it '.fa FWIV.AW X.f..Ot , till 7(i for the.po.1 has Tecived great attention,;-, "-m These are now: tneiuf si. ments of a proper u.imd.Vgic ntfricul-i torei "They havejtprung into generaluae and everywhere may be found advertised under various na'ft&s an ii capVoOrCIWQH9 .V Oridnally the only kind used -was the Peruvian guano, bo calledbecause it was UOU11UIUU Ul 1 Ci U. ' But'tfiti'we-ittdJnot tol be" adapted' every, wl. TAq4 hence , becppqearaixed, with olherttibs&necs, which $o$pfl Jf, ulated the production but added perman ent strength to the sou. Heretofore ft yeeVjVn lor our commercial fertilizers to import, tions. ' :Bt tobWTrft th'ertll6me'nt'thkt the Boil needs recuperation, andtbetp H more, tmiyctsaT attenqn;di6led"t6, culture and its fruits, the phosphate mor' than all, best suited for its properdevels opment,are found' in abundance .a lour very doors. The Haltimere A in kliudwciv vast phosphate beds" in, South' Carolina,, ' rnanyand.w, qmto a pamper ycoipties in England-but notably along the coast of th-estuark'tne&iae 'ten 01 uie estuary , of ine, jev,prp-Ts. givep, to commerce1 ample' supplies bf 'fhii impor tant fertilizer, and has rendered the usopf j mineral phosphates altogether urlneccssaP ry, and, in the interest of Au'e farinfcrj alto gether unwarrantable. The singular de- which are of aftluialginar1 lar in composltiW tetbAf Gdtes'TO merce, an Jiave All ! tbuSr Tftotilhriiig per Ucsit i -An . analysis " whieh was made some years ago by Prof,r Johnso.rrpf Severn phopphatas, jheyrs'ithat" they tain fifty tier cent!' of bnosnhata view since the -war, says ri "The i discevery top. capable ot grompgjtne t frf. nttU. f nnn. winfl nhnsnri ftf a I in th Union, 8ea MndWci bosits to which wen Ave fctfuded date back I bcafad railway, eommanicatioa all fr?- . Av.i ?.. ? . . . , - , I nwta-'6r'Kkhd!'1ninl'it'uBi;'mdmliblV Poiiiw session, as 'Wecon8wiui-:i. ? , s to an unknown period and extend over W" UOtt.' .fflraDiy. r y ....... . ... ? . , .v ;... I -i!wt lou-jqu vast areas.-Theyare coTfatJ6sedr':onV?X?; ..f up Av , . of bones abraded and water-worn, but al- T Several mlway companies wwer,wilfing to t1 from tho deterMAtion ot many poor - so,to a considerable ttdn'ef coprolites, assist such a line by taking shares ; -nfd f 0f its members' 't6tlIib!d"bVir for I dem-Tlio the fourteen ber ct. of hoeBhatetH9 ii y j toxide of iron, and twenty f per (XtiX Yf carbonate ot lime. The averase per cen- J t.kV.(TTrt-xir'I"r,. u j cqual,tofaat of tU English, w-ilstcxJ tionalspccMnen8havebcenan.waichK lmpxirknct their agricultural valuecannot be doubted. 1 he Charleston beds are bj-tje o . productive of any, and the large amount I mm M. . . . A . of capital oow invested hiiwOTkiag them, and in reducing the raw material to a con- j'rAij. ditionadaptYanteofhe,favner, indicates the estimation in which these . ..... j ................ lcrttlizers, both lA'tlieif simple nft' bcombmatipnwUh Perpyian held by those who haVe tested theh.1' 1 capitalists 'whd w'fll iarbl il56 wnifn l ii nil i n i w-i rw iit .rami. rr yvi.w Anrw. i-i .. ,3 . - . i " wuAyu.v. y .iftu. awl uv IU VU1 unu i auouia oi ngnt accrue to our own n in advancing the great work of section in advancint? the ereat work ot I . i .i .i t recuperai jrafaon ihwhicil rfhe pe'o'pl'e' 'of the South'kreJBdvltalri cerh'eCAdrfe-1' ton Cornier. -$ !-uti.,-t.a ,1-0, .1 '.. .;i tUMk; ..-a;'.V..V. m.'..,Vvvv,-. CniKESkB lMaeaATH.-rThe Savannah Republican haa been pibppied ..tb some,l fifteen hundred Chinamen have been' or-1 dered 'through 'ttteVgedcy there,'chiefly by The greater portion pf them are. designed for the rice aid cottonfields, though guite a number have -been ordered by citizens for jcoiTrvfpbtsfi 'nfaflhert, &a.' affd thi Savannah, people appear to be confident of the success of fhe'expMmcnt,' tfieepu uviu auus, i "If the oresent. inattention And unrelia bility of the black servants should co) tinue, in a few years the Chinese, should they prove otherwiflwW wav avroio vi inuvi via vuc LUODii, - XJOlil nw customed t ,the lqegf6c8,1'lwIpret6r' theni, to ajl other persons as domestics and la borers, and' cehsidering' them in the light- we should regret to see them abandoned. But they mist (U.tlif dtil fMd ilkicdnc! good.and indttstriCAUS pvprftbprs-of tb ,,om- ir.nnirV.AHaolaA f uxtie .iAara Xaril I Iva -RvA.rl mi, - 1 ' - . . " ' - i "'lUWiV Y""1 f tvi , i-iimi . nwa iv aaKrW . i ney have this matter, pretty amen in their own hands, and wd hope they will decide it WilaJyT' aar. :ijfii .i imii - contained nearlv tilhtv ner rrit Y.vitr I tne ooutu wouiu reiuraan nnqaestionaoie i tueiPrlnClDies Of lwparxiat- SDJiraire.' r am sure. II you could witness it. make I wiicnever occasion may require its.use in such I . . '" ' " I f Fnmn. fni. n omirtmnt I ; . . I . ;T. P.. .. . - .. . ' I affBCtlOnS. - " I -l.V-il i pWeBve nhosnhate of lime. In . -OprmAnv i ' ia I r?J i: ... -i.,".iJ nrl t.Iin rivil nnd ennalltv I me loexmometer 01 VOur YajQltV reach :17W I M . MoCORMICK. Axrlvo . . . .l. -.;: ... I ii ueum not mmsen crow coitoo. wooiu i - . . . .. , : . ' - I Should'anv donbt Mr."MerfYiiir :ii Arrive at clumed that the averace:-pec iceataire I Um thoa who would. ..... .... ftn rt' wnnt-ii' ftevernl im- I n we snane.iana cause, tue.. question ' to-1 meat, be refers to tbe fouowiotr gentlemen i ExP ... . .. . ...4 7, T. . T t v "l- " 'i ... :,..ifi nri ... . . I . lion. WmJ lii trier, exldvernffi-' 'Pntiisvlvai rwith-the higher man tuner ot the others, but this ,me ooumern Dcaies oaa every aa- i : ,lnnLLanMU, Aox T .,, I ff8" 1,WJ'" n uy aoa-c more oi 'em son- Bl; , ... , 7' "T I ton, and r,"' iJ'. , .. vnt-Hrirnrl rflmata, bnl n lalr Prtant Changes madOdt. WantS , w .! wuiLJk. "IWThoB.oren Cheraw. is aoupum, ainies ue,wennan aepoeits i "T'' ;t v; " , -;w.:mh-lji' i,uD ,i lLm, f. . VYJ?,"? rw f ' "'1 1 . . Hon: j. c, Knox. J ndgL Phiiadeipbinl, tH are rich in rrmains of Ivorv. - ! "T! -iT" irr'". LT v-" " are boor and. can't raise the wind unless! . Hon. J. 8. Black, judge, Philadelphia. r the cars rrulXlU lZtXI7 7RZmZr.Z he Security Of interest introduced Wi fellah inthn -,.fct IT ' o- sorter, exer.or.Feansylva-li. ; u, aiio uuuwuva wmw uiK.aiaiwii mj CAWCVLQU. w ucviiuc tu uiuuvciB, . na avii i , 1 , ' -- - , - . f .... ..l Wi K iliia A.liitiAn nw . V. a a . n I vnoana f lniMlflainn. t 1 nmmorTw nT fl-lA I . ' . . I 1 . 1. n A k'. T T.l 1 .: 'L A I".. Ii . , .... .IIH liiiiuiupii ui ku. iiif-i "K11 1 .ir.T Tj? " T . . TT. . y. ' . 'r-r4 rinn nnri nnritv nf .rharsntr . i ui mo uuc x nuuiu uiw. respecuuuj re- uaemipu VYftreBOUse, nOolstnea . cuhuralvaluerthe deposits foimd at our Ho cuntrieA.and thereby, stwgtheauig -- r;v , ' feyou to him. For identification 1 ! h. T-'HeLMBOID. j" 4 . . the bonds of tnntusl: commercial interest, Tvants the trading and professional T ' .. . . , . x - . . V. ' I 1 - very doors, we trust that home enterprise,! the',umt hMM for' Wee' W fnntnal ' . ,r I will state that he iA'tt. bfother-chip ot temobjest KOHTHLt maoa, individual or combined, will devote itself good-wilL r. : -xy..t. i i..,, , yv"v ..- --"v. bars. a rkirroad tean.:' i,-' J ;t v'i ' ' &e tothe.fulldelopment of wealth, and, ; a. oj , trust-or emolument in-North croi;8 iu this fli MeVl not abandon the field entirely to Northern lue Atope WorKs 4n, Uommbus, Carolina. And when the trading and the farmers predict an excellent Yield. SJPji1. . - ' j i t f :a . t 1 mt a : - ; r i ti.iitiiqt. r ti ran Trnm 1 ovnww nmva i i i . - . . . . i r fin i miTArafti nr .f'rr.riviAt'imvi riA i Oil ;lliin.nlfari 1 ' iftoWjoTjfttQsroci ttavixq uxxeiiiriKoitrtiE city, Can ,foBAd.Kt hlk fiftllArv-i. Mi-tra-lL where he is Pigyjfpfl.yj (jmisjacustom ers with pictures at jiiinrt nntiM au ftoiioJ (,..) "i.,ti'f. 'iT firtjfr. .!'. i.l.tu i . !(.!(.. ( . 1 l-.m III megs, to give In exchange. W pay full No. 12 Dock street, ang24-tfjf v Blacksmith StoT. rpHE tJNDEBSIGNED . TAKE OHEAT kma-pared at an time, to do any - " "aoain the best Tstyle. AU31-2-7 B.WATEaS. TTTE STILL CONTINUE TO PUBCHi'S'tf THE COTTON TRADE. A Spoliations to Transfer the Liverpool Cotton Trade iroin K New York to 'the : rccr. " : - - Attf fi&tinr.'of'll.e DauncTTt the Liv erpool Chamber of Commerce on August troducyCtahTjraii-.Bv a.pclegar.l ' " - . . .r. i i theloternaUmprbvemrirtof ttKrathera ?tS!i:daaci!-ilWt' trrr -ir rj:tre -of.;fh?hirif;tfc htMrJf States and. tbv Exteoslod-. of their CcJaH rf P ""y. ord,ra3; il.rfVStfiliMfJUVI WVklPus. VX3 mercial Relations. Mri Moothead,' he said; was anxious la mate abatement, to? he I IrKmKirW -- '-J-'4- Ike Chamber, i He' stated that he had n 'Uysta deletwHry-the-halruisu vt thtf Cro.i-gf fation heldrat lteiiBptiis 1 to:1 waitf bpon CUis Chamber and other commercial bod- snfl Western Stat jecta. $r 3h6.'itteln 8outheca.SUtc8juid thefxt I, oonimerc od-4ie befietedk fts resolutions 1 '.'expressed the convictions of the people of O tat Co. wuwvvf vi is wvmim aero mainlralupped duect to Europe bof itoilmrarU Anilnk- hUOIeW lYdrVLl which,' tMy a a matter1 Of buslhessj'was oJerly,a, grea expense, aqd disadyantage. 1 r-H(i then alluded to the capabilities cTsome Rf4hfl 8ri0thern:rta Galveston-wfts the 1 finiei pore 01. a region larger wiau ranee, meat cotton I pted. Land rcrtauthan la the Morthcto. BtatttiOaadi ws very much toore-feYtlle- Ki Orleans iesin England, raad toilar-before them to be sent to the Dead Letter OtRoe. Buy and rftprtTOHff'1i'I,fTi(TiH: 1 WrrrrVl'v some of V; , SS SESeleo? KrisSrvr Tliie object of, the CooeAlWni5 which was pt take hu roeiptor & uttw& tne W.PtM r?j' in,v si u r- . ti; ' I . ... W" . ' . - . ) . . ri ea. was t6 discuss torp-i rarObitaarynnotlceair.tributes of respect I .VIS, WltD JJr. Uiiaries MaeJcaTi lett1 a? impr0eiieatafabe &1Z&1 (lUw nK,w: riyjrl'.aA TTTT7 1 I Mlohl Vnll Bk n WAf Inln M waSaa. Mill BA wjnmanded no less than 2,000'ttiks of I 'opposition to Radieali8Wb6:COffi rAyOayigatioa.ana fce; wggesjed, tfeahf.! rf . 'Vit T.u V kwlfA K v i'.i ..s "M I KinAfl nnrlor tho nam a nf xhfi Tjheral frUitA h.' V.nirUnA Nan: ,1 uneans, tp Ht. Liouis as a iess expensive i ndpleasanter means i .of reaching the 1": 'P haVe a Slglifdf the fam0U3'ex-Pre8-Testern and Northwestern fStates.than by . ,The,(?W'iViH4'4SWatatlie vj' I'r fi -''.' ' NewYork:N6rlolkmightbVconsidered ! :, . JSjSS deLWt1r?,f .u tne great maiurai pore ot tne jsuaaie oraxea yr wim um pwiuimj opreuuiu uu- 1 J-lJ.n regsra.u.emigna,ionjie xemaxanu m 1 T(ly uttlo of the great stream now flowin into the States louud St9Hwiy into Sduth. Emijrrants were carried away lhL m5ffbt m.ka lo E was obscure dbttbtfaf. 'Emisratfori-directeoT UaI pecUdLto ilecline in numbera, colored races appeared to do when .11 1 ...ill 1 1. k V. .... . . . J D WW U . . .AUU.L. J, t on fot for. tho introduction Chinese laborers, but these were many t . 8ucb poiwlation, alien in so many re- spects, and tlioofrbt of the future with an,e7- Apart from the mere laborer,' there were brilliant openings in the South r JL f.. .j i , I nor men oi capuaianu 01 ?jpegiaiT unowi- mbnicatipBs'lvhfcK LmteBt lieai upon the i' - i j - - --. . .. . ...... . - . . . . - . 1 . , . i . .... . ... 1 ' ' ' ' ' '. ' " '' -: - f c tcUims small pox ia ma,nportions of that i ,,7;,;, .... "' v v-v kv h iv a iiyer s uatnariic ruis SFpr 11 Jae lhtriae afialLaxaUve 11 e- ..(.... i n v a i PrhH.TM. tonlrrkva tnerl, ldne is so universally asaartie7 nolwia J 'vernyforesouni - "versalTy 'adopted Into' nZ r . t r w ' I nse, in every oonntry hiiu BRHmg au classes, as'tliis mtld bntOem cleht' purgative Pill i ue uuYiuus reason vthat it is a more rHla. -fble and tkt more effec- I - ' rwrrnav than anv I tft it all Thole who nave tried It, know that io have-not, 9 i gleet, ofits composition. we have thousands u. any luuii ur ne- i a-S rXIOaaTkr tnol avvn a a. I lg complaints, bat ajidatl.nand. t 'J Jeleterioui ig, they may h ta saietv bv anv iy. Theirgar-otttlng-vcaftwrves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take. WinlM elngi ipiyi vefcatabla ' no bar ni can i fartsefrrmiihalirnseftnanvonATitlrTr.TTr:. nir i . 7 r . r t .1 : i f -a - - i r jii They Operate by thfelt powerful lnfldence off t tie interiiarWAwtaUo'TKirify the blo aw ? .sumniate it nto me 'obstructions of the timniate it Wihfatthy aetlon--TeBixwtlNe'rt astrnctions or tno Btoraaco do we in. iivai- and other organs of ttre body,' restoring their -jui il hoi did not think it "improbable that the! J Vi:!'''' 'f nahWh,UftWmiii9ikweirTriwraotheT twoears." by tbe. .nnited f , m- I nefer Une with a'subsidy. "The advantages arjd irresistible Voice of the people.1 f pro- ofjfree tradd pte this ltU: ii" . " I I zrr. " . "---"-:- 1 ; , : .. . ; z ' t : JJcar mar: i HisisJkxommanication. I pnnnrrv wprn iru.iiiiii(r it (i iiithii h iii i iih t r-T r .Ti . . . . ' . . i i . . . i .t- r . mt . I BiauKU v lauiu uuu v laa luui uuoa v au svw . a a . t s- i i . , w ' if i " ,111.1 1 . . 1 s.i ' i.v. u ?u .v. tiio lion est Deo Die ot xYortu. uaron- j mT? ,uv ;,nit;; f"..t,V!oi of lime.' I that successive changes would now be T na which shall be above all sUsbl- 1 ins and verv few cam whether school Georgia, turn outlaw pounds or durable Lij. . ...v.' r.Ji. . Ii 1 M;:;,TrJ;;7Tw. 1 I I f;Mli.i il O wyT ffl; 31 lrrBdaV'abtlob Cpi-ea?th.nd y cereclri,'JB wherever th'eytist, stifcn derail firements ai V . &irtMArmboxilttn. ot llaeae. t oil; it t jtn-jojrh t, am of diaeasef ortiiit i, i ijainnte uirect 4 Minute dlrectloatstare glvn m the wrapp l the boxtor .the foUoivkvft ipinplaln uoatstare nrat as tne wranner men these MUtrrapnriy CTite'1'' J. Wt'r i Liver nTnuia tll iAMJ?8iMJ e. Janadlce or ftlreen Hlr lintui. It 11. 10m ueueAoa AuiioaA-eveia.ti 4i oeiuixicuissiv i be J udic iu sly taken , 4p , reach -ease r J 1 Uie.dlsoasea action. jf jenijove ulia r nu ll I il i l.. TDi la done in rMinnuW rtmniiwrl.--i - imfi&S wuuvruoij aa 1CUUUCU. W mil&lJIfv L il t3 1 r1l.ft.jia.V ftv4lAft ar. 41. 4..A4 v iir.ia...nii Chanice thOOHon5nlrtlntgslirni.rrnflltr- l.l i II lor DROP8V and DMQM3fCAli1lWBLn P, xnrutf tney.anouiane' taken in large and fre-1 u ueot noses to pdoaaue tbe eSeeO of a drastlo nrge-T-il.i.) .'. JI l.r" ir, i.n. rQtw&peuB&aiOati targe dove isaoultl M taken as -it pfOviueot the e -desired -effect- by sympathy. As aT liin W-Hr'ISlTTaVa to to promote u.fedti-Tiitma rei it . . . . . ; , w z t An,occaiuonai.aooe stt AUdt bowels Jrfto appetrte, ana m paratus. ' . -r '17 Li aW-y 0 Co., H. Mo r.iwS3f -1 Jb,ane, WlfmingtonTand all nvu lata , til o stoaxaaJi J ! tl 1. ,1 " - Tiealtby AtftonTestbrH 5l5eB VCigU.VJlHV,W.V. vigurates xne system.- II fVnt'n.T I ,..i;.-'.JjKf ,. k often, finds that a dosrof tsese XlUa makes. 1 Jim lm aecj(iUif,tr Uivfomiikeir. ola. T mg ana renovatiuic effecfcon.tha direih.i ... .. . . i ir i ' -rwa, - . - r rr r Friday September 3, 1869. EditW-Fretir;-----"rpuerwaras visitea dollar. At Uias. pTbVCiJtt U dllvewI ' t4-b-. -t riFTEEN CENTS per week, payable iAirirfcUl a .f. knd 4hT8t dollars or less. ' ' ' ney trboriB; Cc Money Orders cannot be eajJk lw nhfjilnnd. Qberx&. I nn Jiemjttrv fef. n.H well I the cities, ana in many oi ine i .1 i.irwva, nuu ut uic cuu wi- 1110 hta vml(ni them -nerfectlv I f naif, 'ifn j i.tT ttmti'f'in 'if'.-i-i moans of wmit&n fiftvil room Entered. liis'.n.aiVie in the nait- postal m UpaMamM 'thnnmYlStxAt & OdValVWaB -alto ' viftitedil e 11a Die 1 chargea.. i ! EfG STAR usiLAsajmiTBAM xmat xmyjj ANT XtTHER IISHED J2T STJl;&JUStOLXA, , i ;.'d Or. J JU.I .1 A FAIR KXPOMIIO. V V, rnnna 1 ia iai tai r in -rnn linn 1 si wi n Tim fdHowiriff, from" the ','OldlCKX u7 "V5"' 8t"at uowing . ... ......,: . I North ari OT,:ir:,,ww1a;aii,u wficr propose that'aif tne -eieineW hl'npH nnflfiT thftTl A1T1A of tllfi TJhftTal . ; , r, . s.,,,.. ,, vHW ; ., ljeSlSiaiUre lO 1 13061 SQ Ml LlltJ ,ClUbO I T. . . .... . . . VVlnle retaining in tnat instrument faSthfull fexpolihd tlie laws beckrise ; J r free from all temptation to act A . TT , r , .. " A- w .bv r - i 4.J a .1 1 v I iy wauis roenievaieu w;p.ue ueucu l who are distinguished well foM their leiral learning as for their ele- xrtm by honest men and patriots men .Aonw, 'rj .i Ti- 'ir j - -.wwA. t Wr tneTiUbllC gOOd. pJfWantS ,aiJl, iie.oW'arty dbtinctiowasiflfft.'1 rl-, -it . . , i ..!-!- frto iltf' r.brin rf A a if liow fio'rl tiov'oi- I 4 . a. . ,f . norl on by cftmrrnN Tt ' Unfa Ttl T . no v..s T . . j0', tate Whatever A. s ' J -7 tl T . n 1 the State rtfdeetned;nd the State . . . . j is . i :i- -" " gjovernmeut reformed first, because .J . , n. TrrtQV' t. n ii regaras oiaro pontics' s oemg. at the. present ; paramount. , to . Jiefie,-- . -r-. rfcl politics in their importance. i - t i , , thepeOteOwIfaffteSRS i-jiinot i EFiF EBSOI81 bATtS." ' ! V. o? lJri:is: r J : i .' -irod .v y.,-. rvj rrri thtiiniin fhn aAin m ir J. W." '""o""4" ttuumuiw ii i . jj iu .i U sd on. z""- i v.. ..v.ku.u shame be jjiij-.hifiemseives ex-rAttqw38, tne peo- r i.a. aa..:a. :. 4 i r. s . " ... I " " - - - . TOfJ it. e v-v " " " -' . r r . .. - - . ' ... u narTAAr. auk. . cnnvinir T 1101 l t wn irti ha w . . m 1 ji- 1 7- - w -r r -r . . e it i cin rx nnivrv una t-drru im.ioii il i aciw i' bwi. aivb. imrec wiac ixj. i t . : r : . - - i n .si-. -!M-r- - m 2 Iwknts thenextieffislathret . J :-'-f - ;o IfrCtervalneio you, and piore satlslactOry I ' , ; WttKalS the I j , rj ?. I A . ' A!" T T T ' r ror the last monm your luuuattstwink4 iL am now able to report that a cure Is effec f Vlr aridwrt j 1 - . uuiBiui Jt. .1.1 r i 'wiiii 11 1 iti. t: i m ji 1 '1. .vn(t.,i . r o POSea. IO inJUlCUrsuo- in;5U5US lior , j. .. . r -. ... 1 ted alter slnir the remedy for five toontfw.U ;L W GEtt placed I into it. It wants provisions , made, I you would not have was a i, . " ' ' k. WAV vv " ... lnn.i nr.r.' . , w "w m a w im i i rAtnfA in t r r vn rn in aniniivui -ho dlnehflentMiMfCafvi-VnGVhatn When you come down t-ua y uioa uwu wiiMviBUBuoui - "w...-"f . . . .T T 6 and nrofnselv UlnstraterfWrith eostlv Enirra: nn . f mnnfn 4.1. n nlnAnr. i Wrxrt I tUCV UUU l tU lii.ll B. HU1K. rvucyasi.viw. uuiic uiiuci mc uniiuci hiPanIfnamirht windAr arounrl ii n M A At - r, MM wA n 1r.n VliA ! hatinnM I 1 of -Aberalti hpuw together.', s.Waioa's friend : . of) il. ! vS-T-i!--'" ,?- . u-.. jViiitwJ rim Promises vou mil ufitain-deW. IS. 1 rvAnr nf rhAQa Araat onno If nronra I -. . .... - . . i ''"XfS .y"-. I let meieu.vou. k. is onir anotner: Jetferson Davis by fhpns rrd mn ,.7,. ak ' aw' ''.' - .A rfa.-i a. ; - i iu i i '41 ' wi ii- h Dan n i TTi in nwn m . arvAar . aPakti w atnira men and, to their 'Tis warm--ia wijtefc it. i While it said b v a few. who calf TOaV'lft Ww5e ur? Pf Kefl"i It BaiU, OV a lew. WUO Call tferVems to augment tTienlpKkilV nf ffift ti"a.Vw,w"l'r w.i"WijYihBt telerranh Hone and he'll send von A ? -While.Moh-'-TerinTn ftj Aj. Wr,!:.' T.... . - ... f ...... . . . the. 101.1.0 London Ul.IWI W .A. ULUCU L 1 1 . 1 0 KWilM,1AVbl lt Vi XLUgUSli J. if 111 . 1 "M,v J!fe??7:7 !in ished themselvesim that city, and made,v.tee'veVal J ,'jiir8io73 irj'he jTrTdnesday, fp. tbeyrjpase4; hiwnjih Dunfarmlinel. and 'visited Mr. Davis theff-ilftid a ' f visit mr. uavis thefr-aid a- visit lender -in-th venin : ' 'm''taef leVening. pews soonTspread' that the ex-Presi- jA . !. j V'iA dent was in the town, and as he left tocorrect i?T(3 -y,rw.5n rlre8" I raylesa mAjesty now-BTKtcn'es forth - axr QhAnl.l .1 1 . i . J . . H . . - . . 1 n " . . eob deWtotir thr-ough Scotland is i-S. fT.T 0nH'lVraM yYBti6h:rft8'W I dhinihWmoob tBatrWaetrllvJ ihvsdea: mV. ra . ) 1 ' - .1 . .: j -i ' . 1 1 1 . 1 ii J . i - aW C3 J " friasgow ana us vicinity iustnow, iu,033rlilfew 't route.. ,tot-ibriaagow, nertycneers were given :Dy tug largecpncourse oLpeople cotrgre- fiectaiioa..ouA!.viAitr4ueraavaa .. cwWe iteniB?Umi4.tft8eenjn. :,,r''1t ,:,il'Ai""liS','!,l VWI" loudly cbeere. Tfee-, 8llipbnildlil: f.yard )of )the'f Jde8ferS.V r " - . - AWrCV"K KUX2Mk2MC&iW mm tiku sy Vi it iVliyiO aiilVU mm RmriA rift t r xr 1 or I ' v -we v v it 111 V41V UVi leayi Ag,j the. irooin e ayr, aaaj, .ofipefBonsy Mc. Jiavis A?i3 followed- 1 ' 1 V'"I 1 I lV,;Vi OWkUV'-. UKl'i'ijilA.," riJ-l,j..,,is,i-l r ' 'l'--i'-- hnoon. .Innelian. , ftnt1PSav , nH f V 1 . : 1 -" were assembled-1 at' tlid different " 11 o " .ta66'- ,: , I i ii COLUMBIA;. Jll K.'J : e: Twltiklcr Ab Wmd-Th JTobnnv Ileb's Itoitt- ib.i , 1 jropS1 iyOlnmDIlt- A llAMfni PiUni , : v 1 rCorrespondence oT me Star, j CoLtKAia! S. UAddt fiab .I -Nickexson's,, .;cittrsoj4jan4i ,be ..Mi'. nStK nV.:k !. L, ...I,i b...l j I ' I US' dO 'that," Would I' . . r . " f : i. i r ii : I '.' here-and I sup- pope yooi will at the fair in November, be sure and stop at !"our h"6tel,wand Iprom- ise good fare faro and attentive., servants.. OQe o . -oungr townsmen, a noble hero I ' I One of your young' townsmen, a noble hero' of the lost cause an'! an-acquaintance of a few days since, and for a corroboration down- here. I Ar.i.n.'iAn '"i,nt 1 OOSeryailOn, DUE I punge" in mu media relV-. ., ' .' I very uicenlace to t live in 1 pioviaea you uave mac panacea ior au -knowrt ailnienta:r4pondulix.' Heapo' kyIe 'iei. fhould you ro to hrow, the OMccrer' man's (brother Wason) invi- providea you Dave that panacea for all i . i . . . - , i I -.i. --j . ; --- i e WOrdS! knock it.lQtO Dl. AS recflfds Ber I iHLHia mmnipiHiv m inH KillilR. nr. in nui. i I i i ... - . .i iflg hoUBes. and ritV,. come downliy all means. Why, our State House will equal about one-third of his little hamlet, and t t . a a '. 1 -w-k' h- for the 1 UD. t OUSt t name, I fjr. ffcem wkiskey..iWe! wiU, give! you. t cobble a f aanotts flciak with i ypUr fraternity, one of whom is brother; CL.lK.r .11,. J Before I"cloee let me trhrtio 'eA imnor Unt thing ti doo's let!- that Eourbaaite of ltdrfoUcG. H. notoriety get ahead of you: He'iftadevil jef a fellow fori Acpe)iMg and may hope by strong persistency. tb iget tUe underholt , Never let him get you on poe-tly-ifyo ib I feafjftnj are' irretrievably J?" . r - fvvi 'i i., -.o jcru nuuru'OHiuu uVMlUT'lBg' at . '1 i nrl or 5 n or from nprannal ' neat, ui course you navenone or them qown witB.TOiDuiswrmarciaiDatoutt clippings. .i).:i;i. tjifiiiil 1 l.iiH -to,l I 1- A STisht, sable goddess, from her ebon throne acAumj with A jdesire to dwell rever in my own sunnv south, where we should Je free ' frooi' turmoil and"-bloodshed ;'ut'ttie thongrera'are ,ibttoWer''aikl Je are not permitted toiepend puefdays iai 111 aI: -tun barvninoca aaiif vapo t . , ia via v auvu 'YVTrki.:' ail JfcS oUlw,VT3t9ilr.n:. b tr. IUtI. dfove'W ekki -'&1V'M fanded ffrwn L y ranuttou.1yorhro0gt.th8. ireets, atiacmng everytning in tneir wayJ pcvciat persona wtymiujiixeu, a woman oe- '... 1 1 aat. . 1 - . Tj ; it aa ft ic wcis Biiui uy citixeua. t . . mir.oi.i;aii rrTJ 1 - "mukj .uui v 'I1101.1UX ca uiiaiaao 1 ba fiSffi '?Cr nitf rhubarb ha lateen Ares for manslaughter. - touttThtip k:'pYescriptrori,'' giving'-laud ai 1 wau -vri. 1 . Slaughter. SPECi&L KTICES. S.-tTtae Kidneys hie UDJfET are ttrcj In nntnbeij, situated at the tipier jtt of the loinr, surronnaea Dy Ia ana consisting or tnree pans, viz : wo Aaienw. The anterior absorb.- 4nterier-eonBlflteef tissues or veins, which serve as a aeposit ror tire nrtfte ane)TVTTn Vnrr oclp(TT7rThe aine-le tnbe: and called theUreter. Thenre- rtrrs arfreontieetiedHttrhetaddewf Upper, the Lower, the Nervous, and the Ma- cari be! relied upon with, the utmost confl aoukoiTlBPTrjeEnlseflgerIieikr a (Tnw.ootr&hltrxwj r.i UUVflOt6erttIna Vrtttout-tlie bl IKyi tw " 9 ch aM!Ohlla;couci!etios. IMltHf.' nlf io 2 orIlo n. .TH1 UBATIL.-The gl ravel ensues rrom ne- i ttJKTO pelled from ther'WaderfDuTrallowed, to reJ rnaifl f Jbee-fvitoaa4Jirf 4 cj rv ntci x tivv roima. it is irom tnia aenoeis inat ine ezono i retain, x'nis jreqnenwy occurs in cnunren. - l:you in JaiUiapy1flWTexDr,eiWiffP '11 dioM .lc .'1 w". Jl .:i .ji J,(U! , drave,,oJDroiWin4yienner nf3 otiini lii JnBitT15s.8eas HjhI.EAMRi CJBOfiF,Rff,Jl .a, ,1,,,;,, The reader must also be made aware, that . ' : , ... - YY - u nu-i DwWaiigtiMiyibtf skeAktaekUlAttM. Jifcv.wirelw.rwWl!edwtodttmw- jh r w t - . ' r . "' toeffect the bod Uy health and mental pow- TnobyoUhousads whahayesedithabe J - 1 GoEixis w.ia ft. Hh "Hg-ht without it ffittovflb&kff i -ciiMi ! i the lQlos is itndicative, of tli.abpve diseases. a.,-,,, nnr:nfi 6TtTiTniolera In this ; is-iA-tr ' ' .woSrri r : . Thevoocnr in toersons aifewsaoa to acia stour- r . .vU'M) .. . is formed.'and gravel ensaeiw-,'",, "ig'J'daily. sue . preyentattye. forno.persoji can iirff! the iowels or uiari SnTto toe affV ally diffused over tU body; It U called' Aha-" Wi?- 4T: PaijLTUxwTAAlettnbohilB talffhly coocestrarf.i ted oomponndExtract Buchn is decidedly one I det.i kidneys, gravel,, aropsical ewoiiWRS.:!. ffhetrtntttlstri, ana"gonty-affecttns.'" une j'tn4 fealty and pain in passing water, "BcaHtyseereJ tism of the kidneys, without any qnantitvbut increase f ootoror dark water, ft of diges- 1 ea Thia rnediftlri Won, and excites the absorbents' intb healthy ; aa fc-bnaapuin &d ianaminatin, are reduced, 1 UrkA it. ia tab-Ait Yv mAn. nmm. nnti nVillrli-an. 1 mMnmi fn ns uid dirituu!Amnv.,b 5Sf P5S5i5tS: r-!"' and kMneV fttr(3etlonai 'dnrlnir wlilim I i bave u edVArtous medical preparations, and I the treatment -or the inost ' ewii i did thta because jisxlnsedl kinds of adr.J Btised remedies, and had found? Aem 1 nWhlm. anil dnmclnniM Inttfrlnna . .In. w. ; If wortbleBsvand soms'Quitd intUvio i fa .fic-- . &. ojesp&irea oi ever gening weu, ana aeter mlnet tQtam- no: rewieaifls neteafter unless I knew Of the Ingredients. It was this tbaf prompted me to-bb -yuivr T&nexiyi -Asyof Advertised that it was composed of .bnchu, f A9 yon bens, ana inntper berries, ft -occurred to me bchs, ana juntper berries. n-occarred tome Juniper be: and my physician as. an. excellent comblna-t tion, and, with his advice, after an tiamina- which time I was confined to m v room. From first bottle I was astonished and gratified the beneficial effect, and after nsiitsrit fchree weeks, was able to walk out. I felt tame V . ! 11 Be writing you -a luu. statement or my Case, inai tnno, nus cnongnv tuav my improve- any now for three months, i and feel as well In all respects as I ever ditL - I Your Bnchn being deind Of anv nnoleasant tuiM und Oder. n. nine tnnin and tnTlcraratiu . I oi.m ywiBm, uvaoi ueau-wfle witiODlll I Honl K. C. Grler Judfed3 I Hon. G. W. Woodward, Jndge, Phlladelpbia.1' 1 1 Hon- W. A. Porter. iCity Solicitor. Philadel phia. ' ' " 1 - .1 r Hon. E.uanku. Auditr.r-fwf.nAr.! wah!ntnn. i ' And many others, if necessary. 1 Sold by Dmrgtato and Dealers everywhere I Beware of eounterfeiU. Ask for Ilelmbold's, I Take no other. Price 8125 Der bottle. orBix botuee for m so. , Delivered to any -address 1narritvn HTmnlnrrM In ' MvnimHnlMt.(nntiJi Address .7 uT t. H klmi ld " Kone are genuine .unless done up in steel- enxravea wrapper, wnn lac-simire oi . m y y toga, -useful and, reliable Patterns, "OPoiaenes, ana a constant succession oi arils' t.J nnwAltina. with , nthA. .nanfnl. nnri pntpr. tafining literatureT1 - - , Prwn oi wnnment, eeoncnnKai Jvouse-, owtvtbt Model Monthly, -epecixxien copies 15 oat-' tne Modal Monthly. Specimen copies 15 cento: mailed free. Yearly fc, with a valuable fpveUKd for -clubs at $3 each,' with the flrs' premiums tl PArfa BTibncriber. hav Rart.nun 1 Tan. i . . . . . . . -r - .. - i enx xaurnt.amv ne iemxorarv. ana therefore i jt-w.i tonsewmgMacnmeiorwauDscriDers eacn-.""i t WkLSUTwo-row. a TkriLSKL .'i PnhlicaOnn Office . . Li H8.TOi. A. :A1W 8 1868, .f,J V7 MJ?xi'-'-r'-ir-AJ.vwi. -..I! .I.I ; ; i no. sao uroaaway, ew xorar. 1. ' 'JKr jbromoreevs Aionjtm j onoi x oung Aipeu-., I'Ca. together, 8Vwlth the premiums for each. kuiel-38itf 1 1 it Jf- f j, r.i) t Iun I .ilj.i ji i ... .iJ ,:J . ii".; .'...iii.:. rtTTOTjjre T.iniFM WiTn wiir -rr r JL 8 their 'MTJSIC,' should haVe-t'U jH UACOVAW Irilvll JIlVOAVt DUUOlU iica-V a. 1 v . a. TAT a.r tt Ttorfar i nwia . Printmff IIoneandBooftr'BiTirffiyv.-'' , tiei-i-i; t,., g.twaijeru. il JOtlx 'P Ow- RIDERV"! 7-V. MannfactaTerrand tteiler fcJ',tl STATi0NABY POICTABL AD'ttCSTiNVj STEAM JEimkT1 (lrt i-aL.yjTuUV'J .i.llitiiAdJvuii.i ..-it ; plain and Galvanized 1 rtve 1 UTlttlngS, s, low wate Ala ojil V ope, Tteamiaaa WW0nqs.., A i r WSr .,,ieh,fet, I,na A:C l et! Hand Pumps, -M,T i Office and Warehouse, 47,J)ey-atreet, New York. -,'- o i-jiJ'j ft x;.'ii')traKvem -ui 1j in imATOHBDBla IjrstrBAabc Bxxaeiy-Vj;,;! .1 . . uiwsQ ovicqu. ircbfr ecu v j imii:! irnnsanui Water streeta, J : t iifcteftVivwi-icAi.iira.iMic 1 Onmuiiir r. V North American artford. ) ire Insurance Cc omt I , WAal,tn. -B.1 t baltintornrat Hl'SJ'.Kfl InriTwr' f 5- -joilSS 1 ajig 14T ijw. Cfen'lSnAarxncwAsenppj '1 ansa-ancw Agenpju v-n 1 t 1.,, ,tvr - Inflm- ut-i i-i;,,,,. ii ' ' - - tr- 3 i'kl 'Mil UKWAAifh- yrWikjh '2 I l.iktirir.I i. uT n.TT5.... a ..,' . .: -r . A seriBliraa1rnrtn1(iHiclMatA W i ii ii i w i w"w w "ii 1" ' Jiina Mi . T ' 'r-T'" riwuu i j Tne pastor is jtev. jji . univaio, who uevoics I'js ui .WtXili'J&4A' oiiffDlci If .dpmenen4enrielkesne 7 Ea-VraKJaniiwiejlskerty. (Slas . . , jamM-ra u.., ii 1 . , , , - -. , ters.of the.Stranger, procure niedlcal. leiial. tPiT imBs tt iLiLt jli. t.ivk iikiih. km miik a 1 in a. LV-BK10 'BUiIittolusMDMut mi nabA .u28-tf ' kWtllAS BSOs. 1 SPEOIAL'NCTIGpa- CHOl-ERAll-l! Xae following Ictt1 1" om Mr. I H. I5nl. of New London. Conn. Mr.w. Is a geneinaaofhigKxpeS3?ra2ITFO the trevalence, oT the choKra at St. EbuiaVI . rr netwuou a.xvouAw vm '(vf DaAa 8tk.':-4Ton t woolfceriteifhett H)aw i ..i,. nmndT. r thflt. mnnvwho torxne thai 'they 1 fettW 'oY dread ft&W Cholera as JOrlg' fcstheywart a Pal K??lr bv, .them, and- handxed tookiU L f , , . . . , r , .IB- t-. w" - , x rsecuiityiBnd;ebaftdecaoe eOnndredaaeaPaba fc K r'tM wltb,ltand whew.tkelr. friends were ,at- , I itacked with the Cholera th 1 with tha Cholera thev would admlnls- tef ine TBmeuy m largo ijuauuuvs, w thcbso when i tt; has been. taken. iAAAy I diiV first stages of- thla has prpved sfa8si4ii.T)(T-.ya'jm.t -. J. IjL an 1 Icpider(tt,anCaJllWaremedTri!J -haanrnf 5Viit inili-o-irlTULl In uit famllv I speedily redovjHJtt Vra J' AabiJ'rtf'aiiilf.j D7untl,TlclerkUfomodwtat he administer- ed it ffoperspns wen cold or . n theT cramps, l JfcigJ0 WWST -drTa-tefi Wklll Wfof .Farm Produce. .,,UJfj iitaHW,,, charge of " rjjoe water',', has begun, the hope of . ' . . J. .' " 1 : . i I W H.u. ".?.'Drwf rT""; , there nave the remedVr4 am confident If ihe, iain JfiUp.r.-is nS4d nobasinjtld death W. I rUi Jiii'n n TOnV rVtv. . ' I "rTlr.Ti lfiT-Tryv TulTuTi'T .'iiv'iaJ! lii'Vit'-fc" i uespectmuy yours, . - Family Medicines. , , ,,. , i Ll. J-''nints Rcenfa T1C63 2a OeillS,. OU W)nu and ilM ikr I -i u :nlJ itn'ii i '.It .fa ljf.n nmri .jiii- I rEN RAI" STJFJTS OPFICE, Wilminoirnti' ta nvroir. N. C. er APR1X; XliliWXsS XMivtf.-T' TBA1N& this Boadi iwiU rqa oav the foJlowiiur Schedule:. ' ' - i t -ii" ..!. 'in .. r: in-r .;;t;i: n II.,. .E. LCavie'WimlUI.II TvWirniUgtc4idanyni..i.:. fclS.ll TTO XR AW JA W V ii"oiiijicuOT.,.,,.?...,...,....ii arrive si nin(Tuie..,'4i'..i..s;ii ja '"r"'" . a A. Al. 'WUmlBrton...X.;.. 9:15 P, Mi an Truln Rnnnrntii rlfMAhr nl. FlnrflnM Northr eastern Railroad for Charles, h " Cheraw and DarHnerton Bailroud Jox and at Kin ersvllle with the Sow th Carolina Railroad for Au gnnta, to which point run through without change. ACCOMMODATION TBATST. .1'' ' ireave Wilmington dally (Stvex-)at 85 P. M . Arrive at lorence. x:4U a.m. Arrive 'at KgsvMe.; ......... .J.. iWJ&-A.-Hl Leave Kingsville 40 P. M. . Arrive at Florence..... ..iwlir 9Ofr.' Mi Arrive at Wilmington. 8:10 A, M 1 Accommooation Train- connect fcioseflv Charleston, and at Kingsvffle with the South ; Carolina Blroad. fpf Angusta.-, i'?y Passengers for Columbia should take the svocommoaauon lrainu n o n.-uuv ut WM. MacEAE. apll-485-tfJ lien'lSun't. i fl Vipi i ngton,': C li a rib i i aitifi rm 7 1 . ' 4 i ItfTtTERroitT ltAfL'!OA: vjy.tvif i, l.j t!l': ol l,j)ni 3 r-i af . -ir.4 r-fri-r' iTiitvS- Gwrrn AX SmVhBnreairtttirs Or 1 1 1 1 i i . 'kodii will 1..V. WllmlnirfAn a..!,-. uuroiiy una oaiiaraay, as .oicioaKi Ajmijfit oanu u.111 same aays, at a r". m. Arrive at Wadesboroj (Stage), -at 1 mid night. Leave Wadesboro (Stage), on Tues day, Thursday and Satarday at fP. M.- Reave Rockingham (S.augT), on Monday, Wednesday andFriday, at 4:30 A. M-x , , , Leave Sand Uu Cars)t Monday. Wedne 'day and Friday, at 7 o'clock,, A. M. .. r Arrive at Wilmington same days',' a 8 P. M'! 1 f .... i . ... . ir W.L.EYEBETT. BeptSM-tr'" 1 "''''niSuP'ti' " li.. u Chaitfiriry bf SchedTilrf. fX A0' ATFTBW VKTKA.'S'iJVEtB liabx J V Inst., our.PASSENGEB TRAINS on this. a -win ieavwWflmlneon-at .-0 'A. M.d' 1 1KK P. M., and arrive at Weldon a rive at weidon at. erOStA, Leave Weldon ataoVlffA:' ,m. ana a:oo p. M. jeave Weidon at An1 t. A k -n ir m i i lew a i i . . .. JM?. and (J-ASW - ri.;i iui j -ilJtuy t Brngikieer jknS I Wilmington. May gth, 186 -1 ' I 1 .Vtf A.-,(rT nrr:.-iA.lj Xr.iiTA-ITi.. .1 I.. . J i r i" " QcttidVrth crualifelr l.,r.Vn.- r .. .. bhttlfftlitttte EXTMA-'PBlMWOOBir hourly expectedi ie low irom vessel rr JT,88-tf -iifM, f,,, , WILLAKD BEOS,, a 'ljn'CV'wrt'MTr-IlWk4'''?.l'. a aUkOXA. ILAiA-a. V . AJ X IXti 12. A9 1 . 62 .! .-nl.j,i.. V ! I Y-l-.ll. Wli.KKlt' anPreectocfrai-. trieW, fiyCeftYs. It Wrav-S'f iuilM l t t urn irvu ; fJL!Zzl r -r r. Wm-iiimo rinns awn wTTlftVJ 1 .f n 1 VTia.iMwi.iM.i4.. in. tha Kinot alAotfn And General Book JBlnderr. feb7-tf Dawsrm BAhk Buililingsrltm 1 vvu themseii ves much unnecessary,-trouble e t3 Icagttvab ; 11.. Vm, bv Kaxdsittiftaeri-il PuDllshejs., . ItrfcEltNATIDiuim feb-tf Pawsoa Bank Building, Ffon 6t-t E. Ml v.l l,.J.,,.l,viceinsAnnieB . ." . 3 I ....a...'.. . 1 . . . .. . . . . . 1 . . . .. Sparieeiirtent i li gut ,pX , Btoad way, rnn DS wisning to aavern3 in any paper -CaroaiBa.eriSoth Cmtoti, & iy sate . BUSINESS OAKI)S.; fc ; IV I Hardware. Gang. Stoves. Pomps. Kero- gerie 01VTinnd-Sl'-Iron--''! vImi jii ,i,-rf VaFtw "'..-,"ft,Jf - 7, ,j j ' ..No.18 Front 6t.WUtlnton, K.'.,,, , . - , , .1 i- ictlVttr B.hd efficiency in brlniring to- Bthftr the Buyers.apdeUers .or Real Estate n j North Carmlnit, artd tyiartHtataftnta. natraasaCtKxaa -oetTOBem aoiwiif ji c . onragement of Northern and European ierants to come and -settle inrh-Soath. .v tWe-feibleetettMSiArfeTtoya xilwi . v., TiTT .f;l?K-l"Hr:rrt T s' ' . j " J'wutemftnav ' LrtrrilVT ITE, yROHlspwAl.' 'tt ENEKAIKWxltJXlttelHMtV ) LIT NORTH VV ATJttt 8TKJSJET. Zia.r General Froduc. '-3 il'JLk.V '. ' ffY?WMUMu',w . sepcs-i-u ,. , ; ..; .1 J Iuim. r. ;( . j : u GEO. Z.FRENCn;;' ' 1 1 ! : " ' - EST A TJS A GlONT -1 " TSCE KONTIILT, FOB TBEE DlS. ' i IrtlMfcWtn-a-C&talosraAof LaadAiOE sale in. i prompt persona unuw ,uif shinnveatrof Cotton. A' aval, Stores. otH eteiii Aiso o eceivtnjj North Md 66wip Caroling. Sehia ;hrip- : fennresB ... . . Dr. S.SrEVEEITTsn trMTESOri TO JFrJ Bi KJ BtlHU ap848M. ,oo4 LlTfcjf u' ,-rr:.iv tl "1 e-'n'; .jiX. ; FFJCE .OZf, FJEIINCESS fiE Front and Second Stir eta . MI'iCELLAEQXJ'a;. i f leliverfiooli&JLoiiT '1 ' M,ccv' "zVr fev ."J! ' ' tfmted'Stateiooocco 57 Company. 7r - '- . t:ti-tl :lr.t Jn-iXtOM 1llWLi -i '. I ! ' . ' ' . r ' t M t ' cea to uU portSi nn Met, United ..Jxt&tes; aid-1 " MUJ lt. 1 111 If Mi illfl -i IUI 1 .Ylibk'ilIVr. ,1ft Vu..l f ' twit i,;uu-i TO YORK are Informed tb At .r thev wilt find1" Slvine Service every &asday,.ln.the Large hapelof the University. Washington Square, Ai MJ'AiMI' 7X p. M.ii lUa av)blnw-ser- is at 8 o'clock. Waverly Place, he New Vorkj-lotel, a vest to Washington.. OT-wuien is una vhv g yersity. The .antranty to. tbA church la the door, of or tno university university fcaavtbaitocijv. xCith' FiAkAt- ie.HoteL to the door of the Church. From MSbiehbta CadiaiHttoplltanySaloe4 thwrt: ijcorner of , wavand Brootne. leav ii and' 're wertne-l)ooas. ..1 lia ntarH(nM tAkn IInlvraltV Pllvai3 earn. teaVS atWaverryaeT-andf iock. ,tcanfw- wilA ciwgleoii, , I fnJ?.P'll''n""n! ' ' 1 - - 41- A AUUftl aniED )o !vl)kH.J5t I'jm)w 1'OA 'anjl X ThesUarion Crcsccnta -laoDjli. IMAJXIW &;C-..:A .IrR .7.. ft&vMcMlfcIKlt4iiPrrt-irf'I 1110 rnilE CBE8CAHT, .Jteing tna purchaser EST .imlny tha p V ' .a? A V. r TiwcmksCKWt HthefOfflefei Aavertttefi PVSarscThk. slrcnlatlon among the beet people ofihe Pee.; Dee Country. " - - rr- ; r ,. THE tRESCJNT, 4 Is. the, best; (adyer aina; . medium in this section. - -Atrt ) Alwayai laddreaa CRESCEJT.; Matioa. . 18. C ..- .. . .. . . ' .". augu-lm - ;; . ..a rrrlWfiil Mil II. I . ' rtT . . t orsaieoy .w-v. . .... r..ii.iv. J.!..-u.1 ixna.lai6.tli ikdrnuv ti) L lisned-'Wert;lly S. A. UcUkm .Pro tor. iHriflTi,.lliifttf.'AeHt'Ci for .MAMWXWWh U.xtf" aiti rt.f " I aauare. on The eaBtweide 8ept23-l-U Wllmlnf ton, N C. i.' I 1 If-f