-:-VKli rilE -HOnpiXU l-3 PUBLISH KD DAILY, . . 11. IIER3TAUD, Editor aud Prop'r. OrflC. Dawson Bank Bondings, Front Bt. ... r. in 7fijice.. ....... ..., .7 00 montHt ,ln advance..... 75 -trowrwo STAnUl deUvered la any TMJeCltyatFirrMHCMrTtpep-ireek. WWlWis,' vif' It? O R A L DERM E-iN ' AliBXO AD.ni ATI' 3 ROGER MOOITE. ' THIRD WAIIO I H. J. JOES, . 1 ' S JSO.Q. llkVnkJi. FOUBTH: tXpAXVOt B 4 iAfti, ISAAC 3. QU AIlTGrEkC V .' I i . V, FIFTH WAltDj THOMAS tf i SMITIT, n SI !E3 0 XT 3" HEW ADrKBTISEBENTM. nBHROKB's Uve Book Store, 89 Market .irfct-DIarles ror 1571 uianK tsoQka. j,.C.BENFiCiAi.A8SOCiATiON.SUtement ofDrawlngs. , Hesiit BURKniMaa, unoiesaieana itewui JJesler in Tobacco, Ac. . Jons Nixos. A Card to the Public. Bsrmony vrw.. v , it & meeting of the Ilarmonv Circle Socletv. held a day or two sincere following gentle- roci were elected as officer tor the ensuing year: A. WronsM, President ; A. Loab, Vice President ; IT. Bloomfleld, Secretary and Treas t lallroftd Metln 1st Oaslw Tbere was to be a big Railroad meeting at Jacksonville, Onslow county, yesterday. Quite respectable delegation went from this city; , ioclnding Col Rogef Moorc,"Aj-ii Vf: Mc- laiUUljl V v IA VI AAA UkaW W y - ranc, and Messrs. oi. iiaas ana tias. if. iiug gins. Weather Keports. ." -J; ' The weather reports, as taken afthe signal station in this 'city, will ! bo " bxjlk tlnsd at the Commercial Exchange every, morning avO o'clock, where those Interested are inyued to call and examine them. The, 4 o'clock reports fiabe seeu at the office on the corn eT'ot Mar ket and South Water street. I , - A Grand Affair: i V t '3 We learn that it tetfco Intention"- of the Re publicans of this city to ,glve Cot Dockery a grand rcceptton- and ovation this - evening, it being bis Intention to leave for Washington on Wednesday morning1. Wo understand that several distinguished 'characters,' including membcri of Congress, are expected to take jiuik hi iiiiu aumi, uuiiTci apenura, ivy. T,, ? ti neanty. 1 Beauty is a grcai thing ; but beauty dT ar raents, honseand furniture, is a very tawdry or nament compared with domestic lore. All the elegance in tha world will aot mako- a home. Aipoonfal of real hearty love ts worth more than whole shiploads of fnrnituYe, and nil the jorxeousnesa that a'.l the upholsterers of the world could gather together, r , j " ' ; : ; "lev. Mr. 'Earle. ; ? , ; t, , : . '.":! $6 learn that theeffortsof Rev.-A. B. Earp, tbe distinguished Evangelist, it the? First Baptist Cuurch in this city, are being crowned with much success. ' A large , number of the congregations at the meeting? on 8uuday.sig nified a desire for an interest in the prayers of . I the Christians present. There will be service . it 3 o'clock lb the afternoon and at 7t o'clock t night throughout the present week. V ' A risht aad s rstt Bace, r 4 1 t :- ' . ' ' . ... imeodtnenU." moved and.lnstlgated J an Prabundance of bad whiskey, got Into icrimmiure" near the foot of Dock street.: nd were proceediog to "light it out on that )ifte" U the most approved styie when police- v . i . - r . Miun ueorp-H iijia mane aDoearance. a.e JliewordiVpolIce'dth bellgVreny tookU 4iiidr heels and made Policeman after them . ?eof a good start HI! tad A Tl. a ' rA A.allaMkl. Vmfment amonir the'erbwd that witnessed Xmanclpatlota CelCnratioau""' The colored neon) e of WKoitttftOa an T hdjsur foandinaronhtrv celebrated here.'. TMterclaxJ J. ?f, ; the AnniI ft.nlt'nhfiAti t. thaYTnitcd 8tatea. Th .1 a rnm,.H in front f City Hall ahmtt o la lhmnTnW.nd DTclicd through , several of ..tUesprinclpal treeu. Speaking was ad vertised to take placs; t Hilton, but this part of the programme was ot carried out. After the roarcMq was over, however, Geo. W. Prlce, Jr,Bi other color- 4 speakers addressed the 'crowd 1n the City H. The procession was not very large,-be- ioff comnosed 'iiui r,n Vnk tha varioa. colored societies-wlth 'the exception ot the diatnrh.- .iiM;rvi'.-W aaa uuwu aw aaiai vav JT w I '; - m . i.AV' a a thlapuper, the day passed '"off very quietlyj her arrest andiuTlpghbj absence.sbieft, bnt IntaUaUoii. T,",,w. , r, .f ! ; - t , tl'e following officers elect of Stonewall WNo.l,KnlghUof Pythlai, ; for .the en Whr term were insalled at Pytblatf fiklOas! evenln: - - . ,; .. rt VeuerablePatrlarrh Wm. A. JobaonV- Wl jlmlT?: r011 worthy ChancellotWnx' M. PoUson,: , vnanceiiorJcsse Wilder . ; FlnknclarZ-j W-w " Banker ; L4'' '" iP fi IMA t .... fcvi... i.. - Rowing, appointed oy ?ae wonny ancellor, were 'also . Installed 'at the ssme Gultfe.-.j0hn' t. prtr - - - a. wwii ' 8 -Thomas BraloardV- t-f"r. ITKBArDlXAAtlirE lnl K at 2 p- M- on Satnrday to-morrow morning. T7: "' . 1 VOI TTTT TTn fV7 uf VJLLIJO, Oa onwem . . - 106iiMrdOlAMirmiin iltlmA.tnnttrul. fdaj.eTef Inic;-.; 3 Metallic fractional currener vrould be a rpncblewlnz.i-.iv t, v-4 v 4 l 1!, colored, . : 5 .Cr,,,. -r.a . ttt'-ivVilJCDlett. Iflnm. colored. -1S5 r -: & tl coo9llns: to repeat that ice will be cWlferlflninmer:f;i JrOi tS 11171 - , - - ' , La Rue Minstrels are making their way In thU direction. ; ' . ".a ... : . : yt ' .' The last invention to prevent cold feet is horn hair inner aolca for hoot- O'-IW Jrdayand we iu-e consequently with- 1 out "rW fr our usual market report i t i , , . r ..xaw.wm., vato .isuuvv, arrived at this port' on Sundav. from Phila- delphla, She takes Uie place, temporarny, of h b-.i.w J!v- the BtfeamshV Pioneer, withdrawn from the line to ulidergp reptlri". ' ' ' . V ' i..v e, , There was' a larjce crowd at theSkating Assemblies yesterday, and much enjoyment vol exnerienr! hv nil. Th .Ir.Hntr Hub U uLuK Z , -r - -. . I John Nixon; colored, publishes a card in i Tin mrt rn nn a riMtni a n ao oar advertising columns In which he errone- oaslywronies that we had announced him as the Conservative candidate for Alderman for the First Ward. . We did no such thing. " ' I The followinir la the reDort of the Signal Officer oJf the United States, "at this station, for the 2nd Instant . The barometer is corrected I for temperatare and elevation : Height of ba rometer, 50.14; thermometer, 56 degrees; wldtJ, Southwest and brisk; weather, clear. Bea4trmlln. 'Thefollo wlni? table will show the nnmber v ,.,.r,ql.,,cu,u "ru jcoicr- day, together with the total number since the j Commencement of registration : REGISTKBXD TKSTBRDAt. Second Ward,.. 33 29 ,63 Third Ward..... 20 39 59 Fourthkw-&rd,.... .;. S1? sFifth Ward, . .4. . . . . .. 17 S3 ; ' 70 68 85 107 V 169 276 PHEVIOUSLT BKQISTBRED. tr r-;. ' White. OorL Total. IT Irs t Ward,..."..;.,..; 73 , , Second .Ward..'.'.?...:. 58 . Third Ward,... ....... 83 Jonrth Ward, . . . ; : .V 75 FlfthWard,;...";...... 89 385 458 83 89 133 135 136 171 i 208? 174 249 440 689 .,' . .TOTAL BBOISTKREU TO BATE. , ,' i V . While- Col'd. ToUl. r First Ward,,......;.:. 73 ,! 385 - 458 r 8ecoad Ward,......;.. 86..-, 113 ' 19S Third Ward .103 138 . 230 'Fourth Ward...... ..U12 66 ' 278 Fifth Ward....... ..... 56 203 259 Grand totaU ...... 429. .994 1423' ttow amour the Emancipationist. Testerdaytafternoon, while the speaking was going on in the City Hall, a large crowd of colored people being in the street in the vicln- ity, a difficulty occurred between two bclllge I rent firemen named ' "Alex: Ramsey and John Stewart. Several policeme?. appeared on the ground to' arrest' the . parties,' but Ramsey showed fight and being possessed of extraor- dlnary stregth the Indication. we thathe "Knlshtawf the 8tar" would nave a lively time in getting him to the Guard House. 8er- 'rant VahSouleu, of the police fo received a severe blow In the face from he Infuriated "fifteenth amendment,, which caused the . .... ,, , . ... . blood to trickle down his (ace. At this June- tare City Marshal Caniday made 14s . appear- ance and took charge of Ramsey, ordering the .. . . i- T. i nV . police to stand back. His prisoner expressed a willingness to go ;wlth him, but Sergeant VanSoulen, smarting under the blow wliich b received, was not willing to surrender hU 1 ..J ..j ..klUMalMa. nMt nlnoa vt v.m:..o..At.tm . Wnw wt.Aru - 1 k- . . . . "l a BP?n ocit6bh. urw m. u .uu peremptory order from the Marshal would no onbt have given the irate Ramsey the benefit t After the prUoner was disposed or, Ser- . 1 VanftAnlnn vu iW1 tn fnatrdv hv the i " " ' ' WlliWmhW it taken brthat fanetionary ltt the matter of the arrest of kamsyy S$watf-"thl4her party to 1 the light, offered no opposition to bis arrest, - J - I -'. .....,! ii.t 'v'.:V; .V. I Mr. J. F. Garrell, residing on the corn the Fourth and Brunswick streets, was victimize by a thWf 6n Saturday night last to the tune ot 143. H-j had, 'upon reUrlng , that night, Pced two packages of money under head d upon : getting up? the next morning1 the. amount abovtj mentioned was missing-.; The actions oU-colored girl by, the nsme of Vrr: fifinia Johnson, who was employed by Mr. Oar- 0,J after the . dia "covery of Ws loss, naturally excited his suspl- dons that she was guilty of the theft. He went down the street to get dut a warrant for the txiatTinjf.bepIaced; of DetecUveasenars ana tarr, tney ;encm rarres on Suiiday night , Sh tyln'the sum of $100 for her appearance fore Jnstice McQuigg this morning. rat elock.:'! , ." v .:. A-ii- v.. , i .. ; t J A Gallant 1 Act. Yesterday morning, as the colored proces- slon was coming down Market street, a horse attached to buggy, in which were Miss Amy pvBradlSuperiatendeht of Xree Sahools, J I UU HUill WJi nwa maul, .nirevmuWi i J,mi2'Urt. d..iA nfrir JS1M AOk UUU aV a WU W vwawi jMa V w -aa. the direction of : Princess : street.;' CoLVK flail, who was standing hear Mr. T. M. t JXar - rlss NewtSiandsa the Inrmlnenperll In which lhe:occnpants; ttoo5 SSd rushed to the front oi uieaoira,exaea ' i i,ai ha...fTWc ai M)mivni ar- i n&DiL lDauicea in or tao uir sex u cwrjiuc i Moxdat. Jan. 2. . resUna? hlMIght. and flnaiiy teizen nim oy me i muuey m u. wwu. . . 1 ?2 J5ittLlVil.,2 1 - - A a - a aaa M A M A.a i. t ' . : 7 . al-ai I AT nA a a. a. : i ,-. j; fcAHaAi.a-hronalhlm to a'stand-aUII. But , womw, is ournoan w wej - ? . 1 i.'Zr.Trl n.VtVl ailed from I for the daring cqndnctpf the RenUeaiw allud- t Uncertain, coy, and hard wp and will be ed to theresult would prohawy nave own uo-i': ? u. muuu.. "v Dent.- U. 8. M. . l olorabie , - . ht v '. . ';.": - I ;- t.o nni cnuarv, uen pu, uisu siuwirvo, .: , UiLIIIIIGTOII. U, C, TUE3DAY. JAITTTATIY.:3. :!n71 ' ' 1 "molo nh. 1.0M TftierilUHiteMa Jan. 2. 'THIBI WARD. I . . - . .v - Block Lot. 1 3.; AWI Wlltur n1n4 V w n " J '-' Carton, James." colored. ;: :18& , 3 s-?:- f JeTane, Sheridan, colored, 1 196 Davia, Geonte, colored, . ,i; , vV 281 x9 5 i ' ' .Li. ': -5,,... ; 1 6 5 5 f. 1' ; - IV. 5'- : .. 5 ' 5" ": 1 3- ; i, 2,3 I' 2 2 1 s ' 6 5 4 A 4 4V5 . -3. 1 4 5 5 1,2,3 3,4, 3 1 1 3 reraw; J T, colored, " ' "m' isr Gregory, TVm H, white, 185 Sm1' S,G Th,lte - JUS Hill. Sam, colored, - : 209 Bankerson, Perry, white, -109 U"?8 ?l colored, Jacobs, B J1 -Jones, Fred V T 1- T Lu. j i M 181 I K l v. .1 I" fAIArArt - Kesson. Charles. Colored. 168 t "i &QW !, ;iw Littleton, G T, colored. 18 MeEwenOrlsnd. whu " 109 - 185 173 181 - V309 M168 '169 303 169 ?187 '207 195 181 208 Merrick, Richard, colored, Marsteller, Wm, colored, Mosely, D fi, colored Monroe, James, colored, . f""t "w.wwreuv WIMiATS1.. jiuuiujc, a i jwiihiii v r nrt w nun Newman, Philip, wllte, I Nixon, Edw. colored.- i newKirK, vvm, colored, D- U TIT . 1.1. . p."u Jf Ztt " Ti"!: . Potter, Richard, colored, Kjan, John, white. 170 163 210 181 -189 194 in .157 170 173 157 ' 163 168 183 159 ' 158 195 Rogers; WashlnBton, colored, Redd. (J C. white. oummerell, G M, whlte. 8plcer, Ephralca, colored, Telfair;1 Wm-T, colored, ' ' Tatnell,.dward, colored, Winants, J C, white. Will lama, -Black well, white. Ward, Bazzell. colored, Washingtoj), Amos, colored,' rvHbsua, aw, wuike. I Wilson. Henry, colored Walbftr JorH.n nlnrPii I right, J G, white. ToppA J, white, ' rOUBTH WARD. f ii ; . u, Block. rLot.4. Brvan. Burton G. colored. 118 , ?,. Butlar, J6seph, colored, Blane, James, colored, Blake, Edward B, white, B plcken, John "GLWbite Bernard, Dudley W, white, Baldwin, Albert M, white, -Campbell, Ellas, colored, Cyrus. Eli, colored,' jSampbell, 8andy, colored, Corner, Edward, colored, Uollvan. James, colored. 12ft 38 118 127 143 ... iae - 141 "as9' 139 ; 183 i 14X 5,6 V . X 3 4 , rK i.V 6 U'.r 1 . lv 2 1 8 4 - 0 . t A . 1 .5 .. ."a . . 4, 1 5 i 6 ' '" "2 1 3 :! l , 1 . 1 ,5 I -3 1 6 ;i x 5 ' ' 6 ' Cannon, Samuel N, white, Daggetl, WilBam T, white Day. John, colored, Davis, Jackson, colored, Davis, F, colored. Fanning, P Wwhlte, Forrest, John J, white, Fergus, Daniel, white, Foy, Samual, colored, Greenfield, Jely, colored, George, Edward Tr white. Green,1 Washington, white, Hall, Henry, colored, Hall; George, white. , 127, 113 . 114 105 119 125 103 1 114 140 144 100 -140 . 126 138 ; . 118 101 143 126 103 100 ' 128 - M05; . . 99 ,; 118 , 148 . ! 113 ; 118 .i 126 . 126 139 100 J15 113 118 117 144 143 " 128 126 105 127 128 y Hooper, Ecekial, colored, J Howard, John, colored, Halgh, John C, white, jlJnrrLcolored. King: Charles H. white. Legrand, Danla), colored, I McLa?eWIn,nj9hn,Si I Mitchell, Joseph colored, , Menphy, Hugh, colored, , L . Jggjj; McKoy, Thomas H, white, JcDermo JohB 5?, Job? white, Peck, George A, white, 1", Samuel P, white Roberts, Gilbert, colored, Rice Berry M, white, v Robinson, FredriekGr white, jspMnson, J onn h , wnue 8tanly, Wrieht, colored, - simm Berry, colored, 8anilock, Benj, colored, 5teaAm5xe wbUe 1 ? 1 1,3 1 1 6 2 torySwSrd-F.whlte 126 1 Tis StanVionVf . Whiii 18 l Turner, Joun rrrwhlte. .8 . TilliDehast. Thomaswhlti 1 Thorium, Kober wtf iVWrnarieVH :5& WillUms John, colored I 'WUlafd. A'A". white. i TTfui.--' - , i :t j ;CAr fanf. V -4. Z .Silent influences tell the A btid.e In Connecticut U.un Pf uood silk, nice a tnMden wprmt wiirturn. icago youth has gone daft on Niisson. Germau misse arc wearing UuTan jackets. There are 61,000 minlttei's In the United States. " , :l3l ; .'- r 7-GainVetta scarfs" are worn, by London swells... ' '. :! " There are 74,000 doctors In the United States. ' !-; .; ' ; Victoria appropriately selects wldo ws for "ladies n waing.V ' l ' '; ; Chromo printing is Said to have been practiced in Chinaone thousand years ago." A New York gentleman la gaining fame by hisVoW Wy friends bresent. of 1500 bigkets of flowers be4 JSi. 10 . JJ SS'iS, "II Detroit 5 . ;l,T AUetroi.p - perance of a pr taking notes at the sessions of urt of Maine. A Detroit paper accounts for the iatem- perance of a ' prominent 8enator by the fact ( that he "was brought up on the botUe. f : A certain lady glueaberiuAbandit eyelids tcthfijwhenriio tH'S wmisWietterthtoih'e in I WILCT IBU miVIH WtJKiyuA W IA ihT-tw. itv in nlstorv D. j as' tbe woman who delivered a thanksgiving a ai iUt M AUS.aua va aw wf w a - - - " j tarmon, whilejier husband proudly sat back I of the polpt holding the baby. - nowjaaadeio England with a nw . pocaei on iuin8iuviw a. w iterx iwk soiorea. -vjm o V. 1111 m I 1" iaaMrJSJBBBBBBBaWaaMaaaaB rv . a - i -s i fV 130 - .1 .1 "WTiVXy-A 1. T7T7. aiv a-- r M a meeting of theCdnservatl ve Vote rs of the Fifth Ward, Heldt last evening, the fotlowi ing gentlemen 'were nominated aa-the' Conseir yative csBa mates for ;idernA;i from bat Ward, yjz : Thomas L Smith tuid Panle Ben der. ; We learn that the meeting ; wa . largely attended, and that 'the ticket giveApeneraI sat isfaction.- Mr. Isaac W; Kins'. One of the form er" nominees; Very magnantmonsly submitted j bis alaimr to We' meeting and came wltnia fonr vptet of receiving the nomination'' MrV toni recciyea me inauss oi iua ureun. , . , . Commlttea Mectloar- The Conservative Executive' CotnmUlee will meet sx Headquarters; Wednesday evening; at )X o'clock. The Conlervatlve' candidates for Aldermen are Invited to attend. On Sunday night some thief entered the sa loon of Mr7 ;Walker Moore; on Market, be tween Front and 8outh Water streets, and ab stracted from his money drawer' the Bum, of about $40." The entrance . was'' effected by piling goods boxes to a sufficient height to al low the thief to;clim upon r the., shed, from whence he-crawled into the np stairs window,; The clerk was sleeping in the earoon, but was not awakened by the burglar. Them is no clue to the perpetrator of the thefT.- r SPIRITS OF TTTRPEOTrai; TliefficeJot Dry John -Pe per, at Danbury,"vas .'accidentally;5 de-' stroyed by fire on last Satttrday nieht! ,': 'l v A hail-etorm, acccKi panned by sharp lightning and thunder, passed over Newbern .Sunday night. Hailstones; as large aaa man' thumb were discharged "Winston Male Academy -will be reoperied on Wednesday, Janttafy lltb, under the auspices of X W. Goslin, '-who is an expenenced teacher and finished. scholar.. "Hu,,i John ' Maccubi , the regular mail driver over the Morganton route, was robbed last week. The mail contained over $300'worth of checks, - three regis tered' packages, besides many , small amounts oi(i money. : , , .j :lj -r T wo convkts eseaped rom;tlie penitentiary last ' Wednesday-, in broad dayligjhtby placing a piece of plank or lumber against the . stockade. They have both been recaptured and returned to their quarters. .;, ' ' r ;. Luke Olive, a barn burner, who escaped from custody in Chatham county some time aero, has been aerain cantured. in Wake, and confesses natnng been en gaged in several barn bufhiogs. He says certain parties are detailed to apply the torcn ana otuers to nre on tne owners oi the Dronert v jvhen they run out. That he Mas generally selected for the latter work. Tbere will be,'some strange developments wnen ine auair comes to oe lnvesugaiea , .- mm - r ' nrown'i nroncliiail Trachea. For Pulmonarv and. Asthmatic .Disorders, have proved, their efficacy by a test of many years, ana nave received testimonials irom eminent men who have used them. Those who are safferinir from CoUsrhsXolds. Hoorsenesa. 8ore Tnroat, Ac. should try "The Troches, a simple remedy which la in almost every case eirectuai. A fine Thing for the Teeth. The fragrant - Sozopoht has taken a- very eminent olaoe amone the most approved I. den rifloes of tbe da v.. It is a very nowular article for the toilet, highly recommended oy all who have used it, as a beanttfler and pre server of the teeth, reSreshing. the mouth, sweetening, the breath, and arresting - the progress oTdecay.. ' ' , . t ' ' v " 1 SpAi.nrNO'8 tij-ux," stickiest thing out. - O Thieves 1 Knaves I ! Swindlers 1 1 1 - These are mild terms with which to desig nate those adventurers, -who have been in duced b thfe high reputation which Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has woa to offer fox. sale a worthless imitation of this celebrated medi cine.' Kemember- that Dr. Piercers private stamp, which is threVand a half Inches long and. has upon it hi portrait, and t he words u. s. t;ertincae or uennineness " is upon every paefcago or the gentune.' oia ny drug- Uts or oy mail sixty cents. . Add reas Dr. . Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . .Tu T.h Sat RTISEM socia1 Til REGULAR MONTHLY MCETIKGOF the above Association will be neioy&tthe City Couttoomftfiis evening, at Ti o'clock. ' j i1 WlLMl3T,iest,4 : I see myself'announcedinyour the Conservative candidate for the. conservative candidate for Aldi en for thh .First .Ward. . Thankful fori rthh entT;i and desiring only to do that whlehr mWt oeire- cuf, ana save tne tax payers. . musa e tdi run on any ticket against the pres mioiat ration of our city affairs, or can I assist IrWWspIscinci the" tax-payera' and. pec -Verypectiullj' ! .-.i-vv. Jan 3-ltf; - ? i ' J9 NIXQ KanfcrnD I III i "a .1 -tivi ; mHisis to uivk-notic: on'theSOth I dav of December. 1870. a Warrantrot Bank- roDtcy was issued. oat of tbe District Coart of 4 f North , CaxoUnaacainstj-lm- estate 01 Malcolm Faulkvot Fayetteville,in theouwty of Cumberland, in said District, who HaT been ainctMil Bankrant on : hi own ' netltlOTt; Thftt thanavmftntof any dtfb.B. and the de livery Of any property oeumgingsuon Bankruptfto him or tor his use, and the trans tmr Af anv nronertv hv him are' forbidden" by law, amd that a meeting of the creditors of Said Banirrnpt, to prove vneir leocsy ana to choose one or more Assignees of his Estate, wilt be held at a Court of Bankruptey, to be hold en at FavettevUlevN. Cw before William A- Gnthrie. Eada Resrlster in Bankmotcy In said District, at iu o'ciooa a., at., en wezDtnor January. 1871. ,,; , -p. O- maouab, DepUJPM.ahd Messenger; Jan 3-21; in Bnkrnj?tcy w , T" JPH X Wis Bankrupt ; Notice run Court of tne umteaTirateK iovtneuaoe r-ear District ut iiwui vanmuiiai;iuJi9B iuw vsww vuuu Walker, of sheoHeel in. the Conn ty of Robe, son. in said District, who has been adludced a Bankrwpt on his own petition- That the pay- ment of any debts;' and thedenvery of any oronerty belonging to suen Bankrupt, to him L or ior nis wse, ami us transm uitiuvr by him, are iorDiaaen oy law. and thatameeu nrove their debt, and to choose one or more t S ..V.. WAkJ VA OA. Hill . fVP win net neia at a holdeji at Fayette. aid District, at 10 Jannarv. 18TL-' ' and Meaaexurer , 3anS-2t " in Bankruptcy. HIS IS TO Qtti iNOCEhat oivthe 80th da v Of December. 1870. a Warrant of Bank- tcv was issnea out oi tne district rTSEMENTS. I.,, Daur UUtlovtioM sa UMPnnaUUM v.. f PUUS. . f Kd. 'SOS.Drawn at 12.0'clock Jaiu 8, 1870, w 'in 88, stoMiitfi'Uiii&vMSiWrU, 4. W.'terawn aiB b'ctokjtett; Jan-V "sTl7fiC S3,; ,V47 0, .45, nZU , .75.1 WJiAiVTl, &J wltaueaa myanid.at WUmingtoo, .tola .day JOHN LONDON'. iiaS-tfJ 2 i " CommlBSkmei Burliliimor WtiATvairv iim Rvvirr. tlvifv tv TOBACCO, S!f tJFF sfc CIGARS. ' SlA-n f tlao IBTDIAW-CHIEF," No; 6 Market Gtrcct, All order filled with Dispatch. P.B0F0-SALS FOR BUILDING THfc NEW TKUCK HOJ78E i ... FOB HOOK & LADDKE CO. No. 1, AS provided f oif by enactment of the Board xv or .aViaermen. will m ro1vftfl nn t t li Srd of January, 1871, and may be addressed to " Plans and SDeciflcatian mav be' seen at the office of Messrs. Peitoway A Moore, North Water streetv-i, k;. i ? . n; , ? r- i 1 ' ROGER MOORS, . ' J.iJKIN. j Committee r'1 CHA.S. d; mters, , flecSOnaolt. 4 r: ; rrt-s WB Offer for JBale, for one-third ita tiltl0 orlglnalcost, Six Large Turpentine Distilleries, one ikrge Steam Pump,' one large Boiler for running pumps and steaming bar. rels, together with Strainers, Dippers, and all I-necessary tools for runnlog the same, all in complete oracr, put up in most substantial manner, and ready to commence operations at once, together .'with Sheds and Warehouses, for the storage, of ; tlve manufactured articles, empty casks, Ac.', &?. . The above property Is located upon the FUlw wliarf.nextjiOTthofcthe W., C:A S.R. R., and, Immediately upon Uie River Along with the property, will be sold lease of wharf for three years, froin Oct. 1, 1870 to 1873 after which -time satisfactory arrangements can be made with owner for lurther lease. The above manufactory can distill 250 bbls. YellOw Pip Turpentine or 325 bbls. Virgin Tur pentine daily, and is constructed so as to save labor, and can be run at the very lowest pos sible cost.. Apply to . . declO-nactt " VICIt A MEBANK. Diaries for 187L A Large assortment ofDiaries for 1871, For sale at i.lHEiNSBSRGKR'S, npURNKR'S N. C. ALMANACS for 1871 ; BLUM'S Farmers and Planter's Almanacs for 187;, lor sale at .- m HEINSBERGES'S. j Blank Boots.: I have J us t received a ; targe ' assortment ' of Blank Books, from: the smallest to the largest sizes, which are offered for sale low - , 'At HEINSBERGER'S : i ' . i . i i N -JLive Book Storei dec2-tf . 39 Markets t. A Louisiana State Lottery COMPANY. Incorporated Attsust 17, 1868. CHAiiil5S TJ HOWABD:VlpRESnENT: NINGIJB NVSIBEk LOTTEBT.' . . . f J 1 ( . I . Vi J .Ji l-J - i"- j. f "- !.!.'. i' SPLiSNDlD SCBvEME ONLY -OOOS-NUMBERS CAPITAX PRIZE. TO : be patnaX NET ORLEAKaf on ITtT-Ajr. jtmtjnktv S1. 1Ti: i-5 1 raAJaB. SIMMONS A CO ,' (joa fk&t&U ;. SCHEMU : .. ... . ; r. i prize of is) oob is;..'.f;.i; M.:-r......,i.fco ooo 1 prize Of 0000 is..'...........:,.,...;. ao,ooo i prize oi xu,uuu w.. ....... ...... 4. ..xv,uw lpriieof 10,000 le.. .....10,000 1 prize of s.ooo is....v;'..-.... fl,ooo I prize of 8-000 is.... ..i 8,0 , I pr ze of ., 7,30 is......-.. t prize of ' fi,0(0 is.. 6,000 . ' 1 prize of &.C00 ; is... ........... fi,00i f .l prize of , A,0 , is.........V......i..... ; 4,009 i prize o. , is.,.,. ....... souu 1 prize of ' 1 00) ' la. . . . . .... . 2.000 A a I M dV-vaV--. . t . - v.V. 1 prize 01 . a,uuu '1 prize of 1,000 ' Isprizeof. . 1.000 lpiizeof .1 000 lp'Jzeof '1,000 1 prize of 1,00 1 1 prize of-n, 000 I prize of 1,60J ' .Ipnzeof '1000 1 prize or- L000 ..a;ix.4 ttilj'jtiJ. J, : :? ! " . ; - '.'iit'.' 'tfi 1 A prize of Looo 1 prize of 1.0OS 1 prize of t 1,0U 1 piize-of 1,000 1 prize of ' 1,000 1 nr-a r - a,w-r .. ......... S5.000 r . i. 1 prize of ''1,000 ' I prize of - -.1,0 I prize of?. 1)00 1 prize of 1,000 1 prize ofj- 1,000 prize of , lMO 1 prize of .1,C00 : 1 prize or -t 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 til ,1 h f'i HO ISO prizes of tOJ are . .,..;; 25,000 817 prizes of 200 ,are..: ....... 63,00 M Approxlmationlzes.l.r.::'u.:!.!.. 12,eoo ,q prizes,' amounting to... ...... ....... 280,400 rr i " I . Whole Tickets; tO j 'shares in proportion. , Prizes payable wlthont deduction. ; . , , Orders to t addressed to ,. 1'. :',..! rn , h: - 1 CHAR. T. HQWARTi, ' T.ti ; Loek Box 6diV rost-Omee, New Orleansv Send PosUOiSoeM oney Order, orRegis- ter your Letter. I3anl.tr- i rt T . , T One Bqu&rexme day, ..........1.. . .s : ; 1 00 . " two aaya..4.,M.......;.rri bo I ti .nn ciavfl SO 1 . " """" i-i-- - s so i " one, week.. 8 BO Contract Advertisements taJcanattiro poruonawy low rates .- v -v.i t; rv .mi maai vwwiai'J' ;wui. ai uviuai atuw i - wnan paia ror in advAnc; ccnrise run rases-: v; . jaan onoemand. . -i Tj -.u.v 'AUCTION BAItESat 3C 7l v FOR SALBr: WE offer for sale1, that Tery ;Taluabie and Situated at tha aonthweat Intersection of Beeu I ond-aoid Nun streets, with, all the improve- menu tnereon. i ?, r, 183 feet upon Second street, 164 feet upon Nun. street, , ; ; CEONLT A MORRIS, Auctioneers, Janl-St Stock A Real Estate Brokers. M. Clt6Nt.T. AticUonecr. . Ily CBONLT JipitXtlS. Steamer r t7acciaiiia : k ' : A T A U'C TI 6 IV ... AN WEDNK8DAT, Januarya, 1871. in front V 6T our afflee (amies previously disposed of at private sale) we will sell the well known Vaccamat7, 'As she now. stand, with ereTything apper- taining and belonging to her. Length over -lI,;.;;..i...II....-166 1.10 feet. . Breadth of beam, ..... 434-10 M Depth of holL..... i........... 11 '"v Measuring 298 83-100 tons Engines In good order, of . Horse Powert and ready for immediate use., For terms and particulars, apply as above or to ' S. Xa, FREMOKT, Kng. and Sup't Wfl. A W, R. R Co. dee20-ts . v . . By CHOlftT MORRIS. . M. CROXI.X, Ancfloneer. . ' .. tJiiikeint '. - 1 V'. - v ' ON THURSDAY JANUARY 5, 1871," at 11 o'clock A. will sell on Benning's Wharves (foot of Nhn street) under inspec tion of the Agent of the Underwriters, for and on account oi all concerned rf all the , SAILS. STANDING r RIGGING, , RUNNING . :. ' "RIGGING, AS CHOkS AND CHAINS, BLOCKS, BOATS, FURNITURE, ' " and all materials saved from the wreck of the ship Persia, of Bath, Me., stranded upon Pry i ing Pan Shoals. . ' ' r dee' 28-ts y ALTJ ABLE : r: Wharf Property for Sale TTTE OPPER those desirable Wharves with" YY a front of- , " 293 FETKlTIirii700rFKET lylag'-upon westside of Cape Fear River, boundedjaorth and south, by the wharves of Meesrs. Planner and Beery. Will be soidata loVnVuTe" and oil accom-r modaUng .terms upon application to , , r CRONLY A MORRIS, Anct'rs, - r; . stock and Real Estate Brokers. dec3o-3t . HI. CRONliT, Anctlooeer. By fr .HOLaxS. ri.: '''.'' '. . 1 . y. On Tuesday RxiT, January m, is7i, at ip 11 o'clock A..M., we will rent at Exchange . . 9ornervuntil January 1,1874, the LA N DB R S. O n Q I N.O ' T-H Kit SO r, ... Propert7 of the "Wilmington and Topsail d'S" Sound PVaa-i Peaa 0 Jjisiij ' deo 31-ts .i ti.'Jitl IY.T. Al4f.Jll ".5aW Advertlsementa pot coedlng live Unea , inserted tipder this head' at ha 'oa.nsual ad vrtliuig' ites.!: C lnstntlo-H -CO, Ctat s-x'-ji-rtippisti 79 , ,Ko adrertJsf jsinats taw r , f ken at thewrlcea .npleg?ld forin f ASTlILlV-BOARDEa.l Three .31 ainarle mett-oan get Board andT Lodging regru- ly at oorper orXStle ana Seventh arraeta. tEBT S. A. G1LBE 1L JU. aX A1IK1- AveTperiened wldte cook: Y. Wanted im-nevlItjJly. ripply atthis lai for sale on.rfgriT. "TTWR fAl.i:A Horse, Rockaway and liarrt . Jj ness. all complete. Also, a Snrinar Cart landHarnMComra,aUihaodontr!ApM ljr hi a. &.ri-iMViii wrner jrroqt ana uneen . , . treeta. ; TTKtB HUB OD i ttEBTqbii i rg'tf .tT : X? -valuable plantation on , Middle Bound, 8 , milea from the city, known: as the- Mott tract. wjll be rented or sold on resonable terms.- For . , . particulars, apply to " ,- V T2WB BAliirAirouse and to on Wooste ' JD between Fourth aad Fifth streets . a v ; sptO-tf - v; J -fr SAMUEL TXi CANNON. ; Om-ArSMIIIApi jDIf'CpSf;: :::'-6:L'o,t;irr:Q;:;;:.' BALANCE: OFr STOCi OF;. HAND iAT.?-; . -L W .ra-maT aWSt! lTrt tSiO-V l-f i . rfi ritf a Garrick,7 C -s.- . 1 .-. IfS 1 1 ' . i k .;ri!t ru-r -t; Kii iUT . or uvercoau MTJNS05T fi; --GO.'S- Janl-tf . :C1TY LOTHIa'- fTlHE PEW8 OF tnBFTBST PltltSBT- ' ing the pew occupied by them during the ioarsi before that date; All others Interested are , requested to be present or he represonted a nested to be present on he represonted at ' Jan l-St . Treasurer. JL tjuuan cHUKGlfu wlU be .rented, on ( t . , WtMlnesaay, the. 4th ol January, lOTl, at VA o'clock P- AL. , Allpersohs desirous of retain-; -Aii- ;..- i t ? mm r:x : I i I lit' ';7' ftp .V.-.H- ::, . mm mm -Mm La a J I mi i !l Tiimtm i, "I'M :. i III ill! ;! r 1 " fe ll " a '.i f 1 t ! lu. :tl 'i 1 TT1 S.Vi II li .1. v.p V 1 J. , , .,4I..I '.I v1' in- i 1 - " ; ' : ' .- . . .- T- : . s ' ' ; -.- - ' i ' ' ! i I ' .. ' v . - 1 ' ' . : - - . ;. .i : ' -