iM-WAVl 111 X Sunday, NoyembgrJ2I1869 flC.- IS 3 -t JO EHo , mmA JPprttor v, J LTM MttB.H IN 6 M juSli mere f City kerM FIFTEEN CENTS per freest, BHbseri bers NrttoC centra- ( Market Street will fee supplied by Mr. "WM; l HABLOW And ths Ra-ath" fhmt line fey mr.?01IN B. BURCH." Only these Agents are satborUed, In their respective . Division, eolleci , city subscriptions. , PMt Offlee Honey Order mamy fee obtained in all the. cities, aad In many of the large towns. We consider them perfectly safe, and tee beet means of remitting fifty dollars or lose. , . j : 4 . BfjT Registered Letters, under tne new system, which went Into effect J une 1st, are a very sale moans of sending small sums of mo ney when P. O. Honey Orders cannot be easi ly obtained. Observe, the Hegiatryee. as well a postage. must be paid in stamps at the office where the letter Is mailed, or it will be liable to be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Buy and affls the ttampt both orpostaoe and registry, put in the money and teal the letter in the pretence of the pott-matter and take Kit receipt for iL Letters sent in this way to as are at oar risk. . t3J Obituary notices, tributes of respect, Ac, are chanced half advertising rates when paid for la adtance of publication.' Iq all other cases full advertising rates will be chanced. f" Persons leaving the city daring the Summer months may have the 8ta mailed regularly to their address by leaving orders at this office. Price, 75 cents for one month, or, 13.00 for three months . the circulation OF THE MORN ING STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. A DISGUSTING 'DISPLAY.' A few days since, in Philadel phia, by permission of the manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital, t wen tv-seven vonns women, students oi at w ' the Female Medical College, attend ed the clerical lecture at the Hos pital. This was the young worn en's own affair, and all ethical and resthetical issues involved m their - . . , appearance in such a place and un der such circumstances, were to be decided by themselves and the Hos pital Directors Let us waive all consideration of the propriety of medical education for females. Very . brief reflection should be necessary to satisfy a sound mind, that "even if medical education for women be conceded to be an eminently proper thing, medical education of men and wom en together is a very improper thing. That is to say, that clerical instruction; if given " thoroughly, embraces, subjects of study, which cannot be jointly investigated by men and women, without the utter demolition, as between the persons so engaged, of those barriers which civilized society everywhere erects between the sexes. As we have already remarked, however, we are eschewed from the discussion of these points here. And so were the rowdy male medi cal students, who ranged themselves just outside of the Hospital, and subjected the young- women to a running fire of jeers, hisses and in sults. Those young women had precisely the same right at the Hos pital as had those young men who insulted them ; moreover, they are justified in being there by the lead ' ing feature in Northern education, which encourages woman to go just where she ought not to go. By a misnomer , iP: calls independence what is really indelicate and unfem inine intrusion into precincts which ought .to be sacred to the , other sex. -' i m 'h yXT:? - . Under all the circumstances the conduct , of the male students was simply a disgusting display of una dulterated rowdyism. The Hospit al authorities should at .Once pro vide a separate apartment for the unma.nnerIywyourig8ters? who " were the authorrf6f the disgraceful de monstration' Otherwise the police of Philadelphia-' should provide quarters for them, if the offence hall be repeated; where their sur roundings will be of a character to stimulate reflection upon the pecu liar turpitude and pre-eminent cow ardice'drtTie nian who can make up his mind to insult a woman. ' GEORGIA. - The Georgia papers generally speak most encouragingly of affairs in that State,' and 'thus confirm the accounts which reach us from tsetse who have visited heir leadingrcities. Georgia has recovered ; from the waste, destruction, . and 'prostration of war, with extraordinary rapidity, and is to-day perhaps in better con dition than any of her Southern sis ters. ' Savannah is now well started on her journey to a leading position among the cities of the Atlantic sea board. - Augusta,' Macon and Co lumbia arapTOtperotis, and ''Atlanta must be a ; leading; city in conso-1 quence of ita position 'as .tho centre of tho whole t railway system of the oonin. . ., . Li ."..catfomelj assuring and grat ifyinta contrast -the cheerful tone day with the despairing utterances which attended' t& Xpression of wnicn attenaea ii .wr mu t the views of the Southern people for manv months after the ' war. tor many montns ww , . Theu the universal feeling-was that the sun had set perhaps forever, " , certainly for 'a 'long time upon Southern fortunes. The problems . u , , whether cotton could be grown by free labor, and whether it could compete successfully with the prod- uct of other climes and conditions, i a were subjects of universal anxiety and distrust. The first essays to let passed through both ot R 's cheeks i i ' ' ii i j j a and cut his tongue evenly ff-about mid sol ve Jhem practically only added ita ienffth After that he never spoke to the poverty and depression of tho i . rri .j . i planters. They counted their ab- solute losses by thousands, and tho .. .i- . question was as to the most ad van- tageous method of getting rid of i , . i . i i. . i landed property which only mvolv- ed its owner in increased poverty i . . vr I and embarrassment.. Now, nobody doubts that landed property is tno best property in the South, aud cot- ton culture the most profitable pur- n ;ta at,10 T, clo-na DU.V l oi tuis improving condition are ap parent in the trade of all the towns. The Bates of household and farm ap- v i ii. i i. j pnances vi me ucst uescripnou aro rapidly increasing. Tho improve- tuent is beginning to be visible everywhere, and every planter feels that the question of a comfortable competence is only one of time and ordinary good fortune. He feels that there is -an assured future be fore him, and he has only to work it out with patience, judgment and energy. . 3irHyacinthe proposes to bring the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches into one common body, acknowledging "one God, one faith and one baptism." Gov. Hoffman proposes to make the Legislature of New York honest. We think that Hoffman has much the more difn- , : I cuit iasK in nana. Palmetto Leaves. ..The Barnwell Journal says: We are informed that a foree of the State Constabulary, armed with Winchester rifles, were Bent to Sumter within the last few days, and quite a number of respect able mm arrested by them, as being'con nected, either as principals or accessories, with the burning of D. G. Robertson's store. After great difficulty, the men were released on bail. '..Newcomb's Minstrels open in Charleston Monday night. .'.The laying of the corner stone of a Lutheran church at Lexington C. IL, will take place on Wednesday next. ..The Chester Reporter savs: We learn that Mr. Wm. P. Knox met with a serious injury en Monday night, at the hands of one J. McDowell, from which it is thought he will not recover. The par ties were out bunting possums and met in the woods; their dogs got to fighting; this led to a quarrel between the men, which resulted in Mr. Knox receiving a blow in the head with an axe. ..A labor Convention will be held in Columbia on the 24th. . .Mr. O. A. Wylie, of Chester, t-r .i n i . i. i v. i a. . ! - I iuiore iuo reporter luame uas mis year eaiuereu eieuieeo uusueis oi corn irom I one-fourth of an acre. I Spartanburg strikes a bell at 12 M. daily, so that all the people can set their watches together and have uniform time. -r t ti i . .jur. ias. -a.. xiacK, a native oi York, died in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, on the 25th alt. ..The Yorkville Enquirer, one of the oldest, largest and best weekly pa pers in the state will be enlarged on the lxt of January by an addition of one column to lust page, and by lengthening its columns. A Strauge Fate. From the Kansas City (M.o.) Times, Nov. 8.1 A man died in Kansas City several weeks ago whose life . had been a weary one and, maybe harder than he could bear for to those who knew?; him there were a few hints of a brief death struggle that was not natural. George R was born in , Ken tacky, and came to Cooper county, Mis souri, at the age oi sixteen. This was in 1838. Soon his parents died, and he was left alone and penniless. . In 1856 he went to California, entered tbe mines with tbe zest of a boy, worked hard, was successful, bought land near Sacramento City, and soon became a tich and prosperous man. In 1858 he met the woman who, tbrongh no fault ot his, was to exert such a sad influence upon his after life.- This woman was said to be beautiful, . accomplished, pure and loveable. R met her, was fascinated, proposed, and as a result, an engagement followed. The wedding day had been ... suggested,, it. it had not been decided " upon, and i for one brief month the sun of happiness shone out solacingly before the clouds closed over it 'forever.--. v.t iU.t .. C Preceding the wedding it became nec essary for Re tot return to the mines to ar range some business there claiming his immediate attention. He went, became involved in a quarrel with a man be had never seen, was attacked, and, to save his . - D - 1 r man was bis intended's brother. He did not know it then, nor until his trial was over, nor until after be went again to Sacramento to see all that he had ever known or loved. It is not necessary to depict the . inter view the terrible remorse, on one. side, the frenzied reproach and regrets on the other. At last tho ; sister v grew fright fully calm so calm, indeed, that she told oiber brother; how He had left home at the first news of tho gQ14 JHacovery; hbw he had not written; how wild toriea had, come back of his recklessness and his dis- ipation; and:af:.lit7.the',diadftil -4ay Vhto U lay dead tht fctbJ him? "I will loveyou ilI .die but I will never marry you an ffUsS earth; brother' blood is on your hands, be sold out everything he owned in California, and came back to Missouri, ,e(ging to ; other , tm lhey woud correspond s regularly as the con, dition ofthe mails thenpermitted . ;, She wrote oiice' and -no more." In month lollowing her first letter she, too, had gone to join her brother in the eternal world. This second blow fell heavier than tfae firet for the poor man-had eome hope whi'e tho woman lived.- Now he was al jJUenUy'fne war came and R tn- listed in the Confederate army. In the not cnareo mauo upon iae wrayeyaru r orii t ho ot HBa; Ark min5e bul. an intelligible word again." Indeed, he cared very nine u sueas. ju suuseuueui battle8 htried harf to throw his life away, and was noted in his command for the most reckless audacity. At Jenkin's Ferry .fc 8eemei, ag if he would get what he most desired, for he was badly shot in the head, the skull being fractured and the ba5n He insomuch that the wound healed, but the poor tried roan hau convulsions until ne aiea. - it is 8Ut)D09ed that these convulsions impaired his mind to a certain extent, for he fre- 7, to of the woman whose memory had never left "m aunng au me oiuer anu sorrowiui years of his life. But he is at rest now. Let us hope that his boul has joined in the spirit land the soul of one who went out into eternity under the shadow of a great darkness. f-Dr. Lawrence's " Woman's Friend" cures diseases peculiar to females. t J3P K08K00 ! Liver Medicine 1 The Great Blood and t MISCELLANEOUS. Don Carlos JJI O It SALE AT UNDERWOOD'S Clothing and Hat Store. NEW GOODS AND LATEST STYLES NO. 30 MARKET STREET, ' Wilmington, N. C novl"tf MOLASSES-SYRUP. &VJKJ io DDIs, sugar Mouse syrup, 2 tbbls. line Syrup. For sale by Oct 24 ADRIAN VOLLERS. TOBACCO GOODS Smokers' Articles PURCHASED BY VISITORS, STRANGERS, AXD RESIDENTS, AT VanSICKLES', Na 12 Market Street. noTl2-tf ESTABLISHED 1824. The Patriot "S ONE OF THE OLDEST, LARGEST A! . cheapest Newspapei s published in the tate. Anti-uaaicai out uoerai in routicc Tuuis: S2.00 per vear. Bat few weekly papers have a better circu- Ltion, ana hobs oner superior advantages. ADVERTISERS. Specimen copies sent on application to J AS. W. ALBRIGHT BRO., Greensboro.. N. C JOB PRINTING of every description, neat- iy. cheaply and exp. xiousiy execnted at iHi r atkiot mnce. Lxoax Blabks always on hand, and sold low on umb oraers. angtr Extra Family Flour. A MERICUS CLUB," "CITT PRIDE," I . Juk. and JfaiPisis MILLS." we have these DIRECT FROM THE AGENTS Of the Mills, and can offer them as among the Most Reliable BRANDS OI FLOUR Sold in this market. We guarantee each brand to be SWEET, FRESH GROUND FROM NEW WHEAT, And to makeup satlsfactorUy, or it can be re turned We deliver our goods without extra charge in any part of the city. GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 Front street. Chas. D. Mtkbs, Agent, nov 13-tf Just from Steamer, T B. E. HEIDE'S, KO. 4 Neuth Water street, Cider, Apples, Raisins and Figs, Citron: every kind of Flue and Plain Candies, Potatoes; all kinds of Canned Goods; Jellies and Preserves, CREESE AND . ' CRACKERS, Butter, Lard, Nuts of all kinds; Willow and Wooden Ware, New i-mokcd Herring Macke rel, Candlos, Matches, Soaps, Starch, Sou a. Coffee, Sugar, Ac,, Ac nov 14-tf ' W. J. LOVE. N J. C. BLOCKER. Love & Blocker, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CORNER NORTH WATER AND CHES J nut streets, (Up Stairs) Wilmington, N. I Personal nnnnnt ottnflnn consignments of B"c l" NATAL STORES, COTTON and all other produce. . . oct 29-tf Groceries. T STOCK FOR AT, THE A FULL SALE LOWCQt Market Prices. , 9 ' BT' ij.r. - . " T BOTl7tf wilijams mttbchison. BPEGIAL VNOTICJS. IXPAIBED meESTioiv: t? LALLTHa ORGANS QFITHE BODY &BC ..a so to speak, the pensioners of tbe stomach. In . that Uvingr laboratory is prepared the nourishment required to sustain them, and Dy tne yesseis aau uuuis ounneeteu with -the digestive apparatus; that nourishment is con veyed to every part of the system. Jlpon the quality and quantity of this elment of lile, and upon the manner.ln..f hichJt b distribu ted and apportioned, physical health mainly depends, and as the mind inevitably sympa thises with the body, tbe vigor of the one is absolutely nJjccslary to the weU-heing 6f the fhr - ' i " sf-H :i r - other.i i . - - -....i a . t It is because HOSTETTER'8 STOMACH BITTERS accomplishes this double object that it enjoys a reputation as a pr, ventive and curative never, heretofore attained by any modicinal preparation. But its direct beneficial operation upon the weak or disor dered stomach Is not its sole recommenda tion. It la the most comprehensive of aU known remedios., It tones, strengthens and regulates the discharging as .well as the as similating organs; gently moving the bowels, promoting healthful evaporation through the pores, rousing the inert liver from its torpor, and lndncingfharmonions and natural action in the whole animal machinery. This benign resnlt is not produced by any of the reaction ary drugs which aroused sn lavishly in the oia scnooi practice, rounnea Dy jraraceisus; but by mild, safe and agieeable vegetable apents Intermixed with a pure and mellow stimulant which diffuses their influence through tbe system and renders their sanita ry properties active and effective. nvl7-lw ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, m JL HE REMEDY FOR CURING CONSUMP TION, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Diseases of tho Throat, Bronchitis. Fains and Oppress ions or the Chest, Longs, Difficult Breathing, and all the Diseases of tbe Pulmonary Organs. Its action is expectorant, alternate, sudor ific, sedative, diaphoretic and diuretic, which renders It one of the most valuable remedies known for curing diseaes of the lungs. It ex cites expectoration, and causes the lungs to throw off the phlegm or muous ; changes the Secretions and Purifies the Blood, heals the irritated parts; eives strength to the digestive organs; brings the liver to its proper action, and Imparts strength to the whole system. Such is the immediate and satisfactory effect, that it is warranted to break up the most distressing cough in a few hours' time, if not of two long standing. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction, even in the MOST CONFIRMED CASES OF CON SUMPTION. It is warranted not to produce costivencss (which is the case of most reme dies) or affect tbe head, as it contains no opi um in any form. It is warranted to be PERFECTLY HARMLESS to the most delicate child though it is an act ive and powerful remedy for restoring the system. There is no really no necessity for so many deaths by consumption, when ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM will prevent it, if only vaken in time. We copy the following interesting letter from Dr. Harris to tho Middlehnry, Vt , Reg ister: Ms. Editor : It is only necessary to sub serve the interests of humanity that I request a short space in your valuable paper, to in form tbe public what Allen's Lung Balsam is sure to do. Two years ago I was attacked with a severe old; it settled in my throat which so affected the organs of speech that I could not speak alond for nearly six weeks. got throu h the winter coughing nights most incessantly, with colS night sweets, with in creased irritation which entended into the Bronchial tubes and which kept me coughing all summer. I was at Shorcham on a profess ional visit tbe past October, when the 'good Samaritan" caino along Introducing Allen's Lung Balsam Into New England. I procured a bottle and took it. according to directions and found immediate relief - I have nowtak en two bottles which have entirely cured me, For the last two years or during the time of my affliction I was in a state of constipation which the Balsam has most effectually rearu lated. No family should be without this val uable medioine. I see by the Western papers that the physicians of Cincinnati where the medicine is manufactured are introducing it into their practice, and I have no doubt it will soon become a classical remedial agent for tbe cure of all diseases of tbe throat, Bron chial tubes and the lungs. Nathavixl Hakkib, M. D.. Dentist. PERRY DAYIS A. SON, Providence, R. I., General A rents. 43- For sale by J. W. Lippitt A Co., VU mington, N. C. For sale by all Druggists. nvls-lm PAIN KILXEIt I We ask the attention of the public to this long-tested and unrivaled ' FAMILY MEDICINE. It ha3 been favorably known for more than twenty'years, during which time we have re ceived thousands of testimonials, showing this medicine to be an almost never-failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant upon Sudden Colds, Coughs. Fever aed Ague, Head ache, Bilious Fever, Pains in tbe Side, Back and Loins, as well as In the , -Joints and Limbs, Neu ralgia and Rheu matic Pain ; In any part of the system, Toothache and Pains in the Head and Face. . AS A BLOOD PURIFIER AND TONIC FOR THE STOMACH, It seldom falls to cure Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Hearts- horn, Kidney: Complaints, Sick Headache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ringworms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, 8 welled Joints and General Debility of the System. It Is also a prompt and sure remedy for Cramps and Pain in . the Stomach, Painters Colic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, .Summer Com' plaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum. Scalds, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Frost Bites, Chilblains, as well as tbe Stings of Insects, Scorpions, Centipedes, and the. Bites of Pois onous Insects and Venomous Reptiles. r See directions accompanying each bottle. 9- The Pain Killer Is sold by aU dealers in Family Medicines. , 49 Prices 25 Cents, 60 Cents and $1.00 per Bottle. . Sold by J. W. LIPPITT & CO. nor f t. Carpenters , Wanted fTtHE UNDERSIGNED WILL EMPLOY SIX GOQDCOTlBSi;; To work at framing the Fee Dee Bridge In Richmond count v. To rood mm annri wiU be paid. Transportation frdra ihniij ton free, . ROERTH ARTE Y., Z . nov lO-Sw Contractors Drr Bichau's ? Golden Remedies. T AlK FOB'av wan en, TAKE NO other, and you wiU save time, health and anv staire which they fail to cure. - - l5r. Riohau's Goldbw Balsam No.'l cures Ul cers, Ulcerated Sore Throat, nd Mouth, Pore Eves, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotches, Soreness of the Scalp, Scrof' nla, &c: is tne greain laeuuvnwr, AiLera tlve and Blood Purifier known, removes all disease from the system, and leaves the blood pure and healthy. v - . ' ' r.Dr. Richa.u'8 Goldm Balsak No. 8 cures Mercurial Affections, ttneumansm in an its forms, whether from mercury or other causes; rri.u immediate relief in i.Jl cases. No diet- In e necessary. I have thousand of certifi cates proving the miraculous cures effected Dy x,nese Keuiouie. - cit,i.i ui No. 4 5.00 per bottle, or two bottles for 9 00. Dr. HICHAu'S UOIDEI aituwii, a Bttie, pee dy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full direc tions. Price S3.00 bottle. ' - Dr. Richau'8 uoi-deh ji-LixiB d'axour, a rad ical cure for Nervous or General Debility, in old or young; imparting energy with won- deitui enecc jrnce so.w per ooiue or iwo doi tles for 9.00. . .. On receipt or price, tnese remeuies wui do lipped to any plaon. Prompt attention paid to all corresoondentn. None genuine without the name of Dr. RICHAU'S UOA.DJSJS liKM. EDlES. D. B. RICHARDS, sole proprietor," blown in glass of bottles. Address, iit. u. is. liiunAiiin. No. 228 Varie St., New York. Circulars sent.. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. July My Ayer's Cathartic Fills, For 11 tbe Purposes of m Laxative Me dicine. Perhans no'one med icine is so universally required by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so uni versally aaoDtea mio use, in every country anu among an classes, .1.1. i . . . . na luis uiuu uui em. cient tmrarative Pill. The obvious reason is. that it is a more relia ble and far more effec tual remedy i ban anv other. Those who have tried it, know that ft cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures tneir neienoors ana xnenas. ana au know that what ft does 4nce it does always that it never fails through any fault or ne- srlect orits comoosition. we -nave tnousands upon thousands of certificates of their remar- kaDie cures or tne iouowing complaints, out such cures are known in every neighborhood and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by any body. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresn ana makes tnem pleasant to take. while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from tneir use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on tne internal visoi a to ouriiv tue Diooa ana stimulate it into healthy aetlon remove the obstructions of tbeBtomach, bowels, liver. and other organs of tbe bojy, restoring their irregular action ii neaim, ana dv correcting. wherever they exist, such derangements as eartne nrst oriarin oi disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on ine oox, lor me iouowing complaints: which thee Pills rapidly cure : For Iyspepsli or Indigestion, List. risiMsi, uanor ana mah i ad nirsor and lxs ! Appe tile, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its health v tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, BlllauiHewlaebe.aick II end' Mhe. Jsnndic or Oreem Nieknes. Bll lona Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for ach case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruc tions which cause it. asl For D YSENTER For DIARRH(EAf but one mua aose is generally requir- i. PALPITA TION of the HEART, PAIN in the iswjs. jjjiujc ana juijb. tnev ebouia be con tinuously taken, as required, to chango the aioeaseu action oi me Bysiem. w itu su&3 change those complaints disappear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELL INGS they should be taken in larse and fre quent uoses to proance tne enect or a drastic purge. For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired efiect by sympamy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence itisodvantageous where no serious derange ment exists. One who feels tolerably well, otten finds that a dose of these Pills- makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleans ing and renovating effect on the digestive ap- puraius. Dr. J. C. ATEB A CO., Practical Chemittt. Lowell, JHitsa.. V. 8. A. Sold by E. Willis, J. W Lippitt A Co., H. Mc- j,id ana J. a. weoane, Wilmington, ana all Druggists ana jjeaiers everywnerc. aug28-SAFtdecl9 Bennettsville Journal, Published Every Friday, in BENNETTSVILLE, S. C. WM. UTILE, Editor A Prop'r. mUE LARGE AND INCREASING CIRCU X lation of the Joukhai. in South Carolina, and that portion of North Carolina contigu ous to the Wll., C. and R. R. Kail road, makes it to the Interest of the Merchants and other businessmen of Wilmington to advertise in its columns. As an is unsurpassed by any weekly paper in either of ine two vsroiinis. Terms 1 00 per annum. Rates of Advertising, liberal. Address, JOURNAL, aug2JHf Bennettsville, S. C- A D V E R T I S E! IN THE IN THE IN THE Sunday Messenger, Issued every Saturday from the Daily Messenger Office, GOLD8BOR&, N. C.,v (The great Centre of the W A W R R, and C R R'd.) THE SUNDAY MESSENGER IS A 1 Iva QA nnliimn nanAr. nn vlth t-Vik rimna and in favor of progress, every hamle , village an progress, is reaa in almost village and town In Eastern North Carolina and on the line of the W & W UK. Price S2.00 ner annum. The best advertisingmedium. Send for list or prices ana aavertise. Terms reasonable. Address, SUNDAY MESSENGER, Jan29-tf Goldsboro, N.C. HAEDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS AgrlcuKnral Implemeuts, Ac. KSTAnmSIIED IX 1857. NATHANIEL JACOBI, (Successor to Jas. Wilson) NO. 9, Market-Street WILMINGTON, N.. C , The attention of the trade and the public Is solicited to the largeand well assorted stock to be found at the above mentioned establish ment, consisting of a full assortment of Agri cultural Implements; IROtf,AND STEEL, . 67 UNS AND -PISTOLS, Coopers, Carpenters and .Blacksmiths Tools, Powder. Snot and Caps, POCKET AND TABUS CtTTXtEBT, NAILS, SPIKES, Ac, ' T PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. NATHTj JACOBI, , , ,;. . . .. Market stjreet.j f no 14-tf 31IS0ELLANEOUB. ? COMPANY 1a THE TWO LKADIKG Life Insurance Com--oanles South of Masnn unit nwnn Mua have combined under the above- name,-and witn luv 33sucu cx.uunses.anaincreaseu la-, ellitles thus-seeuredj-propose to aggregate and add to the large business hertttot nrA An. joyed by the Compapies respeetively. Re newals of old policies will be in the name of the new association, and the rates, loans and rights of all remain intact as in the original These Companies, now united for business, mainly in tbe Southern country, have sepa rately taken the lead of any ever before or- ganizea in we same penon. They have selected their risks with unusual care; their expenses have been small, and under the present arrangement will be pro portionally smaller ; they have always paid their losses with the greatest promptness and without utioatioit. They have invested prudently their permanent investments be ing invariably in mortgages and unencum b red real estate. with Officers and a Di rnr'nrv nnmnnned of the leading gentlemen, socially and financi ally in the State of Virginia there is, in my tudgment, no Life Insurance Company on this continent offering inducements equal to the I'IBDHOKTa ARLINGTON. JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, General Agent, Insurance Rooms, Princess St., Between Front and Water Sts sept 23 , r - 159-tf BANNISTER, COWAN & CO., REAL ESTATES FINANCIAL BUY AND SELL. SOUTHERN LANDS, Negotiate Loans on Southern Securi ties and Encourage Emigration to the Sonth. OFFICERS ; L. Bankistkb, Wilmington. N. C. D. S. Cowan, J. C. Kknyow, New York, 47 Broad Street, xti. i., ana rroni street, Wilmington, 8ept2- 159-tf FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. . Atkim son's Insitbamck Rooms, Princess street, betwectt Front and Water streets. T7HBE AND MARINE INSURANCE AJ way be effected at lowest rates in the fol lowing reliable companies : Security Insurance Company of New York North American Fire Insurance Company ot Hartford. Monumental Fire Insurance Company ot Baltimore. Washington Fire Insurance Company cf rmibimurc Savings and Insurance Company of Rich mond. James River Insurance Company bf Rich, mond. Jefferson Insurance Company of Richmond AppiytO JUUI VY11U.K. aug 1-tf Gen'l Insurance Agency. JOHN F. C. RIDER. Manufacturer of and Dealer in STATIONARY, PORTABLE AND HOISTING STE AJI ENGINES, Mnlar,Flne,CyliHaer& CastlronBoilers PLAIN AND GALVANIZED Wronglit and Cast Iron Pipe, Every description of Steam, Gas and Water Fittings, Low Water Alarms, Oil Valves and Vups, oieam ana water uuages, Steam Pumps, Eureka Hand and Power Pumps, MACHINERY AND TOOLS, Saw and Shingle 91111s, Wood-Working: Machinery, and Still Work of alt Kinds, Cotton Gins, Grist Mills, New and Second Hand Machinery of all Kindt, dx., Ac. a-M Y PRICES DEFY COMPETITION Offlee and Warehouse, 47 Dey-street, New iom. amo-urn THE DRY GOODS STORE OF WILMINGTON. fJIHIS ESTABLISHMENT, formerly occu pied by M, M. Katz & Co., and now cccnpled by the undersigned, has, considering the short time since its opening, already earned a wide reputation as an orderly, well regula ted and First Class Institution. You will find there a - Well Selected Stoct of (Ms, And a complete assortment. You get waited on by POLITE AND CI EX TEEM AN LY SALESMEN. You can depend on FAIR A SaURE DEALING, as the ONE PRICE SYSTEM FOR ALL Is the rale of this house. Persons having Dry Goods or Clothing To buy should not fail to call at this estab lishment before purchasing elsewhere. The subscribers, thanking you for past luvura, solicit your iurmcr pau'onage. FISEBLATE A BRO., - '- 23 Market Pt., (Old Stand of M. M. Kats ft Co.) oo 14-lw )sept26 4-tf Law Notice. fTUIE UNDERSIGNED HaS . TAITIEV JL office opposite the Co"rt House, in the rear ui squire JJiuiuigg'S omce. - Business promptly attended to. t,A, J. NUTT. sept 10-ly To Country Publishers T AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY PUB A. nsners in either or the Carolinas with FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAPIAPERS, of the usual weishts. Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled. No attention paid to orders unac companied with the money or a request to sendC. O. D. ' ' wmjw nrnvAPn novl4-353-nactf ' A good Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina The Western Democrat, PUBLISHED AT CHAKLOTTE, N. C. (One of the Oldest Newspapers in the State.) HAS A LARGE AND GENERAL CIR. culatlon in Western and Southwestern North Carolina and adjoining Districts ot South Carolina. Advertisements are solicited.- Termsfor ten lines of this size type, tl for one inser tion, 3 for one month, $10 for three months, 1S for six months, 25 for one year. Reasona ble terms will be made for greater space. sena airccc to me sailor ana iropnetor t W. J. YATES, Ed. and Prop., Charlotte. N. C. Pure Whiskies. PURE CUMBERLAND COUNTY IN." C.) Corn and Rye Whiskies, made by Jarratt A Sandford, constantly on band. Orders, for any quantity, promptly filled. . REUBEN JONES, Aoxkt, fj s ; s . - , - At National Hotel; povlo-lm , - - 4 New. Shaving Saloon. " TILES HOWARD RESPECTFULLY IN JYX forms his old friends and tbe public Kene rally that he has opened a Flrst-Clasa Shaving and Hair-Cutting Saloon, In Dawson, a venae, diagonally opposite tbe -Star" of flee, where ne promises his patrons every comfort that polite and skUlfuibarbers, clean towels and sharp raxors can afford. octlttf - EBUSINESS CARDS." ? MANUFACTURER AND . DEALER . Hardware, Guns, Stoves, Puuids K -eene Oil, Tin and 8heet Iron. V -P K r ROOFING DONE; AT SHORT NOTICE. Asrent for PAIRBANKS SCALES. July sLtt 19 rront st, WUn?,nto'.'ir. c. A. AOBLSjr. ' ' - u. ror,r.r ADRIAN & VOLLERS Cor. Front and lock fjjs.. WILMINGTON iN. 6. "YYT'H O LE S A LE GKOCERS. IN Al.l its branches. " ' - . COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do wn calling on us and examining our 8tock. novi-M-tr EDWARD J. ASTdivr "DEAL ESTATE AGENT. r 19111'lniin ' . . , . BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C J-Activlty and efficiency in brinirinjr to- n North Carolina, and to lacilitate advairtiu geous transactions between them ; also th encouragement of Northern and Euronean Emifi-rants to eome and settle in tbe South are the objects of this Agency. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MOFFITT A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION Merchant NORTH WATER STREET, Wllmlitirton, N. v.. Will give prompt personal attention to Lh salo or shipment of Cotton. Naval Stores General Produce, etc., etc. Also to rcoetvtnu and -forwarding goods. " Orders solicited and promptly filled ept-l-tf - ' J GEO. Z; FREKCH, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND REAL ESTATE AGENT WILMINGTON, N.C, ISSUES MONTH LT, FOR FREE Dim. tribution, a Catalogue of lands for sale in North and South Carolina. ' Send in a descrip tion and price of lands. Ufa charge unless sale Is effected. mar.V4Ag-tf ' - ' - PKOFESSIONAL. Dr. S. S. EVERITT SUCCESSOR TO Dr. B. F. ARKIXi. TON, Office same as formerly occupied by Dr. Ar rinprton. ap8-t82-tf . . .S. A. ASHE,, A TTO RNE Y A T L A X , ' WILMINGTON, N. C. OFFICE ON PRINCESS,- BET W Y.YVS Front and Second Streets, oct 1-8-tf " An'iCEIJiA'NEOUS. The Great External Eemedy. For Man and Boast. IT WILL CURERHEUM ATISM The reputation of this preparation i. so well estab lished, that little need be said in thig connection. On MAN it has nerer failed to cure PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS. CONTRACTING MUS CLES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINTS, STITCHES in the SIDBor Back. SPRAINS, BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEET, Persons affected with Rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cared by using this wonderful prepa ration ; it penetrates to the nerve and bone immediately on being applied. On HORSES is will cure SCRATCHES, SWEENEY, POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING BORES, SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, 8PRAINED JOINTS. STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, to. It willprevent HOLLOW HORN and WEAK BACK IX MILCH COWS. I hare met with (Treat success in bringing my Mixture within the reach of the Publio. I am daily in receipt of letters from Physicians, Druggists, Merchants and Farmers, testifying to its curative powers. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, BALTIMORE, Mo. mr23SAFly-clm. TO ECONOMISTS. ADVEBTTBX IN The Winnsboro News AND FAIRFIELD HERALD. Published in WINNSBORO, 8. C. THE LARGE AND INCREASING CIECU latlonof the above papers, (trl-weekly and weekly) in the upper portion of South Carolina, warrant the Proprietors In saying that they oner as good inducements to ad vertisers as any other papers in the State. M3 advertisements solicited. DESPORTKS, WILLIAMS ft CO., sept 14-tf ' ' Proprietors. CHURCH. OF, MITTRASGEES," JT ew York . TJIS1TORS TO THE CITT OF NEW y VOUK are in termed that they will find Divine Service every Sunday, in- the 'Large Chapel of the University, Washington Square, at lo A. M. and Vi P. MV The evening ser vice in summer is at 8 o'clock. Waverly Place, immediately north of the New York Hotel, out of Broadway, runs west to Washington Square, on the east side of which is the Uni versity. The entrance to tbe church is the main door of tho University. University Place cars run from tbe door of the Fifth Av enue Hotel, to the door of the Church. From the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the ! cars corner of Broadway and Broome, leave at Waverly Place, and go west one block. At the Astor House take University Place -cars, leave at Waverly Place, and go west one block. Strangers will find cordial welcome, and polite attention." ' - --';- Tbe Pastor Is Rev. Dr. DEEMS, who devotes -himself to the spiritual interests of strangers. If any be sick, let them address hint a note by mail, as "Pastor of the Church of the Stran gers, New York.," and It will reach him. The ladies who compose the- Society of the Sis ters of the Stranger, procure medical, legal, and spiritual help for strangers In perplexity, distress, or sickness. Address, "Sisters ot the 8tranger," care Bev. lr. DEEMS, N. T. If you are corning to New York toon, cut this out and paste it in your memorandum book., j , febl-441-tf O MAGISTRATES AND CONSTA BLES. Peace Warrants, State Warrants Civil Warrants, Search Warrants, Ac, Ac, for sale at ? WM. H. BERNARD'S Printing and Publishing Honse, And General Book Bindery, febTtf Pa wwon Bank Buildings. Front PRINTING INK.; K .'. : ".'--'J 'l,'i .'-:' ? . f- ., -.OEHCY rOR THE SALE OF C. E. ROBINSON'S Justly celebrated , V ; Black and Colored At the Offlee of the . MOEIUNG STAB. No orders filled unless accompanied with the money, or a request to send C. O. D. Book and News Inks constantly on band, and for sale at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES , AddUss, V f:'r wjii hbernard, a&ayll-SlO-oactf Wllsainton N. C ' 1