' IV. V ' , 1 rf K FOB' SAEE OB BENT. - I ; FOB' S m OB, KENT. MISOELLAHEOUS. INSUBilirCE NOTICEa IIISCELLA1E0US. " ""Thardayi October Ld,;187( ; o hn i toVTn t a n is xJ 13 llvered' to dty'ka-scribers at tTrtVUS CENTS per wet!i. f'-bstri. r orth of the eetr ef II. rlxet g win Nwr: -."I. x f;.ttLoff r '' ,ii3.---t-i tt i b Mr JMJ n- BUECII; Only these Agu r nredf in their etlve Divisions, r to collect elty .nbwcrlP1 -- .... , . " ; ; ' "c7. obituary notices, ; tributes of respect, te ure cbirjced half a-fveVtUInjc rates when iJ for hi advance '6f publication. In all ofcer casea. fuirtdverttalnKurttei twllHbe' ihiirtfe'' Z72f- Correspondents must '; not write - on hotf BlJe of thelrpaper.- v f .r:,i;, mA ; 'mEClRCULATION OF THE M011NINQ Jar IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY HTflKR DAILY NEWSPAPER rPUULLSH gjj NOltTH.CAOItlXA. , :. - EN0LANJ7S -A.S T;- &0B BY. f CUlk" J ( 73 session at the Nortfi. ' Jh'S wia , to ameliorate the seyeritiesi of -prisoii Hfe. parlors and feather bds will probabl y be recommended for yconyicts. The same ha. mane individuals have, a society for the prevention ot cruelty, 10 . animais. jj ears are entertained that this society will abol ish the butchering businessf-and to avoid the cruelty of cutdng the throats of ibogs. and the little innocent calvea'and-lambs, we shall be:oblig,tceatrthemalive. fhP last society 'wev see recommended is one lor the humane care. ot dogs-and; tue prevention of hydrophobjaA able place is to be piOTided far fcfoydps, where they may be taken at all seasons- of the year. This willbreak , 5p ;4he dog catching" bneaa'!i;nQwipMci.j'ln cities, and save the poordoga, from being Bent 80 speeauj xo auyiucr :t ftuu , pciicr world. .1 I I Every fall there is an oyster wa be--tween Maryland and VginUr between certain of their VcitiMnftVwb6Jubsist : by procuring bivalves for otber peopled con- "gumption. Tne trotiDie an manses iron a dispute as to where the line exists divid W the waters from whence the oysters are dredged, between the SUtekl -.o'per- sons unfamiliar with the exteitof tie bys tcr trade in those regions the proceedings arising troni this dispute Tnayrseemf frivo- permitted to rebuild the" fottificatloni v. -- .Sf- I. 01 oeDastopoi and place a nee tor -'mentor-' 1 .1 t "'v'1 Wm UU IliB XJlaCK OCA. : A UB" finiT. UOVClU I mon f VADB.1. 4Ua nnant fe iKflanf iy(n I the Black Sea' Kfe attacUed' seaicej and the number ed to amount to forty-three.'0' is reported, is busily engaged in re-arm-! ing histrooDS with breech-loaders. ndhaa .1-1 . . . ... v ' : . .... . ! uy nis agents encerea inxoneayj contraas wibu iuo. guamaiteTs dj.' ids unucrocaies 1 to deliver this class of armaLf.n fi 1 t , f 4 A . . 1 1 ' - 11 ip i r!?a "ri r venur eparimenr. tenaereu fiisresisna- 1 : .y,' j'' 1 , . ' v? -ii -i I tion to the. President, who. it is' tinder- stooil''h;;' if .V-WJ 1 i :.n. iy WmiItiim lrHTim t 1 f vm. 'Tw-ri;? rlv-" " have been made, wblcb will-be in about tbirtyidajsr There ils rtftannQ12nce-: ment of his snccrniwHgb tl name - - . . i of Hon.' Colnku8"eianoT6miniisioner vi xubcruai Aiyenuer is pronunenuy t man-' tioned in 'tKat connecaon. '' Thesis "no known grqands for .the xumpr that Attor--ney-Generai Akermaa ls?abbutto resign. . L0J TUR Oaa NEQBO.i A negro in Bostotf Eatery11 tlhdertobk to ndeEd GffiST '1. HftlL fflMll of the contest, and a decision favor of :0,i:HIOTYRE,:lEPp ! wul' Vom' 'raTattS il V.;;;r ! w 1.7 a. JO M 1" 1.1 O U J either side involves the diretioa in Witch ' !mat JATOBt'T I '23? Srnie?Sa.&rI ' .'.'.V..V.'. V.'. .'u' ii'- vuun ;i:I:';u'--.' a'wifriri ;. rid '?"'"ViJS I Grocery . aha tf qoiniiuisfon KErchaiitsi ;j gM-v r--;-,;' tiatinff with Prussiafor a Tevision of thd ang7-tf r WILL abd BROS. .v-.a vu.uU. t. ... ...--rrr. , , a fiwiin . ; " - ,r,r ..rri, m . rri -viAu in ' ' r ..iTV - -r.;," r,i . . DEAL IN ALL KINDS OP f, . ! i i .;;? i ;!'?. Jv,-,rta TTTQTTD ATTm? TyArtT TO- Treaty of Pans; by which the V Czar7, twill sj.iiiMii 'Jtit lorni.i.i-..-!-iiviM i,. i .- T ;f:i. f , , . Ti'w.a1 IJMaUJtlilJll'lfcUUiil '!..-;?i-j;;iiA:Lr!!Ulij ftTtSTjriVPtiATTTrnP'tf nnrYTnv PJinnrni?.. ? we also thanic on castomers, atethe,. past -rw,4rT'- f,V , walk So ;hrin;fin, &XkrZZ ceeded. when irh - o . , pedestrians'. against timers worae.; tbehefVof-crnelfyH04 ' raft.Ut rr.rrn-T i;i The Great audi Faithful A. P. Hill. ' TbeNew York frw? s!t. 7 thf WW Ji? ' " x' the wandering, death-bed ..utterances -"..v.nrau daemon ana afcooen Hi. Lite. I W be considtrarIInaiDon the mat! RWMfiSfffi f.Hill to thefrontr' Uporfibis 'death- a at Lexington General Xiea;$ theieh Jfaph states, his mind reverting: to the nis tent to be struckand at another time - desired Hill td be sent for.",Thu3 (lo'esit aPpear that, ih the supreme momenta of the closing honrs of those men upon Jhose shonldert rested Hhe heaviest bur- oens of the war. upon-the 7 side of thel .onreaeracj aeliriam, bi that stamps whose presc whose fideli complittfeiit than these Jackson, was at the end of 25 hours:: he obtaioed r' i : , ; a ' -...TTTr' . FT -hfX" ; aad walking aideWjtuIt'ikadeaoi.' .:rei,v . - f 3T Jf to make the poor negroes' deliver second' stil ai1oTitlaW VIM i jgL hand lectnresV-to'ihduco themtb'urn' io 'yitU!: 0:tJL-2ablUiiiA faktiJ .' -C-nzr i,cM talks to It tj llov. i:' ' hVuiiwsidenMoa Fifth, between : .v"';rr :,. ; " v .rT - ;0 r.;:; . ;i -50;.: f;-:c tap.l ; r v... ; .. , t . ,Jk . ... -,j Opposite cf a . J. 1 i'eithera de-' atoocopledtCapt.ThOB.C.Lewia.l-iJ 1 yt v.-'ir.v. f. :, . s-. ... tt K , tsJfti U .vJil u;u,i W i s. ; f.. 'C'i- nor a Black Republican neither a fanatic' ' , .. ? ; . 1 ," V . - - -v--ri.----!ity---;i?- - ,L ,-L, ,Li"'T.'u'Vlr HiiAA IT iT' the, Ccastitution, to pljtbfaWsto Vo O 1 O 1 1 , ' - - iuaiaiaininerifhtaor thn npnnl ni K.i'l .... rsrrirLtTrr " "it1 Lrv,".uH. -vSfl - " . - otates, ana municipalities: and in all wavs to secure the ' irre&tMt . taa1 f .ine.jnrrcate,! number of,-, people. by .social anrt, T. other, institutions, wheCber Vbf Bfate;IBctiobl, Church, u a Conservative alsc-beiieves in that which ua'm i. j t.i j .n .li :i . aii in .in wiiiiiii ii u vu ail mnYV am- Awl I J 1 - A - T .IT mi - " - I n, uu teuru to uo weiuu) ine vansenra- 1 tect and mesew thA State: fo mies, internal and external, and to guard, ! as with Aiwall of i bayonet'si itsJree insti- -UU0nS.V-tf-7 i4rT;!T ',yk lt:Vfi!!T .: f J-MISOEl il ANEOTJS.li 0." HED7ABE. Hardware, r i ji w - ,r!ii:tiir (hltlGrV. & Gunsr&ci Aslea; iViiiqlohii Jr. ' Sobs ''i- ': ... . ... and ' ' . 'jwS' liaiTiaO.'iri 1 r rniTj i W . ... . i. i.W . il HW WtlH Hi WVI WHOLESALE A&filREI AIL UliiUiiill T, X6 A? JLilAlJ If iXW O . - , 1 n.w,i- f-M V. A I. -1 : 1 - 'BiMwiHft ;i nf Ar 'v:i :t rlOnaaVarC tT f tl . 'N.- at the Toilet and Bath, i -rfT i- ": ' - . Retail Price 7o els. ler isouie; '...rK vmX. u rmw . MW . p. l. V li W . " w www f Ducosao to t - , oct 15-tf , , . r 47 Market 8trcet. '"" "V"1 -1 TBJLNUa via fors enres au xarer, jvianey JLr and Bladder Diseases, Organic Weakness J Female Afflictions, General Debility and all BI?SsZtaKon5euJl1ney: complaints of the Urinary Organs icimniri Bleeding or Itching flJ B?SXr&H?efT 'matio Tains, Bpralna j oints. in man ana oeasL. Sold everjyhereSe fwphiet. aprill9-ly . ' mm m - - , .1 8chr."Ben. from New York Oct. 1,1870. 4 . vioiTtruoKi v octm i .1 j h ;S nJl tlf.JCf W wm sBi SB .Wf WWVl'nR 1 Jifz J, i!" '"T. SJU,, " lieltlonV''Mce-andnOlr oofcWles mom. tiih bniidmirreoentty vacated lt. tom . ' -KM T ; ' '. ' i--r :'IittlrThings llVATTIfln anrl eanatiallw V. I hAtvAan T)imno4V .nil HIoiIm . .urf. . I ! T f IK.' IHrUeii..ULreei. '5'. ': . statesman: aims to hriprvftJwKftf '?a K0J present ooo T. ... x flnn rtA TtTothliAil . i d commen6eBaeBl of tu FaIaT. a TTjiTafVvt. mfn.m i i ...lij.i - ! "Tmir trmnrr tAnAtnnritM 'cttnafA ttva o. i . .. . v iSuwA'A i I . I maiier wnen they itis notnougb.in-.publiclife or-pri?atof .Ww AUQTjt.PEDWBELAHr ;1 ' - V . j io. , hJLr.' eitu k ioniaina toverty liX&ior men td meanwwelL It also becomos vor vnnn ana isrnnswiCK,' I xM- . , ; ' v r i a .c M. e.'. f oj cs i juo u amount mayiau snortot this high standard of pub-1. 1 - J . f , - ;i ! J; j i u . ..? ic n ..n- aLx,,: WMopf.-. he lifetna: private character, T but we are i i-iTi'nr m Kiviifdut' Ideas or whkt a -Con-ervative .8 JI1 JXJsSDT ifiHt;l ' .3 G , toy m uriivi 1UCU. U19 purpose is lUTjro-i f oxuiUKi pa . ma, corner . y r; The-mosrvastlhgragree rrt WUmlngtOB. Janary fI ,rjiJi.t5 i jjered 8neh as? The Mtttnal UU iBtiuaHMtoTCattpMij to -the'revenne1 X and rerreshing of au w. J. LOVEnt,1 tiMolJtP4BLOCKXK - Dreas qos, cio cassimeres, 7; "lrFTT " otheMKrtihr) rfeAlWfKI 1 Love & Blocker, II S?S Thef Car,lt ' - 1 T6r , on the Handkerchief colfmssION MERCHANTS, llaneia;:::- 1 - 7 1 . .... ..:... r c 1 . " . w m zm . . . 1 ' I. i f -1 . .1 1 1 T -77T....T I .. lnr 1 I.I.I A M m nl IkLinlflUll.r .4 . . . , - 3 V TJ H ' W mr knonevi will r bay -a l - tJ, v. iN ft neat and serviceable 'h'ALrfjj-m-mm - t3fiDXS6OTsft SON, ,; ' 29 North lrbni 6t. i .u wKitootorsnoeas ' - octis-tf -'mm Hiii Heiaeaaa the other bow ecu. " PlePy vuanon ,A qidhMw, m Will, be Hunssz hjj Apply. to- koi i.-int.--i :;i j f j.EOTn ..EeiltV i f --y1 comfortaWe realdeneej comer; iti i ;:??. fMOPtaoieaeuing on ronrtn stxeet, ' ... . ... m the best stands foelfheraDryGockis OTGrocebnsmessln.theclty ; would. UZiiJii.l;i - ALi-I' V' ... i I Axxz. SrairvT. J. w. htksoh. spEmiT&HnisoH, WIU1INGTOIV, N. C. TO J Ail3 DAwlo, SQ. - . nrnni' Bavkss, WxumraTOv. June 17-tf UOIJBSA1VS QSOCCBN, IW AM its branches. a antL J6 Jliiilct : .fiZSjr,- mja wm AAAA if AtJAAajr i7fi -jX-Tvr-j ,JIPJBCIMBCOPIBS SENT FBE-W- ADRIAiM & VOLLERS J ! is constanilf MlcHnf 4ts;em' . OoiiiaiiaioQictili ,.i(:v,v -S-f j profitable investments. ,i . o'1"'; W ILMlNG TOH N. G. ,--.i,-, 1(,.iGrnarantce and tVorkinff Capitals S TetKgi tr ApilcouirtitBiiAi Mweii MlHn.nn na anil .TimlnlTio nn RvV . , I - O - B aMWlf- -,v w- MOFFITT & CO., xi A Jf i;ojimw VVJS 9 - i I p wwuuut w uuu iiuwww 'bojor , tjoBNEB NORTH- WATER AND-CHES- ht - ttsMUir Stain)' VtagtonN , . A . .M , . : xtKrerwrnw M:pmpB w KUUCU klS TORB8, COTTON : W ? nee. , oct29.tf : cott. ' d all other produce.' r ASS A S iT:(snprH , (Sncoessots toasa. Finiaraon & Cd-) ' ' ; Cotton Factors and Commission Mer- North War SL,WilmingtenN.G';t;) ion. ii- it I ;Wii A. Ttaihchm. il.TTfrtUTt.wwi iJ&e liTvnfdi And Proprletetrs, of ttko, JEriiminajton tABGOES of Yellow Pine Lumber for any ,0T8e o corn and Peaau ja-i w. -w- ririri wm? mai.k at m a NTTlr AflTTTK. 1 EES PRICES Fashionable Carriages of every aesenpuon at my :rr . w f $ CAEElAGB POSf6EYpM on Second St., near the corner of PrinceSs St. Havln eifeoaa iirraijeint with: , WM- iTei?ASAirriioitE, BID., i i,. .-JL- I hbtjux. au.-jiiupii b ww ocnua "hr a. ' . a. k. TJAmmi4.m a So A UAnA I . Pflmona wlshinir to nnrchase. will save the freight from Baltimore by purchasing here. Calf at the Court House, aha either myself or elerk will be glad to show our stock, or give information. i HATS- 5 HATS,!,, L ATSfJ i-mz ,.-. . I -.J sjxxjatit fMi. i aifi '"- i unw nnu ulviiuii nutui , ,?iwx tr H&VMJUL JU8T RECEIVED !1 QUICK" 8AXK3r AND - 81IATIL PAortT8"AT ' - t ' ; ' l'l 7 -r ' ' vT. - 1 3 i-l is 'I I TTfTU have received una are stm receiving iv i : ! . . . ' . ; ; a large nocKor xne cnoicest . If o. K v.. - A v.- J fall anaMinferBobao, ; -i, tvt r ,;Nt it ' 1 JA.-VAVJi I 4 :-.. c est Importing fatabllshTiients lnthe city tage Of being one -of the Urtt'ln,' 1 the markets and we wish to "1 v i, v 'i-. . i inform our enstomers that : . V1 -.i i. ,V ' I war in the Dry-Cfbods . ' -- j J 1 j ..i- vj. v. inline is. still tone ; a t,; r; i t5ontlhued.r'" - '; 1 0 V vc. . ; ' V;i.:,ii..U:.S5;f-V';1 is ':' '.'). t " . -M i'',.-, '';. .-v v3 or Ourmottols-;v i j quick saxes " ' i ... , . ,j -'. I..;.,, ; , ':li",;.lf; . i UDOTU MttODSCT, HODUUtW rXTe, Wl in- - . ; ; ' ' ,':?:" . Honiesnun JBleached andtnhieachedDomest. ha m,www.n iW y ;: f f speoi atteiition is calledWWsiock . !5::::"-v.::!;iU( tt? rv . . -tt- tti i- - tr . ; ,JX?V':P! X XLk -XV'rX-; r. 1 r - 1 n 1 -.i.'.'i' 'vin LADIES' 'AN1' CENTS' WZVl .AauaAK. TJKDKRQARMKllTa. i . v .V . ,y w ) W .! t" '-i'wtiSrAT'tiava I ti. if .7 ,v:it,AHD-YALISEi 1 ?f .ir U ') C IK ....-....-.... ''i"1 f-S I1 if .............. . .. Hat g; i Switchco JI-3.-aaiAK.rl Oflia -OnignOnC. .r , Also a. lun and wll selected stock of 1 1 s 1 111 ' I ' H ' -l k N I4 . . '.j'.ffv i'l :;.-...'.....irf..-..'-R siliJ v 11 -r ., . f. To concinde Wltbi & isrore Stock of conclude with a large stock or , '-:-'':r. ;;,. 'r.tc;;.-.;;! " ' " ' ': 'MffBHISHIHIJ GOODS. R 1J U JP SlrPlTPK TSlrTINfr I tl Mil f V illM M M ,jbi ? 3" a.jsr.v.j-- - - V"' ;4pvvUi " (The largest. stoc InJ the Uteof v - .y annfactaTeSnJ?ff : , m .a- m r whichjre manufactore at our factory, n f Biiix i)oo w diib ii60 '.1.,..'.,ii.i,i;i..:i,i.ivWf)irT;i . . . . . .. 1 1. satisfaction in every line Of our Goods;;1 "f" Highest prices paldfor Fur Skins. amd small pbofits. occure,-Tenaoic, equuauie, ijshvj x v. ii n - !,,.'fwu ":.Jrf.-.,- . b b,.,0 ;Uft .iW. 'P3 tOii.STBEEr 8H,h ' i 1 a uuj a a VA7 uuxauij ma v uuii wa mi u t i w s mawaa ulicdim am. . ' . - v Man &. . rail ri Mil i in mt-waav h i:.,-".i"....;vriij-. ifugr. ejv.i.iiinli iz men! '1 ."&- rtJ -j:rshiri"i l0'-xjrl.-j LADrKS'iUBSES' AN D CHILDREN'S FAN i'.i.mux9-tiiV. V i... i ..Iua; vi . . ... ir.; tm't. i-i , ; -i, I -"' w fuJ i.i i- .n. fc..vJ ,vui F ' 4 i ' z.?1 .1 - niaunn at. . ..iioiib. V .),V: . JiJ.i I iieep aXOTir XlOneV YvllCrO It- ?JcJirtivi .:;Ti .'c.i .'."(. 1 ; Homo 3 ' , 1 -; . -tj. i ,T,v r !.- . . I Irblicy:h6lder8 at a. low .rate.otiin- tereat.' .. r.tr.i " . -.v-, ! I fcHjj . iPMr, t.i 'to-Jt V- i Worth Carolina ttst 'sectir the uljrr2e:tL':''s: Mvvii : I iO ry n 41 j ut aa UVvi viio. j . J .t !m ' fcitii-st 3--s .;c-.4?Cx fci-Itv - The 'North Jmustnb' longer' reap hereafter?1)e. done at home. alreadv arrit.fu?- -t:v at u i v. Uift fwrirffW VkknW i rtrk'i - -mV :i w ' 5 - Represented. i ,i..V whwiiwyv'a : - AX .: Piedmont - & .lington LIFE K1GURANCC CO. Ininranes Coospast Ijs SJtoiSontn. .' ern States Asset $2000,000. vj':Wl 'c .:r. - -.rtiiifiM ' - ifJ , . '.. . .iii'i..!t;ril V if ,&;i7 Contlnental ' Insnrance ; COtnnonv of .,; New York Assets, 12,000,000 North Amer4ean EX,. (Company of N. 1 v North Vmeilea;r,:L'jC ft7t(Haftford.,.fw,KMiM4Atf'990 putnajn r.,L; Company of HaxtfOcd, ni Home Insurance. Company ot Eich- ..f, t7VWuw mond ,..fvv, Assets, $400,000 j For every descrtion ol lnsuraJico. j n y f b . ii iiJOIIN WILDEK ATKIXSON, . . . . . ... : . . - - ' . . .. ' I gwrt;;v Water. l-fifl JPriftcesstletireeroaitana 1 Ill I i . ill w"i ... ,..i 1 i,nuf 'A i !i'ifl i'l m1 V lilVT" ' 2T . rIaTif it rTofcacdos'ndiSn'tifS.". -.-HV?j'.aO tiruQ2 l,Oif i:ilioU ,f,ih:;K H -J ""r,:;l a Ttf'b "Wft11!1 Is'q' SAKAK0 BaTAD o,w.J i'Vr'i1! fTA j,, o u Loiux J i v-'!JLy! 11 'f' 4.90 no v-f!vftli;.-jiwy. ..-Js L-isjs i; "a .i?tit HOGSHEADS. ; -i riii.'.w - -vI i!J.i Ui; no ..-s . A. iii-itniutllir 3Ji iyntM r Jt-TTJI AJfc JSJ5AJJ Jlnlr UUDA AflU . mim m mr ill ii nl liwn.iir ri nnnn. .... .w ... .. Jf SAB - Tl J v , r I qf -tw .u-t-rny WiYiARn'siuA'V 4fe rt r f I :mrm TTVIG PW1PT.IQ HIVAtltrTI .nrr... . . (ii i . j U ' O i i iUV-Af.; ' i nil Tho Host Intcrcstlns Otorles ,AoJy ta.be tittd ii the xJLmnnin thTonh its columns; nd at least Om 8tokt isliaotnr Eykkt U ovth. thus sore of having the aw ooctbaned storv. no subporlbe lor the r the NEW TQRKWEEgXY beautiful Illustrations; Und ... .. . . , . ; r-reaaing matter f any Sketches, Short 8torle. uneHaiuesft. writers of Tne .;; NE WYi O R'K WEE H'LJ :n nv, , ii'i.iiw r.owj i.vjiii &J?etoammement, publishes a; great quantity of realy ln- strnctlve matter, lu the most condensed form. .Vt0f;u;09 t'i S'i'-iii n&illiili(0q ft.l 4 ,'1 -, f ThePlLKASANT PA&AGJEtAPHS aramade 0i;?91atod ad humor or fal tnibrcoAtion on all tTmrr .t,Mf. ilJlSLttjF? give to the fewmt words rTherdbssT ihiTn;" " ujmi. ,.i4s, , i. v., . .J .5"Ji'UI i. t. U fill:'!.! I I J iilli liJiM.stc L iwi tL ' jcc?,jvi .nijf't ' -An' 17arivaUe4' Uterarr' PalV,, SSosthe tabied dkKIbiC Those sendlnar 120 for a ciiih of .n sent at one ttme, will be. entitled toVoopy frev -Getters-trp of Clnbs can aiierini -SS dxujio wjjich At s om eapn. ilTiZTTF AM&QPB&AJi BOOKS. ;j OARDEU'S CONJUGAL SINS , . CoHTaiiTSr-Qiap. I. Modern WWnian'S'Phv. Steal Deterioration:ilL LocM Di sease inChfi dren ancTits Causes. III. At What Age to Marry. I v. Is Continence Inlurinnat vi. naXPollntioarYL Injvrlons Effects of Ex. J?88 yHthodaUseAtaPrpvent Coneep. tion, and ithCMseqsetraes. "vilL Infiuia '.ntL cfde. IX. ConJjBgal delations Daring Men. strua Whaj 160. Ill Thnr " ujMwyiwwww draper uver,fi; Bound, VOL BnxAnT' nt a m u . Ii Modem iWOmATIJ 'and Whftt 1a Oalf A SifJS186?0?41 J Uniform with. .Vol. I. Sl?B rVDraOfaleSolflat ami Passion.- elected from the best autnors. i: vou x.reaayi'sodn.c Price 60 eents. Either of the above mailed prepaid by Publisher, " i'i -U'SiiUJ HgTWq TJv&i -SEDFXELD'' sept lS-SAPSmTif m i W0ultoaj8t.i N:jT1 JfA, NEW; AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTION Of e'd-iofei&g'Wie! bestassorUnent Of Solid Gold Jewelry In I "'i'J Sns nrri;j'si-:l Vfiv.xnni- the City, Solid Silver, and Plated Ware, ' ' something nev in Charms, GOLD, SILVEE'andSliftEX'lBPECTACLES. "M r y MPT ! 1 if !PRENpH and AMEEICAN3LOCKS,.j i6rS WATCHEB,andI'1ir?'---v '. I4irse Varlctyof Fancy Article .:, cioclra, Watfcheaand Jewelrr repaired 1 .C I ..TjoT No. 58 Market Street, vuocta-lyk) -Io tidU-ia-yyo wUmlagtoaVNC. - ilk viT risaciiJiciTfiaw &3i-L;i3irr OAA H1IDS NEW. CSOPCLATKD CUBA O JKj JIOLASSES and N, Pv 8YBUP.', ..! i; BARBELS FLO tttt. 400 BA RBKTA.MULLET8.fi. 3 .G3B0:,lESSIiaBSS,i irTi"r-t(l--i'i Oil fial Jgv bv-i; A I J j !iWLABl W7LLASD i JaJtOS. ion f ijr! ;.w OFFICE. OUTWARD FREIGHT AGPThT v Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 7th, 170.' 5 rvTr mEIGHT to go by Express Frelgnt U-- P"1? be delivered before I(h3p A. or twill lay orerM hours. " The Warehouse will be closed at e, F. lLto enabje7 i&ejX'genl 'to mak up JUs; 'accounts Freight canr ot be receired after that hour ex. ceptlavery aessT'easeadi 1". ;eet84f y 'wi i. jtofrp, o.' v a; I i j. Ho. 0. BonthAJCt i6ffee. spGA'TEAVfcdrEr .wrappmg.-jraper, wooo, ana wimnr,., . ITW.V,- . I Q, fcl. M AWVV Candles, Soap, 8ta- cby Soda 7T- l liii itiTi'isYeast "Powoersi llmstard, . .Jif ' Pepper, Spice, Ulnger, .J a Pickle Canned, Goods, Sfuce,: FUJnan;. ' a Fancy Candiea, Rlar,klng..ghot Brashes, Demijohns, Counter, Platform attd'l Spring' Scales' Oct 15-tf ... . St