14' - - ' - iMs M Ml pi I II h IIMI"IM ' fa tXi' " ' 111 1 1 7 If K v. ' a I MORNING STAR. PUBLISHED AT WILMINGTON, N. C. By WJH. II. BEBXABD, - SUBSOUl P,T I OH;; , , By Mail, 17 00 per year $ or 3 80 for six months. . Delivered to subscribers in any part of the city at 15 cents per week. ' ' "'" ' rtirc: VERY . ,u . .. ItATEST. UY TELEGRAPH, . ... TO-4-' i.'.f T?' THE MORNING STAR. ,".' NOOV UEPOUTM. From Washington.. ! Washington, Oct 2. ' . It seems certain that the new Cuban expedi tious are engineered by parties unknown, bnt the engineers are much more potent than the old Cuban Junta. ' ,' ' Adriccs from Canada, and details from New York, especially as supported by the Herald's dispatch, from Key West, Indicate formidable demonstration. . - , From New Yrk. ,.. ; r f.r r;n rt New Tok Oct. &' . Tho IIeraTd'8 Key West special says a Cuban; expedition of 400 strong, commanded by Gen.: Create, escaped (rem Mew York, harbor Mqn-! day, and reached the Florida coast, when it was Jolaed by the Cuban privateers Sillian and Teaser, with 1600 men undsr General Gerzara. The fleet Is freighted with 3000 rifles, 5000 sa bres and 20 guns ranging from 6 to 24-pound er ' ' Another body of me, under Stedman and Majrrnder, Is about embarking from a pull port for the common rendezvons off the Ca ban coast. 1 The Silllan aftd Tcazcr sailed last night, and will be joined at sea by the Cuban privateers, Hornet and Cuba Volunteering is very brisk along the gulf coast and 5000 men are waiting for transpor- From Pblladelpbla. . , . . Philadelphia, Oct 2. Another political row ocenrred here last n'ibt lvea persona are known to be scri OMly woandeA, aaaely: three Democrata, four Republicans, tarea dUaena aad one policeman. The Democrats drove the Hp public ua, Trom their neadvartera aajl destrojed their trans parencies. v CaUformlav. . i , Sax liusciaro. Cx: A Vrtvy earthquake with a loud nole ec carredata Lorenza to-daj. ; '' Frasa Iaiaaa, , IXSIASATOUS. Oct .5." : The boiler of one of two engines ompetinfj far speed st the State Fair, exploded, killing nineteea.- peiaoos and woaading many. Among those killed is Mr. Jackson, of Mem- The barometer indicates a hurricane. The Captain of the Portltas .Ordered the vessels in the harbor to be securely moored. ... New Tork If arketa. New Yobk, Oct. 2 Noon Fbtancitl. '" Stocks strong. Money 7 9 cent. Sterling Exchange long sight , and short sight cent. Gold 130. U. S. five-twenty bonds of '02, 119. Tennessee ex-coupon six V cent, bonds 60; new issue 52. Virgiuia sixes cx coupon 53; new issue 52. Louisiana levuo sixes Co; eights Alabama eighU 90. Georgia sixes 85; sevens S9. North Carolina sixes old Issue 49; new issue 44. South Car olina sixes new 69: Commercial. Flour 5 cents lower. Wheat dull. Corn dull and declined. Pork nominal at $31 252l 50. Lard dull. Cotton unchanged at 27 cents. SpiriU Turpentine firm at 44 cents. Rosin dull common 12 25. Freights very firm. Foreign Jilarket. Lojvdon, Oct 2 Noon. Consols for money 03. U. S. 5-20 bonds 1862, 82). Ltveupool, Oct. 2 Noon. Cotton Uplands 12d; Orleans 12di sales 7000 bales. Market quiet OUI6 NIGHT REPOUTS. i HtO.lt WASHINGTON. Washinotok, Oct.;2. Receipts from Internal Revenue to.daj $S50, 000. ' Advices from the East India squadron , are unfavorable to tho apprentice system, and many have deserted. Ihe majority of those remaining are always under punishment Wt delegation of Ohio steamboat men, head ed by James K. Moorhcad, are here, before the Board of Engineers, opposing the bul.ding of bridges over navigable streams, less than 400 feet span. oueruiaB opposes a further reduction of the army until the Indian trouble are over.! Coasul Plumb reports Spanish interference with the mails at Havana, which, he beueves, will be followed by open seizure unless the Government acts promptly. Tbe dispatches were referred to Cresswell. It is stated that Delano baa prepared a cir cular to assessors, referring to incomes which involve universal domlclllar visits. Those who have failed to report must all make oath. Del ano demands energetic, action, from assess ors. i ; v . .i. Senator Ramsey reports that the French ire ' difficult to move in postal reforms. , In tbe correspondence between the agents of tbe Euterpe and State Department, regard ing the Hornet, Fish takes the ground that the Government cannot, upon rumor, grant her a convoy, but should the vessel while bearing a National flag be unlawfully molested, prompt 1 action would be taken to prevent a - repetition of the outrage and to punish tho offenders. The special partisans of the Cuspcdcs gov- J ernuiont hate vnfavorable a4Yifeslrorn the in terior of Cnba, which seem confirmatory of the Havana reports of Jordan's desire to abandon the struggle. From Hew York. ; New Youk, Oct. 2. Marshal Barlow denies that the steamer Al abala is a Cuban privateer. She is a regular steamer "ply Ing between New York and Fcr nandina. . . . . . . Marshal Barlow has withdrawn the sarvcil ance from the Euterpe. 1 The failure of Adams, Kimbat & Moore and; Fullestln fc Raymond Is announced on the stock board. .-i.J f i. ' , ,s The Dictator and Severn are equipped and ' coaled in momentary expectation of orders for Cuba.- 'Hi- . From Philadelphia. PaXLADBLrBIA; Oct. 2. A steady rftinf has been prevailing since noon. :-';.. n.w nrirt dftTlcrprona imirtorinl" 4vi.ii. , j y ' greenback has just made its appearance in this -. i From Sonth Carolina. ; . " ' 1 i ' r.v . UHAM.BSTON. Oct. 2. Vessels outward bound nro detained by tbe ,'1 From Now Hampshire.. I. .. '.,'1'' ' CONCORTt. flrt O Ex-Presiuent Franklin Pierce is vcrv .ii, His disease assumes a dronslcnl form '. .1 4'i ' K;i f Ki n i ( r:; , XoHDos'. Oct. 2. TheBOtato crop In England istoelow the ayerage. It la estimated that half the crop in Cumberland li diseased. i . Foreign. Th. treat, betweed Anstria .nd chi.ato. sen duly signed. l I been duly New Tork Markets. . Nkw Tobk, Oct 2. ! 'Cotton firmer with sales of 4,700 bales at 27V cents. Flour heavy and 10 cents lower superfine state" 5 055 W. Wheat closed steady. Corn mixed western f 1 001 Whisky a shade firmer at 1 1 22f, Pork quiet and lower at $31 12tf31 75, Beer quiet Lard heavy kettle 1SX19 cents. Naval Stores and Grocorics qoiet Freights a auado firmer.".'' ' -' " -v '.'f ! Savannah Slarlietm. ,r: -"tcl7 U S.WANSAir; Oct. 2. Cotton firm middlings 25 cents. Receipts 1SS3 bales. .. Ansusta Markets. Augusta, Oct 2. Cotton firmer, with sales of 390 bales midd lings 24HfC?24 cents. Charleston Market. , i Y '' Chaklkston, Oct 2. , Cotton in moderate demaud but firm, with sales of 325 bales middlings 25 cents. t ' v.- From Paris. , ? , ; Paris, Oct 2. The loss by the Bonnicaui fire Is ten million francs. . .JSw York. Cotton statement. ' fPer Telegraph. J " ! ' . . STATEMENT OF ALL U. S. PORTS. ,. ' New. Yobk; Oct 2. Bales Nett receipts ol. Cotton for .tba week , a all U. 8. ports. Exports of Cotton for the week, from all U. S. pol-U to Great Britain, - ' Exports for. Uio week from all U. S. ports to the Continent,- -Stock on hand ajid on shipboard not J xtilciiii:ijtjkU U. B. ports,; i . 54,633 ; 7,434 2,379 S6VD54 LINES. Xew York and XortU Carolina , , Steamship Line. . THE STEAMSHIP 4 PIE E - Captain PRICE, TTIl.I. LEAVE OUR WIIARr. BO V sween Dock and Oranee streets, for the Abora port, on JX tiDAl , October 5tn. IU . J.. .. . A v . i - Patrouisc tbe Old L.ine, -rrriricii has outlived six op- yy positions and never taken advantage of a monopoly, ana wnose rates nave ueea Unifornily Lover Hian any Ues on Hie Coast And Present Rates or Freight and Insurance Gnaranieed . , ns Low as the Lowest. The onlv Line connectinsr with or author- cod to give through Bills of Lading by either the WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER B. R. WTf XfTVilTHV rV W IS 1 IU1V 1 T V X l-i iJA A VJ a. Vii AV V A I ' r . At a A. VTA WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RUTHER FORD R. R. All Ireieht consigned to the Rail Road Agents will have benefit of lowest rater to or from New York. Sailing from New York every TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY At 4 P. M., from Pier 15 East River, offering ine aavantages oi a tn-wceiciy line. D. O. WORTH, Azeht, Wilmincton. N. C. JAMES II AND, Agent, 119 Wall street, N.Y juiyi-ir LOIULLAUD'S Steamship Line T5FTWEEX SEW YORK AND WILMIXG JL TON, N. C. y. - - ' Th Kcw Iron Steamslilps volunteer:, Cnpt. JOKE.. 11ESOLTJT35,:; : will leaver Wilmington aHemately every five flays. Thmime lu-ings goods from Now Tor atwiafMaying-iow i-atc ' ' Floof IS Cents per Barrel, Pork as Cents wr Irrl, . . 1 r:-v-r Ca w ;. Molasses 23 Cents per Barrel, nuKBr is tinia per , i Jaeaspremeat goods t cent 3 per foot We ight goous iu cenu per iiv 1 us. SV Insurance effected at lowest rates. BARRY BROTHERS, Agents. r iinungion, jm. j. atay xa-ti Philadelphia and' Southern Mail Steamship Line. TflB FAST , AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP PIONEER. Capt. I. D. BARBETT, ' i "TTTILL RUN THE FOLLOWING SCHED - Y? ula between Pbiladelphiaand Wimitng ton," IT. '' t s Cl: .. Leaving TliUadelnhia. Leaving' Wilmington. June 22, 18B9 , ,; July . 8, 1869 .. " . 23, 1869 Aug. 6, 1869 ' "' " 20, 1869 Sept; 4, 1869 " 19, 186 a. m., June 15, 1889 29, I860 6 a. m., 6 a.m., July Aug.; 15, 18CB 30, 109 6 a. m, 13, 1809 27, 159 6 a. m 6 a. m i Sept. II, ISfiO ,.r a .96. 18Tfl n Oct 4, 1869 ? 19, 1869 Nov. 2, 1869 2?: .18, 1869 Dec. 2, 1869 " 17, 1869 : ! '31. 1869 , o a. m., - , im ; 6 a. id k Kov. 1 10; 1809 6 a. m., " 25, 1809 6, a. m., pec. 10, lsco 6a.m f'24, 180ft FBEIO UTS - PROM PlirtADELPIIIA V I 1 I ..I'll I i M nrnrrnrn: i ' ' EH Flour and Sugar, 15 cts. Molasses, 25 eta Beef and Pork, 25 Vinegar, 25 " - . . - .1 .; ..- .-' - - Meatsnremeut Ooods ents per foot, A.I . ' i. . ! " - ! .'Weight Goods .10 eta. peV 100 Iba Insurance at low rates. vi'i : n - . .,,f . For Freight or Passage, apply to ' - i O. WORTH,-Agent, ! ( , . , v-t Wilmington, N. C. : klrd Street Philadelphia. . , vy. Jj. divflircu, uenerai Atrenr, iao aouiu 25,000; 9.fm i iflPi TAGS opocted dolly 1 vawv. , :r.;j .aTi 7 Tfji Boaooara Air'. Lnio, j JJEerahaats-.xsan be sup plied-at lo w prices at the ;i-..ti:jj-.i- .! . . 'u .' ic"i . t f ri - -i . STAU.Jplj'filTICE. I !m sept 47 s-nao ... PES BABBIT,. I . PEBBABBKLJ COMMERCIAL. jIJMt vgT6ft ; mt. ' '-r.5 . VA" I vi. STAR OFFICE. Oct 2. SPIRIT RPElNB-rarfep reporteffpf 175 casks at 40 ceuts for country packages. ROSIN Sales of 100 bbls Strained at 1 60. CRUDE TTURPENTINE-r Only 54 bbls were reported at 11 50 for JIard and $3 50 for "Virgin and Yellow Dip, TAR CO bbls changed hands at f 2 80 i cr bbL ." - COTTON Sales of 97 bales at 24KQ25 eta. WlIOIiKSALE KICKS' . ARTICLK8. PRICB8. BA GIXQ Gnnriy,. .'. : . . . f yd BACOjy Nobth Carolina, SI & 00 18 0 20 Q llaUlS,. a. ...m. .... Mh Shoulders, .......f ft Hog Round, ...ft lb WltSTISH llama.... ........ E. 'JO 2J 'A 20 ($ ., we ' 1 I - : 2 CO S 3u0 0 ' oo a 24 VI i ,'?H 2 75 ! 3 23 3 25 'Sides, V.. .W 16 GKaiiLIam OA . uuvuiiioiaM.i.l((l.v4l!i ju BARRELS tilririU Titrpetitin. j oecoim uanu,.,., ..e&cii, New New York,.. each Newcrey each BEES WAX i . t. BRICKS Wilmington,., ji. .rrc'iS7&-Nort)i Carolina, a 10 00 & 15 00 'dO O v 85 00 0 0 i Northern Vt fl CA JVBZS-Sperm, . : I . . . f xaiiow,. f.r a A(tam8ntine..'....'.'i....-.. 8 CHKKSK Northern, Fac'y. V ft Dairy. COFfEE-J ava. 87.e. -.40 kio, :.v:..,...vT "w l4ic;B,yr,-k.ij.v.:t.in.if- m ijf 28 Ob. 1UIIllllKO... . . . . . . J IK 2 S , 23 ; 00 0 1 50 7K 8 12 15 CORiV MEAL. bush coTTOir ties DOJtfESTICSSStieeilng, 4-4 fJyd luxn, w nnncn 0 00 & i 10 FISH Mackerel, No. l,.f U bblJ 1L 00 12 50 i AiacKcrei, no. x, wicboil v ws at uu i Mackerel, No. 3, flbbii 14 00 re0 TOO W.C.6errJn...,t..V DblJ 0.0(1 001 FLOUR- - ' - ? . wry wiu w Bi Fine ...fbbl Super. Northern, w bbi Extra Do. " .:....fl1)bli Family. "......VBbbl 6 00 0 00 C 25 O 6 51 6 75 ; 00 8 00 W 12 50 11 00 11 25 00 00 00 00 N. Carolina Snper.... bbl " Kxtra,..:..Tlbbl - u Familv hh ii so G ir oo Fl. WTTT IlilJWft ' I 1 Peruvian Gaano SOC fcf 60 od 82 SO rata psco Guano,.., f? 2000 6. 00 00 00 63 00 imiukut) raospnate, " Rhodes' Stan. Manure,'"" ' Lister Superphosphate." ui3iTn'SAintnoniata ' lkne Phospb. of Lime. W ikx, Uibbs A Co's Ma- " nipulatcd Guano, " Phosnix Guano, " o. Carolina Bono Phos phate, Alkaline Super Phosph., " Amino'd Super Phosph., Ammonia'd Alkaline Su- " ' per Phosphate - Chesapeake Phosphate, Croasodale's Superphos- pbatc...... m Alt Volarjiospaia,!i Ground Bone ,...T.. f ..... Bone Meal.:.. ...... ..I... " Flour t I 70 00 80 OOi 70 00 85 00 50 00 it) 70 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 tfi 00 . 1 ft. . oo oo 70 eo oo eo 70 oo eo oo no o oo oo at oo 00 00 40 60 00 00 tS 43 00 oq oo en 57 00 Complete- Manure. .. . ' Whann's Phosphate ; nro po a 67 oo 00 00 ft) 71) 00 eo eo e 70 oo wanao " . ..-.;... Beryer ft Butz's Phos- ' nuate... CO 00 00 00 10 Q 20 1 W ft .1 53 ULUJ-.x GRAIX corn, in Store,.., f sa t.j Corn, Cargo, 58 1-a Corn. New : v hhoh 0 00 00 0 00 & 0 00 Oats,. .. ... . ,6 bushP !" ao e 1 ihi , 1 05 e . t iq 7.V W t-eiw. tjow KubU BIDES Green, 8 Dry...... 1. AKEa8teTn,... . loo S.s North River, . 100 As 1IOOP IRON ...;. ton 130 00 (JIM 00 LARD Northern, lb IT 0 11 20 tS 21 'IWjj 0 00 onn caroima, f ft LIME,. Wide Boards,..,......)) Mil Scaatliag,.. ft M ft Flooring, ,JU ft Citv Stham Sawed - Ship Stnfi, resawed,..? M a Rough Edge Plank,. M ft 12 oq 15 00 K) 00 15 00 23 00 25 00 21 00 28 00 West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality, ..ft M ftl Dressed Flooring, seasoned,! Scantling and Boards, ctm- 18 00 0 30 00 20 00 S3 00 15 00 20 00 mon,. w mr JfOL4fiKfil!-Cuba,hhd8 gal 52'X 55 OS oe juou. Dins., w gal Sugar House, hbds.,...w gal t? " bblfl'v.fteal 55 40 Q 60 Q oo l 40 a 45 1 00 0 00 42U ti5 Syrup, bbls W Kai NAILS Cut, 4d to 20d,. OILS Kerosene, L.ara, Linseed,. Roatn 1 50 ..gal bush bush ooja. .oo PEANUTS. 2(10(1) 2 10 1 50 0 00 2 00 2 50 34 75 fc4 35 30 00 31 00 POTA TOESSwtKt,.. Irish, Northern,.... PORK Northern bbl k, ny mess,.. ...... Tbin. ..I....:...... ' Prime....... RUUQD..... ......... S3 uo. oo oa -ElCJS-Oarolina, 10U 1 00 r.asc muia,...... Rough oo e l oo m J a 73 f8 1 50 10 00 0 CO . 1 80 ? 00 00 12 ROPE SALT Alum, Liverpool........ ' American. 2 00 0 1 7o a 15 17 '18 0 ,10 " 18 i 8UOA .R-Cuba,.. . . rono ivico,, A. Coffee,....: D. , " C. ' " Crushed 604 P Northern,.. w uminnon,. ......... aA'OLiiS-Contraci,.. . . 00 00 & C 00 V Mk 9 50 8 00 STA VESVf. Q. Bbl., 30 00 US 00 00 -) 00 W 00 H 00-fj 50 ' 9 80. 10 SO 7 00 & 8 00 3 oo g n oo 1 75 4 00 S 00 fcj 00 JLO. Hhd.,.4. TIMBER Sh fpping, a fa - . iMiU PrhHe....... 4b ii Mill Fair,.... .......it M Inferior to Ordinary,,.. M M WHISKEY Northern,.... gal North Carolina V eal " ; ' 'ARRIVED - 21 -Steamship Empire, Price, N. Y., D G Worth. -. " A ' -T- Stmr .aovj WorlJil.niirt.Fiiycttcvillc, D G Worth. Br Brig F II Odionie, Boston, master. Brig Lima, Hill, N York, J 11 Cbadboia-n & Co. i 1 ., , .. VLEARED. Steamship Lucilic, Harrington, Baltimore, Sticppcrson & Co. Consignees. , Per S S Empire HB Eilcrs, Plautcre' Ware house, Stmr Marlon, Lilly & Patterson, DA Smith, A F Johnson, G A Peck, R E Heide, J A Maves & CoJ Geo Mrers. W H McBrvde. Munson & Co, Willard Bros, Bizzell & Mur M va uu 700 Hard Bros, Bizzell & Mur- Foreign Languages, each. -f . - -E Hall, N GottburgJ F Crayon Drawing and Painting in Water k, L Vollers, C F Steamboat Colors,-' - -' '---.:. .4 - ray, A Martto, A t Thornton, M Faulk Co, 8 Bear fc Bro, Grapn, Watson & Walsh, E S Lilly. W D Smith & Co. D G Worth. Stmr II E Lee, J K Kyle & Co, 8 J Hinsdale, Pate & Taylor, S E McMullan, M M Katz & Co, J M HardewickH Bruner, JI Finke, Dawson, Teel A Hennlng,' '8 Brandt,' -J W Mallet Williams & Mnrchison. F W Kerchner, E L Pemherton, J A Pemberton, OrrCll's Line, J AH Samp son, Jno Dawson, J Wronski, A A Solomon,' N Jacobi, DeRosset & Co, Hancock & Daggct, Bardon & Co, . W J Cox, .Edwards & Hall, V. F Kornegay, J S Higbic, J VV Leak & Co, J H. Hugginsj i Merrlman & Newbury,. JJirdseV & Robinson. G O Boone & Bro, Mitchell & Ifug- gins,.CaptXunmerman. Jas Madden, C Tiepk en. D & J Newman. W DRaynor, JH Neff, Covington, Everett & Co. Adrian & Vollers, E Peschauy W W Reign, A B Carver, Cowao fc Metts, O S Hayes & Co, L C Hubbard & Son, Strauss & Rice, H Slolter, J C,Kocb, J.B Ud derwood, B fi Q&ldej A" A MeKetUa.s Son, Smith & 8trauss, Warren Johnson, Zimmer man & White, W P Smith & Co, A H Neff, E Willis.'A H VanBokkelan, W H McRary. ; DURHAM SMOKING., TOBACCO. . A LARGE LOT -of the "very best" Just-- XV. to band. Put up in; iio.j 4 ibi and 14a pacaages. -Bept1' J DeROSSET & CO. 5t 1 -. Qnt tiro IroSk of.rpjkB&XNA and GLASS- -.WARS4 CROCKKRT,!Ae.r tr Sale positive. , Goods must be "rrnc crvi ca bo fore -pot. at..tj 'r ?, ,":;',:',,,; X o. f AflAJUJUnUC, AQClTi sept 8 .1 4-tf. 4M g a h 6gBSgQAI foM SCHOOL" Ffl B1 T0UN&5 LADIES. - . Blisses KENXEDY sfe MAllT, .,xlV?dS3i?n ?f thla inw-intion is to, afford tne hiehest aavantagea for the instruction of yonng ladies.. Tho eonrseof stady is fall and eysieuiAWQ, eBooraomgr everything neeessary tol? tliJ?V!SlnJlaf4,e,?ant wlucatTonTT" ; The BKLLE8 i.ETTJtjfia elaaa fo the stady of Classical Literature, will bo under tbesii pervlsionofCot WM.MUNFORD. The stndv of Chkmhtkt will be rendered effective, as well as interesting,- by the acquisition of a well-selected apparatus. The MODERN LANGUAGES will be .thor oughly taught. Special attention will be paid to If kxnch, and every facility afforded for ac quiring a .practical kaow ledge of that lan guage. LATIN will be tanht without extra charge. In the MUSICAL DEPARTMENT, Pi5nl cipala have secured, the services of Frof. W. F. OltABAU, whose lonsr succe s in Vila urn. fession baa woe for him an. enviable reputa tion. -'L'fT.i'O V -j..; j V ' ' will be taught by a competent Professor..- .- 7 ; - . , . Pnpils not desiring to pursue the full course May take up auy special hroqcliat reasonable rates. ' i A limited number of vnn n or i .! wiii u rteelved as Boarders by making early appli cation. , , For terms, &c, applyto augM-UJ .,. MISS KENNEDY. ! ... : : i, ' MRS.' RANSOM'S ; : WILL OPFN ITS NEXT SESSION ON THE 7th of October. 19. at tho North West -corner of 5th and Dock Streets, the present rtniueucD ui mr. Mile) U)Sun. ' ' 1 , . Tho session will end the last Friday in June next. : ... . Terms for whole, year: ,.. - Primary EngUeh,... S45.00 High! Kaglish,.'.... 75.00 'sle;"Anieht' and' Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting extra. : ' : Charge payable1 one half oh entering, the other hair on-t he 15tli of February following; ,: For in fbrtnatiori and Circulars, apply to i septltt-tfj ' Has. ROBERT BANSOHI 1 ' ' v ! Cape Fear Academy, i aHfi SECOND ANNUAL SESSION OF THI . Academy will open On' Monday thi ItVof October. . v ' 7 The Principal will bo assisted by Mr. Frank II. Alfrtend, A. M. and Dr. K. Kidder Meade, both gentlemen of experience and ability. Terms for the half Session ending Febru ary 14th, 1S70 : i - i . In the Preparatory Department, $55.00 ' 50.00 in inc Academic Department, . Payable strictly on entering. ! Special arransomenrs with boarrlOYM.- ' i- For Circulaiscontaininir full ii.fnrmn. tion, address 4dilria ' " Gen. R. E. COLSTON, .Prinoit. i r WILMINGTOX. septl7-tt OLDEST SCHOOL J MRS. LAURA ROTHVELt ASO.TIIE j MISSES E0THWELL WILL OPEN THE S4th ANNUAL SES SIOV nf thnir &l,rul 1., . .1 1 rectly opposite the City Hall. Monday, October 4th. is- . V"?v;r r t' - Jh? usual Etog7i.blaachi, fagelher with F,At;,Nt;1,1' LATIN, MUSIC ana DRAWING will be thoroughly taught, on liberal terms. 8Pt2- -jt Ladies and Children, CONDUCTED BY MISSES BURR A JAMES, will reopen, with ibo usual course of in- Struction. ineludinsr Lntiti. Frnneli nml Tiro . ing, on WEDNESDAY, October tith. MUSICAL DEPARTMENT still under the supervision of Mrs. M. S. Cusb .ing. sept 0-lm WILMINGTON MALE AND ' ; . Female Seminary "TTTILL REOPEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER if , fith. Circulars at the Book Stores. septlO-tf G. W.JEWETT. rry v .A; CAED. HA'VlNfi SECURED THAT DESIRABLE spacious building, in a central location, the Presbyterian Session Room, East side ront street, oct ween dock and Orange, my wnuui wui not, us neretoiore, oe limited in numbers. The 4th Annual Session will open Monday October 4th, Mm. t-'trculars at the Book Stores. WANTED. An Assistant in the Female Do partment to teach Muic, trench and Drawing. sept 'jy-tfj 3CHlNTOX SPECIAL ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF MEECY, WILMINGTON CITY, N. C. j THE SISTETti OF MERCT WILL RECEIVE on the 11th of October, a limited number of Pupils, to to whom they proposo to Impart a :ni accomplished education. The useful course of instruction will embrace all the branches required fot young ladies. ' Children of any religious denomination will be received, and whilst when question of moral training .impartial vigilance and cdre shall be equally bestowed on all, yet private religious convictions will bo carefully res pected. Terms as fqNpws : r r r r Lf : j j. . 1 ra CiUABTEn. English Course Primary class' ' - J $ 8 Junior, Intermediate and Senior Classes, ; 15 10 Colors, 10 13 19 Oil and. J?aatH Painting, , f , ,,v - ,. Embroidery, - - - - - Music at Professors' charges. , Application for admission will be received at the Convent, corner of Second and Nan 'Streets (house known as the Beery house). A tew select Boarders will be received, sept 2t .. 2-lw Notice. a HEBKBJ; FORBID, anj person tres- Kassmtf - oa out- land, lvihir .between. SfflithTi Creek ami the W; R. R.I near the Workhouse, known as the Love farm, in any way. The hi w will be rigidly enforced. ... . NORTHROP & CUMMINd. ' DISSOLUTION OF ." CO-PABMIIIP;: rriHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore cxist- JL ing under the style of Blumenthal A Levy, is tuis aay uissoivea Dy. mutual consent, uy the withdrawal of Solomon Levy. All the 11- abilities of the firm will be paid bv Samuel. Blumenthal, at No. 40 Market street, as ' speci fied In his agreement to said Solomon Levy, and all debts due to the firm can be collected by either of the undersigned. a i "... ... . i SAMUEL BLUMENTHAL. , y , SOLOMON LEVY. oet'l'"'''- 8.1 w- . JUST. RECEIVED. l. ,h CJUPER, ; Kxtra Super, Family and Extra I O Family Flour ; Butter, Soda, Water, Con- gross, Oyster and Milk Crackers. t ancy anu common soaps. Pure Leaf Lard, Butter, Cheese, very nioe Corned Beef and Sugar Cured Hams, "boxes Smoked Herring and Codfish, together with a general assortment of Groceries, for sale by ,AJHVBi e OJLDUAJU. sept 26 4-tf MISCEUNEOTTg. 1 Administrator's Hotice; ...cfprRKR r,ftnflKl aa ad -llniar npon the eStote of theJate Mrs. Barbara Doeoher. noUfles all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent t hem to the sobsoriber for payment witn in tle first day f October, 1870, and also re anests all persons tadebtedto said estate-to make immediate payment of the same. jSO. G. BAUMAN, Adm'r. oat HiiiJ s A. AlawfiwB a ipT-T-roT? 1KKK nnvlnrf nnnnnMI u su- COTTON BAGGING. 4 ff ROLLS .XX LJUL JUAUQINU,' DOUBLE rANCHOR BAGGING, JnstTeceived aind for sale try DeROSSET CO.' 5-tf ' sept tt For Sale! mWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in City of 'Wilmlngtoik, six per cent, gold bear ing ten year Coupoa. Bonds. To be soli in Small lOtS. Wt t 1 . . - Apply to First National Bank, JcntCs Uaw- it . son or James few Burr & Co, , ; , . , ,. , . j Chairman Finance Committee. i I . 11. ; f.i; ,ang20-tf ..f ,: City of Wilmington. I Scliooi;;B6oks. :l TEACHER8 AND PARENTS are respect , fully invited, to examine my assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY which is' now very complete. JNO. D. LOVE. Dissolution ol .Co:partnersliipi rpHB CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofece .exist- j ing under the style or v. a. . Banks a, C., has this day been dissolved bv mutual consent. The business of the' late firm will b settled .by K. D. Hall. f ;i! ,r .i I t- oct z ;H J00; GROSS. PAEL0E , ; MATCHES, .: "TTroon ;ANDr PAPER BOXES, at ; if, v.- i " " 3' J" ' MYERS. ' -.: ij n and IS Front st. ..sept 26 1 ,;l!Dlul;f: .-.i 'ji'.Neii.Yo rk . TTISITOttS' TO'TBIE C1TT OF fiKMf ' V YORK are informed that thev will find Dlvlna Service very Sunday, in the Large t;bapeiof the vniversity, wasuingion square, at 104 A. M. and VA P. M. The evening ser vice in summer is at 8 o'clock. Waverly Place, immediately north of tho New York Hotel, out of Broadwav. runs west to Washington square jon ine east bkisoi woicn Mine uni- versityj Tae eniranoe to the church is the mala door of tho University. University Place cars run from tbe door of the Fifth Av enue HoteL to the door of the Church. From tho St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the cars comer of Broadway and Broome, leave at Waveriv Plaee, and go west one block. At tbe Astor House take University Place cars, leave at Waveriv Place, and eo west one block. Strangers will find cordial welcome, and polite attention. , . The Pastor is Rev. Dr. DEEMS, who devotes. mmscir to tne SDinroai interests or siranrrers. If any be sick, let them ail dress him a note by mail, as M Pastor of the Church of the St ran ters. New York.and It will reach him. The ladies whoeorapose the "Society of tho . Sis- tors of the Stranger, ' procure medical, legal, and spiritual help for strangers in perplexity, distress, or sickness. Address, "Sisters ot the Stranxrer.M care Rev. Dr. DEEMS. N. Y. If lou are coming to Neto York toon, cut Uiit out anapaMe u in your memoranairm oooh. feb!9-41-tf "7 Salt Salt. 1 t?rr SACKS IOVERPOOL and AM ER- CAN 8 AIT. On wharf, for sale low by F. W. KERCHNEB, 27. 28 and 29 North Water street. . sept 20 e-tf Private Board. FEW PRIVATE BOARDERS can be ae- commooatea upon application to Airs. i. Stevenson, on 5th sireet. between Dock and Orange, or t W. M, Stevenson, at his store on Martet streec oct 2 9 2t Our Customers 4 rpiHAT HAVE CHANGED their places of JL residence will please notify us. WISE A CANADY, Oyster Dealers. Box 216 P. O. oct 1 8-3t Flour and Bacon. PACKAGES SMOKED 8IDES AND SHOULDERS: 50 Packages Dry Salted Sides A Should ers; iiy: ' 103 Bbls. Heavy City Mess Pork, For sale bv ' ADRIAN A VOLLER"?, . septl2-tf . IMPORTANT To Truckers. THE ATTENTION OF MARKET GAR. DJCNERS is Invited to a Tract of Land lv- lng immediately on the Wilmington and Wei-' oooftau uoaa, nearly equiiistanc oetween. wumiBgtnn aaauoiasooro.containing llrTl SIX ACRES OF LAND, all of which may be convened into a . TRUCK FARM. and as it is located at a fixed Deoot. the own er would have every facility in making his snipmenu wnicna icaii itoau can give. Toe surface soil is light with a yellow loam suosoii anu wouiu tuereiore Prodnce Early Crops finely There is wood enouerh on the Tract to pas iy fc or getting the whole ready for the plow and pay for e oav ior e ttinst ana nauiiutt tne wood oe- siaes. 1 There is on the premises a WELL-BUILT-TWO STORY DWELLING, fronting and near the Rail iRoad,: containing eight rooms .with fire place in each, double portico in front, pas' sages, Ac. ; a good Kitchen with two rooms, and two are places, a good meat-house, poul- vry uuuHe anu some oiaer o jUiawgs 01 small value. The houses alone rent for two hundred dollars a year. Price tana. ..,.. Apply to Editor of the Carolina Farmer, Wil- mingtoj, ji.u m . : issimactr Pure Eye Whiskey. .8 CIDTTOV." Wllann ' anil " RoVai. ) ' Old and perfectly pure. ' Choicest selections ' HO be found in the State. , , I Fine Brandies,' Wmes and Cordials. An clef. gant assortment at ' ' ' : ' ,: "' ' ' ' ' : '.' GEORGE -MYEB8', 1 U and 13 Front st. t sept 26. .. 4-tf ' Crackers and Cheese. - rr pr boxes lemon, sugar and soda. '.CRACKERS.; : : ' : :.. ..:' '. j ! fiO boxes STATE and FACTORY, CHEESE.' ' 1 For sale by" - W. KERCHNER,: - 87, 5 and North Water street. .sept 29 ; . - . c jft NEW GOODS. MBS. K. A. LTJMSDEN begs leave to In fbrmlhe Ladiffl of Wilmington and vi cinity that she hasjust returned from New .York with a choice selection of MILLINERY' and DRESS TRIMMINGS, selected expressly for the Wilmington market. Ladies are ex. preSBly Invited to call and examine her stock -before purchasing elsewhere, as she is deter mined to sell as cheap aa.the cheapest. . . H. B. drover A Baker and the Weed Sow ing Machines for sale. ;l '.' , .. . ' Mt i :'K1j-; .--n .....o-t'J.. CRESCEJTT,- M ARIOir , .; C.!,f ' P fJB llshed Weekly, 8. X. McMillan, Jroprja tot , ? , ; -,- . i , . . ; WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, Ji Bsept23-l-tf WUmingtoa, N c. DRY r . - . r i Birdsey & Robinson, i ioiesaidtoitotakDelierain . i. .(. Boots, Shoes, tStc.;, ' AVJ! 'JUST BECEIVEDilTHKlli FAIL XT HTOCK, comprising And magniflcerit assortmcnt of all articles to bo iound, in a first class house.,- , t, , . -.-.!.,. i null' i . Our Wholesale Department Is complete, comprising a very heavy and choice stock of Prints, Biieetings. Shirtings, Cloths, Cassiifterea, Boots anil- Shoes,' and everyiomg necessary to mi oraara xrom retail dealers.- Omsk - mm mm Ur Retail DeDarttnent. " As hef etofore, will receive our constant atten tion, and Is replete with tho latest FASHION" NOVELTIES and the usual, assartmonl pf gOods of evfery description. i We invite an examination, nf onr twV troi dealers of every ciaar 'and we guarantee tcj rvnoiesuio uuyers price as layorabie as they, can And In Baltimore. j, .. It.. . .i i.- . r. i : i H'l.'j ii : i. . XIRDSET ROBINSON i 30 Market street: sept 4C i '4-tf JOHN C. RIDER, ' ' Manufacturer of and Deaer In STATIONARY, PORTABLE AND HOISTING ST.B A M.iE'G txM s', Tutelar, f, PL'ATJf' 'AXTf UAfcVAMfcEft ' ' very description of Steam, Gas and Water lltings, ixw rvater Alarms, Oil valves ana ' Cupsi steam and Water Guages,- " ' Steam Pumps, Eureka- j ' Hand and, Power rJ ., Pumps, ' . ,. ' MACHINERY AXD TOOLS, '...Ti.ll! i . i'Cf r;.l i'M it J. Saw and Shingle Mills, Woo!-Working Machinery, and Mill .Work ., Cotton Gina, GrigMUaNtU and Secanti U-JIY PRICES DEFY COMPETITION Oflloe and Warehouse. -4J Devtreek New .Tork, ; , aulo-6m A. rt j ATklKSOP'SISBUBAKC SOOK8,i . . Princess street; between " " - Front anVl Watfer streets.- FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE maybe effected at lowest rates in the fol lowing reliable companies : becuror Auoaraaee uompany r n ew 1 or a. North American Fire Insurunee Com nan v of Hartford. , Monumental Fire "Insurance Conmanv of .Baltimore.,.. ,, .. ... .... ..... ? Washington Tire nsoT,a-ncfc' Corti'natfv of Baltimore. Savings and Insurance Company of Rich- Won - . : . ' ' - r . -n - - James River Insurance Comnanv of Rich- mond. - ... '. :-. Jefferson Insurance Company of Richmond. Apply to JOHN WILDER ATKINSON'S, aug 1 -tf Gcn'l Insurance Agency. C. W. Yates, pr-AVlNG Returned to the citt, can be found at his gallery, on Market-street where he is prepared to furnish his custom ers with pictures at short notice. auM-tf . . Bannister, do wan & co., REAL ESTATE & FINMCIAL AGENTS. 'buy And sell southern lands, Negotiate Loans on Soathorn. SeriaVl- tics and Encourage Emigration to the Sonth. r ; , OFFICZBS : L. Bankistkb, Wilroington,N. C, l. S. Cowan - J. Kejttok, Ne"w York. 47 Broad Street. N. Y., and Front street, Wilmington, N. C. 1 sept u i:i-tt , . : 1 . HeuMt anil Winston Life , Insurance - COMPANY? THE TWO LEADING Life Insurance Com panies South of Mason and Dixon's Line have combined un laer toe aoove name, and witb tbe lessened expe: inses and increased fa- propose to aggregate and add to the lartre business heretofore en joyed .by the Compapies respectively. Re- newals of old policies will be in the - nai - name of tlve new association, and the rates, loans and 'rights of all remain intact as in the original policy lsaned by either Company. These Companies, now united for business, mainly in the-Southern country, have sepa rately taken the lead of any over before or ganized la the same period. They have selected their risks with unusual care their expenses have been small, and under the present . arrangement will be pro-t pui-nyuttuy awaueri tney nave always pam their losses with'thegreatestpromptness and without xmaA-Hew. -They have invested prudently their permanen t in vestmen ts be ing invariably in mortgages and unencum bered real estate-' With aiargo capital thus safely invested : with Officers ana a Directory, composed, of the leading gentlemen, socially and financi ally in. the State of Virginia there is. la inv judsrment, no Life Insurance Company on this continent onenng lnaqcemants equal to the PrsDxosrr A Arlikotok. ' r . JOHN; WILDER ATKINSON, j General A&rent. Insurance Rooms, Princess St., Between; Front and Watet Sts., Beptsa'. v; . ... , ;,, , . 15 153-tf 1,000 Lbs.; N. C. Hams, TOEST O. C. BUTTER. 1 j .rv.! m.: viiiHi; .- " " i-! . 11 ' FRESH CODFISH, Hlrkm Smith' FLOUR (hew Vheatl ; 'I , . .Other good brands of FLOUR very cheap ; WOOD AND WILLbW WARE in quantities ; . lihds MACKEREL, PICKLES, Aa H! . f - i j Our Greott aad ITncolored Japan TEA is pro nounced by connoisuem to be the Very best. , ., Our OLiy.OILoan uotbeoxcollel. . , : : 1 Cuir ad feiamlne-sk , f-!;'; : i ' .9'STEViNSON'S. septi6-tf ' 1 ' -r-v.- a.n ii .. , 1 SALT-SALT;', 7!i h ... . . ; ( i ... i AFLOAT. .T 1 i. LIVERPOOL' lb. weight). 1 if ,'M05 'Hi ;i iu Liverpool Sacks. AMERICAN, , 1 For sale' by f.-jll Hi Vii,;., ., 4 .-(! .V. i! sept 29. -iuj , O. G.' PARSLEY it CO. rTnitE'ITlNbERStGNEli HaS TAKEN AN JL offlco op posits- tho -Co"rt House; in tho rear of Sqaire..MpQuigg'sonieo. 1 .uY,yw-twi,UU.t LU, . inrrT. : r. sept ui-iy ( j mtofr f , v "-. it IMS .ry.rido carapiation, and rr Noyth Carolina Argus, rubnsbea weekly, at JT-D & 8,B Q M 0 !! .11 At tne iow rates of . U. Baas Aan and SrjwuT A Hinson n WflmihgtOnpAddrtsS, " N AKents apl8-tf . D. MoNIELL Edit, r. ,AV. J. PRICE. 'Architect and Builder OFFICE, XOBTH WATER STEEET South of O. O. Paralev A Oo. "t J Will furnish Diagrams and make Speeii tionafor, and contract lor Bridges, Build' or other Frame-work. Charges modei uti' aug-23-lm -Special Notice. rruiK.KVlUlcniREtt TARES VtSA I Jk- u iiAiutiuuiu ui lie generally, that he is thine in the HARHF.lt' lie generally, that he is prepared to do cv.-n. thing in the BARBER'S line. HavinKusnl JL. "f" " IllfVlUlllIU U-ta &Xtt311U9 lilltl i. IMik cicm assistance, customers will not lmvi Vn wait to bo accommotlated. Sharp Kazorsu ;cilqarvTowel are our motto. 1 A JAS- CARRAWAY, deAK tf . Xa 9 So. Front st. Philosophy of Marriaffc. ASIF S-'?,UIl?E .P LECTURES, as deliv ered at the New Vorir nra, ' ;;. oiYf"11116 ""Vlocts :-IIow to Live ai.,1 . What to Live For ; Youth, Maturity and Old , . , , ......j. uunentiiy neviovoH ; Tlip clause or inoigestlon Flatnleaee and Nervous Diseases uwBounted for ; Marriage Philosophy eaUy Consiflerctire; these lectures will i TOimiuou un reeeipi oi ionr stamps by ail. dressing-: Stmff Baatixoub Muskuh or As at OXTV74 VPt Baltimore Street, Baltimore, M.l may 9-eodly u f. : . . t ,. THK tOlIMAXA iqilTABLi; f.7n; Insttrdiice Company brt teW ORLEANS !M rrtHISIS ONE OF TI7E VKRT BEST COM. - i.- JL pameaw tfteepumry, It bas the endorse ment oi liisnop wiimer, uenf. lie mentof Bisliop wilmeiV Genf. Hood. Harrvr Jlkvs land lb .lei eaur pinl; Hood, Harry , JJUya land the leadiag niwi of New Orleanst. Gem Beau regard says : " Jts Officers and TJirectors have poen si olec. tetl from our most' reliable and intelliu't'iit AHIUinQ " T i Instead of Stmding tW,000,t0 annnally Xorih our citizens can, iind.Jetter .Companies at hoirie. Xl ,ir- -A,- 1 . r . JOSEPH ELLISON", President, ' " r- Ne Orleans, La. D.B. IULLVAgent, ' i J.')l iChailotte, N. C. scptS-lm 3 ,t AmeriCail Clllb FlOUr Int., brought to this market. .1 :.. - It bas been thoroughly tribtl. SO barrels to arrive per W. P. Clyde. Sold only by GEORGE MYERS. . 11 And 13 Front st. sept 26' ' ; 4-tf THE: DRY GOODS STORE W I L M I N C T O fJiniS EpTABLISHMENT, fonncily oorti pied by M M. Katz & Co., and now cceupkil b ,the . nndei-signed, lias, considering the -:.'i-... . . , ' s t time since its opening, already cumul a wide reputation as an orderly, well n-gnla- ted and First , Class Institution, .', ,i r,You will find there a ' Well Selected mil Goods. And a complete assortment.' Ton gct -waiii d on by POLITE A?I JE5fTLKMA.M.V SALESMEN. i' v-' ,' ' i !; i' i You can depend on 1: -FAIR fc SlUAltlO DEAI.IXG, as tho ONE' PRICE SYSTEM FOR AM. is the rule of .tin's house'. PeTsohs having Dry; Goods or Clothing To buy should not fail to call at this estab lishment before purchasing elsewhere. The subscribers, thanking you for pat favors, solicit your further patronage. i Yours respectfully, , ,:. ,. FXSHBLATfi BRO., ' 23 Market St., (Old Stand of M. M. Katz & Co.) i ' t j.?ii!;r..- ,r. 4-H' sept 30 TO PRINTERS JINO PEBLISIIE11S. A Very Rare Chance! A PROPOSAL WILL BE RECEIVED until 1st November next, for the purchase of the POWER PRESS upon which the ' Korih Carolinian" was printed. but,whlch for sonic time past has been in. disuse; ' Tho Pre is in-excellent order, nearly if not quite n good as new, and-n the hanrts of an experi enced pressman docs superior work. Size of bed x inches. Possession given immedi ately. If not disposed of by date above spe cified, the proposition to sell will tcrminstte. Pkictc and Tfcaxs : $G00, one-half in ca tlie l-emalnder at six: months.) (Apply to ,! c. S.McDANIEI.,' , Plalndealcr Ofllce. Wilson, N. C, Sept. 31 23 . l.V.wit Alta; Vela Phosphate ! IT IS COMPOSED OF TIl'E CELKltK t ted Guano from , ! , , t . . ' A L T. A . V. E L:A , Combined with other valuable fertilizing 111:1 teriali scientifically treated, making a COMPIilTrE 3IAK"URE. It produces a vigorous growth to thovegi iA tion and permanently enriches the soil. - - 'i ... . . i . For sale ,inWilmIngtQinf .NJiC., by; ALEX JOHNSOn'a CO., at 960 per toiiM Or tlie ALTA VELA GUANO CO., . fob26U47-ly;.:: : 57 Broadway, NV. Cotton Ties. If) 'I.' fN.COKSQUENCE of. VP unprocpdcnle.1 demand for "' it BUCKLE, TIES,' 11 Our stock is exhausted, and cannot be rcpl"' shed mider 80 days. Wo will keep a full stock of tho co U bintcl ARROW TIE during the season. DkUOSSET & sept so i . .' (- . T.lf h ;;;; THe' WATCHMAN,' publisiicd at SumteiS S. C, is one ot the oldest and cheapest New papers lii the Statt3,J and lins' a much l:n, r Circulation than any1 dottier newspaper in tli section la which it Is' published, l i Tho Merchants "oi Wilmington cannot Hi"1 tin 0tmw1 .. iMAHiun. far. aAramnrilravtiiiLr vii'1 'the business men of Sumter and planter tnd surroundrngeouitry. ' Address nl ,( . GILBERT 'A FLOWJERS, rropr's, or apyly to W. H. Bsbhakp, ARet, UKlminirtnn. N. t sept TO MAGISTRATES kSTI COST BLES. Peace Warrants, tato Warrii"!" Civil Warrants, Search Warrants, &c-, "" saleat - . JM. II. BERNAltD'a Printing and Publishing House, ., -.: : Mil; if-. And General Book Bindery, ,. .fel7tf 1..JpawTOnBank; BuHdinga, Front bt. . ( ,11 .in 'V,,ii:I '

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