Tuesday, December T. 1869. . Editor an PMtMt. . ' fv-yiTliAHOBXIKCI 8TAB J de 009 ' lirere 'to JCllj MM; mt FIFTEEN CENTS per weelu ' WH bers North or tae -eeatro .at" Kavkct KtrfirltrflMiUWVrnr.'virif. JCARLOWr aad' jsilfeovtK of that lino toy Hr.JUUN JB. BVBCU. . Omly tbewo AOM boHa4, im tkelr reRpf-eiiTe- Division, to collet city subscription. 0"y "" - "j Puss Oflteo Money r" obtained in aU the oities. and in many of the large town W ooasider' taem; perfectly safe, and the'best.means of. remitting fifty dollars or less. - ' '. . Registered Letter, under the new system, which went Into efCeot Jane 1st, are a very safe-means of sending small sums of mo ney Where T, O: Money Oraers cannot be easi ly obtained. Obsrrvt, the Rristryfee, as well as postage, mutt be paid In stamps at the office where the letter iainAUedrOr It will, bo liable to be sent to the. Uaaa lttac Office. Buy and affix the stamp both for pottage and registry, put in themonep and teat Hie letter in tt presence of the roU-inasCerema$aJte his receipt for U. : Letters sent in this w&v to us are at our risk. ' 'iu:.'' Obituary notices, tributes of respect, Ac, are charged half advertising rates when paid for in advance of publication. In all other cases full advertising rates will be charged. I? roVcfoisk&ITKVfi "I.OIt.TY.'V.' A" great deal of silly sensitiveness is displayed by a portion of the Northern press, at: the refusal of a Southern community to regard other wise than fSvith? dignified in difference,' the presence of a mili tary assemblage" embracing many officer .distinguished during the late war by service in the armies of the Union. That Louisville did not indulge in "loil" rhapsodies over the arrival of Sheridan, Thomas and other prbminent Federal officers in attendance upon the recent convsn tion there of the Army of the Ten nessee, is r additional' proof, where none was needed, of the good sense of it3 citizens. Nay more Louis ville, by her silence, paid a becom ing tribute to the martyred dead o the South, embracing many of her own children, a tribute which hon orable sbcfiers ought to appreciate and commend. , , The Northern Press would have Louisville and other Southern cities greet with innumerable brass bands, huzzas and rhapsodical demonstra tions, the men whose very presence commemorates the defeats of the sons of Kentucky and her sister Southern States. Is the healing of sectional "alienation to be accom plished by ffaEStirfg "in the face of a Southern community (he trophies won by Bonlhern defeat and abase ment! . "Aire 3nthu8ia&Uo demonstra tions in honor of Sheridan, Sherman, Thomas and their associates to be reasonably expected from a people who yet' cherish the sacred memo ries of Jackson, Stuart, Morgan and their countless host of dead heroes? Southern cities are not the ap- cers, and t say the least, the selec tion of Southern cities for such dis-pUysiplwerriaeo-Cfe of good taste in those who'afe responsible. The by any Sdnthefri yirtHvh'ich pre ' serves,' itef6eIf-respeci ' The. South respect fehcHTh'er late adversa ries as have displayed both in war T and peace.true. ipjlderly l,character 'siik8n&fohe& will Expect nothitig indre'oF Iass'The dis play witnessed in Louisville of dis tinguished, federal 'officers, parad ing thefVBtreets f In double columns, brilliant in uniform and.decorations would very properly "stimulate the enthusiastn oia'Korer'n city td tho very highest pitch. But would the presence off. Lee and a hundred of ; his i $Utit lieuten an ts be expected to arouse a similar feelingl 'There' is no difficulty in conceiving the sb'enerot rdwdvi am' arid violence that would attend the presence of a procession of Confederate braves in the streets of aNorthern city. -h. SeaVwnlfe ihere VV valuabie lesson deducible from these consid- eratfoj fj J&story wU doVthese Fe'd ef aT on! cers' full justice and be fore that august tribunal they will be measnred, in- connection with their, late adversaries with an un erring accuracy not to be disturbed by any amount "dffdektrously man aged elaprftp, such "as attends the process of nroniaking at tne Nortfi. They . Jiad a.well leave their reputa tions to the arbitrament of History, Sooner or later she will , claim them. Her tnklibrlhU&uSdiijrM oWpToestyTanfand rosity and dececTfieatrT with these liaeoW5gffiJ neanawtrme -ni;Oaround their camrfire; ThpuBands btl aii propria te theatres forthese glorifi-catioW-oVeFIsnccessful Federal offi honor '-waa entirely' unsolicited by Ixonisvine Tncf desired wjll .nxt .tolerate .the -.biassed, and f$mi mmtf, wnsational hero- ing non-combatant auditors will be ever ready, to listen, t$ the details of the conquest or the bonth"OW her fields were ravaged, her man sions burned, ilicr old men thrown into dungeons, her proud ladies in s5iltetJ,.fRird the thousand -other achievements of vengeance wrought by tho Korlhern armies The South would forget these things. Are Northern' fioldiers interested in perpetuating these bitter memories? Louisville, upon tho occasion in question, displayed great good taste, but not a bit of that self-abasing "loilty" which a portion of the Rad ical press would exact of Sruthern communities. ITSIDESEBTE ISBWT It is the fate "of the in6st illustri ous of mortals, at one time or an other, to endure unmerited mortifi cation The prophetic inquiry ot Shakspeare" To what base uses must we come atlastf inevitably reaches all of us at some period of our lives. Ben Butler has lived to be ac cused and convicted of stealing two swords, articles for which, under no conceivable eircufffstances, can that doughty warrior be supposed to have anv use. ; That inconsiderate act of petty theft might properly be condoned, when we call to mind the magnificent stealings upon the grandest scale of which Butler has been the hero. He has fairly earn ed palliation for this unworthy condescension to the theft of arti cles of so little value to himself. The wildest kleptomaniacs usually cousult either utility or tasto in the indulgence of their thieving pro pensity, and tlius we may conceive the violence and malignity of the attack - which prompted Butler to the larceny of Gen. Twiggs' swords. No wonder that Butler complains of the peculiar nnkindness ot the re minders in the newspapers of this unfortunate indiscretion, and that he even seeks to disprove the accu sation. The Brooklyn Eagle calls attention to his indignant denial of the sword larceny in the following sympathetic remark: It is a noticeable fact that while Ben Butler has never noticed any of the myriad charges against him of appropriating other people's silverware, the moment he is accused of taking a couple of swords he floods the papers with denials by per son and proxy. The magnificent pick pocket George Barrington, who prided himself on his skill in extracting watches and jewelry from tne person of the pro prietor, burst into tears on hearing himself accused of filching a pocket handkerchief, exclaiming with the touching pathos ot a noble nature cruelly wronged, My God, that I should live to be accused ot stealing pocket haukerchleis. Again we call attention to the fact that the worldrstill moves. The Democratic niembers of the Ala bama House of Representatives re cently voted for a colored man as Engrossing Clerk, and by their votes secured his election over a white man. Are there any "las ditch" people among the Democrats of the Alabama Legislature? ANTERUHG PERIODICAL. The fact that a magazine however meritorious, is published in a Southern city, is with the vast ma jority of Son thern readers an insuf ficient reason for, giving it a hearty support. At least the experience of Southern publishers has always justified this conclusion. Neverthe less when it is demonstrable that a Southern publication is quite the equal of any, pf its. Northern .rivals inygeneral literary' merit and attrac tiveness, and vastly', the superior of any of them in literary and moral lone, its peculiar claims should be respected by. the : Southern public. The New Eclectic published by TnrnbuH & Murdocn, 64t Lexington street, Baltimore,' is just such a Southern magazine. Its pages are enriched by contributions from eminent Southern writers, and by selections 'from the best 'publica tions in this country and in Eng- land. We take pleasure in urging its claims upon the people of Koath Carolina." ; '; The-' ;New'; Tprk -f; Tribune clamors7 for the! blood of. the poor half-crazed husband, who killed the seducer of his wife a few days since in New Tork.f ; ;Tlie same paper tipon all i occasions, in and out of season, lands Sickles who assassina ted the seducer of his wife; and .af terwards lived again with, the wo man Vho had dishonored him. Yet In-'thy Vstimatidrii 'the Tribune McFafland ' the murderer pf Rich ardsonyig viit for, the gallows-only, whijevct)es tne assaasm lley is lit to be Minister tof Spain;-; ''- ' JOURNALISTIC. We note by Virginia exchanges I tho transfer Jf Mr; William S.'ttiM man, from the staff of theHichmond Whiff to that of the Enquirer and Examiner. In this case the Whiff b loss is the Enquirer's gain, and as we heartily, love, .both. these. old pa pers, wei extend to. the Whig onr condolence upon the loss pf one of its most efficient a.ttAthfifl' and con gratlllate tne JlnqUirer upon tne onmiiRitim. nfft livft ionrnalist. who is a master of his bnsines fl.:. .1 : l Anan I . la h iiiitsicr ui ui uu8ines, ocuouo he has been trained to it. Mr. Gilman is efficient in almost any department of newspaper labor. As a correspondent he has few ... . I equals, as H specia writer lie nltinttn aIahaH O rwl lift 1C Q T1 "fn I aiwnjo w ua 4i w . huu lapuio iuu. x.. WOrd llC is of that class of men who : 1 . Cl10r ary rcuiurcu iu cic.inc ioiirnalism to its true dignity and lOBiart isujjuii iiMignnui ui.Uu, !. 1 -i '. ' ' -i We mean trained newspaper proies- sionais We congratulate Mr. Gilman up- , . i a. j i on ni3 aavancenieni auu we miuw, tliat if with his aid, the ol&Enquirer . , . . UOes UOL DOUna iorwaru wmi ie- newed vigor, the fault will not be his. Some weeks since we com mented UPOn certain views attrib- j . -r r . 1 uieu to a i uicosvi bmm anucu v the integrity of Christianity, and in omrosii tnvtnu nsinilincr tljfi .iPCtira- express teiiiib to&d.iiui ihcs uin cy Of the Bible. He has lately made a puuiiuueuiaiui mo inDi.icU to mm . bv the newspapers, it is . . . T . a J , proper that he should have the ben efit of this denial. He announces that he did not sav : so one who ueuevea me Book ot Genesis need attend his lec tures ;" he only said that the " the ological, interpretation of the work of Genesis giving six thousand years as the age of the world was a hin drance to the understanding of geo logical evidence, and no one who started with this idea, and allowed lns researches to be influenced by it, I 1 . Ve do not6ee that this alters the case as to its substantial merits. It is perhaps a modification ot the . . '. . ., views as originally given in the newspapers, bllt it is hot even a de- i , www u.G...au.vu ..wc brought against Professor Agassiz, viz: that he impugned the accuracy of the Book of Genesis. Notice. Ll DEBTS OtTET tTSt BT XOTE Olf AC . oonnt. remainiiur unpaid ou the first of Jau nary, 1870, will be put In suit. Further U- dvlaenze will not be arttnled. KIDDER & If ABTIN. In liquidation. dec 3-3w SHOEING t BY JACOB BAKER, Corner of Mulberry and Nutt Streets, Wilmington, iV. C. XTT'OKK guaranteed to satisfy, and to be in TV 1 ferior to none. December 2, lsvi9. dee 8-lm ' ESTABUSHED 18SO, Lawrence B. Dietz & GoM - - - . j . . ' . ' " : IMFORTXBS AND DEALERS IN NOTIONS FINCT GOODS, H0SMT"6Ii0VIS k. 308 W. Baltimore Street, BKT'WXnr HOWARD AHO LIBERTY, Baltimore. - 7-3m-eod-ThSa&Tu sept 30 Special Notice. iflLOtKB AND MUSIC 'BOX E S RE r AIRED, VJ Cleaned and warranted ; Umbrellas, Par asols and Fans, and all kinds of Jewelry neat ly and substantially repaired. Kevs fitted to Locks, Selssors and Knives sharpened, 8a wa opened and sharpened, and almost anyt hing repaired by J. E. LUMsDEN, In the rear of Mrs.E. A.Lumsden's Millinery, " deel-lw-- '' -No. 40, Front Street. AC NEW ; GOODS ! EW GOODS! RECEl VKt D At 1. Y '-' : ' ' ' ' -AT ; . : ; rExtmxxciE 'corner The largest, eneapest and best assorted stock flKnery in -tHe State ! ALSO . WHITE GOODS, HANOKER CHIEFS, HO- SIERY, GLOVES, HOOP BKIR1G, (HAHD.MADE,) DRESS B UTTONS, TRIM MINGS. And every thing usually kept in a first class MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE. - Sole Agent ioi the celebrated til ' HAND-MADE IIOOP SKIRT, Made expressly for my trade PRICE 50 Centa to $1 SO.. Call and examine for your self. One Price,' Terms Cash. ' 4 " " ' A. D. BROWN, 'ii Exchange Corner. OetlA 4.it Siftw1' BtTJtTElt 8. C, PUB lished Weekly, Darr ft Oaten. Proprietors sept-T- Wilmington; N. C. SPECIAL NOTICES. Wet" f for Iemer, atddreaaost to the i eeble and Debilitated. .- This is a trying season for invalids, Indeed for aU who are not blessed with robust consti tutions and iron frame?. V,': Cold has come upon ns suddenly, sealing up the open pores,- and sealing in, as it were, any seeds of disease that may have beou linking In the system, but which remained undevel oped so long as the waste matter of the body and all acid and unwholesome humo-s were freely discharged by evaporation from the surface and through the bowels. now needed to invigorate the vital powers de- pressed by a low. temperature; to stimulate andnnrtrvthesefii-etionsLnnrt tn' iifth.i . . I to enaure, wuuoui inconvenience, pain or danger, the sudden climatic change which I -i. . i . .in i in the lead ing tonte' and alterative of the age, J nrviTiTTTRpi9i crnir Am wtivr-K-.u a I . i This popular specific improves th illirlorriTHi t.xa 1in HIcrOBflvA niMna vaffiilafae I r.rr:Vr. f nerves, relieves constipation, promotes su. perflcial circulation and evaporation, and be """""Vw iuoie8ome vegewuie elemcnta, vrith a pure stimulant as theirdif. fusive vehicle, may be taken by the weakest thoughthe BITTEBS are a potent medicine, I.. . . . . tney coniam no nnuscnung cicmeni, novSO-S&Flw ALtEX'S IAJXG 15 A USA W, m x he remedy for curing consump- TION, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Diseases of the Throat, Bronchitis. Pains ana Opjiress- ions of the Chest, Lunirs. Difficult Breathing, and all the Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. Its action is expectorant, alternate, sudor ific, sedative, diaphoretic, and diuretic, which renders it one of the most valuable remedies known for curing diseaes of the lungs. It ex cites expectoration, and causes the lungs to throw off the phlegm or mueus; changes the Secretions and Purifies the Wood. I heals the irritated parts; elves strength to I thedigestlve organs; brings the liver to its M-hole sy8tem. Such ,s the immediate and satisfactory effect, that it is warranted to break up the most distressing eongh -i a few hours' time, if not of t wo long standing. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction, even in the MOST CONFIRMED CASES OF CON SUMPTION. It is warranted not to produce v urn in any form, it ia warranted to be PERFECTLY HARMLESS to the most delicate hiUl though it is an act ive and powerful reimtly for restoring the system. There is no realiy no necessity for so many deaths by consumpt ion, vrlien ALLEN'S ITX HALS m wilt prevent it, if only tukcu in tiu:. We copy the following interi-stlng letter kfromDr. Harris to tho Middleburr. Vt.. liee- ister : Mb. Editor : It is only necessary to sub- a short space In yonr valuable paper, to in form tho publics what Allen's Lung Balsam is sure to lo. Two years ago I was attacked with a severe old; it settled in my throat which so affected the organs of speech that I could not k aloU(1 for nearl ,x week8 , gotthrou h the winter coughing nights most incessantly, with colS night sweats, withln- creased irritation which entended into th Bronchial tubes and which kept me coughing ail summer, i was at snore nam on a proiess ional visit the past October, when the 'good Samaritan" came along introducing Allen's Lung Balsam linto JTew England. I procured a bottle and took it according to directions and found Immediate relief. " I have now tak en two bottles which nave entirely cured me. For the last two years or during the time of my affliction I was In a state of constipation which the Balsam has most effectually regu lated. So famUy should be without this val uable medicine. I see by the Western papers that the physicians of Cincinnati where the medicine is manufactured a re introducing it into their practice, and I have no doubt it will soon become a classics! remedial agent for the cure of all diseases of the throat, Bron chial tubes and the lungs. Nathaniel Harris, M. D.. Dentist. PERRY DAVIS SOW, Providence, It. I., General A stents. For sale by J. W. Lippitt Co., Wil mington, X. C. For sate by all Druggists. nvlS-lm PAIN KILLER ! rjr-s2 We ask the attention of the public lit fc to this long-tested and unrivaled FASIIXY MEDICINE. It has been favorably known for more than twenty years, during which time we have re ceived thousands of testimonials, showing this medicine to be ahalmost never-failing remedy for diseases caused by or attendant nnon . -.r-. ....... i ... ... . : . - .... Sudden Colds, Coughs. Fever aed Ague, Head ache, Bilious Fever, Pains in the Side, Back and Lolas, as well as in, the . , Joints and; Limbs, Neu. ralgia and Rheu matic Pain In any part of the system, Toothache and Pains in the Head and Face. AS A BLOOD PURIFIER AND TONIC FOR THE STOMACH. It seldom falls to cure Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Hearts horn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Headache, Piles, Asthma 6r 'Phthisic, Ringworms, Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old Sores, Swelled Joints, and Oenei-al Debility of the By stem. It is also a prompt and sore remedy for Cramps' and Pain in the -Stomaeh, Painters' Colicy Diarrhea, " Dysentery, Summer. Com plaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, 8calds, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Frost ' Bites, Chilblains, as well as the Stings of Insects, Scorpions, Centipedes, and the Bites of Pois onous Insects and Venomous Beptlles. See directions accompanying each bottle. 49- The Pain Killer is aold by aU dealers in Family Medicines. 49- Prices 25 Cents, 60 Cents and $1.00 ptr Bottle. Sold by J. W. LIPPITT & CO. nov - HHDS. Smoked Western Shoulders, 15 hhdsT Smoked Westers C. R. Sides. 40 boefl flry salted cleftr'TSiaes, 100 bbls. heavy City "Mess Pork.' u ' For sale by ADBlAs ft VOLLERS. MISCELLANEOUS Br. Eichau's y .'Golden Remedies. - a sir von vmnzin. A A.M mmm A. other, and yon wUl gave time, healta and ml OCw'BBW ABD for any case of disease in '..'otao hk'h thev fail toeare - . .. TP , , nivmrm Ratsaw t TTt cers, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Mouth, Hore Eves, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotcnes, twreness m tne scaip, bcroi ula. Ac; is the greatest Benovator, Altera tivnand Blood Purifier known, removes all disease fro.n the system, and leaves the Wood pure and healthy. Dr. BlCHAO'S Gou Til- K.TCHAU'8 UOLDII UALSAX 0. S CUTeS n..f.i AflVntions. Kheumatism in all its forms, wnetner irom uireui vi muci u-humj; I have thousand of certill- eates Droving the miraculous cures effected hv thtne Remedies, vnce ot enner o. i or vo 5.00 per bottle, or two bottl.-s for 9 00. Dr. Richau's Golds AwTrDOTB, a sale, spee iiv niAOBiirit ua nuiitiuuuio ivi i uuuwy tions. Price $S.0O per bottle. oia or vuuiik , huiwiiib v . . . . " d erf nl etfect-'Price $5.00 per bottloortwobot- tlesXor 4W.00. . .... I t ail RnrrnsnondentA. None Kenine wit hout ihenameof Dr. RICH A U'S GOLDEN BEM. blown- in glas9 or DOtties; Adorees, . uic. u. a. ana.ua. No. 228 Yaric St.. New York. Circulars sent. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P.M. July 3-ly Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all the Fnrposes of a Laxative Me dicine. Perhaps no'one med icine ta so universally required by everybody as a cathartic, nor whs ever any before so uni versally aaoptea ln.o nse, in every country and among all classes. as this mild but effi cient purgative Pill. The odvious reason is. that it is a more relia ble and far more effec tual remedy i han anv other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures ineir nt'ignDors ana rnenns, ana an know that what ft do-s once it does always that it never fail through any fault or ne- srlect of its composition, we nave thousands upon inonsanas or cen monies or tneir remar- kable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood ffiS51AS containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by any DOay. ineir sugar cwong prcacrvea mem ever freh and makes them pleasant to take. while being purely vegetaDie no narin can arise from their use in anv Quantity. Thev operate uy their powerful Influence on the internal v so a to purity the blood and stimulate it into healthy act! n remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver. and other organs of the booy, restoring their irregular action x neaitn, ana oy correcting, i-y exist, sucu ut earthe first origin of dlseane. Minute directions are given in the wranner on tne oox, ior tne louowing complaints: wnicn tnee nils rapiaiv cure : tor i)Tipent.i or inaieeMtlon. List leasneii. Languor and Loan of Appe. tile, tney enouiu ie taken mouerateiv to stimulate the stomach and restore its health v tone and action. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, Blllona II eaUache, Kick U end- ftrne, jannoieeor ureen mcKitess, Hii- ions 'oIle and Biliona Fever, they should ejutlicl usiy taKen tor acn case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruc tions which cause it. For DYSEyTERYov DIARRHCEA. bnt one muu aose is generally requir i. For RHEUMATISM. GOUT. OR A VEL. PALPITATION of the HEART. PAIN in the SIDE, EACK&nd LOINS, they should be con tinuously taKen, as required, to cnange tne diseased action oi tne system, witn suca change those complaints disappear. Tor UXOrX and VKOI'SIVAL, SWELLr INGStUey should be taken in large and fre quent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. tak-n as it produces the Hesircd effect bji sympatny. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates tne siomacn and bowels into healthy action, restores the ippctite. and invigorates tne system. Hence It is advantageous wh re no serious derang inent exist One who feels tolerably well. often finds that a dose of these Fills makes him leel decidedly better, from their cleans ing and renovating effect on the digestive ap paratus. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chemists. Lowell, Mans.. V. S. A. cxjiu oy r. ry iiiih, j. w xippitt A uo., xi. Aio- Lin and J. A. Mebane, Wilmington, and all aa UNUIbo HUU JVCLXOITB CI ) IIIAJ aug23-3&Ftdecl9 CHARLES T. WILLIS, NEW BUILDING IN TOOMER'S ALLEY, immediately in rear of Puree U House and Masonic Hall, W ilmington, N. C On and after this date, 1 will furnish COF FINS at the following L.OW prices. No. 1, Black Walnut, with Merino or White Alpaoca, handles and name plate, complete, ready fbr-use; 136.00. . . . No. 2. Black Walnut, bleached lining, with trimmings as above. $25.00. No. 1, Poplar, imitation of Walnut, trim ming as No. 1 Walnut, 25.00. No; 2, Poplar, trimming as No. S Walnut, $17.00. No. 1. Pine, imitation of any wood that may be desired, trimmings as No. 1 Walnut, J45.00. No. 8, Pine, trimmings as No. 2 Poplar, 12. No. 8, Pine, plain trimmings, $10. No. 4 Pine, stained and varnished, $5. The above coffins consist of sizes fi om 5 feet upwards ; aU below S feet are considered chil dren's coffins, and will be charged ; two thirds of the above prices. METALIC CASES Tho following Is the scale of prices t 5 feet, $40; S feet 4 inches, $45; 5 feet 8 inches $50; n fet, $60; 6 feet 4 inches, $65: 6 feet 6 in ches, $70; 6 feet 8 Inches, $75. Cabinet and Carpenter W ork solicited, and done at short notice and satisfaction war ranted. Residence, Northeast cor. Front ft Dock Streets.-a octl4-tf X , (J. Illap 3Iltt GaZetteer. I . .. . " mHE SUBSCRIBER HAVINO CHASED X the entire Conv Rinht. Plat, . Ac., of the above Works, and desirous tn -rnrHtj sale through the entire State, at an early dav uuers iu nve, active, Dusiness young men a uung men a offer three- l"w vuaiiwo uj mug money, i oner three fourths of the map. in shares of five or ten Counties each. This n mnn wfil h oivnnt five feet by four; lllustratod Border, Hand somely Engraved Counties, Railroads, Post offices, Mines, Mountains, Ac, &o. A Map worthy to be hung up in every house, office,' and school in the State. Specimen copies ready about the 1st Sep tember, 1869. Terms accommodating, address with two stamps. . Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE, aug 13-tfJ Wilmington, N. C. Sale of Lands lor Delinquent Taxes. BRUNSWICK COUNTY BY VIRTUE OF 'a JUDGMENT OF CON demnation issuing out of the Superior Court, of the County of Brunswick, I will ex pose to public sale, for taxes, at the Court House, in Smith ville, on Saturday, the first day of January, 1870, the property of the fol lowing parties : . , THOMAS COWAN, Old town Plantation, Town Creek Township; nnountof Tax $178 74. D. B. BAKER, dec'd.'Cedar Hill Plantation, North West Township amount of Tax $64 SO. , SAMUEL P. SWAIN, , t SheriJ of Brunswick County. November 80th, ISM. dee l-30d' ' -J- L.-rtir,,. LEATHER, LEATHERy AND SHOE FIND lNOStror sale low to the trade, whole sale or retail. The finest assortment of French and American Call Skins to be had In this market, and everything inr the, hoe-flndinir line, comprioing in part ten desen Freneh. and American Calf bklns; two dozen French TTn. per Leather? two floien KW Skins fifty Sides Sole Leather; two doen waxe Waxed Kins, .,;., .. uiKuwii,vau prices paia jor Wool Ae. J FALcoNEk on. 1 es, Furs, er Dealers, Noa. 12 and 1 Docktreet, Wil mington, N. C, nov24tf . HISQELLANEOUa . - BANKISTEE.COWAN& CO., EEAL-ESTiTE & FffllHCIiL AGENTS. BUY AND SELL SOUTHERN LANDS, Negotiate Loaaa Sontbern Securi ties and Eneoarage Emigration ge Emigration . to the 8 omcnii L. Bahkistkk, Wilmington. N. C. I), s. Cowak. . K Yront street. WUmmgtoN. C.' J. C Kmtoh, New York, 47 Broad Street, sept 24 159-tf JOHN F. C. RIDER. Manufacturer of and Dealer in STATIONARY, PORTABLE AND HOISTING STEAM ENGINES, TuMlar, Hue, Cylinder & Cast Iron Boilers. PLAIN AND GALVANIZED w-jjnght and Cast Irou I'loe .. . , v Brv a Fittings, Low Water Alarms, Oil Valves and . Cups, Steam and Water Gnages, Steam Pumps, Eureka Hand and Power Pumps, MAC II INERT AND TOOLS, Sow and Shingle Mills, Wood -Working Machinery, and Mill Work of all Kinds, Cotton Gins, Orist MM, New and Second Hand Macfdnery of all Kinds, &, &c WMY PRICES DEFT COMPETITION Office and Warehouse, 47 Dey-street, New York. auitMfm Bennettsville Journal, Pnblifthed Evevry Friday, in BENNETTSVILLE, S. C. WM. LITTLE Editor A Prop'r. mHK LARGE AND INCREASING CIRCU- X lation of the Jours al in South Carolina, and that portion of No-th Carolina contigu ous to t'e M'iin C. and R li. Railroad, makes it to tne interest or tne Mercnuiu ana oiner business men of Wilminaton to advertise m its columns. As an advertising medium, it is unsurpassed by any weekly paper in either of tne two Carolina. Terms- r2 00 per annum. Rates of Advertising, liberal. Address, JOURNAL, aug25-i f Bennettsville. S. C- ADVERTISE! IK THE IX THE IX THE Sunday Messenger, Issued every Saturday from the Daily Messenger Office, GOLD8BORO', N. C, (Tho great Centre or the W 4 W K K, and C B Rd.) milE SUNDAY MESSENGER IS A X live 24 column paper, up with the times, and in favor of progress. Is read in almost every hamle , village and town in Eastern North Carolina and on tne line or tne w w R U. Price 82.00 per annum. The best advertising medium. Send tor list of prices and advertise. Terms reasonable. Address, SUNDAY MESSENUH.B, Jau2-tf Goldsboro, N.C. . Law Notice. fTlUE UNDERSIGNED UAS TAKEX the Jl office opposite the Co"rt Ilouse, in tho rear of Squire McQuigg's office .Business promptly attenoea to, sept 10-ly J. NUTT. To Country Publishers. r AM PREPARED) TO SUPPLY PUB- I lishers in either of the Carolinas with a ood article of FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAP JAPERS, of the usual weights. Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled. No attention paid to orders unac companied with the money or a request to sena u. u. it. WM. H. BERNARD. novH-SSnactf I a j j , . . -mm- . A. gOOQ Advertising' Medllim in Western North Carolina The Western Democrat, PUBLISHED AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. (One of the Oldeat Newspaper in the State.) HAS A LABE AND GENERAL CIK culation In Western and Southwestern North Carolina and adjoining Districts ot South Carolina. - . : Advertisements are solicited. Terms, for ten lines of this size type, $1 for one inser tion, $5 for one- month. $10 for three months, $15 for six months, $25 for one year. Reasona- uie terms win oe mane ior greater space. Send direct to the Kditor and Proprietor t Charlotte, N. C, (and not through Advertising Agencies.) A copy of the paper containing advertisement will be sent to each advertiers. - W. J. YAXKS, JBd. and Prop., , . - - Charlotte, N. C, New Shaving Saloon. -fILES ' HOWARD -EPECTFirLlVT IN- JJA forms his old. friend, and. tho publlo . generally that he has opened a Flrst-Class, oiihviu Bnunauvuami; eaioon, in uaweoa towels and sharp raaore can afford, ootlfttf NaTassa AmoiiiateJ SolnUe Plrasjliate. Manufactured and Warranted oy the ' NAV ASSA GUANO COMPANY OF WILMIXGTOX, IV. C. . PRICE $85 PER TON OF 2000 LB8 DELIVER-' ED AT WILMINGTON. ' JAMES BUTTER WORTH, Chemist and Su perintendent. . . , :. ., mHE NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY OF i JL wiLBiiNUTOj N. C, are prepared to accept orders for their Strrxaioa Axxoitiatkd SoitTBUB PHoerwATK, which they guarantee to be ot pure and uniform good qnaHty, and in every respect equal to any Fertilizer n the market. This Phosphate is carefully made (according to the formula of the "Patapsoo Guano Company") from the highest grade ot the celebrated NAVASSA GUANO, imported direct from Navassa Island: W. I to the Company's Factory, on Cape Fear River, near Wilmington. R. R. BRIDGE RS, President DONALD McRAE, Sec'y and Treas'r. ' Office, . novl6-ly -street, Wilmington, N.C. 100 Bbls. vHullets, XOO D0ZK MUET BOB," Vri; . -JQQ BBLS. IRISH POTATOES, ' Just recelvean for sale by ; THOS. C. LEWIS. oct 13-tf 8 Market street. Pure Whiskies. (UMB EBL AND COUNTY (N. 0 ) RYE. AND KJ CORN WHISKIES." made by Jarratt & Sand ford, guaranteed free from adulteration, and kept by all the principal dealers In this State. i , -. . Whiskey known as " Puryear's Best," m PURITY, FLAVOR , - ..i AND ITA&TJS. xctauus ucsuuuo vi wuui as A gen IS IOr the sale Of our Whiskies wQl -eomtntinioate wibu luo frvprtewn 'Byeiceviiie. nor 14-lm MANU7ACTUBEB 4HD t, DEALER Hardware. Guns. Sto Oll, Tto.9deej irp, n ; BOOFINQ XJOirE.litBOOET NOTICaT. t , AkU for rATOBArtieAXE, ' - A. ADRIAH. ADRIAT4 c VOLLER8 Cor. Front and Dock &fii., ;' WILMING TON : N. -yp-HOIESAIK KOGEBS, VI All Its branches. COUNTBY MERCHANTS win do well i, calling on na and eraminin g oar Stock. novlg-4S-tf EDWARD Jii ASTON, I XiEAI. EStAYB AO i ri ' a urrwxt r v ;a5.m..:., ... gether the Buyers and 8eUers of Real Egti . in North Carolina, ancLlo iacllltate advantt. v ' "MV wjuuiiicuujr in orincinir ti geous transactiona between then i also t encouragement of" Northern and EuroiRr Emirrants to come and settle in the No nth are the objects of this Agency. , MOFFOX A CO., , GENERAL COMMISSION Mmham, VOBTU WaSM STREET. WUmlngtom, N. C. Will give prompt personal 'attention to the salo or shipment of Cotton. Naval Stores uenerai jrroauoe, ete., ete.wv Aieoto reoelvinit and forwarding goods, t i. Orders solicited aad promptly fllled septaa-i-tf . , GEO. Z- FRIlCU , C0MMlSSl0liSUl'NT'PVa REAL ESTATE XGETrT, WILMINOTON, N. tJ ISSUES MONTH LT, FOR FREE Dis tribution, a Catalogue of lands for sale in M orth and South Carolina. Send in a descrip tion and price of lands. No chargo unless sale is effected. marSJW-tf . PKOFESSIONAL. Pr.,S. S. EVEBITT gEBSOR TO I. B.' r.'ABRIltu. Office Same as formnrlv rwniina1 ho rv t rington. ' ' T apfM82-tf -1. -S. iA. A M R 75! : a ttornl y ta-w OVSaP'-'tH -BsnnKBii jontandeeoonAStroet- ,StH t i. A1T3CEIJLANEOTTS. 'Viil cure the ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, BLOOD SPITTINO, DIFFICULTY' OP RREATH1N(. PA1.V snii WEAKNESS IS THE CIIKST.TKOUBLESOlfE COCGHINO AT X1CI1T &9 It will flbctuUy re move the Coagh Uiat f rcq'uenlly follows Meulei, and any affection ef twiwphiery ergMW,-fwwitter of liow lonfr standing, or whatever the age of the person. It acta as specific is purely vereUbl. and if pleuant to the taste. It effect in rooUiing,. allayiiiK the vio lence of the cou?h, facilitntin ? expectoration, ejaietinK the nerves and cxhiliratiog the ij-gtem. Mothers, Save Your'Cfi!rdrenl No child need die of CROFT, if this 8ttot 1r nwii in time: Otis is a fact demonstrated hy tzptritnee. Ko family thonld be without thii Svrup, as that fatal disease, CROUP, comes like a thief in the niRht, to steal away your little ones, when regular medical aid cannot be obtained. Prepared only by DAVID E.' F0UTZ, . Baltimore, Jtd. mr23S&Fly-clxn. Marine Insurance effect ed to all ports in the United States ana Weft Miaiesby , Barry : Brothers, ti nmigton, n: c ' The Liverpool & Lon don &Glohe JiisCo. Affets Gold, $17690,31)0 " in the r 'r 1 ' : v i Y-.S United States 2 ,666,000 :k Directors erimuyyrespoii sible for , all mgagemcntiloj, the, YotherSy , . Gen l i Wilmington Of 1 frf DOZEN Dttf ' Alto SALTED IXjKJKJ MUU.ICT bob, .- ; 200 Bblsv Mnlletif j ' . f j; t u , 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, For sale by, j THOS. C. LEWIS, - 8 Market street. - ii .... M.i.;, t nov 11-tf ThePlaindealer; IS A GOOD ADTEBTISIU HEDIITM. ; '- ..I.- 1'- v-.-' Tcrmg IlaMmalkle f MERCHANTS and others, wishing" to use Its colnmns, will hand tbelr Cards to r ,,. WM. 11. BE&NARD. Or send direct to mhlft-tf ' ' C. Si MoDANlEL, 1 ' Editor. TT. PRmTmonnt a AENcr fob Tiii: sAlk or W e. i-3'V. :. 2? .! a 'ft-.,. ROBINSON'S Justly celebrated J " Blabk and Colored ' "Atthe Dfflotfor th ;lI0RirniG'; GTAB.-- No orders tiled, unless, aoeompanied with the money, or a request to. aond-CW Book aadj VtV lnk fnTtantiy bawW m i. fbr sale at MVfJXAArrtmMW:!IUCSS . a lAaarsjai; ma vtiriiJifoaiitLitisln.iw' TnayH-610-nacf-' -wilmlnton W. C

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