i - -...--:-"-, . ' r x -. .. . - . -? w . -v - . " ., .... - J - rv I i . ,t . PCBl.tSt' a?li IAHA . W .W. ll flKRN r. Zit'TZU9T ud Prop'r. ift -.T .. . .' "' 1 , to. v . Oney't ar, in advance... .v ......7 00 Six months, lnivfvnv............;..... ' TUmmontha, In advance.. ...... V s J; . One month. In advance. ..... . a 8.'. 1 The Mouwma-atA'a wui bo Melivered la f 7, part of the City at fjrTiiicCxT8 per week. ' " ' POST OFFICE IJIRtCTWl'V.' - . - ...... ...;,..,, 1 'y.' v-', ; VortherK tlironffli A way mall :'JC A. at. lwiy Southern M ail... ., KayettevlUe ia WarsAr,.r,;..5s A. M. DallV, ' -. u i .i.. ailthville viateatnr Jv..v, l;3nj..M.fc time a week. ' , ' ' ' '.. i iinvi at rvtoa. NthcronironRli Mall KX) A.M DaUy. ... ' oitheni Through and Way Mai I, Tf K Jt. i rally, except SnndaydoUvcred at 8:00 T . At. ': fromaUey window. ' -. . .,, southern, :45 P. MDally. .. - tv , C and H.i S.M) lTt.--Tlree times u week rVwitcvlllo,?:) V. U dally.-except gund.iy. 4mllhTUl, ldo P- M.-Three times a wook. uttlce open from 7 A. M. to :) r. ai. Suilav 8:00 toK) A. M. ' . .t. ' v. tt.fcttiKg, p;m. , 1 U 41 L vt AT inECTRT. W i'LJINUTOS. MAHCHESTKE j IU. JiOAl) MroorJohii Dawaon, Henry Kutt, O. t Pamley. A. J. le!toeset, D. 8. Cowan, Geo. J. W. MoCalU J. 1 nartlett, JameaU.Burr, Iiieli. nl Unulley, J. Kll Ureg. - f - ; OtmrnU 8niirlnteilenl WtllUra Mac. Rao. . Mmrary 4 TV"rtr Wm. A. V al ker. - (rara; Fright 21cA: Agmt J no. U. Itta. Freight AgmU WUminpton-T. E. Llfpltt. . W I LM ijTOTKTi cnARlTTAKi, lilll. J RfORD KAILUOAD. X . ly, U 11 Soninpr, H W Ualon, W ft Stelo, Jt If Cowan and 8 J reraou. r : - - ". On th jfirt of (A W'M-Jonn Li lirown; win Ay1ltt, 8PHhwili; Jas &ic- - 1 , ; i'i!"'r. ( JJli L.- nn?r - w.rv. HrrrrUvr u aiiJ 7Vawrf Cal vln J CowUij. . TYtassvvrhUxittm IXvitlorvl T Al leriaaa, ' Tmuurai H'ujritIhiiJUiaV AMiilce. the wart w a Wright. R u Wallaeat Bit Jtvtrav.' Airrea Martin, A ll v"anHokkeie,eo Ilarris, or Wllminirton, d John Everett, of-Goldsboro'. iirtntore on the part of the Btate J 8Uu non, C H Brodgen and L U Kates.-. UVU.f Chief Kolneer and General tmpertirtendciil S It Fremont. , . . w Master oT TraiWnormi&iiAVm Smith. ftnoretarv and Treasurer J w TUotnpson. Master of MaotilneryWoho f UovlrM) Aotlltor Q It Dadley- s O Master or snppnea w uoiwev UeneraiXJCitesjven-rf n rroiasojiv the, oiy rr-a-i'ii' ItoHKm st at u a Ub!U vUTt4.wrClfy Sabserlbera t FirrtlEJf pe week. Hakaerl. bers Twrtlt f the eemtre f Xarket Street will be anpplled by Mr. ffB. I. HARLOW mmd tboae Sntb r tbmt lias y Mrvr fypiB.;MVnlxLQilT tbeae AiceMta' ir svutberlseiiV ta Ibelr . MfContractora will not be flowed, uudcr their contract,toa4ertiaoaQJ 9 be qaei legitimate business unless by pa r specially for sucb advertisement. . OOJ TUB CIRCULATION Oh TUB MORN NO STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT, OK ANT OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPER. PUB LISUED IN NORTH CAROLINA. 7 , Yesterday was observed by all goVd rQlf tbplifJ a$e2$t Jo thfi Annunication." No CotiRT.-The City Court . did not hold its nsual session vesterday morn- ,D?t 00 aocoonty we presume; of ita being "ono of the Lenten Holidays. .f . . Bent to ; tujc VV okk liousit. Kitty Moore, convicted in the "City Court on Thursday of Uord rly conduct rwaS8ent to;ii)e,..'YVk House yesterday, . she not haviog paid her fine and co3ts. cSeventli, street is bein; saw dusted its entire, length, whichj will great ly improve tlie tacllihes for' traveling iu - vehicles. ye hope similar attention will --: Fivp Imndred dollars of tlie amount subscribed o bay a' City Clock were collected Yesleirday.-' i is1 sapposed that the balance of the amount 'will be 'i cured lo-flsy. ;,.,f ,HVr Toww4i7r,TUei patrons of tbo popular Shaving Saloon "of Perkins, Car raway& Cleapor, pustSoothol the Pur cell nuU&& reiesttthfbG'ail rly and often" jberore,unday. The Saloon, will !&tlose'd ola'thafday. ship rioieer arrived tha wharf o.Iessre. Worth & Worthy1 her 'agents, yesterday; having made the trip from"PMladelphia' to the WesteriCllAr in the unparalleled short toi-bO CfcPriU staunch ship, and the promptness rfH he makes her trips from port to portf $ffiM WiBW WE. transportatwnbeteejahiacjqdW adelphia M PoeTPOWED. Tbo casr. of Betsy fortrwtbetOTw Joatiee MeQarg; yeeCertcl mofning, wasjtmrtVly. in coqsQquepcc oi.tbe bM$tieB.iJtfMinrf)C Abe, ' F0JBLa5i TrE8PA88. A Case of Prealdent-E tt Brtdgrors. M-j r .f, ir,-f-i I . : - r. t (. iirrtoronthe wa-rt of the RtockhoideTu t- A gentsVrIU 'be appointed in .cycrv: cqaa forcible trespass, uv, Which ?)r. Boie'waslnent, twor ttmhimdrri yards distant ; r,l,una,iniataIiUhrs MiMkiitWrk cimld1 lie col- fendattt&twM ttttrfd bfotJtl Joint J Coaoley yesterday aaocningand resulted in S. 'P.'; J Cause" bel'ng required Yot give . security jnhesuna ofjJ(0O. for disappear ance at the next Jerm. if the Superior Court, aod alfOjforkispod bchavoi in the meantime. Jas. S. Eagles and Ouy IXall, in the employ of said Gause, were also placed under txnds of ' S6 'each' for their appearance' kt court! Messrs. Strange and Holmes appeared for the defendants, and A. femp'ie, liq.r'tWftrotifr' TtaK 5HKrWAi,W5-Tf(i3Tntnor8 that reach us are to be relied -otu-.Uwen Birncy,' dne'of the colbre4 dfiWnenflroni' the First ard.has the inside trackfpr tbe'. Sheriffaltyofi New Hanover -cototy for the next term. , Evidently Scheock stands no chance eithc peaOminatio'n or re election j and, conscipus of tber, strength, the colored Republicans .seen? bent on a. virtual monopoly or tne lai omces in in IS -'M Vol. VIiTo.:4r . . . i ...... W ilminoton Life; lNt& ace CovrxNT. rJIr Jnhn Dawsou' : lios been elected President ."ol tlie vWUmiDgton N C. Life Insurance! Company ticf Capt. John E. SpearmanVesignetr.S'hu is-nn ad tolr&ble selectioii'Mr: DWsdn ' ls boo of the oldest residents of (Wilmington-' and one)f the iost;1 Bufcces3ful ' mcrclifnts f our ncqniintance,-". He was for many yenrs President of the Branch Bank .ot North Carcluii a this ctj, )an4 haa-fieM t)ier positions of trust 1 and responsibUityv Ifis electio give generai satUfaetiotv' hotU ykh the tcko!ders and thQ pUc. , yfe liave freqviently-nl laded 'p the liih standing and bqsiaew oapacil yf the )i roctoa of Uiia Company :' an'4 it wt"!d be' J a work ot superogation to repeat tho'e al luuons here. But wo may add that they possess tluj unlimited confid'ence ott'onr people, as is"eviTcncc(t by a glance at ita list of stockholdrxi w'liitih cmbraces'many oL'tho lnoat enterprising and sagacious business rirn of Wilmington. J' ""y '.Tr eraljoi. .. i Jen', y tua a iCMraavs: Uio ts ... . v ill lo pHrcuM:u auu tui- pOslMtluhi-Public trewVm : ty, ottfais. Stiud evcf) ifforlinurje'ai place;-' the '.Company 'tm . a , prosperous foundation -during tho first ycaf ' of tts: existence. .v,.- -i 1 " ' We predict for tliis home institution an enlarged success. and we ,fecl justified, therefore, in aflvisihg'.thej. people of Wil mington $o subscribe to its' capital stock. Thj bxwksjwUljBOon beloied.aod those; who wish'to make . v good, investment should make, immediate application for the number 6t pharelj . desired. But five percent, of the amount subscribed is re quire4 iu cagli and but twenty per coot, within nine mbnths. In tact, '. it is esti-i mated that the stockholder will never be7 .! it ' . ' - ' ... ' , , Tequired to pay but twenty. per cent, qn .the par. value of their stock as no doubt is entertained that the Compaoy will pay its ownrway and make a handsome profit besides on twenty per cent..-cash of the entire capital stock, ( u, J l ' y . t urn ... .... II -urenope iue- citizens ot wiiiniugron will show their appreciation of this North Carolina enterprise, nowr about to start Under such , favorable auspices, by sub- scriblng largely and"geirerally - to itycapi- tajl stocky ; .H f. i.'i.t . v A ; ,ti'-... mim- :i i Tlio Ialeigb -&hW,'- ; re ferring to the dispatch used in getting up the subscriptions for our proposed city clock, says trom present indications, our neighbors oa the v Cape . Fear : Will f have J their clock bp and knocking off the hours' before wev get) oure up, k although,-' they started their subscription after ours was i'7 ' 'If r r " r 1 f IvKION OF- .TkEROB IN TloBKk)X FlVK HCRDKROUSA8SAULT8 MADE ON CmZKftf TlXKsSA)tS.XiaHT.-VThe Rb4- oniai states that on the night of thelfttK J mat., five attempts to murder were made in Robeson County, some of which j have, al ready been noticed in the 8tar. ' OwVd C. Normeat Was 'shot and t killed at -his own door.,' Ur.lTcfg,''i.iKl;.i)rDick were attacked ' near the same place, and had the mule they were driving killed. Mr. Archie Grabamneaf. St,- Pauls, was slihtand dangerously wouncled inhis own yard. Bcri McMillan, in the same neigh borhood,' Was shot tie sa8jo night' Tlie house of Mr. Jaksonc.theiEJizabfth road, eight miles from Lumberton, was area into, tortupateiy doing no aamagc lyond the kllHrig'ot:k''d6g. ' The lives an property of ourciensjeontiriucs otiV co temporary, seem completely at the mercy of n band -of -iawlesj and t desperate mf a railucrsQtt Jiuasfcxeur .couniy, wduiub ci v.il aUlh'oritus ficiift fpvwerlcgso check 1 tb etil of, protect 'pceabUs 'iatiris'ift 1 T&"MiMtity-; -that mi; lMvf:mt'i-Mffs four men. all, heavily j armwd;. were seen standing near the etore of Mr.' B; Oodwiri,' in LumltoB,'ama3ntly way layin the istore. i ner were accostea oy one 01 me their wlvrplwaj the. matjing reaiy pt ineir arms, ue yieu uaaivneu iu luiurui . i h. ii . i a :r i. Mr. o a. clerks, wno uappenl to - be at the store of Messrs.' Yon Glahn : & : Nor- Jectcl, the. ruCBais iad disappeared.. j;ii: J , auou 1, v. iii., a uuiu ui . cijut tu uicu 'men were seen making their way out of .11 i - -Li .i , , - - , town, supposed to joe the same band, of which the four above mentioned Were" 'au 'Star, referring t9 the rAapy conveniences and troubles enduied bv families, o win ? to bad (servant girl) nelp'ttskftV' wlioso4 fault is it T-and tlien- goes on to say i:. o ,! ' If mistresses were "efficien't, -eervanta would not AbefSpj-Upib.Ameri-can women learn to regard pouse-teepiDg as a InlsinessV and Jtheir pccHaf aiid; hou-. orable calling,' for whlcli they: tshoold be as carefully and concientLbbsly' trained "as' men are lor iravicpotciuiiuijSjj ur com merce,' it is 'nonnjse jfo". talk: otj-reform amons servants. " A good mistress makes a good servant, Is' an old saying of soi:J1 lute trutlL A gpoa , mistress .wu nave, j none but good servants in her employ: o never ucai a nuuinu -Ar "r ft the insolence, the stuDiditf or dishonesty of her servants without thmkingy 'Madam, si tj f -j 'i s": t , - : i.i . i r ft ,), .: i. .. ....... .-v ., ii n ; . .. . - ' " 'I v ' ft TGTc:T;iiT;'ic;i:;sunDA ri you.dijriot ,underitan"4, 'your Vasioesa. jitcoen reiorui li.ssaiv. neerfnri. hnt w shall never .witness its consummation, nor, indeed, its' i roper , inauguration; until there has been a .thorough reform in the parlor and boudoir.f , - . .IT:- 7 - psrarrArrgcQieoU ito in pv .greei tor building of! a new de" pot at r ti early day yuich; shall aerye as t-npr,.l p assenger depot for the thre oada conn ect ing "at ' t b is- ; poi nt,'"'It " is .under fitood that this depot ?fjll bo located oo the block, knowu ia Turner's plart t off the city as, jlock 23aKbein 'ijweA-jc&ad inol'Adersoa s!eeW and i'thVicinity Of CJamp; Lamb; ? Tliis is thought id far more desiraCle point1 for' Ita location1 than near Hiltonjwbere "tt Vs '-at jBre proposed to put it, both on account of con venience and the. act thai it can. be done at lesscost, the land fdthai Yicioit bciti the property ofthe Wilmingtoa and Wel don Jlabadiinjse'men.i are proposed to bo made with the Street Railway Com pany "by whlcli theurtrack can bVcitendcd. I by the nearest route to the proposed depot, tl - r T " - - ' ; traq4:wUtt6,cI:U;.d . 'At Vmeethjr of tnDtfcctofs Wtfirf W. & W. R. R.,' held yesterday, authority wasgifepvinoffjar the uijnn, ivhtiu lunuiiui 111c cu usu ui;uuu of shops, &c'., and for the running of a line for the track: v' We' are informed that' in about, ten days the operation of laying, the trackiwiljibc,cpmpjeijccd,.and as soon thereafter as possible the construction of the depot will bo begun and pushed., for ward to aa early completion. , .t . wcVc4nformed,,'6n Thrsdaythkt thVpro poscd?location of the city clock gave pret ty general satisfaction" Wa have since lcari&d, however," that considerable vdis KiUsTactioa la expressed by subscribers, iwhettirink th&t amoreT prominent point might bo selected.x and that a great deal of disappointment; is also felt and express led on account of the fact that ' there will probably be no , fire-alarm : attached.,-It Bcems to be the generaljppinion , 'that the latter is as much tf - a. necessity4; as ' thd clock itself, and. perhaps more so. j As to the location of ! the clock, it is useless, of course, to try to please, every body; but there is yet time : between now and the meeting at which the t Committee' arc to report for the matter to 1 receive a thorough consideration; and, it a more feasible point can be found, the faci can be made known at '. that time, and the subscribers can act as they think best , , f 'r It has been suggested, and with teuch sliow of reason.' that a suitable tower eoutct be erected on the City Ilall building ot yery trifling cost, in which ; to place the clock, and that this would bo. tho most suitable point for it ' It would be nearer the centre of the city than if placed in the steeple of the Presbyterian church and in a much more prominent, locality I inhere exists asiichtdissartsfaction as wVhear there is, in rclcrcnce ' to- tho location as proposed by tha CojOmittoo, .4 lures ahould j certainly be an effort made to , select an other which would prove more acceptable. it it can De mtae to appear mat mis can not be done, however, we 'hope all inter ested will submit with good grace. ' ..;.., 1; ' ti -aa: A Siiklt,: Roa to WBiairrsviLLE SooArilt be seen byetercBei to I an'-advertisemeati ia ti aaotber column,! books of subscripCiono Li cipiiat aiock of The, Wflmingtoli an41lrt'gJMl6'4iT pike' Company'J will be ppenedoAder the, dirfctiortoT' the -omjinisiptthd' First'tiienaV- Bank- at "tho" 1 Banking i t A .Ut .-. -111. 'i-' iy j A . House of James DawsoD, aq and at the of Messrs Bannister,.C!yaA i&'jCo.'fjj1. j The importance pf the constc'tilpf shell roao frorn this qity toJfrightsrille : Sound, tuch as is ' proposed by thii Cora- pany , must be apparent to all. tt is in fact one one of thetrecessities of otftM rapidly growing city that there should (be 0f fid facilities tor machins- tne sounds ana sea-coast : It is atread'y Jesteeemed an 1 ex cellent place for resort during the slimmer months, and teffr& hdoys'tet-men' fcij ef-lreifj ting theif)f 6ductJ of 'their industry,' to, market, while the trifling toll which would be eiaccr Wa1-betWllalc'effi'pn tion for, not only"'ifajie;Sa flesh,' but in , thp unless, utiportant jitem of I time. ;.". ' '.-j''''1'...' ' 'f It lias always beciva, maUer of much. complaint with our people that"there arlf no roads;. aitabfe''l.4plea driyei: in I and, around Ket fhtt78 Ifben. constructed, wfil fSorl p-ffelle-ty opportu nities for the indulgent 'oi this1 pleasant pas-timeac4a ii,tli .l ii Jiu 'ioinovu- f j Takeur altdge$w.o? iuwiti'jue f. pro j)08ed road tns. of 'ither 'niowt'tsefof';imr. provements whieh has been projected for some time past, adj-hop to see it in successful operatnafr-B earry day. -J " ' - . isasis!SaM Chips( Fp Tp LmEp ajspPjujcrs. r A band of hojpe--e vjedding-ring. : , : The pe Lave Troupe are in Montreal, Canada; - '1 lUi i u U . A new' classical burlesque, Sappho," has come to ligt.OJf aii.Ji " ' The J$V5oa pap!:esk4o1.Ji6j speak very flatteringly ; of Mr. leal. garner's Hamlet. His "husky" voice is saidto be an insuoeraljle pbjectioD. , . . . -,ZnX7J:LXjXTJCp lWmsey, WChatttanna'Cdpt' Pnde its popularity ten-fwld. In addition . to I Jo---, bf Oran beta' ' Drkrra: 'are f this fact it .won1d::aUordlt3jal fiahcrmad i.cnnvassins those counties and' addressfi?ir fctJ - .;iTb - ChapeBao' -Sisters'-'and'-lBishop; c6m mehced ' a 1 , secontr" week. ' at ""Wall's .viKrA,4Qusej , asoing;onv Mnuay nigus. it1 ' ' ' Sir " r "j : r .4 : , ' - n -On the siirie' slight- John IlVOwens" ap peared !at thNationalf- ViX ' 1 u jf Whatsis. JJie dierenpQbetweenabai; her and a' mother I . One . teas; razors--to shave and the other lias sbayers to' raise. , Ar A letter-likQ fashion ab 3 young ladies Jjp-tnost have thestamps before the' mails 1 males) wil 1 take thtm. ? ' ,- - lady -has charge ot Uc . telegraph office-at Ripley, "Ohio', andls Said tflj. man age Yli e ;lu sin ess. -better " luii" any ; inalo operator '!cvet employed ti. ere ? f feJJWhVt moral 'difference-tail bo .estaV lished between the actions ot good or.bad' u'siepormerslTli; former, execute ihcjr.music and" theTjjUprVwder.SVh-:. : Mrs Lillie i Deyrcl;;5BIakeV-;;-Whbi:i8 so prorniHent-a leader in IhetlWoman suff rage Asl5ciatfoti4f-lfew jjfrorlT city, is a fid 6t Southerii Wirtb, and V'ece'b'y'mar liage'oftlii llaii! Rlgh RevXeomdas Polkv.of'LottisianaJ'c A k .a'h iifi Values, Uag,T Satchel. Collars, . Hanies; ChslBSj1 Saddlery hardware,'f &c- Prices to suHtthc'tinies.,J, Topham ""Ss'.Ool" .'MM 8 So.uhFAtl.;Mogtoi N. C. - tf.- ' -)' -, .'i j i.t:. .it.'.L j- i ' i i ,j i, '-j Vm "i WKW AO-TERTISEIIENTBh ' ; IIxissbbboxb's Live Book Store, 88 Market AsDEBSpciff Btiyleof Hats for : Sprlrig j (FrowTiowM-anilSboo. ly.!-.i: ;i - ' t' t t-x.i f.t - 'i:i-i . .. : .idl O'T.f-;-. ;.. . Gbo. It. Fuench & Son Spring i Stock ot BooU antI Shocs.' ",w2V '"A T , L. Q. Smith j & .Co.11, Castvine,') Georgfa' Grand Raffle.- V! ?'i;:r u . t; '. .. -j ! '.a:' i ' .--! ' lit'' ' .K., E. IIeii) a Confections, Groceries, -&c. tetrecbived;';;:-:;;; ;8ce Notice "of WHmngton and' WrlghtsvlOe. Turnpike Company, -t--. .: vv:-': . ' u : ..- it! v-.-v 1 -.1-1 ' ' i ' ' . W. H. fixxas Car in reUUOn to tkeS. C R. R. accident. j ITorth Caxolina , in a Nut shelD ! . - I ' -; y-r --. ; ' Gradey's Cirpris ,will ' be H in Greensboro Wednesday. ' . k '.''5 i . Slater is' learning the young folks toftrip the light fantastic" at Htjorici iliTLl H-Jiir i Generai JL. E, Lee is to.be in Raleigh, to-dav jd wjU, sDcnd ;eyeral days there. His health is bad. ! "Pivo clfizenl' 1 pi" iwntheVford Countyare on trial this week in Rutheford ton, charged with being Ea Klux. -;The trial-is befotdiJirfghLogan. ' 4 r ; -t Th0 ;P&itiyi)eM:'Uja xM the ' flourishing, condition of the ,truck patches indicate anything, green, peas will, be shipped early from Wilson,. . . 'j',-,-v. Win; . G. Morisey, Esq., - of Wayne, is recommended as a suitable can didate for the Attorney Generalship at the election ia August next, to be yoted for by Conservatives npd Democrats. " ;; :' ' . -f Says.tlic Newbern. Times,: Real estate sold for better prices in this city this week than it has before in three years. . Such signs of prosiwrity . are xrati- Mying and encouraging. ,-, r The Charlotte Observer 'says: We learn that ton Tuesday, the lo"th fast, li so auraj uvcarreti in onaron towusnip, in this eounty;-in which a negro man by the name of Prince Morrow received wounds from the effect of which he died on ; Bun day last! ' iV' 14 " ' 2 ' " 4 j Tbo Sentinel says :. We see an announcement in the Salisbury Examiner that Maj. W. M. Robbins will address the people of Davie at Mocksvillc, on the 5th of April, on the political questions--and measures of tlie day. iThat ;is i the nghl way to go to work; letUhoso who5 have bad opportunities- of -knowing' tho move ments and acta of .tho politicians': of - tbe .State for the last two years, give the-people. . the Information ' they - possess:- We hope te hear ft many others ieJkwhiglhe erarnplo of Maj. Bobbins sooh. ';fl-'i:"i:'' Wrif4f5on the old battfe"Rrund "below-the. city is progressing, anil the landw.Ul soon be covered wfth'. y'bunsr 'erraDc' Vines, and. years behcift S beautifur vineyard will take, tue place ot the barren . battle neld oi a few years ago,. It is a, good cUauge. ,Mr, t Cuy kendall. jand, , 3lr- Stayner , will set an oxamnle . there. . which can .bo. . orofitablv Says the- Old? North" State? We are r glad-to treafn' tlrat Capt." N.' Ai the peotrlViBfll'rof 'Withfe's'toTSressroii'of lawleesaesS and irioppositibn to the'eourse of outrages that haVe'bcen so prevalent in those counties.1' These gentlemenjiave takep,.ajust and (patriojtic ,, view of Ibeir duty, and are eptitled,tothe thanks of tte friends of peace, law ; and order 1ai t u 1 Says & Sentinel 1 We" have I heard lately of A number of robberies' and r attempts r at . robbery, in the ity.,-Oa Tuesday nigbt JOx'KAM- Brigga oad bis smose nqusevProKenmio aaa au bis meat flour &c. taken.; The rogues left an axe and an old piece of,, wheel , tiro that they need ia breaking in. They made an attempt to get inta&reAn hona&.thf mme nicht. but failetn jJeijfcfeplekeep a close watch and treat the 'depredators to a dose of lead wnen mey eaten tnem arjout, . We regret to learn that' -WiUiam-Stokes, resioing a mile or two above ti hikes : Fer ry, on the Yadkin 1 River met -with''- the entire loss of his dwelling loose and its contents, together with some'4 -out -baud ings, a few night ifjce, "by ffre-."We i are not informed how m originated." W is to him, (for 20 years a victim of rheumatism,) and to his wife; (a c'ripple)1 a ' deplorable loss in factJ their"1' All '.in thU'-world's gOOdS. - fi:U.tM tPCl till W)lX ThdJKasbefoU in relation to the MusicaV Convention ia session in that city -,,Tjjo1.CoaTentioa has proven aucpessful,ibeyond .the, nostaan guine exponsfi those who origi- natea tne, movement. xesteraay o.and 4- last .night there waa an increased attend- " ance and the exercises were' very interest-., ing.- 4 A permanent -organization has been ; formed and the following 'officers elected for the' 'present y ear : Presiden t. '"Charles ; Dewey, Esq,, of Raleigh. .Vice Presidefitf. Eugene Wilson, Esq., Maj. J. C. Mann,' Wilmington, Prof. : O,'? W. Carr, Trinity College, Cotr3llmer,T3feehsb6rb. Secre-", taries. R. ;WvT Best,. Esq:,- Raleigh. A. W. Fisher, Esq., Raleigh.-Treasurer, Wm. .A. Simpson; Esq. , Jt is proposed o hold , sessions of the Convention, at rpgularyin-' tcrvals and in this way ' awaken ' an iu- creased interest .. in musical matters throughout the State.'-Prof. ' Allen -.the I musical nirecwur, oasmsue many inenas during his stay amongst us. " To day 'the j Copver4tion wiUrmeet for '-rehearsal and -practice in the,. Chapel of the,, Deaf and Dumb Institute at id o'clock A. Mn and at Tucket Hall at 4 "o'clock P. M. The concert as' will 1 be' scen elsewhere,- will take place in 'Tucker Hall t 8 o'clock " "Pi lL'tWe hope: there will be- alaree crowd inatteqidan'ce; i ''fp4- -r " r a t, v.-A I i ' 'S" i ! h 7 f.-WrrfTownsed,' iof h sarsaparilla ; fame, Js(dead..:A. r.;,. .Ma.: ! ;, : OialiQp'.e' Atkinson's Appoint ; k& . S i in CO ts .-.-!loa'fi4 ti i WilsSir. ; ; . ........ . . .Vv- - v. ApriL' ; SqowhiH M if iTPAT :v.'3.-eMi, PugVChaiel,PittC9..,v iX; 1 1 Swisft Creek Bridge '. ;u, .aY. . ...f i .'.w,t 8 Trinity Church, Beaufort Cou ... i -.. 9 Washington-, .i;! . .-.' J.xl-s,'7;10 Lake Landing Hyd.Cornty., .u Sladesyille , ; . , u -!. A i. ,w;fo t4 Pungo.. ".15 Bath...,...v....;.,....,H...vr M 17 Zion4 Church, -Beaufort County.V - " 18 BlountsCropk. . :'. '.'.-''.I . . . 2 Gree-jviiie ;.v ytiji :vv.t;v:l : :::.' ',4! 22 Tdrborongh1. . . i!.'v':. .f ."! 4(,24 Scotrand Neck; . : . :. I ; . ; . I .i V '.' i . V o JacksonVl I4. .".'i1.'.'.''.-: J V'.:'.'.-L1J "d MurfreesrjOrotlgh. . " 69 SatesyiUe.: W. 7. . I . . ' : . ': . . ' May '. 1 St Peter', Gates Co:-: . V. :."J '" 2 ConyentionatEdento'n..'.'. ... J!':'' y "5 Eliwifietli-Citf:ViV;;t;i:i.'i:Vl'i'.'l'' 1 11 uertiora ... : .". .-. .:; 1 413 . " 15 , ! 17 " 18 .ao ( , .t 23 , 24 St David's, Washington Co. .. .t. StLuke's. . . i... Plymouth. .:. i.l . .-- Wilhanuton i'. . . . Windsor . ,-. & Woodvill e . . . j .4 j , 1 if. '. J t,u ij f IRave Your,,Idre.; ' Keen a;bottle of Dr. Worthinetdn'K iaiallv medicine always In your bouse (Worthing- ton's unoiera ana uiarrnea,i it naa oeen nsea -with saeeeta tor 90 years to the enre of cholera, diarrhea,, dysentery, cholera -morbus, 00 lie, m or tne stomacn or ooweis, nausea. bloody flux, Indigestion or heart-bum, sour stomaen, nervous or siok neaaaone, nystexics,) spirits, and the nest thing in the world foe persons aroer naauiging- m too mncs -saoni drink. Don't fail to trv it in con zha. colds. -croup, sore throat, old sores, rinK-wormS, tet ters, stves. itch. scsidSt-crarns. cuts, bruises nd indolent roersr t-- -5 . - 7 For children thlyoW fena wtMKttled friend to mothers is an indispensable remedy in the nursery. XI tne cniiu (ao matter 01 what-age is restless and unable to sleep, it is Indisposed, aotwaussanainr ivSUtonposiuaasnay'iMitiDe perceived even by a mother's eye. It requires bui a few drops of X)r. WorUriimrtoo's Family Medicine to restore aniet and insure a rood wight's repose, both for cnild and 'mother. rnere 18 nottung petter ror DaUMs la- eroap, coughs, colds, wlnd-toollc, diarrhea andchild- jen teetning. wsv i oecunuy i reier yon to -the followiay distinguished gentlemen from N ortlv-Oaxrolina and Virg-lnia, for tbe medicaJ "properties ox the valoable medicine Ci V. Bar ham, -M. D., Thomas V. Webb, K. D., J. P. -Tatnm, It. D., J. A. MoVbaJpin, at. D., Charles Xlqvd, M. IX, Virginia : . il. Garrett, M. in, E. warren, 21. D. North Carolina : Bev. Rubin -Jon en, Grand Chaplin of the Grand Lodge of tne united states : lions, jiennetn Kayner, k. IT AL T T v.... km XT Cn ' V f . . Kevs. 4 is. uavis, j. is. uiaaicK, a. ai. f rost. jionii uaroiina. v a, .. Dr. Worthinirton's Tamlly Medicine is for -everywhere. Price 26 cents per bottle, SS per aie dv au: arusnst ana eoanuv mere nam s dozen. $ 22 per gross. It. K. Wocthingtoa ft Co., Proprietors, Goldsboro, N. C ' XI fc of the flesh in the Rlood.' 'r.l- .D.:.:"W,WU-r(J-'T t .i'i The greatest Bloou Purifier and Heuevatox Known, usea ana enaorsea Dy pnyeicians. wlko nresorlbe it ha' their rosmlar practiee. oy 1 -Asecaose tae articieflirom wiuott Kosa- ilaua is made are published around oach bot tle, so that every physician knows- Just what it uontaine. and. heace endorsee itaaavalaa- ble Alterative - compound. . This preparation has gained and maintains an unrivalled rep utation for the euro of 8orofala in - any form, Kaounuuam, Stan xiseavses. iio- sores. Mtr. fee re, AcM Dyspepsia.. Neuralgia, in .fact any. chronie affection of the Blood; Liver and Kid neys, and all diseases- in which ait alterative plan Of treatment is indicated . deq21-2w . : . . March 23d, 1870. Ueneral WnuXaeJRa Superiniendeni . Wiltning- itm and Manchester Railroad; ; . J j; ;,. Daist i Sua -In . compliance . with your in- Straetions of the sad Inst., I proceed al imme diately to the' scene. of the recent accident oar the South Carolina Railroad, in whica .tha colored porter, Calebi Davis; was killed, and Messrs M. K Jessop and -r Dodge and their Wiyea were injured, and beg .leave to submit tho following report of the cause whieh led to the; accident ; n'An'.v'M iUi j i'.-? i By a earefnl earan-Us tionof tho track 1 fotaad. tt at least, two pushes out of gauge; and. where Lthe wheel, dropped lIn,;o- the! inside qf taw track, the rail, was worn; jem at; least A AaXf fetch,: making j the, , track two ,and one.half. inches wider than the .right gauge,' My, iro- preasion is .that the sudden, jutting on,. of brakes and stopp4ng,the lateral; tnoloas ,of truck, caused the wheel to drop4nside.th track, running some; forty feet, before any oter wheelleftthe traclr .,The cause' was act rrom airy defect of. wheels or track. n wn , j. All of, which respectfully submit for con siaerauoik . .... . . ( ,, , tr ,. . . T am .omt MaMAifnllir ! ... .:i;.,f7V.H.aTKB8,!,;t!, ... .. Boad Master. W. DW, A M-;ESIL , mar86-lt "''.' y "r .T : 7 ' r.t ' i 'il .'Jtto V.l i-Ov'- r.iiM! 000.0 a.; a Awtf.llA mL mm r'rt u : . VMirAao sua. ALiXitt ' OUUU COOA HUTS. !' ! .' : "?i:f ff'!25BBt8APPik -Uy3Bf&(aOKU? yjH o.il iu f!ir-.4.w i-ifi-it 1-firr OU BpxesOBAK3KSv Candies, : Canned &xd8,fCraekersv Spteos;"1 Starch, Soap, Batter. Potatoes, fiegars, Snaff nu xovacco, sugar, xea, vy rapping raper ana x wmo, ao., at wnoieaaie omy 1 mar 26-tf -. . . . . , - .-.! . j t-q:VUllQC2aMi ' t9afi3 v.:u Prime Bio,- Good Bio, Fair Bio, Comment Bio, 1 nHOintt T. AfJTTrR A. JAVA. imarmr ADBIAN A'VbiiiiERy TTliole ITg.70i ! w. r !:NEWi -ADVEKTlSEME :A. UJJ, 2-- e-f - KQOB 8PBIU1STt)CJa;iriftrvri 1 -Jill- t.,i'i w ti '- i" ' '' 1 BOOTS anasBOiss;. la now instore.anuare - u - v. offered at . f . Lowest -nates. J . n MerchanuarerlTivited to inspect goods and l TGtm: FRENCH1& SON'S,' anar 86-tf?;jl ?nl WNtorth Front street. N 1 -NEW STYIES : ' HatsYfor iWc. jlllVii - ttill'-Vktfu if tUtftVf IIHATTll :i . 'lil.U ij-i4.rj.uu iri;riu J. ... ?tt-ii&Jf?.ri AlriK'' 'nl 31 ;"Sh6oTly Hats,'? at,; mar'-w-'rditf' 2 'He HiMsJoi 2Bi.fr; TURPIKE COWPAtiY. 'N nnrsuanee of an act of the General As sembly of the State of North Carolina, en titled " An Act to Incorporate the Wilming. nn onrl Widvliturilbl rllle Tarnplke Company,' books of Subscription to the capital stock of tion Of the undersigned, at the First National said company will be openeo under tne aireo Bank of Wilmington, at the Banking House of James Dawson, Esq., and at 'the-office Of Messr?. ttannister, cowan . co. ,,,!-,, JOHN A. SANDERS, ERS,"1 - , r KT, I ' Commlai IS, f sioners. I",!-tJ. i,.- A . i.JJ ItlUU'JJ U. unAJllj GEORGE HARRIS f ; WH. A. WBIHT. mar 26-tf 44- n Grand llafflei , : -. ' : r ; f a- iCasbvilIkv QL, March i87e."'i ME. EDITOR t The Grand Raffle and Bale of Real Estate and Personal Property, at CassvUle, Ga., J naa lat, 1870, wUL bo a fine cess. ONLY fl FEB CHAXCE. til A general assortment of Merchandise, 1 large store house new). S dwelling honsea and Im provements (all newt, 12 one-acre town lots ia centre of town, 12 half-acre town lots, 1 tewa lot in CalhouA, Ga., 400 bushels corn, 100 sacks floor. 5,000 ids. DAOon, cows,nornesf mo mo., will be raffled. , It is so arrangod that-every, chance 1 gets something. .Nolil&nicai it us no anmong. A cents wanted, to wbom liberal term , are offeied. For particulars, address, enclosing t amp,- .. ' L. Q. SMITH CO- 1 mar a-imj juanagmg Ag -ss, oassvuie, ua. It . t ui .' ' ! : ji fflHE FARMER BOOK or, HOW TO MAKE For sale at .-1 !.! 'I .. 1YI li i i'i'.iijin i'isj-. 'HI . 2ti.ty.ffjd TS STOPPING AT THUXIVE BOOKSTQBKf Blank obks. r a uiinuAOA Ajoviiuuivij X - At HEINSBERGER'S, mar 26 i... .,i r rni-s j 1 r COTTON IS KING. ' A ? .., i :in.. Plantation containing 850 acres of Cotton land lying in Duplin County can be purchased at a bargain..,., ...,,,,, f,-.,,;'.-; , - i, ' J .', 0O ACMES OB KOBE 7 of the Tract : la cleared, and under fence; ' the; heianoe . is , divided .into. pia laud and: rich swamp." The main residence is at a beautiful location Jind comfortable and healthy bav(ng :-.f . . jWTO;"4 :-".i There is a negro quarter on the. other end of tho farm 000 vealeo tly klttaatod. 1 The farm of ' cultivated land may be enlarged by clearing. An experiment war made- the present year upon two acres, manured with domestic .man ore and planted ta cotton which made c --' 1,. fJWTTtoK.-', ,- it must not be expected to find the land (at' the price ptoeed; vpis:ltt ucouoikgtbia way: in an' nhimproved state; but it la mostly adapted toeoUon oqlUire and 4e offeiea at ta low price of $3200, cash ; or S4000 on six months time.- It Ulna rood ulahoorhoodi Enquire oftfieKdrtorofthiBpaper. . TZnim - - - 1 rrr EHP0EIXJII. FLORENCE SEWT.NO MACHINE ,jKi' t At the Emporium. ,Oartram tb Fautfok Sewmg Machine, '; " " I -Atine umnoriumj .XTTheeler A Wilsonfel? Macnlrie;- " " J TT .-rTzrz.'-: AfthaTCTBporlnm. SINGER MACHINK. . , - ;..: ; 5i'lt'ihe,EmporlaK ' iMROYEB BAKER Sewing Machine; VJf '-" - ' 1 At the Emporium. TTJXUtlMAN.TIC) THRflAOl. . , ,V j V w At th,e Emporium, j biit'-iii '.ickttntMsvAVp ioiiv.oi tJv ,vl!' 1 Send in your Machines and have tbemnioer cleaned and repaired-before ybat Commence' i Wimo't ,iiJ rfjfifS?hd -woiiot i -v? V; f,li ll-i! 1 .'.ji.ii l. Jll i J . ii' 18000 Bashels, in store and Mp trahsitT I 'lil,alety ..a.ity ''Jin h'j iioiais I " !UAMSAvMIJCHIBOMkia marS4itf Xil nrionrs.':fni h.bi:H 917, 2- iOO Extra Family, J! y-K--!-irfVi . ..,.. -. ' . '-r'-superV N . KTtVft XUtiAF. i 1 ff.-Viiriy miIT fU--v.y- W mar 84-tf , s T r t . 4DBIA VOLERS- ' .iff.,!-,;?-!'!' JJnr1Hbo'f':,isiifJ ... .VUUMMAVMI .'I " CRACKERSV-J W -rEA-f'' SOAPS,- t i "JAa., STARCH,', , - , Canned Goods, j N AIW PNrF, -TOBACCOj' BEtfARS. marsi-tr -- I ., i.".' Till 1 i .' -ft ' STItHItSv ft ;y - j 'Watchman please copy, 1 1 n 1 1 : J J ui J 1. A fli.ivlA A i 1 -a 1 ami nr-- w u iiriu ra . rk. u a. an tb 1 a - . . - 1 i - , -j Wtttf3b3voLLBRa?v 5 F'-I rSSsIic:?N..;9 . yy:r"- , Daily Journal, Sumter News and Sumtesi: S ;M$r. ii TlT?J-rl" T " " 5 ll r , . ? f One Souare one day, " tvoilv iM t t i to . -m three cays,..;.. '......U.ir.;. S 00 --. ionr aaya,M .,.V.-S60 . ave cTc',.'....."..., s oo ; . r , o . ,w ne. v vy-;,.,,... ' S CO "'"' 'mar Contraefr-Ad-rertlaements takes at pro . V .poxtionAtely.lowjraesv r. ii. iVv-, -.lfarr""". Dccth-; BeUrions, Fnueral and -, ' Obltn&rv nw "-s will be ins"rtd t half rates . -when pi 1 for la advance j ouiocwtite full rates ..willbuianfrebi'.- m .:'. ' ,Tn"H (" h """,, - f8 rr 1 V 1 f- ri-wll nil ,i.nr ' " "''''' "-j-"J-" y :: OFFICE TBEASUBER COI-LKCTOB, I; sj tWuKuiToir. C4 afarsh 81, 1870, t ' ( rjfjAU persona owing monthly taxes,- or lJCZkT in arrears-for the7 same'j are' hereby . nothted that unless said tax is pair'by the 1st day ef April next, the provision of the'Ordi. t nance in such ease made and; provided,, wijl . , . V be rUjiy ViiioxoedVaa pet: section) f, of tha . CltrTvm BUI i-4eTO, vH'iV' By order of the Mayo. 1 ru t-:n;v . .. w ;-i.i-J-'?'- 3d 1 - vv x.avS:-.. ' R a-BBBVOSa,- - mar t4t- ' r ? Tre'as'r 'and Collector;1 1: - 1 !'.s- i - 7f--- ,i . .... i. - : '- '.i -n 4: -J4T hi; t-' ' -r -, TVra-: C.r A. CHJZZOLA BBSPECTFUXLY AIX announces. , FOR POsITiVEIY TWO, NIGUTS ONLY,., , " 1 MOWDATand tlJESDAT, March f. t li. yA'r r, If'' - j ivraa a To innr ttnm , A.n ';. ''" - ' " . . . . f JUOqD.10aDAUUVULilA.a. -J' I; -V i ' A a . the distinguished Prima Dona Sopr-no : . " . I aiG.P; BRIGNOU, s :for-it?i .V ;.;.he popular Tenor, an their celebrated oPCitATfOraHPAVv: njrlstnif thfe'feilowing JinJAeDtfAxtisU , E.PKXUII.LMhereaownedBarltonetilg. ... v-.: - , GIO&Z A Musical "ilrector. . ' . Monday. Evening, "Marctlrl-TeT .TerW OaasX .'i it.1 L:rtdEsl)AtJ BBlTikd, March ,' .c V" -' , iv Dpnisetf.s Romance Opera, '. ; titli u'h li't.Jfj-5 '- bit.; Wii-iTf;:;.! L.'a ADMISSION. Dress Circle and Orchestra, II 50 Reserved eat- 3J Pncgnette, 1 j Uau iery, SO cents. . ; . ; . , - ' The sale of j Kjssorwd- Baatscommences ' on Thursday, March Stn, at 9 A. ML, at P. Heins. berger's Book ajrdMnsle Store. : -.,; . mar 2Wt , .-- . ' f - i iLand blaster; j rTSr BEL,- KM BeaehLaiiA fiUster. : r -aJfe KERckNERV !! ' ! mar 23-tf v ,.37, 88 land 2 North WaterSt. , . iJU Bbls. Lemon, Sugar SodaCraears. 50 BOXES FACTORY CMEKSB-l i-1-. : ' 2 P PACKAGES GOSHEN BDTTEB. . ff -H'lfi Y'.'K tX.i.j ..-v. .. Tor sale low. by, " . 7 ,-t1 Vw r. :, 1 U ri3T.'KtIU-HNER, mar 23-t ' ' 97, 28 and 29 North Water St. 4 " m: nour jfiour w r-v '-nnr r WT MTn . L11 ,mAa. ' s a j: r. For sale by rlf 0i 1 "1 i'''.vr. w . -vYTrmT-tfo mar ;-t. 1 t a-- v e aaasaavaaii jss aa 2?, 28 A. 29 Nerth Water St. i.;H V'i""t ." 1 . PAVA JUXY,i . Y'!-':'' marao-tf ' At GEORUK MYERS'. AGARal;', 'i.t marao-tf ;i-iNKJRGMYEBS XiOAF, Crushed and Powdered Sugar, at : mar20-tf ' GEORGE MTERS'. 1 ,4- K.f). B EEF TONGtCEaAa SMOKED 9' J. ' Just opened, At " : mar9D.tr. OXOEOK UTF1W.' AlJTqn HE AD and PJoe Apple: Cheese, at utsfcw11 ai'J-laiGici!E -y.lu'Ji aSiinnyhxi out vJ tiJ.-a.uiS '.nil' Trttf VKWBKTAtBtTxiR.'al ' " '' r.j-jioe jeram . odi i.uaI irf.: .!';'. GEORGE MYERS', -;inii;''j won $1 jk-.tt JO -mar)90ikflj ,nixiiii ScmtSriibn&rvlne axidBrady.; iLiu acuppernong wins ana jsranay nana Lo3 white viijLjsp w6r rxtMPiNY, 3 1 W lat ihelrcebar1, if VfhrtetMl or wit W H JO rOvMTuis, Agntj Wllmmgtois N.U . '' V I'maxWm. , -4111 atferitadn DV8Di3Pti(ifl ! TOTM. PATTENrarWiaold stand, U Market , ifY tieteaownaaafacui-mafliacJra.i t. la sow siain aftectnrlflz set aUra. i bf BREAD which very man afflicted with - . . DyspcpsmsftoaWhwywJmhit , V, CBXEBBATED G BAH AM BREAD, .tt ' , - , I an.artieVa espectnUyf adsjptaWt tfesr, Wantalif :'XfT , those who are afflicted with that terrible c '. : -'-.i.-:,. . ease which. XorHbe want ff '' --- wt -fl - -.-. , . .n , fnfood,ihurryinglTHOUSAJljXOaji-- Dyspepsia Is overcome, and Patfcn is the . J f - . ' ' man. wno naa PWfwreeTfl ju, : jjtiiU-"-! . . -i i Slot on-vWa-aaus fMsMb(rtl4jakes; Vi,' to., can. be found at . . ,t n " i- uouyi.w.'aotu-: "WtatoW ''"-' ! y: r,? KMWlftgf- : D ESPONSliriiipartlM Vestri Jto tori' -i : Xv lour (f 4,000) thousand dollars for tare to -; iveryears at eight ueremt.latere p rtul.'f PrlneipJ wiQ also be paid in. goldrAou V f . aeeuredi by Mtlafautorhl'Msytg 7 property will be given. ... AdMrees, , . n'J VJlhrb "ftF;- 'L'UI . WUmmg JasiJiitf v'' F.o3x88. . I . u IIDIICOIIs& COiiv ! ; :i c Lsf;T;ir t'Eti o:r;-?!-;-' BRANCH or mm doasi av,jkw tokil J,-B imwJ;ir'''J &tiJ -'. c.3.f..TJ70 Aronowopenlaanv . l j Jon I'Jta 3UGilk?oJ5jm.;i:.!iA .(i,-:v-: - -'I - :s '-X4 '"-3 1 - A..

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