1 'it? -.- ": I'M yp?m iP-ivT A 1 1 Omoi, Dawson nana: Buildings, Front at. Six aaonths, la fdrmnoe.i.. a m Three month in axivanoa.,.,., 00 One month, taM,vaao,..VJ...v;v.,, i TO The Moaxnra Sta wtlV be- .delivered la any aart of the City at FwTaiw C-hts per weekT POST OFFICE DIBECTUBV. : ; f Sorthoia through way mall koo A. if. Dally Northern through mail 7.-00 jt. M. ..: 1 " Southern iau...w.uw p W. 0. and R. R. R. .. . . ..8:W 1. M. Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays. - - 7 Fay ette vllle via Warsaw,.. .. . ,6xx a . M.' Dally.! toithviUe via fcteaia,. a A.. IAS Pv H ' fthrec ' times a week. , , ff J;, MAILS llllri T.10Ji,. Northern Through; Maik 8:00 A.' M. Daily, i " Northern Through and Way Mail, 7:30 P. M. Dally, except Sundays-delivered at 8:00 p. M. from alley window. .-' '- Southern, :40 P. M. Daily. : - , -t " W'.Cantf RSKWP; It fare tiuW a week ryettev.e,.:.-v r. ju., uauy, except Sunday. Sinithville, iise P. M. Three times a Week. !,i Office open from 70 A. M. to 8:80 P, M.J riiindaya v taum . 4ri ' ' SWA. L 1 .. . . , .fur a: P . .. ,1;.. t vv L w h.i I , . -.tut iiV'm 1 K v Km rT mm , ; r BAT9 OF AD TESTIS 1H t One Square ne Aay,'.M.......M. ....... $i oo -V S threa dya...;.'...i. i oo JflTyfca oayaj.wr.;........ IN h. dy,....- t oo - ft w.w4i..-......... s ra oolT"1 tka t pro l!?"Tr:Jhere: vas no session of the '.Pereoiia yisitinW th; Aeri-1, NEW ATlWRTrfiTSrtrc ij, xr ? .Ul'l,L J.J, f wTTlT A"-rtiaint t f " - - i . ... ,. -;;?m?rAiqeHneii.?eia- .wr-cThere tras no session of the FT' Persons visiting tha Aori - v .w. a quorum. wUl Dechai i 1 1 j ISmMMl m9mm mtCi A ii. i- 1. T. iurMa at t box rates IShlf oaanrta. full raU. Cdurt ttesterdaT.rJndsreCantweU.i cultural f I. DeinO' RhOSnt ti-Pslamll':i Tllr rA ntii I IIatlKl.. T'ir nn' -.m- ' :,. . ! 1 1 ? ",,; ,w6 , rff I . LD oruH, so marKet street, where '. cases, Loweyer. of any' imoortance await- 1 thev will find the iart -L'j lu ;Pt;r;;rpystefs; ! ; ; stjzammqat, co. M.J niorht tpstihAil their r . ... . T . I IIK HI I V i Tin V , L 1 ... . KaUlrSJZ rstion of the. excellent mtisicalter, ....v v fwa-ruAua Lfd.1 ftfrH - . L J . . . . mrm . . . tf mmm Oil IlinH I.II If 1 1 1 (7 n T na . . : . Wenda an v-TheD?any ' maiw Brothers and : ProflXPierson.h1 The il ?lor agreeable You it aienas , and patrons of .Corrawav th "! ' .. i.- -. . and it changes gray hair to any naturaiThade Doleon of ir rSr performance was irresistably, attractiye, ?fei4Por pciSS - -t"i wiuHk wui m m in r ' - ' ' :.' ' I uiiiii uoo no more narmieaa. xieouiW'eu j . . ' FemalA 1 1 1 aoiaa :.0f applause 'Large numbers of women in fact almost r i amo-ieniM or tns entire sex suffer from formerB some disease peculiar to female- r?SJi? . w : mwi meets mi,"yuu'",u ouccess m cunng thein . . TMl fart sSnnM "6 V"D"' UOvSitf; j v , - . . 1 ', ' D. M Archied riV ; : AG00I)t;ni70.- Dry Goods Ctill lower, SEND YOUR FADED . ,AND , , ; . SOILED ' GOODS . , TO, BE JDTED OBCLEAKED, ;: J. H. ANDERSOV. Amnt a-h XO y ikying tasiaDiishinent, aj VXAAliA AilAt kJ W rl lu i ji,M : .r1 V.?'" i , as i r nu tteturamg, leaves . . 1 ' Payetteville every TUESDAY and FRIDAY. '".v pi. ' :' - ;1 Ke.;;.M;:7-ELflTZ,S, Ht"?0)AnKET. STREET. PKa8TKAMMBimRE-nrASS0BT- Solid Striped? nd-PFaid Dress uchxw, bhawhj and, Cloaks. , , ; Staple 'and 1 Fancy ' ; 'fSrf-X'. ;J7':l' VJOOClSi ,;j;n;T-'-' 444 m cumpwia again, aa4 eoasiderablT cheaper than early UUaseasoa. 7T x .. 'it on Cassimeres, Satinets, . i U t Merinos, Shirta '.and Vests, Motions, Hosierv. Sheeting, . " Table Linen. &e.t &c- IWrTWttf " '. HA Wevl .ButteCheeser Etc; TUBS FRESH GOSHEK BUTTER 200 B0IIS rACTOBXCHEESJB HK BOXES sUMCHIMli?' it .-.A '"- - . '' ' . m-r m-1, DT a tuM .v. " .. , fri"fc KITS MACKKRET., " ' ' OVFor saleby - F. W. RFRCHKKR, nvtf a ,. 88aBdg9H.Wator-atwt KaTassa ; AmmoniatEii 'SclnUe f Hiciatei a .Manu&otnred and WarrantedW the , ; NAVASSA' GUANO COiiPAOT PRICE-SS PER TOK OF SOoJ LB, DXLIYXS. i I rt ilf.''r) IDA! WZUOXGTOX.'-; y" ' JAMES BUTTER dTOBTBy Chemist ani 'fin f V T T. J.iGBEEX, faster, 2fiT1inar'ele5,int Passenger aoonrnmodations. MIAV leaves. 4 O'CIOOK, A, JU. .vv,44. wu,4uK mora. 1 at 7 o'clock. A. M. , .... laa'3SS "STl.EMENeanbeflommodated r - -.'-l 0,'" ; Burfett he WoifA's FaiMfD. they ' u , -Vrara WVa ,n I '.V .'Jf,'-.; 1'" It- ..' . .. Mr14 epald by a renevxA of health and 0,OD, BO AltD ' L'.1. ' tue . - And Pleasant Rooms ' ! .' . Jtiajb 'STEAMBOAT ' - ' - 1 Mrs:jAMES C SMITH.. V ' V rli XXKk-st between ta ana7th.l i r ' f XL . 'rii '1 I I ' HM nov21-lw : eiUwinfiTjE.UppUt, JmA SpeCUnen Of r" V5" ' w "u Titaafe ad "wiLMiSGTON; chXrIottk and RUTH. , " "MJBiidlj, presented us by " " eiTea the largest number doed bv the it physician!. " F wu" krbhikd KA1LBOAD. Mr. W. J P.im...oj.j..i .... - . I of votes, each ticket. maaaA I.- ... . . f . I r . vs .uu lUOll 1 . . i '. C7 - I asmtWsMsBBasasi - - . . . . I 1 . , a . . . I inf rruL " 1 th hnlrfpr rt o t ti. . . . . . .... - . . i , UII I I I IT aT ll - CimAnTT - A Tfi KM i fl i rrTcnxf if i 'J :j ome "v ucy are most excellent brooms ; " iucre were nine - vr-vt' I. JJ U UJJJ 11 IT O X U 1 i IV . I v utxawwi, iiwww, Jonald and Joseph S -jannon. . r'r"-.r:"-.oupcrior OUrt neld in -caivin J Cowies. ' ,"7 ""J iciDgon tnesecond Mon- jrfow--' - J " yccemoer, oeiojr the 18th dsv nf 7Vurr ,mt7.vk-; -4v.4. 4 UWk ' . . . v -."-.a. ; 0 uara tnat there are nov Sl-nact p,-auumt-iu u. Bridgsi.. . , r -, .b?ut ?50 civl cases on the docket, noanv a. H rtght,S. D. Wallace, Ell Murray Alfrw.l or w,nch Will require over & half day to Usrtln, A. H. VanBokkelen, Geo. Iiarris,i of investio-atA (hm . . . iloiiirton, and John Everett, of GoldsbtJro' estigate them, . and that it 18 expected r: II.. r.4 wK. It.,- T Q . t h tlUfn mtll . I ' . ' - 1 ind U-fi. RatAa "'inue over two weeks.1 Chief JCnymeer and bleturtU ttnnrrintmul'nt I " T, t .... L. FremonU "-',: 4 - -1 H08E . 1 ICKPOCKETS. A ' ffetl tle- Uii'trro Transportation Wm. Smith. I :r . , , ,v . .... .. .ii t w ti : I man inlo;m9 ua that ha u nn 1... .GV6' ' t North Eastourofthcpickpocketa who ' Total Master tf&upplle.-W. G. Mao'Rae.V'i.t were nmrotinn 4k- 1.. General Ticket JLgmO W. M. Polssonl il " j rV'6v", u u: grounas on ; competitors for theTandsome prize, and ' "JJ :" ' BoaadallsX ; l I as we anticinat ihSl ' . r,"-.T withflv?l ti..-.. I ne." of Spirit, Loss of Appetite. I ..WJ.H.VVIVID. tunriiuiwiiHin nwi rnHNMA inn ita.w n. if...i. . . . T ...V nr. . . I Yellowness of tha Kb-inoni n. ' .St.JameaV ' H V; gj ?SJSf s'ymmsctJe hlS T. A TWS? .uuuaraonic Society. - ? 28 remove thesedlsor eVand often wlta thS First Presbyterian Church, , ...... 20 "a"P J?f 817 nnrafng, much win bo ao- Vatnone unurcn, : r- .ty 9 J," I, . . 0 tern, Rosadaijs acts as a perfect charm. K 4 FJJIiJJS l?? "loodj changing the sec etions 64Ti,, nu sirengin to the system. wTT.. . Jjunuing Aasodauon. Instalments all 1 n.J " , Terewnarr, too "ebiUty4 paid. Apply to 7" au Orange-street, at all times, exdept when 1 Bin in 1 tiMr v ... . . I 44inba art, uiKQinff a r wnarvAa fn rnn V"atlV""i Stora. ; iirwvl . at "StarvlHce. Baptist Grand Army Republic, St. John's Church; u. Scattering, r sr. ..'-.; t; 3 3 T.a(Mt.'hv TnlAfrannl. ,Th.0ia.8a,Ml8 mln' women and children rh.'f.i ,Z ' -.:4" i::. . V " 0weie55Itli Carolina Remedy, the . ... .j ..1... . .. c - vsUK nmuuui reanzea DV r . uvwu iracirio ror au painrol bowel ar- tn aarr8,ffiand cm0Dg thCm' the theente"nt was $513.75, of -which aSeVKinZ two arrested by officer Sellarf , and eubse- amount the Lutherans, with tLir .o iTfcver travel without itr-Tt ma'ave youl ' v " v. "4 Men, women and children , .. . MTnf,01 atery7chor. ' BftS ra Morbus, Colic, Ac., by Dr. R. H- Wort hno- - . . f j .1 4 . 0 ton's celebrated K'orth Carolina RemeThge .11 n m.;,4 K OKLY known iiitt-to lVt, H.- y'.lU? MISSES',,:' :;i:;V;: U1LLDRENS, GENTS' BOOTS&SHOES, At the Lowest Prices at FRENCH & SON'S, WiU also run in this Line on irregular davsl tor the In Atonal a a.a. a . wuoAsauou wu IAI US LII1M l.inH will be promptly forwurded free of commis sions, drayage or storage. ' - - t , x WILLIAMS A MURCHISONT, Agents. o.. ' .iua.. AND -ELEGANT PALETOT CLOTHS, FINE FRE1VCII HEATERS TO MAKE TO MEASURE. ' . v. "a. . 0 - """MUU":u " rJio.o, 01 wnicn mujnoiera Medicine keep it in your hou E T Y r two arrested by officer Sellarf , and eubse- amount the Lutherans, with their accus- 2STrer tTBl Wlthoat ' ' fluently rwlAaBPfl Thfv ha1 " r.inv nf (Am i:v:i:4 ... - I - Prtoa'SS im!Mif,'il'ilu- ' I . rf r"""j " 1 4"v 44uc4kiity, cumnouiea f HVO.ZO. . .1 "For sain in mimhuHi v . The horning STAB la de. money and manifested no desire to conical I Th nov21tf limed f UtyBsbsMb. lit 'a -. . . py". mgnx was tne last FIFTEEN CENTA pr wMk, - iHikaeH. ' Pyg to an admir- to be given in this city by the Brothers, The performance last night was the last Iint vo'rSF Whotaaaie-Fwieto- . 1 ! . .; .. I . " t ' , . LI xorth Front strek Dress & Walkiiisr Suits, JLAUiES FESTIVAL; T,51ie8 f Front Street. M. K. Church' her Street HARLOW; uifl tcan atr (, . gakurl. , . r . " w s'"u " i" wiy , uy toe JtJrotners, ; North .f the eentre .f rket "S-d of spectators a number of fine and we' regret their departure- though lETTE8S ! w"rV a.FkriWM.A.i watches, which were, -not doubt,, among we are promised r another visit Irom thSn J?,Vn th 0117 Fost N9vemb( LOW mm ( Soatai r that . ihiwuiU atnUW1 'U-li.i!.b'f'Vl ''"...., . . ." -imh ". . ,."-" 24, 1869. llae .yH,.JOHHB.BCBCH4:oaly mV " ' " & to .Macon, Ga., ' A-ColumbnUl8ob b these As;e.tpMaorle4rit they should have been al- ani o the gopd people "Of ;that: city we B-Miss Margaret Brown, Peter Bowens, Zu.- - 'Mtt "y yhtheifbooty, cheerfully recommend their entertain- BloworthTHen'ry ffMSiT subsenptiona. ; , . Wltoout any effort being made to detain ments, as chaste, charming and exqnisUe- Sli!1 Hame Cesser' Bockinn, Da! will nnld a ir.atitr. i . . un i a . . . - 1 - v lv,i tun ueiieacoi vne nmgsm. na'thinVtnrrrr? novSltf : At low prices at 1 .f i .. Hiv. Uviv. i in? -rt;i j - , JklUNSOJT ft CO., City Clothiers. ler TEE CISC ULATION Oft "TTtv. urn 7? v. LVQ STAR iSZARQEB, TJLUN THAT t)F Ml Tld William Rearv tT"f.P! uow.an William ChurehUl. if-,7l,1""n eni, Andrew Dreatin. TO THETaADIES! A. D. BROWS1 On Exhibition JLVrorzwCAlZirirA. ThkLate Pair. Previous to the open- aZR?Z , T . exchangk corneb; IJSHE3 IX XdRTH CAROLINA. - "".c. ?J specimens . of ... mechanical J ,n the first Fair of the Cape Fear Agricul- j H-Mn T cVroline HenderTon Mrs E A Haf- A NT)' examine the .;;;ei I genius, on exhibition during ihe Fair I tar1 -catloo some apprehension was 'felt I M M Hanklna, T J Herring Wm S Hew- - . lilDt vu.1- T 4.. . . i I tnat It tnltrnt fall .T.n-4 r W1I- ..i,. I 11' T . W" ' s mZi ' V 4 . V "iula"on ,0 Johnson, Bam Jorcan, Miss S A. All "A" Ai Aj A' JN i XL 1 K" Y and some even went so for a t nr.d;n . oii. Jonu ' ' 3 I - -A. their contracMo advertise any other than their Hon t; . 1,!?"mJew.'nn'e by payinff specially -' 7. , S wpaiaeration, nre: fta . . ... ' " " K-jas A Kimr. Mis, A That took the PREMIUM attha Va!r and - j . uvi uiiob iu I Tr . . . m "- . 44n I vno m a n ....... . . ..v,ii , .. . ... j I xLBsver. .r . mu0 m uu uwu tswoiisomem. for such advertisement. TO ADVERTISERS The Carofina Farmer is one than aA h 1 reDul an" to the energy, enterprise and of the best ad- - ? .l & Co-'8 ?g lto clo8e- things considered, it has Z' MU' hael Martin, T D pi,.ia(,alnll. j Z ed'tothe mer- & tblscity; The main feature of Interest ia Pven a grand and giorioas success. We have Mn k o NorVilf ; ' r " Fluladelphia a n d , Southern tho r. i. 1? u: 141 . conversed with "numbers'' of rnt.ipmun ' kA Pa. (:i(vtv p p;o- ToJ tt tm.h.. -r " w i M. . -a. 4. mo- . FAIR GROUNDS AND AT , . . .,, ItEIXSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK STORE, KNABITS AD ' ' ':' C'r ' ; ' ' ' , STEIFF'S PIANOS. ; : , i j . . 1 : i - " - f ' - ; For sale at ' ' fnVl6) " 39 'M ARKTET STREET 1 rl S vertisinc' mediums ever offered to the mer cnanu or vxumlngton, ..Though not yet thlrr tne lact that Mr. F. himselt has but one 1 " f.- . iuw I - . . .viv. vc. 1419 4 4 1 1111 VUW I-pppw I IVI oil 4. . T - ., . . I m. T . 1 M m T m . V -14 : 4. 1.44 j.j H..B.1.. . . . .1 Flinlt. Vf U....I. i d! it if - ? . ' I UOH UtCttmHIUD AjITIH . T. I V j M . .'VI J i I Jl SB I .teen montba old. Us . regular Mm fid weekly arm, having lost the other hrofte of the UV eamoott.' RaieWi and " E-pt C W Head (vm E RSfj; a , U v L mZVL '4 !l ..uyJLipj editio. la now IWftaoptai; n4itf Ue Wueof sevfenUdays' fights1 Uround Richmond u"" f.S? En Statton, Veasa S BtaUta&Mta. THE FAST AXD FAVORITE STEAMSHIP ; " ' It'ECI VETJ) f Ail"K ' ' Friday, November 19th, 1850 copies wilt be a , " u lucnmona. tion that the people of the Cape. Fear section ae gofers Preston Sprigg8,Seiigma? . , '.r o . ;i 3 -;; .a ,f. taA VAaUn,.tmn The work wefl execotad and .reflects should be proud of their first annual Fair, and V$t$&vZ,. . ;:B ' AT copies to be mancd id that number of his eor'.; muc" credit on his skill 1 and lngennity that it should stimulate beni t renewed exr U Mary Utle' ; J 8wC"irt& ' A. Da BROWN'S respondents in North and South Carolina." which we hope will ultimately receive its ertlon m ihelr. prepaniUons or next year,': N Charles Vsnderford, J VanDermark. i-'ivli ' 1 Newb.r...recom,ngb,,ry proper reward.- ' ' J was doubt- 00 -'-via .-iXlTO : mail, and 1U low rates of ubscriotion instlfv . , .. v. ' less due to the energy and .untiring. Industry liam Wright. ' vuaoB,.nu . ' &mm Who largest bheaDestaad bestaasortltnok 1 ...i ?r Among of ttetoecntive Committee, who haveUbored - Persons calung lof letters intlds' List "wUl i il 4 I5i i H !:4a, of ';..,.' , i(. . ; crease. ' the mpmhcr it,. ? .4. I iM'J no ajmost incesaaniiy tor the past r.Te av Jr,s-Vi n U 1 1 1 1VI IjT71T3 1 HT: 1 1 1 xu :i . 4iixijx.a , miiiiuery,(Aii xne state : Capt. L, O. B.1RRETT, , .; , J f .fT VJ wt,. TAJ.tT i.-a. uJi.j the belipf f'hut th nnmlur lt1 .nn4ln n. 4. J . " w VVHbWUV JW 4&4T I . rease. ' - th With one-excepUpiC wailhinai lDetifeula.' tendance on the Fair W Jl JJ 'ew weeks to promote -.tha auccess of the ex- ' . 5" ED, R. brink Uoa ol the la,-eve thus eartyta pleased, to meet the following Stone of W'.ChUrf .Wilmington. X C. Nov. 22, 1899. , istence .the lanreat of anv nahlioatiAa Jn thi. ! . - ?A otoueM Marshal, also deserves much credit for the . . . State. vr-V" i ... : .ft VSfifiy?-? tbe"ly. manner in which be discharged his duties, ; EW ADVWUEKENTS. . ' V Wle 5 theldsboro proving, to the satistactio flf aU.wboapprecl- - HxiNSBaaoEB's Live Book Store, 38 ine Mchain-gang'r;n0W vnurn- MgeryPot. and 4Srpa,o.; School- ta" god order, ystenii that he iras the street Paper and EnyelopesStere' bers ten members. -'V ' : : i r j616'paiPeeiiuv XiTthvles, of right maa aUie righl ptee.-Ia this work be Ylews. fl ' ' :" ,.xiye aeMs.were. ..admitted to not.ieasV Meeker, of tthe New -York ti,., '.-ml. rT.. - .1 BTO"t probate yestetday, br the Judge of the We also learn that Mr. Turner; iof F Dortch and Morrisev . .ka ..n munn .d -MtossBT A Ca-Extra Family Flonr-nv Prohata P..irvf .n -f k v' V V lli Rilcirrh Omrra.; ; it.. i 4 I efficient in 1 tba MrfoniunM tnt iKaLv jM.lnn. I Mess Pork. ' . J . - - - THE NAVA8SA GUAJTQ C0MP"Airr JOF WILMlNGTOa, N. c!T arV prepirid to accept orders for their Smnnuou AnoaxAm Solitbu Pros fratb. which they guarantea to be ot pure and u ilforuj good qnalUy. and In every respect equal to any Fertiliser In tbe J Tllt Phosphate Is earefnliy made (according to the formula of the "PataMoo Guano Companv"! from the highest graJsof 5ihlle,brafolf AA8(J A GUANO, imported direct from Kavassa sland,( W. U. Coae . .1. i niO-E. K.BRllVGltf8V Preaident,1 I eV.VfM.o . tifciii vr?iu. V: 4 Km ericiln ifrifir.. In fine order, put up S90 fcs, and tlO as. to sack a... '-.IJ -44 . 44 1 Jii a' .-.r' V ' For. sale low by 7 . novlTtr - - WTLLIAMS A WTTnrwTarkv -Welekr 13,200 were Fair grounds' daring Fair. , . . J i , v J 1 "5. J- . 1 1 4toiu auu iuumscj, wia were oa 11 ring ana I the Raleigh Sentinel, was in the citv. but I mient in . tbe performance of their vsrlons Mess Pork, i- . v. ' J- duties... CoL 8. L Fremont, Um President of I ; , i A. Jobssos, Js. Lime for Sale Also Ce- I Plaster, A large shed is on the wharf in front of ener's establishment , and wtendedyVwe dts u ur- I i Interest 1 1 Ahdbrsoh's Old Clothes and Hats reno- . . . 1 m. A vl US f TB4CU. ... I I. . - I .7 " ivwinii - lururenne I - , . Come to ae na ragain next year, gentle-" I the objects of the Association and making it j ' TdTKM d Hot Coflee-FamUles supplied meantfWwllF promise yoaaFairthat 1 tion. A" mautnuon. orour see- .t.hortisouce. n w . a r - itiwu ---- - f vrr is being erected eball fairiy wtootirideai j . '. m p w ii - V ' f Mr. F. W. Kerch- aflaJra. 'VTyfSu ; L A T.E a T -B;ijfr MAIL and "inidedAwe ! . ' y " . 7' Ll'' "'' North Caxolina' in a Nutshell. i NEWAllVEBTISEMENTS.r FOR BniERCHATJltl PIPES T'TATi 7i9 : .;. . -.r ,.. ' a". ?23 I Ai4 eveitnisKusuallT iitent' '&' raa ila ; 6 a.jn -.fientr 1, 1S9 - ' IT?, W ; , rU (roti ''b Yi'-.C--. j.s ! a.m..v-. isso vrtf.-;-. 1 ; Oct.1 1969 1 MtlXISERT AD FANCY STORE. axD-,,frits, k -'--Nor. 2.M6 ; J Sole Agent for the celebrated " for von r. .'iHw-tj'.V3K;j.A' f!:fi BBSw ST. BR. I. L, f l'JB aaaaax.!-- ? r. -f sxu bars t! self. FlourandSuaar.loeta.iMolMMit. ... Mat h Beef and Pork, X9 ' IVineirarr " 85 M .i. 4fJ. 1. ' W ' m ' '." f'". .T w ",dnePricei Terms Cash. PTTTWW .oawVi .v .'i 'i nr - Ai r.RDWJJ-' "1 Wclrhtflaod. lA.t.. M. iaaik. I i ' , - . , . . ..I - I -Nit iiiir KvhMM.lTiMM; InsnranAA at Haw mImW " For lhtOT Passage, , apply to ru , if " Oct id . t nuunijieDortii nae or juarket, between I our oiercuani?, memuers oi tne Hecond and Third 8treeta.vv '. ' others Wmbledon lbe new-and H Vo J.r r - I of-iVacif ttnrtul trnn afoomer.tr. 4rk Paam I . r7....-. ,44..-r, ! The 4Sanam thinks lXckey Tilkry ; ut -v'.i ,M Slit LORUXAltD'S . v:s.wSWUFF. it ,r: TOBACCO, 4 OIGAES. The Firivl rTKi TjL t7 '. -.r9"r s Xhe Mm2 thinks Dicker Tillenr J w r jvwi co jvcs- I which haA mst hwn nlafprl on tha lma I wilt k.. injii k. 44i tm.iT 1 i Anil.''.; ;. -.-.-. tivai firm Htm, k-. 4 .v. t . I . r " ' tt r """V'. .rrr .."c. . C1arch will open to-morrow even, nbw forthe' first tfnW in our 'Waters. Af-' " The Standard say that the Petiten?: Durham's Tobacco a Brando. . . aa. xiauy, President, lor compli- commodious cabii?, her ample' state- penitentiary supplies. , . ? ; i rj-ear. - hLa,,ii i vJJo. lS Market street. J . , rooms, and the various other arrangements The Standard speaks very highly of "1 . 1 "V: ' '' ' ' Ta tttwA" t 1 V"4;.'.': ' fortheebmforf;andrVenr &eie?f-w,,,ymlMtreto B : , WllL, L. . TERRY4. 1-DH0 . Jl4BEKllE8.--David ' El- the rd,ts ,rere Invited ' to ;SaVr S r- Trr- ft T.i-11 W l-1 ! A Kby (eoL) wa. re.t.d yesterday, charged ZT2JX Ujhe Fayet.evil with drawing ont a t take ct a collation served up. fortheir be eitlarged Jo Januarf.. . .v . f Rocnaeiiiir Richmond Counly N. c. v 7 g, m of mey from especial benefit. Several toasfs were . , Tha iiW Lo r. r n the Freedman's f Savins HanV K4.ii a- ....;T -rrf-.r"' tr The Methodist Protestant Conference, - 'Tir-1!1 i , .7 ank belonging drunk, ln ' bumpers-iofsparklingcham- for thlriBtat, will be held at Mt. Pleasant business entroeted to my care will . r4VVPnrP.V VAJ.it earner and her enterprising owners and . , 4 , , .-.:.! r.--!". '.-Mf Dismissed -Ullon 'wu&F "Strei- f BUSINESS' NOTICES. ;2!iIlVEE LfiSMlS8ED. boon IVhjtel? meats with which the table abounded ! ' f -f '"'""'.'If VtlPVHr Henry White, who was ; arrtsted 1 "n Bator- were made to lendFilielr share to the .To BusViia-vK' ? 'WHHP.u' V . day, charged with larcency was taken- ehjoyment ot thi'oocaolii -M Ai?' ' ing to verTise'in a.nyewspperpuiy RIG;MANSA1L1.A discharging carro before Justice McQuwterday, but the i The BUtor ia a fine large iron steam-. Hsbed in either of the Carolinas may save iPic'roA Ito. Dl'"g nS ; niuch unnecessary timeand trouble by P! JOHOK,.. o- " uwuiiBBeu. ureauiD, 10 n aepio 01 4101a ana J naying mamg tuetr coniracis wiin,ioe. workin i r (......! ; j " 'i . -V' . '. ;f 1- J T a capacity Of 848 tons.' Shewa'buiit at Star Advertising Agency, which is' fully Cv'tD'H ' s C M ft 1 1 V tl' hit D . Jur.4 Ym. JR.jrTerry Attornev Coiater.-Ta:?' bv fieknvr'fion' At fjai- authorizedlto receive advertiiuwnpnf. t CA I nH-rAlillLP' rLUUn: usellor 1 At - Law: iRhckinhaW und ia eommanded J h' finnt T W JTpn " I tmblishera' lowest rataailrViiw.... I Ms ? J-W."'-"; Co.. annomtCM throrrorh nnr aL.L nlnrLnn. . A BlTrnsnRafnl ionun f tn ,V.t- I nrmatinn " rrtwsn orVl ' 4J-2 4. columns that he is ureoared to lirei ijrrv.A j.-i ' VvMvt , . I mailed direct, to Dubliahersaaiannn-aa I - Lf-, -T -r"; " ptoieatiohartbasioihh 1 ' '."'V, g' J" , W?..tjU-1 handed in: 'Busing men will nit For sale VERY LOW from Wharf and fldelitV " Rh arlvnrtitui. I - Kiiv antfiVrr('k;'i V'':; a ' ' ' ". ' ' ' ' - ' . S.A .. J-S l ri 5 NL. .r. . . t -TT-F w .. and Store. ; , and Con Richmond vertising attend tiialj promptness . r,. . .. r,-- r-----i eiuer articles exuiOltecj'.rTrirV .161 na, I VJ auYctuset pavsnowpjujissions. ii,. AiR TREATOi.-We de"sire to made'i'VeWfaV ft To AdviotisA, aiivftrtisAi.c!. h I' VA X :..0';KUKtLf return our cmowWgmeaofaMhal. two! splendid vpianps; .fkjfpt; Sii'thern tt5sdiun? H ouwraa Stab ?rid Carina 1 ' JWiQT vm ntlwajtanii la&ChbolieJact- manutacttmvbne being what'la known as ranur are riot surpassed by any publica- " lf tt iTTrn fr courtesy extended na on the ewnnHs fU.ri'h,: - Pi.., . .t, tidn IttfhSttfktWwmw .tinruswj DaROSSE! during thaPalr .jast Iweak: fcEaDeciaifv I known 'aM.Aml&t: -i.wl Tf : ? , .f crrcAsitfuea Baltimole HIJaII A PUnoVtromh. equally well knowiibduse r0 0 ' I & laPb-0 ' iPSWilV QffastBaltoVe: ! ,4a" enjoyeItsV ;&VeiV.i' Wat .wArdedbe omrtoith aoXS .TIM M-Wf , 44tti , .. ni.- .Vr4 , ...4.4,.-. -j vA-. . '.,.-..'-.i.,v ir-- . - notr - sign on the Tree. W9RTJioJiffi,.A&entB, U: TO" AT A TCmTirc I . . ' Wilmington, N. C. I : " -1 Al VAaaaAi AAAl AJ I . 14. rfAJMKa. uenerai Agent, 138 South I ' , i.-. .r.0 .r r Third street, Phbadelphla. , . , , , r" 1 I ';" lv ?4 if.3.,.f,.:,;, iJ?,: . iTolandine ! Wolandind ! . ..milttUiai.ANiJ WMlNliliJN;i Weekly Steamship Line Ilif-fl ;babrei-all grades, . J v vJ V f In store and from wharf...' s . For sale low tojp ' ' Wiu i -4 ., . ,- a v.;.. inovint1-f irn.AMA4MttRcmsoy g' BBrCTBAT,8lTif tUfaf? ? 400. . . For sale low by : . . , u novlW;. v, mxxli&SSSS t- WrvrTlffRRRT. AWTirrirrwnrw v n . r-i ,1 jv.'. cuRM-WHwaiir. alSntSlw t,. ' ..j UV41W wiauia. TTSw Ii!' .--;'Il' VOv 1m -)-.r-t.i 4 1 ;-. I f , THE QBEAT BOVTHEBS SEHKn V, I f . "amaeo try the DUtUlers. vJJiS117 in tb Jooy of Col. Paryear, of l.. ir ForChiUs and-Fevers ! ! THIS WomJerfal saeeeAd of iiot Aft iii a in vu Comnoeed of Ae. First ciaa stn, t" w-ttta ; complaints peculiar . . .. i-r .TTTTTr". 10 tue soutnern states emboldens the proprl- TiTT'PTT T. Tr? f1''" eto the attention btthe citizens of - -J -a4i -AJ Jjl XLl WUminonftotapurattvepoww -trrrro' r .fO'Ii Jf -JJl ant of a Um-larial diseases, disorders of the VV. . nAERINfiTOS, Cwnmaer,i blood,' and complaints requiring- a promn' AND' ' J .and powerful alterative. Hundreda of easds lS'.rl """ certified by responsible Individuals at- T A IVl K.S Ai- iwvA-'RIV-.; test the fefllcacyi of iSolaadine'Vln Uiieasea ' I which have sncoesstuliy resisted all the usual remedies. In all blood diseases, whether re. Whiskey known aa Puryear's lies V ; - -4j H"rr FLAVOR v;4 ..ii.'i i. i i nr-r-Um m amfoft 4; (Persons desirons of acClnj as ApenU for in 4 M-I.h I. . ITmi.ii.iI.I . ... " in) Byettevuie, h. o. as. uuall, tomiHSBder,,,, 'JJ1T t I it I ,r t - tw fifllltiT rmitparf4flr1 in a '.4..,h a. . i w - - wmv v va - jivii pc ebailU AaUk a, i B The Steamship JAHES A,-. OABTi'. I meronria complain u and mabrial disorders, JL.' ... "f,-.ri Nolandlne has been, pre-emiuenUy suooess- iiiLi, J.AAYB uuit wuahf between I - "epeciajiycommend our preparation !. Dock M1 Oranjre street, lor Baltimore. I .f Wo andine deilg-ned for obstinate eases of on SATURDAY. October 2Sd. . I -Ague and Fever.. In the .treatment of thi. latter eomplainti onr great vegetable prepar ation, la conceded iu all sections where chills .? 4w prevalent, wnere Moianaine has ben used, to be absolutely without a ri- 'VI4I . Knl.tlln. la m. ... UM .... IS A GOOD AlTKRTISI&U MEDIUM. VT i.f ri??, V111 ,hrs, wl-blnar to txae 10 -Vvtrwil- Wit 11. BERNARD, V ' n .11 V.; 1 .'. of the t. star ( r or send direct to ..i ". a mhtB-tf i ; . r i.tifufw . - Editor. ' For Freight engagements apply to : .'t ., -4s': - . A R RTTTPVlTRCrtHI A. r-rt M vaL. Nolan dine Is a purely veai-t Able pre par- eonsequences whi-b so frequently follow the nan trf maiMt4. . tXT a 4,4.iaa i . a j j 3nSCElJljANEOTJS. 1 - A of mra.r7J?o:ici' orders.' Address 1 Falcoiieroi U .. .SHOE FINDINGS, REI AND - . .nil Tfi.T-n.. .t For sale by I :-... W. LIPWTT A CO. . ' W r-.4rl40Htl4S4 U7 A A .T J- ' . " uvivoaig Afi ta- TV MUlinjJWn, . T i fVrtlOnaAlvl - , - . ' u n .8 Jfii wvl J? I; ,7 : r. i'C !NeVlY or -f' -T7TSITORO TO TIIK CITT OF AE"t U. i y J TORK are informed that tbey will find " Divine Service every Sunday; In the -Larval 1 ;" vnapwuiuwusiTsniiiT, wAHfiinffionoaaara. ! i.V - " And buyers of i 1 y.Zl. J "V r J7H7 cvz? woofy r Lawrence D. JJietz & Ca j aov4Utf yijT WIIAllBeTO,(K.ifc. ! ' .. r,.. ; V".r 7 . .... . ,,.:lmA4rt4M.' li4.4... M 4 .....: at 10U A. M. and 7ML P. M. Tba .tct-s. a vioeuiairmnierisaiso'etocK. ' Vtav-t vlu-. Immediately north of tbe Kw Yor u l out of Broadway, runs we . t j '.a4...l4.rua Sonare. on thaojijit tUarf ui. i.t.V.i i verslty. Tba entrance to t.- t. i , t null, Ann-, iif . W. a t-.i " , Place ear run from the O tc; INk.'iak' CLVO -.www mwwm vw M,4 WWr 44 4... 3 t. IX ' . i ." A the fit. Nicholaa ami 1mtrr, . , - . u'iri earseorner of Broadway and Kroom, leavw . at Waverly FUce, and ro weet ous Wix-i. .AtvA4 1 the Astor Houaa taAe Ualversltv Plaaa eara. If"! ! ; AT , iflw-f '' i VJ. I l??r Waverly Plae, aad ro weat Wrr. r f '7 ? 11H: Hnr 't block. Strangers VljTSd oordlal welcome, . . I I Aa-v v-w m v ! and polite attention. . . . ..r-V-. 7 i j.uax-avor is aer, ur. Aittiio, wrvooevttas himself to the spiritual interests of rtnr-erj. -3 i i TheorgiaPap.erjrim, CARROUL. CODSTT, A.v t '' s ? vy'X X V-F Xl O TTriLX4ipXYCASH FOR K AGS, . JROPEi YX1 ' U ' '" U';t ? '' Bljglng'and old Paper.: Orders aolicited FANCY-GOODS HOSERTi GlMS tCi: rUnm . .'."'. T .... - - .-w ,'- .. - . . .... r "i . ... - . r. : If any be stole, let them address him a iKe br .Miall, aa "Pastor of the Cbhef r ' rers, isewYoi iu,n and It w ..1 re j l n. 444444 , - ........ wiyvii - - aarwaaa howjuip ' AaP ataaaTT. ' .1,177.7 li 'artwtatcm pop. . ' Wr. ..... . i. bw mill '-All InnnlplM AUUB3D sept ltSAF8m ure water, ajVVB) sun. v, . v If 4.- .t i'! V.-JI1, t;.' I " - 'Si' -i promptly answered. .' , j U t.Da 1 1 i Kl d Ttb tlM U '. LE J,13 aa---aJti.A40GG, ti.ifa " t i s. 'rAstd't tin . wrv.ti.4M 'r..l.i. ? I . . " . T , 4. ...... 1 - .'-; .ik. - . r'Tiotr and apU4tual be. p for strait" r t . ... ifXity... . 1." dlatresM, ,or slekawsai AU... , fc.in m vl 4.41 r. OL4 w J Jfvoui tnxdpattei ebia-wll wi liege Temple-? ? I Newnan, Ga. sept SO Xtrnrsvr, Wl -Ivr.n r.K'oatrfa. a'' Whed Weekly, b." K. sjcMlllaaTyropr 7-3tivod-Tli5aATn aept2w-Utf r WM. XL XtXlurAXD, Awnt, . - V -ent-s-Mif , WUmlngton, A tT, v . ; 1 si a 1

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