a . BATES OF ABTIBTIBISS I PUBLISHED DAILY," Oae Square onao&y, . rtl r.-ir ;tii: ., . rx. n. bebs.,;;:.; 4V; & AO. W" V, OriO.Dwiioa Bank Buildings. Front Bt. One year, m iTh...:.v;:.,w.;.''.U.47 oo Blx moatha, U ad Tfcnoe.. ............. S SO One month, in Mlrinoe. ...7.'. 78 The MotmM Srl -will be delivered la aay part of the CUT at Firm Onrra par week. r T..BC T.J4JUB1H W .MX AU 14 llveted .City Subscriber FlFTKIir VXHTR1 per week.' Snbserl. be re Merth ef tfew etr of Market Hire will supplied by Mr." WM. JV. HABLOWt Sd tnet line by Mr. JOUN a these Asreista ore sat eoein ei snac B. BIIBCU. . Only authorised. In their repeetlv Divisions, to collect city Hubiterlptlona. gfCon tractors will not be allowed, under their contract, to advertise any other than tbelr legitimate business unless by paying specially for such advertisement,. 1 f , f 4 f v ; TJIE CIRCULATION OB TBS rMOXN L0 STAR IS LARQKR THAN, THAT OF AST OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. - . Lost Hia Money. A gentleman from Anson county, by the name of John C. Henry, made complaint to the Marshal yesterday afternoon1' that 6ome parties in a store on Water street had. been the cause of hia losing a sura; of money. It seems that he went into the store for the purpose of settling an account which the proprie tor held against him, which he done, reserving about twenty dollars with which to meet his expenses in returning home. This money Mr. II.' feft" lying on the counter while he examined .the receipted bill which had been handed him,, and in. the meantime one of the clerks swept the : money from the counter, remarking to a colored man standing by, "This is the money for the coat, is it t " To which the darkey replied, "yes." Mr. H. says he was confident at the time it was his money, but to make sure ol the fact he . walked to the door and examined ' his pocket-book . . .. . . - .4 . , .... and pockets and could find no money. He then demanded- the same from the clerk, but met with a peremptory refusal, that individual stating that the. money, M as paid him . by the . colored . man, and tliu latter , corroborating .the assertion. 3Ir. Henry says he is certain the money taken by the clerk in his. He is well known in the city and . his character is said to be above suspicion. The case will undergo an examination before Judge Can t well this morning. Improvement in Prospective. AVe are pleased to learn that Gen. Abbott has introduced a bill in the Senate, which was read twice and reforred to 'the Com mittee on Commerce, which authorizes an appropriation of $100,000 for the benefit of Wilmington. This appropriation is in tended for the purpose of erecting in this city a new, substantial and commodious tuildiDg to be used as a" Post Office, Cus ton House offices, United States Court Room, Ac. ' As such a building, near the centre of the city, is a want long felt and daily growing more necessary to our pro gressive city, we hope the bill will meet the favorable consideration of the two houses of Congress. ' V , Condition of Mr. Lessman. We learn that so tar, considering the character Lessman is doing re markably well, lie continues in entire possession of his faculties, and when neces sary can converse. Hi 'physician, . how. ever, requires him to . be kept perfectly quiet ana ne is not aiiowea to see com pany! " Tfiie'great'dariger now seems to be ia the liability of the wound to become inflamed, the present ' warm weather not being at all .favorable to the case. For this reason iriore than any other, his physi cian cannot yet' pronounce 5.him out o' danger. , '.- boTERiOK UocETi- 1 he ease ot Anderson Young t the Cape Fear Steam boat Company being an , action brought to recover damages sustained by the plain tiff in the burning of, his barn by sparks from one of the Company's steamers, as stated in yesterday's paper, wa8 decided last evening, the jury bringing in a ve'r- diet in favor otthe plaintiff and fixing the damages at $5,000. Hon. George Davis appeared for the plaintiff, and Col. Robert Strange for the defendants. 1 -r x ROGRES3iYE.improveuient is still the order of the, day in the part of the city known as "Brooklyn.", Buildings are continually going op, and several are now in course of construction. Persons who have noisited that locality in the eourse of the last year or 'two 'would be astonished at the change in the aspect of things. "Okanqes.-' This morniufir. at 10i o1ock", onboard of the Brig II II. Let cry, Jyrrg )9 rpntj of the office fit ilessrsj E. Judder & Sons, So, Water street,,, Messrs. Cronly, & Morris, Auctioneers, will sell a laje quantity , of . sweet' Porto Rico vjiriatmas will do Well to be on hand. See Advertisement. " Oi..,,, JJTC nf f W A vtrui. incr nHUXZi;. AA t H a cueci tout eacn snouia pay nau oi sue costs and the case Was dismissed f Chnstmaa-' draweth near, and the little ones are in high, glee at the prospect of receiving their, usual supply of "goodies" from the ever bountiful band of good BtNlcholas. '--rThere,'waa nofcessiorf of the - v'- The i Steamer :jteW, being -no1 QirraWn reached her- wharf at 8i .E cases for trial. " ' s Tuesdfav, having Wn detained half II II J -..' 1 RfirrDRisrED to Raleigh. Mr. W. f r . .. , J. Palmer, the able and efficient Superin tendent of the Asylum -for -the Dent and Dumb and the Blind, at Raleigh, departed, with his pupils, yesterday' morning, for their home in the "City of Oaks." Their visit will long be remembered with pleas ure by the citizens of Wilmington. The following card from Mr. Palmer speaks for itself: . 1 E d i t o RS tar : Please permit me through your columns to return my .thanks to Mr. John' T. Ford, ; tor his kindness and generosity in permitting me the use of the Theatre, free of charge, on the occasion of the exhibition of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind pupils under my charge on Tuesday evening. I am also under obligations to Mr. P Heinsberger of your city, who so kindly loaned the piano used on the occasion. To the citizens generally I am gratified for the kind appreciation manifested. W. J. Palmer, Superintendent State Institution, for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Cape Fear Building Association. The regular monthly meeting of this Association was held in the City Court room, at the City Hall, last evening, at which time 28 shares of stock (the par value being $100) were sold at the figures annexed ; Six shares at $34 ; five at $36 ; two at. $33 ; five at $34 50 ; and ten at $36 50, being an average of $35 41 per share. :. ,' - The Tremaine Brothers and Mr. Picrson opened in Raleigh on Monday night and the Standard says uTucker Hall has never had an audience under its walls that enoyed itselt better or so thoroughly appreciated an entertainment." Colored Grammar School. -We acknowledge an invitation to be . present at a "Reception of colored Grammar School No. 1" at the Christian Chapel, this morning, at 10 o'clock. The pro gramme of exercises comprises declama tions, reading, singing dialogues, &c. The new market lionse over the ' Railroad has been completed, and though small, is a very neat and substan tial structure. The only fault to be found with it is the fact that it is in the middle of a narrow street. It is, however, a great institution for the Brooklynites, Turned over to the Sheriff. We learu that Jacob Richardson, the col ored man who recently committed the des perate assault on Mr. August Lessman, has been turned over to Sheriff Behenck. Christmas Sports. AVe learn that there are to be several trotting match es, cock fights, &c, on the Fair Grounds during Christmas day. The Supreme Court meets in Raleigh on Monday next The Municipal election in this city occurs on Monday, the 3rd of January, instead of the day following, as many supposed. - A ball, by the colored peo ple, will be given at the City Hall on Monday night, Jan. 3rd. - A "Christmas Dinner" to Hons. J. C. Abbott and O. H. Dockery is on the tapis among Wilmington Repub licans. , The Chapman Sisters are expected here on the 28th. It seems impossible to abate the pigeon nuisance at the City Hall. . Monday, next is St. John's dayt and wni be appropriately celebrated, Dy the Masonic lraternity. The owner - of .that bale of cotton had better call on OJSccr Sellars, or else it will "go up the spout." ' More disagreeable weather on hand. Hope it will "clear up" before Christmas, t . . . , . .fl I Jl' TT' I "Vilro aaaaies, atcneis, iraveiing iags, aP looes, Axie urease, Dl6P leather Dusters, &c,, cheap for cash at J. 8. Topham & Co's., No.. 8 So. Front St., Wilmington, N. C. - ' WVER AWNE MEWS. WedkesdaV, December 22i . FROM BELOW. . The Steamship Lucille, from Balti more for this port, got aground on New Inlet bar this morning, and up to a late hour this evening, had not been gotten I -HP If- A 15 - CKn-iAwisn nria fit - thA on. mr. . O'CIOCK, Willi X1W ivcuuo vuiw rr.. j . - possible. FROM ABOVE. lrAfter a' Vise of twelve or fourteen feet there hafbeen a fall in the Cape Fear of three feet at Fayetteville ; but steam boatmen have JeVibf any interruption of navigation for some time. Capt, an .' ' t. WIIHTOIT, H.i C.; hour, at tbejron bridge above the city. She brought a 600-barrel freight. , , The tide was very high at noon to day, and if the rain was as heavy further up the river as it was here, where it fell in torrents during the greater part of the day, there will no doubt be a big freshet We learn the ltCape Fear" and "Ex press" Steamboat Companies will soon commence the work of removing obstruc tions from and otherwise improving the navigation of the Cape Fear river. This important work has long been neglected ; but, beyig now in energetic hands, will be pushed forward with energy. ARRIVED OUT. The Schr. Isabella, Burton, arrived at Demerara from this port on the 27th. ffO LOAD FOR THIS PORT. The Br. BrigTero, McLeod, cleared from St. Thomas', W. I., to Turk's Island, on the 1st, to load for this port. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ILeinsbekger's Live-Book 8tore, 38 Market street Distinguished Arrivals, Prang's Chro mos. " i ..- Worth & Worth Steamer W. P. Clyde, for New York. " John C. Koch Special Notice to Members of Howard F. E. C. DcRosset & Co. Durhaui Tobacco. -Butter, Pea-Nut Bags and Ckoslt & Mokkis Porto Rico Oranges at Auction. J. D. Love A Choice Selection of Christ mas Presents. Mcnson & Co. India Rubber Cloth Gar ricks. Wm. M. Poisson Emergent meeting of St. John's Lodge. J. A. Engeluaud Cape Fear Fair Grounds Amusement for the Holydays. LATEST BY MAIL. North Carolina in a Nutshell. The postoffice known as Wood lawn, in Gaston county, has been discon tinued. The Democrat, announces the sudden death of J. 8. Davis, of Mecklen burg county. The Standard says thirty citizens ot Chatham county passed through Raleigh on Tuesday, en route for Chatta nooga, Tenn. The Askeville Pioneer regrets to learn that the mail from the East was carried away by high water, last Thurs day. Stage and all went down stream, bnt the driver succeeded in savins: him self. ' The Masonic fraternity at Weldon,aided by sister Lodges in Halifax and adjoining counties, are to Jcelebrate St. John's Day by a grand festival at the Wcldon Hotel. So says the Neves. The services of last Sabbath, says the Raleigh Episcopal Methodist, were highly interesting. Our new pastor, Bro. Dally, is doing his Master's work nobly. His earnest, powerful preaching draws crowds ot eager listeners. 1 be singing on last Sabbath was very fine. Added to the regular strong choir, we heard the fine bass ot Mr. Pierson swelling out finely. The Elizabeth City Carolinian r u miu . t, e of the 16th inst, just before going to press, received a letter from Currituck county, giving the particulars of a sad ac cident to one of the sons of T. L. Morris. On the 14th he was out with a team of young oxen hauling logs, the oxen became frightened and ran away, throwing the young man under one of tne wheels, caus ing injuries from which he died on the next day. The Standard : eajs : . The Rev. J. B. Hardwick, formerly pastor ot the Baptist Church in uoldsboro', is now I living inParkersburg, West Virginia, pub- lshing a. monthly ot 24 pages. We un derstand his success has been good, and he is now making arrangements to get a power press and new type, and will in a short time issue his paper weekly. Dr. Hardwick is a pleasant writer, and a man of great energy. His subscription list has already reached two thousand three hun dred. The Weldon News says : "We earn that Mr. Robert Pear, a citizen - of this county, some 64 . years of aee. died almost suddenly on Saturday last. He arose that morning apparently in his usual health, but when called to breakfast replied he did not . wish any. Shortly alterward he laid down, and a little while after noon breathed his last. " He had en- ioyed excellent health for ten years pre viously. 1 he deceased ' was a native oi Greenville, Va., but moved to this county in his youtb, where be has since lived. W e clip the following extract from the proceedings of the Superior Court ot Buncombe county, published in the Asheville Pioneer ; But by far the most important case of the Term was taken up on Wednesday, and finally dis posed ot Thursday, the State vs. Milling- ton if. Liytle, lor K orgery. inisistne first case of the sort tried here in a great many years, and consequently it was very interesting. The prisoner was charged in the bill ot indictment with forging his father's name to a prosecution bond. The father consequently was an important wit ness for the State. He "testified that he did not sign the name himself, but that it was a forgery. This old gentlemen did himself much credit lor the very candid and honest manner in which he discharged his duty as a witness ior the State against his son. Much feeling was shown in tne Court House for the former ; it was an isolated ease of a disinterested witness, testifying in a cause in which was in-. volvedthe dearest interests of his son! It is scarcely necessary to add that the prisoner was convicted : the jury returned in half an hour, with a ; verdict .of guilty, Judgment was at once prayed. The clerk wrote ' it down; as- the - Jndge 4 dictated. What .dreadtul words those : Let the prisoner be confined at hard labor in the State's prison for the period of four years !' v .1 1 f r? I-. v i II xv i! rm THURSDAY MOENma UST OF LETTERS f'emaIn0lne in the City Post Office December loth, 1S69. B. Davidassj, C. L. Blaney GuilfordBudd, 5; B"ter, John Brown, Nelson Brown, B. F. Blunt (3), R. F. Brown, Thos. Beck, Samuel J. Berry. , . - t ,C-Wni. Craig. Mrs. Virginia G. Craig, Vir gil Clay, Sarah Cowen, Kichard Clowd, Rob't M. Cox Capt. O. Chickheste, (care of Harlan & Hollmgsworth), Mary J. Craig, Mealen Cal sey, Miss Lizzie Cobbs (care of John D. Tay lor), Mrs. E. A. Croom, Eve Cooper, Mrs. Emma J. Carl, David Cooper, Charles Clowd. MissAnnlM. Clowd (2). -D. Samuel Davis, James Dolan, Miss Josie Davis, D. E. Deno, Mrs. C. Dascher. F. Miss 8usan Freeman, Jove Farmer, Miss Jane Fonville, D. M. Fuyles. G. Wm. A. Groyer, Bichaad Green, Mrs. Maria Griswold care of John Connor, Mrs. Ju dith Grant, care of Robert Davis, James S. Green 2, Dr. H. Garnits, Miss E. Gadsley. , H. Miss Margaret Honey care of Henry Jones, Wm. B. Hartefield, Sippy O. Hill, T. H. Hamilton, care of Wm. Howard, Samnel W. Holden, Phillip Haskins, Miles Hunter, J. W. Haskins, J. F. Heviney, G. F. Hame 2, G. Henderson, Frederick Hines, Case Hooper care of Owen Dove. . I. J. Israel. J. Mrs. Carrie Johnson, Antonio Joseph. K. Elias Kelly, Mrs. Ann G. King. L. Lucille Laspair care of Louis Pane, John Dawson, Albert Leecn, Amy Lamb, Archy Lurry. M. Benj. Masson, Hannah Moore, Gen. J. C. Moore, John Martin, Miss Leys Morris, Miss Linda McCullogh, Moses McGill, Mrs. M. C. Martin, Maggie Murphy, Nicholas Moore Mrs. Vaaners McCollaster, Richard Junius Mendeohall, Rebecca Moon, L. V. Martin, Sa rah Levi McMillan, Martha C. Marsh. ' N. Wm. Y. Norman, N. Y. Norman. P. Buck Powell 2, W. M. Purdis, P. Y. Peschud, L. W. Penington 2, John R. Paddi son, J. H. Philyaw, Miss E. R. Price. R. J. A. Richardson, John C. Rowell, J. H. Robinson J. W. Robinson, H. 8. Rnssell, H. J. Ryals, Emnia Rainey, C. C. Rhoads, B. Rotjan. Wm. M. Swain, Thos. W. Swan, Robt. H. Smith, Mary Sanders, Mary Stewart, Mitch ell Spicer, Julia A. Smith, Joseph A. Smith, iames eamson, u. spauiamg, amona sin gleton, Emline Smith, Catherine Sheror, Bo ney Sontherland, Anna E. Skipper, Ann Swain, Alice Stouey, Andrew Jackaon Smith. T. Thomas Thompson, Simon Taylor, Rob J. Towusend, David Tholly, Chas. Terry, Frank Thomas. W. S. Ann Wickens, Perry White, Miss L. E. Williams, L. M. Williams, J. L. Williams, Joshua Watson, John E. Wilkinson, Jacob Wise, Joseph Wilkinson, John Williams, J. W.Whifford, John Walker, Henry Walker, Hannah Wiggins, Florah Wiley, Lewis Wil liams. Persona divmg for letters in this List will please say "Advertise! id." ED. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington. N. C, Dec. 83, 1S96. Life of the Flesh in the Blood. Rosadalis ! The greatest Blood Purifier and Renovator known. Used and. endorsed by physicians, who prescribe it in their regular practice. W hy 1 Because the articles from which Kosa rialis is made arc published around oach bot tle, so that every physician knows Just what it contains, and hence endorses it as a valua ble Alterative compound. This preparation has gained and maintains an unrivalled rep utation for the cure of Scrofula in any form, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Old Soros, Ul cers, Ac, Dyspepsia Neuralgia, in fact any c uremic an action ot tne uiooti, iiver ami nm neys. and all diseases in which an alterativ e plan of treatment is indicated dec 2l-v Latest by Telegraph. Thousands of men. women and children have been cured of Diarrhea, Dysentery Chol era Morbus, Colic, Ac., by Dr. K. H. Worthing ton's celebrated North Carolina Remedy, the only known specific for.all painful bowel af fections. Ask for Dr. Worthington's Diarrhea and Cholera Medicine keep it in your house never travel without it it may pave your life. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. iorsaiein Wilmington uyj. v. lappm a Co; James T. Wiggins, Wholesale Proprieto ry Agent, Norfolk, Va. tf Female Diseases. Large numbers of women in fact almost nine-tenths of the entire sex sulfur from some disease peculiar to females. Dr. liAWKiycK's Womak's Friknd meets with wonderful success in curing them. This fact should be widely known. If every lady in the United States were to take one or two DOtties oi tne woxam's jbisnd, iney would be repaid by a renewal of health and strength. it is a sale and rename rcmcuy, ana is en dorsed by the best physicians. aug 8-tf Ask tlie Iaadle! Maids and Ibey will tell you that PHALON'S V1TALIA or SAI. vation for tuk hair is the favorite ar- I tide for reviving the natural tinge of blanch- ed or fading ringlets. Clear aa fluid glass, wholesome to the skin as water, undiscolor- able bv the lieht. without anv mineral odor and yielding no sediment, It defies competi tion ana courts comparison. uec 13-eoaiw Collector's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, Kovbxsxk 30th, 1861). TAX NOTICE! TAX NOTICE! THE TAX BOOKS FOR 186 ARE NOW open. The taxes are on Real Estate, Personal Property, Income, Lawyers, Physi cians, Dentists, Carriages and Horses, and Polls. This tax MUST be paid before the 1st of January, 1870, or the usual course will be taken. The office will be open from 9 to 3 each day (Sundays excepted;. BENJAMIN DURFEE, dccl7-td Collector. MARRIAGES. ROSE STEEL. In Favetteville. at the res idence of the bride's rather, Dy tne Kev. Jir. Mann, George M. Rose and Augusta J., dangh- I ter qi a. w. oieei, xq. DEATHS. - BEERY. In this city, ont he 22d inst., of TvDhoid Fever. Sallie McRee: daughter of W m. L, and the late Mary B. Beery, aged 13 years and 10 days. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence oniFront street, between Ann and Nan, Friday mrning at 10 o'cloek. ANDERSON. In this city, on the 22d inst.. of Diptheria. Benjamin Huske, son of David Anderson, lisq., agea t years ana mourns. The friends of the family are invited to at tend the funeral this evening at 8 o'clock, from his residence, corner of 6th and Princess St. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Special Notice. mtIK MEMBERS OF THE HOWARD RE- JL lief Fire Engine Company No. 1, are here by notified to meet at the Engine House, this (lnursaay) arternoon, air z ckiock, vo nium the funeral of pur deceased brother Firemen Antone Swain. , The nook ana iaaaer, ana tne ' steam fire Engine company no. l, are lnvitea to attenu. jjy oraer oi mo x uremn, dee 23-lt Secretary.' : ' Butter, &c. u - f TUBS (AND-. FIRKINS OK BV1 JLxJKJ TKK. . p DaaOSSET CO. PEA NUT BAGS, , . ; . : w . . . . , . A fully supply. ....... ....t.. i dbrosset.&.co. -:..-........ , .. .-'. "TTVURHAM TOBACCO, "' .--J!.Jvi-;u'.-. - A large invoice of -. , . dec23-tf - DkUOSSET&CO, v.vv ' r v a v. I ' AY - I DECEHBER 23,-1869.- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. JR ONLY, Auctioneer. ; By CBONI.T A MORRIS. Oranges at Auction. rpHIS MORNING AT 10U O'CLOCK, WE X will sell on board of Brig H. H. Leavcy, lyin in front of the office of Messrs. Edward Kidder & Son's, 8outh Water street, -; - . 30,000 SWEET PORTO Rico Oranges, dec 23-lt 1 " : ' 7 .'T- A Choice Assortment fF ELEGANT ' ' AND USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS . . . at " ' ; . . J. D. LOVE'S BOOK STORE. dec23-3t PHYSICIANS T AKE NOTICE ! INDIA RUBBER CLOTH GARRIOKS FOR THE MEDICAL FACULTY AND EVERYBODY ELSE, At dee23tf MDNSON CO'S., City Clothiers. Citizens' Candidate . FOR MAYOR DR. W. W. HARRISS. dec 23-tde MANY CITIZENS. CAPE FEAR FAIR GROUNDS. AMUSEMENT FOB THE HOLIDAYS. TRAINS WILL BE RUN FROM THE DE potof the W. & W. Railroad every hour from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M., commencing on the 25th instant, and continuing until the 1st day of January. Sunday exoeDted. From Monday 27th until January 1st, races nnd exercises of horses will take place from 11 A. M. to 5 P. M., under proper directions. Each horse entered for races or exercise on the track, one dollar. Gate entrance 25 cents. Horses under saddle or in harness, 25 cents each. The buildings will be leased for pic nic par ties and other proper purposes. For information apply to Maj. J. A. Engel hard, Sec. Ex. Com. . . ... dec 23-3t ' St. John's 'Lodge, No. 1. F. k A. M. . EMERGENT MEETING THIS (THURS DAY) EVENING, at VA o'clock, for work in the Third Degree. . uy oraer.or the w. M. doc 23-lt WM. M. POISSON, Sec'y. N0LANDINE! THE GREAT VIRGINIA VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE, BLOOD PURIFIER AND BEMOVATOK OF THE HUMAN SYSTEM. We Invite attention to the following certifi cate, and assure the public that Nolandine la what we style it a strictly vegetable prepar ation. JOHNSTON A LANGHORNE, j-narmaceutists ana prop'; Rlohmond. a. Descriptive circulars sent on anDlication to us or any druggist. "When oedering, specify If Nolandine Proper, or Nolandine for Chills ana ever. JOHNSTON & LANGHORNE. A physician, who has been a practitioner for t enty-two years, senas us tne following : JXKW ILKHT tOUWTT, VS., April X, Messrs. Johitstob & LAWGHORjr: Gentlemen The very hieh character of the testimonials attesting the merits oi your "vegetable Preparations Nolandine,'' in duced me to test your " NOLANDINE PROP- tit " in a very desperate case of Hyurotnorax (dropsy of the chest,) combined with Asclties (dropsy of the -abdomen). - The usual reme dies known to our profession had been most skillfully administered without producing anticipatea enects. Tne aiseases yieiaeato the action of yoar NOLANDINE." I very gratefully state that my patient is now enjoy, fng the ulessings of a restoration to good health, and now, four months since adminis tering your Nolandiae, there Is not a symp tom of recurrence. 1 had several opportunities of testinsr the merits of your "NOLANDINE" for CHILLS AND FEVER. In cases which bad resisted the usual remedies for months, and had the satis faction to see them entirely broken and per manently removed after a course of your No- lanaine. I know that I will incur the displeasure of some oi i no proiession Dy aeparting irom its usages ; but candor and lacts compel me to caU attention of my professional brethren to the invaluable properties of your preparation and trust that prejudice will not deter them irom ineir use. x nave touna tne action oi your Nolandine on the liver and secretions more tnan equal to caiomei, wmcn is an addi tional recommenaauon. Very respectfully, JONES. M. D. For sale Wholesale and Retail by . J. W. LIPPITT & CO., Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. dec ISmacly! COTTON IS KING. A a . - a a . - . . -- . ' X. Plantation containing 850 acres of Cotton land lying in Duplin County can be purchased at a bargain. K' . '. 4 300 ACBES OB MOBE of the Tract is cleared and under fence. The balance Is divided into pine land and rich swamp. The main residence is at a beautiful location and comfortable and healthy having EXCELLENT WATER. There Is a negro quarter on the other end of the farm conveniently situated. The farm of cultivated land may be enlarged by clearing. An experiment was made the present year upon two acres, manured with domestic man ure and planted in cotton which made 1300 POUNDS. LINT COTTON. must not be expected to find the land at the price placed upon itj producing this way lii an' unimproved state; but it Is mostly adapted to cotton culture and s offered at the low price of 13200, cash ;trr $4000 on six months time. It is in a good nelghbornood.' Enquire of tne Editor of this paper. novSfr-tfnaa'T tiis 't: Fresh Garden Seed. THE LARGEST 8TOCK'EVER OFFERED In this market. A liberal discount to the trade, i r. :; ' ; .V ' .'';..?'."- is ? For sale try- ?'-. . j . JAS. W. LIPPITT A COi - Wholesale and Retail Druggists. t dec 21-1 wnaT h' ' f 1 ; Wholelfo. 705. ; Official i tff.;.( - IN BOARD OF ALDERMEN: l ;, Wilmington, December 20, 1869. . J THE following named persons are hereby designated as Registrars and Inspectors o Elections in the coming Municipal Election, and will comply with the requirements of the following Ordinances: FOB. THE FIRST WART : ALLEN EVANS, JOHN H. BROWN, 1 JOHN DYER. FOR THE SECOND WARD!- " JAMES LOWRT, ROGER MOORE, ; STACY YanAMRINGE. FOR THE THIRD .WARD: WASHINGTON HOWE, JOHN G. BULCKEN. . CHAS. H. ROBINSON. FOB THE FOCETH WARD: ' '' II. B.-EILERS, ! . JAS. McD. FRENCH, WM. McLAURIN. The following: ordinance concerning Regis trars and Inspectors of Elections was then passed : - - : AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REGIS TRARS AND INSPECTORS OF ELECT IONS. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of Vie City of Wilmington, at follows: . sec. l. ah Registrars ana inspectors oi Elections to be' appointed as provided ia the Amended Charter of the City of Wilmington, ratified by act of General Assembly, Dec is, 1868. shall open their books for registration. and register all the legally qualified voters in the several wards oi the Ulty, that nave not been previously registered, during such hours of the days set apart by law for registration, as the Board of Aldermen may by order deter mine. Sec. 2. The City shall allow compensation to the Registrars for registration of voters, the sum of three (13) dollars each per day for each and every day such ragistrar shall serve. sec. a. A majority oi the Board oi Regis trars or Inspectors in each Ward shall be com petent to register voOrs, and shall also be competent to sign the returns of election made to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. sec. 4. Ail the votes given in for omcers de signated to be voted for 6hall be sorted, count ed, declared and registered in open vvara meeting, by causing the names of the persons voted for and the number of votes given for ach to be written in words at length in the returns made to the Mayor and Aldermen, and all the ballots or votes cast shall be then and there properly sealed up in an envelope and retarnea witii tne returns. Sec 5. The books shall be kent open for reg istration of all the legally qualified voters of the city, during such hours of the days design ated by law as the Mayor and Board of Alder men shall determine, and the Registrars shall daily, daring said days, make a certified copy of the registration list, and return the same to the City Clerk within two hours after the time designated for closing the books on that day. provided, however, that on the day of election tne doors oi registration Ehall be returned to the City Clerk, together with all check lists used by said Registrars, within one hour after declaring the vote as provided in a subsequent section, and the returns of the votes for the person or persons voted for, shall be made to the Mayor and Aldermen as hereinafter provi ded, together with Buch warrants or notices as they shall receive from said Board of Alder men. - Sec. 6. All Registrars and Inspectors shall be sworn to a faithful discharge of their duty be fore any Justice of the . Peace or other officer amy quannea to administer oaths. . Bee. 7. It shall be the duty of .the Mayor and Aldermen to meet in session on the, Tuesday next following the first Monday in January of eacn vear. at tneir room in the citv nau. at ia o'clock noon, for the purpose of receiving the returns irom tne several wards, and they snail remain in session for one hour, and longer if they deem it necessary : and the Inspectors of Elections shall then and there make their ' re-' turns to said Mayor and Aldermen. ' , . . sec. a. Any person appointed as Registrar or Inspector of Elections, under provisions of tne act oi the General Assembly, entitled "an act to amend the Charter of the City ot Wil- minton," and ratified December 18, 1S6, who having qualified as Registrar or Inspector, and shall refuse or neglect to discharge the duties imposed by this ordinance, shall be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be recov ered as penalties are now recoverable. sec. y. All ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with or repugnant to the provis ions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. rassea Dy uosra or Aldermen December MO. 1869. :y ' JOS. 1L NEFF, , , Mavor. Benjamin Durfeb, City Clerk. The following ordinance was then passed : Ordered. That the Registrars in the several Wards appointed this 3ULh day . of December, loos, soau Keep open weir dooks ior registra tion of voters daring such hours as are here inafter named. r In all the Wards during the five davs preced ing the Sunday next preceding the nrst Mon day in January, from 10 o'clock A M. until 2 o'clock P. M.; and from 7 o'clock P. M. until 9 o'clock P. M., on the Saturday next preced ing the election ; on the day of the election, during tne noun tne pons are Kept open. And do it lurthcr ordered, lhat the places ior registration of voters shall be as follows: For Wards One and Two, at the City Hall. For wards lhree and a our, at the Howard Engine House, on Fourth-street. Passed by Board of Aldermen 'December 20. 1869. . JOS. H. NEFF, Benjamin Durfee. City Clerk. It was also ordered as follows: . Ordered, That the Mayor issue at once pro per warrants for an elecion to be held on the first Monday in January, 1870, for a Mayor to serve one year ; four Aldermen, one for each Ward, to serve two years, and an Assistant As sessor for each Ward to serve one year ail to De voted ior on one Daiiot. Ordered, further, That the. Mayor copy in full in said warrants the ordinance in relation to a donation of five thousand dollar ($5,000) to the Cape Fear Agricultural Association, and direct those citizens in favor of said donation to state upon ballots "For the Donation to the Cape Fear Agricultural Association,'? and those opposed to tne donation to state upon their ballots "Against the Donation to the cape r earAgricnltural Association." uraered further, xnattne pons be kept open from sunrise to sunset. ' ' " - -4 A true copy from the minutes of the Board or Aldermen oi uecemDer xu, looa. 1 i . DEiMJ. DURFEE, . . -kr v CityClerk WABBADIT FOB CITY ELECTION. CITY OF WILMINGTON, To the Marshal, or either of his Deputies' . In the name of the City of Wilmin'itoh. vou are hereby required, forthwith, to notify the citizens of Ward No. 1, qnalined to vote, as the law ' directs, to assemble at the' Engine House, jtourtntitreetv- vil ji t i4 "In the" name ef the31ty of IVTJmmgton"; you are hereby required, forthwith,' to notify the citizens of Ward No. 2. Qualified to vote, as the law directe,tojssembleatthe Engine House; xiura otreeq t . -v 'i t '-' In the name of the City of Wilmington, you are hereby required, forthwith,, to. notify the citizens of Ward No. 8, qualified, to vote, as the law -directs, to assemble, at the Engine House, secpna otreet; - i ; - In the name it the tjlt t tt WHmlnetbnl you .are hereby required, forthwith, to notify . the citizens of Ward No.-4. -eaalifled to vote, as the , Jaw directs, to.a&8embla at the Engine House,' Fourth Streei-' T ' ? -''j On the 8rd day of. January, 1870y at sunrjse i " M twod78,.--fa-(k.f.-....... l w . . 4 Ji hree daysAlZv......ii2o . " lour days,. j , . " nva da vs.7. S 00 one week,.;.......'.!.. CO ' " Contract Advertisement taken at pro portlonatelylowate.m ! Marriages, Datr,' - Religtoos, -FuMral and Obituary notloes will be inserted at half rate Whtm paid for In SdnM nttmwtM fall nMl Art ia te,'foreno6n,',then,'and1 there tVglve'lu M their ballots fof a; Mayor, W'serve one year?' 1 four Aldermen, one for -each-' Ward,' to serve two years ;. ana.au asslstant Assssor for: each Ward, to serve one year, all to be vpbed.fox on one ballot. The polls to remain opeh until sunset and no longer. And to also cast their votes' on the ollwlngordlnneo? ' AN OKDINANCE CONCERNING . THE DO- ; NATION OF CITY BONDS TO THE CAPE " , FEAR AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. s Be it ordained, by the Beard of Aldermem of the City of Wilmington, as toDows : ' , - Section 1st That the Mayor be authorized and instructed, and is hereby directed to sub scribe and pay to the Cape Fear Agricultural Association, the sum of Two Thousand Dol- ' lars in bonds of the City i to be paid from the bonds of the City payable In ten years from July ls.t, 1869, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable In gold., ;, Sec 2nd. That at the next city election tho question "Shall the City of Wilmington do nate to the Cape Feir Agricultural Association Five Thousand Dollar In bonds payable In ' ten years,' with Interest taf .six per, cent, per annum, payable in gold,!' shall be submitted ' to the voters of the city for their- decision. . Sec. 3rd. That if the vote shall be decided In the affirmative, the Two Thousand Dollars la bonds donated in the first section of this or- ' dinance shall be deducted from the Five Thou' ' sand Dollars In bonds, ' mentioned la the - sec ond section, and the Mayor shall require from the officers of the said Association an obliga tion to return at the end of one year fro j their delivery, the two thousand dollars In bonds, in case the vote of the people Shall be against 1 the donation of the five thousand dollars In bonds as aforesaid. , . , . t . And you will notify Uia..citlsana. to stata on their ballots as follows : If voting for the do nation as specified In1 the'ordlriance above re cited, the ballot shall state "For the donation to the Cape Fear Agricultural Association." If opposing the donation, the ballot shall state "Against the donation to the Cape Fear Agrl-. cultural Association.'.' : , , v ? , j ( v I a . Herein fail not, and have you then and there this Warrant, with your doings thereon.. , - , Witness, Jos. H. Niff, Mayor of said City of Wilmington, this , l. s.J , twenty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thou ; 4 sand eight hundred and sixty-nine.. By order of the Mayor and Aldermen. 1 BENJ. DURFEE.' ,' . - , CltyCaerk.-- , i . Marshal's Offlce, ; ' WiLMiNeTON, N. C, Dec 21, 1869. To the citizens of Wilmington Grebtino : In accordance with the above warrants; you are notified to comply with the requirements as specified. i . , ' . ' i ' yy.tr. wakauax, Marshal City Wilmington. dec33-td. : , AUCTION SALES. 4 T V T V B D A T . " v J. T. lAMEfif, Aaetleneer. " ' ' BY JAMES & MEARES. t-y Commissioners Sale of Valnable ReaL Estate. ON Tuesday, January 11th, 1960, at 11 o'clock,' A. M.. I will sell at the Conj-t House doop. in this city, to the highest. bidder, that valua-i ble and desirable ... LOT OB PARCEL OF LAJfD, i i.,.-. known in what is called the Jacob's Entrv. an lot No. 19, beginning at. the corner of . Walnut and Seventh streets, from thence running South sixty-six feet, nence West one hundred and twenty feet,' thence North sixty-six feet to Walnut street, thence with said .street ene hundred and twenty feet td the beginning it being a part of a lot conveyed by, Benjamin. Gardnier to Nancy Campbell. ' ; - Terms of Sale Cosh. - - - GEO. D. FLACKv Jr''' Commissioner. Dec 9, lS09-tlljan Valuable iRiy, Estate, T;l it rnoM.v a. Hnunis . , T I BY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court, of the Genu ty-of New Haneven ia-the case of Samuel M. Wilson vs. W.E. Folrce and others, the undersigned, Commissioner, duly appointed by said Court, will sell at Public Auction, at iq vpT nousc noor in taiscuy ' on TUESDAY. Jan. 11, 1870, at 11 oVl'k. Ds mi... Jl ' , . ' '. That very.desirablCv and all Improvements thereon, situated Upon the N. W. corner of the intersection' of Second and Orange Streets, . .ri- . m ieet upon secona street, . . . . 100 feet upon Orange Street.! '. - ''''' .v- . Also, " .v,.rv .- DWEixnre iiovsk ahd.lo West of and adjoining the above. 6fl 1 feettrpoa Orange Street, running northwardly 99 feet. i' Ii: i Also,; , .- A Lot with Stables thereon, situated lanon Church Alley, adjoining the lot of J Loeb. 76 feet upon the Alley, running northwardly n Also, fiV'. A Tract of Land, eontainlnir 888' Acres lvintf nnon Turkev Swamo. In Dunlin Countv. ad joining the Lands of Thos. A Hi J. Kenan, W ingtne same con veyea Dy samuei jL. uatcn toff. W. Pelrce, by deed bearing date August d,1848.. , K ... One-half Cash" balance I mouths credit, With interest added. Title reserved or mortgage to secure the payment. ; - . ; .. ..... , M CBONLT, . . ' - ComW Wilmfngton, C, Deei 4,'1889-tseod sat Christmas Presents ' HEISSRERQER'S; s TIEF'S, KNABE'S ' and other'planofc' ror aUd other Pianos, fb , , HEIN BUERGER'S. sale at BTJRDETT COMBINATION ORGAWS, for sale at i - heinsBBBGKR'8. SELECT ASSORTMENT , . V , ,- " " v' To eale'atwj' HEINSBERGXR'S LIVE BOOK STORE, . r . i - 3 Market Street. MORE CHK1STMA8 PREPB NTS Auction; & Commission r-f FATETTBYLLLEN, iCig Ip AM ' PREPARtTJ ""TOK CONDttCTr THE auction business in ail lte branches. Hav lng made arrangements with wholMialAdeal era abroad, IsImOI offer Out Goods and gcnr mX merchandise of ail grades, publicly or pri vately. to wholesale or retail dealers. My return. uoiuiramanuoi tu wwi, biwiuw, and saleable property sotieited. 'Satisfactory references given In Fayetteville or Wilming ton... I am also ageatfor the weUf(k0wn Whiskey of Smith Isley of Raleigh. ' , -Z r ; . . ISAAC HQIXIKCj WORTK: FavBtUvttle,N. C., Deo. 9, MfflB.. ' ' UODiWWOsWVUU a. u T Ml' OS.-He;NEEPe ; . f-. . r.. J ' - . , m i IT: f '.:$ ji'-fo 'i. - Visvnif fo?:. Vit'l '-t ihf- "! .TV I'". :i