.r. N . 1 FIELD 'MDMRESTDKb Tha Study ;ef Old fields.;;- . ! .'' .BY.'sAinEL.xj&i'iw cut. r All our fields; notices I'Mrtn 'and' ourselves grow! .old with increasing! years, iM a ucy MiYvti.A,j?'j persons and all organiJttfa; J cility.withMck4Jaflymay The life of manhen rpedjan no moro be restored to him thanjight may be obtained ttfcan'dW- tiiaiia-iurnVcW . Human life is handed -down indefinitely, from one generation ,Xq .another, by the dain the1 perpetual increase of our species - on a niiVacL'areaolf griinG for-tne pro-' duction i of hamaft. food tand i raiment Hence; it is only a' queohfr tfceii - populaUopTpna Ae land for the means of subsistence. ai Amcca'pre&bj'aoayTadta for the rapid multiplication of mankind, that the growth "o.'thV genu's" (ZZwiw-in Europe,' Asia and Africa, is no just jule by which to calrtlitc ojar"Hjfutdta ' irf ansio'n .ba this Continent V ' ' I'XVkp - v We are educating young farmers,:wh68C business it will be to raise from a Jong-cultivated soil, aplenty to feed andclothe one r hundred mlpion people,-" How shall they do this on. lahdJthU th'fcir ifatherft and grandfathers; have, depleted and impbvei ished t Now, wan rest our; worn-out fields, and letnature slowly recuperate them as tliieria.'iiiesli iandsuffidentito'meei the wants. of some forty of. fifty. miljion souis. 'liuz aouDietnepreseniconsumpu9n tin twenty-five years, and steadily augment the annual drain on all land in cultivation, and what will be the condition of Amerf can agriculture, and of the grand Repui lie, at tbedoaa xit thii cetfturj I W r In place of jesting old fields, restitution of the essential elemenis-of crops will be the general "practioel -. To -this system of tillage and husbemdry all most corae at no distant d'ay.'" But what' elements of crops;" is it essential to restate tft old fields I 'Their careful study must precede "SrWise answer. i , Salts of lime, sucty as land plaster and w bone-earth, have long been used to increase . crops grown on poor land. ' It Is, therefoce , fair to presume" that they Bupply elements essential -to fertility, -which are lackijgn soils cuWvated'wltlaefecliYe or no man ure," '.- Some fields, -horwerey are'so pdor in other essential elements' pf crops that no, amount of lime saltawilV impart- iruitful ncss. Potash' and 'magnesia, in an availa ble condition, areilj.abuhdant! in soils long . cultivated, and; being1 found , in' .all crops, they -must be applied. , artificially, or ' eliminated from clay or sand that contains them in an insoluble form, .i Where soda or chlorine is deficient, common salt.' is "the proper : fertilizer., Itow, la jthe, pwne t: iof land that licks some one 'or more elements' of plant food, to know "which are absent an d-which preecaW . .. Certainly be canno know.this by intuition nor by any poasi-: ble" manual Mabot.1!' Mis that kind' ot , knowledge which tfie iijrcful study of facts applicable to tne subject will alone Imp art. Subsoils foe many feet jndepth, sometimes- fio abpund. in: tho, mineral elements of plants that they serve as good manures, when spread over a poor top soil. ' -r , Mr. Oeddca ifadfcelbmLhe New'ork Farmers' Club, that earth dug out of a cel lar On thf nlrfft fbrpruitii)n oo3 tii'IfawOH Onondaga county, produced a fair crop of UUUS, Will - Williams raised good wheat on naked Bul5soil,;where . the top-soil, for ivf ( 3$ o n(re ha been removed in grading near his dwelling. Oencsce fsbak,Vda mldp wlfei have disintegpitedand yielded xcellentj whe'iit and clover, with -less than a half per cent; of organic matter." To recuperate old fields that have acter, suppose ' ral salts than it is possible face soil, as Bometimea happens t Such land invites experiment with any fertilizers one :! may have at his command.4' Bone dust and gypsum, used with clpyeronay, or may notj . give a fair stand of this renovating plant. If they do, then the improvement' of the . field is 'd-lilrp'Bn, wood ashcV and saM,"br the1 nitrate of soda should 1)6 'used in addition to bone earth - and land plaster. . ; - ' ; To plcrwt deep,' and subsoil for lime, pot: usu, pnoBpnonc acia, ana otuer Known xer tiliga, small quantities to pay twenty cents a day for the labor expended, ia nearly the point ls reached by our .common knowledge ot j tiZ! iTl TT-- - TV -rjr k . 4 3..I uecpiy. uBpavanaaea ueiaa.1 borne uai8 such fields with results that discourage the repetition of tiie'practice m tbe samecom- mumti.ttiAot.a'partpf.the mineral, constituents of plants that naturally poor soils require when long-cultivated, but the whole of them, usually, with. the: excep tion4, of iron ;-and:ia white- pipeT dayjia found near the cities .of, A.ugusta, Ga.,,and namburg a .,VvenuxtoiAVauting.i- The presence efiiure :ilay.ahd illdous- iand V gives litttle more than a place for the de- -posit of plant food; '1:';,''v;v As one may have a deep well, both cool in summer 'and warm la winter, and no water, so he may have landiby tha thoua-i and acres yiith much q .the iraw. material for making grain, grass and. cotton, left out.. These aturAldefects : are x 091.80,. easily' remedied as those 1 iuflcted, jsjjjait plow,, , and the removal of Crop's from' naturally fertile toiUThia 'distinciU' w 'to the origb of tho causa ot'itiiMijWimyoil Wrfor'we; theofrii"y6odriV nl fl14 . .-': 'V , t ' ' j j ""' w maue highly productive by plaster and rest in clover, as the writer has practice J tf&sugW; imi"rethc -t surface soil is washed oflf and the subsoil is quite barren, fthe. rcase requires other' remedies. - Hot Ume from the kiln, mixed idtfcBaiU froia iU ocean, and moistened nvka an nift;ia f tin'o I."' means "siiencc.Tr uesemuy, explains u i 'v-v'yji, iu.v;.pka,Mio Kv'Wr; corn ana nee crops ?a au -rf. Vq meaui'f'Let thfe insruments play, and lafee ot excess m tavor ot its compete fW P??r ; now - rl py"?. Jil-'-lTti . 4trL-t5i-t'--l :.i. .. .. 1 npunsnmg patches, tne subsoil ia poorer itf gricultu- I ""e ."jrif;., r wi, wiuiwu vutuiueui,. " -immediate vicinity ,t9 1ake the lime, is likely to prepare the W. wrnlwa'dtra rock, is better ihin twrfftrt nakedness. Grass and Ml 'cUera accumulate plant food: af and neaf 1 X the surface, to form intime i A fair top-soil WMjJtt udefi'iaia VXt is for this r I - ta6irTimnBB,-rmeT-nar a 1 3 . 1 UE American farmersrte'nave nual -tillage urops,; and. .perenuiat grasses! and, .clovers. wUcTi'inAa.lA hnfl matrcaja irum vucii i 'T,. U:i-:1 iasoiuule , ComDmauons- jvaa wuw 1 t nflVaWolved-mitamanur have a similar force whuch alkaline f t-:-: iot..T'iHi otwi4 difficulty n(JIIlLllUaLlUUO-VAJUK-r--- r - I -ti.wi A JmrvMrtrmff fianre-nejLu j. li. 1U : ""--t ' l - - stable manure fa .the r great .expense W.f .-vYV:"WiirKiinHnV an ' articl sb; bulky! 1; and,weak.,ni pbwet ; more .ysp&fe?: ..' . i,-w.rniid A I 1 ' . . 1 jv i X.. . I where it is neeaea. ub nraeiy aim iuu i in oncJiunaradyXiovex jbou ao,i.tii3 f.nRaps. . . k . I V..- 'I i 7: . ... ,1 er than to DUV ann. naUl.-tiipuauM I were the supply ever bushels bf the' best a little clover.seed,, -nolrl hotter than oi r r - ' I .manure. tJompound, salts -lor tne poorest I. u' ..' . . I : . - - - . - -.i a i vn;f;:;;h-MChana LT: .;.,J!' r . there Was ffiven the results Ot a most .CX- AaA Vimta with .!..:: "JJJi'A ii. varioua. 'purpose terwarda dried in powdered dry earth, ad 1. j .t .-v, ' ( . ... , ,1. 1..; i- I . frte' efftae; pa; was; to render -the 'Jii:''i.v-i.--.-ws.ii..l . , I being also in a great measure exempt Iron IttarVa of the At. and the general erowth continued afterwards to be superior. A 1 long soaking in oil did not appear to.be more beneficial than the six hours ; it is a i Selah. - " rYriend has very frequently been obliged to r f - '. i .11 0DICS3 ignorance. EKecanse n njawcr in commentators "give to the Word the 'mean. lag ofternalryW ever . KimdM'Taf girds it a sign to elevate. the voice. The authors of the Septiiturintrtlranslation re- I t -. -j. .... I Krueu lb an Uviuusiwu jvuue, cuiuvu.cuii .w equivalent 1 examgantnesev in which tne word oecura 'recognizes . r . ..... ' irieverjeasa Thei ya-ttatlalibr aid and; Wors Lr b& -i Therbage," produce t Valuable pf f j Keiruter i4tM,'wie thi i " -t. ZlLitlL ZrkiK let: as I wbioU went into effect Jane 1st, game uh4Bu8iw1u , -'"-rtgenanis-gnjalleainffot-i " T 11- trt(Vfl T f 1 I It' W Kill II I HnH uliuA I A. of preparing tunUp- seed insula; ik&Ji&& V feT?. a- manner ad to resist the attack of the DV. I I v ri,i :j nui 4 !'. . f-w !! iqn on us. wen, lie ouzni jo , Know.. I- ah Ammp. fMrtir'or forty in 'nnrtiDrrana 1 ,V . ,.-t ..... . . I.WIip.n hiRta thn Tu.rl thp.m Uiovj I troi and. -j " - . . !Wniml.Vrilififr Wfirts tli6'affirtal extencung nait ovct me catalogue vi euw 1 : -: fv, ;.-'..: 'i v v : Larurri?lit.be.lore:iiimu ri.-w.niBfi!' t : : j mt nf 't ify 'TifeTYSn''tvJBhnw 'tlift ; ' - 1 i niencea its nso stances within reach 01 tMiarmer; proyeu m jrrfi rn";" nWr,v i"i".v. Ij , .,,o .,fii . r- i j,-, ,vl whichlme -i.w-' --rf fhA 'oAakinv of lha I nvfiVaor Wrfrrihfir tot -"'toaDra Drmtcrd ' j Th FnvpttPvilln Eanljt linA r.?PJotJ?.l uj nui.uiw ""-f o I 17, "o: ;; .;, : i ... 1 . . f...J Ft : I .i ! j 7- iav tne ' nenenciai tri'min raihI for from. five. to-six hours in I rltilv rlnrino' that mrtnth of Aturnst I tia 1 nls.nl fa . Tr . 0 111't bnrt-nn vlwlir -I e?.?k8-w-a? train, oil, or Unseed oil, the seed being af- ! ' 'dally edition of 1. hi3 .paper. . ? -i.ur. . . -Tu,rsi;,:; I . it was in eitner a natural or ivii uiuunuv i ua v- wvu viomiwuwvu vvii , f - , v" f t-:' -a ; i t t . x A.a. njfx m nwi w ra .w r rvri - iw.aiiwi rniui ua ,uuiib .i a rw 1 vaai a i 1 1 n oil voaAyra tm ama k.i . 1 nrerjaredBtata: the seed leaf was darker, I day under hia supervision, ana that I !' new -tttasonic Hall, is tole I taeteandodor, a nice tonia and invigorator I La?r . - . . . - - . . 1. .! - . -' -, i 1 lmiit of Wow PmcnAKf c.. n.,K,i,. i oftho system. 1 do not mean to ba without it I rriveav larcrer and fatter, than Other Seed leaves ; I l,ttTO,To ?f YwiHi tho Yrtfir.n I " ' . '-"r-M J whenever occasion mavreanirotw. ninknr,W I Arriveat "VT.T'- v-rliL -.i l "V uountyj; '- l affections, T 7 teaya tne fw.ipfn J 2S of few opieft Tetaiaea in every 1,' : ,. The new Methodist chnrcirat! should' ;V Irrilta quite unmolested by the fly, it turned into I- v..-N , -, Urn;n;. n.i. A.t.h- , . J ment. herefe Tto ha following MhnJ?. Express v l..mn1, low I MU?i wcuuiuu;tw. .ivjgiuoi.i ft vyBi-ie- exJovemM.Pannlva. With the r imi. -A V A . V'&I-a IiM A" hAWA IATT I . mm. kM rrIniein V Potion is accepted, the MSSSS ft W W t&W tT-,b f,n?t.nflfriraftiU4QUowinffcondiUon9a , ' . ..Nul Address - h.t. "' tt' r" , " lr.'7 ; ; . IlirJJ?.".isIt:f. .ii . -vu .?ii ? .i . ...a ,coi.orea.iiiAn: .named.- John 4 . Dmgand i8: not uncommon tor. an Agus& iaoer. w r iieu.;wiiu u ti w';? . Gienn. 'w;9 commSt t ii 1,. t " . WJ, ast his 'minister ok;aQmV,leav.ln.4' 1 ' j UrWe"-,sifQ, W&oi$&XM ay, says the TTe w berr ' Heratd, charged envewrapDe? nwith . r 'J.(: . .L 1 1 I ' . . . . .. , I irt tll'rriit rillirlrr.rtr. I1atilt . flikn... i rhamlMr w ruhnnJ, wnairnsjxneiiuiiisucruricaiTicu acceptance Dy n o'ciocicA.ja.. to-i :r "iro V . uu uhod t r, .. . , 7;; w,--- I equivalent w up, my souu - ,Dqmmerai-; i 'Phto tbtr Wo tihhnrico-. nroInnl Uotton fwhat little 1 Liin nui - - - a awww ff w li w lywiiv. ia wi quliijUI . v , i i -.. .... i. ,-r-. i i.r ; -..a j-in. , . i was .lusiituLi w Kuieu. as it-, anrmarft . nv t n l . neara, n not in tne imperative, as, "tiere, i vi ut ." kvwh"mi.; ? j j :i i . -j0 .,, ' . r -- i oosiai-u -riu.aioui,n-atert. i , - -- I ... . t'w.i. 'i; : i-.i'.; -f -u.-i ,.v. ,iivarf1"','ur'60 "ieitter,,in ,iue it- ' i. - r-r- lK"y-.C).)Wa arrive at Jehovah I'l or: "Awake, Jeheyahl" yet 1 i -s " r ..-;:.-.; i . I imnda of Sam Marshall, '.another iArA lv ! inffVfi: TOtTatrtt:--- tHand 6:50 P. m.. Leave MrnMt'addrMaM tn-Ood that TTe -won'ld THE STANDARD ' AN! TlfE NEW tiov. about 16 years. The inniiMt wWioh' 1 ' -5? J,-.: Jtihv.lf: ggMl k TAatTemi Sacra.'- 'ifl ! ; ; 'Vrmr'PABiYijy f,: J Mrasheld over thrrrodyelecited the fol- .fvV1 ttyn&iki' .. ' Comnienjingon one of our edit,' iivvl r,rZZ !B3-In Hollandthat country of canals 11 rl the alter how the cVlinder turned anS ' ''t mZlWZB&&&ii& and high farming, fen?' are .rarely seen, .i ,-.; ;; r,. r,c u.ii, ,f? . wvH . -.A kI ' i -JVx.A -liirtl - . . that the real platform of those who , , and-the value of the manure is too great to 1 ... - uwisji . tm.or, IS Jlolll if J favored the "new movement??, in i i v a mpm ui. ivaaAa ivw v waw a, a w a vuii vi f v. I , iri.W..Fu. - cattle and-hones-in wnnmer,..7 urn.-. 'l'...'t.;F-'lJ. .1't? .f- . -J ;; I , 1 "vthm aiiri which destruction and loss are entirely saved bvfiidonti5'thurarfi- Canada Farmer. ,. t i' Extra vHeavy Baggings j LARB-OILS rJnst received. . - . . .T,?!?N?TITTJT10N,'A:NT BY-LAWS OF --lr2 Mechanlen' Building A ssoclation wtU be ready for slputures.at the banking Hone w-r:?arr 5 Co- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Members are requested toeall ahd sign the Same, pay their initiation, fees ept Mt : 11.' 1 on-the- lg..8ysdn...; fad 'Statidtid with joirHhg' erghbdrhbed 6f Cash's Depot, for baMng iM, Hand anSPower '' -3 ' :ri.,;;iiihisayayerymttch'Iarge'rnm :lKum' s !V xf-v rjf, o-n?'t. Jc511e3 k little Jgirt his cousin,.' only Mr- 1 q"Hvl Ltijnmps, MVi n 5 e they aretumed into. a good crop Wf&m,, :) (.1 -,lt 1 1' SWnrieMiii.. TVood-WrUiu, rer they .will trample, down and'destrdy YJ "J :;o.? """"" t Wi Wii Pbttd of .water to conef ? ! -iHTfti?Pai.l 'o-t rr' rrjr r-j.;; :tj;i utwvciucui. . tuc wuirury mo otauuaru I I con :YM.UllVJbb bliVlvi mqnt. .-5! lifcS .WJ uAiW M..MJL '- -1 area mo- Ittonej Orders caivnot ba.ut ' Tiufrve Che raiofe owell VvS nntrp,. must bo rxiid in gtamr hera.ttao MMrts mailed, be-llaW ba awt. to the ueaa letter ui&oo, jessaana m an- .Ulrwiw cuou. more ,in,the, hest hoa.. h- - ;- -r-T,,i abint rnnTdhile AaHr totT'-1 r. t fii.v -r . .'t;irire xirwns. .i v--t r-I.M ,l.,T, V . 7iT 7, -rfr ri'-rift ' 1" - r.'"rr n" I their l We couldn't liamiifef 6 f'g tif&f f 6nnSloIf o'r our cok ..a.. .i .i.'i... an Xua .T to iSilni "linySl ;l I, .v?tj-.i!stuu.i Vtf:-JMH I 1J - a ' l-JL.1- ....J.. . ; I rif uuiwianr Jiowcea, inouies. oi, respect, i yuoiwiaiT Jjowcea, inouica.oi .respoci, i , j AeT - are:chare fQfa ni case toll:ftTjr(ib are chareed-haW advrtTsia -WtW wlicte-' V TUJSTiXMVUua.iiw- vtr-'fiijcvmuju' 1 .... .. jjsuED IN NORTH CAROLINA. JJ?ir-JI.I"L " TUE umaiJAUwa lyriTMiSAUu CUCO UIUUIUIUU UCmOCUVlU 1VV1"T1 vwMiw .vh "pi t f "-tit "jm cn iTv wrfliTirtnwn 'rrliH U' j:yiiv.uuc wuKOq!unu.iuw Jritn.Wul,. .v. 1 iw v : ' ' " ju-kiI M',ti.:- uhu nxrtu ,vmd vvumwi 10 itguwi ,v I r 7 , u,v V T each mailinff clerk to show that the .1:1!.' ,. J!.. . 1.. iKi.n.:i.m nn,l t nr,An- ...l f wwiyua, uu mv v'f . . rr. - ,r - .'iaj viai1 j i.iiu ...uJ ' ' v . ?-J nnrflelf jrrmVftrniti JrHr-TftSnrtlVR FfAt-. lntond tr timlro na mad hv . lna I number Ot w eXChange8,'? spW.ytO.W newe&erand'taraisiie&'ta "car I J.tK'diii . ? tThPfifi' - afRnh nffir.or: fT :o r" ' - r 'mV '1" r.'r i"' 4 a.The affidavits mnst atatedis.-. 4 -U- -"Va i-" 'v'V'-ii , ! ,.1 tinpttvThn iai rt f.Vrth nWp ' I tinctiy 1110 laCtS Set IOrtll aDOVCA . , I fa TliAafrilavitftrt1,n rnlianmi1 ..iwy...,.,.,, 5,vlM.v(,T?t,. .bV 5 o'clock P.M. to:day. t 4. The paper shown to have- the ller, JL;ifttion tWth,U nhOvn . . . , t- , I test tO announce the snmn Vlnfiy l ., ... ' t r H ! . i an(lfair, and tliW one Sally ,:jnafie! I ,j . " " .:; - I I . . . T "!: T1"" -7 . . ,TT.. proposition, respectfully, ,C0urteqU3-; I " . - . .. , .. . . j. ........ 4 . i.i , .. . . 1 1 Auu.iiiaubuhiuat wi ,vrcuerai.A.non , t? i '" - : . 'n 4 .- -r 1' 'J'ackniowleed that he.held the 9tnl:whh 'Wiis totate was opposition - to almost . . regards the call for r anew party witli)su v. :4:fir,.nwi- ti,. -.11 . .. uovemeut ;uum ;q iAt .r. j n uio Gunkwuruti ggarua tne can question!. . I f SOW lVtv ll-Anw'.' nt th JSf.f7.njL. I I :--T-nit:" -l-iih: lri;ia nttpfitfidi Tt a.-Tnfim mapi ot,strategy,v .editof that pan; s aae cpa vUr,A tri- riift -nhrtv'n linrmr (J pes sees danger to- his party's hdpeer in'theTBUcdessbt the ' wfiew nn'ove u:.i.. t .j.t jitAtwwj-i '-'Iam,.. -i.il. ior atiewparty-withEuprerne.ltdif. hmW , ' ' ierence.'ftud feela that it'anionnta. .he hMxIvocatne-pHnd U PUffi AND IIUIIITO xlf SUMNCE 11 -1 to'tiothing-hy )doesMt devote 0- j iUy- .ihucli'ots tihio and spaed to S a&jRiaS - ; 3 fae?Kiiv relorm and;a"geriefarreorga11i2nmTi7i? TF 0. i .aVvj BEBSWAjS. Aiyj). oft.the.State government.f., t;n l:Vye are auittlo -jsnrpusea .to find rne: 'ofronVDemocratia coteinpoJ ies'fes lealons aW the Jn.I -r-i.j .1 .-i-.i : . it uAvcufc.:H:A)aT.wexni,UK;xney;Wlll' sooif discover that ,th'AiitieriW-:: cci ved ' th e ol)j ccts and i n te n- tions those-wlto X9 wr that nove- 1'." ;?"' to' 6liapc " for 'our columns I" hncteri fti if i & l i m" -v i. a -I rVifVirrtTch'tnistaken,' Lfabg i a. W tiHiih i r iimns in nttllio in tr,l-t tt rAAM . , ' I'rtTl It j-i1.1 -M oiJ iji ti.a. i Ofi J J. -vfcjoilar tnis paper is concernea, cpnsisunRri tnre pa. v . ' . r (..-. .1 t. I thn IntBrlOi . ana tae exUerior. itwitUne?tlier3dvoc4te0Fp- I eratc with nny nrovement or party t) pnnltln' " . I DK0PTi9aconectipnrwaterinsonaemrts. XtprfriBtBlHt Mnj-i. XiJmte'sti, IUH vlbf th, kad bearlffenfc'!temeaicor -thf oe '"dealers in "kef o- I . wr Yw - i sena oil. ..ifi.Wew.-.l-Qrk, were report-1 If 4 ;." f f 'j-," t - - . . . ... . I t ' . . . . 1 :Oard;or liealtlii:a3 6eUliX:ja bnrnr1 P: , . r r rrr,.;V. 1 flJiVK - A?iia'in! VW?wV1ii ' --n-ia I ' . : I o bj-v . -vj a -"- j w u v --, i pun-g?nt. .-','!'.VU' .1 iiKBr-.i i.-z-u-v 3CU I vur nnuurguic Bciy 11, 1a uaauiiic puans uuiuio 1 --i" rr Wv V -,nl- v . . rlie Detective office at Cliarl- ' r" ii: -: , ; '"'g 1,1 vAJuwajooro l" lucems perpoona. - :' - . . The Oolurribia ' 'PtKoenix savs: ltJ thn nnlnmtua rwi ni . JVews say 8 ; thft0nh.ii!tftnf ,h.f recollection of 1 the oldest inhabitant, Jhat forty bales fll I - n : v-V. the'lea'dr ver;twOvhundred arid fifty ot ., A-Tt -.t-r I tt SZTljt X ' u. bkve Slgtled the petltion-prayincr the re- I moValrtlf the tax.on Bacs.of otton i and. . , ' "fr C;fi '3;U'I- f :& X7KS Trlna in? Julv 1869 amounted -to asitriAnJ " ,U'J 00, amnnntea to over f 15,000- v- rm;-M niii-nt, .' - -,n,.T I and then may . be found I r I especially so in the 'oifJ Conwatboro. The I wp havp kpp ia . ; Thb taicr day feaysV,'My od'da' morning I Jinial colored W abdut 14 years of a?e. I .1, ... - .... ? was .tnsiany .swiea, as appears Dy : the went 'Oftt at; the brtck of hia;Jiead.aiSam it w4g discharged, but nrotoat.u - I I r- . . j ...... y w... .. w UV ' I Sdmliell6Dti, oTDiytonr. &as been Ucted as the temberanfce'aridtdate for j wveijior.ui vmo,,ip.piace,oi w. nger T "v -"' '" -iI j Jv.tt;f k'.v vjyr.J -"l.lt, ;j I I mi f , . . . ' ' x " ' ' I i"maa v.ariyie, tne great HCOtcn growt- l.eft says: " America, because of ltpcorrun. S Zfii iff - '' f""-"' ..-t.,.-,,. 111 if t; ' J- T-. JJ i IT7 ;Itwante 1 'Lii4Xtlh'ilB . , ; -,;v s.. y WJJf? .mfi ju, uipcf lOBus nor weoaeB nut- 1 r : . r aiju-ji,k son. j .ijrta-'i, Hide and Jjeather lealera, I-Tr laugWt"n Cia' i.j- raimfttto i.e.ivAS. 1 cston will soon have a rozuej' allerv. ' 1 I 1 .nav? not nsea any now ror three months, 1 the ;uiuiiiu i . i ? .1 r is sum. . . Lh& tvorrr Jrews avs r The 1 P??1Lunii iwrnt. I -i - - i :nve it! corn anu rice crops lo-uerry are eenerallv I tar cinbs SPECIAL NbTICEa- TE 3 lIDT JTS. Tlie . Kidney are tw In Butfloer, situated at the upper part of tuq h -n, surreunaea dj- iat, aai the Aneror, i exteriorly a otioval'w-eTBniBfcMM.in a I . v . y r BlBgle tvbo, a--4 eal r 1 1 ictTr ' n jTbu ure- tho prevalence qt JQie .cboierai av-S toui rs afo CDnhectd with tti0"tiaaacrr- " I watched tho resulTEorihe application ot the" r tissues, divided lntopart8, viz: the l'a maimer iorjm8 urease, anuues t,ttoe Mmj!t;priMyAaan J:;oa4 ,Wi-eliel ppon -wttji, tbeT utlhWt ; i. The- upper expels, the loirer retains, i .hn.in.tonri.hthaghiiitrtA I i varionn functions. ir tney are ne&vect- i vjllh n.fjjfk.Yx0-! y . HuMlJ?,!uV.W ravel or DroD8V may ensue. 1' na2Uii4i'iUatn: ind iivaM.Tt.ttuitlAna Gravel or Dropsy may ensue, ha. mttuar mou iWtfa,SSaLS!S 1 however effect the ibtxpily health' a mfeatarpow rtioiny of tboasawlajifbo hare sedi it:haaUeenj a onrneanana mooa aresupporwo iroia IrOm I ' eseouate4.i)7 K vU ft9?s-nii $tf.t-cw ,tli&4" Gout or EHKincA'risK. Pain occurring In le loins Is Indicative ortBe-above fileeaes.M- - .. m jahalkvc n.. i ja 1 . 1 1 I V UOUT OE khkotcavsk. rain occurring in .night wltnoot it inline pouse.- v i Cl r Tax Gju.vwTrThe gravel,-enapM roraLo- 1, ks a remedy, tht many who purchased,Clt gleet Oflmp-rope treatment of the "Kidney.4? L," ' 1loi 'ft .?nV These.organ8bpiws weaH, tlia water la upts, . remarkea to me thatexJiad no, fears or peiieu i rum iuo pinuuor. uuii f6 re- -- , v.,- "1 TiT 'A7r. r 1 ding to the prts affected, vlsss wbeiv genpr-, I ally diffused oyer the body, lt fetsSLlWa 'Ana-1'! sarea : when of the abdomen. Ascites: when a i- of the chest, iiydrotnorax. TnicfcTHeiird8 hirv-ooBoeritra- ted compound Extract Buchn is decidedly one opr. jrianeys. erayei. uroDsicai swi'iiina. i lr. kldnevB. exavel. dronaical swiulln i rneitnuism. :ua rouivuaneciionaiiunaer i rhenttatidin, 'and gouatrectlonaXiindertflrst stages of this disease. It has proved tlon:.or,anandTfrenent di3oharsofwa : er ! StrjrftsTiry.-or-stonninff Of water iHema-'l - ni4ao Wwhlo . thAinr nrmlKinnno 1 .S, and alt unnatutfl enlargements)-1 and it i taken by men. women; and children.' niHm.. n,o,mi rti4-. .Zmn.n . , ,1 aa wen Bus miuibiiu lima uiiuauuiuiuv i cuuucut i m I did this because I Eadnsed ail kinds of ad 1 vertteecl remedies, anO-mttr found them worthless, w wme Quite Inmrious 5 la facN, mlnel to nso.no remeaiean Ltqps9.n0 remedieshereafter unless I I, of 'the'ineredleutsJ It "was this that A'- prmapua me 10, use your, remedy., as you 1,.. advertised that tt was composed of bachu, cu-1 r uuiw,uti jauiLM'T uwno. toccjarren u ne ,1 ;(l sician as an' zcenent coinbfna. -with' ibia ad vice, af te & -oxanina i tin of the article, and consulting aain with oomoa ded;ta ixy U: I coi. about eight months air a. at. wasonnnea vo niTTomn. . jrrom IT was astniahed and gratified effect, and after nslae It able to walkout,, I felt much iuu sutiemeni or my cuae thought, that my improren e temDorarv.and therefore ooneluded to defer and see if it would effect a perfect cure, knowing then it would be of greater value to yon, ana more atlsiactory tome.,,.; - . -,.-! . .. . j I am now able to report that a Cure is effee icq alter UBing ua rameayjor.nvo months. Hon. Thos. B. Florence, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. :-l Hail! J..S.. Black. Jndire- Philadalnhift. ' ' linn w H. PnrtAi. YinvAram. TAn n o.rl .to. Mnn.K-Jltt.BbM. AndltnrJiennnl. Wuhlntnn. 17c. ' 7 And manv others If necessary, t : sn it a ni .. .n r. . 1 1 Z.. 1 Beware of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold's, rice si per not, tie, or six DeUvered to any address 1 communioauona.. HELMUOLD. Chemical Warehouse. 894 Broadway, N. Y. done tip In steel facsimile of. my , T.;ilELaU(OLD. , KHORGST' SHOIfTHlT M AG A zinc . , Universally acknowledged . the ilbdel Parlor Masazlne of Amcrta! -. devoted Original Stories, Poems, Sketchea, House- hold Matters, Gems of Thought. Personal and H .V09 Jincludtog special depart- meni w j-asmons), instructions on .Health anofy'uSS WeWS: E other useful and enter- r' Noperson of refinement, economical house- wlfe-oBimlv ot taitte. can tffnr,itjimiih. vf iuo jiuiei juuuiiuj. tspeci men copies i a copies, sue. ana snienaia Dramami at ItJ each, with the first premiums toeaeh snbseriberi iA new Bartram! A h y OavbtIticv Iffiihina ff-m Qk o iihaoiMioa AnnK TnhHn77S.r-" ;fT.5 r? i c No. 838 Broadwayi New York. . ; iDemdre8t?8 Monthly andfioung Ameil- J.;; 'zrjxs' jl preserve tneir music, snouia have ll neatly bound, at - ffM. H; BEEN ARD'8 . - riuung noase anu ikiok fsmaery, k .' - plain and galvanized ..ins".;.. ' . . .: .nvMnfciMiin - "iPif ' I 4Wf.; J J" WWKSBKTfiOMPTniXI T7k and marine, insuban 'ttaffedtbd at lowest rates in the lWlnE relinh a nnmnanU. . t; ;8ecmity InVurancmpkny of New Y I -North American Fire In-mrr-aur. fvmnnn SV J Washing fon. i Eire 1 .iXBaraAee . kmuamv. ml. ' ; Savings ah4tesraaBe. Company,bfi:Rch P?1!' W "-ijl--1- SVLT' - - ' , wamesElverln8uranfce Company of Sich. mona.,"q r-, i.ur -n-,t t . ; ffersdn'ljisnranceompffy oJjRlc1inlbrtd; ; j Apply to ;tfOHN WLUlKtt ATK1NSONJS, , . aug l-tr GenT Insurance Agency. .- " '1 . t ' r mmawj 1 jSQOOoq feet I. &nli 19.! 4 AadTlPlt-". v;i f 1 Y BEE, of air dimensions? Tertos very .reaaonajalofjApj3,to-ia;.ow ,nzSi m;S- Hon, Ellis Ievls,- Judge. Philadelphia. ' ' LaVeWlltningtondaUy(Snn.'e.)al8:0!5 -P'ai"- Hon. K.C.Orler, Judge United States Court.' 'Ar!ve ti?rirenc-- -r 2:40 A M . i A "- ; 3 :c 7 ail ' " ' ; . Han.U. Ww Woodward, Judge. Philadelphia. Afrlye at Kingsvine... ; A. M " I fff (wfihi 17 -'..OOiK iO Hon. W. A.'Porter, City Solicitor, Phiiadel- ajeKingsvUle....,..,v..,,,.... 4:00 P.M. :r.UC. jrWU.r&b 'Vv-V -'" phUur 1. ... . t . -. Arrive at Florence 9:40 P.M. '".j ;, r3',:. v- ajr.Lca -;j:i X' J:k:1 , ; .: : Hon. John Bigler, ex-Governor, California. Atriyat Wllminstonwt. 510 A. M -a j ; , V 'tlttilS r . . fi ' , ... 1 rot- SPECI.U NOTICES. CIIOtllllA! !I - " nja The foIIowlB ; lcttor l from Mr. consiets oilii wooaard, or ii. 1,01119, to 4. n. uar dep8it for i ria, Esq of NewiondoniComuiMtWia a. J : - v fjces - ; , " (: ' ), . , , - . MiF Dtut Sib: Tou recollect when I saw haWbeta thin iriiorf, anhetestU ' . , ; i . 4. 1. n-i yi 1 iJ, .t 1 "-v trtJri-srr ?t rTrTV: . ,tj ic.' ... . . ... . . . -v citych Wibontdence: W.tholn ttilH; dread of the chplera. as, lpnraa .hey Jad the Tain Killer toy them, ana "hundreds 3 VWA V person? ban haVarAdragjBnt Jshe ,lowej8: orifliar 1 in uney use1tniameaicine.l.T:nis was mb, - J; - Wequrfty and "conddence of hundreds aoqaain- I tei with tt, aid wMsk thfelV' friends' were taoked.wltbthe' Qh61eara thej; wbahi tidrnlaJ- flirarir paan unmn lr. naa noon tji irtn iti nnv.ii i r-J w j i rmm nrst sia?es or t.nia aisease. il nas tiroyeu-i 1 ..Ictosidw iw 1 H'lr- , ,-, ,-r,. .. ,. ,. . ., i BJiOuld bo given quickly, for when the ,di3. I VifftbnafiArt nrnnw fWMrtiju maka tta urc has fled. ShouliTiSisease mate its I cuarifts ui " nuts warer" una utir uu. liio uulw i j aU, probability, and all others am confident if single death by yours, . . ; W00DWAR1. FajmUy foftiines,f. i'i-fl.Vi;',,'!!'; OrJPricea 25 Cents, 60 Cents and tl.OO pr BoMlyvAu 1-'J1'W.' LTPPITT & CO. ( - . . ... .. -. - iL'- "; -i " , 1- f--- . . : . : tWBtaa l.ih.-.f ft if! n't .iT'nl.nn.ri ..4W.V.-V. J.I ja . , . c . . ......1- fm ! -f-tr-y, WitJiiiroTOH.N.Q.,, April M, 18C9- OW nnd nnr APBIT. lltb, PASSE2I. OER TRAINS tf this Road will mn on : following Schedule . v(..: r r. ......... KIPRKSa.TttAIX. "WTlmlngton daily at . . , . . .:. . '. 5:15 A M . r iorence. ............ ,....iu:; a.m., Klnesyille 1:45 P. M. KlsvlUo.........L...... .12:40 A. M. Florence. 8-55 PrM. Wilmington.:.. v....4:.i.; 9:15 P. M.' Train connects closely at Florence North Eastern Railroad for Charles ton, and Ch era wand Darlington Railroud toi Cberaw, and at Kingsville with; the South Carolina Railroad for Aug-ustato-which point he cars )cun throujgrh without change. ... Accommodation Train nnnnmtji ilngi1v m rlprenoe with the North Eastern Railroad foi I v Passengers for Columbia should takoth Aecommodatlon Train,- :.' 1 H ilmriiston; CJiiarlptte and RCTIIEKFORt KAII. KOAl. : . wiimingtonfcJN.,i; Aug. a. 1867. . AJTD AjFTEBTOESttA-rirjrt, Ah. ' trust 13tb. the Passenger Train on this Rad will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and, Saturday, atTb'clock, A. M." ArrlTO at SanJd Hill same darra.- at-S P. M Arrive at Wadesboro (Stacel. at 12 miil. uay, i nursaay ana aatnraay at X tr. M itcavw' Koonngnam wanesoay ant x J Iave San Hit! Friday, at 4:30 A. M. - I i tears) JMonday.-'eanes'f, day and Frilay, at 7 oelsck, A. M. Arrive at WntuIiigtOTi tome at 3 W.: L EVEKETT, til ) a a,a ' lien: Siin't. yr ' iv yj. .1 'Sn AND AFTER SUNDAT.TIIF.liui flileaveU ; vweiaon. at 6;0C A. Weldon 'at 10:15 A.' laijyiimlngn,! !J2L4!Tirah ;fl ;if Att.il londays, Wednesday f 1 4Xs-iJ; .i h"; S-LFiREMpNTr,.Jf.iJ j - Lr-.. 1" Engineer and Superintenden'f. twHmingtfm.Mayathj ' .:i!vntll ttri'-.l AltiTel'lPhospMte;. It produces a vigorous growth lo the vegeta- tipti and permanently enricheehe aofl.' r - roP'slie' in TinWn.f'AT;toe,i'- JOHNSON ft CO., at 60 per ton., . ivy, ) t Or the ALT A VEfca-GUANO CO., jfeb2647-lyl. f r- - t 87 Broad way,N. Y. BtTSHiE tS EXTlti PR1 tOENv nouriy expected, nj .tiWav , low from vessel by JMU : -i . , --, f , WIl-r-ABD- BBOSi n 1 xoreaie a ae-iaa-tr.-o luAjkrUf:; fR , MERCHANT FOR WALHEM'S AU'. Ventilator and-Protector from ; : -hi' ' Price, Fifty dents. It may save yonr life I vTJ ( - . jr. b. WALKER, : i J AMt. Applied Chemistry, 4c,' . f ; Washington College, Ixlngton, Va.,- y imay 7-tf - - 1 l' . 1 ., 1 ... , 1 r. rr "1 1 .. . i . " ' u, -1 f rj . j ti j.. J- ,.:.jfj Ao LARGE: 10T 30Fy THE I ' GENUINE il Just received, bv - jy 16-tt - vJ Mqg.THB.Op. a -CTJMMINQ. ' mEDDINO CARDS AND VISmNG y f v UAJtija.. printed. fin the. most elegan 'style, at - - m'ii BERNARD'S T? ; ..-'':';.' Printing and Publishing House, i i -'' " - And inril Tlru-lr TtiTirlaAT ) feb7f ; ? DawsomBank Buildings, Front s't AYE TIME.ANn .Tnorni K.- IZ i chantswishinsrito-advertiaflln nvna.',J .v. .1 n o .i.v..rr --'" ..v. .u. vja.vAu.ov& tTuuuuwnt vtuio, jiiaysaye.. tnemseives much unnecessary trouble bv caUingonthe subscriber. Bales, the very lowesT chargedhy the Publishers.' M l. Vi zi's - '-' .WMiil. BEENABlV''l . feb4f Dawson Bank BuUdlnsr. Fron sit r I i . - . . . '' ' .l'n 1 ... A- I. I a . v. . u: 1 . a 1 ia .asior Ti-JZ3Tm . ii.;i-77 T-.iifrH leave, at fvaverly, Place,, and-go .west one Combined with other valuable fertilizing ma- block! Strangers wilt 'And' oordlai welcome; " I ' nknV ;';;f.":li'rii;'i - lnfto tesDlrltiialmtere8ta'ori.tranM. , Dawson Ban BaUdlng Fron Bit r.:.'.- iAi vjyb.: MANXTFACTUREtt AND-, PEAUSn'-V.IO .," , Hardware, Guns, tovA, iump, .Kero- . . seneOiL Tin and Sheet Iron. .- . ..x- r'.?:.t:J ni ., . HOOFING DONE-AT SHORT KOTICRI mwj i if - i ; -. , .... ....... t -..'4 l-i- -l '-f' : ');.! ' T - ' JUrentfor rAIUBANUS' SCALES.: -v T 1 'W Woi 19 'Wont St!, Wnrtihi-'TIWN.-C; out " ; July JMf'"1 ''' r , K4.u. .- v.i J t'.'.. J'ifrf " A d r i a r j & u o t n s : i Cor. Front nicl.loc. GiR. I' 5 -t.:.V " -.1ft. trtMi.l.iive ' .v'wrtt . :. ftKj.V 5m r.'5iv.f.it'il.-ji1 IIOI.KN AI.E OROCEUK. IN UA , .tts branches.1 -----' " T ' '.kit ' vXustbx,i kkoHjANTS, will na..weu. iw,, : aulnj on u and bxatwlniug om-StOckX j u t - f rtlV Ai r o l. , jy Aetl; nnd eftlcienev In hrlno-ln tr tn Buers and Sellers of Real Estatf.. ! North CacoilnA, rth Caoolroa, and. tafae'Utato advanta transact lohs net ween them f felso tlie necnragemi' Emisrants to c 'agement'Ofi "No-thn -al -EnrotaVJ v Ant.a to r.Omft and rttln in thtt Smith tMmtu: ' ' ma ,r...; .'.. .--.-vt..i ji j iil ill 11 11 i j 11 .111 1 1, 1 i.L . L 1 . r. ,-,r,.- wmr.,-,.,x. t. c-vnu .!-. r.v. mmissioii Merchantn J.ivuuwuu ' ..h-. iL - iv.S .v .,. v:,., CTBIUl'inrWitWWHl ' - " "r- . Will give prompt porsonal attonlio'n- Wvlu'V 'salo or 'Bhipmunt of Cottony Navat Rtorws! a -General Produce, etc., 'etc.'-Also to r-eolvlu . .' and forwarding goods; '!) W - A, Vim-i, f. ' a Orders solicited and nrotnbtly flm 'i: & Ano . - 1 . . ... .... .. . Commission - mihrchatani) itXA t. j' , ESTATE AGENTj yr '.': - ' trlbntion, a Catalogue or Lands for sale In North and trutlt Carollmv . 8enUn-a'TC9!CTli- r "i tion anL.pricduof JhuiAaNo aUtugo uuUtua .-I. sale i effected. - , - 1 ..X) .TTT3l k .i- ,.-:i.i.'tr. i;l "tin.. tnk. 1 Dr. S. S. EXTERTTTi;.,. kDr. S. S. EVERITTia.. M Office same as formerly ooanpted by JlrJ A i-" 'J . - . ' ,..,'.! .. - 1 . : ry' S .-v lA.i'vA- & H-JEn . '.,. TTOItirZY' A T ztA W; ' w m alius aw v m w J. 11 1 V-roni f Oct 1-8-tf .'Front and Second Streets, t ln.fr 1 J : MI3GELIjANEQTJS.J: ' : f 1 y r. -.i i . f7r4.'-j-.-i- . .-t .jutl ;. - v v. p' r r . -V5; 'o f t t . j: , ' - fall If i r I Marine! fcurance effect ;ed toiu fiorts in the i ; ... - ) 1 ! . U f f'tl '-.. ; i.' vt"..- '"1 . . i . , .- - ' -' . 1 I .; hl vJff.efWKf.'S'iO r k -HIM- .. ... I T-riai 1 Y yOKK are Informed that they will tlnd J Vhapelof the UnlversityvWashington Square, arrivoi ai 1 as aou. wih x', ai. xue evening ser P. M. v! Viceitt8nmmerisataoClockj 1 Waverly Plaoe. immediately north, of the New York Hotel! ont bf Broadway, runs west to Washington Square, on tho east side of which is tbeUnl- yersity. The entrance to the church is the ' : main door, ; of jtho , UniTsrsity 1 1 Ualverslty Place cars run from the door of tna Fifth Av-' tenue Hotel, to the door of the Ohuroh. From j, hua ob.nicnoias ana Mecropoiiian, uiko uie ars corner of Broadway and Broome, leave . at waverjy riaoe, ana go west one 0100. At ji erase taire tfniversiiy risw car. trail mm... j.i any oe bivk, iei tueui uureB8 mm a nOie uy 'mail, as "Pastor of the Churoh of- thev.strati. . 1 w - -1 v. j4:..:it.'."' r.". xera. fidie; a. ew ion..!1 ana iz wiiireaoniiim. Thn ies who compose-tbe .8oeiety of -th Sis- ' or the stranflreci-xusBAiftajmAdinAi. iArai nd ptrltual help for Btraners in perplexity, . the Stranger," are Bev, Pt, DEEHS, N. Y. . )jj yw ure oomtngw jev loric toon, Ct IM oid ' aii(m,C v , r '';iioi;o-:y""qv--- ' if 3 L PDrfiJ3nEi t wiERxan axYiia i n ' I X- and snceeseor of the Old District? Paperl Is State." ".f '' iJiii..j-.'.J JJ' .;j--.A, "j;,1; rl? TU'U Puvcivkt m v a - 1- . r :x. aovoni jb lWrg am growing., circulation among the best people oAhe PeS" JMSV11..18 tbe beet .advertising medium in this sectiojji. y i ( t. v ,r, ,t . y,wy ddresi.CqjE8CENT, Marion, ' laniaV' ';'.V,A'''iVj,aj-.tft ,v xcrj vuKiurrt'c ' ?' ' . i.- ; i- rf j r- 5 . ff.? 1 - - . ITfjP 1,: PeliivianGtianii - WiiiS''Jtj' j'V,''---:'l;''' ,?14 ivr7'vj. 'to'iJI 1 : " w wy' f ,J .;!T .i. .. i.iVM...bUt1..t. ., ....... "... t . - !a.ntJnaiMO YilSi-a.i tnit.Zr.f$tm y9 1 ! - " -. '-t .- ... .... TffiESCERT." MAniniv ' j. v lytSiWtSiJS'' 1 7nwP4-JloWUap i w WH. H. BEATtn.' a. aeTt2S.i-tT n " TPaA" T9prlei,; sept2S-l-tf t l n t'o'( WUmingpf NO. 7 i i' '..'

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