith villa sitwuin,. ....... 1)30 P, M. , three -times a week; - .; 4 .. V...- -i"1 v. ' X f .:.'AXTB! AT ClllA. Northern ThTaatfblAlall fcOO A. M. Daily. '" Northern Throuith and, Way MaiL"7:30.P. M, Dailv. oxoent Sunday delfverod at 8:Jn F. M. from alley window. A ... V. - f ,,. j." Southern, : P. M, Daily.. , .. W. C and R., &00 P. M.Tkroe times a week Puyettevllle.7:30 P. M., dally, except Sunday.., mitbville, 1:30 P. M.-r-Threo times a week. . , orace open irom i.-uu A.-w . vo uusy x. ai . Sundays , saw to .-uu A. Al. . KDR. BRINK P. M' WILMINGTON A, MANCHESTER R. : BOADi iCoet)r tico, o. nun Dtrtctor John Dawaon, Henry Natt, .O. G. Purley, A. J. DeUosuet, 1). 8. Cpwau, GpO. J, General Muperintcndent WilllAta Mac Rae. ' Secretary aiui 2reasnrer-Wm. A. WalkeV. Ventral Freight tt Ticket Agent J no. JU. I AtU. VeiAi Agent, WUminaton-:T. B. Lippltt. . VILMIXUTON, CHARLOTTK ' & EUTHKB - , i'ORD RAIL ROAD, ' . , , , v , J'resident Robert U. Cowan. ' . VireclurtS. J.Pornon., A. 11. Vaultokkelen, no. A. McDowell, Robert S. French, Walter L t teelo, Stephen W. Cole, Samuel H.Walkup, . N yo Hutchison, Uaywood W. Uuion, C. C. Ilen leron A. G. Logtiu, A. R. lloluicsly.. , bipjriiUewlentW, I. Everett. .... ' , , .UUtr t iratv-mMrUdio, W. II. Allen. . Hvretary and 'iVwiwwr.T I. T, Ahlormail. ' ut-r U4tiuiO-rWKCiilL . ,, .-...i.. Vf i4 ln W. Fronclv' ; . , ' .. wiiJkiXNGtqx a wiDOii iiL uoAWj; VirU--lVll..iUidtfiU-H. . . ,v..A,. , lrrt l(ti t -vn the jxirt of the vttKiiO'f'-ri , A. W rlght.S. D. Wallixcc, KU iIuiy, ..AIltoA Miii tiut A. U. Vunl!kk!leii, Gov. Xlanis, of W llniiuton, and John livcrott, of GoldborO. liurtctw on the poJ ( the Slatn-rJ. 8. Cannon, C. II. Droxlgen and L. G. Kates. . . . - , . ., K'hitJ Jiintnetsr, uiut Uenerul $UjtcritfeitiH-iUr-r-t. 3. I..ifcunu, .! . . ''! : J i:iL ..: Matter of Urait.yortutiut'rm. SuittJ). , . ' Srri iurniul Uatu-vr J, W. Thompson. ; ' M".Jtro Machinery John F. Devlne. . nw i- iuii. , . Master of Hnf)pliea.V. G. MftflJae.1 , Ueneral Ticket Agent XV. M. l'oinson. THE GIT TliO STAH UeIIeeU to Sab- erlbcra In all parts mt tb City nt FIFTN CENTS per weeU, payable ouly t ttfJAS. M, FO JXXS. Otders may bevlcrt either vltfa bliu aratfcbl Oflice. TO PRINTERS AND PCBEIffllEBS, Wc ha just recdved,8 gefiera QB3oriaenV of Black Trlntins Inks, manufactured a( 0; G. Robinson's Gray's Ferry. PrlntlnK, Ink Works. Wc have now on hand Book, Nws,. Job-e.nd Card Inks, at prices varying 'from 25Wnts W f 2 per pound. Book, Job and Card Inks in packages, of one, two, five aui. ten pounds Kcw Inks in packages of ten twenty-five and fifty pouudsi. We sell these superior Ink at . manufacturers' uct easu prices, charging uetii ing for freight from Philadelphia to Wilming ton. Printers and publishers in thie section will thus see that they can buy Uieni from us cheaper than they can buy them at the mauu lactory. Give us an order. -. Terms, cash. We can also furuls'h.' oflbhort notice, News Inks, in packages of not "less than 100 pounds, at 10, 18 and 20 cents; and, in packages of not ess than 300 lbs., at 14 cents. Except for dai ly newspapers, however, we never advise "hqr use of ink costing less tha 2ft cents. s V i. i ' LYG STARISXAEOEIi THAN THAT OF AXT dTHER tiAllfY XE'WSpjJ'Xh TUB LISnED,IXy0MTnxCAA0LJx4 y CHURCH, DIRECTORY. . 6 dat, August 15, 1869. V n't, Johna ( bnVali (Episcopal), Cof H RBp Cross and Third Streets. -Scrvicea-artOH A. M. and 8 P. M., by Rev. G W. Stickney. . .' .1 -Suuduy School exercises 5 P. Mt ! fjH -ffpiK Jin -.m f CORUKKjTjpUD AND iJXRET fiTRKES.. ' Morning Prayer at 10 o' clock" ."A. M Eft ing Prayer at 6.P..M. ,J ' , - Sunday Schdol exercises 4) o'clock P. M, First Prenbyterlan Cfcareb, hJ-k - Corner Third and Oranoe Street. " SerYiecs ft A. M. Jnd P.tM by, Vfv. II. L. Singleton. " ". " ; ' .. , T Subjcqt of discourse in the m'oruing,' " .Sin,"', Sunday School exercises commence at 5 , , Jtaptist Cbnrrbr IN CiTT II ALL BCILDINCL Services at 10 A. M., by Rev.' J. C. Hiden. Thers will be oo.or-lfle atpigbrC- i v ti ThiSM Cktreh CaCbll) -On Dock BKTVfBEN Sfcosp and Third Sts. . 8errice&t 7 aid lft-'ii A. aad, f, Mr Mass at 7 and WAJL"W- arid Vepe' tot 5 P. M , Rt. Re. BUhop James Gibbons t and ' tier.' M. S. Gross,' offlclatlrig (jiergyraeo.'"' , Fi4ni Street M. E. CliaWb, Soatb, '; CjaRNXJt VfALUdi' Aiio 4 Fron' ,9treet4 Services at 10 A. M. andft pM., by the Sunday School excrclsea at 9 A.: M. ; - -;; rmk tra "Hi ev area..-,,"1 Fifth Betweew Church and Nun Strjebts. Seryicei at.lOJ A.' M'. by BevSam' Pearce-' pastor", and at 8 P.' M., by Ber ii Q. ILldcwj ,. - ,f. . v BMt'ii.' -I'V'u Dock Bbtweek Frost asd Watib 8TBTa; ServtceVat 1QK A. it aoi 8 P IM-V 'b'Be J. N, Aodrews; pastor.; Sti Paul's (clarea'Eikseopai;,4'.;..'..! CollNEB, ORAJJiQE 'AND FoUHTH'.JSRliSTy Services Ai 0 Ai' M. an 8 Pj M.', X At . i .'.'ri, . .ii-L i ...I i i v. . it V TOMORROW EvENINO.'-OiiT V to morrow evening thp Board of Aldermen -will holditsxeular iDttulzneeting EntjotaInmiT NightWa.inat series of tbeir performances, in the Thea tre, t-nWrrpwilenip?;.:ol.f CoMMmRDTrrLaiixatKiggins (col) larceny was veslerday conuzutted toiail in, iim Sf UJKfttt 4er future appeara'ncc.-uijii'-: ' , f -nfeigVt ftr'eei, ;itwfien :Kkson and Howard iitt;'la,,t?Nwi.t? attention of the1 cityMarehaty who baa his force engaged I repairlog' th bad places to, ue iouna a tnat.Ticiniiyi':;-.'!!;' .tut i). Ilearv rain vesterdav morn iug, though the, large pattenog fliopa fell only a few a short while, after w.hiph t-hey ceased; and the sky assumed ft clear.- beau- , after yliich hey nedlft cleabean- ivaunshooe witbl i iT;t-JH(;w .' t ' . '."" : uui uuio csioc, ana xno e sun; shone witW . . piagaifieenc(;.'5:?r.f'.u . ; 1 1 1. t -X-A- McQuigg irv.-v vwrprniiT " L:. . r- w-r-'-i ay. ir-''!-.:l.r,1. i How aad ! - f- S ENT TO THB. : . iHospfXAjC-r JEIepv rfetta Cooke, .I,colored,' p'ati'per Was yester t day sent to the'IlospitaJherBo .receive' prpcr medical treattofflt. ; ; ; ; y..W,rt;', s..t m"',;;, "Cv'it - RfiLitiiD.Ahjdrew'- Johnson andJTaneJHilltwo colored guard house prisoMrswere yesterday released,,. their i lerm oi connnemeni naying expireu. t Ex-UovWoBTH.-It . Yillbe al . : -'i:?,.? w--:lriiwt:'t gentleman 1 9 learn "that " he has im- . 1" proved,, since, last hia sicknea was spoken : tt " ; vi j" of in-our columns. He probably amjred . at Raleigh yesterday evening on his way liomeward.' 3 ; --r, Ji.j j t FehTIVAL OF THE A'bSUMPTION. According to the Roman Catholic , calen dar, te Festival of the assumption df.the plessed Virgin May occurs to-day ; and as all . the . Catholic' Churches throughout the world ceU-bra tliia daywith much pomp, we presume xt will .be observed in Bt. Thomas' church of thia city. ' " ' ' ' forincd.that, on.'the '17th irist, Assessor Sinclair seized a wagon, with ' two mules and two horses, and a largo quantity of ItofrtrahSfld totrncco1- thV n)WTrcr being charged with Violation-' of ; the Internal Revenue laws. The seizure was made in RoooMnawbtyT Z .:? S. I "XiAtitA Wiqginb:-Thte' 'colored, woman, thq particulars oi whose case have .before been published, was yesterday tried before the Special Court, and required to give a bond 6f $50 for her appearance be loraHhe uxt Vena of the Superior Courts JTh whta t otaarillry 'Curtl whpna . the negro attempted' to implicate ia the.' aroyf WAft-wloaaod, ii . .. 1 .... . - . . j Educational. We direct atten tion, to) Jtie 1 udvcttistnftmtf Mrs. iRan (Bciyn'a SenMnajy, iiT hiRjPorTttng'arissneij This institution Uaa(prpyed bjf its past ca reer that its success has not been unmerit tedand tbe ratea of tuition for tbtf ensuing sesfion cannot bat insure the large attend ance that it deserves! Tlie rates " are as followa- primary JEoglish Jor'f entire . year, $13 ;' Higher English forsanie period,' 75 , Dcll. For thela&t several 'days if 'haa been yery dull in tho local mart,, and yesterday1 Was but Kte better , than the. tfr "or tlfree-precedin days. '-'fj r ( i The principal cause ot the stagnation in; Jthc local market waa the excitement which, the proceedings pending m ': the Special !Court created,1 and the ' public . mind was so "absorbed 'with'1 one' snrncct that we. ' - . - t ir - ; . ! . fobud itmpossible t-indope'n'iiyno tot iivdujfjW ur-4csitiiuaYen cariosity .further tlirn saving7 "Spcciar Court-ScciaI ! '''NcMBftR otStrrtbt Hands Lncreasrp. t The Biard of 'Aldermen.' after having' once reduced the number of street'' hands : frotrihffty 9 twcTrtyVnayiT" tound it 'he ' ; cessary fo aflow (lie "Marshiif the , original .1. .. order that he niay have.suf- hcient lorce tor street purposes. -7-;. isa wiorisideratTon'crn'lTje p-art of the Board, for thirty bands are none too mifotb atteVd fcrrSp&ly rp!the 'dttiesrf quired, and the Marshal' wbuldF be- tram meled too raucli,' were the' number less at . 1 TllEOWNFROM THE 'TbACK. One of the railway cars was thrown from ' the track, Friday .iiighti by coming in conthct with a cleat which some unknown parly harl reversal from' ' it" proper position Fortunately Q ne was seriously .. injured, though the shock was very great ..indeed; Ttis .accident occurred., nar the iater- section dflgh a4ir3&S'J'j5 It bjthejpinfqrv:pfmanythat miphie vous'boyiis We atrcidfirL-rmtw'Vat-tribute tlkc olot to '4iL matured head aha 1 f: M "'" tfeBBECTiON.TIri our.- report f of the " conspiracy 'casei published yester day; the name of Mr; Swann was ineorreCt ly used, ;Mrr.Smaw;-aa the party referred to,' and hit bame-'-not Mr Bwann's was written (plainly as weYthought in the copy that wi phd jthejands of tbe primer. J.t waa,lerefpf e, a, ty p ogrphkal error ; and one that ia easily sfectcdy substitoriri '' ' Smaw '' for ' Swann " report of t& caib. - , Mr. JosHi7A0T''tFAMES. In our yesterday's r articia nam reference: to the difficulty (bstweeo iMesara John C. James & &. t dra'dy: 'eiottttSLbils.fix--plicit in regardto the accusation, made by Mr. GGdyU JoaiTtl 'Ass had BtrickeaMof ro.r ;:.:( a : .Mr,- Josboa TtvJamea. ! was the brother 1 M exerted him3-wparata the tfelf Me was tlSphiSihho taire? ol fhe police fe'aUist hidl Inhina'uiiabiejJ tention ; and he did not offer apyt violence whatever 'to' Mr.'-'Qrady, and this ast nap 54 .'WW WJP sapJipmertWiiade 'the accuwtipnin th heat oi angeT and wtth- out availing uiiuscm ui wnuaioranquiry. i'We merelf alluda toihis ,oDr our:. own v-. t. ponsifeimhbt wishihgfr do jany thepart Xice either rnteationallyr, unintondonal-. ,.jJ ifOTt,sx,i'.l,iF i.hi-'rfi-jt vi( .. , iMfd ' ; . ; .. " ;, 7" ' ' ;' 7. : "... lice either intentionally r unintentional- ft- " "V'1''1 .''; '-'-'. -.: ;..Sr 5 '"ot. '7 ""M . j .Jili'i'.i " it Si' ty oct toj t intiiraor tn man 'rnatter jof; interest , to naany of ( ou , readers we will relate that . a new ' banking ; house I will Bxjon''le;openqd; i"PayelfeviUe?' 'and ' iuv gcunciucu nuu wiuvuoifoi ae aesuny. are competentreliable and energetia i . , It ia rumored that the principat'eapita lial's are Messrs T.' liatterk)b and T.7T. J.oqes, ahd, Aadrevy J. Jones, a utnoj posr aesaing -; ; capital, practical minda, ex- J- perience and ' a thorough . acquaintance Buccess Vet ; the" enterprise,,:, v-i,', j ' ;.VU! i w t -VT7 i 'Will Qdal 1 rjAUFY. -I in 1; : to-morrow the various township officers, elected on ""V . 7 - ty Commissioners, "and will, we believe. . , . v ."' assume their respective positions at once, ...... .. r, . , . r . . . ..f , . 7 " ? "uvujj u.ucia tu will uc ousepil C. Hill, (col.), pncfti the SbprjiTa ," 6ub,'". ihen deputy inspector of naval stores, their " energeticdunner " for the Po,s and finally the princely Constable of Wilming ton towuship. Josephus will probably dis charge his duties as well or better than many white radical office holders. ; ' . i- t .- jiirn -?ii i' ! Sale of ;. City. -Bonds, Yes te'r; day city sU per cent bonds to the amount of $10,000 interest payable semi-annual' ly in gold were ,sold by public auction, Messrs. James & Mearea, auctioneers. j ,;; ; The following is the return of the sales: j $4,800 ' : 'at 70 cents on the doJlaK1 ; 1.200 , v . , I j.2,000 . : , : at 71. : - 1.000 ' at7U 4 u ..." 'I'lllll ;f:i.ood''.,;;'.arj2 ;,n: " ' . ; $10,000 total amount. The sale-was re-' garded as a good one, and we may say the same in reference1 to the investment:, ;1 ; FAYETTEviLLK-We notice from the Eagle that the enterprising young gen- tlemen of Fayctteville have determined to obtain,- by assessment - and subscription, the necessary amdupt with' wbiijh to pu'r chase a steam Are. euginje. o;Tbe plan, prcr. poaedds to call on Insurance Companies for aid, on Northern cities, on the citizens" of t he place, to assess the members of .the Company, and to raise funds by giving musical entertainments. " ; iLr, C. E. Roberts, a gentleman, well fittetl by education and experience for the posi tion, has been Chosen Foreman, and the other officers have been judiciously select-. We are glad to see Our sister town ad vancing in progress," and we trust the stride will load into the path of success..,,; Concert Wednesday Evening, Qa Wednesday evening next the "Cope Fear Glee Glob," bt this city, assisted by an'dmberof gentlemen from Philadelphia, "wUl give an elegant concert in ThaliaJi Hull, and the -on terrain ment will be worthy- f llbehd piitrna ro-i, Vhc part of the generous Witnvot'on, -public,,. ,, , .,; i heprocecua will be me'l in lchait t tlio Howard Relief Fire Company which isVt- tcmpting to raise a sufficient amount for the purchase of a steam engine- The public shouldaid this measure t Tuf no Company is better cntitletl ; to praise than the u Dawsoii "Boys, and .no step. would be of more, advantage pi the 'city' than, procuring a steam, engine for the abate mentioned cbmpahy. With two- steam engines, manned, by efficient and reliable firemen our city would. be comparatively safe from the great losses always,attendant on fires when not cheek ed by a well organized fire department., ' ' 1 - From' ; Robeson tWeJ -any very :l t glad to hear that SbcrifiF Howell; of Rob-, eson county, ihaa a large armed force in pursuii of tiki'banditti who. have so tiUi been outraging' the people of thai county.j He has "already'captured , tworof th? band ; and it was thought he' would hive the balance iff custody by Baturday Jiight;' k 't:Slu!,r(iff'HoweiJ i' entitleti toi the thabks of ile people for th7energy :he haa shown iu jtbbj tnattw-. ;; We. Jre MfkUififorO thattie rniscriants tC.a Vman uported SherifT Howell for his present office. The Ku Klux are not the'. guHty parties, .but straight Hcpublicana ortne Radial at ri pel 1 .BLboDf Tstefday,' afternOdTi colored . matt, iftamed Jessj-.Betts.'wa stricken; near Jthe temple withM jrockj thrown at him by i Cudger 'Taylor (co)) and a painful, horrible gaau was inflictecL .v Tb'e cifCumanceSjSo far aa wa were able to learn,! arc'ai' fbUowV ? w Se've?a1f; iOlore'cJ r4eh;Bettem tog thi fuHf throwing wateTHttelon f-riads arose - .i lf-ltt tf.V. ' Hi t'Uti- .-mi ! f-. r I another when Betta became wearied of tbe sport, and requested Cadger Taylor not niahd 'Was-accPmpifaied WltH-jUlfe rohich. however,- did not" 'defte Taylor frop totally -disregarding the- demand.' ; '' A xiud waa thrown apdiolioweiby ;ja rock WmJthe haai of Betta,,-; Botfc 1 misaJ fto, .jfoee;, raar ed their rtfe'pwtite' ntarkB, ai; Betta proacbed Taylorj .not intending tw renew, the alight difficulty 1 ;me last natnea pen son waa: angry.andyaruck' the-'first'. meol tippl.pj?tji&i itf. W :e' commencement of thia article.- The wound ed man bled profusely, i and 4 hia. .clothe n'. yi h ; M "clotte'd1 with' the thick gore, that Th caaewiUbe faedbefbrethefip W nii' t ..VI'" lMCl-'M-;r "! .'. ' . ' ' ' '. : ': , . -- : I Disastrous Fire. Qn Friday ' nigni me parn on taerantation, located at Porter?a Nekv.Tapaail Sonniiiand be longiogto ; the Veirs; : of the . t'N. Nixon, Esq,, jwaa, together ?withl fifteen hundred bushels of peanuts whfch'Tt edn i'.&A ' LliLLiLl' - -La i.1"aj: vt'jj-dm,'' lomcu, viiwrcij uuusumeu, uy nre ; ana wiie loss is estimated at four or '.fiye, jtLousan. donarSr" J ?--:-4" -r'i ' Parties who arrived ai tlifi scene of dis-'' 1 7ix. :,.L7: V.. .. . ' ; . astexmscoyereq parnany purneu matenqs and charred light-wood, and these faetB es tablish beyond doubt tbe presumption and : that .the . raisfortupc is .attributable Itp. d cowardly incendiary whose v motiyes for performing the deed cannot be imagined..; ; The insurance ambunted to two thou sand dollars, an J thi3 , deducted from the loss stULleaves" several thousand 'dollars.'. ! ; .The flames were first seen about 8 oV clock, but sq rapid were their progress,' it' was' Impossible 'to' check'1 thera in their madj'deslructiv'fe-careir.-' 1 iS J" j1'v "TTo Business Men. r-i arties wish . :''. L'.-. -H'. .jiii i ' . S ing to advertise in any newspaper pub lished m either of : the Carolinuk may; bave 1 ranch unnecessar'y' time- and ; trouble by i making th dir cbhtrac ts' with : th e; ilafesns 07 Star Advertising Agency, which is fully authorized, to: receive advertisements at; publishera' lowest rates.; All necessary in- 1 lurmaugn ,. given, , iuiu au veriisemenia mailed 1 diredt Vo 'publishers as' soon! 'as handed in. Business "men will consult belr interests by patronizing this Agen cy. Advertiser, pays no cpmjpissions. . tf , r A.- ' - " "'...T-1 J..' L! ' ' M I ... . . ' To Advertisers. As advertising mediums the Morning Star and, Carolina Farmer'are not surpassed by any; publica tion in the State. ' ' m' 1 LATEST fi-M AIL. Korth Carolina in aiNiitshell In souao portions wot Boanoke sec tion cropr are anffering for rami1--- A In Halifax county, last month, oner white 'and eighteen block couples em- barked on the sea of a-cri-mony. J series 01 prdtracted meetings will commence in the Baptist Church, at Goldsboro', to day. ' , ' ' . .Botlr. cotton and . corn are rapidly maturing in Jones ; and Onslow, and the yield promises to be "large. The commissioners; of Halifax county have decided that the newly elect-' ed clerks shall give bond before they are al.'owcd to qualify. i-.u j:.H U-1 i '''Tralie6 will visit '.Riile'gh' tn " ':!fovetoberi''? ; An "-order" en gaging Tucker Hall iiox the Sad, 23d and ?4th of Jat. month,,., Lt. Roadalisis a certain care for the worst formsof Rhiitnat4smti tt never fails. - "f l i. ... ,v:,h'4lAilvMQBX(J.2nt.l . Dr. J. JLawbkxck; . LV'ar 6tr: ur'Romclal'is'Uaji' proved' iV inreat sueeees Tn inv c iu oC Chronic Kheuma- . tiijuiaait Xeumlgia, after having tiietl in vaiu ior two rnomna 10 get roller trow, otner sobn-i. ens. . Itccrtn-inly U worthy of trial, by iuiy liertttoa'o am letet.' ' '-' -l iU.wt it V'ery respectfully yoursAc., . - - -. .' " ". THOMAS H. GORE. ' ! DkArSibI Thl'ls to ceftlfy'1 that I nave' boen afniptodl wilh;Rheuinavim ton tlveJAat, Ave or six years, many timt uniihle to move. 1 tried aU medieiuas reeavmea4eiKto me foe, the disease, without receiving any benefit. Having heard ' Rosalali.i' highly spoken of I procured .bottle, aa.l lindiiivy .some relief, continued it antil I am- happy -to1 say th it I1 am completely well. ,,. ,, ,.. tl not only consider the " rtoWidaUs a sor iirelgn remeUy for.RhenmattBia, but I beliore it aiso a preventive, anu 1 cneeriuuy rccom raendlt totha f'afnieted.,!l ;.-, j .. ,4, Yours, very truly,,. ' " ' " -JAlTES WKBfii'M tanjr io-tr Ul jn .ti wi "'- --, .i etaale Iisfeasei;;;!''''i -'" Large unmbers .of .womeniii fact almost . nine-tenths of lUb entire self snffc'r from' Borao disease peoaliftr to femaies. vi L', . Dr. r IvAwuicn't Womak'8 Prisho meetst with wonderful success in curing them. This fact should be widely knownj If every lady lathe United States were to take, one. or two bottles of the Woman's Fbikmd, they would be repaid by n, renewal .0 health and $Crmoik"r .if iiiv. 1 ! Tin hi l in ;;vv 1i It Jt a safe and reliable remedy, and . Ja ,ea-dorse-d by tho be9t physicians. , ' v, ' 'aa aod 1 ..m-i 'lia-T-f . j u-j.18 I i A- U.'. ':T'-ff i'ltu 11 i Hi 1 i Htftff) tttii', ; .ii u Xmtesti by-TelejcMiph. : t- Thonsands of finorii, womew' and1 ebildrea have been curat of, pXarrhea, Dysentery, Chol era Morbus, Colic, Ac.,"by Dr.' It. H. Worthlng ton's ferebratiedNorth Carolina ' Reinedyj the ohlv known bpbctno foraU paidfpi bowel air! lections, Ask for Dr. Worthington's Diarrhea and Cholera Medicine keep it in your house 4awe travel .withoas, it It-may rave your, Prl925'aM''c ," " . -J-" ;i Fw-sale iiv Wilmington by Ji W.' -Xippitt ft Cor JameaT. Wiggjn,;Whpl)ee: Proprieto ry .Agent, Norfolk Va. . , , . . , . , . tf. fi4 f ;)';; t! ( i .' lm . 1 . , Jc- -j.Vv -i'T J1EW, A.PyRTIMLHENTS, ',, f ilEijrs6Eii6s' Ivlve " Book ' 'Stbre-i-Fftper' ahuEnvclopesV' ';' ';' '' ).Mu?isoK xte' COv-t-Fifty .ucr coat; leas thn toett "?1-i;k;k lot "6i'3 ' i? U- '1 ;-, S ys 5 Ji i ,r vAjTj' uVi 4.;-' 1 ' J". D. CuMMiNQ Wilmington .Buildiug As- 8a,;. lu ff M T'd .U ,v CbwAir & MaTTS-XXtra Family Flomr, J?ig Hama.;.?vii-4 1 mov t v,! :! .i . t j luif f.-f i.ii t(.jT: i T .:;,,.,.-, Pale-rb I. nit rfJfnvtfiiTf mI ifi l.-ffjt 'T-ftitt MEiJfeomjaV Ransom Mrs. Ransoin Fe male Seminary. . ; WifAi? ttlMSTAha'JCoa'cerVHy S&pV FeacXSlee.CIai -jjj to -.iliJi J.J ,;!! .liv. rruiE sd:instalhnt is dubi and : X able on or. before ,toe lgtb, insl,' ;Vve( ednesj- uay next .Pa arties Interested wtU fbea la mlad tiey wUtbeflaed, tf payment ia, no made on.Vvtjaef : aasl9.2nai n U 4; otni i.'. tl--ir ,u ftw'r-J ,lV;AaABJVMA,V;ll,' v..Mi BundindrrABSdciationrl frui tnSKci:. aSher 'M.I 'i.J .'H 2?i CU-a.-'v;. sul j ' '" ' 'j!?. ' ";. . ,"7 . - " :f- r - 1 f t- n -4-i4 t vr l" 310 lrf.f v 1 -irii f v.'.'i.'i fit liffi. . --l!V ' ii. 1 v''llH rpHB CAPE FEAB GLEE CXTTB, fwhlte) OF X Wilmington, alsted;';" LIhm ...... t. . - i . , ' -i r. - . " -nJji -iIjySMBAPE.w il-jiitw ,at9iv. j 7 Y - " WILLIAM BXXEDtrK, foiuyio.yeaxs,eiaj,.miili., J J. W. MORClAN nd othora. lata oI -..-n-.v .'j,'fr laiJ.f fir-rtl or lrs -nil JSailftrd'instrels Philadelphia, will give a GRAND CONCERT tn the above named Hall, M, . , feinesiay jyeiiiiii,. 1869,- the proceeds to go towards purchasing a Steam Fire Engine for fioward Relief Mre Engine Company No. 1 (JPhite), , 7 4- Admission to all parts ef - the House 50 enra v'Slt -ViI'O , v -y .v -r . For particulars see small bjlls. Tickets for Rale at; the SoOkstOrel' ho tels, and Banks' Confectioner'. : 7 . ' . augjt, .. t .,.x tl t nt y ? : 'Stmmmwsm-i'-' 0TTR JSUMMER1 HATS ! AT BARELY COST ! 1 i? "i BRING THE CASny t.'1 ' -.' T,'J'; i .iiLKi rjirf :;.fl 1' ' "si sir' an 15-tf Ciiy triotbiers. ; Baggings Bagging OlS rtnn!T heavy" dottble sZJ9JJJ ANCHOR, BAGGING, iStnch- es wide. For sale (by ;; y "TO- 'iir't!TyTT'?ii"t aul5-i3t I ' S?,' and 29 North Water St. :i 1 1 - Female Seminary v -fTTTLL OPEN. THE 7TH. ,.QF, . OCTOBER if -' next. 1 ' ' ' - 1 '' j't. ' ! TUITION Primary English for entirq yeary ItSr Higher 75. " " .tSvJ Music, Languages, Drawing Painting, Ac, as- low as possible Same teachers as last year with other able assistant. Apply to . . . 7,i Ii r . MRS. ROBERT RAi3QiLi angi4tpu XXtra Family Flour, -IN 'BARRELS,'"-' " 1 ; ; ' ff ( . ( ! ': . r ', haxf Barrels; AND BAG& 7 KjTT ill !k At 7 Market-street,--,.,-1 J JlUl5-tf, Cp W AN, , A ; JIETT. Pig flams, BreaMast Baooii Strijs.' - : -rrr-E pay an Extra pRcfe for! btnt" f:"';;!H7'A" M'';s",. T;';" Andgetupnc-bnt ...... CMce ;f iBreaWast i Bcon f strips, ; t - Ajfc, i v 1 7 Market-8tire?tf v .' CO WAX1 it METTS. - i. I !ll I i I il-A. auljptf ; ,fc pw a tints? itxidt,1; i-: 1 v MTyilJiUe andJiaetaii j ijii-l!j; w b a 1 ! GOMMSSJOm ME& G11ANTS .Anil Defers in all kinds of C)lNi;RY . o. 3 So. Water ., . . l apio-taj-trj ' n ii ith j y.ti Avumiigti,xfi.o ' Farrriers:" r r , J irosT of VbttTrtAvix iiiN fat'ore'd L .this vcar with n usually jrood croiw. j-our'next Uiouht should be,' how to Uisposo of vour surplus pronco to the best ailvantage. we1 have glwrr this matter' eonsrderabl thought, and for onr; MUT.UAJ -BEN EFJT wo ha-ve determined o cll -all eonsirnmenW'0 COUNTRY PRODUCE , for .the SMALLEST POS&rgLE ; logitiinate ichiirrcss' ad make) prompt ret urns of tbe proceeds.. i We 8hAU Also keen m hand a Veil Iseleotod stock of Groceries well adapted to your wants wlilob we BhaU sell at. tho-. WW HAT. CA&H price. ' i i. Tlianklmr von for voar nast liberal stanoort. ! we respectfully ask a contin uanc of the same. , . ....... i r-. iitio u. ri A , T ' No. 3 South Wnteritreetl' " anl2-naetf Wilmington, N. C PaUer ttrid EnVelopes. T ECEiVED 'BY STEAMER ' TO-DAY A jai large ossonment-pj ( j II.. i n- - JSTOTE PAPERiand nit ENVELOPES. !(:!: ij-ii :. .' . t : ' American and French BLAlSK'BbOS;::'' ir ::-! n endless variety. For sale at m i 7 -. ung. 11-tf IIEINSBERGER', 1 Ii fciLiyBook storo, 38 Market Street U-Jl -U 1 ix. - Jl-i.U-U iJ-'llX.j A New Lotof; ' -n DES SIC ATEJ) .COD FISH, ; . ,!' ) SELF-RISIO FLOUR, -.h .,,, m . i CIGARS; 'LARD,1 -v ; i 'f BufTTER''''' ' "if: ' 'i'iHIl -"' !' triii vi i:!t.j nt :) ii-jiitH; I c-. i i t i tito! .flit.'i i;il';ijl -fill i. FRED. F. FRENCH'S, . j hi i vmuitf its . -Nii;)So-atriFropt-i8tre4t. At Love s , . . itivH'i "t fill". i(ttltBH ii , i .ui BOGKi STORE, J-DST RECEtFvEfAiFHE,AfS0BT,MENT -a.ii. -TT'aT u;iil jKif I'm! ktigVtr,,7; ';V :ufH; (..uiiusii'i V'L jjf tl'-iuv- ttii-ii , f l-'i l tvfUc "Sfi-t P.ilCei ; ; u'l-Il itoiSit rVecipa - . ;. s. -. .VlVfit A ' - ' - - . ' ' ' . 7- . r 7 v- - ' .. 7- - ; - :- ' L 7 WTT.T. TtlB Ansi?MT FROM THE CITY FOR .w 11 s .. r. v . .,.. in 11 0 M JfJOi waftaWMnrT of kn iiealer lif w'"5 . STATfOKARY, PORTABLE AND HOISTlKO - ; . - . I ; f; r U - ?. " " "W V . , Al UALVAvMlZICO lVrongbt and Cost Iron Pipe, very description of. Steams, Gas and1 littings, Lower Alarms, Oil Valves a lc steam and Water Guages, xeif,- Steam Pamps,- Enreka iiami ana rower . ' It ; !'i7 ' Pumna H A CJI I Ji BT AXD TO 1 -lH ', ))." i; vr-.. , -.'V. Saw and Shingle MI Wood-Warklnr Machinery, ind Mill Work f all ' Kinds,, Cotton ' O ins, Orist MiUt, Xeto an'lSeeoiid Hani MacKinerffhy all ' Kinds t &c. &c.' -MT PRICES DEFT COMPETITION. lOfflca and Warehouse, 47 Dey-street, New YorkS';;-" t ? aniwim; flirr T7J," i J 'And'lrovisiofiis. riff BBLS. NEW UEvSVY CITY MESS aUVJKJ fork ,.60 Mhds.. Western. rib Side and Shoulders, ' -' smoked. lij - r-' , 40. hbds and boxes Dry Saltod Shoulders ' ' and Sides, ' -ihbds 10 casks anr$bbla;Breakfa8t Ba con and Pis Hams. i 40 bbls. and too tuba LrU prime, natural 900 lbSi N-CBuCOtfy m:-r. M-(, ;. . an boxes extra Codfish. 3 drums Hake, . ' 400 bags Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffees, 50 Tnuaaml lO Firkins, Choice Table But J30O Bbla. Flouv fresh, favored brands and all grades, ' " a SO.boxes and n caddies Gold Leaf and Sweet Tobacco. 5a cases fine Clarets, (' . 'i.j.i: j i. cases Champagne Cider, j IMO cases' Pibkles. Jellies, Preserves and V 3D hhdS. and JWrbbla TSPrarTrirrades. I ,j 30 half bbls Mackerel--Nog. 1, 3 and 8, i - 25 boxes Lemons and Oranges, .4 ' i rai:cylv11 ImiMHol Too: . i..,. . ........ 200 cases Lye, Potash, Soda and Salaratu?, 200 bbls and Jboxes .fresh 'Crackers differ- . ent kinds, - ' 200 bbls Cuba Molasses and Sugar House Sy- . A" 'Mrgev ' assortmen tf Twines,' Scales fb Grocers. Brooms, whole, and ground Spicea Essences, Starch, Toilet Soaps, Sifters, Shot Cords and Lraes, Demijohns, Bottles,, Crock , cry,' Bar-Room Glassed, Soaps, all makes Smoking Tobacto aol nutTst .SegarSfr Black-i Ing. Kerosene Oil, &c., &c. i The above we offer to hetrada at the very lowest market prices. . in . fiADRIAN' VOr."LEEiS,ii! I ; Cornei: Front and Dook Streets, . Sefotr'''""'-' - WllmlLgtonX.C. H,. i )-.; HAVING OPENED A NEW UBfOEB TiKIJIS OBMrrABUlSIIMKvVr "in Toomers Alley,, between .Front-and Second, in'rear of pureell Ho8e,,WilmngtenlaN',0.!!, ;I am. prepared ,to furnish Cofllps pf alllitnds, made and trfmmetl in tnb neatest rand latesr ' oSSo 998iallrt. i Tuuipi itueii.iun givun to an irirm oi oar psaters Workj; Ir.iii! i; , , -.noj utui I ,ti - JTJSTflXECElVED, - "t ii. i)i.'.!vl ts.f H'lV- 1 :.'l.,-fj..vs, ol h-wnt'fi Jr. j! ".. 'fnTa ''.till ilfi 1'. -nirl-A fine assortment of Fisk's Metalic Burial ;.ase. which I will furnish cheaper than thoy : i.hvc neeii huu nereioioru. . ., au-v( iNy, C.'Map and Gazetter: rTWIK SUUClfllilSKlJL-VVl.Mi PURCHASED ! X, the enrl-ie Copy RliBhXv Plates. o-,oftlie4 above Works, and desirous to expedite their sftie thWnftb the eiwite-wtatiev'lrt knUkrliaw; otters to live, active,, liusjncss , ypang men a good chande-ttt mafcf:rttiey.'J i-frtr' thWe fpurths of the xnap. hv tci Cotmtie9 each. 'This riew map Wllf be" about' live fet. by fon illustrated Borlt-,l Hanl,, somely Engraved Counties, Railroads. Post offleoB, Mines.; Mountains, i&e.- Ac.i A . Map worthy to be hung up in every house, office, arid school lit. the staext- : ti'n -wn v -. '- Specimen copies ready, about, the 1st Sep tember, l: '" ' Vi" . Terms aicc9mmodatiU'r, .address wUh two stamps'. j . ;, .-Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE, L, augl5-tfl Wilmington, N, C. - v ui i I . . .. .I. Mi , ,. .,. -,. .'' Tea Drinkets rT7T'!FlND,,k' CHdlCE1 AsidRTMTETNT" rf T jiQf ca,rofullyTsehietedlJ. . ,-.: OREEN'BLACK!; "AND; - l-rj:n-;u;'- !,. Breakfast Tas, !ii,-v -tuji t; j r..irj-; i 'i . if .51 , At , , . r - GEO. MYERS', i ad-8-tf" !l ,J !..', 11 and-13 Front 'streets ,; TTT .1 : i : . iU i r vvanteQ. rl 1 -( tr 1 jNY QUANTITY' OF BIESW'AXi.' tJ yirl. wo Fiyrhch,ire.wiUpxtftf nH.jBSf ; J'V, C' A" S' TTPI 0: E J3.,in f ii i' ! ' ; tT. li'illji id. p-f - .i ; if . ,i. .i .i, i 1 I hi ha ft tu;u!l.'i!' s' FlALCONfiR A 'SOSTj:? () iM .-,HidB, Leather and Wool Dealers, v o. 12 Dock Street, Wllmington,.N. C. ' Thllgtf -" "t JJ'I. r--A.1t J.I 4 , .if- Ul.j O f( n!lf ; ni"iiijiii)'. -a'! and Shoes;; GO T "UiU TO 1 Ji:!j n. ).''i:i..i: ."i:i..i: fraQ'nn i; "Jf Si t': ii tr-l . .1 j.i ; .-.i A7latg4-' stoekand! u : I ''::l l ii vt H.i.nW'.'Pmnn foreaslr.?;""! fcirii7-'H4ii je nr 'i b-qsfi Vi bEO, R.' FRENCH fc6bNy'l ang 13-tf 29 North Front (Street. :iin iil.l ; on-A- iilJ V ;aVA4.V ! tt:r. JiU. . "YjIRONir' PAST OF isTORE-M50rriei) Cem JC !notandNoWater,8treVno iOocn pied by Messrs, Cameron llill, Possession give 1st October: ; 'r '- Ji'uii. -AJsotwa vfvOees oven same premises, i Vf Jt -ii,. AWtal JItfBBO' 'ahg Wthrtf o:ot t. M uX io va; 1! l,y.fv. i 7 .;, Jf ....-ii.t.-iii '... j.. i j-if Cot tour ijasreiiijr.tnoi - -vv a r, -arv .f.O': . A 'fl tf) i i 1. JTi&J i - 7 t. ess. i O v i mi a a a.i- VV XUrileby --V i--?; r'fimmi-- u jlt tVi'iUrtUirTanw ' " ' .i1ii)T H f -" 7.'. 1 ' ' ' " - " V:-'f--; " .. 7.777 7v . 0jniii.,-..iiv,.j t;4"l lOh BAGGING j , v,: A SATES OF ADYEBTISING f 1 . r three days, S 00 " UJlvadaya."K;;iXt'". 8 oo nvaiayar..A..w....... ft i jaae oaiU..ULi..i.-..M;i.. 8 to I r Contract Advertisements taken at pro " portionately low rates. , ' ,' Marriagrea,' Death : Rellgioaa, Funeral and , I IfSL??!1 for i11 d-vazioe i otherwise fall rates a Ttans Cash on demand1 ) a 4 ' l " tl r 1 : , .vi ' STEAMSHIP XiINES. Patronize ;the Opposition and - tnsure JLow.'. BatesI ' I? Bteainship Line: i 'v xTT a uiuk vui nvLUallxilU- v.,v-.. ,.i.rtK.HI ...'. X? --t-. ! i-.. ... .' ... j The Xcw Iron teamaliips . " ; VOL UN-TEE R',' fan;it:a,7, ! r , 1 . V. i .-'-.t .','.W ',.l,ivFBEi:MAW, Will leave Wilmington .alternately every five 1 1 4ays. This lino brings goods from New York ft the follow hi g low ratoe.uus -1 r i . ( j . i & . ;n - Prfc' S Cents per, B.rrU 1 i i raoiaun t eaiR pr Barrol, j 1j v.t;7n.(i:Tlnt;r l Can.: peri 'i.'i.' T , Meaauiesaen ;g9)ads. oenta pqr foot i,Welght ; ' goods 10 cents per lOOlbSv r- ' ;J 7 BARRY BROTHERS. Aarents. WilmingtoivNi C, May 2-tf ..Lt;;ij i i,i -TTT Plllladelpliia!,1 arid1 SoiiitHern " Mail Stteiamship Lineif w( THE FAST AND. FAVORITE TKAMSHIP . i ' !' .I 7 7 PIONEER. ! Capl, t, D. DABRETT, Xl1 RUlf THE'FOLLOWrNQ' BCHED-7. ion r?tw Philadelphia aptlj WJinpjig ! Leaving Thiladelvhia. Leaving Wilmington, ' June W, 1J9 j a.' nt, June 15, 18fi6 '6a,,m.,,.- '.,., 1869 6 Cm.; yniyrofW i a. m.. Aug:, ia, 19 '6a; in. f-"t -xE7, ltfWl ; 1 ' ept,)a 4, iwa,(. lriiiJ:?':odt,fM le:i 6 a. m., , Sept. 1 1, iww cajniu . i ?a. ihw a. m., Oct. : 11. 186HI - - " ."", lHfiH. wa. m.. . vi. vi raoV'.i'S.iiNRi Hn.m....VA. 'in mm '. -. f - : j iu ia-Q ii , c- awr l a. m., Deo. 10, 18B9 6 a.m.. "84. lg, f.;itHiMnr ;;;i7, j r ",. -. .: , -, . ., ", ai, tow iduvuir ,i ava rnibiiuaiirniA u ;. -fin-, v.- t'lti-.-nBinTCBnt y'HlMitiV.Ji ' -...' ' MB BABBJCL.' ,; j !(' ,, 'KB BAKS XI . Reef and Pork,. 25 HVlegar,.n.i,-',..JJ 44 jnasaremnt Oads 4 ntapr fot,"j , , ' ' "Welarht Oaads to ata. per io Inai i ; Insnrattee atiow7raes.-ii 1 ' i ;y -v ' ' ; For Freight OT.Pa'a. apply to - .." i D.Q..WOlitTll, Agent, j -vf: ?';. H km WilmiagtonvNC. ' W. L. JAMES. General Agent. 130 South ' Third Street), Philadelphia. 7' - j i 'lrj-"u ( ) J r-i '! :: t i, ... Ki.-.f, iXorjanxl Xorih Caroliiiit, A'r,n l.iii, . '(! i TTu OJ yf vi Captain HbRQ AW,. " ' 4 ,'XHtUlYi i '(ii 7' Ji.l'i'l, i; "f V4(. ,r(ii.-.. XTJILI, , I.KAVE Oim WIIABF. BE TV tween. Dock' and Orante streets: far tt abova ppj-f, oa YEDESDAYf Agu8t Uth,. Patronise 113 OldXlne.; vo ' bfiriicw WA'.oiJTMVi,iy m'o1p- .- ! TV positions and never taken advantage of, 4 ja monopoly, and whoso rates haveboen i Audi Present tiUes tof JPrelglit ana insuriuiee unnranieea as Low as the IxitreAt. m i ; '.The oly Line. bOrtnnctin ; with, or author- zea to Rive tnrougn nuis or Xvaainc i of Lading by either IfflsTtt?;-' 1110 .WILMINGTON ft MANCHESTER inrrriirf vilTvtir av mw x ruiv -n u WILMINGTON, CHAULPTXE A RUTIIER- I FORD Rl R.' -i 'K-.-M'Ui4t) ,i ; ,! . x ii iitu i viv w ijtnii , it.f a .. iAll,Telbt constsnetl to. tlo Rail. Road, Agents 'will have benefit of lowest rater to or darling from New York eVery ' :1 At! 4 K'Mtitrdni Pier' 18 East'RlTer.- ottertnir theiaavajtages of atrteekly line. .,,,. - v. w. nuniu, vaicenv, mu K-'t , v'j v ; ! 1 Wilmington, Jf. C. . -' JAMES HAND, Agent, 1J Watfstrect, N. Y July25-tf .-.y;t'.--r t.:-r- -v.-i hitt.ll ki J.-v. U n ivief'r s MY'o t: ttcr't h rl.U -JVyi, ".l -ll li ltVUt'l!! il ff.ii,!' ' rpHRFALL.SESMClx'0FwTll)S.4l'8TITU-, , I tionwillcommonoe on .the 18th day of ... Adgust nroic nd. oontlnua twenty! wevks.i T Preparatory and Normal Departments, and a, 7' General GOurM of CSiweilty Ieetareny wilt. .. be opened, , Entire expense, including board, . A$5tetioov Alltbobeaefltsof the InstHution!. t. are offered, free of charge, to a limited nam-. berof reshtont in the State. , Kiln t Chanel ail, Jnly, 6tlii,1809 1 . .. .. .. .. .1 Sf ltf-iaw-taugis:: ;r-r t ti-'. . v .... x-tv - 1 jc! 1 ; .vhI-' (fjifsh f jy:t irAA .jri(.'t7 " ' '- .. H! I'M: Mil ! k a s'o'ij s y wAytikoiiiV. thing in tho ,'lnl" mV'ihj 3r,f"f,' ' ; Dry GdotoTpeV: arecaMIail'y'mviteJl-to i ,ii itoif.- Where may be fonnd a complete ataoktiaent, anoWhi'wiuWiaatTitBVER.Tia)W. . EST PRICES FOB CASH." ' " "-.f -V' ?: Aff 8tfMM!ra?GK6:OT win be oW ' v'l ' , fftiK-iFjt,'; rj q gJJ.ii.-a ,u. v vi for the balance of the month, and maay arti-r jo !. 1 .ii..-i:tiKV r.w Jlvs -ft'tiJi Jii j-c til ' - ' '" ' cles will be sold for eyen . . . . - f)!iJ" ,i )..-! -.iMiA tf !!l!-Ui'.Yl.;tftri!V'' u IJESS arUAN..COST.:,, V i5TMEM.CAIJ)COEge 'lHk,4 and.ld'Cti.; j f the Twryjieat miF U 1, f, , "W- vrohA.,, s'fflltorB of th WaaOattoa Beglaor;.l- '-;' - ." .) :iVtif vO'M'JrN ' 7 -7 ' . - :"" ' ! : V'-7 "- V ',- aadtbevary.bestonly 12 19 m.j ; 0 t : i r . tf t T !

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