. f a. . - . :. . PUBLISHED .DAILY, RATf:svoif AWVEKTISISU, , ,.f. WJW. 0. BKBW AiLi ZULU mm Prep' , Ono year, in advance. ' " Six months, In Avnoe.... - flv days,..., 8 W , one week,;.;.., - A . - Contract Advertisements taken at nro -pprlonately low rates. PIP,-J Majrlaere,;I)eatha, Belhrlons; : Funeral and .t whi.?83 156 inserted at lu rates ;Vl?iKs3afeemaSa:r: fJlATJCTION SALES. a 4;;r .r-;!T ' Thre inonins, in suhuuaj -- i . , , (, ..... j-" i ! . 'i .' .11 i i... .... i , , , ; . . ; -.-.it . . ;..:;' : i Jr7..-V, I SSSgwjPiM edroftbe,Wi1miag time D0 one about thelpremia bat tlie Sft times aweek. - - uv. ebaV0 pUTl'Wfli Snib'kkL' J:H' Hhffcfiki TfM -f PWf tAMbttl9tJWFPWa ttotHW-eMioikf thepSeJSg 4 CE0H1VSV. Matioee,r.ui;, :Frat:;:W:;Itecrli'al'iiisUa::; 5frV 7 Northem Through and. YflliJSVtt mo r m' Dally, except Buaday deltrered at 8.00 from aUey window. . . . i ii, W. C and B. FayettevlUe SmitnTiiie, Otltce open Sundays " ill.WAT MBEC-TOttY. 3 irrr.v wiLMiNGTOK MAKCHE8TEB,,B,,liOAD Parsle; ur nfJ " J Gil Ureirir. . KRFORD RAILKOAD. jVeidnt Wm. Sloan, tirfori import of Stockholder K. Home- &wVn tOT S'iSSii? ' OntAs Smith Donald and Joseph 8 Cannon. I ftwreterv Calrin . Tretu0rHam Treatvrtr WetU W1LM1NGTOX WELDON KAIL KOA1X A Martin Martin, j.. iv. v.....T . .... ... Wllminxton, and John Kverett, of Uoltlaborov i iHreriorM on the txtrt of the iUaieJI . S. Uannon. i c ir. Brodeen and L. G. Estea. IS .rTT,y'aVlT" ' Mi utter of 7ran.nwtcltbn Wm. Smith. .Secretary imtt 7reaairrr J.W.Thoroilsot. Ma.-hr Morhineru John P. Devlne. rifititi.i i. I iMiUit-v.- ' - Matter of Supplie. W. G. If aeRae-. Venerea Tick Affcnr-Wf M. Potsaoaw ' ' . f 1 1 1 i'. . ' - - Tta STAR la dellreaed to Sab 1 ae fibers lai all pmrtrn'of tbe City at FIFTEEH CEXTS per wek,. payable ealy to Mr. J A 8. XI. fotexs. Orders I nay be left either wltb hlna or,attbi-f office.; ' k. Southern, r? .""'iK- ri 1 1 &L1r ( r nI-or. Oi. 7.iw; J'n! .;.'u;ii ,7JW P. M.t daily, eicrpyuj.,, w h ' ' - '- J f . I .OA T 'VI 'ifhrit romlA vtet.'r' Vi , . r - f rTKiT K. BRIN1C, v A J. IeBos9et, D. S. Cowan Geo. Jv Presidrnt-n. u. jjrtgera. . -. t-w 1 'gonUeman of tbis- c t v Bbowcd lum, on Director on Ihepart o the 8tockJwlilert-V U , J ... T!fc : .v. . wriht,a D. waiinc, Kit Murray, AifrcU Sunday last, a well executed - nhotoeraDb g ,a. ,lU : V-;jU complaint ill the hearing of herfriends to prihers PCBLisilEHS, r We bave Just received a general ortment ( oi ciaca x finung uu, manoiacturea a v. a. Kobloson. Gra,'. Ferr, PrlnUDJf Ink Works. We have now on hand Book, News, Job and Card Inks, at prices Ttrylng from 25 Cents to $2 per pound. Book, Job and Card Inks la packages of One, wo, re , and : ten pounds fneWto tW!:If flftj pounds. We sell these superior Inks at manuiactttrera' net cash prices, charging notb- Ing for freigbfroia Philadelphia to WUmlng- ton. Printers and publishers lb this section will thus see that they can buy them, from us cheaper than they can buy Ibcm at the manu- lactoi7. GlTe us so ortr. .Terms, cash.-; ; We can also furnish, on short notice,' New. Inks, in packages of not less than 100 pounds, at 16, isfnd Mcenu; and.In paekageTof not ess than 800 lbs., at U cents. Except for dal- ' ly newspapers, howerer, we oerer advise the use of Ink costing less than 25 centi - - s- - THE CIRCULATION 0? TUB MORS- JXO STAR' IS LAB Q EX TiLiS THAT OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPATER TUB- I LIS1IED IN NORTH CAROLINA. , -. . . The- colored firemen were ith their engines,' yesterday it be- al. 1 ' ,? ont wi ing the occasion of their monthly parade, ; - ,i iir-i -r The' members of the Wil- 1, will meet at their Engine room, this af- . ternoon, at 4 J o'clock , for parade. ;'&ri.'-MoDdayty the 6tb -of 8eptenbr.i T' - 1 1 ,tVo!ajwis8Mrding to Bible cbrbnology, E2T TO THE nosFTTAU-p-Annie Smith was, by direction ot the. Marshal, sent td the city hospital yesterday for ibr- ty days. ; . y. K t 1 "T - DfiAWlHO Jueobs.- The 'Count j Commiasioners were engaged 'yesterday afternobpv in drawing Jurora for the 8u- pcrior Court, which meets in this city on the 18thy of. October. i York Dudley (col,) was committed to jail;Testerday,ib default of baU Inihe sum of 1100, for appearance before the next term of thet SuperkrvClourt,iar4lajv Vn ceny.'. , ;i : . .n ... i i: v A.fi !.ji-i.,j)Vi I nit rtf thftDathrtflral fihartel In i'thn r.5f I An Rabhath lat'' i ' t. i .n, 1 'STXXJr". ' : !Z.;,' TototQViTJklepsrB. A.B,BhepI persqn& Co.' wC1 trVtl 1 ?.r.iP9ob?t'a1 1 1 exchange their present place of .bpslness for then one now occupied by 'llr; D: G Worth, -where they will doubtless be bap- jj w uwii .My' "ituuv,,.,, (, j ; r 't i. i . ; i Dnringtbe excitemen X tendant bo; the, ''squirting, byhe EjiglueV yesterday afternoon, "If Couple ofJjColbrbd indiTiduals, n6t connected with any of the companies, tad k 'IffltrWOW on tbe cornea pf .Market And 2nd streets; but were . separatedlbefbre .dy dainage Was' Ho netA 1 Di80EDEEi.TiwAnii i cr f i8 m i t h (whitel!K ye, tcrd'ayi pn.lhe chargeVof disorderly con- duci' Jfudgemeut' rendered, fbr the plalntifli' and the Mayor recommended tqijre' ihe' same on payment of costs.- 'i'.'''jur tin Frank Ilenderson (col,),up for the same ouence, was uiscuargeu . -n:t iti Building Association. We,, are', requested to state that the Building Asso- - . , ' . . . J- . , . t . . ... In Ch ABLE8T6N.'niC:Bigut.jHini, he w-dd. IteT. Bishop Xiibbpna, of f! tM4;,cIfy, Is 'J 'onJ and sacrifice' that which was ni aearest a Ylsiiib Charleston, and .filled !tlie" pup earthly hope and joyibls oniyJsonJUa ciaUpn. o bf prgsnized at thaPitinaUTmejiwUh such determiolATTesistance by. ft J&Z itMhi?tViM-0)n$vp- tnffiaa;fhatb3 fwndtf hecessftry; to irelyfor the benefit of the colored people; . tummm';Mvera! jlicVhiw'toV' -Ms assist as seTeral of oar white citisens haTOrtken.' 'apoe, Oa arriTing" at ' the corner :of; Sec shares In thj samVand as many of the Jat- and',; and Market tf eetallard,,' encouf ter as are disposed to. d ao arff-ordialjy aged in his,resirtahc by large" crowd invited to come forward and become mem of negroes, becameantxc in bis efforts bers ot'thef Asaoelatlqit- Ji..if ff i- : to freo himself frbmtn officer, and it MCS bwng BO gOOtl, It COQYeOJCOt, , . T - ... f ' t J - 'V.' ' J'0 taket it c fronv' iWiliningtonir--CAit.(A, LLenoir, county prisonpea -ficnUjpommitw ted to Jau at jNewteni oyorcwrot- judge . Tbom'ftn i:harg'i :,or fAwrAetf Is Well Jer 31r. Adam Jsmpiv t);i(j0O. mHij eat-. poets td prove liiM "innocence1 'on tlii "filial 1 J ! ..t ll-W i i'VUV Cl.lit V.uii KsLJ-i'l llie mArJcedt. iacreaae our advertising atronase within the ptsi I 'J ' '..Vi. .VP l .. t.-.-f to wectto anows inai our mercnantS are IP""? a bcavy Fall trade. ind that a3f a . mecUura ' of communication "Witli A friend informs tliat a i .'iv A . . . Of the Moriuan Temple at Salt Lake City, . . '. ' . . ' ... ana ;ao ft uuotograpn ol tue great aior- mbtt.'Mwiadentre,". Brigharo You.g, i oese piciurej were iorwaraea 10 toe gta tlemahty a'yourig'rnan, a former resident of tUia, city, and now employed on a rsil- nd in Utab. - v. rt Fouhd' Dkad. -A colored ! woin an, by the. name of Hannah Moore, who resided aV the corner of feixtli and TMri- cfs streets, went to bctl "Satnrdajr night io apparently good health hating made any in6U.pc4ation,lat oirSanday tnora. I diacbTered to be ioldj r. ... . , . . Rd i1"8;?1? JH .0fC?m stance Coroner' JLUta on Sunday morblng summoned a jury and held an inquest on her body., A post mbftem examination, cbncted by Drs. j. C. Walker and Will Thomas, elicited tlie fact;: that her dis. , ,. . c? .... . ., . was apoplexy, when the jury, returned a Verdict in accordance with this fact.' I ' :'.'. .rm ', -;" - 1 X H E .Y ItOBEfiON ,'. OCTLA WS.- A Charleston paper states ''.that . a hand of obtlws, from Ifoilh Carolina, arc now in Swamp in- JIarlbor, County, i v 81 9' The9-..". PP?8 m P- fnyt Xbt band . that recently infestedRo- beson county ia such large numbers, rob- bing and murdering 'the, people" of that d "joining counties: "In; thyjponneC: tiim, we see it stated a mulatto, calling, himself Msnnah Oxendyne alia Mannah .LowreTT was cbnvictett oi crand larcenT by the Marlboro court and, sen fenced, to tbe ptnitentiary, and that he. TOnfesaed Ire biloaWtothe .d1 of JouUawaj abbTe ' . a "rwei ' a 1 ' A mentioned t)Thus, one by one, these Tout- laws kre csptud and iWiw4iring .their T;, 2t U '"-iA '.Di Via ANNEisABTOF fTIIB -ObeatioWj tno anniTer8arj' of the,; 'creat)ii T,ol':the World, being the '' cbnjmiehcemeriV 'of' the yir A.J M. 5631", and the first day sof , the iimar month Tishri. That dsj;bnd.the' sttcceediiigoriebein the first and 'second days of the'month Tishri, are bbTerred aa Jwd bolydays and days of memorial .by Rn members of the Hebrew faith thiopga- 0nt tbflworldfTh'ff r"bd far" thabhsaL Tance i, contained: ioaeiUca,xxIIlV3 :i 'V' f L'1:'1 .f-' ( Tbeday is alsdcomniemoratiTe; :hj. ann)vcrsary anptUer re Biuie ry-i. e.j' bu tne Aimignty trieci Aorauam, wsuow uow wiUAf.Unquestioningojjrust .ancj f .aiiqfB 'hia lesson, one of the aublimest examples of undoesttoniner and 6olt"faitli ra CroeVi 'aWvMs commemortte cUp. xxll., T ' :r , 'v , ; L In accordance witli : uiiiTerBal'cristom anions iuoso proie6ipg joe. , uisuiJ.ijj the places of business of odr Hebrew fel low citiie'nB we're closed yesterday and wih jrima'tn: so,ti idayti.'9aabM;fhe perly commemorate; the events, bpyj i;.; laded to. ,.no wai jr. . o ;i c.vzjti -.1.1 A til !J DiOTrjBBAkcK.--Ab6ut half ''.past six o'clock yesterday: "!afternocua distur bance, .which came, near .terminating, in a I rot, occurred in rae bf fhevabpp4 n - W t conq streem adjoining the store of Mr. Jas. B4 H.uggbw.t. ,The djs'tnrbaoce ' r as originadby A'onSred tflremannltoed iteliiilard,,. wuinV freely indulgingin tbat-.-beyerage very ajptly termed bust-head. Omcer; Wol cott stepped into tbe shop fox the purpose of discovering a friend of, whom he was in,. search, when Ballard, without ' the slight est prorogation on the'psit Vf iMrli Wol cott, commenced abusing the latter,! who at once, attempted to-arrest bim, but was' and oonwyed lo the ardV,: ;h ttlutoWtfarf was ouife rbvident h 7 would - h W nm uet1y y prison but or3;hcbg. ongiTeD mm or the' crowd 'to' resist: ,vi i' ri'.o;r. r jtiuit t Jl f.it. 1 . 1 V VUIVCIA tab lea.- r. ! " u K (Opbxatitib' RB4V'et lvave 1 ',. . 1.1 beent requested to -atato -Uiat-;8 jmeet Aug luii: mwra i lavurauie. (o 1 iue .organii fcation of. ', Cooperative Btbija; ft; thTa.i'ity wiltbe held ayiasohiiHaUthi's'-iea' dart ycnfe;-!at ccbadfes laboring,' railroad men.'and all othersfa- yoraDie 10 idis oreanization. are eaiecial- ly hovited to be- present We nnderiaA(i! thre . will be ;nq; postponement .6nU&, connt r of weat h-r :s utt Trr 1 .' - a . . . - . , ri, nTB ue aireaayxpress jOU.r -views onj tnis subject, and reitenitebur firm ctfn? Ticutm utat' tue enierpnse ii property si aried and proper, v oondctedl wUiSwroye a decided success. Wblbbpeihjerb'; wilt bo; a fdll attendants at Masoolb- Iall this t GALiixiENiA . 'CoTTOsWe'ijwero Bhbwn last! nlghV by Cr JJ lXriPayis; proprietor of the Kut5eil rH6userv, Atelk of cotton bearing the at ore fcamert , It is a'aew variety of cotton,- aad possesses ' " . ' . . U-l .1-1 .... . 11 many vaiuaoie quauties, croiBinent amooc; rwhicli is ita early maturity aod'Vxmmeivse yield-' We re" assured bj theCblbrdoq, tbe authority of Dr.- H.J. Holraesy prov minent physician of Atlanta; Ga., that this cotton matures .from three to .five weeks earlier than any other specif fcnowoJ,Thb stalk shown as was the , finest specimen j for its age." we haye ever ' seen It waa ' planted on the 20th o( April end pulled ap August 7 lb. ' it was grown on .'the plantation ' of Maj J. F Dennis,' of Sel- ma, Alabama..When sent to Dr.' Holmes," In! Atlanta, it bad on ft 53 fdlj grown; bolls, With a number' unopened. 1 Dr.1 Holmes expects to visit this City and ' will bring with mm stalks or .tnu . cotton i bearing upwards of 500 bolls. With ordinary " at-. 2$ to 3 bales can be growntojthe jicre without the aid of fertilizer; and it is asserted that , with good soil and fertili zer, from four to five bales can be gather ed from the 'acre; IThe BtalkJ khownlus was grown without the application bi any" fertilizer whatever, 'and can' be wen' at the Percell House. W ! , . ' h! " l . , CoL payis informs us .that in NoTein-s ber he will have a limited quantity,rof , the j seed Of this valuable cotton, and it would be wellot those, deairiag. to-.spcare a ujy pry ocao!n: ;lmf . t . .... fT . -a . . . "ri; '.u v. i... if, TllB COUNT! - (JOMM188I0NKKS.-T-. Tha County Commissioners of New. HaH-V oter county met at the Court "Jlouse 'yca- texdaj. morning, it being their .first regu lar 'meeting or the year cummendng Sep-j tember-Ist 18(J9. , '-- atepnen J$.eyes was eiec:ea cnairmaiu , v 'jUaTor Xfi Manuka bond for tlO.OOO.'as cierk of the Superior Court, - "vsilh-VIi S.' Satchwell and Henry Natt as sureties, was I presented and approved. " r'il. . . - : . . . ... ... . - -W W. T Anderson was appointea wgis- mted ilegis- in place; utt . t . (er of Deoda for the county It Wftldrcresigned: andlMrXa dersonVybohd-.foC following were'appointed io fill vacanciesV 'fV- I Lincoln To w'aahip.-AAtdT J J. . Mclb- ! Franklin1 Township. S.4 Uf. cjuaiified. 15 . ;'.:; HollTowoshipClirisaophWJJ Bowe. Towjasjiip.JoJiaiiTYaoItowe. dship.- Qualified. ,VyrVr,,'v. - 8. J. Faison was appointed Township Clerk -for Franklin TowttsliipVi Quail-it fied. iv j .. if t.uo'it ii'i: Ia'.' J" ' i Lemuel TV ThWraaHras appwnWd Con- stable in Union Township. v . E. D.lfewlett was appomled Township Qerk for Cirpe Fear Townsbipv- v;''u 1 A reofttldtVtU passe,Tttoiniag the services of Mr. . London! as legal' adviseF to the"Boord. 1.: --. .".L.. . '-: . - serve as the regular tfn.r duringthe first week: oi' the Falt 'terin of Jthe Superior ivinn or new uiuutci wiuwi. . vuu.- "- L T-l ir !-4Y i-i- V 01 encing puihe.tft of PctQber:jiexi-tl suing : r . . ,V s rtio l.i v i. ? J H H6rfl; Jai R GarrisIshant' Behi St George;' CM- McAuslin,1 Joseph Howard, Thomas Gurgania, Allen Herring,' E M Johnson, P .C Calvin, Jackson Woodr & W , B .White, ..Jept Meoks,-1 J ojUh, Matbias, James 'Le5ia.char31 nelt 1 J P Walker; P Toabta,lir; ' 0"M 'Lef is, Thomas Johnston, J. jbemons, uenj jHoore, uel Pla?errA:ut68p,,i baVd ;Johnson, MD KotWmojfa pVnbnj ; The following were drawn as the regn lar wnw-f tb serve the second week of j the, tL- Cummio'i, and W G; .Freeman , as 'sbretiest wai'pVe'sentetl and approve. . " !The fonbwing t Schbbl Committeemen O P Keith, RobcrtjAnenryyDavid Prid-( gen, F M AngusmLJCh1is'M.onUgue, Wm Clarkl'David 'klclnscar Wrlgh,8amt- 1 1 uo. vwuimisaioners wiu; continue ln.ses ??.n'3rflP' 1?y.8I?ndayt;J.osday, .and , f Ijoaed of Aldekmen. -The Board had their , regular weekly sessioir f at the 'City Hall yesterday evening, and': done'a .large amount of business, r We give a sy .tjdpsis of their proceedings, as follows : ?i JAd ordinance w amend sectidn' ' ?; of ;tbb general 'ordinao'ces-was adopted.!!; ? f An: ordinance in ' relation to the sale of act, whiqb requite ha tit shall, be Bbld by .weight .and not by .guess-work, was adopt . . . 1. .- ' .' , solution regarding hucksters. Ke- qaiffcs the Clerk of thoJ market to' ' enforce i3 icguiauoiH' wuicn prevent tneir ouy ing produce before a certaTu htur. ,; 'J-:.. ', lti A resolution that the" marshal be in- 'itfacted Ho have erected' tn Hhe : guard."1 house fiftei ri bunks for the use bf prison-' - -Ao brdinanoe in regacd to; posting bUla.' Kequireaa license of, notjess :than 31 and pot more than $5, -1 ;ti...s .1 " '- .V , jiKwiuuuu mat m.c. salary 01 ne cuy superintendent of common schools be fixed The marshal was instructed to assign a rwm 10 t no supenutcnacrt schools and the -school committee. 'u ' ' ' A.commtmicatibn from the WiImTngtb Gis Company, protesting lagainst i the attoount of the tax imposed, on the Com- Danv'V-v ; ;. i . .f : Several Detitions for oosition on the nri. Ceo were referred to the Police Commit tee. ' ;.'-S-Vi;.: J : '.t'- L..-'V ' ; A petition from Pine Forest Cemetery Company, requestong that a deed for their property be furnished themCi The mayor was requested to confer with the citv at tornev 'on the subiect. v ' ' ' ; . - jPitition from citizens that a lamp be placed at the corner., or 6th- and Queen streets, was referred to committee on streets and wharves. ; . ; . ' Pi tit ion from sundry -citizens, that a bridge be built on, Second street, , ,r j. . a lA: note of John Dawson,' for $238, was orHered to be paid in bonds.,r ;: jAno ordinance by Alderman Arnold in relation to the police force. Provides' that he police regulations shall be strictly carried 00t.!,,-t - -:' :- 1 The CTerk of the Market was 'requested Wraportto the Board of Alderman at the. ena oieacu uiontn. - . ncsblotioW that th'CJommittoc on Pub- i fe BnifdincS, be ordered , to -confer' with' Ill 'Wilmington Steara.Fjro Engine Com-: J?4ny in rdatiowotoIjthebdilJing of a uHtable engine house.' " r , ' .. frho Mayor pro tern;, O,' Z, French, Esq ' stated that die ., should be absent Jor soma i pin, and .requested that some One ahould appointed in his place. Aldonnen 8er-v visfltyfaf elcded, but' declined ; whereupon AJdefmanenrVbnes, crdoreU:' was elect-' Ri7IR ,JJD ;.HipiE HES..- ! .U'4ii o v'fi i IpliDAT, Sep. 6th.:.,, Tlie weather has been so bad that no ft-.v 'i tr.il M.iii. -i. t--'1 ot?. J vesscL could go to ses, for several , day a rTne foubwing are bejbwJbouo!i.rOu.t rlhe ! Steamers'JYIaTU, the, Luciffh.AfoJPmA' pri And ISmeefj Brig Ruth 'Adrift, 'and 'rieipai.'pnd Scjir at Bar latethis'evenitig; uounu ui. ...... ; i -ii"; J iljS,ii'l!S"'-t ..Tt tUI Vi,it Tj'Tjll 0 ' j .(-nH i; : !' ! - ''b sh!Ik, .if. i wMessrs. PooL& 'Whitekerv;ot Newbern, announce that they will publish during . theipresenti. week,' ia pamphlet form, a full report of . the evidence in the osse of the Lenoir county prisoners. Sin gle copy,-10 cents; 15 copies, fl; i' "- j rrr- At patriot states that, copper and gold have been discovered on.thejarm; of ison.G.;. Oakey, : within five mites of LGreensboroV- . i ...-:: I iajf Hi J i: The Statesville. Americftti'says; Mr. P. L.' Rose," Agent of the Western N. 0. R. R. t this placexinformstis that dur ieg the month of August there wrue 153, 219 pounds of dried frait Bbipped from this point alone over the road.. f -it 1 i i TOnrr friend 'Drake: 6: atatesville American, wiu. piease note mat. ii is 'CTlobiMoh's-not VKohusbn, printing ink.fbr which' we are agenCJ - , u-j The examination of the Lenoir J - - - . J?. V -. !U.l l. CUUUl T Bijavubia v.vww.. ; . . iii. i. ana lticnara DUlton were wniuiuicu w . n and and Jesso crKeHnedy was bailed in tho sum of $ lO.OOO.-i'i jilhiq i 1 ;Tbe Salisbury fixannner. learns, that the house and two children of John Hargrove: colored, were burned in Proyi- dence townsnip on i nuay evening. ,. ue parents of the children wererboth absent, th father oflf at work and the mother at a neighbor's on a visit. The father dis- covered the nre,Dut eouumos reauu u house in time to save it or hs children from the sad fate above tteutioned.; v-. . The Goldsboro Messenger ha the; following : W,e learn, from a yery relia ble source, tnatonc wgus, Aas,ww litla mob under detecuve; uiowersi num bering some fifteen or twenty iiegrbes and whitpa..anrrounded,t the premises of Mr. Henry JT. Croom, in, Lenoir Couotyf n the4 the following " -Mr. A1 H. GaTle'wayl'Seny, j yaayi trom s Wilmington,! a cast-iron heet, representing a aoe-heet iatd''i pairr.' oT.', uio, wuu a uico au vcr iauemvBbBU.fQH.il, with an appropriate tnscriptfonvseilts mark of respect, and ah emblem of final triumph in the cause, of justice, from arti- fir4 .t.Wi1minnii,'A.r'nluri T' tTni Superintendent .of . Publie j Works. The! sjmboi is unique and expressive; intended to intimate that Col. Harris will triumph in the contest waged against bim byGov- uoiden andf the King,? and ;Pgtratvely place, his 'heel upon the neck. of bis veue Viil iifflnam nv ir if t Tlie Business Portion of Golds' boro -in abucs-IjOSs mi35,000 V I'- ilT 1.1. 1 1 ... a - 1 ' n cymmcucc lam ariKia nituuui any cap- lion, 10-oaj, lor unaer tne presens ii8tressed circumstances, we are no In; tbo , right spirit to pen anything; But'an Imperative duty is involved udou us. as t a' faithful, lournaliat. to chronicle events however sad ' It "may weih nnon onr minds., : i. i i ..t ir.,fi . iu ueauuiiu , puniun ui . uuiusuoro, generally . Known . as, .xne Dnsmess part, is in ashes. Last Saturday evening, the 4th Inst. most of our citizens had retired, to rest after a weekly busy toil, little dreaming of tbe dread ful Mhmlt that wttd thmn 'tara hn ilavn of snother sun,, About JO o'clock. Xhe alarm of fire was sounded and within an hour there after, tbe most beautiful and largest . business portion of our town was at the mercy of the flamea"f,!'i(! '-"f : -'jWfnf "if Tbe Wayne Book and. Ladder Company, with what little force:tber'l,uldv'command., was upon the spot and aided all, in their pow eh But force, as well as water was iaiufflcictlt to subdue the element, and Its- liquid -tongue of flames soon - devoured -the 'entire' block of bouses from the corner, of Chestnut and, West Centre to Walnut Streets, completely destroy ing everything io that part of oar town., .At one time the element became furious and muck anxiety was felt for tbe safety of the two hotels snd tbe row of business houses on East Centre Street, but fortunately tbe: element ceased its prey after having laid in ashee 17 places of business, the Masonic- Lodge, the Wayne Boarding House, the Messenger and Post newspaper Printing Office and Weir's Lumber Yard. , . ' . - ,.,r , ,...;;,.,.. a... We are among the unfortunate,-bur' presses and other materials have been destroyed and; such of our type as we have saved are very much deranged. Still . with thai aid , 'of' our small Job Press, we hope to issue, a small ex-7 tra, probably; each- day until "we cau secure another large press, which we hope will not be loneer than two wveksfroni now. when the Messenger will, again appear in its usual size. . The losers by the nre were Messrs. t en as L9 iidvj a vj wuw uiw w ws v iuvu vu w loss $30,000 Wm. Robinson, $15,000; tein & Bros., $12,000; J. H. Privett,r$l0,- Bros.., 10 Einstein 000; Dr. J, M. Hunter, $3,000 W. W. Craw:, loca, ; ur. w. tx. iniayson, ,oou; Mrs. JfL A,' Borden. : f 3,600 ; . J. . ro iWaters fcL&OO: Jno. H. Powell. $1,500: Rufus Ed- mundson. $1,800: J. H. Wlfa,)$l,50fl;r L. IX: Ulddlngs, rimi; j. vv. uuiick, ii.ow: k. j. Bonitz, $U00; Dr. W. T. Robinson, $800; W. J F. Kornegay, $700;' and 'Mr' M. -A-Tomp- f kins, . v-. - . J .r w.u There were other smaller losses 'wntch"w could not gather upon ia time to go to press-l The entire loss will, probably, reach one honored and twentvfi ve thousand-dollars. 'Of this as far as .we can learn, only about $18,000 or iZU,uou worth ol property wasr msurBo.o l ; . Those Insured were Messrs. H. well & ceo... about $13.000 : W. W." Crawford. $2,500 and Z, Einstein & Bro., from 3.000 to $5,000. - ,T . . tb the rear end of CoL J:. W Morris's Bpwling. kucj, ana ms uu ure uua uceu iu ws, jjuruuu of the buildinir since Sprins last, it is stroug-ly. suspected to have been the work of an inccn- diary: Ferret Ala out, or an means, anuru him, or them, over to. "Judge Lynch." Me tenger Extva Wl -r.t-ji;t out yilDt 1 i r as wauvKaiiMiuBisaTB." TlaiN8BKEOKRS! Live Book 8tbre.i-ilnk," Ink Coronation Ink Assorted.;,-,, iX .1 J. H. ; AsMUtaoM Fall Sfyle.Si Mata--the newest thing out. . ,,. . . . ... - 4 4a Wm. IL Ekxt-Meeting of members W.S. Fi K Co. " ; " -. f f 15' ' -rf- Caow.r jfc?MOBBlS--&liebf ' ValuabWKfee- -Ttaakattoai4.'i-J 'lcV?f? Hi r-i:-. to u-J Rosadaxis See advertlsement,,.;ti;7 '.- Hv G. HASHAGAN-r-Meetfag Qf7th.(UouncJl of Evangeflcaf Lutheran Church, ' f -r. in this city on the 6th inst.. MINNIE, daugh a 6th inst., MINNIE, daugh ,be Sd year of her ago.- - y ter of . Aliens in tbe 8d year of her ago.- - s maica. Tx)nir Island, on tbemorninir of the 6th Inst., VIRGINIA, infant daughter of Alfred B. BUSINESS iVOTICES To ApVERTJSinAadYertising mediums the Morning Stab and Carohna iarir.are not surpasseti oy any.puuiioa- tiob in trte SUt; ttli; W'.Ki r0 t!;:-e t Merchants wishing ,to, com- mupicate withjthe) rural, sections, cannot do better than to avail themselves of . the adyertisin columns of the Morning Stab, 'which 'is' extensively circulated tlir'otigh-' but the two Carolinas, and in other States.'' V.-:!i'T t :A1 if i-ii i V! 'A 1-1 md-'themeHl r Einmerman. jfc;vWbite..T They are; jreadjr tf do all workn In their lineMn1 the' best 'manner, and aVpribes fi suit' the times.' ?w J i To Business MEN.--Fartiea.wish Ing tor;advertisa io- any ( newspaperr. pub lished in eitherof the, CJaroljnarfaji sayo, 1 ';'.'f chuunpecessarj; time, an treupw(ov making Stab Advertising authorized "tbrec publishers' lowest i-at&& ' Alt riecoesary in- ;fonna.tion i given-'i and.', advertisements mailed , direct ,j publisbera, fas .soon . as banded Jn.J, Business pjen, will , , consult their interests' by patronizing this '" Agen cy j Advertiser pays no commissions. tf i. latest by Telegraph. Thousands of inen,' women-and -nlldrn ave Deen cwea ra Morbus. Col! oklt known irmno totaii piiu wc fi.inna. A ale for Dr. Worthinjrton's Diarrhea wu , , . r and Cholera Mediclae-keep U to -yen onae never travel without iWt .may ave your i price 85 and M eenU per TwtOe.' ' . Co; James T. Wiggins, Wnoiesale' Proprietp. their contracts with the Morkino Agenc, which, is fully eive Advertisements' at aoonafl.de. and are In .n spects'the opinions of those by WhW thoy era gWen are not manufactured for tie pur- pose Of eceiving a eredulona public; but are gratefuvaBknowiedgmenta of beneflts dertv- Kraioiu.ttoenowieatfmeniaor oenents aeriv ed from a medicine which in many 'respects;' anfl for many Aiseases,ia superior to any ever. .A; "mir aii K te jambere of i womeiwra fact almeetr . uiiiiniiLiis in Ltin cuiiiin nrr " ti rr ww.vn aoaae aisease oecuiiar u emaie.v,ii.i. f i DEi LiwEiiid'a Wokak's -.Fkikko meets I - wlth Vonderful'snocess In enriatr thMk .li-a This fact,sUould be widely known, .Iffcvery, lady in the United States' were to take one or two notties or-the WoxA.a'a fsunn,, they would be repaid by '4 renevxU of health' and ' iiu Bam anu riiaoie remeuT, aau is en- ttf iIpIW AD VERTJBEMENTS. f ? iM, CRONIX , Auctiarieervt ,; ' 6n , WEDNESDAY, Sept. Wth, 1869, at 10 o -lock, A. M at Exchange Corner, we will- r .VALUABLE RICE. PLANTATION Vr iiwvp rear jtiver, k miles DC low tne city, well and favorably known, as . ... j; if-riu: s I i 0 H A WFIELD, ; 1 MU.'i. Wmprlsingr entire 70o'a4jres,'orwlr'ich there Is under bank and ditch. " . , x ermg-w per oenv m caan. balance twelve months credit title reserved until payment IO. I U. I IR TII1U1R. . v.- ....... 4. 'J A Xny information, furnished or Inspection of vuu prumiHea can oe maae Dy application to Ctonly & Morris,, Auctioneers. . . ,.;.;.. ,w' pRIlRJ .1 Executors. . - 4ept 7-Pues.Thura.Sat.Wed.l5th. ; ' Notice ! in THE CHTJRC COUNCIL OF THE EVAN-' ireliel Lutheraa St. Panl'a Chnroa arreK iaested to meet at the Sabbath School on ims (Tuesday) afternoon at tu o'clock F. MJ TSe oongr relation are Invited to meet.at the, ChuTCh at S o'clock: same afternoon. - A-1 fdlt Attendance ia desired, as.the call of a Minis ter will be coisidered and, if advisable, bo it 1 ".i-.i-i Hi'tf lst i v;w ) 8eo,y Pro tern. , S-ng 7 -It r . , . 1 aU Style Silk Hats 'AVE ONE MADE TO FIT roUBYLEAT- ityonrlmivression, frem;,$be, , French., Cotv, f. i' .f J B j ANDERSONS. ''.VI :":r: ' vt!:VV.!,.. .' Ncpt 7-tf ."I filJ naJki'Ol OblCe f ,r!: HlliE MKMBER8 OP THE f JVIMIINGTOJI .4-' STEAM FIliE ENGINE COMPANY No. 1 will assemble at 41 Bnirlne' Itoom,- tn fult uniform, Afc4Co'cloc it, this P. M.. for para to. By order ox tho Foreman-." wJii.uii NORTft CAHOtlJfA 0 " Home liisiirance Co.. : INSURES "AGAINST LOSS OB DAMAGE WRE,uLIGIITMNa,, miTOmAHfK ui . . .).nr oiil.n,jfY'jjf j1 tr -e f. ai yfr 101 IlOiJJilClU. Insiire 11 IB; MOWS1 fi I9TSUBANCE COMPABTT. - Nash premiums;:"' "i:':' Kn " rv ;u! . . . ;(. -CASH DiynENDS' . jmo restrictions on travel. iAvuiena patQ in f . v, a- vujuai'iUi jang7-iraceod5w - - ,'S'i ' Affent.'-' CHEWING TOBACCO, 1 -1.. -. nnnrinno TiitTto' j . ;...;-i. ' i.. .-i iffew-S oi'Waea2jniii! )au22-nactfl . , , ..Wilmlnffton, N. O - . ... ... i) f: j j .It -OS?T OF YDtT HAVING BEEN PAVOfiED JjfJL 1 ithla. year wltn nnnsnany. good xsropa,, your next thought should be, how to dispose of your surplus produce to the best advantagre. We have given this matter considerable thought, and for onr MUTUAl BENEFIT -we. hare determined to sell all consignments of COUNTRY ' PRODUCE - for the SMAUL.EST, POSSIBLE Uegltimate charges, ( and ,, make prompt returns of the proceeds.11. ": J ,i i' J .-nr - , 1 . . . 1 1 .A ui aiau np ui, uauu a wbu hkukidu. Groceries well adapted tb yout wants, which j we shall sclj at) ( the iQWEST CjASU; rice. , ' Thaaktnr yon for tout past liberal suxtporW we respectfully ask a continuance of the same. 1 . "'f. ',KaJ South Water-street. ,j M VacW ' a f ' 7: ' Wilmington, C. 'J r;tja. ' j; . ..... j u u 'rv:"ii"L: , ;.')' ;r'v. Standard5 works;d . ,;.ti 1 ; TMxncBiffiir Tiiiorja kovelb," 7 WAVEULY NOVELS, j Butter-Eard. ; jJUOICE GOSHEN BUTTi. ; fP UBB LEAF LARD) In 16 pourti,pejser janyeuantUy iiirijiUwM '1 V:VV;tItJ ;T"j'T Msjkeietree.' jsopt a.v.'lWAN MITTS.; i.' .1-. T f-T I X. IIIEAlt3, .CimCVlaAIt I , dinir t Cards. ,Vlflltin 'Cards. WIS AO. printed in a style tnat canno oe sarpaaacu. Xiiortn or aoutn ai Printing and Publishing House, 0Ctl6-2Mt , - , .3iJj . . V Vi Ji X WVATLOJSj t v. I - ' . 4 . ,- - . - 'ttff THTnts0AY; SEPT. Oth; I889i' AT lAo'-'!'-' J clock,' A. M.J we will aeU at Kxchanra . r-vorner,- that valuable i .. ; '-n KYM&tdZwu ) Lc,iUi:i,i:n ijn i i - , BRICK: WAREHOUSE, ATTACHED n TWO BTORr BRiCBt1 STORBJ .-5 X ?Pn wet We of Front, one door South of . pba'cluiacee Alfe."vHS. -i .. i' Liui'iC f.'. Jiot eV feet -upon Front street, runnlnir ' West 49 feet. upori Quinces Alley, tun- ' . intag worth S3 feer... , Al... -T-.pma at- aa ia , . -. -:. j . - v - t . . - v . 1. ;.;" . vr v. M.' CRONLT?V' AUCTlbNEER.' l . : bit cnoNiT a nonius. , . -gilt .'lM'-r ft, ,..4vi I'.i,'.!-;! Fulton j House -M .-.hit 'lift HOTEL FURNITURE unci FIXTURES '' r ilk'ti iryJrA T A UCTIONV v'V C . !i.'.- ... On BUESDAYj Sept 21st, 1889; at 10 o'clock! ; 'r A J 11., we will sell upon tbe premises, (Front, between Market and. Princess streets) tbe en- tise .... Hbf EL' EURN1TURE J and irrXTi liJS, ' ' with everrthinsr anrjertakninir and bebSna-ln tr ' '' .iK.i.'ii.'i , j....... ... ..;.,TV,:iT.; ji-i!. b i .' . . .,'.. ....... . M. TJROXMV Auctioneer: - . Irv7 -;.. itcmuVi M--i'.vu.- ti' iSQUm AND LOT AT.i AUCTION. . r Oit WEDNE8DAT. HantAmhitw llufW 4mt si.Ij! cUc k A M wo win aeU at Exchange Corner, : -' thktyery desirable'- ., - . .. .. Zti . LOTiWITH.DWELLINO HOUSE a threon situated upon Third; street, npon j V . corner and south eido ot ; . : 7 'j ''"(J-;CaAiGSALtll!Y.';''!''l,'s' f'erms at sale. ' . '.. . ' ; v . ept4-ts ' - ?' W-t'&'-J t-W.' ''! vii .. . M. CUONtY, Auctioneer i .X- :- i KAVAn TV lnfflAn WAatvYm , en and adfOinlnar the draet-af thM Wiin.inff.vn4 toh and Manchester Bail road. Company, each. , with wharf front in good order, 6C feet front, ig oacic i.jw reet to Uronswlok county , , . TWO f2 Of thAm vff.fi lam. .1,.. . Phree fSl lota aad wtaavma l..:mnl : . atelybeiween the Wilmington and Weldon. . T. Tr. "r1? wui' vnanoMw ana itntherford ; Riilroad depots. , . ., ; , , rtigbteen ti ellkibiebnildrn-T lot. W,hl-J-' frpUtingca feeton Fourth street,: running . , EM iaffeet to Stt foot alley In rear. -7 T " fourteen fit) ideslrabJa . bnUding lotv eachi 4? ; fronting SS feet upon Fifth street.' running One-and-a-half lots on Front street, 99x1 S . . feetadioiniBO- Wilmtnirtvtn Lrwl tVlHr. ili . .,:a road track. - . . . . Mesataj James at'Browii wlll' gfVe'; all lnfmL r f Such disposed of previous to Wednesday, Septem- fJ A ber 15tlt,l9( will on that; day be .offered at; ; pablie auction, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at Kx change Corner in this city, ilerms liberal and lj:H made known at sale. , . , .-,-: ,o . .!'u;M- 4Tf:uTIa'GtPABj5LEY,,,1 l septets . - .... . , . . : n ;. 4 rroceriesl - Groceries M 1 1 Western Balk Sides and Bhonlderw, - . rf.'ir City Mesa and Romp Pork, Lard Lea?, ?fatu- ' i.4 3i'Y,twfi-v.JU:) .':l -i-fxi -v '! ' " IVlackcfrcl I it Cb!.fHA- ;-' - I .fjkU?l;-44..?J'..S;-' HALFBBLS.iAN0KlTS MtaneM in Oak Barrels; Flour, 'Extra Faml-'C ' 4y, Family aad 'Extra. Superi Crackers,. Lem ya, sugar anu oouaj uanuy. assorteu ana ran- , . ii ;A U AXA ' :f :? V: Mjr'ii j r . j j .".! fii.'H Vtiij I'iirf 2'4'iwx9i Ui ii- Sugar, oil grades) Molasses, Cuba and Sugar . House, ; : : , : COtTON1 B AGGlNGVlBXiN TIES, , ' ' ; ' . iilt -.ni a 4;BfPrPHPTi.;;i 5- PorsaA-:- J buSMt , .27, 28 and 29 North Water si. , . j ?H i; jn: K'Aj'fii ';f oi ;ju,' j 1. ' to (iLfeilwar.a lom.'ii'o tio .yi iu. THE CHEAP vCTOnC I ! H. . .V f :. . ft '-.! ,.a;f - ; 1. '. i ' . . V 1 k .. "... ... ... .' -.. , .-. . TIlE- v. 'WHOLE STOCKS OF . "i '' TT A TO ,7 CrtMISCrtirTTr. ... . -' " V MV-jVl.-tx'ivtvy . .1 A Fiara assortment op jaconet and i i BWlSS XMCltOlDsiKSa4 ! if ,'i v'.v' A . " ' ' ," Ui y ' BW1BS ANDPACONIE UTTSLINS, jaCoh bt cambrics." l nf m. ! BiRD ETE"ANI irtjck aback di ape US, t 'TABLE NAPKINS, TOWELS,' - R ; 1 r.', . : Lisle gloveshosiery, o., tc. too numerous to mention ' " . i'i.3 49 Remember, JSm. 44 XXarkeS Street, ' . I wr nva rB.raai juwcij. ! aeptS-tfi i':K '"'' TTt- . 1 Standard Pcct: j-ITlOttS ALB AT T - ;.:- ,iTii:fvir. "... fi; nEINSLrilGEi'S '. V"Jv J , 'j I'rthd ,t.iUvii -t r:v' Ltvo Book C'Jore,' r? -i .? 1 jsptW,f,;,I' .jj. Market Street,! V'

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