a! . ' rfji H. BElfABn Edl'ar an Hrop'r. OfriC. Dairson BanknlUlc-s, Front St." m advance.. ......17 oo On'ritV,V in advance..; 5 to wZantnj fiMti- v) r: 0 u 5 '1 :iriM STAR wlll-oe awifeiea m any n?nftAeClty at Frrmx carrs per wee.g. , 'E. would respectfully call the attention of " to the fact that we are required to J oVnromptty W . W $prWy. .AUciI 2 and to enable Jlomptness on the part of onr subscribers. P We bee, therefore, ata cltvaubrlbera the sx lH btre tb o,y,'rea,iy'ft)r i K is esViousfnWnW'id MstC 80flallanatnonnt . , : : iJho.; JJU Bcscbj J .Axer- INEHENT lreet.Chromo Photography Ay T0A1U of yrawui- mr,.ttt&c i,M in KifttU lii j Lutitt.. Co.-nKoko Jtbe.great f Blood Purifier. , , Edwards A Hall. A. auperior articir or Monnain Butter.. X" : ..aw j.: ,.Mi a -i. :i - -.: I ... " T - i ' . I I t X KM i I S 4.1V it 1 I till I J ' ? i J la B:n,..j'.r Ixoe - Tha.J?oor House has nowonljl3 Inmateai Pi Bight next. v " " 7 P Vermont propose, to tax' dog. 3 an3 lint i j?ariaon with the ymam wWfjjmgf nte 4ray IdAM vfllroet I eon with the last. . f mntiai .t .-a r.i s. "Sulrez morilshe sujfsestive name of a Twd ytfanf&eriOM ladTesiiTeZleen ad mltted as studiOili CifiGttiijTersIty. Anartiflclat fish pond will baotieof the attractions pf onfnext Fair. .HrTiAne., MVU08ptftl , dniaatea,,! r-v-trrt Ufmw.wgywyi haaf "For Sale Or Rent." FnnrMAmi Rm i.nrt1iiiniif the ilne2? jktera brUrkeasol lettWWt&if&WXfili&t baWtttf.Bnffecond street, on Saturday. The South morning, at 10 o'clock. Gen. Allan Rutherford will speak at the V"X u ovcniag in the lntereatsof the lktli)nal Savings' Bank. V;v . - I?1 conopanjrf y B. troops !he N. C. Conference of the Jl, E. t Larch," ), convenes alUreensboro? Dn WedBwaax. j .i-rfH i-a&.a Th. listof oremlonw1 to: the eiliTbU at4 j r Teaterday 'waiMio olnbtfinoipmy hta Fair have not yet - been :lnfnlhed , ! f 04 Ubc6Eaf5flW8 dayae hit aeeala,touxe . irmit .nAi aKIa Ia I um6." KAlii lit'l anrintr thn vrMtiir nrt nf thii the city press, mousu . '''".r "r.' " r" T .i ' - - A'. . - ..,"1 - ' - layhem before onr readers tomOrrovf'.ucrn in?. Unlit Kjum Notice To the members jof roanV;ONret Council. . 8ii new tdf ertlaeineat ir 4iUc. Oor friendi iti taUyilU;wUl-Aave in For Sale or Rent.' . . r-v .o(pr'(iiiliir' !otHeeUi..1( 54;- tie was , We' neglected to speak of the fine display 'Of drumiaidae, Ac., exhibited afrthe late seaman belonging on an English' MfflrMn ft.Vt" ... . - Jr i -T nosattMl., -.X . .l .f Ji. to. 5au m atrestea TeBieraaT ir commifciantTr w- f s ? I . "t .i . t i I i-ra.wu ui.i;,uo j unsuuenv 'wuu; f v.o otamni ha wu frrifi i i csvaucu-IXUIU' me iau in amueruiD'On i - rw ma r wrmm -nn m nn srvw am n air amr w a I lV MW Ua aa,V V a . UUtBUaj . 1 UW aUMft BW ' If ll Assanltand Battery. A port in astaolt L.f... Tnofloo HfrOnitrtr. and bv nim dla- Dei0ID .,. .vw -. lTekept oren all day on Wednesday so that all charged on the payment of coaa, , - j ty,3S3.'teS - The Fair u .qtpr ine Denenci.ir cotnes u i-. me Friend or Tetlipe ranee' wui meet at off December 1st . Now tuf9 tWe air pes.Jbeir .1 tbJ To pien8e mcrn raoai any uoiormaaio dciib- pnrposejii attending the Tnneral or Mr.rW.,u. dictwAld,lnVestartlekrtl.l$5 US?sytijlCe bMfaieRl00ia0lld of the ljively articles at Brjpw,n & - Anoersons orP.Heinsberger's. 'UiK V fV imnrAVPniAnK. i...rrr k . m x.a . .rwlVV: VIrJnstifcMcQnlgthWfnprning, at 10 pMock. lHlWUJ.U4.uiu. .sjuj AAyiua ("(V. ii .'4 M . .1 U Ak i f. !5- i ing i sewer constructed flti tbfvbrldge on Afaf-i ket at Ita junction with Fourteenth etreetand' lirjeItchea dus: on both sides of, toe at welt .3 doirs ai far as Tentbv : The street t alao Ths" inn: leveled and fixed up generally out ; in that direction. ' ; rrifuM.'i f : Married man, your tournament failed. There la still a chance In the BenaOttal.r SO' nice : eauleg home late fromiLo'drt lot tPtteryis.LUity Treasurer. Une genttaman gives f 30 to the noble object. In Sunday'! Irttief, the name, MI)f. K, V. Nasli1 ippense Mrs. Caudle with a ticket Injbe Ben eficial for Dee. lsf, ' M;' V Pick pockets. . , . i. 'u ,.il".:4t From information 'tecft'.tedWW.li llfy'W km that about twent-tff e."bii"lhlrly it&g were rtolen frOrri partlcVld'GoTdsboro oVHan pay night last by expert DlckDOcketa. They, e?m to have reaped . finer harvest there thafln they did hete during the whoe week of the Fair. ' - ' -lo quiet Mr. Candle a ticket In the Beneficial for Dee. , 1st. Jf ?you ure unfortuf natethrn try again ;'w'e will have another id Jfipiry. Ilope deferred will pot make the lrt half s sick as cold for breakfast " f Lout. If you have lost anything, advertiself. in our n . r -v mmuvi uvctu VI uvok ft 11 14 l ronnd,' athalf our regular rtcv6r advert tUements not exce edlng five lints l". 1 V" Sa,e of Heal Estate - ; v 1 This rooming, at Exchange Corner, at It o'clock, MesartVrdnlVVJfi'AJc. tioneen, wlll seH antiTn tbt rtelttecntH Aida-;Se of v.l.aWtf -rli.tate4veThser4 MiLZZ olamns by Mr. Charles; Fjaoiaet,, Xoromls ioner. This sale will afford enellen chance. J Frnyff45alored, charged ,with last week, will have. Ui examination before i-tTn3apiberlan4,,connty.,FaJue r,Ulri.opn. at Fayettevtlle on Wednesday; 5 This Ik',he firs air mat naa oeeq ( nea ut jrayevviue .me j the wal-; buV kMifak to tliaVMftci; pnea had reen heJd...u; fir "! .r..-.uj nv vtttrtj1-o a . t , . a . au wno arc willing to coniriouie to tae fund for a than IvigivlnV dlnneV to t i)e jo$r,,jo Thrsdaytrs fnlXQ aead Aberr cU;rlga . The Paris streeU are-awept by-women. k.r..,.. 1i m.; . .ft .-ti.- . ttMeJmsiKbK9 ii iaill E 'HrTiaK. world-wide. MnntaHon.. of thasa nla. 'UL ' 'brated Machines renders it nnnecesaary pink are the' fav6rlte, colors lu "ITght, evenlnV allies '- ' . '''"., -v.-. 'v f p-it begins to look omlnotiTrhen 'ihe wo man of the period wratjjjj she used to be satisfied with theliroomstlcE .: ' ' " A womatf is UUhliiu auceedekj' ta 'raltuM from -one acre and a quarter of land. " V SPIEITS OF : TTJBPENTINE. proving.- -. - ,. .w;- viV'T - - , rT , -j " -Ynfe 9!ni ,t53A :8! iliXtTdl tI:KlHMriai too iVxftmt'a Mr t rtV'ti:1jsJT'a0'i 1 1 ?StesZiCZm h , . ... . iV....,. -11ab mauk un uuirsTocK: by tiik I? at Tote- of no .irn;j:fliti iratfl cnriii YV ifAysUh&Sbara4rxV rAkXfti Washingtooiiiaa: heated: in Kewbera. f Th4 JStoTUi? learri 8 that tfr. Woodward, representative elect frbna Nash,' ia dead.'jjiii .iaj-iJaliiii 'c.tot ute, was m of the-Deat andt flumlrlnstit .. The SentineZ'B&y& : On Mon day last Mr. Churchyhfiaitf, of Warren county, was almost "instantly killedly a tree ialUngjonj liini; which, ho wa3: cutting the thjinst; Jim. McKinnon aqd; Matlrj mock l ear, pave, ueen . retcaptored. and ,re turn'to tbir'bM qoartertflnialt.'55 : '. U.re often overlodked. : 'AToontlnnanee for an v length ot time causes irritation of tK Iltnfra or some chronic Throat Disease. "Brown's Krone niai Troches1 t or s imof't-rnhf orvsfl v,tqatie iuTJ .hahnj Ln Jc.'myilcfiji $Ut ofi fjii Hi w -ay anyining in tneir praise. -'I will mere ly re'-r parties wanting the aid .of a 8ewing 8 I i 6 111 :.i . ! ;u v :y:ZM'y-Li; Jyi I 11av Aigr OiseM.v i ' I -n.otv eiii ni yco ?.i$Vwi n!i! iitu; tnent phyWnoeWlSiditdSMll TritlSy BLOOD, t .H r f . t - (. . . i . v ' f' .' t x Prp:'Jgalnrji late Principal ? 1.1 T i J. T-V 1 j'! ... . ' Tkr y i m v wi i;?f,;rff oiotft -i J'JiffiK 2sifir:i! irrir-ii. t.!.- ??; ij.;S;5i t'jJnu.iy vj-u-iv I Invariably snre and immediate relief.! Owingto the good reputation and popularity nf tba Troches, many worthless ana cheap imitations are oramd, jwirichtaura roo4ror nothinar. Bi snre to obtain t be true Brown's Bronchial Troches.' 8oldverywhere .ri i - Tlae Great Enigma. ... , : jx. uioasana gaeues nave ueqa maae at cue lngTedlentoorSoasodotirti ihcitiostrwlioleflome and perfect dental Dnriner the word.haa ever ireen.r. TttT were Ml wwngi -so 1y aV or .tnrowingutie ughi n ina.sauecsutt i now anndnnced that thV- liber. "6r batk J oi tbe QmifeyaJadaariav the BoapTre -of the Taliey of the &A?1, ia one QftMWJCn f nentaoMhat peerless denffiflce. J U .. - . i il l i-Pl' , JLbL I3 THE HOST PERFECT, Vl'tfETABli ' cxmipoana bf alteratives," tonics ' diuxetieB toddiaph4ticWaint,:it- the' tnost eflee- "4 ilr&inAtt&itls;iv TAootik oleaa8i3k oordial knowtt' ta the wotId"T6r the oureoTtSctofaia,' Jfing Evil; ' Cntaheou4 Diseases, Erysipelar Boila,- Pimplee, - and Blotches on, the Faioe, Sore Kyesi caW Head, -j Tetter Affections, old and stabborn iUleers, Rheumatic Disorders, e4 lew Jaundice, Salt RhemmJ White wBllihga, Kercurlal Dtseasesi General Debilityv Palpitatioiiand fluttering' at the Heart, Consumption, Asthma. 8Tphillsf and Syphilitic AlTeet ion j, Inflammation of the SrALDUio'a ixa, useful and true. i r . ..... i' ' ,':'""3,rni.' Pimples, and brdwn. spots on the' faoe, 0a Eruptions. Blotches. 8crofuions- Dlseaaes.'and all sores arising from Impure blood, are cured trf Or.lMerces Air. ffixt. or Golden Medical v-poweiav it .woras. wonoerful cures. 'Soiq. by araggisis. iampaet- on xiie aoove -aweeses sent tree.-: Address Dtv R.: V. Plre," M. JD , Buffalo, N.. Y ; r . . . -' I Tu Th Sat for investment by those, awho, haTeVsurplus fnds in hand. Te Late City Treasnrer. The Mayor has written a UtlditStlliQBen. Jmin Durfee, eupresalng iaactlon af?the wursepursned by binr durfng- kfid since the 7 lwMatUn pf his account a;Treaarer . statin thai tha W.6tVo1a dlo. Jbcloie any criminal mtent'bV'nisart t'tf W ""Jd the city and lhat his snionjn the whole mer since had been hono? ; 9"ana npralrfev. "tTCemjj,,,,, man got the silver .cap, offered AyMeasEs. XJ illiatsi 4fcIM-chiooUor tb- Vea bale W cotton. . ... The city hands win "coin nieuce to day the construction of a sawdust drive on Chestnut from-Third street tothe'eisteriv, os the corner bf.JJlghth. -This, will not ooly.be convenient for the use of the engines bat 1 for alt 'otb'ei' vehicles. 4 . . , Tartan plushes and Victoria plaids are very handsome for Yoans erirls. rThe most etjliahailorlh.teaaraiaaii ,wUl single skirt and a long' full polonaise or casaque. The skirt may be of black and the casaque colored, or the order rpYeraed.;'j''l In the press of slncss we neglected to mention the fact that" an exhibition of 'the powers of the, American, Firextlcguiaher, under the auspice 'df 'ifcisrs. G.; G. Barker J & Cou agents was made on the Fair Grounds rnoon. ineoai was maae wija fourteen tar, barrels, saturated withr kerosene oil and set onflre. Aftegetting good head way the flames were ' extinguished In about lie ayx r Z 4.fWr.Oaiw "''-laws. . . The Countjr CottnMslerro? obeson "OStOftbeConrt RAnta v..t..ii.. A.Annn. - oun H. Murphy appeared .b,efore the Beard . declined the 'position offered ' him as county Surveyor. i yad' tii'wt.f t.r-' Ua ordered that Wnufill Grotge Clati vvou Bpiruuous liquors ai .ineir. Vr., - t,. Rhade,' 'of-'NMhyilTe',,Tenn., thesT b3r,ett':Wi yedgnallon.aS vane of m a er unimportant-, matters were ted nPn and the Board adjourned.' ,, v ',' . Rosas' '" ' urujsnks are UijdeTed te-f Mekteavi l.;B." their made of I7: at San-bnry, for a s.ntple of Pet 'broom,; 'Thes'brdo'ms are ma w atraW !are' itfongTy 'snd subsUntiaUy HVW' and' sVe' aeeidedlr amorir the .. e eyr teen. Thev wer on Mhlhitlon t)r la ,e,e dooms' man at 75, cents' plectf t , . ,.r! vil'IiS'llTV v',l 0 1 NIION-In Baltimore,. MdH on Saturday, 19th inst., George Frenebleldest son of Susan M. and K. PKLon, aged, 7 years and 11 nuss. Bladder andiXidneyv Fains in) the .Back; "Dropsy Female Complaints. Ac. To the broken '(fown Xemala it gives life and energy, by re storing ho Jos t powers of natuxevwhen health gatn j ueoeeds the Jeeble form ; andV pallid cheek. of. thP sufferen' ilvn' i s:-r t Nothing can be morel surprising than its in ;yigorajbing effects on lUehuman system. Per sons, all weakness and lassitude, by using the KOSKOC, at onoe beoome robust and full of energy, nndetatnllnenee.Xadies'WhOhave pale complexions, ' and are "dark about the eyes, tlatekeaa aim pies M the face, Yoirgtf skin: orxrecklee acd are u out of spirits,' should ,uee a bottle or two of KOSKOOs It will cleanse your blood, remove the 'freckles and blotches, and give you animation, sparks ring. eyes, .line spirits, and a .'beautiful com plexion. Try it. -: : : . : ! . i FOB SALE BY J. V7. LIPPITT A CO , AND r -i i in it tsALL DBUGGISTS. te -i w nor SVeom i ..-., ,.u- ? : .i s i - ' s ' " vti.uit ..a,. rjfi .irtHrrmni rmmvi t iiH yy . t ,i .Y.414XV x J oriYi rj it mi t j A' 'vWpBRIOR ARTICLE oT Mountain Jj.t: ; .itX.;'t a:; s ter, at thirty-flve (35) cents poi Hv. u ' " AS111VA!iD10IR;Hj, .' B.w,..1wU.- '.1'''" J'W 'Li-':.. A r? i no T EETHB EN YbM ' are , iereby . notified to LO meet at YOUY HaU, this (TueadayY. after noon ac s o'oiock, to uttenii ux luucnu oi our deoeaseoTbroTher, W.ll, KatTT.,-.A)fuU at tendance is earnestly' tequetea. u ..-a 4 -t ByordexthPrel4 rtofi2.lv - JAS; KWOi 9ecrrajry T r A i u.r 11 j county, haTeoubied.esre Ooyernoi Holden for the capture of the noto rious outiawt inthat county, making' $1,000 ''-'') . r . TT ' T T . V. o Of ine capture 01 neurjr Borrwipwiu? leader of tkj9 gang, and $400 each for Thomas Lowrey, 8tphfcn LowreyBofcS Strong, Geo. Applewhite, :Zack. Miachlin and Henderson Oxendlqe e hppe tbe ableat an early day io record the capture oT.a part Or all of the Infamous llonal rest. - I.Clty.Coart. r.: . .r f.-t. .ui-rt.' .k'AAH The tollorwing ttaseSArere: disposed ofyesteN day: . .f-Ktis-t'yt-oir ' Washington. Mitchell Snellen ryAsmsv;U 4 chaired with dlaorderJyrtoonducI. : Jtfdjrmant jui bUQ umi . , wwwipv cr fCjcnt suspended on tbe'paynrentof ioslslrf the case of Mitchell. . r - m r i. I T. .T. ii 'r men t for the penalty and costs FI.0EEUCE IlilCHnTE : 1 ; forsimpUolty of constrnotioa, raelrtt IAKES THE PREMIUM AT" EVERT FAIR, 1 for stmDlieltv of construotlom. faelrttv or management, . 'Variety 01 stiteh reveraible- feed, self-adj asting tension, antooaatio- take- nn.. imnrovea aemmHrfwmuB bkbuih wear, perfect j ad 1 peonaoent adinstirteny easy ness sy regulation of needle a. UItch. .jeleanlJr1 mi 1 . limn T ri f i'i i v 1 1 ini 1 1'iii f iiu: ,t.v.to.vri nJi n v11xngton,:K.C;. desieSadfWFlHaddI l.fi. I.rf rT .W'AEKSOIt inceniive i oucrcu iu wui vum --1 nT)ttJi,w(.mo-avwwww4w';iif a? 7iu ,Joi f-.x r. r- j : i b..mt,i-j.-.""t m ... ...ir oi ahi. nm a.' antral-?. . -"v 1 " A. Seymour, chargedwlth'gamM hrg. J udg- T -tv i. st. I .-1. tnv quested .rderl iand be rem.ttcdfOn saner 1 "yonh. , ' '' e 1 - -oVS-y :-r r?4 Sn prions sets 01 ginaoesa-aau aaitcaiffeltH rrcaxodft,i -rj''-,,t Un,! HflSPrtment, 'pnddr he'of J'JtotMdJj-- .c. Wt. riage. Be sure and do not p&sa by the well- wuoa .. ..Vrr, ; 7 vf it'?" 'firt Sp ut fin in savlni?. that no jiralr ever cai- w5 i.aHrar.mnMd UveT"olr: Store. Muts notUX i:rr:y;, if.rthar?, Hansom! 1 nw 8-tff 'TT HEINSlRGER. : June kW . e- ".ii' "-'vu n uvrvvi wuivy i...) . . - n .'ini 1 JJfli 4 U 7 - v - - .i , ; - - - .... . ;. not exceeding fire .lncs.rrt . .... ctOTniijiQ?'': r i n ft: i t m I -trr. .iJtsiilJVfi ma 1 ndvis-tr Jiq vfl dtydthiera U ! v . ;iraaT6oa TOROBOKO; PTJBljICO,, A, LARGS LbTV,jV i WTam n wa- wavwMw. " . 1 pound, pound and pound: paeka;gs8.i tnoi.tfM u-A .vr tWkdSsr!rtl9 ndvl.tf n-A .vr iEdfisETalcdr5 ' j ot3 iiifi O K HAIJf and ;J DARTER 01BLa.i SPICED fx.iAi-ii os' Ai'i.::Tz:.:u i i aesquaxaoaa 'y, .X..!.A J..-..,' Af 1 j ," mree nara,.... -it 1 SO five days .S CS " cue w.&eJL 60 Contract Advert" ira ta taken at nro pcrtloaately low rates. ; ...... . - larriagea, Deaths. ' Rel' !oub, funeral and Obituary notices will be Lisrtr't ftMialf rates,, when paid for ia advance ; cthex . ue mu raUs . yrill be charged ... . K Tmn Cash demand.' ' i&lf,x:'.r i !. 1 ! i Mil . i 1 Advertisements not exceeding five lines - s Inserted under this head at half our ue.ual ad yertiaia rates Que insertion 'C-3ata six Insertions, t 1 lloadverttaements ta.A V v keniat these iess'pald rbr ii? dvan9; i s t , .1 . , 1 I ,-, .'.vl V 1 clef 'AsJS 7Z3w Advartisers fortis oolnan; - frejitew i.iuuua m wasiW. A r Doo-eeper : jj . korl yon want a house ; if you want any kind ot en in y our was mployment; 1 you. want any thin e--edvertiMi n this column," at halt our regular rates, and ants will be supplied,- $ br n.u 'uiiV. irATil.--At this once, sfiOXU wUf. I W; ''years old. '. d'tt - ;) 1 r A JfTED-JSVERTBODY. mfilailv tlia : JY Xradlee, to call at the Slora two doors i7 auuva me teiegrapn once, rront street, and seei the Woman's Friend tested.- j u it f FOR SALE- OR ncriT.' r - Advertisements not exoeemg ilvUh'es1 r a a . . . . if lnserteauno!erthi Acad at half our regular -advertising rates. t One insertion, Ceata .., , six insertions, ftl 75. Ko advertisemyits ta ken at tTtAdA vfiMi nnia.Hiirnv.iw...:'') ' w - - .. .v .VI u WIMWw r i. TJIOB BESTA DWLtfKO HOUSE 0 JL2 Wooster, between Front and. second Stay Has four rooms and rood well of water. An ' T,ly.toC.WnMcCIMYW Queen streets. , . . nv oaBAU-A House arfJLoton WooeUt JD between Fcnrth and Fifth streets 7spt-, j t ; ;, : SA31UE1 Hi CANHON,' m r. i jgen ana t iiou i v, t.lsln ttio memory; in ,o man when, people j i ; Vera shfpelees shefe ! 1 hut nbwiV-they t buy via those neat' and tastyT '1 :iJfcl t-'vwa. I vi: mm i .i GEO. 11. JFlXEKCll at 602v , ;w1j;J:;jorsaleby T v ''V "V1"" 1 : fZ9WortUWtOnt BU Vf3fl!fmfl'lnstrmftn TTTmirV' j ?ISuoaxSaons o15ijr:Wlctis), ftiii v.t.f. v -. it '.. i "'i .,,f,.i.'i,i -,tt' tJ-W ---lii- 1 rpiIANKYUL. FOB THE ;,VKKT, LIBSBAIV ' Druggists, Dally Distlbntlons on the Permntatlon i'.j-r ? wUH' plait,' at -Mi o No. 15. Drawn at 18 O.'clock M No.aUJLSTP, ; 42, 23, 63, 78,' 16, 17, 53, 28, 69, 89, 22, 2S!,,ia; No. 184, Drawn at 5 0'ektek,jp. Nov. 21, 1870. 87r ft, 7 Bf V;, 86, 67, 28, , S2, 25, 77, a - Witness toy hahdf at Wilmington,' ths day. Trirrxr t rkKTTW'i6r-? nov2S41:iv, ; i ? ? i x;Contmissiooetf ".' 1 J t ! W IJ" ' ' ' j II. CRONIjT, Auctioneer1 " . IIT'CIOJLT AMOBItIS,; u tJ Valuable Heal Esfateand dliy -TJ Y VIRTUE jOF A DECREE OF TflE SUi subscnoer, VN SATURDAY, December 10. 1870, at 11 Corner in this cltar; all the right title - and terest or. Isaac Guthraan. in., the., following MffL f ii ; :vj 'jo.it'fitt'l 7i .7 ' , iraE UUCT OF 800 ACRF.S, f f ; .j Located on Crouch's Neckj In Brunswick conn 1 ty, near the line of ttie Wilmington, COlumXla ana Augusta uauroaa company, ana - -' .Lying on Downer's Creek, la the county of Montieomerj n;tJ. tiiM4tf ,j I i ir By order of; il . ' . S. H. 3JEWD0USE," ni , Assignee. nerior .Court or New ttanovex county, the : as' COTUmlssiOner appointed for !wffl 'offer ror1 sale : on TUES- that- tnfosei. 1 f the tand day of NoYfoer; 187Q; at Exr- ' change Corner, at 31 pclocl the vaUtahlje DAY the ft A norty, situated iA the 'ii. of Wilmington,' ThaLvaluai)le-W U AKK PKQtKlT Y, KnoWU as theJlaaner Wharf, near the;-Wittnlngv ton A Weldon Railroad.Trontlhg the river 183 feet, and running back to the' line ot the pro posed extension of North Water streefal feet on the south side and; 904 feet an; the jiorth aide, with the Driyilejre of the use os the nro- TWO TXITS on tbe east UtA of thAnmnAood :fexteBaloo Of Nortb Water street funning east r ieex -wisuw, sireei, zronung on saiu sxreex t" ONE BRICK BUILDING (two. stories) con. t&lnizur three stores,' each about 21 'feet wide; fronting on N utt street, taa-Xbt rannlng baokr bast ow reet o rncnes. Nutt street, :8ETEN LOT8 forarnting 28 feet 4 menes, ana urea xa job vaancnea, au run flaeSSffic BESDENdB f Front staweadJoining theWA WtB. Bof- flee, containing 18 rooms and brick kitchen on ithe lot, which fronts 68 feet on Front street and nma wAAt 88 feet a lnehes. I 4 " J w A 'tiH'iJ' Jl r. C.ii JT i .' iJ 46. ... . , -yi ..... r ..... f'i MiH w 1 - . 7Z . i , mI Isr-14I.AV. WV,jV''r'M.Orr. wii. (o wtthheiarrerv1 arralalSed Tor-dls-'l vr ; iuijitvt. .K .1 1 iy JNii. ...... t ... J -.i I - . . ' . : vl . y eohduct' Judgment for 'the penalty ' i: For ireignt engagemeaiB, pvtti costs, with aVebommVndat'fon that the ne novgrt 4 aAttttXsanTJ"J! xmm west 86 reet ainenes. i:.The COT adjoining the dwelling house, front insr on Front street SO feet, and running west rtfcrt.i i hrz a6 feetlncpe8....t-y iirt t.-i?Jjiz'.. t nLi&i'i il'iiu .The TKJUBliJfi XJfiiMJCJHJS'XV y WO BTOKi L-V"Vii.i i'f rgAMBHOUSB, aoiottung-tne above vacant "Ta H i."l JOt. ine lot on wmen .we gameis siuiateu, ,4 jioivi fronts 5 reet on rront -atreet ana runs west ?-vt'1 ifeet.;inehos;i 't r.t a .t.u.it. i ii Pnt ' Vtj.r. t-rrin finer on "hnt i il&u?.OiAX4:iiV suitfor a eawraiiloxH)aidepouf Contain' '4 The abov sale is made for partition amonsr the heirs el the lata Bennett Flanner and -T a ft tiirmr-h s cf t b A livfl LlX I E LOTd 1316.0 1 t.t.MVmm rl.inrtf-OlIni tinrfhQimT. - nan AeUnowleagmenJf 1 HJtal,v.' J .ivi.CHABLES FLAKW J.w-ir,'i.VfJ .tf1-.?Vai1.ten K i - m - CoinTnlsstoneTp - w. : TXT4-TbihnneHa taentloru'"Cairruoyll3taw4Wtsna Fr SuWe, elsewhere, who were ia sltenaanc,e upon ine i am1 empi0yan hour of yonr time in Iflla Fair: are under oblteallons tothe ecicient joy beyond compare, amWjBo 4av Hi Chrltmatssoneaxtt.you:wlUCndprtr cuts of all kinds, and prices to suit every I f f -1 YV."1 t7nHfi'f!jninm. and . his 'aids. . .i .- ' -. t I fanmr.. Thcaa or. " hnnat. flPUl "TiH." UU LHCT I ." -L.- 1 ... - 1111UIU 'ttrfl caoeciai v to .jsj.r..wno,,wuuico, u trr.r -rhm, -mi Tt anufactubeb: -and' "Dm.sn iw hnm rivniTed tne qqiv oi cDusrisiuiuit wu, i ana see ana oonauer,' Dytcarryms v"1"1"" i ? x;i-.-rrT. orr. i "r - '- - I irv. I ln..V c t... 4. frlab msl MliB Uil. 11U U1U OilGBllIIin. -. J ROOTING DONE AT ?n0r.T JfQTICa .""vl"'w,-,,7 1 rtara. Be sure and do not -pass by the well-1 Maas bvj, 4 4 ficLheslUtlon In saylng.taamoiiairevBrL"-rBi.- i toown and Jnsy patronised UveroJc store. I ,-ei?. in ll.Ph Wilmington, N. C. hovmi :..,.,."'"uw,iWJ",..r .,.y""w!'r.".'i.iiiiy .oA'.'.'.'.t, .w offers great inducements to persona, who may aesire to invest zn reai estate in a commanaing part ef the city ' , - m.. b.Ia AnAiMltll Mbit a tks.li.haM I 8PLENDID, assorthfent'pf ChKmicho a credit of six. twelve and eighteen months. ft . ' TT TT s. XI? iii iii nun. !rU --'ii'"- jl , 5 v C i !I,''Hivethemoseompleteand ' m miji ' best selected steak of DrngSi w-euicmes, ancy ArufiieSi Perfumery, Soap, Combe, Hair, Tooth Nail - Brashes! ever offered in. this market. All preparations of our own -manufacture-we can job to the public 1 at ', .-. Y: prioea .with freight in iavor of our ... ' 7:47rkeitrcet:!i- Branela Store, eor. 4tn and ltanWr. ,:noY18.tt,fv y"!i Tiviu. 11 . ' " '! " , '' i ' . late improvements! n perfectly l lmiiawng ine napnrai organs, eethilinied" in- tba best and most approved maimer. Nitrons Oxide. Gas given in extracting teeth, rendering the opera tion painless and safe.'.' MechanicalDentlstrv. I In all its branches; neatly executed' and war' rauwa iu give BaTiiaiactaQn- . vmoe eor. mimjt ket and Second Streets. Wilmington, N. C nor 16-lw; " ' J. JL FREEMAN, Dentist; - ' Boots of ' .' i'ii.' 9 ! r,l ') 0. ; .1 -i' 1 :nee s I N. BAJt K RUP TCY. ' 1 1 j i r ,iri ';"1 ; .j'V I L: MTi CRONLY, -Auctioneer. . ' aftrt a y v ' u sr a wa va v sa ' v t ' s7 VaWMUI1 e uvwio OKHOCK A; M., we will seu at exchange in-- :i I vno l2-18eodts ShltYe Fr hast year, the undersigned respectfully offers his cet vices for the ensuinsr eartohifrlnda and the Dublie generally as instructor of mtfe - ; sic on the Pono and Organ and Singing. . ' ; Long and varied experience In' teachtog, . and his careful attention to the talents and capabilities of each pupil entrusted to his - care, will, he confidently hopes, enable him to give entire satisfaction to all who; honor him ' with their confidence. " Beinganexperierioeaorgsnistiheean offer f' thosei who wish to study ithla grandest of all Instruments, peculiar advantaaeu yt , .-,.' , , In his singing lessons, especial attention will be paid to the cultivation oi the voice to v its ftOlest extent. iMMrj'i.i ;5.t 't Lessons will be given either at the residenco ' of pupils, or his own, on Third street, between Bed Cross and Walnutr ' ' ' ' .' ; Jl. ' ' ."v:. vY-'iun.: - W.F. GRABAU, ; '' "i.-,"i . '"-i" ! roi. ot music, i i .t organist of 8t. Johns Churchr . oct8Ceodtf Sun VVtdFrl fi 4 . .' THE UBTDAXT CITAMBEBr , J Eesayar T6r Totrtg Men, 0: Ureal Se v;rjvllaad'Aiojiee,"?'jliV'' " Which interfere with Jfarrlage, with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortu nate, diseased and debilitated." Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. . , . ; . . f . . ' Address, HO WARD SANITARYAID A&SO. CIATION, Na 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia, Pa. (nov 68m-ent. j iff.' W 1 Ji i: , - '' i 'i Jr.! i r, -i 1 I PIANOS ! 0B0ANS! . ft '11 it' NO. 485 , BKOOME STREET NEAR 1; ' BROADWA r, N. Y. .12 .r: :;' ' '- : .- V-' '.' . i : ; . it tt- :8 J 1IEW SALE vf'V- J' --Hi.- 1 - i !( ;n.rii ! r l!JTi'l ! l.'iwlt UU.il::- i fXIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JTJ8T BEj , X turned from the North with a new lot of " IRST-CLASS HORSES AND BUGq!eS.U ' fT f.f .Twij''rz. - v-,t ? w-'i: M'-'ilt T' Bt prepared to rent to his friends a stylish turnout, at any time, on and after Monday, Optober 81st.; - r . ... r, . The' hesi of Horses always on. hand, for sale orhirBU'-.i :aa.;u& o i.-.-'' -i-- Also Horses taken oii Uverr and the best of Greatest - fTUIE disafirreeable reediHone entire ' over- A' ' at ifm oiEDWABD FOMEBOY,; ' tS, ,ri,: u.. .j.. W it j.ii . I . j .i- TUST received by Oireet, Importation from F HYACINTH BVLaM?. - ! gj-jkf f.-. TiM shit loO&Oi.: OG Jil'. 1 ijt I tir es ;fliirrHY:k? js-Iiflus a.iys nudi tiFpr saieyery pneap pjrjy jn trv ; arw-?jw;airFiTTJift?co vu - VWhoiejbxng a noviiMn. ; ;,f ? iu cori ronc c Jtarsret sts a as a. uiui - I . .1 . . . T j a.... i t r I ; tULK SHOULDERS, K 7,' oO Sl f i' BVGABVCUBED SHOULDERS, lT.;,.s' iri - --;j:;f""- 4 3?.r1 inri-f U )J;FoxtAle'Dyi.fX iBOISET' CO. - i- .For sale by ; v t;,- -7. L - 'r.'W. KERCHNEB. nov 20-tl .. . .. 27, 23 tad 23 North Water St. 1 1 ; no 12-tf C. HI. Trbmaine ; & Bro. , . " MANI0TCrBEB8 AND DEALERS IN ' . P IANO ,EORT?ES, '''."' . . - . . ' AND AGENTS FOB TI,E . . v :-iliijnlr.;i i-5Ji.?3'?;Ji:;it Jo wt.-ai.DfM-, iQ Biyrdett iCdiriDlnation1' Oygaji; 1 4 k hi l U .oiJifc CONTAINING' si rrUIE disagreeable reedyHone entire ' over. JLoome In this instrument. The -ui diet la unanimous. ,We challenge the Wor J to equal ' ' id Our new scale medium-sized .7 octave . m PIANO FORTES are now ready, at low prices : for cash. , ' .. .. . , ... . . .,; , TNew YoritZfui?jea(J?orsept.Mth; ays -Of rheBUBDETTORGANx. , . . v "It is by far the most perfect reed instru ' ve ever seen." The Christian Leader of fot. 2d. aav i rf - ' " We had no Idea that a ree4.istrument pvuiu uragukiosucnperieotioni "'f-ju r ". v The press and public everywhere who have; had an opportunity of listening Wits feaatU!' -xul strains, not only give it their unqualified approval, but nnhesitatingly ooneed that it - ' ' stands without a rival. ( f ,... . r.The great increase in the sale of ouf instru . t.i ' tnents, has enabled us to reduce onr prices for, i;fi - .FntsMiuiBa piajios- -t r- zront ten to twen -r.Wh sales rk- o m " i a fi'v r r - - . J ; ' SM ntv.fi va erernt. 1am than Vnv - other house (offerihg the same ciassof instm- mentsi in the United, States. hllet wo act noon ana small promts," wa , mage - as.- at time, a special omf", iQiurnian our ners wit l&tralhenU .a no way infe ure-maxim oi -qaica . we maae it. at the same onstomers to the,; i: c iaior ?-:Cl. . ay inferior ; 1 i.A 1 aL. riMbtAli r , i :r,' . ; IJLiL III LIIU UUIUUli 1 ' Y-'i l ..'v-. , .,' " . '' ;Vv-.f f;'ij,"'5T STE3Y'TNBTlllJ8ffiirr FITE.E,T OUA1S . 5 'v : "V" llairy families have had a desire to obtain a Piano, butcoald not acowtopay the oe&Urs '-h? a profit of from $100 to $300, neither do, they Y. wish to purchase a cheap xaade l-itrument,' ' ' that would cost more to keep in rrpairthsalt ,. r is worth, hence a large class cf our rats sis lov- ' ing people have been obliged to do wiUiouti , 4 . We can fum!r7yTL.2VCvC;la.ve-rixno Fortes from $i to iJ. feecond-hand Pianos '. from $40 to $2M. A New. Cabin Organs, ' .5 to . $1,000. ,,. i ' :. . - . ;, :7,: PRICE tIST SENT TO ANY ADDIir zy ;;'V- 1;: y.'f: V JuneWAFtf 1 v N ,:r;; ON YESTERDAY AFTEHTTC on Market t street, between tixth and 1 ront.' a tteel Grav FUR CAPH . The finder will be liber ally rewarded by returning, the same to the frriiOfflM. . ..... .t -..-:.! i.

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