1: j l if ij ji j VM. H BKaXlRn. R1tte nnt rmtp'r, Orricn, Dawson Bank Puttdtngs, Front 8V An month. Th Momt Stab will be delivered- In an wirt of the City at rmm CKm per week. , T ELDS OTTY IlKlMSBIROSK'S street Chromo Phol N: BNciyiA880ciTiota,t & x?mith CelibrCTl sumach Wm. M. PpjaWJf j-SiJeclal Trai tv ttt the JaJ t MuSsog & Co., City Clothlere. Klug Wll Ham Orarcoaia. -i tuo jvh Mnyz2t i F. wKRCBTOoeceo,agar,'siQm, Bucket, Ac ::i;iiilisvi rti3CT5rti.fa(Mw fojj to. a nnahen Batter. ,i T. a bxv&Si flsPTJh Art D. A. Smith Furniture Ware- B. & L, y(irnal ,011 Week-I) Goods, QloJUpg. ftc u ' Vtrtibla.tb fc Bbo, Greatest Aitractu on of see tdvertis ement vn4er head of !Found.' titerarj Mnrder.M ' ' -On Thursday nljjht, Norember 17th dotlnjc the Fair), Mr. Hideo wlU dellrcr hta lectnre on this e abject 1b the First Baptist C&urcb.fn thl city. Rraaswlcat Cosuatr, ' i:J ne Tear. In advance $7 , In advance..'.. 75 VlUiTWt; feu's V,;,-;:fJ r-"OTte-hairaoles, fdrTd'feevre outri ye.Boov$tQrj. $0 Market L Frost issrp)hy-hy nceth: feW tbgraphs'&c. Hnrwy. a.Afi 5 : We have been -tinablo Jo procurUt fU fd- tlQ ClK3 fincrCoart, wu released yea turn, of the dectloaii :tf??oK -reported on tkflatrttttfcii plittjlw; Zffi$ Jr Thera vereifctfeasefit Importance before degree of a-utttttUSj; tisk JXr.' Cidy: til fCtjMTi &uteriji -Annln 8peight received a majority cf Uiatio.cpunty. It ii wrii 'ilschage a 'o trifling stated Mcertat2i;ithtcotta ta4lspedotl.r;vri:-" Mr. Bi t ia)orJiTT tocaea.f ?.IIera,)ttohbUU'A Bia'HpreMBUa our . '' ' 1 . V ' ''""' - adTtrtislng eolnmna this morning some idea T.?oSyS bat ..,Mwv.v- cisl. The New Paper The first anmbei1 o( anew, Bepuhlpaper, fitted tia rniitidSicmnJnUdi9 i eoHUed pa Vnionn&BqnMicn,7wail3Jr ptarance on the streets Jtsterdsjr tll& be published eyery Saturday by W. 8. Benjamin; Editor and Proprietor. As sooa as the. neees- arj materlai l received a t'rl-Wiekly lssneol the proper size Is promlstd, u t', " . . ' vX sv 1 - pocnei to get a si aa ucacu .. T t m. a rv if .I a. y j Ja 1 ' TutiIIt iirtwwilit" twfc j Trsveuag MemsNeaiWH air, . " .. . . - - . i Attention lacUled to the advertisement of trains between WHmlngton 'afld '-th Fair .rounds during the Fair. It wiU be also no- r.-j- v ..i ' . uctuuiiiwr iuo aucciai acvuuiinuuauuu wi families five tickets or more may te rAuetfl atthe Blook store, at the raW 0. W dolkV for nvetlckets. Single ticleUtnay e procured 1 - ' '"' - . u : I "r ' - - i4 7 V J" 1T -l ? , all persons to procurtckets before entering paw(1 thaf will KaiawwiHssaw4Jtftssa salaja, I tllAAIIM I CAPE FEAR AaniCITlVrTTllAZ. ASSfl. - Btsr, aur, oi morning, u a. r r uming. Jaeeung oi .im, oim e. prepare December. In a . . t i . . t-ti ' T . f j' I'm ' ii . t i . . oi nenevoieut Associaiiun. x, uiaj icnu i commercial Axcnange io-morrow, si iu i the .i--w-.j Mt in i I v ',. . J ,u preparing ui 10 jour lonone; jis any-rate wm w yur j o ciocka. j t r. i ;j ::i:iiii;n inrted in Wm. M. Polssou:GeheralTick.t iAgsntotthe P;o H ouuy a.y v espe uuy taej,fre, jifntyfU' . . . jIto, j 4 i .Wotlyhavo occasion to tee It 'an hour or two JL.,, .W'rT- iwt. KW'ni h. Wilmington and1 Weldon Railroad, in to-day's U'turnid on at the'gakhW !?T ' "capond Witt the ambers will be issue, givmg he : liour., for, the. rnnn CIATxoxwijaiv aju, nrmimuoa orancn pna tree, . rue new ant- The fnsueural ctrembnies' wmmmV st 13 M, on Tuesday, tbe-Wth insu; . t intp..j.4-i.t-.'. t . I r. iiv & a ux.noiuia ua a. ki&c am m a im v r hiiii i on horse back, precede by .the . Marshal and Assistants mounted. ! 8econd--Prayer by Rt. Rv. il9 Atkin- OQ. - 1 Third Address and welcome by I the Presl-J aent' - ... The' clergy of the seversl chnrches'lu the cfty are respectfully. Invited to be present and take part iu the ceremoiBies..i Abrf:iil A The Sophie Worrell Troape. iuo irnDwuun uj iuu auuirmuie truapo or tne burlesque "Bisclc Jfiy'd Susan," on 8at- orday night, wMnpwJtDeMed by hslf the luiuwvr wi jiuiwii nuv iuvuiu ubto vcwu i y.vvu.. .tMimi era ernes to win our women irom nearw ana i hom at tbrlrtaA nf lttA wyAVVan.1 m. rvv. ly number b wUes sod sweethearts were at tracted to the theatre to witness the farewell t utertatnment of the bewitching little Sophie, whose the as she and naturalness ; to aliaru) her. audi tore into ?,i,f.,.i,l,yjr,ri .ip0C0 uivwcnca iu rcai inc. - a no piece iiscii nas I many goa-pofcT., IMIMfM aeress and her company gave then full de- relopment Mr. HarryWood la unfailing aa a support la rraieharaetsrvBw vt he a a ma with several baaatifBl Ubleaaxrand those who w-' . rw - kw -'":'-)-'vj M W U OS .tun j.nc ' 8hv pltVid SiS .1..r.nl.r. .1th .nnn(r, " wt" w Mv-'1 ucBcrves to DC said oi Air. ueonre uennaHS. -'"lw w nii wuiuiuk ; The closing piece? "The Brigand's dulght The Grantf OfflcVre of th'eKnight of Pytb kttu. :Jv f.'Jii.Di x ' ia r'naa;lft thla Bute, In eompant 'with - Clarence wm a wcir srrangca pauiomiuie, t Yna "a me iajou urotners as xmpe ThewaWttooeW expected t6 ar rW Japs; la u,idV: rlve LereIodaV m'nq maUeal treaVamosed a aoaiishe .11. :vi ati&&c&lwlMg UtliililVtalralJ.3 ---'f'v' "' a Ti. M-t .fcl 1., Tks following are the retumj- aa- far as rV , - i - i Erlati Bellamy. Shlpp. PhlUlps. irsiwsra, ooa lso xiv:. . cw Second WsrdVSG5- 325 410 . Third Ward, its It? t34 836 Fourth Wsrd,- 158" 274 V'l Faarj--ii fiO :y. ; 'j rlL O vr .'0r Union. .-."Hu'i-i.ja-wjH .flotrji ?ia.vf'un8K Holly. .;. -: ?:u5tt,J-oi:.3 fvua;-T Ji'.Jw CoiumUfcr iitarArrfiiai 13, t.-35i- HarnetL V ..sU3j, 88 k 17 19ft - Qft i . .. " A 87 ,. J. 84 niuef a Masonboro Township, MooVe. SBBBBBBS""----"" i iLV V,.' . ' A. t f - -'. w.-i-Atii.'- y"weut, 'u. -v 133 89 tpe rear Aencmiurw awwwuvui svioukw 7 , -r Ar . . irnofT'v: til unc.iv , : 95.aJ: iS m iTaeiextr'iWtiiipl0-i t Mr(A; A.; 0IO8BJ . WlU (it :!i iru. 1 1 I .Plaid stocklnjm are predicted - ETerjbody wUhea for fair weather Fair Lrr Jhla week wilt . be a H)j one. in Wil- . -TMr.!Oate is gleaning a ricjLharTest frUlAenci. fil .)3fICTCii in A RasTamp is to be placed at the corner of fieyenth ' and Princess ktreets in a few AmJm ..-"-'- -i .a fU ri'JM Hill r TTTjAPt Board, ot, Connjt Commissioners met yesterday, bat transacted!' ni, bqslness of ira poriknce.171 iVu,(- H&smaifripa, K exfreTOhelnr has returned; , to the WMMMtetli fate Jrtilt'J? taldiieran 8ereral persons will be immersed at G reen '&it&Wlttit city,1 this afteraottnV1 Tter. Mf Although small waists In women are go ing out of fashion, it U to be hoped a large waste irill iibt take thelrplace; MO'ty.: v:.ny. It Is suggested that as 1871 commences on 8unday, and ends on Sunday, and has fifty- two Sandays, it ought to be a pretty tcood Adam f Inn, colored. Imprisoned In the eountyjall for cost imposed at the late sea- . wjucavneywuiDoeoaDiea to aupiay to toe i visitors at the; Fair this weel. 'Kead and ponder.'!.. Th4Vred K?m.e e?kaa noi,yel turned - to theseeadqusrtra.,H J 1 l)cCU re I wweco.riieaonea4iqrwr.vjii was sees ; , Second atreet, between Msrket and, Prln- cess, Thursday, where he killed a eock pitted Cnf imv in ,nrf e nunuies. tie was iow- Ijhtlng hls wajhbftt We are requested' b the phatrman,. Dr W. W.'Harrlss, to aUW thai ther vwlfl He a ano.iwnsnwm complaints irom our 3 fir- a . i t . I BiiSMicsa uku luab ut fu is i .no 1 1 inraeai on i - ritm.ian mh nftrisraAon Anl th i " -i " '"t-T -'VT - - T ! T::" r i .iiU i.. A. ti,Ti " 1 '??2if ' ousmew wu noay nxS we uay we , lourna- m4rit i. trt.rtm r . t a LlTlZ 72 udr .7 . rr'TZi; 'Grounds. . -c .t f- . Ndrth Water street, showed ns, yesterday a hip k,. horn;aftft ftf .m,wJ,h ueeu uruacu wu, auu irom me siue oi we I ttnran nt nrhtol, a naa antlop Visa cmWii a4 " " T""" " -t W J ,OQe ,n Wfa appearance, ?nui. i ooui we laame lengtb.The buck was killed two or three . . - " . MJ -1S!5 W r1 "u'!;1 LDZjMr' Atamsey rouer. How to dredge the riverbuy a Ucket in tha KenrfieUI Trir . IkMmbRr UL Ynn win never drown, foryou will alwsys have some-1 thing to hold on to. Fear naught, n i - - -mtH' s-ac ' vi.-.;a. An Inaportaiii llatter. " 'r ' ' We hope oui;clJltens generally appreciate the importance os reportina promptly to Dr, W. W. Harrlss at ' wd.Comnierclal Exchange, as requesteo, . me uumoer oi visitors to ine fslr that they cau make 4t envenlent to ae commodate. ; This ;fa Amatterhat mustle-t. attcndeii to, aoa we irus tour tCltlzenA. will see lue importance ox reporting as eariy aa possi; m tn-mnrma mAmtmrJ r: v V ; . r 7A . m i TheKnlghta olthe -Married Tournament" met atthkcCceof.W. BinlthrCo.;lon Th era will bwnotker meeting on -Monday, tb.Uiait.rV' weourniinenV W lull and . a r. ir , 'i PW"n..??n ? 1 ; Ktalkhtafof lythi. We ellpAhWfoiIowrng'from7 the 'Richmond States, will leave here for Wilmington, N. iXi OTKSSS.&S State."-- 1: -- - t ween Marks v.MrfjD,itree,Utdy:ocu- I Pled by Zimmerman dsl ft bJtei:(Tbe consulta- PIed.b Zlmmerma a should be present V The cieell&g cannot be de1ayedimttt;Hmdy.Let' aa-arl? ao. rolled be present and bucctuilly; 0i UJJt ,a T Exhibitor, iooi.tjr; 't'tj ?rir We have been requested to state thatibi mlngton-A Weldbrf llaUrwad TJeptHor the! Fair. Grounds at; to for the outpeae of carrying out articles for ex-1 mt1aZ I ; ... - - - UheReneficUj (or December it. f ' J I t ..t 1. . 4 . k .. in proper time so as to prevensueiay. , 1 K - , ,! : " v. .-. .. .. r ? i i t i i ts. . . - i xvi . i- "r -xxi rr ' m - - -x 1 i . . : i i i me iuukuqb oi Tisuon iq lac jrairi next I week wlU have an opportunUyiOX, passfijj thfl crenings pleasantly by attending the bnriesoiie F: entertainments of.the Chapman : Sisters and 1 Blahop. To W?fftoa .ndleuctbW J ctresaet and. great.., Comedian require no Introduction, but for the benefit ol that fiesh is, or may be heii tpj ;Tlieeewon nr friends at a dlsUnce, who propose to be derfuX, dlscoverlea usually have an exlsienoe here next wefcfc, we: gltd th following from of s fe mpnthtben diu publio the Charleston Nevx, to show in whatapprwla-' noC.'?ason tlon they are heldjn that clty; v n guishmjentUappaxent.' ..They were'bambiigs. Hibernian Hail Vaarowded laif evening on oaJl me.preponaWe' the occatian of the second appearance ot.tbe n e4aua? c?iaAce fT. ancoess, jia all arc equally lively and graceful Chapman Bisters and theU Jcnown t bnt the enasT la soon' windowed ftoro troupe. . . -fff. 5f , thfrainy the' practical' test,' wnichn o& vf r ni.hnn tmiiinimit.M.A..M .nt are bat few Drenaratlons of medicine which with so much life sod splrUrja to keep the an- dienceln conTUlstons of merriment during the crying scene in I'JKeuilworthTv and the Intro duction of features of the menagerie and cir cus created great laughter. Messrs. Wallace and Wood, in their nniqne musical entertain menu, effordedquite. a pleasant diYcrtisenaent To-nlghft w HI be presented the- atnusragbilr? letta of "Pluto, or the MaghrLyre,',which will the .troupe. , . it ll!orr 'V' iV,"" " ' ' f.'fiil, Tne . C, Xteavefleisa Assoiitist. ; ;. . l ye were; present on Friday and, witnessed the ,drawlnsr at the office of the N. C. Bene. flclalj Association, on , 8ecoqd awet.( )0Xhe.J operation is very simple.' but at the i saine time t It appeart Impossible that any unfairness ican be practiced. ' There ; were twelve' numbers drawn, seventy-eight 1 numbers. 'having first been pticcd la amill - Wbrt thefl, put into the large glass wheel which has lately taken the place of the small one formerly nsed, and tborougblymUedbatfugofthewheel small bov. blindfolded, then draws the nnmhMnt h'r nn. i i.wi vincr again turned after each number Is taken out Eacbi number, as It is Uken out. is banded by the wrson. at the; wheel to the sworn -Com: mlsslOBerwho records U in a book kept for pnrposewjTbe CommUskmer Buperlntends the entlre proceedings in connection with ;the drawing. ,,,,,,, tr Active preparations are la progress for the grand drawing which takes place on the 1st of room JnJhe second atory, taple oc .la&lei are engaged tickets, which, in this case, small braaa rlnn instead of tnDea. Therearetbbel0;00aof these tickets, ' : iruu wuut iwfiiuw.wm or yftwu, ivt. . . J s lli- . tfcITst..L.i!.. ' u.m. , m t. - . la value irom ww toax -ucxe-vrui arranging the Uctets la under the immediate aubervision of tto Commlaaloaef, and vrhe fc-,i WlW'iCl:liwiS t w P the work to wpW4.inrtir he returns. The grand drawing will take place in the Thestre, which Will be opa. Otha public.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " OKE OF THE7 ". '". ,'. , . ....... .'J .HttJ-ii.-.J.-'T , Gr eat 6 at Attractions OFTH ".. . ........ . ni-": 'irl' . ' f ' .V. ;: f..T ...rr '- FAIR! t : i. Xl ti. .1 . All visiting- the i.i.: 1 ' -J(l"iJ .... F A i'H 1 '-.'.iitj . . ,c-ti: ;.:: .il- .ii ".";; i-i'iU 'cSi'.'f'.I V ; Shontdnor .. ..tiV iu-tli"- if ........... .j . -i in! '' 'lOr'n ? 'i TVRV'lw A A :TVflTT tl bTS"R i iT??vZ. f.i - if ,.n- or ,'...--.ifi( .$;! fTi ".-l.'.isi. ?,-:;:' -OF ;iv jvb i-sii .v: r- rn'; .-i: J.f. .fT.- t:o K.5 w'i Piflhblate & Bro: . .... i. ...(',;r?!.v.T.:i.ic.ii' '.".?.'!, ?!'.;. -'l..i7il!J !SO ni't 1.1 u f'-iiOS 'TrMVaJBlma- J'f- . ';. .! nslif !; ti fvtl ..1o: Where you will fliid dvrythitiff in IT the f .;i'..a,?'4.'rij: i Dry,Goods and Clothing ; .iriT-aftiiiCt'.i- falaii-ta.-ai ici-fftO it'Jt" ol rtotj.i kit ' c 'Hi tis .tnojHJOiviiu 2 j fflke all VOUr CXDCnCeO . wwf -.vv y - coming tt tlio Fair, as they will aoll I , 5 .. . At fc .-"i 1 -VO0 gooas , cneaper , man jon -uttbnrtthemT thi5?;sideA - Xjii wijjMrlit V 'i J L Arf b ,OQ TTWf ; fl4"s-fif s r 1 - ' novl?tf ' ' . it I ....... r) . . -ft J "NTRTW A nVPrRTTR ' . AT9JfflMpimnb-i1t'. -,J 46 nard? ttp a Mwaiperoir turn 4tret eonier now:ly that he does i not ZJSaVrffiS a meIlilA wiiiei"$a iaWor have withstood the inipa ehold tntJv land.Ti the celebrated, letter's fifnfrta.h TtiVri Tfiirfi-"almnfif. Vrtfi veAaj sale smdinaes'knd'the enl dorsement front all portions of the country i compel the admission1 tlfafc They -must be a speeUe for the 841mentsfor wluchthey0 are recommenaea. metiers oeiore us attest tneir efficacy in diseases of the throat, bowels and 1 ver. l- In that' truly terrible complaint, dy s- jpepsia, they are regarded as a sure cure.' In fctsbnrgn, where these Bitters are manafao- tmred. tneir sale for home nse la immense prills fact alone speaks volumes' in their f avorC --jcziracujrom me Mutoaane courier t Iowa, ivt: jjXt.- . t Liu ton j'.u iSyi-". t7ilmlnetu n & 1YeU IT. K. Co- OFFICE GENERAL. TICKET AGENT, . "! - WitxnroToar, N. C. Nov. 12, 1870.'.1 Special Train to Fair Grqnnds, Frem Ssv. 15tla to lStla, Inelnalve.. VP 11.: 12 M., 12, and 6K. P.M. L-eayeifaar urounas, ?Vt&AtwWi 1 Vto A M.; lii, 1 lJi, IX, 2& 5, 6 and 10H, P. M. r , . . Fare for the round trip, 55 cents ; children under 12 years of age, 15 cents. For'tne acconimoaatlon of families, 'pack ages of tickets (not let Qtan five in number) may be purchased at the rata of One Dollar for five tickets at the Boole Stores of Messrs. P. Helns- berger and John D.Xove. MGt Single tickets can be procured at the office of this company. j3r As no other tickets will be recognized on this trains passengers are requested to purchcue ticket In Wilmington bxtokb enter- UrO THB 0 AM.a - ": Wk. Mi POISSON, General Ticket Airent. novl3 4t Wow Goods. JJTNCE 11EATS In Buckets or by the ft. ' Call and try it at - ' T. C. LEWIS'. 5 Pigs'1 Feet. : Extra Goshen Butter, ! Sagar-Cnred Hams, , - New Hulled Buckwheat, Prime Golden Syrup, Pickles, Jellies Flour, - Sugar, - Coffee, &c, &c, 1 THOS. C LEWIS, 8 Market street. novl3-tf Bacon, Cheese, Fork. -ALABQB LOT OF- Smoked Shoulders Sugar-Cured, . - Very Superior Factory Cheesej ,i) 1 City Mesa jPotkr-Fall weight, Choice Goshen Butter, - . Received per 'Fairbanks, .; For ealo . by s nov 13-tf , 0eBOSSET Sc. CO. Brobmsi Buckets. &c. 100 50 DOZEN BUCKETS, onn BE AJIS Wit AP PING PAPER a ox saie oy . HOtlJ.tr . P. TV: KERCHNER. Tobacco, Tobacco. BOXES AND CADDIES CHEWING TOBACCO, iXE9 SMOKING TOBACCO, ' For sale by nov 13-tf W KRRf.HNEIL r - Sugary Sugar. 15 HHDS DEM.' AND P. R. SUGAR, 15Q EELS SUGAR, , I i t A ..I. i I nov 13-tf: m p". vt F. TV. KERCHNER. THE HOOTJf-THE SEASON ! i Mud in. 4. -i fts . rfc" ; - VI" -p't; , -...i V"N TUESDAY NEXT, WE SHALL OPEN THE ABOVE NOVELTY: 1 ALSO, a' new stock-of , handsome PANT PATTERNS. Leave your orders at -noylS-tf , - L leave Wilmington, Front Street Sta on, at 7; 8, 8K. 9. 95 TlQ. 10W, 11. 1114. A. 1. 1H, 44 , i 4, a, 6. One tl u m T7holoi IToj 081 NjETVy AB YERTISEMETS. Daily Distlbntlona on the rermntatlon No. U8, Drawn at i O'clock lL. Noy.12, 1870, No. 120, Drawn at fi o'clock, P. If., Nov. ?2, 1870. 6469,7,76,'M;78,6,8,a,'68. " " , I wleea myhanCat Wlhnlngton; thls:dayi novistf -il! r: Commissioner, i B. Av SniTH?S '' -JJ.ii.n-it... . .,i . Jyjt I I - M. I ' " ! . J T 1 ; ' ' . . GRANITE' PEONP' BULltblNJ, ' ' , 'i"ii...lf r. .f4ul i:t.i.v'U.--J 'ii J -i :n Dealer in and Manufacturer of1 Parlor, Chamber;, Dimng-Room Office and Library . ri 1 F TJ.E 11 1 TXI.BrE i jiiT Beddingj -f-lvrt fi 4!f-.7 ., n o .' i t 1 . f: Looking Glasses,! j&c., 'by. v . . . . . ", . Parties desiring to purchase and all others visiting our city, during .Fair week, are , res pectfully invited to call anri; examine our stock and prlaeaV : f ! noris-lw GRAND GALA WEEK ! During theA week pi the Fair o v : j the Cape Fear Agricultural A6so- ciation,.in-i. -Ar-r - B. &'I. EILL Have determiiied to create a per1' tect carnival ot. trade, by a re- duction in prices ofi; I TWENTY-FITE PER CENT-, - -AT THKia : : i x. l M V i MAGNIFICENT, i C I T Y 'EEIP 0 BIU II ii' No. 17 Market Street. THBIB 8TOCK XXBBACK8 . 71 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ! .HATS AND, SHOES, Visitors are respectfully Invited to give us a call. Goods will be shown with pleasure,' and no importunities allowed. Our great de sire is to form a closer business connection with citizens of the interior. :. . . 1 B.' WEIIX. t.'iS Jons J. Hxdiuck, 'a T ..nil T.m( novistf. , " ; ; Soap and Hails. OA A BOXES SOAP, - ; 1 . i? t V C ' " ' ' T ' 250 KBQSNA1LS' For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, 87, 28 and 28 North Water St; ' nov 13-tt Auctioneer. 7 ' ' By CKONLT HOBM8. Talaabic lleai ttitlo nuti: Cllifj n-rfr-b Propeptjr for 'Salei'J OY VIRTUE OF A ' DECREE 'OlF TBCE '8U- hi q t. nnmAfiA. DAY, the 22nd day of November, 1870 at Ex change Cornen at 11 o'clocK' M the valuable property, situated in the city of Wilmington, That valuable WHARF PROPERTY, known aa the M Planner Wharf, " near . the Wllmingv ton ft Weldon Railroad, fronting the river 1S3 feet, and running back to the line of the pro noaed extension of North Water street 221 feet onthe south side and 204 feet en the north side, with the privilege of the use of' the pro posed street and of extending the wharf west Into the river. r ... ....... .,.- , TWO LOTS on the east line of the proposed extension of North Water street, Tunning east 117 feet to Nutt street, fronting on s&U street -ONE BRICK BUHJMNa (two0 storlesjf : dm talnins; three stores, each about 21 feet wide. on, a ut sums w ttufMu 1 r.a ftl-Kutt. S lTM.hAL. "Idlolnina: the same7 ori the sduth," frontfag on Nutt street, SEVEN ...3bOTS, .four fronting feet a inches, and three 26 feet 0, inches, all run ning back 80 feet Inches. - ' ' : ' 1 ' That; desiraoie nuivix. on Front street, adjoining the W. A W. R. K, of it street, aojoining tne w. a -r . j&. Jt, oontalnJiig 13 rooms and brick kitchen fice, containing 18 rooms and brlcK kitchen on the lot. which fronts 66 feet on Front street and Tuns west 85 feet aincnea. .' - -.t The LOT adjoining the dwelling house, front inir on Front street CO feefc and running-"west Th DOUBLE TEn'eMBNT; TWo' STORY FRAME HOUSE,1 adjoining the above vacant lot The lot on which the same is situated fronts feet on Front street and runs west 85 feet 6 inches. ' Also, that very valnahle LOT OF LAND, sit uated 'on Poiit Peter, fronting m both branches Of the Cape Fear River, admirably suited for a saw mill or coal depot. Contain ing by estimation six and one-half acres. The above sale is made for partition among the heirs of the late Bennett Planner, and offers great tndueements to persons who may desire to invest in realestateln a command ing rof saXeth cash t the balance on a credit of six. twelve and eighteen months. Interest from date of sale purchasers to pay for deeds and stamps. . J" s CHARLES PLANNER, inn - Commissioner npv lJ-dStawAWtsna Pr SuWe I pertor court ox ew Aianover wroaw, w BubscriberTas Commissioner appointed , for . will oner ior saxe on j. u Ais- QATCdi OF AITr.IXTlini 1 f- Sqnareone day, ..2.,'..;...JL.... 1 OC . " two aava.......... 1 w ; T - three days .. ... . ,1 00 ' out cai.V.-:.V'.:.i'..:.VIaaa Are dav9 8 00 it one weei-.o.. t 60 Contract AdverUsansante taken at pro porttonately low rates, . - r Marrlasea. Deatha. CelLrioua. Faneral and Obituary notioea will be. lnsertod at hali rates . wnon paid ror in advance : otherwise roll rates riu be charged. ' . . xaaifs caan on demanoi T 1..'. ,v ', .v 'J. . , KVJAa, a- .jv,'. . Advertisements not eoeedkig five lines inserted eander, this head at half our usual ad ve'rUstag ' rates.' ' One ' Insertion, SO ' Cents' ' slxlnsefrtions; ilSraV'No advertiaenients ta.v ken at these pdeca unless paid forln advance. WAJfTEW AN ( AGENT,' to .represent a tricalT flrstIa8S Mutual Life Insurance Co. The oexmany Is located In the East, and is doing av large, Bucoeesful and conservative Dusinees xoasuitaDie party, uoerni terms "will be eaTered. Addxeea, for two days. EN- , ERUY," at this office. ,r. t Mi, V, inoy i-it FO R OALIZ O RiR C WT; : Advertisements not exceeding Ave Hues inserted under this head ' at hail orJW-foja.r i '" advertialjigratessJ.Osn toeertkttiOO jCen I . : , ; oasWIINo advert laments u-. aen at inese races unless paid ror in aavance. T7WR REH T.w-If von have a .house ora farm X! to let. advertise It tinder this : head i I f the advertisement does not exceed 41vq linen,, . only half rates will be charged.'77'1 u 3T f - Eon SAItE-A House and Lot onooateri' between Fourth and Plflh streetst -o w otri spt2$-tf 8 AMUELt Jf v fiANNON.f LOST AND'PtiUriD.' 1 1 ar; Advertisements nojt exceeding flye lines. 4' Inserted under this head at'alf' our regui-ir slInserUona, fi IJNoadverUeineiits U ken at these rates nnQsaald for Jn yance. a. ' SPLENDIlTassortnientfChramQ-Phow v Xl tographs at the Live Book 8 tore, Chean and beautiful fi Will ornament any room 'and . will strike the eye, with -pleasure. . Morning am Evening Prayer,; Jolly as Crickets; 1 Pro- ' " joy Deyona compare, master Morning. , Christmas is so near that you will flail pres ents of all kinds, and prices to suit every fancy. These are " honest -designs, and they Justly - resemble our devotions. Then eome and see and condoer, hy carrying a Chromo away. The Live Book Store i& as, frisky now as it can be. It is prepared for the Fair and the fair ; fori marrying and for giving In mar- rlage-, Be sure ana do not pass by the well kno wn and J ustly patronized Live Book Store.; , noy.eVtfjoooi lzs fk HK.ISJERQER.f Coar and Wood l yafd, On Walter Wharf; Hear M of M St; r-!qf?tf tJ. "VLiiUfJ.l ,,TJjZ-j'iT1 Liit .'V! I .JLADINaTO-IA,K;t i , THAT CHESTNUT OAL,' FOR 6TOVES AND RANGES, which so many have enquired for. W i.i bUv...'!(.,- , v ii.-'i ! .a-K::?niv r j'Ut Uj:j1 i A Prime Iot Btock-jack Wood. : SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AT ONCEw - Oct 28-tf 1 6. G.' PARSLEY CO. Wllmlngtou sis Weldon B. H OFFICE OF GEN'L TICKET jAGENT, i i j-iii WUmingtoni N. fJL, Nov.al, 1870. mm N 0 T I C IS !: ;V.' I. 'A 4 THE folio wing Rates will, be charged per-. sojs attending the Second Grand Annual Fair of the ape Fear .A gr4cnltupalj Associa tion, on the Hth, 15th. lCtG, lfih, 18th and mh instantslo w.iuii. jed rijvwdi;t' 'c.nj SLNGLERIPj glCKETS , TQ.WJLLMXKGTON AD RETURN:' '', From Vf'rtdo'n 16 Modnt OH VC, inclusive, zo' it Faison's, to Warsaw.- f tjl 174. J . Magnolia ard Rose Hill, l 1 10 I ?o Teachey's and Leesburg,' t vj 1 .25 ' 80. Washington and Burgaw." 1 00 Rocky Point and Castle llayne, ..'73: SEASON TICKETS FOR FOUR DAYS, n o Allowing passengers to come down -each day . to the Fair and return at night will also be, sold at Tthe-following rates " ' " 1 " ' From Weldon' and Mt. Olive, inolnslve, 5 09 Vt Faison's and Warsaw,- . i . M . , 3 no , Magnolia and Rose HllL " ' a" 00 , u. TeacBeys ana.ijeesDmrg,i 2 w, 20T 1 " So. WahlBgtoA and Burgaw 4 .7 ; Rocky Point and Castle Hayne, ; j .? 1 to Children under 12 years of ago half price in eachaase. ' ; ' aar,ToMretunaonthe train,' tickets must be stamped at the Ticket Office at the Fair Grounds, showing that the person attended the Fair and is therefore entitled to return freavaji ..t- t. . .. A special train will be run between Wil mington and Goldsboro from Monday. 14th, to Saturday, 19th last , leaving .Wilmington and Fair Grounds at 5 P.M.; arrivtngat Golds boro at 9 P. Mm and leaving Goldsboro ate Ai; M., arriving at the Fair Grounds at 10 A M. .v.:Jriii;,lo hh.H !:!.Wa M. POI8SON? y nov!2-St 1 y,n ,j. General Ticket Agent,; i Wilmiiigtbiiil 1 i ,1 eet;tt Hilaif r DVUIKG THE FAB ONLY. THE POPUIAR C0MEDIHNE3, ! . ; 1 j HAPWA JJ;(T, It iJ;i:. Tle Eminent Comedian, f . . , ; c!.B DISH (yt.p''t" ; And a ' Flrst-UIan Company ! VN MONDAY EVENING Nov. Htb, wUl be Upresentedthenew Musical Extravigansa, entitled, the i:.di-n.wnhi rfi . vfiii't'. aeeBiEi Beailt in ilEs Enttantei Woa3. PRINCE I8ABELLA..;.Bianone unapman PRINCE PERFECT?. ............Ella Chapman KING DLN.DQNG..i.i.MV.. -C B.3iSbonJ ; Messrs.. WAUCaCE and WOOD; in their grand musical performances. i iThe performaaoe to contmeAee with theme wj t --rbirjf ttJAlfamidJ 03 . AissHw-iDresa CirOo andjPrdaette -75 j cents : Gallery, ( 0 cents ; Reserved Seats, 1 Co. I 8e iaow be seenred at Usbuberger : . Bookstore, ,,,;...rn. t;Ar WTKj Then and"Uov7,J., :J It Is in the memory Of man when people ' wore shapeless shoes ,, ; :-: .d ' "fii I'M-: but now they , buy ' those neat and tasty 'A " " ' ' ' .. - BOOtS Of. 5 -XsEOi is; FWEKVAl s '-iln? -q;' 20 Mortis Front DOV9-tf ' 6UNDlA!rhfewiffi JD , keys, among thena. f The ownerr can get ,tliem by paying for tnia advertisement It ' puBiu yo u is wre.i pne usiepec . wiini a ; rit-. : Ing blush. Too numerous to mention, ( all ana see. aria emnlav an hour of vonr 4lzae hi - ... -a 1 1 - -"i.n 4UiH I m I j It J ti M : S 19 n v1 V. , if V 1 til Si 1.1 . ' . ii. t . 1. lSii-!i 5 iff 1 t 4 .iP 1 11 1 r:iK ? ' 1 1 1 I 1 m Mi. 4 ' i .- i '- s m . m '3. I dL:h 4m 1 iwy. 1 1. i m 1 ill if If it : . it '. 1 .1 1".' if I' i ' 1

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