1. MORNING STAR. . TKU3HED ASTOOTTOOI&'I) My WM. II. BERNARD. r(8trBIO!PTIO' t-.-k -sny Mail, 7 00 pet year; or IS 60 for six .divered" to subscribers in any part of the ' Hl .U'v.,1 ..... - .J : ' HE VEItY LlATEJST. !5Y ,,TBEGRAPH. THE STAR. " KOOX REPOUTS. From Wash luff tH 4 ""Washington, Dec 28. Mexican Commissions have as yet made no legal decisions. In fact tbe Court is not yet organized, the Umpire being absent. Cash ing who represents Mexico objecting to the American, and Ashton who represents Ameri ca objecting to the American, the nomina tion of Umpire has been referred to the Eng lish Minister. The Mornina Chronicle says: The statement sent from this city to the New York Tribune, and published ll that paper of yesterday, im puting certain views ana purposes on the Cu ban aaestlon to the President. Mr. Fish, Sec retory of State and Senator Snmner.la in all its assertions and inferences utterly without foun dation. .law York HrkM. Nbw Yobk, Dec. 29 Noon Financial. stocks weak and unsettled. Money 1 cent, prem. Sterling Exchange long sight 109: short sight 109&. Gold 119K. United States live-twenty bonds of 1863, 112W. Ten ......iaa .Itd. aTjinniwn K9. finar . ta&lin .171 Viririnla sixes ex-coupon 47M; new issue 54. Louisiana sixes old issue 70: new 66 K; levee 04; eights 82. Alabama eights 94; fives 61. Georgia sixes 81; sevens 94. , North Carolina sixes old issue 42V: new 28V. Sonth Caro .llna sixes jiew 80., . , - - " Commercial. - ' Flour live better. 1 Wheat one cent lower. Corn one cent lower. Pork quiet mess at $30$30 25. Lard quiet Cotton steady at 254 cents. "Turpentine quiet at 43W cents. Rosin steady at $2,052,l0 strained. Freights quiet. Foreign Market. London, Dec. 29 Noon, Consols for monev 93: U.S. 5-20 bonds oflS63.85J. Tallow firmer at 45s. Havre, Dec. 29 Cotton closed firm yesterday on the spot at 137. . Paris, Dc. 29 Noon. Bourse opens quiet rentes 72f.5c. LmtRPooL, Dec 29 Noon. Cotton opens steady Uplands 115lld; Orleans ll?llid, sales 10,000 bales. LATER. Cotton unchanged. OJ It NIGHT Iti:iOItTS. FROM .WASHINGTON. , Washihqtoh, D. C, Dec. 28. The Receipts from Internal Revenue to-day were $30,000. Assistant Secretary of tbe Treasury, Rich ardson, positively quits on the 1st of Janua- Senator Pratt of Indiana has resigned. It is now said that tbe debt will hardly reach three hundred millions dollars. The Agricultural report just out makes the present cotton crop 27 hundred thousand commercial bales, fully equal to three millions of bales weighing four hundred pound. From Richmond. Richmond, Dec. 29. iTbe State Central Committee of the seceding wing of tbe Republican party has. prepared a bill to be submitted to Congress, providing tbat the Legislature shall meet- and take the test oath prescribed In the fourteenth amendment, and go on to elect State officers and Judges, after which it shall adjourn and its work be submitted to Congress, and if ap proved the State then to be admitted. The Chamber of Commerce to-day adopted a petition to (jongress to release tnem from tne payment of the revenue tax on whiskey or to bacco wnlca may be destroyed by fire or wreck. Dr. James Dove, a well known physican, died to-day. i'-j-t j .- .v.ti't From New York. , . - A . Nw York, Dec. 29. It is reported that Creswell - baa contracted with the Williams & Guion and National steam ship companies to carry the Atlantie Mails. .J , From nissonrl.! St. LotriB, Dec. 29. Two hundred and fifty Chinese departed up on the steamer Mississippi for, the Texas Rail- New York Markets. . .. T ( , New York, Dec. 20. i W.wn Commercial Cotton firm and closing quiet . Sales 3300 bales at 25K. Flour from five to ten cents bet ter on low trades-superfine at. 4,50(5: $5 common to fair extra at $5,50$6,00. - Wheat a shadefbetter, but qnlet and firm red western winter at fi.ittf 1,37. uorn Heavy old mix ed western tl 10. Pork - unchanged. Lard firmer at 1818 cents. Whiskey at 97 cents, Spirits Tupentine at 431. Rosin at $2,08. Frelghts fiber. , . . ti Financial. - Money very stringent at 7 cent in gold. sterling aicurdcb neavey ana lower at 1U (tiuoTi. vjuiu ami ana neavy at iiv(ceilVi, Bonds weak. Stocks active but weak. , Baltimore Markets. . Baltimore, Dec. 29. Cotton nominal at 24? Flour dull bnsl nesg light. Wheat steady. Corn active r. ceipts small white at 8587 cents; yellow at rtrnwva cents, uau ana Kye dull. Whiskey at fr UU. ...... . T Cbarleston Market. . ' J r -r ' ' Chablbsto, Dec. 29. Cottoh quiet ' Sales 450 bales middling at 'Ai cents; receipts 1108 bales; exports 860 Dales; coastwise 146 bales. J : : i i XAtroTsTA, Dec.' 29. 1 cotton marxet opened firm with a fair de mand at 28 cents. ; , Closed quiet and easier at 2223 cents. Sales 660 bales. : Receipts 580 bales. . Savannah Markets. ; Savakkah. Dec. 29. o Rceiptt 2585 bales. - Exports' 6539 bales.w oi 009 oaies middling at 23 cents. Mar- VI M 1 til. . 4 : i rtUitf T St. Ina, Markets. ; St. Louis; Dec 29. Corp ' cents: V 60t3o,oa Bhmtr. ulr'r. V'WW cenu.- Lard Clnelmati ,Lrls. '-' " CisciiiHATr, Dec. 29. ! fJo'rn firm at 85 cent. 'HP' cents. Pork at $29. Bacon in- fair demaad shoulders at 14 cents, sides at M cmtj Pack ed lard higher. ; . " , ' " , 1 ' LoaiavlU arMta. . ., ";., - -' Lowmtux, Dec. 29. pM.i,inn.irnr. Pork 30. Shoulders at 181 cents, cents. ' Clear sides at 18 cents. Lard at 18 C OMMEROIAL; " ' . ' . ;" " ' !' W I LiM F N G TON MARKET. STAR OffFlCK. Dec 28. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Receipts 140 casks. Novates reported. Last sales at 89 cents for country. ROSIN Receipts 2594 bbls. Sales of 2063 bbls $1.50 for strained, 1.55 for strained deliv ered, and f 1 60 for No 2. Also 1,000 bbls at l 55 for strained, deliverable by the Slst of Jan uary. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Sales of 300 bbls at $3 80 for Soft and l 65 for Hard. , TAR Sales of 260 bbls at 1 95. ; COTTON Sales of 96 bales las follows: 3 bales at 23, 8 at 23, 1 t 23, 5 at 23, 31 at 23, 8 at and 25 at 23 cents. WHOLK8ALE rUCEB. ABTIOLBS. PRICKS. BA GOING Gunny, yd BA.COX Noktw Carolima, Hams ....V s 24 10 Shoulders, V a Hog Kound......... ...... ft t Wkstzrh ... 1S . 20 Q tl Hams, f 1, 24 20 16 staes, fi Bl Shoulders, V lb BARRKIJSpiriU Turpentine, I Second Hand, each New New York, each New City,.... each BEESWAX W a 2 GO 2 75 Q 2 75 35 9 00 2 75 2 SO 8 00 30 B-ftCXS-Wilmington,.... M. BUTTER-Kotlb. Carolina, a Northern V a 10 00 30 0 47 50 00 $ 20 & 20 1 (i 35 ti 20 2fi 25 00 a 12 0 00 t$ 85 56 CANDLES Sperm, '..W S 55 20 v 20 SI 17 37 2:1. 2d .28 1 25 7 15 Tallow, y a CHEESE Northern, Fao'y, M a Dairy a State,........, J, COFFEE-Java,.... fl B Kio, tJ b Laxuayra, ii a St. Domingo,. ) a CORN MEAL-. bush COTTON TIES DO JtfESTICSSheetlng, 4-4 ipyd Yarn, ...W buuch FISH Mackerel, N. U bbl Mackerel, No. 2, V Sbbl Mackerel, No. , bbl Mullets, bbl N. C. Herring, bbl Iiy Cod, .. a FLOUR 2 10 11 00 12 50 9 00 et 10 00 14 00 15 00 JS 50 0 JO 00 o 00 a 0 00 8 ox Fine...... fibbl 5 00 Q 5 80 B 00 C 75 , f. 60 7 00 7 00 12 00 11 00 11 25 00 00 00 00 11 50 12 00 00 00 90 00 65 00 75 00 65 00 75 00 00 00 CO 00 65 00 70 00 00 00 65 00 70 00 $3 SO 00 70 00 85 00 50 00 70 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 70 00 od 00 70 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 a 57 00 00 00 67 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 super, nonnern, w ioi KxtraDo. " bbl Family ' W bbl X. Carolina Super, w bbl Clim, f( DDI Familv....M bbl FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano,... woo as Pacific Guano, u 2000 as Patapsco Guano,. . . fi 2000 as Dttugai raospnate, &UUUU8' SUUl. All lanure." T 4 utOT2 CnvtAVnnAanlintA 11 Woolston 's Am moniat'a Bone Phosph. of Lime, " Wilcox, Gibbs A Co's Ma nipulated Guano, ' Phoenix Gnano, o. Carolina Bone Phos phate, Alkaline Super Phosph. Ammo'd Super Phosph., " Ammonia'd Alkaline Su- " per Phosphate " Chesapeake Phosphate, " Croasodale's Superphos phate " Alta Vela Phosphate.... " Ground Bone " Bone Meal... " l lour " Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate .... Wando " Berger & But.z's Phos phate 60 00 00 00 19 20 QLUE fi j Corn, In Store, f fi as Corn, Cargo in 58 19 Corn, New 'ft bush Oats, w bush Peas, Cow, f bush HIDES Green, a Dry,. ft a HAY Eastern, 100 as North Hiver,... 100 9s HOOP IRON ... ton LA.KD Northern, m a North Carolina, W a LIME bbl LUMBER River Last sales, Wide Boards w M ft 1 15 0 00 0 00 1 nii 1 uo 0 00 1 00 1 25 30 1 202 5 17 1 35 la 1 50 1 10 125 00 1W 00 1 75 0 00 12 00 15 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 17 00 Scantling,.. t M ft Flooring...... )Mft Citt Stkam Sawkd Ship Stutt, resawcd,..Ma Koutrb Kdze Plank.. M ft 23 CO 25 00 a ou ig 22 00 W est India Cargoes, accord ing to quality, Mft Dressed Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 20 00 20 00 35 00 Scantling and Boards, com- monu..... fiMft 15 00 20 00 oitjiAi!. uua,niiua., w gal Cuba, bbls., ...ft gal Sugar House, hhds... gal " bbls.,:...5al 50 55 40 42X 60 5 no 00 38 1 40 00 1 10 75 2 50 qyrup, uuis.. ........ NAILS Cut, 4d to 20d... OILS Kerosene, Lard,..; Linseed Kosin, m ral PEANUTS... Wbush POT A TOES Street, bush Irish, Northern. bbl PORK Northern ' City Mess,......; bbl Thin, bbl Prime .....f bbl Rump, ft bbl J2C-Carolina, j a 3 00 84 00 85 60 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 81 00 9U 09 East India,.... fl a 00 Rough,. .ft bush SALT Alum, Vt bush . sack Liverpool American- Vt sack SUGAR Cuba-....'. a Porto Rico. ..... w a A. Coffee,. ) a a. " wit r c. a Crubned. w a BOA i-Northern Vt a Wilmington, . ai SHINGLES Contnu!.tn..yt M Common,.; t M 8TA VESW. O. Bbl., p M 0 4 00 2 60 80 00 It. J. iiuu., TIMBER Shipping, .... 00 00 00 00 11 00 12 50 aim jrrime,..( 9 60 10 50 muii air......... Inferior to Ordinary, TPHiSiTRK-Northern,. . North Carolina. , i 7 00 8 00 6 00 , 6 00 1 75 4 00 3 00 00 WILHINtiTON MONET MARKET. CORRECTED DAILY BY JAXES DAWSOX. Btrrmo. sulhho, uoiu,... us 120 Silver, 112 115 Exchange sight on Northern Cities,... yedts, Par. i.;uauKB ow uays un XHOixn- cm cities N. C. Bonds, old. 6 9c lJ4?cdis. a2 29 29 91 75 70 Do. new 6 Sflc Do. Special Tax 6 )c...... W.tWiEE. Bonds 7 Vc(Gold Int.) Wilmington City Bonds 8 c...... " " " 7c M, fj v v . old 6 Vte.t. a v! m . newfic. New Hanover County Bonds (i6 years) 6 yc (Gold Int ). New Hanover County Bonds (5 years) 6 o (Gold Int.) w. W. Kail Road Stock, (Var 100) W. C. 4R.RaUKoad " i 60) Wil. Gas Light Co. " ( 50) ,65 '. . 72 Gold Int 68 72 85 8 6 .8 WU. Building Asso.' . 8 Prcm. juecnamcs' Cape Pear . ? t 1 ;...A......?'Paf Ml f BABX BIXX8. y, CaiMS Fear. .88 Graham.. .18 .3 .43 .30 .14 . 5 . 3 North Carolina .,..0 Lexington. .......... Miners' ft Planters'. Wadesboro Commerce Greensboro' Mutual. Clarendon Farmers' ..82 Merchants'., ......... 40j Charlotte AO Wilmington ......... 86 Commercial .85 irayetteviile 12 Roxboro'. ....55 lanceyville.. ThomasviUe 1 25 w asmngton. :...f...l MARINE. ' , . ARRIVED. . v ,?SSJteamor Jnn'per, Worth, Fayetteville Willard Bros. ' : x , Steamship FafflU, - Freeman, New York. J Stmr D. Murchison; r Garrison, FoyettevUle, Williams A Murchison. Ou 1 on a 1 50 7 i -10 75 00 1 75 0 00 1 69 1 65 16H 00 14 15 17U 17 Tm is 6 12 S00 00 3 00 00 00 Schr Serene, Jones, Nevasea .Island, F. W. Kerchner, with guano. Sailed on the 7th inst in company with the 8cht JSodgsea.; i . Scb r Ray, Hill, Little- RiverN- C, Nor throp & Cummlng, with 1350 bushels corn, t. -.if :' . CLEARED. , 29 8tmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayette ville." Williams & Murchison. " 4 Steamer .wot . worm, nun, ayenci. Worth & Worth' -.-"I" , ' Steamship Fairbanks, Moore, New York, Worth & Worth. . - - - Schr CH Eaton, Shackford, Ponce, Porto Rico. E Kidder fe Sons. Br Bark Evangeline. Jaques, London, Blos som fe Evans. - : . , Br Bark Westwind, Lawson, Cork, for or dors, O G Parsley & Co. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS. Stnr Juniper 10 casks spts, 831 bbls rosin, 108 bb'.s tar, 20 do turpentine, to Williams & Murcolson, Willard Bros, Love & Blocker, Worth & Worth, F W Kerchner, A Alderman. 8: mr D Murchison 6 bales cotton, 6 bales sheeting, 803 bbls roBin, to WiL'iams & Mur chison. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Falrbanks-177 casks ai.ta nu hhls rosin. 100 do tar. 899 bales cot ton. 30 bushels peanuts, 7 pkgs dried fruit, 9 pkgs incite. FOREIGN. Los nox Br Bark Evangeline 2062 bbls ros si 1, 400 casks 6pts. CoaK. for orders Br Bark Westwind 1301 casks nts. 993 bbls tar. PON'OE. rORTO KICO ocur u n r.mon 100,- r 4. . TT TA 1flO 000 foct lumber, 60,000 shingles. Consignees. Per Steamship Fanlta F W Kerchner, Han cock & Deggett, DeKosset & Co. Dawson, Tell & Henning, E Peschau, Williams k Mur chison, Cowan s Metts, v uiara jiros, i o Heyer, Canuon & Oldaam, Adrian & Tollers, S Bear & Bros. G A Peck. N Jacob!. A II Jieff, Blrdsey fc Ktblnson, JSevassa uuauo uo, An derson & Co, Barry Bros, A A McCoy, Dcmp mv Coleman & Co. Green Watson & Walsh, L J a-eliy, J 1 retteway, j a -L-ong, iouu Ron. W D Smith & Co. A Johnson Jr. W & M . . v m v. . 1 T . r Tl R R Agt, W livBK Agt. MISCELLANEOUS. New Wholesale House. R. E. HEIDE, No. 4 Ronth 'Water atreet, TEALERS will please call in time, or send XJ their orders for the holidays J net in and will arrive on every stmer, Fii Crackers, Torpedoes, fire"1 common Candies (none but pure indies sold) Cider, Preserves, Jellies naiHins.Flgs, Citron, Cann ed Gooils, crackers, Tea, Sugar, Cigars, Snuff and Tobacco, Nnts of nil kinds SO BOXES VALENCIA ORAKUES AND LEMONS, Gl'ATA JELLY, Cheese, and everything else in that line. lec21-tf W. J. LOVE. j. c. blo;ker. Love & Blocker, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CORNER NORTH WATER AND CHES- Vj nnt streets,.(Up Stairs) Wilmington, N. C. Personal and prompt attention given to consignments of - NAVAL STORES, COTTON and all other produce. oct 20-tf No. 1 Peruvian Guano. T A U R E L HILL MILLS COTTO YARN. For sialebv MOFFITT Jt CO. Jani4-S19-tf MERCANTILE PRINTING BU8INE8S CARDS. LETTER HEADINGS BILL HEADS, NOTE HKADINGS, CIRCULARS. ENVELOPES, 8TATEMENT3, NOTE BOOK, TAGS, and GENERAL JOB PRINTING Executed in the best manner, and at the short est notice, at the MORNING STAR JOB PRINTING OFFICE. J IMPORTANT ToTruckers. THE ATTENTION OF MARKET OAR. DENERS is Invited to a Tract of Land ly ing immediately on the Wilmington and Wel don Rail Road, nearly equi-distant between Wilmington and Gold8boro,oontaining FIFTY SIX ACRES OF LAND, all of which may be converted into a TRUCK FARM and as it, ia located at a fixed Depot, the own er would have every facility in making hia shipments which a Rail Road can give. The snrface soil is light with a yellow loam subsoil and wonld therefore Produce Early Crops finely. Thoro is wood enough on the Tractto pay for getting the whole ready for the plow and pay for e tting and hauling the wood be sides. ' .... There is on the premises a WELL-BUILT TWO STORY DWELLING, fronting and near the Rail Road, containing eight rooms with fire place in each, double portico in front, pas sages, &c. ; a good Kitchen with two rooms and two fire places, a good meat-house, poul try house ana some other baildings of small value. The houses alone rent for two hundred dollars a year. Price $2000. Apply to Editor of the Carol ina Farmer, Wil mingto.i, N. C. ISAFnactf Hand and Steam Power PRINTING PRESSES. rniiE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING AC cptecl the Agency, for the Southern States ofCottrell ABabcock'g celebrated Hand and Steam Power Printing Presses, is prepared to furnish them AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES.' " V' ' These Presses are recommended for Cheap neM, speed, strength,' durability and finish. ' Tha "Improved Country Newspaper and Job Press " is specially adaptea to the wants of Southern Publishers. One of this class may be seen in operation at my Printing and Pub lishing House. . , Circulars sent on application. , ' ' WM, H. BERNARD, . Agent for the Southern States. - ' - Wilmington. N. C. ' TtAfk,2FBXBl:8T "PE AND PRINT LNG .MACHINERY, at - , -- WM. H. BERNARD'S r , ! Printing and Publishing House, 1 . ' And General Book Bindery, oen-tf Dawonn Bank Bui Id in, Fronts , nSOELLANEOUa FIRE EZTIITGUISHEfi I ALWAYS READY ' FOR v. .INSTANT USE. : : ' Endorsed by U the leading xt.M. Fire Insurance Companies, " . THE ' ' .:;. GOVERNMENT CHIEF ENGINEERS, AND OVKR 9,000 OF THE ' Leading Citizens Thronghont the Union. This Fire Extlnffnlsber was supplied and is now In nae by tbe Metropolitan Fire Department f New Tor It, as also most of the leading Cities. It has saved over 500 Bnlldlnsm. with Property amounting to many MILLIONS OF UULiiAits. it 1$ requisite m every Jiunaing, being Cheap, Simple and Effective. NO ONE WHO VALUES LIFE PROPERTY SHOULD BE WITHOUT A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. It is as EFFECTIVE in the HANDS of a BOY i the most Experienced Fireman it has NO ACHINERY TO GET OUT OF ORDER. THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER HAS RECEIV ED THE HIGHEST ENCOMIUMS from the PRESS. w No invention has done as mncli good for the public aa the Fire Extinguisher, which stands always charged and available for instant, action, and not only affords tne means ot at once arrannimg witn a fire at its outbreak, when it is comparatively small and casv to subdue, but it aoes so witn mat most oowerful of all Extinguishers of Fire Carbon ie Acid Can. This Gas is projected upon the flames not in gaseous form. but . by means ot water hiehlv imDreznatea witn it: ana while it is perfectly Harmless to tne operator, it acts with concentrative effect upon the flrp. THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER is at all times ready for use : THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER puts out fire Inatnntlv; THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER has no Ma- Viinrv to eat out of oracr : THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER can be used liv mule and female : "THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER once loaded can remain so for years, ana can be neloaded by any boy. j 4S" AGENTS wanted all over the Union. 49 Beware ot worthless inventions offered to the Public on the reputation of this Extin guisher. aa-Send for Descriptive CIrcularj U. S. Fire Extinguisher Company, Head X)fflce, 8 Dey Street, New lork. dee 7-10t-eodtu For Rent, mHE HOUSE ON CORNER OF Second and Church Streets. New Dining Room and Kitchen, and new ly painted. Possession 1st January dec 2Hw NORTHROP CUMM1NG. josKrn r. abbott, H. P. I.. K SKBVOSS, ALEX, STRAl"SZK, RICK, CAPE FEAR Building Company, CONTRACTORS ANI nirii.Dr.RS. T7STIMATES AND PLANS GIVEN AND I'J contracts made for the erH-tion and com pletion of Dwelling Houses, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, , WAREHOUSES, Offices, Bridges, Ac. ALSO, PAINTING. REPAIRS, &C. DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. We manufacture all kinds of MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, NKWEL POSTS, RAILINGS AND BALUSTERS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Orders left at Office North sido of Princess street, between Front ami Second streets, dec ItJ-lm. The Plaindealer, WILSON. N. C. JS A UOOD ADVERTISING 9IEDIIT9I. Terms Rett son able. MERCHANTS and others, wishing to nse its column , will hand their Cards to WM. li. BERNARD. Kditor of the " Star." Or send direct to C. S. McDANIEI,, mhlS-tf - Editoi. Epicures Attention! THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the pnblie that baying made arrangements to be constantly supplied with the finest Tennessee Beeves, until April 15th, 1870, he is prepared to supply families with CORNED BEEF Equal to the celebrated Fulton Market Beef. Being thoroughly skilled In the preparation of this article, he feels no hesitation in guar anteeing satisfaction in every case, rut up in packages of 25. 60, and 100 pounds each. Leave your orders at the WASHINGTON MARKET. dee24-10d JNO. F. GARRELL. Sumter Watchman. rIHE W ATC HMLAN, published at Sumter, S. C, is one of the oldest and cheapest News papers in the State, and has a much larger circulation than any other newspaper in the seotion in which it is published. The Merchants of Wilmington cannot find so good a medium for communicating with the business men of Snmter and planters of the surrounding country. Address GILBERT St FLOWERS, Propr's, or apyly to Wm. H. Bernard, Agent, Wilmington, N. C. sept 25 :tf North Carolina Argus." Published Weekly, at WADE SB Oti 0', At the low rates f J82.50 per A iiiu 11 in . T IS NOW ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE one of the ver best papers in the State. has a very wide circulation, and Is fully alive to eveiy thing that is of interest to the people. A CHOICE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Try the Altars for one year. W. H. Bbrhakd and Spburt Himson Agents in Wilmington Address, apl8-tf 1. MoNIELL Editor. Clinton Male Academy. THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL will begin JanuarylOth. 1870. and continue twenty weeks. Board from $10 to $12 60 per month. Tuition $17 60 and $22 60. Contingent free 60 cents. No deduction unless in cases of protracted sickness. Pupils will find it to their interest to enter on t he first dav of the session. " GRADY A McLEOD. dec 28-Slw&F4w Stills for Sale. NE 8TILL, WORM, ARM AND CAP, in prime order rand as good as new, will 20 or ia barrels. : , , , run One 20 Barrel Still at Lynchburg, in running order complete. Apply to ... ... dec 22-1 m , , B 1 ,. E. MURRAY. A CO. ' PTRESCENT,' MARION V lished tor. r S. in. Jucauuan, -opria WM, H. BERNARD, Agent, AVilmington, N C. sept.23-l-tf 1H EXPXIESS Steamboat Company. For Fayetteville. THE NEW IRON STEAMBOAT, D. MUR CHISON, Alonro Garrison, Master, hav tnir elesant passenger accommodations ana maKing quic. every , , WEDNESDAY . f HAT DBDAT At 2 o'clock, P. M. Returning, leaves 1 rayette ville every TUESDAY and FRIDA, at 8 o'clock, A. M. THE FINE STEAMBOAT R. E. LEE WILLIAM SKINNER, Master, will mington every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 2 o'clock, P. M. Returning, leaves Fayette ville every WUDllissuAi ana saiihuai, at. 8 O'ClOC'K. A. 41. Goods consismen to ine care 01 mis une will be promptly forwarded, free of all charge. Freights received atall times on the covered wharf, foot of Oransre street, except when tne Doata are loading at wnarves in front of our store. WILLIAM? A MUKcmsoN, Agents. J. D. Williams & Co., Agents in layettc- ville. dec 19-tt LORILLARD'S Steamship Line THE MAGNIFICENT New Iron Steamsliips V0LTTNTEEE, Capt. JONE., REGUIiATOE, Capt. PENNINGTON. P ANITA, Capt. FKEEMAN. FORM A SEMI-WEEKLY LINE BE VY TWEEN NEW YORK AND WILMING TON, N. c. connecting witn tne w. x. m., yv. A W. R. R. and W. C. & R. R. R. Freight consigned to the Agents will go forward promptly without delay. This line brings goods from New York at the following low rates : Flonr XO Cents per Barrel, Pork 10 Cents per Barrel, Molaasea 10 Cents per Barrel, Sugar 10 Cents per " Measurement goods 2 cents per foot; Weight goods 10 cents per 100 lbs. AFor Freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, Agents. Wilmington, N.C. Oct. 26-tf New York and North Carolina Steamship Line. THE STEAMSHIP Rebecca Clyde, O. CHICHESTER, Captain. ILL LEAVE OCR WHARF. AT ' foot Of Mulberry streets, for New York ft 1 T "W a . V OA Patronise the Old L.ine, T1THICH HAS OUTLIVED SIX OP- V V positions and never taken advantage of a monopoly, anu wnjs rates nave oeen Dmlomly Lover to any Line cn the oast And Present Rates of Freight and Insurance Guaranteed aa Ixw as the Ijowcst. The only Lino connecting with or author. red to give through Sills of Lading by either WILMINGTON A MANCHESTER R. R. WILMINGTON A WELDON R. R., or WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE A RCTHER FORD R. R. All Freight consigned to the Rail Road Agents will have benefit of lowest rater to or irom aew xora. Sailing from New York every TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY At 4 P. M., from Pier 15 East River, offering 1113 wiTBuuigBs ui vri-weeuT line. WORTH A WORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. JAMES HAND, Agent, 119 WaUstreet, N.Y July26-tf BALTIMORE AND flLMGTOH Weekly Steamship Line. Composed of the First Class Steamships LTJCILIiE, W. S. HARRINGTON, Commander, AND JAMES A. GARY, H. O. HALL, Comnsnder. The Steamship JAUES A. ARY . . WILL LEAVE OCR WHARF BETWEEN o . PH'i? Orange street, for Baltimore, on SATURDAY, December 25th. For Freight engagements apply to ' oct23-tf A' B" SHEPPERSO:s OO. Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST AND AVOR1TE STEAMSHIP PIONEER, Cap. L. D. BARRETT, LL RUN THE FOLLOWING RiiHrcn. ule between Philadelphia and Wilmlag- ton, N. C. : ,, Leaving Thiladelphia. 6 a.m., Jan'r 8,1870, Leaving W Uminqton. 6 a.m., Jan. 15, 1870 6 a.m.,. 29, 1870 , ., , .Fety 13, 1870 w S8.1870 March 15, 1870 " 29, 1870 AprU 13, 1870 - . i , 2S, 1870 May 13, 1870 " 27. 1870 6 a. m., a.m.t 6 a. m., 6 a. m., 6a.m. 6 a. m., 6a.m. fi a. m., a. m., a ... 22, 1H70 Feb'y 6, 1870 21. 1870 March 8, 187C " 22, 1870 Apm e, u 21,1870 way 6. 187( 20, 1870 c 4. 1970 June 13, 1870K ! ; .June 11,1870 i; FREIGHTS FROM PHILADELPHIA REDUCED, rxa aaaaxL.! . Flour and Sugar, 15 cts. I Molasses, Beef and Pork, 25 " (Vinegar, ' EB BABBKL 25 CtS 25 " Measurement Goods 4 cents per foot. WeUrnt Goods 10 ets. per 100 lbs Insurance at low rates. , 1 For Freight or Passage, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Agents, ' . a - Wilmington. N. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Street, Philadelphia, OQU dee 25-tf y L leare-WinT r 1 HAIL T&; vl Wilmington.' Charlotte and RUTHERFORD BAII BOAD; (! Gbvsbai. StrrKanrTXTTDiiirr'S Otttox, ) Wilmington N. C, Aug. 9, '1867. AND AFTER TUESDAY Next, An- ust 13th, the Passenger Train on this teng dnar Roaa will leave Wilmington on luesuay, Tkursdav and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. irrivn at. Sand Hill same davs. at t P. M. Arrive at Wadesboro (Stage), at IS mid nleht. Leave Waaesboro (St-'ge), on Tues dav. "nmwuv ana oaturuav ui x jr. m. Reave Rocicingnam ((stage i, . on juonaay, Wednesday ana Friday, at a. so.. Ieave Sand HIU (Cars) Monday, Wednes day and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. . Arrive at Wilmington same days, at ir, n W. I. EVERETT, sept23-l-tf Gen.Supt. Wil min eton &, Wei. R. R. Co. Orrics Chikf Eboivbkr A Gxn. Strr'T, Wilmisqtow, N. C, April 29, 1869. ! Change of Schedule. "VN AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 11th J inst., our PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 10:00 P.M., and arrive at Weldon. at 6:0SA. M. and 2:60 P. M. Leave Weldon at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:30 A. M. nnd 7:13 P. M. FREIGHT TRAINS Will leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays ana Fridays, at 4S a. ju.., ana arrive at Wilmington same days at tt:46 P. M. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Wilmington. May 29th, 18C9. tt GENERAL SUP'TS OFFICE, Wilmington and Manchester R E. Company. Wilhihotok, N. C, Nov. 5th, 1869. fS AStD AFTER MONDAY NIGHGT, THE V 8th inst.. Passengers for tne w . M. it. R will take the train at the W. A W. R. R. UeDOt. and the following Schedule will be run : EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wllmineton (W. A W. R. R. Depot) 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Florence: 10:32 A. M. Arrive at Klnarsvillo 1:55 P.M. Leave Kingsville 12:35 P. M. Arrive at Florence 3:54 P. M, Arrive at Wilmington ...10:15 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington (W. & W. R. B. Depot) 6:45 P. M. Arrive at Florence 2:40 A. M Arrive at Kingsville.. 9:00 A.M. Leave Kinirsvllle 4:00 P. M. Arrive at Florence 9:40 P. M. Arrive at W. A W. R. R. Depot 6:15 A. M WM. MacRAE, nov6tf Gen'l Snp't. mSCEUbANEOUS. Our Patrons. itONTINUK TO RECEIVE EXTRA WORK from competent and polite workman at the POPULAR SHAVING SALOON, No. 11, North Front-st. Additional patronage resi snecttullv solicited. R. Pkkkthb. J. . H Cabkawat. C. E. Clkapob. dec4-lf CHRISTMAS GOODS Arrived at W. M.& J. C. Stevenson's FAMILY GROCERY, Old City Hotel Building. Fire Crachers, Currants, Ilaisins, Almonds, Prunes, Figs, Citron, Dried Apples, Pine Apple Cheese, Dutch Head Cheese, Reef Tongues, Spiced Pigs-, feet, Spiced Tripe, Dried Beef, Flavoring Ex tracts, Lemons, Apples. Butter retailed at 50 ets. per pound, guaran teed to be as gooa as as the best. Flour per bbL, always on hand, at lowest market price. deo 7-tlJ FURNITURE. H AVING RECENTLY ENLARGED OUR TV A REROOMS, we now offer one or the largest and bestse- . - ..... lected stocks of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING, LIBRARY AND OFFICK FURNITURE ever before offered in the State, and at as low prices as any establishment North or South. Bedding and Upholstery. Onr Bedding and Upholstery Department is 011 an extensive scale. We manufacture every description of Mattresses, and - call es pecial attention to our pure curled HAIR MATTRESSES, which wo warrant as represented. Window Shades and Wall Paper. : Our stock is the largest and best assorted ever offered in the city and comprises all the now patterns for the Fall trade, beftig entire ly of new designs. , D.A.SMITH, Granite Front Buildings, septliSraJ , . South Front Street. Edwards & Hall, WHOLESALE GROCERY AND COMMISSION. MERCHANTS. '" t. . - . . .. v NO. S SOCTH WATEB STBECT, HAVE NOW in. store a large and well so. n, . rleoSd ?tock suited to the wants of RE TAIL DEALERS. Goods sold at the , Lowest Cash. Prices.! pur Retail Department lis, as usual, supplie ' mm uin ynnuiuumuni gOOOa. (OCt 7tfJ L. C. Bacon. Kf BOXES JUST RECEIVED, . F. W. KERdHVEn dee J4-tf 27, 88 and 29 N. Water street. CONSIDER I If ymi have aa eld Bek j that has lost a back, or been otherwise In J uxed, have It re-bound at ',,-- ; " - WM.H. BERNARD'S . Printing Hone and Book Bindery, BOOlINDrHy ? i Blank Mo ok Manufactory. W1I. II. BEUXAllD; Prop er. Dawson Bank Buildings " Front Street, , , WILMINGTON.. N. a I Jf CONNECTION WITH JUT PRINT. ING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, I have in op. eration a Complete BOOK BENDER Y AND BLANK BOOK M ANUE ACTOR Y.lnclud lng a FIRST CLASH BTJLIHCI KAC HINE My unsurpaflsod iaeillties enable me to eec cute all work in the above-lines at Low RATES, with the oaspaten and In the most. SCPERIOR STYLE.. I am manufacturing to order LEDGERS, JOURNALS DAYBOOKS, CASH BOOKS, ., BLOTTERS INDEXES, RECORD BOOKS, TRIAL DOCKETS APPEARANCE DOCKETS, MINUTE POCKETS, EXECUTION DOCKETS, MARRIAGE REGISTERS, BOND BOOKS, AND ALLOTHEU, BLAH K B 0 0- K -S. USED Br CLERKS, REGISTERS, MERCHANTS, BANKERS, RAIL ROAD COMPANIES, INSURANCE COMPANIES, &. BINDING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINES, .PERIODICALS, ; i vit NEWSPAPER FILES, MUSIC, &c., fec.; &e., Bound In the neatest and most substantial manner, and at Moderate Prices. PAPER ELED f IN ANT FORM DEIRED.' ' " - --. -r . Mar Special attenuon given to. RK-BIND-INO OLD BOOU8.6UDIHO AND LET. TKRING HV3IN BOOKS, PRATER BOOKS, BIBLES,' ej V ; - Rend your orders to WM. IL BERNARD'S Printing.and. Publishing Jlouse . . And eeaeral, Book. Bindery, ." 4'it WII.MIKMTON. W. C PKSPECTU ..f . . DAVIDSON MONTHLY. THE StudenU of Davidson College, N.C. proposes issuing a Monthly Magazine, to be devoted to Literature, Science and Art. It will also contain the Speeches delivered an nually, before the two Literary Societies. The Magazine will contain about forty pages, and otherwise, will be about the size of Black wood's Magazine, It will be tinder tbe super vision of six members of the Senior Class. These are elected three from each Society. It will be their honest endeavor, to see that nothing shall appear in the magazine which is not written in a cbaate and elegant style. The magazine will be contributed to, from time to time,' by some of the most eminent writertof this and other States. , We earnestlv solicit the co-operation of all those who have a desire to aid in building np a high standard of Southern Literature, and any contribution to this end, will be than kf ully received, . Terms ef SalwerlpUm 1 Single subscriber, 92.00. A club of six, slO.00. A club of twelve, $18.00. : The first number will be issued the First of January, if the subscription list will Justify it. Subscribers will please forward their names, with full address,. the editors of tbe Davidson Monthly, at Davidson College, N. C. Tbe surplus money, after defraying tbe ex penses of publishing the magazine, will be equally divided between the two societies. , . EDITORS: , WM. A, Milne r, , . j. b. smith. - S, HENRT BELL. K. A. KAMSKV, J. K. RANKIN. R. P. MoALPlNE, P. 8. Money can oe sent- by Registered Let ter, or by Express. Money sent by Express should be direoted to-Obarlotte, JT, C as It is the nearest Express Office nov24tf CHOICE ORY. CREAM; ENGLISH, P ADIT, PINE APPLE' ' .t-' AND DUTCH HEAD 1f, i-. CHEESE. At OT!O.MTKRS,ll AW Front Rt,

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