" Saturday, yovember27; 1869. vsr mL" .h- - s saa as" .a. id. The M O K I M O a T A B ! livsroU to City WrH FIFTEEN CEarT8.peWrI-'. bers North of tbe centre of Market Street will be appll by W rr-WM. 1 jIABLAVjj anattsseltoatn of skat line by Mr.' JUUN JDXJlttU. Only these Asents aro authorise, la their rrnDMflv 1M viiltM. to' collect city - Post Offiee Honey Order obtained In all the ett k, n d " n J h large towns. We ounsider them -jMrteetly safe, and the beat, wean of remitting fifty dollars or less. ( ( B9- Reirletereel Ieltere.nnder thenew system, which went into effect Jane 1st, are a very safe means of sending small sums of mo ney where P. O. Money Orders cannot be easi ly obtained. Obterve, the Registry fee. well as postage, must be paid in stamps at the office where the letter is mailed, or it will be liable to be sent to the uead Letter Office. Buy and nfft-r IK mtnmnm hnth fnr nnmtaaK and reaUtrv, VtU i n the money and teal the letter in the pretence of the vott-maUer and take hi receipt for it. Letters sent in this wav to us are at oar risk, ISP Obituary notices, tributes of respect, ff. amnhafiwil linlf arl Vffrt.lclnt Mt.M WhMIt paid for in advance of publication. In all other cases inn advertising rates wm d cnargva. 3- Persons leavincr the city durius the Summer months mar have the Stab mailed regularly to their address by leaving orders at this omce. rnce, To cents xor one monin, or, 12.00 for three months. THE CIRCULATION OF THE MORN ING STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. KUCtUEBN DEVELOPMENT. Tho commercial astuteness of the North lias never been more con spieuously displayed, than in its present anxious concern to secure to itself its full share ot the wealth accruing from the development o the South. Before we are ourselves alive to the rapid material growth of our section, and before we ap predate the important influence to be hereafter exerted by the South over the commerce of the world Northern capitalists are already applying their enormous wealth to the relief of our material wants. Northern politicians and statesmen are already forecasting the immense political influence and material wealth of the South, and are bnsi sily engaged in preparing future alliances with U3 for the promotion of their own interests and ambition. There is no little significance in the fulsome flattery of the time serving Forney, to which we ad verted on yesterday. But . when such an astute politician as Senator Sherman, and such a consummate master of intrigue as Chase, begin to flatter us, we may be expected to feel something of the coquetry ot a young lady suddenly made aware of the power of her charms by the admiration of the other sex. Now nothing is too good for us in the es timation of these gentlemen. : Chase does not even desire "repentance on the part of the rebels," and in dignantly demands to know what we have done to be penitent for. lie will seek an answer to .that in quiry in vain unless he will accept our own solution of J the problem, which is that we bad not the phys ical strength necessary to cope with our adversaries. That was our crime, but it- was quite enougn to secure the.'ifwoe" unnumbered" that have followed our defeat. The views of Hr. Sherman have a practical bearing which we rather like, despite the obnoxious dema gogueiam by which they arc prompt ed : Says he: , My earoest wish is to contribute in eve ry way possible to the development and prosperity of the South. For that pur pose it ia a public duty to study your re sources, to become acquainted with your wants, the character and . inclinations ot your people, and especially their produc tions and; employments. Nearly all the public men of tbis'section have confined tbeir visits to the East or tba West, and we only know of the cultivation of cotton and rice as we do of tea and coffee by what we read and not by what we see. Mr. Sherman will have innumer able opportunities of attesting the sincerity of these most wise and statesman-like views. He is an in fluential member of thep dominant party in Congress," and in his pub lic course will do well to remember that the part of wisdom is to make the relations of North and South as close and intimate as possible. - Re ciprocal good Reeling 7ill be best promoted by making the relations ot the two sections mutually agree able and profitable, t The Northern statesman who - aids 'in :troinotinr the development and-prosperity of the' SbutV directly, -assists "in promoting Northern interests.' The more the South produces the more the North will ' havev-to 'manufac t nre and sell, and the greate Vwill be its shipping business."? Increase banking capital aidcimiesmtiei ooutn ana all kinds of business will at once ' be enlivened. Money is k needed to enable w Cio Expand our operations and to increase our -pro- ;! The more we : have to;getl. HHVU) Nnrth in rmrchftBin!? supplies. - me prosperity of the ortljern ,P?pm-J & factnrers, mercbants-ftoa snippers, and the well being 0130 uioBsanus ot operatives and laborers they em ploy, epeuds o iw, great extent upon Bputhern jroaucuom v t There are not wanting some practical exhibitions of confidence on the part of Northern.; capital in the lnture of the . business interests of the South. For example, that great enterprise the' Chesapeake nr1 OriirV road.- noon which the fu- nfV!?. nmneh denentis. till V V wo - v " I - has within the present week been placed beyond the reach ot mishap by the liberal invents of sever- al Kew York capitalists. Another important arm of inland commerce is that now pushing . Southward from Chicago. It extends directly from the latter city to Terre Haute, and this connection will admit the trade.from the great lakes to the di rect line via Louisville Southward. This enterprise is already in process ot execution, and with the prompt itude characteristic of the "West fif ty-five miles of the road are already completed j It passes through one ot the most fertile and - prosperous sections ot the "West and thus se cures a local support of great value. Within a verv few years the er South will present a perfect net work of railway, and will have a large share of interest and control in the main commercial arteries ot the Continent, those connecting the Atlantic and Mississippi, and those uniting the Lakes and the Gulf of I Mexico. ARCHITECTURAL tOLLT. Architects, builders and tenants are greatly interested in the lesson afforded, by the fall ot an immense building in St. Louis a few days since. That lesson in brief is that it is lolly to build houses with ret- Ci CllC LVS Lvau kj All ty rak auV) rather than solidity and durability. Hardly a city ia the Union fails to discover a tendency to this folly in architecture. It is not impossible to unite architectural taste with the qualities of strength and durability, but good sense, not less than a re- gard tor hmn 1 jfe .rate that appearance snail oecrincea 10 se curity. As to the accident in St. Louis it seems clear that more pains had been taken to make the "building show v than substantial." It was air elegant structure whose erection began last February, and pn the in terior work of which men were busy at the time of its fall. Not a build ing in the city, the St. Louis papers say, appeared more tirm, more se cure. Yet this building, still unex posed to the weight of merchan dise, in which had been placed, so iav a fon Ka OQrortaincwl -inl vr a , t, ... - .C.rf:;-. burden of eight cases of plate glass, eflfth rtftftfi not rnntainino innrfi thfin . . : l zuu pouuutj, gave way, ami mucu oi tne interior went tumbling to the ground. Property to the amount of 40,000 was destroyed : and seven or eight lives were lost. The day is too late to call this an unavoid able accident. Building has be come a science. and against - - O- such catastrophes as this it 13 the duty of science to "compIetelyV efectnallj, . r Y 1.1 securely guard. Carelessness, blun dering, mistakes, are crimes. OVER-FASTIDIOUS. - -. ... The Boston Courier demonstrates its unfitness to be a mouth-pjecejot Radicalism by protesting against the selection of men of tainted character for political honors. With out its Butlers, Sickles' "and Cain- erons the Radical party would be shorn of its power, robbed "of i ts worthiest or ence. To render the play .of Ham-J let without, the . character of the "melancholy Dane," would be no more impossible than to maintain Radicalism witout its' disreputable leaders. - - -f 3 - But hear tho lugubrious Courier: "General George W. Cole, of Bvracuse. -N. Y., who murdered a. gentleman bv the name oi mscox at AiDany, some time ago, and was acquitted on the ground thalthe victim was intimate with Cole a wife, is a Republican candidate for the secretaryship of tue United 8tate Senate, h We already .. -.s,v.w era) government abroad, a foreign minis tec. If Cole should he elected secretary of the Senate, murder, under the fostering -care of .the .authorities at Washington. "will toon come to btf looked upon fas ipne . of the fine ar?it-l.'t' v: -' . Preparatidns are' Boston for, thei funera pf George rabody. MW - w"1" w Bo -T7rMl -7" ins are t : V- i R"me h gradually filling rwith bishops and other dignitaries of the grand Council. a1- --.V -.-. General; News. The Germans An i Chicago are to build a theatre to cjfet $80,000. Edwin Forrest has returned to Philadelphia, where lie is tilling au en- gagement at the Walnut btreet ll.eatre. At a recent municipal election in 'Rwlwin PlricrlAnrl twn wnmpn voted. 0f wlom one was 92aud the other 93 years ot age. , JHfiJl" York, to Europe, with litte bilk of $75,- 000 unpaid.. There are 200 lines of telegraph offices scattered over the ciiv, faring em ployment to 250 operators. AnEnglish Cathedral choir,nnm- bering an average of twenty-five mem bers, costs about $9,000 a year in gold. The ..choristers have to attend two daily services. A New York sailor, explaining how prize money ia divided, 6ay: "It is sifted through, a ladder. What falls through goes to the officers; what sticks the 9aiIors gets. isiackstone. Massachusetts, lias a severe visitation of small-pox. The hos pital ia full of patients, and it is contem plated to turn the town hall into another hospital. llou. lieorge it. rendleton in tends to leave politics and go into rail- roadius, civing his whole attention to the lventucKy uentrai uauroau, oi which ne has recently been elected President. The Mayor of Natchez, Miss., gave Dotice that the average price of flour ot nrst quality being $11) per barrel, the twenty cent loaf shall weigh 50 ounces, ten cent loaf 25 ounces, five cent loat 13 ounces. Bread of second quality shall weigh one-eighth more. A Healthy South Carolinian Arrested in New York City. From the New York Herald, Nov. a. On Saturday last a man giving his name as Andrew jloran, of Anderson court house, S. C, was arrestrd on a warrant issued by Judge Led with, at Jefferson Market, together with a young lady, about eighteen years of age, named Caro line Tuller, of the same place, and both parties were locked up for the night. The case is certainly, in this city, at least, a novel one; and may, perhaps, tend much toward the suppression of a shocking enme, lor winch the whole country, whether deservedly or not, is obtaining great proverbiauty. I he complaint was made by Mrs. Char- 1 W - W -V V B-V tm -.-T- M. A. A WOT lone l. jjozif r, n. u.,oi no. 323 west Thirty-lourth street, -who charges the de fendant, Moran, wuh attempting to pro cure abortion upon the per.-on of Miss S&X last, at she was enciente, and asked advice. Mrs. lazier advised the young lady against taking any violent masuivs in the matter. and Miss Tuller finally left. On Saturday however, Mr. Moran. the putative and confessed father of the unborn ehild.ralled urxm Mrs; errand; wUh great effron tery and every-day, off hand lousiness air, made a proposal to Mrs. Lozier to . bring about penMXlire. lelivery.. Upun JLieing remonstraud with he became more iupor tunate and somewhat "saucy," and Mrs, Lozier, finding that advice was una vail mg, had bim arrested, as above stated under a statue, of .1834, which has hither to neen practically a dead letter, but which makes .even the attempted pro curement of this crime an offence punisha uie uy imprisonment. In the present case Mrs. Lozier desired to spare Miss Tuller trom arrest, but upon 1 ? . f 1 a . . 1 . oeiog lDiormca mat Dotn parties must oe arrested, she reractHntiy acceded. Mr -.J.oran came to this city with h wUe and MissTuller, who. is also bis relative, and engagca apartmenuat tne Bt. Uenw llo- I Tunn twiner tulron K-T.a Ti,ottA t Law"b both prUesuwereiurldlo await "agination, and Tuesday fixed as the yesterday, however, Mrs. JyOer appear ed at the Court and certified' that Miss Tuller had not solicited, Abe operation in any manner, therefore not being amenable to the law, though she. had in Jier sreit mental distressiequeht upon her dis graced ana painful position, tacitly con sented to submit to anything to hide her shame. Miss luller was thereupon dis- charged,- Vut Moran was Jer stajte. tha ti. sb "was course solely, by. a,dsin beld. . Mrs. prompted to a-deaire to .check the present systematized and "orofesaional crimes of infarilictdd and foeticide, and it is well known that she has frtcineotlv made it the BUbject of severe denuciation in public mectmcs. . , , . ; . 1 Moran is reported to1 be vrf wealthy, and oflered Mrs. Lozier, through a third party, fl.'OOO-to withdraw the charue. llie case will prove of great interest in a moral sense, and tne examination will doubtless proceed to-morrow. Mr. John oeagwicK nas rjcen retainea as counsel f( or the defence. FrMts.' Devil. l Miss Piney W. Forsyth e. who is a prac tical printer herself, 'bas tbe following printer's devils.'-- Stl$&l l?lt ter's devllan-'toadnCTtUt' reflect W i in it m im. ill 1 iriyui. -muni innaiiiTirr mt iipin. credit to themselves.' Those same print ers in nine cases out of ten, are three times as wen posted on the issues of the day as tne person woo speaKS lightly of them. There is no class pf boys for whom we have a more profound - respect than well behaved printer's devils. ' They know something and . are practical, -which more than von can sav of all classes boys. In that jespect we place the bovi who work in a printing office head and I shoulders above most other bovs. Toun woman, bejbttf you jgaii elevate that del- icate nose a the approaclrol imprinter's devil, get some onevsho, knows something vx umtory lo.ieu vou the men of some characters thatwere once printer's devils. . " Poor Jleeclier j; It is announced that his salary is to be reduced to the insignificant sqmpf t2 J0OQ per annamand ihat Tbe can only make 112.000 a year additionally h's pen ,and .L110' ?Xnwiiafsto W.aalonly f 33,000 a year is more than any one can tell who; :;vk.fe'iaek Aposiea.iqvl-p-- o . n. 4.f SPECIAINOTJOEST WE UVB lir THBEr CWMATES. f N this country we haTe at different season ' ot pxe year, the temperature of three climates." Our Springs and Autumns have a softness and mildness that belong only to the Temperate Zones ; our jaia-summera are torrid, and our Mid-winters arctic in their frigidity.. These changes, lnvolying a variation Of Crom jilnety.- to one uunarea degrees of Fahrenheit during the year," are upon the whole conducive to health, and long 11 'e, but' they tend to entail upon m some distressing. complaints wkich can ,only be escaped by the exercise of due care, and the use of a proper antidote when the system is pre-dlsposed topntiact them. The chief and most annoying of these disor. lers is dyspepsia, once supposed lobe incura ble, hut wtiich, since the introduction of HOS- TETTEIi'8 STOMACH BITTEBS, now about twenty years ago, has proved to be a perfectly manageable disease. In the Spring and Fall, but more especially in tho Fall, the symptoms of dyspepsia are generally aggravated. Tlie profuse expendi ture of the animal fluids, under the burning sun of Summer, is apt to leave the stomach weak and indolent and incompetent to the task of perfect digestion. It requires a tonic which will rouse it from its lethergy, and brace and invigorate without irritating or in naming it. This tonie has been provided in tho wonderful vegetable preparation which has replaced in a great measure, all tho old palliatives formerly prescribed by physician, under the false ida that the disorder could not be radically cured. The success of HOS- TETTEK'S B1TTEKS in all the varieties of dyspepsia acute or chronic, has effectually exploded this fallacy, and it Is now recom mended as a specific for indigestion by some of the most eminent members of the medical profession. nov2lS4Flw ALIAS'S LUXO UAIS.491, Thebemedy foe cubing consump tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Diseases of the Throat, Bronchitis. Pains and Oppress ions or the Chest, Lnngs, Difficult Breathing, and all tho Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Its action is expectorant, alternate, sudor ific, sedative, diaphoretic, and diuretic, wbieh renders it one of the most valuable remedies known for curing dlseaes of the lnngs. It ex cites expectoration, and causes the lnngs to throw off the phlegm or mucus ; changes the Secretions and Purifies the Blood, heals the irritated parts ; gives strength to the digestive organs; brings the liver to its proper action, and Imparts strength to the whole system. Such is the immediate and satisfactory effect, that it is warranted to' break up the most distressing cough In a few hours' time, if not of tiro long standing. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction, even hi the MOST CONFIRMED CASES OK CON SUMPTION. It is warranted not to produce coetiveuess (which in the case of most reine- d ies) or affect ths lu ad, as it contains no opi urn in any form. It is warranted to be PERFECTLY HARMLESS to the most delicate child though it is an act ive and powerful remedy for restoring the system. There is no really no necessity lor so many death by consumption, when ALLKX'8 LUXG BALHAH will prevent it, if only taken in time. We copy the following interesting letter from Dr. Harris to the Middlcbury, Vt , Beg ister: Mr. Editor : It ia only necessary to sub serve the interests of humanity that I request a thort space in your valuable paper, to in form the public what Allen's Lung Balsam is sure to do. Two jcars ago I was attacked with a severe t old ; it settled in my throat which so affected the organs of speech that I could not speak aloud for nearly six weeks, got throu h tho winter coughing nights most incessantly, with colS night sweets, within- creased irritation, which entended into the Bronchial tubes ajid, whtch"kept me coughing all summer. I was at Shoreham on a profess ional visit the past October, when the 'good Samaritan" came along introducing Allen's Lung Balaam Into Hew England. I procured a bottle and took it aocording to directions and found immed iate relief I have now tak en two bottles which have entirely cured me. For the last two years or. during the time of my affliction I was in a state of constipation which the Balaam has moMt effectually regu lated. No family should be withont this val uable medicine. 1 see 'by the ,Western papers that the physic. ana of Cincinnati where the medicine Is nianntoid orintcncing it into their practice and I havens dooht itwUl soon becomo a classical remedial agent lor the cure of all . diseases of the" throat, Bron chialtnbca and the lnngs. NATRAimi. H Aaais, M. D.. Dentist. PESBT DAVIS A SON, Providence, B. I., Qeneral A gents. 49- For sale by J. YV. Llppitt & Co., Wil- mington, N. C. For sale by all, Druggists. tnvlS-Jm PAIN KILLU ! Waaktbeaenion of the juhlic 10 this lQogrteated and. unrivaled It has been favorably known for more than twenty year, daring which tiro we have re- ceived thousands of testimonials, showing this medicine to be an almost never-falling remetl y for diseases Caused bjr. or attendant upon Sodden Colds, Coughs. Fever aed Ague, Head acne, Biunas,reTer,am. in the ttde, Back, and Loins, aa wen as in the Joint n limbs N$n- ' ' rala.w7Bben'-'' : rnatic Pain in any part of the system, Toothache and Pains in the Head and Face. AS A BLOOD PURIFIER AND i TONIC FOR THE V STOMACH, ,.- ' : " c'. rr : i It seldom fails to cure Dyspejwia, Indiges tion, Liver Complaint, Acid 8tanaacn, Uearts- horn, Kidney Complaints, . Sick Headache, PBC8, Asthma or rhthisio, . Bingworms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, unci ueneratjjeouity or the 8y stem. , It is also a prompt and euro remedy for viramps ana earn m the Stomach, Painters' voiic, jjiarrnea, Dysentery. Summer Com plaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, 8calds, Burns, Sprains Braises, Frost Bites, ChUblains, as well as the Stings of Insects, Scorpions, Centipedes, and the Bites of Pois onous Insects and Venomons Beptiles,. -H 8ee directions accompanying each bottle.; - The Pain Killer la sold by f U dealers la Family Medicines. - W Prices 25 Cents, 60 Cento and iU)0 -per Bottle. - . Sold by- r v ; J, Vj WPPITT & CO. ': " i nov !- : - -' . ., r- TO MAGISTRATES -ABTD COHBTA. CiviTwIe'Wa?,Snt8' StateWaTranU feMtf . And General Book Bindery. 'DomBankBnUdlngs,rronf It ' MISGELIIANEOUS; Dr.rx; Golden Remedies. 4. ; A. othei:,nd,yon wiUsave time, health and A 1 SK FOB SO OTHER, TAKS NO money. sii..... . 1,1.1, tiA.r fennA . Dr UlCnau B uuuwa mawmu . mim ur cersi Ulcerated Sore Throat," and Mouth, Sore Eves. Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotches, Soreness of the Scalp, Scrof- nla.c; IS I mo acuvTwr, Aiwn. tlveandBlOOa runner jtuuwu, removes an disease from the system, and leaves the blood Mercurial Affections, . Kheumatism in all its forms, whether from mercury or other causes; rives immediate relief in til cases. No dict f..nurr. I have thonsand of certifi cates proving tho miraculous cures effected dv tnese uemeuws. ;-o . VJ. - - aa . . 1 a n . m hnfilua T- &A AA J0. z 13.1IU per oonio, IL " Dr. Bichau's Golden Ahtidote, a safe, spee dy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full direc tions. Price 13.00 per bottle. Dr. RiCHAVsuoLDEir jiLixiB d'akoub, a raa ical cure for Nervous or General Debility, in old or young ; imparting energy witn von- derm I eueci. rrice fo.w ici uuuiu ur iu uut ties for 6ft.0O. On receipt of price, these rcmelies will be shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all corresoondents. None genuine without the name of " Dr. BICHAU'S GOLDEN REM. EDiES. D. B. BICUARDS, sole proprietor," blown in glass of bottles. Address, uk, u. n. mnAnuo, No. 2-28 Varic St.i New York, f irculars sent. Oflice hours from ! A. M. to 9 P.M. July3-ly ; ' Ayer'u Cathartic Pills, For nil tbe Purposes ot a Laxative Me dicine. Perhaps no'one med icine is so universally required by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so uni versally adopted ino use, in every country and among all classes, as this mild but effi cient purgative Pill. The obvious reason is. -gfctnat ii is a more rrua Me and far more effec tual remedy i ban anv other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always that it never fail tbrongh any fault or ne elect of its comD-tsition. We have thousands upon thousands of cert ificates of thairivmsr- Kaoie cures oi me ioiiowing compiamis, dui such tares are Known in every neiariioornooa and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel or any deieterions drug, they may be taken with safety by any body. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal visoi a to purify tho blood and stimulate it into healthy aetion remove the obstructions of tbe stomach, bowels, liver. and other organs of the body, restoring their lrreiruiar action 1 1 neaitn, ana oy correcting. waerever they exist, such derangements as eartne nrst origin or aisease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on tne dox, lor tne ioiiowing complaints which thee Pi 11a rapidly cure : For Dyspepsia or Indication, 1.1 gt- Irssness, Laiurnor and Loss of Appe tile, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone ana action. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, Bilious 11 ealache,Nieb 11 en ti ne he. jaunaiee or ureen niCKness. mi Ions Colic and Billons 'e vers, they should bejudici usly taken for ach case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruc tions which cause it, For DYSENTERY DIARRHCEA, bnt owe mild dose is generally requir- d. For RHEUMATISM, GOVT. ORATEL. PALPITA TION of the HEART, PALS in the SIDE. B AUK ana l.uijws, they should De con tinuously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With suca chancre those complaints disappear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELL- IlfOS they should be taken in large and fre quent doses to produce the effect of a drastic Durtre. For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be taken as It produces the desired effect by sympainy. As a Dinner PHI, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach, An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates the svetcni. Hence it is advantageous where no serious derange ment exists, une wno leeis toieraoiy well, often finds that a dose of these Pills makes him leel decidedly better, from their cleans ing and renovatinsr effect on th digestive ap paratus. Dr. J. C. ATF.R & CO., Practical ChtmitU. Lowell, Mass.. IT. 8. A. sold ny js. winis. J. w Lipi Willis, J. W Lippitt A Co.,H. Mc Lin and J. A. Mebano, Wilmington, and all uruegisis ana Dealers everywnerc. aug3-S&Ftdecl CHARLES T. WILLIS, "kTP.nr TtTTTT.TYrvra TV TOIlUViQ ait -cv JlN immediately ia rear of Parcel! Hous and Mi sonic uaii, w innington, N. C On and after this date, 1 will fnrnlsh COF. rirtaaitneioiiowmg . -v . ... . No. 1, Black Walnut, with Merino or White Alpaocahandlss and . name vlate, complete, ready for turn, S130X1. r N a 1, Black-Walnut, bleached lining, with trimmings as above, $25.00. no. i, iopiar, imitation of Walnut, trim- minx as No, i walnut: siAOO. No. t, Poplar, trimming as No. 3 17.00. - Walnut, -No. 1. Pine, Imitation of any wood that may be desired, trimmings as No. 1 Walnut, $16.00. No. 2, Pine, trinriinXngs as No. 3 Poplar. 413. Nas, fine, plain tTimmtngg,tio. - No. 4- Pine, etainddabd.vxniaba, $31 The above coCQan con sist ol aires ft on lfet upwards ; -all below 5 feet are considered chil dren's coffins, and will be charged two thlKta ol the above prices. - MEXAUC CASKi-Tho following is. the scale of prices : - - i feet,r-feet 4 Inches, $45; 5 feet 8 inches $30; feteoj-eiosttocbes, 4wft - in ches, $70; 6 reet 8 inches, $75. Cabinet and Carpenter w ork solicited, and done at short notice and sat! taction war ranted.' octl4-tf Birdsey & Robinspn, Vholesale and Betail Dealers in STAPLE & FADSTG Y D RY GOO D S, Boots, Shoes, &c. " . . . BB COJrSTANTLT ADDING TO THEIB FALL STOCK, comprising a large and jpuiflpent as sortment of all articles to be lound la a first class house. '- ' ' Our Wioleale Drpariiiient Is complete, oomprisinff a very heavy and f.wS8 Prints, .Sheetings Shirtings, Cloths. Cassimeres, Boots an (T7 Shoes," and everything necessary toflH ordars from retail dealers. Our Retail Department Hf ' ' As heretofore, will receive oar Constant attn. w0?!!!161? wjtli the latest PASHION iwiiuMi ncr mw. usual assortment of goods of every desoription. We invite an examination "of onr stock hv dealers of everv DkDL ikiui a -mi.A .-l Wholesale Buyers prices as favoi iT7v,i can flndjn Baltimore. , r . BlRDSEYi BQBtNJOJJ, " . -yf. K Market street.. - octlMf iorth or South, ax W H. BEBNABD'S, MISCKLLANEOU& I BAIJNISTEE, jCOWAN & CO., EEAL'JSIATE & MAHCIAL AGENTS. BUT AND SELL SOUTHEBN LANDS, Sies;o4late Loans on Stontbern Seenrl- tles anc d Encqnrsce mliC ration , L. Baxsi8TkbJ Wilmington. N. C. J). 8. COWAW, 41 " M J. cl Kiityok, New York, 47 Broad Street, Y.. and Front street, Wilminsrton. N. C. N, septss ; - - . -f-f 139-tf JOHN F. C. RIDER. Manufacturer of and Dealer in ,.4 ST ATIONA BY, PORTABLE AND HOISTING STEAM ENGINES, Millar, Fine, CyMer & Cast Iron Boilers. PLAIN AND GALVANIZED lVronght and Cast Iron Pipe. Every description of Steam, Gas and Water Fittings, low water Alarms, uu valves and -Cups, Steam and Water Guages, Steam Pumps, Eureka Hand and Power Pumps, MACHINE It Y AND TOOLS, Saw and Sblngle Mills, Wood-Workinjr , Macblnrry, and Mill Work of all Kinds, Cotton Gins, OrUt Mills, New and Second Hand Machinery of all Kinds, &c.t ttc. S3-MY PRICES DEFT COMPETITIOM Omce and Warehouse, 47 Dey-street, New i orK. auio-bin Bennettsville Journal, Pnbllshed Every Friday. In BENNETTSVILLE, S. C. WM, LITTLE Editor A Prop'r. milE LABGE AND INCREASING CIRCU L lation of the Journal in South Carolina. and that portion of Noith Carolina contigu ous to ma ii., .-. ana k. u.. itaiiroau, makes it to the interest of tbe Merchants and ether business men of Wilminirton to advertise in its columns. As an advertising medium, it is unsurpassed by any weekly paper in either of Terms $2 00 per annum. Bates of Advertising, liberal. Address, JOURNAL, aug25-tf Bennettsville. S. C A OVERT I 8 E! IN TIIE- IN THE IN THE Sunday Messenger, Issued every Saturday from the Daily Messenger Oflice, GOLDSBORO', N. C, (IHie great Centre of 'the W & W B It, and C B B'd.) rpiIE SUNDAY MESSENGER IS A and in favor of progress. Is read in almost every hamle , village and town in Eastern North Carolina and on the line of the W A W KB. stf Price 82.00 per annum. The best advertising medium. Send for list of prices and advertise. Terms reasonable. Address, SUNDAY MESSENUfeU, jan2-tl Goldsboro, N.C, Law Notice. rriHE UNDERSIGNED HAS TAKEN the JL office opposite the Co"rt House, In the rear of hquire McQuigg's omce. Business promptly attended to. J. NUTT. sept 10-ly To Country Publishers. I AM PREPARED TO SUPPLY PUB lishcrs in either of tho Carolinas with i good articlfl of FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAP 1APERS, of the usual weights. Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled. No attention paid to orders unac companied with tbe money or a request to IKl Kj. KJ. U. WM. II. BKRNAKD novll-33S-nactf A good Advertising: Medium in Western North Carolina The Western Democrat, PUBLISHED AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. ( Ont of ths Oldest Newspaper in ths Stats.) TTA8 A LA BOB AHDfiKSGRttriR XX. culatlon in Western and Southwestern North Carolina and adjoining Districts or South Carolina. Advertisements are solicited. ..Terms, for ten lines of this size type, ftl for one inser tion, 15 for one month, $10 for three months, aift for six months, 25 for one year. Reasona- ure wnss via oe maoe ror greater space. Send direct to the Editor &ni PiH.n. Charlotte. N. C-, (andnotthrongh Advertising Agencies.) A copy . of the paper containing advertisement wDl bo sent to each ad vertisrs. - , w.j, .XAXIStl. and Prop.. - tTharlotte. N. C,' 1 New,Shavingi Saloon. "VCILK8 HOWARn-:K8PECTFULLY -IN-JvlA. forms bis old friends and,tbepnblio generally that he has opened a FlrstClass 8 having and Hair-Cutting Saloon, in Dawson avenue, diagonally Opposite the Star" of ee, where he wiaiite bis -patrons every comfort that polite and skiUfufbarbers, clean towels and aharptrasors-csn afford.- octltf Haiassa Amoiiiatei : Solnhls FliosBliate. Uanntactnred and Warranted by the NAVASSA Gil ANOMPAN Y op.wiiiNToar,2C.c.' , PRlCK-65PEft TQX OF 2000 LBS., DELIVER . ED AT WttJWJNGTOJI. v .. JAMES BUTTEBoroBTH, Chemist and Su perintendent. . t. : t i I; THE NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY OF WILMINGTON, N. are preparid-io accept orders for their Sutmuok Axxoniatko Solvbub PBoerHATK, which they guarantee to be ot pure and u liform good quality, and In oyery respect -eqsal to anyFertlllser In the market. This Phosphate Is carefully made (according to the formula of the "Patapsco Gnano Company") frOoi the highest Kradeot the celebratedNAVASSA GUANO, .importeil direct from Navassa Island, wTl io tho r.y' Factory, on Cape Fear River, hear Wilmington.: . . K. B, BBIDGERS, President. DONALD McBAE, Sec'y and TreasT. Office, street, Wilmington, N.C nOVW-ly. .. .,. .-jr. tr . 100; Bbls; HtiUets, . 10 O DOZEN MULLET..BOE, jQQ BBLS. IRISH POTATOES. ' T . Just received and tor sale by - ' 'J -i , V ' THO. ii. LtTWlS, v : oct 18-if-y b . .-; 0 Market streets ' Pure Whiskies. f PCUMBEBLAND COUNT t fN. C ) BYE AND I WAUiial.S. inoV by Janratt A andford, iraaranteed free from ad ui tnra.t.tw j and kptby all the principal dealers In this Whaskey known as MPuryear's Best,1; IN BUBITY r flavor Persons , dAairoua at. aatinop'ta J .ths sale of our Whiskies wfll comumntn , . ; . . ( - . -.vw.a.iuv, n v. ' I . These WhislriA are made by the Distillers, iOTK5rly the employ, of Col. Puryear, of Yadkin flntrntr'. and -riv&i.' that. iih.aiij MANUPACTUBEB AND; DEALER Hardware, Guns, Stoves; PnmDS. K senoi ou, xin ana sueet mnu - . ; ' xoorntQ ixNaA' short noticeI Agent for PAIRS AKflk' AC ALC. . , ADRIAN & yOLLERS . Cor. Front and Iok S.T WIZMING TONK: c 'TTT'HOLESALK UROCERH. . IN A I.I. Its branches. COUNTBY MERCHANTS will do well n. calling on ns and examining our Stock. novl9-4S-tf L ; ; . EDWARD J. ASTON. R EAL ESTATE AEjTi" iti'' ; ' -B UNCOMBB CO UNTY, 'A? r . C nm.mm-,Knj all 11 llllf 111? Til n North Carolina,, and to lacilltataadvantii ironiuv f MnenAtlmte 1 ' t' . . encouragement of Northern and EnroiH-an Emigrants to Mima anil atiu l u.!.... are the objects of this Agency. .... COMMISSION lERCHANTS. MOFFITTlv CO., , GENERAL COMMISSION Merchant. ; i.NOBTH WAXES' 9TKKKT, WUsataxton. x. v.. Will give prompt personal attention to -h salo or shrnment of Oitton.' Vmi c. " General Produce, ete.j etc. . Also to tacelvtn J ami iorwaramg goods. mr wraers solicited ana promptly nhsd sept23-l-tf : GEOZ.pI7 COMMISSION MERCHANT. . AND REA J. ESTATE AGENT, WILMINGTON, H. T8.81;? MOWTIILT, FOR FREE ni. JL tribntion, a Catalogue of Lands for sale In North and South Carolina. Send lna deserh Saleisea. f?.Char9 mar.V4A3tf t ' - ' : '; PROFESSIONAL, ftgj Dr. S. S. EVEEITT SUCCESSOR TO Dr. R. F. ARRINU. Office same as formerly occupied by Dr. Ar rington. ap482-tf S. A. ASHE, A TTORNh Y AT LA , WILHINOTOIV. K. FFICE Ol rklHCEAs, BKTW1;E EX Front and Second Streets. oct 1-8-tf , , c MISCELLANEOUS. The . Great External ; Bemedy. For Man and Beast, IT WILL QURE RHEUMATISM The reputation of this preparation is to well estab lished, that little need be said in this connection. On MAN it has never failed to cure PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CONTRACTING MUS CLES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINTS, STITCHES intheSIDEor Back, SPRAINS, BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLING S. CORNS and FROSTED FEET, Persons affected with Rheumatism can be effectaally and permanently cured by using this wonderful prepa ration ; it penetrate to the nerve and bone immediately on being applied. ' ' On HORSES It wtll cure SCRATCHES. SWEENEY, POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING SORES, SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAIN ED"J01NTj, 8TIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, to. It will prevent HOLLOW HORN and WEAK BACK IN MILCH COWS.- - f .: t I have met with great success ia. .btloging T Mixture within the reach of ths Public ;1 am'dallj in receiptor letters Irooi PhysiHanaDragtiatsMfobau nd Farmer., testifying to Ito xuratlvs powers. DAVID E. FOUTZj-iDWs Proprietor, I V BALTIMORE, Ki. mriSSAFly-clm. M arine Insurance effect ed to all ports in the United p States- ana Weft Indiesr by Barry JSmik&rs Wilmington, v The Liverpool & Lon don & G:oteItis. Or AJTets Gold a i i)o,?o ... l tntieh'-'Kr United States '2,000000 Directors persdnally ' respon sible for all, ciigagcjjiints of: iht Company. l l.;. Barry ,U3ryt her sA lOOOTALT ; :r 0Bbls.WulleH',i,' i' 't;''"? iiFoTiSale:,by,.:Mrrr li-W.', ! ' TliosVc. LEWIS. - -nov 11-tf li-ii Mvs J Atarke etrtet. lllllll- IT U : . . A OEHCT FOB THE S1I.V. nv n mi . RQBINSON'S Justly celebrated ' " ' " r ; ; Dlack and Colored js.si-s-.1 JL VA ' JLA.-S AJS-kS . M 1 y.-i tr.fti' mt ' ' i -1 nor oreers nuea nniess aceorntfsnJed wits the money, or a request to send C.-0. . . Book and Kewa nks winy w.hani na for sals at MAfttpf ACTtPVKa-B MIICEl ' i Address, WM. H. BSRNABD, wiayiioiv-naotr rviimiBtenN.C

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