4,.w.M..w...-..t. v 'aVi al;:JSll:$:'Xi'le.'., -' The following, -poem was iwrittcn by Capw Thpsriy...uocbQ,)fp iinr rtiiiAivhf fWii" 1 God rWI Vlfofl thfA Ttnlmrt 1a,o 1 n ntiom hoarfa fhmh warmlv now. r ; oTcemore we cUtkrJ 11 Occe. more our ymd fanfy, bring , , --r r 1 1 ann WiWrf.w troftiiirftfi store. 1 - I V!;??! thaWuntof LlubleW oflublel at FirTES CENt8 rjreefe, and,-we venture the assertion that there is we amounuiu w inir toilr:TAft:it7FtE.r'ers ' ia tro mho'r woWati lii tUSouth. phosphoric, arnmonia, anapotash, gift who, after reading, it, VUUptfay, " God they contain, projJy are m the ototi .. .. - ! .U tn inowder. i Few fertilizers .contain;, obtained. In i&e blcaalhea, QQbl.GeerMI TT -r:""V.:r La; . "ir'lrri'A-.VZZiluM :,. - ..Vj;. &kCiiA a law requiring f ly And figntour battles o'er ) M Airoin we proudly, fondly rest ' I Our Jiycs.ionropciLoqitboe; o VT, In thought we' grasp again our swords, Jteaolved to die;y ith.-r.r ' -'JC 1 Tis but dreaming, uncle Robert !- . Old memories sweetCof thee, Arise andeartoSioo v;l , God bless thee; RobertiLee li , i Thy good grey head relentless time A A'V Ilath silvered whiter now; . ,And pressed his wrinkled signet pn , . ,r Thy noble 'stainless, "brow ; '., -V, ; -Jtl '. . ; . Thy form he bowed Yet durst not Bteel The lofty, kingly mien, - t'" Taat stamped thee,; leader1 m each fray,' First hero in each scene.' :- . ' 5 ' - ' ( Our hearts to-day again, arebnght, ' ' For full of Jove are we . We can't repress our battle-cry, - ' ' 1 Hurrah for General Lee. , -r : ; ' . :-n.Se Island jCottos.4Jf ' A. The most bautifuland costly specimen of cotton wh'e sea i8uinI, cufttvated with in the limits Jf Giorgis.aodT.Bouth 'Caroi lina, on, islands belppgirithese. States. It is'' distinguished' by the lglh;8kiness and strength ojty Tstaplfti nd, 3 inannfac tured in Europe ia the finest kinds of fab rics. Lace is made of 1. nbt much inferioF .1... .i. '.. . . to linen. It consequently commands , higher price 'thaii any 6tfie'Kcot64i 14 markets of the world.". The States referred to have been engaged in its culture for up wards . thfcnjths fo, f .fprFund many large fortunes have been made by it. Attempts liaWbnjnyVoVaie it in other porta pf . tho wQltld, in tlia mn6 lAt-" tudes, btrt;.viihoutsuccesailIt 'is r raised in the ..lowlands , of t South . Carolina and Georgia, bordering' on the seaboard, 'but it ia an inferior, artielft to that -nf the- aea I island Jand .oVder' 'rnaintain an apll islands,, and in .order, to mmntainan ap- praWOp, um iwier-in ..quwnyv.nw.f and frcsh'Bcrid has to bo obtained from the islands .every fe-Jtf yeari' Transferred ;'".,'". r .,' J " . i, "a... . into tne interior, to tne.nuaianq aistncw. i aaiiU.-t ,-kit.iiiii. - v - .-i '..!'-'.. . I There are different classes or th,e sea island cbtfon'ietd,which are well nhder-i stood by sea island planters, some of whom have been very curious and particular in the BcIectiOT of the seed.1 ;': .i V ' ' . t -ti-""t i -i , 'u.j ' i Whcn it was ascertained , by -Kinsley I Burden, Esq., a scrutinizing ohserver,;that some stalks bolls more beauty1 and groat bulk select those the bollsinned ow no vivitucu nriLU a duuj tuft that distinguished it from the ordina- lyftlack W . . ... . ,v care, the next season, to plant in a field separate1 from tile restot his crop, 'and sue- j cceded in iraising -torarticlei inferior' in ... . . i in lie- . j.l quanuty but far supr inuality and commanding a mntrh liifhfer tmce abroad I 0 0 g- than what was raised by his sea island nPiVhivflfa' WMio ha Vmt h?a n anrrp r. . s j 1 j,:r-i t i x r " . -article', and was rapidly (becc-mihg rich.by ne enjoveu a monopoly . .px, inis ,supenor remain concealed from the.Bcrutiryy of pry- AAii' c v ca.. . a. ut ucin inn xai v BUL.t.t:HH in liiim gentleman led sea island planters general- ly to be more attentive to the selection of . the black seed cottonwhich had been planted itfoSsmtiafeltSere ol .frrtul oa A AaVtlar Wnir -P,oii41w marked bjevsuperiprito theftaple It (then became h favoriteajiusipje.tof witfrsatL'' sijfcKa.lcftSj by'inV p6cliairtrt. -ineV;h.e!ght; X'gi' Puct: seldom, exceeds, toneti hundred pounds" cleaned cotton per acre. . The sea, breezes impart a peculiar, softness Jto the atmos phere in those MiMeaadlhe climate is supposed to coatfTo1 JifeQioWi) the idiosyn cracies and. superjority of. this queenly plants thah'any othet cause whatever Thosi lalaJidsJ. beYore "(lie 'lat'o'waV.-Vere' dotted all over with palaces, "indicative q weaW off, theif ;ibc;ihap ntei ,d,arinS d since the euTrioe of that great calamUy'tteMl gardOT of South Carolina and Georgia,' werej anct' ; have tecnr'Va rcat , extent; surrendered to tlio'sable race, who, we imagme,y'hate not conduced much to " the march of im- OurDannerloyedia'tarled, . "ti,. rrtical workkof the- lidforWatlvahedrpobjreatio.'Irffcn.pthe.r :. j toT1 rarli difflf.A1t to dptermiaa SinTtop" s leited, viz : whengener And of our glorious struggle gone statement. The practical, worKHJg oi tne .drerUslns ratean .thanred..-',;. ratlie.airflCUU.tO.aeterJruuQ oseiow.ihoittSaoaUeAnaV ' Scarce thlnka a heedless world.' , jaw after the present: trial year will be re- , :. ,j r.'V" ;.-V:,;.U"', .'tv' wlifcliAreahd which an noDem SoJegHSSio iTyteflT ijtT--" SglW:. iasssSf-gKSafe: Hope's shadows e'en hare fled; . n.... . iu ,n,nwrT eit?..t.!-A. ';l vz&2J; il J acjurir" rheumatism,; and s-outy,, affections. , Under; it. :.-4in,nHii Knari. I riasiBr oi rans vt uyusiuiii uii n noai. i woofiiin fluitiji"xtviiji. oiiuurT .iwwftwwrr Hiiu. lire h,i t thlaheaa wehavearrMeMUygnna, or aim- in nis coiion neia proancea I ivf iw "ctu w uo i rfc- w-r nnent liicrh tides are dama?iDcr tn the rice remarkable ?r the finnnesa, jujt engaged one;a yoiing man from porters ot Boiitweli's policy .will vop.W ul n il lengti'of theiibre than the iy request that.I might be at the office I not number, a "corporal's guard." I 1 f'.rThe. body of a colored infant oAcroptook, pains to f henerer 'I ' chose, in retorn for which. I Indeed,, we sliall be very much iur- KiS S sUlks from the rest, and have W fJJX nrised ,if Boutwelt bin self nof sX Sa - -.V''?r' separately, and. he found J a tKiia t - - -I ' , r . l U --i - , I : 'r-f l! i' ' ''''' A j planters and their tamihes, after oieesseti( 71''!'' i l' j- ! M . f j .v;''l l 'f I 'It fl-lH'IO was removed irom tits -table, to; cover to MmA 'it&&T from, priyatefMteioMitten by tcutoo a planter of Ansonntoa-eitienW earned to the highest degree ofperfeciioi i Tsu u- rV ff thefqnahtiy,'6tthe op:ite bemgrdi; Ijo the great delighrof the, towns-people itnJ CIV : - ' - minished, howeveri'm' propbrtion'to'the K;, I A tR0 t0 'itwertof . . v tecnoooer iaaen 'witl; coal was seen ''ap- LjT.-vn.. i-rlk. Tum'iL cmn.T The soil ot those Islands, in itr natural (and bcfor,ib;vesseI.-raa itiooretliaobali g6o ricci Ifaiitp asaa,, state, is sandy and barren and is rendered iiealer boarded her. and -eagerly addressed iA&i&t-.j '-' It "' j f?iiaa -nn..v r1 . , U9 ior.WaliCraid .u'fyou-. tojeompete wUh -Charleston, S. C, . b?Wr eVtdresBing fer.thejan jabout hit it this crupe. Igwsss ril'Hav' ifc ?S'YIrrrAfTrnVr-iia' marsh mndi Whl. rh t-tA .' J to take. v'tirnff. W.to 'r rt'u !ii4!Uff CX0r(Xcat5t)X iTt pUcginnbtmdancaii qPhpltetaVboinftaril' m,reTnthe usual $7 a ton, WaL I like to Anseii'ii- good,' andave are anxious vUMMMX &lhtMmm even 'tidt our cotton to von r l awniw''" ' ' " 1 1 ... ...... . - - .- .. - -. - --. . ... . or two . r,roducts of sea island cott cotton have been raised in the ylyimty of. thtf d.-r Keie Orleans Timet. i ri--' , : ; . ' .-."J: r t .Commercial Fertilizers in Maine, Wched ashea-Affd" laT besides, crcneraliy I" lm&hfrltt , . (Tv.( ittattir'actinir1 T'v. ..r r J vcrV pattkge -otr: any '..vArt though one of tne best fertilizers on grass, especially vcloyer, does not, answer , for wheat.' ' It encbuarges the growth of the straw jLt'ihe' expehse of . the grain, and pauses it' to remain green and succulent lays alter it should be ripe. - Tliis exposes the. wheat,to attacks of rust, I , , ftitr en clover a few months before the time for. tmttinff in the seed.--2fTari Journal.,: -- gA 1 . M i ... '. cury J4 Iliijiuoud's Slari, in rrom Fragments t an Autobiography in the Times. J ' I gradurtUttU?'l could ndtvote! 1 s'peht; the "nexf two months, in. "stumping" the immediate,, vi-.-i einity of my native town for "Tippecanoe1. iaa Tylortoo; After the electiop, Jstraver- J cd the same region in" search of a 'select school to teach : and it was only upon the aeara.Dut which I naa never seen out once, and in chirK-T IrnAo; hnf-finn hnmnnhpinrr and he a stu.ta.fi-a tmi&i officoin Wall ptlCCU . I I, -i - r , . . . I had once seen Mr. Greeley, in the I iwTOii office in Albany;' while on my way j omefrom the vacation after the College! Ccrnmcc3mMitSnl838' I had stormed to rdornthe editor, as a peice of news that . She HolIcSe .cOeFr:-?h.0 i0 tr T). nnon Silas ' Wr? rhL I found Mr Weed and Mr. Greeley both there both iardjatwork, and both greatly disgusted at the lxstowal of such an honor noon so . . , - -e -j. mu irj I SJ;SL?5Sie2 z VT rliu-T BVi.fT 1' ;BT contributions- mainlj . .critical, : though some- (a I" then thought)- poetic--to th jVfew Torlxr and I, therefore, felt at lib- iTw vrk.tr : ami x, tuerciore, ieit at iii ert on m arrjT ta December 184a to call upon Mf Greeley and ask him if lie j j. luriU Willi BUVCTUZeU. .Ul II1C Y ftSUlDg- ton Intelligencer, for a school in the South, arranged to i&uay law" in a down town lawyer's iffice. But I was at the New Yarler office evwy-day, and somehow or other a good j M of the work fell into my hands.' I Added nn election - rem-n. mad the at. I ne d discovered a good iioi -7r.;rK r.inota'li.ri n.iAA. I vvw4 nuAvu vmvio U(U vTbllvvAU . IIAOiUC? I brief notices, nf mswxokst read- proof, d made.myself generally useful At the end of about three weeks I re- tuivcu mat rrpty-wj my Offering me a .school. ol .thii Coived the first reply to my advertisement. offering me a .school. or thirty r scholars in rorth (Jarolma., told Mr. Greeley at once thftt.T enririlrt IphWa th jng;- fle" agted me to walk with him to a. nc; uairiiinr.r:. wiiiliiki i i i m.i wmvm wi'n r. in person grt.hiajlatterr and; exchanges, fert&SSSr theyfc1p,y'ta IiwHiVyear. bf by life. A JIJ J- -'Triieviirikai This stpry-ffood'to read ia those davs f business avaricei-is told of Nantucket generanon ago 11 f - It wasaveryiievere winter.andt.hehar- 9i hd: bn,-frpzen fonr weeks.: The coal; said Captain Gifibrd, thee caa have one viic "u , mi iisiMiave a vnance. ' Just then one of the richest men of the jplace Kncd tfibuisayirig.' I want' 'Ian i tons of yonraoaljiat: jfonrown price name it. I have suffered enough for once." He riycUhe aame answer, and so. did all-r-dhd ttm'for eachfamHy,4rfd $5 ai ttiefricc ff..a WK1 teafo, no solici tation, no regard for individuals- oxmki move honest Captain 43iflord.- : . Cards, Visiting -Cards, Ac, Ac. Sr'if J fi a "tyl'thwniot be, surpassed North or South, at . . - nnMA.on.if " " Xa. styies- -Wedding Cards and fenveiones constantly on hand at the envelopes, MOBNING STAR JQB PBINTINQ OyFIQB nnwntAiTAnf aniubleanu :.a.rk1ftu.-.MMniriJ ma A iii07ority'ot'tbe'- Liemocratio 7 Da- r if insoluble,, phosphoric; acid" na :ox JXS rtrU. MS rhiK ihn fertilizer contains. I aeasinmwwayio'u'aroasoar riBjR' - n '-r-jsr-r ." " rr.-i: r-r;r-jT , :n JVui-Iv" r fcain- it ammonia, wnicl tuo xeruiner wui. ... : ,.,... t! -j-'y--' ; ; n the coming campaign befqught. liet the J SamV it Penaltieslvtf oo- Ob,TBTr0Wlta;.r wof .rtMecL BtAr place itself now-docs ;it ayorte-. T te formed, 'ii' miiii liid ici Liuii 0 w - t 1 n - x . wfa Havruw.ctWH . - a j . - . . . - . i a rww-ov ann luiara fiiTrnrPTir. avvu mm HiMTina a ana.to tne.wneav.miage, ...rerwuzer? cuu-i uvi.y.H!Lrp.!iry."i-i UuunJ'A ..l, ,i,n,,iri out aeieai scaring mm ln ioe lace. uwm ""r i." i ? vv rrrtyjjv 11 '1 t tlm resnl Jin Virglnialnd in Tennessee reswiise tithe Standard intent i itrops, , Their, eftct is always, beneficial, I change front in face JpTtlie , enemy, but rugauj, ,VMK,Y WHkWu a,, .--i ' u 1- - r ' ' ; . i f I (hAKi rati 11 v ama n r nrlipr- Annxan cn rinr- I. i .-J'..: .. . . 1. u. 1 K I r A , t , . nti me cnances lor a eooa crop are .great- i ."v.v ......-y.,,. r - - - rupuuiHtiuij ui aii yi,'iiuiict5?'vxcji,- i nenpyiciiiB,jAitsxioiiiiiKi)uxiBio .V- ''laVVV ' -7 -2. 11 ue. On the one hand there is certain de- I t r , -Si 1 Having seen your i preparauons extensively increased Rowing a of feat f0 tne -othp, Aaptf. defeat Alsa ; whether contracted by a State or an il &?wfto If5SiI.?a tertainlyVnbe' AeSHW thied" toQw.yorkdtVifwhiolrIhad Well ft6t Jibttl itbtild i Biiouiu uo ill em a iavor dv Bivinc tnem i luitaiiiB uus iionirtuiu n inn. miu i i piece of news which pleased them so lit- js cndeavorin: to place himself tion.t M . t ... . ... . ; . tie. I -.';.':'-.. :.),5?'1'-H' .-': . ... .,r...-r .... , - .', ! Bct'I had sent 'a e-obd' many literarvi prominent! v betoro tlie country as -. Air. Josephs, tjie Chinese agent,. M 1 1 I ifiHn't wrnnf nn Mrtoofnnf- I Ia A ; 1 I IIIH.I1 1H ( 1 1 I 114.11711 . 11I1HIIH . IllKIIlU 1 tin " Dftin.un ti.1I, htnl.riti (Tiro irnn I L hat."r And this wasnyrst enffai?emjent rcant ana 08 OfteB. add decided the.halerir& J Kvt r ... i u v j v. .- ; t v. our i - jw via a Luu lui it. x rienii. i . ... - .. . .. . r(luyrN-G:STAR.lofpatrigtjc ??ens imdcr,itadicai.L i '. - ' i i . ' ' 4 I MA tt! '1 o flosii-n' 4--. ei AnW'. nnm I Wednesday, Sept. 8 I860. '., -: Editor -and ": Proprietor. . . Mttw, ., ,,, ;.. iv. r. t i'i jJtne rery safe means oi 'Kotti m nev wnere r. JuunnMUf.rn ouuuui uo obtained. Obam tke BegUryfee. aa well THE PBESWEBiX'S POSITIOJS4!it.t ' -V 'ViUij -Viinw ar u 4:i.jH i-tuii I From a Washington letter td the f f fcVi, :il I Baltimore - Gra.2tU&: wo: extract the i : . , . .. .t .. ... Z.i-tl-o .... ...... J-.u ?...r I r .11 . lOllUWIU- , , ' (r , . :. I , It fir. ..J( ftia now onite certain that, 'after mticli , i a "w 4.,nHu.w .v.. vacillation, the President . .w 11. finally cut loose from the "ultra--RadiCat wiag. Un- am nf.iiw,M.. Atfc?ni but it is thought advisable to try a change of tactics, eyen tuoagR itf be but a Joriorn hope;1 r i-ui-. c t ; j j lito-ii .ar:tr-i.ui moiiw if I tpur issuOAof; AogistiilStlilitliat Geu. Grant attempted to "fight il but'on"-' the Botitwelamev''.aJ:' would not only take him .-"allsnrti-mer." but the balance of 'his: natnr- ! .J-.-: -'i'-: I al life, to make hiinsel.f a popular politician. At tlniL time he was tlifj'fcout. appiia'i!' frbih' fllft Rfatprnpnf afAn..Ga?jJj? or. respondent that he isaboiit to ex- (.main K, ,,-icrcklfi ,.-wi-n h n Innivnvmta UlUJD011lllUUUiUC.il UCUJCMV1IO' T ,. j , , ,;.- , v i.-y'-i-'-v-" :iu ppsition. It '-may ,elP him ; even ''il, V"flX',W 'Wnr'' ''th'Cfi' . v " l" r , tain destruction awaits all his hopes if heroes not" tree liimselt'from the subtle weVoveTrlr3','the-Boitwell jte8 Qf ne dical V)artv.l' ''o j i " -" ti.. i,i:.,i:., iiilT aro numoerea. ,'jur. joutwen iaws I & candidate for the Presidential sue- j cession n on an extreme platform. iy, by'tuk'tiineHhc' next Pres- WI l---j--,-W' ' ' r . ni'.r r , PPSjtjOn Xeorp thai period iirjl vesi. The candidate who goes before I, , . v . . , tlie People in the next Presidential election on the platform of disfran- ' t-tji ifi V1 lJi3SxB pniSemeiM aBO teSt-O&ttRV CitmbV1 carry five States of the Union fTli a! A A fi f lne3e iPy.-.rW .V??ir bave bad their day, and" must yield to an enlightened and conservative pub lic sentiment. . J We do not .Uifnk! Generali Grant tands the shadow of a chance for a secondrtyrin' Ul'cobIrnon pru idence.must "suggest to him the pro priety ot not going into retirement s the repjr;esejatjyfti contemptible minority. Respondent of the Gazette suggests, as better than certain defeat.,, , ; ! : Vdicfc rdk1 Asisf - ' A 1 1 m . .. . ; . ' We inyite thetteWt?6n-v bf onf merchants to the-followinj?- extract ;merchants,:andare.!oaiiiaTforwaird j """Why shoulllinotlTio mercliaiits I ' u.ysr.A i. uv. js. .j nf..vj vm ;. j urri j of yon r i eeetf ro the trnide-of tills , iff; t -joiiv ''"ol-?r !- vtiv Mil: nii.u B!.on ;ot0tiie, eo.ttly while they have it inhejf rower 809 t'-Xfrfre are obstajcjS jn the '.'vrayi' am.not. enlightened icn ;r" tTfin maythinkTtbatnittyfl apr efcmXmvt It w.jnorfeirm'fetafe pride tban j.lbis (if one can bp possessed of this sort t . a I II T-3 . . -( .a It . - T -..::. 1 , - .11.: fla 'iS) i -".. ii"- -T'i w w . . V ... . . . w - ... .uwa.w MX. ' M.. w - .... - -. w ... ket so 60on as the Railro&t icroS&e rr6), wnli a aesirc'jto see dim own Cities uuiuisuiii wnu uunjwu P"" - We commend-these-: aggestions ihaois.'. ..Lejaustit JoJaavjajtniojst. teady tor market ; and iv '1 r can se cure a (Minsiderablc. portip pt jtl of th6 reseiiryclr, iotlloVi at ly tin. tATfl elirtntlm following. T)ftiar&Dhi I iton SerMineV: that ; xavred1 retfdiar: I I .-l.v.MifseAv. -u! vm,-i V.u fi i.Oii 1 LjjLM4 .-ilftrmi 4 4 oHW. iu,i 1 ' " , ,r. nttmfl -t.h-w rtfttwo-ra'. ! .AnlnhSltT-t.hA I j. .i .V't'iMit,,.-.: : ' ! 'aiiaionti'.;'.i Eerhan&.iUivxlI.rcIassl -a . i ....' . -vj ;i .1 .lt..-.liiKn 'nAi.iu.4n'ti!l.' '!.. I V, ? "'T ifr..' - V "r,. T, , ; . j--.Vt Ufiat : lOnrnaVl fvPAfln?.yflvfcjttl?5.v V".4p.i iPrMJr! ?, fkxtn' rif'trihAiuiirM- Vv f.V? ....r" ..; :T iT . .1 liwmanai;1 -yy eAwii4-to 'ee 'iiwi create oi iMonn -uaronna piacea )fkeibt' 4tie'aims r: of r tbd nXiberals; j and Conservatives to 'ICCOnipllSU j , ibafcobjectl mtJ'. 1.-.ibo.:i'jb' ;i i Wti n'tiXin':S tV1 1KW ' ' SttAnWi.d 7fA' I give the names of the "majorityiof th he- 'Democratic; paper, of -tllis kViV Vilat fifl va i'lVifli'l .-' WW 1 .... .,.,....-,. ...j ,yK.,.v for repudiation.'8"' T, 7, 'ni-Li'iJ : J J" ' l: , . he new(. hotpl' iti jiianiweil will be ready for visitors jn. October, i .., I l". The - -Bennetteville - Journal says:'- 7ottnn -picking has beconje genery Al tlirviinrlir,nr thn r1,allirir ' 1 i'-1- . Notwithstanding the ihclem- j vWh cnvllwf:hfrlAii flniritsf j nviinimoiiunig .'!!?5!.f. iiouuuj, wiu ci.juuuk.uiuursc w uuunp fJihU,nf at ti f hitlpilrt . Plinnol . iri alr.-1 j ' n , . .. . l h . . a i . , 'i as already received order, .for , twelve. I thousand emigrants from parties in South 1 :1it"- r - . - ' I Curplina and Georgia . . Rice planters complain that the prevalent East winds and the conse- r.rAnncoc tt ri o rtrt aa w avww sr vuiti pi ' the Columbia. . and Augusta; Railroad $50,000 for the privilege of going through the town. . . The News says: It is stated hat the liods? which' wasliJufled''dawn to make room for the pew, buildings at, the corner of Broad and Church streets, - was the second house built in Charleston. ..i.!. j. i.:.ijjuii:uif v r.i'.jf Tbc British Press on Cotton,1 r The British' press continuei to be very' much1 exercised about' tne Supply- of cot ton. Every day or two there are leading nrtides and.aoy ainonnt of correspondence pn the sabject and there is hardy .By.coayJ ceivaDi$ pian ior increasing tne procluc tioirt'of the iraW matetial'that is Tnot 'xfid CU33etl. The insufficient supply i'a termed halamiy, and is said obo.ftwing to ap increase of the consuming power at a tiae when the raw material is decreasing. A jwrlferfin thLaadbrf' Times talceb Ja Very sensible view of the matter when he ar-2 p.ues that.the tru.ewayto increaaeTthe p, duction'of cotton lsib'r the manufacturers jand capitalists of England to co-opera'te jwnu jne grower. -, ia uai ia, He. suppose,. to employ theirxapital in connection- with ItUfilabar.Qfjihfi plaaieraia. order .to stim-J mate a larger. growth. v Thjs .writer re marks'too.hat it wonltf l'foiry fbtHhe American planters to grow five millions of bales at doable the expense, of land .and labor when the same profit can be realized froni iialf that anjount;1 BuWhere are th'e" 'English manufacturers iand i capitalists to. i .u:' 1 : . .... ... .. juso inuir uiouuj in co-optraium .wjiuj uq growers ? India and other countries have ibeen tried, and a vastamount of capital Ibas boeosunk in itho-Eperirna. -There raising cottpu is not. an uncertain expori-v Irneritjaifd Vh'6reJ1).aritTfff,Wer ailVfri btfcfcesuWfcd WofitableVlfa our Sutlw ; er.k8ta.tcB tjboif is , n vast,' .area 7 of ;ecfttofv lands. .yet bu ncnUiyated. f . J-U there were (Capital and Iabdr'ehough -'feni riiilnohs of 'bales or more courd be-raised. This is the country, then,, for, the British to in , Vest in if they Vrould get ari ample supply at otton and a'fc andsome return for -their icnpalwriY.r Y.ifferMi .;r I:iv ff,s t-.h , I At Jrans, a Iinssian valet out of i place hung himselFin aespairi apd the ! sttteideWo discovotod I hf Hiebbstman '.wlip.called to.deli?er a.letten tn.the i do-i rfeOi.tpdjartpg llosnigoit. uvu.a uispuio ine otnecay-aJboHt which, had the 'longest 'tratr, eacline stoutly 5laim1agf te'bWe 'Wo1 longest. vrtwa fiofllJy . settled. meartmtmVwheiUha sjs-Thib story thut'yonng" wbrnari was. recent rytuagjt0j4eath,.by i a Uomatd ders of the latfer, which is declared to be an innocent and inoffensive caterpillar. tlie,entitro9t;Ai?Bpnpftr4ptj,byJ sorutsTdxdl iif kJ..'n :v,' i.nhvlnf..i,.'1 l-iJ..v I prompie ,r,o V: f uiitj- AJ ,7jT IT. 1 advexuseotoM it was compw oifivm, ; xor tne purpose oi iiuiuk uieini ana :mv;MryBic I P il I'll il I UVl'B nllU JUUIUCI UC111CB IB VHlil. I. CJa veuseu, announcing uie aeam oihis rather aVddtbe rnheritahce of t lV,W0 y ear1. : ' fAi VJ '-it- i .-:.Mf ffr.,.i . i"" i lw v just ..,qaf.aii Ihc-h the longest heing-13 feet 6i inches; ' hcial, notices. '" ? THE JKIIETS. The Ktdtoeye ire two in ntimber, situated at the upper part of the loin, eurrounaea dj consisting of three parts, viz: the Anterior, the InterSwrand the-esterlor. . - - Th& anterior absorbs.- Interior consists of tissues or veins, which serve as a depositror the.nrineand convey ttto-tbe-extertefA ;The exterior to a oDPsotortUso: terminaung in a BtnlAtiihi. a'nd called theXreter. The ure- wrwe eoBweetod -wtt toe bkktklwiV" The bladder is composea 01 yanouB cwyet- Manjcnave a aesire to nmmu wnuuui wo abilfty: others urinate Without the ability to retainThte frequently occurs mchUdren.. r. ! To cure these affections; we must bring into actio the muscles, which are engaged irt their various functions. If they are neglect ed, Gravel or Dropsy tnsTensue. t The reader must also be made aware, that kowever sUnt-may be the. attach itU sure to effact the bodily health and mental trs, as oar fiesa and blood are supported these Bourcea. ; , ,. :. , t . -i ..;. Uottt i o tiHicKXTlS M.-rain oceummr- m tha loias is indicative of the above dJeeases.-( They occur In persons disposed to' acid stom- aen and cfcallcy.eoaQfeUonsV-Gjs avry f 00 1 'lEI IjBlYKL. gravel cuouco uviu.uc- Improper treatment oi tao nunrjra.1 s neing weaa, inewaierju.uuvci the' bladder, but aHowed-Ho e becomes feverish, and ; eediment is from this deposit that' the stone and gravel ensues. 1 gravel ensues. . f collection orwater iii some parts tSnTorwnaunVfreaend we-, wn. ter Strangury,-or stoppinsr of water: .BW tnria, or diooov urine; tisnvof the-woneys, wii enantitv. but increase Ol Gout and Bheuma- thoat any change in but increase of color, or dark water, f'. latePr.p always higMy Tecommended- by the1 I a ills me medicine Yncrea8eg th e "power' o di'gfes- Inn anrl srlit.pa th Jll bsorDenu isto-neaitny ixefeise, by whicbthe watery, or calcareous; Repositions, and all uaaatoral enlargements i.n aa nain and inflammation, are reduced. and it is taken by men women, andchUdren. Directions for use ana tuet accompany T-. Helkbold. Dm, Dbjlk 8ik -L tare 1 n a sufferer, for-np- ard of twenty years, with gravPl, bladdei and kidney affootions, xluring which time have u ed various medical preparations, and been under tne - treatment oi tne most em iff vc 1 I did this because I had nsedail kinds Of ad ycrtised remedies, and - had , found them worthless, md some aoite injurious r 'in- fae I de. anal red of. ever eettinz well, and deter mined tause no remedtesTiereatter traless 1 new, of the, ingredients. .Itt was tbAs that u mo 10 use your reraeuy. as you Cur me oxmbina ion, and, with his ad vice, after an examina- ne rweie, ana oni mencedts' nse; conciuaea about igut ght-raOnths,iagbi'atr f the flrstbottier was astonished and gratified at -the.- ,tenetetal effect. three weeks, was'aCble to wa aiK. u u iienmucQ i iiEHnvnuip. tunH HUj:iuiiiinMir.itiiir mui at that time, but thought that mVlmorove- iiiou uigui uif m wuiuvnu T.uuu luemoie TSlilSS& fieater valne to you, and more sataptory. 1 1 am now .able to report that a cure isjeffec tea alter using tne retneay ror nve montns. i I have not used anv now for three months. and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Buclra oeing devoid of any unpleasant taste and odor,' a nice tonic and invigorator of Uie system, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may require its use in such affections. - . - ; m. Mccormick. i Should any doubt Mr, Mccormick's state ment, he refers to the following eentlemen :. - r lion. Wm. Blgler, ex-Governor, PennsylVa- ! Hon, Thos. B. Florence, Philadelphia. I lion. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. ' V Hon. J. S. Black, Judcre, Philadelnhia. Hon.iD. R. sorter, exAiovemoY, Pnnsylva-1 Hon.Ellis Ievli, Jndge,Thlladelphfa.: si 1ob, U. CVGrler, Judge United SUtesCourt. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia Odgi on. ni a. i-erter. ltv boi phia. 1 Hon. John Bigler, ex-Governor, California. t Hon. E. Hanks, Auditor-General, Washinton, i Ad many others, if necessary: i Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Dcnare ui vuiuiKrieiui. asil iur neimuoia s, Take no other.- Price $1M per botUe, -or six bottles for $6 BO. Delivered to any 'address. Describe svmntoms in . all communications. ' j v:- Address - H.T. HEL.MBOX.D, r, J r Drug and Chemical Warehouse, , augl0-2mj - ... v i OH Broadway, N..Y. None are genuine unless done up in steel engraved -wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed HELHBOIJ. DEHOREST'S jaOSTHX, TT MAG A zlne. Universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magaxine of America ; devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, House hold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special depart ment oa Fashions),; Instructions on. iHealthy Mnslc, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, ami proftisely Ulustrated with costly- Eagra Vings, useful and reliable Patterns. Jim broideries: and a constant succession or artisi tio novelties, with, other usefal and enter, talning literature. I i No person of refinement? economical house wife, or lady ot taste, can afford to do with out the Model Monthly. : Specimen jcoptes 1 cents; mailed free. Yearly 1, with ai valuable premium ; two copies, $5 60; three copies 7 J5C; five copies, $12, and splendid premiums for crabs at S3 each, with the first-premiums toeaeh subscriber. -A new. Bart ram & Fan' ton Sewing Machine for 20 subscribers each, i Publication Office : " - iT . j :L i.-. v:i ftTo. 838 Broadway, NewTorJcj : i MS Demorest's Monthly andl Young Alaei 1-, vi. lA.Kcinur, t, w.iu me premiums ior eacn. ,.: Vi'r.; I-.-- ... - . .. - ,- -"OlWOi LADIES WHO WIKIC TO l -mu -J t w a w.-7va mitnjua nave It hwa.Uy bound, at, WM, H. JSeunaRB'S . j J ' - Prrntiirg House and Ubok Bindery- ttb27Jai-tfi .rXa. aSenth Walr St.., 1.1 7r, MaimfaottrrerbraiiB Dealer td f-a . ; er&uastM .Wrought aaI Cast - Irou ' Pipc . ' - I i - ' I ; vi l .1 - ' JU : II tn Quaeres!;; !lanf,SVwW '1 7- pumps.'-" :ioiiAifOir. k 17 .iL'.ioiti u... pfc.l i. -5 Ja-j '.j-.c , ; 8fw and Shl)g;loaiXllSKoW0rliiii. JHii jaaebier,- aa Mm.Wwfeff -sr. AiT-MT IHICES Dl1rttMikTiTl'0l FIRE ANftMAPmflWSrTPJlTOi : i't r;; ATaiHsea'8 iBBrxojrca Ronwa. n.i.. 111 10 ocDcr . Front arid-WaterttwctSLl OJtoay be effected atlowBst rates la the"foT? lowmg reliable companies!. iu it'i.' tx yjnj 'Ir6 1811108 tympany-of New York.' .North American Fire Insurance Company of Hartford.'" i.. t y.. ui 1 .vj .nio.rt l, mntalvire j toeVjranB 'qompaBy ofj -Washington 'ire- ln'surahee! 3CpaW & Mtlaawa. Loiuo Cii; 10 n .jijniiciz.., -Ti J.t monj ' lnWSWP Company 0 tSUehj ames mteTflnBufanoel Cothpany-f Riotk. -oyjnj W--KUI1JI TTll.LJt.lt ATHlfl SU.N'S. fl,c 1 .4-r f - CU.ll T , I . ' ..' il ViJ0.ll) f.XsdS'i Oil 2010,000 r?et r, 1; incrif iioitww WILLABD BEOS. an26.tf; rJ. r uwiiijiiiiii vi oresm, was ana .water j Fittings, LowWater Alarms, Oil Valves' fend , i m Cups, stean and Wa ter Gnages.J-v'i:r: SPECIAL NOTICES. choiera I : r " Th following; letter Is from Mr IHS Woodward, of St Louis, to J.K. Har; d,of ,1irt Londonr Conn. Mr. w. Is a I ris. Esq.. "of 'New J7l.,' Ahii f aTatabiiltv. and dutiiMrt I atoertnSYesTiIt orxiie application vi ain inkier for.tia disease, andIs testimony you livJanuarylast, my .expressing to yym 7 . i ........ . - - ... iVTSl most sanguine expectations vu - J PAIN KltX-tnl would have a tremendous sale ' ta4awslh aeaSon.'and ty aatidlpaUOns' aaT3 been, more: thaa realised, a,nd thatesttfi -.nnv nftiinnuuMlii who have -used it has peen ttai they wouid not VUInjf. toab' Co bed at J op nlghV wtthotrt'it'ln tne hbus:e:u'J( ;" Ki'il" On the appearance of the cnoiera D.i.xnaa.i city, such was the conftdeeee In the Pain Kill- erl;. rewedy,fbt; mariy wiq j,arehase4 ?t remarked to me that they haft np,fears.or J -ij!ftVn.L ti' 06 .oViwi th r faint KQjer by them,c anpsundred'teok Ht l 4aily vas a eventatiyrp persoi, M-A bftvea derangement ofhejDoweia .-ppj rhoea if they use this medicine. , Tnis was tne i security and confidence of hundreds aeBainvf tithiad,wnethel,frieJre;af. ter the remedy ilarge qnantities, and id I every case when If has been xaaen in any oi I IiuWbte remedy. 'I have who used the Painfeilier when attacked but' U peeauy recoveret. - 1 ir ' The clerk Informed me that, her administer.; ed it tp persons Wben cold or in the cramps, and It' gave immediate" relief, but stm ft n.h'-..jl'-.,- ,.. ..-.-!. -. I- -UII '1:1.1 Should 'bo given qnlckly, for when the': charge of " rice water" has begun, tihe hope bt : life lias aed. , Should ; Jthia, disease maka.its, j appearance among you ain i"uuu"" it wiU, be, not alarmed: you and. all others there have the -remedy, and 1 am confident if the Pain KHler js used, not a single death b) im.A,ABA - 111 1 - Will WtUl All yuui Vlfcj. . . , j . t "'' ' ' 'Ec8pectfuIIy yours, ' '' ' -i j -":; I '. '! - j-7;:;..i i a.t. WOODWAttD."-'' ' I S-, TJie.Eaiu Killer is sold byjaU.dealers In . ; I'rices 23 vents, .so uepta ana pi.w ptr Wttle.' -1-8 1 Bold by La .1.1 ",.t .r 'jIaS." ,J.;W.IJPPITTJ;.C0. rJ I -' i : I'.i - j . : 'MU;'l ,-.kT oifl w uia n ofTa , ,;-Jv?: bsBS2 f t ,: wUiXlaiXt N.'f., Aprii;iO,at3C9v OX and aftr APRIL 11th, PASSKN GEK TRAINS of this Hoad will ran on f It A fral 1 nxxri -n or fiAhndnla . . - 1 ' . EXPRESS TRAIN. , ' ,". Leave "WihningtondaUy at......... 5:15 A.'M, Arrive at Flprence ............ i 1 0:32 A., M .', OlllVO HblUlJ3VUltt..,Mi . 1:43 .1 . 111. Leave Kingsville....,.......... 12:40 A. M, Arrive at Florence S.-f5 p. M. ArrivB-at Wilmington :15 P.M. express Tram connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charles ton, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroiul 1m Cheraw, and at Kingsville with the South 'I varoiina itauroail ror A ignsta, to which point the cars run through wif Linout cnange. ! " 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN." Leave Wilmington daily (Sun. ex.)al 8:05 P. IW aniYc nix lorence, ....... ........... 2:40 A. jn J!1!!:;::;-:::;:::;;m : Florence.... 9:40 P. M. Wilmington:...... v.. fi;W A-iM ; Arrive at Leave Kin Arrive at Arrive at ! Accommodation Train connects ninnnlv ni Florence with the North Eastern Ilailroad for Charleston, and at King3vile with the South Carolma Bailroad fot AnguBta.. - . ::; Passengers for Columbia should take thf Accommodation Train. - ' ; . ' -. , WM. MacRAE, 1 apn-ag5-tf ' Gcn'ISup't.; t1Iia:;iKto'n;" Cliariotie ami RUT IIKRFORD RAIL ftoAD. 1 Xir 1 t 4- -VT a ' . Wilmington, N. a. Aug. B. 1867. X ... ' - - ' ..... l M. 11V1I, AU V J. STUSlt 13th. the Pnssensrer TViin nn iUia Road wiU leave WUmlneton on Tuesdav. Thursday; and Saturday, at 7 o'clock; A; M... i i sp. M. - . at IB mld-s -e.WadesboroStage), on Tuos Tl-.fe5 ndiFridayVaHlarArM, 'A day.'Thursda Reave Bod Wednesday an 1 Baye.ana jui (uars) Monday; Wednee Slav and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. ' f Arrive ftl.Wtlxuihgton same days, at S P.; M I I W. L EyEliETT. ftipt2-l-tf 1. . - - X.j ' " ' . ' missis .KU.O' . Change of Schedule fiiO ABi ATaTER StJNDAT, THE Htli(: ins?,! ?ar AssENGEu trains on this d leav? Wilmington at 6.-00 A. M..andf4 nu 1 1 vo hi r eiaon as t:lKi A M.'and 9rf Pi IL - Leave WeldonJ iit iSilfi A jii. ana 7:43 v. m Arrive at Wilminirtnn . I A. M. and 7:15 P.M..--- - ' ' ! . . ... FREIG17TT1ZAIN8 :. " . . : Wiri leave WUmingtori Mondays-,1 Wednesdays and Fridays, atf 4j35. ,A. M,. and arrive ,at iWUmington Same days at 9:45 P. M. i J-.-i LI: out, - J ;S. Im FBEMONT,-f.-;;; ) i ' ... Engineer ana Superintendent. wiimingtmi.;Mav-gHh,l88ft.i mi inr'v U rP. IS COMPOSED OF THE CELEBBA. ted Guano from ' '" s . ' 1 - .. . i . 1 . . . 1. i w- , ... ..:.:. 1 1' i'J iwmuiimu mini uuiei vtuuate fertilizing mvr iteriai, scledtiflcally' treated,4 mikihg-a'' r 1 JlK I .cQjxfiAiftriffir;; lf?rrnucca a Tlgoroua growth to the vegcta-, .tiOn and permanently enriches the SoU. - I -,-lkle lAUmhgd i,y,: WNN'''C0l,atettor)(6:..!'l, :-) Or theKLT mCLA, 3TAH0 CP. yr,(r .feWB-MHyJ, , ; ;,; 57 Broadway. N.T.:; ! i 1 J -! i ou'l V'Cofil,,brll., 5 7 n ' from vei by- je 2&4f "TVTT.T. AWTk Tliwia i au Ask anyjjDruggisfe 1 Pricei Tl W A 1 irii . - Asst. Applied Chemistry, Ac, ' n 1 1 i -j aaiungwm college lripjrti, y , i.;iij j ui tUl (i.ni 1 ti'.o;(T- 41 Durham Tobacco, tAGlf tOT? '6V TfiK' GfeWmirE 2l Jns?ireelyedjbv..,r , ... . rr VI, Fii ti ' yoRTHaopt buMMtNoY vjrVkSriifsti cards aW VisiTrWd V V CARDS printed- in , tlie !mbs' elegan ui. ' i .. -.. . VYJU. 11. lifcttAAKLl'S DAE TIHE ANI TROIULE.- llor chants wishing Jto advertise in any paper 1 a aorta Carolina or South Carolina, mknuva themselves ,xauch unnecessary trouble by calling on the- subscriber. - ' Kates, the- very lowest charged by the Publishers. WM. H. BERNARD, feb-tf Dawson Bank Bonding, Fron Sit can be relied upoa wita.me nimusn t M DaiA;8iai-,reaflEeonect meall saw ws t 1 r . .... . r f !v 1 Arrive ai. sanu iiui same aays, ax I Arrive at Walesl)oro' (Stase). misht.. Leai OyUU hourly xpeoted. ,-,,;vJ( For sale low from veesefbv - u V'hn ST Vr ,'Flfty fJents;" It may save your'Sifc t5f'J ev. i. j , ranting tttid PnbliBhing Honeej -; rj.' r'r i And General Book Bindery, S-feW-tf J DaWsori Bank Btiilrlings, Front s t BUSINESS OARDjS. ; ' ' 1. . '.'f MANUFACTTJREa " ASD DEALKh IN Jlardware, Guns, Stoves, Pumps, Koro Bene Oil, Tin and Sheet Iron. ; '; ;. V.''r,; ! EOOriNO DONE ATBnOET VOTrCE." ' , ir.i!,.,:i .., , Actat for PAIKBAlf U8f SCALES ;jtilyg.tf' TfTir A. AD HI Ah. , t, v iT,r ,H. VotLKBO A D R I A Ni&lVO LX E R S .iA .'1 V-..1- 11 ij.i I II ( i ..., Cor, Front and Dock-gist., j : . '. .".'i.ljii.i-; S.: -TTrnol.feSAl.K ' IlT A 1.1 tta branches. T , :i v 3 ' ' .;,,fr' . f. ""! r;- fit, r.'i i an cOTJNTBrrM KKCtt ANTfl! will. do. by Raiting itfntrt awa texaminlng Btoek.'ri ; novl-48-tf . -if ; .) ct:? -j r. ivj-w'W'-v'W. ) .D WA RI .fcTOIT, ;t -j-jeai. .ESTSTEtAO; AtSKNT,' .it.. i: I'i.rj,, r . asheviijjK.1 i ti. . Activity and efficiency In bringing to jmmf rVranions 1 between them f also-the encouragement of Northern - and;-.Enropran msrrants te come;ft ew.,B M uin. Vll? fSt?0' u. .' jf y" TZ. y ' It 'TZ7 n 7 dicei6oiiiisVo& Tt7- : o....il" wij!. fij4'"11' 1 uauow $te .o. . i . . . fWMf pKl lvf.iri:v.M. , ' li I. ' .'tV3r'7f, W1IDII -TTTlI'r ' GTVKJmOXYTX PHtiUII. A 1. 1 W'- attention tccensignments ot alt ktniU bf Farm Produce, iu.j (ootI3tSU-Ciii ..r .::,:. -. ..-.t. .. . ' ilroj t iiivlii tt; 0a. s V,i'V'l JOPFIT4)OnW..'Ty,-. GEW'AayCOTrtlHrftbrer'hWifii. - . - t KOKTH7 WATB STBKJfiT, , . ; ' ' WUmlnartoit, x.v Will give prompt personal attention to h' Sale or shipment -of 'Cotton. Naval Btortres, ' General Produce, etc., 'etc;1. Also-to receiving ' and 'forwarding goods.' ' 1 Jar Orders solicited and promptly HliM , : sept23-l-tf. . -.' ."m-i ..!. iOOMMISSiOlf1 MERCHANT, AND IfEA h ..WJIJBiIMOTBi,v.N442 l.w-,:v.) ff-SSTJES MOWTIf lYi FOR FREE IHN- JL triliotlon, a Catalogue of Lands for-Bale lit " riarth-and SovtlHearoimia. SeiwMn a lencri-p tion and price of lands.- -No charge unless ta.l4sffotefVii3l W n AT! ,.iT,r r t mftrno -ii: tr'i'titiw SiriU Air. i vi.i.. idjiuio uii7J7;ili7.fiiJi il5T"riii Uii J '1 t..- r l.t l.l.l 1 OX tj17ESSOR "TO torr'ttl'-'r AR'4iVi. O.TQlfw i,.ni;f,ti:im,- ' :iiJi.iVi i ii:f! t Offloo, samo as forpaerlygoocupieil hy D.A r. j t-inortYin. 5'' 'CJ aK A' ' i"" ,-A"Vt'''f '''n" ''' ' .i-WII.MIWkTOWi--W;', " OFFICE ON PniNOESS,, BETWK11! V t Front and Second Streets. . AH SGELLAN EOTJS., Tj -1K.T ooiQrjj.oii don & Giooe Ins to. AttetsGold$ 7,690,390 j r .'" .iii w.: -." !-' ' . ; ' 'f 77 ' "f 1 United 'Stdte$2$b&i&oo IT sidle for, all cjigabj.nenti iflli Company. 11 ' ' ' .t 1.: -m r '- r ' . " - ' ' ' Marine I nsurance effecb - .-.' !ti rylli, :Hj fTr,J,J ., ai4p0ris in we ,Vj States : ; ana ' ,ri" ""ii Tsro9nyjrJ o.-l i ot - j ijjorry J3rotkersY r - J 1 in'- ft il.i r-lM-y-itd..'! Hrj iv;n.i TT . niTTTnnTj , fiTi jprrn fc ' wluilUll ' UI liiii j N'o W '"'TT y r Uw itV M ' y YORK are informed that they will find, Divine Service every Sunday, in the Large Chapel of the Cnivei'sityrWashingtoo Square, at M)U A. M.j and 7JB. M Th evtine oer vice in summer is at 8 o'clock: wavferly Place, immediately north of .the-New York Hotel.' lout Of Broadway, runs west to Washington Square, on the east side of which is theXfot-, versity. The entrance to the ehurcli is the natn' ' oer i Of 3 tho - CJtoirersity. Uoil versity ' Place ears run from the door of the Fifth Av enue Hotel, to the door of the Church. - From the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take, the. cars corner of Broadway and Broome, leave at Waverly Place, and go west one block, (At, tne Astor nouso tase university nace cars. leave at Waverly Fiaee.-and west one ,diock. 1 Ktraagerawm nna jjp: al welcome, , auu punie attention.' fTltA Paat.n la Uai-i TVt vhn ilavnlna , himself to the spiritual Interests of strangers.' If any toe sieklet.them address lim a note by, mail, as "Pastor of the Church of the Stran- ' gers, Now York.' and lawiU reach hrrnii.TIio ladies who compose the "Society or iho Sis- 1 tent of the Strain?!. Ltoroeore medical. 44iralJ ' and spiritual help for strangera in perplexity, 'distress, or sickness.- Address.--"tutors H the Stranger,'' eagre Kev. Ir, DEEMS, N. 1 I If you are earning Ulfeio York iwoh.ctrf Ihit Out -qvaMeUinpwrmrmorpcn X , feblB-441-tf : .. . II . ..... ..1. ,it 1j E8TABLISiW 1848. :1;!, J,.PUBIJSHEp,JWEElILY J,iuvik , . E.; MeMltLAr JPropHetor.. rTlttE" CRESCEWThelni 'the'drehasoi' JL and SQocessor of th0 Cld; Distl-lci Paper. Is the Otdett Journal in the Eastern part of the StatevtM - ''.?.- ic, -iir,Hii '-ni'.lwtlt THE CRESCENT is the Official Aavertlser of Marion County S ,iT.;o'j'n;."J-'.i . 1 THE CRESCENT has a large and growing circulation among the trest people of the Pee TCRESCtNTiso-kjsta m.ed i-un in this seetion.1 alL'j' Li. 1 1 , il o .' 1 Always address CRESCENT, MaHon, .-j. .-.'ivi .1 iMiriii iinf (l.vsl' j j jHii-.r'. t; augll-lm - , . '. , - , tidJX P6ruvidfl:i,'Guan'o, TjA vnK1,'M 5 1 j: b?vi, MOPFWT CO I if;, 164 )! The'iraHdn'Cif '1 t ...