PUBLISHED DAILV V j It. BEK"AItD. rtl(trMl Prop'r. OrCK Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. - ann v snr, In a;rance.r.....V. ........ 00 Kn.ahs hi Mvune.........,.... a to rUr.vvnot,ba, 111 u,,Taw;'?''VV fx2 00 lie m''th,' in ilTMWiitM.wM 75 TheMousTiro STi win be delivered to any iart of the City at Cifran Cnn per week. ConsereatiTve nomina tions . t a.. ,; nit ;.i :,yt.itw-i FOR AIDE KMENV: BECOND WARD ; j al.kx. adhian, hogeu mooiie: "Ho- i. f v - j . V. .1'., . , .Or : r l THIRD AV All D i r It. J. JOXES, JSO. G. BATJSXAX. r J .1 FOUBTM WARD : B. G, WOBTH, ISAAC B. GRAINGER, FIFTH WARD t - ISAAC IF, i'.KWO JIIJBCH PI RECTORY. " ' Bundat, Jan. 1. St. James (EpiBcopal), Morning Prayer at 11 A. M. ; ErenioK Prayer at 4 P. M ' Sunday School at 3 P. M. . St. John's Ctaareb (Eplspjkl), Coiinsr Red Cross and Third Streets. Morning Prayer at II. , . - Evening Prayer at7K P. M. ' Sunday School o'clock A. M. '. : First Baptist Cnaren, Conner Market asd Futh , Streets, licv. J. C. lliden, Pastor. Sertlces at 11 A. M., 3 P. II., and 7tf P. M., by the Rev. A. B, Earle. , ' Sunday 8chool at A. M. . i Preaching every night till further notice, llrsi Presbyterian Cnnreh, . s . , Corner Tiiird and Orasob Streets. . Services at 10 W A. M., and7X P. M. by the fustor, Aevi. 11. L. Singleton. Sunday School exercises commence at' S Lecture Thursday eveulnz at TMo'cldck. On Dock Betweek 8econd and Thtrd Sts Mass at6X and 10K A. M. Vespers at 4 P. iM., Rev. M. S. Gross, officiating clergyman. Front Street 91. 1, Cliiircli, SontlA, KJ Corner Walnut and i Front' "Streets. Hev. R, 8. Moran, Pastor. . . Services at 10K' A. M. and 7K P. M. saooatQ tscnooi h jr. m. - The pews In this church are all free. Gentle- manly ushers , will be in waiting 40 conduct strangers to teats. -; ' ' Flrtn Street M.-E. Chnrcta, f-' J Firm Between' Church and Nun Stkbets. Uev. Frank II. Wood, Pastor. , ; ? ,til Services at 10 A. M., and at 7tf P. M. by - the Pastor. . .v : r ' . ? ; - ' 1 ; Sunday School at A. M. . i Ciass Meeting at 4 P. M. . Prayer meeting Wednesday at 1 P. M. St. Paul's Evan. Eatnersua Chnrcb, Market Street, Corner of Sixth. Rev. G. D. Bernhelm, Pastor. i- English service at 10 A. -M. ( . ; German service at 7k P. M. ' T ' " Sunday School at 3 P. M. I 0 -' Catechetical Lectures on Friday at 3 P. M. Christian Chapel (Colore Methodist), Cqrner CflCRCH and Sevtu Streets." .. Sabbath 8chcol ut0 A. M. ; : Service Hl'AvM.tM P. M. and 8 P. M., by the Pastor, -Rov. Bills Lavender. MEW ADVEUT1MEHENTB. N MmssBEKOER'sLive Book Store, 89 Market street Diaries for 1871 Blank Books. N. C. Beneficial Associatiqn.t-S, tatement of Drawings. ; ; ; . . Chas. T. Howard, Louisiana State Lottery.- ; - 'J ; - ' . P. George. Pews in the First Presby terian Church to be rented. ' .?!.. . . Read the advertisement of, Dr. Tptt's Ex- pectorant..: 't l . 'lj ? . ;;, - Hostbttkk & Smith Celebrated ' Stomach TVittora Munso!! & CaOvercoats. Garrlcks' and entire stock of Clothing. Perrt Davis . & Soir. Celebrated ; Pain ' Killer;;! J'-x..lXk U " U SliZi -F. W. Lessman. Special Notice to the R. S. r . E. C07 Goroe R. t French & Son. Boots and njes. 1 s- 1 V ' I F. W. Kerchner. Salt,. Coffee, apd other Groceries. v. Cronlt tt Morris-5-Valuable property for sale. ., v iv'.l k.' L : , . JL . - k -. . D. Pigott.- Tobacco, Snuffa,,: Cigars ' and Pipes. I----.. : ' , F. 'J. ."Pekntfacmr. Registration ; No Uce. . :V. til r'm Wm. L. Smith & Co. Insurance Notice! Home Compaby., i 7 I . . ioHH C. Winder. Wil. Col. & Aug. Rail IioadNotice. . Registration. $ 1 ' r . The following taUo wUl ahow, the number of voters thst registered In iach Ward yester day, together with the total number since the commencement of rtgistratloh-: ' REGISTERED TESTERD AT. White. Col'd. .Total. Second Ward......... 48 iUV52 100 Third Ward,.. ,89 . v -59 98 Fourth Ward, ...A 44 i 53 -98 mitn ward,. ...10. 00 v m - 218 864 rREVrOUSLT REGISTERED. ini.ii. . H.ltJ ff...! 8econd Waid,;.Y..r.v 5- ' 81 1 Third Ward, .... t .... 43 ; 80 !..73 112 104 JTourth Ward,..i...... 81 . ai Fifth- Ward. , . S . A .. 34 80 1 - . . 1034'a-:-.!"..'S: TOTAL KEGI8TBRTST TO DATB.'- While. Col'd. Total.' 8econd Ward, ....,. 63 : 83 f rK6 TblrTVTacd.;V;..;. sa Ul89iF.Ui7i Fomth ward, 75 . 153J 208 Fifth Ward, .I...,..:.; 8 ; fUfy Q i S GrandtotaT,Vl;.il;;249:!-.440- .689 See' registration lists on Fourth Page Illegal Registering A , colored man, by the name of Wm. Jack- ;WasarVssladve:too- son, - "legal registering. Iths alleged that the laid Jackson: has been, absent from the city for several mouths past; working in another State and onlv returned here within the last' day or w a t... . i...- a the af violtfmf the law, t . ..?...! vr wuicn the penalty is mrif aaya.- inprvson - aent or a finS of 1100. He was reonlredHo vui urn nue oi. tiuu. xie was rcuuirvu ua , " . . Kiva Rirariivin thft mm oi rar is'sn neaWa he, n..i,)tv, on t7..v -..w w -.--. -(-- Vol. VH--ITo; CO. ; WTT.TTTTTGTOII; tU.'Cn SuTTOAYi-JMroAl.Y.1. lOn.VV' THiblo ITo. t023 Hymealal. v For the month of December Just passed, a we learn from the records Jo the office of the Keglster .of. Deeds' there' were t 41 marriage licensea issued for partlea in this county, of I wUch number 18 were for white and 23 for colored couples. iAdlca nenTlen Soeiety. ; XV lki MnBMttil n aalr that tSit nff!ftr kmT I vuitM iJl fWt..-i..4otiIm '.::: lu'i-j a-: ..Atii::.' . v ciety on Tuesday next, the 3rd ins t pat precise ly 4 o'clock, P. AL, at the residence" of Mr. ohn A. Taylor. - '-"" -Kcntmlwr, joneannot register on the day of Kleetlon. . - Skstlnff Assemblies. ;. r . vve learn mat the Roller Skatmsr Assemblies at Masonic Hail yesterday were well attended, especially by the ladies, and that all were de- lighted with this fascinating accomplishment. Ofwnrwu. ni .t.miii-'n tJ Of course it wlUUke some little time to be- come proficients in skating, and new begin-. ners will have some trouble at first. Harbor Blaster's Report The following is the report oi B. J. Lawton, rr . ' .. . . . . . . ... I uarDor zuasior, snowing ine arrivals at tne i port for the month of December : Steamers, 16; Barques, 1; Brigs, 7; Schooners, 25. Total, 49, with an aggregate tonageof 14,775 tons. .Of these 1 barque, 4 brigs and 3 schooners were foreign. Not Included in the above were 19 small vessels.' i; Every ;Yo tor annat register tefore the day Election, or ho eanaot Vote. Fayotterllle. H ' The municipal election In Fayettevilih takes place to-morrow. The following is the "Peo ple's Ticket which will be suppoited by the Conservatives : For Mayor, M. McKinnon. For Commissioners, Joseph Atkins, Dr. W. C. McDutie, M. A. Baker, J. B. Troy, A. A. McEethan, Jr., Wm. Orerby, David Jones. ColoreU tt4 i Weleamfrom the Fsyetteville Eagle that the Grand Lodge of the colored Masonic Fra ternity for North Carolina met there on Tue- day, a7th Inst, mere were two delegates from Newbern, eight from'Ralelgh and twelve from 'Wilmington. . They turned out in procession, with music reeralia. &c. in the eveuiasr. and eniyuTi or more. Tne Township Tax. L Atatneetlag of the Board of County Com missioners, held last evening, a citizen having made complaint that the tax recently levied by the Township Trustees was illegal and op pressive, it was ordered that the Township Constable be notified to suspend the collection of said tax until the board shall take action in the matter, for which purpose a meeting, will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd-, at 8 o'clock." Bura;lary., i : The store of Mr. Martin Bohling, on Front, between Ca6tle and Queen streets, was entered Friday night and robbed of bacon and some other articles. - The ; entrance was effected through the front door, which had two locks, J one of which was broken and a key . used in th e other. , Suspicion attached to:. a. certain party and a search warrant was issued, but! none 6f the stolen goods had been found at I lastaccountsl Blawtlv naAOvaviBsr, We learn that Dr. J, J. Ling, agent of the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad at Tlmmonsvllle. 8. C who was. attacked In fits nnn hnnsn n ipxr niirhta ftlnnM bv a iirvm ,w " pi -j a -1 and badly wonnded," is slowly recovering, though, still In a condition of great Suffering. The negro who committed the dastardly as- aault has been arrested, fully identified by the wounded man and committed tojalL Mortnnryv. v - - v ... ' ., $ot the month of December just cl6sed. as we learn irom iae recoras in we omce om.i. Jones, Esq., Secretary of Oakdale Cemetery, there were 11 Interments in said Cemetery, as follows : Diptheria, 3: consumption, 2; yneu- mOnla, 1: dropsy of ihe heart,'. 1: "lingering Illness, 1; spinal disease, 1; accidental; not stated,!.. Of these 6 wefe adults aild 5 chll- dren City ConrtT 1 . .. . . . ' . . A the 10 lowing cases were n sposeo oi yesier- yn In three different cases, tn f ;each of which he was found guilty and judgment, rendered for the nanaltv and costs. : ( -i t mio iwivuo. Albert Flllmote, white, - charged with va- grancy and committing a common nuisance t . v vf-- , -a- , tbe penalty and costs in one-case and a com,- mitmcnt for 0 days In ttiWorfc Tlonse In the other, si ' i r Tne . XI onao . Insnramee jo-, of New II oven. v-..-f-.-. - Immediately upon the appearance of the teleerain in yesterday' paper, affecting the I . A.- .1 A rmtMttr IiatiMiiMlfilMIIIWlir of New Haven.' Connecticut, Messrs." W. L. Smith & Cfcw tha Agents In this city, took im ; m - - Ut .tctato Drbicct the Interest of policy . . . A . - bolder In aaid Company , oy transrernug wir aowi. - Insurance Info other companies, until definite . ;-The8chr5 Cfc, JJ, Toung, Richardson,, ar loformation o the. sUndlng 'of , the "HomiV rived at Boston from this port on the 26th. Mn a.Pertlned. 1 As far as possible, policy cxrarrdiob this port. holders .were , aaviseo. o ., ku - pre'mles;all otbew reeeTve such notification through our advertUlng columns thlsjnorning. - -m i m , Pro4racte Meeting. Rev A: B:'Earlearrlved here yesterday evenlng'to aldMr.HIdenlnaprot taxtrapocela wftHnttradeaVtfi preaching of this, distinguished :. evangelist in New York, Blcnmona, jnempnia, Ataieigu, ana Xriout other pU W la a auOeiea totrodne. iAn tsrV.-L:. preaches to-da' at 11 aV-MV, PJ .Mtblst n t. Pkn..K srrf i.VrDnllDQfilDO IDCcUUK 1 oapw wumv -p - riij - . , from to nlgtMl furth,ef not ce. rHe will also i v w -rr i. . v. r 1 .Amin at S o'clock. We i nreacn no wwiw. f r-ij-. r ---- will tmblteHU farthof appointments aa span - ekl -r- JL happy Nflw Yeir If, f, , , Laughter is a good tonic. Mean temperature the present. The complement, of the season a fall stomach. -. ; v ' .. The rcildren'sTclii of the Christmas period the stocking. , ne cold water system is. now applied witliauecess in typhus ferer. v 41 Let all Conserra ives who have not rcfrls tered eo and do so to-morrow. " ; ' ! " i . New River oysters were, selling for $3 50 per bushel yesterday, on account of their scat city. - , . . : ; . Walter Raney, coioredr and Albert Fill- " "TT" " M - T w B " " "w"OD yesterday. ; 1 The RftHflfratlnti'TlnrkVa Will nnan ine registration books viu oe open to- morrow from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., but will not W am Mmut.t tv.... I . -T , , , . Bank and the First National Bank will be closed tomorrow , vr n rr v - - some New Tear's presents. Examine them-1 they are wpfi seeing. jf H3 'j-k I The Post Offlre will he onen on Mnndi a.BIi- ' ''' j . L it o .1 a i I o.w w w & .f mo iium cw w o r. M. The n&il will close nan annl Tl. t i ,v -ci.I "-o . l 4 'I The Pews pj ,the .Fit, Presbyterian Church wnf be Vented on'Wednesday next, at 21 o'clock P. M. See advertisement, ' As to-mofrbw will be generally observed as al7bliday, we are requested to announce that the public offices will be closed. : k .. The Conservatives of the Fifth Ward! will meet at the Baptist Church on Castle," be tween Fifth an Sixth streets, this evening. . What more appropriate New Year gift can be made-to a friend at a distance than to send a dally or weekly, newspaper, which will keep the donor In constant remembrance through out the year ? The installation of officers of 8 tone wall w w m w m. . m ' . Aoage, h.. 01 r., taBes piace 10 morrow niguu .ThwlllbethfitremonyiO Ihednd that has .takea place since tbli. crgaoixation of me vraer nere. u ,- -. -ii.,. . The mortuary statistics' of the city show that there were 110 deaths reported for the year 1868 ; for the year 1869 there were 149 reported and for 1870 the number is 118. A somewhat noticeable coincidence la in the fact there were just two more deaths in 1870 than In 1868. Register before the day of Election. Tonrnamrnt at Ronth Washington. A correspondent at 8outh Washington,' in this county, informs us that that place was favored with the rare novelty of a Tourna ment on Thursday last. 'Although the morn ing was unfavorable, "old Mother Earth be ing clad In a white mantle of Heaven's manu facture," yet quite a number of the youth and intelligence of the surrounding country made their appearance in due time. The young I Knights acquitted themselves handsomely, the ridin being easy and graceful. The re- suit was as follows : The Knight of Hope," Mr. T. H, Pigford, prayed to be the firet moat successful Knight and crowned Miss Lizzie H. Tate Qyieen ,oft JUve and Beau ty The ..Kniglxt c ofnReference," Mr. L. C. Powers, second .successful t Knight, crowned Miss Hattie E. Falson as 1st Maid of Honor; theiKnlght of the "Lone Indian,' Mr. Te Berney Smith, third most successful Knight, crowned Miss Delia D. Hall as 2nd Maid of Honor, and theKnlght of "NlghtBefore Last," fourth most successrui jnigni, jar. uonn u. Love, crowned Miss Hattie Powers as 8rd Maid Of Honor. Our correspondent adds : "It has been a long time since the old time-honored and anti quated place has been rejuvenated by so much merriment and happy pastime, and we feel quite safe in stating that not a drop of ardent spirits was tasted, seen or smelt." V I ' : If yon wish to Tote, yon mart reg- ,.tertoefore t be day of Election. storm Signals, I The following cli circular has beeu issued, bJ which it will be seen mat the signal stauonin thli place will commence operations ' on the 1st day of January, and that every facility will be afforded thWpobllc for procuring the re- ports : 1 . . ri,J . . instructed by the Chief Signal Officer X IF AAA CBJkOS. -- . r I i Hill luairuLKU UJ mlrnst J I am - . . . to- tnat Dy dlrecllon sja cotgro for Jga observation and report of storms by tele- graph and signals for the benefit of commerce on inenonucru jbictibu famished gratuitously te such papers as may bUtn th ' for tue Tnformation of their readers.- The Observir, oergeant Robert j instructed accordingly, and is directed to afford u every facujty ln procuring reports from his office. -The regular Reoerts are br- dered to commence on oanuary is, xoi.. Verv respectfullyr- fSlgnedl H. M. Howoatb,- 2nd Lieut, and Bit. Captain U. 8. A Ass. and Assistant. I' RIVER AND MARINE NEWS. , SATURDAV, Dec. 3L ARRIVED OUT. The steamship -Benefactor,. Pennington, I arrived at New York from this port on the i fldlL ' ' ' ' I A'-The tSchr.. Ella ModJon..,i Nltkersdn, H r -r , ; , -k n 'cleartAfrom OnadaloufNavtssaand this port on tfee.9th. , , .,V if ;r The 8chr Lttda Murchiton, (new, 600 tons,) rCapt Jonea, was reported In NewTork W load flportba.'Crte ' Tldrntly a hoax, as 'persons from tttaVrjiitt nce Ahe repor dlg.str 0V no gaTe ert as we 1 itscofreetness. heardl VVrlthbnt vouch- fStu I I -! S - ... ' NOTICE. On ind after Monday,. Jan. V tha rideiv i: uninuwwr " 2 r. I tlm will h found to IM W. w . a .w - i "-" -- rmit.- T,v - "v -i , . .OTr nmnTV ani xnnir. janl-St V JOHN C. WISDEB, Genl Supt. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS,:; I "A Ciire for DIpthcria I ' lowin's extract a lslr from lira. I Ellen B. Mason, wife of Eer; Francis Mason, Tounghoo, Birmah t ? My eon was taken violently sick with, dip-1 ther la, cold chills, burning fever and sore thr mt. -I counted 'one morning ten little vesicles in his throat, very white, and his ton- f ue, towards the root, Just like a watermelon, ull of seeds ; the remainder coated as thick as a knife blale. So many children have died around here, I was afraid, to call a physician, and thought I would try yoar Pain JLiller for a ranrle. with small doses lnwardlv. I did so. and found the gargle Invariably cut off tbo vesioleR, and he raised tbem np, often covered HP1 blood. He was taken on Sunday: on Wednesday his throat was clear, and nls ton- gue rapidly clearing off. 1 also used it as a lniment. with castor oil and hartshorn, lor his neck. It seamed to me a wonderful cure. lad 1 can bnt wih it conld ha knawn. to t.h many poor mothers in our land who are losing so many children by this dreadful disease. Ihavefound your Pain Killer on of the most valuable medicines ever used in Bturmah. Siffi t tr&YAl vithmrt ir. 1 Avuln inn nun. aiii in una half an hour my foot was well. " nour m' IC AT. waiXO uiaiu wnwja lrom voaciiocron : " 1 our irrlfc reat Pain Killer cures this new disease Diptheria or sore xnroat laa is so aiarmlnarly nreva- oat that is so alarmiagly preva has not been known to fail MS when naed in time. This fat "uy.uwro , uuiv una not own mown w I ail in any instanae when used In time. This fact J0,,00?, make'known to the world. (It is used in thic disease as a garglo and lotion, as well as a tonio and stimolanu) In Halifax, where this disease prevailed for many months In its most malicnant form the use of Pxrkt Davis Pain Kilueb was in- vanaDJy attended with the most favorable re suits, when It was used- er the lL-eae had made too much progress to preclude the use of so powerful a stimulant. THE. BODY AND ITS NEEDS. Consideiing the extreme sensitiveness of J the human body, and, that it ia unprotected except by artificial covering, from the action of cold, it is not strange that at this season it iaiiahla to maay-disordara. The- skin exer cises a powerful influence over the stomach and bowels, and when its functions are in- terrupted by sudden ehUla that seal the pores and prevent evaporation from the surface, in- ternal congestion is apt to ensue. The diges tive organs never perform their olSoe prop erly when this is the case, and the waste mat' tor of the system, which should be discharged in part through the perspiratory glands, hav tag no other outlet than the bowels and the kidneys,' constipation and a variety of renal diseases are more or less prevalent ' Dyspep sia, wherelt exlstr, 19 also aggravated by these causes. The most enectlve preventive cf, and rtxnedy for, disturbances , of this nature is Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters. Acting as a stimulant and tonic,' it rouses the stomash and the Intestines, Imparting to those impor tant organs both activity and regularity. It also operates as a sudoridc, by toning the, vessels of the skin and promoting the f ret passage of exhausted matter through tfcai natural sieve of the system. Being a nfes diuretic, it gives a healthful Impulse to tins action of the kidneys, where tbrre is a ten- "H"5y to aropsy. ana as a wood depurent and 10 uropsy, ana as a niooa aepnrem ana matio cases. It combines in haoDV nronor Tl A mv www aw ututj wuvuvtai vuwv au a uv " 5 requisite for the restoration of a system gen. exauy uisoruereu, uu jaas no equal as a wm- i & ter medicine. Jan 1-eodiw Sun Wed Fr AVOID CONSUMPTION. No enemy to the human race Is more dreaded and is more insidious in its ap proaches than the too fatal ana destroyer of health and happiness of myriads Con- sumption in its ghastly form." The duty of all is to guard againsMts first advances. This may be done by the timely ;use of DR. TUTT'3 EXPECTOBANT. (Janl-lw OSLT A SHALL HAEQEN OK COST .. ... FOB : CLOTHI N Q . JgALANCE OF STOCK OP HAND AT LOW FIGURES. T R Y A Garriik? Cape or Overcoat. flTTTMSO Jfe (IO 'S r. . . : Jan 1-tf CITY CLOTHIERS. HoUce llVtoND AY, January ,"i871 , being the New i . . . - - . . . I xearuouaay, me hooks ior cerairauun i Voters in the city will be opened between the hours or ., r? r-,-: .. : , . 10 JL It lantt 2(P. II., i : : ui t ; .r . - - and will not be open, between the hours of 7 1 uu. .uii fuw viJf , -.,.,vr, J , v 'JmL AZ h:'e.-" CrasTv& the Bwks wUldpen as heretofore. j , K. J. PEN NT PACKER, Chairman Board Registration. Janl-lt Valuable Eeal Estate for sai-e.':.5.:,.: . YTE offer for sale that very valnable. and commoaioaa LOT Uaxl64 fiitnated at the southwest intersection of Sec- I ond and Nnn streets, with -all the improve- i tnitat.nmwm. 133 feet upon Second street, - 164 feet upon Nun street, ' ' CBONLY A MOBBIS, Auctioneers, anl-St . Stock A Real Estate Brokers. SpcoiaV ITotico. fflHE Begular Monthly Meetngbf the How. Jl. ard R. s. r. i. Co to be held on Monday evening, the 2nd inst is postposed nntH Monday evening, the 9th, at c'cloek. By ordey of. the Forexnan. ' - - :" P. W. LESSMAN, m . IiioTirilT IToticD. , In consequence or the publication yester - day of a telegram affecting the reputation of In consequence of the publication y ester- the uome xasizrance uompany, oi xnew ua yen, we nave protected the Interests of Poll- folders Cojy bjtemrry in- I T' . , - i iuimw m wkJw u j naauw w i . fnmttmortne siatna or tn iirrm iti tw formation of the status of the "Home" can be ODtalned. . . WX.L SMITH A CO- ootained. Wx. L. SMITH janl-lt :.,..' . Agents. NEWj AD3TBRTTSEMENTS. Louioiana Ctato Ipttpry, COMPiLNX. CHARLES T. HOWAWT ...PRicsrmcT: ' J MINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY. 8PLENDIDSCnKUE-ONLT0,000NUMBEU3 CAPITAL PRIZE.. ........ t2A,00. : cuss av TO BE DRAWN AT NEW ORLEANS ON SATURDAY, January 21, 1871. HOWARD, SIMMONS A CO , Contractors. . - SCHEME; -w... ;.: 20,000 -KuileiGtete Oilj :$2GV 1 prize Of fSO.009 is ,J; ; . ............ .0 000 1 prize of e,ooo -is.. . ...i. I prize of 20,000 . is., 20,000 1 prize of 10.000 is.;,. ...... .10,000 1 prize of 9,00tt ia..;......i.v.......i. ,000 1 prize or 8,000 is.... ........... 8,0 0 iF'w 18....... 7 00O 1 prize of 6,0:0 is... IVf. ...... 6,000 a Wvvw 10 ooke a 1 prize of 4,0 , is.;................i... 5,00-1 4,000 3000 2,000 . 1 prize of 1 prize of Tpri za of 5,W IS .2 003 . is. ................. I 1 prize of , 1 prize of . 1 prize of .1 prize of lpMzeof 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of : 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of . 1 prize of : 1 prize of I prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of" 1 prize of 1 prize of 1 prize of ' ' 1 prize of J0U0 1,000 ' 1,000 1000 1,000 1,0.0 1,000 IttOJ 1 000 1,000 1,000 l.cooj-are.. ...... 25,000 1.UUU 1.C00 1,000 1,000 1,0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 1,000 awao-oo- 1.000J 60 prizes of to J are ." 25.000 817 prizes of 203 are.. 4.... 68, ,00 86 Approximation prizes.... 12J00 440 prizes, amounting to.. $ &0,400 Whole Tickets, fc;0 ; shares in proportion. Prizes payable without deduction. Orders to te addressed to CHA8. T. HOWARD, Lock Box 692, Post-Office, New Orleans. ear Send PostOfflce Money Order, or Regis ter your Letter. rjanl-tf . Dally Dlstlbntlons on the Permntation Plan. No. 03, Drawn at. 12 Q'olock M., pec. 81, 1870, m s.91 11 . sr. rn sr. 10 si . No. SOI, Drawn at 5 o'clock, P. M., Dee. 81, 1870, 49, 85, , 77, 28, 23, 82, 53, 64, 47, 18, 57, 43, Witness my hand, at Wilmington, this day ' JOHN LONDON, jan 1-tf . Commissioner. -f rr HHDS SMOKED SIDES A SHOULDERS JL1 35 Boxes L. C, and S. B. Middles, 5 Boxes D. 8. Shoulders, 50 Bbls Pork, 250 Bbls Flour, 1,500 Bushels Corn, 3,0OO Sacks Salt, SOO Boxes Soap, , 235Sarks Coffee, 150 Hhds and Bbls Sugar, IOO " ' " Molasses, ISO Bbls and Boxes Crackers, 50 Boxes Cheese, 75 Tees, Kegs and Tubs Lard, IS Bales Light and Heavy Bagging, 19 Bona Piece Bagging, . , 50 Tons Ties, 75 Bbls, H-Bbl8 and Kits Mackeral, 50 Bbls Mallets, 150 Boxes Candles, IO Tierces Bice, . ; , . , . 75 Boxes Candy, ' , " -. 75 Cases Ly e and Potash, 15 Tons Hoop Iron, 50 Bbls Glue, r . r For sale by , ; Jauljf X TrWi KEBCHNEB. 1871 TOBACCOS, ; - i . : : ' i J ' 1 i Snuffs, AND PIPES. - Sit X. PIGOTT'S, No. lMarket 8treet. Janl-tf Thoy are KeCcosarya A, handsome . fitting . BOOT OS SHOE Js required to com plete " YOUR DBESS. prices GEO. ZS. FIIICXX a. 809, ' " SO orth Front Si. Janltf 1 ; PeT7,Bontin!J. nrtnie pews op the. pibst iPRESBYr JL TEB1AN CnUBCH will . bq rented on Wednesday, the 4th of January, 1871. at VA l wedneaoay, tne n oi January, XOil. o'clock P. M. All Pr5PLdSSlro,,5 L retT ; . I the Church at the hour . . ; ' , V ' ? GJE955l if: jahl9t P-i r - ja a oguivi f. ? , rizyr, ...... .... ,' .. . i ,-.,.i ,TVSr LAN D B ELONOING, THERETO, t-IIYWr, w : "-r -rTTr-TT' I ' . C It . .i .'.;. v.-. i,! .v-i'. ,, before that date. ah otners mieressea are - --.,-. -- to be present, or he represented at I iWvJ: r M w Ce Square one day, 1 00 " v"- three aaj three days...... 2 o. tout days,.........r...... 2 60 liVe d&7S,MMM(W..MM - 00 ' 8 60. M M t ti . Contract Advertlsementa taken, at pro , DorUonAtelv low rates. Ifarriagea, DoathaZ TLptlgiousV Funeral and Obituary notices will 4m inserted at half rates wncn paia ror in advance otherwise run raxei will be charged. on-demand. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOB ; BUILDING THE NEW TBTJCK HOUSE; r l FOfe HOdk LADDEB CO. No; 1." " ; i A S provided for by enactment of the Board of Aldermen, will be reoeived m to the Srd of January, 1871, and may be addressed to the undersigned. - .-. ss.j Plans and snecifications may be seen at the office of Messrs. Petteway A Moore, North Water suetv' .v.-- rf. - " ' BOGKB MOOBE. 1 i ll: J.J.KING. SComralttee. CH AS. D. MYERS, V - dec30nac4t -""5 :'-jvvv Splendid Invc3tmont. rvjs WE Offer for Sale, for one-third Its : UC- - original cost, Six Large Turpentine Distilleries, one largeBteam Pump, one large . Boiler for running pumps and steaming bar rels, together with Strainers, Dippers, and all necessary tools for running tha same, all In -complete order, put up in. roost subsantial manner, and ready to commence operations at . once, together with Sheds and' Warehouses, r for the storage of. the manufacture! articles, empty casks; Ac., Ac , ;-;. -1- '.H.c-l'B . The . above property is .located upon ther M Filly aw" wharf, next north of the W.," C, A B. R. B., and immediately upon the Biver Along with the property, will be sold lease of wharf for three years, from Get. 1, 1870 to 1873 after which time satisfactory arrangements can be made with owner for further lease. - The above manufactory can distill 250 bbls. TeUow Dip Turpentine or 825 bbls. Virgin Tur pentine dally,' and is constructed so as to save labor, and can be run at the very lowest pos sible cost. J Apply to deo 16ac4 t , ; VICE A MEBANK. Dianes for 1871 A Large assortment of Diaries for '871. For sale at HEINSBBBGEB'S, TURNER'S N. C.aLMANACS for 1871 BLUM'S Farmers and Planter's Almanacs for 187;, tor Sale at : HEINSBBBGEB'S. Blank Books. I have Just reoeived a large assortment of Blank Books, from the smallest to the largest sizes, which are offered or sale low At dec 28-tf HEINSBBBGEB'S Live Book Store, , 89 Market St. To the ConserTnllve Voters of tbe Fifth Ward. , . i- 1 . i . . . . ...-.. .i, ' THEBE will be a meeting of the Conserva tive voters of the Fifth Ward, on Monday nwht, January 2d, at 8 o'clock! at the Baptist Church on Castle St., between 6th and 6th, I - " F. Ai Li C ASSIDBT, dec 31-St , . Chairman. ' AUCTION SAIaES. M. Auctiouecr; By CRONLY A MORRIS. . -2 ' !:': i". . Steamer Waccaiiiaw" A'T; A TJ-Cr i O'ir .; ' (8 WEDNESDAY, January 4, 1871, In front of our office (unless oreviously disrjosed". ofa at private sale) we win sen tne weu Known a a w a A a . . Biae-n neei oiesmer 41 tMJWUUIIIUlfl. Aashe now stand, with everything apper taining and belonging to her. j Length over all,. ....i.... ... ..... 166 MO feet. mreaain -01 oeam,. 434.1v Deptn of noia,. ............ ....... ji ; - , A Measuring 298 83-100 tons V Enalnea in good order, of ; Horse Power, and ready for immediate UM.r ; ) r .- . For terms and particulars, apply as .above . or to ' - " . r - I - , , , S." L. FREMONT, . , , Eng. and Sup't Wil. A W. B. B Co. By CttONtY- A -MOIUtI. n. RONXiYTAretioue?r. 'i'V. :a ;-t i H. sty.iUkr.Tr-, ITndertterat Sale. V THURSDAY, JANTJABY 5; 1871, at 11 W o'clock A. Mn we will sell on Henning's Wharves-lfoot of Nun street) under, inspec tion of tbe Agent of the Underwriters, for and on account oi all concerned, all tbe SAILS. STANDING RIGGING, RUNNING ........ . . ... ... . .... , RIGGING, ANCHORS AND CHAINS, BLOCKS, BOATS, FUBNITUBE, and all materials saved from the wreck of the ....... . ,, ......... ... . . ship Persia, of Bath, Mo., stranded upon Fry ing Pan Shoals.' . nj ii.-i r.iiwj --deo tS-fi VALUABLE T7MrfPr6p8forSale 'E OFFEB those desirable Wharycs with a front of ' aa PEET DEPTrj, 1.70O FEET lying upon west aide of Cape Fear Biver. bounded north and south by the wharves of Messrs. Yjanner and peery. win taaia aaalow .flsraro-aad on accom modating terms upon application tox ' " CBONLY A MOBBIS, Auctrs; Stock and Real Estate Brokers. dec3e-St i Mr; Auctioneer; By CRONLY MORRIS. ON TUESDAY NEXT, January ld,v1871, at 11 o'clock A. M we will rent at Exchange Corner, untu januay l, isn, us 't O x, "ti d u ft "' e.a4 DlanV Da.I VumMUR'. deo si-ts Tt M-n"v2.l - , t ; r ' ' MM m 4 If h -:' afijj 4 i! 1; 'i-'tA: mm If, -mm iliii it i January 3rd. j ft ry.- - . . 1' , I 1 : ' K-A U,' -rife'!: - i I V - 1