I I . ! ' . I ' I 8 vf ( ) RNXT G r ST AB. Sunday, October 1B69. 1 -.- "Xh Jtt O B N I ti' tl T A B la de jpjg? nverecl to City Subscribers a .orth if hV.trs".'dr;MArkt s(ret will beawpftllei Mr. WM. X. it iBl-OWl and thoso -fkratb: or tht by JOHM B. BFBCff., Only ,,, Agents are amthorf msd,' 1st their repebtlve DlTlln, to ,oHee (Clty; -wipUoni.' ' - i..- r Corresponaonw mast, pot, . write uu - both communications. Persons leaving the city during ; tfo Ban ner months may ivave in otar muuea " ulsirlv to their address by leaving orders tt Price, 75 cent for one month, or, , "no for thrte months. " T"f 1 obituary notices; tribute of respect, t. nrc charged half adyerttsine ratea when for In adyance of pabllcavloii. -la all Set cases full advertising rates will -bo; "i.-tri?ed. " TUf CIRCULATION OF TUM MORXKfcF srtf IS LARGER TIIAX THAT 6FANT nn:n daily xe wsrAPER publish! rp IX XORTir CAROLINA. . - j The New York .tfwn tatw-that about the first of, Atigtst; , Gcnerat Sickles, the American Minister to Spain, informed the Spanish Misi tertbr Foreign Affairs that .there was a great pressure of public opinl ion in the United States, winch would ultimately compel the Gov ernment to recognize the indepen dence of Cuba, unless the objects could he previously disposal of by negotiation ; and that the Go.verji nient couUlnot undertake to refmn, from action for a lonyer period than fort if Jays, or until about the loth'ot September. This period, stivsthe Sun, was afterwards ex tended for twenty days loiige or until about Friday, October '1' t);it was Friday- last. ; . ' Tiie Adininistration, sa3S ' thpl Sun, this period being expired, is pkJycd to recognize the indepen (hnce of Cuba, or to take f some other action that will be equally ef fective in her behalf. ; . r !' Hotkl bills abroad aie famous for their inordinate length, as well for the large amount of "the "sum total." The landlords it is true, -ive even item, but this furnishes little satisfaction to the traveller, except to learn in how many ways he can be plundered and how "ex tras'' can be added on. As a model of a bill, however, a recent visitor to the sea-bathing resort of, Trou ville, France, who took a bath in his own room, furnishes the follow ing specimen of charges, redncjed tot United States currency : T.wo pails of spring water, ...10 cents; bringing the water iuto -the room, 2.0 cents; coal for warming thb wa ter, K cents; matches 'for lighting the lire, 5 cents ; bellows, f cents; I'.irirti ('lilti'l lmtli fnK V J . fnf I ' " I els, s: cunts ; two nankins, to mop . I ' . ' I up the water spilled on the floor. 40 cuts: for cldanimr the Rtairs on ' n i l!IF I 111 t in , 1 I , ... . . . , I - ... iii, iiir-i . i Tiik Avondale relief fund ainomits I to fil,nt ftllii linn .wl k,.1I1 v.. w,..v,.,.uw which tlie water had also been topi ier'a widows in greeoliiieksr,' andT llraTcjr- el, cent.s; washing ot" towel and signers who saPi,lic.l tb.tctsio sW ' . ' -""r . lY "ci those soldier in gold., (Sensation.) , You ii;ijkin.-, cciiN; niakinr .a total j arc sHtrrg liltch pop ftfid; stuffed and pa-? nisi on ... ! .i. Li.. uerd.ysforgoldpointtrsaiidgreyhouBdsr 1.1 . . a. ...I --. -.- -" MiHIII I1UD1I VWllUl I i will be- raised, lfeu. tcrs from abroad state the eollec- tions are beini; made anions the mi ners of England and Wales. The relief committee will pay each "wid ow of the recently suffocated m Mi ners' $200 for the eoniio; 'year, in piartly payments, commencing with October. The orphan male children under four age, and females to have $100 for tl terJy. Trovtsion will also be made for the aged and infirm, and . . . . . ; others who were 'dependent upon tlie deceased miners for support' iliese arrangements will require about $40,000, which will be 'paid out during the coming; year, and the balance of the sum thatf may be rais ed will constitute a permanent hind. 53" The'Tobaecb Association of v., ... .1 i u Aew lork recently held a meeting, k uiui a resoinuon was paaeea as sertinir that thp. ronr ViMrTol nricdl l f ......... -.7: -7 raised to a hio-W l.aaia. ) ' -r ; EST Business engagements pre vent us replying tp-day ;;tp.jup, ar- ticlo r.- i: j xt.. vj:i,.. il.n .L... ..i i v. i. '. Jl Vcw which appeared in. ma issue t yesterday. We will notice ! it I x-i... ' " ; 1 ; weieaiier. ' " a ., ;. . ;. j .... 1. , ly to carry R peacock's ""feather' In the under sixteen, ara S 1 s,Y-.rr, r-:-t , . . w-nderer -w - -reitow:- ion Know biiw nigger stoie me to the cost of leaf, labor and taxes, ol the g , . - , i wliestri ;tSartin, sir Uo l)d.;0 Take dat !,,.... . '' T i' ' it . "-; ....... .4 .T. .;i.-i 1 .1 ! piggef 6 1811!" 'responded the Coart'as aie uniemunerative, and . should be TIie convenine of the Tenues- inard. I L D. wasiust cettin-r1 on-his hand on promenade. - "INinetv bushels of fruit have been gaMHJredJrom, on Tennessee apple tree. . A. man without $500 of his own V GlnRm'n'wnot attend the Ban' irVaVMttt rife i-i.. jnil.!:i.'; rj ,- .'..i.,..,, .. ... .... 4, A. man n, Kentucky recently! threw a stone through a window ut tus' t-i i.Bhai immediately aliof him : for a' Ku-Klux. r Bostoh hoW haa'one ;VelV veriti-i aterl concert room the Coliseam -the root bavin er been blown nmHw fr k tiv,. . w - j- ... j uu Ul . ..-Mian is a. sensible , suggestion of an English druggist, w ho. advrees that trcty label tf pouon" should : sutetso the nnt accessible "antidote. ' " 'it " ' ' ''i'-' ; i r a 4Utle girlj aged.eigiit years, inf "iiMtf-, recently trfen , )p smoka f P!,pC'. 861 her dress on fire, and was 8q uunieiiau s!ietiel in a few ,10 . v. l'lie I'roof Sheet estimates .thai there are wrlnted in thi. tat. .5; lories 54lS; Jd MI3 PvSywspl pen, The number of l$ufi& is 277. Total 6244 . n 1 : -U .-. :.!...',' .. . " i - i uecciitly a girl ni Virginia mar netl ths iitaw of Iti't choice atter he had received 8i.x.year4'.seuten to th$ penU tentidiJthe L tblrhisbingublm 1 a' - suit iof v,vuc VWyiZ minister. i. The JNew York Tribune savs xf the recent old-bulling party, that "Fisk inir oarev.that "P stt i. iid cuuuc. lurutSU I ing nor:o6)y iiiopey,.botaiQ "and JexL cial swindle would lave Collapsed before being well started " - " www u w IVII KIIIB VICUL llllUII- cent ot the terinie'lor which he was sen- tauced- H as Charged with, stealing, and ij order tyeflye the reward ty his fauiriylje cohTesaed what he " had never tloiie.t r ii'' r i i: .vrui'i r t -x a I A four-year old taw-' his parents ... -.1 I. -J -l t. l.L I tVeliAkinc witli iSenif He wai told t tin ' A'4.v-i tv,-V.-vl- v J - ' L. -! a I get bigger I may not want to go." Tle pfa?ehHls the poitrf'; hd'wa's tirkM. , THE- MONEY PAKIC. tJeo Frnueis Train oii lhc Hit- u a lion. " ' George Francis Train addressed a- very respectable assemblage of moneyed Juca, baokcr anil brokers, on the situation of: aflairs,' at the Fifth Avenue Hotel ; oiie evening last week. Mr.' Train was evi- dently. taken by surprise when culled upon but always being ready to express bun-elf, he quickly responded to the'demand upon, f hirii. and spoke as follows : ' 1 , . ... . ..... , i oa say that iho panic is over. It is not commenced (sensation), i: Is your ppuntrj richer than before Uw..wii Dpes Mia killinSr of one mil him t -yuur yootb, thetlestructam of fiva thousand millions rrcntd Tausrnter)."Keaa mf iroid spe w. jv.... "o -v -t - l i;roH Ja.. vmn ro nlin Kfnolr Kir- I change. ..Did I not foretell plainly what was to come topasiT And so will I do I n . Th. n.nip T To iuvi t iotit vt Iwu- gun. 11 You lay all tlie blame on the gojd n . . .. .. . . ' . : i . I .. , law ATI riMl -tlivlA nn t ka ,11 I ,,. : Ti... r?' caniUier?. linn., isuuianvr, iiii: vjky - i ment is thu chief gambler. -If. iirtbe Bay wnica crKwmKo.g 11711 a o w m rJ O ii ik n t o rtwn tmri 1 r uv luvnur i in crvii. I.ud laiigii.er.) On' Friday last -'-you . ...... ...,?..Ai.i nftTmfl(Sflfiii,T ;.,i V . - - j j t - ..... ...1 Of'nfW (SOr. .s .I T' I ikimr ii. iiiiii mull i,iu.uuu.uuii ... iumi-buili h til'' Ii b itlli l eviu ftyuw,vww,wv iuwai, nuu th.-re arc not more than 9100,000,000 in .lu cin in Mi i-ntireeonnlrV. Allow me lo cive ym'a brief view of yoor financial condition and. pfoBpeets.'. In 1860-61 gold tJic uino-i,nt 9f $500,000,000 was trans uSl,s" fc" ronTl sixty, which, counting twehty-fivii days. more taken up in crossTng the liean-gives H5 davs iKifore the cashcomes baklnto .;:.? 'tt? : Z. .i.. 145 days Ijefore the cash comes badk into hebaidsof the American, w-tute. it only Vt-wa frv.v data to b4" fo Limaori:JlL. i. k v c - j " -j " r - t the liritisn -. . r la- ir.. A; Am among tue ng8nmeu.i io..w.. th.t H is as I tell you. This Wall-strfeet m from T.imdon. The flame was tanned by Peter B Sweeny and other en- iinuiii vaiuiw. - ------ - - ctr.ies of the country, in fardef to affect the coming election atid get possession of the United States Treasury. Again,! say that the Government is the t eat gold gambler, and that fact answers fof an:' ichauerige any one to conlute my statements, and I wieh it distinctly (nderstood that my idpaa are not new and unfledged; for four days before the memorable Friday, as Is rael IVeyer; la a conversation.: wfth the di! itor of the Sun. I cave mj; apticipa- tiona of. the comins Danic. which now ex- cites the street and bears soheavjly (on the commerce ot tne iano. Mr'Traio retired amid feud applause,. looimiuuuw ,i ,i -f " " ,'eV fe" . ,aA?AifSI S lW-rZ.o. gee L.eglslatare What la Siire to be Done. " ") rfxsHvTLtB, tsept. - , - ... . Ji.' ine ijeirisiature convenes uci, iiiuuuaj. and early m the succeeding week will, elect l . it.-.. J-a....i a fT- a i.;a .i. riav the followincr events can D oreuicted Moa. M2r.it fthir fulfil. ment : L Andrew. JoBnwniwill be elected ixnatnr 9. Tho fiftponth nmp.nriment will T"r' ' Z'T - r " T-Ti.TZlTnir'' - not oe raunea; -A coDui.uvioutti 1 vontion will hn pallRVl 'nt' an-earlv 'dav. of every disfranchised person: in thfr State; 4. In any event the bonds of the Btate will us just ueen iiueratea going tp.Oe agrea Ftoih'e.'jmbVjgWn'a'tV PrisoTa,,naft'er a ons, aadUiereiore two ycaVii' s)i(jurn ttiel' who -was iuno- ty-seven acres of " , , piV'rr"; ficulties Ifa Had its eSect' iif last, and he wealth ? (benaation.) ou call me in- -8 nQW ftgt m fmm afflucnce lo pdvtr L Inane. Were I as insane as you are, like . ... . v ; 4 WpeyerSj'T'vrOnld 'ask Sofrie one to shoot: , ' . '. .'"., ' '' 'V. i I nid flrotd musrfiterVKescf mfirold speech r and remit so that tngusa oanaers : - c tfa have the clear use ot the money for 100 ambitioD3 uu(j asptrat(on' JWuich-futdre 1 : "':' !Ti-.l.' 'r yearsjwonldj perhaps realize,, and would Let Grant demand instant payment of J i . . . f . . teen vcars of the Alabama claims, or offer the altcrna-,. jnMBd il filled c year paid nuarV-ofBHtUh'Mlnftterra Suck talis so FwoiWlon not be re1Mi aUfo&eh tar'nst advo catea fcr such aVmeasure will not be- waat- . ' I - . 1J1 . - TV,'. lew years win ue generally repemvu- T.'ll i HENKY WAED BEECHER. .Mw f .. i to t.j t!ti , ii-t ' ' 3 -! - " " ' "'i.' ;j ,-. ' !)' i II is .Farming Operations. . Mr. ccher'j friA conwpf Jhjtfy-sixi acrts, and is carried on on strict 'soiatijlci principltB,.'''He never pntar ia 'ab j pWt f a crop witw.t-nsulAfBg-rpi14)p9ic. ne, plows and reaps and digs and sows ac-j cdfthtfg'to fhe- best authoritiesand .the; authorities cost more than f ho other farm-1 ing iniplenieiUslUi Aa wSb'n as the libra-1 ry is complete tf Krrirfa.it begin to be a ttrnfif f v.4f H Art r"RUft Kirftf f irniin" profitable4InVc4(hiirt.rfai b'or farming has its .drawbacks. , Upon, pae occasion, when it seemed morally certain thnt tlie hay dught'to be cnt,'t1?d hay bboik" Cotild j not be found and before it was lauod.it, was top late and. the hajywa9 Jill, spoiled.. Mr. Be'eclier mises'some'ot the" finest crops of wheat iu-the countrybwt the1 anfuvor able difft'reucebetw,ceai4Jie cost ot pro-! ducing it aud its market value after it is; uueing ii aua us market value alter it is prodoced has interfbrerttotisJaerably with us success as a commercial en special weakness. is hogs, h considers, bogs tlr bet jmuKLrfarm pro duces. HoyVh JlKl5pig for t 'j , an? a P""-1 HwMHwrtjjiM. wortu corn,.and then sells him lor Wtt "nedW-Thls theory tLTr W"" the cru, but he waks seyeu dollaraandj half on the hog." He does 'not inirid this leeauso he never expects to makeaoything on eoruanywayi-Aad apv ywyrit tuus ottt, lie-has thoeittirVvFrsinghe hag, any how,1 whetben iei gets the worth Ot tliin or uot. . pi saw berries wouleM aumtortab e swcoesajthftroUo .wpul ' J ' t fflfSS TauoBsxroiei - 1 ' . . 7. . .w. "f I - , nSET0' 8.' ! of 8.ed,3 ta W -wblyears ago hi it scarcity ot watertiftelr he put in a crop of twenr that fruit. But ;whctt thSyTCamj,; thflVUrilBa oDqe5tarpumpf kins,1 aha ii cread'lott wW tMHluencel Sometimea.a'portifJn iUbrop goes intf the, ground the most oromisinsr sweet not- tatoee, and comes uft,.fUB .fdfeliIalAeart- 1 jUM IU iUV Y.-,- 1) U(U UC-UUUKUV.ni! h.M'OUne4.v con- centration was th&Adej1.-!So he gathered those togtrther and pot. Uieiu under oue expuiicnced old' heu;:Tat' bn.; roosted over that contract night aad day foreleyeh weeks," nndcr the'ns persooal Baper vihiou l ."; Mr"ri5etciw - himself, " but'' sliie could not " lhise " lhi w eggs. Why ;? Beciiusu th;y. were those 'infapious porce lain- tilings used oy injrenuiiw and lraudu- Itnt farmerki Hi 'i nCst'j'J' ; utperhaps ( 31 r. Buecher'a -most diaastnrua .ex perienoe was tbe.time Re tried raise ari imnieflsE crop of dried ftp'plc3j,,.IlQ '.plant&l fiffeeb hundred !611arV .worth," but never a one of them sprouted!!; Gk ..fias never been 'abfe to understand, to this day, what was the I matter with those apples. -. jir. eeeuerii lariu re ttovn inuuipu. xi would be easier on bio if he worked it on shares with some one ; bat Ke enoot find au j uuut tt irr7 ia iiirii" tu siui uaii ftnd not manvthat are able. Still. lul?iat' in iri f H(J wa3 aJye inferior farmer when ,, K. , K. .,J j ,, . fliB(.i1i.ifnn Vi. .?tvmihir.i rtif. n u..rt, l.;.. ..,1. Vl CI uwi iiiiiiian in uia U" I"l 5CW?lf Tl- B' i" . rJ'Vt , V-x, f fir Hn.ra 11 ix-fll til lilliiiu' mid lrjtit 1V. .k.jw. - - " I' J Uoon the subject of availinir thcinsclves , r , . - of cvety jiieansia tlfeir power of acquiring information, he spoke ot the .v.ilu. ,! hay ing at l heir homes a collection l' well-selected byo !$--.'-books to btv-ead, nit ine1vry:rtla:iILOWtiuul1l tlie'y supply themselves ,wilh some, pcrifHlica puliticaliou Which, published in ilcitiT tsts'ot llieir calling .wbuidm.ikc.'thpui ac- qu .nimw.Hn.ru .um-t and most' liberal M.nsv. " We apply the , ... ' .....a..-. . -n.Ht UUU UIUSV utohi m:ii t. v: nu iii . VtUvvllKl 9. nori ii' ni iiici. 11.111 11 a nmi Workingmen. To these we would say" to thoat.loast who. arc unprovided with booksJ-tTiaf the bnifit"lWSe derived frotn. the possession aml ajttientive jierusal pf" rics anil inventions ot mcn ami" thir ings its Un. are andanhey lt, becna a incalculable. vTie.8lo.t DooJts, .-if.weil ,n.c a'c u!ao,e; ' Z StZZZ lr selected need not be eitennve, a com wrthw reiicU almost and cirt ""'".I'jfrii .hJ.sin V.n .4 OTM- ,lrhlL H"0 '8. 0ore Jgnorant, ." bo fouml that their thirst for knowledge- DiAbnw i tri noTof ZTZ -X X I u,5 " o . : .1. v! ' .'7T 5.. wyc tbclir.' p-yes. . wbh we Uve; its inhabitants, - waritaAnarrillouacanTbilitie its history aiantsnarfillouacapTbilitie, " 1 . . v . w ' i j., Jydge.T.ougce,4ias a brother pjCousin or relative of some sort who has lately gone into CaswelVt!ediinty from 'yaakeij laud. iliis uainu m ajeonaraa o.e'i prac tices law for the negroes and signs him self Ji. lu Dk There wai a case at Yancty vilte the other day before Cook a negro magistrate in which a negrowas arraign- 4MralipvpecxqDSu:a .Topen M-fsbliredfftelottteMrttchWy tore thines. :j6bn Kerr then got upratrdTOAde the following laconic address to tU cpjrt: "Cook-tberVs no use listening .'to 'that legslfotSiel4ttTft)ret8icr.rltsplay. J?w- 1 - ,,,.: James Gordon ; Bent I l"v' ' ..li-T.. JIWi:,- .-,.!,.! f m - A,kr.. izv-,. ,.-i I , . r -6"".i.n. .,. : I 22d instant, savs (jiff a h It issaid thatj James -.Uorioa...j3ennett hv hhrUhit.tft,jvit . ArfV?;,!. it to the office oft fie lIer'a1dt"lwC'reels' nrro hn wna nnahln to njarpnri th at mm lli It.:." mr."":.T iTriiuyub iMafu);TAu yiupju cas 01 l.c omitenarasfl rwhinh ft .waa. hia' Tirirlh i to' appea?fliioesJib is rapidly sinking ip to the grave. I L-rwvw i(ir t it AntnriPS- r litiACl to- the chll- Mounlflope Nurseries, JEstablisUed 1810. J rT:ri i? -iA ..t IH- GENTLEMEN imOTovlB their groanda, Orchabdists, Xaitoscapk GakdkiSs, yuasjtBTifEirand DkalsbsIii a'reeswill.ana pur stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees the lareest, ana the collection the mostextenslT and complete In the U. 8. - , . . - - : j r All orders, large or small, will receive prom tt and careful attention. lacldnB for distant points performed In the most skillnil aad thorongh mannT.- ' i.o 8mall parcels sent Xyy mail when so rteslreil. bi Descriptive and IHustrttted' priced Catalogr pe aoat prepaid on receipt of stamp. a fol lows : .a .. I , i., j : .1-. . . i.. I t i: Uo-. 1. Krntts le cents. T6. 3-Ornamerital -Trees, lOcr No. 3-Green-house, 6o. No. 4,--. Wholesale, ram . j -a . . a- : . , i . i t f -? Address, i: . n:-i . -j . . , .. : a V J '" ELLWANGERi BAKRT ; Rochester, N. y. ; sfept lt-law2w-Wed:"; . . ; By C'BONtY Jl: lOBRl6. Executors Sale. REA.L ESTATE, STOCKS, &c.'" ' On WEDNESDAY,- Novembor'lOth, 19C9,'at 10 o'clock A. M., we will sell at Exchange' C'ornerjla this city; that v&l liable and desira- bUa ' ' i ; .... i: ,.,.(.,, j . . ; . ; ..... i LOT , V:'' ! upon West side of Third between Dock and Oiange Stieets, fronting 95 feet upon Third street, running Weattfardly along McLean's Alley 165 feet, upon which there ia a two' ffor Tk'dWeIling I , ' HOUSE, .n rjf ' - '.. ;" -.i;t ;. ... .t-'T.',-n 'v i.i f v -; now ocenpied by A. M.' Waddell, Esq,, con tain in Uooiaa exokiH'0 -of Basement), Kitchen, Brick stables, and all other necessa ry outbuildings. i AXSO, I. :' -.-" ? - J ' 1 60 lwrea Capitol 5 took -W 11. Gas- Urht Co., ! 10 . " " . . . . Wit. & Wel.lt. R. C'OJ inn it c. - ci i t'..,.- fv r .... n u& r vo. , to" ' . . l Ii - OoBuneroial Bank of W ilinlnrton. . v & cerUUeXClK;ck y tUofiankoJf Cap fear, (protepcd 4!or'. uoii:paj uicnt) amounting to ' - Z. LATIMEli, Executor. . -t.rWo4Tf riff .- SUNDRIES. 1. 1 tiiiTiCitCES FUIMT2 8. CAEOL.1S21.1cii.ii1: I ZSf 9"J ' it ':' '..'as" BoaoaChoioo UreainCUEESKr: 't . - . .. . : . .. ' . ' ' I :..! ' - 'I;:. -. " ' .- 700 Bass SHOT Drop and Hack ; 500 Cases U. Wolfe's Liquors and Wines ; 40 Bbls. and boses Railroad, Gall & Ax's, ' and Lortllard's' Snnff t i --j . ... . TirrTS- Bices North Carolina and Virginia fold Leaf, Bright and Custill Black Tobacco ; ' 1Vl WhlsTteys. Gins, Rums and Brart- 1 aiC3 of Ml'nUlCij an ! qualities. .-4 ;t ii AKf .-Wn,t.KH , (i-nor Front iihI Dock Stroitsr i septli-tt .' . . . '-' ON SATURDAY , . ' - CTOBER 2d, 1SG9, -'MTS-AD GA PS To be worn the coming season will be opened AT ANDERSON'S. 7.tf sept HO. ForRent. THE TWO STORY DWELLING, with eight rooms, including basement, opposite, the Journal Ot- flce. Princess street. Good order and convenience to busuiees make. this plaee very detlrable.- - Apply 10 E. n GEORGE, or CUONI.Y A MORRIS. etptSO " 7-iw ESTABLISHED 1850. m . : . . K - , . 1 T.nT7TPTlliPir TlTPT fST fin1 JJO, W i. CXIVC; XT. XlCt VU.f - ' IMPORTBHH AVO TIBAT.ERS 1W NO TIONS , PlNCYfiOODS, HOSKBT GLOVES k., :iOS . ltuliimorc SI root, ''!. HKfWBBjr BOWAUD AND LIBERTV, x Baltimore. 7-3m-eod-ThSa4Tn ept 80 WANTED. A LL, LOOSE, LOTS, SAMPLES and nnmer- cban table bales of Cotton, for which we will pay the highest "prices. ' FAUAINKK C OIf, Hide and Leather Dealers, No. 12 Dock street, sept 29 " 6-tf Our Specialities. jgROADCLOTII BY THE YARD. DOESKIN BY THE YARD. CASSrJHERES BY- THE YARD. - TWEEDS BY THE YARD.' TRISOIISrOS BY THE YARD. ?. . ., t-ttAT THE- ' r : , 'MefclUint Tailoring 'Estdhlishment of (.,i ! i .. ! ,.'! s ji , : MUNSON A .CO. sepiso' " ' ' ' ' ; " ' 7"tf HandandeamTPow6r tfjfj O, t ; prihtihg: presses. u:.C i! ,! i.i .ilTi .'i Jl j ' : . :! .i ,;. .1. :.. rpHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING AO cypted the Agency, for the Southern States, !i&oti-Ba celclo'illaud and ......... - . , , ,, s-. Steain Power Printing Presses, is prepared to furnish theiri' AT M A N U F AC T tJ E E RS PRIOES. ' ' :.:'.'-n:.:r These Presses ara recommended, for t?heap. . .. :. .... . ; ... ; i.'.. ,ness, speed, stiength.-durability and finish. . . . i .'..! ... . . ; Tha Improved Country Newspaper and Job Press.'' 13 specially adapted to tbe a-ants of SOttthein Pnbllsbersv OaeWihiaclassmay f be seen in operation at myAintih and Pub- I '' "' ' ...... ..... . . , ' t ., t. . . 4 ; .3 liahina House."-"'"J ta c :'- v. r i -;.-.v.-. i.-.'.il'.rJ ' - .--j; ! ' , .Circulars 6t on!applkiaton.' " 1 . ' -t,; WMi'Hw' BERNARD, ' ' ' u -.- iOji,.,u . to ..-J. -, , ' 1 v Agent for the Southern States, wunungxon, . c.I. i MIBCELLAHEQIIS. J r sfeliLING OUT AT i - THE CHEAP STORE ! ' 44 Market Street, Next door- West of Patten's Bakery. ; ' A Tiih wirozKi 'sTo cir of HATS and SHOES WILL . . : . ' . v : JFISE ASSORTMENT .OF JACONET AND swiss EMDROiDEjarEsj; ; ' . ' . ' , : ; i WES. AND FACONtE MUSLINS, i JACOJSET CAMBRICS. Vr'; ; ', HIED EYE ANDHUCKABACK DIAPKil, ; TABLE.NAPKIN8, TOWELS,:; .rv' !-.T ! '4 . lisle gloves; HoiERYr ko,1; Ac, i too nmkrovmiy,';u JnX ' 49T Bmeaiber, 9To: 41 MiirCeit ftir'eetv text door fVesit of Patten' BaJtery. .'8ept37tf ' "'r vj. J.', ,,. . ' H O T K. A .,t: Pur cell: House , .'.'iROFa4ix)a. ..iiif J. ii. 'DA vis,'or Stills Ilmise, jCiillfe'ston, S. C. Coach ch,' CaiTlace and liaggao TVujrous ai-j ready to convey Passengers to ana from! ways th Railroads., imrw-i-i,i CLIFFORD SOUSE, nriius r POPtTLAR ilOTtJSB ' HAS been I I thfwnuoFHIv nuimrtitji.1 tHripu ffninor nln t.hfl DiwusoKue nresonx; i'ronrietoc, tv, a.: ui- ford, and he offers for, -sdld ppe fiwmt. WINES, ' LIQUORS; " ! - ; AND CIGARS," ; Ever brought to this Alaxket. , 'lie calls especial attention to .the fact thai he sella Liquors by the bottle, privilege no extonoea to any, .07 t110.11 save those la his vocation. y thoilatw Ke venue I.awJ ti ;imyi-ii'j- NATIONAL HOTEL, : : : , (t a!te Fulton itwsicy, . i WllnhgtonViN- C REUBEN JONES. (or bosks' noTBL, rATBrTirittii, w. cj v" Proprietor.""' ,',,'..' ' j Tm: UN DEUSI ON KD having lea'slidUio .1 sirable and ceuTrairv locate.l baildin recently knbwhw, "ths Fulton House, un 1.4-hangedltsnametore " National' Hotel," ib ileted, - JtEUiTEN JONES, ifctor. ! OCt2. 9-tf Gilrnor House, j MONtTMENT SQ,TJARE, BALTUtOBI, . MD. rffflS NEW AND COMMODIOUS HOTEL JL is now open for the accommodation of tne traveling puoilc. - . It lias been newly' furnished throughout ana contains au the requisites of a nrst-ciass Hotel, la centrally located, and convenient to the business portion of the city, and pablic .buildings, city railways. Ac. The management promise to do everything in vneir power ior uie conuoixanu satisiariion or tneir guests. : Coaches run to "and from all depots anki steamboat landings. Fare 25 cents., ,v : iiuuru w per nay. ... KIRKLAND A CO., auSiu Proprietors.! HAIR REST0RATIVI5! Philasslvhia, October 13, 1865., - Ti:SSRB. Wit. K. K ART LETT. Jnl lv-L t. CO.i The "Half Restorative to whiob you. can public attention, has aU. the virtues you ciaim ior it. lmsl year uie top 01 my aeaa became quite bald, and by tmltjg yonr Kcstora- tive, for about two months; the growth of my halrwaa restored. To r pi-oniote the' ollect of uuiiira uuug uuui the BxMtorative, it win be weU to, bear iu mind that, "you cannot Drusn t ne ncail too much. 01 the hair too litUe. EDWIN FORREST. CARR, BOYKIN A CO., ITomietors, i 29 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md. mr23S A Fly " . , , T. H. BURGESS & GOl, PRODUCE AND OYSTER Commission Merchants, A NO BROKEKH UT J1IDE8, 8KLB, Xi. UKAlNi UOnO.N.AMU rUDAU't), ' 132 Pratt Street Wharf. BALTIMNRE, , , MB. Baltlmare referencee, by permission : Baslf t imnVAwnA W. '... f. ' a 147.. .Q Moore A Co., IIawklns,"ViUiamson A Co., B. Deford A Co., McCleish, Rives A Co.. Dunn, Todd A Co., Wm. Miller Co., James Myers x uo. . . mansssjtny furniture; h AV1NG RECENTLY; ENLARGED' OUR WAIiEROOMS, we now offer one of Ihe largest and best se- lected stocks of '' PARLOR, CHAMBER, , ;. , DIN1NQ, LIBRARYAND 1 ;" ''' Office-Furniture ever before offered in tbe State, and at as low prices as any establishment North or South. Bedding und tphalstcry. Our Bedding and Upholstery Department Is on an 'extensive' Wale. We: manufacture e' J peolal attention to our pure curled . r 'i i. 1 .riu-.'ti- 4 r TEESSES-: ..... .- ... j.kmwiv j ;ij3,. ,:'T; which fe warrant aa repceaented. i :v J 2, W i ndbvvA Shades "an cf r4' 11 V Our stock is the largest and best assorted ever offered in the city and comprises all the ' k - - - , , 1 "TV '.A - -t : i I I t l -1 tffew'piltfie: rfls for thfe-ran rnflre ly of new designs. AVsitrrH,1- i Granite Front Buildings, . .. . . . i . - BeasJnTSml"" " ' " '' '!' South Front 8treet. ii-iiOirTrX Teacher.i LADY WHO HS HAO SET106AEyeara xperience, wisnes a situation as xeacn- or. References exenansea. 'i Address Miss Ms -KiT-f FayettevUle, N.C sept 6-law-3w-nac preparea to eniemim Tne traveling puono in ihe beat manner, and Ut priecs' that cannot fail to-pteasd. ; A-hftre "6rnatrdnse ia to A LI AA J BALTIMORE. HOUGH, CLENDINqr & CO., Cotton Factors, Bacpn, Lard & Supplies Generally, No. 124 South utaw Street,' : BALTIMORE, MLX' Refeuekcks: Hopkins, Harden A Jtemp,Can hyi Gilpin A Co.v Pennlmaa A Bro.. Daniel Mfl ler 4 Co., Howard. 'Cole ft Co., Baltimore: M. wooa, wew Orleans ; c. w.uutton, Esq. Xynehburp, Va. : Davis, Boper St Co., Peters- uixi, a.; wm. 1. uernara, wmmngrton, M. U. mrgl-ly r. X. JBKKIKB.riL'jr Jf B, EBTLKDOK. Md. Jenkins & if? utiedge, . 1 -SUCCESSORS' TO ; JfE.KIN8&CATLETf,) MERCHANDISE BROKERS, .- : -r I lr AHD GENERAL COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, IOS LIGHT STREET ATIIARF, BALTIMOKK, MD. Special Attfption given, to .the Sale of FruitH nud VetrctabloM. WOUI.l RESPECTFTJI.LY ASK CO signroenta of aljve, and willuarau. highct market ratvs and prompt rotunia. . march 25-470-SAF-ly WM . B OND & C 0.7 "10 ir. PRATT ST., ' BALTIMORE, MD., G1 ENERAI.; COJtHIMIOir MerchiinU T and Dealers lu Sweet and Irish Potatoes Apples, Onions, Beans, Peas, Green and Dried Fruit. Nuts, Ekks, Terrapins, FurSjHide. Fish,1 and all kinds of FEXJIT and VEGETABLES. Particular attention nald to the sale of all kinds of EARLY VEGETABLES, GfiEEN FRUITS, Ac. AU kinds' 6"? -"SEED POTATOES, constantly on hand. n .... '.'"'' : , nrt38Jtriy A. W, GOLDSBOEOUGH, Gommissioii MeribMnt, KUTAW-STHEET, ' : , BA LTWORBi MD. , THE TRADE SUPPLIED WITH FLOUR and GttAIN from firsthand. , -r ,lt , " JrOitTcrs and consignments solicfte '1' ' mr23SAFly ..... BALTIMORE, Ml)., Commission Merchants A 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IX XX. Sweet and Irish Potatoes,-Apples, Onions, Means, reasjurecn ana Dried Fruit, Nuts, Kggs, Ten-apins. Fnrs, Hides, Fish, and all kinds of EARLY TRUCK and FRUITS. 43- Coiroioentare8uoctfuUY.solictcd and droippijy accented tor.s jinr35J3Fly POUTZS CbIii:TKi ,- Mid . -. . ... I Tui'.repi.fnli,loii(t find frvorabl.y l::io n, will tliorouglilv re-iuvij;oi-at ; P- .'- bOi-i a.ikiil lo-iii4ttiWJta, ' Yi v-", l. f UvtiUiiWr d ;tliBsiiV;f tli f t'- T ' ' S'..aiacii im! imistilff- ! k I : .-! .-1 in- vn:ti - c HI till tliwnyrt liT. :t!i .'. ?.:4llr.; APi'.rP.lTK VITAL ....... T - . - ' t- T .... . . . 1. ... T ! ,'T:iV ' ef Covi lUi pneiiar. ii - ' -JMriS ,: ..N.-!iai.-nt to increase the T ff-tiJ S.i:ti:.v. rf tain: ami cream twentj .-.'wl.lo. It li a ui:e pra- r - jv t. - -.it xnu tinEC u.e nuner nrm ' ami . --t. In titU-liinrf cutllc. it fivM t"...i;i a:i -!; - Li lifcyns tlieir liiuy. ml aiitkct i.u-.u 1 1 tie m.icii txff:.: , v T:i' 'Vt' ii: of Swiii . .- ic'i a Coughs. T'lcers in ;,1 X1' T"'"'- !' !t!'-''f ,,no" JT. psE' l-itl n-u i-rt:- jri-ventnl. If .'ivv: fj! . I t -: . .-.'. nil . e :::it, air.; . t '- ' o. !.-:i. :) I'vFOUTZ, Pronriftor, i. . i M o n r: , .i: i .-.s. 1 ;rV!.. . V r t'. i mr23S&Fly-Clm. ROSADALIS. ti f I tr P I tt 1n 9 'ROSADALIS. 4 nir23S4FIy ' ' " r The Georgia Paper Mill j CARROLL COUNT 1 OA., -rrriLL pay cash for rags, rope, Bagging and; old Papers.,-Orders solicited 1U1 - Wrapping1. Manilla - and Printing Paper. New Mill, Pure Water, Live Men. Prices Low. Terms Cash. , All Inquiries promptly answered. Address . li. P. KELLOGG, Preald't Co.. Colleno Temole." sept 19-S AF3mJ i - Newnan, Ga. E.r D.vNIXON, ' WITH 1 AT T E II S O N & B A S H, ' .- i .'i t , IT IlWlVSiUO jwuei B lit BOOTS & . r No. 273 West Baltimore treet, . . -. "., , i (Between Haaover and Sharp),! Thosi N. Patterson, . Baltimore Jno. II. Bash. y v Prompt and faithful attention paid to orders. ' i i ' M. Lowenbach &Bro,r wiib l. e sAiiE xiatfoii 54 SOTJTH.WARD STREET,.; ' " ; v And 288 West Pratt Street, . BALTIMOBElMD. "DEFEKS lO D. Miner & uo., steuman. r - . . , , .MH.Jt DmIm. 4 D.i ' tuimiJin vw, u .cmiiih in., taore : HeUer & Bro., Woodstock. Va.; L Wlta ABrO;, Btaunton, -y a. t .-; pxiic, rresiaent First Fationai jjana:, iiaxnsonDurg, v a. , mr23b&ny f. ' w.wiLso-, -. yf ft""-.'- . . . . "WTTJSON BURNS & CO ! '"fPVi H l.06 VV-V . ' . ' . f . I. A -. ry ir"- ' -rrj-r W. jLJOOa.Lj 3rj7U4JO.o . coMtiis$toN .Merchants, I 30 South Howard Street, corner of Lombard, - i.;.' i -; j .- BALXTJVtfrREt vr . TTTE HAVE CONSTANTLY ilNvJlANP" A W large and well assorted stock of GRO OERIKWIla and LIQUORS, ultabie for the boutnern ana western craae. we solicit consignmenta of Country Produce,snch as Cot ton, Feathers, Ginseng, Beeswax, Wool, .Dried Fruit, i or DKina, so. 1 I . Our facilities fo: ioruomg xoiuii m vr uoo.m to warrant qofck sales and prompt returns, All nmlara will hava nnr nmtnnt. Ht.rnt.lnTi ... i " '''.'' "-'A rwSi'' 'A3. C. , - 1 . ' Dr Eicau's : CbldenmmcTdles. Ar!WO'OTHER,TAKE NO monov 7011 Wl4 Ve Im6 health Mi l.OOOREWARD for any ca&'e of disease in anystasre which they fail to enre aMeas0 ln Dr. Richan's Goldbw Balsam No lmrM itu era, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and kUth" Sore Eyes, CntAneous or Skin Krnpt ions. Conner Colored Blotches, Soreness of t he &alp, Serof ula, AoMah flia gieatost .Jtenovater, Altera tive and Blood Purifier known, rr moves all disease from the system, and leaves the blood pure und healthy. - ir. tticHAvs uoldkh Balsam No. 2 cures g lug necessary. I have thonsnnils nt ..ii. cates proving the" miraculous cures effoetei. xmK rftlf? of either No. i or OA iiioHc'8lJt.LDKi,.rriDorii, a waft., sr. a . dy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinarv Derangements, accompanied with full direc tions. Prc4fA00prbottl'"cV ev Dr. KicHAU'stioLDBH Eliiib d'Amour, a rad. leal cure for Nervous or General Debility, in oldor yoniis- inttHirfftjg nergy with won- ilea 7or1$8o O8-M0 per bott' or twQ hot On weiptbr'prtothrtHo rrtifldleri wHl be ahlpwml to any plat. :.Jrontp6irttinrloiTald to all.cprresoonilunt t-Nonogrnnine-wiUioiit the name of Dr. kiimi a maTnn nt 7 v.LV.i 9 P. M. July 3-ly Notice; of. CoDartoership ii'ir J:)3yirTOTOK,CLiAprMi 'Wt.Fl fe' WEi4tX? HAVE rnlL... ay enteBoU intd tSoaiinecBbip, TKn rVW AiDl1. rtjteM-jitAS Nisi uucting the .business of a. kH It. i?qt itv AND FINANCIAL tjENCYIthrinclnHl offlceg at WllmlhVon,: ar and- ' York We rosictfHlly offer oor . fct?rvlce to' th public. -t--.- ' ., ; . . ::-.,' ; ,,(.. , - . LEMUEL BANNlSTKIt 1. 8. COWAN, . For' farther lriforinrtlnnvaTdveis!::.'' Wmlnton, KO. : apl849tf i.-. .!' : i ! T si iry i'.-V CHARIES T. WILLIS; . l:llb' lil", HAyiNdb'pNfj'xilw tjnkr. '"T A. K JFW TAHU8HnEIIT ln pa made and trimmed hrtbe neatest and Intent. styles and wjttatlifetafndaQKirst materials, at short notice T - Fornliare neatly realreu ana varnished , i Prompt attention given to all. kuMls-Qf Car peaterfVork., , .. ia ,.,.. JUST ""RI3CJBlmi"'.- ' ;).;;.: :;.. ti itvuiA ooim iCw.i:. 1 A flno assortniCTit of tfisic s Metal le Burial Cases, which I will fnrnish cheaper than they have beeq Midi beretoore auS-tf ARIUXGTOaV'S Celetra t e t- G am e Fowls fJ' ' ei"ii, it X ' J li ii S .. A i L E ; TTpHEf' MANf 'APPLICATIONS 'FROM DI JL rerent parts or the country Induce Subscriber to y to faneiors that he baa and near" bis farm ln Nsh- county. H. C, muuuervi uiow wwuiaiuHiippenortow ff va mAn a Vt.A.la a m .1 ..... j , 1 . of various breeds and oolors, originally im ported and propagated by the late Nick Ar lington, who was the most successful breeder ck rcei m e rington, who was the most successful breeder and winner of the. largest main of cocks ever tooght In the United Sijitea. at Memphis, Tc nessce. May, J8S7. $10,000 stakes. TERMS. I wUl carefully box in a neat, lig Len- .light rounir cage, and ship per Express, C O, D., young Fowls, this Bummer and FalL atfcSner nair. or aii, i $10 per trio, stags single ft each. For cocks two years oin, m iuii leatner, S3 each ; cock I will also enotose- to purchasers a reeine for certain cure of gapes, distemper, and destruc tion of vermin among poultry. Aiinrcss, .i. u. AititiMi'TUA, . . : jcl7-tf , HiUiardston, Nash co., N. C. No. 1 Peruvian Giiano. L ACRE Ii" II II. f. MILLS COTTON YAltN, For alc bv . MOFF1TT A CO. jahiU'tfrKtr" - Blacksmith Shop. rruiE UNDKitsiGSUn 'PARK GI2KAT JL. picas iLcasuro It Uiloruiiuir ihcir ciutomers ney nave cstahiisireu h nrstlnwi HlMfk. stnitn in hop nnd'iifowv Vhoelnar establish. ment on the KaAtBldo of NuU Ixtween Wal. nutan( Rod Crodastraoie.c . ..iSi ... . . They Will tw pi-opored at all times to do any k.nd of work Mi fAieir Uimt. noises shod in the best style. r.. 41 v IY 14 J I'Ej. au31.1nt "- ' R. WATERS. .Vl.1.. i.i , N.1 C.uMajp MtGazetteer. The SuBscaniEttAyrKQ'puiffcHASED the entire Cottv RiBlit. Platrf. AnJnf tiia above Works, and desfcroue to exnedit their ft.'.'... ii ui.K .mi vcnuvim lu oipwiw Irlieir eole through tk eatfra Stat, at. an early day oners to live, acumen Dtuwcaa-.TOutig men a B ouaiscas roue g . men a te .moncv. . I offer three. good chance Jmake . money. . I offer three- touruis ox tne max in, shaies of five or ten Counties each. ; , This new map will b about live feet by four: illustrated Border,' Hand, someiy Engravetf!duntl8,' Railroads. Post offices, Mines, Moimtaii, o., Ac -A Map wormy ua auog up in every nouse, omcv, and school ia the. State. -,- . , , , .. Specimen copies ready' .about 'the 1st Sep tember, W09. , . '.. " ", Terms accommodatlug, address with two stamps,. ." - . utigl3-tf7 WilningtOB. N. C. Min.-f J ' - . : I.:.. Jwik JI wimam ifaToerf; Commission merchants 87 irrffie Arjeieiffr, jwit rox; "" 'Fo'iittio'a!eJoi'-' ':i''';,' Peanuts, Lear and Fine-cut Tobacco, Cotton, woou, iiuies, bicins, lirs, xicmp. Tar, Turpentine, Ros In . Beeswax, Whiskey, llags,-LArd; Tallow liggs, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Green and Dried Fmits,' Vegetables, and all .!-. -ju-j kinds of Sou tkera.,! u ,;. -ii-.. ' .rpUCliOllfc,;, 1AflI(-idvmliedMiQjraiCiBrMENTB) J Order for Merchandise PromDtlv filled free of charge. - Send for our Price current and Marking Plate.,,., ., - " Knl7-.UIL.1ir ... '!-..- !-l. f'f 'M V .1 WILMINGTON RAIlWIyRIDGE CO., ) i ,. -pK8iinnrT'B orrica, . J ,jia.,WMUrTO,JS.Sep1vJ7tili, m. S nTEAMBOATOWN I S UVtteeL Ti CJTE AMBOAT OWNERS AND OTHERS naV- tlverrielnform- 2jt onArfof the Meares BiufT Bridae I will be habltOall v ooen when a Whltd Phrnal 1 bv dav and a White Lisrht bv nlaotwiilbe bdowd un uu uowAtni titi irom t t-.4ii . 10 fBixteenlteet above the centre of the draw. , uinuvwc-iirar.-fnrtturoatistn In all its ,drais. wbothnr ffroki hloiouiyjorothcr ca.iKos; gives rminedlate relief In i .il cases. No iii..i. VI -.'i. aoio nvouriuior " oiown in glass tr bottles," ' v - Address MlU'iftilltttpsV'.' llfulars Bent,. OffliA linnn nii a a J - - ....... . in , p L.iuii'i cT5 i-r-v f ' "tit i M.jii.mi'm ji f i.i"':y... Wheh the Dft A Wfs closed, to allow the pas- j , .i.fcfttfeoftralnaaRodSiirnal bv day and Red . I 1 . 1.. .1,.-. A. .1' s I .wtui oy ui.iu .tiu m -iiy-4 uu uwwu I the river. " - ; ' i ' - Thn Red SiB-nal Is shown tjrKmv the track . when tbe Draw is open and the White Signal when it Is closed. -At -TnrtB:oirie. to r.niU stoo at both ridraa. akd not nroeeed until tbe Draw ia .known to be closed. Hilton Draw will be loed habitually. - w. B BRIDGE RS, Mpt-im '''.n v. a r. . i ' . .jnresiaen. 10Boxes .. p . pool' 1 1 irr ViJS.i t bttt - I I I I m 4004V.4 AjtAJ , .yVV4 Ai. l , . r-' I J -J- '-' K TtnTFa MD RT AT2CU. At i : 1 ; "i!' ept .-,'t

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