,. , '?UBu:mED daily, ,11 BKRXAKD, Editor anf Prf'W OvriCK, Dawson Bank BuildliiK, front St tmtr- . -1 -.- Ono yew. in advance 7 00 Six months, In advance. ............ S SO Three month, in advance . 9 00 one month, in advance.. ....... 7S. The Moninwo Stab win be delivered In any part or tne uuy at i mm unnra per woe. Tost office directory! mm oioti them through way inaU 5:00 A. M. Dally Nort hern through mail 7:00 h M.' - . .....I....... Mnil H-Ml iv.C.ml K. K. 11., ......S:viU 1. M, Uou tiuvM. Wednesdays aud Fridays. t uyotteville via Warsaw, 5:00 A. M. Dally, eent Sunday. x-j - - - t finitlivilleotu Stoam,... ..... 1:30 P.M., throe times a week. MAIL A it B I V It AT to F F 10 K Northern Through Mall 5:00 A. M. Daily. Northern Through and Way Mail, 7:ao 1'. M. Dally, except unuay ueiivereu hi e:w it. irtnu alloy window. . . , : -, and IL.3:oo P. M. Three times a week l';iyetteville,7:80 P. M., dally, except Sunday. iniitliTille, 1:30 1M.- Three times a week. i ;Uce open from 7:00 A. M. to 6:30 P. M . Sunday. 4 ,r ' ' 8:00 tOtoOO-A. M. . ED. R. BRINK, P. M. i - T'f-ii I -- v ' , AILWAX DIRECTOR Y., , ,., WILMINGTON ft MANCHESTER R. ROAD Keceiver Geo. O. Hull. Director John Damon. Henry Nntt. O. G I'ursley, A. J. DeRosset. D. S. Cowan, Geo. J. V. McCall, J. L.'B4rtletfc, James U. Burr, Rich- li d lirauiey, .. a-u uregg. Ueneral Superintendent William MacRae. Secretary and Trecuurery-iuu Walker. ( literal freight A Ticket Agent Jio. It. Ijitta Freight Agent, Wilmington T. Ii. Llppitt.. WILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE AND RUTH u.jii KttF0RD RAILROAD. nMAnt Win. Sloan. Director onvart of Stockholders A . R. Ilome- IV it U bUninor, vrwiun, T u oiwio, Ik il -,'... n.l S J Person. , ... n,rt of the State John L Brown.' W ;A Multh. John F Aydlett, 8 P Sherrill, Jaa Mc Donald and Josepno cannon and Josepn o wannon. . . .... Engineer and Superintendent & 8 Gnlon. try Calvin J Cowles. ,rertoutern Division Calvin J Cowles. srrelar ii,-i:iirmrKustern Trtusuref ikw"""' abw. A11.M1NGTOX WELDON BAIL) ROAD. PreiUteiU-U. K. Hrldgerii. ' - ' ji,tctor on the jxirt of the SlockitoUlertVf VriK"t,S. 1. Hlillace, Kll M array, Alfrtvt W irtin? A. H. Vanltokkelen, Geo. llarria, of Viiniiii!tl),, anil John tverett, of GoltUro'. iKreetortOHtheptrrtof the State J. 8. Cannon, i . II. llrodgeii utl u Jitcs. ..in A';iiHtv id (VrrMTui tiuperi'iieiutent . 1.. Krt'inoul. ln3:ci'ttf Tftiiuipttrtviioii Win. Smith. ,-t-t iriuiul J'retiturrr -J. W.Thoiuiwoii i.i!.'v''V -"' ii-,-i Johu F. Devlnt. . , ,),' 't. I.. DitUiOV. MuMef of &itjnlie.Vf . U. MacRao. (Jmei al Ticket Agent Yf. ii. Poiaaon. X' HE'GITY The JIVRNINti STAR la Ue- llveaed to Clly Sabaerlbera mt t'lFTEEH CENTS pr week. Snbseri htwu XortU of the centre ef Market street will be anpplted by Mr. WM. 1 MARI.OW nd tboae Sontk or tbat line by Mr. JOHN B. BCRCII. Only theae Axeats are antberlsed, la tbeir rcftpeetlv Division, f collect city ubKCrlptlon. 5f"Con tractors will not bo llowcd, under Uii-ir contract, to advertise any o her than their legitimate business unless by pa. ing specially for such advertisement. THE CIRCULATION Ob THE XOIiX STAR 16 LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED IX NORTH CAROLINA. Gold is down, and so are Goods -at Fishblate & Bros., 23 Market St. St. There was no session of the city court yesterday, there being no cases nn the docket awaiting trial. Superior Court. This Court did not meet yesterday, ns had been an nounced, owing to the non-arrival of Ilis Honor, Judge Russell. AVe would a;ain remind our readers of the "Watch-night" at the Fifth Street M. E. Church (Rev. F. H. Wood, Pastor,) commencing this evening at 10 o'clock. Quick DisPATcn.-The steam-" sliip Fanita nrriTed from .New , York at 10 o'clock P. JL on Wednesday, discharg ed her cargo, ,aod j sailed on her return trip yesterday at 7 A. II. Messrs.' Fishblate & Bros. have again received another large stock of Dry Goods, &c, which they offer both to wholesale and retail buyers at prices that defy competition! . , -. Yesterday was on e of those mild, balmy, pleasant days, which arc so irresistably charming tbat few can resist the inclination to let business, for the nonce, take care of itself, and go out and enjoy the invigorating breezes to their "heart's content." Auction Sale. A lot of dam aged goods, taken from the Steamship Lurille, comprising sugar, bacon, floor, guano, &c, will be sold to-day, at 12 o'clock, by Messrs. Cronly & Morris, auc tioners, at the wharf of Messrs. A. B. Shepperson & Co. Bee advertisement. Committed to Jail. Henry Sandlio, colored of Rocky Point, Iloldcn township, under a commitment issued by Justice J. B. Ilines, was brought to this city yesterday and lodged in jail, in de fault of security, to await his trial at the next term of the Superior Court, on the charge of not providing for his child. Republican Meeting We learn that a Republican meeting was held at the City Hall Wednesday night, which was addressed . by J. ,P. Sampson, J. C. Hill, Allen Denton and Geo. W. Price, Jr., all colored.' .It was determined to bold another meeting on Saturday night, for the purpose of ratifying 'the . Republi can nominations for Mayor and Board of Aldermen., ;f , , . ' Sad. ArFLibtiON.7-rJ,roni a , friend who received a ( dispatch frop Golds ltoro,' we learn of the death, von Wednes day evening last, Of Mrs. Williams, daugh ter of Rev. John N. Andrews, formerly of this city. Mr. Andrew, we I know, t will have the sympathy "of 'tfief people of Wil mington In bis b!eep affliction! hi h'avlng'so uii.cn preacueu to many oi ,our people, and ministered to and' coniforted' them when their own loved ones were taken away. We learn that Rev. J. II. Pally will preacli t he funeral in Wayne county to-day. Vol. V-No." . 83.' Suspension of Business on New .YkarsDay. At a called meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, held yesterday, it was unanimously resolved, that r in the opinion of the Chamber it is proper that the general business ol the city be suspend ed on Saturday next, the 1st day of January, 1870. It may be proper to mention, in this com nection, that the various Banks of the city will be closed to buiness on that day. , . Committed ofor Trial: David Johnson, " arrested a few days since for stealing clothing from Isaac Rogers, in Brunswick county, on the 26th inst., Svas arraigned before Justice McQuigg, yester day, who, finding the 'evidence sufficient to justify it, committed him to the county jail, in default of security in the sum of $100, for trial at the next term ot the Su perior Court of Brunswick, which will be held at Smithville on the 1st Monday in April next. The warrant for Johnson's arrest was issued by Justice McQuigg on the affidavit of Rogers. Tn e Meetino Last Night. A meeting of citizens was held at the Com mercial Exchange last night, to institute measures for investigating the citv " - j finances. . Mr. P. Murphy was called to the chair. and Mr. M. Cronly made secretary.';. -... v J btatements of gross errors in the ' city finances were made. Messrs. S. R. Bunting, Donald McRae, R. J. Jones, L. A. Hart, A. M. Waddcle and A. II. Vanbokkelen were appointed a committee of investigation, to report at an adjourned meeting, and to be reim bursed for any expense they may be put to. A finance committee Vas also ap pointed. On motion of Dr. Thomas, all citizens were requested to contribute facts that would aid in the investigation. Severaf tax-payers expressed their de termination of refusing to pay taxes until the matter is satisfactorily settled. The Theatre. The audience nst night, the third and last but two of the Chapman Sisters and Mr. Bishop in this place, we were pleased to observe, was very large ana . comprised in its number many of tie beauty and fashion of our city. There was -no diminution-in the efforts to please and everything passed off with the usual eclat. Mr. Bishop, as on previous occasions, prov ed himself the prince of merry-makers and -kept the house in a continual roar while on the stage. The Misses Chap man excelled, if possible, in-their singing and dancing, tbeir efforts on the two succeeding nights, and were time and again encored. The farce of "My Precious Betsy", was a most amusing one and all the characters" were well sustained. The Oriental Musical Burlesque, of "Aladdin or the Wonderful Scamp" was extremely entertaining, and the leading characters, as played by the Missea Chapman arid Mr. Bishop, were well supported by Miss Rcignolds, Miss Parker, Mr. Ilodges, Mr. Gallagher, and in fact by the whole com pany, m their various parts. Mr. "Withers, the Prince of Violinists, was again the recipient of much anil well deserved applause. 7- v s This evening, the benefit and last appear - ance but one of the Chapman Sisters and Mr. Bishop, will be presented the splen did Burlesque Opera from . the Arabian Nights, called the "Forty Thieves, or A!! . inlPimilv lanl uiifli ita augbable situations, exquisite music ana charming songs. A crowded house may be expected. A la Mode. For the benefit of our lashionable readers of both sexes, but especially the ladies, we shall give in these columns a few "fashion dots" occa sionally, to keep them posted in the latest styles,' shapes, Ac, of the various articles which comprise the toilet : -Roumlhats have superseded the bonnets, for the latter, made in modern 'and fash ionable shapes, is merely a cross between a hat and a bonnet. Round hats are worn not only for simple dress or ordinary occasions, but at the opera and for cereutonlons occasions. Now that styles may be considered set tled the Tyrolienne shape is decidedly the favorite, and those made of felt have the tip ot the crown depressed, as if carelessly done. ' Black velvet Tyroliennes are even higher than the felt variety. Oetiicu plumes, with rouleaux of velvet, arc the trimming, varied with tips aigrettes and peacock leathers. . A pretty' soft-crowned hat, .which droops over the forehead and turns up be hind, is very becoming to round faces, Black velvet is the most popular mate rial for hats of every shape, after that come the felts, in black, white, gray and brown. Feathers are often worn in contrast to the, hat, but the velvet which trims the hat corresponds in colorl, l J . . t - Two kinds of feathers are also used on the same hat, contrary ta our former ideas of good, taste. Large buckles of French , jet, ' and cut steel, are used upon rosettes or- loops of Veils are somewhat less worn, and the scarf or Donna Maria veil of silk tissue, a yard and Aiialf jo Jtngtlvnoats from .the back'bf the hatband. is";drawn' over'the face or lightly folded about the throat, to suit the caprice ot the wearer. WHJmiGTONfN. ' "THE Shipping. Yesterday afternoon, , as. the steamship Pioneer was being taken from her wharf by the steam-tug Oldham, with the purpose of conveying her to the Messr-Parsley's mill, the . tide running out heavy at the time, the steamer swung around with the current in such a man ner as to become unmanageable and went drifting down the stream at a rapid rate. Finally, after executing sundry evolutions, her broadside came in violent contact with the bows of the schooner Sirene, an chored in the stream in front of Mr. F.. W. Kerchner's wharf, ripping off the rail ing of the Pioneer and tearing away the bulwarks and bowsprit of the schooner. The steamship was going with such force when the collision occurred that Bhe dragged the Sirene as far as the front of Market dock before she could be cleared, in the meantime swinging around in such a manner as to threaten the destruction of a number or flats on the other side of the river, the owners of . which were shoving them hither and thither in evident conster nation at the fate which they were endeav oring to escape. - The antics ot the ship and her collision with the schooner crea ted considerable excitement, on 'the wharves for a few minutes. Chips for the Ladies and Oth kks. A young lady in Marion county, Iowa, has just been fined $ 5 and coshf for pelting a big school-master with stones. The young ladies of Tipton, Ind., re cently met in council and resolved that they would not accompany any young man to church or places of amusement who uses tobacco in any form, or indulges in lager beer or whisky, or keeps late hours. The Sumter Newt gets off the follow ing : "The 'embers' of the dying year September, November and December." Married ladies only, in Paris, wear feathers, though when a young lady i3 en gaged it is a feather in her cap. The theatres of New York city em ploy more than 2,000 persons. ; What said Jack Frost to the Violet ? Answer : Wilt thou ? Consequence "She wilted." A Cincinnati editor has been caught by a net. It was a brunette, and he likes if. "' "Let the woman rise," says Jennie June. She has an interest in a patent heel. A silver wedding marrying a man whose night-trait is to stay at home. A New York girl sold her diamond engagement ring to buy a velvet suit. . A French soothsayer tells fortunes by the feet instead of tbe palm. In Wabash, Ind., women who bake biscuits of a Sunday are placed under ar rest. A Missouri girl lately drowned herself because her parents quarreled so much. RIVER AND MARINE NEWS. Wednesday, December GO. The quantity of drift- wood floating down the Cape Fear yesterday morning indicates a heavy fieshet up the river. L ATE S T BY MAIL North Carolina in a Nutshell. The market house excitement in Charlotte is doomed to be perpetual, and the growling about it will never cease, for when it is completed the sausages will keep up tbe howl. " ' ' , The Chatham Educational As sociation will hold its next session at Hay wood, the head of tbe Chatham railroad, on January 13th, 1870. The introductory address will be delivered by Kev. Robert I A. Sutton, A. M., principal of Locust Hill I Female Seminary. - " ' The Fayetteville Presbyterian says : A meeting of the citizens of Fay etteville was held at the Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week, .when the following nominations for Mayor and Commissioners of the town were made, viz: For Mayor, T. S. Lutterloh. For Commissioners, Jaa. R. Lee, J. W. Welsh, A. A. McKethan, Robert Burton, Daniel Buxton, David Jones and John Shaw. The names of the following persons are put forth for the same offices by the party that at present controls our town affairs, viz : Fer Mayor, J. D. Underwood. For Commissioners, J. W. Hopkins, John "Wat son, A. J. Chesnut, John Minor, M. N. Lcary, Jr., C. W. Woollen and Jas. Bow man. Simon Brandt is an independent candidate for."Mayor. Election on Mon day next. , ' t The following in regard to the Fayetteville and Western Railroad, we find in the Statesville American. So far as regards tbe Governor's views or inten tions in tbe matter alluded to, we know nothing whatever. We do know, how ever, that his actions will be influenced by what he believes will accomplish the greatest good to the greatest number : "Although thfe board of directors have lo cated the line of this road to Salisbury, yet it is said that an effort will be made to change the route to Greensboro', and that Gov. Holden will favor the change and require the State's proxy to vote f or it at a subsequent meeting, or resign. We think that the interest of the larger num ber of the people ot the State who pay taxes to build the road as well as the pri vate stockholders, should be consulted, and not any particular town or locality. : If the road is built - to Salisbury, it will hot, only, in a manner, be a branch of the Western N. C. R. R. and connect directly with the. far west and contiguous country, but will strike the N. C, road leading to Charlotte, and at that point connect with FBIDAY M0BNING, o. R. road in ita wpofwnrri the W.; C u, -h , Greensboro' and all course. Run it c vM'vbe lost. In that these advantages wi. "-mdant products event very little of the a&k ' etteville." of the west will ever reach Fa . ' - " . Ak tbe Endlea Ifaiili mni Thw . veAVr?VrtPrIiON,8 VITALIA or 8AIfc AH?KIf?B.Tll,s the favorite ar- --wo iui rvviYing ine natural tinge of blanch ed or fading ringlets. Clear as fluid glass, x8??6 ? th0 8kin 48 water, undisoolorl able by the light, without any mineral odor uu jfitJiumg no seaunent, it di defies competi- aim cuuna comparison. decl2-eodlw Large numbers of women in fact almost m..cin.u 01 ine entire sex suffer from some disease peculiar to females. , Db. Lawrence's Woman's Fkikhd meets witji wonderful success in curing them. This fact should be widely known. If every lady in the United States were to take one or two bottles othe Woman's Fbiend, they would be repaid by a renewed of health and strength. It is a safe and reliable remedy, and is en dorsed by the best physicians. aus8-tf Life of the Flesh in the Itlood. Rosadalis I The greatest Blood Tnr1fli'p And TfAn.Tlltnv known. Used and endorsed by physicians, who prescribe it in their regular practice. Vhy I Because the articles from which Uosa dalis is made arc published around oach bot tle, so that every physician knows just what it contains, and hence endorses it as a valua ble Alterative compound. This preparation has gained and maintains an unrivalled rep utation for the cure of Scrofula in any form, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Old bores, Ul cers, &c, Dyspepsia. Neuralgia, in fact any chronic affection of the Blood, Liver and Kid neys, and all diseases in which an alterative plan of treatment is indicated dec 21-2w Latest by Telegraph. Thousands of men, women and children have been cured of Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chol era Morbus, Colic, Ac:, by Dr. R. 11. Worthing ton's celebrated North Carolina Remedy, the ONI.T known specific for.aU painful bowel af fections, Ask for Dr. Worthington's Diarrhea and Cholera Medicine keep it in your house never travel without it It may save your Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. For sale in Wilmington by J. W. Lippitt Co; James T. Wiggins, Wholesale Proprieto ry Agent, Norfolk, Va. tf MEW ADYERTISEMENTS. Heinsbkrger's Live Book Store, 38 Market street "Books" A Poem from 39 Market street. John T. Ford Wilmington Theatre on Friday evening. Wanted A partner with a small capital to assist in keeping a Bar Room. See notice of Dissolution of Co-partnership of E. L Harding;. O. S Baldwin and H. IT. Munson. Williams & Mcrchison 50,000 ; feet of Scantlin and Wide Boards on the wtarf. Chas. D. Myers Our Store on New Years Day Family Supplies, &c. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilmington Theatre. Lessee, JOHN T. FORD. Benefit nnd Eant Appearand a bat On OF THE CIIAPMAX SISTERS, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 31, -.First production here of the Original liurlesque, The 40 Thieves, OR, ' STRIKING OIL IN FAMILY JARS. Ganem ....Miss Blanches. Morgianna Miss Ella Hassarace.... ...... .... ....Mr. F. Foster. VIOLIN SOLO, Mr. Wm. Withers. Commencing with A REGULAR FIX. Hugh DeBrass, Mr. F. Foster. To-morrow, Saturday, last , appearance of the Chapman Sisters, PLUTO, OR, THE MAGIC LYRE. 3T- Chanse of bill each evening durinz the short engagement of these eminent artists. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; Curtain rolled up at 8 precisely. PRICES OF AMDISSION. Dress Circle and Orchestra 75 cents Parquette . , 50 cents Colored Galleries , GO and 25 cents Reserved Seats 91 00 Seats can be secured at Heinsberger's Book Store. dec 31 - 83-tf Wilmington Theatre. LAST TWO EVENINGS OF THE CHAPMAN SISTERS AND C.B. BISHOP. We Offer -jQQQ Barrels FLOUR, fresh ground. 10.000 Bushels CORN, part in transit. 2B0 Tons No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO. 200 Bags RIO and LAGUYRA COFFEE. 150 Barrels Refined SUGAR. - ISO Barrels PORK. 10.000 Pounds Dry Salted HIDES. 200 Kegs NAILS. 100 Barrels MOLASSES. - 100 Barrels CRACKERS all kinds. ALSO CANDY, CANDLES. CONCENTRATED LYE, SOAP, STARCH, SODA, SHOT, . , ... BUCKETS, Ac, Ac. dec 81-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. INK! INK! BARTLETTS COMMERCIAL WRITING AND COPYING INK. The very best in the Market. - - . ...-, ; ,- f , For sale at dec31-tf ' HEINBERGER'S. Dissolution THE Firm of Munson ft Co.i expiree this day by its own limitation. Any acconnt against the Firm or it individual member will be promptly paid on presentation. -;r: -: r E. L. HARDING, ; V. O. 8. BALDWIN, H. H. MUNSON. decSl-lt DECEMBER 31, 1869. NEW, ADyERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OF GEORGE MYERS, Dealer In Family Groceries, II and IS FRONT St. rpoorjR Friends and Patrons. announce that our present inlen- w e wisn u. tion is to close OUR bT0RE ON NEW YEARS DAY And we request that all orders for Family Supplies May be sent in to us THIS BAY. Respectfully, CHAS. D. MYERS, dec31-tf Agent. Pianos! Pianos! -jURDETT COMBINATION Organs, Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Banjos. &c. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK STORE, dec31-tf LUMBER ! 50,000 FEET Scantling AND WIDE BOAKDS, On Wharf and for sale low by dec31-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Wanted ATARTNER with a small capital to as sist in conducting a first class Bar Room. Good reference required. Apply at No. 10, South Front Street. dec 31-eod-3t NOLANDINE! THE GREAT VIRGINIA VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE, BLOOD PURIFIER AND RENOVATOR OF THE Hl'MAS SYSTEM. We invite attention to the following certifi cate, and assure the public that Nolandine is what we style it a strictly vegetable prepar ation. JOHNSTON 4 LANGHORNE, Pharmaceutists and Prop'rs, Richmond, va. Descriptive circulars sent on application to us or any druggist. When oedering, specify if Nolandine Proper, or Nolandine for Chills and Fever. JOHNSTON & LANGHORNE. A physician, who has been a practitioner for twenty-two years, sends us the following : New Keht Cocstt, Va., April 1, 1S69. Messrs. Johnstok ft Lahshokke t . Gentlemen The very high character of the testimonials attesting the merits of your "Vegetable Preparations Nolandine," in duced me to test your " NOLANDINE PROP ER " in a very desperate case of Hydrothorax (dropsy of the chest,) combined with Ascitles (dropsy of the abdomen). The usual reme dies Known to our profession had been most skillfuuy administered without producing anticipated efTects. The diseases yielded to the action of yonr " NOLANDINE." I very gratefully state that my patient is now enjoy in g the blessings of a restoration - to good health, and now, four months since adminis tering yonr Nolandine, there is not a symp tom of recurrence. 1 had several opportunities of testing the merits of your "NOLANDINE" for CHILLS AND FEVER, in cases which had resisted the usual remedies for months, and had the satis faction to see them entirely broken and per manently removed after a course of your No landine. ' . . . I know that I will incur the displeasure of some of the profession by departing from its usages ; but candor and iacts compel me to call attention of my professional brethren to the invaluable properties of your preparation and trust chat prejudice will not deter them from their use. I have found the action of your Nolandine on the liver and secretions more than equal to calomel, which is an addi tional recommendation. Very respectfully, A. vr. JS.O, Jtt. xj.. For sale Wholesale ana uetaii dv J. W. LIPPITT ft CO.. Druggists, Wilmington, N. C. dec 19nacly COTTON IS KING. .A. Plantation containing 850 acres of Cotton land lying in Duplin County can be purchased at a bargain. 300 ACRES OR KOBE of the Tract is cleared and under fence. The balance is divided Into pine land and rich swamp. The main residence Is at a beautiful location and comfortable and healthy having EXCELLENT WATER. There is a negro quarter on the other end of the farm conveniently situated. The farm of cultivated land may be enlarged by clearing. An experiment was made the present year upon two acres, manured with domestio man ure and planted in cotton which made 1200 POUNDS LINT COTTON. t mn st not be expected to find the land at the price placed upon it producing this way in an unimproved state; but it is mostly adapted to cotton culture and ia offered at the low price of I320O, cash ; or 4000 on six months time. It is in a good neighborhood. Enquire of the Editor of this paper. nov 85-tfnac Now is Your Time. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN ACRES of Land, within the corporate limits of Kenansville, Duplin County, N. C, is offered for gale on reasonable terms. About seventy five acres are cleared and. under fence ; one half of which is bottom land. The uncleared portion is mostly rich mud of the finest quali ty, furnlshintr an inexhaustible supply of manure, by the application of which, the whole may be made exceedingly productive. In addition to this, there is, within two hun dred yards of the cleared portion, on an ad joining tract, a rich marl bed, where marl and lime can be obtained for a trifle. The marl contains 82 per cent, of lime. ' This plaee produced, tbe present year, from the labor of one horse and three laborers, one hundred and thenty-flve barrels (625 bushels) of corn, 206 stacks (12,000 lbs.) fodder, and sweet potatoes not measured. The high land with manure will make excellent cotten. Apply to the Editorof the Star, Wilmington, N. C. dee 11-tfnac Nahunta Classical AND MATHEMATICAL ACADEMY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. i i i-?fTM8' Principals. E. M. NADAL, ) . , Teacher of Music. T' ' HE SEVENTH SESSION OF THIS ACAD, emy will commence on Monday, January 1UTnition and Board, including room, lights, fuel and washing from $37.60 to $110. Music on Piano, (including use of in- ., pStol'inOU. : :2S00 ' For further particulars address the princi pals at Fremont, N. C. , dec i5-lwSA2wF LBVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate for Sale. 40 BUILDING LOTS. TESES00 SALE 40 buieding lots, Each 66x165 feet, located in that crowing thriving portion of the city lyn . To mu o? moderate means a r&m rh.nM i ffrr for Providing themselves with rirf.aaed at tow , Will UK value. ne-thlrd caf. balance in one and dec 24-lmnac JNO. F. GARRELL. J)esirable Dwelling FOR RENT. VTTILL BE R TV UARY 1st to vvwwi tallow, that desirable DWELLING situated on 'Rlnfl An 'hpt.wAr'n lOf and 5th Streets. adjoining the residence of the subscriber. The house is entirely new, -contains a rooms (all having fire places), good Kitchen, With fine weii ox water on tne premises, rxo a gouu ten ant the rent will be very reasonable, dec 21-tfnac JNO. T. GARRELL. Citizens' Candidate FOR MAYOR. DR. W. W. HARRISS. dec 23-tele . - MANY CITIZENS. Citizens' Ticket FOR Mayor & Board of Aldermen. ' FOR MAYOR: DR. W. W. HARRISS. FOR ALDERMEN: First TfVwvi OWEN BIRNEY, Second WardG. R. FRENCH, Third Ward Fourth WardS. NORTHROP. For Assistant Assessors. 1st Ward WM. M. HARRISS. 2d Ward S. M. WEST. 3d Waid GEO. W. BETTS. 4th Ward SAMUEL BLOSSOM. dec29-te Republican Candidate FOR MAYOR, JOS. H. NEPF. dec-22-tf Collector's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, Novexber 30th, 1869. TAX NOTICE ! TAX NOTICE ! THE TAX BOOKS FOR 1869 ARE NOW open. The taxes are on Real Estate, Personal Property, Income, Lawyers, Physi cians, Dentists, Carriages and Horses, and Polls. This tax MUST be paid before the 1st of January, 1870, or the usual course will be taken. The office wiU be open from 9 to 3 each day (Sundays excepted). BENJAMIN DURFEE, Collector. dec 17-td Sundries, Sundries. 50 Bbls. Crackers. 200 Boxe3 Cheese, 100 " Assorted Candy, 50 Fancy Candy, 75 " Cooking Soda, 75 " Concentrated Lye, 50 White-rock Potash, 50 Cases Brandy Peaches, 100 " Canned Oysters, 50 " " Tomatoes, 20- Corn, 25 ' Condensed Milk, 50 Boxes Raisins, 25 Cases Sardines, &c, &c, &c, For sale by decSO-tf f. w. kerchner, By the Clyde Yesterday, SEVERAL NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF HATS Now received at decSOtf ANDERSON'S. Arrived, rjlHOSE ELEGANT FUR S , Also a large lot of Hats, Caps and CLOT H I N G At J. B. UNDERWOOD'S, NO. 30 MARKETJSTREET, Wilmington, N. C. dec30-tf BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBAHEVIIAE, ST. C. rUIHE SPRING TERM OF 1S70 OPENS J AX JL nary 12th.- The course of Instruction is Claaical, Mathematical A Commercial. For Circulars address - . ' dec4-w84F " ' ' Cot. WM. BINGHAM. ' v Peanut Bags. . A FULL SUPPLY'ONHAln).rt.tt,;.ii J. For sale by - - F. W. KERCHNER, decSOtf . 27, 28 ft 29 N. Water-street. Flour, Flour. 1fff BARRELS all grades )JKJJ and on wharf, j. ,jyi. in store (ft-1-!. . m or Blue luw vy r , F. W. KERCHNER, dec304f 27, 28 29 N. Water-street. asm , KATiis, of AjPYFjBTiarjru. On s4na one da, UTSf ..TSS ZZZm w " i ?thredaya,.f.-.w..,.J.I.J tto " Ave days,.. 8 00 -. aeeevM..M.... tco rJTf" Avertlaenlent9 taken at pro portlonately low rates. ,( miuu on aemand. - MISCELLANEOUS BY JAMES & ME ARES. CoiiiiiiisaoneA of Valuable Real Estate. OiftiL.feWJtn o'clock. vnwiLOT OB JPABCEI. OF LAND known in What, la n.luj .TT- T .."" in vT in :i , mo aooD's iSntrv. as aBaPSSSHL i5Li? of WaTAnS hundred and WeSS V? "L65?. one . . VfDUb 1HHL 1 Til A lmMlnnH DecMStllja? A,Gffil. 10-4, U-4 and 12A all wool BLANKETS, TO BE HAD AT SEDUCED PRICES AT FISHBLATE & BROS. 23 Market Street. dee 11-tf One Dollar iu Greenbacks, Equal to One in Golr! The Great Decline in DRY GOODS HAS COME. , . 5th New Stock i i of the Season, Now opening at Prices to suit' all. BIRDSEY & ROBINSON Dec. 28-tt. , Journal copy 3t. Low, Lower, Lowest! WE SELL BOOTS and SHOES at LOW prices for Cash. . LOWER . than any house in the State. LOWEST of any house In the city. G. R. FRENCH & SON'S, deo 2Stf ' ' 29 North Front Street Wilmington Library, and other ASSOCIATIONS; FxrainsHrn with STANDARD BRANDS "GOLD LEAF," ' "EUREKA," "PRIDE," ft GENUINE , ... Durham Tobacco, At a concession in price At VasSICKLES, Deo 29-tf. No 12, Market St. GOING! STILL GOmG! AT BARE COST;: To Close QrFart Now is thb Time tp Buy 'CLOTHING 1 MUNSON ft CO. - City Clothiers. dec2-tf, Furs 1 Furs ! ! 1 Furo ! ! ! DES I HIDES!! HIDES!!! v M: ; Wool ! Wool f t Wool It Leather . AND BEOS FINDINGS, ! Dealers and manufaoturera wishhag to pnr- enase, or wu any oi vne aoove arueiea, wui And inu it i to their interest to annlv to ns. FALCONER ft SON, li and 14 Dock street. dec!8-tf J. T JAMES, Autla(r.

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