vVIORNING i 'STaLii; iddin2 for the labor, and" offering" .ggr Ben. Butler sajs 'the cnr .T ir..;Tis7n: inducements of freo transportation rency of tbeV Confederate' States , ilaarvH:,. chear-omc? Ao ?Jnfluence didn't i wJrh tlii vi! -itK .TV. m ' - 1 . - Editor Brt'PwpnM .Th HOSNIII O -ST A lJ.;itv.ol to tThP? .flFTEE CESTS ' bers North af ib 'siaui will Imi artfiallew. imi s-rin T J' "- ? HARLOW m4 line y ' M:JOl rCH. Osrty re.peetlve' TV(VftUa.Jf nlrelty nhtaJnad to all the elUWMUia many vi iua larw twna W Mif TOM -prcoctiy .afj7h beet of remitting fifty dollars or is system, ..Ye means ofsendln small sums of mo- I ire r. O. Money Otnlrs can no be easl. I utNb f IUJ IU TBff aa Iv obtained. 06?r Vh JtagUtryfei, vwrye,as weu I as postage, p joi i stamps tofflTe." JtlS VMaM j a. interest of the n,: SSyT&ZM Viculttrralist ismost Immediate and wbere tue letter is saaiisa, o to be ent to the Dead Letter am u Mlamps bolA or voting i. iKnumv and KxU tk Utler i??tr:7lZ:ruL lter" -uAilll't. r.ii .-21 ' ,vo.. are chanced half adverilstax rates when j coses uVrvortllBif rateaiwUl be chsrged. - i -. , 1 1 . i . . . K 1 Summsr months may have ths Sta tnalled reifalsrlj to their address by lsTlnjrprder at I . . - ..... i fm t)i. Unhid.' ' jll r; ' ' ''" ' ' - r.i- TIIJ2 . CIRCULATION iVtf Tla.ZlOJlN- 1 imSTAJt ISZASOElt JTJIASTHAT 0F lir x vriutJi jjjujsI jxl vU'a'jlax, run ZISIIXD nr.mum CASOlINJL . .-UtJUCJiA.TiJ Afij juAB))U , if' In tw:o leading Southern ; States, the sufVject of immigration' in "con nection with th'evitalquestion of labor claims; a 3 arge share oi.pnblic attention,'! llentnckv protases to csta unaii uureau oi xmmigrauon I and Statistics! and a bill jor that tare. Ane.UCUnmiSSlonerptlmint gratWrbr VlriahWBnb'm grauou jor sirjrinianas Bnommca a renort fcn trift-flonrnl - AaopmKl 1 Britain may be. directed to Virgin-1 Virginia," lust -at the present Mr- innctTire-ifl; in irr-flftfAVTi nfiVj I -i r---w migration than any ot the Souther States,- for the reason that bo hea?v ' : What waa prononnced by the . VirJ ginia"pper8, a few months sin a ; merely temporary impulse ' of tiki mo,;T5?? race Jia8 proyen aBenous movement, assum- . ing, in many connes, he ppe ance of a mania for emigration to the cotton '-'section. Nor is this emigration fever confined , to the shiftless, and vagabond class of lie .groes, a was at rst supposed to. be the case. On the contrary, the lat ter class is indisposed. to emierratel and while the worthless class re- - mains at home, hundreds of reliable labcrerB- ard leaving for Alabama and Mississippi. The Virginjar Commissiotief of Immigration maih tains fJat flitbi, judicious measures the losses by the migration South ward of .blacks, rnay.be Amply eomTl -r , - - 'j j urtsaseu every year?Tinm ap 10 toe I of that StslUidMrKa Jdemon- rw-nt. vitA thA nnmU f ; a. a a! a "V - .. - rf-v w. I sr..-, ' ' . . 1 ; irttiu w.i.mraigrauonirom vtrM ista lndcd?ffiJlt3!liHbWBikmonnta oi pensated from the several sources ; of 8tfpp1y'wbicbare now opening to uVfrom Qreat BriUin, thtn- tef American States, and. that pros- I '. pects are far more propitious than! I when -l JLegiflUtnre . first 'directed it attentipn ' Jio subject, four years ago.' He seems especially desirous to promote the immigration of the ; " orkir,clasea,of preat JBritin i a people J who peaE; Jojir''own, , language ana whoin are -moBi seariyi asnmiiatea to - onr p,wn.'?".3H-a km', a.' u C. ?To less' extentr than Virrfnii 'j-r Xiorth Carolina leelfti' at the present moment, the embarrassments' aris J' ing fr6m this Vhaettleibor ne tiQXL jWithin a,vcry short time we ; , shalL eclf aj he inconvenience ' which,i8)i6W,ee'hdured by our sister State. . gffnd Vrjujr be i or ear mod, ana suonlit employ evert i nnaiitti'Mv.nwiT;;';"1." p 088iuie expedien 'caii'cid'-in bringing to- ettklinva', large. - . d , M a, . gjan ta, homogeneons -wi th " oirrpeo ple. IrflrauIIQBIiGsla un bidden. And we must be patient and not summated in a day or in a few monthsj ;i Hednidant as may ba thi population f -parts of Englandnd thejoatment, .tho..demnd irltiin country lsoiefyyt lit any wMwvv,aMVAV iA7i vavu vy lilCIl prrypona ; tho occsfl to'dODie'nWddetoQoth South. Nearly every xJT7estern Statir5iaU dfket;Ja. U were, ing rndusfry in the employment of ; .V er3edienindi'thVcyeafioi,; . traction! Hot 'thd "Ihimlgranl ire' necessary rb ilrinVH-e h 1 1 ) ! W. 4i f- I I - ' r- . . . -, w - va w v a M llll taigrantan their-cnoieo of loca- cTV i - . "QU- ne send their -agents to a- w-k .ah.-..4. T . it -v-r . I jiicnjs, jnc on v efficient lnode of r, j " ;-; " i proanJure. and in'd!SftmintWrr. infoHnatlon TiAftcw?-fl . , ',-.Y A"cu imiiiigration,- U Will - also ' be, the rneahs ot inducing- capital-tlie' handmaid.. of labor -to seek' our Ctato ffr investment. ,ttiifilcnU'todecidewKat"daES Ol Hie COUimnmty IS IllOSt Vltallr . . T . - - w. r lniercsieu ; in, 11118 suDject.' un- and this statement sufficient My demonstrates the interest every cla3S riCQltare ArofAM f'tfio fdrmm TtmJ l. w -huw UCdUA.LllU laDOr Wilicn It IS proposed to intro- dnr.fi. thA mprrhdnt nA . w -" v . v.. H UU V. Lll . 1 1 . - I inougn it oe not bo immediate and ' i ... .. I ':jJ"?JT:XZZrL XtTilcX " m,choh.( 443 uvcrvuuuy i heeds holtoresnrif th Uhnrr so UtviybodV contribute some- Ihintr to encourace and facilit Iitate . o cjy t, ' s jr -, A report was read before the AmnriMn r!olr,niT. s;f ? . i . n . .. ew xork On I rstlnrlar nnTini(nr I jErohi tho ilrst departure ot colored . . .. " U6 ?."r . - . . I who were flhinnprl in TTpw TnrV in 1820Othe,itida.'pfi .emigration in- -iJ -liL'iL ;1 ' .1 I on rr.- son 4have:ibeen 1 Bent; thither, and t 'a'JI;. 'i- J'l-L-.r- I.:.-- uHuri v Lwira us' iuiiur nuuiicaiiuuB were made byl those deairin- to-re- .Ul.n . A,tK V" T- .' three atrf tft.' Y1fPill there are fifty churches in the country. Now the i society hold 900 applica- tiona for passage to the new land, and although itjowns a ship, and a building-rir -Whingnj"7ct needs ttOjOM'-'lo "carry r!oif the" work'.bt colonizinp: .Africa with intelligent negroes. V"-;, T. T- NEGRO REPUBLICANISM. Hay tt And Liberia 4o not exactly conform lo the requirements of the 4'God and Morality" party in some of its cardinal tenets j ; such for ex-, (aipple aaffiberty'iqualityand ."Universal Suffrage.' "In a total population, .of. 600,000 in. Hay ti there are"les8'than'r5'00'wMte3, but not one .white, man i can .vote, nor ofrjpffcal' .1 estate, nor hold mort gages for a longer: period than nine yeare4 In Liberia; too' the right of souragOM ar very mncn resinctea. At the last election litis stated that, only 1,200 rotes lyb?; polled.- in a population of 74,000.- Such: ia: negro )republicaini8m, and inch js a model Of the political structure .' which would ret0iijICltSSli3outhern States provided our Carpet-bag-atf 4 negro qespois cquia maxe tneir en i ,1570 Jnterestirig'case in sur-' gery is be! cjf ;the medical :meh ! yt) Chicago. ; A lady'residing- ihi tKf in pity, wuiie tying in Dea quiet, neara k ioud2 iaap; 'foIloWarp tpaia.tbe. right tgh.n exami: hation showed that the former . was broken in, twevwar fhelijjx follow er! r.tr a hkUMntr' At tf,Vf lt,K caused probably by i.an QdaUJ! J tension of the muscles.' Somewhat 1 similar cases-are rscorded. m t I.- ,. - -.i.'.: The Springfield MepxMican Radical) intimitiiitliaftroops were seat to Tennessee to, ,re-etect thS present yheitihtrb' of Congress from thai (Stale. xms resut( isaeciarea by the1 Rep.ribli'cah'to be the a pnn' bipal thing" 6xft93resident and Secretary of War desire .to a see '."'' TT 1 - 'J yaccompu&aeo . now- long, as wie bayonet 'to nsedto , bolster np the decaying, fortunes ;pf .Kadicalisnl f s ! -ThteoHew York Herald speaksoCrderal John U. BreckinradfiM as the V" exYIbds Presi- t27 ycrmbflt Vif tn Ally abolishes fmarriage try1 ei'tHBhiriaruJe of at lem wOyearAjieceaenCiOflrv- 1 rt . rni eAi.tff I L : . . I been more marked and striking than in . , T, r rii". t. I leston. S." C. lv Mftssm ' Tlvfth Sr. lptu:' r" 1 hroatration. Tidies affected .--with . but Kood indorsers There is no wv . "luunwre. Aiieru is no nnestion that JSntler himself, will - " , - . - i .1 v -Trr. ir " -it - -1 : iiarry .aiossavs tnq blows Ot. the YlCkshurST TVWI andicks- tt.j , , . ,brg enSaSed in war . reveroerate: amont r t II e , AYalnUt I n:i1 l'l i-, l J t . - . : lIlS like Sledge" .hammers .0h- a Steamboat bOllerv " ' "v .Palmetto' Leaves. : . -.Friday Nixon, V colored, was hinged in Charleston Jestcrday, for tnur- The ladies Of llie South . .CarO- Una Monument Association .are hard at I work. i,. s ; -;.,? --..i ' I . . A colored man named Smart I Q aATn nhJ,lrri",.": 1 a arreBteu in Cnarleston 1 hnrndav morn- 1 int. for 'driving OTer Patrick'.Donobue, . - - ' . . , i w' -was tuereby severely injured.: - of the Columbia Male v Academy, invites !. th. f K -fin-f- Ub the ?free common schools to meet in conyeonon a, vQiuoMna, w nrsi weeK .y- Chester Items: "Mayor Mat thew WilliaAis lecelved fall in hie office on Sabbath evemng, whidh fractured his left arm. Mr. W. H'ltardln hadaf raid made on his smoke-house. - -Loss six hams taken by a son ot - Ham and several sides. Mr. W McC. Chambers,-Clerk ot tee Courts died on Monday -last of heart disease.' .:.'.--.--:' . - " TVio ' TJtnti Cava ' . 'floiSlftJn O' -i m . ' . . I - unicnester, wno nas recently ; resuraeu i Charleston 'from the West, hai bome . . 1 1 1 r' i 1 1 forward control the entire business,, man I - fir 1 t. nn ' ' .T . . m . ... . . . . . ... I 1 n A 1 I 111 11 M 1 1.9 M - M 1 1 1 f It U .Ilf I IIIM 1. 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 111 - 11 WtUl v. oiw;5 k- oi a new paper jusi lasuea in un&r- i i,tti.t ,ffpnflr.idebilitvand agement of the magazine. We 'are gMf iearn that th? XlXCektury i in a gylphic to be Bronciby ethers .ski ; o.,i .iAAUi' iVl tW i to bo what is called Ministers' Sore Throat. "'S"J "r'"" ""'r-r-.'r. energy and businesajtact of Uaptaia , Uui- . ' T T J a "if ' L I cnester win iurnian an auuiwou.i janwiwj .fa na-mAnnnf on1 nmnrintt bnraMa v - " . ; . Savs the Charleston News : wun a view oi ascenaiuinw wnat eueci the their business, ' learned 10- stance, among retailers, not caused a. re- I auction in the-price Ol tne warev DUttnai i l.j ii.n. ...4 tk. t. .... r the city. The reason for this, as asserted iathafe the planter and others in the coon- try-bav ftaa ttf sell tbeireotioa ana trocK WASHHTGTOir. The Mlwlsslppl Snatorlllp The Sao Womlnjto Trealy ; ro(al Uauloi In lUe SonUt-wet-rrctpj5XBrs Try lnc to Fetter the yobth. ::V;. .j , ASBCWOV). Afarch 23, Mr.' f!nrnmter made a stronsr soeech to- day, denouncing the party, prejudice- ex- hihited in thS ease -of admittib? Gen. Ames., The question will be reached to- morrow probably.' . ' ; i oere is a new I orK jouuj uere vi an- . rr in ail tnose amiciea witn uougns or von vocata the Dominican treaty. ' The Presi- I sumptlonTread the foUowing and learn the dent's influence helps the treaty some,' but itwbelieved tiiat it will, not prevent the defeat or all the treaties. . . ; ,1 The Post-Office' Department, employees are engaged in filing tb bids for 8,200 mail routes Ul .the tionthwestem, Stateav which art tobe let onthe 1st' 'of April. The proposals are- 'wyttmeroua. Ten or twelve thousand propbaals are expected w. ... S. ' . t . - ' " iv will oe a moaiQ aiier tae bkis are open ed before the routes are pnt in operation under jtfca aocceasrui bula. .. , ; . .. -.Tne earpet-bsiTBrors aw Uakisff mat exerrtonslo sectrre hottlewiat.onipoa ouiraeea.in.tnasonta, shit. incir; rmnm . m beinjr exposed and their lubrications re-1 luteu 4 ae niovemen(: powever, t tren- , ing grave apprehensions among the friends f .c. a a t , .... ..'..! . . rf-v - rr j' OI Uie DUUbU. . U. U. VT . - mease Xlednellon in;Frelsn(s , It gives tit pleasure to aononnce ' to our readers' thai there is an exceedingly good proepect lor cheap rates -of freights and passage between' this city and vNew York daring the comiag . seasoa, and an indefi nite time, thereafter. Our. reasons tor mak ing this statement are that' Wj II.' Oh I, Eaqr, an. agent of the LoriUardAteamship lia, baa been in this - City ! far. sv few days past: making arrangements fo puttiBgon a line p! iron propellers between; Nortolk. k Ti r; ok-,Vi.i informsMtbattbecompyhSsthreenew iron propellers now ready,- which will ' be Uhoill that'thrce more' are ow 'boiMin.'ten feet Mder AndlOngertnAhthe Issacentfnd vdtb a epaekyoif 4,000 bales, which' will tje ready'la About W monthsv f He aisoTirtforaMtis that It Is - the ihtehtiotf of the4eoTWpal4y4tO' put1 down 1 th "rates"6f f relghf hllvaicres "BftV ' per1 ?cent.r Or' even more, and his prltrclpat tmsinesa'here' was to effect a contract JWfth Captain John M. Kotanson and General Wiltjam llahone, to ..carry alt; freights received ' by the railroads fr : one-half r even ; one loortb ot the present'' rates said "contract to hold good for onet five or ten years, "as' may be specified. .JL epoait of $100,000 will also ha matte o Wuirr-tfic strict per formance of the contract.' 'We le'arnv that the confpany. which represents: Otf of $20,000,000. have exrirefc& iheir .de- termination to' festabUsWa jf rfian'ent line, as they have already doina in Other cities, and that as soon. Mxssible a dairy line will ' be put on. Jne of the Lorillanl Bros, will be in the city in k feway;:for the pnrposeof purchasing wharf property, and making t other , arrgbements. We welcome any enter pija which looks to a redaction t the presiat rates of freight from 4h.w city- and aballx speak more fully -on-thl ube.ereAfter.iVrrfI; :; Hrv 1 Trjing" to " liv'lwgl on a low salary caused a Dei2Ctlbookkeeper'8 de falcation, jaj i; ',;rit u ") . - vf -; - 37Eo8xool The Great t Blood i and Xiyer MedkaneJ, -, - SPECIAL NOTICES. . Diseases that progress rapidly to a crisis are Wea to arae Canker or dry rot doea not blast a. -tree as suddenly as a stroke of liirhtning, bnt unless arrested, x : " ' "- tho swiftness of yellow lever, is as sare to sap i ... the springs of life eTentnally any acute J disease, If not checked by Invigorating medW awease, if not cneci uy iBTigvrawng inoa; wulnn Thr la ; some thine Ineinresaibl tononlngln.tlie spectacle of premature decay. LeAgnor. pallor, emaciation, depression of plrS. akJ distaste for exertion, are IU or- Olnary symptoms, ana tneysnomaoe prompt- lymetby tonio treatment. . The best.inyigo- andexhnaranttlxat can be administered n a ease oftbls kind ds Hostetter's 8tomacb Bitters. The stlmnlatlng principle of the pre paration rouses the dormant energies of th system, and the strengthening and regulating riroperties jrive a permanent and healthful mpulse to the vital forces thus brosght Into play. The failing appetite Is re-awakened, the process of digestion and Assimilation, are flniokunni th nnalitv of the blood is Im proved, the secretions become more natural "d every organ that-contributes to the nonr. I - bnc5u it these means the repair of the 1 physical structure is effected ana lis msaitn 1 ana vigor restoreu r ' ,V'" i jitvn i , those I nerVOUS I these aa- I. i tonics I suidcorrecUves the safest and surest means of I relief. It is strong to restore and powerless i i . .imrnv r 1 vu injure, oocuik m "'"i i. - i in! " clouds of witnesses." PAIN ytm ,ate ttesitlen t fW . TJurlvajle FAMILY MEDICINE. rj-5S The Patbi Kiixxb Is, by universal con liCB sent, allowed to have won for itself a reputation unsurpassed in the history of med icinal TtrenaratloaA Its instSJitan6omr effeet in -the' entire eradication and extinction f Fain, in all its various forms lncidentarvtl human family; and the unsolicited .written, and -verbal testimony of the masses ia- Jta favor, have been, and are. Its own best adver tisement. , ' . ;i-: '-''i' '!- - . For evidence in favor of the Paut Kuxutfor HlnlslersV Sore, Throat or BconchiUs,road the following! -. . ;,. . : , : i y. -. r: V- Guts : The Pain Killer has been a constant imnnuit nt nnr hnnae for over two years, ana r,l f Sa Ti,m it baa been the only - ..... ... . . .. . j r medlcme under our roof, naruiy ever uo i have my children oomplain of being sick with out having them ask in the same sentenoe for T.1n KillAr. . . I , : :;:.. For severaT years .before I bmeacauaint-, At one time it wal so severe that I was opugea to Rive up preacbtng. Wlthin-v few months .ua. I V. Juvin. .Annatntul vlth tllA Pain. nrfm that dT- I . w. . . - tresslng eomplaUt. I tried my new-found m.iiiin. nri: tn nrtv tuitonlRiiment and de light, it produced a wonderfully soothing ef-' lecc in a snort time i was wuuuy iduoiou. S lace that time I have had anwosberof attacks of the same nature, and the Paw Killer has always afforded me relief. About one year ninoa. mv wife beramubie?t to severe suf fering from Khenraatlsm j our resort, as usual, g;-a w l. i oouid ith a hearty uoed will, and always have a.. i. rVf i. i.i. ifinr ir ihu i'SeVicS service, you t liberty to do with it as you it iwatt(TVwi. iiini, Missionary of tne a. u. uome mis. bo. march Allen's lun Balsam THIS KKJtA-DY FOB CUBING coNSUttrnox, coughs, bron chitis, asthka AMD CROUP. ; i AS AN EXPECTOBANT - It Is composed of the active principles of Boots and Plants,' which are chemi cally extracted,' so as to retain ail their medi cal qualities.' MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKEBS, I who m nfin afliieted with - Throat Dta. I eases, will And a sure remedy in this Balaam, I Tunmiiadwifcn aometlmea srlva relief. but this Balsam, taken a few times, wiU Insure I a permanent euro. . . - ; - I value of Allu's Lima Burn i . ' " . ' I J WHAT THE DOCTORS SAY. Amoswoouy.M. nosciosro vo in- I dlana, says : u Tot three years past I have used Allen's Lung Balsam extensively In my prae tice, ana a am aauanea arp u no eettex medicine for lung dleatanae.. ,4 I Jsaao Broxan,L DM of Logan Co., Ohio, says . aiibbi Xivuijj jiimm uub t uuij wu rapidly, but gives perfect satisfaction in every ease within' my knowledge. Having oonfl denoe la it and knowing that It possesses valuable medical properties, I freely use it In my dairy pracuce ana wiu nnoounaeo suo - eesaj AjariexpeetoranVitismos certainly jar ajnwu ui muj pnjianaiuu a uni 3 known.1 r - -fS-.S-'n' "...! .. T Nathaniel Harris, X.D., of Middlebury, Yt says i " I have no doabt it will soon become a cUasteal remedial agent : for the cure of all diseases of the Throat, Hronchial Tabes and thelAUlga,! ; . '"'i-..':'1 t-..t '.i:' "ivl :.a,i ' Dr. Lloyd, ot Ohio, Surgeon in the army. durlmg tbie war, from exposuro, ooatracted consumption. . He fays s I have nohesitancy in stating that it was by the use of your Long Balsam that I am now' alive and enjoying health?;:"' :'--;" . - ' . ' -V j" ! Dr. Fletcher, or Hiouri,'says s M I reebm mettd your Balsam in preferenoeaany other medicine for "Coughs, and ,it gives satlafac-tion';--'vsv..:C. -1 ABen's Lung1 Balsam is the remedy td cure all Lung and Throat difficulties. It should be tnoroagmy , lesicu ocrorw using anv ouv Balsam. It win cure when all othert Ian. 1 Jr-Mwajonapanyeaa bottle. ; f i.fJi1! diffioultles.,: It should be, thoroaghly tested J-KSll PnXV-Ul ear. . . , f J rL-fc! "C'3TZ!!r . Zft JTSvTi-i : r , t Vr.ff! Drug,i.to.i,,febA.iwf, f tiPSY AWAY' 'WITH rECTACLEs.-Oid f i:i!eyesJaoew;eaiw I or medlcinesi Seat pWpa4dWreeaipt of W T wats. Address dbj eb; ypoTB,' 4 Jw2ajeoaSm: !20Lecngln:Ave.NiY.-,. AWAY witbr nnamifbrUbha Trasses!. kjbenfori; and Cuwr fo'r ie 'Ruptureia;1 Sent post-paid. a rcelpbf Wcentai, wAddmsa ! Jan SS-eodSm ! tisolktnn;Ave:V N. Y." .lt?-iil nayorb:,rr i T r," j '-"- . V rtAV1 11870.., , nSp Proposals will befrecelyed at this of iKA jfice nntlli Saturday, the; 26th ! day- of March instant, foe hcllAlag an Eagln House for. (he SteamFlrffBngtoe.t'JoknT. Rankin,'' lon the S.Ww.oomer pf Prinoess' ' and Fourth . streets,;; Jn aoaondaace! with the rplans and speeifteat lene oa exhibition at thlsoffloa,? -k ) All blda.murt be in writing,' anai endorsed on, eneloJnekftingis bvU(UtwfWn,&HMe?' aidTblds must ln .lodeiiry. Item, requiredi whether for" ma, tertal or labor, fer the completion of the build ' lag from the fonndation. :; f ,-, No extras will be allowed excepVBame shall be ordered In'wrltnig' by th0v Mavorand the price fdsaWsWd'reV f;'J'-'i,' " f Btmas'wBl'BereQUired from the Coiilaacior,' for the falthfnl performance or' the' contract. marsost' Mayo: -MISCELLANEOUS. Fore Delinquent; Taxes. ' :. ' BRUNSWICK COUNTY, i ; T3 Y TirWe of a Judgment of Condemnation, JLF issuing out of the t issuinar out of the Simerior Court of the County of Brunswick, I will expose to publio eaio, lor taxes, at the Coart House, in bmith vvuukv ui s ru II HW U'K. I rUle, on -Saturday, the td flay of April, 1870 tMAMTUliaitAkvAnOKT Wt Tsinbis, Property ori. 1 - oontalning 630 acresA Amount of Taxi 164 66L. Sheriff of .Brunswick. County. J mar 1-JfOds EHOBEST'I MOirrUXY- MAG A- ZUie. TTnivArOAllv BnVnnwll noiJ tbA .Odel ParlOr MamlKinn rf 4 trvr1C. . H.wr.tl d iP-9??1?18tories, Poems, Sketches, House hold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and mvonry uossip (lnciuOing special, denart ment on' Fashions), Instructions on Health, Ml?iclmu?cinent8' etc- by the best anthers, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engra Z&h iU8ful. d reliable Patterns, Em- tic novelties, -rith other useful and enter- :Ho person of refinement MMtnomtMi tmnuw wue.r lady ot taste, can afford to do.with- muuvuij. opecimen copies la cen mauea rree. . Yp.Rrtv .'-with nvaldithln premium ; two conies. 15 60 : three conies. 17 SC. five eOTiea. unit arwlpnrll.i nnamfnma for clubs at a3 each, with the first nromlnmii toeack. subscriber. A new Kartram Affaa. ton Sewing Machine for 20 subscribers each. PubUcaflon Office s ..,, v oo u i t v i v ; u.uaiunuiiiij'apw a vji iwmoiesi'g mommy ana it oung Ainei 1 va. wgeiuer, , wtn tne premiums ior eacn. decitt-3a5-tf ' . AOENCT, FOR THE SAJUK OF ...".' ..'. J'-v EOBiK SON'S jusUy celebrated t W v t : .i-'.--H..i.Hw.f?'4Cl'?Hi ":,k-B laclc a net o ! o red : - - 'At Jhe Office of the :, , i . "No orders filled. Unless accompanied with the money, or it request to send C O. Book and News' Inks constantly on band, and for sale at MANUFACTURER'S .PRICES C u Address, : mayll-QlO-naptf VTM. U. BEKNABD, ' ' ' Wllmlnton N. C ' " CHABLEStTJ niS, :lN immediately in rear of Purcell Huse and Biuionie Hall. Wilntrheton. N. C On and after this date, 1 will furnish COV- FINS at the following . LOW PRICES, - No. 1, Black Walnut, with Merino or White Alpaoca, handles and .name plate, complete, Nofi Black Wamut, bleacbed lining, with trimmings as above, $25.00. No. L roplar. imii minsr as No. 1 Walnut. aOO. . No. SPopIar, trimming as . No. S Walnut, aii.uu, AO. i, Fine, imitation or any wood that may b desired, trimmings as No. 1 Walnut, 115.00. No. 2, Fine, trimmings aa No. 3 Poplar, $12. ' No. X. Pine tlain- trlmminrs. "S10 - No. 4. Pine, stained and varnished. 15. The above coffins consist of sizes fi em 5 feet upwards : all below 5 feet are considered ebil- dren's eomns, and will be charged two. thirds mktajlic ASE3.-Thi I foUowing to the '"iL5.. ehes, tJO; 6 feet 8 inches, 7&, Cabinet and Carpenter W ork solicited, and " anon, noiac, anu HU81K.h:w. i f ranted. 49 Besidenee, Northeast eer. Front A Dock streets. ocn-ti TlePlaiix WILSON, K a, 'H oe AJyRRTista4t medium. 1 - Terms ltcasouable. i U'' "i MERCHANTS and others, wishing to nse Its columns, wuu nana vnerr caras to ; . . i WM.1L BEBNABD, in aa- fT-" . Editor of the M Star.' Or send direct to ;. ' mhl8-tf C. S. McDANIEL, Kilitor. 1 . - Aa f lis C Ulip CM. UaZetteei TeTntPrBigh Iriatei: AoTThe abevo w orxa. aaa aesiroas mi xpwut uiair roxka.aad sale through the entire State, at aa early das offers te live, aetlvetf tmstaiessc yeang men l good chance to make money. noa enance to nua money. -- x muti tore 1 offer three- t mirths or the man. in snares fourths of the map, in shares of five or ten Counties each-. ,This new map will , be about five feet by four i iiiustratoojsoraer, nna somelx EngraTea Counties Kai)roadsr Poet- offices, Mines, Mountains, Ac. Ac. A Man wortny to oe sue p u and school in the State. worth; ap in awry boose, omo, mKawiu,unoww. - SDecimen eepiea ready about the 1st Sep tember, 1868. . ' Terms aeoommoaAtlBg,' address "with two stamps. Rev. SAMUEL' PKABCE. ' aagn-tQ - ,! : -, , , WilBaingtoavN.CL: 17000 BUSHELS OBN, in store and . . . . . ,le low from wharf, by . I afloat, for sa r t-.,n '' mar 20-tf iLABD BROS. Fr6sfc Arrivals; t rfityi'.::. .-... -ir-. ;'i-iV' -BBLS.JFLOUB, of various grades; choice v Teas, 'Craiskera, and a Eye Planting Potatoes. I firat nitA lnt nf Mnc Kvi AU of which we offer cfr All of whlcb we offer cheaT for CASH; ) V 'V 'it i Slwa lly.Poafjb. Bother Us ; . WILMINGTON MEfeCttANTS, ' , -Since the'arriVal of Wai Etftngar from N. Y." Great Slaughter of this Innocenfa Dwa with High Prices The Cry is Still They Fall, LftTTE aVe receWmg dally, by steamer, all the f T..WvesLsyiee.or..v, io ii V: . nery Good s 'Notions, Boots and Shoes, ( ' ), ' Clothing, Ac.. 4o, t - - which we offer at retail 6 -per cent, above New Vnrk nst i On. mntHu -fintnk salna .nd - - Coates' Cotton 65c. per dozen. r Remember the-ptaci Of 481 Broadway, New - marsi-tf ' ' el5 Market 8W branch York. V Wit ETTTNGEB.'- 1 f Sirrjirs: -! ti'B' I. i'MA.' ' b'eT it I; ."'i'' ;i(' S'o'aT paeraV fit m ii s , , i i e J s , Q,, W- .,Q A:Ilr..A.X ; RAIIiROAD, ; ;-'"5'i-aa'0;v astel VSJ I 'LOBiLLARD ! A.'RALPH'S. 1 ill': , oaA if "w' Corn! r wiu 1 fiH.'li'.' (U .'. 7- .' r .- . . - ;,' VAN SICKLE'S, mar 19-tf .; MISQELLA NEOUS- "R ATTTTTSTT!T?. nflWATS A fin.' 1 EEAL ESTATE & FDfAKCIAL AGEHTS. BUT AND SKIX SOTJTHEB LANDS, Negotiate Leans 8Btbersi Securi ties nur Eneoarage Emlgratlo . t v to the South. r V .X. BavvIstkr, Wilmington, N. C. ; .' J. CI Kbwtow. New Terk. 47 Broad Street. S. T., ano ront street, wunungtoii jm. . SeptS ' 1 . ' 'MM! FOR SALE. The Commodlom BternWlieelSteamer GEN HOWARD, THIOKMEttLY plying between Wilmington 13 and Biver Side, (Ci senger and freight boat. v . . Lenirtb over al!..'.i..;;.............." i66Teeu Breadth of boaia, ,.......-.-29 , Denthof bold.. ...... :.i ......... & Irift,.M.....v:. .,......... 8 " ' Tonnage,... . . . .1. ..... .144 63-10 1 maaencfir spacious and comfortable. Lower deck and bold for freitrbt- - - If not previonsly disposed of at private sale, will be sold at Auction on WEDNES DAY, March 2nd. . - - v,, - - B. S. GUION. GeiuSnn't. i. , - WlLi Char., and Butherford B K.; ; iWilmington, JJ. O, :: , Jan tf Jonrnal copy. Bennettsville Jouxhl; -nonitBea ssvery mtsL '-- -;. WM. UTILE,... JrpHEr LABGE-AND INCBEASING CIBCU. 'X lation of the Jottrsai. in South Carolina,: and that portion of North Carolina contigu ous to the Wil., C. and B.-&. Railroad, makes It to the interest of the Merchants and other business men of Wilmington to advertise m res columns. Asanaavertisinirmeaium.itia unsurpassed by any weekly paper in either of uie iwo wrgiuuui. . , , ; ... , Terms 92 00 per annum. . Bates of Advertising, liberal. ' . . Address,. JOURNAL. aufc-25-tfi i : .: ' Bennettsville, S. C- -' ' -IN THE ' ' IN TUK iK, IN TII Sunday Blessenger,1 Issued every Saturday from the Daily Messenger Office, I fV:,) GOLDSBORCP, N. C. " (The great Centre of the WftWB B, and C B B'd.l milE SUNDAY MESSENGER IS A A. live 24 column paper, unwith the times. and in favor -of progress. Is read In almost every hamle ,. villaare and town in Eastern North. Carolina and on the line of the W4 W B B. . .. , , f. . - Trice Bz.OO per annniu. ' ' The best ad vertismar medium. Send for list of prices and advertise. Terms reasonable. Address, SUNDAY MESSENGEB, Jan29-tf Gold8boro; N.C.. Law Notice. mfl UNDEBSIGNED II AS TAKEN the JL office opposite the Co"rt House, In the rear of Squire HcQuigg's office. juusiness promptly attenaea to. '' J. NUTT. septlO-ly " '"- - 1 Tfl flnilTltrTr JPiiWirTi AT. I - T -wm-w - "w- I AH PREPARED TO SUPPLY PUB. Ushers in either of the Carolinas with a good article of JiVLJU sXJoT AJJJ JTluLT CAB IAFEBS. of the usual weiehts. i;asn oraers ior one oranore reams prompt ly filled. No attention naid to orders unac companied with the money or a request to sena u f Tk WM. H. BEBNABD. novl4-358-nactf I A good Advertising Medium in Western North Carolina The Western Democrat, fUCIIHHItll AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. (OneoftteOliMtNeutspajHrtin the State.) YZTAS A LARUE ANXS BBNEBAL CIR- l 1 eolation In. western and Southwestern North- Carolina and adjoining Districts ot South Carolina. .... . . Advertisements are solicited. Terms, for ten lines of this sine type, Sl-for one insem tion, as ror one montn. sjlo ior. tnree months, la tor six months, 92b ror one year. Reasons le terms will be made for greater space. Send direct te the Editor and Pronrietorvt Charlotte, N. C, (and not through Advertising . Agencies.) A copy of the paper, containing advertisement wni oe sent to eacn aaveruers. ' W. J. YATES, Ed. and Prop., .y- . Charlotte, N. C Hayassa : AMflniatei 5 Solilile ' Bosjliate. Manufnvctured uid Warranted by the NAVASSA GlTANO COMPANY . OT tlIAf I5ft3TOJr, ; W. C. PBICE-&65 PEE TON OF 20O LB3n DELI VEB- r . ED AT, WILMINGTON. JAMES BUTTEB WORTH, Chemist and 8a- - permtenaent. , rja IB NAVASSA' GUANO COMPANY OF WILMINGTON, N. O, are prepared to accept orders tat their Swaniow Ava eaiann Soui PaosrHATa, which they guarantee to oe oc pure ana an norm gooa quality, ana in every respect equal to any Fertiliser in the market. This Phosphate is carefully made rormaia m tne -ratapsoo the hUrbest grade ot ASSA OUANCv imnorted direct from Navassa Island, W. to the, Compiyi Factory, on Cape Asar Biver, near Wilmington. . . . . . ." bJ S. BRIDGE RS, President. ' 1 DONALD McBAE, Seey and TreasT. - Offlee,-nbvlS-ly . -etreet, WiUategton, N. 0. Uo.4 'Peruvian! Guano. y A USE L- II IX L ' MILLS I COTTO ; , mi For sai oy . MOFFITT 3k CO. jan3t31t; i '.i'; Just'Beceived; R EFBIGEEATOBS and WATEtt COOLERS For 'sale by -' . a: h. neff, . No. 19 So: Front St. marao-tf National Hotel, Corner HaUfax and Edepton Streets, j U rNortlor ibe Capltal'Sqnar' irtHE building Is new, sbacfohs and elegant. , I . Every appointment for tae aceommoda tlon of guestsf Booms and Parlors sa for families, and single rooms complete, boauti fully furnished, with an eye to comfort and convenience.-.;' -v ' '.' 'y r-iitEpiNkNfaOar't is largeaaift superbfy furnished In the mostat tractive manner, whilst the servants are gen--tee! polite and attentive. , . :. .. No expense or effort will bo spared to ren der the at. NiehoLis Hotel strictly a ; ;. , ;Vv:mSLAS3'HOTEi; , ; To eompare favorably with the. best flotels,s North or Soattt. ' '-!--- ' ' ' ' ' ' i The patronage-of the traveling public Is re spectfully solicited. - . . . ; . Omnlbusses and carriages at the depo to meet every traia. :; -: v' ' aw-Charges as low as any other flrsUOass Hotel in the country. '- ! , , r , . , ; , . v A. JRUTJTES Proprietor.' ' v . -Formerly of Exchange Hotel.) . febitf " .. .. . :"'. 't BUSINESS CARDS. adxsji. SI. VOLLKac """'ah p vqi-LERS :- -1 . ... .-- -- ' ' ' . - WILMItfQTOU Ar.;6.. y-IIOtESAIJE GROCERS. IJf AI.I its branches. " - . COUNTBT. MKliCHANT8 will do. well !, calllhg on us and examining our 8tock. novl-48-tf - ' EDWARD, J. ASTON, EEAL ESTATE AGEST, 't:' A8HK VILLI. ' '".';: :.;V 49" Activity and efficiency in bringing to ether the Buyers and Sellers of BealKatate l North Carolina, and to iacilltatA goous transactions between them : also flu encouragement of Northern and Euroix u Emigrants to come and settle 111 theSoutli are the objects of this Agency, . commission merchants JHOTTlXT.dc CO., :. GENERAL COKJf XSSIOIT Bf erchaatti.. NOBTH-WATKB 8TBKET. Will Vive Dcorant Aerabhal -at tontinn tA . i.. sale or sldpment of Cotton. Naval Stores General Produce, etc etc. Also to reoelvtnr , Orders solicited and promptly illio.1 sept23-l-tf t PKOFESSIONAL. Dr. S4 S. EVEBITT SUCCESSOR TO, D; fi. r.."ARRlN';:. ton, , ;K:vw-..( .-; ( OffiOe Same as furmerlv nwnntAil Hit tl A f rington. , . . . . . . . r., -V.ji. ap-t-tr y;..' ; ' .-.;- 'v'' OfJ!"C?.ILK3?6s BKTWliIKK v:.IT?iana Streets. ! oct 1-8-tf ' MISCTETiA NEOUS. Marine Insurance effect' ed to all ports m the Unitdd 'SW Wejl In dies , by l' 1 '" -jlL ! '' 'f il I'M -r MolassesFlour i;&c. Q jfS HltDS. W CBOP CtiX YED CUBA O KJ Vi M0LA8SES and N. 0. 8YBUP. 1,000 BABBELS FLOUR." 400 BABBELS MULLETS. ' 400 BALES HAY. AKD A eBHKBAfr STOCK OF GROCERIES. For sale very low, by WILLABD BROS. JnaZ7-tlJ X BLES. Peace Warrants, State Warrants Civil Warrants, Search Warrants, Ac, &c.,foi saieav wm. ti. jsKttMAitJ'& Printing and Publishing House, And General Book Bindery, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front hi.. feb7tf SUMTER NEWS, SUMTER, S. C, PUB Hshod Weekly, Darr ft Osten, Proprietor) WM. H. BERNARD. Agent. sept23-l-tf Wilmington, N. C. North Carolina Argus. ' Published Weekly,' at wADEBB0Rdi , ,, t At the lew rates of , , per A ii ii u iu . ACkXNOWLEDOED TO BE very boo panors in the State. verv wide eirculatioa. and Is fullv alive to eveiy thing that IS ef Interest to Un people. ( . j A CU01CS AD VEIiTISINQ MEDIUM. Try the Aaevs for one year. W. n. Bsaaian and Sraea ft Hihsox Ageut in Wilmington. Address, r . aplS-tf D. MoNIELL Editor. " j. j. BDWAans. . a. w. ball. Edwards & Hall, Grocers and ; (Mitt DEAL IN AIJU KINDS OF COUNTRY PROtirjOE , And keep constantly on hand1 fall line ol ... Greeerlces at lowest cash prices. , , WUmlngtoa. January 4, X870 1 1. tf Holasses andSyrup. 490 HOGSHEADS, ' 263 BABBELS'NEW CROP CUBA AND Mnsoovado Morasses and 8yrap. r ForWaleat'veryl6wprioes,by 1 i..i'-i . JtlLLARD BROS. marlS-tf v to; advertisers. TIT7LMIN6TPN' MERCHANTS, to. extend YV 'their trade, should advertise in the ' t ASHEVILLE PIONEER, PviMlslseel Weekly aad Semi-Weekly. ' The Piovxsa has a larger eirculatioa than any paper in Western iJaxplina. r V ALBEBTH. DO WELL, Ja., . r mar Sfrtf . , . - . ' 1 Proprietor. . The laarion tS; 0.7, Star, ITMa 'FACILITIES UMS VRVASSXft by any paper in Boutn Carolina to tne Merchants oCWUaungtea aaar.otner ioeai. ties, of extending their business to the Pee Deesectioa. " ' ! R USltfJSJS 8 GAUDS ' ' t AD VERTISEMEKTS INSERTED ON LIBERAL TERMS, which may be yarned by applying to -. t . , , W. J. McKERALL, Editor. . ESTABLISHED 1824. , The J?atriot M .;; -TS ONR OF THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND State. - Taai Taaas : ' ta.os per year. Bui few wee Iff IV TiaiMSf papers nave a oier v- lation. and aoaa offer superior aavaniKCT A D V B R T I S B R S. , : ;,, "tt: , : ureensboro., N.C. , JOB PBiNTLVt OjlSS.lee6 ir. cheaply and expediUoualy exeeatea at "TaaPAynior" Office. .l; . t ;. i t 'j LaeAiBtiias always oi hand, and oi4 low on Casb orders. aug38-tf 82.50 TT IS NOW 1 one of the It has a - tT5

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