1 f:T?rJ"".rivfM PUBLISHED DAILY, ?..'.", OrrWB, DwoBank sUakjwTcwti W S7xonthn, In advance........: 3 ()0 Three montka, la advance.. , -3 00 . JSISmonUH In wwe ., 75 tii Moiia Sta VilT be1 tieUvereIln any part of the City at FurrBMi Cots per weekTT; post office directory. . them through A way inatl 5;(KJ A..TJaliy . r AK .WK M. Mon- rf'avu. Wednesdays and Fridays. . p "Seville tna Warsaw, .6.-00 A. M. DaiW, except punuy. r f , 4mitbvlWe via Steain,.... 11 .1..1AU 11 week. AILS ABHIT K " : ........ . . oyriot. uev winaow. . v.iV-v.fc4 P. M."Pallyf t 'iff ft t T. r and .,8rt P. M.Threfe times it week Ka'twvic,7.J flr MaUy axe.pt ,8imUy; Sopen fi-om 7 A M. to P. AI . .'. -IsaWferj.":' . -rxr r T--rs BAILWAT' DIBEtTOBIi r t A 1LM1K0T0K f II ASrCHKSTKR ROAD uiver Geo. G. Hall. -' . v ' .- , StJohn Dawson. Honry Nntt, -O, G., C STTj. DeltoaaeW i. S. Cowau, Geo. J, SKZalL J.I- BartleiwJaniesU.Jiarr.Kich W Ridley, it Eli Gregrf. - ' i ' - JVarr--Wm. A. Walker. umiViVGTOS. CHAULOTTB asd ruth. wlLMlNU KtttVkD BA1LROAD. ... i ; , rrttZt MOe SlA. K. Horned yAan and 8 J te"on. w , - ' - ; nthtvariof the na"" ."AY" V' w .i.k Jnhn r jnurciki - YMTwettem Oivisumr- AMcKoo. f . A1LM1XGTON WKLDOS llAlLUCOADi i'.vtin A H. VanBokkelen, Goo. llarna, of i.inotra7and Joim Kvertt, of GohUboro'. 2ttQS2r'' CuMno, ' ii RroilKon and L. u. Asiea. , !L JXX'n rratmrrr-J. W.-Tliompaou wVo- MacRae."' t. f . i xirH S M I M O BTAB Is d uvd I City Sakerftbr. mt rtTTELS CET rr liaWcrl bra rth f b HM f SUM will karpUod fcjr Mr. W Jt. A. HABLwWi ad tuoae South trtbat Ha fcy Br. JOUH B. Only tueoc Aicenta are aMtnorlseU l their rvspectlTe DlYlsloais, Brliloaia. ' to col lty TO PKIXTIIBS AND rVBLINHCRM. 'We iiHve just received 4 general assortuiaut i lllitck Priutius Ink, manufactured at C K Kobinsou's Gray's K-rry Priuthiir Ink Work. We liuve uuw ou band Book, News, Job and Curd Inks, at prices varying from 25 cents to ii per pound. Book, Jot) and Card v Inks In package of one, two, live und ten pounds News Inks in pnckKe of.ten twenty-rive aud . iifly poumls. We sell these superior Inks at iiiabufucturerV net casli prices, charging; noth ing for freibtfroiu Philadelphia lo WUmiu t .mi. Printers and publishers in this section will thus beu that they can buy theni , frohi us cheaper than they can buy them at the nianif lavtory. Give us an order. Terms, cash. , j We can also furuUh, on short notice. News Inks, in packages of not lees than 100 pounds, 20 cents. Except for daily newspaper,' bow- ever, we never advise the use of ink costing less than 25 cents. , . THE CIRCULATION Ob HEX MORN 'ISO STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT OF AST OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PVB USHEIt IN NORTH CAROLINA. "Contractors will not be allowed, nnder their contract, to advertise any other than their legitimate business unless bss by paying specially (or inch advertisement. ACCTIOH MALLS TJIIft DAT. Xessrs. Croniy & Morris, Auctioneers, will this day sell a valuable residence, at present occupied by 8. K. Buntlnjr, Esq. t Two Honses and Lota on Dock, between 6th md 7th streets. , House and Lot on Ninths between Princess and Cbesnut streets. . , A lot of .West India Fruit Oranges, Bana nas and Pine Apples, They will also rent a valuable Truck Farm within one mile of the city limits. .New Confectionary ' Stoke.-p Mr. Chns. R. Banks it now opening, at his new stand. No.' 0 Sooth ' FronLBtreet, Brown's old millinery stand, a fine lot of trait, confectionery, &c. Ilis candy fac tory will be in operation to-morrow, when lie will be enabled to keep fresh candy constantly on band ' Give him a call. To br Kelkaskd In the eases of the four sailors belonging on the (7b fla, who hate been confined in the guard house lor aevetal days patt lor non-pay-uifnt of fines, the Marshal made applica tion, yesterday, to nigiHbnorfJadge Cuntwell, to rejhest the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to reduce their fjne'wbich amount in the aggregate to $126." in'the meantime Marshal Canaday toMc the re eponsibility of releasing them oh the'pay- mcnt oi costs, the parties wishing- to" leave the city and being destitute- of means to pay the fines imposed on theoi.' A Narrow EscapicC A colored omn by tl)e,nnm4,'f, Joe, Chadmond; w'iile la a statd of partial; intoxication. fell overboard yesterday, fronf the wharf t Mrj Jl ; II. VanBokkcltn's still. nd narrowly escaped drowning.' Officer Illll, ho hsppened' rfo' hat eigUIo'rh6od, witnessedaccldtnt; and ,raslej the rescnej it waj with great difficulty that he succeeded finally in - placing him upon terra firma. The man was perfect ly helpless, and his rescuer 'found it nec- ewary to call ,'Jor . assistance in fjauling mm upon the wharf. But for the pres nce of the Officer on - the 'wharf at that Particular moment, joe would ; now have 'n in the t happy , -hunting grouacls of .-'1" Sf71cewa diseoveredtoi bef found in severaf Dlacesiii'ihia citv'veste'r- dJ Wrning. I'The weather waa nndoubU fdly W'jbjdaU'jwtfjjrn ig season, vnrtliem Through Mali 'B-OO A, M. Daily. -T. itherli Throagb, and AVay Mail, 7s V, M 1 mi v except Sunday delivered attteOO P,.M -;'The Casb .'of 'the : CuBAThis P3p; waVesuuied Yesterday ju the usflal houc.,," w",;.J;f ii'v .,"',.". .ii -j -James Denison sworn:, I am a native of Enlandand jam by ccupation ; an en- ?!?IS!0ii'!f,n '" years never was in the United States uYtil I got to Wilmingtim; j.ioed tUe Xfcrnef&i Hali fax; yyas .not jord or a naval expedition; ;went, to Halifa from St. John; was ship wrceked in the Cleopatra." I am not ac Qaftintcd with : the TJ S. coast; I shipped on ih& Lbrnei "on "the 28th fot September; left Halifax threo .or four days afterward; nothing wai found when the Hornet was discharged; saw a schooner come up and put some men aboard' 7 or 8 miles from land; some heavy puns were also taken on board, at the same disUnce, from land: t- ver luurmues irom .iana .wucAthe4 "Coal was taken on board.'- u ; . Cross-examined by Mr. Phelps : ' We ere' a Bea when we met .the. first.vessel , in sight, of .land; the iirst -vessel ,wa8." achooner; shipped forQueenstown, or any port on the other coniinerit. " Capt.'Esling waa in command at HalifaJt;,.Gi,bson was second in command; witness' was second I assistant engineer; didn't pay any atten- uon to aates ana didn't know places. We met another schooner; we wtre'Jd'sigh't of land then; have not since 'then recognized any one who came on board ' from the schooner, saw some ammunition, etc., ta ken on board; were at anchor when we took the puns or board; :, were : in sight of land while anchored; the land was on the port sides; 'anchored between .8 and 12 o'clock at night; the Bchooner made fast alongside; the guns were hoisted by tack les, and were' in very heavy cases; took some shot and shell on board, and several other cases, the contents of which were unknown to me; saw a stranger and was told he was a pilot; steamed about after we got the guns; saw no lights; remained there some days "Met another schooner and a steamer; gave schooner a hawser; she had coal on board; took the coal out; she" left Monday or Tuesday; she ; broke away, and the wind blowing on the land she'drifted ashore; saw' no lights. w Came to-Wilmingtoo then. -The- U. S. flag was Hying on the; Hornet when I joined het; the next : flag hoisted was the Cuban An"; t was u day oc two, attcrwanis .that we took the coal; a little steamer came to 114 . when the Aug vrasj toistjed My attention was first called to distances when Gorden was giving in his evidence; thought he was telling awful falsehoods. We Used 8 or 11 tons of coal a day on an average; had ten tons aboard wliei we came up to the schooner. ' ' - . In reply, to a question ' by Mr. .Davis, witness said : We were flying the Cuban flag when we came into the Cape Fear. Tliv Hornet was 750 tons burthen. r ; Cpt.! Maffitt" was" sworn. Examined by .M' DavwV V. haVe Ijeon following the sea for 32 years; was in the U. S. Navy 14 yeara in the coast survey; made a chart of No-man's Land; no anchorage thin 3f - miles of No-man's Land. NThen the wind is to the eastward can't anchor within 4 miles of Montauk Point, but can'do'so when the wind is at the Northwest.,' It i9 miles, from No-man's Land to Gay Head Light ' ' ' j - ' Mr. Phelps examined the witness by the chmrb -- ; - m i . '. Mr. Davis offered in evidence a Naval List, showing that on the 1st of January, 1869, .the'J7ornrt waaa U. S. gunboat. Mr. Phelps objected to it as irrelevant Mr. Davis said that she was -Douguc as a dismantled ship-of-war. '., . ... 4-'.t, ; Capt Maffitt recalled by Mr. Davis. In reply to a question.Ovitneas stated that. judging of distances on water depends on atmosphere' and knowledge of land. I had a long experience at this. Mr. Bollcs" sworn. "He stated he had been in the service of the Coast Survey tpr r - 4 : 1. , : .1. ' i3itwMf 10 years mat is, m i uuivj proper. His testimony was the same Capt ckarfitt's as tojadging oi distances, vessels generally appear to nearer in ordinary weather than thty rcajly are. Mrl John Christian 'sworn. Examine"! bv Jlr. Davis. I joinea tne suip ai sea. I engaged tv, join, in New,rk. The ship was about 7 milea from shore when she was at nchor. I went aboard ot her froui the Martha Wathin'gton. Mr. Green wood engaged me to go, in Cherry street, NeW York'. Ididot khtiw "where the'steam tr was going. I had seen Greenwood be lore, but was -not acquainted' with him though. 'Since I came' here I have been aboard pf the Cuba, and, walking, about towh: Mir Shields offered me $2Gtoturn agaiuat the ship. .... .u t. , f 'The Court here' adjourned till to-day, at 10 o'clock. : - : '. '.--.vi '' 'It will be seen by advertise ment in our paper to day, that Mr. J. E Bobcrts ' thus early announces himself a, candidate for Sheriff of Brunswick coun. tv at the election in August next "The early bird catches the worm.' J Fifth Street1' Uf E Chiirch has lately been furnished with a fine organ. A'ch5ir has also been organized. ' kobiiison's circus and, m4 nagerie . www If Elizabeth city on Tues- aay. - ; . ... .-. v .(:;. t .The thermometer' Bto6d at 1 ii i in the air at 9 o'clock last night.. Wn,nmGTOIi;SK C., ,..WH0tEAL"E - RoBB EE ET- Th fi TJ. S.' AcrnoHiTiES ; Forestalled . in - the Matter of Stbipxtno the Cttba -Yes-terday ' morning, ahout 3 o'clock, as the policeman rn dutj iahe i neighbuxhood of Messrs. Northrop & Cuinming's mill, wa walking his beat," he discovered a 1 man approaching him from the diretiou of. the wharf with something like a box ; on his head. Waiting until ho came witbl ip a few steps of him, he hailed the in dividualwho proved to be the watchman at the mill'a colored man by the name of MoseslVaddell and ordered him to drop his load.- He did so and it proved to te a box of tobacco. ' Having his suspicions aoused:))y this', he, with another officer, made turtbtr iavestigations which led to the discovery of several other box es, and a number of other articles such as constitute a ship's stores, and also of a boat, which was laying at the wharf, and which contained a number bt articles cor-responding- with the goods on shore. .Subsequently it w;as ascertained that two white men by the names ot James Brink Icy and John Hewlett had been engaged in bringing the goods ashore in the Vuat, and that a quantity of them had been stored irr the basement of a warehouse on the wharf. In all there wa about five dray loads, discovered, , comprising every variety which usually constitutes a ship's stores. The three men mentioned were arrested and placed under guard until the Marshal could be , heard from. At halt past three o'clock the morning, an order came from that lunctiouary demanding the detention ot thea men and "their 'confine ment in the guard house until the matter could be investigated, and they were ac cordingly taken to" that institution. At the usual hour tor the assembling of the Special Court, yesterday morning they were tak'en" before Judge' Cantwell, who rccognizedtheui in the sum of $ 30 each to appear tbis morning as witnesses against other parties implicated as being the principals in the transaction. Later wo learn thut a warrant was is sued by Commissioner Huthertord, yester day afternoon, for the arrest of a man by the name of Dupong, who, with others, wore on the Cuba at the time the goods were smuggled ashore, and ; who had been implicated' in ..the affair. He was taken .in 10 custody,.urKj.w learn good to the amount ot about $300 found in his'poses sion, which had4icea taken from the Cuba. We hear of others being implicated iq this wholesale robbery, and among them a man who was lately employed on the Cuba in the capacity of clerk, but , we think it proper to await further developments be fore saying anything further on the snb ject. : The Case of Dempsey. This in dividual, who was concerned in a diffi culty that occurred in fiout of the Purcell House on Friday niht last, and who was arrested for disorderly conduct on that oc casion, came up before the city court yes terday .Mr. J., L. Holmes, appeared for the defendant and Mr. Devane for the prosecution. A number of witnesses were examined among' them Capt Dornin, of the Cuba, and Messrs. Davis and Shields, two ot the New York detectives, who are here in the interest ot the government in the case of the Cuba. The examination was continued till a late hour in the even ing, and resulted in the discharge of the prisoner on the payment of costs. , Demp sey is also a detective and is here in the sanie capacity as Davis and Shields. ' t Cakoluia Farmer. 01(1 sub scribers are renewiug their subscriptions, and new subscribers are coming in rapid ly, to xe Carolina Farvvr. At $2.00 per year it will be one of the cheapest weeklies in the country, and is just the paper for the u field and fireside." We are receiving the most encouraging re ports from our Agents, many of whom have already doubled our old subscrip tion lists at their respective post-offices. We arc'p'repared'to supply" any demand. McLLETS.-There 'is considerable Business now" being done among eur mer chants in the article - of ' corol mullets. One firm Messrs. Edwards & Hall has, within the last two days, sold about $5,000.worth, :r?J about 16.Qfi.il barrels. They keep them, constantly on hand, and ot a tine quality ,as we can speak from experience.';. ?JH:J The Proposed Conspiracy to LKA8B the N. C. Road. The Standard of Tuesday has a doubled-leaded 'edito rial of over a colamn ialengtli, in whi ch are deult some heavy blows at the project ed leasing of theN. C. Railroad, which it characterises as being in dead y conflict with the interests and-prosperity of North Carolina, and a blow aimed at every business interest of the State.; t t Let the' meeting of jooi' citijEena tc-mor- row night be a rousing one,'' and let their voices be heard in thunder tones against this unheard ,of proposition . to destroy every vestige of. hope in- the future pros perity and growth" of our State in ; com mercial importance i ' '.f ' O . 4 j .; Sent: Oir--Forty- three; of ithe men recently employed On, jtht Vubd, )yire sent oft yesterday, en route fax the Noirfti. They went by th ; Wilmington and Wei don Rauroad.f rf(f -j,- ,vv. THTJESDAY-HORNING, OCTOBER 28;;i869 Superior ;jfJouR t. The usual number of cases for larceny.etc., ypere be fore this tribunal -yesterday. ; The follow ing is a list of the cases" disposed of r State w. SoL Pritchard aodThosv Cana- day, for larceny. Guilty.'; Sentenced to Slate v. Jumes Capot and Jas. Fisher, for larceny. Capot was tried and found guilty. Sentenced to the Workhouse f.r four months. Judgment to be susnended , - - r on the payment of costs. Fisher not yet taken. ; . . , . State vs. Merlen Shepard, for larceny. Guilty. Verdict set aside. . Motion for a new trial granted nolprosse entered. State vs. James Satckwell,. lor larceny. Guilty. Judgment suspended. State e. Wibiam Howard, for larceny. Guilty. Sentenced to the .Workhouse fur twelvemonths. ' 1 State vs. Edward Carr, for larceny. Not guilty. State i. William Stevenson and Jere miah Williams, for larceny. Sentenced to the Workhouse for two years each.' ' State vs. Richard Howe,1 for larceny. Guilty. Sentenced to the Workhouse for twelvemonths. State ts. Nathan Fillyaw, for larceny. Guilty. Sentenced to the Workhouse lor four months. Judgment to be suspended on the payment of costs. State ts. Wiljiam Howard, for larceny. Not guilty. State ts. George Bowden, Rebecca Bow- den, Anthony McRec and Sarah McRee, for keeping disorderly houses. Not guiltyv - The ; steamship Fairbanks arrived at this port yesterday, from New Yoik, with several lady passengers aboard. . ... i The Commissioner's Court has been engaged six days in the investi gation ot the Cuba case. Domestic Market. We give be low the state ot the city market yesterday Apples(good quality) were selling at GO 70 cts. a peck; sweet potatoes 80 cts $1 a bush; tomatoes 710 i cts. quart; Irish potatoes 3540 cts. a peck; peas 810 cts. quart ; onions $0 cents a peck ; butter beans 20 cents a quart; eggs 33i85 cents a dozen; poultry $11 25 per pair; ducks $1.2.3 a ; pair; beet 1211G cents per , pound ; mutton 1520 cents per pound ; pork 20 cents per pouud;- veal 1620 - cents per pound ; fresh , raulLets 50 cents per dozen ; cabbage 15, 2025 cents a head; gherkens 73 cents a peck; salt mullets 60 cts. a doz.; oysters (Sound) 25 cents a quart; peas (in hull) 1015 cts a peck; urnips 60 cents per peck; vegetable eggs o10 cents a piece; okra 5 cents per dzen ; coleworts. 510 cents a head; shrimps 20 cents quart ; clams 20 cents ' a peck; New River oysters $2.00 per bushel; crabs 20 cents per dozen; Yenison 1520 cents per lb; peppers 40 "cents a peck; yuopon 2o cents a peck; soaps 50 cents a peck; haws 20 cents a quart; new rice 10 cents a., lb; ground peas (new) $2.50 per bush.; sausages 33i cts. per pound; mullet roe 50 cents a doz; hogs-bead cheese 20 cents per lb. LATEST BY MAIL North Carolina in a Nutshell. At.T Al M. in, Ashevilleon the 17th, the thermometer was down to The Iiev. Alex. Sinclair, for merly pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, has received and accepted a call to take charge of a church at Titus ville, Pa. . . f . The Methodist ' Conference is to meet in Newborn on the 24th proximo, and not on the 28th, as has been asserted by some papers through mistake. - 'Judge Garry Gnce, formerly of this State, died in Fayette county, Ga., on the 19th inst. . u; lie 'was an honest upright man, and died, respected by all who knew bim.. . .1. . Nine prisoners, all confined in Halifax jail, escaped therefrom Satur day. Geo. Bay liner-one of the Wade Ditcher murderers, now under sentence to the penitentiary for lite, was among the number, UOi 'Uii $iV?OVt Says the Asheville Pioneer : The following appointments have been made "by the Holston Conference' at its" re cent session at Jonesboro: Asheville Dis trict F. M. Fanning, P. E. Asheville, Samuel Bogart; Burnsville, to be supplied; Catawba, Westey Harkins; Transylvania and Henderson, to be supplied Sulphur Spring, John G. Trull; Waynesville, B. F. WelK Webster apd Franklin,' R. .M. Witt; Fort Emory and JIurphy, ' W.' A. Marshall; Buncombe, to be supplied. . From the Charlotte Demo crat we learn that : The Synod (Presby terian) of North Carolina, at the late ses-' sion in Morganttd, appointed the fifth Sabbath of October as a day for special and united prayer to the Great Head ' of the Church in behalf of the cause ,of For eign Missions. ' The Synod-, organized a new.Pre8bytery by striking off o; portion of the territory belonging to the old Pres bytery of Concord, to be called the Meek lenburg Presbytery. , , The first ! meet'iBg of Mecklenburg Presbytefy la to beheld with Steel Creek- Church. The next session of Synod will be held in Raleigh in Octo ber, 1870.- .-: . ; - ' 5FDr. Lawrence's " Woman's Friend " cures diseases peculiar to females. t :cv uy your Saddlery, Trunks, Saddlery Hardware, H irness, Valises and Satchels from J. S.'; Topham'& CoV, 8 South Front Street. Lowest prices in the city.' . ' :,t tf. MEW ADVERTISKMENTS. Heinsberger's Books. Live Book Store. New Alex. MacRae, Argyle. Farm for Sale or Lease. WiLtAKD Buos. Mullets. : Mast Citizens. Election Notice. r Chas. R. Banks. Confectionery and Fault Store. ... , , , Mcnsos & Co. Attention. , , , . ; BUSINESS NOTICES. To Business Men. Parties wish ing to advertise in any newspaper pul lished in either of the Carolinas may save much unnecessary time and trouble by: making their contracts with the Morning Star Advertising Agency, which is fully authorized to receive advertisements at jitiblishers' lowest rates. All. necessary in formation ; given, and . advertisements mailed direct to publishers as soon as handed in. Business men will consult their interests by patronizing this Agen cy. Advertiser pavi no commissions, tf ..tt r( Merchants wishing to com municate with the rural sections cannot do better than to avail themselves of the advertising columns of the Morning Star, which is extensively circulated through out the two Carolinas, and in other Slate. To Advertisers. As advertising mediums the Morning Stab and Carolina Farmer are not surpassed by any publica tion in the State. ; T! Female lilseajses. Largo numbers of women in fart a' moat nine-teutha of tha entire sex suffer from some dlaeasa peculiar to females. Da. LawuncjCk Wohik'b frnKwo- meets with wonderful success in curing them. - This fact should be .widely known. If every lady in the United States were to take one or two bottles .of the. Woman's 1'riend. they would bo repaid by a renewal of health and strength. , it is a safe and reliable remedy; and is en dorsed by the beat physicians. . anjr8-tf - ' .. IXosmlalis ! Dear Sih: Please send mo immediately,: per Express, to Turbo ro, two dozen more bot tles of your Kosadal.s. I have carefully ex am netf its Formula, and have used Itiu juy practice in a number of cases. I am well pleased with it. I think it beyond doubt the. best Alterative lever used. I have tried it rn several cas s of Scrofula and Scrofulous Af fections, e c, with much satisfaction to my self and patients. 1 have therefore no hesi tation in recommending it to Physicians and others, as the most reliable Alterative now Known. Respectfully, yours, .. A. B. NOBLES, M. D. oet H Latest by Telegraph.' j Thousands of men, women and -children have been cured of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chol era Morbus, Colic, Ac , by Dr. R. 11. Wort king ton's celebrated North Carolina Remedy, the only known arKcmo for aU painful bowel af fections. Ask for Dr. Worthington's Diarrhea and Cholera Medicine keep it in your bouse never travel without It it may !-ave your life. Price '5 and 50 cents per bottle. " ' ' For sale in Wilmington by J. W, Lippitt A Co; James T. Wiggln, Wholesale Proprieto ry Agent, Norfolk, Va. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTg Charles B. Banks, CONFECTIONERY AND FRUIT STORE, .. u AT BROWN'S OLD MILLINERY STAND, No. 6 Front street, 13 just opening' a nice lot of FRUIT, CONFECTIONERIES, CANN ED FRUITS, Ac, Ac, CHARLES R BANKS' ' Candy Factory Will be In operation on Friday, October S'th then look out for nice fresh Candv every day. oct 28-lw ATTENTION 18 CALLED TO OUR BEAUTIFUL STYLES of - CLOTHING, rnisuroassed for aualitv. durablUtv and cheapness anywhere. A splendid line of Gent's Underwear, ALEXANDER'S KIDS, Ac, Ac.V&c,, at . . . u MUNSONA CO., oct'28tf .-. City Clothiers. For Sale or Lease, A SMALL FARM in Robeson connty.known aaArgj le tation,-n the .Wilmington, Chttrlotte and Rmherforti Railroad, "two aud a half miles uelow bhoe Heel. Said farm con tains some . , .i . ' . v - i FOBTT ACRES,, .: , Twenty of which are under fence, havlngbeen cleared about six years, is good, lively land, and embraces one of the best sites for u ' STEAM SAW JKILI. ". on the whole line of the road east of Char lotte. There is on the premises a Cottage, nearly new, containing five rooms, a kitchen, Ac The neighborhood Is a choice one, an evervthlns com i lined renders it a very desi rable place. . More land will be soid with it if requirea. . s . . . . - ... . . li'or particulars, address - : - " . .-(.lArgyle,) iShoe HoeLN. C. OCtS8-0t -L. Mullets! Mullets! ; . . . . -,- - - ' r .? '" '-r'- --.f! 'J1.1 ' -'.4:-i;-t-v ; 3QO BABREIig -- J JTTST RECEIVED And for sale by a frs .w.t.f;-jt', WIEEABD BBOS. OCT I 41 B NEW ADYEliTISEMENTS: - Election Notice. : WE ANNOUNCE L El ROBERTS as is' can didatefor Kherlff of Brunswick County at the en suing election in A nnst next o - MANIC CITIZENS. OCt 2S-2w . - ,. . . . The Lowest Prices. rjlHE CHEAPEST AND BEST , , DRY GOODS, -CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, &c, AES TO BI IOC5D AT ,. 44 Market Street, Where the undersigned - will be glad to see his old friends and customers. oct2Ulm2iiac . SOLOMON LEVY. . Woman in Bed, THE CHANGED BRIDES, TUB CURSE OF GOLD, THE CHANNINGS, ROLAND YORK; at HEINSBEKGER'S, 39 Market-street. oct27nactf - New Books. JUMAS GREAT HISTORICAL NOVEL, LOVE AND LIBERTY t A narrative of the French Revolution of 1792.. Complete in one volume For sale at "" -oct 27-tf v . HEINSBERGER'S, NOLANDINE! Nolandine ! Nolandine! TH E GBE4T bOVTIIEBN BEOEDT. . :THE ONLP SURE IlEMEDI For Chills and Fevers ! THE wonderful success ot Noladine. in cur ing the most' obstinate' complaints peculiar to the Southern States emboldens the propri etors to invito the attention of the citizens Of Wilmington to its curative power In the treat ment ot rll malarial dlseases,disorders of the blool, and com laints requiring a promp ( and powerful alterative.' Hundreds of cases duly certified by responsible individuals at test the efficacy of Nolandine in diseases ' ; " i wiucn nave snecessrui y resistea an i uo usual remetiiee. In all' blood dieaes. whether re cently conrractd or of long standing,' in. mercnrtai comptilnts and malarial a isomers, Nolandine has leen nre-emi ently success ful. We especially commend our preparation of No andine designed for obstinate cases of Ague -ami r ever. in me treatment oi tnis latter complaint, our great vegetable prepar ation is conceded in ail sections where chills nnd fevers-"are prevalent, where Nolandine has been used, to be absolutely without a ri val. Nolan.line la a nurolv veeret ible r repar ation and therefore unattended by the evil consequences wni n so xreqnentiy iouow i ne use of mercury. We so icit orler. - Address i ' 0 Wll SlOa A bANUUUKN Hi, . " ' ' Prop'rs, "Richmond, va. r For sale by 7 J. W. LIPPITT Jk CO Wholesale Agts, Wilmington, N. C, octlflnaclyl-, ,. , .. e -; and all Druggists. IMPORTANT, To -T fucker si THE ATTENTION OF MARKET OAR- DEN ERS is invited to a Tract of Land ly-, ing Immediately on the Wilmington and Wel ti ou I tail Road, nearly equi-distant between Wilmington and Ooldsboro, containing FIFTY SIX ACRES OK LAND, all of which mav be converted Into a - . ; . TRUCK FARM, and as it is located at a fixed Depot, the own er would have every facility in making his, snipmems wn cna uau ttoaii can give., - - Tne surface soil is light with a yellow loamj subsoil and would therefore Produce Early , Crops finely. There Is wood enongh on the Tract to nav for rettinar the whole readv for the plow and pay for e ttlng and, hauling the wood be sides. - -i- -" Therelsoq the premises a WELL-BUILT TWO STORY DWELLING, fronting and near the Rail Road, containing eight rooms with fire nlace In each, double portico in front, nas- sages, Ac.f a good Kitchen with two rooms ana two lire piaoea, a koou meai-nousev poul try house and some other baildlngs or mall value. The houses alone rent for two hundred dollars a year. Price vJPOO. - Appiv to Kuiior oi tne uaronna mrmer, wij mingto.i, N. C. ISAFnactf PRINTING INK , OEHCTFOB THE SALE OF C. E. ROBINSON'S jusUy celebrated ' ' ! Black and Colored PRINTING INKS, . jAt the Office of the . ; MORNING STAR .No orders filled unless accompanied, with the money, or a request to send C. O. D. Book and News Inks constantly on hand, and for sale at MANUFACTURERS PRICES, with a small per 'centage added to cove freight.- i l ' i' ' Address, WM. H. BERNARD, mayll-olO-nabtf ' WilmintonN. C. STALL NO. B.. CI TALL NO. S. -.- !. .. ;. ji-- O'"" ' -'- JOHNSON & ! BRO. ' ' f '' ' Attention Everybody. 1 YTTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE YV -mountains a lot ef the most superior CaTTLE that has ever been offered in this market, and we would especially call the at tention of the public to the very low price we are selling It tor by the aide or quarter i and. a fine opportunity l now offered the citutens to get EXTRA FINE UEF .for corning pur pose. And we will pledge ourselves that If su tained n this enterprise by the communi ty, we will supply them during the winter an spring with the name quality of U0tC We wonid especially call! the attention of our lriends and the nnblio at 1-trareto call to-mor. row morning and see a sample of this supe-. nor uei, even 11 mtsy uu noi wisu w pur Chase Respectfully, ; .ii. . THOS. H. JOHNSON A BRO., k i (- . Stall No. 6, Market House. ; oct 26-CtolTaTh-a - A Proclamation. uiy of vriuciveirox. October 27, m. TO THE CITIZENS ' ." . I'..,, O VlLMljrOTON.'GMDBTrSOl . Notice is hereby given yon to assemble in public meeting, at the Thalian HaU, In this city, 'on Friday the t th day of October, at 1 o'clock P M to express year opinion eon cernlng the proposed lease of the North Car olina BalLKoad to the , Raleigh and Gaston Rail RoadCompany.' -, Tho above notice la given . pursuant to a re r K hn ..K . l . . -..n: ; r jos. h. neff, :v -'''" ,f Mavor citv Wnmlngton.'' . Y Attest:' -.',.,- if ' Bxs'DrrBTJt. CItv Clerk.- oct37-8t r ' (Post copy It) . ixJ ted cif ir ifi ris icm4 i. -'. -: Oni SqWreone day, 7..i . A..V.,'L ftl. 0Q - " twodaya. 1 to " M three days, -1 H " ' ui.4U7sJ.,i..t.imM.; ;t fto " nvedays, , S 00 " M"nweek,............... SCO ' ?7 Contract Advertisements' taken at pro po rtl ona t e ly low rates. ' . . - K&yri?-Petbth Religtooa, Funeral and ir?.0? will be inserted at half rates ' Whim naJA tnr In -- -. ... win hwrin "iV-W-WlHO IILU - wnw--T( ,- :ty.Hi k y )'T1H' AI. JONt,T, Auetioueer. :,f. BrCBONIYjBO TStUCK G ARDEN-SEVENTT-riVS ACRES OF LAND, (within one mi e or city limits "..wir, A DOTIOIL. t ,vis. O" THTJRD AY next 28th Inat, at IS o'clock, A. 1L, we will root until January lt- 171, at Exchango Corner, that valuable traet of Land, a portion of which has been under cultivation aa a TRUCK FARM, within one mile of the city limits, well knowaas part of the Gafford. Tract, 75 ACHES, 15 ACBKs CLEAJtED, with all the Improvements thereon, ... '-.!',- : DWELLING HOUSE, ' ; " OUTHOUSES, I' im9 ,-..t . ; . STABLES; &c., THIRTY-FIVE GRAPE VINES, fio Peach and Apple Trees and excellent Water- ,. , . . wtgg-tds ,,.; -4-., :'..: M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLTA MORRIS. ON THURSDAY NEXT. 8th-: lntti a 10 o'clock, A. M., I will sell at Exohange Cor ner, without reserve, all my right, title and interest (being one-fourth) In and to the fol- v w ug nvnriiwu prwperty I HOUSE AND LOT v at present occupied by Capt. S. R. Bunting, situated on the South side of Market between th and 7th streets The house- contains lx rooms ; ltchen, Water, Ao , upon the prem ises, blze of lot, 60 feet on Market, rnnnlng south 166 feet. ; ' ''if'v:'''AXso;-!',:',,'':: - , ...-,s . .- vi-i-j -:r ft ,; ., TWO HOUSES, each containing 4 rooms, sit natedon pock between clxth and Seventh street, South of and adjoining the above Size of Lot 132 feet on Dock street, running North 165 feet. . . i '-..: i-'iv:h;iAL80, :. ''i.-v-.s .tv Hon so and Lot situated on Ninth, between Princess and Chesnut streets. 1Ioqs contains ' five rooms. 8ee oi Lot, 83 by 63 feet. . ; TERMS Half cash; balanee 0 and IS months. JOHN J. HAMILTON. . octy-sti i.-'. .,y;-?;, i...i , n.j ; WEST INDIA FRUIT. ' Orates, Bananas and Pine Apples. : DIRECT IMPORTATION -.CAB1ATON. EX SCHB. M. CRONLY, Awtwneerlh Ry CRONLY fc MORRIS. ON THURSDAY, 28th INSTl at 11 O'CLOCK, we will sell along sid Br. Bohr". Carle ton lying at Wharf foot pf Pock treeti 1 . ; . 23,00 SELECTED SWEET ORANGES, 89 BUNCHES BANANAS, ' j t ' 40 DOZ. PINE APPLEl, Just arrived from Nassau, N. P. ' ,t octi7-; .;r .. .., . .. 1 MISCELLANEOUS.'-! A Large and Superb STOCKiOF BOOTS, SHOES, and Leather, AT LOW; PRICES FOR CASH. GEO. R.' FRENCH St 80N8, ' : , 29 North Front Street. OCt24-tf BACON-PORK. HHDS. Smoked Western Shoulders, io uuus. duiokou v esters M, u. siuos, -40 boxes dry salted clear Sides," ;' '' MO bbls. heavy City Mess Pork. ' t f v For sale by " - ADRIAN 4 VOLtERS. oct 24 - i .. .' - "..:. r' FLOUR-BAGGmfJ. 1 pr f t BBLS.' FIX)IJ Refresh and all -A- Krnnuws i 1 -K . ,r ao rolls ex..ra heavy Bagging, 10 half rolls extra heavy Bagging, For sale by ' . . t- (. ... Oct 24 ADRIAN & YOLLrRSV SALT-SALT.' - v'-. - . ... i.J ; ' 2Ann 8ACKS American SALT. In yJ KJ KJ Liverpool backs, : . . t . ' 500 sacks Liverpool Salt. For sale by . ! ? V. oct 24 , . v . ADRIAN TOLLERS.' IDA' XEWIS " ' AND u SINBADtr A NEW S UPrILTy , ; 4 ': : (. -. ALSO,;! r 'Vi ' .(;; J- Fashionable Silk'Hats Jr ui& a at UFWAltUS At .." . ANDERSON'S. - Oct2S-tf a.:Ui:ii'Vt' o..- ;.-fi.!-.'Vi-'r...- MuUets! nullets!! ? MTJIiLETS ! ! ! BARRELS FOB SALE LOW Bj New Buckwheat nwiitivicn TfiniVit.. ' " ' f i Iff!, artf : octaB-tf - - -- cqw;an metts.," Butter-rChcc:3Flour.: TUBS GOSHEN BUTTER AVB JOkj CHEESE, ;4 vrjr.l EXTRA AMIET FLOr.' Ti ARD, - ALL' GRADES, ' -.iUiV 5fr '-?!j5i3 )j;iv-1-'

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