fx" Mii f ir- 1-' ... THE wqi.'G hTAIX. pUBLlSHF.DnATLY, .'' J eM. W. srt AW- fctU-jr Crop'r. Ottio. D0,0 Bnk Front 8t -ar. in advane.T. $1 00 ont-S toadvanoe...... S 60 months, in advance t 00 Moaxwe 81 will Y delivered In any rof tneClty at Far Cxxre per weekH SEW ADTKBTiaBni5aiT.!,''''!i .BiMiA'iTeiok ew, SJJJIarket street Ttono,' MelbdeooaOifcanaand Gul- H. C BiNnciAL Association. Statement of Drawing.- : ; , , K ; , n..t ;.- v.. ; p Q. MacRAav United' States Marshal IKDkropt Notice.' -.- ..:-m ;r Wjimhiotom THiitk-DaTeopbit "Broth er Exhibitions.,, T Tr vr7 r rr" V" Howibb 8. A.A8-ociitiOHwTui Bridal Cumber. fJVOVlAl DeRobbbtt fc Co. Molasses, Butter. , and other article.. k. n mtrt:f stni -t Tnoa. H. Wkioht Light .and, Ftuhlon able 8Hk Hats MAJtSHiOJ-rjjRewud-florae. Gsobos Stolen. -Clothing at Flshblato & Bro,s. New and Fresh4Qcod rncelxed bj4 every ,tcmertri8hblate's. . i 'i ii J rB,ronetr. . The foUowlnsr was the rane of the Ther mometer In this office, yesterday, at the differ ent hours named : 9, 12, 3 and o'clock : 9 . ;,;,f.vl:1 YT n 67 p.8.I)i'eCiurt. . ;v V. After conclndlng an Intricate and tedions Uokrvpi ease, which consumed, the) most of the session of the U. "B. District Conrt, that bod; sdjourned last eveninj:. Kid Glotes, warranted; If they rip or tear another pair will ho clren In exchange, at FUbblste & Bro's, 23 Market street. Trip Vp Mi f f President Martin was. accompanied on his trip up the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth erford road, yesterday, by CoL Fremont, Chief Cronlj, and others. They will return to the city this afternoon. 811k snd Velvet Ribbons very cheap at ruhblate's. . - - - : ' Meetlag sfTswMhlp Trutees. There will be a meeting of the Township Trustees in the Conrt room at the City Hall os Wednesday next, on which occasion it Is expected thatE.IL McQoigg, Esq., one of the l)oard,wiH make a report defining the subjects for taxation In hls township. A fall line of Gents1 Furnishing Goods at Flihblate'a. The Werrell Slaters), . .. ys The Worrell 8iters, who are announced to tpposr st the Theatre in this city on Thursday, Friday snd Saturday night, the 10th, Uth and 12th IntL, are thus spoken of by the Baltimore Sun: .... ,,; V, '.. ' '" The charming Worrell 8isters have been performing st the Concordia, and will repeat this tvesiDg "The Field of the Cloth of Gold,' which ha been such great success In 'New York, Boston snd elsewhere. The Worrell Slaters are supported by a' splendid troupe of about forty armies, .Including. Hernandez snd hit compsny, and everything produced by them la on the moat liberal and elegant scale aa regards costumes, appointments, dec. Flanoels, Shirtings and a large line of Do mestic Goods, cheap at Flshblate's. Kepaklleaa Meeting Last Night , , It bad been announced that Geo. W. Price, the nominee of the Republican party of New Hanover and. Brunswick for the office of Se na tor, would open the campaign at the City Hall last night. Quite a large crowd assembled at the appointed hour, when Jackson Davis, col ored, was called, to the chair a adCS T. Potts, white, appointed Secretary. AXtr consider able dslay Price made kit kpnned In his ipeech he plsnted himself falrly; and squsrely upon the Republican platform, repelled the oft-repeated aaaerttons that he had gone over to the Democracy, and endeavored to convey thelmireaalon that the party differencea which ' M prevailed dor1 ng the late campaign had all hn,a.i rr. . 4u..vTi u,. I been healed, . He was certain that the Republi I cao party' of New Hanover and Brunswick I would all work together to secure his election, rogardlesa of past differences, snd promised beuceforth to work for tieir interests. He M verj emphatie In the declaration, and re Peated it frequently daring bis a spcech,t that what he "lacked in ability, be' would make up lo devotion to the Interests of the Bepnblican Prtj , . When Price coseladd,.Wtn: ItGloore, the "Irrepreaalble," took the sUnd. He charged Price with having, betrayed , the trust which Karl m i , - 1 J '-i - m yu conuaea to mm neretoiore, ae, j nouneed him aa a deartfrifrom Ihe ' United navy, ana To language more severe than ParllmnenUry or in strict accordance with the requirements of Webster, proclaimed bis de termination "to fight the Building Associa tion, the Town Hall and the whole concern" from now until the election.1 He declared that two-thirds of the Republicans in the two coun Ue would either vote against Price or stay at TVf P5 BV? Wiowd to v pitn mm, t,nv be was not to be suppressed; lalt jii i. . ' - . . ... -"Mouian sDragon his .muscle, but .there no nae trying te shut bin' np;' he" would "KUl It out On that Hum tf hnlrpnt thm thr " u o clock.., Finally the Chairman Inter- lid bv Vunnio-nK tii ktr h. i PP10! and klnfllIm to."op wneeied t round, extended hit arm d dettantly 'answered i"7V He aldtht 71 rr,.: -.il.r, DuthJm tr,wWi.w w r um a the rtand, but they covldnH doit; 'nd t number nr itaa.). i i..-nwi cru mntt 01 MooPe Wends in the crowd v"a out that thev lAouUn't a u it "' ;' AltorethP i t u" .... Wai rh cno ' When we In II Trail .ft. -.ai '- . . . "" uorwy alter XU- O'CIOCK, ne SlUl tad the floor, and , as he had -Jus jreplied' to reqtieit from f!nnM- n rrm tn "Te wutea," that he "declined to accept the COnrtn. . ... ........ . Tt . m vetaraw vs We ASSS ivi VUIJ COnrt. . ........... . ' . jk . .gentleman, we suppose he onered to hie determination to "nirht it out u luat lino . -6 line." CC.1,?r.of.tk:k,,ro,n,vnt",llt foucana of the city In the crowd. j:. . 1 . li i i i . 1 1. . i ! . i M i I. I, , ,i . . . . i , vol; vn-iTo. 37. ( ) r. wainiTGTon, : u., c. . Saturday, hoveiibee 5. ' Iael ota. ' ; '. i The days are now about ten hours long. . News was exceedingly scaree yesterday. jrJ,tonnty Commissioners meet on Moo day; K. 'nJj.Mjijw c. - ji fj, rt j A hot iron Usd In the "hair is very inju rious. V H ; i.- .. . . ;'; The topaz, emblem of courage, is Novem beraJewa-'; ' i'-; .i.. a : The ' Qai ' Company are extending their pipe along Ninth street. " " 1 v--An occasional J washing oi cleaning off would not injure our street cars. f r r V .. W Price, the Republican candidate for Sena tor, epeaks at Lillington to-day. " -There ils no" Instance on record of a well abstained system of adyertlslng falling of suc- Another lot of those stylish Saratoga Shaws just received at Fishblate'p, 23 Market Fanny Evans, colored, charged with lar ceny, Was arrested yesterday afternoon and lodgec. in the Guard House. There was a heavy frost along the line of I the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad yesterday morning. In Anson it was very heavy. Before the CUy Conrt, yesterday morn ing, John T. 8peight was arraigned for retail ing liquor on Sunday, and required to pay the penalty and costs. Fashion nO r decrees that it is not good taste for a gentleman to remain afterlO o'clock when visiting a lady In the evening. A wise decision from the dame. The Uttlo village of M Meadowtown," on the outskirts of the city, going out Market street, 1 growing rapidly, many small houses I having been recently erected. We are indebted to Col. 8. L. Fremont, President, and Maj. J. A. Engelhard, General Secretary, for a complimentary ticket to the Second Grand Annual Fair of the Cspe Fear Agricultural Association. 1 - ' George Marshall, of Jacksonville, Ons low county, had a ,horse stolen from his re- formation that will lead to his recovery. See advertisement for description. - Our thanks are tendered to Mr. Thomas McCaleb, who holds forth at the foot of the Market, for a bucket of prime New River oys ters. Mr. M. will keep them on hand du ring the season and will supply families with the best that can be had. Try them. A correspondent In Anson informs us that "lot of folks" will be here during the Fsir from that county, and that "Anson will flstht bard for some of the premiums." He also says : "At the next session of the Legislature we hope to see the "Cape Fear Arlcultu-M Association" changed to Cape Fear and Pee Dee Agricultural Association. Real French Wove Corsets for f 1 at Fish blatefe Bro's. Tare on W., C. and R. K. It. Our "enquiring friend" at Lllesville Is in formed that persons attending the Fair in this city can obtain tickets at the head of the road, or at any point between that and Laurinburg, to Wilmington and return, ' for $2,50. From Laurinburg, or any point between that place and Lumberton, the prlee is $2,00. From 'Lumberton, or any point between that place and J bbottsbhrg, the charge is $1.50, and so on. Only one fare la charged, and mat is 2.ou from the head of the road, or Pee Dee Station, to Wilmington and return, with deductions at each intermediate stations . The inducements offered to our friends up the road are very liberal and we hope to see many of them pres ent at the Fair. TIshblate &Bro. havejust received alarge stock of Ready Made Clothing, which they will sell at extremely low prices. AppelntnaenC . We learn that Mr, Gearge. Hooper of this city "has received the-appointment of Justice of the Peace and member ex officio of the Board of Jrnstr.jea for. .Wilmlngtpn township,; In place' of John Jj Conoley, Esq.', lately deceas- ed. The appointing power , in such cases is ntaaA -,rt nirb f th Snnerlor conferred upon the Clerk; of the CourLl ii h O ' . i Our Chip Basket. Frank Leslie has 100 artists at work. ' Diamonds set In silver are a new idex. - ' Baby parties are the style in New York- Fanny Fern Is said to be worth $30,000. AH caused by her own writing. Miss Alice Cooley.f of Natchez, Miss., is working on a life-size bust of Gen. Leer. -Exterior, beauty , is a recommendation, written with such pale ink that time effaces It. For the first time In thirty years the New Havenc6nn.y Jail 1s without a female prison- r . . a.M l., i v. .; . , ; . - A young lady with the suggestive name of Miss KUlgoose is studying law at the Mlchi gan TJnlTeralty.'-..r , A man at Ottawa, Hllnois; recently hanged himself because his wife refuted to cook mut ton for his supper. i:... Visiting cards are made so large this win ter that a new impetus has been given to the tt&ttufactnre of paateboard. I The Latest Phenomenon Is a fluid without sediment and without bad smeii, tnat renews tne vouiniuiuunuroui u " . . V . . . -l. repeating the hue of nature to a shade. marvel of science is Phalon's Yltalla, c vation for the Hair. It stands alone. 8 all druggists and zancy gooos aeaiers. . witin!!. : . , AOentle Whisper to Motheas. u fortnnately you Have lost your own teeth by neglect ormlsmanagement, take care that your daughters do not suffer the same ealty from Qie same cause. See to it that ihev brnsh their teeth regularlv and thor- I oughly with Bozopovt. and thereby you will Insure them sound and servlcable se6 aslong I At. - - .v . I as i.ney ix vo. . -.f , . i . : ; SrxLDixa's Gltx," handy and usefuL - Don'x hawk, hawk, spiVsplt, blow, blow. i unH tlaomat. ArAnrhAdT Vim TOOT LiftUirruMlu and disgust everybody with your Catarrh and 1 lu offensive odor, when Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will speedily destroy aU pdorand j arresi vne aiHcnargo. ius ui",,r nrtA MuhaMnnnt. nnra. Sold bV drUS TuThSat NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. nyiliiiingt(m:?T " - TWO NIGHTS ONL.Y, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, . ... . i , : , - .. ' .. NoTember 8th and 9t!i. ! 1 ' THE WORLD-RENOWNED- 1 - DAVENPOHT BROTHEKS "TTTIL"L APPEAR AFTER A MOST EXTRA- I teen years, (Ave of which nave been spent in 1 Europe; m meir. , Mysterious and Stsurtllng Wonders. ' Their wonderful Powers hare been witness ed by the Crowned Heads and Nobility of jbiirope, ttsiuuisning ana oomounamg tne wisest of all countries. They must be seen to ue appreciate!. . t , Admission,.:.....;............-....-...... 75 cents i tiallery, 60 cents Reserved Seats l 00 Seats can be secured in advance at Heine bergers Book Store. ' Box Sheet now open. ; nov5 4t . . THE BRIDAL CHAMBER,. Essays) for Tonnf Men, . on Great So- cial Evlla and Abases, Which interfere with Marriage, with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortu nate, diseased and debilitated.' Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge; , Address, HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSO CIATION, No. S'South Ninth St., Philadelphia, jra. ,-. . . inov omm-ent Dally Distllmtions on tne Permntatlen ' i Plan.' f No. 105, Drawn at 12 O'clock M., Nov. 4, 1870, 11, 8, 28, 66, 29, 61, f, 17, 48, 68, 72, 6. 24. No. 103, Drawn at 5 o'clock, P. 11., Npy. i, 1870, 66, 60, 27, 43, 16, 64, 84, 78, 88, 85, 41, 2, 71, 64. Witness my hand, at Wilmington, this day. JOHN LONDON, " nov 5-tf ' Commissioner. Molasses, Butter, &c. 400 BBLS. MOLASSES, 50 FIRKINS BUTTER, 10,000 YDS. BAGGING. 50 TUBS LARD, 20 BBLS. KEROSENE OIL, For sale by nov6-tf DxROSSET Jj CO . Bankrupt Notice, THIS IS TO GITE NOTICE, that on the 7th day of October, 1870, a warrant of Bank ruptcy was Issued out of the District Cou t ef the United States, for the Cape Fear District of Nortn Carolina, against tne estate of Dr. Alexander McDougald, of Shoe Heel. In the County of Robeson, in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition. That the payment of any debts, and the de livery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him or for bis use, and the trans f.sr of anv nronertv bv him. are forbidden bv law. and that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Conrt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Fayetteville, N. C, before William A. (-iuthrle. Esq.. Register in Bankruptcy in said District, at 10 o'clock A. M , on the 28th of November, 1870. l. u. macuais, Dept. U. S M. and Messenger " nov 8-law2w Sat in Bankruptcy. Rankriipt Notice. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the S4th dav of Octobei. 170. a Warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the united states, for tne cape r ear .District or lioTtn Carolina, against tne estate oi Arcni tald C. rreeman, of Albermarle, in the County of Stanly, in said District, who has been ad 1 ndsred a Bankrunt on his own -petition. That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property oeionging to sucn uanxrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of. any property by him, are forbidden by law, and that a meeting of the creditors of said Bank rupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court oc isanxruptcy, to oe noiaenac r ay ettevllle, N. C, before .William A Guthrie, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy In said District, at 10 o'clock A. M.,on the 26th of November, 1870. d. o. Macrae, . ". Dept. U. S. M. and Messenger ' nov6-law2w Sat in Bankruptcy. Bankrupt Notice. c THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the 3lst day of October, 1870. a Warrant of Bank ruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States, for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, against the estate of Daniel J. Underwood, ot Fayetteville, In the County of Cumberland, in said District, wno nas Deen sljudged a Bankrupt .on his own p That the payment of a.ny debis,,and" etiuon. the de livers of anv nronertv belonsrinar to sucn Bankrunt. to him or for his use, and the trans fer of anv property by him, are forbidden by law, and that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove tneir nDts, ana to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Favetteville, N. C, before William A. Gnthrie. Em.. Register in Bankruptcy in said District, at .0 o'clock A. M., on the 26th of November, 1870. f D. U. MACRAE. r Dept. U. S. M, and Messenger nov6-laww ' -x in- Bankruptcy. HATS ! HATS! HATS ! m I HOSE LIGHT AND FASHIONABLE 1-.- ?. ' rTf-fi ' SILK HATS, ; AND J . , : . t ,. , - . ' NEAT and STYUSU FEIiT, CUt BX T9VKD AT : v . THOS. rCWRIOHT'S, Hatter, nov' 6-tf " No. 9 North Front Street. $25 EEWARD. : ( OTOLKN from my b table, near Jacksonville, I tJ 11X KJHOIVJ TT yv.l . - O ' tiark i.hesnut Sorrell Blaze-face Horse, one hind-foot a little white and white scalds on thA hrt. Above reward will be paid for the animal on delivery to me at Jacksonville or ! for information tnat wui ieaa to ms recovery, nov Mt GEO&QK MARSHALL. "Pianos, pianos, ORGANS AND MELODEONS, G UITABSy VIOLINS, &c. For tale at For sale at ; : .- Si-M n't HE1N3 BERGER'S. A Splendid Fainting. I wm J I he BURIAL OF LATANE, painted by W. D. "Washington, Esq , of Richmond, va., on Steel, 29x36 inches. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S. novBtf Live Book Store. '.'ST'.; ' NEW; AD VERTI8EMENTS. i ?; Farm Wanted. XTT ANTED, A TARM OF 75 TO ISO ACRES v v on wumington ana weiaon uauroaa, with fair tmnroTements x conrenlent to depot. caayanbsoil preferred.: ': :.. , . ; Parties having such, a place, to lease for a exDlrauon or lease, or ror- saie on iiDer&i terma, will please address, giying full , par ticulars, . AGRICULTURIST, 1 - Care Editor Mournra Stab, n.tU- v ;.;ijv-Wllmington,N.C,v oet 184wnacSAF . . - , , HariA . Taqv ft-nrl "Rio Mr Pittvo ' T VmT'T - L - Ci " X Jixiillltlw Li 1 l JLxCi oJiL, Cant.' JAMES ETAS 8, "? - IS now running regularly between Wilming ton and Point Caswell, leaving Wilmington Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 11 o'clock A. and Point Caswell .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 o'clock A. M. touching at all intermediate landings for pas sengers or freight. Fare, 1 meals extra. Freight charges very moderate.' ' For freight or passage, apply to Captain on board..; : . i sept 21-SAFtf G 0 L DUE DAL AWA&nxn to tkx Florence Sewing Machine at'thi NORTM CAROLINA &TA TE FAIR, -piVERYBODY that buyg a Machine of any kind, buys a FLORENCE. ' Those Dyed Goods have arrived. No goods delivered until paid for. D. ANDERSON, General Agent. nov S-tf SOMETHING NEW. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTION Of Bridal Presents, 'Engagement Rings, Ladies1 and Gent's Fine Gold Watches, the best assortment of Solid Gold Jewelry in the City, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, something new in Charms, , GOLD, SILVER and STEEL SPECTACLES, FRENCH and AMERICAN CLOCKS, BOYS'. WATCHES, and a Large Variety of Fancy Articles 49-Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired and warranted." GEORGE HONNET, No. 63 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. OCt2-lV To Be Well Dressed. To be well dressed you should have a pair of those nice , BOOTS AND SHOES SUCH AS YOO BUT or GEO. It. FRENCH & SON, 29 North Front St. nov 4-tf Would Be Benedicts " AND "''v-' GR O O M SM M A RE invited to call and purchase from our elegant assortment of WHITE TESTS, WHITE SILK TIBS, WHITE HIBS and WEDDING ,i 'COATS" ! ' MUNSON &CO., ; City Clothiers- oct83-tf. Just Received. QpT BOXE8 CHEESE; on consignment; Tubs of-very choice BUTTER; Tubs ot Pure LARD; and A lot of very choice HAMS. For sale by oct 23-tf CANNON, OLDHAM & CO. GO T TO NY A EN AND SHEETINGS. 05 les cotton yarn Qr BALES SHEETINGS. For sale by ; nov9-tf F. W. KERCHNER. Just Received: BBLS. FLOURt"all: grades jjCrushed, 50 Brown, C and Extra C Sugar; wood-ware, Well-Buckets, Pails, Tubs, Ac.? BroomfT, in va I liety ; Nutmeg, Spice, CInamon, Pepper, Ac; Some very choice Hams, L. C Bacon, Green and Black Teas ; Soap, vailean qualities ; Con- j eentrated Lye and Potash, Candles, Matches, i For sale low for cash by ; , .. . , . CANNON, OLDHAM A CO.,' No. 5 South Water St, octSO-tf HEW.S-AIE EX CHA NGrE ST A B L KS . .... . , mHK UNDERSIGNED HAYING JUST RE- X turned from the North with a new lot of . FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGGIES, ' ? Is prepared to rent to his friends a stylish turnout, at any time, on and after Monday, October 31st. , ; . The best of Horses always on hand, for sale or hire. Also, Horses taken on livery and the best of care given them. v EDWARD POMEROY, Agent. nov 1-ly 1070. it ttu MISCELLANEOUS, in & f 1 ' ' WilmiiigtbiL Theatre. THREE NIGHTS ONIiT- i TUaradasy, Friday & Saturday I lOlh, lllll and 12th NOT. , Vt SOPHIE W0REELL, , Worr ell Sisters -- BUBJEwaTJE AJit OPEKA -BOVFFE I .', ' COUP ANT, ' ' t 25 Talented Ar 1 1 s t a'. MISS SOPHIE WOBnElVL, MAVAannsas, 1 ' rar admtio tO thb rABTAxab ' ; r W O R REI L ' S I S T E R S : . - i.. The: charming Actress and Vocalist, Miss JENNIE AVIXMORE, who will appear 'in the Opera Bouffe and Burlesaine of ' 1 1 : BARBREBL17E, " ": -. ' f s v ! : BELLE HELENE i . ;-. ; . FIELD OP "THE CLOTH, OP GOLD. THE ORE A HEKANDEZ, ."' formerly with mm a ' .'i ' w , m wm 10 a "a - a m mi a mm am. 0 tm a jmm. o a . v a m. mt t , HI SSVEBAL 8TABTX1H0 HXW rXATVKBS. -. ' ' THE WORLD-RENOWNED ' L E O N BROTHERS: Admission. 75 cents : Gallerv. 60 oents : Re- served Seats, 11. Secure your seats early. Reserved Seats to be had at Mr P. Heine berger's Book Store. - GEO. HERBERT, Treasurer. ' nov 3-t ; LEON Dm LEON, Advance Agt NEW STORE, No. 1 7 Market Street. iunt. a. w lvA, pllments : ton, then to the . . . WEILL TENDERS HIS COM- i first to the Ladles of Wllmintr- i "Ml A T"T0 Hinor AMYimnnifTT fravt amlltf and respectfully informs them that the firm of b. a At. weiLlL, will open, THVBSDAT, NOVEMBER Srd. at the new and beautiful Store No. 17 Market Street, the most magnificent stock of DRY GOODS EVER OPENED IN THIS CITY. . The Firm, feeling grateful for past patron age, take pleasure in informing their friends and the public that they have secured the services of coi. jno. j. hedrick, who win have the entire control and supervision of the I RETAIL DEPARTMENT This, announcement they - feel Is sufficient guarantee of the. most liberal patronage.- We respectfully invite WHOLESALE BUY ERS to examine pur Extensive Stock before purchasing, as we are able and willing toofler superior Inducements. Very Respectfully, , B & L. WEILL, Oct. 29, 187a. A. WEILL, Ag't. In assnminar control of the Retail Depart mentof Messrs. B. A L. Weill, I feel that I have but to remind my friends of the well known liberality and high integrity of the firm, to command the most extensive patron age, I will be happy to meet all my friends. io pains wiii.De spared to piease. Very Respectful uy. oct to-tt JNO. J. HEDRICK. NORTH CAROLINA HOUSE, (Corner Second and Princess SCS.,) " ' . S i. T : . i . ' ' ..... -..) .' . I Wilmington, N. C.. I T. Ar. If. TTAAR. PrnnriHortai. The BAR la supplied with the best of hi-, n - -.-- .- - 'I I QUORS, WINES, CtGARS, &q NEW KIVER OYSTERS, j otbest quality, always on hand, and furnished in any quantity or style desired. bct26-tf,. , ' UOal and W OOO. X ar(l, w w- i Q i ni I neasof.theextrmitteBiCv ,Jj v (to falter SMJear Toot Ml SlLff&rarssa-.. THAT CHESTNUT COALi FOR STOVES AND action, these Important unctions in the ani- . -. . - - mal economy are lntert npted, and la addition, RANGES, which so many have enquired r. hebUe; being crowded backV reabsorbed iTA- ? carried into the bloe.polsoning its Ufe . amo v giving qualities, giving rise to saUowneM of A Prime lAt Black-Jnck lVooa. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AT ONCXw ' r Oct 28-tf ' ; 6. G. PARSLEY CO. Vilminston9 Chfarlotte and BUTIIERFOM RAIL B9A. Change : of Schedule. -" Office CMef Eb; ani Ga SntfL i - ... . v . . ' . WILMINGTON, N. C Oct. 28, 1S70. rS ANI AFTER NOVEMBER 8rd,? the Pas W senger . Train will., run the r following schedule : -. . l&Yflr WllmlntrtOn at 7 O'clock' A. M.. and arrive at tne neaa or tne-i-oaa a. o'eioea- jr. M.- Leave the he arrive at Wilnun oava exceoted.l ' ungtdn at 5:00 p. M. dallv ($un. . . .... ...fj. , ... m ' - - mJ i t Two reaular Freight' Trains, per week "will leave Wilmington at 745 A. M. on Tuesdays and Fridays. andarrive ' in ' Wilmington ' on Mon 'dsya and Thnfsdays at 609 P. M. - (. Through tickets to Charlotte, $16. - ' f ; :i& L; FREMONT, -Chief Engineer and Supft. VOCt-9-tf-- : i Baggiitgand Ties. '28000 YJS dgh Beag: 75 TN TIES. For sale by. nov 5tf ; fwkerchner. Peanut Bags. 5000 amrirr ba08Labgi. sizt For sale low by oct 26-tf WILLIAMS MURCHISON. sit 5TRATE3 OF ADTKTIRIPC e! 44 " twoU7r.... 50 - 40r Contract AdyertlMinnt taken at rrO rtionately low rates. ' , . Marriacres. Deaths. Kellnrious. ianeiijrand Obituary ixiuaeariii; be lanerted at half rates wnon ptua ror in naraneej otnerwise tun rates will be eitarred. AVANTGO . 49 Adyertlsementa not exceeding fire lines inserted under this head at half our nsaa ad vertlsing1 rates. )ne Insertion',' BO Cesilej six insertions, ilTS." Vo idrerUsemento ta. ken at these prices unless paid for In advance. xtTAHTED - iAdles io senA their SLks, W Velvets, m. Clotna ana Merinos to MKrjroB Premium DVe Works and Cleaning Establishment'! In Ulchmond. sAgent for the Staten Island Dye Works. N. T-the largest and best in Amexioa. Offloe mIaln ,Streeti Richmond, Va. .v .(novt-lw . hUK bALL WtC;'l4Llt J I Advertisements hot exceeding five lines inserted under this head at half aflir regular advertising rates Onflt insertion, ss) Create six insertions, ! 7 ..No advertisements ta ken at these rates unless paid for in advance. innOB SAEE A House and Lot on Wooster, spt25-tf ,i f(8AMUEL N. CANNON. ANDFOUHD. . 49; Advertisements not exceeding flye lines inserted under this i head 'ahalf our regular advertising iates. One lhserUbni 5) Cemta t six insertions -.:V5 x NoJulveitteaments ta ken at these rates unless paid foq in advance. S08T AND roTJSDIftyon taavelost or iound anything, and wish the public now it, Advertise It under this head. Only naif rates charged for advertisements not ex ceeding five linesv ; -v - Fresh Stock Groceries ND ' PROVTBIONS,'' - h ihv: -4 " (: ' ' ';' ' LOW FOR CASH, At EDWARDS ft HALL'S. octl-tr- ,v ;;.; ir!o:; . -.-i -. v. v:m!, Canned Goods. P-3 CA.NKJCD GOOIS. f . ( i . For sale by nor S-tf - F.T. KEKCHNER. Siigar Ii Siigar i HHDS. AND BBlX SUGAR. 250 Jf'or sale by , F. W. KERCHNl nOv S-tf ;-.T 7, 28 and 29 North Water St. t h e ii e d i c i it e pebiodI; llccouiniend, and Endorsed BY Ma; SEVEN HUNDRED DOCTORS. KOSKOO! AS A ,nti.ji:i Hi : Liver Invigorator, ,:.-,' ; yii" i'.n! ,rt- ,t. STANDS ;UUNRIirAl4fEl?J Being the' nl jr kiisraa Jf eilefae nat ' Efficiently Wtimix'tates nd Oorrta tne Hepatic Secretion and Finn. tional Derangement sr of the .-' . . , .;, .i.n, -ki r-;' ..'r Elver, . without Debillta- T f-i'.i .' j; ..-; tl ( '.,'.';.'".!.', .- ting the System. . SYMPTOMS brtlVE COMPLAINT, AND SOME OF THE DlSBABEB" PRO - DUCED BY'iTr'-''1 l'! ' JGL SALLOW or yellow, color of the Skin, or yellowish-brbwn spots on tne faeeJand other parts of the body ; dnliness ana drowsiness, .sometimes headache; fbitter- In the mouth i internal jheat i in .many 4cases a dry, tea Bing- coughTunsteady appetite'; some times a sour stomachy7 with -raising ' or the . food i a bloated prn feeling about the stom ach and sides,; aggravating pains, the tides; gfipatton of the boweis, piles, natulenoe.cold- gskuo v wuv digestion' and assimilation depends upon a L the complexion, Bllipusnessj Janna Head. ache, Deepcoidency, and . the whole, train of Hypochondriac reelings.' : As the'.blle' is1 the natUTM PUn(MW-ljrWUUM u"WWWM stimulated. tcf carry-off th excrementitious matter, if there is a deflcient secretion of, the Tjver,'coetivene8S results, and in Its turn ag gravates ail these' various disorders.; ' Under these circumstances, if the Liver Is net stimu lated to healthy action ly appropriate reme dies, It beocmes swollen and engorged, and Inflammation Is set up. Da. LAwnxvcs'S Kos roo has a direet and powerful aotibn upon tho Liver, and will with, great certainty relieve torpidity , and congestion of this important viscera, and on this awunt is superior to any other medicine yet brought to the notice of thepubliCv Jnthese varlousideragemenU of the Liver a full dose of theSosxoo should be taken rtri1irfr. t Viw t4ts alterative to Its former healthy action. roRSALEBTJ. W. LD7PITT Si CO AND m twm r r nr. , anna . - ALL DBUGG1STS. ' oct U-eim A Card. ... my brother, Chas. D, Myers, and pytelf, ends this day by mutual consent. . ..octtr,, nl CllAli. P. MYERS. idV, i vq t ro-rTv7TT5 H i -1 : fi i . ? 1 J ' JToticOa. nriHE undersigned will oontinuethe Grocery JL business in all its branches, wholesale and retail. A full and complete stock can be ound at all times and at the lowest possible Cash Tricks. Those indebted will please make immediate settlement. f r. GEO. MYERS, oct29-tf 11 and IS Front street. I v V rV mi ' I Ml',.1" Mi V - 1 li. a :I 1- -" 7' I n it HE: mm mi WW lip5 m