7?. n STAR; f ' tKM m i w 1Tt a b u ?Crj cm! BsftrJr mti " iT JEST8 pr week. HubMrl. ' , .ortti f tit trof ,JMiit !"",twl iP" r Mr. WM.' L. ubLOWi tail H.. Sotatli f tbevt: A hv nr. .ivaan j nv tj,ea A" re BVoriMu, "'"'c" ..ecttv. Divisions, to iie eny I'hfcuerlptl.' .:t, ' f I .y- Correspondent mast.' not writ 1u Ah sides of thai' PPr .;;'' " ;. f . , both w.. iMtiDoV- undertake to ' return rejected I CotunaalcUontf. i, : - ' . jg" Obltui notices, 'JHboUss of respect u., are charged half advrt&.iIo" when JwUl for In advauce I ubllcHtioifc In 11 ,,ilicr esses full . ftdvertfclnK, tatc Will ' be f'i " n. a; viucvla rav. o rirfl orxixq t,WMi DAILY NEWSPAPER rUBUSU- EH av xortTir cajioliXjL; v , ; . . . , y r o olJrbnscoV&RrJ ' A. dispatch tVoui,.ViiugtQiii says: A very late letter' tVom Saul Tt.. . , V.- . . . f I. COlltaniS mo iViovyM.S ' Vlli?rll " Uno 01 uio ricwesv Kwlu e.ver waA woa fmin" Wr xdV discover JIVU v J V itf v vh 1 A the mountains t8ixfy myes west f J here. A GcriAau iiainM.Vfckars; f 5 the luekv maThe lldie is f-ur f teet wide, and, as iar aiproepectcd, k estimated td bo wortl $25,000.pe7 ton. The greatest ec tem'ent that I ever saw prevails-hi re-tvf r tho discovery. "KeaVy ary lody; has1 left town for the'mn;.; ' ; A Oatl New(YoVk not a' single, member, ot her denom ination connected with the woman1 suffrage movement. This is -one ot the veryihigliesj;! compliments' that could possibly be paid the Catholic women. JVlay t&ey never, cease" to deserve it. r. The lofty courage an designation with whichCaptaiaWiHiains,of the Oneida, c'otig t bis Blrlp.and went down with heiywere not ilfe tirst manitestations of high pffrici- .1.,. AlL:bsj, .. - - Yie nu uak tuauu in-Hiej nautical. ca reer. In 1S58, when Midshipman nnnnr rrnn TirFr- ft x,uaj-rTi)riv.L ibo hour or i o ciock. tv m.Her f i ; n c.r.JaricUtlmeheJSpkefyrOiywourauirn; Wr ? I over theetraUr10biui' . , ..-;.' lolif wwnai declafGfl'in thn' " urt0 "crop Bchoi; uommiweemen icowi, lone w omau aeciareain uie jaborioff o pubiie highway. , ' i - 'H-.'Ci !.., : 1 Jlcvnoliia. colored, and others advocated the on board theDeiatnrho vajpntecV-MxpQaatKQmen-n ot the liritish shiCledpatra,which they discovered in a linking coudi-. tion. He succeeded in (to use. Ins v y ' own words) u biif iui; every soul," t t.lRT.t peril 'of h;,Ut-efc7T KXTMNSIVE AQUEDUCT SCUBMB. San Francisca. wants J a vmore abundant supply itf .water, hvixsiy cutertain's, . a project "for bringing it in foui'jipea, seven tcet in diameter, from Lake Uigler. The length of pipe wopilfjjjtj one ban- dred and twelve miles, arid the cost ten million dollars; but it- would snpply water to & the .intervening towns, and to theffarmreqiliring irrigation. .: tjQg .1XV0 UXCEtfEXT ' SlXthA (fliDI- The Richmond 'iWhtb contains the following annoifteeTherifc : X A 1 MARRrtllT. MtH.Zi J;-- Yocno Martin kixb' .Qrnzxta In Salt Lake City Utah; on thd ICth ult., in the presence ot tho Saints, Elder Bri;bam Yonng to Mrs: J R. Martin, Miss -Iv'M.' Pen- dergrast, Mrs. R. M Jenicksom, ! Miss Sasie P. CleVekndanct :Miss Emily P. Martin, aU of the coimty of Berks, England, ifo cards. V '-' LOBBYISTS. " The follawin fesolpMoa has been introduced in thej Wiflconsin JLegiV latnre: ' . '- !- Resolved, That all persons acting irftb capacity of lobbyists shall; during flie re mainder of the session, wear, a badge on their hats or caps, or iuji conspicuous' place on the broadest Dart of the nerson with the name of the scheme, they repre sent plainly printed thereof.' ?-; ' m. l"" How to repress! disorder 1n Ireland is about toreceiyo a vigor,: ous solution. r The 'BriU4bt Cainet- .na to'pro claim districta jn which troubles Wist. Extrao'rdinavv'i-tftvcfiisi nt'ar. rest and detention are granted to Magistrates, 'tolice and Jurj f trials' aic in certain cases' to" bo dhoensed Mrith. ni tftAi!!.' tx ' i 11 v.u i ncf eased. . . This Vmeasti rrj. n j "vicHiu. .i.iuiikiuvhuiu'I Wlll reduce Ireland -ttlinoVt to; the tuition of Georgia ft'rd Texas, were no law exists Bavatlje will of th Radical miiiUrVrai.8.0 'm A man at t Lowell' MassaT ' usetta, has made a -provision in bla will that ho must U buried in a bufglar proof safe when lift dies.' uas aecided upon Introdncing a bill t'35 -. rMBSpiii t An lament, giving power to thei u,Apeciatto.th8 Avaiancn luuienant ot irela t3" It idaid tba" James' Gor- don, Joennett; nev.ev roade a 'speech uu la Sim iuujkul wi vueen.y ic-, tofia." , K v?vV, LegiSlatme'ofN6rth"arolina. ' ; . 7' 'JsroniTE.'... J-; . Bv Mr.'Joues of Columbus : Bilh to chamca the line between l)ie counties of Bladen and Columbus. - -f - 0n his motion tne rules were suspended, jtnd the bpi passed its sevcrat readings. , ; BiU to repeal in act creattaz the penlten- tlary Commlasun. i" k .t i ar j Ir. Stephen moved the Indefinite oot--1. ponement of tie bill. -. - - . Mr. "MjyUnle called the previous' que-, lon, which was sustained and the bill, passed lis secona J-otainc r : v, , - , ,j lyjfjr- AkKSDAR (BSST7MXS.Y '. .1, . a. W -..It.'?'' sr .Bill to prA'lde (or calllnsr Convention of the peoplebf North Carolina, was taken tvp, J Yeas A( 'Nays 23.' ; " - ' ...lltrUaEOT RE PRESUNT ATI VE8. i. .On siotion of Mr. Lonir. oL-Klchmona, th'o bill'). authoHainffttho Commissioora of Jrcknood cowtity to levy a special tax -was fnkiUui and Dassed Its second rcadfnff. veus motion of Mr. MiTbnc, tbe UN to declare L'Tw orvi(icrco in cetwin cases was taken fin motion of MrVestal, tha Senate bilMo UrAuiM the Supreme Court of the State to - aiiine all applicant for license Vto psactlce lrpr was taken np sod pasted Jts thirc. read- of. 'Mr. French, the Vooserrpro-: Mr. French nominated nated Mr. -Moortf ..of tied Mr.-Jarvs ' 'A-l Chowan. . . m Mr rtnrhnm nominated (Other nominations were made Id a Spirit Of" lestf therefore, the Reporter; olU them.) '-, - mr. xtioore 01 uugwuo j-emveu oo vpves. . Mr. jarvu aa. . ..- .r i ; M. MendenbaU 5. . , :i' Mr. ProfflU2. " r .- .. ! MrJ Kelly ol Davie 1.. , Mr. Moore of Ckowan-was anivouhced as elected Speaker of the House from. and after Mr. Foster moved to lav it on the tabic. --.A vote belnp taken tbe-motion prevailed by 1 rotn nr inni m nnn I . . - .. By Mr. Malne: A resolution of (bank. o Jos. W. II olden,. Esq.. late Spcato .of the fThotules wftrt' suspettded And the resolu tinnJiraC nnMminilii a1rntit ' .TiejInIlnJtan-What It ; Was; Yhjr OrsunizeO. -and A word about tbeKoyKlux. Ther'o. s Jiwsuch-ord.et now i iu existence!!''. Those who ciainiiu reprcBem if avo-simprj onn dits. ' The genuine Ifa-Klux nevec existed oatslde of Tennessee,, pnd existed.there only o a limited ;extot 'ani, for a.: brlcl peruxl. . .The Government had wittidrawji its protection from tlTe people. ' 'Brown low hacl. organized a'.trotp 'oh.rflviqj mtlitia, comrjQsad chiefly ot ncgrrtcs and oincfcrerl . pynjaytf tiwbom Le had par- (1 biUlcanjwBr i beinV hywimd",Bnt"titTin -col bfoon.VNonBamoi- wu3 secure.. No life was safe. . The ouTts were closed against tlie people. Jue ffwlaws that'jvcre al low'cd'to remain on tbe statute books, were denied tlem. Th mitW.. portion f the oiuiu wua in vuuiuii;wiiiniii,uji suuf mtii- 4xtrtecttoivWas Ahe onlf setrurttr wi(hm reach of citiMnsJvThc!KS:Klax Klin was a pareij'derensiveTga.ijitaiion,-,, nurn bered the oldest, best' and most rxfaccabfo men. -its spirit.was jndicialf its acts wTe ocoerij, snails purpose was seii-prcserva fionT TlVTjUffhr its-brief but' beniffn !n fliienceuordcr watretored. '-leffal redress was trrted, lhe official -robbers 'and. as-1 sassins uiaperseu. bucicij- seniejj- into its iloVmat 8tae.,Titu ilbe Ku-Klux KlaiMraarshed s rnystdrioosly aocWnnise leasly as It iiftiti; appeared, .and wepray4 .God it rnsv jrever again become indispen sable to the .peace of aqy neighborhood in 'any part of the "Uhion,- Layinille "Voa- TI10 Impndent llak, J rM Again. The Eri$ railroad euf, (the latest one,) in.Ncw Yorkjinvolying'Bye millions in the airland tock ""Which Xrt Vandcr bilt, tye,.val king,1 agreed to: carry, is going n , before". Judge B.unard, and Gould and Fisk t av bocn on the wijoeSs stand.' , . 'jLS..matiyer,' fit' course the) testtf mooy4srichI',- Fislfaaysihe was never be fore qp the stand, but once, sKiiat that was io tbe Country, 5n a cow'cascu. He acknow ledges that he is a resident of NcV York L'aince last spring; VWore Jhat (when It was convenient Jor Jegar porposesj be lived in JJoistaii. -Fisk says fbatiie well remembers tha dayie went-into-Ihe Erie direction; it . -ft-u eftft.' Jt: i VuvuiuuraiMurioij tu wMita-epiauuB in nli life; he had nogray b daiec his ray hairs. trm was ertoftgh tor' make" them, gray,-mora robbery being pcrpetratctr than ;cver saw before,' 1 ' " - ' If the- balance of thcr-evldeoce oT Fisk', Jrcan be ereited the Wafl-street mag-4 nates hold Spicy Opmions'of apli. other.' VaoderbilVwV aae lot d,Iiinks Drew not betjer.thftn a batter pudillng," and rFvsk aerceS with" the, Compiodore. Next wd, have certain speculators likened unto an arrival lull of 2i d0rs.T, As jard jibe snltlrself, on Is sCbewildlred 'by ,tio nonchalance witlLwhk;1.millfdb't)f dol lars are. referred t? they were sd mny brasbutton9 (hat It irdiuit lo arrive at any' cOncTiUildn Ss tolls merits. -A tele gram states tht.tRl exami6sj.ion of .Fisk wasebncldadj esterday and the defense moved tbe dismissal ef the ,caseH on the ground that it was brought in a spirit . of maglignaocyT i Fuftlier proceedings 'wore' postponed tf th.28thlnst. . - ; , Sllaxlaslppi IiCgfisIattir,ef s, March nV. . JmnxJaCK in -the Rt ate Senate bills were- iotroducedtdfroate new counties bf .Lincoln; Union, ' Prentiss nd Ilam'rltorL; alsoguaranleeing alt; persons, frredC4veiori)lor, equal nghfs- ph'rail- roads nd steamboats and in betels Mr. Gibbs sail sucH' legislation Killed tbe re pUi can party in Louisiana. and Tennes see. -After-a heated discussion the j. bill was fiaaItyTeictre4fto thll jntUcfarf feW mMei Teresoutro'nwhicli p-aascdlhe nuiuB wirij-Y in rcieruuco tu iub vitv uon or ien. Ames to tne unitea tatcs Senate wasaken up ancRablcd. 'The op- fosiJion to Ames is, daily "growing, and i( s expected the senatorial contest will be hotly contested, - An atteniptss mado to day to elect IfcSfatevlibrariin,-but was unsuccessful on account of .the number of candidates. It js thought MissIIiglitale. colored, will be elected. . Pht extenaing id Germany; triers tf Teutonic vereion is said to be vsay popular. ! kW??1 WKESI'S AD llttj .8. r. fV-Vs " ' , - the - j Xntioiiai ' . Ranks The' Fr;8liad'"Ylrfg : f a W TaVtj l'IatiormKUnc Out t15;1 Cttn tind ; Ilati Hers ;HIoiiey aa 'trnlailrijf flife dtHnm '- irT- " ''iVVC- r?r;-!'t-.'- :,5! , - immvuii Aawi U1UUU 9 UUlceiJ be. people of th, :Uaitedc States? seta ojuf with, the asSfertion -tftetr; the- legislature of the. whole.c6untryi is in the "haridJ, of a' sihglii .'ftasa ivers and under tbe supreme tjontrol of banker, mqpeyed ieov and-professional politicians, in the almost iitire i exclwn of tb'efprodoetive.klasses wuo-aretne real sources pvalhpur weaub .uLuunjid yjqTiuress uave no.uope io: party olUiciaoi: i''Thcy-', iave been Hried ana found w&ntins:. After one hun' drf' years of their administxation we find ourselves in pos3essioa of natiQnaVdel)t, of 12,400, 000,000; i Star rtftd focal debts; rwtnc country lntLe bntls)f JTulroftcL companies and ohcr nionopocsj'taf es men, editor finapciejs anck pSliticiais1 clauierins' far return to a cuecift VY)a$is? a symptom wliicllBsf-xlcstrucfivc.and lia; i a -. a : i - Q . 1 tpcray : disorganized .-labor : Wasted! cpniDerco ;,a lartd toiU,OLmurd(yL'eoitide,H He corroption private yice,. aacf interonef-i nce : a drvideoV interest ' and f a "divided: people fAll theSo and' nioVbwo: find,; andH tncrepr aemana. a surfenae ot thepow-. ;rau loug auuaen.. ; xu inHmg -lOia. OS-, mand j we nave ntf eornDrohiisea to offer or' aixepL-rv7e rnean "no "bargain and- sale oH out higi 'tniata or thVpeople'sinterest for I the peneljt of anyarty. . "v'-V f ... THHATIOIUJ. BAN CON8PIBA9Y. r rj 'It Is undeniably tfuethat i taeGovern ment.naa issuea 3eu,wu,uuw:creenuacjcs in iicq ofllip bonds deposited to secuthe; reaemption t)iue panK-crrencyit0ul have saved everyddllav ofr the interest?, otr -4 hem -xcot tbjJOe je qvuivjax ,on flei hav futpished the pco'nle Jwithc a Itetter currency. .The bankersnot satisfied withf this enoriqous bonirsr?hve: the effrontery to demand the witbdrawaic of 4 the green- backs now.in circulation, and, the substit- tiorl ' of their Own. currency. If success-! ioi, we sMaif sooff nave as mucli as f l, 000,000,000 of currency in circu4atioa , r aooltben, wlien-tue ,profit$' arising Cronv rurnisning tbe currency into tbe vaujts pi lite uanKs ana pocKeis oi im usurers, we stuvu near noming more appueoaiiauon 'until the next breakdown, ' i THE WORKlilGMpa$UBttNCT.; We-are in fayor of" discharging that portion of the debt heretofore ontraetee, which is by The law authorizing its crea- tion made parable in gold; In that -com modity! and of liquidating' it at "the ear- Jiesf practical nipment; but we insist that atl other Yorms f indebteaness, including toemvetwenty bonas; snail bepaicrathc earliest Option. of the sGoVernment ;ln the 4egaV lender paper"? curreney or lawful money ot.ttve government rlhat the bank .. .. j. ft ' . . . . . rouir tllctl TlicreoXasltheiexcIUSl va cin.laiHic .uw iiv Afcxftjfar, pmurw untivnvj marte legal tender in the payment of all debts, publicand nrivate. duties on im- trports incThded, and declared tbe lavlut r -ruoiicy vi iue. uniica oiaics, ana converti ble at tho'v Dleasuri! -f the hn1rW4nto . Govcrument bcfhU; bearing an interest.of -three ptjr cent; per annum-payable m law- IUI money. Jhe bonds to be likewise con- vertible into this lawful money at the option of the boldest '. V !.--'"- " . " '-. .r t aTT ft TftW Vftft ft T VUftn v ft Wv the JSoch a currency, beinrf under the "direct controj of the people, 4hey will be enabled : -to prevent thcbigh, and ftuct gating rates of interest and tbe violent expanses . and cpiitrattious oXthi currency wtdch 'bay a rxtlaoil fhA mnnptftm T?a!a anrf Knramaiw!.) rcynlsipns which have, heretofore so fre quently rjrosrated aU legitimate enter pise and productive 'industry, .deranged commerce,, ' lowered the standard "of com mercial integrity, ud made us "liitloiless than" a'nalionoj(. gamblers. . It will like-" wise, enable ris to effect the equitable dis tribution of tho products of industry and enterprise between capital and labor, thus removing mo uccestiijr itn- mo excessive A -11 1 1 ; - . . , . toil which is now over-taxing - the mental; tucryics nuu jmijsiom puweia ui (lie Pir dueing classes, and afford the timc and roeaas requisite for isoclal 'enjenieut tn1 telleotual- culture, and terki improvement n.-'i'Ui .. -..v. - iv,., . u . n WHO FATS TlTB'IHTERfiST. , i tr'ATl'Iotere8tlpai4rhe; tlSftVofmo iey rlationklf StaoorstTj': oytown'1 bpnds'j failfqad; CauulactijQng, rallotner, corporation bond, bank dividends,' or tot anv buftrK'vahateverlnbst' ihlibe Vend be. borne by, labor; and ia as much a charge national wealth, the -inevitable results, is to centralize tae'welthr.'probertv in the Jisnds St. the5fewnonroducfert,? and 'to. imp)verisna52degraqe . tinp oveaiui-pro-aucilri? clsscj- Tbe Government is bound I to institute. nioney so thSt ifshalHdistri- bute products 4o x nott-producfng cipital, t an'd'productive industry accordiogl'to the service 1 ftAbol! erfoxmevl irtlTeiiiproduc tion. Therefore, all inteitdZjaeyond uh just rate, as wiir effect the, ggaiubj ej .distribution of products ana property -4e-tween capital' and labor s.- a legalred 't$od pntho producing classes. J " raa TBWiGi.ia'FOB JH . masx'wt.' 7 - - Our monetary Jaws; unlike our lo-ei?i-J infent,arei founded roil the aristocratic principle that- 4thoV"few?sbpuldi7ule the many, , The many toirforlheJew.'" Tbeir nistoryfrom-the foundation ljoT the Ke Lpublic is one oV repe'atedTj-rrongs and .usurpations," an, .naving a: direct tenuaacy to the Subversion of democratic republican institutions, inf pf&io.K nvoneved aristoiAcy to ruX o ver and aes-. I poil the producing . classes of iheir ul s&rie6,.fAffsrg rMiwI Alius. w nnfnftinn ..frYila. unAniltlll .'ill f l wndecer.we unfortunatbly engraitetl into . . x - -. rf. v' t . j jr oor nj s;uf lcreas oit money, uenveu iroui the aristocratic governments -of urope, and ever'sicco thisv. m&naved aristocracy .has. beejMtriyingfor'lliaT mastery. "of the Government nov people.- The--breaking -out of the rebellion affordedihe oocasion for theutt" exhibition vof the, insatiable . t avarice of tbeooeylaetdcrats:-4- Having, through unwise and vieious4egslation,;t: a great exteSt control of the money interest oflhe nation they seized , with avidity this opportunity. to render'' their power over the Government and people absolute Their first act made it Manifest that they did .not intend to she with, the patj-ibtio idostrii classeValJe.Uurtjehs .and aacri fices 'necessary tor the preservation of the Government, but .tp enrich 'themselves' at tbe experift-s ot the people, . : . j&xisxzHa BViiftS. . - . Tpp .address, remarking that it ls the cheap Qfl'piial' rather' than the cheap labor 1 v wasted : . much ofiliar most 'fortrln laixl' every ten .'years, ktb us . demonstrating Its' utter iBmpetency V ' .a :' moneyed arls- currency 'ana tne present legal fenders t- (g n fi n n V i Xalutllbe jjit i th dra w n c.rcnlatiou, ami -tlken' khalt h toanVfr-in- 1 rm larwAr m tlm tavva nin n f lift ennnArt. airatben-lle4 ,.T A " CH: w, 1 - - w -T 5 I nr fhA I Jrvnrn in An t Wlifm Tho -rotA ot. 1 ceeus too nggrrgaie rai t i increaso in tne 1 Uf Europe 'that 5our "manuaciurtrs need' f protection against, proposes hat p na supplyjts own money ."without interest; Ipr tho people. .' Hie addresais signed by It. JPTrevellick; A. T' ?ayis; X. Kuhm, vaijcf others, officers I the National Xabor fniederaloBonds-l TA document was received trj - Depart Confederatellonds Bfnch;X.i8t. aflthe f Trea-' from a- Dartvwin. Wadesborougb. - N. 'C--iCQntaiBinff the; 'Barnes ot 836 residents of that place,, end snowing the amounts subscibca Dy them.. for'Confederate bo4fir6m March 24th fo April 4th,1864, W be" $306,700, but wheth er in "gold, greenbacks -or. Confederate monevtlie document doesVnotv ? state- iftft i,i. . m. i '' 1 V JL ,ipiacK hss is gonen uprio marie xne. .1 1 . . 1 A. rfft ft -. -WTT buuscrioers lor omciai : veaseauce. train. ."-AicVergyman Te'marked ovjer theTzTavei oi a triclcy-.. politician- who i, wasMievef knowrCto do- anfiing'-without sqme aint 'r' eolation to Ihs friistrna if they Tconbs'have, ; pr Lawrerice jW6nVan'sFrienoV, Cures dcasiea 'pctuilbir to female. r. 1 .VMISCEI.LAiTEOU'S: Awi sih'ftSldvA lirmor btiy hia iIXWS JXiOWS that seoeived th diploma at the Agrl CAtfur&i yats, add can afford to sell thum o you a chep aa Otbers aU. -. -j -i . Xhatfs the-Reason, why t.. ,t "r " wnysuooia verjr planter Jmy.'JUs Hoes SbeVler, Hat gutters. Stiovels. gppea, Aud -all 5eVaose Beeefs a-Iage yarfeiy otJe best. pattemtuid pf'sncJixpoif iualtty3lie knows will serve sa CIS I ifttetioa-toiis 'customers besides ma kin em Cooper, Carpenter and bis tools iajjaBUppJle of fTBlaeli sihithy ? BStoLiak Bfl etin tUeV b atraoUd wtth toAla "aVUeJs rIces an41iis. stojclcpls iwajrs I fftftl. .. 'I . ' t . i. ft. 'ft : - a - " I Why should every .WlieeJwTJgbt, Saddler anu tvaoemaicer nay mm Jaoooi t ' . - , Because bhvpricW suit j ooj hi goods arS Wliv-shoold-evef-vBolldRr uadtitltrtAr:fmv A L IS Lift ?bV. Vy I. 1 . . -' ft. BetauseJMlne.tl Btokft -Boors,-' Blinds, Why ought everybody to buy of Jacoblf A Because be tries to ftfrnisB you the beat 3odsQrheisaaiotiey. Boca nse lift far a Southern man dom aridlUl - - ..... , . . M irm cutaoiitMiiTMn arc ljih same, - v v. AndrBepause you owightjto, ; -7 t:.- ' , JACOJU'6torlotrSarl8.,,.l" v uero w lison aseft to Keep. - - .- jv v j-T; a "Stand nrd Priodi&; 489. KxruBuspsn by.t&X Lsonakd Scott Ppblish. ' 1. TninbiTTirhew. "4 it . ThlaJa the oldest of thaeries. li its kna: feaAarea It still follows In 4.he.nu.tn tuAckI out by Brougham, Jeffrey. Sydney Smith atf AAnfulhntnwi - 2. Tbe LoodoirAnartMrl KeVltr. which coiunieacea T& IBstoJuIj wih th u ilium ry 11 niiun!. vw BvHftiiQtJua rival vO the KDiB-Birficravlf rcsolafelyHpiln tains ita ,-KOfll DC literary aOHityithis levtow U 1 as ilaiog-1 a. l-vel wiriftfeomrUtorsilt itb4dvooata- of ponticat and mtgio I liWrf Asta . - now in Its Ust-roloHifiyocKinpieXft- vary blgb nosition tttmu-todiaLl Mrasarei Taastna- be yond the narrow- roruiaUsnt- ot schools and, -was eommenaed 6 i years agQ..EinaniDg xh jaairerues in its literary ana -uoienrirrc ie- partments, it has worn a wiuw reputanan for ; v !b the narratives anQ skeiclreS which 'en lTv eh its' rrj j:.v"'if.V J : ,''frina mju fc - w . Fdr arfy one of tnejcetlews,.':f f on per an4. For hnv two of thnliirifc.i..7 o- For anyhre of the' KevtewalbxO" For all four of the J-rh-wsy. .li 00 vM, " For Blacltrwoodlifaatrnr.rn7 - ForI9avnKdnxLojnaRAVlewr00,r,t.4 '7, loritmcKirottrMntnT swo ui the Reviews. . . .77. ...... Z.. J& M J For Blackwood and three ofthe" .c - ft'-- Reviews; n....T. r.Ti.ZiU Joo-'' V HkJ.K.ft4 ..vr? . ft. ft. ft- rt -1 t - ' ' oiau&wwvnuu Lftfto wui xwr S' viowa. ... ...ISbn , L . Single f .rho Kiira publia I quarterly; Black. wood's Magazine is monthly. Volumes com- incw; luntuutii vr. . . - i .0 n.i. li ' " H A discount of TWENTY FR UKNTNwiUbe allowed. to clubs or lone ojrMBore persosw, when tbe periodicals are &tfo rme uddrtu ' -ft' 5 iJSf , ... .. . - Thep8rAgeoncuiTtt8uJbs3rlrUpnsi toany part of- th United .States M T WOCKXTS number, to be prepaitlattUeofiiceof delivery. For liaclcftumboi-athe postage ia double. . -."ft ; 1 "l'y"' i - ." '-J j irr! t. Prtiaians i Vsw Sssserisen. - Kew Subscriber to any.two of the -above periodicals to 1870 will b entitle to reeeive prratja any ow of the fovn Bsvuews or 1S03.. Jew Subsoriberato all the five.iuay , ieceiv Blackwood, jttvx Xb9&evimiov i868. m i . ' . SuTwripeM ayijy applying early, obtain bait tha current 8fricriptioa-rie. r vlftft.vlVIIVl'IWMIuu t. i i. .. ii . . .. cj, aft ft ft ; dlseount to Clubs, nor reduced prices for pack hlAiftKnft.4mfth4niyfta 4-j CiihiftlKAM .ftft.. Anmnersv can do auowea, hissd ine -money is remitted dibxct to th ryBi.iscrua.' j- -No premiums can be given to Clubs. -Th J an nry- numbers were printed from new typei and. arraagemeuta have bemn .made -which, It is hoped,, will secure regular and early publication. -w - . . - - - j i.i-i uj mm w Muwts 'r uonairnBJF'i'r " . . u- -.. . i4ftFUl,TO feT.? X. Y, r The Iu S. PUB. CO.. also publish th .... ...,. u f- -HJft)Tini' ajnldff- - - ft-'ft' i ,. bV HEXBT'8TEPHENS?F. R! 8.;or KdUii' - bnrgfaa and the late .j: Pf NORTON, Proressor- pr bcientino Agncniinre in xaaeuouege x vols.. rOval Octavo,-1.600 pasres and numer ous engravings: Price, T$ By mail,, post-J paid,8.:. .- - .fi; 1 jan ar 1 : ' .' t .rKOSPECTUB ' - OW THE . rf ; w. v DAVIDSON. MOJi THLY. " TIHb" 8tndents of Davidson CoUeget X. S. JL proposesiasuing a Monthly Magazine, to be devotea to iiiieraiure, ocmsiich uiu vi u It will also contain th6peeches delivered an- n luftf tha m I.ttjintrv RiwlctlML. Tha Mafrazlne win contain about forty pages, ana otherwise. wUl be about tbe Sizepf Black"- J wool's Magaaine, It will b underthe super- T' n .tTiiumihmnf Rnslnr Clnaa- viaion of aix members of t1 Senior Clasa-4j These are eiectea tnree lrota eaou owiy wr it will be their honest endeavor to see tnaC nothing shaU appear to-tho magazine which is not written in aehaste'aad elegant style. The magazine will be contributed,, t, from time to time, by some of the most eminent writervof thU ndFother Stiites.' c We emUy eplicit the eoopevaiioa of ail those who have a deisire to aid in building up a high standard of Southern Literature and any contributions to tlrl etd, wi b thankally received.- v . " icruii w Banwripw . - . . t Sbigle subscriber, fZOft. A club of six, 1L . A club of twelve, 118.00. , The first humber will be iasoed h First Of JaJiuaryUthsnbseriptiori,'li8t will Justify It. 8uD8oriber--will - pleas forward 4 heir names, with full address, to the editors of tha; avidson Montlftily-,at-IaTldson ColiegeJ, C The'Autpras money, after- defraying the ex penses of pnblishingHhe magaslne, win .be eaaUiridid,between vha two societies "' Wm! A. MlXNERvvSjrV & SMITHVift. ' , S. HJENRYBELftW, ; K. A. RAMSEY ; . J. Kft H ANKlNi ' - ' B. P. MOALPIXK. , - P. 8. Money can be sent- by Registered Let ter, or by Express. Money jtent try-"Express should be directed to Charlotte, as it is the nearest Bxpres Office. ' novMtt . ascerfJa.ine(JTrls.raotiTeil1l timsuddeniv IcavIngbemvT ' - f-V;C! maiiag wie pticca-gry- low. . : . . " wnv snouici ev i wueui BXjireaaiyno joh n,ueu, anxioua jraiuta, vns, ruy,w cvryjtinu. at jsaua era Hardwaxo. - Jnet what yoa wast, -ttod.Ms prices and goods axe boomd to oit youv . . r That's tho reason wyix - T . " opposition in poiiues.mvi snows cqoai vigor in Its Ifterary Oewantrmnt v Szi H has font closed its : ASd'. volume-- In' cotnt. 6f Reviews are published H BOOK 33INT3ERY. BOOtK BINDERY nVH . II. HEItN AIU Prop4r. T,-. . Dodoson Bank luildmgx ' Front V T 1 -2- V---. . v ISGJ4.ND rUBLlSIUKU-lloysR, I have in op- C- . v- .. .4 . r , ration aCoinplet MOKrarEBXA -.ft-v-- " .V:'- isLAXIal BOHVM ANirrACTOBT. includ lintf aFIBST CpASS RtUKeHAClrtllfe f-- .'V .... ;:.. , .tW '' .'- fw unsurpassed tacilltles enable rue to eec-. fcuVe. allwOTk: in"thW alwvV lines t JLCrW RATES, with the atmo Ulapatebftd themottSVPCltloi BTYit":-: ? I ajn mann EaatuHag to Ibrde-. LEttGfES; 3t" ' ''' !. -JOiLTitNAi, ' ". ;v? DAT BOOK CASH BOOKS, ft-i ... BLOTTERS, . A - sv - RECORD BOOKS," - r .-ftVr ;T -TRIAL: D0CKET8, : EXEcirriot jdockets; v MARRIAGE- BEdlSTERS, I C ; -." ANDALL OTHER B.L.A irK:-,B-0;0 KS. T ...-;.-'i.T -USED BIT CLERKS; - 7- V UEGiSTlSti, -v- '.''s' r'' -BAITERS, - v .. . - RAIL ROAli) COM?iifiEsM5.f... INfeURA.CE COMlfAmfes, &c! .-. - . i.. - .ft ' ... r - ''--'. jtk' - f; - .;.fti.--t-;. B l- 'STTTftD I H -If ft-' . i?ROMrvrLY ; AtTENDED TO, . T; .ft BOOKS, . .7. AMHLETS. MAOAlKESiV .1 i K ri - , -c:.. ;.." KERIODiGliS, !r r y r.:u r- - ' .t. I ER- FILES, ;; I A 'HU8ld;&c., &c, &c, urrd In thd nearfesi-and -most substantial . .. ... TJ . , ....-..,.,..:-, manner, and at Modarate 7lnea. ' ' '1 Modirate ! JV (i-. . ?f . . . ..'ftv . ftia-rA sr. ...,-;'".i?7 , PAPEEE'TTLE-D ..tSft--, ; fc .. ... . ,,U --iftM . ' . . - IN-ANY FORM DKSIREBV ' ' 7": ' SpeoaU afteation gi-eiBllBWll I MO OlftD BOOKS; SlUllNff AMD -LET-- - TRISe HTH1I. BOOKS, 1 PKATEB iJ.-fti -?:? Jv ..4i ,.- . tft.T-w ,1 ';tJ-r'::t .: 1Sl.f-;-- ' --i BQOiU.TBIHIftftES,. Ae. J . . - ii.- i. .. ' '"-r -!ft Send your orders to - - . -.-r r s silt f ' - - ft-- "ft fti ' ftfti- ' ".ft! ' - -a-'V ..:..:.n; A .-i.tt--r.V .: Frinting.and Publishing H6usc ff Vud.xteMral ittok Biiidry, itU - V- r' .M .st'f "'..-- ifl-vi-ii "ft. ...; WII.mNGTOM. lv. Cs MISCELLANEOUS. , -TO ECONOMISTS. v , ..v-7 " ' ; . - ; ABvunnn . The Winnsboro News FAIRFIELD. HERALD. -'-t J2 Published b uTiviTA'DnbA a rriHK LARGE ANtV INCREASING CIRCU- JL lationof the above papers, (tri-weekly aud wdcJflv) In the turner Dortiou of Soul uou oi sou 1 iv :ors In savlux Carolina, rail t the Proprietors In aavlu hat they our as Kood Inducements to at vertisers as anotlMr papers in the Mate. A.uvrnstjmtmta eollcltco. DiSSPORTEi SWlLXftIAMS . V.O., Froprietois. (Septln THE, Eastecn - IntelligeKper, rfjbllshe.l every Wednesuay, atV . . t WASaiiroTOS, X. C, . 7 . -'W,.' .Dr. J. r. Lona;. A ..Jl. 1 McImov. No better advertising medium in Eastern v. ;,Noi-th Carolina -y, . . .. . JSabcrlptln,, ljrrr, S3 snnla 91. V1' .- ' Wv II.' RERXABp, Agent,; . 'dee tUfV.. "' Wilmington, jf. (& r.iEiwiki BILL lyiADS, m. NOTE HKADJGS, J CIRCULARS. -7 ENVELOPES, !4 "STATEMENTS, j .."STOTE ; J- TAGS, and ?'' . EzeeutM hi tne1esiEiinfer7andatthe shortl m.wi'i I estotlce, at the. '"N 7? v '' vjr , . Bugar House Syrup in bbli, -."i.'-iraraieryy- r -j sr..-. .. . (..-w .n'j' ; . v. " ' ! feirv-tir. v- - s V AbRlAtf ik:voLLER;j 0iilomBMtons;5r -i V.Vbi r-r ... ,i KIIHI1KIJ4 4I.N IUN niJTXUHB. -.V. r JLVl . . Fwale by isjmV WILLARD BROS. ' . tf .--if v! LBS irEVf 7RI1C.Ere8tf beaf4 and very ohoice, In tore and to arriVe -.For sal by j, maVltt f gt7 virflKr Bttflft ;HOTEija&a;. rr ; ,.. v. - -..Vjj.. ,:7,v--a. CTJITOElIO USE, -1 rl -; ".' Airn ; bss-i.'r -: ,' r--- ' - V ' - ' - -..-.(ft- i--M-fttJ.ftft- VtTHERB SUPTEIOlTsEGiRS AND-BOTS VV4:TLErLIttJueBS can always be Jiadin connection wHh, that 8ujpeTior.jl.rand of I 0HEWIHG. TOBACCO,' f7 .v:.-f"i 4-;-usos-.. ,".-. furnished Rooms, by Day, Week or Month. -deftlO-tf- ' J. A.' CLIFFRp, Proper. " INSTJRA( OT1CC3.' r MAIIJHIt AID tFIRE - fflSDRalNCE. ,4- . -t 'V w o k asiy Nic n j conti n ujgs to effect both M ARlKahd FIBB IN8Vlf JaMCE irrthe BEST COMPANXlES and upon thdHos r rlvonABl.B tekm. 1 -; I r i "Alltse4?rj5toptI adj usted.' V iiSOH H. WILDER KiNSOilli t- tW . - Tiftftt Wftftftft Vft.ftn Oftfti W ii ftn Oft. ' sept 27 if ' ' y fft , , ; .. TONSOIIIAL.?, V 7-. . ' ' 7 ':. 1 . Saloon, TtyrfLES HOWARDRKSPkCTFUliLY IN XYX forms his old mends and thepubtio eenerallv that be has- otened . JfirBtJlass ' Shaving and Halr-Cn.tting Saloon.ln Dawson- avenue, aiagonaiiy opposite 7'8tar" -of-Sce,-where The momlse his patrons every ' comfort that polite and shtllfulbarbers, clean towels ami soarp razors can afTwd. - :. Shaving 1ft cents. Hair Cutting 2S ts. ' eetmtf -, , - - t1 C i CONTlNU TO,RCEryE EXTRA WORK from empetent and polite workman at the;..;, ''.iii.-.....rT,7i. - . POCLABSUAyiNG SALOON, ,Ko. 11, North Front-st. - Additional patronage respectfully solicited. .- R. Pkhkib. ,J. n CAKRAwfr. C. K. Clkapob, dec4-jrf ;.i t.J i;lV.-.f"i ' ,k MISCELUANEOIJS. ' Onward r Upward ! HAVING MET WITH SUCCESS, FAR BE yond our expectation, in th publication fthet . ...ft- , .-. . i . . . CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, we take this metliod of offering our papers, " i . . ; . ' L ! ' i' ' ' .' . . ' v Jiiuyf Trl.Wkly Matt Weekly, ". " .,A.C"''-; --. ' . as among. thef nest. adferMslng mediums in ft Advertisements oUcrted Terms moderate ft lMTTJfflSt PREMIUMS f , . , "WoiTer vrvn-valilaible ArricultHral Ptm. - ?ft. v-. L umb to persons getting un Clubs for the Week- ly uoterver. Mr see posters v ' L. . ... v -iw-.- SMITH, WATSOV , 1 jc:, 7 ' it7r h . ':. ' . - - Charlotte, X. C . ftr . augsi-tf fXTHE wAtCHMAN. Bublishied at Sumter. 8. is on or tne oiaest ana eaeapest n e ws papers in the State, and has a much larger circulation than any ' Other newspaper in the section In which it 1 published. 1-j.. . . y i.1.., ,-r. The Merchants of Wilmington cannot, find so'good a medium for oommunlcatins with the business men of Sumter and planters of the surrounding country. Address GILBERT FIX) WERS, Propr's, ; ' or apyly to. Wk. HIjBbuakd, Agent, wumtogtol; n. c: ; -" s-tf sept 3.1 pRiimire -BAIITMOKE: HOUGH, CLENDENIG & CO., CottbiliPactiMrs, ;r Bacon, iArrl & S.upplies Generally,' Ko. 124 South KnUw Street, 1 . , BALTIMORE, MD. ; RanRWicitfl -Hona-ins. Harden A Kemn.Can oy, uupin a jow, renniman a itrow uamei atu ler A Co., Howard, Cole A Ckx-Baltimore: M . MU. Ureenwooa, now Orleans j CJ. Vr. Button, icsq.r burg, Va.; Wm. It BeraardTWilmlngton, N. C. ; 7 .j-. ,.-. v.,v ' r- : The te Great .TeSal Bemedy; - Fai Mkn aaa Burt. ' - . - reprnttttion ot (his pt-e pa ratios -hi ( wdl Ub- . lishad, Viat little need be aaitf lit thi oonoection . . un mn it has never failed to cure FAIN r UL -NERVeUSVAFFECTIOXS' COVTRACTINO MUS CLES, 8TIFfTfESS AND PAINS IX THE JOINTS, . STITCHES fnthtftSlDE0rBck.SrllAIXa,r;RniSK3. BURNS, SWELLIiqS,CORNSnd FROSTED FEET, Person! affected with -UheomatUm can be effectually and permanently cured bjtaaing this-yonderfulftpiTpa-mtion; itpeneteatestoteahwrsajDoneimafediately on being applied. , '". : -n. fin K Tofcpa it ,:n ..... ann itmvA WffPWPV m POLL-EVIL; TlSTm-V 0L1; RtfNIXO SORES, . aAUULK or COLLAR GALLS, rRAINKIWOINTS, BTIFFESS.OF THE STIFLFo.fce, ItVillprOTent HOLLOW BORN- and..' WEAK BACK. -IN MILCH . inure met Trim great. mooes in urmging mj fixtirra wttHintha reach of thaPnb&e.' I am dally in ' receipt of It. ri from FhTaiciant, Drugglgti, ICercnaU aod Farmara, tettjfyin to Us curatire power. . ... V DAVm.KTOVTZi iSoli Propridot, 7 : . v ; k -baiitikorb, . riFSSfttFly-claa. . ,7i7,- .,', -." ... VX "d Dealers in'gwaei. and i -tah jfotatoeaS w Jtppltw,' Onions, Beans,Pea8, Green b--I IJHod . r" - Fruit, Nuts, Eggs, Terrapins, ForB.HWii: Fish; , -and all kinds of FRUIT .and VEGETABLES. . V y Partiosdan atteniioh- tai; io tbeiale Wall .klnda - of EARLY VEGETABLES, jSREKX . FRUITS, Afi.- '-,'- i.'-:r'..-V" 1 AU rUid8-oir.SEl ftPOTATOES-constantly - onluwd. r-, ..n.. i . 7. i.... : - T,'HV DUpOqOaV '' V FBOBVCK AKn TSTStt v , XA..WivAAM,ftt;U'JlUM.. AJtU UUiiALAJJj. - . . . 152 Pratt, -Street Wharf; '". B&LTJAt&RSLi MD. s j Baltimore f'eferencee: bv3 Permlssfrjl V Jtank of CommercOjWva. Onane- A on, .. Walter 8. tooro ft Co., Hairtita, Williamson A Co.,' B. TzuuI l.. ft. n ft 1 I. Xft ft , ft. ftA . ft". Todd Co-4Tt MlUeWftfeftCo., James Myars m-nVft i ifi I Stt ft T-ftW fiwm r.. mm ? - - DUU lu. XXfjjf iVtVL D A rUklUftl , , ".And 288 West Pratt Street, r t'V'j..5..Ui BALTIMOBJB, SLD , T" EFL AS . .t O D.r Miller It' CdA" Statiniftn. -fTV HtoriohS S'Go4nd Penrjtnm'Bros. Bal- iimore , Heller it Bro Wbodstook, Va. j' L Wltz m jam,, oeaunion, , viwf a.. i.-inck, rranaent' FJMtFaonalBank.BaisoBjnrv, Va.' i. " ..'A rOLDSBOKOUGH, ' CoipmisionciTlxant, ;' '118 8. EUTAW:TRET f ,,--4 . . .. . ' BALfiMOMDi- ' THE ' TRADE ..SUPPLIED WITH ' FLOUR and GRAIN from first hands.- s Orders and consignments soUclted. . .. va.TtS&k.Vl-t ; . . . . ; . ROSADALIS. S 5. ta ' 1 . V . ' vac.-- ar23SAFly v. xjxinrnraaMd. . a. atTTLxneB, M1 t" Jenkins. Rytlbclge, iEIre's"',4SCATXETT,). RqiYApmROXEifS GENERAL .C&MMte8ON'1-lERCHANT8, COR.KATTAl1t tKEflltnitC ITS., , . BALTIMOnE,. '; ; ' ft - V Special Attntioji gtyen.fcjtlW 8alW .v Frnn mt.ycgetabls XTUjLl' RESECTTtriv yy signment otebove.and will gharaii tea hieheat market ratvnd nromot retnrna. - I . rth2M.7;S&F-lX:;- r .r 7 , ... V -- - 1 1 -1 'it r- I ' . 'J. rC CommissionIIercnants .ljft,eJit"..i, M I) WHOI.EAXlEDEAl.ERS IM sweet ana xnsn i'ouhxm,, 'aJPtHArftsevQnions, IdAnftVaU kinSr Beans, Terrapins,-' frrs, idri!hfa EARLY TRUCK Snd FRUITS - Consignments reirpeot fully Ueted AitiS' domptly accpnntoi-lorT,.r.fta jnrtS SAFly 1 i ' ylyu- "ft ' '" - w -,- , b a.. iW:M ;s:oit h, ,yr-- jl i7Q-r-; :if;' . Na 27S West Batimore Street, , f " vi- ftl . -ft I.,.. 1 v. ft.r f ft.i.K. yja. xmM-'y i ,:- vl-7 7. ineSbifi Tho. X, Patterson,' I tj .v, 9aB4mWT Jnoi HBash. ' f v ,.4 ,..r..rJ:rr.-..a-rr-;; . . tnrompt ana laimnu atienuon paia to oraers i.ft- Y.-wftfttirja irirs; .v.'jr . Triiia'; vyijftftSTViTi, xjuxvi.ir-oc v;.,' . 4j .1. ,'.i j.. .. ... - - .', ;;::7 .'Vr-:: ..ii -7 - is. -COMMSSfoNJEEXClLVrTS, - SO South Howard StMtet, confer of Lombard, i Z'r- . i?BAMMORI;'j1'j..i;r -TTpC' HAVE CONSTANTLY ON-HAND(. A yy larea and well aaorted stock Of GRO- ' CERlEftSftlSES anl LIQUORS, suitable for th &OftftUher txl-Wtini -traftiO.' -We solicit ,, eosigBmoata or votatof l-Toauceftiruon mi Cot tonrFeatners, Gmseng; Aeeawax, wooifDxud L li-nti, nr Dams, tc. . , - . ' Our facUltie for dotna? Business ar such aa 1 to warrant quick sales and prompt returns,- AU orders wlU have our prompt attention. J mr23SFIy. OLD HOBTH STATE! SAUSBURRT N. Oynbltehed TrVW ocklT-and Weekly - ewls Jdanes, icttitor-ana nTptJtor, i :u j j WM. IL BERNARDS-AC Septst-i-' . ... WUaamgtba, X. ti, ' :'f ' 5 4 ... V if '-J 1 '1 Mi. -, . - - V.

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