,.:V . - 'fej-K--: - V .; ... ' - s -r , ' -.. , : v : ... 1 .-- " sTZ' m . m wax. i i -vat m w- - - .-na - u BaTv a irrv m 1.1 i a- a a ' a aa ar a tivpm a r i 1 1 uti , m . .tar r z -jar 1 1 i i l : i 1 1 . 1 1 1 - - - - 1 m m m a - w - a"i m v ua 1 - w m Tfin - - ----- -j.r i - uiu lii w r xvviiv 1, nr.u 1 1 dli iLivrii i.u 11a 1-4. r iz if 1 a. a - r rTXrrrttXizr--- - " - . f Tengthce! rvi,-v - he. avoided thA:pm-riV-w-ni 'h ' . . j ; onl De t JS IlTcrl to City Ifaburtbcr mt FIFTEEN CENTS pr 1rek. NnbsorW ber North f th n;ebiift r Mirket Nlreet will kpplly Tr." VM. I IIABfcWri'lMMitBi W that line by Mr JW P. BCBCHvV rc9tlv lYlloa, to collect city yubscfi ptlonaw s n efefc i , i , I Obituary notice,' lrttrtjtc 'of mpect, . paid lor m i vauiitawvu. -in nil I .... ..n -j.,-j.v.v.-- ,t ""w- olhor case harped V. : o"'nL TITE CIRCULA. TtOy ' OF TFTX MORffIN STAR IS LARGER THAN1 THAT OF JLXY OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISH KD IX NORTH CAROLINA. THE VOT& ON BINGUAMS 8UBSTI- sion of Virgihia;y'ppset8 sdmb lni I iWWUfti:i.(Myi uio Bixiy-mreo kUo f T, 1T. I jymivinvi iiiiiuutio VI lllu 11UUSC. I o ' I fittvrnin Mr. Bingfiaua'a till. .1) ' -1.'. I I ' Ii lendinetlt Arid j ninetyfiVe 1aa1frat :lrr4l,TlrGVG$S .. ' ' iLUi . j 'I nnd nays &Jiow, tha a majority of tlin npnnMSAin'mom1 tllC Bhl 9 four Steifl0t,Jw4n-KByav,; voted forl fVil Jhcap.tiHtrtates were Maine,, Coti&ecticut, Illinois hd Kortli Carolina." "' ": ' if t ftn,7 ijfoi'' ' T 1 In seventeen btates not one Ke- It A 1 1 " I puoiiwui voie wnarenuruea in iavor of the bill, and in thii list 'are i in cluded such States, aa Wisconsin' r It J - I f . I6w1, 1 ennsvlvania. jNeW Ilamp- , 0 i - J.a) I shire and bOUtll' Aaro.ina.'- JaO: carpet-bagger from Alabama voted; v..- K k:11 .nrl ' 1.aii f--Vxr'i-J.! iui .v .v -'"v,v. uvuLitgrm I ABOUT HE A TED ROOMS. It is customary, to .put an open i r i l I . .- - ,1 t . . ' . I vessel or,watet,on a stove, to pre vent the air ot the room in winter; b mm frwtt.inrt .toOdrT'irtnllB" bv filI4 i tA,.yJ -Miy.!-. ,J ing the air wun sieani ii is renuer cd jnst as much rless iVutrtou9"to lnnsa and blood as if filled to that extent from the fnmeWoi i dead car cass. This damp atmosphere has sometum oi a 6teauiinr m-pcess.on the skin, and thus renders tlio per son extremely liable to take cold ns 1. i ie goes into the open air. nc wans ine air . or a stove-room ventilatpJ . -k-liaii.-iU r . hhfpTAir enuiatej,- cliaiigcaT.irjf pnfpjair I from Without, not to 'till it with the a. , '. .. . . vnpor Of the water- ' ' ' ' n N ''. POLITE. "We see that in the French Corps I LcgisIatiftUey dp not cll a man to order, but "recall hjin to Order" m much as' to Bar that liis 'ener- as mucn a3 to say tnai , gener- ul habit is orderly, but, just now he 14. a little out of,hisvrectonJpr.'J,he riencn are always pome. REPRIK VRD ' , The doctors have reprieved the French gnjrwl' QSa- AiFflfii letter savs the physicians think i r 'i;t, . -, . . iM o t IaOiiis Nap6ieorf vill last until Sep- teir tembcr,.trtrTtncnv1VC5rtnej then" ekpAW 14 .'..x-i J bill WOMAN 8 RIGHTS. j At. the. late, 'wouian'g rights gath cring'at.WasliingtnA;' the Hon!' 'Jas. M. Scio.vet spoke for the cause in be half of Jersey, a,nd on asking " What does woman walitfi ho answered, "CI. ' . t. 1. ..''.'1 LIaa j xjuu wan is ,vrvra- ouo wuius uruiiu, the latest tasliions. -;: The Labor Dearth tn Georgia, From almost all sect inns oFtha'fitaie we hear complaints of the scarcity pf labor, Borne planters have" as inuchW they need, out their cases Are u.oebUonal. Various reasons arc rriven Sta-V(sarth.' nd last year. . .Thia mm lift ImiLin inmn fw V . localities, lut io-the country at large, south and south-west of thW point,' we' do not think .JBpaakisgrfon this point a day or two since, to one of tlio most intel ligent and progressive young planters in South-west Georgia, he said it certainly was not troe in hiscuae' He said ba would be obliged to cultivate from one hundred and fifty to two-huhdredvacres less this year than last, on account of not being able to get hands. - In his , sectibft'Jthe dearth was partly accounted fcr by the negroes setting up forthsihset ves on small patches of poor rented land, where they would abart fskaalialf WBving, eking out the balapce;Vyl,'atrilati6n8,, fnmi ineir wuite Beigiibors.ula Telegraph. ltufusCn.oate .iaai. the ..worst' penman ever cotnecd.mstke.Bostim bar. He could not decipher his; own' 'mannscri pt, and made it .out only by recaUingtbe sense, ot the subiect matter in handr After his ueath hia friends icauld ' mabs iiltle or no use of the manuscript matt which he left, and to this clrtftrtstaheeia mainly due the fact that no; fcorhplete- voluma' of Kislife, writings, &c has yet been published. ! oU7;,rV.ir.rl:,-'ia:,, -'-'.'.iP mously and way perpetratttfe awindle BU" , " . " .T7 .Trr: tt o"""1 0 ,.!,: f ll,e PoPl0t c. He denoonced tlltO for the Uncondit onal adm a! P"Uana In bitter terma, and c . A 1 f I xtA3KAr ureaeubv aiiaiauv i norvtia ucru II rl I r T. . .J ; I. . T I Af ICO . 4 y were RDscnr. lnc Tirrymo tiie GeTernor, to mocratS VOtcd 60lia in favor Qt intended to pass llouae: '" ur these fourteen were ab- uuieneid be, and he u 1 Mrfby --e8pctfllj;regeted, tQ,rein as 9CIlt. Thirty-rurie, Ot 1CS3 than one 1 Hnter anS Binder, to tho encl thai this tlnrdtoVfvPttiealr a mA . 1 - L . i iiintrlll aatatwviflMav an a a Martalil Oi.i. ft irrltMr.t r-lnfTioa " Rn fl.o lm. A'ift7 tiT Atanatches. The details oi -uuu fflv , Milne. -.r .. v T . ..y .v.-. ..'177 J- . . . v Vt . rtuirnr in hia cnmnosilion: .1 . - ' ,,1T 'I'.'l- ..''. 'a. a I the IUnCral OI JMOir, IlOWUItit,VMMI'n- I.TT'T-T-T5-r7TT---- 'ITTWOT-JHUJa. i ... I.l ,. 1.1 1 ' JJ ..-t.. -L'HJa il.ii. -1 - i , ,.mai1 lrttTth;r n-iflnt I nl'JL-L-. -1. ..... . . ilSLTair, Ull. nautili iui liuiiiiJir ill at buo wauis.i mniiiuuu-vi'i",'" . I inncpnem jxmpsne.,nw''j(;i ri.' t BUI to locOrnomf.i lhf Lvn rt 'rtin u 1 I thd etftmtyxf -Wavneff - -J 4 - Bill to auttidrtBe tlio cotnnilt6ldD4reof Dup U... wvy special lax. BUI to ktuhorize .ttA ootnmlaBtotier 'On COatltVtd Imtia hnnU nt: I t ... . " wi t kjplHI VUUII !c'UeaJor yl1?nJngt?n nd NeWBern . u. ' vuiiuwuj, . COlOfCO tnQVa that taO I Senate, do noi conrm. . m., I ..M.;::.::;: - - !. : 5 'VVBOirSsDA.T, Jan. 20. House met pursrianiib adjournment." Mr. Justice acoaa.ta a miMtinn in MMni rv ! KE? ln-b7 the. r. th a."ceP tlona he pronounced as false and. cowardly- Tirir.n-r.Ta Mm..rv. k- .i iv " il i : ---. .wmii o Daiu, .vuv vuo oiru(a7-u i enor- upon I Littlefield and harmed that "nparty. ...... .:On motion of Mr. Jualtcethernlea wereaus- uBww.vu VI Alir. UJV ruICO WCTO BUB I pended and tha followlnir rear.l nt.lnn Inirn. I . . . . r " - i uncixi dv mmscii Oil TCSLCrrlBV wan tnVon nr. . appears la tba public laws to authorize His Excellency. ' appoint a State' Printer : and members of this' House never arrv such aet thcreforo ' ' M."8. LitHeflcld M State Printer and Binder as printing and bindlnK on the best and cheapest Mr Justice said he introduced the resolution from thn mirnut mntiwfa It hi wall-known that the ittas It appearT,pubnshed in. the ??WJfw o"868-fQS. waa.no t a adtaluus WVll priBtlH,4ien;1! ix-autirt2!C4 to.as.Aii nHitjaki4Mlwne for' mnek bjpinj djon foe jut one hAlf of what the i TlnW nw cfiarcca tne SUivt. l uo bobui not as aa nonest iman and republl- l n endorse tbo condact of M. Littlefleld and :a?iedupon memlxrs as representative! of the people, io, exauine, hia matter thor- ouarhly and then, as1 iruardlans of tha neonle'a .interests, to act as their consciences dictated. f ; Mr. Sinclair oppoavd the -reaolotion; aud spoke in defence, of the course of M. 8.-Iittle- neid. . lie said -that the handful of conscrva- tjVt members lad succeeded in demoralizing i icpuuntuu fully ill vuit UUOtiO, WIIU IU two - thirds majority. He cba reed that these gurated for the purpose of having tnce ln e coming elections. It rties, were toau-, some intlu- looked too! Baiichj like- a death-bed repentance, , and; should be compelled to vote for the' caolu- J-j-Ji; A llL. hW remark, fiaaid that wmu thia Honaa aa -a- . " ' ' . I n.fAWA (n malU- anniiAnwiat lnfl I Gcneml - ; ; ?f w -dimcauy in IrU aava itov KVUiUiia i -a v aajesak.saja aJrau- I J J- '.a V.LAvri.4 .l..a I -selves exceedinirlv acarce.'and ha thought that l;the8Ute prlnUng, iiad been mismanaged as I well aa railroad -bond . .and tie thought the circumstances surrounding this matter, as well as railroad matters, went.to .prove there had been foul play. JIc opposed the. motion to postpone. - ' ' ; "l.-i 5 r narris, of Wake, colored;, spoke in. ;opftosi-. iOVOatPOne. .... m .' I ' Harris, of Wake, colored,- offered asobsti tute raisinar a epectal comaalttee oi three, con sisting of . Messrs. J usUce,.Ame and Argo, , to m k m a. . . x i jar jJowoiDjr .oppoaea lido f rwoiuuvv iuu i Uu.rg thattbe i trod ace?, of -H was actuated .MTjistkeled that becaaftohe had the nerve and manliness to -jt e coaUiinance of.lWawin- Idle upon the people theowJartf. assisted by MU pets in tbo Uohse; ' Was"- endcavonna to i frown him down. IIe was actnated by no per- I . n,.,. ...I rrnii.v nf ttnnindnnii I fHiuds. - an instead of meeting these eaaifecs ZiTii floilUoier'deaai Use a'absUUto mwdby HmW Wak eoloreu.waapA t0 a yoto thd niect7eoi w-ntLjt Mr-v'?lwtlc, ct?ned P"loui .iactlon 'The call being auaUlaed. the resolution was , put to a vpfrledjj(tho following ballot; .' r?i ri, i ttv i n y, f ww,,-f t.-"j " r - i';hi2 i, aa.'... A mfessage waa received from the Governor .transmlttipe a, letter. from-U", gacretAary of wrMtnerctsehtotlthe Stale to the parehaae if eertain lands hi the State for'na tloualcsmeterlcSbyheValted State;, Ac, ' ' On'tnotiob Of Mr. French the mattcf . was referred to the Judiciary Committee within- Kroetrons-to-pfepareabrntosuit By Mrjfrophl A.wierantipg i a bm lotuu tne case. ( the consent nds in Wil- mlngtoji by the UnUcd States for the erection f ggl'gTO'H agf & FifekNCE. .2TAH ail-4X;iIHT0Jr ; The Bonaparte Tragedy The; Funeral of Victor NoIr-Scene .AtUDdOrHl'tic. Tne'Buri'opean thaUs' of yesterday bring" not less than 100,000 persons in the ,gro- A ITO AiU . x.a . j - C3- , .... t 'J . ,l ... Jl I a .-j ..(, wn i.ot-b had of I someirraes ine misuap w ian on a nwu ur 1 a valuable sample, wniej the first printed accoants we uaye naa oi, r.. . o . tr .f .?flHlMr iiia, .-.: worfcoax aad aecrpv of. thek l ing; of Victor, JNoir, in rans, uy vnvfGi''r?iJ Trft1 TrTT- Cwnponion-one ei tk t..:- nftul- -nw.U'i. Ka most imnor- was no malee4 Afteir-having turned his neWsDafers pubiisbe x ..ux-x. a. a . r . ' 7 . 1.1. .vi-- TsTh- iuiM thinfr nn mnrfl I Raader. If tod jrutm nfoMAh havA riftpfi anticiua r vva,- . iviwi a.w.. : ii v.- : vf . . . it. in.L 1 ... v a 1 - - - 1 a ' .. wiiicn iook piacc uu mo iiit v.v ..r-., 1 m age, .ia.aprpuieni man, aoove tue but tie twentitself proved a gijandj popular 1 Ueiehkand wearinz heavy utwMtife.' Thefe 'were it' is i estimated, I An(i imnerial. tte Walks Jwith. cession and present at the grave. tom.,tiaacia the yoMignt'LesrionAbeAaa-sil the the Euo da Marche, Neuilly, where the procession was formed, to the grave, tne crowd was tumultuous, aim, m sp.ic efforU to the contrary, the most intense I rr,. -4 .t about four o'clock reach. i.o arppt which leads from Jhe avenue r. . t-xIS-J-n,!. orso41fire I- SSI iaVwd- ing exweineyr , r ed, the relatives ana iuuui 2" the deceased-slcp accorapanied ihe body. to the grave wherethcre being no re- ligious service, the ceremony lasted .but a short time. Addresses were pronounced over the grave by aim. itocaeioit, clcf luze, uer onvieiie, r wuiem t Noir. V ' . i The following are the speeches : t , SPEECH SWjW1v7,8ROTw 1 a a! a i Citnent: in ine prwuu-c ... . - -a a-x.a m a Arr r mo t r r in the oresence of you all, 1 assert mat rjctoroir.h Without reason out provocatio: hlorvrl lx-fore 11 t A ehatt iMSir forrevenze, If we cannot obtain Imperial justice, we shall have recoureo to the justice of thou hast watered with thy 'blood, the dwelling ot a prince tor thfl hplKcattse iof aa bean.COWaraiy assassiua-.oiiji afiuu.t JHV"ow".l',u.V'jvrT....T'v rxrrs Degto i airecxtneait ITiLL(l ' x . . a revolver and & sword-cane : Dut it t - YV culturSiurts to :tne aa pvicvm. .j .. i , a..--, fc , ,AvvAita. : "I namf)hlets of the Loal CO 1 . without mouvr, wim- ouuiu uam uu mio w - fl are aflreuM for. JTestlm . ... i j i . .v. A v.T; r 4V frav it that I r.Y...4 4 wk u, ocwas au, wr "gr-- - aid-South fns iViBVea. . : - i r ; .;t I lizers the cneapest m tne cientiT nu s,a am cap PH y l vcab IUQ; B(UC bbtiitiirin04 r, .Arr , r.Ti lJJQflr(f. Well I toerWoS WRmr TfWnal aAMte ... aZ.l. il. I pqbticaVeariv too' we w luuecpnnaenee id him that Ihavecoine. ftrmcri ..I tta i; - I otberwiM after tha uJassWion ,f nfir k ";;, ' V "V. ' u brother by Pierre Bonan&rtB. Trr:i.i . , 1 . . . "1.tu respect xoonrirengeaace, thai! have it. -The oocssiazrto-tlai-waa vith- obtDafalleidn mn m St oll bo reDeated lTtiar TV-nr a w we shall -find but more favorable still that which you trust is lost to-day. V i '.. "." T 7 abu 10 iue xorce wntch shall oppose lt- . f . II I tO tue paS88?e Ol llDCrtV WB' ahall On- I .. flt :.k iT. i . r- " . 1 a the force of right and jus- taQt Wd Afterwards. if lt.:mu3t .with . . . . - . . r armeaiorce. 4i.. ,:jniHi- i w A r Boverant,. we no longer looktoit fbr,saV8facti9n. ye wishnoth- ing from it; we want no more ot it. Never yet has a failing government been able to raise itself when it once began to glide, The fall is pigb; the fall is fatal. This is why I demand patience and calmness from you. Let us conduct our brother to the cemetery of Neuilly, and go quietly through Parisr.tha enly manifestation- possible for, ""jr nuj- iwuucgimuu' mis :ft 4&St& . At this mom Vt the spectator and' fol- - towers .must nave numbered at least 100,000 persdhs.' - 'They no broke up into groups i . ; . ,i 't;;," knots for discussion, in which the most reyoluUonatVnbinibBs wero-rrecrvxtre9a-. ed. "A'nttleTaieV:M:'Roch'efort returned ffiW the cemetery jn a clv,whch;,then ately the latter, who has long' been accus took the lead at tj, walkv. ancj , the people tomed, according to the testimony of some sel oof on their return to'Pana.' Tlierf curredperhaps, the tnostcdrfoim incidents oi me aay. a separation iook piaco De- tweeo the mere -idlers add the' more ' ; dan- gerouai portion -of the assemblage, ;tbe !for- mer kOPPinsr to the eidawalka. eontmninir J their part of spectators, while '. the latter; formed a complete army of about .40)00, wftrkmen, and marched m -close antinsr the "Marseillaise.., varied intervals with cries expressive of their xuy lor .uocneiort. anaa repuonc. i ;;v - dmpebss or the MOii. . . . ti. -a.w. " . Paris wM Lv.i w iw;:--.. f ' ' -a-- w? ( uubiuuauvc aI1, VllO I la. . mi , . " a. . . . I l. ; La?2 ?v Iar?:ul,.8e. whX . . I J . 1 , ' I a. j t , , T TT 4-irteV icJAiA i.iTll IMaA.l?AU'A1na. l.t. JI l I Miwreutw Will UlV19tlQUHUT IaW1TBCUI - I a-1 t i? l"ni w- ra - a i , ticrie? fTheRonivi Tointi bad "just been reached, when suddenly there was a , ' A .v -Vi r T leam of f,9 hmd the Palace of In- dustry, and a dark mass which had been almost concealed in the! shadow of that building spread out like41! fan across the ,1UV "J serpen is-ue-vuie, , supponeu Dy a . ' ",Ar . i squadron oi hussars, barred the way; thsn, iust ooeaed-to allow- the -earriaure of M. RocVefbtt to pasi, and Jlosdd .up again, An rrriAiB than advanAAi a n -l aftAv 1 a v,a ju nuTauu, uu uw o had summoned the' people to disperse, waraagernMaA pearedjj k instant,. Jo Iwsitatf, Vjit at that moment the jeloads, which had been gatircriiljr tfeavfly 'overhead, burst all at n1tcBJ!iiBlA .hAmi nhom-er nf nmcnmfl wind. This was sufBcient to decide the wavercrs, .and they instantly disbanded X3JCSS avenuesor thronged forward in the direcr j At th of th R e Jlivon th mob ii-sfiianyaCBa i guarda, wom tney cneerea nearuiy waving ineir Viaps ln4the sir as they passed.1 Before the Tuileries, shouts of uJU-saa sin " were raised 10 wromr vi mo -iA.ainpioa, aiter . . , 4tiaArferjieftded tCe:P wav to wb ch 1 tfrifftJ! 7 their respcrtft distLrijs.trv - : frrn-.'mJi n aVTZ The PJiliitha fplldwinj;; tit hisl belli raid tf)MVictor Noir i l ' . f oor nr nm- . a I a ca w aaw v aa uuij v ft vu j j vsi9 v wv u.m was ttrentytttO.ri IMiarf bew sAid that he . waaa merebovc. ihe wst WW .jrfi-fcereu- leav BtrewfiTth. 'rThat 4ie 'Was od-natared was true enough : but he was known to be of a violenVteuaper. vlfU excetUipnal fhrcte vti certainlf tMe"bear title hchad to fitet- sry renown ; and that same mnscular vigor was urobably the vert "quality that' pro cured for pood Victof the fatal h6nor, of. 1 r ,T1 1 " . -n ' ill. I accompanying ii. uiric ue rouTieue. Poor fellow! he hadTi good heart; bat it - 1 j - 1 1L.1 va t. J was ever in ms nana suu uut uiuiu u mid mustaches 'difficulty from having gouty .feet. Haying been; air cf.a, nilitary lanV .J During hfe mili- taiy.rcarew-'lje.' gave frequent proofs of coursgsna energy. ;Jiis marriage in looe, at lbTeux; a property Mbwns in' thfe Ar- U'g Daint-moine. a u umuu, uu. I r-1 ? a a a i. mu a. A - aA.Maa I eY agi moment ftUfathi - iilw.a:KMa.fic'f :sirr . , v - - i 1 raB victim -killbd on himakriAot eve." lAondon;News,of the 13tb4 contains following? , - ; ' f (o 8a inion "as'-liiff 4 rea ' name; - intractfoB of 8almon was' less than twenty-one be married on the Urajalc. jqvjalf,ge 1 -i a 'Jt. 1 iLA -mi -ve lif oFanr lPTa Tit i iw hbtuu in hi iiin iiiiikji b a ast. a ni i vii w 'J, " T w ,i wnico na loeiongou;- ";" ""J naninn : whereas, if we take it for granted . . . . v. : . -1 .la. - JS 1-A.1 tnat tne xrmce ounseu commenceu noawir tit .arAfl Aa x KollPVir that ML WrrnVelR: taken 'bv surrjrise. Btinctivelv..liAixlr.bands-on..his weapon, Ltbougli.he was too bewildered and horror - aCUUiaJlgntcrulrlOUT.I WBfcue present 1 jyjxa aiai u ouvjw,.. the Prince is in mourning lor his ,. . years of age, an4,W tq I , "M JJxWW fKV'Pj. -o4?""1 1 : ! . J I Aa - mm Ijia.. faiAIIA waf aa o vtrnvuiiiii U.- 11.11 ai , ' - - a( i r - A a, i I'll v ' eituer in aeienainir or avenKiut, ui wm- en Ruth's Challenire fSoluble ncoutert beac itneei to tlie BuriS hef "never went without a pistol in tnV liTiAM iL. Tii J 1a. . a. 1 i- - - miad that thft AThVlft in that imimal wa only on lna., -tr.- .waTi Vtt K- ongother elegnndes, the iml w hi i dva a . vvi.ouiu a4V4auo ?ut we ? .f their -oppo knaye9 and thfetefrafld to use them for manure. , ' emperor' approves . proceedingb , AQAIN8T -THE. PBE5TCK. j .:. ; TTie Emperor Teamed-the ; news of the killing of Noir on arriving at the railway station on' his return from Rambouillet. M. Pietri,'prefeet,of,Torice, informed his Aiajesty,-who became quite pale, and di rected his informant to have the matter lUiUICUiaUHT UlXIUtTllB 1JK1 1 II U I, II B muiriHI iinttiiinrini, tlt tti:!-nii:-! uiuuiHus. ju.. xjuiiic viuvicr, ou leaving the legislative body; Examined 'all the papers relating to the incident and save orders to have.the .Prince- arrested. He then proceeded to the paUc and after furrows-between thesendges ; the ridges stating to his Majesty the gravity of the eituation in which Prince- Pierre was placed, announced that1 fceliad directed the immediate commencement of . tbe ju- dicial examination.' ": i! vw -I approve,n said the Emperor,., of ' all' that' you have done. No member of my family is above the law, and justice must pursue its course witu tuc greatest possible publicitv. THE PLEA OF ASSAULT,- -fi. raifSntNo6 Bonaparte still assertf that' afler some conversation with itfde Fouvielle,. he asked his interlocutors, in somewhat sharp irapuusiure nuu mux. Grousset and Rochcfort;' that M. Victor "NTnir th Pt TYr1 lorl in fliA , eflirmfit.vb tinit irnck- tha Prinr- in h f -;Tmmr11. out the weapon rand fired.. The Prince added that had he not been provoked by M. Noir he shoulinot have shot him, as M. de Fouveitle- point the latter does nnt denv na f!. Tkoronn nrliAi burl cimVpn during the interview.: The fact is asserted that immediately after the scene, which had taken place. Doctors Pinel and Morel had xound the traces of a blow on Prince Pierre Bonaparte's left cheek, near -the neckr IPWKoskooI The Great Blood and Liver Medicine I,.-.... ....... ., t - ' - ; MISCELLANEOUS. IX; 1 HAEDWAEE, IX. Agricultural Implements. CUTLERY, oOUXS, pistols, AHIHUNITIOX, mUK UJiDERSIQNED WOULD RESPECT- ju' iuuy caii tue attention oi nis menas aim tliepubllo in general to his large and well- JL seiectea slock oi . - . - i . - .f a i' ,'i- Hardware of every -description. Iron and Sfell,' Spikes, Shovels, Spades. Pitchforks, Axes, ' Locks,' lilngxJs &c. . Always ou hand a complete assoi-tnvnt of CORK SHELIaEBS, .....v i - x ,l, i u , .B0f JE, TBAffE 'CHAINS, li ' i ' ii' -: ' 1B0N AND sxeetJ HOES. ' j ".TWlKE,CUJtaf COMBS. AH kintlarof . Leather, llarness;' CoHar and ..i . . .. .!.: ; . T . . , Evry raniier attdr Planter ls lnvlted to call anq examine tne mock. ,"f Steep.onlyxt Vainest Goods, and ofTerthem I.-.-I- -' Ux'l "'i i' M'i'V i'- '" ' ' We also keep a complete assortment of ' ' ' Paints'; Glass Oils, Sash; ' Dodrs and Blinds. (J)f1i.cu we sell at manufacturera prices. CaU and look for youraelveiw . - i-f -' :!JATHL JACOBI, - Successor to Jas. Wilson, ' - - No. a Market street. Jantf T r v uminjrton, n . m 1 I I.A.t . .mi " f . " - -..., P ? .PCTWrff P P ? TO TfTR "WORKrNO CLASS. We ' are now rejtetrd to frtmtsh all odaaaes with ooastant nmhoymBfr at home, 'tire'whole-of -tne time of -for the tpare. moments. Business new. 1 iwt. valid, nreAtable. Persons of either sex easily earn front 50c. to 5 per evening, and a ii roportlonal sutt 'toy Ue voting their whole imA tn the bnainesa. Bots and air s earn near- hLiuBiu aa man. That all who see this no-. tTei Inav sandlhelr addreaiC and test the busi- -ncssw-make thisntrparaJlereeotfer: Toaach as are not wed t saiuneu, wa- win genu i w pay for the trouble of writing. Full toarticnlara. X Will 00 to tXJiiimeuuo Th. BadbIsS' LOerary ie tarcesvaoa Dest iamuy d all sefit free by mail. rtnanent. profitable EN A CO Augusta, ian ia smo. A STRAL OIL,' i-i;-,,;. For sale by. ..1 ; No. 19 So. Front St. . jani ia-tr w Jl AT.-.- itta! NeWrUOOCLS. HeW WDttSl . .y.'.ft I."! ,.'jrr.'aii:j .1 ( We receive eacj waeka .A ; .new styles. rorJ -" which are sold vat; LOWEST PELCati oa .ii j j r. t na Not ice to Cotton Planters and IIS Mil , - I -: irl SJI (U U.CAIO A Btt'jr'i'j .j ,11. ention'of SU agrl- vertiaeiAients ana wnose xertinaera- orrfala' from piant- lanvlina and ln States pronounce these fertl- maraea.- " PbnXTlhate. Ian UL.I TYifi'-' HPRTTWT A HIN8OW. i3 1 in, Iftf Kpmb AfcliJirt?mH- mx .V'.!- -.i . '.u.(l T Jii .'.- I.'1U V-l - ., ,f,,:i i- ' -I i ' I -- .., aaxa-... . .'. XA- n -a-i m --rr. I . X -".-- 1 ' . . . .'.w. .'r. .r.x. . . 1'.. : 1 morrow of, the trag10 i -' jah-tf.,iJ,r' '" v e !'Korth troatstreew T'l".. '. ..?..,. .a' ! : i.'nivl 0 aiescfibedaxrayotith of f v f .t iiitt..-.r.ii., ya i : , -1 .4.8peiiiAmtMttioiru &&.tQM1UKUtPi ft.in iii i ---. . .. I jf;,-ro.-; !i-. it- rur.- ii tr J I r,, .... -: K' I ,'' ..... BAAir.OIinillll ivaiMp.l ' in;', the most' eiegan "-fa i -VfT E BERNARD'S 2?t"I',,.?V,f Publishing pause, t xfj Jj-iS xfr' f to ,f pnttoxT jnd No. 23 HaietStriBfet, YOU f.WILL FIND i THE .fin LARGEST; - ! t' SUITAt3 Ladies', Gents' and To Cive Perfect Satisfaction v both In Price arid Quality of Our Goods. i ''. 'i't ''.(. : U U; .' t ii i'!...Vl l.r.i -iv f; i'-v! l.h.iii.,..1 ALL PERSONS IN , NEED OF . iEXAMINE OUR STQCK .'I i PURCHASING Jan. 20-tf BOOK BINDERY. B00 K BINDEEY Blank B o ok Manuf ame i or yt Wli. II. IIEIIIV AIII, lropt4r. Dawson Bank Buildvngs, . Front , ; . WILMINGTON, N.O.. J7 TTN COlf SXCTION WITH MT(KatraT- . -' ."r.-'i " tNG AND PU BUSHING HOUSE, I haveinJp- e ration a Complete BOOK BIX DEBT AND BLANK BOOK M ANBF ACTOBT. laelud ing a FIRST CLASS RUUKO MACHIKK My unsurpassed luciUties-anable metO:eeo cute all work In . tje bove lines at LOW BATES, with the ntaaoat dJtaparteh aad in the most fiCPEBIOB STILE. : .;-.'.,'' lam m an o faotnrlng to order LEDGERS' I';-' journals :; daybooks'- - CASll BOOKS, BLOTTERS, INDEXES, RE(X)RI) :0KS- i TRIAL DOOKETS; - : - vv.t : APPE ARAlCE DOCKETS:' , , , j MINUTE DxCKET' ?'ukk . EXECUTION. D.WKKJ, j MARliliGE REGI t . . . ...... : , 1 jt bUnd tooks; i X.NDV ALL OTIIElt B L A II K B O O K S, -USED Bf- CLERKS, "I REGISTERS, j' a RAIL ROAD COMPANIES, INSURACE.aMffl -.-'.I'M) '..1 V." :-.'. , . ,.ii.'jj : v .a iXVii't IMlA ...,'"-:i" - - Hv: i ; ' 1 ... r i "i . . . B . I N Drl ;;N G I-H PROfFTLYV ATTENPlp: TO. if t j '.' f.'l.'t .; BOOKS,;: i i :." f ;!:; r? uvj !::. i: V.WM1i.' PAMPHLETS, ,i;,:j Aif.lV.Xft" f MAGAZINES, PEKIOpiCAIS, ' ? it" ."."" '. .T.'. ') ; i : - : . NEWSPAPER .TIES, i i-'.i - j;;'.- ""fe.nrirnii ..' x. ...iwi-vVi-.-; : . i2' H z;T 1 .ror.H?-. : ,:i Bound In' !t)ie. neatest' and -most substantial ttianner, ajad at Moderate Price. . '; Viiit U vl.'irri'.'i v..iJi), '-! i.iiil .'-)' V$ i (fc'Jj") - . V) '.!,:! V? '::-.) 'luvr.f.ii) vi-oK 1 it . :. . .'.(. t- 1 J-ioi)ov ! (ilJ.-Jf !- -. :- .-a' woii fiu..w ' . - i;.n;iiKl,;U,).. I . i :o'J J.'rvl.riiii .1:7 I ii .oh-.. i!tLi.-:f A: if I PAPER EU UNA L1 BfMWfctaUIXJU ASAVIJET.' ! ItTVVH'I-7 : vi.iT''.oi-3ijJ TIaKIKQt JtWOt.BOOK-. '.PBA1WB, BOOKS, BIBLES, ate., , ;- ,...: -4 .'iS a.-.; Viif- .V-lX i''5:: '.-.. i-iJ T it.t - vjf 1 ,t.wx- T:.i.- .T . ; ' - . -.iWM-'H. HKliN A Kll'rv 't ouse j!f ""iiMiaerivsi nut. I : '. r :i 'i'.i - i l ' it': y.r - , 3' - L - . . if 1 i FIJSIiST AND u' 1 i- L ceapPods, LE FOR - r ; i ;-'..-.ii' i . , Cliildren'ti Wear. i:t !jt. 0.) f I'.l't'-' ;;t 1,iV" GOODS SHOULD OALL 1 AND AND PRICE BEFORE ELSEWHERE. ; MISCELLANEOUS. ' " TO ECON)MISTS. r, ADVaanaa ur The Wi hhsbbro News FAIRFIELD J1ERAL& , "Published in '"X - wiNSBORoJ si;,.-,;.' ul rpHB LARGE AMD INCREASING ClWCXj' that they offer as good induoemeQt' verxisers a any oilier papers 111 Be.,,qiu.i 49 Aa.(lvrtiements solicited. ' l)ESl'014TEa,.MUL,LlAMS & CO., sept 14-tf Proprietors. .''liu'i' At. nIH..J '. ;" THE ,- Eastern Jntelllgenceri ; Publisbeii every Wednesday, at: WAaHlHOTOAT'.N.- ' '' by- Dr. Ju.r. aVofasf-aTe L.-NIaoii. H(o ' better adrerttslnsr medium In Eastern Sabserlptlop, 1 yr- 4- moinra - W. ''aKBVAKD.geat,'' " dec9-tf ,j 71nvJngtoii,N.a . MERCAflTltE PRINTJflG. .-.'.',1-. 4 .V . , .. BUSINESS CARDS, BILLHEADS, CIBCUllABS. LETTER WE AI5INGS NOTE HEADINGS, ENVELOPES, NflTK BQQga, &XAIlbtEiTsIl GENERAL J&B PRINTING Executed ln the best manner, 'and at the pjbort' est notieej'at the iM- '.' i;- Y SIOHXIJaO JSTAR v . ...,,,1 ,,l 1 ...v. . trajpiiced Tripe, JJIGS FEET, DRIED BEEF, : - ,. lin,. FULTON 3IXbawET 3EEF, xjooice uosnen nutter. Golden Syrnp and N., C. Buckwheat, at C. Bl -TH08. C'LEWIS, ... 8 Market Street. novll-tf 1 .t' 1 (11 III l)rt- ..r..,i:oftft'i. irVhEK 'sbpfeRItH feEG'ABS ANlAot. VrViffLED LI QUOU6 can aj wajys be - , 4n coiecuoa Wjiu i,i,ierpT:-epnpr(ert 1o :,T0BACCPi riif It . -'II. J'Jrt'': fi riT. .-Li Fnrnlahed Rooms. 1)V Dav. WeGk'prjton' TTrYrr a -v-r-i-r,t TT iA.il AU ViAx.VC3ui.AAy-i ; 1) iill ri.J?ti.l.' Ofiirtfnf -.tl ..I;ovv;irj; rr. fw-i-i, Vi t f-i-.! v ..; -t-.it i-.-'-t. ..? effect? both; JaLaBlX B and k'lBB IHt7JlJ XTSCM ill Wtiifo&ttAVariBiii antf ufwxJ i...U.ixS'j.-i:U ;!'.'(; ii.i -T ;;il;07-if;u;rl j tfcKQ9T.:AVOBAJB. TJEJWW,;.) 3:i; j.-'-Cut AjOHN.;WlXDBtt'ATKIN80N,!l ,.,1 xAl IMnAA.. O . . . ' Between Front itnd Water' StaJ ... 1 if hi j 1 11 1 1 I r. ; - ii 1 TMISOBLlllrOIJ8;f:i ! B. Et -tTETDR ; - - f rti'tT vtyAtr tiTif1 atlT fl'tf a 1 - ejf WfrJA aV MViH SJ -S. mA,Mm Hi Am Poiafoies or'Panfo-aMyO.' V richitPinlbEyei: Jackson -VVinite.i .i:i u. uox'aM miAe-ireAxsa jsiaw.ai?. 4 " and Mercer,1 fApple8)'(," j '1 i rsj Snn:sOigaiTbco,r j f..'iTi".r!'.'s1r f' T-iJ girlJ lilu,,1 rrma t-rjaoWlAVtiivgttita. aad-lias .atouekilartfei aiattoq taa muh newWftges in, Ma. .section la. which. U lspoWiabed. , . ) 1 : -"ft, Unrvhants of -W iiifitn rtn; -itaT-lil')anuI so good a medium rxixiAaettlari wlth the business men OT Sumter and planters O: y.r4uoll vuilfiWol i-na WUinlngfoMi U.fPiVft -: n ; fi.7'2-.-! ..ocl .i'-ocoro-l .... . j d apkjCajjalesyj.Cieeesi? ' rrtBll W ATCHM AKl (. tratoflshed. jaski Bttstfer, WTPa.. E II HOUGH, CINPENING & CO., BaconJ lArddteSapplieai Generallj, j n -'lWitawfaaTt' ; .wr t,iV i BALTIMORE MJ).f- . . Rxfxkkhcks j-Hopkina, Harden 4fc Kemp, Can y. Gilpin Ckx, Pexmimaa ft Bro.; Daniel Mil- ' ler A Co., Howard, Cola Co- Baltimore : M . Greon wood. New OTleanj c. W. Button. Esq., Lynchbvxl)!riaf: SOprf ' Vtj, JPetera burgVa. ;Wm. B. BernajllinliAuAi,-N. C. . 150 )Y. EMATT ST., , VJT.aad Dealers ln Sweet and Irish Potatoes Particular attenUonpald to the Bale of all kinds of -BAMitT rtl TAALB3,. GItEEN . FKUITS, Ac. AU kinds of SESD POTATOES oonstantlp on hand. : l A r,, jaarasSAFly PATTERSON & D iii ) in 'in - : I . v r ta iHv1,-T0a,WRH4SrqtWtut't: if0 (Between Hanover ami fehftrpU t ; Thoe. H. titei-soA-Vf vwujlv1 V B8lttaaor.' Jno. H.Bash.. - 3. : Prompt and Calthral attention paid to orders mms&Fly - "l'i'- fn-t FOUvTfS . - iV.-j ( ortiI.-CaXEBa-ria. J .. i'j !" .; . Tkt. 1 .-J jLVf bpilfR dDwa aad lpw-plrtt!d' torte. prtrefietKtihTf' km tkiinhM '' the' ttacU and iateitlaa..e i iu:; n ilt'ta a saw nrsMirtlMaf ell aisttaca In.Mu.. ... kU ..Wkl V- . TTAT1 . . ' AHV.UVU. Ml 'A MA. WW, ligAVI FBV ER. GLANDERS. TELMW jk. WATER. HEAVES. COWS. D1S- ' ZLTV ! TEMPER, FEVERS, f ODN U ER. LOS8 OF APPETIa? WWII EXtRGY.i jo.1HJt use improTe. i the wipa, intreajes tlio ?pictit U(9 B O aopofnlr iii4Art ffJ rttrtfH'b Aiiffit laerpeit, Hollow ' KnP,tt'Jii Hr fee provea by: ad apcrf-Ate;to Inereaw th quantity or milk and cream twenty per rent.- and make the butter Arm . Aiut W.M-t.. In fuM.i-.tn i A.III. I. We them anjiitlAf Ttin'LaWMda, and makes theutlMtiTettaeataeUHoT wtir In all disease of frirttie, tieh' a Cough., TJlcen In the lAsnR, Um jka ii ertWtjacti I, , n 1,, .trill theUboVedl nVeradl.-'T eacee or til ui kit prevemna. ir grrm- 1 t in.., . Aa4.ii.iiM.iiiitf. . a, i,: -cttre tat Cltatem. ; i: (iojrcm:T OjV 1 ; t'i ?fua i mism i.l'. 1 meffg jnnU r. l::?.f.a J-li10H 4rWMltrV,. For mil j 1) DruggisW and ,StpTeVer tiirftaghout the United State. Canada, and Solrth America. mr23SAriy-r4AXi;iTmi,"1 M. . . .1 .- 1 :f.iT.:r.fn n .? ...I'j w wui ft-ii(lfit.aDia, a,iurli.T -ua AJTD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, uat- -. 1 80 South. Howard StMlw, eorner of Lombard, . . .. BALTIM QBE. , ., ., . . TTTK HAVE dONSTAM,TtT OX ltAD A TV large and weU assorted' Stock of GEO ClIEBVJwTNExt anrLXIQUORS, suitable for the Southern-aiid Western,, trade We solicit oonsignments 6f CWtttrCF Prbauce.such as Cot ton, Jfeattoera. toVa mu& fcaeswax, Wool, Dried Eruitx Fur Skins, Ac- , -1 ., ';bu?tBcfli5es lxrfJdani'ATnslhei 'iire'Jstich as W Wartaht.! Saletftiho AUrrdiiAayfltTJpMtettUonA 1 - loilna&AFMniad (JO.OUi biiul nu ;- .. i H t.fal -ml itjiii .111.1 iMMQimyi.'. mi. i.uni.i WHOLESALE LIQUOR 1 5it ana 'null it; General Commoon MercMfs 54 SOUTH KOWXfD tJTREJST, And 5538 West Pratt Street, 1 U,ysXwAk'iBALTIM0RBt MD. T)E7ERS sC'lMBJe Co., SteUman, 'fScHreHie lfiolo?dBtckaL vtta taent no t -j rraiiiTCTrr iz ,itoc.i..r .pt smu vt,-.t,- .UV-iliU-' MERGnANDJS'MIiS. COBJaPBJlKS AA Jf BJRBBJ()Kc B.TJI.. . BALaPlatOKXJ,CMDix.rju .t.-, ;. . to-il WuU'k'iiAU-aiA.A . . . txJAWMava. AvyuuiMvu aa m w waaw vnsv va wrroiiLx. bxs pmerrxj LLar as u cjoji- YY signmenU ef borfe,-aBI wiU guarautee )ighera market rates aftd prompt returns. ; Lilfe Laaaat C '- La' ij.'illl IM - ...rTT .. . - . . . : . i-a.....' It. a -isWria if rr)T; J" . Commission ft C'- r t, I'.viWi.t A-n a- wTTf i ai'ttn'tt : rriHB TRADE SUPPLIED WIyiAWE. TlSd CAINjrroinr.tbanoa. T j1 tTHOSt tttr Clbliailaiiaff - iaTow-jLWTAiOfrAA3Axa mzALSB?7if JtAk; weetaiid Irndi ltasaoes,iAl9ie. Oalons, Beana,PeaiMnandDried.ViT dxomptly aeouiiicdfor. mrsa SAFly rfiVAVA iv,t-rf.i tVMlIV-T. .... 1. Ill . V A DnTTilfiTiai 1 filial' 5x A "V-TTw A, s uro, Staunton, xa-r a. u, incK'rres r irat rational Kanic amotiBrrs' ' vafc u- ' .nrt38AK5rYWiii iiijq nailouu oillrvl u ii j Li !ii..j!Ji .J lii'il.t,:i-ifr .jtl j. . ' "2 fyJfyiW&&"&fi dJin.o: i:4 B AtawolSrr .1 'ca "XHfn vRJ'CiVA ' ' jog: nil .Jmifji!)! 3eicoi hqTtxMjoui 1 gra :aiitiirvraiSxrCTH x Jia.IM. Jl l.kl.nlimu.illT.n..;' r.u)WinFKS,iini.vrr,i (i r Tttj, n a iter o, ttore Cxrt?Cw ...-fn. .... ioiTVOW B. 1oWiaVCo Wa atmaraVAlS4 41asaii-S'fyera .vM09 Ijrisfcs'J is- ;1 : in i If i" 1 if 'I il