V2 MOKXiNG STAR. PUBLISHED AT WILMINGTON, N. C, Br WM. W. BERNARD. SUBSCRIPTION: njsaBy Mall, 7 00 per year ; or 3 BO for nix Uc30 months. . Delivered lo subscribers in any part of the city at 15 cents per week. ' THE VERY T. AT EST. BY 1 TELEGR APH. : '. . ,'. TO - THE MORNING STAR. .NOON 11EPOIITS. From Wantilngtou. Washington, March I. CONGRESSIONAL. ' ; - v SENATE Nothing ot importance dolus to day. 1 - - - ' " llOUSE The whisky question was up. It will be allowed to remain in bond at an addi tion of ono rent on the gallon per month. MISCELLANKODS. Grant and Boutwell rebuked Butler for his attack on the newspaper men of Washington by their presence at the wedding of W. Scott Smith this morning. London dispatches just received announce that flfty-lx lWes were Saved at tho sinking of the VOnelda." OUR NltillT'ltEPOIlT. . ... FItOMC WASHINGTON. . . - , .. , Washington, March 1 -CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE The Senate, in executive session. Anally confirmed Strong and discussed the case of-Bradley, but finally adjourned with the understanding that a vote will be taken to morrow. Wilson introduced a bill for the better ob servance of Sunday in military and naval in stitutions. ' Loans to railroads and funding bill were discussed to adjournment. . - HOUSE Senate amendments to the postal - rate bill was accepted. Tbejoiut resolution Introduced yesterday by Beck, extending to three years the time for keeping distilled spirits in bond, came up, the question being on Marshall's amendments to Hooper's substitute reducing the amount to be paid after the first year from 1 cent a gallon per month to cent. - - Marshall's amendment was rejected ; yeas 84, nays 80. - v Tlooper's substitute was agreed to without division. "It requires the payment of 1 cent per gallon for each month after the first year. Washburn, of Wisconsin, moved to lay the bill on the table, it being a bill to suspend the ; collection of revenue on whisky for the re mainder of this administration.' I- The bill was not laid on the table. Yeas 62, navs 104. Tho bill, as amended, then passed without division. ' John T. Deweese, having resigned, was dis posed of like Whlttemore. A prolonged discussion with regard to cor ruption investigation as regards past Con gresses followed, but with no action. Callis, past member from Alabama, seems Implicated. , The Banking and Currency Committee made majority and minority reports, which were not rend. Adjourned. MISCELLANEOUS. Revenue receipts, to-day, over one-half a million dollars. The Committee on Foreign Affairs again considered the case of Cuba, but without any action. Debt statement shows a decrease of six and a half millions. From Virginia. Richmond, March 1. The Senate passed the enabling bill, which goes to the Governor. It provides that the State offices now held by military appointees snail dc Hiieu oy appointments or toe Gover nor. i Foreign. London, March 1. Later and more favorable dispatches have been received from the British authorities at Yokahama, in relation to the collision between the steamers Bombay and Oneida. The de tails, however, are still meagre. Fifty-six of the officers and crew of the Oneida were sub- , .nequently picked up by the small boats of the Bombay. It Is thought that others, who were missing at lost accounts, will ultimately prove to have escaped. The names of the saved or lost have not yet been received, nor is it known precisely how many persons were on board the ill-fated vessel at the time of the ca lamity. Paris. March 1 Notwithstanding the announcement that the Moral Uras festivities would be suppressed by the police, at this hour, 1 o'clock, the Fafax Bout Gras procession has just entered the courtyard of the Tuileries. Great crowds of people are gathered on the line of march, but no disturbances oi any Kind have occurred. From Kentucky. LotnsviLLE, March :. Silver mines of unparalleled richness have been discovered in Grayson connty, Ky. The ore is found to contain a larger per cent, of silver than any heretofore discovered. The mine is almost inexhaustible, and will be de veloped in the spring. From Wyoming. . Laramie Citt, March 1. Autong the jurors drawn for the March term or Albany county, wyomlne, court, were elev en Iddles, some ot them wives of the most prominent citizens. The. excitement caused by thin proceeding is immense.' J ". From Ohio. - w.-' ' '. '- -'. ' ClKCmw ATI. Mnrrh 1 '' -The Southern1 Railroad bill was defeated in the Kentockyenaie,.:to-day,by a vote of 23 Tarnli 1 N-4,1ivpw.lnjAthe-fiw being" madepub . lie Lhat.tlie StatcTdebt will be reduced by the . V fvpsyment Into the State , treasury of a large amount oi Donas, luepaymeni is to oe made by one of the leading trunk railroads to the ' : : State bom id process of Construction. ' DOMESTIC MARKETS. ' ' . . V'. ; .New York, Mir. 1 Noon. ,'v ' . '. ' f ' Financial. ','' '-' Stocks unsettled. Money easy at 56 cent. ; short i-twenty inessee sIxpr ex-coupon ' o$ ; new AG. Virginia sixes . i-ex-coupons 6C ; new ismuo 07. Louisi ana sixes new tiot quoted; old Issue 72; levee sixes ivtii ; eignis Alabama eights 94 ; fives 63. Georgia sixes 81; sevens 93. North Carolina Ts old 45; new issue 23. South Carolina's old ei; new 81. ' . . Commercial, "; Flour dull and drooping. 'Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn steady and flrrn. Pork shade firmer mess $'i5 50. Lard quiet at 14X(a 14 cento. Cotton heavy at 23 cents. Spirits lurpenuue uuii at cents. KOHlu ouiCt t uior k"o otrainea. Freights dull. - New York, March 1 Evening. mancu.1. f i Money easy two y ceni. Sterling weak at uoia nrm si iiu. Governments linn, whu an upward tendency 5-20, ist souiucrna quiei. v . , , f ' ComntrHat. ' "' Cotton heavy and lower sales 5,800 bales at 'MH cents.' J! lour heavy and a shade easier ior common, grades. Wheat, less active but unchanged. Corn scarce and very flrtrl. Pork heavy new mess f5 5025 75.,- Lard heavy evxtvuc i.iuvcuLi, vvsiibKy f i ui. uro 2VltiEirl.U.TllrPentin, 4545 cts. Cimctnxati, 'March 1. Corn tlrm. r oj cent with Lotto ocmana. i , k - - u.iu T-i. oucon lower. rnrr a. m-v-w x . , 1RV rnt. oecuue ciear sides .... BU1IIC a. 1 . . B ten lug .AcnunB long Burnt ; 109. Wold 115. Uulted States Five coupon oonas or usm. nix. lei 8t. Louis. March 1. Corn firm. Whisky 05 ceots. Pork nomi nal. Bacon heavy shoulders 1212,V ceuU clear sides 16Jf cents. Charleston, March 1. Cotton dull, and prices nominally unsettled sales 100 bales; receipts 563 bales; , stock ou liand 22,437 bales; middling 23f ceuU. Savannah, March 1. Cotton qulot middling -J couts; receipts 1,314 bsles. ' FORCIGNMARHKT9i. London, Mnrch 1 Noon. Consols opened at W ; Bonds 91. . 'Pakis, March 1 Noon. The Bourse opened "Urra rentes 73f.75e. Livkrpoou March 1 Noon. Cotton dull Uplands lltfd : Orleans 1 llKd;.ales 10,000 bales. , " LATER. Cotton sales won't cxeeed 8,000 bales. A 1 viccs from Manchester ftro less favorable, caus ing a dullness in the cotton market. Liverpool, March 1 Kvenlnjf. Cotton ' flat Uplands 1 IH$U.V) Orton lld; sales 8,000 bates; lor speculation ! export 1,000. . ARRIVED. 1 Steamer Gov Worth, Hurt, Faycttcville, Worth & Worth. Steamer Juniper, Worth, Fayeltevillc, Wlllard Bros. Stmr Marlon, Phillips, Faycttcyllle, A Johnson, Jf. ' " ' - CLEARED. 1 Steamship Rebecca Clyde, Price, Now York. Worth fe Worth. ' Steamer Gov Worth, Hurt, Faycttcville, Worth & Worth. Stmr Marlou, Phillips, FayettevUJ,o, A Johnson, Jr. Stmr Juniper, Worth, Faycttcville, Wil lard Bros. Schr J M Richards, Irving, New York, Wil liams & Murcbison. Schr D V Streaker, Vandersilder, New York, Harris & Howell. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS. Stm r Worth 106 casks spts, 395 bbls rosin, Q'Z do tar, 5 bbls turpentine, 1 bale cotton, to Worth fc Worth, R Maxwell, Sprunt A Hin son, A Alderman, H B Ellers. . . Stmr JuulDer 18 casks spts. 75 bbls rosin. SO bbls tw, to Worth & Worth, Wlllard Bros. J A Alderman. . .. Stmr Marion 125 bbls rosin, 26 do turpen tine, 273 do tar, to A Alderman, A Johnson, R Maxwell, Smith A Strauss. GXPOHTN. COASTWISE. New York Steamship Rebecca" Clyde 859 bbls rosin, 550 do tar, 209 bales cotton, 800 bushels peanuts, 23 bales 6hceting, .1. pkge mdse. Schr J M Richards 3,000 bbls rosin. " Schr D V Streaker 230,000 shingles, 50,000 cypress staves. Rcpnbllcau State Convention. Haleigh, N. C, Feb. 23, 1870. At a meeting of the Republican State Committee of North Carolina, held this day, the following members were present : W. W. Holden, Chairman. J. C. L. Harris, Secretary; Wm. A. Smith, J. M. Justice, E. K. Proctor, -G. Z. French, J. W. Hood, R. M. Johnson, D. D. Col- prove, John A. Hyman, .J. :. V liara, v. C. Barrinorer. S. T. Carrbw, Geo. A. Graham, C. L. Harris, Joseph Ballard, Wilson Carey, Cliarless Blair, Thorns Powers, S. G. Ilorney, T. A. Sykes, "Wil liam F. Henderson, Dr. H. J. Menninger, James H. Harris and Dixon Ingram. 1 ne loliowinjr resolutions were unani mously adopted : ; Iieolved, That it is the ludgment ot this Committee that a Alass Convention ot trie Republicans of North-Carolina be held in Raleigh on AVednesday the 11th lay Jlay, 1870. That all good citizens of the State who regard the Reconstruction acts as a finali ty, who are friendly to the administration ot President Grant, and who are in favor of building up North Carolina and restor ing good feeling among all her people without regard to party, be earnestly in vited to attend. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee that an election should be held in this State on the first Thursday iu August next. In accordance with the first resolution above given, and in the spirit oi tViat reso lution, a Mass Conventiou of the itepuhli- cons of North Carolina 19 hereby called to be held in the city of Raleigh on Wednes day, the 11th day ot May, 1870; and ''all good citizens of the State who regard che reconstruction acts as .finality, who are friendly to the administration of President Graut, and who are in favor ot building tip North Carolina and restoring . good teeiing among ail ner people without re gard to patty, are cordially invited to attend. .W. W. nOLDEN, Chairman Rep. State Committee. J. C. L. Harris, Sec'y. New Hampshire Elections. .The New Hampshire election, which takes place in a short time, is looked for warded to with much interest by both democratic and republican politicians here: Prominent democratic representatives have information of a gratifying character from the democracy of the Granite State, and they are hopeful of redeeming it from republican rule, at the polls, this year. The fact that the republicans of the State have called all the- prominent material they could to their aid, shows that they are not over confident of success unless they make the most earnest exertions. Be sides the .New Hampshire republicans who have gone home from this city, they, nave called Mr. Dawes, Air. Van Wyck and others to stump the State .for them. All this shows their extremity, and that they feel they are in a crisis. But it all tends to make the democracy hopeful for the best . results. The election is important, as upon the legislature selected will de volve the election of a United States Sena tor in place of Mr. Cragin, whose term of office expires in 1871. Wadi. Telegram. MISCElxLAJSTEOUS. NORTH CAROLINA,. . Nkw Hakovib S. C , Soecial Term. recemler, 189. Hart Baily and Pat- 1 ricu iinrpny, 1 vs. Alexander Oldham. . . - V Sale Postponed. IN PURSUANCE of an order of salo in tho above entitled cause, I will expose to sale by public auction at the door or tho Court House in Wilmington, at 12, noon, on Satur day the 2nd day of April, 1870, the following pleoe or parcel of land la the oty of Wilming ton aforesaid, being- the- eastern portion of ' too Lot known in the plan of said Cliy by No, (4)iourin me iocc two nnnareu an three 208 on Front and near Mulberry Streets, wnereon nie ueienaant resides. Terms Cash. . ' C. MANN, Com'r. ienioiawuw yea The North Carolina Personal and Real Estate 'Amy W ILL commence bus taess on Tuesdav. March lrt There will bo two drawtntra dily, nt 12 M. and 5 P. M.. at tho Headquar- wfB, uiuus xu. iu ooaiD rront street. feb24-tMl Managers. ! COMMERCIAL. 8TAM OFFICK. March I.- 8 PI U ITS TUUPRNtTnK Tlfero wore no , sales to day, but after wo closed our yester-. duy'srvport there were sales nt 4-($43tf conts, though tho number of casks we wcro unablo to learn. UUSIN-Snlet of SIX) blK mixed Strulucd and NreJSattlflUi . .?. if CKUDK TURPKNTINK Has declined 5 cents, with sales of M5 bbls. at 3 80 for Soft andtl 5 for Hard. 'v TAR Alios of MO bbls. at t'2 00 bbl. COTTON Snlcs of 1 bale nt 20, 20 at 21 and 84 at 5 cents f lb. AKTU't.KH. raioKH. ( HA u .' Unnny, V y mi 24 HAt O.V NOBTH v A HOLI n A, ItlMO.-t.., ot (i hi ti 'H 0 21 0 . iH ? 20 18 1!) 24 17 Mtoulilors,.. Hog Uound,, W as T u km 4- HlklllM,.... J.. .suouuiura,. i?.4 RKKLHiipirUt J'UrjwUtn. Socoiut Hand. 2 CO O 2 75 2 75 a 2 80 ' 2 73 t 8 Od 9 00 10 00 Now New York each New City, ench nh'KHWA.X V KKLWWMininirtoii W M 1WTTKR North Carolina, 0 Northern. W B CA .VKpofin,..li....t ft Tiiiiow, a Ul umintine,.,, S CliliKSi-Sorthwa, Faoy, Dairy, ft State V lb COW'ftf-Java, V uio, n Laguayra, fi B St. Domineo W ft CORN MEAL. $ bush UU 1 1JV ZXfliS DOMESTICS Sheeting-, 4-4 Kyd lUllU.tit VI uuuvu FISH Mackerel, S0.L.8U bbJJ Mackerel, No. S,.'...fKbbl MocKerei, .no. ddi Mullets W bbl N. C. Herrimr, bbl Dry Coil 'it B FLOUR Fine bbl 5 00 0 5 SO 6 00 0 a 00 75 0 6 00 6 f.0 0 10 00 Super. Northern, bbl Extra Do. bb Family ' Wbbll A. Carolina super,. " " Extra,. . bbl 11 00 0 11 25 ..sft bbli 00 00 0 00 00 II Ml $ II UU Peruvian Guano,... ft VMO fcs Paeinc Uuano, .....W 2000 lbs Pata)seo Guano, . . . ff) 2000 Its Baugh's Phosphate, " " Rhodes' Stan. Manure," ' 00 00 0 90 CO 65 00 75 00 65 00 75 00 00 00 0 0 00 65 006) 70 00 65 00 75 00 00 00 0 65 00 . 70 00' 80 00 70 00 0 85 00 50 00 0 70 00 00 00 0 40 00 00 40,0 60 00 00 00 0 65 00 Navussa Guano, ...Vt 2000 Lister' Superphoapuate. Woolston'sAmuioniat'd ion Phosph.ofL.ime, Wilcox, Gibbs & Co's Ma nipulated Guano, Plicenix Guano, o. Carolina Une Phos pliate, Alkaline Super Phosph. AminoM Super Ptiotiph., Ainmoaia'I AlKaline Su per Phosphate Chesapeake, Phosphate, Croasoiiale's Superphos 00 00 70 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 , 00 00 0 CO 00 00 00 0 40 00 00 00 0 45 00 00 00 0 57 00 00 00 0 67 00 00 00 0 70 00 00 00 70 00 60 00 0 00 00 19 0 20 pnate Alta Vela Phosphate. Ground Bone Bone Meal. " Flour Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate .... Wando " Berger & Blitz's Vhos . ohttte OWE ..... GRAIN Corn, In Store, Corn, Cargo,.., Corn, New Oitts Peas, Cow 1 15 0 00 0 0 00 0 SO 1 20 0 a 0 16 Hi 1 35 0 00 if 1 20 1 09 0 00 85 1 40 00 I 50 1 30 Green,.. . Dry HA Y Eastern,. . . North Uiver W 100 fts HOOP IRON fi ton 125 00 0130 00 lAtiD aonnern,... y m North Carolina, ) & LIME W bbl 20 0 21 I 75 0 0 00 12 00 0 15 00 10 00 0 12 00 15 00 0 17 00 23 00 0 25 00 21 00 0 22 00 LUMBER Uivkb Last sales, Wide Boards, p M f t Scuntliug, M ft FlooiijiK, fM a City Stkam Sawkd Ship Sttitr, resawed,..) M ft Kough Edge Plank,. .. jfl M ft Wt India Cargoes, accord ing to quality,. M ft Dressed Floorinr. seasoned. 13 00 20 00 30 00 35 00 Sciuitling and Boards, com- i.'ii,. . . . ....., iu t L 13 00 0 20 00 MOLASSES Cuba,hhds., gal 48 0 00 0 50 Uiiira, dims., w gal 60 37 44 1 00 5 75 3D 65 1 50 00 1 65 1 25 4 00 Sugar House, hhds.,...W gal 00 0 38 0 60 0 5 50 0 00 0 38 0 1 40 0 00 0 1 250 1 00 0 3 00 0 Vgal c v a "J ujka, m f fs,m NAILS Cut, id to 20d W ft Cimiin 1 .)lj OS .r.ll OUtS Kerosexie,. . . eal LarU, Linseed,. Rosin ,fgai V eal PEANUl'S, bush POTA TOES Sweet, V bnst Irish, northern. n ddi PO R K Northern City Mess, ?9 bbl Thiu, V bbl Prune w bbl Kmnn bbl 29 50 0 SO 00 00 60 0 00 0U 00 00 0 00 00 27 00 0 28 00 7J40 08U 00 0 00 1 00 0 1 25 ilCA?-Carolina, ft Eastinaui, t a, Bough,.. bush ROPE 7 0 75 0 1 60 0 I 50 0 14 0 13 0 15 0 15 0 14U Q 16? 0 O 0 0 4 00 0 3 50 0 10 SALTAluux, W bush 00 1 65 1 55 15 14 1 .lveroooi w sacic Amerioaii f) sack SUUAMunbUr w w. porto Kico, f e A. Coffee, g ft X jfl C. " V Craa'ited ft 4701 P Northern,.. .......... V VVilminston ....V ft ,1 00 flflTiV&Z,-Contract V M Common, V M STA VESW. O. Bbl.,..... M 6 00 3 00 80 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 li. u. una. ,.t , ai TIMBER Shipping, V M MiU Prime, V M Mill Fair V M 11 00 0 12 50 9 60 0 10 50 7 00 0 8 00 5 00 0 6 00 1 75 0 4 00 3 00 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary,...) M WHISK K V" Northern Vt gal North Carolina gal WILHIHbTOltl MONET MARKET. GORRBOTKD DAILY BT JAKBS DAWBOX. BTTYIirO. 8ixnio. Gold, 113 115 Silver, ..............108 m Exchange sight on Northern ernes, Jiwcdis. par. Exchange 30 days on North ern Cities.... lJi ye dia. .. 40 N. C. Bonds, old, 6 c Do. new 6 fte Do. Special Tax 6 c W. &W.RR. Bonds 7 f(c(GQld Int.) Wilmington. City Bonds 8 Wc u 7Vo " " old 6 ye... " " " newGc. New Hanover Connty Bonds (10 years) 6 ?to (Gold Int). New Hanover County. Bonds (5 years) 6 c (Gold Int.) W. A W. Rail Boad Stock, (Par 100) VT.. C. & B. Rail Road " ( 50) Wil. Gas Light Co. " ( 50) Wil. Building Asso. " Mechanics'" " , ... " Cape Fear ' 2 24 91 70 w 62 72 Gold Int 68 72 35 8 68 ti SOPrem. Par Par BANK BILLS. Capo Fear....... North Carolina. Farmers' ..30 Graham 18 Lexington 3 Miners1 A Planters'.. 25 Wadesboro 25 Commerce u Greensboro' Mutual.. 5 ...30 ...30 ...30 Merchants' Charlotte Wilmington.... Commercial Fayetteville Roxboro' Washington..... ...82 ..30 ..30 ..12 ..55 ... 1 Clarendon 3 Tanceyville 1 Thomaaville ........ .25 1 JustIii; t AT K. 500 E. IIFIDE'8, KO. 4 8. Water St BBLS; PLANTING POTATOES. 200 BBLS rLocK- OK BOXES ORANGES and LEMONS it -a , 'g i, BOXES RAISINS. 25 50 BBLS CtDErf feweetT " Tea, Coffee, Sugar. Matches, Pru)icn, Coeoa- uuu9,ouaps, vracaers, rapping i'apcr and Bags. Can Goods, Jellies, Preserves, , Pickles, Vinegar, Snuff, Hegars and , Tobacco, and all kinds of Candies. - Bacon in Salt. 10 HHDS. BULK SIDES. 10 HHD8. BULK SHOULDERS. ne -4- i .... , - . J' AO BOXES LONG CLEAR SIDES. 20 BOXES BELLIES. For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, feb 24-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. 00 43 47 it !M U,50 85 00 Hi 20 19 0 20 . 1 lt U l 20 20 (j 23 1G 17 33 37 18 . 23 25 28 ' 25 28 00 1 30 - 12 15 0 00 2 00 11 00 12 50 9 00 10 00 14 00 Q 15 00 8 00 11 00 0 00 0 00 ....ri V 5:S3 V 58 &s W bush 4) bush bush ft Sfl 100 fts MISCELIiANEOUS. F CARRIAGE SHOPS. c .,P TI. HAVnPv - XpVERT description of vehicles repaired at Iu short notice and on reason hfno.-ma AU kinds of blaoksmitblng done to order and in woriunan-UKe manner. . ouops on Third Street, next door to bontUerland A Steagall's stables. ; .,:, , Jun 9-imo. Standard Periodicals , for 1870. KKPUaLISBVO BT TH1 LcorAkd Soott Pbblish IMO COMVAIIT, NBW YOBJC . , lndUptruahle ta all dertrou of being' well inform- 1. The EUinburgtt Review. ' This is the oldest of the series. In its main features It still follows in the path marked out by Brougham, Jeffrey, Sydney Smith and Lord Holland, its original founders and first contributors. . f ; a. The London Quarterly Review, . which commences its 128th volume with the January number, was set on foot as a rival to Hie Edinburgh. It resolutely maintains its opposition in politics, and shows equal vigor In its literary department. , ' (. The Westminster Review has just closed Its 924 vxlume.. la point of literary ability this Review is last rising to a 1 vel with its competitors. It is the advocate of political and religions liberalism. . 4. Tbe North British Review, now In Its 5lst volume, occupies a very. high position in periodical literature. Passing be yond the narrow formalism of schools and parties, It appeals to a wide ranse of sympa thies anu a uiguer uiicgniy oi conviction. , I 5. Blackwood's Edlnbursh Jtlajrazlue was onmmenoed 62 vears- asro. Ea nallln a the Quarterlies In its literary and scientific le. partments. it haa--won a wide reputation for the narratives and sketches which enliven its pages. - - Terms for 1870. For any one of the Reviews,. .. 4 00 per ann. For any two or the Reviews, .... 7 oo For any three of the Reviews,.. 10 00 Ftjt alfonr of the Reviews,., . .12 00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 4 00 " For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 " For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews,;... .- ,1ft 00-u For Blackwood and three of the i 1 4 Reviews, ...13 00 " For Blackwood and the foui Re views.... 15 00 " Single Numbers, of a Review,' $U Single Numbers of Blackwood, 35 cents. The Reviews are published quarterly; Black wood's Magazine is monthly. Volumes com mence in January. - Clubs. A discount of TWENTY PERCENT.will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons, wnen tno periodicals are sent to one aaareu. Pofttaare. Tho postage ou current subscriptions, to any oart of the United States is TWO CENTS a number, to be prepaid at the office of delivery; or Dacic numoers ine postage is aouoie. - Preinlami to STeir Snbserlbers Ner Subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for 1870 will be entitled to receive Kratis any ohm of the Fotra Reviews for 18S2. New Subscribers to all the five may eceive liiacKwooa or two oi ine Mevicw lor Jtw'J Back Numbers. - Subscribers may. by applying1 earlv. obtain oacitetsoi tne itc views from January, iw3, to Dceomber, 9Bt and of Blackwood's Maga zine irom January, lstm, to uecemDer, imn, at bait the current subscription price. 49 Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor aiseonnt to uiuos, nor reaucea prices ror DacK numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remuieu diksct to thi fublishebs. . No premiums can be (riven to Clubs. The January numbers were printed from new type, and arrangements have been made which, ii is nopei, win secure regular ana eany puDiicaiion. The Leonard Scott Publishing: Co., .140 FULTON ST., N. V. The' L. S. PtTB. CO.; also publish the Tarmers' fiolde, hr IIVVBV ETCPIIVV'S V IJ Q nt r.; vj a. a... Jim m. aawa. . . ... J. uujua or bcientino Agncmtnro in laie college, i vois.. rovai uctavo. i.ttuu nacres anu numer ou9 engravings. Price, $7. By mall, post- pant, . jan 14-tf Wanted. A GOOD BOILER MAKER, Apply to W. A. GILL, Master Machinist, jan 15-tf W. C. A U. it. Rd. No. 1 Peruvian Guano. 200 TONS, now landing from Schooner "Samuel Casner," received direct irorii the Peruvian Agents and quality guaranteed. For sale by . WILLIAMS ft MURCHISOX. feb 26-tf Dixon. -Cotton Seed. 400 BUSHELS, on consignment. For sale bv WILLIAMS MURCHISON. feb 26-tf Furs and Beeswax "WANTED. I WISH TO MAKE A LARGE SHIPMENT OF FURS AND BEESWAX to Russia. I will pay the HIGHEST CASH , ' 40 Market Street. Wilmington, N. C, Jan 19-1 mo. Planting Potatoes. PINK EYE, '. - ' ' ..' ;.; .... ." fconrmTPFr ' i EARLY ROSE. ALSO, JACKSON WHITE i and PEjACH BLOWS. ta 1AJTS TO SOIT. For sale by .. J , . 1 ADRIAN ft VOLLERS. febfl-tf .Molasses and Syrups, CUBAMOLAS8E9, inhhds. Sugar House- Svrnn in bbls.. Fine Amber Syrups In Bbls. feb 9-tf ADRIAN ft VOLLERS Provisions. PORK, new heavy City Mess, ' Dry Salted Rib Sides. '. . , . , Dry Salted Clear Sides, SMOKED WESTERN SHOULDERS. I ;AJi t .1, i .- j, i.i. gMOKED CLEAR RIB SIDES. ' REAKFAST STRIPS AND HAMS. JARD, In barrels, tic roes and tubs. . HEESE, best Factory; 1 JUTTER, choice table in flrkms. For sale by febl-tf ',- ) ADRIAN ft VOLLERS. ' Dally Journal, Sumter News and Sumter Watchman please eopy. ',-,.-; . Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the present Legislature for a charter for the People's Steamboat Com pany. . ; . i... -jau 80-80d ' . r . ' - - - - - ' ' -' .- . ; EMPOYMENT Will it pay t How much can I make t - Take an Agency for the Book, H ow te write, how total k, how to behave, and how to do business," $2 25, and "New Phy siognomy," l.tfCO engravings: X M Op's Fables, pictorial edition, t. ' Pope's Essay on Man,' finely illustrated;'!.-Oratory , sacied and secular, $i 60. jLife In the West," i. . - How to Read Character, $1 25. Self-Education, M Specimens sent by first post. 8end stamps for terms to S. K. Wills, No. 889 Broad. way.N.Y. feb22-lmo FORREW 2 TORE. Steamship Line . AND THE J4 Hew Tork'and North ' Carolina Stcanisfilp tine," ; f IV I L.L , P f S P A T C H ' Three Steamers Per Week. Raiiine from New Tork every 1 .: , , TUESDAY, , . . . :. . .", , TUUMSDAi AJXJU, . , , , : SATUSpAy, at, I P. M., ,: i .' OOWWBCTIHQ WITH H : ' WILMINGTON & WELDON R. RV WILMINGTON MANCHESTER R. R. WiT.MIVOTON.CHAkLOTTE ft RUTHER FORD R; and their conne ctions. s . Giving' Through Bills of Landing , to and from all points. "THE. STEAMSHIP Rebecca Clyde, Cant. . I. PRICE. WILL LEAVE OCR WHARF. AT foot of Mulberry streets, for New York TUESDAY, March 1st. .... 49For Freight engagement apply to -WORTH A WORTH, Wilminsrton. N. C. LORILLARD'S 8TEAMSHIP OFFICE, Pier S3, East River, New York, Or, JAMES HAND, Agt N. Y. ft N. C. 8. 8. L., no. ii wan St., or irier 10 n.ast itiver. f b20-tf f :: BALTIMORE AND WMIN&TON Weekly Steamship Line, Composed of the First Class Steamships LUCILLE, W. S. HARRINGTON, Commander, AND JAMES A. GARY, H. O. HALL; Commander. The Steamship JAMES A. GABY fTTTLL LEAVE OUR WHARF BETWEEN VV Dock and Orange street, for Baltimore, on inuMUAi, xeu.jru. For Freight engagements apply to A. B. SHEPPESSON ft CO. OCt-tf Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Line. THE FAST AND AVORITE STEAMSHIP PIONEER, CapC L. D. BARRETT, "IT TILL RUN THE FOLLOWING SCHED f V nie between Philadelphia and Wilming ton, N. C. : Leaning Hiiladdphia. 6 a.m., Jan'r 8,1870. Leaving 6 a. mn 6 a. m., Wilmington. Jan. 15, 1870 " 29, 1870 suww. 1090 " 28, 1870 March 16, 1870 " 29, 1870 AprU IS, 1870 " 28. 1870 6 a. m., a. m., 6 a. m a a. m., 6a.m. 6 a. m., 6 a.m. 6 a. m., 6 a. m., 6 a. 1 11 6 a. m., 22, 1870 Harcb S, 187C " 22, 1870 AprU 6, 1870 " 21, 1870 stay 6. 18701 May IS. 1870 20,1870 4, 1870 18, 1870 " 27, 1870 Jnne 11,1870 " 25, lb70 June Insurance at low rates. For Freight or Passage, apply to WOBTHAW ORTH, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. W. L. JAMES. General Agent. 138 South Third Street, Philadelphia. dec 25 tf . MISCELIiANEOUS. SPRING AND SUMMER IMPORTATION 1870. Rftte, Millinery and Straw Goods. Armstrong, Cator & Co. mrOKTKRS AHD JOBBERS OF BONNET, TRIMMING ft VELVET RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS, BLOJrDS, NXTTS, CBAFX9, RlTCHXS, FLOWBBB Fbathkks, Orhakkmts, Straw Bomnrrs and Ladiks' Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, SHAKER HOODS, Ac. 237 and 238 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, HD. Offer the largest stock to be fonnd in this country, and unequalled in choice variety and cheapness, comprising the latest Parisian novelties. Orders solicited and prompt attention given fab l&JMv -. . FOR THE LADIES; CALL AND SEE THE . NEW STYLES OF " BONNETS, 1IATA, FLOWERS, fte . Ac, Just Received at . ,. A. D. BROWN'S, Exchange Corner. ONE PRICE. TERMS CASH. . febU2t ' . ' . 'V , . National Hotel, Corner Halifax and Edenton Streets, : North of the Capital Square, RALEIGH, X. C. . - " ' 1 THE building is new, spacious and elegant. Every appointment for the accommoda tion of guests. Rooms and Parlors en tuiie for families, and single rooms complete, beauti fully furnished, with an eye to comfort and convenience. I .THE DINING ROOM Is large and superbly furnished in the most at tractive manner, whilst the servants are gen teel, polite and attentive. No expense or effort will bo spared to ren der the at. Nicholas Hotel strictly a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL,. . . To compare favorably with the best Hotels. North or South. The patronage of the traveling-public is 1 e speetfully solicited. . , i,, Omnlbusses and carriages at the depot to meet every train ' .. ; - Charges as low as any .other first-class Hotel ln-the country. r,A' J ttTJES Proprietor. , - formerly of Exchange Hotel.1 feb4-tf - . ... . . : .... ' . Sindliiigf. THE HORNING STAR BOOK BIND ERT is complete in all its appointments and is in charge ,ef one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding eotedneatly, cheaply and expeditiously; RAIL ROAD LINES. Eastern Division . Wilmington Charlotte, and BUTUEBFORD .RAIL ROAI. u Hi- : . ... -VXriiiX AX., WILMINGTON, N. C , ) January 27tb, 1870. GN and after' MONDAY, 81st of January, 1870. the Trams on the Eastern TH vision of this Koad will run daily, (Sundays except- PASSENGER TRAINS. I OOINQ WK8T. Leave Wilmington.....,: 0:15 A. M. vape rearitnage,.... ...... 6:85 " u ,Bladenboro,,..........'.'.....w 9:45 - " Lumberton... . . .in.in " Laurinburgh,.., MM P.M. Arrive at Pee Dee, ...;" , 2:50 ; " . .! i : ooixa BAST. . , '. . ..... 6:40 A. M. 6:05.. " 8:45 " .....10:35 " 113 , 2:40 P. M.. 3.00 " Leave Pee Dee,. ...... .......... : " 1COO.R-Inirlia.ni. . . .. ' Laurinburgh,...., . " , Lumberton " - Bladenboro", Arrive at Wilmington,... FREIGHT TRAINS. GOING WB8T. ' Leave Wilmington....... 5:00 A. M. cape Fear Bridge, 5:25 " Bldenboro' f);5 " T.limhr-rm '' tn.tK u Arrive at Laurinburgh,. 23b P. M. GOIHO BA8T. ' Leave Laurinburgh, ...... .....i 5:10 A.M. j.umoerton, 8;0 " Bladenboro', ...9:45 M ' ' 'Cape Fear Bridge, '.j. 1:85 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington, 2:03 " , Wadesboro and Charlotte Stage on Tuesday r- B. S. GUION, Jan 27-tf Eng. and Gen. Sup't Wilmington fc Wei. IS. U. l'. 1 I Okfic3 Chikv Emoinbkr ft Gen. Sitp't, ) f Wilkikqton, N. C, April 29, 1869. Change of Schedule. N AND AFTER 8VNDAT, THE 11th insi.. our i-AsssnijN u,k TRAINS on this Road will leave Wilmington at 6:00 A. M. and 10:00 P. M., and arrive at Weldon at 6:0t a. bi. ana s:ou. i'. bi. Leave weldon at 10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M;- Arrive at. Wilmington 4:30 A. M.- and 7:15 P. M. - FREIGHT TRAINS ' Will leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 4:33 A. M., and arrive ai Wilmington same days at 0:45 P. M. S. L. FREMONT, Engineer and Superintendent. Wilmington. May 29th, 1869. GENERAL StTPTS OFFICE, Wilmington and Manchester R ' . R. Company. ' WlLMlKGTOK, N. C, Nov. 5th, 1869. ON AND AFTER MONDAY N1GHGT, THE Pth inst., Passenger for the W. A M. R. R will take the train at the W. & W. R. R. Depot, and the following Schedule wil. be run : , EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington (W. & W. E. R. Depot) 4.-00 A. M. Arrive at Florence 10:32 A.M. Arrive at Kingsville 1:55 P.M. Leavo Kinsrsville .12:35 P. M. Arrive at Florence , 3.-54 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington.. 10:15 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.. 1 -oavf Wilmington fW. A W. R. 11. Depot) 6:5 P. 2:40 A, 9:00 A. 4:00 P, 9:40 P, M. M M. M Arrive air lorence.. Arrive at Kingsville Leave Klngsville Arrive at Florence......... M. Arrive at W. A W. R. R. Depot :15 A. M WM nov6tf Macrae. 'enl SufS't MISCELLANEOUS. One Dollar in Greenbacks, Equal to One in Gold ! The Great Decline in DET GOODS HAS COME. . 1 r' . 5th New Stock of the Season, Now opening at Prices to suit all. Birdsey & Robinson. Dec 28tt. . - ' Journal copy 3W ,. . A Loan Wanted. RESPONSIBLE parties desire to borrow lour (111,000; thousand dollars for three to five years at eight per cent, interest in gold. Principal will also be paid in gold. Notes secured, by satisfactory raorUrage on city property will be given. . . . Address, i C. F." W ilmintrton, Jan. 18-tf , , P. O. Box S8. , NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY SOUTH CAROLIXA. l THE LEDGER, '" Published Weekly, a LANCASTER, S. C.,' -.1 D. J. CARTER,. . ....... Editor and Proprietor. i ... ; ..- . . subsckiptio : .. , j , ;. Ta n Dollars and a Half per year " ' " . THE NEWS 1 , " ' Published Weekly, at " '' -- " STJMTEB, g. C.". ' ' ' , . ; r DARK A OSTEKN,.;......,....proprletOrs. . T sdbscwftioh: ' , . ; Three Dollars per year. In advance. ! ' ' . , KEQWEE COURIER, - Published Weekly, at , J'. VALHALLA, . C'. W. C. KEITH,.. ..:....;..Editor WH1TNES 8YMMES, ....... Associate Editor subscbiptio : Two Dollars per year, In advance. " . . . 1 THE HERALD, ji ii - Published Weekly, at ' LAUREN8VHXE, S, C-i i 1 - ' ' T. B. CREWS, J. W. SIMPSON,...:.Pttblishers. STJBSCKirTIOW t ' . . . Three Dollars per year In advance. 2m -a 1 Jt', ' JAT8F0R13ALE. The Commodious Stern. Wheeljsteaint, ; GENilHOWARD. FOKMERLT plying "between Wilmin,. and River Side. (Capo Fear Rh c, 'J as Pa. sender auu iroiK'1'' uuai.. Length over all,.... Breadth of beam, Depth of bold Draft, , Tonnage, 5 m 1 . . Two'Jsngines in jrood order. CvlindBr ,. Indies diameter; 6 7oot stroke. Ifnner ,1 J. saloon and passenger accommodations spacious and comfortable. Lower (Ipj.v ? hold for freight, an. ir not previously disposed of at nriv. sale, will be sold at Auction on WKnvft DAY, March 2n1. ' ' 'ts. B. 8J GUION, Gen. Sun't. ' . Wil., Cbar and Rutherford it u Wllminittou.K'V. Journal copy. - jan f NEW GOODS! NlGOODS! RECEIVED DAILY A. D. B R O W N'S, ' ' EXCHANGE. CORNER, The largest, cheapest and best assorted Htot ic of . Millinery in the State! - ALSO- WHITE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, B0 SIERY, GLOVES, HOOP SKIRls, (HAND-MADE,) DRESS BUTTONS, TRIM MINGS. And every thing usually ;kept in a first claswi MILLINERY AND FANCY STORE. Sole Agent for the celebrated IIAN1-MAIE IIOOP SKIKT. Made expressly for my trade. PRICE 5 Cents to Si 50. Call and examine for your self. ! " One Price. Terms Cash. A. D. BROVVX, Kxebaiiire t'orucr. f.b2! tr Molasses! Lard! 1AA BBL. MOLASSES. 133 Hhds ft) BARRELS GOLDEN SYRUP. 1 IJfg TUBS LARD, all grades. Just received and for sale low by DeHOSSET & CO. mar l-tf i Confiscated TOBACCO. GOVERNMENT TOBACCO. AUCTION TOBACCO. OTHER TOBACCOS. At mar l-tf VAN SICKLE'S. -THE Price of Cold is Down. THE Price of Cotton is Down, AND SO ARE THK PRICES OF DRY GOODS. AtFisblate & Bros., No. 23 Market Street. , marltf SALE OF LAND For Delinquent Taxes. BRUNSWICK COUNTY. BY virtue of a Judgment of Condemnation, Issuing out of the Superior Court of tlie County of Brunswick, I will expose to public sale, for taxes, at the Court House, in feuiitn ville.on Saturday, the 2d day of April, it'" CEDAR HILL PLANTATION, North West Township, Property of D B Baiter, Deceased, containing 620 acres. Amount of Tax, 64 SR. SAMUEL P. SWAIN. Sheriff 6f Brunswick County. : mar lds Scuppernong Wine andBrandy. OLD Scuppernong Wine and Brandy Manu factured by tbe WHITE VlLLE WINE COMPANY, for sale at their cellar, in Whiteville, or wit'1 Cj DMtkbs, Agent, Wilmington, N. vmarl-lm . New. Store, 15 Market St., BranchMir' 481 Broadway, Hew Tort. New Idea !7rthWer entitled to 84 yards of shirting ; 20, 10 yarn" shirting. , . , . - . : DRY GOODS, FANCY.' GOODS, ' NOTIONS, RUrFLIXs ' LADIES FANCY TUBS, TRUNKS, BAG. IN VISIBLE . AND SILK NETS. 'Alsor a large assortmentof Jet Setts; Coated Cotton, 9S cents dozen. . We wish the pnblio to understand that ' won't be undersold by any merchant, i iL" Cafeb 86-tf- ! , . Wm. ETTiyGKB- Crackers, Cheese. c. EMON, 8ngar and Soda CrackerS, steter. TT. EMON, Sugar and Soda cracaers, "-,vert JLl ractorvCliee8e,Cndyv Candles, Bu"e lAra. aou aa, ac. r or saie vy ,AoH4o.,4c For saleoy , , ' feb 84-tf 27, 88 ft North Water m-