BATU Or AOTUTIIUfi lit 'J Y'",v VLT Ornca; Dawson Bank Buildings; Front St On Square one dy, i oo inre aay,... j oo .'.-v,47 09. . - At days.. oo SCO 'ba1 - i ; i t f l'. i i jti . : i -m. r i-v m v kv w as wsbwsw ' "!(. I -;irii ir-N . " '7 ii ii 11 m- w ii . x i . f I . : ."xr f : ,.. ii r.ii i r - - - r. I I ... j. I I II 11,11. I 1 I I , II . If. . II I XX I II I XX I I I - I I f .11 1 x - I I iM M - : it. I . v i ' 'WM'Mr r u u 11 r xv 11 xx 11 tt i .sx 11 u- r- -- - . u "v rv ii ii 'in Three months, In aavtodi::..::"""' S 00 Th Moirtw Stab wll be delivered In ftnv part of theCitymt rptm CPeek."7 POST OFFICE DIBECTORT. ' ' - t t .- 2 ' Northeru through A way mall 5:00 A. M. Dallv Korthera thrftch, mail im p. U. I Southern Mall.. 8.-00 " W. C. and H. R. tt., .........r(i . .m. Mon dajra, Wednesday and Fridays. V v . FayettevMe via Warsaw fcoo A. M. Dally. oxoept SunaaT.m, .? t .i. ( i Smlthvlllewia Steam,...; 10 P.M.. three thnn a. waaW. MIL8 ililTl AT tIMfll.. Northern Through Mall 5:00 A. M. Dally. Northern Through and Way Mall,' 7a P.'il. I ally, except Sunday-delhrered at BrQO p. M. from alley window. ?VUC.nRS.rM5.rfe times a week sinithvllle, P. M.rlhre times a week. Dttioe ope r from 70 A. M. to J0 P. AI. Sundays ., , ..Jj.-OQ to 8:00 A. M. r i f Kl, iL liftLNK, P; M. RAILWAY i BllUJTOBT. WILMINGTON MAKC1TE8TER K. ROAD Receiver Gno. O. If nil. t Director John Dawson, Henry Kutt. O. O. Parsley, A. J . DeRoeseU D. S, Cowan, Geo. J. W. MoCall, J. I Ba.rtlett, James G. Burr. BichI rd Bradley, JtU uregv. ,.;. General thtperirUeiuien-W 111 im MaeRae. Secretary and Truntrm.Wai A. Wal ker. Urneral Frmght t ycrni J no. It. Ijxtta. iYtigkl Jfmt, WUmtnptm T. B. AJppltU iv.iijimi-Wm. bioan. .... i -. .. Director on pari of HoekhoMer., Homes- IvTb H Sumner, U W Galon, WL Steele, R H Cowan and 8 J Person. V W " On Ute part of. the MtaUJ ohn L Brown,- W A Smith, John r Aycuett, a tr snerrlll, Jaa Mo- Donald and josepn o vannon. . Chief Owir and BvperintendeHMl S Galon. Seeretary-CaWIn J Cowles. Treasurer Beuter Dtv&o Calvin J Oowles. Treamrer Western Divition V AMcBeo. W1LMIXGT0X WKLDOX UaIl KOAD. lrrM46t -ll- It. Bridyra. - ; " . Director on the port of the SlockKoldereW A. VrlgUt,S. D. Wallace, Eli Murray, Alfred Martin, A. H. V'anBokkelon, Uo. Harris, of Wilmington, and John Everett, of Golds bo ro' Director on the part of the State J. 8. Cannon. C. H. Brodgen and Im G. Sates. Vhif JSnmneer and betierai UtiperitUeiutetU . .. 'remont. .if.'nteritf TraiLitijrtuiionii. Smith. S-t-retarifattl UVeuxurer J. W.Tnoiupaoii. MuUrr of JIuchineru John F. Devlne. AuUbti Ai. L. Inli-.T. Master or auviHie. w. m. uacitae. r General ticket. Agent VI . M. Polsson. THE.CITT TU KOKMXO BTABlidf Ilveed City. Subscriber at FIFTEEN I'INTB per week. Subscri bers North ef tb centre ef Market Street will be sppUet bjr Hr. WH. 1m BABLOWi m taee Sentb ef tbat line by Sr. JOHN B. BCBCH. Osily these Areata , are avatkorlaed, la their respective Blvislens, "to collect city Mnbscriptloma." ' . ' ' THE CIRCULATION Vfi TUB MORN ING STAR 13 LARGER THAN THAT. OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED LY NORTH CAROLINA.' r - i ' - -- J5gT"Con tractors will not be allowed, under their con tract, to advertise any other than their 1 cgittmate basinesa unless by paying specially for 6uca advertisement..,..-. . TO ADTEBTISCBS. The Carotin Farmer is one of the best ad vertising mediums , erer offered to the mer chants of Wilmington. Though not yet thir teen months old,' its regular botui fid weekly edition is no w 1500 copies ; and of the Issue of Friday, November 19th, 1850 copies will be printed, a party baring ordered the 850 extra copies to be mailed to that number of bis cor respondents ia North and South Carolina. New subscribers are comiDg in by every mail, and its low rates of .subscription justify the belief that tbe number will continue to in crease. , With one exception, we think the circula tion of the Farmer is, even thus early in its ex istence,' the largest of any publication la this -State. , t ' 'i.f Only two deeds were admit ted to probate yesterday, by tbe Judge of i the Probate Court. " 7 '.' , There wa . one arrest for drunkenness yesterday, but with that ex ception everything was quiet. The Steamship Jas. A. Gtfry, (apt. Hall, roro Baltimore, .arrived yes . 1 ! ' . - The dog catchers were out with their nets yesterday, and created considerable excitement among collarless canines. ..... . . - -; -. : Tlie. Btreets we're', a little "sloppy" yesterday,' and somewhat disa greeable, but we must not expect sunshine to always gild our pathway. There, was not a solitary po lice arrest on Monday,' and 'consequently there was no session of the Special Court yesterday morning. u All quiet on the Cape Fear." -Mr. E. F. Cox, an' agent for the Farmer atKinston, has recent 7 sent m a list " of tixteen subscribers t that D0inrr which ia an evidence of hi uo uun uy ine uispiayoi a iittie of steamers, and, various and con energy. Mr..G.xpectsto largely increase flictjng reports were in circulation con! this number. . .... . .-. . . . . . .. A letter from the Standard, ordering a second supply of the printing ink sold by the Stab agency,' concludes m follows: ..VTiie 'Ink already received gives perfect satisfaction. - We intend to deal with ybu'liereafter VThis is the verdict of all who have used Robinson's ink. . . -That. Btpne pavement lead- lnS from the sidewalk to the Commercial Exchange i a decided improvement, .and; will prove especially so in rainy weather.' It also shows to advantage how solicitous the worthj ftesJideat' i6f the ChambVr ' is for the welfare and conveniance of 44 bis flock? y. V i ) 't j . ' r;J; . The n&m&jpt'J,, J,y Parker, ah an applicant for a position on the police force, as atli$ii fithe Jrocfeedipgsof the BoardAldermen, should have been Jas. II. Qell. The; ..mistake was. made by confounding tba name of ths i petitioner with" that of the recommenaer.'Mr IP prefers hU prewnt dutiea lathe P. O. ,to he course of few-dayandthe neessa that of Uing onVdt'flie guardians o ry repairsputponr.ber, tpT enabje har to .njMpu3nu.':, ' . ..--yt,c;..j j resnttieher regular trips. t Vol.:VDfo;8. The Rivkr TcG8.The Alnha Is now the onlj tug toning on the river, and wa Z ,". . "Hucu"j g Dut little' news irom l)elow., .The i?m . has . been laid np for , sometime 'past. The, Oldham, however, we learn, will soon be on the utrackleB8 waves" again, under the com mand of Capt. Harper, the late affable f D? nnnodating master of the Brandt. A New Enterprise. We learri that a sash and blind factory and planing mill is soon to be erected on the other side of the railroad, near Bony Bridge, by Messrs. Foster & Newall of this city. We are glad to be able to record such evi dences of improvement and go-ahead-id veness and hope" they will continue to multiply. " r. appointed. We learu that Sheriff Scbenck has appointed Sylvester a cappt (coL) a Deputy to wait on maeis ' . iuo position, we be 1,eve) which a larce number I .. , . , "umDer f our citi zens desired should be filled bv Afr t? J AO L.-Sellors and petitioned the Sheriff to that end. The new Deputy was required to give bonds, which he did, and has entered upon his duties. A North Carolinian in Virginia, We see that our old friend, T. L. Hall, Esq., founder of the Gaston House, at newDern, but more recently of the Macon House, Morehead City, has become associa ted wilh Mr. B. F. Briggs in the pro prietorship of the Ocean House. Ports mouth, va. Mr. H. is a genial, whole souled gentleman, and what he don't know about keeping a Hotel it is useless for any one to attemptjto learn. CoMMrrTED. Yesterday morniDo; a man by the name of Thomas Garvin, of Duplin county, was brought to this city and incarcerated in the county jail. It seems that said Garvin is charged with forcible trespass and that, on the affidavit of the prosecutor, the case has been rendered 4to this County for trial. The committing Magistrate in Duplin required the defendant to give security in the. sum of $2,000 for bis appearance, in default ot which, the jail oi that County being considered insecure, he was sent here for confinement until the sitting of the Spring term of the Superior Court for New Hanover County. ' A Public Meeting. By a notice in another column it wilt -be seen that a meeting of citizens is called for Friday night next, at the City Hall, at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of taking into considera tion the propriety of abolishing the Spe cial Court of this city, and other matters connected therewith. An interchange of views on the subject and an emphatic ex pression of opinion either for or against the continuance of the Court is eminently proper at this time, in order that , the Legislature may m thoroughly understand the feelings of onr people and act advised ly in the matter. Miss Alexander in Chardes- tox. Manager Ford will open the new Academy of Music at Charleston this even ing. Tbe Newt, in alluding to this fact, says : " Miss Alexander,' the leading lady, is an accomplished actress, and a charm ing and cultivated lady. She belongs to one of tbe leading families in Western North Carolina. Her father was one of the most brilliant members of the bar, and her mother a renowned belle of tbe State. The Alexanders, Polks and Grahams are historic names in North Carolina, and have been from the date of the Mecklenburg Declaration, prominent alike in public and private life.' ,'.One brother was a distin guished officer of the , Confederate navy and another left th6 presidency of a col lege in Texas to serve in tbe Confederate . - ( . . k. ....... r, army, which he did with distinction." The News bespeaks for Miss A. a cordial welcome to the Charleston boards. . Accident on the Cape' Feab A Colusjon Betwkkn Bi,vbb Stbakers Onk of'them Goes Down. Intelligence was received in thiar City yesterday morn ing that an accident had occurred to one iuu ,sj uouwg l, 11 jojjUJfj bu lull o a uuui in relation to the disaster we called on a gentleman whom we knew to be conver sant"' with the facts and obtained from him the following particularsr On Monday night; about 9 o'clock, as the steamers Governor Worth and Halcyon were steam ing tip the river, nearly side by side, and when near the point known as John O. w-fc i ' t a Tt J- 1 " it, i uanieis piace, anouc oo nuies.auove iuis city, the suction of the mud or sand oper ated in such a manner on the wheel of the JMcyon as to cause her to swing suddenly aronnd, when a fiat which the Worth was towing np came in collision with the Halcyon near her bows, the force of the blow driving a hole in her hull below the surface of the water and. causing her to sink in about fifteen -minutes after the disaster. She , is now lying on her Bide about half way under tbe water, one had a pretty fair freight oo at the time, a por tion of whl$;frllj.fcQred are glad to sayt that po Jives were, Jost and that no injury was sustained, by any one onboard. It is expected that she will be righted in WlXljHffGTOH, N. C. THifCtmAf -Again. The MET, S. Circuit . Court 'is in session at Raleigh, J ndge Brooks presiding. From the Stan dard we learn that on Monday the -libel case of the steamship Cuba was argued be fore the Court, Mr! Solicitor Starbuck and Messrs. Phelps of New York, and French, of Wilmington, counsel for the Govern ment, and Messrs. George Davis and O.P. Meares for the defence. The morning session was occupied by Mr. Phelps, who opened the case in an able speech, replete with argument and many citations from authorities on inter national law. A Public Park. There is some talk of enlarging the city limits, and we oelieve the project meets with a irreat deal Ol favor. Th nitw !o mnM1. j: itself in .ii V j ' ",auuiu' itselt in all directions, nnii annn nr.u , .. iiv.vvoc3il Jf win compel an enlargement so as to giye ample room for a manifestation of the progressive spirit which has been lately enkindled among our people. -When this enlargement talies place we would earn tfMaf1T 1 TV n.nnn . . 1 ... . . -j -do uiwu uur auinonui'S tne ne cessity which exists for a public park or square, and the splendid opportunity which will then be afforded them for procuring the necessary grounds for the purpose at a trifling, exriense. some .where in the eastern or south-eastern suburbs of the city, which can be made accessible by suitable drives or by an extension of the street rail way in that direction. Some will no doubt say that a park should be located in the centre of the city. This might prove more convenient, but it would also prove much more expensive, and it must be remembered that in locating our park we must make allowance for the growth and expansion of the city. . Let it be located in the suburbs now and in a few year, or by the time it has been proper ly adorned and beautified and made a fit place for popular resort, the city will have grown to such an extent in that particu lar direction that there will be no excuse for dissatisfaction on the score that it is not centrally located. With a population estimated at more than twenty thousand, Wilmington should certainly iie able to afford such an institu tion, and we hope the day is not far dis tant when we shall have one of the finest public squares in the whole Southern country, where old and young, male and female can betake themselves occasionally and spend a few hours of social converse amid pleasant scenes and away from the busy din of the city. RIVER AND MARINE NWS. Tuesday, Nov. 30. ARRIVED OUT. The Schr. Charlie Holme, Ho'mes, 5 days from this port, arrived at New York on the 24tb. The Brig Ruth, McLaren, arrived at Helvoct from this port on the 15th. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. The Brig CO. Eaton tnefv), 169,80 tons, Shackford, cleared from Calais for this port on the 19th. Tbe Brig Marshall, Jenkins, cleared from Boston for this port on the 27th. To Advertisers. As advertising mediums the Morning Star and Carolina Farmer are not surpassed by 'any publica tion in the State. "'-- - - LITEST BY ii AIL North Carolina in a Nutshell. Conferencefflfih-nJ)aifRQY. J. G. Homner, of the Baltimore Confer ence, and Rev. J. B. Lawrence, of the Virginia Conference, were intro troduced to the Conference. ; The creden tials of Revs. J. B. Williams and N. A. H. Goddin were presented, they having: withdrawn from the Conference. Mr. Amos Gregson, of the Greensboro' Dis trict, was invested with Elders' orders. Rev. J. W. Lewis and Lewis Hanes, Esq., were appointed additional delegates to the M. P. Conference. Compiled from re port in Journal of . Commerce, . J. G.Ramsey, a prominent cit izen of Beaufort, is dead. ; , v ' Grand tournament to come off at Kinston on the 15th inst. -There was a grand firemen's parade in Newbern on Monday. The Fall term of Mecklenburg Superior Court was commenced on Mon day last Judge Logan presiding, and W. P. Bynum, Esq., Solicitor,. .The Charlotte Democrat says : In regard to Judge Logan, we repeat the remark we made more than a year ago, viz : that we believe he is an incorruptible Judge, and does the best he can in discharging his duties. We don't think he , would .knowingly, do. wrong which we can't say of aU the present Judges, in the State. We . long since de termined to judge public officers by their conduct and not by their politics. The Charlotte bar and vicini ty lawyers held a meeting in the -above city last week, and passed resolutions of respect to the memory of Judge Osborne. .' Rev. J. W. Larnour, of the Diocese of Maryland,' has accepted a call to St. Stephen's (Episcopal) Church in Goldsborp.v,,",, h . :.The- Asheville. News of the 25th ultimo reached ns last ' night Oh I what glorious facilities Only . six- days from Asheville to Wilmington I and about seven "days from'New Tork to San; Fran ciflrol,HS,.itar. v i, -,?,, WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBErTI BUSINESS NOTICES. ,. ,Tp Business MEN.Partiea wish ingto advertise in any newspaper pub lished in either of the Carolinas may save much unnecessary time and trouble by making their contracts with the Morntkg Stab Advertising Agency, which is fully authorized to receive advertisements at publishers' lowest rates. All necessary in formation given, and advertisements mailed direct to publishers as soon as handed in. Business men will consult their interests by patronizing this Agen cy. Advertiser navs no commissions, tf Saddles, Harness. Trunks. Satchels, Traveling Bags, Horse Blankets. i,ap Kobes, Axle Grease, Step Ladders Feather Dusters, &C cheap forcash at J. . S. Topham & Co's., No. 8 So. Front St w:!:- - T 1,U1U ou T T JlUllIJglUn, i.1 . Kj, Itosadalis ! There are dise ises which cannot be classed under any particular head : such aa Debility' Ijowness P rlt, lxS3 of Appetite, ain in t he Side and Hack, Pulpitation of tne Heart. XH?w?8iofih?.s5,"ani ye8i little or no """"" wu, iNui xaste in tne Mouth. Ac. These symptoms Indicate that the Blood is impure, and the functions of the body in a morbid state. Nature will mrt hnair remove these disor era, and orten with the assistance Of eood nnrnfnv. mnnh will K complished. But, in the majority of cases, it lb powerless to avail much unassisted by the proper medicines. In this condition of sys tem, Kobadalis acts S3 a rtennnt. ihami W purifying the Blood, changing the sec-etions and giving tone and strength to the system. noises. have been cured of : biarrheiWservTw- f,Mf,l- pons 2? byr8H?wthm0i: " wicurenju nonn Carolina Kemedv. the oklt known BPEcmo for aU painful bowel af- fectlOn8. Ask for Dr. Wnrt hlnrtnn. rlQTOl. and Cholera Medicine keep it in your house jiever travel without it it may i-ave your Prioe 25 and 50 cents per bottle, rorsalein Wilmlnctnn hv.r w t . Co; James T. Wiggins, Wholesale' Proprleto. ry Agent, Norfolk, Va. tf Female Uiseases. Laree numbers of wnmnn m rant- .imt nine-tenths of the entirn HAYa Tl ffA. fnnm - - - TT T T" M AA VAU some disease peculiar to females. r Tr 1-wxenck'8 won ait's tBiKKD meet s with wonderful success in curing them. This fact should be widniv lmnWn lady in the United States two bottles of the Wojcajt's Friend, they would be reoaid bv a rerurmai nt k,)ik strength. It is a safe and reliable remedy, and is en dorsed by the best physicians. augs-tf LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the City Poet Office November 30th. 1869. A Miss C N Alexander, care John F Fov. l Master Ancrom Barrv. David Wm Rarrr Benben Bethea, care Alfred Loyedy. Mrs Marv t, Josie 2: Han nah Burtfin or Bargin, Mrs G VV Brown, Geo Brown, Julius A Brown, Robert H Brown. lieo W C-narlOtte. Dicv Cowan, care Rnh. ert Robinson, Miss Martha E Craice. Miss If .41! . ty w - Ol jiuiuu vraige, care a, Isaac Croora. D D C Dallas. Mrs Nancv Daniels. Maro-n. . . T. i O E Sarah Edwards, Mrs Jane Eikerenkoitter, Mrs Tbos Ervin, core Miles Allen, Miss Mollie C Everett. - F P W Flemlnp. John T Flowers, Miss Lu cy Frank, Thomas Fry. G Mrs Sallie U Gaddis, J J Gathne, Samuel F Giveans, care Robinson's circus, Miss Don aldson, care Atlas Grady. H Ed L Hale, Henry Hall, Sam Hall, The H Hamilton, Mrs Mary A C Hay, John Her- singer, David G Hendrickson, Polly Hill, care tienry Hill, Miss Lizzie F HickAan, John Holland, Sam W Holden, Clam nee Holland, Lewis N Hopkins, Snsan Hostler, Saml Hous ton, A W Howe, David Howard, Caroline Honley, L H Huske. I II P Ingalls. J W H Jasper, Joseph Jones, B W T John son, Jackson Jonson, Mrs R E Johnson. K P Kenan, E T Kennedy. A O King, 2. L F Lawrence, Mrs James Leon, Mrs Ann Lastister, John Leboo, Mits Jenny Lockleoir, Mrs Marv Lock. M Allan Malloy, Mrs Betsey Martain, care William W Green, Thomas McMillan, Mr Gill McGirt, Mr McAllister, Mrs James 3 Morrison, care Mrs J D Campbell. N John Nash. O G WOffley. P Mrs Eliza Prige, J H Philyaw. R James H Robertson, J H Robinson, An drew Robertson. S Mrs Mary Sampson, John H 8avage, York Renhrook. Pomnv Smith. Thnrutnn W Snpar care S M Clark, Mrs W A Stuart, Miss Annie stone. T Albert Thompson. Evaline Thomas. An nie Turner. W Gallic C Walker, V Walker, William Wescott, John E Whitfield, for Annie EMc Kinnee, Mrs A A Wright, W T 8 Woodward. Persons calling for letters in this List will please say "Advertised." ED. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 30, 1899. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IIkinsberger's Live Book Store, 38 Market street Blank Books just received Splendid Gold Pens. J. E. Lttmsdkn. Clocks and Mnsie Boxes Repaired. Williams & Murchison Corn No. 1 Pe ruvian Guano Flour. Samuel P. Swain Sale of Brunswick Lands for delinqnent taxes. F. W. Kerchner Liverpool Salt 5,000 Sacks Mullets. Cronly & Morris. 10,000 Oranges and 60 Rolls Bagging at Auction. Mrs. H. N. Parker Day Boarders accom modated. Mayor Neff. Convening the citizens to consider the propriety of abolishing the Spe cial Court 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MATOR'S OFFICE, ) Wixkinqtok, N. C, Dec. 1, 1869. $ ,To the Citizens or Wilxinqton I-, GBBZTrjra t i Notice Is hereby" given you7'( Irrespective of party) to assemble ia the City Hall Building, on Friday next, at 7)4 o'clock P. M., to con sider the propriety of and necessity forab. oUshing the Special Court of the City, and other matters connected therewith. The above notice Is given, pursuant to a re quest of many citizens -f ..-' ... Given under our hand at tue Mayor's office, the day and date above written. ' JOS. H. NEFF, Mayor. 8 Attests 'ti Benj. Dijbteb, City Clerk. Post insert Thursday. ; fV; deo 1st Mrs; ;H. Parker, ; CORNER Sd and CHESTUTT-STS. ' " WU1 accommodate 1 DAX.BOAEDERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oranges at Auction. Bagging at Auction, M. CRONL Yt Auctioneer. By CEOSLY A HOBBIS. T1 D,T (WEDNESDAY) AT 12 O'CLOCK rtT'll1 of our Sales Booms, 10,000 SWEET ORANGES, and 30 ROLLS BAGGING. December 1, 1869-1 1 Special NfltlfiA. 0LiCK8 and music BOXKSRKPAranTi i&lSSaM t2d substantially repaired. Keys fitted to 3rJ":,S,i8sK)rs and Knives, sharpened, Saws J".l,a sharpened, and almost anything repaired by j. E. lumsdb. In the rear of Mrs. E. A. Lnmsden's Millinery. de0 l lw No. 40, Front Street Corn, Corn. 5,000 BUSHELS PRIME CORN, OLD AND NEW. For sale by decltf WILLIAMS A MURCHISOX. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 50 TONS DAILY EXPECTED. For sale low by dec 1-tf WILLI A.M8 & MURCHISON. Flour, Flour. 500 BBLS. FRESH GROUND FLOUR, On wharf and For sale low by dec 1-tf WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Safe of Lands for Delinquent Taxes. BBUNSWICKCOCJfTY' BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT OF CON demnation Usuine out of the Knnerini- Court, of the County oT Brunswick, I will ex pose to public sale, for taxes, at the Court House, in SmithvUlo, on Saturday, the first ia.iiuu.iy, ioow, me property or tne fol lowing parties : THOMAS COWAN, Old Town Plantation, Town Creek Township; imouut of Tax $178 74. DJ-?-x5AK?' dee'd. Cedar HU1 Plantation, North West Township ; amount of Tax 64 50. SAMUEL P. SWAIN, SherifT of Brunswick County. November 30th, 1869. dee l-30d Mullets, Mullets. 10O BARRELS. For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, deo 1-tf No. 28 and 29 North Water-et. BLANK BOOKS. Just received Another supply of those good BLANK BOOKS AT HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK STORE. GOLD PENS, The largest assortment of Gold Pens At HEINSBERGER'S, For sale at (nv26nac) - 39 MARKET STREET. COTTON IS KING. .AL. Plantation containing 850 acres of Cotton land lying In Duplin County can be purchased at a bargain. - , SOO ACRES OB KOBE of the Tract is cleared and under fence. The balance is divided Into pine land and rich swamp. The main residence Is at a beautiful location and comfortable and healthy having EXCELLENT WATER. There is a negro quarter on the other end of the farm conveniently situated. The farm of cultivated land may be enlarged by clearing. An experiment was made the present year upon two acres, manured with domestic man ure and planted in cotton which made ' 1200 POUNDS LINT COTTON. ' It must not be expected to And the land at the price placed upon it producing this way in an unimproved state ; but it is mostly adapted to cotton culture and is offered at the low price of 13200, cash ; or (4000 on six months time. It is in a good neighborhood. Enquire of the Editor' of this paper.' .' nov25-tfnao i N0LANDINE! Nolandine ! Nolandine ! THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY. M'ONLY SUEE BEMEDY ....... , . . -.-.-. For Chills and Fevers ! THE wonderful success ot Noladlne in c ru ing the most obstinate complaints peculiar to the Southern States emboldens the propri etors to invite the attention of the citizens of Wilmington to its curative power In the treat ment of all malarial diseases, disorders of the blood, and complaints requiring a promp and powerful alterative ' Hundreds of cases duly certified by responsible individuals at test the efficacy of Nolandine in diseases which have inocess rally resisted all the usual remedies. In all blood diseases, whether re cently contracted or of long standing in mercurial complaints and malarial disorders, Nolandine has been pre-eminently anocesM fnl. We espefally commend onr preparation of NolandinanBsigned for. obstinate cases of Ague and Fever. In the treatment of this' latter complaint, our great vegetable prepar ation la conceded In all sections where chills and fevers are prevalent, where Nolandine has been used, to be absolutely without a ri val. Nolandine is a purely veget Able prepar ation and therefore unattended by , tie' ev.U consequences which so frequently lollow tbe use of mercury. We solicit orders. Address w ; JOHNSTON A LANGHORNE, . v -1 .-... Prop'rs, Richmond, Va.' For sale by ..' ' ' ' J. W. LLPPITT CO., whoiesale.AtfJs, jritotarton, n. (X: octl9nacly? . and all DruggistiC Whole ITo. 686 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT CO. JJIOB FAYEITBTILLE, THE NEW IEON 8TEAMBOAT D. Murchison. T. J. GREEX, Master, TV1 ele?at passenger accommodations, wUlea,Ze VVUmington every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at P. M. Returning, leaves Fayetteville every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at J o'clock, A. M. ' THE FINE STEAMBOAT R. E, LEE . ALONZO QARRI80N, Master, Will also run in this Line on Irregular days. Goods received on mir imuamH v.o. r orange-street, at all limes, except when the Boats are loading at wharves In front of our Biuie. uoous consigned to care of this Line will be promptly forwarded free of commis sions, a ray age or storage. t tx JtXVAMS MURCHISON, Agents. J ' D-WH.LI AM3 CO., Ag'ta at Fayettevttle. novSltfnao y . , . t MISCELLANEOUS. Note for DMember, addreued to the Feeble and Debilitated. Ti HIS Is a trying season for invalids, indeed for aU who are not blessed with robust consti tutions and iron frame?. Cold has come upon us suddenly, sealing np the open pores, and sealing in as it were, any seeds of disease that may have been lurking in the systembut which remained undevel oped so long as the waste matter of the body and ail acid and unwholesome humors were freely discharged by evaporation from the surface and through the bowels. A tonic, aperient and alterative medicine Is now needed to invigorate the vital powers de pressed by a low temperature : to stimulate rrnxrs -tr rz danger, the sudden climatio change which ushers in the Winter The only preparation which will fully meet this almost universal need, and will thorough ly and safely perform the important work, is the leading tonic and alterative of the age, HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. This popular specific improves the appetite, invigorates the digestive organs, regulates the flow of bile, enriches the blood, calms the nerves, relieves constipation, promotes su perficial circulation and evaporation, and be ing composed solely of wholesome vegetable elements, with a pure stimulant as their dif fusive vehicle, may be taken by the weakest without fear. The flavor is agreeable, for al though the BITTERS are a potent medicine, they contain no nauseating element. nov 30-SAFlw COMPETITION DEFIED In Styles and Prices of all Kinds of HATS & CAPS, ANDERSON'S, Sign on the Tree. nvSO-tf For Sale, Grocers, Planters oY Distillers . -'. Supplies. Stock fuU and complete, at , F. W. KERCHNER, nov80tf 27, 28 and 29 N. Water-street. Bacon and Pork, Western Smoked SIDES and ' , - - SHOULDERS. Long Clear Dry Salted SIDES. City Mess and Rump PORE For sale low by - ? nov30-tf ; - ' F."W. KERCHNER, -27, 28 and 29 N. Wateretreet. Liverpool Salt. DIRECT IMPORTATION 5,000 SACKS, Now Landing. ; Weight 224 lbs. to the sack. , AIJSO, AMERICAN SALT, v In Liverpool Sacks, For sale low, from wharf, In lots to suit, by F. W. KERCHNER, nv S0-3t : Nos. 28 and 29 North Water Sundries, Sundries. We have just opened a newLpt Off; CITY CURED HAMS, BREKFAST STRIPS, . . ?. FRESH SMOKED BEEF, , , BEEF TONGUES, STUFFED : MANGOES, STUFFED PEPPERS, V. New Crop - ORANGES AND LEMONS. ; ' COOPER'S ft COX'S GELOTINE .; f BAISINS, CLTRRAilTS-J.. V, ! And CITRON. New BUCKWHEAT; Choice Table , Aa..i : A?&tv -v ' h.Z'-' BUTTER andYRUJ,at . ' if ff GEORGE MYERS, . end U Front street; s Chas. D. Mtxbs, Agent m"" '.j'- sovtfHfw -..;,,.--;-.!v. & ,.' a4f mi 1 C1UMTEB NEWS, HUHTER, S. C., A-B kj usnoa weeKiy, Aarr uste: rr ft Osten. Proprietors' JBZHNARD. Asent. U-v, umington, N C. Printing House and Book Bindery, t MKCELLANEOTJS. . By CBONX.T KOBBIS. T -r i WILMINGTON AND TMtLDON RAIL ROAD 8T00K FOR BALB. ' i5yiRTU.E f deed of mortgage made by per, is,na by the aid Davis aa slimed nd -fn8f?rred to Michael Cronly, t he eiLSrn- 625 SHARES OF THE CAPITAL STOCK OF THE WILMINGr TON & MANCHESTER R. R. COMPANY. . . . In lots to suit purchasers, . Terms of sale cash. D. A. DAVIS, Trustee, novii M; CRONLY, Assignee. PiseireZour Healtli. Keep jour Feet Warm and Dry By buying some of those handsome , BOOTS AND iSHOES, AT LOW PRICES FOR FOB CASH. - ' ' AT ' G. R. FRENCH & 6dNS, nov28tf 29 North Front Street. Notice. t-. THK REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF the Mechanic's BuUdlng and Loan Asso ciation will beheld at the Commercial Jtx change, Wednesday, 1st December, at.7U o'clock. ? , " The Fourth instalment will be due at that ttme,o r c-8- KLLIS, nov 28-3t ' Secretary. HANDSOME DRESS SUITS fine linen collaes. Englisli WalMng Suits. CHILDREN'S t CLOTHING. MUNSON CO., City Clothiers. nov28tf CAPE FEAR Agricultural Association Fair PREMIUM T0MCC0S. DURHAM'S SMOKING 1 AND 0. 1. C. Something laphwirig. RAIL ROAD, MILLER " : AND' ; ' ,."'"' OTHER SNUFFS '.At nov7-tf VAlrSICKXE'Sj No. 11 Market Street. mDEmnBEiiMUCE; . "' -' 't-";.:.'-'.if The UNDERSIGNED CONTINUES TO effect both MABXRE and FIRB LWBUK ANCE in the BEST COHFANIES and upon the MOST FAVORABLE, TERHS, All Losses promptly adjusted. JOHN WILjbERATiaNSON, ' ' Insurance RoomsPrmoessStf,' sept27-tf -ft. .-,..;-i;jt tsfej-. ..-itrv lnsiire the Lives of Your 1 1 Man Y PERSONS ABE DESIROUS OF AS- ' swing to their' ''llV- "' CHILDREN,' A CAFTTAt 'OB DOWRY , With which to eater upon Life at ti - TWENTT.OXE TTE istSAOE, " provided they ran secure in adequaW return ' in case of the prematare- deoeaoe 6 ty 4- To meet this twmnt;the "PtEBMOnt'Sc ABLIN6TOH LIFE iWaURANCE COM PASTY, will lMue BJfMWMBVT FOLI CIES upon CMldren which jalwayshaveaf definite 8URBENDEB ?.YALUE.? ahould payments cease jwMchlicaseci jShS Blia't ; of thechttff Insured,' the "Bumpaid'to the p rent will averagejaaore than twiee the whole premlmns paid in. tr For Terms, apply at 4 , .ATKINSON'S Insuranoe Rooms, . ' ? : .. t f Princess street, between nov' 7tf i ' Front and Water itrectaV capt. e. w. namniiG ' Having become with the under. cBHne4&4ne ijts s. ' .... .. Wetakethlskiettoaoflnrortolng ' and the genralirabUQ of (he rrantflment arateful foTthecrhfldence and jatronsge . of the past, we hope, with out united efforts In the' future! to merit tl2'largerare of " pnUkuCaQl!.',ffrL.t 4-a4 ' ; 1 f UBawnr di Cnuprises none but i FIRST ClJ LtAtflNO t:0FANIX Who FAST BlJCCIta, end FBXSENT. STAHtUN Cf are a suffloleiit'raaratee for ' 4SOUNIXNXS9 aad FAIB OBALU . . i : 832,000.000 it ! s - 11 I'- TfV4- j ATE IIOPOATE, . . i 1 V'- a p X. F..GJiQBGk.- novtvtw '1 1 , - m