-THE WOUNING STAR; PUBLISHED DAlLY, " . II. DERN AftD, Editor ncl Prop'r. Orric, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front BL 1' nna vear, in aavance months, in advance k. MM W STA - intha. In advance 3 00 5Se month, in advance 75 ha Mowmro 8ta will be delivered lit any part ofthe City at Frrranr Cmtts per week. gnecial Notice. " " .?.-' ' : We would respectfully ?all the attention of oiir patrons to the fact that we are required to settle promptly for our papers every SaturV day and to enable us to do this requires like promptness on tho part Of our subscribers. ; -We beg, therefore, that the city subscribers to the Stab will have the money ready for the collector when called for. Having so many to Mil on it is a serious Inconvenience and loss for us to bare to send more than, once for so 4 mall an amount. V. L. Haulow, City Jno. D. Burch,-J Agents. O IT '"ST T NW ADVEUTISEHENTK. IIbinsbergbb's Live Book 8tore, SMarket street Knabe Pianos The testimony of Thai- berg.. ... - 1 Jon London, Co,mml8aioner-N. C. Bene ficial Association. ? r. , ; s ; . 8. L. Fkemokt Wilmington . &, Weldon llailroad. . .. .. ., L. Meoinnt Wilmington Institute for Girls sndBojs. , .v -.. . - - John B. SouthbrlAnd Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant.- v.- . , , r : , , ' ,j David Pigott, Successor to VanSlckle To- I baccODiet. Deeds and If ortgagea. V a Daring the month iust past there were six ty four deeds and mortgages . probated, repre senting an aggregate of $134,489 89. - Thermometer. 4.' The following was the range of the Ther mometer in this office, yesterday, at the differ ent hours named: 9, 12, 3 and o'clock : 9 13 3 . v 6 81 84 85 ' '84 Mt. Olivet Council. We are glad to learn that ML Olivet Council Friends of Temperance, of this t city, is con tiirpn!nir in nnmbcrs and Influence llliu.iij and those who are connected with the Council evince a disposition to remain firm. The meetings are well attended and the prospest i in every way encouraging. v Hymeolal. The number of marriages for September, compared with that of the mouth preceding, shows a considerable decrease.. From the re cord3.n the office of Register of Deedswe lind that there were issued during the month just past sixteen licenses, of which number 8 were for white cud 8 lor cplored couples. During the month of August there were 7 . laW gued for white and 27 for colored couples. ArratUrl far PpAfAiiltv. P,t,.r(;r.B ruwrnaiinro- j. j. u- public streets, was taken to the Guard House. Him v miiii 1 1. r r iimiinirriv in imcu i v b . im un yeaterday. lie informed Capt. Fitzgerald that one of his children lay dead at home, and begged permission to attend to it, which was granted on Lis promise o'. appearing this morning to answer the charge against him. lie has a queer way of showing his grief for his deceased offspring. Tobacconist. By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that Capt David Pigott has sue, cceded to the proprietorship of the VanSIckle's tobacco establishment on Mai ket street, where he will dispense to the lovers of the weed in all all its various forms the beat to be found in the market Os.pt. Pigott has had long experience in the business arid knows exactly how to cater to the public taste In this partlc- nlar line of business. City Directory. We see by the Richmond papers that the excellent plan of designating the streets by transparent signs attached to the gas lamps, at the corners, has been partially carried out lm 41,. a ? A T . a m . mm . a . ui. cny. ptoi oniy lor me iniormation or strangers, but for the benefit of our own Deo-1 6 i,uunur iu ueucuirvivuruwn Pu- yiung oruiese or sim.iaT indices In every rutn Af th a .ss-. mt t a l. i'on of the city. They would really be more asefulln remote localities than In the central parts of the city. Mortuary. From the records in the office of R. J. Jones, sq., Bccretary.of the Oakdale Cemetery Com- Pany, we have the following statement of the number of Intermit, in nMfti. fr th ,k montn Of Sentemhpr- Pnnsnmnttnn Q. drowned, 1 ; congestive fever, 1 ; dlptheria, 1 ; cnoiera Infantum, 1; inflammation of the bow- el8. 1 ; not stated, 2. ToUl, . Of this num ber fire were infants under ! year of age. one "Red 2 years, and tho other three aged 31, 85 nd 39 respectively One of the number died In 8outh Carolina and another outside qf the cy limits. A good showing ;for September, one or the sickliest months In the year. ; , f. .... - ,', MlIster Beturninir. Rev. F. H. Wood, Pastor of Fifth 8treet M. E- Church, reached the city yesterday after a Inn., .i . .. . .... . . ... I ausence in tne rural districts, ana will -ccnpy his pnlnlt to-morrow.' . Shoo Fly Rev. H. L. Singleton, of the First Presbv tirian Church, "who - has been absent in Marvin fA. ' i ...v. ,,t -..-v v A vi . no, .tu uviue o-aay, and, of course, fill the sacred desk Sunday. . ' For some time many of the chusches bare eiiuer been closed or services held ltrczularly: bat most 61 the Piston have "enjoyed needed rest and recreation, and will no doubt now enter on their responsible duties' with even' more than ordinary zeal. Change of Judges for Fall Courts. we learn from the Fayettevlllo EagU mat Judges Buxtod and Russell have "xchaoged parts of their 1 circuits with pproral of tha Governor. Judge D. L.Rus- . WI ? n Uistrict, wUl hold -the next ierm of the Snperlor ..'Oourt in- Anson. Rich- mond and Cumberland ; and Judge R. P. Bux- , V4 om district will hold the Fall term IB fle Hanover, Sampson and Duplin. - M ' ' M ! , , , , , imimmm Ml. M .. . 1 ... . I, I d I II. I. I 'lACAl OotW ".'" T ':.''' i ''.'; V i v-: " 1 . ' V " ; A great many persons were on the move yesterday : , . 7 Sound oysters, in the shell, are selling at fl 60 a. bushel.'. ' Kid cloves are going up In price In con sequence of the wsr. . . f . The new fashioned ear drops are very bread and very long. Id eating -oysters alwayt-peel the shells 'off before 4 wallowing. 1 a -mm i UMU" ii,-j;wiiTOl-iiM wui kue i -. . . - JH - , '!r : ; ! . I ! .: - Th Steamship Selctor, Capt. Brooks, arrivedNewTyesterday., K j A-wp jvur wws hdu Koau ou i.ue tireeu OTlheywm be ilmpoundcd: , Kf ; v:. ; The steamship Rebecca Clyde, Capt Chllds, cleared for Baltimore yesterday. . v ' Bcuppernpogs are sCTK plentiful and can be had from f 1 to $1 60 per bushel. ' ' Sardines are: now; used to make oil, and hence they will soon become scarce. . Some physicians say a m an or woman may eat from two to four pounds' of grapes per day with benefit Mayor Martin went down he river yes- terday to make an Inspection of i the Improve- ments going on atbe Bar. Subscribers who change their residences to-day are requested to notify the carriers where to leave their papers. i The State Council Friends of Temperance will hold their fourth annual session in Ra leigh on the SOth of November. ; 5old weather would be hailed with de- ligbt. If the present warm weather continues much longer, we shall all be "snowed under." Very little is said publicly in political circles' in regard to the suecessor of Galloway as 8enator from New Hanover and Brunswick. There have been seventy-six Interments' in Oakdale Cemetery since the 1st of January, h.t.1. l. thin fn. til. mm. nM r.""" Fv..- 'Mk Jrer " uniy one case oeroro the uity uourt yes terday morning. Annie Evanaeharged with larceny, was founTguilty and required to pay the.penalty and eosts. The steamer lAUle Scon came down yes- terday;loaded with colored excursionists from Point Caswell. They returned on the steamer late in the afternoon. James Collins, colored, for a violation of one of the statutes "made and provided," was committed td Jail yeaterday. In default of se curltv. to await au.examinatioi. Col. Fremont requests the patrons of the Inland Air-Line to have all cotton by that route dlstincUv marked and t arced, with ad dre" of consignee written in full. ' , The irrepressible Kitty Curtis, whose name has long been familiar in police circles, waa arrested yesterday on the old standing charge of , vagrancy. She was locked up for her appearance this morning. , See advertisement of John B. Sdutbcr- land, late of the firm of Wallace 'Souther land, Cotton Factor and Commission Mer chant, in this issue. He can be found at the corner of Chesnut and North Water streets. up-stalrs. - A Hedleine Man In Trouble. A young man by the name of J. C. Allen, who represents himself as being from Ken- tucky, has been enjwcea for the past two days In peddling some kind of medicine about the city. Yesterday afternoon he called In atthe mora of Mr. Ancntt Dnmelandt. on the 1 corner of Fourth and Brunswick streets, and was told by Mr. D. that his medicine was worthlcss. or words to that effect, when Allen became offended. One word brought on an-1 other. when finally the man of medicine drew a lag Bowie knife from Its concealment about nl8 wxou and threateAd to elve Mr. Dume- , I . . ti. i . 4 u. . lftndt a taste Of its OUalitV. Jnst at this OD-I - , w I iodeed him in the Guard Hoirte. Heis repre- " - . sented to Lave been somewhat under the in fluence of liquor and consequently very noisy and turbulant. The "Dollar Store." k j . The grand opening of the "Dollar Store" J tu ' kh- k. a o uiam iiihi'h Mi'iiH v . aia wis buc iukuliuu ua t A. A , f T AA Ilia InlanilAn f . . v". . ' . r 1 . ' ; O'clock this morning, out owing to tne large amount of work required to prepare their gooos ana get mem m prujwsr , urucr, kuejr til 2 o'clock F. M. At that. hour. the public nerallv. and ths ladia in particular, are re quested to call and examine the!rstockv IT! will amply rfipay hem for theli trouble even if they are not desirous of put chasing. As there will doubtless be a great rush, and no time to devototo wrapping up the goods, purchasers are requested to bring baskets In which to carry their articles home. Come one-come all "now Is. the time to eet your money back !" ? 4 - '.-',.- 7 -.-. Some one has pnt the original Shoo Fly Into Uerman,. ana we proauce ii lor iae special nleaanre of the manv German readers of the - - . . - STAiff; Ich fuhl ich fuhl Ichfuhl', Ich fuhl', wle der Morgenstern ; Ich fuhl', Ich fuhlMeh fuhl',. Ich fuhl', wle der Morgensterrf. -' - Fort ! FHeg'I lass' mlch In Ruh' Fortl FllegM lass mlch IttRuh Fortl Flleg! lass' mlch in Ruh' Dem ich bin yon Compalgnie Q. Oar Chip Basket. ; w NUsson'draws crowded houses. Japanese women have hadsome hair. 811k dresses In Paris can be bought for af " K A.:-. ' j. - . ; raris "lasnions" are now aesennea as tears and lamentations. ... King. WUHacf officially announces that he will receive no more- avres irom raris. I rr The female vote cast in Wyoming, l is said, were ; mosq fprVtbc; Republican ; dates. .r-'-;'-" v' v,f. 'Z' . '-;' ".f .. f As an evidence of the progress of the age, rwejotlce advertisements in some "papers of "ladles business suits." Quite a number of ladies have applied fur admission 'to the medical. and law de partment of , .the Michigan University; this '-r U. is sail that of the four or five hundred thousand members of the Mormon Chnrce not -.-..'.uA iv utvi w . Luau ,- iiibcc aa aaaaaaua cu uit;ai uiivs axrvFa o i i thn one wile sniece. There' Is' a purple half to the grape," a mellow balf to the peach, a sunny half to the globe, and a better half ; to the man who ,s lurbuu&bo cauugu 10 nave a gooa wue. ? -An Ohio lady seeks a divorce on the ground of a want of tenderness on Her bus- band's part. He hammered her with an axe . a- ' t I then triumphantly inquired of her "How Is, that for high ?' Board. If you want Board, advertise in our new' de- partment, under head of "Wants," at half our regular rates,' for advertisements not exceed ing five lines. tf EIST OF LETTERS Remaining In the City Post Office, Sept. SOth, 104U :i vV. v ; " . . .. ; - , A Martha Anderson, care chael Alexander. . O W Davis, Ra- B Tonv Brown. Levina Brown. Jas W Bur- gess, John Bcary, John W Brown; J D Biggs fc Co, Hannah Bordeux, C H Brooks, Rev A Baker: B F Bryan, Ann Boyd. - ' Cs-Wm Corcoran, P M Craig, John A ChW ner. Miss Alice Cntlar, Asa B Croom, A.B Cook. 0 "E Andrew J Evans. 'F Maersraie Franklin. A-ncv Finnv.. G Maggie Green, Mrs George Green, Annie u lazier. .... . , HW Hill. Mrs Sarah Hollard, Joel Hlnes, Mrs Jane Hewlett, Hilliard Hicks, Frank Howard. J William Jargust, 8hade Jam; Miss Ann jacKSon. K AO Kin?. L Peter W Lawrence, Alfred Loyed, Miss Annie Lyon. M Wilson T Morton, Sam Merrick, B Ma son, Miss Martha Moore, Glaucus Mason, Eliza Mott,D A Monroe, Charles MurrclL . N Mrs H E Nichols. J A Nilon. Mrs Chari ty Norrls. P 8 F Potter, J E Person, James Pirsson, isian,ruraie. Q Daniel Qulnllvan, A Qanln. -Miss Mary J Roberts, lira J 8 Roberts. uames noss; uamei koss. 8 William G Steel, Daniel M Smith, Haw- Kins Banders, Miss Martha Sanders, Afle Stew ard. T NedyTavlor, N Thompson, Edward W Taylor 2. ' W W F Wright. Miss VirglnU Whitney. T JWombwelt Sam Wilkines. John William son. J C Whitehead. Jas Walker. Miss F Wil- It.m. Mill Vllrt Wlrrlna rtll t Miss (Caroline Waddell, Mrs' Catle Ann Walk! er, Daniel Waters, Caroline Wallace, Abner Williams. Persons calling for letters in this List will please say "Advertised.'' Will be sent to Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C, in 80 days; if not called for.- i : ED. R. BRINK, P. M. Wilmington. N. C., Sept. SO, 1870. SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE. - Population of Rowan connty, 18,099. Hon. W. W. Boddie died at his residence in Nash last Monday. During tho past month 500 bales of cotton have been received at Fay- etteville. Last week, Mr. Daniel fEd- T JrJJ Ay"ul4 wards of Wayne, was tUrown from a cart " , Fortyone pairs of twins have beeni8Covered in Wake county, all un- aer one Jear ol aSe Collahan. re-appointed - Sll- perior Court Clerk of Cumberland, by Judge Buxton, is a mxish-acad and can not keep the simplest account correctly. mi ' i ".3-- 1 ThonnmW rtT trial A noNAna - XllW 4i UUl Vvi WtV UIM1V Va U U the age of 21,, in tireene county, ISnnr tr fha oonoiia .ratnms falls several hundred short of the number of votes cast in the recent election. Leonard. Crawford, colored, while exhorting in Hillsboro Monday night, fainted and fell in church; never spoke afterwards and died early yester- mornin. I " . m Ihursdaj in Uak Urove lpwn shiD. in Wake countv. near the Granville nnVataa "iA Waa'chnf ,-111 fjhe weapon used was a pistol. . T0 . .,, u ZVL 7t wraiwm uom . .. L Bridgere of Edgecombe islto deliver theaddress. AH tho Moore conntv officers have qualified but Sberiflf K. H. Worthy, who the Radicals consider" ineligible be- cause he held the'office before and during the war.altbougb. be ws re-elected in April . - . Tho Standard says : Mr A. n rffpnlfina Tllir of. . thfi .TreftSUrv! De - I . ":m- . - w: . vT. J partment, Iras not oeen removed. '1 ne - . o.i- rv ?eu"u Pjr hid nothinor to ao witn Mr. Jenkins position as Teller in the Treasury Depart- ment. The Presbyterian Synod ' ot JNortn Carolina win meet in naicigu Wednesday. October 5th, and be opened with a sermon, in the Presbyterian Church, at 1 o'clock P,. M., by the Rev. J. Rankin, of Lenoir, the last Moderator. The Synod iseomposed of the rresby- . f r 1 -ci ii ill- ir.u.. teries.oi uoncoru, x ayeiievjiic, ju.cu&.icur burg, Orange and "Wilmington, and, ac- last General Assembly embraces 5 min- tc auu ay wuu 7 l Kuh thnnh in nnnition in me minister, -r.r . " -u- - i: ' t. -nrtto'-li renresented bv-a rnUn ... Th Amiin nresnntes thaf as is U8ual ou 8UCn occasions, the railroads will pass aeiegates ana omers aiicnaing in I Synod at half tare. t, i , x I Wilmington ' Wei. 11; U. Co OfFlCB tJ3S"Q'R & SUPT, i 4 ; I. PATBONS OP THE INLAND AIR urereauestedtohave all cotton Bfiinned I bthUrou SeTSffl with address of consignee vutTni. jtxLl. , ,TMa is deemed necessary to guard asraimst w aai on s- lAaa HinMAtAk 4 m v vr ivoo auu sw auoiuo AAOLzaiyvu au From October 1st Agents of this" line will not receive or recelptfot ntthus tagged. WilmiinrfnTi Tnsfifnfft frn fifnlii hflDnwB .hi h i yi l ii ai 1 1 ii in i l iti 1 1 fliiii niiiA. i L. -MxourvT. ... , ........ ..... . ' .... .Principal raov. .r. v ihxkcmkt, iroiessor or ainaio, ..TilAnA flnffav m-..... THE Twenty-eecond Annual Session of this School will commence on Monday, Oct. 3d, 1870, and close the last week: in J une, 1871. jrrencn ana uerman at1 rroiessors prices. 43- One 7 octave Piano for sale or rent. OCtl-lt .. : :-r ' " ' : JOHN B. S0UTHEELAN1V ' J . i i . i ; - .'..-.',;;. . . . i . (lits ot nan ot waxlaox southeklakd,) , Cotton Factor. nI Commission Her- : . Khant. Wllmlnn-an'''N'. T rvFFICE Corner Of Chesnut and Korth Wa J ter streets, (up stairaj next North of WillardiBros. . M . oct l-lw -.w ..... ; 7an Sickle's SUCCESSOR, ' DAVID BIGOTT, TOBACCONIST, W I L MING T 0 N, N. C, APPRECIATING, THS HERETOFORE liberal Datronaire. resDectfullv solicits a continuance of the same. . . i . oct 1 tf NnPlll fm 1113 KfiHRfip.lfll ASSnHlfltinil . uviut vuivuuu uvuuuviut uihiuuiuuwuj No. 16 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, X. C. . DISTRIBUTION NO. 45, Daawx at 12 O'clock M.September SO, 1870, 73, 69, 26, 52, 38, 44, 10, 53, 54, 4, 62. DISTBIBUTION NO. 46, Drawn at 5 o'clock, P. M., September 30, 1870, 11, 47, 12, 18, 4, 85, 7, 22, 20, 17, 3, 43, 23. Witness my hand, at Wilmington, this day. JOHN LONDON, Commissioner. A3- Wk H. GERKEN, Agent, octl-tf No.ll.SoufhFrontSt. ' Knabe Pianos. I HAVE in stock an assortment of fine Pianos from the celebrated factory of Wm. Knate A Co., Baltimore, which I offer for sale at factory prices. . 39 Market street. Mxssas. Wm. Knabb & Co: Gentlemen: I have nrreat nleasure in certifying that I have tried your square inanos ana nna meimeqnm if not anrtArlor to iinv In this countrv. Anoncr the reat qualities which distinguish them is the evenness of tone, the easy and agreeable touch and volume of tone, wishing you, all the success which you' so hiahlv deserve, I jam, sirs, Yours very truly, 1 spt29tf S. THALBERG. Wilmington Garden D. KLEIN, Proprietor. mHIS FAVORITE RESORT is now open tor JL the Summer. Refreshments of an kinds aani . v.h .mnno !, mnc- h I VVUOVWIU va i Mauui wmvi j mentioned LAGER BEER, ALE, ICE CREAM, STRAW BERRIES, Ac. : ; : Bowling Alley Attacbed. In fact, everything has been arranged to contribute tOHhe comfort and. entertainment of visitors, and .the Proprietor earnestly so licity the public patronage. ' Cotton Gins. rTIHE BROWN COTTON GIN, ftnerly T)f otrSbWffis Srfi 8i nowin use. jror saie Dy Iron and Hardware Merchants, :angl8.2m . - v Wilmington, N. C. u i ai f ChemiOtG and DrUggiStS r '"' " furnish wholesale and retail dealers with the following X Sutn?! at n. ylprfce?, fjj,- Extracts vanuia, Lemon,! 1 mm i''-H lllwAOln no . I 1 11T1I uTA ; KOTB n Lozenges, SeidlUz Powders, I rn -ri1ni , t nnn Tnnth Tn-rrrlfir' isenzine. w. vw -xooin I : m . Elix. Caiisaya, Elix. Caiisaya witn iron, etc, v SuoczssoEa to Elijah Willie. Druggists and Chemists. t r i7Markfttstwt Branch Store, eoiv.4th and'ltanover sept 30-tf Coffee! Coffee! CyA QUACKS BIO COFFEE, i ' At SACKS LXgUTBA COFFEE. ! :- : sacks gov. java roJ " Tor sale by'"' '' "'i'"1 : , F. W. KERCHNER, 8eptao-tf ; It, 28 A 29 North Water Ht IjailllGCrUyStBrS tX b03P Kf CASES 1 LB. CAN OTSERS. i i ; , . I ww Ataa - T v, . c tvr 300 BOXES SOAP. For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, spt 30-tf 27, 28 ft 29 North Water St. : ' v s . .'wiiiningtoni KTC.", Sept. 29tn,'l870-;, . vertlsing rates.'.' One insertion, : SO . Cents ; i J'iP. v'-1' ! rj: . slfMertions, 1 7S...;Kp.adTertVmto.ta. -,. .. . , .... ' - 1 i j .. - . Advertisements not exceeding five lines erted under this bead at naif our usual ad r ANTED. Advertisers for this column. onrftepe; " yOU W tta " .hPJ18e; If you want any kind of ftefntM - ry?? want any thing-advertise ?0ur wata wiil&ii sm your anta wm pe snppUed. r . LOST AND FOUND. Advertisements not exceeding five lines lnserted-under this head at -half our regular SO Cents i I six insertions. Si 75. No advertisements ta-1 ken at these rates unless naid for in advance, ; X OST AMD FOUND If you haye lost ' 1 A or found anvthinsr. and wish the nnblln to now.it advertise it under this head. Only "half rates charged for advertisements not ex ceeding five lines., : .,! . f .;. , FOR OR RENT. v 4W". Advertisements not exceeding five lines inserted under this head at half our regular advertising rates.' One insertion, SO Cents; six insertions, $1 75. No advertisements ta- ken at these rates unless paid for in advance; EOR SALE. If you wish to sell a house, a I building lot, a farm, a horse, a wheel I Fr?w a ouv? aaveruse it under this .head, and if there is a purchaser iu Wil- Imington you will Soon find him. Only ball rates charged for advertisements not exceed ing five lines. FOR REJiT-If you have a house or a form to let, advertise it under this head. If the advertisement docs not exceed five lines, only half, rates will be charged. i-X ' r ' r '-, : . TTIOR SALE A House and Lot on Wooster, Jj between Fourth and Fifth streets. spt25-tf -: SAMUEL- N. CANNON. :.MISOTiTiANEOUg. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE PEOPLE OUR LARGE STOCK "rr OF : DESIRABLE GOODS ' ' rV .' . AT, LOW PRfCES FOR CASH GEO. It. FRENCH & SOX, 9 XorthTrontSt. Spt25tf v ; GEORGE HONNET, OpticiOf KEEPS OX HAND Fine Crystal Spectacles, In Gold, Silver and Steel Frames, to suit weak eyes and to improve the sight. AJL.SU , Eye Glasses, Opera and Marine Glasses, and the most complete assortment of OPTICAL GOODS in'the CITY. SEE SPECTACLE SIGN. GEORGE HONNET, No.' Market Street, , Wilmington, N. C. June 19-lv Tr,e4-.rinf I Alio 11 Ub tlUXX in" the French Language. Jr-R. A. BAUDRY, A GRADUATE OF the University of Paris, intends making his permanent residence in this city. He is pre pared to make engagements with schools and academies, and will also reeeive applications for private pupils orclassea, For terms, Ac, apply, until Oct. 10th, to Ma- Jor Graham Daves. . sptintf : A. BAUDRY. 1 1 .000 Reward. D BEING'S Via Fufta cures all Liver, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic" Weakness, Female .Afflictions, General Debility and all complaints of the Urinary Organs, in m ale and female J ! . tl.009 wUl also be vald for any case of Blind, Bleeding or Itching Piles that DbBiko's Piur ttxttrvTvv falls tr bh ' LkDkBING'S MAGIC L1KIMENT cures Rheu- matfb 'Pains, Sprains, , Bruises and Swelled Jolntsf in man and beast. - -. Soldeverrwhere. Send for Pamphlet. LABORATORY H2 Franklin St., ,april 19-ly , 1 , - Baltimore, Md, ' ji J LI -' ' . p-' 150 BWs Molasses,; 50 Bbls Pork,: ft 200 Bblsinona Flour, 4QfcPkgs Butter, 60 Pkff s Lard; 20,000 Yards 200 Tons Cottoh Tiesi 50 Boxes Cheese, x For salebyv" Spt49tf ' '. - ' DeBOSSET & CO. .Molasses and Syrup. HOGSHEADS. "'I , Qf9 BARRELS NEW CROP CUBA AND lyO Muscovado Molasses and Syrup. " 5 For sale at very low prices, by - " . yn .''V;k "','.' i WILLARD BRO t. marl8-tf . ' , V - MUSKET POWDER TpOR RICE BIRD SHOOTING. JD For sale by - ; - aug 20-tf - O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Dried, Fruit. 15,000 sep'tw-lt " LBS: DRIED FRUIT, r :.'j o Apples and Peaches; OLDHAM ft CUMMING, ; A BATES OF ADVERTISING t OneSauareone day, ....l......;.. J- oo " two aays,... ...... l oo -- i j .j ' . five days,. a oo , 4V Contract AdvertlementataJten at pro . portlonately low rates. - Marriages; Deaths, 'KeLfeloaff,' run eral and' Obitnaxy notices will be lnsertodat naif rates wncn paia zor in aa Vance otuerwlse full rates ill m cnaiTBa. TmoKCash on demand. E-l-J ja i Jt I '. .'j i i r 'jite..-) 'ti : i a ; , i-i .-. , nrSTJUJCTION: IS. Vocal aiid Insinimeital Husic. THANKFUL FOB THE ; VERY; LIBERAL patronage bestowed upon him during the past y cart in untiersiarnea re . respectfully offers nis( eivices fortbe ensulnsr veartohlafrlendfi s m T . . gyeartonisn: s instructor o ana idw puono generally as instructor or mu- sic on the Piano and Organ and Singing. Lonar and varied . eznerience in teachinar. OUU A1JO VOA OA ua ( oi WVU &Af IfAAQ lyOiCUtO- H1IU An1 VTa AOVAn1 Af4aMflAn fA'ihA aVm.wm m . .a capabilities of each pupil entrusted to hia care, will, he confidently hopes, enable him to give entire satlsfactionTto all who honor him give entire satisfaction to ail i with their confidence. . , ..' Being an experienced Organise he can offer those who wish to study this, grandest of all instruments, peculiar advantages. In .his ; singing, lessons, especial attention wlli be paid to the cnltlvation ot the voice to its fullest extent: l r-;rs ,r f. - - rv Lessons will be given either at the residence of pupils, or his own, on Third street, between Red Cross and Walnut. j ..' , .'. -it VTi T GRABAU, Prof, of Music, sept aVtf ; Organist of St.' John's Church. CAPE FEAR MILITARY ACADEMY". THE Third Annual Session of this Institu tion will commence on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, in the same building and with the same in struotors as last year. , TERMS FOR HALF SESSION, ENDING Preparatory Department. 35 Advanced Classes. ... 60 HJUtttUAttl 10THI 00 TO B PAID 6TRIOTLT ON INTBBINO. ' R. E. COLSTON, A. M., sept 14J2W ; " rtlncipal. Female School, HISSES BURR fc JAMES, 'Principals. Br. R. K. Mkadb, Professor of Mathematics and Teacher of French and. Latin. Mrs. M. S. CusmHO, Teacher of Music. rfTIIE duties of this School will be resumed JL on the first Monday in October. For par ticulars, refer to Circular or Principals. ' septl6-2w j .- - : -. .; St. Paul's Institute MUSICAL ACADEMY, Market St., Second Door East or Flftb St., Wilmington, N. C. THE first scholastic year of this Institute, for pupils of both sexes, will commence October 3d, 1870. The pupils have all the ad vantages generally expected in a well-con-ducted school upon reasonable terms. Persons wishing to study either Vocal or In strumental Music, can do so without entering the Institute. For particulars, see circulars at Heinsber. ger's and Love's Book and Musie Stores. , j.T. RUECKERT, sept 17-tf Prof, of Music, Principal. SCHOOL NOTICE. Rates of Tuition Reduced. WMiiEtoj Male and Female Seminary,, G. W. JEWETT, Principal,. "XTTILL REOPEN MONDAY, OCTOBER. 8n, YY at the corner of Second and Chesnut st. With the near approach of the currency to the specie standard, we restore, substantially, ur ante-war rates of Tuition. . Mjf For particulars consult Circnlars, to be obtained at the Bookstores or fiom the Prin cipal at the Seminary, on and after Tuesday next. . I8ept5-ta 1 PT1BOT FEMALE SFMINABT. JL This institution offers the accumulated advantages of over 60 years of successful operation. - . ... Every facility' is provided for a thorough course of useful and ornamental education, under the direction of a corps of more than 20 professional teachers. ' For circulars apply to JOHN H. WILLARD, ava21-2m Troy, N. Y. SCHOOL, XOTICE. MRS. LAURA ROTH WELL will commence the Thirty-Fifth Annnal Session of her School on Monday, the 3rd of October. ? n mi. . . 1 . A. 1 trM no j a oi ten uuu uuuer reueiveu iu uv kxv mary Department.. ....... . sept30-4t M1SCELLANEOLTS.A A C HOI C E L'O T OF N. C. Hams and Sides. C. FAMILY FliOUR. ; ... ' . . 1 i; r, ,. In Half-Barrel Bac. . .Mil; EXTRA GOSHEN BUTTKK. L K- Fulton 'Harket. Beef ! For, sale by It XIIOS. C. LEWIS, 8 Market street. aug27-tf i . -!Cott6nYarn. th BALES, ' - '" 0) Li ASSORTED NUMBERS, For sale by, . "aug7-tf ' Zl'' WILLARD BROS. -! FLORENCE seng icmnES GlVfi PEflFtiCT SATISFACTION! I '. SOME VERY HANDSOME ONES JUST' m - r . i - RECEIVED, ; . "J T t Office and Salesroom, No. 61 Market St. ' J P v. D. ANDERSON, sept 30-tf , General Agent. HOO P DION, 1J and 1H INCHES. - G all qualities. , v . , . BUNGS, all sizes. T- For sale by augsctf Q. G. PARSLEY CO. XT lit w m filfg mm Ii iS' mm m , mi-y. m J m mm

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