. rAAT, -ktttOV ST1 A T? MSST b.jf Tucsday, JUarcn i,.ioo. vum:. H. IB OSIR IS" .A.:Ea 3D. Editor and Proprietor. (US' me red to city saboeribor aif rirTEES cENTs,pr wfabscri. 1 Street will bo applied by Mr. WJI. L. UAKLOWi and. those South of that Hue- by Hr.' JOHN 'nV'BURCH. only these Agents-Are Authorised, In their resneeUwor DjTlsloaa.' 4 follfft elty subscriptions. FMt Office Money Orders may be obtained in air tft aitiw4iid in many of the l.ftf large towns. we consiuer tnein periecuy dou'oriSsIM,,t mtyug liiiy- 9- Kevtstered Letters, under the new svstetn, whioU wont Into effect Juno 1st, area very sure uioana oi seudliig small suras or ino- ....... . t - i. 1 iy obtained, ob-ret, uo ttegiuryjet. as weii wiiuru me letter is inaiieu, or n wui do utuue i ... - - .... . . I AA. .ifM.... " O.... I ot th kimp$ bot or pottage and reffUtrg,put in the money and trtU the letter in tA presence of I the poeUmtuter and take hi receipt for it. Letter ItUll, Ul U1UI WV M Ul TbUl HUM.. I fif Obituary notices, tributes of respect. &c. ars charged half advertising rates when paid for in advance of publication. In all other J C!! dvrg rates-will be charged. I'creons leavitiff-the city aunntf tne Snuimsr months may have the Staji mailed YSSSitvS. fXw lot three months. - THE CLRCULA TWN OF THE MORN-1 IXO&TAU IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PUB- L ISIfED IN NORTH CAROLINA. TIIEMCTXEUS. Bntler must'be a bad name, and he cannot be esteemed a fortunate man wjiose patronymic is identical with that fi &x , jof Massa- .1 rril. Ti-il i. '-I : envisf "s: Trr a oaa set, ana wnetuer tneir peai greo. began with that chief bntler of .IvUiaroa xrh '-emenibered not Jo seph," assuredly they have imulo him' thejr prototype. ' i lho iutler3 indeed do not re member anybody but themselves, and they are generally to be recog nized by the 6trong generic resem blance injtKis particular, which runs through the tribe. Not that we mean i Xd'jiay XEatiW tuis character- OM OIaTl Ott 1 StAYiATfilO ! that they have a mouopbly ,of the - virtue of providence for Number One, but that they have attained to an excellence in this respect which is nniferiallytieognized. At the present wilting, there are two members of the extensive But ler connection in the Federil House of Representatives. Ofitliem it may be remarked that they are em inently worthy of the historic name which they bear, and that ho one disputes the claim of cither to lin eal descent. from the Biblical But ler of Pharaoh's honsehold. It has been strongly hinted, however, by a Yjrgiqia editor, that one of them is genablogically connected with the unrepeutant thief, who, was crucified with our Saviour.. The body of which these Congress ional Bntlcrs find themselves mem bers, affords them an abundance of congenial companionship, and a gratifying appreciation of their ge nealogical virtues. 1 One ot these Butlers has been commemorated in song and story. In works of biography, epic and lyric poems, in histories, in reports of military and naval operations, and even upon the stage, have his . virtues, his achievements, his gen ius, his courage, his ascetic moral , ity and even his personal beauty, been illustrated, typified and cele- -.brated. . That historians, poets, painters,-journalists and tho mem bers of tho various other cralts, who have essayed to delineate or adorn Bijtler, have failed to .do him en tire justice is generally conceded That thcseartists have . dohe: their best for their noble subject is doubt iees truevbut their task demanded superhuman energy and ability, and naturally enough they failed. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the English language has been exhausted in the vain effort to char acterize the Massachusetts Butler, The Bodleian library would not ac commodate the various literary at tempts, sentimental, didactic, mor al, religious, poetical, critical, com prehensive and analytical, in this direction, nor would the Homerie catalogue of ships exceed the list of epithets and sobriquets, by which it has been sought to typify the vari ous traits of his character, incidents of his career and features of his per son. xne conceded vituperative talent of 31r;"Brick" Pomeroy has recoiled from this task, with an ac v vkhowledgement bit impotent endeav or. Though Mr. Pomeroy has him self added a complete dictionary of original epithets to the English lan gaage, yet his "red-hot" vocabulary fails to apply to the peerless Butler anything stronger than " thief," which, wo submit, is wholly inadequate to the demands of the occasion. TU well know erndi- . of the New:York World in the nomenclature of hard names, after having been most industriously era- ployed forjwo years, was finally and Yainlveshausted. Of Hie World's two. years of heroic exertion there survive only two or three feeble an'cl f n effectual nppeliat 1 vft; - of ' which perhaps the best is , that derived from a well remembered' 'suggestion Q.ftnj GrArifc-J-tliG "RattlikTmn - r- Have 'always had a - partiality for the title "Holy lfcri as embody- ins more of Butler's moral attract- iveness, than any other one phrase, uiouiru wk euunj wutsat eiuuo jycf v our preference for the pliraso ot a 1 ' , IVirlUian COnteiUUOrar . , LOCK- contemporary smaut." 1 T eyeu ouggernaui. Wo were careful to remark that, at this "present writing," there are Q JJutlora i tlie-Honse of Itepre- . .. m. uniauvcs. xnvs 411111111; cxo- io was "ecessary, inasmuch as one is supposed to hold his seat by a very uncertain tenure, and it is even , hinted that the, House, spurred by a vulger and eneducated public "feen timent, may expel both for certain slijrht indiscretions. Indeed it is altogether likely that before this shall be in type, one of the Butlers will have followed the martyred WhJrlfmnr t.ri rtrivate Ife. addin? 7 0 anotber mustrious name to the long list of examples of the ingratitude ot IJepublics. The . name of the menaced Butler is not Holy Bm,' but Roderick Raudom, and he hails nominally from "Tennessee. He is a genuine Butler, true to the .genc- rJr rpRfimKIanif 'nnrl YliAfflmili' in. stincts. but nevertheless his iudivid- uality is sufficiently pronounced to . merit a separate portraiture. We , submit one from the lifted artist ot r he Louisville Courier Journal: j "Butler, of Tennepssee, is a fellow by K U-1 fr 4 n 1 .J 1 i marKea to ao any aeea or iniamy irora t i. . r . f planmncF a murder, which he confessed I two years ago before the Reconstruction iSMk? .vs ? T? riat f ho1; nisuip, ituku u lias jobi uow couiesseu before the Military Committee. He de fended both in the name of the loyal men of Tennessee.. The murder was to be per petrated in order to prevent the escape of a lanuly be desired to keep at borne, and the corruption was pepet rated , 'to Secure the election ot btokev which it did not do. Bat Butler is nether a puritan nor a fanatic. lie is a lan, bony, bloodless scarecrow, who duriig the war was some times one thing ao sometimes another, but always a sham.' lie holds his scat by lraud and got into.t by perjury, and bis name is Roderick landom. Perhaps this latter circumstanc may explain why he is such a rascal. If it does not. Parson T 1 ( 1 a ii T . I urowniow, wno mows mm wen, can. we i trust he will. It vould be a very pleasant story for the recrotion of the Senate.' BELLIGERENT BLON DEM. Miss Lydia Thompson, the ehief of the English ' Blonde Burles- quprs," aspired to the immortal dis tinction of having cowhided an edi tor. Unsneeessfal in the attempt, she yet proved the Stuff of which I sue is tnaae, ana npon ner next es- sav in that direction we may expect I t.fo. I vorc critkisms upon tho V?S&tUXui2. anqes ot the testive Lydia and her j associate nudities, in the Chica-o ' n Times.- Failing to convince the Chicago public that Ike chores of the limes were unmerited, and that herself and troupe were real Eng. ... lish ladies (not including of course,- t. fh O J breeches), the gallant Lydia re- o,Otror1 rn toU i, . . - n . hands. bettinar OUt upon tue War- path," with ionr companions, three r . of them of the male persuasion, all erpialiy valiant with herself, the chivalric Lydia sought the journal- istAvli'o had dared to offend the pro prieties by giving an honest criti cism. Despite the fearful odds against; him, the ionrnalist came off) victorious. But though defeat thus settled upon : the banner of the Blondes, in this their first serious battle, f and though, figuratively I speaking, that banner may be said to be now trailing m the dust, yet 4 did ( Ly d ia prove hersel f 4 "a ; better man than any of her male attend ants. While she was brave to rash- nessthe men all showed the - white feather. xuo 4 ucanvii ui xjjuiu. aim iier companions being ladies may now be considered fully settled. No- body will question their claims to mo tine iu iue iigub ui tins viucago Tt ic rr. V,a rorrrartaA . r . that the pewspapers dq not tavor us With aii account Of the stume of . . , ' T iiLisa xuuiupscui m, tins street per- i iioteitnere .ara nve mtgnincen stores la formance. Ordinarilr. ehe cannot Iled to'lee'Afad'betweeWaTerley . , . oe saiu to uress to an warming ex- tent,, or as the phraso has it, " to . , T . , Jl 1 nurc. out we uaraiy suppose sue would appear in a cowhiding scene in the costume of Ixion or Lei6es .FT ter. - 6he would not appear to ad vantage castigating an obnoxious editor in the "too soon or too late" apparel appropriate to he vblupta- ous uiusiu uu uewiiaennir nieasuieo of the Can-Can. .- There . is ..danger that the' precedent , established by the ad mirer ot Mr. Oate&iin Savannah a tew nights since may lead to seri ous embarrassments of Actresses and audionces. Suppose an admirer Of a popular actress, not less enthu sias'. ic, but with a less plethoric purse than the party who threw Mrs. Oates the set of turs, should express his, esteem by throwing upon the stage such a substantial token as a biop skirt or a chignon ! Fancy the feedings of: the lady and the audience. C3?Dr. Vklentihe, :a "young physician, well known in musical ;Ircles as a baritone 6inger, and re ported to have a powerful and well- cultivated voice, has made his debut iri Hew York. His ventnre will be watched with great interest, es pecially as he is the first - American gentleman who has ever tried the Italian stage in New York. . The opera chosen for his debut is the " Ballo in Maschera." A self-sacrificing physician of Boston lias offered to try tho ef fects ot intoxicating liquors upon himself for the public good, in order that the State Board of Health " may have the benefit of the scien tific information to bo obtained." D. his Pposal be .accepted, it is Fobable that a large majority of Boston's best society will take to BluaJinS meaicme. gg-' Admiral Farragut is to re- construct the navv. J ra- Fnnmlp hrcker ur failed dears, in contradistinction to the bulls and bears. Palmetto Leaves. A little white bov in Charles ton had bis leg bo badly crushed by being pushed by a colored boy under an empty barrel which was in motion, that it was iound necessary to amputate it. Charleston has a visitor Irom Illinois, by the name of Maj.. Samuel . Houghton, who is 31 inches high, weighs 41 pounds, and is 20 years of age. F. DeMarahas received his an- pointment as postmaster, at Orangeburg, and will enter nnnn the discharge nf fii . . . F O duties next week. The Columbia Phcenix has been shown an egg, laid by n small-sized hen, which measured eight inches around from point to butt. Tire Union Times informs the outside world that 44 Union C. II., and not Unionville," is the name ot the Capital of Union county, B. C. The Charleston News says : On Friday evening, about 8 o'clock, a fa tal accident occurred at the Forty-one Mile Turnout, on the South Carolina Rail . Ii . -1 J iL - P If . 1 a who fof many yearaj occup-,ed the po8i. tion of pump minder at that point. The ireigui train naa lusnancn water, anu was passenger train to psss, when Mr. Baxter . .. 1 A, the whole train of twenty-six cars passing over .VZo I r am thf nn(W. nnil called to the Midi I neer to stop. This was instantly done, ,&rhpTSoi& body and recognizing the features, he ex- claimed, 44 Great God ! it is my father 1" and fainted. The body, which was terri- bly mangled, was taken to a neighboring 1 house, together with Mr. George Baxter, u-hi wna still Snfnqihle. Medical attend. ance was promptly furnished, but at last accounts his condition was still critical. I Mr. George Baxters wife, who lives in the 1 neichborhood. had been sick, and it is fPPoaed that while endeavoring to give I hia son aome lnfnrmntion rprrarnmcr Iiap J'MrV Baxter tact. wUWhis deattir . The Ciilmii K belliou. - A New Yohk, Feb. 2C. The following has been received at the CubaaJontacw-ij8'-j-o- -. Jose Morales Jemus and Miguel Aldowa have received the following telegram: .."Jacksonville, Feb. 25. Tho Spanish winter campaign came to a disastrous end nt Maiasa, Cuba, on the 28th of January The Spaniards retreated to the towns. Unarmed classes ot tne Luoan army are begging, tor arms to attack the towns. 'Lespades has appointed General Ques- sada and Col. Adolph Yarona to ' impor tant foreign missione. They sailed from Cuba in the midst of the enemy's cruisers; and are now at Jacksonville, and. , will be in New York gome time between the 21st mat. and the 1st of March. .. . "Col, Vakona." IIavaka, Feb. ' 26. Telegraphic com munication has been established between Havana and Ciego, de .Avil; In the i u,e josuxgeut banda are every active. House Ren Ca in New York. 1 wT8 J?-io fiw- cjf as" i nais oi tnat city asserts that " onisroaa wa7 between Waverley. Place and Canal I street, a distance of 'ilevfn ' hlnclca tliAm are sixty-tbree stores and offices to let. Of " number thirty-eight are .large stores. 0 the T)lock opposite the Metropolitan, rce ana Uleecker j street there Jare thir teen basiness place sundlagempty." 1 t-W ".wunw 4 AiiO Width jjiwv auu f juver Medicine I t SPECIAIi NOTICES. OCGTJPATIOSTAI. AIL11KST8. Fresh, pare air is vitallxlng eUXir. Who ever la debarred by circumstances from' un restricted access to this invisible but power fol stimulant needs a medicinal inVlgorant of snrnn kind. The.arreat object should ha n ehooee the best. Popularity la a pety good. gaaraatMofiihltJUaicrttiiilgandW tolligeat age, and triad by thia criterion eo8!. tetter'sStomaohBlttersBtandsflrstamongthe Invigorating ana regnmnng meuicines or the it produces a vigorous growin vo ine vegeta presen t day. To the wants of persons engaged 1 tlon and permanently enriches the soil. , : in indoor employments, especially in erowried J - factories whero vea with the best passible ventilation the atmospoere is aiwayB la some degree .pollated,i this salnbrions vegetable tonic is peculiarly adapted. The nature of the lngreaients is no myiry. u tuiBiawgi an ahanlntilv nnra diffusive stimulant, tincturil or rather sure handed with the fluid ex tracts of sanatous roots ana Daras ana nerds The pharmacopoeia has its tinctures, but what are they I "mejaiceoi omy a single root or bark or plant is present in eacn. jnoi one ot them combines the three properties of a tonic, an alterative, and an aperient. All these ele ments are blended in, the Bitter; nor are these the sum of its medicinal recommenda- "?P" blood deourent "d Hniuraodia ine Daieiui cuect wuiuu tur tunii una uwn mosphereissuperaddeJ the mephitic vapor of hot air furBaoes, it becomes deleterious and depressing in the extreme To enable Vhe svstem to bear an. even for a few hours each day against the debilitating. influence of a vitiate atmosphere, a wholesome tonio and. alterative is urgently required. .This grand disideratum Is supplied in Hostetter's Bitters, which as a strength-sustaining, health-protecting agent has no rival either among offic inal or advertised medicines. " ; PAIN KILLER. We aak attentlan ta this Unrivaled FAMILY MEDICINE. The Paih Kulxr is, by universal con- sent, allowed to have won for itself a reputation unsurpassed in the history of med- icinal preparations. Its instantaneous effect in the entire eradication" and extinction of Patn, in all its various forms incidental to the human family, and the unsolicited written and verbal testimony of the masses in its favor, have been, and are, its own best adver tisement. " -. For evidence in favor of the Paiv Kjiauk for Ministers' Sore Throat or Bronchitis, read the following: -v GxxTSi The Pain Killer has been a constant occupant of our house for over two years, and a portion of the time it has been the only medicine under our roof. Hardly ever do I have my children complain of being sick wi th orn naving inein as in ine same sentence ior Pain Killer. For several years before I became acquaint ed with the Pain Killer, I had suffered a great deal from an affection in my throat, thought by some physicians to be Bronchitis, by others to be what fs called Ministers' Sore Throat. At one time it was bo severe that I was obliged to give up preaching. Within a few months after 1 had become acquainted with the Pain Killer, I had another attack from that dis tressing complaint. I tried my new-found meiiclii(, and, to my astonishment and de light, it produced a wonderfully soothing ef fect. In a short time I was wholly relieved. Since that time I have had a number of attacks of the same nature, and te Pain Killer lias always afforded me relief. About one year since, my wiie oecaine suujeci o severe suf fering from Uhenmatisui ; our resort, as usual, was to the Pain Killer, which would alwavs relieve her. . . I have not time now to nav more, as I could with a hearty good will, and always have done, in praise of the I'ain Killer. If this hastily-written letter, in commendation of Perry Davis' valuable medicine, will be of any service, you are at liberty to do with it as you piease. v ery xruiy yours, KIMiAK L'AUI, UWATOHKA, Minn., Missionary of the A. B. Home Mis. So. Allen's Lun Balsam TUt UEMK1I YOU CURIKU COXSl'MPTlON, COVU1I8, BROS CHITIS.'ASTIIMA AXD CROUP. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. Yr-' ls Composed of the active principles vZ& of Roots and Plants, which arc chemi cally extracted, so as to retain all their medi cal qualities. MINISTERS AND rUBLIC SPEAKERS, who are so often afflicted with Throat Dis eases, will find a sure remedy in this Balsam. Lozenges and wafers sometimes give relief, hut this Balsam, takenafew times, willlnsure a permanent cure. Will aU tho8e afflicted with Coughs or Con sumption, read the following and learn the value of Allen's Lcno Balsax : WHAT TUE DOCTORS SAY. Amos WooUy,M. D., of Kosciosko Co., In- d iana, says : " For three years past I have used Allen's Lung Balsam extensively In my prae tice, and I am satisfied there is no better medicine for lung diseases in use." Isaac R. Doran, M. D., of Logan Co., Ohio, says : 44 Allen's Lung Balsam not only sells rapidly, hot gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my knowledge. Having confi dence In it and knowing that it possesses valuable medical properties, I freely use it in my daily practice and with unbounded suc cess. As an expectorant, it is most certainly far ahead of any preparation 1 have ever yet known.1 '' ' Nathaniel Ilarrls, M. D., of MIddlebnry, Vt., says : 44 1 have no doubt it wUl soen become a classical remedial agent for the cure of all diseases of the Throat, Bronchial Tubes and the Lungs. Dr. Lloyd, ot Ohio,, Surgeon in the army during the war, from exposure, contracted consumption, lie says I have no hesitancy, ' - in stating that it was by the use of you.r Lung Balsam that I am now alive, and. enjoying health." ' v' ' '' ' ' Dr. Fletcher, of Missouri, says : "I recom mend your Balsam in preference to any other medicine for Coughs, and it gives satisfac tion " , ' ' Allen's Lung Balsam is the remedy-' to' euro all Lung and Throat difficulties. It should be thoroughly tested before using any other Balsam. It will euro when all others. faU. Directions accompany each bottle. .' j It is the remedy to cure all Lung and Throat difficulties. It should ue. thoroughly tested before using any other Balsam. It will cure When all others fail. . Directions accompany each bottle. 45- For sale by' j. W, ' Llppitt & Co., J. A. Mebane, Wilmington, N. C. . Vor sale by all Druggists, feb 19-lin AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. Old eyes made new, easily, without doctor or medicines. Sent poet pai&n receipt of lo cents. Address . : DR. E. B. J"OOTE; ; : Jan28eod3m ia Lexington. Are., N. Y. XYjSr AWAY with uncomf Or tabic. Trusses, Lft-B . Comfort and1. Cure for the Jluptured. Sent post-paid on receipt of 10 cents'. Address DR.E.B.FOOTE, Jan 23-eod3m ' . 120Xexington Ave.j N. Y. Co-partnership-! . HAVING admitted Mr. Wm. A. Robinson a partner In my business, the style of the fii m will hereafter be Mebane A Robinson. J J MEBANE, Druggist.., THE new firm guarantees satisfaction to all patrons, and hope thereby to be liberally patronised. ..:.;;... i"- . , MEBANE ROBINSON, Druggists. Corner Front and f rtneesa Sts., marl-lw Wilmington, N. C. NEW DRUGSTORE. i. HAVING opened a Drng Store, corner of Fourth and Nun Streets, I shall always keep on hand a fresh and reliable stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Ac, and hope, by a strict personal attention to business, V merit liberal share ot public patronage. - .t . ( Cor. Fourth and Nun St s., feb25-lw Wilmington, N. C. tMISCKHTi A NEOTJS. Iltaycla PhospliateM XT IB COMPOSED OF THE CELEbilA L ted Uuana irom A LT-AV E L k : : combineo:w9eruaoi9fs,iuing ma- W1 a . qqi PLBTBf AlfURB- t ; I i f iMi r ij For sale; m yvunungwD, .vi uy, auu . JOHNSON, 4 CO.j at 60 per fon., , , Or the ALTA VELA GUANO CO., feb 2C-47-iy '' - ' ' 67 Broadway, N. Y. DEIIOBEST'S HONTHLT MAA. eine. Universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America ; devoted to Original Stories, Poems,' Sketches, House hold Matters, Gems or xnoiignt, .personal anu Literary Gossip (Including1 special ' depart ment oa Fashions), Instructions on Health, Music, AmnsemeniSjew. DirS;uS tMi ndetibTeaUIm: broideries, and a coastant succession of artis tic novelties, with other useful and enter taining literature. - ,.; . ' .: No person of refinement, economical house- Wile, or xaujr ui bcuvcr, miu.wv w " ut the Model Monthly, Specimen copies 15 cents: maUed free. ' Tearly 3, with a valuable premium; two eopies ai mree copies, i7 five copies, six. ana spienaia premiu , and splendid premiums for clubs at S3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. SA new Bartram A Fan ton Sewing MachinafoxttO subscribers each. , . PubUcation Ofllce t . .No. 838 Broadwayj NewTork. h 49-Demorest's Monthly and VoungAmeii ca, together, 4, with the premiums for each. IMPORTANT t o Truckers. mUE ATTENTION OF MAKILET OAR. JL OENERS is invited to a Tract of land ly- Insr immediatelT ou the. Wilmiiiirtoii and Wel- donKaii Boad, nearly equi-distant between gix AGUES OK LAND, all of which may bo converted into a - 1 TRUCK-FARM, and as.it is located at a fixed Depot, the own er would have every facility in making his shipments which a Bail Boad can give. The surface soil is light with a yellow loam subsoil and would therefore . Produce Early Crops finely. There is wood enough on the Tract to pay for getting the. whole ready for the plow anil pay for o tting and hauling the wood be sines. There is on the premises TWO STOttY DWELLING, fronting and near the Kail Boad, containing eight rooms with fire place in each, double portico in front, pas- sagea, sc. ; a good iutcneu witn two rooms and two fire places, a good meat-house, poul try house and some other buildings of small value. The houses alone rent for two hundred dollars a year. Price fcsoou, Apply to Editor of the Carolina Farmer, Wil mington, N. C. IS&Fnactf PRINTING INK. EBfCY OB THE 8 AXE OF C. E. ii1'''. ' ROBINSON'S justly celebrated - Black and Colored PRINTING INKS. At the Office of the MORNING STAR. No orders filled unless accompanied with the money, or a request to send C. O. D. Book and News Inks constantly on band, and for sale at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES Address, mayll-510-nactf WM. II. BERNARD, Wilmlnton N. C CHARLES T. WILLIS, CO 03 N rEW BUILDINS IN TOOMER'S ALLEY, immediately in rear of Parcel! Heuse and Masonic Hall, Wilmington, N. C. On and after this date, I will furnish COF FINS at the following LOW PRICES. No. 1, Black Walnut, with Merino or White Alpacca, handles and name plate, complete, reaay ior use, fw.uu. lrtNnBgf.. UDtne WIth mfngasOTwarVfWalnat'trim- No. 2. Poplar, trimmlne as No. 2 Walnut. 117.00. No. 1. Pine, imitation of any wood that may be desired, trimmings as No. 1 Walnut, $15.00. No. 2, Pine, trimmings as No. 2 Poplar, 12. No. S, Pine, plain trimminga, ftle. . . No. 4, Pine, stained and varnished, 15. The above coffins consist of sizes fi em 5 feet upwards ; all below Sfeet are considered chil dren's eomns, ana will do cn&rgea Jtwo tmrds ot the above prices. -. METALIC CASES.Tho foUowing is the scale of prices : K font K f.af A U.Iiad A IK. K OInAVAa 5; tt f-'et, 60; a feet 4 Inches, 05) feet 6 In- cnee, fiU; t leei a incnes, 973. Cabinet and Caroenter W ork I done at short notice and satisfaction I nnliul ...... .... ranted. Residence, Northeast cer. Front A Dock Streets.-Wi oct!4-tf . , v Wilmington Jf. C, Feb. Jt, 1870. The United States Y iizparle iPetitltion and decree In the matter of the for the salo of the per Hornet afou Cuba, j lshable property. BY! decree of the United States Circuit Court, November Term !8o9. at Raleigh. 1 will sell for cash, to the highest bidder, on Thursday the 3d day of March. 1870. in the eltv of Wilmington, North Carolina, the following property, viz.: The provisions and shin stores, clnthlnir and , .waarlntt apparel, table ware, cooking uten- uuc guu powuoi , ura wu ana canvass, and all the lurniture belonsrinar to the said vessel, and on board of her at the time of seizure, jsy oruer oiae court. - SAMUEL T. C ARROW, United States Marshal. JOS. U. NEFF, , U. 8. Deputy Marshal, febl-tds . ThB Plaindealer, WILSON, JT. 0, JH A UOOD ADVEEHSIAU MEDIUM Terms Reasonable. MERCHANTS and others, wishing to use its columns, will hand their Cards to WM. II. BERNARD, Editor of the " Star' Or send direct to - ' C. S. MoDANlEL, mhl8-tf Etlltoi:. N. G. Map M Gazetteer. rpHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PURCHASE! 'JL t tie entire Right, Plates, Ac, of the above Wor sale offers vc good iourt chance to make money. I offer three-. rths of tho map. In shares of five, or ten Counties each. This new map will be about live feet by four illustrated Border, Hand somely Engraved Counties, Railroads, Post offices Mines, Mountains, c, Ac.. -A Map worthy to be hung up in every house, offlc, .. Specimen copies ready about, the 1st Sep- Terms accommodating, address with two a tamps. , . ,' ; Rev SAMUEL PKARCE. aug 13-tf . . (. Wilmington, N. C. TIIEVERYBE8T TYPE AND PRINT ING MACHINERY, at " : WIL H. BERNARD'S- ', Printing and Publishing House, ' ' J '.yr1 ' And General Book Bindery. oc!4-tf Dawson Bank Buildings, Frontst MISCELL2vNEOUS. iAKNISTElf COWAN & CO., &ALiSTATE fc 1TNANCIAL AGENTS. irXBTJT.AND 8EXJU SPUTHEEN LANDS, negotiate Itemrnm 8entlierik Beearl tlea antNseonriire nsgratlof&. L.' BAKHlsTaai Iflllroingtoh.' N. t. : " J. C. Kirrow, "Sett York, 47 Broad Street, N. x., and irronx street, Wilmington. . u. septal . - 159-tf Free Excursion, FROM CHERAW, S. ,C.,. TO WILMINGTON -i. ' ' ' : ' AND 1 liETUUN, : OS THE WILKIIN6TON A MANCHESTER It. - t ; ; , f f ' ' , -. j ( OK WEDKESE) AY, March 2nd, 1870. EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE SWHHES. A Special Car fw tb Xadies., feb 19-tsx ! ' . .: Sheriff's; Notice! ALL PERSONS INTERESTED .AND especially to W. B. Flanner, t John McBae, Itobt. Bobinson, J. D. Southerland, O. ti. Parsley, Henry Savage, Hp.nrv Nntfe. : Donald MnRao. The President of tho Wilmington & Weldon Bail road Company, The President of the Wilmington, Charlotte tt Rutherford Railroad Company, NOTICE Is hoi eby giveh that tho Jury,' drawn accord Is hoi eby giveh that tho Jury,- drawn accord- ing to law. to view the land required by the city of Wilmington for Nutt street, between Red Cross and Brunswick streets, will meet at the corner of Red Cross and Nutt streets, on FUIDAYy the 4th day of March, 1870, at i o'clock P. M., for the purpose of assessing the oenenis ana o am ages xo tne owners oi -saiq iana ana, ixis. J. W. SCHENCK, Jh., feb 23-9t" Sheriff. Bennettsville Journal, PnbMabed Every Friday, in BENNETTSVILLE, S. C. WM. EITHER, Editor A Prop'r. milE LARGE AND INCREASING CTRCU- l lation of the Journal in South Carolina, and that portion of North Carolina contigu ous to tue mi., v. ana it. it. itaijroaa, makes it to the interest of the Merchants and other businessmen of Wilm lnetou to advertise in its columns. As an advertising medium, it is unsurpassed by any weekly paper in either of ine two jaronnaa. i Terms $2 00 per annum. ! Rates of Advertising, liberal. Address, JOURNAL, aug25-if Bennettsville. S. C- ADVERTISE! TN THE l IN THE . IN THE Sunda Messenger, Issued eyery Saturday from the . Daily Messenger OfDce, GOLDSBOROi, N. C., (The great Centre of the W & W R R, and CBR'd.) THE SUNDAY MESSENGER IS A live 24 column paper, up With the times, and in favor of progress. Is read in almost every hamle', village and town in Fastern North Carolina and on the line of the W &, W R R. 49 Price 82.00 per annum. The best advertising medium. Send tor list of prices and advertise. Terms reasonable. Address, SUNDAY MESSENGER. jan29-tt! Goldsboro. N.C. Law Notice. TI 1HE UNDERSIGNED HaS TAKEN the . office opposite the Co"rt House. 'in the rear 01 squire aicvjuigg's omce. Business promptly attended to. J. NUTT. sept 10-1 j ' To Countrv Publishers. I AH PREPARED TO SUPPLY PUB. Ushers in either of the Carolinas with a good article of FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAT IAPERS, of the usual weights. Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled. No attention paid to orders unac companied with the money or a request to send C. O. D. WM. H. BERNARD. . novl4-358-naetf . - A good Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina1 The Western Democrat, PUBLISHED AT . CHABLOTTE, N. C. One of the Oldest Newspaper! in the StaU?) "AS A LARGE AND QEHEBAX CIR culation in Western and Southwestern Sort forth Carolina and adloininn-, rMtrofiL nt South Carolina. Advertisements are solicited; " Terms, for tea lines of thissiae type, tl for one inser tion, 5 for one month, $10 for three months, $15 for six months, $25 for one year, . Reasona ble terms will be made for greater space. - : ouim uuoti j ine r.uitor ana proprietor yst w .T VATr.a Wv t. - - .v. X V. V . . . '- Charlotte. NT. C. Karassa Ammoniated SolnMe Phospliate.' Manufactured and Warranted by the NAV ASS A GU AN O COMPANY OP WIL.MINOT03T, X. C. PRiCfc-HC5 PER TON OF 2009 LBS., DELIVER ED AT WILMINGTON. JAMES BUTTEJEtW ORTII, Chemist and Su- , . . pennienaeni. THE NAVASSA GUANO- COMPANY .OF WILMINGTON, N. C, are preparTtO accept orders for their Superior Akmoniatkd Solublb Phosphatk, which they guarantee to be ot pure and uniform good quality, and in every respect equal to any Fertilizer fa tho inarKui. ,inis i-iiOMDnate is carerullv made direct from Navasea Islaad, W. I., to the company's r actory, on cape Fi i'ear River, near i I .Wilmington. R. 11. BR1DGERS, President. DONALD McRAE, Secy and Treas'r. !, Office, ' street, Wilmington, N. C. novltt-ly 100: Bbls. Mullets, ' 1 Ci( DOZEN MULLET ROE, 188 BBLS. IRISH POTATOES, Just received ana for Bale bv . .: ' . . THOS. C LEWIS, octlS-tf .. 8 Market street.. Choice Lot & C. Bacon v s '- and j No. 1 New River Mullets. For sale by. Jan M.f EDWARDS A HALL. I Notice tO CottOH; FlailteTS and - Gardeners "TjrTE beg to direct the attention of all airrl f f cuiturallsts to the advertlseBients and pamphlets of the Lodl Co., whose fertilizers we are agents for. Testimonials from plant, era and others In North Carolina and in fist North and South of us pronounce these ferti Users the cheapest in the market. We also aeu niao'i vnauenge ooiuoie fhosphatc tosphai AHIN Jan t-l mo. SON. a narioi,Te..u., (ana not through Advertising solicited, and I ap-ptipiaq a inmr n ty,A nownn " war- I advertisement will be sent to each ad vertiers. S.Feb4-lm. BtJSINESS CARDS. A. ADaiAB W. VOLL..U-. ADRIAN & VOLLEY I- Cor. Ipont and Iock Hu.. - i . WIL Ml N 'Q TON , N. c. -yyilOLESALE UROCEES. IN AI.l Its bntttones. - ...... , -CQTOfTRY MBUCHANTS will do weli ,V calling -on as and examining our Stock. novl9-48-tf EDWARD J. ASTOA , REAt. ESTA.TaVJs.aEmT, ASHEVILLE, ' ' BUNCOMBE COUNTY v , 1&" Activity and eflicipnrv In hiln:.! gether the Buyers and Sellers of Beaf Krft.;."' fn North Carolina, and to tacUitate adv-im geous transactions between them : , ,' AnIwiiiraMniaAi nf Vtrfl.n. i ' ' lll aMfckjt AklluAi. A w UUl Diiiiiviiii ln its inn uni hott a In 1 n - ithr aic viiu uuicvu) ui LXJIS JVKeniJy. lilUi4-40-fel COMMISSION MERCHANTS I jlOFFWT & CO.. GENERAL COMftf ISKIOX Merchant 'j VOBTH .WATER STREET Wilmington, N. .. Will give prompt personal attention to . hipment of Cotton, Naval fctoi salo or s Ik General Produce etc etc, and forwarding eoods. 'u, xiuyu.1 mores Also to receivtn- Orders solicited and promptly fliio,i sept23-l-tf iPKOFESSIONAL. ; Dr. S. S. EVERITT SUCCESSOR TO Dr. B. TON, V. AKKIKU. Office same as formerlv occhnied kriir rington. aps-482-tr S. A. A S HE, JLTTO RNliY AT' LA II vvtf, wiiwilii iiV-. f V"1, INE$S, BLTWL: Vy-Front and Second Streets. WILMINGTON, N. C. . : AaSCELLANEOIIS. Marine Insurance effect ed to all ports in the United States ana Wejl Indies, by .Barry Brothers, . Wilmington ' ' " N. C The Liverpool & Lon don & Globe Ins. Co. AffetsGold, 1 7,690,90 C in. the United r States -2,000,000 Directors personally respon sible for all engagements of Tut Company. ; Barry Brothers, Gcit l Agents, Wilmingioim N C. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. T A U-R EL U1LL MILLS COn YARN. For sale by Jan34-S19-tf MOFF1TT & CO. TO MAGISTRATES . . AND CONSTA. BLES. Peace Warrants. State Warrant m Civil Warrants, Search Warrants, Acy &c.,for aie at VY fll. 11. uuill AltlJ'S Prfntine and Publishing House, And General Book Bindery, febTtf Dawson Bank Bnildines, Front st. SUMTER NEWS, SUMTER, S. C, PUB liBhod Weekly, Darr A Osten, Proprietors WM. H. BERNARD, Agent, sept23-Utf Wilmington, N. (; North Carolina Argus, Published Weekly, at , WADE SB Oil 0', . . , At the low rates of 83.50 per Annum XT IS NOW ACKNOWLEDGED TO IU 1 one of the very best papers in the Stat e. -It has a very wide circulation, and is fully aiive weveiytuing xnat is 01 interest to tin peopie. ' A fJHOIUJC A-U VJCKlIaLaO MKV1VM. Try the Arous for one year. W. H. Bbrhard and Sr Rtrzrr ft Hnrsov A trei 1 in Wilmington. Address, api-ii d. jjiojNiiiiiLi u-airor , . J. J.. KDWAKDS. . I B. Tt. HALL. -Edwards & Hall, Brocers and : Commlsioii Merchants. DEAL IN ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, And keep constantly on hand a full line ol : Urocerices at lowest cash prices. WilmingtOB, January 4, 1870. - tf - fk"'VOZEN DRY AND SALTKi) 1UUU MULLET ROE, . aoo Bbls. Mullets, " ' 100 Bbls. Irish Potatoes, For sale by THOS. C. LKWIS uovll-tf 8 Market street. The Marion (SC.) Star, Offers , F ACIMTIES UN SURPASS Kl by any paper In South Carolina to t in' Merchants or Wilmington and other locali ties, of extending their business to the Ive Dee section. ' ' b usiness , cards ' A D V E It T.I S E'M E N T r- INSERTED VN LIBERAL TERMS. which may be learned by applying to : i " W. J. MoKERALL, Elitor. COt2S-33-tr ESTABLISHED 1824. The Patriot IS ONE OF THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND cheapest Newspapers published in the State. Anti-Radical but Liberal in Politics. Ti&ira : ri.uu Tier 92.00 per year. But few weekly papers have a better circu lation, ana hour oner superior aavantages. A DTE R T I S E R 8. Speoimen copies sent on application to - JAS. W. ALBRIUHT A BRO., '- -!. 'Greensboro., N.C JOB PRINTINU of every description, neatly,-cheaply and expeditiously executed at "Th Patriot" Office. . . ,v 49 Lie ax. Blahks always on band, and sol" low on Cash orders. aug28-tf

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