N. YUBLISIIED . AT WJL?1INGT0N, N. C, . .--m fw-pBy Mail. 17 P year or 3 BO .for six ljcX3 . months., , . '.. V Del lvorod . o subscribers In any part of the city at 15 cents pes waak.M,r ... i-f j Patronize llio Opposition and so Insure Xow: Rates. v X)RT ""LAWRENCE'S "MEDIC INES. DRY GOODS, CJCS T!IE !TEUT LATEST: f Y ) " V V yiSHIKOTO, Sep. Vi i : The revenue'recelpts to-day were three hun dred and tfty tour thousand dollsrm . t . The BecreUr of the Treasury hMf " or(Ter cIobIii j t ftt cp f h mdftv next, i a WOrKuaucr;4i vvuw... ------ - - ' i.j m .i . . M ' ' -., 1116 "TW T " ' -; Steaimsliiirxane George Petbody'. health" U not much lm- - r, - - -. . ioNO provea. t . ,r . .i jton,n.c. 7 7 jrvr' r ' TV".!"- " If , - .,' V . ! AT ,..;v . .. n f f ,l r t ' i. r' coi MABKET.ANp FRONTSTa ( r" ; assortment of - ' -I" 3 H .it: V -i-t (-r- u rr - r rr n r-n r? D II T A X I O Li r i . w J-' i cv- . .i i! j ji a. ... . . . ' i t GPU hY TELEGRAPH. THE MORNING- STAR. ; 1- t k y ' ft .-- ' , MOON KEPOItTS. " . .IxP0i,Sept,6-iEvenlng. i' 'Consuls 9& ' Ajnerlcan Securities ftrmerp Bonds 83.- - - . . 5' LmspooL,1' Scpt 7 Evening. , Cottoit-Upland lS;Oflcans 18d13oV Sales 5,000 bales. . ; . - ; i t .w .Torfc Market.. : r , - , Nbtt Yokk. Sept. 7: Cotton a BhSae lower-ftalea .WibileiJ !UV, Wheat steady at noon's decline. Corn The Ncir Iron Steamships . Cnpt. JOSE -FAN-IT &, 4 . i t A GREAT AIID .Q.00;D.:J1EDICI1TE aSfifSw.''! S3,000 EOR S55.8Q Attend ;to' It Tb-Day.' SECUBE A POTJCT.OF.INSUBAIICE ON your lirownrte yollcan In tbe y - c c t 1 -I., r I t if.t t.Jj L 'J gll; Kutiial; Life Insumqe; mmv Tk.a Trinriiiincs buttons. xc 1. . icy, joint life NON-ron. Dress irimmiui, . j feitable policy. 'Suited to tbespringana .. 'VrWendH declared annually, and may bo miuur; Losses paia in thirtv flays. M , . , DkEOSSE A OO., A gts. - U a I Caps FBJCEKAX, . t WASHIHQ'MMU.Bept. 7.' yentan arms and ammunition rt helngused byCubani,j,x 1 . ; , nn th nenaslon of Bee re tar v Rawlina.' fane ral Thursday, the Department except for ne Hun hnino. will be closed. Governor . scarce miiea S1 0: 8u- "2P pKIw wThlU Westcrir pr30l730 willleard wnrnrnKtori alternately every Are " porBne tA.Cholce Whltr western a ww Thia ufte bj.(jnga gool3 Now Tort fflS.tra wSnilcss Pork dul ate following low rates.'- , ' and Tower BOfflWlja- ..S". 1!' "r' wlA.tT" rrelshU unchanged. . T . feteS HSinSS jKrT-r bopresenVftna iroopswmuo wikuhwuw i 1S6i- stocks fevcrisn" o Uh... o-T -effecteil atOWest rates, lacent posts to participate In the pageant. f 1, feUB V. . Southerns irregular. ,"f MfWSSOMSUAlSm - ' " ' " ' - WJlmlgtpn,K.lC!,iMai,a2.tfl:f jv4 POMMKKVJLAU; V- - - JlivAwept. , . ... foreign resident, principally iGermans,; are WfLMlNUTON MAHvET. enlisting in the reserve battalion, l-v v -i Eleht hundred insurgents surprised -and . : t" repulsed five hundred volunteers near Puerto , . , i 4 ? ; r :: 8TAB OFFICE., Sept. 7. Prlncrpe.1 RelnforcemenU were sent forward SPIRITS TURPENTINE.LlBhttock, Jrh when the Cubans declined battle. ' , v i i -ity '" nfi.,i : ' ' f r iith An.ri,tt.h insnrflrents. several thou- no sales to report.,, 38tf cents oHerco. ; . , : . sand strong, commanded by ,Qaeaadav Presi- I rqsIN Sales of 275 bbls, at fl 75&l 80 IlIndueedrr,Lawxceto ergeii. "tory . ,,he largest an cheapest Mook.f --? . .. : , , i , i ...-. V .-'s ' 1 l- ' ' ' " -r. : . ... . . " TT nr. t, T.TiULn'erv Goods' THE1 LAEGE : NIIIIBEE' OF u TESTIIIOIIIALS i:,;v T0 BB w&M'uim sxAXE.it u Which are pgnsttjy being jQiv from Physicl Andanother lotof those Its use, is OONCLirsivB proo tt, maaih .-.f , , !,. .: w . x wn.wAOT: HOOP-SKIETS A J"4" iP'- ' --rt t"!V? .n.-.TEWHXYJIVECENX . "T"! T' ;ii.!,WtLMlNGON4' N. CL Aug. 30. 'C9. ft i 'Mi , tot i" it r: tC 3Iesses DkRos8ET' &Ctf.,, v - Jjr'f WiwM X( Insurance Co.: ' ''Gftrra sAlloV ie to ackoledgfl the re. ceJpt,thr6oghiyon,tniio two weeks since, of three thousand dollars, being the amount for, which my son's life was insured in youp Com, panr' I would also express my sincere ap- K, relBrnng yuu uiy iubuu lutiremr ndne's8 and courtesy ."with wblohv 1 of Philadelpluai.. and. Southern Mail Steamship JLine. THE PAST AND FAVORITE i .STEAMSHIP nes H . til nrm niinirirn J IT UllC Flfl tTfllfAl "t . nmuraltTOux Interests ealUngr V; KWaben.trtiAtodtyott.ln the settlement' . ' ( t ..'..,;;.;,. r J - ;-un w. 'ImJ; : -JA -U .f-" . - I . with wishes foe the future prosperity of , .-.. . .Mtnr ..s ..... ,:.....j;.;r; ,-, hAprt,"? ,4' .,. -' ,, rr. .T,n.m ...... ilOSt POWERFUL- VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE TM1 '! U ,T- .i T E T!- I S 6 , V;,E' U.E;D.jJ I. -. '. ..Sil) t..t - 1 ' t JWVhri: forNo.2.and$lfQrExtml!lQ. 3. so.eongoftr of 81 bbls. in kiliea. jne ngni instep muo nwun. , & $2 40$3 50 Ibf;! elMrw ipfBao iur ir From Pennsylvania: R-tes 0f'W3bhl9 at $2 45 bLlj, an 8cnACOit.Sopk . advance of 5 cents on last quotaiious 1 1'' t ' - ir; ! f is t I ; jt -. ; iv,l " 11 :'(;. "l! "'lift Dry.Gpods and Clbthing EMPORIUM. APBUSfM-WASTlSQAIY m .; r' " rn r t l' thing inther1. PIONEER, Capt. L. D. BABBETT, DISEASES OEs THE f BLO OI. a complete assortment of , i-i J Il4f A.' JuKUZ 'CLOTHINQ AND QENTIJir Dry ' Goods Line, f. . ,W. ; '. J: . J.. All ofthe very latest, Bty4e,aadnUl,,8m fo;! i 1 ' " The lite of the flesh is in the Blood," is a Scriptural max! n that science proves to cp. umciuiu uy . . iphn Wi.TO.nfftnlrKfifrll flTfir a biooaas tne cause o jnanyuisensiuiu "- i . - '.T on - j--. i i buimii u lu.isb tv . th. : To say notbing I tnose nomore laai nerouimri w i . . . I x , . . All' rnen. the mine, Trains i free dead or alive. . The widows and orphans will not number less than six hundred. The crease district. , an sixhunareq.; k; r;f i . v v v : SI.'. prolonged BtriKe, jusi ciosea, nas in- 7j V .V y - ' d the destituUoa throughout this mining ; OsteamshiiK jamesVA-; Pall doors at tne Dowom wosea anaioe vueir, uyob i jk . ,r Ar. l .. - whilo waiting below for "implements with 5-Stemship -W-P- CiJMorganew ea.m.J)ep. w, which to force the doors. It la .opposed they York, Jho--- ' & Bow." Rn 1SV9 6 a.m.', Aug. 13,1 b a. m.. xi, in. 6a.m., Sept." li, 1S6 6 a.m., 26, 18(59 ftft-m ' Oct-.' H. 1SG9 6a.m., '- ' 2ft, UW S a. in.,. Nov. 10, 1869 a;m.,i r2!86 lew 1869 Aug. 6,1869 20,1!9 Sent. 4. 1869 Oct.; u 1 19, 1S . 4, 1H0 19, 186!) .NtW.ii:-2; 1869 . 1,18.1809 fu DOQ. .r 1869. have been closed by the miners to exclude the names. Schr Hud and Tranku'tfletep?: D G Worth. ' - f -1. i . New Tork Markets. , j 5 Nkw Tob, Sept. 7 Noon" . H .i-'-:.r ,r financial , . :.a-..-f;; Stocks" unsettled. Money active at 7 $ . Bight 85 land short 'sight 8K V cent Gold Wrts 135i Y sin, rpt ids ; EXPOBTS..; , COASTWISE. I A.j... ' -. . t ...". r , 17, 18S. 31, itsua jTork, FREIGHT rBOM . . 1- HDDltfU. VliuiKanilRngrar. 15ot9.rMolaSSes. 25 Ct3 Beef and Pork, 25"- Vinegar, i 25 j . . . . - i -rtBTtrB m f l mm. Tennessee ex-coup, six v ceni Donos.oii nf w -.t.A x.-.nk92i bbls rosin. l kq Vlnrfnia or.cnnnnn it SJ rtent I "' " . . nrf B-ht Goods 10 eta. per 100 lbs Nw YoHii Stcamsnip w. r. uiyue. xx , : r it in I . w. ausHMA. m i nnr m r ao - . .s : a : i . t . ' rosin, 139 casks spis, ou Daies - "-"". : t. V . m ; tnrpt, ivi pkgs snQOKs, uusuuia . for htcisuiwi: . 8WoVt1i Aeht The Deonle talk of bad blood as the his f bad blood Is founded In truth; can easily see how the blood roe and how this may influence the .i K. n 1a fMft th anft tinHues lose thelrtone and elasticity. rouahnet of the skin: then in Ttaurriys and nxcKBATivs.diseases, I rtTiir a xm yjtverr QOOD& NOTIONS AND and when long conunoeo, result in serious lesiona oi mo j .v. AimUn am aiiw.twl urTt.h anrrtfiiln. In Home form.' : r 'K'i :'lt l ."J Persons suffering from any bad humor are very liable to have it settle on the Lumgs or some I w e i other vital onran. The mly safe rule is to remove the Blood , poison at once, before ft settles I Pesi; itseir vim soaie vnaipoint. 'rJ2:, ' " inf WttiAWi. I .Hon of Ike nnbUo 16mr .large atock.'.-jt aw aait v n a mnnii iu mi mws sm nir. ii'i iiih i.t b . ua v,ti intHinc juuu v iu- i.vu vm v w y-v. j . ? - i . ' - -t may laecome bad from Imperfect Digestion or failure of excretion, ; T ..-i RTnpr7pFELT ANTfWOOL I Whoro may bo found fcoootptefce asaortment, he process of Nutrition, and thus influence all the functional ac- A LARGE BXQCC.gr, K w , I ' v ' , , .fWw VRftTTXiW --" i-'-'. -"'i'; J iVnriP ' I aU of which wiUb8oUlaijUE,VEYlA)W. id are nsnally quite pUinrbad Jes1ion causes imperfect nutri. . m:': HATS AI tAl . ' J vi - .I'--ir-,;-.......'.'':.: circulation is faeble,the soft tissues lose tneirwrne ana elasticity, ' , ., ; 1 ' - . Y., I EST PKMES tvu VA,-M ri i , - 'arti .ttiii rnnma rwAwTr.a Tn nnwu i. M.ni i i thii iiHiiiii v iv ci vu t ilii insovj v u vui owva v i .c: i , - . lit1on soon'showa itself tn roughrux of the skin; then in wjptivs and marra dtoeases, ny AND FANCY O00D& NC iring is caused by impure blood. It is estimated by some that BLANKETS, k We have no hesitation in saying, la the largest, hflBt. RAiActed. and most complete mine suite. . Wewonld also-particularly call the atten- All SUMMER GOODS will bo sold ,;. ; arise from impure diseases of large cities. Eradicate every impurity from the fountain of life HOOTS AND SIIOESv A T - C10 S T v for the balance of the month, and may,arti- 1 111 Vrt DAlT'fnrATnt W1U V"1N. " . , . , ;,.n. . 1 1 . i. Over live irtmarea-easca, an airecj nwnuw ,ti r, ,f-HH l'- I- ljlJi-i il4M4 Manufacturisrsnsistingof, -M i , t;-. fi- V, ; . JKSS TIIAN CO&T'.: :T1 ! MEN'S 8EWED AND PEGGED S0QT8, CAI4P -1!? . O'il -LV. "vliJ. y!u AND EATEAIXERS. BAtKO. SUMMERAWCQES 6 S ji . f 1 1 - JEALS. OiFOIiD TLE3 and BROGA.N& 1 luicl tha verv.bestonlv 13 l-a5ta, i LADIES CALF, MOEOCCO, 0OAX',ahd USA 1 W nil sr WlLDEo'i cor. ' rf f 2 J ' K O S K O O! 1 K OS K.O Oil," ' ' .. .,i 'Ji,'1 ' XHEBi 'SEWED iutid PEGftSED SHOJE8 ,,i'1'-'-r.i:h ''"llit'Ui"" V ixU11 - ' 0YAv.;. ;..'.r Mi, I.- I AndtjLoTflGMT T ' - ' - 1 wtssiSrV:1 rmT,T)RENS. INFANTS. .AND 1 . v w ; i 1 4:, I - -BOYS SHOES.', - !u'-J 'l ii! .JH j ' 4 1,; Lli --31: . -i'iJUH 'W li c-'' ' I 'Allwf the above we sell atfreduc prioeB, 1 AtiOVG T TT l i T li ITI TV - ; I , wwnr.FS a tu rtttTT.ru w nffnr roods 1 AAViJV w V i jj. v x' ur v xv XL x v xv, X bonds new issue 88. ' ixralsjana sixes- old issue. 70; Levees 66g. Alabama us. wj. Georgia sevens 01. North Carolina six $ cent, bonds old issue 65J; new issue 48.,,, ., , j Commercial. , , ' ' Flour 5(310 cents lower. Wheat dull and' 2(2)3 cents lower. Corn a shade firmer and 1 ct better, rort mess nominally quiet Cotton heavy at 35 nentlne42 cts. Rosin at $2 85; strained $2 37 Foreign Harket. j ; r 1XJWDOW, Bept, t neon. RECEIPTS. 1 ' PER RAILROADS. i. . 1 ! Receipts per WUmlagtea Han- eUesterB.lt., Sept. 7,SI8. nrlil..A. V it- W.'-I. JAMES. General Agent, 130 South Third 8treet Philadelphia. ; . ... ', , ; juiy itt f -,, , y.-. New York and North Carol Steamship Iiine. - tftj, iHMi A "Vf- LIVER STANDS UNRIVALLED . 4 . t i B EI N G, T 11 O N L Y KNOW N W E D 1 C 1 N E and ta WHOLESALE BUYERS we offer goods onitha most acoommoaaung terms-, ... . : r V , ' SOL. BEAR A BROS., , ; ' ' au24tcl , , Wilmington, N.C. .4 f:MT,(jriil :.:f-i'M EofSale! That efficiently stimulates and corrects the hepatic secretions and functional derangements of the Liver, without debilitating tbe system. While it acts freely upon the uiver, instead pi co pious purging it gradually changes the aiscnarges to a pcnectiy natural state. STicpToxs ow una ooxFUnrr jorn or soxk or tsosk diskasss pbodocxd by rr. rXITTEKTTT "rHOlTSAlfl DOLLARS In City of Wilmington, six , per cent, gold bear ing ten year Coupon Bonds To bo sold in small lot9. . . . .... " BOOK STOKER TUST RECEIVED, Aj PINE A8801tTM!ENT tM of . , - - " ' BtANK 'BOOKS, -v 1 : . ;; , PAPER- AND ; . -,'u.t ENVELOPES. J- PRICE, & Co.1 Spr & H, Falconer & Son, Wallace & 8. Tick & M, P W Kerclmer, vuiiams s ja, n ximcb. & Co. E Murray Co, Adrian & Y, .Hopkins, -. ' o .Vwv-j. D&T:Gr9en.JasuarrcHw, murcmsuue lOUJ,' CVO. w . . 1 Amsrican securities flat i i ' Common os. d. . , '..'":-;r" '.-';.'i'ABis,j8ept.7. Bourse excited, but firmer. " 'jLTOtBrooi, Sept. Noon. Cotton dull-UplandsL3i13Xd. j Orleans i ' SMALL DWELLINQtHOUSE ON SD ST-rj 134, ISales O.OOO bales. ., ?- J REBECCA CLTDK I- !; rr .... j, a Wnow. vp.IIow ' color of the skin or vellowish-brown snots onthc face and other parts of the body ; dullness and drowsiness, sometimes headache ; bitter or bad taste is the month, internal neat : in many cases a ury, teasing cougii ; uuswuuy npjKUUi , kuuicuiucs uur luuuaui, wim a raising Of the food ; a bloated or full feeling about the stomach and sides, aggravating pains in the 8ioe8, back or breast, and about the shoulders; constipation of the bowels ; piles, flatulences. Apply to First National Bank, James Daw- . a . .f " . J sojamc;G.Burrco.; t , s Architect 1 aitd ' Builder, coldness of the extremities, Ac, ! geo. z. feench;. Chairman finance Committee. MISCELLANEOUS. V For Rent t 1 1 ang-20-tf City of Wilmington,' OFFICE, 'NORTH WATEB! STREET, next South of O. G. Parsley A Co.. f, t.,'t-v. " Will fnmish Diagrams' and make Specifica tions for,and contract for Bridges, Buildings, or other Frame-work. ' Charges moderate. ' .augza-im- ..,' :. ' T 1 , ij 1 '...' -Jr. K O S K O O I .-. ... ..-1 ' 'i V. . . .'.-.. . . Liverpool, Sept. 7 Afternoon. Cotton dull-Uplands 13Xd; Orleans 1 t" -II7R NIGHT REPOIITM. between Nunn and ;Church Streets." . For terms and conditions apply to ' C. W. OLDHAMj Executor. sep4-tf i?. 1 Cbarleston Harkei, CH1.XLS8T0N, Sept. 7. Cotton firm and In demand, but partially I ware rooms below and three above. declined K cent sales 120 bales middlings at For Rent; j T. Jt)nN8 SCHOOL-HOUSE WIDE BE 1 - renten for oro year from October 1. . - i The building is 30x60 feet, containing two rtra Mnmii hlnv in(l three above. ; The house is designed for a high and prima 32 cents. Froaa Rlelmw.' - : . t':TUcvMom Va4" 3epf 7. , Sam Collier, of, JS<lmot,' to-day accepted the challenge of Charles Doherty, of this city, for a prize fight to takaplaca In. Virginia. ' Several distinguished eitUens 6f Richmond will eo to Washington to attend Secretary Rawlins' funeral. . --. -- ; . tt. r . , . - . The insurance on the fire last night foots up it uhml nrMnbined. and suitable for a yooas ladies' school. havinRmusio and otter recita tion rooms. The Vestry will aid the school in every proper manner. . t Apply to ...... . S. L. FREMONT, au31-2w Chm'n Ex. Com. I City papers copy two weeks. . . For Rent, FRONT PART OF STORE corner Chest I no advantages of a tri-weeklv lino, nut and North Water street, now occu I D. G. WfNtTH, Agent, O. COICHESTER, Captalm.-. j.i." --w-wi.ir. I.T.1VC OfK WHARF.' BE- ' VV , wonn rvwlr anil Oranffe streets, for the above port, on. SUNDAY September; lStJtj :?Palronise Ilia Oldllnc ' vWnMiir ,I1D MTT"WT tV'fllJ W "positions and never taken advantage 6f and surely. The relief which it affords is both certain and perceptible,. s, ; 't,o:. a monopoly, anu rnoso .mica imvo.uvvii. ii... - r. f: t, ,;';:' . ; UiLMiLowtoanylj And PteteniasaieaJOL reigui- Tho only Line connectinsr with' eod to give through Bills of Ladin . 1. n Wl LMIWGTON ft MANCHESTER R.KTI T,riTrnflnvW a TlfUf TVAIT W I 1 t : A J ' ' wtmiSbtov CHARLOTTE DrllER I urinate more frequently than natural, or when the Urine la high colored or scalding with weak rXakTi h aTOX CHAKril5 ..'BU. sTrj L nesa in the small of tlia back, it honld not be trilled with or delayed, but Koakoo should be ta- , k tu T?ar I .icon at Ance to reuxodv the difBoultv. before a lesion of the orsrans takes Dlace. .. Most of the dis- tmZifThntiat Ttflortoor laaseaof theBladder originate from those of the Kidneys, the Urine being imperfectly secreted vr Tm " " " . I in the Kidneys proves irritating to the jiiaaaer ana urinary RftiUnff from New York everv - . medicine never reaches the JUdn TrricfiTv , f , , T ! see how necessary it is to keep the THURSDAY AND ' i : x i : . ' ' Saturday. At 4 P. M.; from Pier 15 East River, 'offering IA.-! J --V., ;..!.. : Is'a remedy ot wonderful efficacy in tho euro of the diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder." In these affections it is as near a specific as any remedy can be. It does its work kindly, silently, Persons unacquainted with the structure and functions of the' kidneys cannot estimate the nportonoeof their healthy actions. j . .J, . j,. ,is nn-j i..i .x.r.y'- rt i j . THE SCBSCBIBlSB TAKES PLaR. nre lir informing his friends and the pub lie generally, that he is prepared to do averr- -t , v. . i tninirin tne uAKajjsii's lme. tiavinif a sum. TJUNE QUEEN TEA. SUGARS OF VARIOUS I cient assistance, customers will not have to J? grades, Salmon, Mackerel, Smoked Her- i wait jto bo accommodated.- Sharp Jlazors nnd ring, Coffee of various grades, Pork, Bacon, I clean Towels are pur motto. ; , HeWjtods, at Np.: 4 :: SoiatiiWater Street. All for sale cheap for Cash by , .. , ... . J. . i -a. nA VNOHA sept -lw x CANNON A OLDHAM; - dec29-396 tf N p. 80. Front st- A,kw vunstt u laIXuhji. as aeliv. : ered at the New York Museum of Anato- - -ii':Ifts'':Bafim j'. . vti at.-. WTI MHMM.aM4- VMrva. ma I V- 1 A T I 'TTT XT V f'TlTIT I TDV. RTilDra.Cnir IDB Hni)flRU !-tinWTA I .lVfi BJMl or author larlty of bTw; ThTKidjieys remove from tho Blood those effete matterawhicb. If per- OLf ' : ' - ' - ru; -''' f yhattd LiveFpr ? Youth: Maturity and Old g-by either- - ta foxemain, would jspcedily destroy.lifei A total suspension of the urinary discharges I rt ff ROLLS FLAX-BAGGING ?X. . , : I Age t Manhood GeraUy Reviewed ; r.Tho 1 1 . 1 , . - iiii' e 4 . .ik . . 1 : .... j . . .. v . ... . . . ' 1 .MifMH in inuinsuun . rmaiRncH nviid raprvnna I L . " V." " TT . . O -( , . . . ;l CT.fr r WTinn TJrlne is voided in small auantities. at the time, or- when there is a cnsroosltloo to For sale bv ri J . : aug 52-tf Diseases accounted for: Marriare PhilosonhU -.'WILLIAMS A MURCHISON.; I ally COhsiaerediAe.! Tliess lectures will be 'passages.. en we recollect that medicine never reaches the Kidneys except through the general circulation of the Blood, we mountain ot me irure.' - r..- i. - ., Notice. 1. pied by Messrs. Cameron & Hill. . Possession SrSXSSS ?Ulk fit b giLWwooffes over same premises, lng In Virginia companies. j, . f ' - . I Anniv to 1 ' A telegram to the Dispatch Mrom Farmville Kvr ' " , V a annonnees the bnrningof the Presbyterian fe. J , aug 13th-tt. C4 J JAMBS HAND, Agent, 119 Watt street, NY J Wilmington, N. C, K 0 S K 0 0! July36-tf V male academy, with the furniture,1 library and other valuables. A IM! ."7 For Rent!: . :.,r ; THE. TWO STORY, DWELLING, WITH eight rooms, including basement',' oppo site the Journal uuuaing, princess street. 'ivk i;;'r,?iBia.8ept;- 7. - Uhe official journal to-day contradicts the Good orderand convenience to business make alarming-rumors respecting the Emperor's I this place very desirable. " i, . Xv : 1 liPftlth. RHvlntr thft Rmnoror tnttendu to hiB 1 . Aonlv tO - - . health, sayine "the Rmperor' attends to his . affairs daily, and has suffered 6 me from rheu 'm matism, but at no time has his condition been such as to cause the least anxiety. v - j . , js. 1. uUJtwjfi, or rm ! ' t 'v t CUONLYA MORRIS. sept 5-3t-5th-7thth s Lime! Lime! ! CARGO OF ' f - I -i : 1 . t .f Fresh Stone Lime' " just arrived, and ready for delivery at , redn- septet , .. .r,!G. WORTH, J Zimmerman & White, K 0 S "K 0 0!! XTOTICE IS H ERE BY GIVEN' THAT, ..IX within forty days front the date of this advertisement, application will be made to the Cape Fear Navigation Company, for i tbe reissue of Certificate No. 964, for 13 Bharea of the Stock ot said Company, the same having been, lost, . 1 M. A. K.RU8H, Meets with GREAT SUCCESS (as numbers ot certificates will show) In the lauga-aod1' -. '.oh . ... t. M B. PARKER. , 1 ' . ) jTA. RUSH. ! li i DISEASES OF THE ; NERVOUS - SYSTEM. ' Sale at ; AuctiSii, J.' S. HldBEE. Offers his extensive ' stock of Crockery, China1 and- izlasswarO' at Auo-j uon, Aionsay etn inst., ana continue till ail soia. -A'nis is proDaoiy tne most eit: ,.f . ' ' ' , - , ' " - ! ; - i ' . 1 i ' . i ' . 1 ' - ' ' i . ; j I mi T tJIrfV. CI ' UUCfCU .1 UVL1UI1 111 LUIS Almost nine-tenths of our people suffer from nervous exhaustion, and arc, therefore? liable to I City. X)ver ten thousand dollars worth of canoomitant evils of mental depression, confused ideas, softening of the brain, insanity, and valuable Housekeeping Goods will be sold in complete breaking down of the general health. Thousands are suffering to-day with broken- I lots to suit , " .! flown npi-rouSsvstema. and. nnfortunatelvi tobaccoaloohol. late hoars, over work, f mental a.nrl.J . R. .VawAMRTWOIc. . I I. A ! ,(" t.t... . :i..l-..'-j .'j--i ; i' t- ' w ' - ' I ' -' ... i i . i "ki. i AiOHOOlf, ocpu, . ; mHE DWELLING HOUSE ON 4th Between , Alexandria dispatches report the Egypt cot- X Walnut and Red Cross Streets, contain to a crop, in the Interior,; as excellent both in to?,eJroB S?)1??-, , . .,P 'finnlitv and nnantitv. : ... . Also, a Stable on the Lot. .... lf. ( From Spain. . " j .1:7 ,vjt. Clothing Store. Upholsterers & Paper Hangers, - Second, hetvobew Market and Dbtk Sit. ' '". -.1.1 '1 .1 i' . .. . l-.i " . J i I- I U TEEP CONSTANTLY 'ON'HA;ND FUKNt ture, Looklng-Glasses, ""Mattresses', 'a !,1nrge i.lvwv Wbll i Trtn' lnrt TtAhhlt-fngr nhvcdeall. are causine diseases of the nervous system to increase at a fearful ratio. The symptoms to which diseases of the nervous system give .rise, may be stated as follows A dull, neavy feeling in the head, sometimes more or less severe ' pain or headache1; Periodical Headache, Dizziness, Noises or ringing in the head J Confusion of Ideas t Temporary Loss of I Memory ; Dejection of Spirits; Starting during Sleep t Bad Dreams : Hesitation in Answering1 1 Questions j Dullness of hearing : Twitching of the Face and Arms, Ac., which, if not promptly i sept 5-tf Auctioneer. - -tf t treated lead to Paralysis; Delirium, Insanity,! Impotency; Apoplexy, &c, Ac. -ut j t.t,j t. ; :. , ..i o fJ r I II -Q I O IM -"ri'io i J'( tH . 'H T v. I. tttt : ..-..t r.'M 1 t Suffermsr reader, do not think 'that- oecause vott'' have' tried other remedies.' von rwnnnf. Jvn cured dui reooiio uai uou, iu ilia rroviueuua, imvnuiwjuneii tils cniiuren ,HTOS0N.&:CO;,:i ... ( , . .... iV;v, v Jrj ...4- rTTPKltTOR fill A T.TTV RTTTRT4 w w . ... i , .. ,!;-atiaa good at; ' wlth and 77 j rn TT1 . ; - ; -' i Materials, Window Shades and Other' articles disease without at the same time giving thern something.in the Great Garden of Nature, that I!i;.m w. r.-j,.i. '"'..' l The troops defeated thirtv Carllsts under I ll.' .VfttAB . ' i , I 'ttUitM near Geboa; Starts, escaped. TbU ,AKJ tW :?W .V 1 .TP2.?f T: -.S T Y xSSSthT ' P""--.T wworyoui .-..i MylJifl : 18 ' " J 1 rJVV';;,rt-::::'i;. 7 f ' T I cinbefoundathisgallerv.on Market-street onreasonable termsl-i-1'J hH ftO I &HI fT8 fH P 1$ I ? ? ' W"-" 3 -'- v:-. . . , Tr . ' . ' , i " ' !'?i-graf rJ:' I pV vtioW ; -. - j , FALL Aim TOTEEHMPOHTATIOH: lirt; ' fY.1 ) Irtcrn1 n' t,J if ' f?i i torv.of 4Annn .TkMuuniMMniM a..,I.i- , 1.1 .. -r:J.".l '-.'Ail'!.-::.'- ..a.W.v4. f w X.. A o4l . I ....... .,, . w ' .. . Ti-, ? '.. i i . . .. -v ... : l:""i hi' ji'iiAi n.i i mi Mir.ir. lested. i, ,Thfrpassenger$were v: : -. I-.'.-. f a From Philadelphia. k ; , Philadelphia, Sept. 7. ! "A;te!errftm from ;Scrantoh says 'the only hope of the safety ot the twd ' hundred men In 'i . Avondale mine lies la the probability that in ey may have that themselves up in a remote part of the mine, away from the shaft.' ' Those who ,uuiccnueaiue saaii vx rescue tacm perished inn NESTS OPEN AND ' COT RED XvJLF Baskets, T joa dozen a and 3 iioop mimed Buckets, , so dosenJFlrasr Bound Cedar Palls? - - i 2? r lb W&)0i ( I from foul air. ' ( -i ; v! : " ' ' i I, i' 60 dosen Coeoa Dippers, io uozen nrooTos, B0 dozen Bod Cords,. i MYERS. I 11 A 13 Front street. . 'r Baltimore Harbflts. r ' i Baltixorb, Sept 7.' . . FFA ?' ERS, Ag;t,( Cotton quiet at 84 cents. Elonr quleti- r. ; uii,i urmer prime to choice red 11 atHtn -r a j- '- l 00. Corn firm at SL IMltx 20 P,ir nIr hAI vl l J. t,j Bacon fihouldsrsiex cents. Whiskev il 1?. The examination Konw commenced ,ioner Morrill rrom oear;.1.1 v a ! Extra Heavy Bafrtrinsr. ' ' ' Macoh." Ront' 1 lr v- - --.wV. , n , , Of ths -Cuban rscrnltlno- l"1 CtDnrlnrH : If O Ffl f M : . . to-day before U.S. Com-i'- J j- '...ati ... .i. t ? : ! Millinery nnd Straw Goods. : H.tr-ri it, ill -nff. f C 'if"- Ail -t Vi AU51ST110XG, CAtOU X: CO. - . .3i"i !: ' 1 , - Baltimore. TMPORTERS AND JOBBERS F BONNET I ana 1 rimming fiibbons velvet and Sash liibbOBs: Bonnet Silks. Satins and Velvets: II lusions, Blonds, Ijtoes, Ruches, Netts and Cranes t French Flowers and Feathers i Straur Bonnets and Ladles' Hats, Trimmed and Ua- trimmea ; mik, v eivet ana eit uonnets ana uats, Bunaowns ana Shaker lioodsj .j t.?. l he largest.Stock of Millinery Goods' in this Conntrv. and unea nailed , in choloo varietv. which we offer at prices that will .'defy com- 'i , Li'"'' fT' -i it tt Is sot a secret quack remedy. ; FORMULA around each, Physicians, eminent Divines, Editors, ii lli, rtll i : li ' MUNSON A CO.. '". , 38 Market Street.! Sewing Machine; , . ; 4 i,r. "i.j . I ! I . .7 ? jack bottle.-, Recommended tie best tfn 1 nVirl 'TTantrrnl 1 , Druggists, Merchants, Ac ;.. ... t XI U , X. .clXLU -AiablLeACl. ., . ' h ' ':'.I'w'Hj. v'.-.'! 'iriltHt:r-:-!' 1 r. .'!' .1,". M I The" Best ' and . nost; Popular iHeuTpine ia. Use: TT: HALF jBBIAO.M'ACkWrEL, . I ' Wl : I i'f,',rrVsi. . t 'v .. ' t ; . 1 .-'"-.vilii-i'H it'.'JifTijii.ftJ til . 1 1 1 mackerel, ' ..t !,.-t'. --vi - ! " Tf.f tit .. , . , r t ; ,"r" r ai GEO. MYERS'. 1 ii..il.. .:i-t !!' ' ,-. . 7 .'ill., ! fr...'. -..,' OlJlfl,' -Cl -niti.M'o I V ' "'' JL'-''1"' A ... , ' . . .- ... - I At ORG AWiq CnEOTST, .i ,.-t;r: PREPAHKD ONT.T TIT " Ar '..ll )',.-)- til .il,t..UJ .O J.W' J i'l v . t i Xi ll nn a- ;rj' ix.: .., KiAMij 11,; ,.., n . t : r1- 4V..ll.'4i-U. 1 11 and 14 TTtvr ofwwkfr f. ., Sk 4VUV DUVS . ;r Laboratory . and; Office Ho. ;6-Uain i Street Fall Style- Silk Hats. -aug24-3w i' jh .r v. ,-" ni I't'-ni , --...el jr.urnii, tno United States DUtHrt !..-.-.;. t-'.-.i-,-" - , ' donc' attorney Fitch Fitch fos the 1 ' f ' . ' r7 l - '" ' - , ' t3S2.Z. ntarwt 1. felt in the r, it . ' ""V - r . ' crnlu:-"' 7 Pts of the-youngeV, rj: ' . A)Li& Li OKI OLK. .VTRnTTIT AT 5J-'.-' ," J r,: .isi . r.S V-j-V J" '. '' r ",n.r'v'y" iJP- ; rpTAFE ONE MADE XttFIT YOU BYLKAV. TJriJi 11 i -t wTMr? IlrJ W TUlTT AT) ,TT7T TnmmTTi, XJ UJJ.LLllll' ASSUUlilLlUIl. 1 .J .V1.-".- VTJLlAi uvrif nj. ' - ' - v . i - - - n , )i',:,i ii. ;.ij. .i.;!.,. ' '.' . 7T respect tc .ta Sfl-,?rrw ot of of War. ,,. ieBaorI Of the 1st SecreUrv ,us it,-' .i... Secretary -aHoooivott, . ., ,DHQSSTjfcCO. '.7tU-.lI l' ,'j i I Inff vMir imnrmilnn fmn . 4ba . I mnitit - linn. mHE COLORKD CtTT7KVS fll WTTAfrva. 4 - .ir,OJ. -rY? ; " ... . . . . " ''. - r - t - '.J??.. the organization-ofa. oralynEr. WILLIS , Uim In -Inn "V ' -V;:. TtMm.itii f.-; ' ' 'K' 4 " --.-!--. -i uuuuini asiwwauon sre requesiea xo meet.i j ( ,.r. i v - v; . ; i .'ir r i u- .1 . - ' ., lurmntncrat :.-; , -r : ;;:.i-i if r.a.?ir.; .. .Artti.''. ! ' :: tt;--t : -i Everywhere. ' r, i ' ,r "' ! - gTOwsTS- rjSMwSJ aox.caube re health y -i AJN UJiittSUJN ,. . , liic , i,'fi );?fi n. .! ioC' Jy-29.6w i .fnc.rj i'ii;!fj t.(ij ni oi.: -.33;::'".!q j scptT'tf ; s i 'i.'vuiirf fjii. y.,i'.( ' forwacded on receipt of four stamps b Ml dressing : Se'V BAX-rixOaa Mmonriic o ; . 74 West Baltimore Street. Baltimore. Md may. frodiy ; i . y -a a . f u t'n.iu ; .. i - - OUT, THE LOUISIANA EQUITABLE iuiFR TTiQiiTQTino TlnTYirioriTy , . AMM UA IAIAVV M WUA MiUl V ( O F tiN EW; 3'.rp R LE A lis." THI8 IS ONE OF' tatS 'rVKBlfl BESTIcOM panles in the country. - It has tire endorse, mentof. Bishop WHoaer, Gens.. 3eaur gard. Hood. Harry Hays and tho leading. .men of New.0rleans.-6en. Beauragard says : J i 1 ( " Its Officers and Directors have been selec ted from our most reliable, and! Intelligent citizens." -J " ' -i instead Of aenmncain-OlY) (MO annnalhr Knrl our cltlzena Can And better Companies a home,. ' - t t "' rii- .. f..'.t -.'"..JOSEPH Ktt.tfcn-sn.1 rwtf ". i -r . Sept 5-11 f-J1 .)J iTKl.'X ,Vli 1 (1 -.l-.lii-f J Ml "ill - T Salty Salts'''"! ';t( n't 6,000 S Af! KV L I V B-Kf'oO L ti i.sil.. v-i c 1 1 . i . ' , i ; I i-i f f r i 1 1 r" Mil I j sntj,ii.i,vfj niKiii, i ttlrfV l'Ji IN STORE . . .,.rr . . , f .. '1! ! tjJ:,Mf.l! .'t Mill . . . A AD - . " li - .ii.ila'lUI'.i iv liii .Vd J f IMS o,i ifi-, i;i': -ll -iji; .i(1 Ji-.nt Wl"TnTl T . o-t a ' tT Tcr :: rrA ititttti n jjijij.i.o si ajajo t lUiniiiEi VSfii Vf4T.,:,i'0'i'jtrilJ.Vj)'ltJ iilisiUii. ! ." : o:ialiow,by Vltava 'i:v-i'i 1TTT T T i Vffl ik. lfrtTrYTtonT f UK ti Pictat-LiSfe'Iiiraiice .taMj ; till,"! ia.THJWSO'a IlSTTKAXCS RSO0M&,. J 7 Princess street, between ; j:Ji1 .1?, i t w front and, Water streets. rf IFH INSURANCE h9 KOTAKtXrSiK JLj but an accommodation, it Is lying nslde a small sum annually for:ortala pixvhkln against future want. .-It combines the advan tages of a Savings Bank and profitable Invest ment, with this advantage over both ordin arily : that should you die tbe next hour after obtaing. yons - Policy, vsoa WMoh tnay have made only .one payment, yet you will have .'secureu i yom estate, a large . I ana ; tuiid which will beyond all question, come to the ;reliof. of your family, "i'iv nff u -.-'i i ; In the piettmont Life Insurance Company insurers wlU flad the most advantageous plan derived from past experience -that can be Offered. . .,."t iitiiii: it.- The Directors are gentlemen of the highest .cbaracterand business stand ipg.whosenamcs are a sufficient guarantee of Judicious man. agement of the Company's affairs, and of the prompt dlsobarf e of every oblis-ation? ' J OHN WILDER ATKJN $ON. , , , . augl.tf General Insuranoer Agent, '