;'- PUBLISHED DAILY, 1 -Vv ' WM. Hi BERWABD, Editor and Prop'r, OfTio,IftWon Bank BuildittKft, front. St . rM rear, in advance.. ..................... .7 00 six months, in advance.-......... S 60; Three months, maavanp......t.. ......... x oo Ono month, in. advaaeev ...... ; 75 The Moawrwa Stab' -will bo delivered in any part Of the City at ftrriwt Cnrrs per week. lttST Ot'FICE MIRECTORY. 7. . , .1. J - - . .. ... ' ' NIILI OlOIK. m. , it hern through A war mall 6:0 A. M. 1 WWly; Northern through .maif 7:00 P. M. ..,( i,orn JNIu.ll ......8:00 . . 44 1.1... ,, , Q-A l XI d-rvs, Wednesdays ana rrmava. L-.lv0'tteville ria Warsaw,. A. M. Daily; 'i-xrent Sunday. . Muill-.villo ri't Steam, 1:30 p. M.,thrvo times a week. - . . ; . - a a a i v a a t to a. - . ... ulll'V W 1 Wfe 1 . i anil li.. o." i hree times a weu-k v,.vi'ttevill,,"w l al-i dally, except Sunday. iitiville, l:-w m. Jtareeumesa week, n ! ten from 7:00 A". M. to 6:30 P. M. -ihHV. " , :O0trt fl:O0A. M. Ul , ED. U. BRINK, P.M. WILMINGTON ft MANCHESTER R; ROAD Receiver Geo. G. Hull. Director John Dawson, Henry Nutt, U. G. Parsley, A. J. DoRosset, . t. 8. Cowan, Geo. J. v. JlcCall, J. L. Bartlett, James G. Burr. Kicli sn Bi-adleyf J. Kli Gregg. . . Jmerat Superintendents William MacRae. Sirretary mtd Treasurer Win, A. Walker-' Umeral Freight Ticket Agent 3 no. V. r Jitta. Freight Agent, Wilmington T. II. UpplU- WILMINGTON. CHARLOTTE 'AND RUTH , ERFORD RAILROAD. r t ireidcnWm. Sloan. " rtmi Director onpart o6tocdA. R. Homo ly, B U Sumner, H W Gulon, W L bteele, U II Cowan and 8 J Person. ' ' w . (n the nart of the Suite John L Brown, W A RraitnrJShBAydlett, SPSherrlll, Jas Mc Donald and Joseph 8 Cannon. . Chief Engineer and Superintendent R S Gulon. 7Vorr-iim DiviaionCal vln f wlod. Treasurer Western Division A McBeo. WTl.MIXOTOX 4 WKLDON4 KAI :. '' 'A p'rertih-sonlheixtrt" tti':tote-J, 9. Cannon, C. II. BroiiKcn ami l. v. .jh. .... Chief Kivjincer and Vi.---( i-temueiuUi S. I., rretnonl. Uiistsr J Tiutnnn Uitt'Htv n. M. a. Srereturmii'ii 'rf-wrtr J. W .1 Iwmim' " .! r ( .H-iMnfri John i" Do vine. ,...,?...;. i.. uuiii.-v. THE CITX np-The M'AK 1st UcIivceU to nb JU aerlbr.i In nil parts of tbe City it FirTEEX C'KXTS per week, payable .nly (o .Mr. J.IS. il.roYLES. Ortlcru maybe leii cimerni.il niiu ruio TO I'KISTJtKS AND PUBLISHEIIS. We have Jnst received a jeneral .assortment ol lilack Printiuj; Inks, manafactured at C. . iiobinson's Gray's Ferry Prlutiiirf Iuk Works. Wu liu'vu now ou hund Book, News, Job .and Card Inks, at prices varying from 25 ceuta to 2 pur pound. Book, Job uud Card Inks in packages of one, two, five and ten pounds News Inks iu packages of ten, twenty-live aud tifly pounds. We sell these superior Inks nt manufacturers' net cash prices, charging noth ing for freight from Philadelphia to Wilminjc tou. Printers and publishers In this sectiou will thus see that they can buy,theui from us cheaper than they can buy them at the inanu luctory. Give us an order. Terms, cash. We can also furnish, on short notice, News Inks, in packages of not less than 100 pounds, 'JO cents. Except for daily newspapers, how ever, weever advise the use of ink costing less than 25 cents. THE CIRCULATION OF THE 2I0RN ISO STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. Eliza Finch, charged with diorderly conduct, was summoned to ap pear before Judge Cantwell's Court, yes terday, but failed to do eo. , ATe learn that the Median- ici aid and Protective Association lve rented Hibernian Hall lor ill- ensuing year. - ' Sent to the Hospital. -A color ed woman, by the name of Hosanna Btt cliannn, obtained permission yesterday, from the Marshal, and ' fras ' sent ' to the City Hospital. - ' Removal. Our quandam neigh bor, R. J. Jones, Esq., has removed his office to the place recently occupied by Mr. Mursdin Bellamy on Markef between' Sec ond and Third streets'. Messrs. Brock & Webb have new lamps with revolving . lights in front of their saloon on Front-streets which make quite a beautiful display at night. v Did not Appear. There were only two unimportant cases on the, city docket yestcrdny,"and as the parties did not mike their appearance, - Judge Cant well adjourned his conrt without transact ing any business. News Ink. We acknowledge the receipt of a keg ot Robinson's News Ink, from W. II. Bernard, Agr,. Wilmington N, C. It has proven the best ink used in our office for some tinTe, and we take plea snre in commending it to the crnft. ! Price 25 cents per pound. " Baptist State Convention. The Baptist StatcCoftvention of N. C.y will hold its thirty ivyitb session with the church in Newborn, corrrmencing on Wed- nesday, the lOthof NovembCTv1889. The Rev.rJ. C. Hiden, Of this city, wirK'preach the Missionary sermon on that occasion. "Music Hath ' Charms Some times. Citizens residing in the vincinity f Mulberry, between" Eighth and Ninth streets, we are informed were unwilling listeners, Wednesday night, to strains' of vocal music proceeding from the throats f a number of nymph du jwve, who have their quarters near that locality. The songs were sung in a very loud key, were 1 the most obscenecharacter: and could only come from a source " lost entirely ; to all reelings of shame or the most common decency. ' -,.?::'? Such a nuisance as this should never be allowed in' the midst of a quiet,"5 Vespecta- v, thorn Through Mail B:00 A. M. Daily..! -J. t hem Through and Way MaU, 7:30 P. M. ill v except Sunday delivered at8:00 P. M. Jr,iii.;v window. - V uiirtlnf A. U. Vl!ikkuicn, Geo. llun is, M ?ufi .;, i ,'.,t,. and John Kvei et l , oi Goldshoro . Vol. VrrrNo. 2. ble neighborhood,1 andTfomc mtasurts should be taken for their speedy: reiiiovai to quarters" more' suitccltrt them, ' and where ey can indulggio theif niidpight orgies without p!e. .. ' disturlxtng decent peos ; PjROBAVEa Court. Twenty-five deeds were admitted to , probate, , yester day, by the Judge of'the Probate ' Court. The business of this Court seems to suffer no dimjnution, but rather increases, twen ty-five being the largest number of deeds that have yet .been probated on any one day.-,- " , . Too Fast for llisiWe under stand that Mr.n-aiel . O'Connor, of this city, w so unfortunato as to loose a 6hcek calling for $200, on Thursday night last, and that the person who found it pre sented it at the Banking House, of, Mr. James Dawson, yesterday morning, and had it cashed, before Mr. O'Connor could .' get an opportunity to stop the payment. r Beat his Wife. Complaint was entered lcfore Judge Cantwell, Wednes day, that John Rooney had cndevred to increase his wife's affection for him by giving her a beating. The parties w re summoned to appear before the Special Court yesterday morning, bulfncitber the husband, nor hi .wife'- (who. lojjged the complaint), obeyed the summons. - v Needs Attention' At the cross ing on the corner of Front and Dock street?, West side, is an uly place which requires notice from file authorities at ance. Our attention tora's called to it twice iu the course of five minutes, yester day, and one gentleman informed us that a lady came very near getting a fall thetc the night previous, which might Ulave proved serious. Academy of ocr Lady of Mercx. Such is the title of the school or con vent which the Sisters of Mercy propose to open in. this city on the 11th of Octo. ber proximo. The sctiool will be located on Fifth, between Orange and Ann streets. The course of instruction will embrace all the branches required fur young ladies. See their advertisement in an other column of this paper. Ex-Gov. Vance. The mere in timation that Ex-Gov. Vance is expected here soon for the 'purpose of deliveriog a lecture in aid of the monument fund, will be received joyous acclamations by near ly all of our citizens. Old Zeb " is a power in this State, and can beat John Robinson's great circug in drawing a large audience. We hope be wiil not fail to come, as a speech from him. in his pecu liar style of oratory, would do us all good, besides aiding largely in thu good cause in which h;s serticej a.e sought to be en listed. Unsophisticated. TheNewbern Times says: "They rent stores at auction in the neighboring village of Wilmington. We regret to learn that 'liuVuicss; i such that stores are bliged to bt disposed of in this way." As soon as as you get "far enough advanced" to have stores to rent, yon Will find that the earliest and" best way to dispose of them. At present-you are not expected to know anything about it. That's the way they do business in .all large-cities! Understand you are going to hnve a - market house, flow's that, Sterns? ' Will Mbkt To-NionT. The members ot Building Association No. 3 are expected to meet at the Freedmen's . -9 Savings Bank on Dock, batween Eoht and South water streets, this evening, at 7J o'clock, to effect a permanent organiza tion. We hope the colored people, espe cially, will not let this opportunity pass by for securing themselves comfortable I homes on such easy terms, but come out in their strength this evening, establish this Association on a permanent tooting and go to work In earnest. - To delay it any longer and procrastinate, will only tend totheultimateand speedy abandons ment of, the''' enterprise, wjiich .leave, theih.no chance of shraring in the.s bene fits which are accruing tO. tlie laboring jnen from these Associations in this city and elsewhere: Go to the meeting. ' T 11 isQap E FK4K B 0 I LD IN o C O M P A N Y A NbwEnTERPBISE. It is the luty of a public Journal ist to keep the people posted in regard to- all the improvements - inaugurated which are calculated to promote vthe prosperity and growth of his immediate section; but, aside from this, it affords us a real pleas ure to note the different enterprises which are or may be put on foot : tending to de velop our. latent resources and launch our people, forth on a career of prosperity and greatqes8.: la this connection, we pro poseVto give our readers an insight into the lMentioa and probable working of tlie Cap4 Fear Building Company, lately formedin this city. This company are now prepared to take' contract? for the erection of houses, buildings'i&c. In factf :e leAijLthat they have already ?ixecuted contracts forscveral hojUses.;j . ru"'":, ,! The- company are now '.buildings shops at Ablrottsburg, in, Bladen county, which are to be on hundred and twentv five feet in length and forty feet in width,' seventy- five feet in the tength pf which will be twoj ' , ' . " ' ' ' l ., ' .. " I ' ' .... ......... . ' ; , ' " " 1 ' " " ' . , A-i i , i I if f WILHINGT0 ? torilug?, ; Theyha've also ordered tCok wilr .put iujiythip building about 910,000 iworth of macLiery The ifwltole '5will b''omp1eted;-vao;'in operation in abou.five weeks, ihej"'11' l)en saw tue lumber and timber; frame the hpuso and do mbst' of tne work,' by machinery,' at the company's works, send it tf Wilming ton, Chariot t e, Weldon, or iqtermediate: pffints, and rpqt 'up, aid" complete the Cfiiiding in a teryhorthneTh Fro" 'pose to erect theie, plaster and paint the same, nd Wnild tbe fenc; sO that the wluJe- thing 'is perfect "and complete wnen ' they get through with it. : la addition to the alove, . they will ' be prepared to offer inducements "In the course of' a few"wfeeks tliat Will compare very favorably in point of economy with; the differeut building- associations. That is, they propose io build a . house aud let the owner pay ?5 or SO'per .ce'nt.' cash for the same, and hu allowed ; mio ' and ' two years in which " to ' pay tne.A balance, at k-galraieof interest they to take -the same security that the . building associa tions propose to take, making a saving on the cof t of a IS.OOO'Tioiise of over G0O at the end of three, years. ; The.v gentlemen connected with this new scheme are all Northern men, and evince an amount of public spirit ''and enterprise which some of our own .men of means would do well to emulate. l1 tITsImbT Fa i l . North Carolina in a Nutshell. Rubbers broke into a tailor shop in Charlotte a few nights since und suited theniselv. . Mr. Charles Graham, formerly ol Newbem, but more recently of New York, died in the latter city on Tuesday," The Journal says his remains " will lie taken to Newbern for interment. Newbern is going to have a marble yard. A new thing- there. Oysters are a rarit- in New bern. So says t he Times. "The Prettiest girl iu New bern" can't ho found. The letter address ed to her still remains in the P. Saddle And bridle o. thieves have gone systematically at work in Tar boro ; u number of stables have been broke open recently . and all the above articles that could be found were taken away, the Southerner thinks they will commence on the horses and mules next. -The Fayetteville Presbyterian was reliably informed a few - days since tfiat Mr. 'John H. Dalrymple. living near Jonesboro', on the Western Railroad, last year . raised eight hundred and fifty bushels of sweet potatoes from one acre of land, and that this year he expects to raise eight hundred. The. engineer COrpS engaged . m 1 ? 0rOr-iar tl, Hn f tl. Wnlm. Til vj .-0 . , I mail from tlie Coalfields to Salisbury com- nlto tl.A.irrPv t.n tht nlaofi vr.trflav- r''"1 wj 7, r - j- j 1 Koskoo. the great Licer Invigorator, Blood Purijur,and Apreparcd by Ur. J. J. Lawrence, tne ceieoraieu .jruy sician and Chemist, is a safe, pleasast, and reliable remcdv, for the preven tion and ccke of all diseases caused by a Torpid liver, -Impure Blood, Disor, R3 of the idneyjS or Debility of the Nervous System. It Regulates the secretions, eradiacte all nfJMORS or Taints, restores lt or' wasted nervous power, and at the same time builds up and impart tone ana vigor to the whole system. ..... , T , F in ale Diseases. Large numbers of -.women in fact almost nme-tentus 01 tne mm e.i. tuuer some disease peculiar to females. ' i. UwEiNci's Woman's . Fbimd meets with wonderful success-in enrinir them. This fact should be widelv known. If every lady in the United States were to take, one or two bottles of Hie WojTan's Fbibnd,' they would be repaid by a renew! .of health and strenath. - - it is a sate anu rename remedy, auu is en- aoi-sea oy tue oest puysioians. , . . au 8-eoiti - " Rosadalls! It is a source of satisfaction to the Propi ic- lr.r t.n announce that this truly valuable medicine has so won the public favor by its intrinsic merit, tnat tneir preaictionB 01 11s anncess wherever introduced, are lully veri fied. Procure from your Druggist a Rosadal- ls Almanac tor ihb. ineorporaieti in is win be found a few'of t he hundreds of Certificates in nosfcession of the Proprietors, from persons whose characters lor veracity are unimpeacb n.bi. Thev are bona fide, and are irr all re spects the opinions of those by whom they" are given $ are not manuiactureu iur tuo pur nose of deceiving a credulous public, but are Krateful acknowiedirments of benefits deriv ed from a medicine which in many resirocts, and for many diseases, is superior to any ever aiscovereu. Latest bv Telegraph Thousands of men. women and Children have been cured of Diarrhea. Dysentery. Chol era Morbus, Colic, &c.by Dr; R. H. Worthing ton's celebrated .NortlrCarolina Remedy, the ONLY Known specific ior an paimui iiowei ai- 1 "x j lections. Ask for Dr. Worthinstons Dlarrhewl u ustured by ourselves. ; and Cholera Medicine keep it in yon house never travel without it it may . -ave your life. - Prieo 25. and 50 cents per bottle For sale in Wilmington by J. W. Lippitt ft Co; James T. Wiggins, Wholesale Propriete- 4. At.vuvi.iv.iviM im NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . ; , . , -. -.. If,., . i- Ueinsbergeb's Live Book- Store. Jper, Stationery,-&c. . I Sisters or Mbbct Openlng-of an Acade- my. : v. ' y . : ' '' ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAPER-PAPER! T3ECEIVED, AN ASSORTMENT of PAPER A-li consisting' of DOUBLE CAP, ' V ' ' ' ' ' FOLIO POST;' ' " " T4 ... x BILL CAP ; ; ... '' : , , FOOLSCAP LETTER ; SERMON NOTE r. r & BALLET PAPER. v For sale at ' : IIEINSBERGE R'S , -;-i , i -. Live Book Store. sept 24-tf FRIDAY MORNniG. pPTmBER 24, 1869. ; : rNEW ; A15V ERTJSEMEFT3. . ACABM:0F BUR; LADT OF MERCYj , f?AJjJUlJtLrIUi UllXy W.-U. ----- - THE SISTERS OP MERCY WILL RECEIVE on .the 11th of "October, rat thi present on- vent, tltnate on Filth street, between Orange and Ann, a limited nnmbir of Pupils, to whom thoy proi3s to Imjiart a useful imt accom plished education. The course of instruction -will etahrace .all the branches required for young ladles. . : . . -; Terms asfWIows: . ' V . . , -'r' , ' ' HI, QtJAJBTIE. ,'VJ , x-Dgnsu. course Primary class,' 8- tlunlor, Intermediate aad Senior -Classes, 15 Foreigm Languages, each, ' - : , 10 Crayon Drawing and Painting in Water JOKrS, . s : . .. . . io Oil and Pastil Painting, - r - , ; 4 12 Kmbrotdery, " - ' - ...... ;- '- ie Music at Professors' Charges. K B Up to the 6tn of October applications for admission will be received at-St. Thomas' Chnrchj or by the Sisters, at the residence of Mr. G. W. Rose, corner ixth and Walnut streets ?. :r- .-. .- . ept 21 ,S . . - 2-1 w MISGELliiVNEOUS. jjJO PRINTERS' AJfI PUBLISHERS. " A Very Rare Chance ! A PROPOSAL WILL BE RECEIVED until lxt November next, for the pnrchase of the POWER PRESS upon which She " North Carolinian" was printed, bnt which for some time vast tinir been, in disuse. The Press is in excellent order, --nearly if not quite a. goou as new, ana m tne nanor an experi onoed pressman does superior work. Size of bed x inches. Possession given immedi ately. If not disposed of by date above spe- cineu, tne pronositiou 10 sen win terminate. Pbick and Tkums : $000, one-half in cash, the remainder at six months. Apply to r C. S. McDANIEL, - - Plaindealer Ofllce. C.', Sept. 21 -3 15-6t Wilson, N Pietooiit ant Arlinitoii Lite Insurance ' COMPANY? THE TWO LEADING Life Insurance Com panies South of Mason and Dixon's Line have combined-under the above name, and with the lessened expenses and increased fa cilities thua secured, ' propose to aggregate and add to the large business heretofore on- loved bv the Companies respectively. Re- newals-of old policies will be in the name of the new association, and the rates, loans and rignts or an remain intact as in tne origini do! icv lsaued bv either Comoanv. These Companies, now united for business. mainly in the Southern country, "have sepa rately tanen tne leau or any ever ociore or ganized in the same period. . They have selected their risks with unusual care: their expenses have been small, and under the present arrangement will be pro portionally smaller; tney nave always pam their losses with the greatest promptness and without tiTiGATiox. They have invested prudently their permanent investments be- b-red real estate. nrttltn ln.m. nt nttnl . U . . .. (Ml.AOtn1 . with Officers and a Directory composed of .. .IjW L(.l 14.1 OUlOl w in . VO VI. . t he lead in: ; gentlemen, socially and financi- H.1 1 v- i 11 lhftStaf.fi of Virfifinia Judgment, no Life insurance Company on this continent offering inducemants equal to the tnere is, in my I'lBOHOWTW ARLIHGTOir. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, General Agent, Insurance Rooms, Princess St., Retwcen Front and Water Sts., sept 23 159-tf 8TAJE OY NORTU CAROLINA, Niw Hahovkr County. Superior Court. James Dawson, Plaintiff, Abraham Weill. Defendant. In this action the plaintiff claims lutlgruiont against the Defendant for five hundred dol- lara, with interest from the 13th day of Sep tember 1SU9, upon a ltill of Exchange drawn uy Aoranam Weill ami Jtosentnai, Mer chants and partners, trad in? under the name jrahi uuailliil miu I ' and style of A Weil Co., in the city of Wil- TOln.g"n. Pon . . eul -. ?' "l fnilaueipnia, in tne tnte 01 Pennsylvania, navable to the plaintiff five days Mter siirht. The warrant of attaehnientls returnable be- fore the Clerk of the superior court or eir Hanover County, at his office in tne court House in Wilmington on the 3d dav of No vember 1869, at which time and place the de fendant is required to appear and answer the Xs7X. n. A. EMPIE. . Plaintiff's Attorney, sept 15-lawiiw-Wed. sept 23 lawGw Situation . Wanted, as Teacher; : A- LADY WHO HAS HAD SEVERAL years XjL "xperience, wlsucs a situation as xeacu- er. lteierences exenamjeu. Address,-. 1 Bli-ts H. E.T , Fayetteville, N. C. sept 5-law-aw-nac Mount Hope Nurseries, ROCHESTER. JT. Y. w (Established 1810.) ENTLEMEN improving their grounds, IT OaCHABDISTS. LAHOSCAPB GAROSNKBS, NuRSSBWBif and DcAtaifi in Trees, will find nnrdtnnk of Fruit and Ornamental Trees the in.rsrfst. and the collection the most extensive ana complete in nie u. o. p - . . . . . - .T - . All orders, large or smau, win receive nrom'tt and careful attention. 1'ackinsr for ' distant points performed in the fSost skillful ana tnorougn manner. m&n parcels sent bv msn wnen so oesireu Descriptive and Illustrated priced Catalog- nes, se it prepaia on receipt ot stamps, as 101- lAVH ! ' ' . No. 1. Fruits. 10 cents. No. 2. Ornamental Trees, 10ar No. 8. Green-house, 5c. No. 4. wnoicsaie, fbbb. . Aauress, r. . ELLW-ANGER ft BAftRY, - . Rochester. N. Y. sept 14-law2w-Wed. .-.; ' TTTE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON II AND a completo assortment ot READY-MADE CLOTHXNQ AND GENTLE- MEWS FURNJSHJNO GOODS. All of the very latest atyle aiA finish, as man- . I ALSO- -a LARGE 'STpcn OF ' FELT AND WOOL HATS AND CAPS. Our stock of . : . DRY AND FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND BLANKETS, . . .-; Ve have nohesitationn'saying, is the largest best seiectea, ana most complete in tne state. We would also particularly call tne atten tion of the publla to our large stock of :-:', BOOTS AND SHOES. ; Over five hundred cases, all direct from the Manufacturers, consisting of. MlOTa'S SEWED AND PEGGED HOOTS. CALF AND LEATHER GAITERS, BALMO I RALS, OXFORD TIES and BROGANS. LADIES ALF, MOROCCO, GOAT and LEA- THER, SEWED and PEGGED SHOES Ad CLOTH GAITERS. ;"" MISSES'. CHILDREN'S. INFANTS' AND All of the above we sell at reduced prices, and to WHOLESALE BUYERS we offer goods on tbe most accommodating terms. SOL. BEAR ft BROS ,' i- 18 Market street. ' tkVM-o- W y, I 'p. Wilmington, N. C. WEST POINT CADET G R E Y ! By the yard, at QNLYiOO; .hi BUTT ON A T : COST Ofher Trimmiugs Low. MUNSON ft CO., City Clothiers. sept23-tfj Brown's-Cotton Gins,Q Iftgersoll's C 0 1 1 o n Presses,) For sale by DA WSON.'TEEL ft HENNING. .--; - .- Wilmington, N. C. aug27-3m.Flm Tues-ThursSat. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, J For nil tbe Purposes or A laxative Me- T , .! icine.is so universally required by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so uni versally adoptednnio "use, in every country and among all classes, as this paUd but effl. ' cient purgative PHI. ' The obvious reason is, fctliat it is a more rrJ ta ble und far more effec tual tomedv than m other. Those who have fecied it, know tuax ft cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what It does once it does always that it never fall through any fault or 110 Klect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remar kable cures of tbe following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates ; containing -neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by any body. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no barm can arise from their nse in any quantity They operate by their powerful influence en the internal visci a to purify the blood and stimulate if Into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correct ing, wherever they exist, sucli derangements as earthe first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, wiitcn tnese mis rapuiiy cure: For Dyspepsia or ' Indigestion. List lessness, Languor and Loss of Appe tite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, Billons JIcdehe, Sick II end ache, Jaundice or Oreen fiieltness, . Bil lons Colic and Billons Fevers, they should be Judiciously taken -for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove . the obstruc tions which cause it. For DYSJSNTEJiror DlARRHCEA. but ono naffld dose is generally required. ;:: For RHEUM A 'VI iM, UO UT, GRAVEL, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAIN in the SIDE. .BACK" and LOINS, they should be con tinuously taken, as required, to change tbe dUeasec 3d action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELL- JQVG'Sthey should lie taken in larne and fre quent uoses to proauce tue enect 01 a arastic purge. t or aui'i'MJiZKUUN a larce oose suouia ne taken as it pi-oduces the desired effect by sympatny. 1 as a Dinner nil, tace ono or. two mis to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional nose stimulates tue stomach and lKiwels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the syctem. Hence it is advantageous where no serious derange ment exists. One who feels tolerably well, of ten finds that a dose of these Pills makes him feci decidedly better, from their cleans ing ami renovating euect on tne aigestive ap paratus. . Dr. J. C. AYEB A CO., ,' Vr ' ' Practical Chemists. ' Lowell, Mnss.. TJ. S. A. Sold by E. Willis. J; W Lipnitt ft Co.. H. Mc- Lin and J. A. Me banc, Wilmington,- and all Drut; irists and Dealers everywhere. augM-Sftrtfiecia f M. CR0NLY, Auctioneer. By t'ROX'LY A MORRIS. ' Executors Sale. REAL "ESTATE, STftCKS,1 &c. ; k- - - - ' On WEDNESDAY. November Wtb.18C9. at 10 o'clock A. M we will sell at Exchange uorncr, in tins city, mat vaiuaoie anu tiesira-. Die. --- - . . . ?:. noon Wvst 'side of Third bctwecn Dock and Oiange Stieets, fronting Sfi feet Ttpon Third street, running Westwardly along1 McLean's Alley it tecr, upon wiiica tnere 1.1 a TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, . now occupied by 'A. M. 'Waddell. Esq.. con- tainmir . Kooms (exclusive 01 .casement 1, Kitchen, Brick tables, aud all other necessa ry outbuilding.. . . W AL.OO, ' l-j CO Shares Car itel Stock Wil. Gas Lisrht Co., 10 5 . --wit.AWel.lt. K. CO. V rj.Wih ft Man. R. R Co. 1" Baukof Cane Fear. : ' 100 32 - Commercial Bank of Wilmington: - 5 certified Checks on theBankof Cane Fear. (protested for non-payment) amounting -to JjAxiaiii.u, jixecntor. sept 16 lawlm-3od- ts. Wed . . ESTABLISH ED. 1824. The. Patriot . . . IS ONE OF THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND cheapest Newspapets published in the state. Antt-uaaicai but liberal in roiitics. Tkbms: t-2.00 tier Vear. " But few weekly -papers have a better circu lation, ana bomb oner superior aa vantages. AD V E R TISERS. Specimen copies sent on application to , JAS. W. ALBRIGHT ft BRO., '-- Greensboro.. N.C. JOB PRINTING of every description, neat- ft cheaply and expeditiously executed, at in! rATuuT" uuiw. ikqai. julahks always on natiu. asa 801U low on cash oraera. - . : . iJ- atfg28-tf ' ' ' BIX L.HEAD8, CIRCULARS, WED din Cards. Visiting Cardan ftc. &c. prin ted-in a style that cannot be. Ettrpasscd 1 Northor South, at ' . - -I - ' Printing and Publishing House. OCtlr20.1t , j , - ..; : , . , CRESCENT, 'MARION, S. : C, PUB lished Weeklj-k 8 E. McMillan. PiOprie lor. .IV-;.-.,., . - ,; ' -; . ; , . wjm. u. iJKitJMAUu, Ageni, sept2-I-tr . r '? ' Wilmington, N C. Pianos. I CITIEF1TS. ILLS AKJIj'H AMU OXIIjCIC. - ' ; ? r" r PIANOS, i-oi sale at 1 HEINSBF.RGER'S ': k.- live Book Store, septmfj ; v S9 Market Street, Magazines fpte October. THE XIX CENTURY, ECLECTIC, HARP er's. ' Demorests, Peterson'a, Frank Les lie's. Godey's, Galaxy, "Appleton's Railway Guide; - Appleton's J ournai, in monthly parts, from N.o. i to o, ior brio at ? .. , '. : ,. : 1EINSBERGER'S. :: ' sept 19 f f' J7- - ?iy ,-! - WlioleWd? 625, UDTICATIONAJj. 1 -. SCHOOL FOR YOpG:.LADfS. Misses KENNEDY fc,HAItT, PRINCIPALS. Assisted ly -4Me and Experienced ' ' Teachers.: . THE NEXT SESSION WILL COMMENCE on Wednesday, October 6th." The design of this Institution is t afford the highest advantages for the instruction of vounsr ladies. The course of studv is full aria system itic, embracing everything necessary A .1 .M...t, Anl- AlA. ........ A?I..AA.TA.. V The BELLES LETTRES class for the studv I of Classical Literature, will be under tbe su-. J nervi8ionofCol. WM. MUiFORD. The studv of Chkmi-try will be rendprcu effect ive, as I well as interesting, by the acquisition of a wen-seieotea apparatus. . . . The MODERN LANGUAGES will bo thor oughly tauarht. Srmfiin.1 attention will ha naid to FbbncHj and every facility afforded for ac- guage. LATIN will be tanght without extra charge. In the MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, th Prin cipals have secured the tervices of Prof. W. F. GRABAN, whose long succe s in his"pro fession has Won for him an enviable reputa tion. . - .. .. . . i ... it . ; - . - DRAWING will be taught bv oompctont Professor. -- , -. ' j Pupils not during to pursue the full course May take up any special bJ-anch at neasonable rates. . A'Jlmtted nmmbcr of young ladles wil be rbeelved as Boarders by making e rly appli cation. - .1' s For terms, Ac, applv to angg-i-tf aSS KENNEDY. MRb, RANSOM'3 )'-, : TTTILL DPI; N ITS NEXT SESSION ON THE TV 7th of October. 18 S9, at the North West corner of 5th a iid Dock Stree', the present rctmiriiuu ui oir. Allies 1 os tin. The ession will end the last Friday in June next. . . si Terms for whole year: " ---! Primary English, ....... ........... U5.00 . . High tnj,lih, w 75 00 . Music, Ancient and Modern Languages, Drawing ami rainting extra. . Chatifes i);iyable one-hall' orl entering, the other hal f 011 the 15th of February' following M r . IIUUl ...... . V. u... . . V, V. .... U. " I' tJ J W . sept 19-tfj t, Mas. ROBERT RANSOM. Cape FearvAcademy, SECOND TEAK. nnUE SECOND ANNUAL SESSION OF THIS J Academy, will open on Monday the ith of uctoDer. f : ! ' 1 Tlie Principal' will bo assisted bv Mr. Frank II. Alfriend, A. M. and Dr. R. K-idder Meade, DOtn gentlemen or experience and aouity. .Terms tor the half Session ending Febru ary lh, 1870 In t he Preparatory Department, $ I5.no In the Academic Department, 50.00' , Payable strictly on entering. . Speeinl arraneemcnts with boarders. For Circulais containing full ii.forma- tion, aouress ... uen. is. ti. vulhtvx, Principal. septl7-tt The School for Young Laaies and Unudren, CONDUCTED BY MISSES BURR A JAMES, win reopen, with the usual course of in struction, including Latin. French and Draw ing, on WEDNESDAY, October 8th. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT still under the supervision of Mrs. M. S dish ing. sepHKim , WILMINGTON MALE AND - Female 'Seminary -TTILL REOPEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER T fith. Cireulars at the Bqok Stores. scptiu-iij u. W.JJSWJSXT.. WIlffiGTOS- EGH .SCHOOL. ' THE POORTH ANNUAL SESSION WILL reopen Monday, Octobo? 4th in the old Pres byterian Session-. Room, on Front, between uocs anu vrange aireets. 'ti ... Circulars at the Boole Stores. sept 19-tfJ . , , i J. N. HINTON. BACON, PORK, &c; JRY SALT BACON, SHOULDERS, j CITY MESS PORK. MOLASSES. LARD. t SOAP, Ac. 4 , For wale by ; " -'; - ji. . DxROSSET CO. sept2S-tf - -- ,- , . Alta Velaosphate:! TT IS COMPOSED OF TIIE4CLEBRA. JL ted Guano from -. .n,h; , l;ta;vel.a,': Combine1 with other valuable fertilizing ma terial, scientifically treated, making a COMPLETE 3IANURE. It produces vigorous growth to the vegeta- 1100 ana permanently enricnes tne son. For sale in Wilmington, N. C, by. ALEX JOHNSON A CO., at BO per ton., . 1 OrthoALTAVELAGUANOCO. feb26-447-lyI ,f r!V -o7 BrdadwayiN.' Y. American Club" FlojirJ A STAND ARD Brand, Buperior to any FLOU8 ever offered in thts market. We have selected this Brand of Flour from among many others as that has most of the essentials -of -a choice, reliable, FAMILY FLOUR. Give it a fair trial and it will be found to possess all that we claim fprit. No charge for d ravage, and if not satisfactory on trial wiu sen a ior it at pur own expense. .sole aeent ior tins uranu. . .. sep 21-tf , .MYERS, 11 and 13. Front St. SALT! SALT! . Seven Thousand . . :r..- - . . . - . -.. ...... , . . ... . .. . l- SACKS SALT-, ' - ' - ' B RI G HT NE W SAC KS. V" For sale by WILLAUD BROS, sept22-tf " ii;.v--'T...',,;y ' - rL UP, ADVEKTiaiNO One Square one day, $1 no , t hree days,;.-;?,.!!!!.!!;.!. 3 00 4 f0. U : - ;"nve flays,. .. . v.;.. . .. . s 00 a. ' .U1A wAfl IT r Contract Ad vertlaementa' taken at nra pprtlpn&telypsr rates.- v t i- - v , Marriages, Deaths,- Religions, runeral and Obituary notices will be Inserted at half rates when paid for In advance ; otherwise full rates .will be charged. ,:i ..i.L t ;Tbu-Cash.on demand. ':V. n tT . :.' , , MTSGJ1LL ANEOTJS. " . C PROSPECTUS -OF TUE Eeconstructed Parmer, - A "MONTHLY MA GAZLEr ,; DEVOTED TO THEFARM, THE ,OAR , DEN, AND THE HO USEHOLD. . , v PUBLISHED AT TARBORO', N, C. ' TlEUEVINO THAT ALI, OTHER professions are t mainly dependent for "access upon the . advancement and dovel- opment of .our Aifricultural resources: and Jja " remit can .be best accomplished by . the dissemmlnatlnn-nf nanful ami nrv.ilmi'U Informal ion among our Farming community, the subscribers have determined to'commence at tux early day the publication, at Tarboro', be called. L . u. TUB, RECONSTRUCTED FARMER. Polished and uractioal writers from ATA1-V section of tlie Country will be among its reg- luurwiutriuuwni; juuiciar selections WU1 DO made from all the leading neriodina.ia of th day, beaming -upon the different sublets to w men its pages are aevoteo, and nopalna or expense win pe parea to render it in every res ispoct worthy of nubile patronasre.' The Reconstructed Farmer . will contain pages of valuable reading matter, and will be published in the very best style pf the art, the . Publishers beimrdetermined that it shall nnr. iu this respect, be surp-issed br uny other sim liar journal in the country.- ... , rnce w suosciipuon j.w per annum, paya- ble upon receipt ot the First numbqr. Liberal Deductions Made to tflubs. The rates of advertising will be umuiuiiiv low, thereby presenting unequaled advanta ges to an classes ana conditions ot business. -- The public crenurallv. and Farmers esrteciaa ly, are earnestly requested to come forward in uiu 01 tne proposed publication. Address - ' TU1U1'JI aUAINUl, . Editors and Proprietors. Or CHARLES ft BIGGS. Publishers. mh27-472-tf - . Tarboro', N. C; imiTisrx peimodicai . The Iondnn Quarterly Review (1'nnn 1. yative). : - ; Tne Edinbargh Review (VVhig). , The Westminster Review (Radical). The North British Review (Free Ch Mchi. -AND ' Blackwood's Ecllnbnrffli ifag-aslne(To ry). .-a ..: - . ' THESE PERIODICALS ARK ABLY sustained by-tbe contributions of the best writers on Science. Reliirion. and General Lit v . ' erature, and stand unrivalled in the world ot letters. They are indispensable to the scaol . ar and tlie professional man, and to evfery reading man, as they furnish a better record of the current literature of the. day than Can be obtained from any other source. s Terms for 186.- ? For any one of the Reviews,:.. 4 00 per aim. For anv two of the Reviews..! H 00 For any three of the Reviews,.. 10 00 For all foar of tlie ReviewB,: .1 00 -For Blackwood's Magazine...... 4 00 " . For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 v4' '. ' For Blackwood and any two or tns ueviews... 1000 " For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. J 13 00 -" For Blackwood and the fou 1 Re- views 15 00 " " Clubs. A discount of TWENTY PER CENTTwill be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, tonr copies ot uiacKwoou, or or one uo view, will be sent to osit apdbkss for 12 80 Four copies of the four Reviews and Black wood, for 4S 00, and so on. Postage. v Subscribers should prepay by the quarter at the ofHoe of delivery; The- Postagk to any part or the United btates is two C It NTS a number. This rate only applies to Current subsc: iptlons. For b.irk numbers tlie postage is double. '. . Preinlams to New Subscribers. New Subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for 1868 will bo entitled to receive gratis any o of the Foub Rbvivws for IStiJ. New iubecrlbers t'o all five of the Periodicals for 1S68 1 nay receive gratis, Blackwood or any two of the "Four Reviews" for 1867. ' Subscribers may obarn back numbers at the following reduced rates, vis: The NORTH BRITISH from January, 1803. to December, 1867, Inclusive the EDINBURGH and the WESTMINSTER from April, lfK4, to , December. 1867, Inclusive, und tlie LONDON QUARTERLY for the years 1865. 1860 and 1867. at the rate of tl 60 a year for each or any Ro- view; also BLACKWOOD for 1806 and for 1867, 'i ! a year, or tne two years togetner ior st.uu. . 49 Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor at to Clubs, nor reduced prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the moncyls remitted dibbcv to. the pitblisrkbs. No premiums can be glveno Clubs. The Leonard Scott Publishing: Co., ' 140 FULTON ST.. N.. Y. TheTS. PUB. CO4 alsdpubliali the'. Farmers' wuKie, by HENRY STEPHENS, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. NORTON, of Yale College, 2 vols.. royal Octavo, 1,000 pages, and numerous en gravings. Price, 7 for the two volumes by mail, post-paid, 8. '.'4: .Ti, v:-. . nova-M-tt . - : r1 "': .'ri Tv ENORERT'N MONTHLY MAG A- I vtntt TTnt VArailtlv . ..VnAnfldifiviid . 4-11 Model Parlor Magazine of America ; reTOtea ' to original stones, trocms, Ketcnes, houso- noia Aiatrers, uemsoi xnougnt, rersonai ana Literary Gossip (including speSlal depart ment Foshionsl. Instructions on Health. - Music, Amusements, etc. by the best authors, Vings, useiui, ana rename x'atterns, js.m- lroiderles, and a constant succession or artis tic novelties, with other useful and "enter, ta in ing literature. ' r - no person 01 rennemont economical -nousc- out the Model Monthly. Specimen copies IS cents; mailed free. Yearly fti, with a valuable premium ;' two-eoptes, 5 60 ; threo copies, f7 w, nve copies, ciz, ana snienuaa premiums for clubs atifcleach, with' Oie first premiums to each subscriler. -A new Bartram ft Fan ton Sewing Machine for 20 subscribers each. .Publication omoe : u. i Ne. 838 Broadway, New Yerk. " Demores.t's Monthly andJYoung Amcil- ca, topetiier, 4, w'tn tno premiums lor.eacn, locl0-885-tf -. . JUST RECEIVED . At THE : ' WILMIN GTON REQUE ATOIt, A FULL STOCK OF. . Fall and winter Goods. J5JTERY PEPARTMENT COMPLETE! gARGAINS IN BLEACHED GOODS, i . splendid caucoea(ONL'.-. ,. . -,.:;vV;.f Uv ,-,.12,-i-2.Ccnt8., An -elegant assortment of House-keeping . Goods cheap tor cash.' . ; lluck Towels only $1.75 per dorn. r We are telling heavy YARD. wlDE Brown Sheetings, by the yard ox bolti, ffir &pj& OOTS PER: YARD4 , Call and see us. before making your purcha ses.'' Goods will be sold cheaper than at any other House la tho City or State, and satlalao- tlon guaranteed In every instance; . - s . R. 8. WALDRON ft CO., r...' .r .... j V ...' '-j , ' Proprietors of tho Wilmington Regulator, r aug19-tr "'M ' : FOR -SALE. THE Household and Kitchen Tiirnitnre of. - tbe estate of Mrs. L. F. Bunce will bo sold on the premises, on Princess nearTTenth street, on Thursday next, tho 23d Instant, nt iv u-viuujw ! : it i .-,. . - i ,i i i . JOHN A. PARKER. WM. L ARKINS,. i '. .''. , Kxeotttors, sept 22-2t-! -I 4 1 r 77

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