3v kls -wt tT V..J- - - -. Tv t k f t 7 f --urn 'V. : - . tvnitain - 1 firt W BRRNABD, litor asm. Prwp'F. orrics, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. -hmonths, to advance S 00 H, t .Hi iSni jcIilijVV I ft ,'1 M?iV J ; 7 '-rtV. & tJ. OUtnary noUces wl J t i rt --w-? wen raid far la aTxnc j ; t .-wi aiu.Jrs.tS9 - . rrr-f 7 r 1 ; : . 1 -T fif ths City at rimuarCMrr per week. . WJ.J? wtuwuiHnb ' '" v '". ". ftTkV laaaaaaaWTTTI , IJHTTWal POM . Kf T (oS .S?mr"pFp5IXBIE. I , NEW , ADyERTISEilBatTS. HISOiailA-NEOU& - fortherntlir?a4ki TO "Ati ma" o? P.M.;- " r.The li WtiJ the audience by 4 if- 7 1 K ' -' " ' ' ' ' - r. .ir-ri. . s--l ii'CI HiT f7, f?1i: . - - rS(iuw,wwu-rwA.M.iaiir. ?je. r .r a wfll be commenced la cimest. V ' , 4-J. '.:xn: -. v .ma p1 c ci ar i h ..I .una vTcmuKi : - v - i week, Mondays and rrtdays. niiti AiiiTi at rrioi. Jersey hare purchased t property; ia -aod i tMonday.T' ,y- 1 v-l wixetxofloh vf fi.ja v.j ' ."A'liyvr aiict fatal 'dfseaBebre- i,! lAlifcTlltf..-,. , Dftllv. exoept sniKiHy.' -' ce; (moeopefrom 7 A. MJtft-0a JKr, TtJl!LH icaBatad a grand Jollification i A undy KwwjwA.a.. . fK-rr-n tv. t..t u :7CT-4V. . aa Am. O OAliAV 1. la 1 irtoaVinm ilov lv w w i tuvaaiuxi jav; me i erpsicuorean uiud wm meet ai m J. C, ABBOTT. . n 7 vpirwrti : -i NEW ADTKKTllKnKMm Jan 11-1 1 Mortgagees. jrapus on... . vi ;. v . . -C. BEKaTicxu-tAjSsoiATiow.tatement of Drawings. " , . :- j. C. Muhm- Meettoff of the WBrninton Terpslclftrean Club;'": j.'fv ; . . . : ; . "; .: . - - ' D. Ahdkrson, AKenV Florence Machines Make Four Stitches,' Ac .; 'jr.JMi' tSJ.'- IIknrt BuRXHncxB.-Betall Dealers in To bacco, At, ';";.;";';WT!;:- -'v' C. D. Mtxbs A CJo. Teas "in Variety, 8n- Kar, Ac hows and cattle Sf Robeson connfv -''''T5T-VmTUB Hr THK'POWKB' conferred: Ms" rf,"ie K upon Ibe nnderalned, tor Tlrtne of ss A bir TonrnamMifc wjw hld in: exeeaiea foy.j cns; u urady, na ADig . Aournararaj was neia in dateJTEe u day tr MavUss we wUlel Ujia erton on uut :rridaT ; Knights and day, (Wednesday) atu o'clock, at 'Kxchanffe abondtoce: were m attendant fflffiSiSWT?w Bine Springs; Kobeson motility, on the 12th J "7Nj"Nf Vi J T n Woa'' XnA Tir hall of the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine yvT" - a rmT t tix dred apdajiaeiT-onetabacca fact ones, and - me tsoara or Aiaermen mei ai me ijiiy amount, in the aggregate to 191 L.GQO1. S native mis - Afieoial I ' ' '. " ' spectorsof Election. .inni, Wi mnit JH ithw lihii . iA ' -wT.'JWf . Wi." ntire Committee reqnc claims sgalnst the"Con theSTAAoacetoy. enoneh. stock haa-been subscribed aloas: . T IT D TT TT T T713 W rt Wa iearathat jrreatmpMtlonsarebelne the'Ianpke BiYerJpaaRt "a A rA1J1f Ui made at Kalelsh, :by the Masonic fraternity. zatiQiurf a Navigation .fJenpaaj, who will for the celebratioa-bi the Cinlal Annirer- 800n PIacJin Pera15 a linJ gf.111 M i tir ftrad LewtiWW thai4th t.t. steamera. .between Weldon. and Iiai's Per- I r.,. . H 1 t:'1ii...K':r'iJ j.CVJ t'Jli -B.Ppl ,1th. m.rtl offer, Gfol.. 88T Rbinsbchokb 8 Uve Book 8tore. S Mirket uan yesieraay morninsr ior.ine purpose 01 re- f.-jap. SimmdDB' OE trect-unromos, new jcnjrravinssr, rnow- wi.uk m. rcporw . . .uio ak of HalitfwbV po.TBaift-aiia,::Miafi. Betoil Dealer in MAKX GOOD BABOAIKS AT. - - nUfta f Sue " INDIA Jl CHIEF,' V. J. No. 6 r.larket Street. -Ai ..!: fni'0 iTJU. ; i j jacii-tr aova to hU customer, some splendid Becf-tte best The V-mili ot m, Clvin Privett. 8iV 01 loesezuion asuppiy 01 wn.cu n- win tp nttM) ; - N-ia rlv-r .Hon" .a jmil and a DkRossst uo. uoiier, vneese, jaro ana on nana daring tne wees, can and fee it. zi h.1f . rfpstrovea bvfira. fih' Canned Tomatoes. Q tno-rrow mornlnir at Exchanee Corner, the nicht of the 6th inst. : The fire isanp- Dally DlstllatlM tbe r t-t- Mt.rlAl. Ac at Attfitlon : . XUaaavalll1l! ftUVTarnaatkM ,IMaltlleri.. OiaTf.. , , y nu. jis.wi.wum hvoiwa ,fm. H J l;ir:) i ANuitheirntinre. addppnrtenancCs, to , Tfoin i .This "tri- ' C Wl$l FraadttleSIS Bes;iSiraSIBl. ' . I th- .Mw'.it... vmlHAhln nrnnertv Sam Ktih.1 wa' i fhA irrMUr'' mi4: f No. M8, Drawn at OOlOek, P. 1M Jan. Mk MTlrf Edward Joyner, a memoer or me. pouce ..m. - . Ii wk;oaAa i'aflWnwm: n, S2, 9, i7, 61, 78, 48, 8, 19, 1. 47, 41, tt . force, was arrested yesterdayonthe charge of ; t. . ... , son. We BODOoae it will for tha balance Witnasa my band, at tirumlnfctoa, taia ay fraudulent registration. BJS.eass will come M T tbe tefri, uenD caseB.'irointhe differ.' ,:...v HW HBOR, t-.4i.. kri. 'M;Mu.! .i t men oi ui cut Jor.iaiae.rezMirauon were . v . . r Il j i. 10 o'clock:-; .VA-;;V. vVVvttV;. WWanttnWKthto hap.. ii9bed some ime sine.- ' , ; By reference to an a TertlaenieBt In- this Is y t v - ; ' rrM spectaDie cmzen ,ot JWgecomoe counij. ' - - - i iv it- woa tart aiirwti i iv nisi . nruiM on, rnp Teas ! Teas ! sue of the 8tas it will be seen that thenews-1 OuSrmar 1TTJB HATE AT YY CHA8. P. MYKBS CO.'S 7 Itortn front street. r,aMr office. wessea.:matertaland coed Will of fWa-bsd glretaitbe colered people of Wll "T"J.'':lTrJ? r-r i . ..... . i mn riMfiiv rwaipn inn nnnu ueea. HDeeca i u yjr uu nuv a v .v.nrn.i tii t.A f a.oHMiisiBnoatMcrMHOiDOiiesiinp raoraauera. r : -, --. -r- . vimu uuuau this morning, st U o'clockaVExchsi lon, ..I 9 mm SVAAm Avh iKit4 x w ma a . a f .m.. ..Ia. 1 - r w recBiHS hmvw suw wvr wB Wir dollars. I . I iJtzuluati:? -x.-. . CFAbT TK AS, at tbe. REDUCED PRICES. ner. The sale is.ma4e.to foreclosa.ft and J. W. 8chenek, rJr. - Messrs.' Jsmes & -l'on- " IACl wf toe roceasioa tereral il;w: k,m -nnWic mAPtin at n . . I,, . . . i kuvu ; ucuafiur , uaucr ctrcamsuacci ' waica i An Assaals ;j A, :i -:. ''? Last night, about 7K o'clock, a difficulty oc currtd at the corner of Front and Dock streets between two colored men James Btrad wick and 'Arcbl . a. & a r l wun rezret inai, we nearu. Tesieraar. irom ai nnnnt cimi oy e name I'stflctiy. reliable sou(ctf, .that a large number of sentiments no wen. a ner I them stopped in front of the residence of I jTbo" BVGABS of every grade are higher, but we are Belling at the old prices. . . r. JJ A.MS, . 8H0ULDIES, BACON STRIPS Beef Tongues,- 1 ' , .or Pickled Pork and Dry Salt Baooo. are lower and we are selling at the lowest CD. MTBR3 CCS, - , 7 Korth Front street. janll-tf in f.vn r f Via T .oar iq Inra alltner Hnn. ur...y .crapila looepan irom xne pain -onlion Mmend the oreaent Constitution, i, T .a a s iai wa. - I " . I " " " M nwu ciuKUf.: tk'wM inercivre i Thov reenmrnended erenr townshin in the mettmgs ana txpress their urn the matter. dr!T 1 , mMoa TTXiMinfi Goldaboro Mesenoer 6ll 4V1VMVW v ABh -niij T iW TSIA-.JS jruutt nixuua wnw;w wmcu vT .1 it I .1 1 JX&. are madeny noetner Maenme. nveBEirc xrACxmsT have a reyer-4 the HoQso of face. He jrtdccdje&npj from his buuBW,-sndigngeaff-yensbjsntt- election frauds in the contested matter of sibreed wTiih wt&hr acbteeHiabi 6tartwl in pursuit of. hls-.sntagenist, but the ingeplthets, ttreftiiranaftefrlUy fright- Person vsi Copeland from this county,'are WOBLD has, thereby -nibling1 the operator iLl.i'VLjr A,f! ij.'A . wL'j. VI. I . . . ' ' . 1-- . . j.- J 1 a- . .lit, ilakl. tn oaw itMrwv anil AlBtnri ftfT IVkM Arwla Twit. quicker, than aeamstreas oaai All i for partis arlsWng to buy Maehiaea ua to show them. They xeoosamend themselves. - The STAa-AdvertMn Agency ; will. coS-pirAt. fe1 Wi.'-.tS.i. nin'ihi-.tim 'nA w. dav. the 20th, ef . December. Bishorj BimD- tract for adtar taaa, news, aper pub-, wltb aer cWn, weast n, oCOhio, BresidinR. The Conference Ushcd in tha United Jgtites, at pnblisher'r ; ; ; n; f; .i fftp Jln Mfi)(tw consisted about fifteen white -and fire wellthatoferasb,nd1ieslifeatoI colored ministers. The organization was beauackedonhis-jhilmgtiurawhile,' UeStl0nll?t,n ouk cash rates. i Office Balesrooma, No. Si Market St. , - D. ANDERSOIC, General Agent foi K. Ct, ' janli.tr ' ' Wilmington, tr ' r ft .v-y t - Hint f oar Plleeaaii, Judge of Atlanta, practice following his Inaugural a&dress on Jhe dAOea otihe i licit - myj Adiix). iiYx&j "It man m imd tn nn thai troA I OUtrAffK. It IS tb fifSt tlfBe Wfi flftVS nAd to I a mi .rik. nl... ;m ..-www " , " t I , " . , , i ny LI1H I J re. a 11 o ClUiCUS wi iiiauo iiu npticei; jLLammono,ne pewiy.iecvaa-jiayoriJ wv., mUUO i , -aj- . . - . - -j; J - ..t.IaallahaMnaaA,aA aaaa . afe a- . " T W - .at,.. I A AT V I n mWm 7 'MV MM. BL1 Batl A W OU i TS al BB : I . am Ma VaTt B " a --f 'Mm " ' extract W taken from . P-aejni -JWc c : , t '-imrTOBjL' AaW; tsti-f isss.a vr juEr xtt uaxjL, toub attbx. POUT AHATIOS OP i.I a"l J -f- A A T 1 .. . . kittv mifDAirvvm. m a tw a . f - . . r . ftrcnr, ft . . A- '..Jjl.it! 51 lit jtTBriPxn OTBlliaBaC .-Tit :,.,-; .'Ar.iri.ll lOVi Z vlii-? Mona or PaxrAJtATioir. Buehu. In vacuo. Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form aline Bin. uBtmna m raeTen ay4US9aawjBaeni witn Bpirita obtained. Ccom Junloer. Berriea KYery little sucar i ns edited "rf smaxrnrOT)OTtion of spiriU M mora paJataWe than, '. anyl now. In Buehu, aa prepared by Druggists, Is bf a dark color. It ia a plant that emits its fra fiX-noe; the action of atlamed- stroys this (its active nrlncinlei. leavinsr a dark and srlatin. oua decoction. Mine is the color of inaredl. ents. The Buchu in my. preparation predosui. WtlAI Exe aV 111 AUUbOUAIA.W IL irwlU aell at Tmtwxrimti tor order oft he Executor, Six Larre Turpentine Distitleiies, onelarratc-2i2 i -rl7vc-.clarre Boiler for runnui pura-s na. rteT2!- ?, ran. rels, together with btuaUA I.pr-rAa an necessary tools for running the tame r'l-ra complete oraer, pnv up in most niwa-uAi naaMrdradykWcofBmcTaoeerr'lat one fori emt bui a r-f and read pi t ooromeisoe- err- J at .oe, to&ethfet' wlin Sheds and"t areLoui9s. for thewterageof Llhe:inairufaejmiar empty casks, Ac, Ac. . she aoove mtttMartw: lav toaae&37v laCCi rillyaw,wharf, next north of, the W-O. .A B. tflM a-imia4aat4iyoikL4r HiA Along with the property, wilt baaoles" of wharf for three-yeara from wet; t; 14 to after which. time satisfactory arraratt can be made with owner for'iurU-r le-ae. The above manufactory erf! distil jt"t).bbls. Yellow Pip Turpentine orSSibbls Virgin Tut nentlne dally, and is oonstruetedLso aatst I labor, and can be run at the very lowest pos aibleeosti,;?iiv-.'ur;-ri t--ntj:i3l-iaa auJ Sale positive and terms &9y. , , c Jan4ts;j';!"J-- '" i.T t;7A' fJwj:it nat s the smallest quantityof the other In. tto Tine ure, gredients are added. u jrevent fermentation f 1, to pre pon inspection, it will be found not -to be a ine ure, as made in PharmaconoBa, nor is it a Syrup and therefore can- be- need In eases where fever or inflammation-exist. In this, yon have the knowledge, of . the ingrediena and the mode of preparation. Hoping that yOu will favor it ' with a trial, and that upon inspection it .wlUt meet with your approbation With a feeling of confidence," c t - I am, very retectfally, - . H. T. HXLMBOLD, - Chemist A DrngKist, of Ht Years Kxperienee.' 1 fFrei - the largest Ch MMHtetwrf.Afc aAdvertifiemejils ioeeeuvell lnrtedynpeiithlsASaraTtalftgtr mMytad vertisiug rates.: Qne, .Jaserlioiv OS) eats)t six insertions li taL' No ad vertisements ta. ken at these pric unlertpafbrln adr TTJTANTED. Advertisers for this ooluran. YV; If yoa wanAsiarDtt7ieye.wauta clerk or book-keeper: if yon. want a 000k 1 it you want a housVt ifiyeh tweVakr kind of employment; if you want any thin g--a4 vertlae hi this column, at half Onr regaaraia, anf your wants will basnroUadyj .e i j v. LOOT AH DJ FODWD. ivr Advertisements not exceeding five lines inerted!tiriderthlsEeaaVhaifouViakr axlvertiBrag iatos OheJiseTUcn,TCi . six Insertions. fT. 0aAxenlsse3sta.ts ken at these rates unless paid fur in advance. - L; .;. ;: .." .i n 'i -. ' '. -fr eT Aia raiiHau yen have kwt' 1 J or fotmO anything, and wish the public to new It, Jdveraae.it under th'ahead. Only half rates charged for advarUseaests not ex oeedijgrflve lines.- rfr.j .TTjiJ V" FOB OAi: EllUtm. 1st 1st the Werld.l "lam aoauainted with Mr.ILT. he ooenpied the Drag Store opposite my rest, denoe, and was sneoessful to conducting. the business where others had not been equally , so before htm-T I have been favorably im pressed with his character and enterprise.'.' WILLIAM WKtGHTMAir, Firm of Powers A Waigbtmao. Manufacturing Uhemist s, Ninth and Brown streeta, fhiladelphia. ' .-! " llFXCTnOlAP ; FI.TJII 7 i VfT't X2X Ternai- meet at No. 1, - .! J 4. 1 fPlMam a anaM .esa si vinrl nrfo i.wafiwi.AiA.v., .. awiiieuwM, ,uB,i,..: nu.vu .K.,v,u aUM. . x, n Thnmnann Trim Inst hfftVl V jan 11-lt J. C JsTUXDS, Secretary. inatead of arresUajr Alto and degrading' him by record such disgracefaPtVndoct3 on the part mediatelv snbscribed a nurse of 275 and his resideace or hotel, and in all sach cases act. people-rfoT a lont time, at leasjnd we hope . -y 'v -"-v , - hi rood faith the Dart of a brother, and AO eon; Hi wftlVi."W loaf ' it th are witni tA it Beecher originated the anerv : "how is , 'jgr w fmmrym vwa sraj v 1 cs duct yourself toward those who fall intojour K . .sitii hands, eitheafromiJrTriiar, that citieps by bad -meB: ad sterfc wlUefU4t tlhlgkesUpio: must confllder that on titotlAw W ta,nMannM A? nAltnaiiiAti -v"" assk bu aV ui ieaiiiwy va uviiuvuicui t a tro jc-ugine uompany, neia on Monaay even their own. party, they that for high?" their ihnnlders wilt fall - I ..a. ai...w. ...a av On AlV AWSUO Vw tllV MMSva HSMW v - r f L. Com ! Com ! Corii ! 8 V A A BUSILELL3PEIMK WHITKCOBK. O.UUU In Btore and landing. ' I ; . For sale in Joiatq sui hy r ; b b 3 J ' r ; " . : J MITCHlLL'A HUG&IX8, M JanlOtt ' . Na.aiidI8orthWateT8t.: I -I . .l-a.A.t ft ' . 1. I - f f -- sore to shirk; xJ4?.!tiH rf9x ;) i.ns Ing a cough or M sliqht 00 ld'' In its first stage ; that which in the beeinnlns would yield, to a mild remedy, it neglected often attacks the lunes.' Brown's Bronchial Troches" srive EeadThioj 'Zl Jf! ROM j tor Cu AL must be accompaniea -171 JC ROM AND AFTEBv THIS DJLTEL OKUK&A tea witn u ASiii A .ab ts 'm VklatawLj. t rv ! 'Aca, ;Wi. Mrrat.4A.rhA elW.mwii Itrt annnmiea I ,1 .lnn.t 1 mart tot rait of. 'Tbe I We are OOmneUed tO redttlTV; tht to SaYB wv th rJTt.irw 2t'u'4 J -.-.".- ' f . ... I iwU Airi tiiftir afflAAev hv a teat 1 hire of clarktarender anaolleet hills. n.n . f - we aeatn, irom pneumoefr. 1. M. uar- of m 7ny year; and baveceived t citimonials : Prpwtff delivered; Priee pebalf CDIQinfir Vesr i I -1. 11.. .n 1 1.. il. tk . I mZ I . 1 1. .v-. ... I inn AA ftO- rtMlirmwl IH twn nnartaiAf a a, .tia wen Jkfiuwuj rrytrikfrj ,vi . l.u x ruu l i nuiauiioDiineu who nave uocu uwu- I tjl la v7 llV)rAjt a) ,TTd ji Street News PepofewAiawecarred st hU res. ' - ' A':a;-.; janiVnaclw ; WORTH, A, WORTH.' eniuing year : Foreman WalteFFttftoSgT (re-election,) iJirat Asslsdrsnjai-rtt? jeBen (re. Wence inthi8 cttyteTdayv stSW oclock.P. election.) ' . JJL J xr tn ti,. kh-a .ikaxi vl.arr-rrt... . ... V . . f r. f , I t u i win w w aw vgw' us aw a uiau vi cora, as w aeixverea. Certifleate et. avsa. EnaiatenS Caesalas. I have made a careful chemical analysis of enallti . 1-- -a election.) i-..i-t tiw -.-r-? . if. c.,ud. v.oen.' which has known him so long. ice rresiaeat- .Jiaarve-r.aitT His funeral will take place this afternoon, at iworaing secreury U. Ebrbeclc y; 2i' o'clock. Corresponding Secretary C. iohagen. . f-ty ? Treasurer G. H. Wt atoiag&ra4iested.) Onr Chip Baaket. XVt Aa A a. a.l A A IkaA. iL hati t kriatXrJ. her edl "ipuj 10 iu Bjuuu vuumiiiivu iu bii is- torfal Seat "Peets and pitepaf id, kf.f b--'i;opV,timM to Ti J o a foil ahaVi ot a alvhan. there 1a a call, for a " 1 nft ni serviee. (Vf -iitJ i '"J' a..; Tci t t 1 j to have a female 1 wv uvwiwa 4., .a via au m.ejcm i um. .a.d.A . . a 1 .i mm n.inll.i ?mmm A looI tn v wtttm very amiable euaiiuea and his venerable S.iT? i""'.': I UUUBO VI iilaw Vllil Ula AAVlMsSSsT'Ve VU SHU4lvu 1 Mvace asvaaw w mshvsw w avai sav m w v aa vi form will be missed at the -Discs of business 1 or obiectionable character has been .found in I beautiful assortment g ChrosndSH' If ew En Its eomnoeilion. ajkzsu. roau, an.- u s.-1 vxavmipi, xAuwKnpi, grainy reuuqcv JLnalytUol ChewUH, 49 Broadway. N. Y. 'prioea The seeneafrem California are anst . . laia Dn JasaeaB. Chilton A Co. I nassed by any thin r yet- esneelailyi the seenJo .., , . , 1 1 i.'View of Yceemite .Valley.'' , Our class, of. 1 ' . l- m99-' 1 ' ''r.'. ' 1 classic writers of Amtland, France, Germany, 81.000 Reward is offered by the proprietor f aad the United States are alwava at hanTior of Dr.Pierce'a Alt Ixt. or CoKten Medical theirJoveTS.c Pencils, reaa. Paoer. lafc- Mn iTisoovery ior a meaicine uia wiii rami rein cilaKev'Note Hooks, Pocket-Books, AoeoaUS -(U 5 f.'J riUi : .' -i-v- , TRACT;irJCini - ,7;- :" ;;"? . t.; : i'- .rn-. v h Mr. ba liiif IS THX CBE AT SPECIFIC F0"B tTNTt EBSAt , LASSITUDE, PBOSTBAJION, Ac; The eranjttitrBttnn. mire nfrbGtjJt vttin ttriarania Weaknesa, requires the aid of Madiclae' to-f strengthen and invigorate the tvvtenv which. HELMBOLD'S KXTBACTBUCI1U invariably does. If no treatment is' submitted' to; Coxv: sumption or laBanity-ensuas , .nu ,t ,ii t t , AdverUsements nbt e 1 nsiuttii j aviae inserted under thla heaa . at half cracalart mdvertlaing rates. einMrnfA Ceats, six tnaeTtaona, i 7ti.-Nt advenisasseats ta k;ea aAtheea ntestmleaa i?sU4fja4vSia1 dttftALBIf you wiahtoswUahituara : nuaiCingioaTAjarm, avaorea,a!c??w trw or a locomotive, advertise it under this head, and if there is a purchaser lnT?ttr mington you will soon fla him. Only, hall rat ecnaednajdvertlHsassaisiaOt saeead bg.,AYBin', ffipR '.rrrroH .vein 17IOB. avAiJB .ari-nKnAat htrvnwi? Jj valuable plantation on Middle Sound; S mites from the eiiy a-nowh w thwXSota xrrcs, t will be rented or sold on resetxshle texma. For paatieulaiav apply to n v.y;-u . jTT wvr. TTIOIt JC on Wooster, between Fourth' wd virfth streets, t-1 itl.rr. t i SAMTJEXf lTi'CA.C. ian b-ii Eonoflciai aP -tt?? I I f,d Jgatre.lv?. -os woa .driorl tuit , r , f jsw t tojremalea. is uttrual- K .ni as m cxaoroaisv r or srrrearoa'of: Sersedor'8clJxrua A,a - - - - - . 1' dent to the sex, or the decline er change of lIN W I L JIT N life.. : m pnuiolaw iiiaif .cooi t njiCT9t lio esaaiiiiva AAcicuioia's In atrections led by any our ox Betenuonr. State ef the Uterus. , ead or jueien uooi .ixmra Customary Eracuatio - H, 'Jt.2 KiihViTT yi'fiaiii chn and IxaproTea , . extertalAU'from tie-sytia l radloaUy extertala' frout tAe-sytia asea ariiing from t abits of dlsslpatiaa,as. e expanse, QtteerhoctJange in die w no .Will diseases little laeonvenlanee or exnoswre 1 eemrkteterv cedlna? those mmleaaant and danArerOuA rame iwsCorraand.MsTOttry, m g&A Tja neteaOwXl seref these oTgamA, wnetharexjai- n male or female, from waatever cause I brixinaung, aad no matte of how long stand- tag. it la pleasant in taate ana oaor, . lmme- aiate in acuon, ana more sirenxincning tnan anyof the preparations otBajkjoxlronj. flt :,-r deparn of aB.pjwf town is lale'chler? aOA3" cures, an'd'hu Alleced Kieetreai A colored map by the name of 1DancanPcr ker was .arrested yestcrdaj: era an afldavit worn out by ConsUble Jos. C Hill, colored. n ruin nan si nasi In Indiana, fashionable .sleighs ) have t of tha agai stoves in mem. tt the jrreat8T "medical, discovery . Hold by druggists. rTu Th sat ' Calico dress festivsls and social hops are the latest meansf raising fundi for churches a a 'Ir ff rt f , i. f ' r n tbe atreoirtbVf AsUtement made bv-Wnj. ifn Mft,ne- H- nowe'iAvtarMlkat ai VdtIcAne P The roost beautiful r chflrclP So America I wertlon on Monday, -viz: in the Second WardJ was bnilt by a widowj(Mrs. Colt, of Hartford.) nd in the FifthiWardiJ: I in memory of her husband. Mb - : The case waacarrUd before Justice W. H. 1 i-Wnnun tvWanhf. k... rrick, coloredt and excited much interest, proved"a greai success. They send the eleo "Hwuny among, the colored; people, f!hQrIc spark right through afeilow. ' ucaruo .uttw. r- i.Noo.exDloslTe oil" cansed the hnrial of the cure of ail diseases for which it is recom- 1 Books I everything, in line, that the counting. mended.,. For Bronchitis, severe Cooghsrajad. 4 room, the oar ."the nalplt; the doctors offlce, Aka. a.Vaai A mam A Oa. a. A aa h il JuA 14 V . ak a. aiS AM I . . jutj cany mjimuuiouwi, ibuaoMawi. i u . store-jceeper, .or tne scnooA mscbw.ot ished themeutcai faculty bv its wonderful j business man wants, is ever ready to be sup. inaredS Of tbe. best pbysiclans I -nUed. cut tnia Out and keen It lor future Use. I And be sure not to forget the Live Bock Store tne great artistic, uterajry, muaieaA seientlne.emporrumof Vilmingtm. i r . lanXhtf.i HaUNdBKBOXB'S.' ITAintre. In this city, on the 10th inst, Mr. . i yiMionri T a xrirr.rro'4 Vl" I TJieansvs.il. Aacris,siV t V: r:tf-tMJ . The friends and aotiuaintances of the family I . . , . j .. . ji ,'. - -. :: are invited to attend the funeral, this. alter. TTtlTnlvi gtQ TOtV ClaXOlilia noon ai a o cioca, irom au rewaemi corner of Seventh and Hanover Sts, thence toj Oakdale Cemetery.' 1 ; f- cate eonattmonjura .Uw remedy at .A- i - 9. CE CO. tJii-'-i j-l v fiigsi M-yy "tcs ir-i5 CTOBY CHEESE, ' SSWSA MS sta ,f i ' ftioo, .The avideace. so, far aa.wej.eoaid a WwdtK 11 illltTOn"UAieC2p lett!lbcliar Iffr"1 NW T0 DNe w'l-? Jviraiwwa chargstbsthsactually roted In any but the r W-mL.Par! fo.r.her wed. rth Ward, where he resided,- and it seemed , t rr-TOrf I rrTOLi J x Tom ! iflf- JkCai-whlt fbfcMmnl com therh ' T " . " . ",luJ,l.,)t.,.,.wv.;i4uvxsaiH O I ow landing ana rorsaiebY . W AA irnranafl nn mnI as a moana I UlCalva aaiav uumiuwi- w jv avuvws! i I f - ' revenge upon Psrker because he voted the Jack Conservative ticket cVmp A'ter a lengthy InvestigatioTa' he Wsa finally i jeqnlred to give secfarity: lb the sum of 1500 the ma 0t tall1 tiOnMrmntM f trisa naTf Ik. QM T --wwww ww ,uv uvsvsy WVitu VI IUO f Qt OUBSQBlBEBA TO THE CAPITAL STOCK of this Company, who have not paid the Cash Directora, are notified! thataald: peymenta must be made en or before the Annual Meev ing, (Jajiiiaryl) or their sl will be sub. ; i 1,,. U. v -i -.a.-".. -' -t ;- .-vl wo was anowea to aepart. I let those n.,". ti - VTIASBSCANJiED TOMATOES, ' sfl f ?H:T V4 cv f4r Asi- Wil, u j wettjr said iha ?4ady, "I wl who choose dp better." Jan 11-tf ItoBlfiXT CO. lan 8-tf WILLIAMS A MTJBCHISON. t .The reader must be awarw ttst. however alight may be the attaeorte above diseases. is eertain to affeosrtbe botrtrv bealUr aad at All the above diseases 1yevra jr-.-r rf n UaUXeUO. la.aUVlUlaU'9 JfcjaXlaACX JaUWaiU ' Sold by IwnswaaryV T5Sx oc4ie,orj0ottle for ts.x DeUvrrt to aay aareas. Acscrioe symntoma m all eon lOia'-vc-Ucr; no i? a-.S' ii si a i 1 9iiJ Sni) ?dx ..ify if! .,-1 ii cxt'f -5-!l "ifti r!if!?ol : .or.", "i".' ClkBmJUWajrah4use, ; '(. : d ? i .ssaBJlOADWATt' Ha7orlt.'' ? - .;;-A..r-.-,;v. v. ,. - c jane KbSAFly Wed - is sam oi ttaw ifinia Jio $tiHj''eoT fa-swjlisi iD( , To ilqtnnh) eno ilJiw JfioJaoa irrso fi n? tns 4?Hr!a sTic.fcaiiqi 31 .IfovTS etJ oioa tf f ctf&:q u Haifa 477 rtcH OfU 4 CT r.oiJr- -if ItolixwryaU Qrand Drawtug of tbe -laorth TCarelinA Bene. . Crtal Afsoeiationi d SbermwareaOfc pxiiesMa s ' thewe. of pater serrt aaa little roi ferer'aesa in a who&A cjL.?iMttwwJ tj-e Aickets Wereiasuameriv'hlorprilts tithe. artur. Beeen.t't.ro'Wa a tAUarat' which sat the J u' atTd ffr. Joht l-iva, . er. auewhA were iaju4 with 01 glarv sides, .so, that mwrtri wit ti i cpsua be seen ana: were securaiy locked.- until r5tfiIw.Ja ?an- lTow Vrwcone.by xlXnw;'i .TYltt,.by who were., securely. bl'-sdV elded, one jaxawln? a uutsUj frees bi-sof ibe Al twheels and; he other the prir to corir""-javl ,1 withvi. Thare.tuaa JbfcaJaas rthari ttrawing wss dose tn a erf!w fir rati imaf . . nnT3miai-jvtm raibiajabiiii single number distrit rf.tel (Vxrw " i fleaAlAssociation, w ai toat phvee aAthe Theatre yesterday at 4 ktmT -tfrf all absorbing tieme durir -j the day. ' The drswv, " iar took place in rMt" a'rrrnfrifnst raTf"ig? been selected fron tha mrfta to est with - tea wmmiMiuucf ia, keepusr an.sc?cta?-f- IIAUn AW(llAwM ftl.7 tsesa?ae adolscDitr2i':tit-acJ fairly. Quite a respectable crowviT--TiA.t to witness thdraraogTb fwwOwii.x num. 4 beis .drew . the oei s .orew . the principal. pri-i t . Jo.: -, o AVCJtNo; iaarrKo?s.d,'i: l.u!' 532,ri.e00t No. lWurKrV4-fV)tt'i .lio. uJ.'C0O.' Tbe -?rrU-c-e 7Ko. vs aa . a TAI A ' - a W Mrm m aaM . . H.aa rut USSs oumr sxcditTCaSAto?'xWBt.'ir? : l-A3-a t vT rfif BUTiPUfcoRfe to mia4 Te rrET.rrrw.Tv gr .IJ:c4eAward.jvalTlatlo Ixwo Awaroai j iw,..... f.r . Hi Ra an b iO tax..: dlawWrtfi b2A ,eitlfl2S3tOCai, 0TJ fiiI T t?tfrntc ClSat aw- 4 ; irfev-cl rrcjnava- eiUt J-'-t iw For uifcnr.tlon and orders, address. I 4 Wj. IT. aSKtTKV.' Oaeral AArem."' - Principal Oflce Xo. 11 8outhSecondSt.P.O Box 09, Wilmington, N , 0. . . deeelSAFtd . , f ft 1 i ft . 'I Pi IP 3' ' N tk' WW I i-i" f IT

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