i A ( " - . - : . -. -. .-' - . w : . .... . : .. ) : 1 ; i 11 hi r . i IORNIJSTG -STAR. Tuesday, March 22, '.1870. ; , . , , Rilllor , and , Proprietor,. . ftSpTlie M O K X 3 K U STAR de .jtCU , itvered ,'to City Anbserlbera mi riftr-BSf JBNT8 per Week. Ba baerf. bera North of the. centra JoCJtarlaet HARLOW LrUMMiatta r tnat, line by Mr! OUN Bl BUftCjI. Only these , A.f mU are. ataalrortaed, 4a their respective 'Dlvlaiona,'s -ollet city nbncrlptions. " ' - " ' " Punt Offlet Money Orders may be obtaiapdlp al the oltles and -in many of the or tne rfectly, large towns.- we 'oonsiaer tnem per safe, ana the best means of remit tins fifty dollarsor less. . Qf9 Realatered JLettere, under the Mew sy. ver; system, jvfiiou wtul inMfwt Jane 1st, are a rrj.,sv.soi mnuint mum a a mi Ot njatag,aaU fcameof mo- noy wiiure P. O. Money Or , U. MOD ttenla u tndpej rdera Regt n item ly obtained. Cnterve, Reaii it postage, niu( &paw in ttampi at the office wlioro the lettenls mailed or It JvilLbe liable )f,-iV tnJ ptAUeroJuLliAraaJ uU Am tUintpt both or pottage and registry, put in the -money and teal Vie Utter in the ana tern im tetter in tne pretence CtJ Ute ftoM-matter tr ana tone nttreoetpt jar u. letters, wav t u3,ai1f at jm-rnk. i .y sent jn V" 'f Obl tan ry notices, tribates of respect, ,tc, are charged half advertising rap when paid for In advance of publication, in all other cases lull advertising rates wllLbt charged," '.'HIV i: ! ;Vl!UgV . ' I 23?" Persons leaving1 Rie' city during the Summer months may have the Stab mailed regularly tohoir address by leaving orders at tliU offitfe. Jrri'c!rf, 75 echts for bne month, or, t'3,00 for three months, -j . - - , . - ; 1 .THE CIRQULA TION Qlft THE MOM$- ma STAB 19 LARGER XHAN THAT Of ANT OTHER HAIL? NEWSPAPER PUB LISHED Djt NORTH CAROLINA. , A RADICAL BEBEUIOir. The jmbroglfo atRichmond is in the highest degree deplorable; and , ments which are ominous ff a seri oria Id fsiaxbance 'of tlie ' 6nleu epect, which.. mader8in Vir giiiwirtt jegnniiigjtrassnme tn itself, tonsfbcal difurbanee J might notbe of special significance f1???? -WC?- . nate city, which suffered more than its "shre of the; calairif tief .of .Vaf, and ' ha since Jbe4fflite,Aln a proportionate degree, with tle worst of carpet-baggers." ContempbranS- eras with the riotous aTnd rebellious , 3Tjitaiica OTknaMonitoano coiTsts-.1 taira t - Viir - - " ginia. , Wcjjst of all is , the reap- pearance ot Uanby -upon the thea- O . .. I his bigoted partisan record made'in 1 111s n D. a Canby. hal arnd4j AttmBriDill oblo-. . quy by his nnc'onoealed - persorjir '4U UJ " " "tTi y - animpai to tLrWlginmns. From the WwWn9teredVirgiDia, he manifested hot zeal to elall his predtcoiaiapercttioiiahdpro. scription, Mpretbau . Ames- i Mississippi, waV Canby-a tool of RadicaKsmlAirginiaflbntgrfe- raled irf: rfll ihfe 'rfchfemes and ma- nayre ; '.firC, lor ' securing . tlje) election of :Weils, and " then fof throwinFtue' LeSislalore intb'the hands" of a beggarly .nlnority'i of Radicals, .he has nursed Jthis rage. I and newihe piromjtl 'advancfes-at the first jo'ppbrtunity' to renew hts niavyy ouu jvj - nu i . whicli 'he '"einpfoys his t bayoneU;to inflict -humiliation -upon -a -pBoplcr for whom he 1 cherishes the deadlist S'ftn-'Tr)Kl'fTTO'Vf" Hvhltevef Canby tan So to thwart the -ieople of Richmond in gaining control of their municipal adminis- tration. wiJLbte djhej yjlpj jfnjuries retalica muiianTionXtoanofcoDti;- the "needle.; Theayerager)ay they, tuted authorities, . cmes the Tesoln-' reive iOcentsT, tion of Platte, thg. carpet-bag mem- some hii&.'Jiii 'Ztf. ents ber -ofCdflgtesa Hi6rii: tb:B,'Fetfers-i ,bu "the Q&y?M'tyQrJk&k. borg district fcallitf for inteVferenJe' . The last 'statislicarsUtfement shows Dv.uontrresB in tnakat 10 meir iniereBw win ue iimireu m0 greater the treason ot a form oplj&by Jia pDer.for harmaftdre I er Confederate the more lovingly say this .with arull , conyion tha the sequel will ar souV'.Hehls, just interfered in behalf of Chahooh Ther need be up difficnlty.in nn- derstanding the secret of this carpet-4m i j t uu acaiawag resistance tu-iaw in. ;P?c,l0,nii!T'? 'Sad.!?a traty! the, jbouth hashao; the;ment.pr simplicity, afld has looKed ohly to tlie acquisition Of pretexts by which to secure the interference of Con- gress to reverse the will of the peo riHt' 1:L''' Ti-Vl' ItlV' . pie. xjio success oi jjuuock b Btrai- vtn ta'rrf GtA ftmiolr the. Bcupdte; vrhdfA.; peoplejct Virginia ' fAminfiRlV-rnnr l o o 7 ' - summer. 1 e li ,. ier.. It would be a greatrror iicf to suppose Ricbrfcfcd iaTtbe prize sought in the presentnjran Chahoon, who is almost ajf chrlooitaa .VWave, is ,w;?h.rrr;iftKi;nJ r link ivi ujc vtyj ituta '"u all lfJJ$$ Ij.rast- and honor," It the contest can be transferred to hingtojiOtlieh-jfloClhe. villains, abetting (ahooty hoj)4 be yiclbAover the people who haye repudiated and spit upon them withj constantly iterated loathing. -v It is especially deplorable that blood should- have bedn - spifid in Richmond. :yV$-greatly , fear that the blood of that negro who' was SKoJ'dovn wiile, making an assault jipo4VttpolicemanrwHl be- power fufaid ' to the 6nppliants for" Con can organ at ltichmond,:!andidly and, fairly admits tta -iUe,Aieroe.s were responsible fpf the distnVbance betweeri the pofTce and themselves. Speaking of."he occurrences of Tlmr&dsfHhy Journal tsiyg: .. "MJor Poe then'tlrew' off hii fotfdi to thff 'headoBarters on ,, Mam street." 2 tXev were leaving, ue regret to tay, thai a lot Y of colored men acted 'very imprudently, and brought on a coumon, in. which. tome Jijttf hot$ were firea in uich tome Ue jr three colored -men1 were rather bddtywwoundeK Tbris caused n intengu excitement. jjd a the streets were throngetl witaJplfi mucbiapprehcQaiDnoa telt ; -but nothing further ot a seripua nature' occurred." "We dread the sequel of this affair andyet jve fee geat;c61iderce"iri the . tact and forbearance,. of r-Gof. Walker nd Mayor Ellyspn as thfis far con8picpously displayed- Con gress' needs a very slight pretext" to i se'ue. lYjrginisi Jby. thel tUi"ba. again. It haft hair repented its having jW admitted to 'the . Union a, State whose example will 1 so! ppwerfnlly affecCthev fbrtun'ea' of - Kadicalism i n thd whole;SjauSiIiini ia the. eternal un compromising !enremy 'f Radicalism, and .YirgTnia and Ber late Confederate Bisters aire one-in seniQent anu, aspjw t i nrey f , t5 h f ffttf f-f , 6e"nlJirjent and ,aspration for all ' FA1MIAH wo.kmo.woMra.; ''Bad' aaTaris is there are 300,000 women in that city who strive to gSinJlivJngJy honest ixertiii. JTone-of tkemget wages equal ' to the wageWaiofTTPY 8ejryanVAgirT;i thwoiMa'aintTfib1 the nee fthi following condition Jof work woi men' rf "The racbtes; -of wsfemakers. earned IPamtTMU9 SO nrl shn vnrtorT iiTf hTT hopotoiMlthe'uiatfelIa kVJ cmpiiayif Teceiv4 22 centV-the btiteert of gloves f5' laf 6 4f decoration woflrstraog t saj;oiily paid tbennhappj creatures wBo haiSaed it "froin 3inrise to" mpe lock lcebt pirdaj '5 r 0 ffjftf f 9f made they dflAifmBtehM been VedircedEterv -articl of. maaJrf,.f'ranc;pr B?me rnlned Iie wastedheart, mi fettered .soul here is only one instance in x-aris wuere women have escaped this tyranny of capitaf by co-operation. r..?-.,y A TRAITOR'S ZAU The zQal of apostates is proyerp ial,"in- behaWrthejCjnsei' 4liey have embraced at therc wnicn cost of ivauicai. oiuxer oi Aeunesseeiaiej ly on. trial for selling, cadetships "wa3 once azealphsCbnfederate and; aernbf p t IgjsUtrireiof Tenn.e88ein,l86l, and supported resomltions - which .-f hrfrled back with flonteiapttbe.haieWp"o8itioh f0f the usurper, 'Lincoln, tosind Peace Commissioners Sovih.V ,v ) rJoes he nestle upon the.nursina boabm of Radicalism! ' vlittemore had a good Unioti and war record, ceived only the mild punishment of vote of censure proposed by Mri r. v vi . "v tonghtan lor the same ottence. ;Tiie strong medicine 'of expulsion ;was rejeeted 'and a dose of Stobgh ton's Bitters administered, as ial suggested by the lew Yok TelA HACAITLKT NOT A PRAPIIFT. i - r. V Macauley was neither aprop-hei He made r;.VJOTPn-- f in J1, ustration j e .-x a t .. a "r-vu iruui meca ponurs.. :feare Xrfl condi" wu;ui lu Sene rejgrw of James 1 he says; ; Mi.dcW Ie? Wl?n. x, indeed him from the most as little chance of obtaining a seat there as a man of icolor h'aVJbl being a Senator of the- United btateauz i n a- oj!..wi t" A-new,kindt intoxicating liquor haV been' distilled from 4ea, gressional interference,' jIt is ;triie thai tlie State JouriialiQ Jfetftf- HIS YEARS IX TRANSITU, . " The Jlichrrion'd ' eorrespbh dent of the Peterebnrg 'Index f'elaJeW tti following : A;gentlemanfin this city L received this morning, a letter writ-v I; ten to him in 1864. lrom Columbia, on the eaim), 4twaS'gtYen4r&1 the"': foIlQWllgl Shprxqppr jawers f 'XV . t. 1.T. ' I and After -assirrg through many hand's" and. gorpgpyer the 1 whole estate, lias nnally reached :the per- JOll joT. whp ifas intendedwith, seal nubrokenfc lcontaui8;.cne . piece pi miorinacion ' jvniciris. yvi new". s The lady (the wnter) ownea iieantituT Canadiaif' ptnjy'jr.for jyh Ujh'rshe asked; ; yjeprteetipn of; biieciaan-7-tnen raiding tirojigli the cojintry. vyroised- .tikt. ,'tji'e ucai iuua jjuijjt ouuinu. uui uu laacu iff by JM8-s)ldi!rs .o wyer, wjieri theW lift he was ,"takcril'x,&. 1 The Od gev?d ;WU(; QuvejVtue loss. of 1 t teridan then was. , JL his "being the " tT 'Certain French f medical statisticians, whoj-like many other niefti tliink k good Jeal ofom&n kind, have m ad ea disco verv which I will -doubtless raise a commotion among the fair sex ; Theycdnteh ;h at " siJicewom en i have J j Oosen ed heir corsets thV"ft'ualT:ynallly has decreased-eighteen and half percent.," and that since they haer ? loaded their heads .with' hicfeous chignons cerebral fivers ' haye' ih5 creased seventy-two and threeTquar er per cent.; .. ".f-'av-'Tiri 1. i f ? the I)ie: Hairdthose fel ows in ine ssoutn who werepiafiea' in office while the1 States .were- re Constructing.' 'Jlere; we ' 'H ave .' one of them in Richmond ; actual! vior ifjing himself in a police f sttidn house, and. defying his successor to ake 'possession of the municipal guveniiiituiL. FT: Some; one ,i ay8 : ..t The Pope is m aking a crrtsade upon -tjid rnproprietiea of dress,- andwe learl eraf Atlri ladiesrThoPopc iet at.tlVhiveaJrfinea::the shoulders.' of ilie ladies! and haven7t .... : .1 . J ' The;r. nd voeate J qf :; female 8nfirage ;are 'fJftj4e(t.fnTo::itwoh'08i( tile ,partieffone"led.i py ' Miss -Ati'z hhny,and;rMrtSiantbii.'Va'ha-;ihd Pther; by- Lucy v Stone Wd ' itTeh ttf Ward TJeecher.' if ,1 Vv yonng at Eapiritir: ailtcfor concealing an insnrgent clief J a - her, father'?! A cotemporaryhas a Adis- last work 011 IXnljiXiweU " - be executed in Charletm o FndaytxljH, Hont(, bu,t tne t0Mr9lcer;iwili kt?e t hi-; lowca to wuness we Dawin?. i v: .' j TlieV 'Andersdn''; JTnikUiQekcer notices the death'-, of' Mr.Wi'X Harris' ana iur. jonainan 1. uarrison, two weii- k7iowacifizen"s oflLat, county v ' .: Mk: WH:Sardinoffc3he ter. was robbed? oi a Lot of bams and bacon last week; , M jorSf athew rViiliiama Jell uown anuiraciurea ujis ien arm ; on ouu,-. 9aY ') - t . :r x- it. - ' Fonr men on 1 heir fwav' iB ' ft boat from Morris lslaad to " Cbarfesrori on Thursday, werft Wdwh ut to sea, ' IMtftoe lost their sail andariW porhinately their cries were heardry ftHe Captaitr'-of the ' . 7 The, . CwzferJ.j &z ' PetertJ Holmes, . the wBgro-wlM; murdered 3Irj Matbewea, on .111 plaatauon, in. Beajifortr some, jtwo years ago, .waa-arrested vymtei day, abou.t, ni tie; TOilea.frotn. tfia oity,.-, !ond Hetis now iBnler.arrestfcj, - x lt tj-i - A speCwttiegrhU JVapiP ingoja.' the Cblesto4tiTcw". dated the lath, sajsr- lhe Military Committee -wilt ihe'tttport trextr, ;w(?ejt ;-sh'Qwjbj'.. that j Hoge, a.TiicalCJongreafimaa from South atmUfi,9poiiatd ; cadet '"out of his dis-r !trtij..Tu:e c'omraittee.i.will . proio8e,tft censure Hofor his'scandaloln behavkir IhVTioiatiag-the 10.,"; regret to-tat;that Mr. Joseph j ffant, ;s--elderjy :srnd; fe'.rpeced dtfa&j; th ; uouniy, aiea: vary iKiaeniy obk 1 uurscUy night last; ffoto aft'atHectfeatta was;(ak'e& 111 in the aftabpn-wluUat' work on his plantation, and in a few hours death ended his BjRlTeringi - h v.fv4iay5the5brji)le between -Mt. Ri ) J' Cheatham; '''residing neaf Ihe Mil ageand a colored man lb his employqJ3ig vrords passed! betfeen thep, and Cheatham ..fin'atlx "discharged hiagun, ouf drnhtfirep) Very seVerely In the thniXlillIescaledlnarrmUv with his life. .. Cheatbata waa arretted-had -ha elren bail lo''aiVarir artltiilfatfriifaife 'V- - - i." ;.' a -BatrK7,:l;awl: Ajiver ateaicine I ; t uur pet. auu-tive nun ' nu iwr. uue. ; fe w day 8 afterwards ;.he .as ; re- rurnea irora - lancevvuier wfiere St honesty, I-think . itTshoiild, be put Pteasefiyollfco nnnn rprnrn --v-s - . " I tlrJ-ii- 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 . -Uon na ixiuisa ernandez,- a Cuban lady,' ?s to begarroted fV'SECIAIi NOTICES. PAHI EILtEE.,- , FAMlIilT MEUICIXE "4" 1 The Paut Kuaxs is, by universal con- V sent, allowed to have won for Itself a jp'arto paltfa all its Tarlbns forms incidental to the tinman umllir- a.n1 t.kA TinarvlinllArl vrltton "human family, and the unsolicited vrritten and verbal testimony; or the masses In Its favoTj Lave been, and are, 1a own pest adver Usement. :u'i siv'i -rr.r.'i;! - , For evidence in favor, ef the Ba Kiixbb for MiDlslers''sore ThroatTor Broncbltia.ryad the tiJ':: ' ; . coounant of on hodse for over two veira. and a portion of the""trme it has 'been the only mediMnaander our, BOof. iUarcUy ever do X have mvihildxe com plain of being sick with out having thorn, ask ia php Bame sentenoe for Paln&iller. . . ' - .n.' -' 1'ot several years before I beeaaae aoqnaint ed with the Pain Killer. I had suifered a great U deal from an a creation in my. throat, 4. bought Dy somejanysicianatooe BroncaiM8, ryotners to be wlMkt n calied-iliniaters' Sore; Throat. A one time It was so severe tliat I was obliged. ' to jrlvd ilp preaching, WKtliin a tow months alter i bad become acquainted with the .Pain Killer, I bad another attack .from . that dis tressing complaint;; 'I 'tried'my- new-fOand metiiclfw, and, tq my astolsbment and.d HaUt, itprodnceilA-woaderJuHy soothing ef fects In a short time I' was wholly' relieved.' Since that time I have had ahamper of attacks of the same .nature anxt the lain -"Killer Jias always atroraea me reiiei-Aoout one year si ace. any wife became subject to severe sutw ferinerom Rheumatism t onr resort, as nawai, was. to the Pain Killery which ' would always relieve her. -. . 'f 1 bav not time now to say more!, ai I could with a hearty good will, and always have done. In nralse of the Pain Killer; If this hastily-written . letter, fa- oommeadation of uaDie meaicine. win do ot any liberty to da with it as you 4 tery truly yours, - CAOT, Owato3a, MinnU" ' , " ' Missionary of the A. B Uome Mis..So. '- mareh r : . -J- ' n -. V ? A 1 1 -r it T -n TJoTt oV W JUL I LVSjAt, O JUIAIA' .JjaiOdiU - , THEMl)-)t'rQB CUBING - CHITIS, ASTUJHCA AJ(I CROCP. ,; AS.AH- XXPECTOBANT i- - -t It is composed of the active principles )t Boots aria Plants, which areehem4- -CaUy extracted, so as to getajn all their medi caiglitl6a,, .f: T , , MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKEBS, ; wnoare so often afflicted witnTaroat uis laaeB, villlnd a sure remBdy In this' Balaam. Xoaenjjes and. wafers , some times give rdief. but this Balsam, taken a rew. times, will insure, a permanent cure'. , v "Will aU.Lhoiie amMeted with Coughs or Con sumption, read the following and learn Jtb value of Alus'8 Ltraa Biiux . , . . -. f t - WHAT TUB POCrpBSi SAT. ( 0 Amopilyi lf.:-nj.j; 9 Koscloato.CoL, In dianaf says : "For throe jearpaet 1 have used Aften8" i.ung Balsim Extensively in my prao tice. and 1 amsadsned'thBre-j fe ho better medicine for long diseases hi a'se.,i'- r' ,! Isaae B. Doranj M. JXjVti LO&a fio-t t)hio, says : j' Allen's 'Xupg, Babjam jiot -only sella rapidly, bat gives perfect satisfaction in every case within my knowledge. Haying confl. dence la it and knorwlag that It possesses iy daily practice and with unbounded .suc- eesa. ab an expectorant, n is moss cerrauuy far ahead of an yp reparation 1 have ever yet known t .. ' i ' , Matfaaaiel Harrot.'o'Of MidareburyTvt.'f says ! I have no doubt it whl soon: becomhi. ll Lumlnl - rfuM HI mm am diseases of tlielrhroat. Bronchial Tubes add tha-Lungs; T:.iT.'T.l ?"'V" !Dr; tloyd,16f;"bW6jv8urge6n 'ih. the army daring 'thewar,. from eipopoBe, contracted eonsamptdoal J He says t' 4 1 haye no hesitancy lnlUtlhg that It was by "the use lof yotir Lung Balsam that I am. nov alive and enjoying health." 't!-!! A 'i "... TO.'EHteher,' of Mis'sourl, aays t 1 recom mend your Balsam In prefierenee te any other medlelne'TOr Cougha, and it gives satlsfao bon. .Tv. u.jf-;-j:Wi. ltypl.;'.!;j-a -. - Allen's Lung Balsargte the remedy to cure all Lang and Throat difficulties, .at should be thoroughly tested , before fusing. any Other Balaam. It will cure when aU others, fail. Directions accomDanv each Dottle. T t'r . 1 is tint remedy to cure all Lung and ThroaI 'diqsculties. It should be thorough tested . . . . . . . . . n . r . . . . '1 oeioro aaugany otner ttaisam, - iv wiu cure when aU others falW.' r ' - ? ' ; Iroetion aoeowipeiay ala oUl." r Tot sale by J. W. Lippitt A CoJt.Ai Mebane, Wilminjrton.T. 1;. . . - Por Ule tij aUpftgglsi. 1 feb lilnr eyes made new, easily, without doctor otmedke84.Spoetpaldpnreoelptof 10 cents. AQdress., DB, E. B, FQOTE, , w jan 28-epdtfm 120 Lexlnsrtom. Ave.. N. T. AWAY with uncomfortable Trusses J , Comfort andCure JTo thoJBuptared. Sent post-paid yrtrreoelptof 0 cents, r Address . .. .. DR. E. R. FOOTB. -' ' ' .f jjkii !&eod3m 120 Lexington Ave., N. Y. "nr-sr Pposaiawm i)e4eMie at 1 S3 flee until Saturday, the mh1 day tf March) Instant, ft building an. Engine Iloaae for the teanrJLre EgJneM John Ti Baakln,; on theBW. corner,; of Prlaoess and.Faorth streetSt -to; aooordapoey with tie, planar, and, specintipns OTexmmtnma taiaompe, , y ,. All bidsmuat be lat writing, anl endorsed. on the envelope Enclosing, 'sanie' BicUJpr. ouuotngr Mlngyiffoue.'($d . blda,inust Jn ciuae every item required, whether, for zna teruvl or labor, fox the completion of tbbulld. ' No extras wUl bajaUowed except same shall be ordered in writing by the Mayor, and the price for same staled therein.' - i - Bonds wJU be required t rota llie COntraotor," rornejaitninipeitorma&ooof the contract; i ff:';Jif.ll. ..y-iJl .nl SlXiaS'ST. MABTIS'i : , .10 or 20 5t.. iis, .;..:. t r. w 5 . Mayors 1. . '" :. 11 1 OFJICSOr COUNTY COMMlS&lokERS. 1' r ' . !; Kaw-Haaoyaa Covhtt - v.; .! . . Wilmington, I c, March SY 1870: $ wlu, a oat nereaiter au accounta XV t re sen ted to the Board of Commission. era for payment, must be accompanied by tne order of the; Board, orCommitteeauthorLzing the work or pui chase, aad: no bill will be recosnizedUnnless acoompanied by such order. Jfitt bute1pntli ptfeaeiiiteo; A0 flyi Friday next preceding the first. Monday of each month, Y th qfercofthe' Board jpfommi, sidners, otherwise they .will belaid' oyer tilT ini9iiow4ngmeetyig.,.: (. lt , '' By order of tie Board. '. '. ,mar7I4w ,.r,; j.lerk. Qdrni;.: i UUUUDaHELa CORHltt, store and Vt, for sate Wfroni wharf by1 ' V yrl li. mar20Jtf,r 1: n lijWJLIjABp BB03.; -tOtMfcKT-WiUitpayt. Howmwfecaa XLi J make rrake an Agency for the. Book How te wtitn, howto talk; few. to, behave, and bow to do onaliMi j Aa a&Ad.''Xw ihV: ' llowt wtita, bowto talk; bo .tobehav,' siognomy,' ljOoq L ngravfcsfi.' T"2E'Op's Fables," plotorioledHionisC ." Pope's Essay on Man." finely -lllnatraied. tl. . nmtnrv ti sacied and ecoltu', tlAiTT" LlfS nthe,Wet.n St; - "How to-Bead Character, ar ta. 'Telf-Edu cation, H. t (Specimens sent by Ant post. iSoadi stamps for terms to S,B. Wxua.NoS89 Broad. way.W.Y, - , lfeb22-lmo nSCELLANEOIJa For ipelVnquentiTaxbaS ' - RWTTrWTrnT VTTHTTV lr v . " f I T Y vlrtue-of a Judgment of Conaemnalion. r J issuinr-out of the Superior Conrt of tlie. Coanty of Brunswick, ; sale, for taxes, at thaC vnle, on Saturday, CEDAR HILL stASTATr03r, BTrtla oontainln30 aorea. - Amount ot Tax, 64 Aft. J . i, , ' Sher of Brunswick, county. -7 aaar'USOds , , Tpa EMOBEST'.S MOXTIItY M AG A-t JLJ nne. unrveraauy . acknowledged tbe Model Parlor liatraaineof America i devoted to jOriglnal Stories, Poems, Sketches, tlouse--beid Matters, Qetasof Thoagbt, Personal and. literary Qossip (including sDeciar1- depart- men ooa I'aaaioha), Instruetloas on ;Healtli, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors; and profusely Ulastrated. with COetryngra rings, usefaL and. reliable Patterns, Em broidorlesr ana a eonstaat suceeskion or artis tic novelties, wunoner -Meful ana,-eater, talnfaigr Uterai"af " ' - -Trr--rt.-ir4. wife, or lady. , or lady, of taste, can affordto do with. J the Model Monthly. Specimen copies 15 mailed free. Yearly i with a valuable out cents nremiTii ; two copies, so 60 1 three oooies. 7 or: nve ooeiea. tu ana SDienaid, premiums for clubs at 3 each, with the first premiums- ion Sewing Machine for 20 subscribers each. Publicanon Omee -f- i No. 838 Broadway, New xork.--WIemorest'e Monthly and VouneAmeii. tl88&41 wtth the premiums for eachf HA - PEEIXING INK,4. A-OEKCTT FOB THE it!EXCr fOB THE SAL Oaf CE. iaopliTSON'Stia telewmted"5 ' v -f. U V 5 ' 1 . ' ?t -; ; ! I:Vi v. No orders fmed, unlBsa"'amtMini d With r.jf : Jf-V; ; .- '" Of.nr-;( !. it(Tt V the money, or request , to send C O. D. Book and.News xks constantly nf band; and for sale at HAlvirrACTITRER'S' l?-sfltcsj. Addr,ess, , ''. ytiil B;.EBNABPv - . - . ". . ;. . . mayl-510-nactf. -i- CHAEIiES-T; ILLIS - - .. ." VP . " -VTEW BUILDING tNTOOMBJi'S ALLRY, Masonic On vVr jTICl lIS; ' No. 1. Black Walsrut. with Merino otrWhite Alpaeca, haadles and name plate, complete, ready for use, ass.00. ' ' '.' i, No. 2, Black Wu.l, ' -imflg,'wTtli mmmlngs as above, t-25.00. . NO. 1, Poplar. Imitatioo-ror YTaloaJ.. UTIU-, - mmi iniitimesx'oo M y iryantnT r No. L. Pino, imitation of any wood thai matr do aesixea.irunminps red, trimmings as No. l Walnut, .$15.00. No. t, Fine, trimmln , trimmings as no. r ropiar. fix. i plain trim minors. Sio. . The above coffins consist of sixes fj am 5 feet upwards ; all below S fee tare considered chiK drea'a coffins, and will be charged two thirds ol the above prices. ' ' - j :- .rajs-cAXAi; ,iiasj, xae. jouowinc tne scale of prices : -. . i a feeUSAO; 8feeCAiaohea.i5: 1 feet 8 inches S50; afet, $60; 6 feet. inches, 65; 8. feet 6 in- enes, fu: e ieeainoaesre'' - Cabinet and Carnenter Werls solicited, asd done- at Short notice art -satisfaction warranted.- . - t . .... r, ..' Residence. Northeast cei?rrdnt A Dock Streets.-,, , :7;;:r,; Toctlf ... TiePlain5ealerrr IB A UOOD ADTERTI8INU MEDIUM. -MERCHANTS and ethers, wishing to use its columns, wiu nana uwir uaraa to ; - . l " " 4 Wtf. lu BEBNABD, . ' " it - U .... -. . . . . OMend direct to . 4 ". Hi OUap HM Gazetteer? SUBSCBIBEB HAVING FUKCBASEB J. theentira Copy BightPlatea, oo tbet klki vo t urn. ana aesirous ut expeaite tneir scQo through ike entire State, at aseaxry dayj gooa caance io maKe money.' 1 mr tnree-t lourthsof the map, m shares of five, or ten. voumaee eacn. xsu new map will no - about five feet by four: illustrated Border, Hand- eOmely Engraved Counties, "Eailroade; Poat offloes,j Mines, Mountainag e.t Ac-'A5Ma worthy to be hung up in every house, office, and school in the State. If ,t.i!.i:-uitii Specimen copies ready about the 1st- Sep tember, 1869. .(JlU-lir .j.l .'it 'i, L . xerms accommodating, address with two stamps. " 1 "'lu-.i.; ..( Ji:r.c: . t ' -t Bey, "SAMUEL PEABCE, ,1 .tfgmn : ? wirmington,. a;Z- ll'' II WU' fSprtnj Sec(flf Q,ts;r 4000 BUSHELSWhiteSeed and Peed. t5ats,' for sale la ibu to saltv by?? " :,:''' nnir lMt ? t ; '; MrrCH ElJt. & HUGGIN.',': Molasses.;:" " f0l Aand SUGAB HOUSE, In hhda., tierces, V and barrelav.' iliv" For sale low by - ' . ; ;; v W. KEBCHNEBV ' 1 " mar 16-tf 4 27, 28 and 29 North Water .St, ' i . v OUB PBICES, . ; ' BOOT and SH0EVu ; . ; f Aaa ran ( sowkjt ;:nt. v Vfc .cirr. OUB STOCK . L ABSE. i.Terma.tiCasllii . . tt , . .. . raarl3-tr 2& North Front Street, r ,1, ii, . ., ,,. .r .M .j:" i-";: t;y'-.iT-l..I .1' aa. papera ; .' . W . Q A L ' A X 8, ' r'7 ' ':v'JKAIXjr ROAl--lu1 " 'IBILLAKtI, ABittPHs11 At ia.tr war r 1 Immediately in rear of PurceU House and Hall, Wilmington NC, . ' r; I and after this date. 1 will furnish Cur- 1 fT7 Vo l-rt 1 I MISCELLANEOUS. BANIIISTEE, COWAN & CO., " EEAITOTTE & ITNANeiAL'AGENTS. BUY AND SELLOUTHEBN LANDS," Negotiate lAmmJp S9tUrm Boenrl- ties and Xponravge Emigration Vr .V ktho flostnv ; V ; ... -J-or.CJ-ttsr';"J' ""' Xu Bakvistbs, Wilmington. N. C',i i ; D, 8. Cowajt ' . 4 J. C Enrov. New York 4t Broad Street. N. Y., and Front street, Wilmington, N. C. . TTEBY -XATEST 1 OR CAT EXCITE. V MEBTT WH.1WINOT01V IW TAKEBf i-Wm. KTTIR6EB HAS COKQVEBEU STORE CROWDED ALL IAY MEJL I.INO OOD8 LOWER THAN' EVER OUR BOTTO IS , QUICK SALESMAN D 8MALLPBOF1J8. f - We have recftved: and are reeeivintt by every steamer, the . VERY LATEST STYLES, ? whioh we offer at li per cent, above New York cost, at retaivm ue snape oa , I .... -Dry Goods, Faacy Goods', Hosiery. Notions Boots atfil Shoes. Hats, Clothing, SpIendM . . Wet Setts. Spring Dress Goods, which . retail for 30e., we sell fori 5c.; Coa,tee ;jt ' Cotton. 90o. per doa'en. . rfieubllc will doWl bv callllfff anf sati- fylng tbeKiselves. Kemember. is Market 8U, branch or m Broadway, New York. , BeiiiiettsviUejoiirn t. , j Published Every, Frldny, in ' . XVU: I4iriE,,....;U E41tor 1'rop'r. rfHK-'iiABGE 'JaNT iNCREASTNGr CIBCC X lation of tlie Joukb ai. In South Carolina. and" thal.portloh of North Carolina contigu ous to the Wit., 47, andR. BKaUroad, makes It tOalbe interest of the Merchants and other 'business men ot WUmington to advert urt) m us columns. . as an an vertiRtnir muninni . ix is unsurrlasBed bv any weekly naner in either of A tl 1 . " - - .. .T us35-tf . . Benaettsvllle. S. CH -IN THE b ' .IN THE Ilf THE' Sun d ay Mess enger , 4f.;-U. oywry BOpruay jom wio:, flail jr Keasenser Office, VQJjDBBOIMp, N. ft, jfTbfl 1 great entre of the W7iSW7jia j.4 HK.' SVjftDAY UHDAY. ltE8SESQER.HXH A-1 live re 84 1 fav and in favor of progress, i Is .read in almost every hamief, village ana town: in. Eastern North Carolina and on the line of the W-& W BJt. - f f . v Price B2.00 o'er ahnniu :y. , Tbe best advertising medium. -Send tor list of prices and advertise. Terms reasonable. - ; Address, .1 V SUNPAY'MESSENUEB. , ; ; Jan29-tfj uoiasDoro ; T Law Noticed - 1 '! !f,i- UNDEBSIGNED -HAS TAKENtlw ioffl( office opposite , the Co"rt House, iu the rear of Sulro MoQuigg office. jtsusmess sibess promptly attended, to. r . - .if ' - - i NTJTT. sept 10-1 y v. v To Countrv' Ptiblisliers. ...... ... . . .. - r . I AM PREPARED TO SUPPI.T PUB lishera in either of- the Carolinaa with a good artiole of -;. .:r - - - . - - - FOLIO FOST AND FLAT CATlAPKRS of the usual weights ; , -y,..,- , . ,;:(.; -'- Cash orders for one or more reams prompt ly filled.' No attention paid to orders unaov eompanled with the money or. a request to send CO. D.' ...n . ; . ..t. .; . WM. H. BEBNABD. . -2rljgiK ' Affood Advortieixiffi HdiaxTl The Tsterii emitiirJiut " PUBLISHED AT ' v (One of the QtijxA Newspaper 9 in-tke State.') HAS A IABCE AKD OJCilERAI, CIRi." ealatton la Western And Southwestern North Carolina . and .adjokiing. Districts "OT-W South Carolina; - . ?TT - - y Advertisements are solicited; Terms, for ten lines of this size type, $1 for one inser tion, as for one monthTiO for three months. $15 for aix months, 36 for one year. .'Coasona- uie 1 terms will be made for srreater aoaoe Send direct to the Editor aj1 RmnrintAr wt. Charlotte. N. C4 (and bOtthroogh Advertising Agencies.) A copy ; of -the paper containing advertisement wil be sent to each advertiers. 1 iwV. vW-'J- Y4,TES?id. and Prop.; J ; " - . .V- - Charlotte, jJ. C,. Harm Ammoniatcd Soluble Pteate: '' Mabufact ured, and Warranted by tha? 1 '. NAVASSXUTJAjO'H'P'ANT PBlCBSSPE&iTOSr OF 9000 LBS;, BELIBEB- ; ' ED'Arv7TXMlNGToV.'' ' -'! ' '... . . .;. -.. - ,,.','. V-.-.r JAMES BUTTEB vVOBTH, Chemist and Su-' f i ?.ff!f'; perinteadeati'Wi -A ni ' . , - . . . i i . wrtii iWffc;-' viyilwi;! " .' ' tV rrUlK NAVA8SA0GUANO COMPANYvPF X "WILMINGTON t NW are prepared tb aoceot orders for 4hdr SmraaioK ImmiMTiD Souraui PaoBrkATa, ' Vhich they" guarantee id every respect equal to any Fertiliser in the inanyk the celebrated NAVASSA UANO, imported direct.-from-iva'yaiisa fsladj 1 L, te 'the Company's Paptory, on. Cape- Fear Blver, near. w or nnvrvwav-ta w uuit axo. jacKAis, seo'y ana.-jLTeas'r. , , , Offloe, - street. Wilminarton. JS. C. noyia-ly. Np.(?l Pmaxi, Gjxano. AOSB aV:. 11 E,14 , MIXUB - COTTON -- - v .... ........ 'Fnriiikl)n ' V , . . . ji . .... an24-ai9-tf ' 11 . ; ,1 n .. . . .f 1 7-' ,--" TP . ... XVEFBIGEBATPK3 aftd WATER COOLTSBS V. l' - V . . -v, 4: ' .., No. 19 80. Front 8t f mar a-.tr, .i . .i-. 4.. 3 rNationalHoteU5 4 - AWrJWa1l"fi WMn aV.: .. ' " iiu.WMxnJHj , t; lyh ir eapl'tmYsvare; hVl ? MUIOatJ'ci' Y?,'.--,."1f -TflHE baifdfKg Is flew; S .x. .vervji ,i tioh of ruosi jammea, ana single- Tcoma complete, peautU t fully fanrtsbed, with'an ejetd comfort and oweaicaca, .y A.tAstj j 4 N ;. '.THBDrmOI, Is large and superbly fafnisbed In the most at tractive manner, wmist tne servants are gen- teelT poUtoaad attentive. v '1 fi-- 1- dere u Nlqhohia Hotel strictly a'.i'i .-t-iju' TTTft.aTT.ASa.TTri'PWT. . To cempare. favorably With the best Hotels. North or South ari.w.jir i. . .1 The patronage of the traveling public is re speetfulrysollciired.' t.-"."i- v.: meeTeVtrlbxt caarges as low as any other first-class Hotel In the countryA... , f ' -. -, vij'j. -;'iA;A KtJTJES, Proprietor; t i febi-tf -Formerly of Exchange UotelJ " 1- . c ... r - GOODBICH." . '; ' iAaLYBOSE For Si r ADKiAN A VOLLEESi iJ feb 9-tf BUSINESS CARDS. A. ADBIAa. B. VOLL Adrian AydtUBn . Cor, Front and rclfr? JT' T-TJlOMSSALE WBQCBJW, , IS Ala ita btanqh.es w, m-w. . COUNTBYMEBCHANTS wUl do well calling oa us and examining our Stock. V Y aovia-48-tf T v- -3 EDWiUD J, ASTON, Li. ESTATE ACJEBI14.' ' - ASHEVITXE. ... " BUNCOMBE, COVJSTY, A. c ' and treous tranaactkma between ihemi alHo i! f muuuro((eiuaib . kji jjtvx LiiiDL u nut t juropc. Emigrants to come and settle in the South are the objects Of this Agency. ,. jGOmOSSIO MERCHANT,- :-- ap- .L'imr .:.. r- C"l E-VERJk&ieOMMIfilAlOir 'MorebaatH T - NOBTHVATEB STBEET, : ;, , ; .;.'. WJUnIna-ton, N. c.. win give prompt personal attention to li. salo. or. shipments of; Cotton, Naval Stores. .jrenerai rxouuee, etc., etc. ajso ro recetvtiv and forwardm VIA foods. Orders solicrtod and promptly filibil ept24-tf -v :r ....... itv PROFESSIONALr v L. , ' ""ri;-t : t .- t- -;-v DrS. Sj; 4EVEBITT SUCCESSOR TO Dr. B. P. AUKI.M. TOK, ;: ' . .1 . . : ..-i, . - .Office same as. formerly occupied by Dr. flngton. - ' : '? - i , . ap-482-tr J .' ' IT TORfrfrY: IA T I A II ; ..- V -i. ' WII.MIN OTON, BT. e.' ' OFFICE OJJ JPRINCESS, BETAVKt "Front and Second Streets, oot 1-8-tf . . :. ..... AOSOELTi A EOUS. -luy0t(it ana -- Barry :Bzdthers, fK icmingtont .';!.. . t i-f - : i i 11 helJefppol & Lon doh '& Globe his. Co. AWeis Gotdi $ 1 7 ,6 90 , 3 90 Ujuted'Statesiooo ,ooo '. ' Directors personally rcspon itble for M of (Iu 'Company. , V iBarry Brothers, Mr; i . ... K Gen I Agents. : ' . ; Wilmington, .vt- "prlntrng and Publishing House, Ana uenerai cook jinnery, .,fete7tf Dawson Bank Buildings, Front at. SUMTER' f E WS.H CMTESf-S C ,J, lishod Weekly, Parr A Osten, Proprietors lishod. Weekly, Darr A Osten. PropfTeU ' WM. H. BEBNABD.-Agent. aepts-utf ,i : iWtolagtonk.N. c or. s. i . . f t Published, Weekly; at , .. iWADEBB 0 R 0 .;:-4.'.... At the low rates of a ,5 'Pr A 11 11 n iu . Tils MOW(ACKJIOWIED1ED TO BE 1; bne of the1 very best papers in the State. It has' a varv wide efrculation. and is fully alive to everything that la of Interest to the ie. , CHOICE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Try the Aaous for one year, ( W. H. BikHaxd and Sratnrr H. BaairAaD and Sratnrr A Horsoa Ageut In Wilmington. . AddiW, pl8r.f, ; , iti MoNIELL Editor. 1r: j. rowAaiMifd ' 1 ' a. r. ball. Edvrc8 & Hall, flrocers aM'. .CoiiteRi Hertiaiit-. ...... xJTmj tj w- i :. t,)' "'1.' ' ' C, OUNT It Y- PRODUCE, And keep cbnstanUy on hand a full line o ' ' -.' Grooerieea atJo west cash prices. Vummgtn, i-anuary 4, 1870, tf JWJWl ! BUOUWI pu sBXoq wi f08t ''OV 'qwns '89UWIN wit. r. n it 91SV SHill a V. awispBtb 55 05 'Satvaa jayn saaa ( t9A8) aiaio Figa 5 jcnirjjy "CTtrtr . gy, Vij BOiTioa Bttiftdooo iiava -saaa ' '? 1 nrwYTjr HTafT UU3 " ia aAs aaivM- MXisOB ok tifeilarioii (SiC.) Star, MerohaatS crwSalngtoa and other locan ties, tf extending their business to tJ r. Doe section..' .vj''"' ' V tfsrNJS 8 8' CARDS ai ver!ti sements INSERTED 0N LiBXRAL TERMS, 'whioh may be U-led by applying to . ..1. l,.9Wv-i lw. J.McKEBALt, 'Editor. ioota83j.tn 1 Tie Patriot X8 OWE OF TAB OA- w A. cheapest Nrwapapera p-'cr-r,.,,. 1 cheapest W?P"USSnittles. State. AntWBadical hut A-ioenn xaaxs : ai.tw per year. . v-i,,- clrcu. Bui few weekly papers We atei cm Uation, and o offet superior TO MAGISTRATES AND - CONSTA liES. Peace Warrants. P st JJr"11' Civ:" wi4'.:- c-" ':. V a. --T?'-g- .toi r.:-- 10 I v.oua Hir.fi.BUNAiU)' , iinjj.y j;. r T 1 o x o. .Snectmea AlimAW. , j'I . .i,??lZ7. Oreehsboro., V. 0. JOB PBlNTlNt of every description uem lyl cheaply aad rexpeditfously executed ai TOT PATaie5" Omce f - rt M1, ' Aw- Lboai, BL asks always on band, an low on Casb orders. aug28-tf . V i V .4 1T- ' 1 ' r' .v .; 1 i i ' l I 1 ' C L a ' i

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