.IT- I MORNING-STAR. P1TBLISIIED AT WILMINGTON, N. C., By war:" . SUBSCRIPTION: '. X - jjaiBy Hail, 7 00 per year or S SO fornix US months. - r Delivered to' subscribers In any part of the ity at IS cents per week.- -.- ; .... t,?i THE VERY LATEST. 3 Y -TEIiEGRAPH. -TO THE MOKNING STAR AOOX REPORTS. 'CONGRESSIONAL Washington, Dec 11. HOUSE. A motion to table IngersoU's forty-four millions additional currency bill was defeated, and the bill was referred to tbe banking and currency, Instead of the ways and means, committee, which is regarded equiva lent to its ultimate defeat, ss tbe banking and currency committee are understood to be hos tile to its provisions. FrM Washington. Washington, D. C, Dec. 11. A letter was to-day read before the rccon utructlon committee, from cx Got. Wells, of Virginia, urging tbe immediate admission of that State Into tbe Union, and opposing the exaction of tbe test oath from the Virginia legislators. Tbe best opinion is that a bill will be re ported from the reconstruction committee on Tuesdsy for the restoration of that State, and that the senators and representatives, except Booker and McKenrlo whose seats are con tested, will be admitted to seats. The bill will require a pledge from the officials that there shall be no farther disfranchisement on account of race or color t The statements of Governors Wells and Walker have been ordered to be priuted, and a sub-committee has been appointed to pre pare a statement of alleged election frauds, but with instructions not to print It. Tbe voice of tbe committee is against seri ously entertaining the question regarding the fairness of the election. " From Parle. . Paris, Dec. 11. A movement in the corps legislatiff to im peach the minister of the Interior created a degree ol violence never before witnessed. The silting adjourned amid great excitement. From Borne. Rome, Dec. 11. The Pope delivered the allocution before the assembled bishops to-d-ty. He said: False human science and impiety were never before strong as at the present week, for they were well organized and hid themselves he hind a pretended aspiration for liberty. But there was nothing to fear, because the church was stronger than the heavens. Time wonld remedy the present evils. From Londoaw London, Dec. 11. Burlingame has information that the Chinese government has ratified the American treaty. New Terk Markets. New York, Dec. 11 Noon 4- .Financial. Stocks strong. Honey 7 $ cent prem. Ster ling Exchange long sight 108); short sight 109." Gold 123K. United States five twen ty securities of 1862, 115X- Tennessee sixes ex-coupon 60; new 43. Virginia sixes ex coupon 40; new &3. Louisiana sixes old is sue 70; new issue 60; levee sixes 59; eights 74. Alabama eights 98V; lives 61. Georgia sixes 82; sevens 94. North Carolina sixes old issue 43V; DCW I90 3 South Carolina sixes new 60. Commercial. Flour 5(310 cents lower? Wbeat dull and 1 cent lower. Corn quiet and without a decided change, fork dull new mess f33 50. Lard quiet at 19 cents. Cotton quiet but firm at 25 cents. 8pirlU Turpentine drooping at 41 344 cents. Rosin quiet at I i2 05 for strained. Freights quiet. Forelffa Market. Paris, Dec. 11 Noon. Bourse firm rentes 73f.?c. London, Dec 11 Noon. Consols for money 921 ; U. S. 5-20 bonds of 1862,85. Common rosin 6s.3d. . Liverpool, Dec 11 Noon. Cotton firm Uplands 11; Orleans 12d. Sales 15,000 bales. Red western wheat 88.3d. Ollt NIGHT KEPOITOi. ItOM , WASHINGTON. - - t- '. . :. ' ,t f it. WAsBwaTow, Dec 1L V) , MISCKIXANXOUa. . . v - s Revenue receipts to-day three hundred and sixty-two thousand 'dollars.' - ' Robert Clarke has been appointed assessor of the 2nd Georgia revenue district. ; It is stated that Judge Grier has resigned his seat on the 8upreme Court bench, to take ef fect 1st February. , The Star says the Senate Judiciary commit tee had soother session yesterday on tbe case of Georgia. A bill was agreed upon for carry ing oat the suggestion, contained In the Pres ident's message. . . Governor Bollock has been before the Re construction committee and made a statement relative to the condition of affairs in Georgia, whieb he represents to be little better than it was d Bring the war that is, so far as Union men are concerned. , Tho bill will bo reported next week. V.: . ' - ' ..- '. 7,. Tbe attorneys' of too Tehauntepeo ship ca nal company and the Mexican Pacific Rail road company have filed claims before the Mexican commission amounting to three hun dred and twenty-two millions, p- - Wardwell, superintendent of the Virginia Penitentiary, stated before tho reconstruction committee that that institution contained 493 neicroes and 44 whites, who had served in the Federal army, 25 who had been in Federal em ployment, and 15 or 20 who bad been In Con federate service, , Total number of prisoners 621..... ; r r . C&ftQSXSSIONAL, In tho House the committee of Ways and Means Were instrueted to inquire into tbe ex pediency of relieving the provision trade from taxation. - s-.-l.'S ' 4 r- " Five members of tbe Banking and -Currency coramiiif c, to wnicn xngersoits lony-lour mil lion addition addition currency bill was re ferred, voted to lay it on the table. , , t A bill was' Introduced ' for ' dispensing with spies la the revenne. service. ... w the census bill was considered - to adjourn ment. V. .U T'lV'.onf: ronr Georgia.! 4? V ra-iaJ -v AnoniTi nn' 11 It is reporwd,thatjthe JCnban expedition from here Is a hoax. There has been no disturbance between the whites and blacks in dgetleld, 8. C. The Dress of Geonria ia almoat m. nnlt In Ha nounciag the measures looking to a re-organization of tbe 8tate. The attitude of Congress urates jiBcaamess in agncuiinrai ,ao(v ooov . m,pctal ystj-? .; CI nsx - & 'U 9T. T1t.4'M''t - i t ?R Fm HcwTork. 0 v Uw York, Decile Pere Hyacinth sailed forjFratoM to-day r:tr vMa1mu. Dec lli1-' ! TV. . a. . - - v uvuarepj. From Illinois, Chicago, Dec 11. The Jury gave Mary Walton 3,800 In the li bel suit against the Chicago? Times, -A new trial was granted without argument. Marine lalltCnW' s ' . 8t. Lows," Dee. 11." , 8teamer W. R. Arthur, hence for New Or leans, sunk near Burnett's Island, wtth a valu able cargo, and is a total loss, Including 850 head of live stock,. . . .. m,., ....., ' ; ",i t - ' ,: - ' - -From Havana. , ''rr - Havana, .Dec 11. A sharp skirmish occurred yesteiday near Trinidad. Result unknown. The Cleopatra arrived to-day from vera Crua ; also a steamer with one thousand troops from Cadiz. From Paris. Paris, Dec. 11. The French government has made known to tho (Ecumenical Council that the questlou of infallibility is an Inopportune one from are-, Uirlons point of view, and politically places France otherwise than ascending the concor dat and releases her from tho obligations there accepted. FrM Loadsn, London, Dec. 11. The Times condemns the Orange Lodges as only perpetuating tho idea of two races. Foreign. Rome, Dec. 11. . The CEcnmenical Council has adjourned till after Epiphany Sunday. The Pope is said to be sure of a co-operaiion of American bishops. New York Markets. Nsw York, Dec 11. Financial. Money steady. Sterling Exchange dull nt 108108J. Gold 123(tf 23. Government securities quiet but steady. State bonds firm. Commercial. Cotton quiet but unchanged sales 1000 bales at 25 ceuts. Flour heavy at noon's decline. Wheat heavv. Corn unchanged. Wbiskv i 02(kl 03. Pork unchanged. Beef quiet Larff heavy kettle 19:i0 cents. Naval Stores Quiet. Groceries dull. Freights a Bbade tinner. Charleston Market. Charleston, Dec. 11. Cotton firm sales of 400 bales Middling 24 cents. Receipts 131U; exports coastwise bales. 807 Aujrnsta Markets. Augusta, Dec. 11. Market very active, but closed quiet and easier, sales or van Dales. Receipts sw Dales. Middling v& (S-M cents. Savannah Xlarkets. Savannah, Dec. 10. Cotton market active receipts 3718 bales: Exports 8768. Sales of 1000 bales Middling at 4 cents. New York Cotton Statement. f Per Telegraph. STATEMENT OF ALL U. S. PORTS. New York, Dec. 11. Kales Nett receipts of Cotton for the week at all U. S. ports, 98,825 Exports of Cotton for the week, from all U. S. ports to Great Britain, 42,685 Exports for the week from all U. S. ports to the Continent, 20,995 Stock on hand and on shipboard not yet cleared at all U. S. ports, 301,650 Conimissioners Sale of Valuable Real Estate. ON Tuesday, January 11 th, 1809, at 11 o'clock, A. M., I will sell at tbe Court Ifpuse door in this city, to the highest bidder, that valua- Die anu nesiraoio LOT OB PARCEL OF LAND. known in what is called the Jacob's Kntrv. as lot No. lft, beginning at the corner of Walnut and Seventh streets, from thence running Sontb slxtv-six feeUthenoe West one hundred and twenty feet, tbence North sixty six feet to Walnut street, thence with said street one hundred and twenty feet to the beginning ib oring a pun oi a ioi conveyea oy isenjamin uurunitr 10 ptancy uampDeu. Terms of Sale Cash. GEO. D. FLACK, Jr., Dee. 9, 189-tl1jan Commissioner. Notice. ITT YV E AGAIN REQUEST PARTIES OWING tne late jrinn or can nun, STOKLE i Jt CO., to call on us at an early date, ana settl , or their accounts will be placed in the bands of an omcer for collection. CANNON ft OLDHAM, Dec 10, 1S6&-1W Surviving Partners. Notice. A LL DEBTS DUE US. BY NOTE OR AC count, remaining unpaid on the first of January, mw, win oe put in suit, further in dulgence mil not be granted. A HABTIX, In liquidation. deeS-3w FIRE EXTniGUIS: ALWAYS READY FOR INSTANT USE. Endorsed by all the le ding Fire Insurance Companies, THE GOVERNMENT CHIEF ENGINEERS, AND OVER 9,000 OF THE Leading Citizens Throughout the union. Tnle Fire Extinguisher waa supplied and la stow In iso by tbe Metropelitaa Flro Department of New York, aa also moat of tbe leading Cttiea. It has saved over BOO Bnlldlnars. with Property amounting to many MILLIONS OK DOLLARS, it is requisite ,n every Building, Demg Cheap, Simple and Effective. NO ONE WHO VALUES LIFE PROPERTY j SHOULD BB WITHOUT A ' FIRE EXTINGUISHER. It ia as EFFECTIVE in the HANDS of a BOY as the most Experienced Fireman It has NO (MACHINERY TO GET OUT OF ORDER. 'THB IT1RJE EXTINGUISHER HAS RECEIV KD THE HIGHEST ENCOMIUMS from the ITIMS38. ,.:,;. No invention has done as much good for the puoiio as tne v , j 4 ., . ! , Fire Extinguisher. which stands always charged and available for Instant action, and not only affords tbe means of at once grappling with a Fire at its ontDreaK, wncn it comparatively small and easy to subdne, bnt it does so with that most powerful or all Extinguishers f Fire Carbon ic Aeid Claa. Ihl Gas is projected upon the flames not in gas eons form tu. by means of water-highly impregnated witb it; and while it is perfectly harmless to tbe operator. it acts with concentrativo effect upon the fire THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER is at all times ready for use : THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER puts ont fire instantly: THB FIRE EXTINGUISHER has no 'Ma chinery to get out or oroorj , TUB S IRE EXTINUimHER can be used by male and female : .THE FIRE -EXTINGUISHER once loaded I can remain so for years, ana can be reloaded l by any boy. , ft -Ki . i JAUri "A V AGENTS wanted all over the Union. 49 Beware ot worthless inventions offered' to tbe Public on the reputation of this Extin- guisner. ' "". tjs-send for Descriptive Circular. U. 8. Fire Extinguisher Company, Head office, deo 7-10t eodtu .---1 -r i ; i turn ! 1 " j i, "".lij. ' i. i ii ii .iiMpnntifliii CONSIDER! If yaa have an aid Bsek taas nas osa oacic, or been otherwise in j urea, nave ure-oouna at l a' WM.H. BERNARD'S ' Printing House and Book Bindery, Commercial., W I TM TNG TON MAUKJGTVi STAR OFFICE. Dec 11. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 151 casks at40cents. " ; ROSIN Sales of 292 bbls at f 1 65 for No. a. $2 253 12tf for No. 1 and H for Low Pale-f '1 CRUDE TURPEN TINE-Sales of 245 bbls at $2 80 for Soft and tf 65 foV'Hard.'' TAR Sales of 105 bbls at $3 05 per bbl. COTTON Sales of 4. bales at 23, 19 at 23, 39 at 23 and 26 at 24 cents; WHOLESALE f KICKS. ARTIOLeS. raicies. BA GGJ-iVG-Gunny V yd BA CO N North Carolina, Hams,, ....yi sv Shoulders, ) B Hog Round, f) B Wkbtrrk Hams, W B Sides,. ft 24 OIIUUIUC19. fi.11 W n a DDtiro a . 'r . seconu uauu, ..eaon jnewinew ioik, eacn New City... each BEESWAX Wft BRICKS WWiaimcton M. BUZTEIl-KovU. Cai-olhia, M lb Northern, W o CANDLES Snorm, B. ruiiow, y B. Adamantine W ft CHEESE Northern, Fac'y, W It Dairy, ft m tai, ..... -m vi COFFEE Java, W ft Kio w n Laguayra, $ ft St. Domingo Vt ft CORN MEAL. u bush COTTON TIES DOMESTICSSheetlixg, Vyd Yarn, w bunch FISH Mackerel, Ne. 1,. Ubbl Aiacaerei, no. x y, odi 9 00 10 00 14 00 15 00 8 00 12 00 0 00 0 0 00 5 50 6 00- 6 25 6 50 76 7 00 7 00 12 00 11 00 Q 11 23 00 00 00 00 11 50 12 00 00 00 0 90 00 65 00 75 00 65 00 73 00 00 00 CO 00 63 00 i 70 00 Mackerel, No. 3, M bbl Mullets, bbl jx. u. uerring oui Urv Cod ft FL.UUM Fine Super. Northern,.... Kxtra Do. " .... Family " .... N. Carolina buper,... " " Extra,... " " Family. . r? bbl ,.W bbl i.V) bbl .W bbl bbl bbl .ybbl 3000 lbs 2U00 tS 3)00 18 FER TILIZERS Peruvian Ouano,...) PaciHc Guano, w Patapsoo Guano, . . . fi uuugn's f nospnate, " " Rhoaes' Stan. Manure," " Lister5 Superphosphate. " Woolston's Am aioniat'd llone Fhospli.of Lime, u Wilcox, Gibbs A Co's Ma nipulated Guano, " Phojnix Guano, o. Carolina Bone Pbos- Alkaline Super Phosph. " Ammo'dnper Photiph., " Ammonia'U Alaaline Su- ' per Phosphate " Chesapeake Phospbato. " 00 00 65 00 70 00 80 00 70 00 O 85 00 50 00 0 70 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 & 70 00 00 00 S 70 00 00 00 0 60 00 00 00 CO 00 Croasodale's Buperplios- pnate. Alt lta Vela Phosphate.... Ground Bone Bone Meal " Flour Complete Manure Wbann's Phosphate .... Wando " UerKer A Bute's lhos- nhato. 00 00 i 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 bo oo oo no GLUE yia-; GRAIN , 19 20 Corn, in btore, f me fits; ! 20 0 00 0) 0 00 Q 30 1 03 0 a 17 1 35 jo 1 25 0 00 0 00 1 oo 1 10 18 corn, cargo, as tts Corn, New 7 bush Oats, w bush Peas. Cow f) bush HIDES Green, ft Dry, V a HA y Eastern, ft 100 Its 1 SO 1 10 Nortn Kiver w 100 as HOOF IRON V ton 125 00 QIW 00 LARD Northern, f ft 17 t$ 21 20 g 21 1 75 0 00 12. 00 15 00 Konncaronna. wd LIME W bbl LUMBER Rivaa Last sales, Wide Hoards. M ft Scantling V M ft 10 oo ts It 00 15 00 17 00 23 CO Q '.5 00 21 00 & 22 00 Flooring, f M ft Citt Steam Sawed Ship Stntt, resawed,.. M ft Rough Edge Plank,. ..'H M ft West India Cargoes, accord ing to quality, V M ft Dreseil Flooring, seasoned, Scantling and Boards, com- ....... r-f ir 18 00 20 00 30 00 35 00 13 00 20 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhd8., g:U uuiki, uoie.,.. p gai Sugivr Hous, uhrta.,...?) givl " bbls gal OILS Kerosene, w gai jara, V gal Linseed, ft gal Kosm v eai PEANUTS bush POTA 2X-Sweet V biwh trisn, Mortnern. fi ddi FOR K Northern City Mess, bbl Thin, bbl Prune V bbl 34 00 Oil 50 00 00 35 50 oo ou 00 00 Rump, w DDI JJCi-Carelina, a 30 00 31 00 0 10U 00 00 Kast xnuuv v h. Rough,.. V bush 1 00 7 75 1 75 1 60 WAG m 15 o 1 50 10 00 0 00 1 65 00 15 17 ie 16 IS 12 00 6 00 ROPE SALT Alma, V) bush Liverpool, ...if) sack American V sack SUGAR Cuba W it rorxo moo, b A. Coffee ....V B B. ' a C. V SOAPXonhem...... B WUmlngton, $ AmGZ5-Contract,.....V M Common. . W M BTA VESVr. O. Bbl., V M 4 00 2 50 3 00 30 00 00 00 k. u. una., w m TIMBER Shipping, M miji i-rime,... j m Mill Fair,..............w M Inferior to Ordinarv.... W M WHISKEY Northern,.... gal North Carolina.. oaf gal WILMINGTON MONET MARKET. COBRWVTKO BT JAMIS DAWSON. BOYIIfO. BKIXIHO. 123 230 Gold, 121 Silver, 118 Exchange sight on Northern CltWB. wc dls. Par. Exchange 30 days on North ern CiU.-s V4. Vc Kh. N. C. Bonds, old, We. $40 Do. new 6 fe 28 Do. Special Tax 6 e 28 W. AW.RR.BonUs7Wc(GoldInt.l 91 W ilmington City Bonds 8e...... 75 70 65 72GoldInt - i u " " Old 6 wc... " newc. New Hanover County Bonds (10 vears) 6 c (Gold Int.) 63 New Hanover County Bonds (5 vears) 6 c (Gold Int.) 72 W. & W. Kail Road Stock 35 W., CAR. Kail Koad " 8 Wil. Gas Light Co. " (Par 5 ).. 6 Wil. Building Asso. " 4 Mechanics' . " 1 C-pe Fear " " . Par Prem. BABK BILLS. Cape Fear., 35 Graham. 18 North Carolina. . . ... ..30 Lexington 3 .Farmers w Merchants'..... 4o Charlotte 4 Miners' A Planters'.. 42 Wadesboro' 3 1 Commerce 14 Wilminaton 35 Greensboro' Mutual.. 5 Commercial 35 Clarendon 3 Fayetteville 12 Roxboro' 65 Washington 1 xancewllle. 1 Thomasvllle 25 ARRIVED. 11 Stmr D Murchison. Green. Favetteville. Williams & Murchison. Steamer Gov Worth. Hnrt. Favetteville. Worth & Worth. . t , CLEARED, -11 Steamship Fanita. Freeman. New York. Barry Bros. Steamship Lncillc. Harrinirton.Baltimore. A B Shepperson & Co. - bteamcr Gov. Worth, . Hurt, Fayetteville, Worth & , Worth., ... iP :t . , Stmr D Murchison, Green, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Schr Carrie - M Rich. Amesbnrv. Boston. Worth & Worth. Schr M D Ireland.' Ireland. Boston. O O Parsley & Co. 1 1 . ..Uw-w i.- RECEIPTS PER RIVER 8TEAMERS. Stmr Gov Worth 42 casks spte, 648 bbls rosin, -70 do turpt, 86 do" tar, to Worth & worth, AJohnson,rW H Tnrllneton, A Ald erman, H BEUers. .Williams & Murchison, Blocker & Love. ' " . i"' J 4 Stmr D Mnrchfeon 291 "bbls rosin. 1 bales cotton, 0 do yarn, 8 do sheettngv to . Williams jnurcnison, o Q Parsley A Co. so KS 05 ')5 60 40 45 2).J 47 ttO 1 00 B 50 Q 5 75 J0 39 65 1 40 1 50 00 oo 1 50 1 60 75 1 00 2 50 3 00 oo oo a ovoo 11 00 12 50 9 60 10 60 7 00 8 00 5 00 6 00 1 75 4 00 800 00 exports. ;.;.:,;, COASTWISE. - ' New York 8 S Fanita 1523 bbls rosin, 825 bales cotton, 800 bushels peanuts, 145 bbls turpt. 'J. , . . r. BOSTON ocor vrno jm. &ivu ooo DDIS ros In, 100 casks spts. Schr M D Ireland 1999 bbls rosin, 107 casks spts, 25 bbls tart 12 bales cotton. s -vr? -s-. . conalcnoea.' . - - Per S S W P Clrde E Spencer, T C Lewis. C R Mayer, Hart fc Bailey, Green, Watson & Walsh, J V Meyer, vjook s uroweii, o a sraa- un .1 A 1 j-n.r W Oltiiinn. Adrian fe VoIIbm. b Creacb, J C Monk, Grepg& Brenson, Smith & Struuss, K Murray sv;o, -u uranam, JtJ Hubbard & Son, A Johnson, Jr, Willard Bros, J T 8chonwald, J M Hardwick, A H Neff, F W Kerchner. W Goodman, ueo Myers, su oa- cobl, R E Helde, Powell A Cy, 8tevens & Carr, Uenosset 05 JO, uowan os aieius, o diuwu, u A Smith, P Heinsberger, Dawson, Teel fc Hcnning, J H Neff, Williams & Murchison, u FSB Co, W L Steele, Collier, Fuljrhutn & Co, S Haas, Jno Dawson, Godfrey Hart, Coving ton, Everett & Co, A H VauBokkelen, Geo A Peck, J I McCallum, McNeill S McRae, W II Dart, J Anderson & Co, EL Hall, H C Rock well. 8 Bear & Bro, i V Dunn, Bizzeu & Mur ray, W, C & R R n-jt, A Day, W H Avcra. T S Memorv. Barden & Co. E Kidder. W & M R R ag W & W R R agt. STEAMSHIP LINES. LORILLARD'S Steamship Line THE MAGNIFICENT 3Tcw Iron Steanishipa VOLUNTEER, Capt. JONE.Y, REGULATOR, Capt. PENNINGTON. FANITA, Capt. TRUMAN. -rrriLL form a semi-weeklt line be- fV TWEEN NEW YORK AND WILMING TON, N. C. Connecting with the W. A. M., V & W. li. It. and W. C. & It. U. K. ireigiit consigiiea to tbe .Agents will go forward promptly without delay. This line brings goods from New Yor at the following low rates : Flonr so Centa per Barrel, Pork 10 Cents per Barrel, HolasMi IO Cmt per Barrel, Sugrar IO Centa per " Measurement gools2 cents per foot; Weight goods 10 cents per 100 lbs. 4 For Freight apply to . . BARKY BROTHERS, Agents. Wilmington, N. C. Oct. 26-tf IVew York and North Carolina Steamship Une. THE STEAMSHIP REBECCA CLYDE, O. CII1CIIF.KTF.R, Captain. WILL LEAVE OUR WHARF. AT foot of Mulberry streets, for New York WEDSF.SDAV, Iee. 8th, 1S69. Patronise the Old Iiine, WHICH HAS OUTLIVED SIX op positions and never taken advantage of a monopoly, and whose rates have been Uniforily Lower to any Line on the oast And Present Rates of Freight and Insurance Guaranteed as Loir as the Ijowest, The only Line connecting with or author zed to give through Bills of Lading by either the WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER R. R. WILMINGTON A WELDON R. R or WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RUTHER FORD R. R. All rTeight consigned to the Rail Road Agents will have benefit of lowest rater to or from New York. Sailing from New York every TUESDAY, TUURSDAJ AND SATURDAY At 4 P. M., from Pier 15 East River, offering he aa vantages of a tri-weekly line. WORTH A WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. JAMES HAND, Agent, 119 Wall street, N.Y July25-tf Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP . PIONEER, Caps. I . BARRETT, ILL RUX THE FOLLOWING SCHED ale between Philadelphia and W liming ton, N. C. : Leaving FhttadelpMa. Leaving Hilmwigton. June 22, 18A9 July 8. 1889 6 a. m., June 15, 1869 6 a. m. 29, 1869 15, 1869 30 1"69 a. m., 6 a. in., 6 a.m., 6a.m. 6 a. m.t 6 a. m. 8 a. in., 6 a. in., C a. in., 6 a. m., A a. m., 6 a. m.. July t , Aug. Sept. u Oct., ti Nov. 4 Dec. Aug. 44 Sept. 44 Oct. 44 Nov. 44 Dec. e, it 20, 1809 4, 1869 19,-1869 4, 1869 19, 1869 2, 1869 18, lfcffit 2, 1869 17, 18611 31, 1869 13, 18t9 27, 1S89 II, 19S9 189 S18B9I 1P9 10, 1869 25, 18B9 10, 18H9 24, 18R9 FREIGHTS FROM PIIII.AnEL.PHIA REDUCED. PXB BARBXL.I Flour and Sugar. 15cts. Molasses, Beef and Pork, 23 " Vinegar, FXB BARB XL 25cts 25 M Steaanrement Good 4 centa per foot, Weight Good IO eta. per 1(M Iba Insurance at low rates. For Freight or Passage, apply to WORTH A ORTH, Agents. , Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JAMES. General Agent, 13ft South Third Street, Philadelphia, julyltf BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON Weekly Steamship Line, Composed of the First Class Steamships LUCILLE, W. S. HARRINGTON, Commander, ' . v AND ' ) ' JAMES A. GARY, H. G. UALL, Commander. The Steamship JAKES A. GABY XITILL LEAVE OUR WHARF BETWEEN X . i?9?La.H'1 ran5 street, for Baltimore, on SATURDAY, October 23d. , , For Freight engagements apply to vm"- " A. B. SHEPPERSON CO. oct, 2S-tf BOOK BINDERY. 00K JVinDEErY 4t Blan JOB ooltj&a n uf a eto ryU PAPER RULING ROOMS. WH. II. BERNARD, Prop'tor. Dawson Bank Buildtnqs Front Street, WILMINGTON, N.G. CONNECTION WITH MT PRINT- ING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, I have in op eration a Complete BOOK BIN DEBT AMD BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, includ ing a FIRST CLASS RULING MACHINE My unsurpassed facilities enable me to eec- cute all work in tbe above lines at LOW BATES, with tbe utmost dispatch, and in the most SUPERIOR STYLE. I am manufacturing to cmmIaiw LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, BLOTTERS, INDEXES, RECORD BOOKS, TRIAL DOCKETS APPEARANCE DOCKETS, MINUTE DOCKETS, EXECUTION DOCKETS, MARRIAGE REGISTERS, BOND BOOKS, AtfD ALL OTHER BLANK BOOKS. -USED BY- CLERKS, REGISTERS, MERCHANTS, BANKERS, RAIL ROAD COMPANIES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, &c. BINDING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS. NEWSPAPER FILES, MUSIC, &c, &c, &cM Bound in the neatest and most suds tan tial , manner, and at Moilerate Prices . PAPER RULED IN ANT FORM DESIRED. Speeial attention given to RE-BINIK ING OLD BOOKS. GILDING AND LET. TERING HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, BIBLES, Ac. d your orders to, .,, , fc ,, WM. H. BERNARD'S Printing and Publishing Honse , -v. ' And General BooK Blodary, ptW-t-tf WILMINGTON. W. C KAIL ROAD LINES. ' Wilmlrjton, j Xiar.lo it e and HUT" IERPOE BATE. BOAT. .' -r ' l'.!T. C ,rrr. , Gsnevai, StjPfaivTsapxa-T'a Qinci, ) Wilmington, N. C; Aug. , 18ts7. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY Next, An. jrtMS 18thy -4.be-Passenger Train on-thts Road will leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at ana inn same oays, at P. M. , . Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage), at 13 mid night. Leave Wadesboro (Su-ge), on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at vf P. M. ueave itocaingnam ( stage), .on , Monday, Wednesday and triday, at i:30 A. M. Iieave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednet day and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive at w limington same aays, stir.u W. I. EVERETT, sept23-l-tf Gen.Sup't. Wilmiuston & Wei. R. . It. Co. Office Chief Enoinbkr A Gvx. Scf't, WiLMiwoTOir, N. C, April 29, 1869. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE lltn inst., our PASSENGER TRAINS on this Rond wil! leave Wilmington at 6.-00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M., and arrive at Weldon at 6.-0B A. M. and 2:50 P. M. Leave Weldon at 10:lfi A. M. and 7:45 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington 3U A.M. and 7:15P.M. FREIGHT TRAINS Will leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4S a. m., ana arrive ai Wilmington same aays at f. m. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Wilmington. May 2nth, 18G9. tt GENERAL SUP'TS OFFICE, Wilmingtbn and Manchester E R. Company. Wilk iaoTOK, N. C, Nov. 8tb, 1869, VN AND AFTER MONDAY N1GHGT, THE V 9 8th inst.. Passenecr ror tne w.an.a. R will take the train at the W. A W. R. R. Depot, ftsd the following Schedule will be run : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilminirton fW. A W. R. R. Depot) 4:00 A.M. Arrive at Florence. ................. .10;8 A. M Arrive at KingsvUle 1:55 P.M. Leave KingsvUle 12:35 P. M. Arrive at Florence 3.-54 P. M Arrive at WUmlngton 10:15 P. M ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington (W. A W. R. R. Depot) 6:45 P. 2d Arrive at Florence... 2:40 A. M Arrive at KingsvUle 9:00 A.M Leave Kingsville 4:00 I'. M Arrive at Floronce 9:40 P. M Arrive at W. ft W. R. R. Depot 6:15 A. M WM. MACHAK. novfit f Gen'l Sup'l. MISCELLANEOUS. FURNITURE. TJAVING RECENTLY ENLARGED OUR I I WAREROOMS, wenowofieroneof the largest and best se lected stocks of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING, LIBRARY AND OFFICE FURNITURE ever before offered in tbe State, and at as low prices as any establishment North or South. Bedding and Upholstery. Our Bedding and Upholstery Department is on an extensive scale. We manufacture every description of Mattresses, and call pecial attention to our pure curled HAIR MATTRESSES, which wr warrant as represented. ' Window Shades and Wall Paper. ; Our stock is tbe largest and best assorted - ( ever offered in the city and comprises all the new patterns for the Fall trade, being entire ly of new designs. D.A.SMITH, Granite Front Buildings, septl3ra South Front Street. COALS-COAL!! 212 TONS RED ASH EGG: COAL, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR GRATES OB STOVES, For sale by WILLARD BROS.' . novlS-tf New Goods, New Goods BIRDSEY & R0BII1S0II Have jnst received another' full - n ' ,. Stock of NEW AND CHOICE GOODS r In Their Line. Our Wholesale Department Is complete, oomprialn? a very heavy and beetlngs ShIrtinKS. ' wi 4Ma, SJUWa. MIU everything necessary to fill ordars from retail and Shoes, and dealers. Our Retail Department. As heretofore, win reoeive our constant atteft jeplete with the latest FASHION NOVELTIKS, and the- usual assortment of goods of every description. v; i.',.. We invite an examination. of onr stock by Vt6?1 .f 0VerT class, and we guarantee to Wholesale Buyers prices as favorable aa they can find in Baltimore. -w.'V-1 t."'. t. BIRDSEY A ROBINSON, dec 4-tf 80 Market street;; - Lime, Lime; J "tf 9. BARRELS,, . --,'i,t, j. . t . Now-Landing, . And for sale at reduoed figure.. H r ' WORTU 4k WORTH.". dee 7-5t ft NET.'3PAPEfi.' DIRECTORY ruuusneu semi-necaiy, at HARRISS A NJWBY, ..........Proprietor. ' stnssoarrrioirs "ptorg r roar Douars per year, 44 advlinbe. i ranuwwa vreeuy, at 1 D.MoNIXJ.fc..;i..i..v.Vx..-.;.;.Edlfj(,, .-. Mate of tktbaerintion . ""t'aWt CAROLINA OBSERVER Published Dy aud lrj-Weekiy, Z SMITH," WATSON A c64. .Pronri.,. TrLWuV ..... "'"" So 00 ...... a ou GOLDSBORO' MESSEKGElT Pubnsbed Dailv &nd xt) J, JL JULIUS A BONITZ !.".! v.i,, Term qf tkbrnriptfa- r' c DAZLTJ One year ' . Six months Oneyeaf......; - Six months...;.;..-.... WW THE ROaKokKSw , . Pn;.rt 8eekly,t . ' and. j. BUBTONi.'i':::::;:;;;---.3'40,., Pubnsbed: Weekly, at ' R. If. WtaTAER,r. EdJtSd Pronriet; una Dollar and a Half per yea r, m advance. THE RECORDER Publisned-Weekly, at T. C. KVANS... KdrtorVnd'pVoprietor m StTBSCBrPTIOS : . . r' Two Dollars er year, In advance ' the1otelligacek" Published Weekly, at ' JOHNLoVoV""' - - M., Three Dollars per year. THE PEOPLE'S PRESS Published Weekl r, at Salem, ST. C., L. V. BLUM, . .. .. . .Editor an A Proprietor Two Dollars per year. In advance. THE TEBTT1ENT ITPEAS1) PRrw-r ING MACHINERY, at NT" -..WM- H- BERNARD'S Printing and Publishing House. And General Book Blnderv. QttU-tf Dawson Biink Buildings, FronUt INDEPENDENT, PRESS, x-uDiisiieo weekly, at HsrisnUa, . c., -a TTAmuEdltorand Proprietor, ir Rate of Subscription : TwoDollawand Fifty npVr year, in ad . , v Buurj CAROLINA SPARTAN Published Weekly, at ' .lt.li!.;..MMt Two Dollars (specie) per year. THE SOUTHERNER, " Published Weekly, at ; ' ' Miss E. B. CHEESBO ROUGH, Lit'ry Editreiw'. suBScaimoH : Two Dollars per year, in advance. " THE-NEWS, , PubUshed Tri-Weekly, at " ' . wmjusBoiHr, & a, .v DEPORTES, WILLIAMS A CO.,. Editors. suBscBH"rioir t Four Dollars per year, in advance. the watchman; ' Published Weekly, at SUMTER, S. C., GILBERT A FLOWERS,.... Proprietor. suBscBiraoir : Three Dollars per year, in advance. THE NEWS, "7" r , Published Daily, at CHARLESTON, S. C, RIORDAN, DAW8ON A CO., Editors. r; suaaomiPTiox One year r, ui Six months 8 0 KEQ WEE. COURIER. Published Weekly, at ' r 'JI'4I4ArI.IAtia. Cl,' W.C.KEITH ...Editor. WHITNKR BYMME8, ..! ...Associate Editor BtrBsoairTiOK : Two Dollars per yeart In advance. THE HERALD, PubUshed Weekly, at LAURENSVTLLE, &i L 1 - - 1 T. B. CREWS, J. W. 8IMPSON,...Trpublishen. ' SnStWTMBt Three Dollars per year in advance. ! THE tlERALt),,, - Published Weekly! at na NEWBERRY C. ALT B. C, - THOS. F.CS.U. GRENEKER, ...Editors , somaoarmoir t Three Dollars per year, inadvanee. ' t, THE GAZETTE, v - Published Veeklyat fc CHARLESTON, 8.C., J. D.BUDDS, ...............Proprietor. BUBSCBirTIOR t , i, , , Fonr Dollars per year, In advance. ' THE CRESCENT,' Publi&bed Weekly, at -t n v. i., MABIO?, 8. fX,i, i i-M , . S, E. MCMILLAN, .......Editor and Proprietor. i 'j satwrtom-t ,tw .. , ; ' Two Dollars per year in advance. ' ; THE ' REPOjTIJIL ! Published Weekly aP ' s ED. C. MoLURE and JNO. A. BRADLEY, Ja Editors and Publishers. UBBOBiraoirt "-" ' ' ' Three Dollars per year, In advance. THE ENQUIRER, . Published Weekly, at . . , . L. M. GRIST, ...Publislkcr. suBsoBiraoi 1 Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, in ad- THE JOURNAL, - Published Weekly, at f , RENNET! S VILLE, B C.,' , WILLIAM LITTLE,.... Editor A Proprietor.' - SUBSCRIPTION : f 4 Two Dollars per year, in advance. - h THE PIKENliV't " , j Published Dally and TrWWeekly, at Li. ; Iv COLUMBIA (X, t yn , r JULIAN A. SELBT,.... Editor and Proprietor. i . " .- flUBscueno 1 . . .. . - , Daily, six months uy. six months ...4 00 Trt-Weekl v. ai x months 1 1 .. . . . . . t AO jWeekly (Tmt Glkamxr) six months.... 1 M . THE NEWij, - Published Weekly, at ' s SUMTEBj'Src, ' w DARR A OSTEFN v Proprietors. ' Bvnaaasrrwtrt 1 ' Three Dollars per year Inadvanee. , ? SOUTH CAROLINA .. - ; THE 'DEMOCRAT, . jruouanea weexiy, ai 7 T' B. P. LUCAS, Editor and Proprietor Two Dollars and a Half per year, to Advance THE JLEDGER,v4 h Published Weekly. . - 11 LANCASTER. 8. C. D. J. CARTER, Editor tand Proprietor. soasoBrrnov t ' ' 1 Two Dollars and a Half per year . '': m -a THE' STAR; 4l ; ' , y -.- Published Weekly, a ,r " MARION, B. CL, " 4 -W. J. MoaLL,......E4iitorand Proprietor. Tw Dollars per year, to advance. tiin runt t -. ,Is published Weekly, at, v GEORGETOWN'. 87 'C, JNO W. XAfrmx,JUiitm A Proprietor-'.'- '- avaaoairaox ' Thre Dollars per year, in advance. 7

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