r Uk U1 ? "-MORNING; STAR. Tbe Washington ftndLee University-- Bad Effects la tbe South of the War. It New President. f We learn from theMemDhU4E!eathatJ 4M t rjaf ts-. m -v i TO?rrit lMAI TIBS 4F t.ITJER- COM- xfconSi tlTr-onderluKoietcall iropert s wlHh Jiatp rerwleredost? ter Stomal is suspended, or' nearir so on,fall ridfty,:Kovcrabcr t,18J0. Tin n ttA ram Fi ntir rknpr -lvesterdnV I work our readers We informedthat the poard I Southern railways tbat were in coursof of TrnfifPAft nf Tanhinpton Collet bad I construction. On irestlSelm.J.ne W H jm a . 1 1 i i i i changed tliVnama of ,that institutidn to Uittlo orj nothing isbeing ' dor; Tate, Washinotonand tea C?oZZ?7. "ahd: eTeCted Greenlaw and Wallace, -contractors -fl Editor' and Prdprtotor., v ""I VSVSTAIl'fSr EAJtGttl '''TITAN1 T1TA1L Of Biijgrs pjfe-emtojnt ait-ng tt healh-restor ine preparations t tne 'age,. its anti-bilious Gcti.G.-W. Custis Lee to9Ucceed-his late build the -line frra - Dtcatar . - to .llont- I::iWJDotton. vb tnes arc not tbeeast - re markable. No JafcentearatVlftai its Presidorefa corjl tmm.mV iXY OTHER DAjLTlTEWSrSPESjtlUr k WMin AMy M the Rich mrtrrd Viiva torirtTttrffflWB, arK tWeii foMHfuU Hie. J uoo tee dlkteimUJc&ith felmplo wortls bFa " ibiWSBSUti&li. kimmtil1, W iiu 1 ' .'rT3IOLc msr vhuiini a. etoeieddentiH eyalpoqaRtion, with Boston at bis back, was compelled a .-. 6bortHtime MHhArftt'UMrWriBiit to thoBDOti tell the HI ujr" . " '. .. .ili-tl 1.I-.WU The Qualifications ot the President elect til. , wMaFvYest Ptrirrt?tot only first,' Mjut Prussian. considerably above any. member;. oT -hsJ,war haf,,ijQtQllL broken lb e back of thel ffs3araro5i asbtgmflutroWnfa he ptgotra-r ate in point ot attainments evcrsteotirtiori olrantrtKfrt 8n0'n9VWierfi pcajDesse t)utrooi:the Jicndewy AHflnPyved wi iCuriVi$tim9?8io,et I IftA? Boflferingseya Mlk4Mia-between- the Shoulders aad in the J , nnnvn rrn mtrir v a.t? mttrm atjti xfRROHAVTS nv Tnir on mn rifglit8iae,nrellow5JaffsI6aAIlUie Skin, Cos.' W 'which are now soTmlVefeally krw,and approved, throughout the Cotton 22VE TlR ttarkeyti6tmt6ntt tttHUfied States of America and Europe outside oi rruwa eriiE?ViieercorbsVand ri.re as one and France there exists a necessity tor of iconciitiiiuiatw Heatesti q Strongest a(ftdnHo ftuirVi rbilw.EevejtandotheravmDtoins which ' , . f iwn r -'" 1 ,v !!'' y ;tKtf?tari'8te;,Vonibfineet and corrup- -;.., .IOH IiM'j -m3m lUal'S. Jr-r-V M leal control ot tnetaintons ana- placemen- hWiitttlVe'Srttithr2 'HrslfeerVlcWdurin&tla.ql . SRI I II f U Jl i 1 -. ,T ,t-.,,rOl.JtaaiCaJ18tn., J.Uuiuua .vi iuc must wu . rryrt i fyti'i ! ,.!,.;. - SPECIAIi NOTICES. - . i i vii 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 r i i - . " a .,. m $ould Jisdisurplrisevihe ountry more AhadidihJ!feleCTam3 announcing the ' . -vW rapffJ!&tL59ttie friends of -Ob&UI 'V't-C Nation oTlheta1eX(rf Ve3tTWiA.wa!, i .jtu ,the gaatest poulicai. crimo oiLtSo afc:-A. rfrk H. snAt- Jfc onerates Uiroctl v UTKn tne Ul- I nA nrVATLJ (lu.uou unnaitoo'iM. cmo, and Mn.i. dition of IwaiUsi The Sickness at the Stom- ; , ,rfa ; -Ioi Ui-i.uisriO .ancvohcf r oi me risjtvs men oi-iiyirjiL ..ivvueu uiarne reprouuuLiuuiuj. artbrqktndbagwmptly reighTITsuc aslslfard trueponie: ; hia nmmioji on (inn racf in 111 ft lut With I mmm'rm'TTTT P-ftir .-.U-il.Jr 1 il ! 7;:-ii-.i TboootonirnTfl. oq wfil! M the bailUS. 8r6 OI tne.DeSt ICIiGLISH WRmTfilTw i v rvtTNt i vonevnn a nil una v t-- iiiiivhn. iiv jJieactionotlhis.ramouspreparauoiiv'araijjai irr,ririrrvrhiT, Lvjirp i--- . V iT A "wjx.jm, I Aniii'ilia nerience has shown tliat they do not break, as many of the CAST iBfoff , Hn ifl 4- . . latibff or TVe9fr Virginia, the Democratic .ui v giin-tBer areoormo8jr. -Fur'tiibua'and ; '"Ridfltol Whjority in' lSoSisnow 'a:- nibi- .tu.i i 'majority of nearly two-thousand, j.i .k;: Kin, Djnwwiqy.liayf Vl4tlicir can- .'ds 1;T' w.eu)6ri Cpngress, : and 'a fe jori ty , o f i i m ' uiUiO Legislature, the'Iatter.xesult securing vorhp 9nrrwM -jynffijRftdicftn io ' .TM3eJ?)3ferili 'SOT than ' howeyer. the proscriptivo clauses .o(.tbe Tiii,ifA.(WiWn.iyA ,bn(irepudiatei ' , fini o by tho popularyote, and the futtit the 4,11 '1:"&tfy'psetfBeH 4rebels" iof .West'' Vir oginia. will . YQte.-Hencefortn Democratic Yirg.nra'wm east n 'for the Democratic ! . ' y. . :. j .14 ja d rcco'tnized his ability and appreciated the valul Brhiarvices.'"17 ''1 ; . ' 'J " ' 'Pre:&a1cfttiDavi9vha& the' mijst exalted vour'corresDondenVhas ieceited Uft ,Hi'e!iheth(aghH;otJft of sending Gen. R. E. Lee to command the western army; be knew of no ooewhor he wonW sooner hare placeif in1 command of the army' of 'Northern .Virginia than Geyeral f!iiitia:Iief'? i.Thfl;Berace8. which he ren- derfcd in'tbe field durinff-tire ; Jast days f the war fuHfioatified -Mr Davis' high es timate ot him., -Since the war Gea.:iLreA a'i air;. 1' . iT iiTtlA. K I A W A-ym .immrM m 1 M,l.w wik-w-at.ro a rm a1j: Mtsiu fi ftnasai iifui Juki My ? , ., so the Bitters as af SSflRW8 W-?" ,t5wa, oitotete .W. ;TIES! litl it to! oan"9oI f- v j A " x" rtt''5 4Tli a iKeawjRvuw .xijs. can 09 oongacaMa any market on the Cowt . '--u :::: ' -r i:i i wi ; -.AintCXalpI a- liberal Arrangtt7ta made with Merchant 'Dealt,. s aiiA FOR T U N E, t . 1 i .tDflROSSPiT pa -PIAHD&LORGANS! Ul timate ot him., -Since tbe war qea.:iure. o . f -riL'i: has been a PTofessorln tbe Virginia Milk ! W-0 0 LX A J& D t , tary" Institute, where he has given the high- .r-u . . - ..' . 1 A I- I cst'satistaction ana grcatiy enueareu vue ( ? ,,u;..: cadets to hira. The Faculty of tbocol- lf u f , 1 . . r np ! - . jjiege wcreunajumooijiivv. "4 p . . . (!. y5S-S. Q BOOTS, GIFT ENTEPiUSEii Batlsfaction.' Vemuoltiikeiiib honored - ' ; : ...... father iaf r'anVpoints'f hTf character, ' BU T I A n.nd htinmorr t6 thevduties of the ioffice i, ... r .i KT . r V t r ' ' 0'f ;er - r the m of manhood (he is justf-thir i -,i .1 -. u,( Presidential candidate, vpars oid'i he will nrove iust the W4-Aftl . T I &KjprfctrrirAIJTY. Irhipftftin in wideninsr and extendihe zthts Id i ,rY,rV.-, ?-,.T r.,if . .aMltfmbiaftMBe8TOJis the Amer;. whHtied' WhichtTer'side.sceaied to be.Hop vvn the moment, prosperous. In the present . war in Europe England has professed to Kahoyaa3)Q"r steloS peace, yet' jt is worthy BdicChimamost inlliant itiii 'l :l::fV -mi " "! ' ' .-iii1. t - --I. - -. i. : .f 4.1! . , , i r ia a Inhn m r I m 1 nm n r' 1aan OnV of'tnV ration BanV Bobber. V' '.V'5 :l";a v u ! '"V . mi , ,,,,, captured., r . . . , ciatiori, inaorp6radvriri46r the laws Yesterday Captain Walsh, ol, the Four- oil ;Jx t-.f .'J teenth- rjrecincL succeeded In Arresting ;;f iaoaujai ii.re- of remark. that she faithfully observes the bed the First National Bank of Gralton. solved to glVO onOj ti , GRAND vfaoa f , 1 j, important neutral obligation- of driving Massachusetts, on tm? night :of the 25tb a brisk trade impartially with both bel- mat. ; : The man arrested is, supposed to be ligerents. , Accordinf? to the London JDailv Mfat&S? 4K. AoAidf n4-iA'Af tirn f Kara TWro rrrroil onfl I . v"twe-'rnctt-'awfioritie are buyins creat uandcuHed Him. rue partv consisteoi 01 1 m inotn i 01 jiiDruojtLEKr, ala., nnp vhn nrnnstpd tlin ! watchman. Lewis. DaniPls on th Common, and who with . "EWTUVRT A TWWrPMT f ft i 'quantities of arms, ammuidHi ciJ-Sgi .m 7k ;4.4c.in London. They pay cash down and Thev thencholoroformed him. and niter tit . ."an7 Pcesrequired. The Prussians are six or seven hours' work with the best ,u ITrT v!TA,, mD 4 ' . i t rm rt jf;i. c'-'n r , . i : 1 T,r. v-, uuniuiiu luuuoaju i AlBUariQg U)D8 -OtJUiantteiS, as ll tney eX-1 iruvio, buw.cotcu luupcmug uiu ouics aun 1 . 1 1 f 1 ' .-nnfl cn tiio nrSnfcm Pino '.' TKo i -aun acaooui lour o ciock m:iue mpruipg, I Thaw alafpoAf aH avof Ana hnnH rorl tnn. AnHAn ' m a n a a r iAA .Ik I r iiMu w .uiiuus iu sec. wucmer g,nti dollars in bonds, notes nd currencv a-"i Vt l(Pnissia will make any protest against the The bank officials have been telegraphed AfWirf. rf rmi ?ta frrm. Amnripi Pirn for. and it is exDectedthev will arrive -with s gnifdWder 'is thei prreonw;y U1& wlal A K A CCA U t W AU a- lIIV UXUU HI LL1 tt amount pf frc Eng ish order, and the mar- steps are being taken! which it is believed, sort of firearm ".In willlead to4be early .arrest otjotbera-'oi i t. i tne fane. 7Vu iorK Heraui- ,u,. inr, to . " . I 1 1 worK on neavy orders irom Kussia. ;l ne export of arms, &c, fronu Amcri SHI 0nJli$5 Souicis oF gobrjSWf amoqql pf hc Eng' is! f C t Is veptrOf every i V.1. trWAYlpiritTmo "Rfrmincpliom hoo rrnno A I 2 THE A VARI IFTS i Iriq,i.- l9.a?ked. 13 " to be murder en A gentleman just from. Franklin infonns . masse f ,3.: : - -- : i, deductlncr tlia exnenaeft of the K der and delight of the theatricak.woria "J i'Vi urc I the balance .f th money wiibe appropriated 11 tVlftt n moat : fipnrliflTi XiHA Wiia nnrnA. I " ' ' trated in that county a few-days since, the sworn ; Commissioners, gOTtlemerf bT 1 welii knm'"M;pflr nrrfm lAHTrfthrf onilrl nt a , la. I tit th rhtpfti fm. whinh thA iaiuvlnHnn waa just now, although Boston doesn't think ceascd sister, aged 15 months, to raise, to U.S::lii5 f j rouchot her pronunciation, as it is not I which Jicr husbaad'waaopnosed... During I. i The reDutation and character of tbVfincor- ' ' ' according to Worc&ler or that other par- the absence of his wife, on Monday night 55Sftl5 tv who manufactured dictionaries. - . tb V.rQt1 bsbAn? ?ek .cnJld thro? around it.is auarantee thatli6 headacHe and a family fight, and ' the ' ,w fcrVarfd,8rdwU.1M -Mtf 1 bmo mdI i . j ' i f ittii J:L5 tt ! .ilrJJAtag?!013 aj '.aiTQrce iJWPM3W& h?Fm? he insists i on mojiey I twice a week. j lJ VJ" -r ..fi ' i i V - - J ! ilrmrt r ' r i'trv. , . , ... I i r; v i I UL 1 Ul . i 1 .1 ill i x!i 1 WiOTILAltD: JN OV. 1. l i a i. There, will be an exciting tin i';!'r teed-Stktesi willvbto,; principally formed? .HVTV.M SflieTaa,- ansas, Jiiassa- w v. Pv.niimnWiA'W TkiWJlhi J Til;. five In all'and Jdd -the; Watchman to the bank, which they forced'-huri to open on SATURDAY, Dumber 31, 1870, DOLLARS in U. S. Curiency, will be given away, to holders of tickets, . a follows : r x j . 1 Gift in tf. S. Currency of 425.000: ia..A?(Joo i a Gifts:. 6 ;od e,ooo, are. 10 coo so '10 ! 1500 Jiiarf Jl TH TTl?nrff TiTnT fFrom Rev, B. Telford; tlssinary in' Chiha,l.t.; nf trlfOfm liZf T v M now TTslnnghisnomelnPenn. i'-..yis -hit V " :r u . i Ar rv,- . .WASHijroToir.Penji. . ur a. - 1 H1 atWT.TTTJ&i iJl JUUa. Tr, l',til' Jusb.IwM.nio W, i Uot i.f;! JAsMrtttisaitnai H SiiWlm4 iDhina, I miqfiil'Ct1b IPflWlS found your .Vegetable Pain Killer a most val- vaMIJ.MA5ihd3rt uable'remedy' for1 that ffearfol-Bcoqjge. tb J -r ' ir, r ' -1 iv: vnotef-A -ax: if;-.;u: tu. i -u'rrt ' '!'-f ha t;iaana o:iw ionunnT I ":', tJ ,a - atLadn,tf.ringJthetmediplne ILloundi. v,,i, v,SAUu..-, nxoal effectual to give, a teaspoonful of Pain ; - - aCANTTTlESr OF KU.iniagU4'.o(: lwwatTr.awetened with ' Ki: 10 aiK"- est "I &l" X sugari5tten, after abont fifteen mintttes, be- . ! ItA ftTSJ KlfOTCS. ACi Udt V gba tgiveMabo'a teaspopnful of the .same loifftXi fHrh5:LHi:l j!?ohc;jr ' vf f? 'fff . t, , .miio eyeiew, minuses obtained. Apply hot applications to the ex. ,.fy, M ,f f . ..,,, ,...;! v ,.-.. j rW53- gamine acomacn wun ineirain 1 qUR CQUNTJJRS AJND FROM. OU" Killer, clear, and rub the limbs brfsklv;' Of i ' " -. .- ' 7 ..i . . f 1 inose wno naa me unoiera, ana tooic tne nw ' tttoVt & H'l" li" ' tSt? b"XLltPTVT?xi m "lflinrf Jfaithfnlljn dn ithe.iWjaj? jrtated ' abor k W iiUJpAXJli Vrl JtVl Mri. JN . eight often! recovered. .huiUi.! Mu:i f-r, ; ;-. . : . ' 5.i f l4 4I'J .If attooVod with f ho THarrhrao niroonf t-rr' ! ' " ' ' ? ' l .. .- - k. 1(0. Cramp, Colc, don't delay the use. of the PAINT J ' Wt& :,.,.5-.:. .v,( , ... FufcGCHOW, Cbiha. 1 Jbear Sirs : During a long residence in Chi-1 . na I have used your invaluable - Pain Killer, I . vpwmnrjiowwiainaij ana: among me Kim- 'nesTandneunaltaSnost excellent med icine. , In the SummerTOf A1S62-'C3, while resid ingln Shanghai, I fottad it ''almoat a certain J- core ; for Cholera, if ised ; inxtlme. Indeed, ,u8ing it lna, gxeajtmanjr instances, 1 dp not . ; , remembet failing Ina single ease. For three 1 C O 31 E 1 years a nave oeen residing; m this place, more tirir-T'-'r, KO. 403 -BKOOttE STREET NEAh G. Hi-TrGmainfi & Km i MANUFACTUEERS AND DEALERS tv :.P j;iN.p FORTES, h,.vlVAP .AGENTS FOR THE WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD EITHER IN J than'nrly mjliea from a , physician, an I hare .been obliged,. ofta'"to.ali "ttpon my own re sources fl tjaafe irf sickness. The Chinese come to us in grtajambert fOT modlcina and advice. Though without medical knowledge O A oifrseIvel,&Le el sfmplo .Vemediea we. pan sept 2-tf ; ' ; vi A N D 4 .S'BBi' "FlNLATSON & BR(X N6.6Nortn,;Front'St., ' Wilmington' N. C.' " -of 2,000, are, ItWl " of' 1,000, aTeiJSftJouiJ orvx,ou, are. jo 000 of -100, are. 10,000 of 10. are. 15.000 1639 Gifts Of.............,p.......p000 i tt u - it it k( frtnnbrt it nnVorl ' iit .YtAA it nvni- 'n lint I tflbution Will be Honestl v and Fairlv made. m, ii uwu a vv 1111.111 111.1. r- iiixii 11 iku i. 3 Tir 1 v -w -mv . . ' - 1 . . .at. a ! I . I 0 tarlo drink, and is asked"! what he , - . . : '1 .L.L:i''j-Ls';L-.l 'ill..-,. '1.1. . . . , ... wm nave, ne says: "Give 'mo BOmer111 arresteu, rhu swkni ou ff, 1 r r r P A M fi ift flH F Rfl P Y custody of two faegroee to a tnagistr ! MYrniil.rffti. . f . r t." -ri aeverai miles aiStanr. XOX-rmal. ": Wniie on '-trhfefi'-tTi'ev mav bAernna-anrf ehedf M ari oar-ienaer Knows Jtfst (Vlllch bottle to the TrATtheuend escapediaad p tci iPri- hour, the Prle of TlcKets has been put at 4 daf morning had sucded in ' eluaing a S.?il putnber of persons who Were in pursuit of discounter 20 per cent, to purcha4eVsl $iOD hllk Lynchburg Nemsr ' v. :a :rthpf aickets. :,Ji.V;. WE HAVE NO AG EKfTSf. At half-pas jTavlie atA distance 4 eairing to ijpuxcase. Oi Address, t four o'clock this fcfefiioda f Tielats mtst remictB l tothxev. dieot to the- 15 000 TioundP ASsbClfttlOn, telJinrddTfesa below, eitJwr l fiiaia Elections Next Week. i j time among wo magadtcs pontaining : less than nnjelrixogricnOdloded at Pairport, IDallV IOrraem ' tMii- TSlnoQilWr- rthin TS'rmr norenno hara. nl Anm..i knt 1 K r xl 1. . .. .. . . . T . . .. wvaivtiwvui:i(33. uuii DC Y CI til VI liieul IDT Governor, Legislature and local officerty I'l ..' J'.(.-'l lr,,Jrt,i. ... At 1 . ...11 " wiv. . .uvuv. .e-.-anwo-i; n riii. ;oj.ni vxia v 'V. "i,-rr-5-r'. r that mow the eentiemen who ate thff mah. v r"5ri" 1 m 1 1 ao . 1 no. ' A u a ri r I iiu m man n a . w I x caxo.uaaxl v auu .i(jiir.m. v - ....... . .... i. wiMwfifi yr"i. , svi"" " y I He -ftoti lessi than fe . . w t t a viu. au vv w xaiauui a cuuCDaroi ' 1 J. f 25 jjuu. I W h'ere'' the1 f 3 L"om tno I,ally Aiaoama istate j ournai.r eaP5 "W0 PnnrtS-0f L chartered under the laws of the SlAtepf Alal water 00 leet across ana oTo .teet deep, oama, are maane preparations, 10 opeQ a,, asfUUBujatha seccbad expTpsionof thklnd splendid Kntertammerits.i the fto;whiob. within two months. One of the mnn Villpd will take place in our city on DefeemUeyiBti 1 r - . . - - 1 M.n.iivwi a ... -.nr. i m a tnair i I r.. m A w T I I V ' f I il T .III .....111 a I . . . . ... ' . 1 kTT UUlU UUIO VUOT l Xfc 111 t M M W. wunuiiu in ucaimuc une jiuTuirea nousana. uo liars in greenl circumstances. Several buildkisiWestfso; It2.b-c4iersxtickete .tcjaidrentefUmihent. badlV damaged by the exploaion that" tiH theip. oepanta i Wre -jObJigeil 1 tvacate f tune for a rmtUl sum af xmaey. ! This sciicme thpm affords them this opportunity? The 'lirse llicill. . . - -A.. ! I r, ....I wl ktiiI TTrVi.l.wi- 4a..OK.nrA rrv. 1 n award and ttM2Thi:heBt.is.24.QC0. The lowest ia ten dollars. The price cf tickets is oalta.1 . jRInrlne Disasters In, October -'f'VVhen was such an opportunity presented; iM 'toWt.iiY.1.; t i i 1 make a "pile" on such a small investment lbe monthly statement ot; the, innmberJ anie. incorooratora of the Aflsociatinn nr. 4:W:Tessela-'belcmng? itO:OTT-bound' tO)-orl ulien llomans and Otto Scherf, Jr. from norts in thnTTriifprl Rtrri' ?rk J.G. Stokes-artdteeni erfectly solvent 1 It are of char- believe thev will iuHFU3ci2r lfvniediiy ana taith- UV) .07M i'ii olid idraJiftMP i.i?'-kS &i&Y&4h9ryM$2. aw'otftit pf the works I and.theairirreffate of vessel ;prouenv Td'ei -V'-" LlFaum the Montgouiery Daily iaii V Bia(iUaaaraioxi5i!PTide;encetQfaris: .Irpm the cner- Lst'roved7exclusive of carjroesi is estimated . 1,1 inc8 tays of fertune-makingiiAiifl mii lo ?tugpmK3& At may, bWeaedClk a; total , of 6fi. maangi clashes of our ptoSie1 vessels, of all classes, as lollows-l' t stta.ttit i v8tlnaim.hmethatttnlise8 aMyiffy .ra" ft .hln. 7 ImrVo . 11 l.rf7ra inS" 9 ft t led to these remarks bj noticing the .............. .1. . , , , . , . , . t I V" .-.WWWT. -. - W . .. W V" .n- i xUuliH.e tiffl9 we, heavy vartiJery arrives the i-ffi.f . y6f0a4rlij9rkaJtuatare,to- recelvie it wilf be i . j Jt, , n.j...-,ijiici.-i-j j;- 7,r: -ri Mitiiiaia frppartSjcacb. About 400( metres I Jburnedv 13 abandoned. sunk by collision. i.ha tbtoalpPS. eight" to-ttn 3 foundered, ahd t niisslnf. ttiA .t-wsi naijoi-JSWlPf ! Jicaxup, calibre 'mounted on cast .w.Ux TJaiart-Hfl.;cfWr(w"40W ' Uie:guns oh thp'm'aiu,ri liuj-dctacht ramparts is re at 1,226; of id iiiii4OT9Sir!'AATvgjpdvsnjE,iS6; Noisy-le-Ht 'MooXe ooxAioaiiivi)lU4;Au 66: o jirt.4x ii r,FrPjB4 st ejst. tennis, 52; La Br ,": ; ;5i'TWfWW4 f3;.Bicelre ar.i a riMWi f xrjrp.w vAoesa iCaurefl i TheTacuIty of Washioc ton-Lee Colleffe. I Lexington'-6, VaV,' propose rj to publish n't ,n w" '"'ZT57",'r-'?.rv,f' Ul .' main memorial volume in memoryc.of . -uottaaencv will be riven aaT.otooiderof t.iv Mt.toa rii o'WM, gonrVfnceor-Robert K Lee, to b prepared, iir-greattBum8ginsfromwto i.ttmS partunder thejmme'diafe : euocrrfeiotf bf fR' aWyyfPgeetl. ,;:u.;,T..' ..77 fieoLee'sown familv. Pifinaa AWrh of L - .nvivoiia .fTn.Hinv-irl ' i t . , . oa. . . . . :. . - rir. nfiit v i .j: llli.i. d 11 t . i I : . . . . . . - t u Mmmm- . . r . . -. . . xmntthoi !f,U .ii cuiionnis, occ, iue proceeds.-xo.. ue,i inas nas lost a hack, or been otherwiiui tn1 f''1" ' 5?X!fIO?k,8.. : attached to thei leveled td the ferectiori f a monnmehi Jed, naVe it reotmftS' T Si ' O " jrrmunirilOTIBBBJriCl Knnlr TMnrlaw I on a ' - Trm. . . . immigration into the Southern Statfca. vrhA .ncorLJoritoraaratworwellfJrBnwn Rnff w '.. . ' 1 . r . . S i . . . J at 3 w i urjera, nu-asrs. ULMJUSfnen, j unior.ana ial4UdUloman9i and MessrsJ. u. tiiokes-and ii. lareene, or Alabama. Theso eentJi-mpn tWlU falthfull y carry out the deafens -nr ;ttiA Association, which nroToses to eiv- .-r4i UDf magnificent enlertainmem a, ac the nraL oi wmcQ one nunaiea inousana dollars in ca&rcBAjyl are so much in advance even of their physicians, that we have almost daily a nllcatlons. We allow them to como. be- aQCt;brlpg uh ioontacl with them, and opens a door of usefulness. In diarrhoea, col- ' DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. !.''(..!! n's::rj !?t... n.t, THE CO-PARTNERSHIBJierQ 2lJe'?holecog?8'cyoaPA. tofore existinff nude the name of jni3ilt has bean ny Qhief t r. i 4 i rYoars, Vry frulyj sept medicine. 1 f T. P., CRAWFORD. .mection... Hfttice. OTA Tit OF NORTH CAROLINA, -7 Birds ey ' & Robinson" ' is ; this day dissolved by mutual consent. - Ail persons indebted to the late' firm are requested ta make' payment : to S. R. Birdsey, who alone is au thorized to sin in licitiidation. ' R; 131RDSEY, , , !t ; , : X t. robinson; -i f ' ;NEW HANOVERlCqUNTY. rvS EY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER, ISSUED den Goverrior'oi the State of North Carolina, . Te OT,l(Rfi. there will be an Election held at the usual J -jf, .4' ' ' ; ; . : places af vatrng.-in this county, on the loth Ilavingucjised the entire inJ day of November, 1670, for the purpose of flU- terest of Mr.r jAj T. Itobin80n 'In iPWW e above:' I will continue'to earfy the death of A. H. Galloway. - '"r;.t i ':"'- n i . ovmtfrz J on the business in all its branches: e .,'iherifflof.SlH li.ray? same pat- ronage so iioeraiiy Destowea nere- dfflce Tr&& ,.Uorejpon the; old' firm; t s.ftt iix no fc ffrSS :TALB AuLAXi'BSTATE: (TAX FOR 1870 UUp , waaarable Ofl senteiaber 1st, s7e; t tess their taxes ft M-1 Blldett, Combination Orean. urA " ' CONTAINING CaiTjefltfi, & IiiriBlt's New ImproTemenls. Greatest v Success of the Age! T . THE disagreeable reedy tone entirely over come in .this, instrument. The verdict L unanimous, w e cnaiienee the World toequi ic!- Onr new-8cale medinTnl7.Ari 7 nptw PIANO FORTES are now ready, at low prices for cash. ' - ' - - The New York Tndeveddent of Sept. 16th. ays Of the BURDETT, ORGAN: ' it is Dy rar the most perfect reed instra ment we haVe ever seen.' . , The Christian Leader of Oct. 2d, says : " We had no Idea that a reed inatrumen could be brousrht to such nerfectlon The press and public everywhere who have had an cprorttmlty of listening to its beantl f ul strains. -not only rive it their unqualified approval, bus unhesitatingly concede that it m ban us wnaeai p vaj , The great imcrease In the sale of ourinstm 'ments, has enabled na to reduce oar prices for FIRST-CULSS PIANOS, from ten to twenty-flve per cent. Ie89 thaaany ocner nouse lonennz tne sax ments) in the United States. ring the same class of bistro tea States. While we act noon the maxim ofonid-l sales and small profits, ' we maire It, atthd same. time, a special obiect. to furnish onH customers with intrnments in no way inferior! wj tne - -" ;. ' . i' Sest'in the Market. EVERY INSTRUMENT FUI.I.Y CCA ' 1 ANTEED FOB SIX YEARS. '- j-!.. r.i.-?'. ;.r. lianvfamiliee have had a desii e to obtain Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealer rone oi irom siuu to S3uu. neitoer ao im h to nurohase &. cheaD made instrumenJ toac would coat more to keep m repair tuama i-..ui nti iifn. aul;46ytmedtha griA, fTT A T A , iaieS are naid bv or before the xy&Jl hftH.H.1. . v" ririt n Af- ntnlior lfi9A L Mannfactni bVtbe '' - ' ' 5 .POTATOES, N AT AS S'l'MAHfl 'C 0 HPANY" issues of City opwu mivtiTAii feittfiSanni 'bo aAen'nxiShd aJxwJrTirjf A i ,;r "J 'ri'- ' jinex. oafr.RealSsUte Spee!aT Takesi A 11' EStD b Il9hed S U CCeSO "nOvSw i Jii? i Treasurer And Collector. 1 ' ' J1 1 i?-wtfo ?J .u 3 - iii .1 1 ..." i ' 1 -.TI baa riven, entire satisfaction on Coxn.Cot Jiu a;;i..njLi4Liii !i.iHrV-i;-.. . .. i-rr.( JL.ton, Tobacco, find all small grain", root iJ i fi MIStiBliL'XNfet) 0S. ' crops Aegetable to wttichsit his beenaiv n.X.io4 fTfiW.Wfftft T "0 -SKDcFOB CIRCULARS j ; o-aairfjiM ........ .tw lifpovrv i R. R. BRITttEJWAPres't, " inent.T '-v w o.-rnn. njjs,, iresn ueai, r ' j, micuac cxreas. and SeiyV-"? "v- ilk, ..iT.ciwie:,to! arrive: - 1 4-' t au .ir, i ..rii hvi hiiCtiijaren StFor.salbyxiio liinao ! -wbi u, hnocttetti iuo litd ; . buuoi ' bixaa i-t i,'-r fc.o.'i.f ; mini .-fcr-. . .. i i . ...... i : UfliUS. .1 I" -i T . -f ' i A '--. .. TT 1JJK ; loi ; 1. .uv.v.j Ji.: 1 l -J Wihntogton fc Wei.. It-- Co., m i ! I T tATnVA-riA 4i nAtti .a.iiai i w.. f A BUSHELS CORN. , r ' ' ' t " J 20 feb3- tiWV. &WILLAIlD!B.oiir 1 r Kfte w i n g, J& a,p h 1,11 e - - 1 1 H i ii ... . I P?-?. ,Trjdn,"mustlev delivered. befora io-jo -fM AdrrtwiWlfaOTrlUVoursr " iT Wtn&ouH wlObadosed i't 6 JL1 to Mr . '(VRBJM90 ' tne WJtf? Sltlo makjopj hi8 'aunti: VU flTiTPFOIi.D HO TJ b" in Thlf??? faeis it unnecessary. ?tinioirWyeafteVtiia ?ttXittiiY axSlne to those who havejhem ia?se,,rThe. SW. V S&&M&Lilit... X)V ii as-near perfection aer tne present age can I produce. Call and see them atfl -iho;Agency. -'XtY. fit fovib&va t - liicixiv . t j I . xii zrw irAiK ha iiirni npr i.ii...inUMot .-m m ni:f iK-m4rvswufcwiAiisa oe paw .ln'-trtno. -n I . " ' r . f ,suj i iwwvnnrni BknlMK. 4r . i ..- . I . .;ivt'ti.ni.:ntr'Tii.i4 .-t-..v.....T.t.;.- y . iuiAtiife XTiiiJ lAtiir.nal and authentic ness man of renutation in hSoatmmprvj-X i .-lojau-r a .iiJiV U UUUriJillL. Knot. sources empiigiqg jQcidatiferrfiDigceb ) WIi w g w 10 j ,rIt;.f nna a At.n Aft Haai, Jva riT. 1 . 1 j . , . 1 'l -i iuffiir rc M rYOWSIlfEB! If TOatiavan oIOilan7U d s.iis-1 IN PRniB-ORbEitl t f - t-? nr Ri'.i'k I Oct 26-tf ' ' WILLIAMS' 4 MTJRCHISON. NSIBLE rjAvtlea deHtrv?9 ' f-i?i fonVdl.tXJO; tbesanTtdollarafopttiretftp rgolcV otes well, Agt?n. fMio i fwM iiKi rr.r;u;:;' extra; hety, .fiW?vf'l aug 7-tf - f 1 3oilviLLARD Bros. aug is worth, hence a large Class of our musiclov Ing people bave been obliged to do without We can furnish. New SevenOctave Piamj Fortes from 275 to $950.. . Second-hand rianns from $40 to $230. 1 New Cabinet Organs, J5iq PRItyffiLIST SENT TO ANY ADDEESS. "wi.jWl .P..M. TREMAINE, JunelVSAFtf lo W. B. TBEMAIXK . . 'A: TTi T T7I . f l.TTTVTT'? . v (.POTATOES, ONIONS, RAISINS. ' PKESEEVESI T-.i-'W NUTS,, FLOUR, ,v.niu ...; -BUTTER, nn RES E. bctSO-tf t;ni-u( 7,-..,: AND LABf) HATS ! HATS! HATS ouuasd fi'jJtTr cut rs Hats 3 B-X PKES iVYCit? 2?i?55 HATS FOR CUlll A SELECTION OF .1 ivIMf.llT. .J14-,.J T . fl,Ptt ir, r ...Hatter.' Nol. North Front u .ta1esjitt . A t -J . Tlt lrti l.TTrtlRRlC SUPERIOR SWABS f 1 f r'3TLQUOK4 canaiwj -- , T?fajwito3aiat auperwr a 1 35..avd iu iiujti iwAfl 'l(JHElIi.?TOBACC0' h rurnfahekl Rooms; by Pay, Week or a F etW-tf n-Ioi ?J.-Jl. CIATFOUPJJ: A uara. 1 J.ljtJt.sX my brother. Chas P.aiyers, anu - this day Dy mutual consent ,.vB OCtHWf ' GEORGE MY n