if- 'il i MORNING - ST A K. k . Tocsdajj October 11, 1870: t-' ir U-J Ilvered t CIty8dbCrfbeni at "'T nVriiCJr CEStS per uck.',ia fcserV1 ' bers Worth of. iv centre ofJHarket Urae iirtia EizpIled tor HrxruTt UAnXOTT) Cli :oatb of tlit line by Zlr. J Oil 3 II. CUKCII. Only ! . 1C? WWrW?. in Wet respective Dlrlalons, to collect city subscriptions. eTasitair' iidfleesytrttAitea of respect, . Ac, are charged half advertising 'rates when paid for la advance of publication. In all other) ciue fall advertising rates will be, charged; t AT9 PMtt OQeft Money Ordart may be obtained in all the cities, and in manv oi the large towns. W ., consider - them jrfootly saxe, ana the oest means of remitting arty dollars or lea 49" Ceirls tered f.etrerw, under tbe now systenvwuloh-. weutlnto-eJIeet J one 1st, are 4 Tory safe means of sending small earns of mo , ., . . . iy. where Pr;0 Money Orders cannot- be east. - '. y obtained. Oberve the KegUlryJfec, as' well iTiw postage, mtut be paid in itamps at -.tne bfflce wnuxu inaiaiiari mauea.or it vui oo name s vretence 4A postmaster and take Mi receipt for iL j Letters tout m tnis way to us are at our risjc. 'Eppersons leavinfi the cltyj doi-VnV tjtie dumajer montna may nave the Stau aiatled regularly to their address by leaving orders at ' tnU Office. . Price, 75 cents for1 one month, or, . - i , 4.w lor tnree montns. .r i . r .to be sent to tne ueadXetter Office,, Muy and ujlz la stavyp bot-Jar postage and regiUry, put ... we money ana mm tneteuerinme presence or , ' ; ; TBS ; ' CIBCUZJLTIOir ,QJt TJLB;MokN ING STAR IS LARGER THAN TEAT 01 WANT OTHER DAILY NJZWSTAPJ2R TUB U Z. LISHED IN 'NORTH CAROLINA.' tt ' - THE QUESTION OF . A CONTENTION. . i ,.: An immediate product of the recent de-- .ci8ive; Coaserrative Yictoryin North Caro lina is the discussion of the propriety of a 8Ule.p6nvni6n;io of 'Consti- ' tutional reforml ; JV"e. do (not deprecate ; - the, discussion of this question, conducted .j 'u , as it Vs with great unodecation and jdecoranbyi do J: tre thinly that it is likely td1 scrioiraly em ! ' '"' baira83 on Victorious pa'riy in 'f tii great1 : :work that is already upon its hands, unless . The ?erj' caption iitb which "bu coil - - temDorariea-aDDroacbtheubiect. reveals their impression tof iw extreme delicacy at ' " the present time 'and' tinder prbse'rit cir cumstanCeW.f"As yiV the discussion has assumed (he shape pf mere general sug- ' pVlonand since' it hkV developed no in- harmonious sUiriUwe do nottecrret it. . . ' ' r ; Aa to the general outline of ieloryLatory f, 'measures suggested, 'th ther Ul;hej ho;co ! 1 among our party lrierids, and.there ' is no : , doubt that A large segment of the Repub ) lican . party recognizes the .1 necessity of . 'material vlchapge ' j law.1 fi':: Neyertheless Wis shall1 OTeatfyJerr ' in iun- vici i.aa.ixi -. iv. . uu i u tuuuu. ; i uo ,og t 8errativcs of i North Carolina "are in . v '.condition demanding courage and ardor, , vbut inquiring, ilsp .moderation and 'de- liberate,. , cqunseL, OUfyktika, .va. : victory of Peace; 'na ''triumph . oyer t 5? VfAIiPltli13 ?re , emblazoned f with the symbols of J'eace. J "and our slogans wete iflytcAtioni bf social -.' ardor and 'domestic quiet. The people do not misinterpret the triiimphvchieved by desire that thei ' work shall ) be jeop- s:') Urdized J by ' Uridue' haste .and ; excessive order. They do not ask ibr ihe inaiigu . rationofja, policy of .yengeance, and they do not believe that the wicked work of j ars of misrule is' to be remedied by $ud- 'den1and tioMAfc cfia1fges;tufa'da'1rin Eeal but most likely sadly deficient in wisdom. .. !&&&UM a.1 CSn&ti preiup- pdSes "necessity ,J for fceftain 'organic changes txo properly ' within the purvieV of Legislative action.' ' f And; It -jainr this Jtlcw' thaVWeimci3n ';'dekrot,' for a --Convention Tit-sdme future" iSayrffiot vert distant, but certainly not immediately at 'V:, tihand If we desire perpe unrest land 'd-''neTeV-endiDg','paiu klaniinbsity,0JiniK 3 .1? JTidual'contentions and local "jealousies we cannot better serve our : purpose f than t by keeping the question of Constitutional r amendment and revision as a constant ele-' tmeat in-thctarty politick of rthl'late.. amendment and revi .12 Md MnAw the Legiature shU be deleg-'ed- to' Ho m.-n that which is properly thU proviniebf; the vTisoverejgn.people in Convention. si.n ? lnye't the legislature bas in ampli'taskr quite sufficient to employ all its talent ah,d' .,(3 Indijstry, israd'tyengage the- wisest couitf i' f- sel of the ableit and befitmen.Of th'e'Btate! ' ;:Untir thLJglsUtuteshallh i .ojy'the mission' now -before it,: and performed it thoroughly and wisely, the ; Consetva-" 'tlve party has Its hands fulL-:Leiis noi be tooager in't'his1 matter of' aOinyen tion. Feitirid Unit 14 iair excbllent maxim 'ir,'i'i under pertain tirdumstances. Let us (not uembarra&f and pprpX&t the popular 'triind . " with iBides whicV it'is Ioot' 'ow1 Wepared '"' to entertain, The people are tbxroughly . f abreast of the, mlienx. they have shofpn that thev can. b tUtedj and at the right ' . control the situation absolutely; Our pos sibla errors 'are now , the sole hope of-a 'fvaqufiLJd ana disheartened adversary. T . f7"'j aff revice that the womeir aloa izto the nedlcal department ; of : the . n .i : tt.!..Ut at fa nnpni nor aVllCulg&n UXUVCiOll-JF vv-e. lolks up norm are aeierminea to aaopt ?." ftsy cf the Ipiipii'nsVpVsue Susies, which they toafc;fan ' ihVt C.ly Esent.fo? a4pis- - THE TOURGEE LETIER. The blameless AbbottJa laughed alby the press "of the 5v hole country Tor hiji ex planation of theyTocrgee fetter. It is voted the lamest effort at an 'explanation1 of an unhappy predicament that evera Senatorial brain : spent ' two rmonths iri daubing: siorlV . ... ' .. :V0Ti Here ia4he passage of the Senator's ex-4 'plaWa6tfHdlbM'fao8t provoked the1 1 mirthful sallies of the wicked newspapers j J kf ieviynf that the mstakwas made by Mr. James Fitzpatnck, a copying ciers ot the benate. Iie maae doiu copiesrri that sent to Gov. Holden and that sent, to Mr. Cobb. I did not believe when I sent ahlCfirsrfeUbat TifzpatHck had' tnafde mistake' of that klnd,"batthe copy itself is conclusive.. ; " Is there no limiJfo newspaper license Can UCBciMdrscerfLufleyerations be. made a subject of ridicule and raillery h i K.4 nSSSIAN-CAPTUBZS. " The captures made by - the Prussian army since the commencement or the war, -excJufiive pfthpse at jStrasbujrgai;e; One Emperor, one Marshal, 29 Generals, 3,859 officers, 106,950 privates, 10,280 officers', at least 56 eagles, 102 mitrailleuses,' 887 field ,and fortress; gups, foyer 40Q wagons and trains," several pontoon trains, maga zines, railway trains; with anjgpcalculable quantity of.supplies in arms, ammunition, lothing equipments, forage ankproyis- ions. The surrender at Strasburg in cluded 451 officers and 17,000 men, besides a large , qnantlty. ot guns; munitions of VTU, GIV.) THE PBODIOAIi'XtEXUBNED. f ; Young Forney, who was supposed - to be lost, has lot course V turned Dp? gae and sound. Believing Forney to be quite worthy of his sire, we never gave ourselves .any apprehensions as to hia safety. Such .fellows are like bad shillings, nd never fail to "turn up," most, frequently, top. when they can be well spared. j orneyvJr., wassrtw(Jork on tome business for his father's "two papers, both daily," and went to visit a friend on Governor's Island, where he remained five was ignorant of his whereabouts. The stock of whiskey oh Governor's Island was materially diminished during the visit; l We publish' to-day Gen. Abbott's ast letter concerning me rourgee matter. The garbling seems to have been saddled on a cient at w asoington. ..ilt 1 ' Palmetto' Leaves. , ,,. ....Charleston . is ? surfeited; witK amusements. A company of.U. S. troops bia i.r. 'Thomas Dodd..an old citizen of uconeei died on the 23rd llt. r-Vi;Th'eeformist3-6f Gharlest6n are: Accused i by the imp with being , ' Bnsin ess -mea "In Charleston are grumbling over the'tighbess. of. tl nioner market' ''( 'CvrH . the ' J Judp iCarpejiter I. spolte at Chester on Wehesdajthf'reat force and much effect. . , : i . L , ,xKrAAd9lphus;A. Caldwell, of 1 Cblumbia; died'at Mac0n,'Ga.;.6n the 6tb, consumption t ''i 1 . . A colored in an by vthe ' nanie or Aoses lirant was Jcjllert by the fallihg, ofan'ltd Kouselnci Charleitou on Friday.' .Two pr three other persons v were badly Wounded.'- i ' A : : ' At the recent 'sitting of the Court of 'Sessions.for Greenville county,! Andrew Hil colored-was convicted of. Holtsclatr. of that cotfoty, some time aero. Judge Orf sentenced Hill to be hun? od ,-?(;;'AtAnti6ch chnt cliEdcfefield county, seven miles nortn ot tno-Court House, a dinjculty;ioccurred on Sunday between, Robert ,1). 3runson. and James uu. iiuisuu uu uiuers, an wnicn - saverai oi the parties wera wpuntled, one of them se iiuusij. jar. xjruusuu uas since aiea. Over Thxee Thousana. People Killed. A correspondent' of - the London Times writes from India": - - - T - - - .Thnoma,ii7Calholiej Bishop of taog;voli Hhecbflflffes dT Thibet, China arid'3arniab: sends to India -a' terrible ac- .coffit0f.a;e,arthquakKih!;thtr fecting air areav ot one hundred and -eighty 1he llth of Apul, .andi hiaylastwletter-is dated 'tbeWhMayt'Consldefing h the pji&ioh& - a a . n a . ...... oniy oy onaDgnav twmsi or tno'ietters4 has bee-ii rapid'. i'tot'Vearilt'ma iwobarjJjstnct of this Sijhy of membered, there. was a very destructive cariuuuaao in vuc. m uucTscnse . auTOimnrr Britishjafstrict of Cachar. . A Bhock ' at jfiveinllthe mpsning.and a-slronger' shock ati noon were iollc7ed .at.r48unset, by! an -earthqoake which leveled the whole town buujuiicuw uruisuuaii me popuiauon, The' missiodaricsjbdeabed to their warden andohlv.one.of their . cprvanta .np.rinlipH j The -large and splendid LamaseraiJ W- Kla'-Kr3te HA,WAT?m-o ,Sn aawaAwa vmaw auwwiiauu XlfIUao ibll with a crash niif-xtr: " . ; "The Chinese official reports, .which Dr7 Chauveau, tellst ds"je:a JittJexagfcifrated, aho'cslwere.fe'it afslPhagmontang; where Jflrv. r, l uopper met,eer Buggotrj Hthe'Kepau-leseba The village and many others are" destroy- 'di-ahd'O rriany of the authorities and tho UPldjeta.have been buried under: tlie ruins 4 ottbeir-i houses thatTobbers like Wild beap ttrrtia ytrf where.? 4 TaJSonclude in thbbfsndp" own -Hvdrds; Tthe imperial hierhwav from Pekin' Id Hi'ITassJ 'seems. J .atid Is1 sald'tb beoVjoCairyMfnVraicUck-1 mountain' and the" sadden upheaving of 3 a new one estimate theJloes Jbf nnniaillfe' at 415 mon ueople. ' A series of earthquake The President at a Watch Factory; On Saturday last. President Grant stopping at the Fifth Avenue Hotel In this city accept ed nn invitation from Mr. 1Y A. uues, presi dent of the United States Watch Company, to visit their Wwrks at Marion, N. J. l The car-' r I ages -were provldea, arawn oy gray norses, -about noon the Presidential paty tarted for Marion, distant only two' miles on the riew j ersev xwiiiruBu. - iuc pi irmmwuu jrrrH-f. of J.-rtT Air,-E.-HRobMatt1Ta " - Ll" ""W1,"r riri""" nsoni asa,nJUA.?PWeijt.jOi.fJn)ps;iyn. They reached thlr destioationjn due time abd.were received by M:r.L H., Wright, in the mam omce or tne worKB. -rae-arcnea carrmgw entrance leading Into the routtds' snrroundUg he faetory; was gaiiy aectea wm nags, ana a :u3wd wascojlected in the.streei, haying heafd j-Trv keebln with or i n advance of the . pro-? grass of the age pernap,;M .toeiroanaiaciuro of watches y machinery in, this, country i and those persons in tne community oi mecuamvai taste or-tnrn'of mind. 'Would be a -thbusand timesrepaid ..for thei Ume -, and .trouhle, in mking a vUitto the large and extensive manu factory erected and owned by the United States Watch Comodn v.-at Marion. New Jersey. I We had the honor of Jololnsrthe Presidential party on a ylsit to tneir premises at .tAiarioq,, two Immediately on the -arrival of the "party ,act companied by Mr. Giles and the.) gentlemanly superintendents, we were shown through the works .commencing with" 'tho'tneine roomj from which towerlderived:for driv roe! many Jmndredj-dlfferentrj maehlnea, apdjthei room where the rouea meiai ls.iorgea Dy neayy ma- rhinerv'. bothof which'becuov'the ' basemeatJi thenito the machine en op on tne nrM noor, in this room there were some jthlrty machinists employed in 'manufacturing, machines .to'be used on the premises in preparing the differ ent parts of the watch, of which th era are two hundred and . eichty -pieces, many of .which pass through several dlflerent machines Before they are peneciea ana reaay to occupy inrir: place and perform their peculiar functions in the .watch. From the machine shop we passed from room to room until we reached tho .fifth or top story; and the room where the pieces are homed ud . anai uoeiea ana reaa v to oe counted out, like the parte oi a BprlngHeir musket, and put .together, alter which they are set in operation and regulated in the atmp&i phere Of the factory, then subjected to the, oven with the temperature of 120 degs. Fahren heit, and after this tothe refrigerator with the temperature' of -40 degrees.- And, if there Is any variance in either of the above tests, they are subjected u an examination io,aeieet ine cause of this variance,' which science' and ex perience enables the artisan to diseover and correct During the examination of this ex- ItCUBlVW luauuiwiuijrpnucio tuci b ntio uu- tween 400 and 600 hands operating- many han-t dreds of machines, the President frequently, ana enmusiasucaiiy expresBca nis wonaer ana delight at the skill displayed in the getting- up of these wonderfully intricate machines, and the facility with whlcn, under the bands, of the skilled operator, those complicated double and treble motioned little wonders would per- form the! part; assigned them, in cutting the thread or slot, or polishing the head of a screw so small as. to be scarcely discernible to any but the elearest ''natural -sightLthebarts of which, when subjected to a magnifyinifgUsS,. were aesolutely , periect. , ue complimented Mr. Giles and his co-operators upon the com pleteness oi these watcnes ana tne vast amount of wealth that tueh enterprises added: to the country,. and cheerfully referred,, hia person-, ai pleasure ana mieresi in me success oi sucn efforts. ' ' r "i v'' i'11'" i-.un I As a pleasant episode to an en Joyablejand. in teresting visit, Mr.-. Giles, in afelicious speech.. id wuicn no reiurreu w uio uuiauie Bcryiccs rendered hie : contry-k by the 'President, not only in the field, but particularly slate he bad' guided the belm of state, pfeseqted. him with a spienaia Biem-winaing waicu or ineir own make which the President accepted --with his acknowledgements, accompanied by words of encouragement for . the compony, , and his lanas lor tne pleasant visit ne naa enjoyed. The party were then Invited to the St. James Hotel, where they partook of champagne and a fine collation. - The. President and the rest of the party returned to this city in carriages, ar riving at the v ilth A venae liotel at 4 O'clock; NiY, Taper.: -.-.,) r.i:l'r 2 'The jPrinee of lVocal Beporteri. .' JA contemporary, contains the following remarkable local account of a; fdistressing, Ticciaent : - juast eyening aooax o o ciocie . ar mtw AAA. . . , a . a t ' . . . as jar. wiinam ocnuyier, an 1 old una. re spectable citizen of South Park, was leav ing his residence to go down town, as has "been bis usual custom for manv vears. with the Bpringof 1850, carmgjwt confino!"to.Ki7baT)VI5iunes attempting to "stop" a runaway horse jby, thoughtlessly ."placing , himself directly ,in its.wake and throwing up bis hands au4 onnnriTirr i nr ninrr a t raaa na n art n mm . mavaaa a irigle 1 mbnieitst sootjer. "must " iileVitabty have,ft5gtfene'(l;tliei 'aimal.Ut'mre.! in- s.iscau.yji RfcKiig,ii sppeqwmwgn qis astrouaendugb to j hitoself iks itfwaS; aad "fenderei moremelanehTy and. df stressing -by-rcasenDf ithe ipfesence of his-wife's motner, wno. "was tnere and , saw, ;tne irincnoiwjii is atileast likely, though not necessarily so, that she 'oold be tSoiaexmtf iri wiother direc tion when incidents occu not being viva cious Indon'Hhe-Mdbtriut;1 as . a general It! 1 1 A V - . ining, dui even tne reverse, .. as ner own mother is said"to"have stated, who is! no moret but died in the full hope of a elori ousresuVectib -fWWW-W three leark i'aga, aged 6, i being v. iChristiao wcmaU aouiiuout guue, ast.-were, qr property in consequence of the fire of 1849, which destroyed every. solitary. thing she had in; the world. But such is life. , Let uar all takfcwacning tbyithis i srfemoroxurrence-: J an,d l.et us endeavor ;so ;to copduct ourselves iuat waen we come to aie we can ao it. Let-us' place ouir hands ;; upon 1 our heartsl and say with earnestness and ' sincerity that lrnhithiorajrfoTtheli beware of n'at2in'. Abbott's Letter. To the EdiUvtyWik 'TrneV 1 !iR ;YoU wif pardon me jforUroubiin roOAsain about the Erarbled Ton Mf. - iierayitxeceAveijijrom tneAlion. t4bbtt3r4ro1n thislnffre ?H?"iter wnti 1 turnished bi4 i,PlMctf;?Pjb open.ot' houses lt-readaH.OQQ .or.'TT.OOft'M aminotu400pr 500," as in the cgjraT leMfF-Tis evidepUhat. the. mistake w.aa made by Mr. James itzpatrick,, a copy ing clerk of the Senate.' He made both cofHea-fthat sent to Gov, Holden and that X J-ieMjou; the.first "kjardJUIiail: ltrpatrick hadmao-e a mistakeobat kiotl ibtrt the unn i a1 f ia rtfirTiUia 1 '' 'f v'i ''-l i tr-i regret any injusticewhich -may-have7 T a. . .. - :uyampucaiionioTarnerwflwi Lbltef had 1 i .. . ... 1 1 auj lues mac qr.aaa any nana )ini sarb discafepancy; t .!nyj;i ?inu iiu 1 eji. J4a :,x5furua .a ar . Joseph C. Abbott . - no. 39I0?n Sept,b8m 1 DiGtiUers,a Glue. i Hi luli Jo: jiiric FQjSftla jjy.fijf Lfwoffa.iioli-1 OCt4-tf ' WILLIAMS & MUBCIHSON. SPECIAL NOTICES. ?; ' ; J STSTJESMS 'iiUN T W2 . - Persons often all V their', rstec 3 to dQvn,M f r rather run fimfot nhy ever-, accompanied by a neglect of t he pre per t of-invigoration.- Tho result is what 13 ' " exvxBAx naBXLiTT : in other words, a 1 i and partial pollapsejf ihephysical fore The best remedy An pneJicasesiJiWtetter's tomAxthi'tom-.aTf the -state of cx hanston has .been brought on ny excessive 'physical iibbfrdlssipation anxiety of mind, exposure,' tor any other cause,' the "remedial 'effect Of t&Ss great tbmachio" -will oe' found anally prompt and certain; Aa'a restorative, jLfter severtfsiaieBahapiOstradthbodUy t and mental energies, it is pronoaiheed by com petent Tnodinal anUiorlty. HTOT HJssxTpiorK trsa.' If men were;-.notfefooll8hjy)oareiess about their health, and over confident In thern selves, they would. Always, wihen, pgaged in any work,thftt , required great exertion,' use corresponding 'means of .sustaining tblr'1 strengin. xorvma purpuno nwwuc- MASCO an uivuuauioi n 1 1 luiii a duvu. them'as ahf'invig6ranH. "cii-mo-j t'l , To those eonetaaitiyjBmployedmlncro cnpatlona, especlaijy iuctowded workshops, they; may, be rockpned s.the very ibest afe- "guardcealh. H Where there, is a; predispo sitjlon fo to constipation, or , .tejodencyjto pll inineaStypjTT)) truly aid to'bo a ape eifio forwhicnJtliel jfla no substitnte. 1 AsiatiGGliolerm Ainosi Every Ca Scared Wltbi N y IKi 'if - K;.i:li'& E ; i '- "fFrom Bjsvi B.Telford, Missionary in : China,' ?.r - nowvisltlnghishomeinPenn. ?WASHiiroTdjr, Penn. rrvPear Slxa HDnrhagi residence ot some teu voars as anlfsionary, in 61am. and, China, (J foujadypur7Vegetoble,Pain Kiuer a most valr. nable remedy for, mat rearrm scourge, tne bhoierk:: ! : m administering 1tbe,'mediolne I' found-iii most effeotualto give a'teaspbonfal of Pain Killer in a gill of, hot wate Bweeten'ed with sugar ; thee, after about fifteen minutes, be i.tO EtVP abQut a teaspoonfnl of the same mixture every Xewjnmutea .unUl .relief was obtained t. Apply hot . applications o the ex tremities., pain tpe stomacn witn tne rain Killer, clear, and rub the limbs briskly. Of tnoae wno naa tne cnoiera, ana took tne me dicine faithfully in the way stated above, eight of ten recovered. - .a If attacked with the Diarrhoea J)ysentery, ,Cramp, Colic, don't delay the use pt .the-PAIN, TfwTwnnrrAOT Pwrw a - juear Sirs :-uring a long res jaenco on vni- na J. nave usu your wyaioaiuo jthixi aiuer, bothninyown.' family and?am6ng'the 1CM n'eiei and have- fotma It a moat excellent med icine.- In the sammer of 1862-G3, whUeesid Ing in Shanghai, X found it. almost a certain cure for1 CXtolera,1 If used ld! tlmeV Indeed, ttsintr it: in a jrreat manV instances. I do not remember, failing! a single case.., Forthree years I have been residing in this plaoe, more Uian fifty miles from a physician, an l have been obliged often, to fall upon my own re- BOurce8 , in cases ox sickness. , x no tames come to us in great numbers for medicine and advice.'.' Though without medial knowledge ourselves, the few simple' remedies ; we . eao command -are soi mueh in advance etea of their physicians, that we have almost daily aplicationa .Wo allow tnem- to tcomoj be- oanse it brings PS in contact with then?, and opens a door, of usefulness., , In diarrhoea, col icyomitingchQlera, coughs, etc., youi PAlN KXLLB has been my chief medicine. ; . .Yours, very truly, . :MrsrEaiiaom,s" JL hetifth scholastic tear of mes. Bansom Female.: Seminary wilL-. open on Thursday,' Octobex 6th,.at the reeidLence.of the ftffiXtipah corner Fifth, andliatreets, A full corps of ABLE 'And; REBBlBtfCKD Professors and Assistants has been secured. The Principal assures her patrons and the publio genelV'ti y'efforfoiJ'h'ey own part orthat of n Assistants1 will be spared to render her Seminary the peer of any simi lar institution in' tne oonjitry, and -every way :worUiy.oCeianoxt;-o-v,!J yJt ni H&H 1 h- mIu: dJ iJit32'BOBKBl?BAK60M; riaUgst2tawtf-TuSat:r "f- PrinelpaL w .II 2i000 BarrelSMLe TTlRESHlAND 6UTBBJ0B;TO ANXJ Tflfi A-'-inarKet, ouS-imul mfO -ul.hMvI I eseptlT-im.IjJI? "i I nwOBTlt WOBTH. 1 'n I l.'-'m till fU'iiW !i )t'i);n i i ; but- ; r'i-j tt-ii J iOi ?c'c.itiw aoin T van ; V OCTOBEE tft, i87d:r f iooseafai the'CTty!of Vf flnilngtott'fcaVei been bnryla.rI6usly .enteredV within; the, past ; ten days,! offer a reward of l Mull LA n-.aj i y -Oi 1 lot tko arrest and final Convtatipnldf any per hsopAorjMrtoBsoojmeA.:thereiir, and I ;fRri ther offer a reward gt;,oU Lum hLi ! 'stolen. WilMkRWmxiitiitJil&wji 7i b-lovata.; ' oct 9 St . 5 : ?r, oliol sdi ia Afayor-i :TT77T7; i: liitil unr - rfJotton?Xiirn. 4'BAKS'X f-11"- ili he n!jtb.i., ic a wFo saleiij. m . J stfi i j-jtqtn t--i'i' ' Y; ;o ftUg?TtftotnJ:tv : ,H ivliWILJABftBBb i -no ia UUJ-JLL I 1 -.Lit ! VA -4 ni ill .1'f fttlioT? mnilaCTuia i 'vwwwfcWr- .iiji-r?d ' ii-.4 i ; . . u j. sor saae tty. ucf s-naw 4.ffi;xrr-i sdj 1:10 4.MiMj.iimLiyf.tT.i "-- ' iit jroprlo TO.'BEBnaBB.Wt,. .tad sept2S-l-tl Wilmington, N O. fil?S& 'havffeom'e to1 knowTedge ot IfcS "the 'eity tohoritles. that!everal i thef ecetye of the. jroocta .and'aHicles: H?. , , t WUBUJ . , .. II 3 H.C.E V: rjrrsident ! 't .' C. a riilT3A3T Sdnrintcndcnt Concern Asnclo Aw THE MUTUAL PLAN-ALLPOLICir , I I 'UrmTATtlYE AKD ti Oatnprofitlr l h Epn. BKSjtDENCBlSylfTic, . . . ' ...... i- ':. d juvt fe'ti(A.T OFFiCBOF pETTEWlr July H-Smoa ; .'is li-t'.Jirjia 1; : , k'O Li; iu. ii! .L ! 'a cl Ih. ni ao a- iu issa JO 5 il 25DioXQjNb,iW;6iTr.-M,rf YV whichace nowcso-nniversaliy known and Neatest Appiiedbfa J Vf.L rrhi. f..Mm u waII a t.TuvWThtifl' are of wA'tHnA1aAciKitirntTia.thAvrinTiot break, as Ses. dofc hereby saving mucxf eei,in. ronv "WE HAVE-ALSQ A -MAE 'y5i ha 'A. ur rx)F -SAME ! MANUFACTURED Prices as low or lower than GOOD, TIES . . '4 i Wberal ArrsngementsmadawithWeMhant and;l)ealera.'i WIlJklKGTO; N. d July, lStOsiFaa. ft't N.' C Jtjlt, 18tO-S4FPm. -a 25S Fee Front - WORKS hth i'i ' UNITED STATES . GILES, WAI.ES ' - . : - - .'1 . . li.' : I" MP QE TKBS , . JI AN F wiCBm;-tflMdin)s -few Ssrooiiitiofi thej Blamifac tnrers tnrers of all the grades Winder and r. !i i i . J. .. . It i'IiRb , The finer grades all having three pairs Comical PlVotsl Cdip XeweedCihClold Settlnt, and accurately, adjusted to. Heat, Cold and Position and alL even in the cheapest eradea, bare the Btraight-J4ne Bscapementy with Bxposed Pallet Jewels, ad 4Iardenea and Tempred Hairsprings ; and for our late improvement in STEM WINDING mechanism, we claim i Strenartla, Simplicity, and. SnioolbJesslU manufacture, at hotneior abroad.' T'v j jY . - i'-f j '.tdn'i in ' Constantly on hand, -fall lines, all sise, In Gold, Silver, DiamqndJSet, and Magic' Cases, Min ute Bepeaters, Independent, !- 1-6 Split and Fly back BecondsT "Tor taking three different times. i'-siJ ;; La a w.M ' ioiuJ -v. iiy price Lists (urniflhed the tradie oa apxjlication, enclosing business card; uFccreale by the -Wboleaale Warerooms,' IS Slaiden lLaae Wov! YrieUi'Ma 'i 7'i t -. c-ci . . 'o r ... And.fiILE..BBOTUB d; CO.. 142 Uba Rt . (IIiImm. I L f-.v. .-. Jul 1 L -.4. WJ.44. vaa y atch u. uo, dtj r j.h uo"iik , . i manuiaciurea 188S, to J annary r?W xORBV f Watch. No.-; il TradeMark N.' Jwmaniifaotnred by ID: Wateh Co, has beemcairfed by ni&Ti months ' " . i Tiade-Mark -Fxwlerte AttertonoMartQl i . i .rmanmaciiurea oy unitea states watcn f Co., nas been carnedby.me othst lti lV total viirmtionrpmrneantime beingonly 'five eoonas per month. ; F. A. HASKBLL. Con. Hudson Biver BTB. WATCH JSO, Traae-Mark Ki J., manufactured bv. United. At&tM uy unuea ecaies n anw v.v uas, a;jmea:ly.ima Xroml6ecmuci 17th, 1870 ; its total variation, belnff only two seconds in the entire time , 'daruH. js. uuittendjsn. Late Begister U. 8. Treasury. - Uticjl. Feb. 15th. 1870. I WatctSKo iisi,;AivirV.-nftarlii P684 cS?rWufn-7tBearing . - Frederic Atherton A Co.. Marion. I I Co.. has been carried bv me 20 months i ita 1 j total variation from mean time being "five Pa" nifV '"GECUOVIS seconds per month?- Z.C.PBIEST, uJr &&8'yT9hJVfi -f- , '' '"T-7",r ."Tn W'V-no.;no,Soi,ntrat;PAFeb.a6- 4 Watch No: irtitf tWrDtieArinr JSi? JF'-1176 TBM-WiirniB,-Bearii 1 tfade-marFrederrr riom Nf.-. Iirfaetnrod blL TJViithd Stkte manuactarea by-iUnUed States .n" its xotai Taxiauonirom mean tune oemg only atx seconds.. . j,v,r I .IDENNIS, v f or. Tt-i," . President It JBVB.at, Co. -------- - actnred by. Vniteo;taea : WatchfANtt.0!!! .i-Co has been carried by tteilfteonmbj ; its Tf ade-mark -Freder6 Athertoix A Co.'arioiK 1 "S'JSK Jet Ni J.. manufaetnred bunitfeast.t.JwttTM?l8wafe'' I yu-, nas Deen carnea Dy me since June, 1867, lf q! aHoHAn itv wiaon 44.a ; secondsper months r?1 HENBY SMITH," AAWU tAJXl VU1 isrcmlfrtl v 1 : - reas.' .Panama ll. It., 88 nr.u oa. . Watch No. aitBearine Trade-Tnrir ff.H??! rr4f "VfaiQtred mo 12 months ; its totiT vacation from mean Li M foiii f I" Pph.,15th, 187Q vt atcb jo 2291,, STKx.WnrDKTi nAt-ln Trade-mark Farette Strftttnn' "afftrtAnt f 7o Jtrr " J V -OAVea states , vy atch h ,htl 1??. carried. Ijy me 18 months i its maapXactared by -,Ujit)ed- States .Watch m4. i -r . : i " - total variation -frok tmiftrtn: ilTttiV' Vwi-tn V.1 epondflMf month.K .i, 'vf . ,T i N. JnnftT?;? 4 '. Co., has been carried by' mo six-months total variation from mean-time being on! throtign emyprkitoGalyestaiexasfcjMid.backi t ' J of. -Whitney: & Bioe; lTBroadjraylJ. Ytai.4i -Si cni ,f tii-inr ath DLrt tSEeww'6t wordless ftnltaWona "arft 'wW exttineaesa tami those of .Whom you purchase, and see that the words MABIOMH t 3 J engraved on the plate over the Main Spring r r- i i -IS!BSSBB A ITwTS ....ilU--v.-....'---'i::irfu rri .:??.. B'taw' i -.! v 1- ; i f -.- . . AiR iRnO - T I E St ror.jjaiiii ;Cotton. . "Hi - 4 li Bac!aMJ,0!'u,J!t4'' apprpjedftrQughout.tbe jUotton States, ae 'S the bestBNGLtSlt tTBOUGHT manv of the CAST-IRON fastenln&rs At ntw. labor andendlngottpnattheshlppingpoit, 1 SMALL SUPPLY-OF G BIJCKLKEES ! can be bought at in any market on the Coast. . Ag-eplji for Nortl" Carolla ilrob tena "UlaeS. f-' S-ti-V" OF, THE ? ' M.-..trii-) 1-i-ciJaViuiUvD "WATCH' COMPANY. 50.11ABIfMf,''lr.LXV - i'r'. . ".":(- V T IT B"lB b'B' aVd' J OB B B B S silver ware. of Amcrlcart WatCiics, Pendant Key Winders.. ih . - , . ' . .... ' i 4in7i - J L'iiA Il.tA.-fjrillfilLlf 'fi jl ruuvuiuK XTOueno AinBrtOn UO., juariun Trade-mark United States Watch Co., Marion, N. J.,haeaucartfax) by atie five months ;Jti -total variation from waim HmA hAinar only twelve Seconds; " - ' . 1 UGeheralBastern (bash Western B. aeeojWis..dflrtoeibat JMne,,, - i , 1 - iMir iiiuhf. .r-muo. r v. r.1 in u. V I w4 1 I- K i iTrv? . vaW wi - . f fL? S ff !1?:!1 PlVw wiawnwiaiiaeaitiinie wu"s ronxt mean: time the entire time. seven seconds A. Em if-WTwlTV I ."Bearinl i Tradeai.Ttt FjCerfA h&Coi.VrloJ annfactnred -by Uaited i States- .,wa-; been carried bf me fourteen monv th Dti that tfxni at aeaJand 1 B W .1 . v aavjca iiu iuu. otkh tt ihibih ... K SS KWatt byl Co', nas been carried by me fifteen month!" second Co.vli48 beenifirkTiA irh month '.44. - . . r TV IW variation ,iwmfean lima monthelght seconds'. " JAS B.TEB, u'0 IHn 1:ttu:u nf KaHvA W.-'147.BrOadW1y . L I ' ' tni-.BAW. aressi Utaca,' ltsf WATj been carr eu -variation'" - hirtT, fca-'JJiJ i-xliU Jirfilfeate f BarreL AU others we serious. "a a-, n A- A 1 . -A - - . A n 1IA v.u , Aio-a upencarriea oy me tnreemoDiHB, OnlwarlAtlnA rnTri-nSw tiwKpmironlvnT TT -flJLSWBCi-Wo -IMS fcrlTiJrt-B0 Trade-mark Frederic. Atherton Cpn IttSS

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