x v. pOBNJNG;! STAR. Sunday; Jnuarj '1871 jObltoary. notices" tribate of respect, Dald for in advancejtf pukllcatidiC-f -'i th j "-OMtTiary'jtotlccar tributes . of respect, paid for r.ur"7rri fvrr " , i n u ul u a jc k ' e-r 'cases; fuir adveftlsraMt" wOj , hev : o t t Tr rff T other cm , . 4 ;,--fuii! m?yie44WfctheAiaihapl-and -harged. . i , -' material, He sure to ask for . ZcTnTT?fjTTT.A wolf r rttiirnnKrmn 1 H E J A O fY "R T A -v t? ' A . A?'4r nraiWPi 5F r7r ro t? r A ACCEPX NO TMEK. n K01ZTH. CAROLINA o.tait 21 -r - - . .- MESSAGE OF THE GOVERNOR OF Governor Hoffmon fliii r ' Wessag$ ,o the Legislature of New YorxbtraseTs re- trencnmeDi iu eajjwujuura aneavs tJJO pntire State .debits WMO&ltt a reduc tion of $6,443,3041 recommends thar alj ibjs tailj Je ' Jir oeS; with breech-ioadefntid renewsliis former.' - 1 1. , recomnienuHiioua u w uous inciuuing an appropriation for ft test of the various projected methods for the L use of steam. r . -i-'T ?i.f. t, He supports, guaraeary, ;Bomo laa-for derated Vailroads'Yo iNewvlTOT.df asks for , a . cpntuatiop vbf '0 tharowj j ers oi vae commissionto prevent the spread of tfafccaltle disease. Herd'isap- proves of the administration of the -Fed-j. eral fiuancea, and giv.esjsome advIcoHp Secretaryottell;'ao J "alsON&ccusii- Ut? Federal Government that is has assumed armed forbe tbeeieftU i : . BeeTcmguS, livn " " . ,V 0T -.w y-u , this account, and protests formally against these outrages. 3TH !TEGR0'::EPZIJZ'ATld2r--F&R CENT A QE XrF;jQtitti?Xmi It appears frm Teturns. .made .iftbe Census Office that the colored population in one thousand and tMrOTrjiea,or" is one milUodve-KaMre,nTTedies thousand and; eleven.' !tn 'i860 xba ccftoreA population in the' same counties was one million fout:htinred' and' f ortymMhous and four hundred and o. Tejgaiis not over four . and1orv-haU tpt , eentw and leaving out the Northern States, included hree6 ti: ree Per . ,, 0 VTRA GE8NtmWl! ' The Chines outAgesaF lfen-tsin, at which the 'Cht&li&lWffiffilfcrn not long ago, bave been folo wbx;airdiv lar bratal:dejajimwfcga ant and ; paJmfift ,iaaionarMt ai ltf otiRr parts of the kingdom otjnrCbTrior example, tt tcia'pelaa sacked, ana several jaiapepijTjq jnuf &ra Catholic misoftTa Tsuang shared the same fatea:iidlr?firreii chapels '"be tween ?ia;affd yjM) ported to have been plundered and burned. THE FORTY-SEGOftD .GOjiGREBS. Thus far the "Democrats have, . gained ing a change oeighWvotes ! ' The Tiadiw cals will not haveniore than about twenty five majority in the 1 uei t IIoTrSo ot il miscellaneous: : V HIS0ELLAKEOU6. - - hi v j- For sale at jfA0?HIAjCOBIi r f .- Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market t., And Iealer Tbroaprtaont tke State. 1.1 vl 1 cbminlef e1 asaortmpint. sale loirat.NJACO'S.Yi A largo npwell ; assorted iatock of "TC1? Ariwturttl Toola, and a full supply t c t TO -Of the most approved styles of Mechanics' TooltyHouste and General Hard :, ware, Paints, Oils, Glass; Ad , for sale at SOLS LKATBSB, HABHB8S LbATHBR, fcO For fiale, a A ATtLHttsxxrBVa VUN8, PI8T.OI.S, tfOWDEItSllOT? PT. der Flasks, Game Bags, Shot Belts, Cart ' ridges, Ac., a complete assortment." - -1" For sale at NAXH'L JACOBI'S : mrdwarpepot, JNOp 9 Market Sta 5 doo 18-tf AMs?iippRgrjBA9pyyBipa;i AXBO 111, CoIimliaiJ&''Mp?f: t, uii.iiinA.ji Bjur'is urrivE, WILMINGTON, CTcm 1870. 0 BBLS. FLOUR, Family and StCpn :; 20 BW 1 A 8gar,"assorted grades is Bajgs( Cofree" '! tjT muiipAiU) jiu suu. racjBers,' sugar, Ajemqn, soaa, Jtsoscon ana xea uaices ; 2,500 GUNNY BAGS J 01 3v r sa BKL8. miii.i.kttr. I oacpnstgnment. Also, a general assortment of Family G'-o- venes at retau, for sale very low for cash. ' : - C ANTTCTN7 OLDH A"il A CO., ..decW-tf lUU iivi Wilmington, N7CT t Horses, - Hfllei, tempt rcconstructionagain. hit fi tre flWExmx&th The "mchmondtod'lmaviftfe ieal Journal" says that fbe; ideittacticing physician!S3&rJaiiriThWopUiiaa Chark, of Fenmouth, Vermont. He f is ninety-eight year or,age,:Jiag peen prac-: ticing continuously foraixty-sixjears," is naie aim .ftegrTyjBt ijaaQj juiuugus- vi giving up bHHgf jfefebuAa cia -agT.t PROPOSED ADMISSION'y1 fT The Governor of Keldxrco is iiW in Washington to nrgo tb "miBfilmJ of tht"t Territory as a State. He aayar Jt is enti tled to a represcntayi.A,QofJgfestJ3y increased population, ehotki n'tlfenus returns -' ' '-r v'd.vir.i'io'i All the ChgJnlXiHIlttZOOO . uaa the means have gone borne to ceie brate, in February, the commencement of another t thva'attaiarat "Tnfey1 eWlaTe the last festivaaiof tiria kinfct?aa celebrated w China ten .ceatnrtesiAgd. 3sit: e-Jn ii n mill 'ij'i 'ij; 'l 5iweiJis in 1870 the Tresident's ' Message was passed over the let? Western Uniotf 'wires between Wsahintoiv .And -Ncibt York ia little over a hour aad to 13pston iaj. tic more tlme.'1FdttyeaT8g6 the fbub-. Qg reat was performed 6A 4riw WkcKwltH J President's measaeThjeieprjesa frhcb brought President 'Jackson's Messasre waa nly 4i;horwdtblew.'5la? Jen. The ridep. lnvfttrattojd: -0W , Haven, 14 miles, performed the distant, ' Uh one hnrsi in 4.1 minntp.9. From "KTew ,J?rySalt ides, ; n. c. sides'and shoulders, Fplton Market Beef, . j ' Bologna Sausage, At , J f4 D- MYERS CQV, n 1 rKCT ' JanjtfJsrod Jfoith IrroMliAUf1 ' N and after Monday; January 2d. persons havinsr businetsiWithith Treasurer of f " B H I il i inis company, will apply to J. W- Thompson., Esq, at th office in the building of the tWT a, W. R.R Comoanv. corner of Hed Crash ajiff Front Street. i.'.iJ lift -' 0 29-tf '.' . aq& JNO. C. WINDEH, J.-i77 'i SuP't t. . r JcJJSaT:EECEED BYr.STEAMERs- ' ,'1 IHJIi'.' lii'Ul ITE7tY0Li3:0IJBE! ' - . - . IT .it T t ;7'f unu 1 J-'U.i .1. w v it ilji ,j VJ- i.K J PpqupIi nf 4Q1 PtwHtmv Wow VmV i ailf ' la.lill't t-fit f:t fit 1-ffr t t .7... . ' ,T i' 3 1 1 jl U fi -li ! iyej:li 8TANPS iOTALLl'lK ' ' ' . - " . ..!.! I f. Ji'tJ.tllVT Pi'V on the ladies0 of lfmington ? and the public in general-at the gaeat , IVwl v.? r.t! n, r J; .!v:'H!0' ri' i til M.ji-f :: 1.1-4 : J(,' t I', .i.-rofl MVoi' i ti- !'!' 'vn -.; " -r. ot rv.'i- tui UT ! N.o. afellsakditnjoK . -7-ANIdFrERSIl ... ... .... . , . .-. ..! l 'J ! I JBleached arid TTrl'Dleached Home v;! spun-atn:ya:ra,Ki' X Elegant Prints at 8 cents er "yard. Handsorne; Imsty'esflt 25cts per :ydij BeaB itfil jfcect's aU 1) ts per tdf, Flannel ( all shades) at 0 cts per yd.) Boys'rogana a47&ntej",f Knlivinoi i Ladies' BaTmbralsat $1 1'6&: Xsdies' Lace Gaitersatl25 K-.'O v-utMi ,y.wiX M't'Sart . r.iiiu i arenas fjars at J T" . . A mm TtlG rT a cq xTrT oTa ttJ. . , .WeU broke to hs,rnejaa. ,liUA '- t ' " ' ' i J Corn BUSHELS : OSOELLANEOUSw P-ERI O BJiri v II j g y . . 1 1 n . . , . . . ..,Kl-l.'iro,t: Recominentlecl. unci EacIersctS, i rr r-tt i - is).,.-1?j wis, .(Hi? i." JT1T AVE8,.:. :,y:!.i 5 f: ..... j v . j f? ...tknv.-'.! - jnj. 'i..... "''' rm-'t j J"-' ' ..i" i ' ' '' "l W "" ' ' ' ' J f'- J U, V-c!-tJ 1 eisssES'a fcoiiJ foil. n ' v J ii 4i rU I vlfccid U sui ,it!icU oki ,a;wo(J wl ,o f t. I : r 1W 1T..,Mlft! r . fit.'.-'. r .".v r ....,...... ....... .Tiri I4ye witiwit e,ma. r. f ;iUiPK Ptc, System, j, 4.A t SYMPTOMS uOFj IAVETt .COMTLAINTT AND ; ; BOMEOF THE 18JLaSESjBXk,, VA V . t to UgiOKITt'iyirU nir-t-ri XV. SALL0W; ox yftllowjlacjof, Ahe 8kin or yoHcnris4jiw spots dta tfie- Ai'ajii othet' parts -ptilA tody tujiu4.Btj sometime a iieadaohe ; .Mtterotf&att' Iq, ,t3ie mouth ; internal nelVSn'ffiany-l'aa ury, leasing cougn ; xmsTjeaoy appetite; aome-n tftneaa Btnx stomach, with ft raising; of th qlod J a Moated or full feeling abqihastoi aeh ansidea taggravatiMg pains in thealdes, nacjc; or -breaat.'ana kbeUtthe tooWderfcV fcon.: stlpatiota'of tnc1ei$Vpaestaiw6ol4. mess of the.extremitiesr&c....'-Tii' ,i?oii i TheLiVerisbne th6;inpB poitcpt; gns of the body and thq". whole. prooaaaiW Jgestlow ad 'asBlmilaUon-dtelclsoit a "t:ooJ wlJ t fcili ,H0'jtJ .-i ,; ann Dawson, . . r.T . - -.iiswoii b DoMMdU!naii fir,ndftrtf t,V.n.Srf1-:.'; i f Meal Deterioration. IL Local Disease In ChU ' ' ana its causes. -UL-At What Age to " i Marry. IV. Is C?"i-' I"nr-t t yPer. Bona PollnttoA .-iiuiia ct of Ex- - ?fm' VHL Methods Us&XtoJPrevent Concep- tlOn and their ConilAnnonMii VTTT Tnotl . ' cidf IX. ConV fiS,fMe ; , U .Yi truatlon. X. LhjlV,.-. t.mi rk? , - - rr Jivn! What May BDow 0 tlTBtrnd. ' V 1 El XMI - 'v - . -w. " ' . Capt. John E, Spearman. 3oL L,JC?a.n: ,apt; i.B:Gramger,' r : H. B liaJ -uiVoI. x readyooa : Trie HHV vthrnt,i-i J 1 North farpllnai gajpid Stock forms a guarantee capltol jdttonjt iU Assets, profitable Investment.; i j : , iy. ' Tb.eilriopie4jr2rTaUadma company, tne object or which la to nuua up ouridosprpsiptj VHXlre to the State era pi-e- 1 '('il i Them; vHeccai. crlsa :s.Ccrana ' Ity tA?T Vf"3 Prioe ax "Ci '.qw1??"")!) io Ewfi j -r,iJ J -ilL Tl lever's. tXbrajTalMfanamat . , ana jrasioa. eeiecteazrm.thebtAnt.nrn.i u., A P. Wallae...................M....TreatomClK ! ; vi.luu-'ia Ji!J irj.uf..i ".TT . rjn-r. jnHAi!3 ;i .Tan-! ; toTTiCfnT rTtxr a nr riTeffitr''V,i-:'y T .... i.'-a.jr, A . J JJtJ VAAAJ A4 ' . M. Vil VAU "'TT" ;'' Frontafefefctll .u:f U ?. .now This (MryUt(Aenvr ana enaurmg oasis, tne cnier corner stone being-lasting and undeniable swurlty,K'JE(rQlt. ftuieijutuu uuem m its vperauona, wiwy cesses hah oienxapKLMta' UM of poliflSoibi vvwyvg aw s lVi SSM M fPaJ T , p . 1 1 :"" .( P TT f l I IU ' - AilJS raOFLES FAVORITE JDUH3TAI..J xio AlQt r IntArestins; n Stories , and; tter iti benefit wnongurlvome iMtaltrJ Jjf anbeoribers ajethus-awe of having the pie by- Mtaihg'ahtf ihVfeltl bwrm "T. a ' it becomes deranged j and fails in, dta i healthy naiec0dmy aJeinlenTjptedaJidinaddilJon4 a grcatrnnienttortbalilaVjBniiit ibf hex4 kt WdiiaWnftts frr wnen 11107 ?,KSHS!5S advantages. . '' !- J -c w uauwi wirnuBvuiiDimo inwowa I x.itcn numDBrTJT tne HKW YQRB W Y - , ! U or oor means at noma.ii.ir nol v& is nrx Jioa if i"Tw?tiiui:mugtrs4aonsw , 1 i T" 7 T , uuvH nnaicw , -the bile.being crpwde tkyabsorlfdomestio propserity. and is' increasing its lilE'tf " Y V KW E&'WXl aracarnea anw.tnQoavpoW9nwg its iin n ori fnTr fii.Ii: M j n JLi;:J:- n vrbavst t!dol .noiAuslI frivlnsr nnantlAH. P'lvincf rlaA tr anllnvnAMwrftAtiJ l . " I uwwn - - ' -o. , ri Jy I lalcs L.pt wvrw-gv m juw, as any tthe complexion?, biUouAn, : Jaral Comp'aW; ooWitloniawUberalj acne, espanoncy ana sjua .wnooa .tramor jHts payments prompt. " , I ; ? a " ' Hypochondria feelings, As- the- bile; Isabel, rounded upon the amoash prlnoiplt it toy natural purgative by hldhtheeM.ar stimulated p carrj lT.e 8finaricirf UlMUVll AS bUA V AO C UbULlAU aCVlCblUU VI BfAAO- 1. atAitllnM ottil m liver, costlvensa results, and in. it3-tnm jupa wUk there ciro.umstances.iftaeLmrlsnats flixHirLrttHalaawSTt lated to healthy action by aimreOTteta- -reirtB 1 ' vjo notaseslee thi. OnrfnxtiftiiiMliftarii-l rii II ?Et5 dies, itbwtotnes swollen -and;mgoll.i aHome CompanyVamtpaiipagi'1nJ,ifl iBflamnyttlon is set Up. . ra. Lawbsncs's Eos advantages. vnA hu oi i1imt. and nnvarfnl ikm nnm tH I r- 11. m . .f rv tinn in" : rrirr": ' -m , x-onmes irTOmcrrrnp"Tton.T v i r..j AardreBit 4o9 ei!i mtwi 6doJ5M i II NEW; YORI&WJlEKL T I A IT PRESENT there am Sir Great Stories least Hon which, winP8trrpur,pwntojr iiifast Oira SoAv tsO.t Eaa MoaraS V but panlishes 'a 'great quantity of realy in.3n' TSflS'I&fl . liftVM attained a high reputation fromJtnefr? made-:..-.. umor of . l, urvn-Vi exceuence ana corsAatnAM. v ixperlencewhose i iepuowrTlie PLEASANT PARAGRAPHS, are iie-mM f'"The,Ai6IvWlTACTtCORnEl contains ' anaweja ttiUrewttpm J viraarf:f 1 ' . ..'t i! j . '.Hi' -'Ms mm tin ' I ml il ''Wit' torpidity' and congestiottof this important forfeitable aitef "tWOr yearS f ihcOttf erSS7vn account issuzpmwy. testaWo-r.yearuioni " ., 6her medicine yet brought to tha.notice ot " , rtr'iirtoinWA.atian A the public IntheserarlciDs derageiAents Of Xv DlYldenclS declarod Annually io the Liver a full dose of th lToaoo uc taienrgulajly.wltha vjewta i. effect upon the Liver1 gradually restoring it to its former healthy action. '-v r . ' . w-J-.--.. - i oot&em. u4 ; il4.v... t... ...... ,v.-. General Aa 4facl 'tIatcT5;t. 'W1 " nVJi.T Jx-i40TOCBWITHTHECOMPAirr,No.DftTH lit rhie CHARLES TV HOWARD. ; i.. . ; ;PRESnENT: fv millian nollarB ...,:;-f" iitiia. M4 ......-iioja rAaepreseniea. fit;! fH Sfltll BI1IK 1 4 8PiENfliDSCHAkElbrLY2O,00ONrMBERS,L 3 , ik 1i:::::-:!:::-,.f.nilJ5S ! Mil. u-ft -1 ' ...,J vvl88J3tjto t7t J V w Tor we em-;:;:- SHORT ' TORIE nS TeHlL J'l ' ' a dozetrEMS?in Bear Klgtat TBoae send: sent at roav free. 9 JX(MA (teeff IbbTcarr 1 qmiaaAta4aaoh.oi CiarSAKLmO-Yr.fl mm) li'iwi Jht Dill ' iisiaimtltT baa Jaonrrin liir hrJiiuP y" t-- - v CaoWoswt daiaw llaliw aoiiaaiwoiiii ma, V J il ,,;r- g - , ...... .......,...,. 'UM ...jm ,t.-w-4 1 KT ! H i tKr,H!vi v nMq I W l ' ' IMnniM I!Mrtiia1Tftj'tft7aiAtlCl"IO BLVI.1 ' Jin a.it-jje1.mLt lflPnultO tTJ -.rrtftdLl nthO K2011 V69l d3D31 4 Oil I h. lll I .mrftTir9 lla ol vWMI ?v .out iAdieiwau v ,00 . - . Sli J .1 Mm Jinn T T - i . vii mill fcninnpro aiprbiioiial'li Company d Jiew .fl T '-t !illij iaStce MoajnidiBwl4T Mizoiaexxy 1?.?.?.T7..-'.V:tr;.vr; 10.000 1 nnYitiT,nt-T-ftiMA h..MVr ijir-Hfcsrwisviwsfloii it lmlMAf anno la. - .Jl..u.um. ftilfiA . I t(i UV. v W - - fi . ...... ,, t n 1 CT .'yv Am r.j r nrrnrf .nil IpriorW PMkI TS t&mjgo Assets, fJ,B0flW .. , . 1 prize of 1,000 fTT:Tl TdfZ""' .well' saidJsmoa r, CT P A ST TB i VKTlNil ITftflSlCa T20 8 ADDLES khdBIDtf9analot j . . ..d ltnoi H Jgg 8,0M i8.......,;........'w. PutoaaJaPginjvBartftaWO YtH which will be Sold to the highest, biddetf ffiU.t r w . -H f rlze ofeMr CASH, i ,'-.-.o,:TVjr LEU. Sheriff. x tnzer?5?? . . - Bft, I Bm 1 MWISB I M I r--- I J X n'f i'1"DUi mo TietetTDnlY oi A. 1 aan3TAia aaaa hl?l nokvu in riJMAraintxd even ft' BIi i - rf"r'l jftni& 9CJ CI KJt:rtr,! feb2S-tf TO Corn .: - tsess;;ijs ..i.., bva-i '-i'lY f7;rl .cfl:n -i - r I ;iprifeof- HOGSHEADS. - , OitiO1 BARBJS-NlsW1'OBXJP "CUBA AND tAOO Muscovado Molasses and Syrup. vteTWVptlWs.by . .. V W n . VE T T I FCrMTTSSSS Jfo til rsllirsacrfali Cape Fear and For sale at i farrAU 2tt wilLARp BRO .ylpoiecaries and c Clwpif CTf ffl t rrra. . canary seed, hemp fifty.tor11artford to f Idf&&Jg't&PSk OfQegter, C0mIH 'Cfiree hours and 45 I V ?f ftnrSeTirwhite, red andyel- , . J v www v AvftWMft ft W . -w in two lwrrtACi3 irirtrtenr-TB r VJ3Tr, - 811 1 J hours anaWniiVomwrf. to Boston. diatadRlrt-4hri oillTcia .IL . GEHJr tANNKET,: nd 29 minutes fomtie&Yor1Botnn..L nrni distance 210 miler.mml ? H.rM?io ainWiia9oJf '(A-riH-. 'i.'vr.: Jliil .I'AIJ'U' -.r a - ' Captain Travers, , of . Itbchester. ; IT. Jas made a' wager oi $25" that hot w)U, at Kane eeJ T iuiraa Grass Seetrt Sage, Peppe wn u. l ij'.iiilfifltfn t ,W to perform thij'teat fdar'Umes. " " luinM '.7v?5;hoi.,. , -., .;.-decMU f : : and onere-thihaTjayT fdrSrVains up to that timteJ2J5af5giIrH to make room .or attractions. - Ui r - iAoo avo-ra jio aT. Note. No connection whatever i with any other store on this street; ..'r'JlfthutaiM'l-5 ' XT odf SSSmfi vl oib a --;;ftlQ - . j , j,:,n.in m i x riiicBss Bu. Dctween J rani ana, nALor.. Drize .iiiMJAiwwaoJi'i ?iJJ iI: ' f52?2!ftr Tjrvva fctr fiw JVorlr ,V,v Jan. 1st. 1 Sriza of l'.ooo I szUli fttti?-nlo io -v-tt- r-r.-.-r ---.-. I iVf.r I ...IftfcHuh ' . . . ' I .1(1 LCD . I. - - ' - . j Ti. ir J X AS oTn"a1ivl prize 011,132 .h t4T -rfhrftrTPffflM Cai I OCtUtf JrJWJ )Jii WJ--' -JfS:ftX AJAJJftjJBiAW M JAUA. . irroriw.i V TT7riTTa'aoTO itiJ LI barrels JCiJLUsasfca UAWUJJlilAOJ.IAi V U W. . , 1 raoSIesofJ W sAt.XP..7I.T'.$rf$sA KT ? S illpriaes ofO SfiJL a..A..Vft.A.T.r...'TJ3,TO f - 36 Approximation prizes..... -vr lz,cw " r r r- -. .... Acca runt. Tt- 1 ATI 111'-ft S . 1 J.iU'jJUili' feZiaiAil ; ranW Iou Jna alA S nowroPBlagregntetlrbattteWtTMaifl: fel Jy P Uzl V'Lj ; if -nr ton andrpoint casweu, wajinr w u-ja t .9J:J7 Urd W wj.icr ' f 'F'a'THDwa' ajj La cooJJL JasaiadoadlovbodiiiAjn Jnrxa ci is aoils-t w 11 ;i ifi If V 1 1 i . : 1 1 tii-iii II fed? fel 440 prizes, amounting to...... ..j.... A 280,40 ".v"J? . --rr-r---r--- a r Knncf TJT0?ARJtT T ieigt ahargea verynKJBraiieaU o v lai iiKa4TrfaaT4 41rrelght or passage, apply to Carn I jier y Letter. U5:-:al T BALES, assossx!? ixtnai$ - -.t:''' ? 'Vr;S-?A'Aaitaqr WEET. VALE NCI, M i -i j - r I sk m mm mm m . . .. .. a tt a w ij- 1 , t - 4 - . 11 r ft 1 a tiii aaa sai n : - . - t ' 11 ii 1 TobaeoyiiaUl-fiilia'cn ' K.trJ4 ! Clcd iCTX3 al3;s ;UdUloa9!t J2 ..- , BOXS tACRS: Highest prices pod; Jar uiflK, us fod .1 I ,.Vi'ji- liait sitf ivo ,-i.l .'f- BBLS BtTCKW 25 rr "Uife i S; SHELL ALMONDS, HmA3TroE3TJTTE 9, suMirtt Tn-rr JL ' n,xi. i-oia adi lo no TT?rMat!lai a. m t . . t , , frjtn ar2&iiesirJRaI jost ci?eiieaTow everytiiing elae for Chtistoaa. lJrtiv9iAiTtf V - " ' : ltRVn-R BROS.' decStitf - 7N0rtb 5?fr X5J '.VW "i '1 1 North Front St. -..'; ;. V.OCtlSf vlftaa .LW'Be t'0,,; ' Vi1t: 'T,i. i bp1 ft i m mm mm m. w- T" i, tm sm f t 1 r- 1111 'Sc.. r " ftO-l ftfVfV . , j;.r In Clft fl trOO.i . 1 l' V and very choice, Uao and to arrfra,, '! .f t inr. Vik . Jf vUm ' 1 . ... jjot aaia CT'!' ? ;. - t ;.- . . -.s: ,-, nr'-. marlS-tf Oft-jlW -A..-'

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