r .... t Tin: Eioi:rir. ta::, v X ruELisnsn luiLY, , ., r WW. If. BERNARD, Editor antl l'rop'r. Office, Dawson Bank Buildings,. Front St.! . One year, In advance.....:...;.;...;.;....'..!? 60 Six months, in advftnw,,. . 3 60 Three months In advance ...,.....,..'. '2 00 Ono month, in advance.-. '.;., J !.. t;.1. .'-75 The Moawrwo Star w ill be delivivcd in any part of the City at i ittkjsh Ckkts por week. , 0 1 1MST Ot TICK lUlCTOHYvt -l t. .XAUI Otbtl'.'! t--Vf Mort horn through A way mall 5:00 A. M. Pally.. VnH Kaih t.hrouirh ll1A.il 7:kJ P.. M- .... Southern Mall.. ...,.. .8:00. V iV'a'i, W. C. ana H. H. II. r w 1. mod- days,.Wednoiava ancj Fridays, i Fayette villo via Warsaw, . ... . . .6:00 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. - .' J . '. 4 ,. ': ' ' 1 i giuitbvilleaw Steam,. ...... 1:30 P. thrw tunes a wees. MAILS AIT AT OHIOI, Northern Through Man r:) a. m. Dally. Northern Through and Way Mail, 7:ao K'M." Daily, except Sunday delivered at 8:00 P.M from alloy window. " ';-' ' s Southern, 9:5 P. M. Daily. ' ' ' - IV.C. and K., 9:00 P. M. Three times a ' wtkf Kuvettevillc,7:.10 P. M., dally, except Sunday. SniiUivillo, l.-no P. M. Three, time a week. -Office open from 7:00 A. M. tofl:;l M. T1 1 ' ' Sundays " ' 8:00 to m A. M. -t . :t . , ; ED. R. BRINK, P. M f RAILWAY, DIREtTORT. '?; WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER B. ROAlK Keeeiver Geo. G. Hull.1 ' i director John Dawson, Ilonry Nutt, OC O; Parsley, A. J. DeEoeset, D. S. Cowan, Geo. -J. W. McCall, J. L. Bartlett, James G. Burr, Rloh- rd Bradley, J. KU Gregg. - ; General Mitpcrinlendenl-VilllAra., MacRae Secretary and IVewtwrer Wm, A. Walker. General Freight A Ticket Agent J io. It. I.attA. jrA Agent, mimington1..T5. JtlppHt.- '' .' WILMINGTON.. CHARLOTTE AND RUTH JSKFORP RAILROAD. . . I'rrndrntWm. Sloan.' ,.Ht . Director onpartqf Htockotdert-i-A.'B..UOinek- y, it U Sumner, h. w uuion, n kteeie, uu Co an and S J Person. , ; - " -i ' s- H On Aparl 0 ttw State Jobix L Brown, W A Smitli, John F Aydlett, SPSherrill J as Mc Donald and Joseph 8 Cannon. , .i .Wi ? . . Chir Engineer and thtperintendenH & Gulon. .Srcretory Calvin J Cowlua.. ... , " v 'JVeiLrurer Kastem IX visum Caltln J Cow lea. Treatvrtr Weatern IHvifUmV A McBee. . WILMINGTON i WKLDOX HAIL UOAD Prcsulenti-rtL. K, UVVtgurs. . ... j V ilminirton. and John Kverett, of Goldaboro' PiiTrtori on tAjxr of the Stale J. S. Cunnon, C. H. Brodgen and I. G.'JCstos: y, 4 ', j Chief Engineer elrut.b'eneriU fiujMirlnteuAttf S. Kremont. n . V- x' v ; VW'V.'' M.i.ttcr of 'Irarutiwtaliun wn'i. mith. ..-n-ecrjin(l 'lS-eatirer-J. fV.Tki6innijor.. .;.. .V'r'i.wJoJi- DavlneJ f I vnhtt4, 5 llUii.'V, ' ' r ;f .Vorfw of syppliM-IV. G. HacRae. General Ticket Agent W. M. Poisson. , . TIt STAB la'delireiedr tm Bab- Kribera 1m nil pnJ-ta f lb City at FIFTEEJf CENTS per week, payable only to Hr. JAS. M. FOYLES. Orders nay be left elttoer will bloa or at tbl UfHee. - USHERS. , TO PRINTERS AMD PUB We have joat received a general assortment of Black Printins Inks, manufactured at C. . u..n Print. Tnt Work. I J We have now on band Book, .News, Job and Card Inks, at prices varying from i cents, to, t) nvr imnnil TUinlr Jnh and f!ard ' Ink in I .,t.. r , . j r i packacesor one. two,.fiv- and.ten .pounds. .. Ink. In cke-ea of ten. twentTiflre and - fifty poanda.iVVe.eUtheae superior. Inks at mannructurera net cash prices, charjrinsnoth- !.. r I ..1. . I tI.II,l1.! I n. .Cl1.ntn.iw I III-lur irc.Su..wui "a ton Printer, .mi hiuhr in mi. aectioA J will thus tee that Uiev can boy them from as I cheaper than they can bay them at the tnaau- .- I lactory. oive us an oruer. lerrn, caa. Give na an order. 'Termf , cah. " We can also f Ornish, on ibort notice, Neva Inks. In nackarca of not leas than 100 pounds. .t in 1 an1 iYI iinti And tii Y)ftltfire f)f not I il.n nnih nt 11 npnri 'Frnl for rt.il- "J "- v r I lv new.tmoera. Lowater. Wfl never adviae tba ' 1 ' ue of ink coating less than 25 cents. I o .-.rW' IMSTATBUBtiR ThTTOF AST OTHER DULY NEJY&PATER PUB- . .... LlalUiu ut JSVJtJiu jAJtjiuA. i timi rLlH JJJjtti JLUlb XV - BCITDAT, 81PTX1TBKB 4, 1809. SC Jahm's Chwrela (Erlseapal), COB kid cboss hd xHiu oTKwij. . 41. k H a 1 ,!?r.w w;"BU. j 1 - .ft 1A1 A S f Anil 0 I Vf lr i?iW I sldiUxdrcim l; ' .vJi ', -vVoAi 4 r,. . T.A s ; Morning Prayer at 10 o'clock A. M. Even- inKPrayerat: P-MAt.V'V- VkU Sunday School exercises 4 o'clock PvM, j Flrat Preeby terlaa Cbarcb, v COBHBK THIBD Ar OSAHOB 8TBEXT3,. " Services at 10 A M, and . 8 P M.,; by Rv. Mr.Uurr. . : . ' V'.Y ' "l- . Suuday School -exercises Wommencc at 5 '...-.- i i v-. I P. M. Dnptiat Church, lv PitttIai-l BciLDiJiQ. Services at lOVX M-hy Rev. ,J.r C jLifleu. ,1 There will be no services at vigA. Ij. Li !', c Services (,dlp.M.b,;iiB.. B..el J. II. DaUy, Pierce. , .-?.-"- .1 .ii -..( .-ru . r snn.f. u.hnol irrerclsea &t 9 A. M. ' - ' -' -J "77 J..T. ...... I . i.l f'.l.''ti' ii'l rirtb streec d. as. a;anrei, - Fifth Between Chubch ad jnus istbeets. rices at 10J Aj M.'bf Bev: 8am1 Psarce-' r, and kt 8 P. ,M., by Bey. J.' TL !. Services pastor, Rnndav School St. Panl'a Evaa. Eattberaa Cbu - ly'li A, I ra j - fl m as n flratrr. Cobheb.o -Sixth. Scrvlceat 4( o'clock by the Ref,' 3, JL DaHj-1 seamen Bethai, ' 'j ' 1 Dock Betwxik Fbost ahd Watbb Btbbbts. 8crvicsa at 10H A. M. ana e r. oj ivev. J. N. Andrews, pastor. (i t t-f it i - . Si. Cobweb Services Court a portion of next week -James Murnhv a watcrrnelJ dames j;iurpnj,. ..wstuj-Mvi, yesterday; rock pavement the post-office. The FitL Trade. We noticed on ni j ..... . . .... ...u iL.rr iMmrn.v TT-i.a ! rt . . r. . I n-un gd, to be.;shippe'd'-to the 'In'terior t'iVi in w. C. & R. r, n unfl t0 .merchants, in South Carolina bv the W. & M. R. . R. st. Cbureii (atbauej, ton arB a,ve tberr interests. f ".;.'"'' j'qT -. .y.iK Ox Dock Bbtweew sbcoxp awd ihibp ot. -H- i ir---- ,; rTt.,lfc. I v )- - m. i 4 a Servle. LpiV BO CONFIDENCE GaME.-Two colored 7n r V? r P r J W- We' ate requested announce- that there w-u.. --7 M., Rt Bev. Bishop James Gibbons, ant lteV.. r ,: r-r ffi '.a vj Yesterday wth riuocess; though ;thdr lll-s. M. 8. Grpl X"Jio7 gotten gina did not amonnV to, much, - -.- 3 They CaSlacross Wtner'Verdaa. pe C'OKSSH . par- (caiarea fcpiapa.i. '.! defadlt of bail in the sum f 4100 for uis tgeUhe bill eriangta.'refttsUig. their con Osaxgb AHD-.rorata atatEta. j . . , , - - n.Wm'.i tn hi. rnifth themT on the rea at JOX A M. Snd 8 Pi U. f , - -s i r. u f u L.JL.' tL;- k"KH- Vnr,l r . . - . jtionaay, ue was coumuwu to iue ioc- uu wsj int.ii8 -iiw r uriXft ' o f the ' ' Probate np. , i A i V-- and didn't ' want themA W know of the -The J-ndgO d;iM'n,l,lli-'r trsisnctionnd kaid'thefd be bick: .wm . ?m tf&Sr. ! A' TTvvr.v.h R;.hnnk u i. mVU - nfcon that was the on thief,' before Magistrate UJ E. BcotV"1 Vr3 " --"o piu Friday evening, was committed td iall in Wnd, for sale to. those who. may desire them. tVyy; Vt i,v.. default ofiecurityA: .rbVr tbetri' -!' ".p'Fllf rf-Vi- " feathered 'tribe.:In his Hat will be, found . r 1 P0ME8TIO IjlARXET.-rf As .a, matter ; WnrWn tr Prirred - W-bronze, turkey,, white, .gulne," light oVtntereatto.'housekwpera .- . ., - , -i . iMhni' crive-conr. aftAhnrrht hantnm- 1 i.i . n a..i.. In Wnvtnw r4 1 : Worifin" ol the ""u"niiv". 7rr"ff V. 7..vorJ .r .7? ' - l vi(xxn puoiic generally, w 8a- V ol.Il-TlTo.;144;ca';;'' r- Soupperoongs .were. ;U ;iar tet yesterday in-the-greatest-': abundance M.! '"L: "GcrrnN,.,Y6tit:,f cohi1! oipnicaUoA, fe.ceiyea; tall nt ttQi fmc to morrow. -A X.t on W fl;W;.!or i -" ' ' 1 ' 1 '. rnf v .. i Sent to the jHo8prrAL;A;tvhito' woman,' ly t h6 ;niifne' 6 f 1 'Annie " "Cf lieV wag ficnt to the II oapi tai ; yesterday by , order of Marshal Catinaday. - :t it-. U! A" 1 n3j; in ' Fajcttevillo 1 ad terttzes in thia ' issue' ,f, ttio, T;3tabT .f! situation as teacher. -.She is r well , versed Jr the science of ttsnchi'ng, and !!6 can. J heartily recommend tier... ' ' ,M', v( Olt GpiN.-We weM: shown. yes- terday.by officer Sellara, ft variety of 'cld---." iMrtlr nnrt of the Irc mntnrfi - TIipv.wap I , r ; t. -c, t ' I -way nowrur asay-aa Red Cxpss and 9th streets which" brines them 'i-the"- samo street ;pn that side 6t tho"cHkafi'cr their ' divergence f com, M priest. r as on, . thia-l-jtb starting point being atw corner of Front ' '.aiid lied Crosa! :r ,Jl'. "'; I - - '' --' j u '1""'"" " A .white .woman was taken to top Guard ; House, yesterday,' charged with throwing dirty water " out of a front window, and on the person of an in dividunl passing at the-time.- She was re leased onjiex own recognizance, to Jipi lefore i the Special .Court on Jlonuay, IHGave Bond. John Brown ,waa taken from tbejail yesterday fur the pur- pose of equine some person to stand aerAi'- rity fox tis appearaQcebefore.-the next term of the Superior Court, which he sue- ceeded in doing, lu the sum of $100 ; and M yohn B,wnig : went inarching on I ' & JlL K "O T PROPERTY. MlSSRS 1 . - ... . t. . . 1 Cronley & Morris yesterday Bold - to Mr." H. .Litgen for the sum of $2,500 the desir. ".. . . . . ' " j 1 .' l.i'.Ij i:n.v I ama lot at me corner 01 juarKet anu r urn I ; ... . .... ... u - - - - "". -n uepwm- a handsome dwelling npon tt. ; ' . I 4 : ' 1 ( 44t4mm " . . ' I ; . . . , Jiiessrs. Zaiumennan ana i White, on 2d street, between Market and V . ".!..''..Jf' - I twjj advertise that' they will do work I . . .. f nr,hoUtl!r:ns.. &c- cheancr than , hinieain':tUavtV.;Oiv them a - . : ... . i ,; , j tflal. - t-v tr . r : rri I .lR- -HUDSON ft - REMAINS. X HO ' . . .. . I. .. .... . 1 body of Dr. E.-J.: Hudson, the gentleman I Mrho committed stticidq iBaltimore a few day. agoJ were carried to Richmond for interment: They" were met at the depot by . .. !,;-: ma iamuy anu a numuer 01 inenus, wu i escorted them to Hollywood Cemetery,.! where they were interred. , - .,1 Mechanics B cildjng Assocxa- tion. The Conslitutwiir and By-Lawot ' . . ' m U)e association win be reaoy ior sign- I ' . " - a a I tures 31ontlay Tut-suay aui . neunoaoay, and members re. requested to call and gn the same;, pay. their initiation fees, mooimj instaimenq c tsteau, ': .liscmcnt in another colamru ' , . Building Association. -The col- red citizens of Wilmington, interested In thc formation of a Building Association, wU, mect at the CityHall on Tdesd.,. r V.Vtf-' t " iMniniT at H nVlfirfr . A Will hft UWT1 . Il evening, at 8 o'ciocav? as wui do secret oy . . i a r e I a ' . . - - - - ' ' ' - i. aaveriisemeut m i. uu, j nunarea snares nave -aceauj-eei'n, i Vhkh is' tf VcrKeWnrpVeViUtf'r AbJj .c,ocP:'Jt"lt;.'s'Wi.'ril.i .it - .. i ?n mj i'V'.V: i the. Visitors De nreseni irom. eacu .01 iue 1 the. Visitors be pi I Ill v t ire w... a.Alia ti... K1CTCU 1IBIU9. IIVVIU milt J.v, next fir dav will be substituted. i,,f , .a. r -V, ) . Search arrant. 1 A " search w.;Uued yesterday; br Jige cantweii, at vne solicitation oi ivupcw Robinson (col), for the recovery of a coat, - . -. t . . . ' Which he alleged hdi been stolen by "one York Dudley (col.) Thd warrant was M uiaced in the hands of officer Jos. C Hill: WQ( foan(j tae coat ia the possewfao or aaid nndlev. when he was""arre8ted."and Jn j - -r , . . r i. r baa esUbliahed 4.? tfeperyJ? hi this city,: 1 Dcr the upervlsion'pf Mr. pomeroy,"for J u., t0 -a v-t-.. oredl dorking, ilver-pangledj namburg, &c.';We noticed'in front of the '.'Express ce tt1). 1 Vv intended for the " Henerv." 'i;f!':i") i - J - .l-VllJ p,' - . s . .; ' JNORTII CAROLINA XjARREL v oeks. I 'Messrs Strausz & Rice," the enterprising I it. A '.K.4T.a AntAMA'nAAnlii ntnilffilhar.' 1 .trf t front f. .w.ullf -r-" i eragp prices or provsjonv ,-gao.en, Ax ; i VV' 1) t. - II . . ''!' :- 1: .aud energetic proprietors-, of the .above wonts, naTo-i exaiunea - uaomuaoie ana comroendable;; spirit Ja their effort" to, r'ctHve"th'e,;iieavy l6su3tained',,)I thW 4e3ctiofthel and q rapidly hare they pushed1 forward the work of constructing the necessary buildings for carrying 0DWtWr,Vuuoei tpcy-are now up and ready to receive tie inachinery.hjch.l.fexp uino to oe placed in operation Jby Oct 1st., ,W(e are pleased to know that the engine formerly used for'. 4civing ilva' !nachineryv. as toneccsfitate i the" purchase of a nevr one, and U undergoing a thorough r over4' hauUng-' under' the' hands ; of skilful at-: tizans from the fouodry of Messrs Hart ; &s -J r -n - ir . .. a... . ...... .. . ... quested by the .committee of arrangementa Pjc? P Tharaday las, .Partf; different managernenTVe are npt:fom-1 .'e, blit 'suppose the hn'vethe. sah5i4 .object. 1 4U rrpiia y i s to aja .in tue purepase 'of a Steam. Fire JSngioe - for tlve1 colored 're,,,pd.,'vr'e,' wish V the manasemeut gemeat bundannIVnirl r i 41, - V. I--;. v Aocidknt is CricwdrhMi dent 4ccure4 ttheM jCUristlaa Chapel (col.), cotjoer 6r- Clttn:h"nd":7th uwrts, on Friday evening, which came very near resulting m serious consequen ces, i It appears the sexton attempted to Put the light ofn keroserie Jamp ut by. fing it with his hat, wheA the fire com lu wUh 'the oil through the motioB U Pf the wind, the lamp exploded. Fortunately there was any qo&ntity of sand close by, and through the renuons efforts of those presentflames were extinguished -before any material damage was done. Persons should be. -rr.. ' TvcrJ "" :uef l5lu,J Wl r0" B,5UO """P 1 : ' r JXS eanj as may , oe, pracu- for Lhm to ,1v It vnnlH h c -coaTcnlcnce if the .proper nmu ntA .Ith tiu j ..vi: U - "6. i iiuy.u ;0Wu.c, so that businessmen and others who have . . . . ' ' - co ume w Pre lo wa11 or a maJ no time to spare to wait for the cars, may know exactly at what .time to meet them wait ior th ,ears,. may know" exactly at t at certain poiuta. This 8uggestionhas been made by several j i i t.. .u: i .i nu nc utu uu uuuk u. w.u ... . .. J matters lenumg to iue accumuiouauoBnau convenience of the publio. will receiVQ proper attention at an early day. ; ; ' ,. .. .. . .- . 1 -": o 1 -L-l rrr- rr ' oent - TO . IH1 , OJt.t.,xi.ouii. . Jndcre CantwelLf the Snecial Court! dis- posed ofjseyeral caisjerday, but they were all . of minor j importance. .Samuel 0wen allufled to Vyesterday . as having ;tolea , piece cf lcad from . Mr. Clifford; .A t . Krtj A. 1nft rrt-t,?a O . bnraiW'bafijre. tba-' next term of the jntj.Bi ft iii r;onnt, .Work'honaesWb; . .;. took thft ; ndrvidaal ! to the Workhouse for safe-keeping: - , Ama WilliaoCthe lxj who was ar- restea.wnue Prow..ug rou.u -. " , . ,lu ;uo- i 7X4 foro.th Spl Cwrt,.; .was further disposea of in IU LUC NatJIC RIUlUUV 1U1 . Uia OWimw when the matter . MB S t VI1VI uieuinrvu va auv , - . . . frt - -Can U au voow va v wv aaa. Abra w Wright, JOer Lord and lien- . ry Lucas aTT colored; .charged with va- grancy, were 'als twfk'djover' to "bit. Van- tbe,toal4 -eM w.tkat maohd.ffl- fcnitv. ana nretenaea tney asu a suu wun.u. culty, anapretenaea.ney asu a guu irunu ten dollars which the had been compell ed to pawn for three dollars, and? wanted . r - ... - . , . .. . " n OOliara wnicn wj. u.w vewt wu,.. to sell it to the countryman for that sum. A third man earne up and corroborated their story, He thea.went, wjthithemat i .yuvic wm.wii'( w - y1" the, vicinity of Dry Pond,where tHey fi- I v. ' t- .'. ti sally, overcame his " slight ; apprehensions that they intended to defraud him, and harfded them Br firr . dollar ibillv stating that to be the, smallejt .cpange ce nau. Thev started' 'bit' as- they represented, to m - , . I last the countryman saw 61 his i five ?loN lara. , The plica.tUeJB' they krjbw. the ji. -?u iiAj.htiMa Arhan rnit) offered Jor f esierdayltnorning.' Ale in onr .market ylnorning'e expect to give it i 'I"' - ..' - '"i 5rt r i'J 'X- Ji'iii"' .our-altention oncerf wice' in' each' WekV ll'A 'i..M.lr.i kfsrJn'.'rlatB'iV W I iod, thereby; keep" burTrienda posted as to hheprices of different articles-in theculi- nary department. Apples were selling at '4,0 cents a peck ; sweet potatoes " 60 cents , P;. Jomatoes 1,0 pents u quart ; , Jrish "potatoes 40 oenU a peckpeas 10 cents, a quarts onions : 10 cents; a, quart; butter )a'nj 25 ccn'tfTai qart; crapes 50 cents' W 5075 cents . a' i pair; - corn 1 30 ' cen ts per doefcn; ducks $1,50 a pair;, beet 12116 ckts1per. lb muttpn.,1520 jpentB per. pork ?0 cents , per lb.rVeaI i5a2Q ,cer)ts. per lb.;'4fresh.. luullets 50 cents per dpzonj cabbage 12$25 cents a 'head; giierken3r75centa ai peclcj rice birds 30 cents a dozen;; salt mullets CO cents a doz-' n; oysters (Sound) .25 cents ' quart. 1 snu. i ' - ';! ' '. .' ('':' 'V---. - .'y-. " , ': .,-' ' LJ - .s ' , . ; . . . i rr-rhe a nifca, "FoZunfecr and Empire iair bjowVj-V d out.' ' As the sea is quite heavy; they vrill probably not get; out be fore to-morrow. .;- ' l; V ' .-Tbe British- Btig 2?iA cleared at New York. for this Dort. ; . :. ; t -A t-,( - ,7. , ... - . . - - i .-. V y hi: U i: LATEST BY" MAIL,., North Carolina in a Jutshell jWi '"". V'.-?v -- 7 "."-s tf '?f-' tt;W-iKr. Alsey Beavers; ari old cit- aw- a v a .t 4 1 a - SA Cliy on ! r.iqay, f.j . ,t .:jS(S n 1 . c.-A f i .. -Wl"" 1 - ' , L i Hon Win. A. Graham was in Raleigh Friday. He is looking well. .V-ki:K,..:M- ,i, " Ttw I establjsh some of the post offices inKow- j an countji, J --, "f -rr r: . . Ui-Tbo KontinAli et' thft': part l . t l ne oenti nei gets ino can before the horse " in the Hudson , suicide. ,He was formerly a citizen of Richmond, i . . . i c v. .:i ". ' ' ' . . . - ..- . . :, -- Daring the past week more than persons have connected themselves with the Methodist church at Rutherford-'' ton.- ; :''... .'. ... . GOV. Uolden has issued a pro- clamation offering a reward of $300 for the arrest of John Stalcup, of Cherokee countv. who is charged with commitUnjr an atrocious murder on the 23d mt. I - - I ' -JJ. Tn nnnsftonenca of the limited time afforded them for making- prepara tions, the farmers of the Roanoke section j have decided not to attempt to hold an I Agricultural Fair this fall, as was desired. I " 4 .... . I Crockery, China and Glassware at Auc- 'i " A vnnno nporo man was kill- I tion, Monday th bast., and continue tUlaUia '';riy. P, X -j i t it I oId. This laprobably the moet extraordi edin Salisbury, last Wednesday, by the I narv Stock ever offered at Auction in thia accidental discharsre of a Distol in. the , e , ,, ,. j I hands of a comrade. The ball entered the I victim's rieut eye and passed immediately I to the brain, causing instant death. -' ; Three of the: witnesses m the Lenoir coonty affair have Bworo that. a re cret organization called the Constitu- tionai uuarus, or &.u iviux Aian, - is in ex isteoce in that county, and that a , motion I to kill Sheriff Colgrove, Col. Shepard and L.D. Wilkie, waspotin ohe ofthe meet- ingsof the organisation nduried. ;,! , -1 We learn from the Standard that the public treasurer gives notice that that interest on bonds issued in aid of new railroad?; due on the i 1st of 'April, 1859, will be paid on i the presentation of the proper coupons at the treasury' of the State or at the - Raleigh National 'Bank: Interest hereafter falling due on said bonds will? be paid, at the above mentioned olacea. -";.'"' ,.. ..... .: ,;.r.? A little daughter of C Uan- ned,,Esq., of Granville connty, was re- cently kicked in the forehead by a mule; the terrible force of the blow left a wound I the shape and a large piece Several physicians ty to do anything commended that 1 of Raleizb. be sent for, who viaited the patient ami performed the dangerous p,, eratlOU I removmg 111c iwnc uj ucjuiu- . The child ia now .doinj? well ana l is expected to entirely recover. . ....... o .. $ t i 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' 1 , :X- t- IIeinbberqer's Live Book . 8toro.-Ink, Ink Coronation Ink Assorted; - , - v Mtrssos '& CoJ--Superior qhaiity 8hirta, and agoodfit,,.- (,ls ,,.-.,r';,,.-i ; t 7.uu.u . a- WniTvTTnhnlatirera - and r f , . 1 J. .m m w . . u. . u 1 Paper Hangers. ';': ; ' " ; . Mrs. R.1 T., FayettevIUe Situation wanted as Teacher. .. . .. .. ... E. F: Georob Two story brick Building for rent. 1"-' . . ,. .-. , "" D. H. HrtXr-Louislana Equitable Insurance Company u:,,-, n v ., .-r.vVi - .;'. CowAiir & METTSPurV Leaf Lard,' choice Goshen Batter.,. , .-.i... ,. :j ju?-...... , . v1 r Geo. R. Fbbttch & Sow City Boot and 8hoe Store,' l- ,'" --" " - v . --...I'.-i. . ii.; 1 . ... "J. Gl Bdbb Mechanics' Building Associa-. tlon. ; : ,,uj.t ':- .-,(. !a : S. VlK Aicbihgb Grockcry,' China.' &c, a Building Association for .the colored peo ple. ;r-:V-S; "M J'-- -'.r-U'-:'. At Smltliville, September S, 1969, NORA MATHKW8, the only child of David awl Har riett Mathews. Aged 1 year, 11 months and 4 days.. , t. ,-,.t r - J... r-'-- :) Little Korathon has left ns, 7 ' ' Anil thaloa. we deenlv feel. - m But it.was uoa tnat iim wnw. uo, - i.n i vi itfl ean All our aorrowa heal v BUSINESS yQTICESa ,-..'..-'' a r . M - i Xo Advertisers.-- as aavertising' .at-l.. art ciAB an V777V mediums the MobntnO Stab and CaroTtna Fanner re "npt ;srpassedy. any public . 1 o - . . .. -t !..,..-',..'. 1-.;. ..- .... lion m. iue pnwf -j w.v t. . - k.7 r- .ft -a-?t.jH; Merchants wishing to com municate with the 'rural sections -cannot ,db'bettef thin tO avail themselves of ! the advertising columns of the Morning Stab which is extensively circulated through! out the two Carolinas, and in other States. size ot the shoe, and forced 1 ' -- T- aoh8el dBransBonaS FililW ; X3TA TJB FOB r ot bone in upon tne Drain. - i . " . . . .. v . - - .. -i to doaea Ooeea. Ottppeva .v. i..r; .-n: inuir SALE LEASE OR. RENT. 1 'J - expressed their inabih- a , , TlaT. I . .,, ,0 ift,. SBeTcli.- ; ? w.wliid lorwewnwaiiaf -- ;V rw , . ?lba. wrapping Twine, ,v.-... erTOomingthelt efWiunlng y4 j.. . (X . ,1 . urn vi . 1 r ii x , .(-.-t - Head the ' advertisement of Zimmerman & White.They ' are -rready todo ail work - in their line in the best manner, and at prices to suit' the times. ; Boils, Cnrbunclea, XIruptlona And Pimples oa the lace, Sallowness of the Complexion; General Debility, are brought about by an imaure state of (the Blood. Ro sad&lia nas rbeen found to be a permanent cure for this olaas of -diseases. It should be taken until all the morbid matter Is carried out of the 8y stem, and the blood is changed fi-em its vitiated condition to its healthy and normal state. It la safO and effectual, never' produces the blighter injury,' contains no' mercuxy or other poisonous mineral. If you are Suffering with any of these abnormal con ditions of system, try a bottle. If you have a friend In similar condition', send him a bottle and he will ever thank you. Ask-your drug gist for it. j. :jt- -...'. V.- For sale by all Druggists. ' tatcst by 'Telejsrapli. Thousands" of ?men,' women" 1 and children have bee ft cured of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Choi-1 era Morbus, CoUc, &c, by Drj R.-.H. Worthing tou'S celebrated North Carolina Remedy, the ohl known srEoino for all painful 'bowel af fections, Ask for DrWorthingten'a Diarrhea and Cholera Medidae keep it In your, hoase. never travel without ifc it may pave your life.-; : , u .; . Price 25 and 60 cents per bottle. . . : ' ; : "For sale In Wilmington, by J.-W, Lippitt A Co; James T. Wiggma, Wholesale Proprieto ry Agent, Norfolk, Va. v j T0 T ,,trr .; j rernaie uiseases. u:- Large numbers' of wemen-Lla 'fact almbeV nine-tenths of the entire - sex euffer from some disease peculiar-te females. 'Dr. Liwujnt's Woxax'8 Fkixsd meets with wonderful auoceas in curing-them, -. ----. This fact should be widely known. If every lady in the United States were to take one or two bottles of the Woxak's . Famn, they would be' repaid' by a renewoitef health and ttrenfftji. - - . - c. .. ; i, Itw a safe and reliable remedy, ad.is:eo4 dorsed by the best physicians. - . -au 8-eodtX f "i .iftt--;t f'r j ?i; ii- .'"iivl NEWABYmTKiMENTE: Blinding JLsspciati on. fTIBE COLORED CITIZENS OF WILMING- tn interested in the organisation of a Building Association are requested to meet at the City Hall Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Aboat eleven hundred shares have already Aboat eleven hundred shares have been suribe tnose who to avail themselves of the advantages offered wlU do wen to attenatne meeting, . . tt ..; sept5-2t. .' . . ;" HeUs Eniliii Association. ; rPH. wtitutiui ahu Bi-UAws ur n - . w . M a tne Mecnanics' uuiiainar association will i bu ready for eignaturea, at the Banking House pf J. G. Burr A Co., Monday, Tuesday and t.?"a and flrat monthly InTtilmenta. In order that they may participate in the eiecuon or.om- l "WU1'' r J.G. BURR, - J. H. ANDERSON. J Comm'rs. r- mujuthi. . ; j Q01a Q T. Anvtinn J - -QttJJ b AUUWUIIa -r s. HIGBEE, offers his extensive stock of City. Over Un thousand dollars worth t.f vaiuaoie iiouseKeepmg uooaa wui pe soia m to guit v . ; . - . . s. vasabbiswb, Auctioneer.: A - sept 5-tf IIUNS0N & -CO., - " " t ; QTJPERIOR QUALITY SHIRT,' i; t ' -1 " f . - 1. ' " ' and a good ntj ' 1 JTATS. GlOVESl 1 !l';i" ;'"r" '' V T7E3t & USPENDERS, : '-' '' ' ,J" " CA NJCS, &c. ? - .: ' ( ' mttvov ro " ; ! . , , muns.on aco , r ,,,'3S Market Street., - Agents for Singer's Sewing Machine. . septs -tr ' ; - .:U-'-.- ', Knr HftTir! rriHE dwelling house on 4th Between 4?,, Also, a Stable on the Lot. ' ' ' ' - J . v -&PPiy at 1 eight rooms, including basement, oppo- Good order and convenience to bnsinesa make mu piawvory aunun --' -vvy E.P. GEORGE, r ' - ' " CROKLY MORRIS, sept t-6tb-7th-9th ;j- ; j J; Sitnation Wanted. sFIRLIGnTNim Jo ma.uuwvu iiwiiuvu , i ,AW , .- ... j.f .-A". HUMMING, - 11 Teacher. A LADY WHO HAS HAD SEYERALyeartr XV experience, w lanes a situation as xeacn er, References exchanged..' " j 1 Address .- I - MM:'. MiR H. E-T . . . -v FayettevUle.N.C. i sepe o-iaw-aw-nac ww . a vm. A . I luTuftTTTlaTA OS W 111 te I fjpholsterers ds Paper U angers, ; (j ,", .T 'V-.'I'.V' - ' - betoeeri Mori and L SU KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND FURNI 'l r-'.V i.f.lt '".1 1 i.u .-ii.Jw ture, Looking-glasses, Mattresses, , a large i i . . j ..I stock of WsAl Paper and Upholstering j MatpriaiB. Window Shades and other articles I ;j: i..i , . . ',7'"w;'-iii- ' '-ii I necessary for housefltting. Will perform all I work in their line promptly,1 skillfully, and tine promptly,4 sklUfnnr. and on, reaeonable terms. aeptS-4t. TllE IXHJISIANA EaTJITABL EXTK : .. Vt ' ' I ap nriv ; ar9i rr ariR i -. fa . Vltaitvt mHISISONEOF THE YKRY BEST .COM' I JL panies in tneeoTiniry. it nasxne onuorwr Hood, Harry Hays and the leading men of I K iVlMuin. Rflamn.rd mtc M Ita Omeers and Directors nave oeea seieo- ted from oar most reliable and intelligent citizens." Instead of sending eto,wa,oso annnauy r ertn our citizens can nna d better CtoiTijpAnle at I Kama . .. - - - v. .. . t "'"'joseph ellison, presidenv , I '.s ! ''.v . iv-'. ' ' NewOrloana,' Tx H. HILL, Agent, si? Cnariotte, JUVfe. sent S-lm - v " ' -. ' u.rl A'-. 3. MULBAEH'9 FAMOUS NOVELS, f - VET NOVELS. ? DICKEN'S WORKS,' i - ii.i7. - a. - For sale at aept 5-tf HEENSBERGSR'S. . " : . " .- .j. ' . - " 4 . T n r i i', j Standard s 1 SALE AT , :5V! X :.r X f YO OOIBlOr,.f . . sept 5-tf . ,-,': V 39 Market Street, '" I J' Butter " ft- TdlOICB G03HN BUTTER,, , V '&i9 peund papers or any "quant ity. '' ''" ' . " ! , 7 Uarkct-atreet. , r. f'jt-r'r.iliWi'V- i sept 5-tf. t-. .i . j j COWAN A.METTS., Hour. "T"0. 1 BRANDS, B i pbH BAGSv V ... :v i'.M':';rii.i' t : 1 - '-: '-(! f Ai'- I. HALF BARRELS OR BARRELS, At.' 'A-' J -v-'iw j.' - j 'v i -. ? 'l. i, " :" " ' - ',. r' - c-' i'- i 7 M a rket St.reot. SOpt O-tf . ' : . , 11 1 I'W'HII i nil ' ir..' AV- - iV: Jil , . . iO.ui A'y. jh .v-j'U f 1 'lii2l!,c,2ir' I a ;.i.i3wcrirfr f CfYWO llin OUnrO : V- a-v I iWl-JUlllL'IMlUIiO ? if;Ll'f J Our assortment as good; and prices, low as amy honso fittne eouiitry. ' 5 .vi-fiHO.B. FRENCH A SON, ,V ; ; t . North Front Street 1 eept !.- -fi.I.'!?;;r:.-...)n.". M-;y? of your surplus produce to the best advantage. e have" given this matter eorwi.lerable-f &2h l,"J TUALBENEFIT we 1 COUNTRY PKODUCE for the SMALLEST I POSSIBLE Uegitimato charges, el mal nrrsTnnv: nn n r-n ta v.na vuvwtnai - ( .i -: m: r MOST OF YOU HAVING BEEN FAVORED iVw! your next thought should be. how to dlHoeaa I i?LT - wTihlri .fTvirX-1 n w-it' tiA. tatreet, running north 175 feet. These Houses i inn- op on nana wen eeiectea i weUadaptedtoyoorwants,- sllat the LOWEST CASH. I stock of tiroeeries " y -" y i which we shall sell PTankmg youforvour'Past price. 3asc noerai support, we respectfully askatlnui m nance or tne same. r EDWARDS HALL. ' No. 3 South Water-street, Ti hr ; Wilmington, Ny C? i auii-nactf . 4 F1JNE .VIRGINIA V1 CHEWniG TOBACCO, : AND ".. , v; , No. 1 New River JfulleU" At ; - EDWARD A HALL,' " '" rl.K :': Ha. S . Water St., '.u au22-nactf Wilmington, N. O MISCE f iljA NEOUS. YS AlTl-fl Tv y-rnu K'r.i-U'O.ni r. Uf.s. -!')'' f Standard Kerbene,; j .AND LARD OILS Just received. ;Li: at. 'i'2 i;..'i "'''""''DB&OSSBT.JtOQ :'i Is. Jfc ' 'i'.rf .J : : J 1 I. Ait il I 1 1 scptvtf vr- NEST8 OPEN-1 AN ' COVREl -,.vu ::i 11 A iSFrcmtstrceti 51 , . , MvvH-i' . f I aug4f ... ,;CHAS. D, MYkRd, Axt.i. - wnaav iaBnT.wa Home InsurancD uo., - TNSURE3 AGAINST LOSS OK : D AJnAUJC au27-naoeodSWk' ::'. . : .". i i.-i Ae,;""5 I - i v 1 Removal. f -I r - TLKIIlll V LL1. - '- ! -1 fit !f.-Mi-i1 mil . 1 E UNDERSIGNED HAS BBMOYED HIS I stock of 4 .V: :- H...U.' Hats, Caps ;&c., to the Store one door South'of his former stand, where lie will be glad to see and -serve . bU bid frteada and customers and the public aeUuyV,",v!,i'''':'i''l'''';' ''X'k- 'e aeot HXl S'.1 aept 8-tf :. Ali TtTAX a 'Ja V bOUtJl Yf ater.btTeeU f -a-anixir r.TtXfv'r fit'lJ hrta i r'b OF VAfttOUS Jb grades, Salmon, Mackerel, Smoked Her j faf coffee of various grades, Porkj Bacon, I AU for cheap for Cash by ' ' . r coonsn, sc., so. TTAVINO RETURNED TO THE CITY, .-. wa a wM.f.4.MUfmkt I vuvn w u ireywsu .. era wlta pictures at short notiee. l. f x-. an944f jt Jii.i'liai4 . i. A " . Virginia Vl north Caro- Iixi:T6Icail? L I6rTj WOIE, " f-:'.,,,xr- 'HT..""f( ?:y; jAlSjCEXE; septS-St aoUTIIERLANI .ft nrnJLQXtX, UYERY ; AN0 SALE STABLE, ; Cbrno4 T7.Jrf and Frineem Streets, ' ; HORSEB,' TOP AND NO TOP- BUGGIES " To' hire at reasonable' prices." a'X - n peciae, - ca rt n : taken wrra, BOABJDfNO 110L,aaJ.A. , . auSl-lw' - ; v r ! t- "'Willow WftlTI ' M. CnONIrt?Anckhker ; 5 f - 1AA it a i cr Ar. OttS Square one Car,... .. .... twotUvs, ' V .... ... o1 .r . ? three days.' . I . M ' ,onr day,.. " ; r "live days,... . . '.""V," ' week,.s fr ' h Contract Ad vertist, , porti'natelj low rates. 'Man -!?oi Deaths,. Rell, frtilt.rmi v notlMW will be tax wbenpa.ior Ju advance io , :ay s ,., wmbecbivged. , - ." '.A' , HIP T.L. 'I i-IABe M A - - ' 7 T-M - --'4 4aaaA A1 10K SAL :.tvt ; ' . ' . 1 r-teats 1 1 J '...- 'V ?. .;'''?- ' ' .Bv, croivt.y aC MOBKiaCi ' L:: ' . '" X; 1 .'a . Ta.'r -:.ri w i r i r - . UiJSKIi VE ' THE r-LOsnOjNX ON tnTjasbAtSEPT. 9th. ISWL.s AT 10 IV ' f. , A. M. Wo , wllL aolL atJkvMhange ? rjA vorn.r, that valuable , i ;r sV . . .. A to. 4f vv(u ;TOBY BRICK; I BTORBy xV, troon want alflA nt mwnt.. u..xu.iiu.lu t rkot6troot,nowoccuplo.l by MrJ, 3.10s-1- V . H iHiUJi.v AKEUOUSE 'ATTACTED v r ' i'i . ...... i. .:. : . . . . . - . & . . . . ira Qniheca' AW" ' "v '"1. i --V t; Lo foet upon.' Front street, runnmg I rV nlng North 88 feet. . s . ii-. ?.' 1 ... r r v. 1 i Ii,ihi.iiiii'i. I liilli ni ill ii I ha. ( .i.-i ;vt i BBosri.T morris; f ? liOTEE FURNITURE andFTXTTntrek : " ' UVj' Oil TtfESDAT, Sefpt. Mst, 1869, at 10 o'clock; As. M.j we will sellupon the promisee CFromV between Market and PrlnoessStreeU) the en- - tire; fc. ,m t)7f..J ,.v,v,,vri. ; -j.i -ii..l ;f.witbMrverythlng appox-taintng and belonging; 'irg.'i :;t FULTON HOTOE,--;rV4'.r;.JL;'i "'Conditlenfl-Cash''.'! i.t'i- Vi'-'(- -r 0'-: j.nit;rTwr-'.i;v Jaept jMa , fi- ,'TI 'I iT7. DESIRABLE DWELLING f HOUSES1 FOR SALE AT AUCTION. t'-t ; . On WEDNESDAY, 4 Beptember next, at , leek. A. .we will aeU at Exchange1 ..a ( f to the highest bidder, TWO Story , Ung Houses, aitnated and fronting an',- ,-?'. Corne-i tween biitn ana Seventh streets. , , ' Ldadlolnina' thn hmMmim n vfS-? ' J'WO U. IUJ k" uTOr,1r?, ?y.? S - v ri wZJiS, Piazzas in front anti rear. ' with a. .'"!' ti,T,rt vn iJZZy ' 222 - w-- va, . w ..'-.. .i r Sn S"itd 0faer.nOTeT baying, ,t ,SiSv.;K i -i&-S J treneiraniiinnrft nninr ., k.t. . .Terms half cash, balance 8 months with In. terestt - -m-j' ; j!. v.. ... -.-4v. . O W . . H . . . ..... 7 ItCRONIVT,1 ilncUoneer: 7 7 1 j By OOHItT MORRIS. ;. DESIRABLE REAP EST A TE, ' 7 , , . OBSERVE; THE LOCATION! , TERMS MUST SUIT. On WEDNESDAY. September 15th. 1889, at . T 10 o'clock-, A. - M- we will sell at Exchange -'"' Corner, that Valuable and very Desirable . A ; . .. , .- '"I .;HOUSB;'AITO1LpTi;;j situated upon the N.E. Corner of Fourth and . Dock streets adjoining the residence of B. F. 1 1 jiltcneu, itsq., weu anoi T. L. Hoiden, aeoeaaed. - s LOT 182X165 FEET.' Terms 1-5 eaah, balanoo" One, Two, Tnree. . : and four years, with interest from a ate. , t , , eept 4-itaw-ta -im .b.-a c !. y a -." u - ? ?).' - ;. i- at. altAW.'W a Wrtiutva'' . -.if ( v, . yBoua&D'ior. atUvcti6x& - '.vwtf' On WEDNESDAY, September 15th, ; at :id6-r- J V ' I clock Ki M., we will sell at Kxchange Corner, j ' that very desirable -s T.TrT WTTTT TlWTT.T.TWn. TTnTtflT); thereon, situated npon Third street, upon - - corner ana soutn siao 01 o . .' . . . - ; , CRAIG'S AXtEY. Lot 81x100. UJ t"'V .. House contains S rooms and. , all, necessary gniaoaaes. ; By CROWLT MORRIS. with wharf front in good order, 60 feet fronty H runmag oaca i,4o jeet to isrunswioK county runniagbacir 1,740 reet to Urnnswioic co ltnfJ. ffwo (3) of them with large sheds.' '.'JW1 " Three f3) lots and wharvea. lrinir lmmedl. ately between the Wilmington and Weldon i. I tan and Manchester Railroad Company, each and Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford . , ' Railroad denots. -x - ' ? . Eighteen (I8y eligible building lots, eaohO' j .-. fronting 88 feet on Fourth street, running " East 160 feet to 30 foot aUev in rear. . s t West 1W feet to 80 foot allf-y in rear? .Onend-a-half lots on Front street KmcIOS ,; " reet aajommg wiimingxon ana weiaon J&aiv ..,'!'.?' road track. V - - -v ' , ---: aiessra. James vrown. wiu give aiu.iaior,,, i erty: . ? i u.,r . -'-.-r '.lv: ,: i " 1 t? -' soen portiona or tneanoveas may not ne dtapoeedof previous to Wednesday, Septem-' X fv . rbor 15th, 196ft, will on that day be offered at. ', ..,t publio aoctkmj at 1 o'clock,-A. ,M., atKx" c" ehaage Corner in this city.. Terms liberal and . . f. . , eepta-ts ,-if v , . ,, , . .1 fu i :;! " -;1T r:'f,;' 'a-i':;..'- l-,'i -"t : jNnsciiiATOQirs.; Grocerieils;Grcccric , 1 1 l-:r-' "TYTFISTERN' BACON 8IDI.3 and SHOUL-1 ?; YV DERS. ...v,:,.,). t ,14 -fii u.ti' Western Bulk Sides and Shoulders, r Western Bulk Sides and Shoul I CUT Mess an dRnmgPork Ia J''1'"! if .-.'--f Uvv MnclCCrcl IlT Dblfi.. ' i"VaviVUi uuiui , Z: HALFBBLS, ANBKITS Mallets in Oak Barrels; Floor, Extra FamW 'i v.- ' lv. Family and Extra 8upen Crackers, Lem-1 ... on, Sugar and Soda Candy, assorted and fan- ' ' t 7V v! I;i;-'1 '.?V i'.a..'i'-- .V" if'- V,;,';;'V Coffee. ; ,' ; j..",.'t..-i 5; v.-' . f f ;v;rlAAGLTAYIlA M:!i.lf - HlO"ANP JA YA f;? ':: - . . a T rra . r' 'j ."; A.fiua: COTTON, RAQGINOXRON .TIES, iu-ajt 's J v"'i. ' t -i i7 , 'STXSXT iARRattaV 'GLUEj T-.i$' 1 ' ': 1 55 t". iw-'i"XAlli8;TX)BACC0: SHOt, f4avo4t..fC.i S7, P and 2a North. Water at .-1 mo ii At j si i ' . A-?7?i i!lSS.'l1'S ' ' '' ! ' " ' . wv v j A AMra titJLtJS wtrrmniis Civil Warranta, aeaWarrajftW.-- aale at WM.J1. bkknajiio .., j7 j V!l A . Printing and Publishing -""...V r ndGeiieralBookBindT, feb7tf pawaon Bank BaUdlngs. Front st. 1 I 1 " 1 . 1 n a! ;ii .It .ii A . '. j). ...v.r . t . i . : . : . . r .. ..