Tuesday,- MarchJ; 15, 1870. - :lltor Md Proprietor, i ... - Vt..ijj.Mlfl 1133. llvered City SnbiCTlt FIFTEEN' CENTS Vefrireek: js'ji'&'fo bera North or She CMtre i-oC IrnkM Stroe wlU-e pMo r Mil HARLOW and Uii CkHkta7or that line by Mr. JOHN B. BtJUCII. Only these Agents are autliorfBOo liaAJiolr respective Divisions, to collect city UUUVriPllVBSa . .-til I If tsr Post Office Homey Orders may be obtained J n aU thofltiaavilie4 large tiwirt.-' We eooJWer 'them 'plfrisfctry' safe, and the best means of remitting, fty dollars or less. . ."- liVJ,,, ..! H a- Registered JXtersiikader'tlie new stem, which went Into effeot, Jane 1st, are a to it safo means of sending small sums of mo n jy where P. O. Money Orders cannot be easi ly obtained. Obterve, .he RcgtXrvJee. aswe.IV at postage, mini bepaldiiiua&pt at the pfflce whore the letter la mailed, or It will fcb liable to be sent to the Dead Letter OtHoe. '. Buy and alflx the ttampt both for pottage and registry, ntt in the money and teal the lettef in the presence of the post-matter and take hi receipt for Letters tttmt in tnia way to us are at our u. l-sf Obituary notices, tributes .of, .respect, ,Vc, are cfctived' half advertising Yates Vftihi paid for in advance of publication. In all other cases full advertising rates will be charged. - fcif Person leaving the -city during the Summer months may have the Qtar mailed regularly to their address by leaving orders at tufa office. Price, 73 cents for one month, or, $1.00 for three months. THE CIRCULATION 6xtHE 'HORN ING STAR IS LARGER. THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER PVR, USl&$ZQ&0RTtt JCAjl0LI2W: fili I $ THE GREAT ENGLISH BCAHOAL. It is the misfortune of persona oc cupying high social position, that, while they inherit, to an equal de- grepjwith PHFy PPl?1!1'0 ftf ties of human nature, they areyet held to a greatly exaggerated res ponsibility., "Vfe, are nof cisjosedto lind rault with thtf dl3position,whieh is universal, to demand a more con- I sistent morality and decorum in thd daily walk and ' conversation ' ot those to whom fortune ancL educa tion give social leadership, than in the lives of those less: lavored." A fundamental feature ot the mora code, not less than the axiom of.ro- ligiOn, UV111MUU0 C a vu a from . the more . fortunate . endow.Tl ment. The fertile and well-tendetl vineyard should give a more abun- dant jiold than thaUthich labttrrta- and neglected. , , While so much is to be taken for granted, in connection with the question of comparative moral aud social responsibility, that is a very illogical conclusion which maintains that the delinquencies of people in high life are the legitimate spoil of the newspaper, and the scandals of. fashionable 'society delicious mor- sels to be rolled under the tongue r . 1 c . 7-. T1, l ' adilloes of him, who, by common . . ' J. .:V' Ai.: c-J. 1 consent, is unquestionably bome- body, are no more public property than the coarser vices of him who, by common consent, is Nobody at all. So also the frailties of Mrs. Somebody merit the same effort at 1 ' i 5 I concealment, for the sake ot the in- . .1 ?..iivii J nocent whoill inhent tne jsname, evpn tlinncrh tliev do not siiare the I ,, P-iJAIUZ Ai , . rrnJIt that wo r.hfierfullv render in h 7 . 11, - , ' . behalf ot -thdse whose peacejias been destroyed by pe conaucj 01 the unfortunate !Mrs.H'obodyi The instirvc f wenmon jntjc snggostp a protest against tne purpose to "point amoral oj , tfdoin, a talof, by examples' of vice in high lifa as hav- ing Kreater 'force than fllnstrations f i Jry1 ' vr taken lrom huinbleri waTka in life. The Mordannt divorce case, now pending in an English court,' is an instance of the 1 unfair advantage which is often ' taken of 'the social position of the parties ( in similar v Vr"i ;. ,.!.ir""Vr. The allegation olteoniplicity..on thT pan oi hio.iuui. wuasu- miserauic u fav which ia thus far ntterlyunsustained, has added a rare ;reiisn to tne re - past, which the radical ' press, of i .i .u.' v. Xiiigiauu auu uiia wuauj . vouredt&ucn Destmiavjojii.r - exnansion nd Sherman's m. 1 . . t ' 1. 1 J ine mom sougut. to .oe poinwu, tnrougn tne jaoraaunt tnai, i tuo shocking .depravity, of h .itish ansiocracj , UUIWT3'U?'J? inight.latecapadg o the elerr. ical scamp, Cooke, be. assumed, as an argument toprove libertinism as a charaeteristicitha-Methodist clergy at the North.4 Keeping; in minu .in e social etanuiiru now txaiat ing in most" oriiicri."citie8, we might with far rfiore justice ehdSav-' or to prove; by the elopement of Miss Petrolia , or Miss Pinchbeck with her ialffier coachman ".'of "ITut ler, that virtue, is unknown iu the mansions of tile rich sidpkeeperff o New York or PhiladelphJal Inhe unfortunate Iiady1ilorQnVi8in' ly a vicaribua " criminal, - in whom the.moralit of the British aristoc racy ia iobe weighed, what is to be our totlihatfctdi'VaAiWtti wives and daughlera' f Shoddy, as ..mm . MMM . 1 . : revealed through the media of al most daily transactioniriptlie cir cies ot Filth-avenue 4pd ofher fs vbrite localities of the uqw rfoblessq f The allegation ow oxlept&naMm moral Itv against the English gentry i3 ClS .naliiCMteU false. The Eirglhhnwbleinau nd the English rgnsmtrjuiemau ;um uie iMignsn- genewomfttr .are Bimpiy; types oi I their classjie'vrorid oyer,- As ha; moral.; WptittidiJ ' Tland '.social purity areAa. distinct! vejis their time-hori- ored p Jitical conservatism. .. Wlibn Bulwer,.spealypg ttChis.oVvs said : "Who but we saved Ireedom'e border; . Wrenched -at Rannymede from John? Who bat vrt stand towers ot order Twixt the red-cap and the Throne V- he "paid, he' real conservators . of English Irberty no higher tribute th an the 'pea of II isto'ry had al ready inscribed. Moreover he uttered a trujtli '.'in political aud social philos ophy to ; which American history bears' witness. V Wheu tli'e,gentry of the South lost power, the fabry: ot constitutional liberty leu, ana .tut iconoclast3 who succeeded, iii their mad hatred of that beauteous struc- ure of Wisdoiii and Virtue, have uprooted the very foundations. - When 'the kings- and : queens of .' ' r. I American eociety, in the persons oi Southerti Senators and Representa- tivrandthmr' wives and daughters, .abandoned Washington, .a.: social revolution, not less overwhelming than itk political precursor, follow- nr:K f in. vadimfiariaffajtfnite beards of reverend Senators, or as he brutal Cossa:cks galloped aW the Carousel, did the vnlga- annr,inn r-an th bioli and sacred places of the nation. See the affali'n 'that moral waste Which v -- I ow describes society at the nation- 1 capital. Let the Radical press look to the cases itiJ whlcirfta own Smiths, J oncses and Browne are the respond? 1 ents, and there will be no occasion j-to consult the exceptional di vorce suits among the 'British aristocracy I for texts for dissertations upon mor-1 nl?tv -i LjtJl 1 ilUlil- .1 f 1 Tnv hiifwt vtRvnv ar.i.ir.H. -Mr.,KBrr, fromtho., JadiciarY Committee, has submitted toi the House aiepbrt in relation to t the lrnnnt Vfemou rolics?t which was ordered to berinted The.port omhMafb nfflalrrnond0nee Vsj v a uuvw mtM-M w - - upon the subject, from the, letter nrpomnanvinf? the relic3ent to the T-;, ,.. .- Adjutant General s omce to theap- plication of Mrs. Maryusfis Lee 'Oi mew. . L During the administration of President Johnson, Mrs. Lee's, ap- -.Iw.ntmn trf a a Giihmitfpn tt n. tnll I K,. "7 - -r " cabinet, -ana u was unanimously - -' , . ... decided that they should be ret urn - hu0kuti6nl in ' . . , . . quiry having been 1 introdficed in ? J . . Uoncrress. no turther action was - tee says that the"' correspondence discloses very clearly the genuine- fea3,o,t..the relica, ; , the,', manner in' 1 which. hey, came .into; the, custody f thd iroverri mentl from whose pos- f-- D 8es6ioh' they were .taken,. and whose . J i i ' property they were when so taken r. r V, -k, t n tu he committee cofreideYa Alr8."lJeert he sole owner of the relics, and recoirii. mend, that they be returned to her. t3SJw It snovested that a com- I petent interviewer immediately get f w ot senator Revels, and extract f hini elaborate gtatements in ng0 to the' following ihterroga I ior-ie&. 1 . What are his views of the Ala , - rlftw.nit r.tWotration-'A4 "rmz'zz. :t a nuu L 2. vvhat are his, opinions upon I ... . Fnnding biluK , 4i,fc 3 what ho thinks of the Cuban qneairna witlr Rnain Jt lU i'l". til.-) '' i ' 1 .S 'hat ''(deasTof . 'the nv::cftDi0 bnsinesa'rand-the'in- ,ami-. -x;: rni'i ' .: L I - s.ai-iiWitinlitlPi policy of seplog PdTauhftsJ ingbonds:Vr:r.:;;;rrv; . ..Little doubt, can, bo; entertained' that the result will be a' grand arid splendid ill urai nation of. the whole field oi iljilMeliMo. wants light upon innumerable ira- portint?qtiipn!Bo1ar CQPalediUC the mysterious Arcana of Govern mental Seiehce id impeVrable bj the Caucasian and the.ayerage Afri can intellect. Therefore let Jievels illurainat:0" J J ii ti t' 13. British Minister Thornton has called on Senator Revels. EXPORTATION OF ROGUES. The NewYorl llerald says : Hit is written by an official of the United States toat the 8UteDepartnaent is fn pos session of infortbation Jhat leaves no room for doubt English or more ot vagrants and paupers pinjr them to tMaepniitrvj r Asrwe-VWi pweaa-tlMaa that -it is We intention pf tbe K guvcrumeni, u -uigpose oi uargo i . J. A- 3" - ' J? n t DV Bbio- L- k This'piomisMia finopenJfi;fofr the brilliantttalfetsL of'Bntler. .Wlia.asplendid j pro-consul 1., woiild m alee with a' colony of thieves to govern ? ,,".pn the principle, ot " setting a thief to catch :a thief," these fellows might be put to good account in 'unearthing Radical -yil--laii'iie8."'V.If they, ar 'not capable of Biicli emploj'ment, then they sliould bo consigned to, the congenial com-' panionship of Butler. Under his ndihinlstration a1 :iner6: l cdlpny, of rogues would soon assume the pro portions' b an empire' , ot rascality. ""'"' IBannasaBBBBHaB ' THE FrFTEENTII AMENOMEKt President 'Grant,.'under good ad vi e, is too cautious to recognize the valid Action' oi the ' New 'York Legislature of 1869, 'and. : the irreg- ular action of the btate ot Indiana in support ot the Fifteenth Amend , ment; and hence postpones , his proclamation declaring it a part of ! . TkT' 1 1 tne ninaameniai law. ixo procia- mauon, aru iuiu, .wn u i&auca nntii ingress suair rormany -re- ceive lexas ana ueorgia. vv unout Georgia, lexa?, JNew lorn anam- ana, only .twenty-six states nave ratified the amendment. The Pres- has ? expressed a desire to .niae lI,e prociamauou.uuiu.g uiu enrrent week, but this will depend PUU uieiUuHW,ws.,iu gara to Vreorgui ana iexas. in Point of iact no Southern State has ratified this amendment. What has . . . . - . been done has been by -coercion, or what is called " Provisional Gov ernments," and of these the States under the Constitution know notli mr. E"1 Editor Rochetort is still sensationalizing Paris. He has been writing diatribes , in his prison, which were published in his 'paper, K a HTnvzfimn; Tl nrw Knnn irnJiibitAfl bv tlifi imv- ' J .ernment, and tho crazx. editor shut P becureiy.v . uhicu ui " raw re?TUI npumauu a BMirBUQu in irontoi ms pns- on a night or two ago, which shows tTiat he still wields some little pow. er among the loweclasse. . , .vi nicago nas just mnvmint ,:n favor ot u made a e ecu rin r tho bettcr observauccotthe Sabbatli, .lnir " If I .norm wnnk ril rpft : its 1. a d secnril)ff the w ter observalle ofthe maritai obli - . .... . . gation, it would do not only its . , . tv neh more hono- In vaporising about the Sabbath it is merely straining at a gnat while it swallows a camel. lieast Butler, as President of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Asy- lum, drew two hundred tliousand dollars on Friday from thefnud set rapart in the ireasury tor the same. Poor soldiers I "Si-. M'lle Nilsson drives the hardest bargains ot any ofthe sing ers, and declares that it America wants to hear her she innst pay handsomely. 3gPA Cincinnati man says that what, between the iealonsy of hia J wife and tho bad-temper of mother-in-law.'liVlives 'twixt his the devil and the deep sea.'?.-' .lf a man is very anxious ' to be a "bloated aristocrat" at a small rate o( expense lie. may go to Sierra Leone, where he can obtain first class board lor eiht cents a day. ..',.T' ..- ;. : :Mrs? P.' P,. Bowers inangu rated Dalv's successful ., 'drain a of : - . i - w - - Frou-FroU at the National theatre. Washihgtoh, last week; witiv great saceessV..V:,',- rt' :-: Ic0 AbnudAnt Icebergs on tbe II uuso it Hive r Acc Iden (s on 'iVThe iceatnine whlcli was? threatened' a .month aga gives away now. to. an - abun dance, which' in some quarters is ' threat; ening serious ,dflmaffe.i .: Oa . the Hudson river there is a collection or icebergs and floes firptn ! froj to.iPeeskill, 'one mpnn tain is described as two- miles1 in length,' and an unusual heisht. -'Navigation oi courseJia irabbssihfe ' excebt' frdrir lNe . Yierk to Peekskill, between wklcTi points it is only curoc.ii it. . i 'rt i i . i - , y A.. XSpauec.iraQo!.!' Baldwin "trot in.,:a' dispn,tei'.in,:St,:'IiOtiis Vednqadayv:B; each fired, a pistol at the other at the-same instant, afld the, 'former icvciveu a uiet in, tiia.WJU, aou vuv intr ter one throngh Ikla beart; i - ; Koskoo I - The Great Blood and Liver Medicine 1 J - t SPECIAL NOTICES. r PAINlKILLER Ve astl' attentUn ta tftls Unrivaled ThA Pais Killer is. bvuniverRal pon- I ' " 1 TcinpreparaTibnsT It's instantaneous enect ltTTKeTSISnfe'raTire'atTon anaxtlcuon of Yaia, In ail its various Xorln incidental to the human family,' aud the .uuaoliclted .written nd verbal, testimony of the massesIn its favof ,' bare beenjanfl are,' its O Wii best -adver-: Iscni4nt.i fij.i .?unl t ry.l .tif for eyidenjpe ia favor, oftheJ'AiH Kuxvafor Jllulsiera' Sore Throat or Bronchitis, read the. following i ''- "" - Gxisrs i The Fain'Killer has been a eonstant occunant of our bouse ior over two years, and a portion of-the ttme it baa 'been'-the only' leaieine unaer our. rooi.. narmy rt-9.i ave mv children com plain of being sick with out having them ask iu the same sentence for fata jiiuer. ; . - i I Jf or several years before I became acquaint- I ed with' tbe Pain Killer, I had 4 a sanerea a great . i deal irom an affection in my throat,, thought I broideries, and a constant succession of artis by some pHysicianstdbe Bronchitis, by others L tie novelties, with other asefol 'and'enter to bo what is called: AI misters' Sore Throat: f taininir literature.,, , . , At one time it was so severe that 4 was obliged r Ko person of refinement, economical house to give up preaching. Within a few months wife, or lady ot taste, cani afford to. do with, alter 1 had become acquainted with the Pain out the Model Monthly.' Specimen copies IS Killer, I had another attack froth fnat Uiw cents: mailed, free-, Yearly $3, witu a valuable tressing complaint. 1 :tried my newi-fouad premium two copies, 5 60; three copies," medicine, and, to my astonishment and do- gj jf. nye -copies, 412, and splendid premiums light, it produced a wonderfully soothing ef- Vor dubs at 3 each, with the first premiums feot. I la a'shorttime iaa ; whoNy relieved., i Siucetliat time X nave naa a number or aiiacKs i Of the same nature, and te l'am Killer has always afforded roe relief. About one year amce. my wife became subjoct to sever -suf- fering from Uheumatism ; our resort, as usual, was to the Pain Killerr which would always relieve her.- ' '''' -"' I have not time now to say more, as I could with a heartv eood will, and always have done, fh praise of the Pain Killer. If this hastily-written letter, in commenaauon oi Perrv Davis' valuable medicine, will be of any service, you are at liberty to do with it as you pioaso. very rruiy yours, 'jsuuau uaux, uwatojsa, juinn., . Missionary of the A. B. Home Mis. Soi. march , . , . v- - , ; . , - : . -. : Allen's Lnnf Balsam Tllki ItKMKDX FOU CUBING CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, BltOX CHITIS," ASTHMA AND CROUP. AS AK EXPECtSkANT 4 if HAS NO EQUAL. It is composed of the active principles of Boots and Plants, which are chemi cally extracted, so as to retain all their medi cal qualities. j !. , M1NI3TEBS A?ID PUBLIC SPEAKEBS, who are s6 often afflicted with , Throat Dis- eases, will nnu a sure remedy in tnis uaisam. Lozenges and wafers sometimes Rive relief, but this Balsam, taken a few times, will Insure a permanent cute. : :, I . - ,i WiU all those afflicted with Coughs Or Con- sunipt ion, read the following and learn the value of Aixex'8 Luao BaLSA.ii : WHAT THE DOprOKS SAY. , Amos Woolly, M. D.f of Kosoioeko Co., In diana, says: "For three years past I have used Allen's Lung Bajsam extensively ia my prac tice, and J am satisdod there is no better medicine for luugUfseaseaiu use." . Isaac B. Dorau, M- 1)., qt Loau Co., Ohio,' says : Allan's Lung Balaam not oily seUs rapidly, but gives perfect satiafactiou iu every case within my, knowledge. Having Confi dence iu it and knowing that it possesses valuable medical propertied, I freely use it in my daily practice and with unbounded suc cess. As au expectorant, it is most cestauily far ahead of any preparation I have ever yet known." " Nathaniel llarria, M. D.4)XJHddlebury, Vt., says : " I have no uoubf it will soon tjoii a clas,cal remedial agent for the cure of all the Lungs. '" '' Dr. Lloyd, ot Ohio, Burgeon ia the army during the war, from exposure, contracted consumption. He says : " I have no hesitancy in stating that It was by the use of your Lung Balsam that 1 am now alive and enjoying health." - - ' Dr. Fleteher,1 of Missouri, says s " I recom mend your Balsam in preference to any other medicine for Coughs, and it gives satisfac tion." ' ; ; , Allen's Lung Balsam is the remedy to cure all Lung and Throat difficulties. It should be thoroughly tested before using any other Balsam. It will cure when all others fail. Directions accompany each bottle. It is the remedy to cure all Lung andThroat difficulties. It should be thoroughly tested bafore using any other Balsam.' It will cure when aU others fall. ' " Dlreetlans accompany eab bottle. - F6r al; by J.' !W. ' Llppltt ' A Co.; J. A. Mebane, Wilmington, C. " '" ' , For sale by aB Druggists.' -, feblS-lmi ' jS AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. Old B. eyes made new, easily, without doctor or medicines. Sent post paid on receipt of iu cents. - Address . , DU. E. B. FOOTE, jan28-eod !m 120 Lexington Ave, 21. Y. A WAT. with, uncomfortajble Trusses, J0 Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured. Sent post-paid on receipt of 10 cents. Address ' - DB. E. B. FOO.TE, Jan '2od3m -.120 Lexington Ave., N. Y. TyriTT COT? IPjri rj-firiTlS MJJ" maas vs . vrw a a ffisblate & Bros., rio. 23 Market Street, ;..!" - ' . T3KGS to Inform their customers and the JZ public generally, that they are bow re- eeivuig one of the .,, . , ;') ' :: LARGEST STOCKS OF ; ' ' Staftle and Fancy Spring " DR:Y. GOODS, Whtch they havei ever shown to the, public of ' ' the City of Wllmingtoh. PURCHASED EXCLUSIVELY FOB CASH I Principally from Importers and Mahufac- ' turers, thereby saving theT1 Jobbers" profits - - . t t Mil -'"! ' tlHU'Sff '-We confidently Invite the.very closest, cus tomers to an examination qx our GOODS AND PRICES. -m:.!! Below we append a few prices : Best Prints, Merrimac and Spragne's, nine, no spurious brands) at VixA cents. (gen- .. Ladles' Hose, )H cchtsund upwards i Bleach ed Shirtings, 8 cents and upwards : 10-4 Sheet ings, very good, 60 cents, and other goods at corresponding LOW PRICES.' ..v i ; ' Thanking our friends arid the' pbUe? f(h past lavora, we hope, by strict aad polite at tention; to merit a continuance of the same. . ( S. TI. TISHBLATE Jb BRO.,r iaarl2 tf . Mai-ket Street. . t-M V, - waaa 1 A ltf BUSHELS Prime White Corn. XVjUUU la store and from wharf. .. TmnnlahiT i f t .i -!. i ! ' For sale by WIIJLIAMS A MURCHISONV mar8-tf 1U iy-M rt Hour! BARRELS, alf grddes. .f : : i -1 1 ' " WILLIAMS & MURCHIS0N mar8-tf SflSCEIiLAJSrEeUS. SALE' 0F1AND jfTBflinmTEE.'cou-AH&co. Ror"DeUilquht; Taxes. Y virtue of a Jpdgrmont of Condemnation, nnttnrrnnilniin.llnii I . , J. Cnnw1 f'AllI out or tne npenor voun or me vliiei Oil c a i jIA i f 1 i i Tir -"--t - j i CEDAR .HII-iPITTfpWKoril Property - m-w a -. I ,.' i a b BaUer," Deceased, eontanifns fiQO acres: 'Ambunbf Tair, 6i .1. - .; , . ; 1 . i BberifT of Brunswick County. -mar l-mds , . .., ., . ,..; nEHUBEST'S BKOHTUI.T MAQA- I f line. - tTnlversally acknowledeed the ! iodei Parlor Magazine ,of Araertoa devoted to UnguU1 DbuncB ruoius) o&cwucb, uunav bold Hatters, Gems of Thought, Perttonal and llterai-y Gossip (including special depart ment oa Jtasmona;, lUBiruoLioua on iicaiiu,,- Musle. Arausemorua, e; Dyina uestauTiuors, and profusely Illustrated, with costly ipgra- Tings, - -nsaxai aaur Teuaoie v' ranena r.m- 18, to each subseriberJ 4ar"A new Bartram A r&u-. ton Sewing Machine for .'4) subscribers each. ton Sewing Machine lnhlififl.tlon omce : " ....n Demorest's Monthly and Young Ameii ca, together, with ttf premiums forach. - lecl6-335-tf - PRINTING- INE." SEXCY FOB THE SALE OF- C. E. i . .. ... .. . . ROBINSON'S justiy celebrated Black and Colored ' printing:,ot : .rj -AtthefflceoflJw,, T,.; MORNING STAR. No orders filled' unless accompanied with ' .-itvH ' ' 1 '' -: '' the money, or a request to send C..O. D. Book and News Inks constantly on hand,' and for sale at MA1UFACTUREB:S 1BICE Address, :. ' f WM- IlJ BERNARD, mnvll-510-nactf ' ' ' Wliininton N. C" CHARLES X WILIIS, CO Cv3 N EW BUILDING IN TOOMER'S ALLEY. itely in rear of Pureeu Heuse and Masonic Hall, Wilmington, N. C. On and after this date, 1 will furnish COF FINS at the following LOW PRICES, No. 1, Cluck Walnut, with Merino or "White Alp acta, handles and name plate, complete, ready for use, 135.00. . . , No. a, Black Walnut, bleached lining, with trimmings as a Dove. avo.uu. nit lKSmMS- ko. 2 Walnut, No. 1, Pine, Imitation of any wood that maj he desired, trim minsrs as No.l Walnut. 15. No. 2, Pine, trimmings as Jo. 2 Poplar, 12 TJn S. 1Mnn. nU.in trimminm.110. No. 4. Pine, stained aad varnished, The above coffins consist ofsires ft em 5 feet drnTe ot the aoove prices. 1IETALIC CASES. The' foUowing is the Bcale of prices : - - 6 feet,40; 5 feet 4 inches, 45; 5 feet 8 inches, $50; ; fet, )60; ft feet 4 ladies, $5; e feet- 6 in ches, $70: 6 feet 8 inches, $70. Cabinet and Carpenter Work solicited, aad done at short notice, and. satislaction .war. 49- iiesl.lence. Northeast cor. Front & Dock Streets.-WL octl4-tf The Plaindajer; . . WILSON, n.- a. .. 8 A IOO ADVERTISIKU MEDIUM. Terms' Reasonable. ' MERCHANTS and othexs,wishing to use its columns, will hand their (jaras to WM.1I.BEBKAKXX ' , .Editor of the " Star.',' C. S. McljXANIEL, Edltoi. Or send direct to uihl8-tf N. C. Map ani Gazetteer. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PURCHASES tbe entire Copy Bight, Plates, Ac., of the lhATK Works, and desirous to exoedite their sale through the entire State, at an early day! offers to Uve, active, business young men a good chance to make money. I offer three fourths ofthe man. in shares of five or tea Counties each. This new map will be about I five feet by . four: illustrated. Border, Hand- i aomelv Ensrraved Counties. Bailroads. Post- offices, Mines, Mountains, Ac., . Ac. A Map ay .ni Rohool in the Specimen copies ready about the 1st bep tember, 1SG9. - Terms accommodating, address with two stamps. Rev. SAMUEL PEARCE. v ! augl3-tf WUmington.N.C "2QQ TONS, Ja Store, quality guaranteed. j For sale by ; : : .' -;. WILLIAMS & MUECHISON. marS-tf A '' ; j - - . JL ' i ,,' , Lii SpMt Jarifels. i 1000 SecondrliiMd ana i,'iBarria- ' -l For sale ty; i; ' '' ;'T-: ' ;:. ;;'!; ': ''' 1 ( I ;,ir;. WILLIAMS -MURCHISOXf n mar8-tf . . . .. .. L0WEST-IN THE CITY; OUR. PRICES,, FOB BOOT and SHOE, ; i 'i:!-' ,11 :'1 '' i'l ': ABK. TBI - ioSvKST IM THJ jClTY, OUR STOCK LARGE. XermSjCasli r' r )3-tf ' '.' ' ' 29 North' Front Street if ,-mar .VERY DESIRABLE ' , AHO . I ; .... i-? oas. laiHCli, r ticfs t'n other: TOBACCOS. ' At :1 ' : i ) mar 13-tf ; v 1 'i VAN SICKLE'S. MISCELIiOTOIISi? tlEil ESTATF4 FffliKIAL AGENTS. Negotiate Loant M Sontbera Securi 1Vrntiltiil Iauh u Santbiini SMUri- ties and Eb " to U UBaaaisTWilinitiigtoit. N. C. ; J. C Kmroir, New'TorK, 47 Broad 8trat,' IT. Y., and I'ront street, WUmtogton, JS. C. . 'septt j I" :- -T. ' -169-tf j 1 " SPRING!' STYLES SILK HATS.1 : ui;... ' . :, 1 2 1 blu: Shoo Fly" p AND OTIIEK KINDS EXPECTfcPr T14AY, Anderson's j j. Ji : HAT STORE. , mar fl3 1870-tfj ' x:Tl1:?:)i ! . : . Bennettsville f JournaL- . Published Every Friday. In. BENNETTSVILLE, S, C. . wm. LiTrLt,'..'.: . ... I Editor fc I'rop'r. THE LARGE ANH INCREASING CIRCU lation of the J omen At In South Carolina, and 'that portion of. North Carolina contigu ous to tee Wil., C. and B. R. Railroad, makes It to the interest of the Merehaats and other business men of Wilminfiton to advertise in its columns. As an advertising medium, it is unsurpassed by any weekly paper in either of the two CaroHttas. - . 1 ; Terms fa 00 per annum. , . . . ' liates of Advertising,' liberal: ' " Address, .. . , . ,t- i JUUHJNAU, ' aujr25-if . Bennettsville. S. C- -4-s- A D Y E It T I 8 E ! '' ' :,rtN'-TiiEl-i: ' IU TUB ii, .. ..xl ,i..!S4HB-i Sunday Messenger, Issued every Sal urday from the Daily Messenger Office, GOLD&BORO; Jf. C, Th great Centre bf 'the R, and , , C RR'd.) , mUE SU51DAY MESSENGER IS A 1 live 24 column paper, up with the times and in favor of progress. Is read in almost every hamlet, village and town in Eastern .North Carolina ana cm tne line oi tne w a v ie- Price 82.00 Der annum. The best advertising medium.'' Send lr list of prices and advertise.. Xerms reasonable. Address, SUNDAY MESSENGB.B. Jan2-tf) 4 ' -' Gold8boro. N.C. law Hotice. rriHE UNDERSIGNED HAS TAKEN the JL office opposite the Cdrt H rear of Squire McQuigg's office. Business promptly attended to. J. NUTT. sept 10-ly To Countrv Publishers. -r Ask PREPARED TO SCPPLT PBB JL Ushers in either of the Carolina with i good articln of FOLIO POST AND FLAT CAP IAPERS, of the usual weights. Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled. No attention paid to orders unac companied with the. money or a request to I send O. O. D a u. u. WM. H. BERNARD. novl4-S5S-nactf A good "Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina The Western Democrat, I I UUJjlDxlHiD AT A T?T nT'T'T? "NT H . VJ:ti--n'-r' X (..-W?.1 &at) HAS A LARliE ANDGESERALGIR. eolation In Western and Southwestern North Carolina, and adjoining Districts ot South Carolina. Advertisements are solicited. Terms, for ten lines of this sire type, $1 for one inser tion, 5 for one month. 10 for three months, $15 for six months, $25 for one year. II easo lia ble terms will be made for greater space. Send direct to the Editor and Proprietor vt Charlotte. N. C, (and not through Advertising Agencies.) A copy of the paper containing advertisement will be sent to each advertiera. W, J- YATES, Ed. and Prop., , ' Charlotte, N. C. Massa AMoniate SolnblaPIiosDliatB. . , Manufactured and Warranted by the ' ' NAVASSA GTTAN0 COMPANY PBlCE-65 PEB TON pF 2006 LBS., BELIVEB- ED AT WILMINGTON. JAMES BUTTER WORTH, Chemist and Su. . .I. i perin ten dent. , ' -V.' ' ;;. ' i. 'IU? : . -.- THE NAVASSA GUANO, COMPANY OF i WILM1NGTOH, NV C!.; Are prepared to accept orders for their Snraaioa AHxwum SoLDBLa PHosrHATB, which they guarantee to be ot pure and uniform Trorxl quality, and in every respect equal $9 any Fertilizer in the market.' This Phosphate is carefully made (according to the iormula of the wPatapsco Guano Company") from the highest grade ot Guano tne ceieDrateu haaua muajnu, lmnorted direct from Navassa Island. W. I., to tho Company's Factory, on Cape Fear River, near Wilmington. ... - , B. BRIDGE RS,1 President. DONALD McRAE, Seo j and Treas'r . . . Office,-novie-ly street, Wilmington, N. C. Kb. 1 Peruvian Guano. T ABBEt niLL nau cerroiti YARN. - 1 ": ' j,- ' ' For sale by MOFFITT ft CO. Jan241-tf Choice Lot N. C. Bacon No. 1 New Biver MuHets. For aale by Vs' i jah 2U-tf .v(. "EDWARDS A HALL.' '. i National ' Hotel; 1 Corner ' Halifax aad- Edenton Streets, . : Kartb 'of tHe Capital Square, ; ; RAEXIQir, IT. J." ; ; ':- : . TiHE building is new, spacious and elegant. X. Kery appointment for the accommoda tion of guests.- Booms and Parlors en twte for ramiiiee, ana single rooms oompietef oeauti fully furnished, with an eye to comfort and convenience. .. f t THE DIKING ROOSf Is larire andaunexblv furnished in the most at. tractive manner, whilst the servants are gen- teei, pome uiu mwuhtu . No expense or effort will bo spared to ren der the at. NichoL-ts Hotel strictly a - ... To oompare favorably with the best Hotels, North o South. j - n , - Tbe patronage of the traveling public Is re speetfully aolieited. .: , u- - ',. i i.. . . Omnibusses and carriages at the depot to meet every train.' '- I ' . - . 4V Charges as low as , any, other first-class noieiia iue cuuuirj. . - . . - "?;r o 1 A. J. RUTJES, rrbprleior. it Formerly of Exchange Hotel. feb -tf -w ,..- ' f. vv; . . ' -' :.- i ; Planting Eotatoes. PINK EYE, ' ' : .- -'"'. i -' DWCH' EARLY a t a T 1 iitdav urmmv " andPEioHBLbWri.' k a ' ADRIAN VOLtERS. feh 9-tf - . - - BUSINESS'CAKDSr a. AnaiAM. . A D R J A N &, y O L L 5 R s I $or. Front and Dock St.. TraOlJESAlJS BOEKSr is A, its brnnsliasi n . COUNTS Y JS. KRCHANTSt WUi do .ww calling on us and examining our Stock. nov!9-48-tf ;, V , ; EDWARD ASTON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, v (.: ASHK VILLE. , . , B UHJOM.BE COUNTY, A' I a-Activity and efficiency in briiigii'.,, ', getner the uuyera and sellers of Real Knt,,i in North Carolina, and to lacilltate adv.i... geous transactions between them; alHo tli, cncooragemeiis of Northern and Euioi,. h Emis-ranta to oome and settle. in the Souii. are the objects of this Agency, v 1 mniMns-ii ...i (, CoMisnssxQy merchant.. MOFFaTT at "CO., GENERAt. COMMISSION Merchant, NORTH WAlUt STREET. t :ii i ' Wllnliurien. n. t tw KivniiuiiiiiiL n4 rsu lit sa st v r.i rt v rt 1 1 . a v . . . . salo or Bhipment of Cotton, tfaval Stores General Pi-oduoe, etc etc. Al so to recelvtiM anu lorwaraina eooas. i Mkr Oixlei-s solioited ana promptly nht-i sept23-l-tf . - PROFESSIONAL. Dr. S. S. EVEEITT QTJCCESSOR TO Dr. B. P. ARKINi . umce same as ioimeriy occupied ny nr. .v rington. .. ... : ap8-82-ff . i - ; . ...;1,.ji,-;,.A:fc-.n.E, ATr&fiw?t;:i& T la w wii.mI BrTOjr,lr: c ' OFFICE ON , PRINCESS. BETWKFJ. ; Front and Second Streets. ' . OCt 1-8-tf ..... ; ;; MI'SOEUiANEOUS. Marine Insurance effect ed to all ports in the United SMtes ana :. Weft Indies, iy ' Barry Brothers, vVitminpton. .-t i l ,;.- -. .- O N. C. . t if .i V i Thewpwl&LoU' doiv cf ' Globe -Ins. Co. AffetsGold, $17,690,390 "l " ' i7i th e. United 'States 2,000,000 Directors personally respon sible for all engagements of tin Company. Barry Brothers, . Gcril Agents. Wilmington, TO MAGISTRATES AND. CONSTA BLES. Peaoe Warrants. State Warrants Civil Warrants, Search Warrants, Ac, &c, for sale at WM. H. BERNARD'S Printing and-Pubiishing House, And General Book Bindery, feb7tf - 'Dawson- Bank Buildings. Front si. SUMTER NEWS, SUMTER, S. C, PITH lishod Weekly, Parr A Osten, Proprietors WM. 11. liKKMAKU, Agent, sept23-l-tf -j - Wilmington, N. C. North Carolina' Argus. Published Weekly, at WA DE8.B OR 0 At the low rates of 2 .5 0 per A.u u u ui . IS NOW ACKNOWLEDGED TO 11 X: one of the verv best capers in the State. It ' has a Very wide circulation, and Is fully alive to eveiy thing that is of Interest to tlic people A CHOICE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Try the Aaecs for one year. W. H. Bihasd and Sfbubt Jk tiivsoa Agent in Wilmington. Address, tyJl-Ll Urn LJl-iU JL1UII1UI1 J. -J. XOWABOS. I .. - B. T. HALL. i Edwards & Hall, Grocers and CommissM; mmvits, DEAL IN ALL KINDS OF. COUNT IX Y PRODUCE, And keep constantly on hand a full line ol urocences ai lowest casu prices. Wilmington, January 4, 1870. - tf ii-o mini . '.'.: 'suomai puw seaavJO 3toq 001 oers o 'naiwis 'saqoiwH 'euisiH , 'saojdg 'i3ujA 4oslO 'pvi C?L ' 1 '- Mtrt v v t w fT V T I S : ':' ' ' gsvaa.'i atk' 8iOT aO ; ' '(-aAS) ssroio Viaff - sa'iaay "sryua SO 'SNOINO visit aO eoxrioj Hoiaaooo Aiiva siaa U 0 1 ' ';" "anoaj saari 005 tr.- ' ieKVf)"ed Kaoi 0005 suyoidOOOSS ' : xaaaxs aaivn nxnos on 3QI3H !3 "H rM- 4t The -Marion (S C.) Star, irvirer Facilities tthbitrpassei y any paper In. South Carolina to the Merchants of WUmlnston and other locali by any f Wilmington and other local i- ties, of extending their business to the Pee Dee section. D U 8 I N E 8 S M A It D S :"&. D V ERTI S E MENT P Vl INSERTED UN LIBERAL TERMS, which may be learned by applying to ' TJ " ui W,. J . McKXBALL, Editor. Irti ESTABLISHED 1824. The-Patno't IS ONlfi OF THE OLDEST, LARGEST ANU cheapest . Newspapers published in the btate. Antt-Kaaicai out x.iperai in r oihicb. Tbbks: ai.00 j per year. Bui few weekly papers have abetter clrcn latton, and hohb offer superior advantages. u: X O Y E.R T I S E R 8 . Specimen copies sent on application to , . ;JAS.W. ALBRIGHT A BRO., Greensboro., N in. , JOB PRINTING Of every description, neat I vi ckeanlv ana xpedltlc ously executed at h Tn Patbxotn Offloe. ; 4V Lboai. Blakks always on hand, and soi l low on Cash orders. aug28-tf E i

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