I'O t 1 ? i r . ,x . m-Lij -vHj l-- 1 Edit . Mt wprier. ' , . r f w' ; -S- ;,V l frriTMJUkIIT ABU dc Oavrket UiBLUW 1 h4 t In hi M 'JT'tvV - . mmi -1 mf J I .SMfc these. MlhrU4, fat tfcelr eatfi .Ire i city .jkitfescrlpUi ryy tftt r fX. ' A-plasTttCiee Mo-ey Orel Or4m MT l obtained in ali tee cities, and is many of the asaasHaaaao , O R(l((4 JbtUtn, aodn th ( lew 7 j system, which west la to efleot Jane 1st, are a very safe means ot sending smallAoms of mo ' 1 n?yCp I. CMoney Orders eaanot be easi ,fotViJ.eXVQfcrt), -RegiMryfee. aa well " aa postage, muai 6 paid in mttmmpt at toe office where the letter la mailed, or it wilj beilable r Jo be en VtorthTUffl letter Alee. ...Buy and JiffittAe ttampl bolK Jor pottage and rtgiUry,pvt i the-money and kkU the letter in the presence of u the pott matter em take hU receipt for iL- -Letters 'ent in ibis War bo a are at our risk. - -4- TST" QoHiiarfr. .netlcfes, tributes, of respect, Ac. are chanted half advertising rates when paid for la advance of publication. , In all other cases full advertising rates will be charged, 5?" Persons leaving the city daring the 8uiumer months may b sve the Stab mailed regularly to their address by leaving orders at tnts omce. rrice, 7a cents ior one monua, or, X'-it l(lttrthree months. :, :-;... .- i THE CIRCULATION OF THE MOW ING STAR IJSrt'AEOXE THAN THAT OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPES fUJJ LLSHED IN NOETH' CAROLINA.'' "' ' 1 .v- EtrOKBTtB IS TUB BAST. With'-remarkable interest in the " lady herself, as well in the political bearing of her visit, the public mind 6f thVj&nbtryand of i Europe ha3 followed the journey of the French .MPthrougfT the dominions of At the latest accounts 6he and the sublimes Porte vwere having t mar- veuonsly nice .time- together -Jlis Highness is much fascinated bv the engaging person and pleasant man ners.of -.Eugenie, and shef like any ; other ' true woman, has fallen com letelji'"ckpiive.j;tOslttsi magnificent - display' of .handsome dresses rich jeweljand fhft "godless ; aeries? of "sweet, pretty jthingsyiupon-which horQroyil eshayej'JaeenXeasiing. 41w'. cpd resist the charming .spectacle of turbans,; petticoats, cra t dleSj &c whiph the k Sultan has ac 'c' cumulated about hirri with' 'such com mendable ; 1 pd ustr V ! :- Not to ; '-think;-:the,,;ortnnate , possessor r of , 8uchvaluablesi'ahd 'in 'such costly ;profuaidtt ,' ,very"attractive 'pereon ; ag,e wou4i ttite y Wworthy of Eugenjet'wtahyfX)ther .'woman. Ac cordingly1 Eugenie has 'pronounced s thai highest feftlogy,'of whlcfemale eloquence iefprpabef when applied to our sex, jn .calling, thjealtan-.a " nice young man oM (dear old m&n" as hisJrjatj-J rcdef ap propriate. . i ? i a ' ! " . ? " J-4.otbrog,nilce- one of the scenes befweea thC'Suitan. and the Em press has ever been realized. since the dearfnencLof Miss.ilora Mc Flimseyyed heV ViJiV:,fo gthat youiigIadyttpbora'a returri irom Paris, .'v.-v'x"-'r... i , j jfba Sultixkrst idisplayed to the. Emprea Upetioffof coats ofmail,' Kevmoet remarkable of which' iatbaSifJ tha.,corur:;Badad ATbcj "headpiece oi this suit ia of pold " and ailrerylmo8icovwdv. WWMMP , 'VUV MIHUUJ Dili .". roujiiitiflg Abe' turban is com posed " 9f three etacral3;vhne tcbllar ",ia. fonhect oVwentVtwr large and eiepnai 5ii -idingil pearls.1 visitor tookgreatjdelitininspect- inga remarKaujer collection oi cos tnmisa t ti m nrwaskaf. mil h a wsar. 4Va m J furs and ttiral)yl'vered.tjfitli (p) precious . out iyratxtTire'T bu when; ihe was phown a.; choice aswrtmeof&tt stones," ;vase8 of lminense. .Yalueiri rocVrcfyetaJ djVeiyJ en crusted V withufjies; jfeiaer aldst"and diarn on'dsa'n.d. ahVinnnmerable' hoist of other ;liket joys, language' failed to express; heemot'ion;- fo&Pitit iSba when TL old: fogies of tbe'Ekv'whoSe epiCii m coverlet bptrr.fl1! preaopfcuiifcer 4airjUtr'd' bt" subsequent, .developmenta- TKeVa' was io.aJan;ro7r Undiiito tl 8teii':to delight'oWd cushiona ronndTiUha fftnally BliooFhanda an3"chatted like people accustomed to' iuch things. MoreoVerJ' ttV S Jtaa. Dlaced tb4 Empress next Jiim atiUnner.-r- Visits were exchanged Setwecn her j a i . oi4. t--j.i JmAJoMJC AUtl 4J IW-.Pj UiWUD -OXUliJei, ill m. 14act the areiaTiraa visited, much' g"Hd tnerquseoient btthe six or .eight hpndred fair captives, who thought it fun to show-their handsome faces, andvdisplaytheir new 'dresses and jewelry So anxious were they to jpatch xaj glimpse of .the :fair"guest, that, utterly, regardless of Eastern custom, they 4thfew up their wiu dows and thrnst, out! their heads; without the prescribed covering. The cad8ehowever,'doubtless, war ranted 'the' Infringement,- and the SultanA,'iti3tov be hoped forgave themr their ; trespass.;: Th rformer times ! such:, conduct would have brought the bowstring into speedy requisition, an'drat thetlead of night the lifeless bodies ofj the offending w6mep "would hftve been consigned to the depths of the . Boephorus. The- licence indulged in by the fe. males of the imperial har ein, found an echo among the women' of the people,' and although the tradition al veil was worn, its texture in most, cases - was so fine, that the lair fea tures of the wearers were fully visi ble to the public gaze, , . The present Sultan of Turkey has not un frequently put at defiance the prejudices . ot his people, and has givetf many evidences of culighten ed and liberal views.' Under . his auspices more than' one of the bar riers separating the infidels from Christian civilization have given way. More significant than ., any previous occurrence perhaps, were the sceneV witnessed during the vis it.Tof,hec French,, Empress. The practice' of" hiding 'the faces of fe males from the public gaze has been a leading tenet ot Mahomedanism. Infractions of this rule have always been .rewarded by the death of the female, and of the unfortunate in dividual who should be tempted to gaze upon her. That such a fanat ical custom can now be violated with impunity fgives hope ! for the ulti mate emancipation of. the Oriental V rr r m mirta. r i oe, enuigenco ;o : a pure religion iiiavf Yllqminate, ,the whole XaaBiern wona wiinin me next nan century. , WEXPEIX PUI1X1PS. .While the whole country rejoices at the near prospect of a . tie meat of the- pernicious final -set of - the negro question, there is one man to wliom this prospect of peace is a fit-occasion lor :the indulgence of despair. "Wendell Phillips bit terly laments that. the country is now "floating away from, the keen and angry devotion to . the" one great, question of the war the ne gro,", : ; . - . . '' Jlear the frantic appealof, thi 'PI6.?1?.10 and. born rJaco-? bin for renewed strife : . ;ThU t should - rouse .onr - frienda to more.; activity our . day is fas 8lippingawayj- We 'mustwork while the day lasts. Once let pub lic thoughtdatfflfromK8 grea issue of the war, and it will take perhaps'niorethan a 'generation to bring it. back again.' Meanwhile two" things are evident 'tlnless some remedy. i8r.devi6CSdi th&:riegro will, stand in peril 'and use his rights , onl TM great peiipnal ; ht& ard for. manv vears to .come., a- Sec-. ondly, it is aa evident that the"ad miriFstratibn tlingtinSoea not mean to interfere MtitilfinhiJ Lt. vrifYT'T;.';; j'V-wit'A L1'??! '' uejjaiia.4 j. rtutui vvrraaio only looB not platf any infefferefaelTSnf ne cannot, py any appeal DeTousea i JMpropQrtioi as the country: te)nje8i-andat)gaish ht;J)e(yeYeaX:'$bwer 'm. orJft " followed hii . followed his fa un HaiicaA.ieacning only too larrso uug as ue aimu atra.goa OI BOlia -w Trl :raffainAllA T . . 1. J theiirjegal indpoliticai eqnality L.:iUi.u o a.i: it--rs-t'f.-r .' r- -"rm -rrr . Ifs'reconstrnctioa, policy, And has Ihkt aitrBaefe posttf alow7t" tit i a-aX'-t vTheorth emancipated; the 'slaves II j madetherr,: vef'esjtaD&hleli I that it has ' done for i the negro all at itcati' doPiM&tit&ifik! ag- L. Xbe negro w pnotHn- Vf He ndpolitical U asiBecure in ma civil a riglits as the white ; maur The Northern 'people- jktibw. .this act, and are unwilling to- make farther sac jlfic , of , ihe;, biisiiiesaT jn teres U and -domestic t tranqtii 1 ityot " t he 'couritrithTri rtwo years Phil- lipswill.bave .additionaT cause for lamentatiortj' th'a the country has " floated"aVa5frora 9 the keen and angrf ..'de'ttldii X'lo his ! one 'great question ' of tlie" war. lj.Wv JH .."V. Palmetto Leaves. 4 V : . . An inquest was held at Qeorgetownr on Tuesday la9t over the bodies' 61 twrf colored" "women 'viho were dronned about. two weeks since by the sinking of a boat. ,it . John -Robinson's Circus . will exbiftit ia XJoIumbia on the v 8rd and 4th Mr.u Daniel Reed," of "Wins-; boro was accidentally shot and killed on Wednesday Iasr; caused' by the careless handling of a pistol io the nanda of his oroiuer-iniaw, iur. i m. uiutvu. -t TheC&urt?r says it is reported a approprlaliim of 400,000 has been pro cured tocomplete (tie new custom Liouse at this port-1 1V - ", ..Bishop, Lynch has sailed for Rome. " " ',. . .Rev. L. H. Shnck.-pastor of the Baptist Church at "Barnwell C. H."ha9 re" ceived a call to toe JTirst .Baptist Cnurcn at Charleston. - V-"vThe; Legislature convened on Monday. ". . . Gen. Johnson Hagood has been re-elected President of the State Agricol tutal and Mechanical Society. v " . ..Toe; .Barnwell Journal 6ays Dr. James Ervin of that connty was thrown from his horse Beveral days ago, and had his arm seriously tractured. The Journal says; The.Barnwell Fair opened on Wednesday last with the most favorable prospects. Quite a large crowd assembled at an early hour, and the beauty and fashion . as welas the 'sturdy yeomanry 6f the county were "well represented. MISCELLANEOUS. I: DpnCarlos F. O R SAL IE A T TJNSEBQQB'S Clothing andHat Store. - i NEW GOODS AWT LATEST STYLES ; KO. 30 MARKET STREET, Wilmington, X. C. novntf ' - HOLASSES-SYEUP. 20 O BBLS- CTJBA MOLA8SES," 10 Dbla, Sugar Honae Syrup, Sibbla.fljieSyrnp.-L Oct 4 ADRIAN VOLLER8. ESTABLISHED 1824. 'The Patriot T8 ONE OT THIS OLDE8T, LARGEST AND a. cneapeac xiewapapeis , poottsaea n rv &tatv Aattt-Radlcal bat LUJeraJ iaP oUtlea Taxits: sa-eeuer-vear.1 - . ' Bat few weekly paper hare a better elwro- laiion, ana aoa a oner anperiof advantages. 8pedmen copies sent en application to . A3. n. AUWIUlT ftSKU, - x aOrsenabeTo. M. C ; JOB "KIHTLNO of eTeiy deacriptloivneaf y- ebeapland expeditiously exeootAd -at Tire Patbjot " Office. ;.- .;j j-? ' 7xaaAi,ifLAaKs always oa hand, and sold 5?toa family.: Flour. AK!OtIcVsUB,-jClTTcPRIDE,' these DIRECTFROM THE AGENTS Of the Mills, and can offer them as among the '. ! '! sai Jav '-. wm t f t s .rceiiame , , BRANDS Of FLOUR Sold in .this market. Wa rnarantA' eaeh SWEET "FRESH GROUND And to make no aatEfactorilv. nr 4t iu m. I turned Uii,a.ii.;ji.Biiy'.1"- i We deliver onr gnoda withont extra charge in any part of the city . - - - -, - GEORGE MYERS, 'llanaiaFrcmtetreet. 1 mm. mj. atiu. jsgent. .nov 18-tf rrir ' r 1 1 tT , , j, j Just from-Steamer.-j HO. 4 fswwtli Water atreet AjnWvW . Fine and Plain Candiets, Potatoesfmn tonda Of tn: 'Goods i'jeUles UHEESE LAND 1 .Vi'-f ir- J IS CRAQKERS. Better, Lard, Wnts of all kinds; Wniow and , Wooden Ware, New imokod Herring Macke'- novls-tr .tV jiy 'if f t rrf H Wi J. LOVE. J. C BLOCKER, l?BiopMr,fri COMMISSION MEBC1IAHTS, W-OBNER OBTff TEWaNf'CHKS-1 .V n-ereeiw,tup stajri WQmington, N. Personal and- prompt attention given to COnsignmeat4.v jiXtl'lsnMU- -: i- KAVAI. TOMES, COTTOSl- - and an ether producer" " 'bet 29-tf tA j FULL .' STOCK ; FOR SALE" Uyectularket;arrcepf . .-, a4T- ii'?. ' -i ' t '',' .ajiMtsi'WilaU 5. ? ttori7tr i .1 ?I5f I At It t3 lllsktriA. 'V. V AlI? THE;0"RaA OF THE0DT iRE: bv i t - cuoiuuor, or toe stomacn. tothat JlvlaglalwaAoryrpeparea the nourlahment requlrea to sustain themL and py we veaaeia ua nncte)Onneotad Witb-41i1 digestive apparatus, that nourishment la con veyed to eyery part Of the systenwi Uoou tha quallty and quantity ioftttgjahalni of ljie.? and upon tne manner in,'; whleh it la. ajatelbtti ted and apportioned, pbysica) health mainly depends, and as the mind Inevitably sympa-' tnises. with the body, ;thervlgor of the One Is absolutely noceaiary to tbe welVbelng & too pther. ' ' ' ; ls ' i It is because ' HOSTETTEB7S 8TOMACn' BITTEB8 accomplishes ''tMa dOnble' dblect that it enjoys -lay. reputatlotv as apr f ventive and caaatifane.veE.heretorore attained by any piodielnali pr parationa jBbt lu direct benencial operation upon the', weak or disor dered stomach to not 'Its sole xecom-meadiU1 tion.' It ' is te. .meet .ooxaprebensive ;of all- known remedlee. - It (tones strengthens and regulates the discharging; wweit aa the as similating organs;, gently moving the bowels,' promoting hejlihful evaporation through the' pores, musing the inert llyer from Its torpor, and inducing barraonlons and natural action in the whole animal machinery- Thiabenlgav resiui. out prooogea oy any or ute reaction ary drngs whii-h are used a .lavrlBklvin the old scnoor practice, found ed by Paracelsus; but by mild, safe and agieeaMe vegetable agents intermixed, with a pure and mellow stimulant whlcli-.diffu8e; thelr-ilnllneaoe throuith the system and renders their unitm. Typroperues active ana eaeotive. i.imvl7lw ALLEY'S LUNG JJALSIM, , HE REMEDY FOR CURING CONSUME TION, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Diseases of the Throat, Bronehitia. Pains and Oppress ion of the Chest, Langs, Difflottlt Breathing, and all the Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs: ' Its action Is expectorant,: alternate, aador- iflo, aedatrre,tdiaphOTetic,anJ diuretic, which renders it one of the most valuable remedies known for earing dieeaes of the tungs'It ex cites expectoration, and causes the longs t throw off the phlegm or macua j changes the Secretions and Purifies the Blood, n heals the irritated parts gives strength to the digestive organs; brings the liver to its propeT action, and Imparts strength to tbe whole system. Such is the Immediate and satisfactory effect, that it is warranted to break up the moat distressing cough in a few hours' time, if not of two long standing. It is Warranted to give entire satis faction, even in the: MOST CONFIRMED CASES' OF CON SUMPTION. It la warranted not to produce costlveness (which is the case of most reme dies) or affect the head, aa it contains no opt urn in any form.. It is warranted to be - PERFECTLY HARMLESS to tbe most delicate child though it ia an act ive and powerful remedy for restoring the system. There is no really no necessity for so many deaths by consumption, when , ALLKVfl LXO BiMAH will prevent it, if only taken in time. , , W copy the following interesting. letter from Dr. Harris to the Mlddlebniy, Vt., Reg ister: : - v - 1 " . : ", Ma. Editor : It is only, necessary to, sub serve the interests of hnmanity that I request a short space in your valuable paper, to in. form tbe pnblie what Allen's Lnag Balsam is sure to do. Two years ago I was attacked with a severe told; it settled in my throat which so affected the organs of speech that I could not speak aloud for nearly six weeks. I trol tUnur .-n the winter conga ing nigh ta most incessantly, with eolS night' sweets, with in creased irritation which entended, into the Bronchial tubes and which kept me eougfclng all summer. I was at ShorebAsa on a profess ional visit tho past October, when the. 'good Samaritan came along introducing Allen's Long Balaam into New England. I. procured a bottla and took it according- to directions and found immediate relief, 7 J. haver atowtalc en two be4Uewliaob'tmventire?y'etiredme. For the last twoears"or. ftxirlng jtia time of my affliction I was in a state of constipation which the Balaam has moot effectually regu lated' Ntf family should be without this val m. . ble medicine. I see by the Western papers t bat the physic ana Of Cincinnati where tbe medicine is mannfaotared ere iiitrednclng it into their practice, and1 1 have no dount it will soon become a -etaasica remedial agent for the cure of aU diseases of the throat, Bron. chial tubes and the Innga. ' .S- .-,.- NATHAnrax iiAaais, m.o.. Dentist. PEKKT DAVIS ak SOH, ' i jGeneral Airenta. 49: For sale bylT. W. Llppltt. Coi Wil mington, N.C - J-V ' ;''',-.'V' , For sale by all Druggists. . nvlS-lm PAIN KIjLjLER! to thiaong4tdaad emrivaled ..T a,' -4T.il IT ! -S I . Ii has'been toyorslprln wenty years, annng wAU.nae we have re ceived thousands of testimontala, snowing this medicine to be an ateaosVnever-falllng remedy for diseases. eaase4 by or attendant upon-- ...... - Sodden Colds, Cougna. Fever aed Ague, Head ' aBe, BQatida Fever. Pains ia the.aiae, 'Back; and Loinsas well aa ia the . , -1 .f?tottaM IbsTen-... ,,i at :ralgika lvenl " " . a f'matie Pain,.' u . 1 In any pari of the system, Toothache and Pains In the Head and Face. - ; " ' AS A liLOOLFPURIFIERAKD STOMACH, ........ .v. ., v. ft! fimnlS'J l It aeldonxjaQa to- nreDvereneia. In tven, LlveYknnplalnt,iicia Stomach ifei horn, Kidney; Complaints.,. Siak -Headache, POes. Asthma or Jhthiakv liwr sbiiba mrmtc ;FloitlOVd;3oSweU44Met.s4 " Vfyf rVf WM oysen ay i- , - . It is saso-a pvoaapt-'aia sare-remedy tor Crampa asdPainr4a rthe K0naaehy'FaIn,trs1 wuo, uavrr am, yseniery .BUmmer0VQflH nlAlntJ rrhftfaW 'MiSv'Knk 'VVl ' tU . ecildst BuTM,"Sl)ralns; Bruiaes," Frost :Bftes,' Chilblainvtis weU as: the Stings of Insects, Scorpions, jCentipedes and thai Bites of otti . eee nirections Moompanving each, bottle. , i 40- The-PalftRJUetUraoJdbjrdwleraIw Family Medicines.! I fb't'M j 3,"' VV i5 -PrIcea r Cents, 80; Cents and $ljD0 per soitie. ,.. - f t rri-fi-jy- ,,i.a t Boia by ,!) rj. W:LIPPrTT & CO. f now U'. -M'-i, J- XtvS i W V. i ,ilt tut, iMSm A Jt,avj'tct f 4H. -ji:?g.t.j Cji , - ' f ir-'- ' 'ff - a - iii --' i: PemaedL rrmB UNDESSIONED WILL EMPLOY SIX - To work at framinar Richmond n-uii L.. 1 - aa at . v tbaWiia. Bridgi Ini VW';f lfiolf' ;ni..Remedl6sij ; XL otner4 ana wju save time, ikealta and n w - i ... m n.Mm.KA .JMV ta.axnta.wA ht mv ease of disease in any stage wiut-u vucy jau o cure,.,.-. i Dr. Kicnau-a k?ol iAiAic no. i ehrev Ul cers, Ulcerated fcore Throat, vand Month, Sore nyes, iumncuuq yt Mm upi junar TCWppa la, Ac-i I? th Paess. UeaovaWr Altera-1 Mvn and Biooa runner now. remaTM nil loA&se from the system; and leaves the blood pure and healthy. , ' -i sp- . Dr. RxcaAPs Gotpa! Balsam Kov cures Mercurial Affections, ttheumatlsm in all its forms, -wnetner irom mercury oretber causes; gives unmeaiate reiiei m uacaeea.. o:alet ing necessary. I have thonsand of certin-. lotAi nrovlnar thavjnlracnlous eurea effectM. by these Remedies. ? rice of either' No. 1 or Jio. i SA.oe per bottle, or two bottles for 9 00. ' ' ur. aioeau'b upldii aitiwti, a sate, epee dTv tileaaant and-radical cure for all tTrlnnrv Derapeements.accompaniedith ,fi41 , direc tions. Price S3. 00 per fxttle. Dr. JdcavAva n.i.izia p-amovi, a rati- leal enre for Nervous or General Debility, In old or young imparting energy with .won derful effect. Price 5.00 per bottle or two hot ties for &jn.vi rrni; '; .nia-y-i-i - On receipt of price, tbene remedies will be shipped ta any place.' Prompt attention paid to all eorrefioondenta : None genuine without thenamef Dr.'KICHAU'S GOLDEN REM. ED1ES. D. KICHABDS, sole proprietor," blown in glass of bottles. ' lJ6:828 Varic-.6t..jrew York- , rirculars sent. 'Office honrs from IX si. to a r. 2a.. .ii ; - f- r l 1 m 1 AyesCatliartic Pills, (-at ' . - ' JFor All the Purpasts of Laxative Me- fexnans no one med icinels so nnlveraally repaired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was 1 1 ever any before so nnW versauy auopiea in.o i nse, in every eoontry , miu among au oiasses, as this mild but effl. y cietat purgative Pilk ' The obvious reason is. buna ca ig ah UiUIU 1 n lit ble and far more effec tual, remedv i ham mt other: Those who have tried It. know that ft. cured them ; those who have not, know that it euros their neighbors 1 and friends, and all know that what ft does once it does always ion la never nu uuv(n auiy laiuv or ne glect or its comp-Minon.- -we ;nave tbonsands upon thousands of certificates of their rr mar kable cures of the following complaints, but such cares are known in every neighborhood and we need not publish them. Ad anted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by any body. - Their sugar coating preserves them ever fre.h and makes them pleasant to take, wnile being1 ' purely vegetable no bar mean arise from their use in any quantity. - Tboy operate by their powerful influence on tbe internal vso. a to purify the-blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver. end otherorgans of the booy, restoring their Irregular action t-v health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as earrne nrsr origin 01 aiseaae. -' Minute directions are given In the wrapper on. ne oox. ior xne loiiowmg complaints; wnicn inee mils rapwiiy cure : .'.ror-'watxi Fop- Dyspepsia or-IndlpreatloB, 1.1st ssneaa. Xaansr. and Lsu.af Abb. leaaaieaa tlte, they- should be' taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its health v tone and action. . , For Liver Complaint and . ita .various BJ AAA piVUIflf Alii IWUBl aB SBSt. an Wa r Bah J afVtal stbe, Jawaadleeortireen Slekwess, BIN ions joiie ana juiuowa e verm, tuey snouid beiudlcl"U8lv taken, for t acta case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruc tions which cause it... ..-,.!. For D YBENTER For DIA SJtHCEA, but one mild dose is generally requir e!. PALPITATION vf the HEART, PAIN in the SIDE, RACK And ZOJK8, they shoold be con tinuously taken, as required, to change the .uuouw aoiin vi iu btbvcui. tt ilii SUCJQ change those complaints disappear. - For- DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWKT.T IHtW ttioyjihould be taken in lanre and fre quent a oses to proauce ums enreet of a drastic purge. For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by AaaDiawerPilL. take one wwo Villa to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. . An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action- restores the armetite. and invigorates the ntern. r Hnm it ia advantageous wht-re no serious derange- dku exists . judi woo imiii - avoieraoiy well, oH en finds that a dose of these Pilla nikfj him leelaeoidedly better, from- their eleans tog and tenovatiiig gffecfc onM digee tfye an- k CO.- Practical ChemUU. . Xemeli; taasa..- s. a: Bold by K. Willis, fw W LrppItC A 'Co-,'11. Mo Lin and J. A. Mebaaey WUmington, and' all isx-Baricun ana iwaiera everywnerc, augfe3aaFtdecl --r-. - SeimettifTilte fc -n' ,i v ITWB LARGS AND IlTCREASnrG CIRCTJ i. iatiOBf ttaavaToiraatAa ln AobtbCkiraklina and Jthat portion of Hoi ik CareaUa ooatiw- ous so ins n ai vvua u- tz. K&iiroaa niatfai pBsrarpasaed. byawy Weekly paper in cither of tntwMfierolliiasvttt tt:a!itnZi - ' . --iii" Texjas a SO per ana nsn . . j Rates ordvxUaj4iteral. - ' t -1 Address, " Journal, .t angSSWf : BsanstaswUluTs. C- LA D V bJriTJ S B!Lil? 'H.rw.xHK-4.-:-1 Sunday Jlossenger, Issued every Saturday from the. j Dailjr Xfettengfet JOmte, (The great Centre of the W A W R R-' and ' ' " ' CRR'd.V 4- rriHK SUIf Dar MCsSBSSER ; i IS A - eoii l' -. ... .Jt-.vr-u. r .5 ,r PHee1 t.eo War annnni Tbe beetadTrtisrng tttedio m s Send for Mat- of prices and advertise, emMtreasonaoie. . 1 .'T f ' . -.TT.T Anil maa I . BITVn IT MfUTvni o ' lanS!tQ )iJ r Rir&oMsboro,'il.C.-" HAEDT7AKE, 1 .tr.T..; Arlcnltnral ImplemfentaL'at(c?. f . - fij . W,-. e ;' H vv T ! ATATOISaVaCp ,;1837. .1 v r h t 1rS s V .-.1.4 "TO"ATH aNIEL JACOBl, Successor' to jas! rsLa -jWilsoaDiiaiM Hi. ."' - pjfrla6"Si ti-"lfrx Pfr-w"! M"V' rJcet iQtn 1 t TWTLMiOTd1' i I' !.M;-. UiW eifiirilr' i :?lltT J1 . ine anencion 01 tne traae ana tne. public la. soliciSed to the largaand- well assorted1 stock' to be found at the above mentJonedestabliah meat, consisting of foil assortment ofAgrl culiuraA jimplemeatai . .x a -?' . IRON AWj tSTEfe S$l .Coopers, CarpentenaadiBlackaa4tbs Tools. Powder, 8kot 1.. , in, 1 1 ilHi. 'JJ. el - - . . : f POCltET AlfD TABLli NALLS: SPIRES. AeJt i-f xh. I ' v7 V1-r II T"-S-J r--JX fjfj TT A f -vtft rpHE'ffi LE ADTNO'Life hiomnieCot j jl,' iuie ootib f r siaaofr and Dixon's XAum t a. ve combined cuder thv above name, and, with the lessened expenses and -increased fa- euities tnus secured,, propose, to agrgregate 1 Buuauu tviuo iKVjt awniii ntT'AT.i am ant joyeu oy -vno mpapiea respectively: Re ucwais wi um iiujil'ICB will OHin.U policies will ba , Uw name of the1 new association, and the rates, loans and Rights ot all remain iataet aa 4a-tae-riffinai WlHlv11Al1 ttr Alt.VlAV SVtn.non. T J v .uw. w.uuc.lv. , , , These Companies now anlted for basin est; mainly in tbe Southern oountry, have sepa. - . 1. a A WAH . 1 J - , . " ask-oijr wasii iruuau.ui suiv' ever oeiore or ganized in the same period. i Thev have aelected their riRira with nnn.mi caret theli; expensea have .been small, and under the present arrangement will be. nro. portionally smaller; they have always' paid their losses with the greatest promptness and without UTiOATioir, " o They - have invested prudently their permanent investtm-nts be ing invariably in mortgages and unencum- nt-rea real estate,, , . . it , With a larare canltal thus safelv invested i With Offloera and Director V eomooeed of the lead inr frentlemen. socially ami rlnnnnl. ally1n tbe State or Virginia there is, in my ludtrment, no Life Insurance Company on this eoin.in.eM uiiering inanoemenm equal to tne rUOHOSTn AaUnvTOJI. -...-, t -.1 JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, H ' t,f -fj-. -' i General AgenV .. s Between Frqnt and WaterSts sept 23 B ANNISTEB, COWAN & CO., EEA1"E.TATE& FHMCIA1' AGENTS. BUY AND 8JKLL.6017THERN LANDS, : -.,; .i...' t. . - Negotiate Lwsus sa , Sowtliera Seewrl : ties' and Eneonrmgo EiD-tigratloam . , -' te'tks'lMtfkH '.r. omenta: ,f L. BAwinsTsa, Wilmington. N. C. .. D. 8. Covii."" " t T. C. KxaTTOir, New York, 47 Broad Street, an. i., buu jt runt. BLreei-, nunuDgiojg, n . U. sept 23 - - . , i lsa-tf '''- -IRE MD' 1L1EM M5DBAKCE. " i i " - t 1 ' ' . ' i - -. Atdmsoh's IjrsrBAKca Rooms, , ", , Princess street, between Front end Water streets. .1 TTUBE ADD ' HARlItG lMSITKAlVCE JD w ay be effected at lowest rates In the, fol io wiug reiiauie companies: . Security Insurance Comnanv of New York. ' North American Fire Insurance Company of Hartford. . . , Monumental Fire . Insurance Company ot Baltimore. .n .1 Washington Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore. Savings and Insurance- Company ot Rich- aiioil . -, ,r Jamea River Insurance Company of Rich mond. . -r ti Jefferson Insurance Company of Richmond Apply to ' angl-tf ' W VtXJX W lAiUiiat JLX&LM SUM'S, Gen'l Insurance Agency. JOHN F.. C. RIDER. ; '".'-ft ' Mannfaeturer of and Dealer in - t : .... STATIONART.POBTABLK AND HOISTING . . , ,S IE A litE N G I 'N E S , ftWarneliiiaSr , PLAIN' AND GALVANIZED Wrought and Cast Iron "Pipe, Every description of gteam. Gas and Water r ntmgs, uow w ater Alarms, uu valves ana Cups, bteam and Water Gnages, - Steam Pumps, Eureka . . . Hand and. Power ... . ..." r pumps, 1 w ! KACUINEBT ASD TOOLS,' ... . .-.- - Saw and Sbtngle Mills, Wood-Work ing Mae.l..rry, and Mill Work : er nil JUaha, Cotton Gint, Grist Mill, New and Second Band Machinery of toll Kindt, &ij dC u aWMT PRICES DCT-rCOMPETITIOH ,. - . ; i f t , ;-," -' .'):-- ' - Office and Warehouse, 47 Dey-atreet, New York. . ' ...: ."anlftaJm THE DRYJOODS STORE wtiaffl cto;n. I jpHIS ESTABLISHMENT formerly coon., pied by M. M. Rata A Co., and now c coupled by the undersigned,'; has, " oonsidering ,he snort time since Ita opening, already earned a wide reputation as an orderly, well regnbv ted and .. , ., First Cl(-In And aoompaete ksBortatteai -Tou gefwaited .on; by. FOmS A0ESTliKASI.Y jriacuisaff. cA-'v'i-' .T ' ' Ton can depend on' Is tbrnlao tbia testaslV 9rWotUili&vtn':);! gbtts:br;CI6tliing' ro-bny shoold. pUtnaU,oraU athaa7watAb 1 lishment ' The au at beloi re ntuehaaina elaewharav i The subscribers, thanking yon tor --past favors, solicit v""1 naKljPat''"'r . A if rh-l, j tar J(jiJjaffctu' i ..'- ' (.Oadftand of M. M.- Katx A Co.) 0el4-lw 1,71 Jtaept at- o.'.y. 4-af mHK UNDER9IG2f EDlUaS TAKEN the JLi officaopposlte iiae'iCotv Boose, la' the rear of qntre McQutgg pfflce. .., , r v r Jeefjtioy' j rs'i. .vr 1 To Country blisheis: I AM PBEPAREB TO -UPPLY PC. lisbera -in either Of tbe Carolinaa with a . good article Af ,n - h'r. tmJ.anuJ FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAP IAPEES, of ttMasavai wetebtav '' '- Casb orders for one or.more reame prompt ly fllaed. 'NC attention' iaid to orders hnae 'companied wlth-tha money ot t reanest to aovl-858-naetf i v : . su-'- " '. ;a V' !i.-arrr; i' -i- r-lJlia- jL--A''if Af-- The Western Deiildbratn i iif.ft; v 4FyBjai.SflEii,,Ar VS.'-fv TTav'a laerc axd en erXl cib oaTatidn ; ii.Westera .and; eatb western flortb Carolina and, adjoining JDtiatricU ot'i outa, Carotin a. i; v.i. stt. . - " . ' . y Tiyl- - 0 ci viif Aavertisements ar en Uhea'of thlssixe Ion. 15 for one montl Advertisements are solicited.,, Terme, for in lihaainftais t).ifvna,'trfrAiTtn. tea Uhee'of this sixe type; Ufor one lnser.' u ai .ioq -tare mon&ne, T fla for six months, 26 for one year- Jleasona .me s will be made for rreater. snaco. .. a ,2 A oensi airoc wum dauorana proprietor irt Charlotte. N. C. (and not throssh Advert bum Agencies.) A copy of the paper .containing advertisement will be sent to eaebad vertiera. . i , i fri TAXES, JKd. and Pr. kXES, Ed. and Prop-., 1 a. -i.a)larlottofsrc.V ...a- . (lJ XJURE CUMBERLAND COUNTTt ar.'ti) 1 JL. . unn na itj-e w ntsxieav maae oysJamrtt i IIc7-SlitfvaAiCd&5ii;li jtanerally-that he bas o 6havinMt Haircut !!;., avenue, aiaaonai Ace, 'i wbdr bef T anyTqabtif, promptly nl.edT 'f . ! TT flT" T TTT Tfi .-1 tak Dkuiuiuru. raiUHLtiDUV ua aiHj.ALi-;( umnnia row Art t .i 1 aw aA.s- a.A a. a. 1 . : a av . 1 1 ij i.- . RAUBAN JONEaAos U StaA0La Safr"aaaa i.t-L. '--.'- 1. . .. i f ..... L:fs L-Ui.-H aUaiiliViisi'l? p.on.. bi ' patrons eVerVI - f xaareea, wpt. 15 r-Kfi comfort that pol . , AA AA Al CUi . "S --.--a r a . i -ta.Z..'i - l aav 4Bk4XaSaW.ABa . . . .. . A . lw a- a "WVPT7t ADR1ATJ ctiVOLLERS Oorv aPrBlnd poek Su.. -i f-y yff -'ivi .--. ' 'TTT'jaoLESALK KCCKI. IN ltabranobea. ' s.kwanT8. wflr do well h. YrkTTTn y . . . 1 . - .. oaiimg pnuj and.exapUjding our Stoekv 'AiH,ff iVSAHEVlliLB, ,k.-v ! tv . . -M.ii.Jui?JUMBX VOUNTT, N r ' TTl1' n offleieney in brinVh,' gether the BayatvMusd SeUers of ReiP i "? Uv In North Carollnay andtotaclliu JdU.' geons tranaacUois IT,, i?.a" eacoaragement- or 'Northernrand Eroli Emiprants to come and settle-tn the 8& are the objects ef unr Ageneyj-f ""tt. IM i li ii COMMISSIQKiEliCHA r, , . : XORTit AT AT EH STREET U 1 ...i imi ti ; . WUlirive fipennKTwal ItoJ sale- or -s General Produce; anu xorwaram orwarding goods, . "7 septaa-itr - .l. fi JUNTA TJH AfSVXnt x:f- wn-niKtairiv.' w r-- ; Issrrs MoimTLr,' for pbee ma t rlbutiom a Catalogue of Lands formal. ?' North and South Carolina. Send inadeserli tion and price of lands. No charge imlM, aleiseffeeted.;r . .s V-f.'-.. - " . r- f. TPKOSlpAlI -.i 1 Office same as formerly occupied brDr i xington. f . i .( . , , apft482-tf . . a -.ir-iSa'AjA S'H-E?' V5: Onrnca. ox -PRirtiCESS, hetwiek Fsont aad Aeeoaittrta. ; .- P0 . -t .H V5. ."i'- u aaaataaisaasaaBBTBssBaaasaaasaaBasssasM ' The Great s External -Remedy. FafllaA And XUaai. IT WILL'CTJRil RTUMAtlSlI The repnUUoa of this preparation tii at well Ub Uahal. that llttls aa sal4 la SUaeMaeetiMi. . On MAN it ams BTr failed t eura PAINFUL nervous Affections. co.VTRAcrmo mus cles stiffness ANDt FAINS I.vTH&T JOINTS, 8TITCHES iatheSIDKorBaok, SPRAIX9-BRDI8E8, BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS ana FROSTED FEET, r 1 sHintiS TTtri r ' " tr flaetallr and pensanently cared bysiat this wsadwwl rrpa 1 ration; ltpenetiiatestetheneivssadsoneimmedlstely on being Applled.t,w' i - '" 00 HORSES it will cure SCRATCHES, swekhet, ' POLL-EVIL,- FIBTtJLA,' OLD RCNNINO SORES, SADDLE sr COLLAR OALL8, SPRAIN ED J0DTT3, . 8TIFTNES3 OP THK 8TIFLE3,:a , It viUprereot I HOLLOW BORN" aad W CAE ..BACK LV MILCH COW 8. 1 save atet with great saessss iaJMagiaf air , Mlxsars wHhia tae teash -sf Ike FakBd. IsaidaUyia feseiptsftetttnSroMi Phyaiaaa, , MtrcasX. ' aad- Farsaer,' tetirrlnc to its cur0T town. - f DAYtt tfrd&iX K'p2; fj, vWJ HaTTT ... . .Tt f. 'aUai ''--V?U r.-l Marine -ante effect- United tdtes ana etliuues:M:; Wtlmtnvton, i r 4 t i UnitedSt&tesz faoo tooo I J00 Bbla,MnlletsJ2 '.n " Hlibla.!Po ftA'ftSSCTSaTO TaBft-eaJtorj.CE, KUBZiiaOJi'aiasu eaaebratea - uiacic anajcoiorca ' 1 r j...;,,rfi4 w!tr iMV VN :raro erdere Xlled salaai accompanied, with - a rVVM bnalSkatsr w. .. titii.,i. t 1 -.-iiit'.aiaaM'aiiaiaiMaTita ifn'i',1 " 1 1 It. 1 - - -aa- ali.u ' i I iCl JL..AlaVAS-a.ala. VH - Jna. aVaV" ' 1 f . -rv r WTTiT.TtV.H a MtTRCHLSOJr. -i :i t MsrSaStoW-.-iv " --vtM4 towel ana taua? nuv rs 1 ...-"T Hi '. 1 1 .? ' I ! W 3ti a-.l Jt.a.l. k.l"J'',n

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