1, . ; ' .' v...- 's. Nit..; '1 ? X. 'IP j.Uix f f t : 1 v m MORNING 'STARva , ;Wedncsday, ' August Hv Editor r and .Proprietor. . - . ' "" . r- r-- v - I ivriner- flFTXEX:CB9rrs pereek';rsabl- bers North of the: centra 'Af. "Mkv street win b upPUea brJirWM. I, '"SS&SSoS" m Igentiart oathorlsed la tlielr , , '.epectiTer Diviii ,t collect city ; Ptt Offlccriioiier i)rden ay b I obUJoediJ all the cities, and In many of t lie large towns. We consider them perfet tiy Ltlin fifty safe, and the best 'means of remit uoiarsor less. - . - i - j vs&igigtM JLettennuder tb new' ; verVnn ' ilf7Axb , ': as postatreiMt impmd tirucinps atrthe office 1 - wherebtfletter Is.anaUedtior wlli be liable " to be seat tAthe UeadXeUet jfflce..;M3 and 'iikthsmoMuand seal Mtwi'muw Dreicnc(v J the voit-matler and take hit marini for sent In this way to us aroit oar risk. Person 'leaving the city during the Summer months may have' the Star mailed ; 'regularly to their address by leaving orders at A this office. Price, 75 cents for one mouth, or, -' -'93M for three months. ' ,' --r XL ra-Obltnarv. notices, tributes ov VcsclI . Ac., are charged alf advertising' rates when paid tor in advance of buMcation. tn all other : ' , . v tin 'v' a ( cases full advartismg ratoa will be changed, t , Tfl CIRCULATION THE-MOBN- -?vrcW7 ro r rr.ii:wxr wriT- n .-fi-MiVr OTHER J)AILT NEwSPATSIi PUB- LISIIED IN XiUKTU LAJiOLJUA. ' - ' From tle advertising , columns of the TV. a. x, . ? 1' i , . uMi ' -u - i i ; 'are two candidates, still in the field in . v ' . t a t" j . Warren county ; one for Register of Deeds, and the other for County. Treasurer. For At ' ' 1 -1 At .. - ..J .L' iicmen to vfurdraw.". -There is no possi ble chanco of their election before August, 1872 ; and if they persist' in keeping their names before the people' It wiU result, in . ,1 . ren county will be declared in a. state t)tji . a lnanlnNifthAn an4 IIaMak' ik. iTkAmAlAH uuuiivuvu auu uyiucu lug , iciucuvcu will call on Grant for forty companies of '.-VitJ'.'aj Artillery. ...... -We-gainr-beg--our" Warren Trienda to "fofdraw." -It is entirely too early to begin the campaign of 1872. r-Wlrjr, just 1,1 think of a man running twb! wh6le years . for Register of Deeds ? .Think of "his ' '' cider bills, his advertising accounts, and other campaign expenses I , . , ! ' But they are runiiln'' Foote f or v Regis ter of Deeds, and Massenburg tor Dbunty ; V' Treasurer. -There they are, -under the hAiii. nf "MTot ArivorfioAmoTits" ;n tho mitf August MFoote soliciting "the patronage of tbe voters of Warren county,"4ind Massenburg offering . . -': .- oj. hirtiooira'iinflif!afA.'?nHor.c.r.1onf f nrt t - himself a c'andidat lindepehdent ra5 coior a- By see ) tho 'Virginia; ; horse' '?'Tie&-Eye" in a four-mile heat. . But foi-rwmlar oid-firfd rnnninn iro'ii lin,w.. Tfi the world, j.rney are bent on catching the political worm of 1872, .whether "school keeps or not." :t When the Conservative County Conven "'tion'df Warren meets, nearlytwo years hence fionoe-tf iho -delegates will saga cious)yremakr Inlihe language of Patrick . Ilenry: "Why stand we here-idle! Onr brethren, are already the field? And ' "the fact of the business is, that Convention Ve 'do.nbtentelrtaio a'sha oi- d6t.h.V)F.oteaiIbi ahead bf all cjompeiition in 16JJj they keep up their present ; lick. What a i.VVtocTQngacanVassr.they can make ;! ftd what a cood thins it is for noshes of the glwiTwres, 2 ye ;; f 4,j invariably1 int advance." a ' THE WnttFAT U TAR.lLrCt.fi. - .sa vTXr .Carolina fe'els grateful to her sobs i in Nolfolk,rho: bowed their" appreciaw .tiottiof-biir glorious vietory-byan immense uemonstratioin that ritvlast Saturday :'vJ;ntog3no3esa1 griftQtibeB shf . . a. -avKm .lla iro.lut. it.A. i fi icu'wnuus. win guiauii ji iuuaiio 1 nuu ' US Btavlnr hard is iFtbd election: were to Fulscloie8,ai' -lJ,BUUJ au irom toe-fleet:. at - Cherbourg to .man the .; - w.-;.Yir lvmffrVg'-1-"'"' 'r:-1- from any quarter an impulseVboih with defenses of Paris is a mortifying confession : . :;:; ') ; r.'- . th' MflftWenhniv dAlarat!oiilhA - stood ot weakness. iAU offensive operations at r- r - - w tm -iv irn TiArrnm n wn -m iiir a a - i- i f: -' i -1 i. . -! i - - . - r I .'HO- 11A.O: L4ifrJlA& VVC ill W U a U1U ll&C lU I - - ;:;.;.ThQc;cn - " naWiMMr'WAffnW4f .hVnrhifstnfi'! "Ron- I . i.i fifefj illmnfiiatloifBVlTbafillayi ,.:tvo:'- iu''.-Jci.A i....'.iit.('...'"'.'';; I. . r: banoersJand -oeechVa'',rade,Lrri fiWnd '.. . j! ,".:.'0';iV''-i-i ''-4 h.'';.a,.;..-Pl uand beaulifuL picture, , ' '- r .u. '" The 'fcele1rae4.1ittleV;g ... i ; " . .- 1 I .a! f t.it is pronunenti'taa(eoned - ia the rfepora i a 1 1 b mh iiiiMiuriiij w iiicMii Piirria iai inn' it:iiiii aa 'Vi.VUf caiuiAMA cjmniigcBT.iwm'4uus usvc Fff ;1?ww o'rHt urrr; r.-x; CVmsiderlag thennsettled 'andde&o)ln : JI vyiMieodlt3oajof tnie JLiar'luestioOj'w' V'tMF'triWot him '-4n hii terrlflo attaV6& .i.j JuagoDistv'ixturywiin or wiiuout invita- elected to CoDgresAno!, we Jive " Hope .. i fair'0Ottce:no that when we do visit hi m . tfAW$trchttoSifot twobrenlogs, at ; v least, t'VholerTfiVf street; V , . . . Aa sooa as ;iheT. retnrni are? all. In, we ..S'iVuJr the 'litlcal sfatus'qfllaj ). v wapracticamc. STRIKE IX MASS ,Qn IfrLilsy last th ere were nearly 8,00612 factory operatives "on the street-;, aianj i -. j ........ . r Air Mass. This is the result oia strue a m nn cf he coitonJianUs. The cityjaf Tall River is note tho country oyer for its im- , ... r , -1 mens proaucuon ,uV v"- svy-r-r mn-whollv'-Drint cloths no legs than rjry mills runnipe oyer .half a , million f Bpabd iWe thousand ,80ms beings OCCtipied, .vun -inis manuiaciure, producing upwards of one million jyards per annum, 6 . o TT, " I; " ;"Tj nVobablv ten thousand operatives in ' the ProuauiJ lc" . -..j , r : . various departments. The rstnkers resist --un'of from 7 to lOper cent on. Ihe pinners and weayers. . The TmU-own-, express themselves perfectly satisfied withthe condition, ot. affairs,, They de clare that at this season ' they only care fo v a. 1 . . - .v; run for the sake of Keeping the machine- rj lu iuui, ruu tu uWi uu until the .demand for- goQda , springs up, they are willing to remaUl' idle. ,JThe mill J owners say.iuej wu uui jiciu xxue spin ners say that, under the old scale of pay, sl man could not earn $10 50 a week; some d3 onl$9-tKe i fair average being about $10.50. y ;- l', WAn oy SitATioHr EITECIOPWAB ON kmibratios. t i; Thft decgt!aBa ot immigration since the commencement of the European war ... i- i,A 4u.. 1 irn T?-f: K. nn!. J of f . II W I II . I I MM U J K I LLA Ua - ew York. As regards the German emi- I - i: ff V.A 'Ka.Attinna AfTnf yf V. ... r,..:-,. , , - ,L . ' it is etated, is already felt at , the West. ,0tHer nationalities contribute mainly to L , - . . . me numerical growm 01 our cities: tne , - other ha d 7M :?-.T. 'y1!? 0IL, et ' I MtUWCUl SVH T l tUU If C3I, IIUU IUU- tribute, bv their industry and thrift to the - . ; i - i' T4v -v- K ' rapid development of that . section. The r . . ,. v. , : New York.rc, however,-is inclined to think that thia4 heck'wmite but tern.-: porary. The war cannot last lorever, an I if a id Acre tt? 1 1 1 ra Trv 1 1 ATiftH rTT a nmvtAtirai A. - v-;4.V ' TTT 1 rtolf ann . taratlnh. Tha HionnaliiAii fr I 1 seek relief in immigration will naturally be stronger than ever. When that period arrives the United States will realize, the subsYihlial profits 'of emijarration fromt continental Europe on, a :scale greater than "1 w ever before known. . A HANDSOME TRIBUTE. The Norfolk Virginian, in an editorial article on the attitiJde'of North Caroliqa in tbe recent campaign, pays our grand oU St.WthefoUowioS beautiful tribute: With these great weightsupon her, and tnese snarp , goaas uv. ner siaes, tne uia ..V - wbica entitles her to immortal honor. A ia.wnwen.'Mia.uo w uw; vv. I i fJ- 1 a! tt. u 1 v.T i.iJ.iL - uw spirit i a teriu.u.uc !w taa-ciu . . . . -i i 1U a Pore n aiae-l nan eiVFoe folded her ' Ottered Vattle-flaga wfct with the bloodof hersons and madegloriouson battlefields of the .r. ? . . jv"' - congralating her on her redeorption. we llliugic nribu tucgiccuug uui mgutoii op- plause atr the patient f heroism which she displayed, and. trust that the ; future 'may be rich in the blessings of tba peace; which ' she' hascoinquered I for ' herielt by peaceful means: '' -: ":! r- ! - . . : . THE "ADTAKCE.- ; I- . . ' jar. Cicero w . Harris, late ui iuw xieu ddrson Index, will commence the publica- with fhA oTvivA ; DuringisfionBectipn with the Index Mr. Harris made' a Tfine reputation, as a " i i j. .a : : iv.i.' ,i i (wrlferJ:End!we are:ladfihi:nergy -ha4WpodJ conflicts of.Woerth. Weis r a rn'I a S t. I senburg, Froschweiler and . , Saarbruck. found a new field r its development. It The suppression of details of German will berecpUectedj bat. ffZ)tic office was toUllestrbycd- iri cthe disastious - ... .. roana onewith,; which the Wr-J chants of .Wilalrneton?m'av larsely -in I i svH,ttfttf&niei we thlhkithey:ill find :. -kiaw4.-j ?-r? am.. tLnl' it profitableitojYertisarin that jonrnaL ui . r At. ..." .;.: .. j-i i- -w1 ;i '.' ji.yiM.' I a . rA-ui - a a a: . i iu.i Thre . it maeff inaj-t sec: lion 'for'.'our neigbbor-!n-iaGe Zee.. "Sihce'fiis re-election' to ' thelJesrislaterre. there is great anxiety toKo6w.vhls !neW' t , , - , plattfsxamraiotocsTnexatioo I iJt t - . . . . , a "Nortbfk to North Carolina, and forj he ateeili.QainjJaiaioi i U Qambus w worth Uai (Pttofate of the country , r r -.. . - - s lijngtlcembuoylifct look forQeerZflft withihtb & jjTtj'uAtMi , ii i ', '' ... " vs -: t';o .tt.TJl imiM 8VTiox. .jut s-A.'t'.sa .i -:- T ..jnMfffl9Mf(li7 Thousand Men- i yThe, following fpecial despatch, received JHtofs. I7nw. the Fench journal of New ifViJgtves irfctear ot tbe military;! ; ill.' r -a 1 Lt , -i.-OvZi iDflL.-:'iiiirl oi rans ai inai aai. ja.paiu, .i witr , voiiai, , u -,vw"vr nA AnitA in rnntrflut with the vaffue and -iMHrftThf rWWorrpinondents. Tho wavir mnao r.i ,7ttW . iniiir: i t the srnJATipNAa(s(iEN from pABM,f- iNews'irom tne army is now awaited fvfth fiftrxietrf the'efefcisive moment draws he information obtained bv the partment shows that Prussia ia trating a great army of invasion, : 01 seven, nunared ; and fifty men, between Colosna and Ras- tadt-'It is certainlv'ascertainpri 4v.0f Vh.ro arenoUpnger more "than two hunrol na "fifty thousand jnen in Alsace and Lorraine. -X ie; leaaerjLi. wq, ::J?rench. armV lare making preparaiioiiai.resi8tihis tide -of J inyaders,-s More than.four hundred thpu saiid men jwill be brought together be tween the Voseges and the Moselle within two days. "The bulk of the army remains concentrated around Metz; where the first detachments of; the. corps; of McMahon, and of that of De 'Pailly arrived yester day. Theetreattf these corps has been effecteoyin Very good order. .. - r The partial abandonment of Alsace by tourroops , gives -Tise to "lively anxiety for the fate of 'Strasbourg. . The city is well supplied; with' war Materials, food and ammunition, : but the very limited numbers of the garrison xcite fears lest they cannot hold it long. '. ! One of the first efforts of the ister of war has been to remedy tho defecta uunu, iimvu ykiisiuueu me de moralization of ' .our 1 troorjH-" the eld ' convoys of provisions have ben sent to Here the Situation Is "much the same; there ia' less; tumult and more resolution. -li .J "ere L18 V uresis-. example, JL DnrU v. ' formerly: a cabinet minister, and M; Paul Je Cassagnac, the f ediorth enlist- ed, the former m the Teserve, the latter in a regiment ofiouaves. ' ; , Vn, I ?ans transformed into a citadel, the armament ot the fortifications is com There is fterimia thnnrrh nn hroofon?nr ' v. w M u WLm U II . MMM . - U I 1 I 1 JifeLli A AA f . SliaciOQ, Marseiiics 'ioulouse and I ' ' -The, same journal has a dispatch from I a. oa .j L,. i , . . , . - ' ' dated on Thursday night, that the French -j v . ,r . . . evacuating Metz for twen- ty-four hours, with the intention of falling I 1" ., ....... - " , , : .'. - ..- .f. . .... ; ... ? he reinforced before delivering a general T - ' . . , engagement.. jBuLii says, the New York . , '. A. Pott,, the abandonment of Metz and the line of the Moselle would, be almost as great a blow to the empire as the loss of a battle, and is not to be, easily believed. The. latest dispatches would make it true, however. The -Pod adds : The Paris dispatch given above may be regarded as a candid statement of the best face that can be put upon the situa 1 x It f 3 Tl 1 A a V uo J weu miormea rencnmen ai ine spot nt rr-vvrniTipnf . . Tho ifpn.mi rv.Q Aianatuia nnnrt ht I IL -ir - r , , 7i. - i u i j I tho VnanrpU anil rpnrliH t tin npi rrh hnrhrvirl of Saarbour'?. a town on the western slore of thosemoun tains, and upon one of the tributaries of the Moselle. If this is tfiie, SKltttK to check the German advance east of the xnoseue. in otner woros, a poruou oi ' LSu and with a capital'city 3 large as Albany, l as oeen. sucreaaereM w me i wman I fnrnpa within . minth nffcpr TCa rnl-iS ai " r rtfill,fox-Rerll., ;The .bringing of the marine artillerymen bah Ka ArAnl aaa m I A. U A, C i oca iu uob w awauuvueu t aiiu. kuc- W ail t Lit trained artiUerylnen in the army must be pressing. indeed. -.: . : l. irfiThe Prussians are evidently pressing St,mA either of a serious repulse to . them or of a further successful advance may be expected m aujr uiuuc. ' - ? : the gekman lossks. The New v York, Journal of Commerce, apfi9pWjoltiieirelatire fosses' 'ia the recent battle,;or jcatber" series; ' of battles, starts some Bflggestiohs worthy of consideration. It Bays : ,. ...... , T .u- a e ... Germans in followia? ut-. their, victories J may partly. be explained by the great gaps 1 made in. their ranks bv the chasseoot. and organizationsJffow do e know but tnat tnejanecea. inore than the .French losses iasttSifeSous.-; From the franker ad-1 . missions WthfFr'ench, we learn whatf ...1 A " V V 1. 1 1 .. j. . I ' i .- - t affairs at feaSflarrto ttvAi -Europe since': Watetloo.,'iAiid1' vet' those baUlea i we're bl skirmishes-compared-to :tl!6ntbat:i4BS:ietYtake'iilacet whoa 6ie tacAtkfln the;field meetsJ with something like ah exiualify1 'of nam f iiwuo bers, the three German armies HOW slowly i:oncentrating about iletx a . j ?-The JWniZ does' not j Wondei' that; the -. , j a , , . . , 1 i i i . - i m , j . - . - Gerinani iTinfctowly, adteven re- appaMing.encqunter, I - r r 3 ' a.1 J -r 1 I - L : J lariy daysvwe are toldmay; elapse before the ne b the 'German 'troops'if ib paired by the losses incurred so far, may - i - be sufficiently restored to-warfant a 7 prudent olhittnndSr' in' lauricbing them aOTinst?fIa''erfual 'tbfde" oV:'JFrenchmen gtanainlm'nerved up'to desperation in deffRSftihiif ftoiapaanri hearths, and .protected ibr Vint of t.fortiflcatipns apd ,V: -f4! v.i --.n l:-.iiu...i.i.T c:. .7- Mf .earthworks, vu.....- .: ; -7 liiiili '1 ivV BellC:Couti Freiieli SOfferera. ... rvt . t' j. ne suo?uni reUev athe stresaes cansed; Jvi the war aniouiit 4o flS; owhicb;.1 ;f li?,00p are thr'iSuWli ffie tteflsnrer offh a national wiittl the 6hUn char!tJi .to alleviate thti' 1.8UUC1TUK8 Qi iub wupue, , v' I " "" k : Tlie-iBefl6ettsville Journal i n tnnnnnm nr rairr.'TLnn T,n cj-rrkh nnn ponds are- fulL'- Cora ' anU, cotton; doing i remarisaciy we, 6 I SPECIAL NOTICES." SEASON Ol EXHAUSTION. The close sultry weather which nsuallypre- vails toward the end of summer ia particularly unfavorale to the feeble and enervated. Even tlie well-knit frSToea.'of strong men leel the influence of the season, and lassitude and lan guor pervade the whole community.., Iadies, especially those jni ' delicate ' health snffei much from debility, occasioned by tt16 humid, heat, and feel the, want, of a. wholesome In- vlgorant. in ract, a necessity for someuun " - 'At- A I t to recruit the exhausted system ia experi enced, more Or lessby. everybody, and the only question is, what that something will be. With those who have tested the effect of Hos ietter'fl' Stomach BitteTs on themselves, or have observed its effects on others this ques tion will not be In doubt' for a single moment. Its tonic and .regulating operation, and its agency in creating ahealthy appetite and pro moting digestion, are' rightly classed by all, who have resorted , to this unejiualled vege tabie: lnvigorant and corrective, among the most "extraordinary therapeutic wpnders of modern times. - It -should be talten' at this season as a safeguard -against ' the epidemic diseases which are so apt to a tack the relaxed.. system ia the Fall of Qie jear. -f . As it is nndcrstooa-tnat mercenary specu lators in various parts of. the country are en deavoring to supersede the standard tonic of the age with wortniess articles wanuiaciurea by themselves .which they represent to be superior v to put the to this long tried remedy, it is proper e public on their guard against this in Tl species of Imposition, . and' to warn them against the deleterious trash with which dis- nonoraDie aeaiers see, vj uicutu iucuu The "Pain 'Killer.!' -The roaaeistitViwjaiaT8tic demand for Perry Davis ft Sou's great medicine the Pain KiUor was never before so large as it has been of late ; and we think the time has arrived when the declaration1 may be made, without the possibility of reputation, that the city of Providejce, 1'flie State .of Ehode Island,' of tne umtea states oi America, nas iumisneu the, entire habitable globe with a medicine, which, in point of universality of demand, ex, tent of usefulness, complete efficiency for all the purposes Jfor which it Is designed and wide spread,:enj6irlng popularity, has oiever been equalled-hy . any ; medicine In , Burope or America. '' ; . ' ' universality of the demand for the Tain Killer is a novel, interesting, and, surprising! feature in the history of this medicine. Ita fame has gone out" into every duarter of I the habitable globe.,. The Pain Killer is no ' regularly 'sold fn large and steadily increatin O.nratities,,jn6jtonly to general agents in every State and Territory of1 the Union, and every Province of British America,1 but to Bnenos Ayres, BraisiJgVraguay, Perl Chili and other South American . States, to. the Sandwich Is lands, to Cubs, and other West India , Islands ; to England and . Continental Europe; to Mo zambique, Madagascar, Zanzibar .and other African lands ; to Anstralia and Calcutta, Rangoon and other places in India. It has also been 'sent to China, and we doubt if there is any foreign port 'or any inland c ity in Africa or Asia, .which Is frequented by American and European" mlssiQiiaries, travellers or traders, Into which the' Pain Killer has not been-Intro, duced and been sought after i The extent of its usefulness is another great feature of v this; remarkable medicine. It is not only the besb.thing ever knows, as everyi body will confess, for bruises, cuts, burns, &c, but for dysentery or cholera, or any sort of bowel complaint It . is a remedy unsurpassed for efficiency and rapidity of action. In the great cities of Biitish India, and in the West India- Island and- other hot climates, it has became the ttandanFmedieine for all such com? nlftlntji. B.. well njt for dIs-nenSla. liver com plaints and other kindred disordersFor MbTOit conu,, caiiKer, asthma and rheu matic auncuiues, it nas oeen provea oy tne most abundant and convincing trials and tes timony, to do an mvaiuaoie meaicine. The nroDiietors are in possession of letters from persons of the highest character and respon- siouixy, wssniying, in unetiuivocai terms, to the cures effected and the satisfactory results produced, In an almost endless variety, of cases, Dy xne useoi tnis great meaicine. .tt-ov. Advertiser. ... ; f , : , ,. . July . $50 REWARD! ' ?..25 will pe paid' for evidence suffl. cienl to secure the conviction. of the person or persons who attacked and wnnded the policemen on duty, at or near the eastern end of ihe' Market House and on Front street, while said police were endeavoring to perform their duty, by arresting disorderly; persons, and maintaining good order on .Thursday night last, the 14th Inst., during the celebra tion and Torchlight Procession held on that night.'- -' ' - ; ,r-ALSO : t V. -: The same reward will be paid for evidence sufficient to convict .any of the parties who threw rocks, bats, or Other offensive material at the Procession, during its progress It is hoped that all good citizens will lend their aid in bringing to punishnient all dis turbers of the peace in the city. hy other of Ihe' Mayor.' v W. 4 ANADY, WftUaf-'H ct C11y;Marfhal. -:-J a ti MARKET STREET ...T -':.A ' dR' THmTY DA Yf3. :TmTfti,l.,mi?rp' r ' i WT" 1 .. : ri . t i . - . r d r r . 1 GOODS MUST BE PAID TOR J ; iif .nl JOiJ 1- S.1.0QO Regard hi . 1 . . t : TTXsBING'B Via Tugs, cures all Liver, Kidney i J ana niaaaervtfies,urranio wteaBJCSs Female Afflictions, General DebllitA and al complaints of the urinary Organs, In male and I $1,000 will also be paid for any case ef JJlind, . KKKsirr fails to eure. ' '- ,- . DpJG'8, MAGIC IJNnrEin; cures Eheu maiic. rains, oprains,. cruises fuia qweuea " Sold everrwhere. Send for Pamphlet. 1 1 LABORATORY 142 Franklin St., aprillMy .- - Baltimore, Md ' BUSINESS OAltSsSJ Alex. Sratn j. Hursoir. antes spbuitt. EKFEB TO JAMES l5AWS0Ny Esq., :- Uastexb, Wiucikotoh.' June 17-tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS ! Cor. Front anil Dock Sis., , IF IL M IN G T 0 N N. . C. "YIIOEESAIaE'GKOCEBS, IN ALL its branches. ,,;v "i. ( .. ; COUNTBYiM EK.CHANTS ' will jlo .well by Calling on us and examining our Stock. ' :v; novi48-tf r ..:..:: 7.- , , 1IOFFITT CO., GENERAL COMMISSION Merchants -, KOETH 'WATER 8TEEET, Will Kive prompt personal attention to the salo or shipment of Cotton,- 2frnal Stores, and forwarding goods. . . ; MmT- Orders solicited and promptly filled - Sept23-l-tf : ,; .f, -,y4tf ,"!; ' : I f . KDWABDS.- I Edwards I J B. HAIX. Grocers ; and Commisswn Merchants. IT - , DEAL IN ALL KINDS OF O UIVTR Y PRODUCE, Lnd keep constantly on hand a full line oi f I Wilmington, January 4, 1870. tf W. J. LOVE J. C. BLOCKER. Love ;& Blocker, COSIMtSSION J1EKCII ANTS, j I aO(ORNER ;NORTH WATER AND CHES- nut streets, (up stairs) vvummgton, N. C. 1 Personal and prompt attention ; given to consignments of j ."'NATAL STOItES, COTTOK and all other preauce. oct 29-tf Wflmingtoii Garden; rruiIS FAVORITE RESORT ianOw open tor JL .the Summer. Refreshments of all kinds constantly on hand, among which may be mentioned , . ' -,-. Lager beer, ale,, ice cream, straw , BERRIES, Ac. r, -. , Bowling .Alley Attacked. . ,-. ; ; i In "fact', everything has been arranged to QOntrlbAte to the comfort and entertainment of, visitors, and the Proprietor earnestly so lid ty the public patronage. may 81-tf ... Consign f onr Prod nets' te the Old Es t . tabllsbed Fl rm of i General Prodnce Copiiission'f ercMs, s'nBBlf wren STREET, T., WHERE yon will receive the highest mar ket prices and prompt returns for any thing in their linej such as Green and Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Tobacco, Wool, Hops, Flour, Grain. 'Seeds. Ponlt.-nr. r;mo Ro.ua Poo Feathers, Rags, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, and all juuus oi country produce. . , commission, xon selling produce, 5 per cent ; a. wa.uuu, Y uui, x iuur tuiu. uram, x4 per cent. Consii?nment solicited and prompt rendered. wrciuara anu marjantr piates sent upon appli cation. JeAOENlSWAKTED. ".augifim.:. . -o. 7:.;. , ; Flour, Kerosene Oil. ..:":!'.;:--'' ' ' ' ' ' ' - . 1 CtTV BBLS. FLOUR, all erades.'! " ' XO If 4. Ex Lucille, very low from jwharf. ..... t . j . ' : -. - - 1 1T BBLS.. KEROSENE OIL, . 1U ' ! 1 ' J ' : Quality guaranteed. -VT C.BACON, SIDES AND SHOULDERS. B UTTER, U. CHOICE GOSHEN. i i ' ...... . J- ; For salo very low by ! ; ;- 1 tA....' "4 tfnial : ; aug lO-tf - : ' ' ' ; ' DxROSSET & CO. ; CASH ADVANCES MADE ON .It tl 1 A. - t;--J Consignment s of Produce, -' FOR SALE IN-' Wilmington, 1 Newrjork,...,., Or lliverpool 1. B ARRY 'TOOTHERS, .. angn-ff. v'i i-.-' 5' (,X-V4" Cotton Yarn. 50 BALES, ASSORTEDJlWJllBBRir, n..fi r: . . lTnraatahv .i .V .;i'.-l;3'i"; - autf... .; 'WILL ARD BROS.; Instruction inliliisic. The -' UNDERSIGNED : WOULD INFORM his friends, and patrons that he remains-in ..Wilmington during the! Summer months, and would be glad to, gJTScins.twtaoos iUVccal and LtrumnjAl Jftuslc to those, who wisn to continue their' Studies. , -s , .:, ' , Pianos tuned in the mciatAcarefal mannerA, and at retaonaraetfflarges. 7 ; f-M5 ;--'w!;!f1''''- ':?:"wgrabaVj,v' ""-' ? 4- SUMTER'NEWS, SUMTER, 8. C.,rpim lished Weekly l5arr Osten Proprietbrs , : i ' nri ' i I ii-! " - -.-aa.a.- J 'j, a.-. . a s&iuiaaii, Agent. sept2S-l-tf Wllmtogton! N. C. Wilmington ITortlroliru" S1 iooo.ooo. 4 ! -.-v y; - -J -y y ... .:i-.-;'tiii'0:F:P..I OEBSi "John Dawson . . .PrACllln.,. b,p. 0.;.,.. ........,.... - fT? Jr v---v...8eeretary Dr. E. A. Anderson. .v;. .'.Medical Dlrectov W. A. Wright and C. MStedman. . Attorn Hon,Ellznr.WrJght....,.Cons Actuarv" Eey. BiP. Marable;.Gen..8n'pervi8inff x.nn ev"u . D I R E G T'O R H t John Dawson,'; . w: B.F. Grady, Alex. Johnson, Jr., '. Dr. C. T. Murphy Capt. JPhn E. Spearman, Col. L, a. Powf n' Capt.1. B. Grainger, - - n. u. EIler9 ' ' : v George W. Williams. - THE PERMANENCY OF nOME IITITU ! TDTIONS has been lncontrovertibly established in the success -.:. 1 .- -. - -.- -. - ' M n j ' mi ivnia ionjpjmy. NORTH CAROLINA IS 3IEREAFTKK TO" DO HfiB OWN Life InsurariifeBusiness. A friend 'to those ' In straightened- circum stances has the Wilmington North Caro lina Life InanrnncO'Company been. ThW VlUAi - :r.i t has become the chatnpion'Vi relieving the pressure upon the money mari, by loaning large, sums in convenient amouma Rt a low rate of Interest. This it continues ulo, and will increase Its usefulness in this rtpect. With an AUTHORIZED CAPITAL Of $1,000,000, its scope for real usefulness and financial ad- . vantage to the State Is unrestricted. Continually gaining strength by increased patronage, its means are being added to daily, and it has already approved itself to he a Grand Financial Scheme In Achieving Domestic Prosperity. ' People of 'North Carolina, no excuse is lonpr er afforded for sending your money abroad When your Life Insurance business can be done advantageously aiud securely at heme. In the WIIaMINGTON LIFE" every person Holding ;a"pbli'cy for L,0000 is Er T IT L E D" T 0 "A VOTE in the selection of Directors for the manage ment of the Company. --Money loaned at aylow'rate of interest to Stockholders and1 Policy-holders. Now Is the time to 'insure; and if you arc already Insured, increase your insurance by a policy in the WILMINGTON LIFE." In sure, in yotrr Home'ttompanyj and Sustain that by all means, even though you should have to relinquish tho old fallacy Of Bending all your money .North for insurance as well as 'every thjlng else. -:?--,,.'-,' c '.: ... JNO. C. JAMES, General Agent 4th Judicial District. : "N.B. ACTIVE AtiENTS waDted for t)uplln, Sampson, Bladen and Brunswick Counties. july24-tf y i V Piedmont & Arlington LIFE INSURANCE CO. JOU1V WILDER ATKINSON, Gen'l Agent for North Carolina. THE success which this Company has met with has been truly remarkable. The Charts of Life Companies nublished in New York shows that this Company had a greater increase of business in 18Ga, over 1868, than any Company In America, and that it Issued a larger amount of risks in 18R9 than any save three Companies. ' Nor "does this-JCjLhibit show only rapid pro gress, bat it shows economical and conserva tive management. '1 ! '" ' " IX '"" ' - :.' Those Inclined to secure an inheritance for th6ir families are respectfully Invited to call on the General Agent, at his INSURANCE ROOMS, . . , . ... -, iffmcess street, mar 29-tf Between Front and Water Sts. if ft' The UNDERSIGNED CONTINUES TP effect 'both Jttkjp'ittd.WE iysfR; ANCE in the BEST COHPASISS and upon the XfOST FAVORABLE TERMS, AU sses'Dr6triptijr ajnstcd. JOHN. WILDER; ATKINSON, . Insurance Rooms, Princess St.,- ., '1 iv t Between Front aid Water Sts,, sept 27 tf . ,. ' lTirTpilXitBnrty IN THE Vtl- Urerpool & LoMoii SrGlBle IuHmce Co. .1! 1 't CASH, . CAPITAL,, 8urplu and! Xe -'- . , OArvOil ISina flrA A . no irn Ann Daily Ca8h.seeipts upwards of . . 20,000 All Claims are payable in-Cash -on proof of loss, without Reduction io Interest, and nfit, asja usual, sUtyhys after presentation o proot .:'.;-'. -: '- ,'-v. '''': ''"rt)r,:'i "' . ' , f?:c3rtH-iYlir;1',fic4:n.f JEWETT; Agent t liily lS-lm- . i i For New Hanover County. TT Quaraiitine!f Notice. I N ANl) AFTEBrTH FlKtDA)f OJ 1 une next, vessels arriving at the port of mgipn irom irorts sontn or uape jrew req,uirBatosiopatxne visixmgopapion-, . ... tt I near Deep, and Masters of VeSsels.will please take notice; . -All vessels having sickness on -board oa arrival, or, which have had sickness during th.l.MAA..AA'UIIIV. aJ..I.a1 .a A nn wlih their passage,' will be required to stop with- 11 regara lxrvne pori irom wmcniney saueu. Vessels not included in the above classes win proceed to Wilmington ,without deten tion -r-.:; '; '' ' V Quarantine Station. Smith ville. N. Cm May CS3dl870.- -' " - ': ." . - - -. ; W.. 0.- CURTIS, 1 1 i Quaraitlnfr rtif alAm, ; tnav22-edt41slawoy '- ? SILicelEice!; LBS.'NEW Rrcicfresh beat, and very choice, in storeand to arrive. - For sale by marl8-tf .: t WILLABD BROS. I, I --.! . . ..f, - r - r ' '. .i a