Wednesday, January 11. IMl , ;fj Obituary notice,,. tribute. ot respect, -re chanced half advertising. rate when i fnr in advance of publication. In all other Set foil advertista rates wejc!-- tild 5C.i aT ,,.td' for In advance of. publication. Jn all Stner ca.e8 jfn;i45ertiO HCil4) be iiaryed. , r r ' rr rfrjfS . 7 : A ; ? '-'J " : 7 tuh cmCUlATtON OF tillE JIORNLNQ K FAR LAJiOIJt TITAN TIIATX)FATr iTUKR DAIVTN1CPAPJLJ&Si A celebrated ftauraiu of Paris makes a delicious 1 4 isu iithrratft.jJIeri-dte83es them with champagnaanflBpices. Ole cannot fill aU'thordiefiitf, short, the last chjeh teatjat. einar- ket for these Httl bcasti tstttld' front' of the Hotel d.Ville.Tho rati' are shut 'up in a'great cAga, ,vfierth buyer selects. his rat, wnicnia.inen QrjLvea,lpy joeier. into a small cagete,U;iSone.;; , bulldog, is ,tben brought, the cage-!is Ishaken, the. ratrushea put and is seized by the dog, which give it a squeeze, and de posits th 3ead Wt'deHcatelj'at: Cthe'eet of the purchaser.' irv,v DAMA In the British Board of -Trad returns it is .stAtrd-tht ribi -railroads. cT;Great Britain and Irelandpad $ iadauxsgtsrici accidents. 1868, the jum- of $2,103,855, of .vhieh f 1,407;940 twere forj injuries taTjna4l'i94dam. aes to goods.' The 'siwards'for 1869 'and 1870 are, as yel .only -estimated, Bince a number of large, suita are. still but the totals ; pjt JttvyAl9!waii jpiroUabl j execea mas m iwo. .iTri! u :. ?.n : - c' PRUSarAJT ACCOUNTS.-; A telegram tirom -VaiUr" 1 h e J jbead- quarters of trjeGermra armiw t1Jraoce, dismisses the French claim to- a great4ic- tory near Bapaumo ' with the statement that Faidherbe's army has been dispersed. Cool as this is, it must be remembered that the intelligence which 'comes from .Ver sailles is very rarely exaggerated 7of uo truthful. Bourbaki and Chanzy are, re ported hm1 fe3h2teeragJB4ltn( extentqfp th4r pexfornc&a, rpeiter ot i. V. -m. -m I . ' kA'ffSfl Art AitntVlfM mem uv uig jci acuujjjusucw aujiuiuj with the armies 'under their 'command. NOTHING CAN 8 A VE H1M DtTT A The NewYorkf "i7rtW 'dlarcs that Grant's only nope Tor continuance in pow er is to get up something .bold and; start ling.' If he dye not ACOomplish ihis pur.; pose of panderiog'to'-the1 passt6tt'rDf 'the Northern heart. Hip Herald thinks the pop ular mind jfill seek veot in ftpQliticalxey oluiiooj and aiioteirreconstructhin oi-the United States, beginning with the shortest . meinoa 01 Beiinng lue qaupoax feui. ; , CANALS tit: &AILHO ADS. The Kew York Trwaiw remarks that the Kew York , State canals have no proved formidablejrlYAlaJiLtheirtotttca Their trafic has not been increased by the atly WHAT fAZ9f&Qli&lY8. lateirtnarhe will never return to France Tj unieasrexauicd.bwthffi deliberate yole of the peopTe'hoavV four times elected him "pog the thronelhan haa tire IavYers ers to rffoTn .II: :itrl INTERNAL ARY&NUE. . - . The collections ofthp .United, Stales iq- ternal revenue for Decembef -are, $9,510, 174 58, or $2,209,467" tf less thap lor De cembervlBot? 'MJM:fBk' 'mouths they aggregate 33,if9 76,or $1,354, 968 81 les than fpr the corresponding pe riod "of the preceding year. ' A private letter .from Hulhouse, in Alsace, which has found its way to the office ot the Fublid Kecord, gives a; melan choly pictureTpf;Uie.aYage. .and nio,'tbe euffeiing and the anxiety already f caused by the Prttnccennari'wnV. "TrW v'bnien of Alsacet and Irraine, gays i the -Orriter, "tremble a te, tbopght . tiiat .while tjie'r husbands sons and brothers are already gone, when thtir Ilttte sons ar 'grown to manhood, t he v too, must be sacrificed, to a war destined then to .Jpreak; out, more furiously-thari fever.' Jtteten 'tb8'- ririncipal men we meet nre.t soldiers,' driving' away magnificent Men. or 4jcin flanjiappw peasants tofollova their -mwdh' with "their carts laden v with -food and forage." ooon we shall have neither tatoes-nor any other vegetables to eat. Fortunately Basle isat bur aier!an'd"all the .Swiss here are brbttd df theft little country ; so well has We0' cBnduted herself. 1 Mean- i , . - -. . . Weir orf&jtntr ttC$7?Ztt$t?Z M1 no flannel, for example.toJaihad.ia Mjxl bouse. KhT2hlSmiAiAi frtim fcoayrnts; iap4:4paGfeT'tloofi which ia occupied ;io': working --'for'thd prisoners in rrahcd'"aHd Germany.btil needful and useui things arej to .be given, at Christmas' and KqwjXffofe for it seems give a tlvid idea ofwhat.thewarwdoing r-Its influence On d6mestk'lue;;aseli:as tumors reductic-iirxfrBistf,T ff WiCfetf1 the reveHtie nas"fn,yeryJr8hort ol t1i expendjlureTbis is eapaLbjstoTyeyerj? where: alfoVerlbecountW; berlb1'ought in competition with railway transporta- Icity. It is says pat "people are certainly tinnof 5a auia.i "W v eating rats ana cais in ir aris, ana ue-jaa tornlebtm ' hs ractny, rftftajl SC8SC3 no more ngm 10 piace me on i ..... ""V r. -r rTi S S V V 9 I I f add Ioaf-1 Durtc ibe last' tear cr two LYcfiunento and its vicinity has been plsM by a ban6oT;rTfatpbbc'- i Wrl1", ('Hies, wituotif beio able to ' da cHa;.Jp'uni iionhScQfrfcrr:;. j:.Z.zz:j A I - - W sue young rumaos are not driven to crime by destitution, but are the '.--ins of respect able, well-to do pec r 7" 1 Uve probably auuwcu iuem to rc- - reaa sucn books as 'CI l . . . : V," "Paul Clifford" and-filizilco iJcaldini, the Captain of , a Band ot, .Bobbers.! .TwooJ lut-Bo precious Doys, naraeo Ai" tieary and "AlosfTliavja .$$11 con fession tb the tblibwinir effect Ttft band consisted of nihO'TOtrog men7, having signs, passwords, ciphers, , and all other ap- pimucea oeeueu in me caning, in may, 1869, nUif njreHirw jTlToaTciTrinTOc- toberrrlect-td Wd rVJwWngrinly robbedmait'of $I57?aflbiTkIfft4, clergyman's house. .Afterwards they made a raia on me DuiiaiDp occupiea oy toe Sisters ofeitVInFebrxlarf 'they stole eishtecaipaira 'rfx hoots. nwhila Odsteri agafn1 found ttiemia "cermaou4 J stealinff over $800.' 'In' "Julii 'they4 took! again to tBef Incendiary nine 6f btlsioess; doing Aspme 4 little jobs in robbing-and burslary. - Then they assaulted and tried to snoot Assemblyman iKIag; 6t lievada mitted nineteen other crimes and outrages, dyfinitelyVpoteVbyTtfyySatymento liccord, iuftLaULwatbi. twot yetw, r.. 'Ar,VMsiflriTrS z?tyl3W!iilWfiW' Memphis, January 5. The vafdA&l tx&l & sy nopsis fGo ver- nor.Clay ton'iT m'6ssaW toUho Arkahsaa Legislatur.e.. He .congratulates them. on. the prolfTCrbtiS Conditih of the St'aCe ; thb dyinff out of aid lejuatces'atfr lintmosi ties;, recommends a reduction oi taxes, and. as means to that end. the abolition and consolidation of - certain officers, a limitation of taxes including those of dis trict schools aWi, a reduction of thenum ber of. supreme judges from five to three, and the abolition of. the disfranchisement Clause in the constitution,' the last to be submitted to the people." He says the firesens encouragjpg cndition ot aiiairs ully ; warrants the carrying out-of his .pledged made a year h go, andjecrnm(da4 thai eArnTyssefa act as flatS,rse , leaves tqjhe jegjsiaturetoaj wjUether he shall retaitf tlfe eitfuSriirhary appbtnting power now in bis : bauds, t He haa maae every effort to lerret out the parties who destroyed State- arms, on the Mississippi river, ascertained the names of several con cerned, but could. .fjurtv po-jnsswilling to make the necebry7aaiuvi( for a requisi tion on the Governor" of Tennessee. The message wasTejv wUbapplaose. : Ontrares la AlkfcaiAw' BctrHntl. One. ot the nosti XKJtrageoos ageoos com Wowrji- ilttetr-irtCertVeXsn. ed murders-was 'committed county, . Alabamat last "week... Mitchell isavi?, a promising young man, ..was buos and instantly killed by ; ner6ea lying -id ambush bybe roasidfV'.freyouns man was on the eve of being' married," and on his tvay to visit his affianced; '" Statemebts differ as to the motives bf tbe shooting; some saying the negrdes intended to kill his cousin sortie Mt her. Tlie 'negroes fired alsioa differentr parties - who were hurrying tolhe tpot where ! young Davis was lying. The excitement in. that..secr; tion produced by this affair is indescriba1 f ble. But it rose to fever i'heat vwhen the the report spread, and verified by respec- taoie parries inai cusguiseu uanpsoi, pr groes were traversing the country, '. mur- deriugjwhjtejaen and.wQmenu.,. Already.!. - . .1 A f I a war Detween ine two races was imnut nenttemumuxrMP tbe scene Takinr? the law into tneu ownJ hands they .klehtrT.MthwJjn'tfirl I bioxwiyi worK, i jast -accounuT irom'iuuis been .klild.ii l.-'.r. i-a oi t.5i.?o ;'. ,ur,.- What Tbey are Dolus In Pari. been recelvecT in iew i ork city. Its bur then Is tfie.oo3h48ariat.bT.tbeI WesTegld peculiarities or rat and cat ffesii. Ut eve ry thiniT but esh : meat tcr-MLxU tw Paris-' iJrisvroraing beaa; abundance yet. A very large amount of food haf been; hiddentfay -au lrrjt; be 'brought out until the lasl extremity The date.ofthe letter is December 12.- a- MISCELLNEOUS V JACOB IAX E! U X Ml I Guaranteed to excel all others material. Be sure to ask for - ers in shana and .-iJTi ...-a : AND ACCETXlfO OTIIKB. . t i For sale at NTIUUJUCOBI'S ' Hard wtrfo Depot, Market 't And poalorn Ttaionjcoa Ibe .j Pt .A.?omDlete assortment of ' 1 'n tllttit i.njt ln utswlr nil for 45toJ e . 9 Market 8t Mechanics1 Tools, House and fieneral ware, rainis, uns, uiass auczqf ' NATH'L J AUOBI'S r , ; Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. m ttf? SADDLES. HARNESS. WHIPS. 6olb LaATHan, Hakskss Lsathkb, Ao For MlA MM N ATffI..TAf!MKIA Foresail rjsaiejasr NATH'L J ACOBi'8 jUrwAre lepot, 9 Market t fjT Wns oSne BagsTTi Belt? Cart- riuires, sc., n wuipicio nasuriuieui, ocai asl'liiaJDU'L jacobps Hardware Depot, Mo. 9 Market St. ' Hrfleoll4Xsii Tf.UT It ... ' I ! A. HoJImT;: MAXDTADTUBiau JLHV i sUSALEH - IH HajdwareGunatiStoToSy-FumpSi Kero sene OiVfln and.Sheet lTor-.TCj, -rs.Ai'X I BOOFLql;ppE ATiHQIW.riPJiCS. a;; Aarent for FAlSSASia'B iiEs,'ri' county, after which they broke into, a !chnr andJsto)l prfdiitcmagthig hana8bB", besides aTT'of wnicn they com- L .'Cox i'l fcj l' " " aX ' A large and wejl assorted stock of k.TlJ- Spades, 8hcreirVoyte, Uoes, and all Agrlcnlsural TdkU?hdt ull supply C 1T ot the most approved styles of BardVt AT A TJ.OT 1,0 IT,, J r.ldnqav. Jan. 30. 1 07 1 . T A OO DAVSVO ' fTK Fen faro tiKrctW 1 7 riHT Tnivxiiffii TrrT?sira SADDLES Ttftd.JSUlDI.tS, ftii aloiif other tMogcnVita whieh ! will be g0idVto''1jeW'WUtw fo CASH. J - ETVS WraC I 12000 BUSHELS OOENi - -t dJ1 Tenser . W1LLAKU BSOS. cm G ion Settsrwhlte. red andvel- y- jlVfeoleaalaaad Retail by " 1 -v. Di-l:i i --'47 Market Stroetf Draneh Btore, Vor. 1 lli 'and Hanover. Hay I Hay ! 4Q 0; B IlW qilOICE E ASTEIUT H AT i ' n'.er WILLI AMSl .MTJBCHISON'. Jan &r fl., OiMfl- ASQs ft.B. Co. GEXEKIL supnra mcE, WlLMIKQTOS'rN. C, Dee. 28th, 1870. fiXP fill B 7SgU& rnr ' - bavlnir-bmtaess-with the Treasurer of this C ComDany. will annlv to J. "WLThomDsc son, Ken . at thB tnOl tatS AWW. W.jL & .Company. oocaer-olA' Casa-an 00 J A Ltripfjy J&TyE C E 1 50 BBLS. FLQCR, Family and Sup-r; Bblr j Prima aio j 15. -Bbls.. Crackers,, Sugar, h Lemon, Hoaa, Boston ana Tea uaxes ; I . 2,500 GUNNY. BAGS V " 23 BOXES CHEESE, SO BBLS. on consignment. Also, a general aasertqaentjf Family Q-o- ; i Y SIM T-jSSSb?. OXVJUU LBSNEvv BJCE, fresh i .f -. - ; . - i s vecy enoicei zn sxoce mu so am to. Hr )Sf i-ti WtLLABD BRO Done a 3 ' t"i:J KO. v SOUTH FBOKT STREET, AeentffrBniG?R.Sv TJNBrtVALtJ3JJi'$KW ING MACHINES. A full supply0f Threads, Acoonstantrvon hand. Jan 8-tf ; ; -c-- ri. f 100 r'x,wrfkL4rd' . ' .IKA BBLS. andBOXES CB ACKERS i t UKSWi 'SS I r ...... o-.v.r,i. f'tfo. .!!'! M I J-,:trA nr . b:-isniC ,twi J f4nf vrol.t n :t;,lttQltbne,woJ Cw-aoitof riiir FURCHAjtU&rAM lo r:.Ti-iqTto -I . fiSttlW vEloWOd-.ijitOJ JiiJt .SDV1 " C ity. qiflthl wSrJGtorcV: i a.!OiOTl iwKU e4A,JoCuk si KPrkleUT Po t rr BBLS. KATlNG,l?vrrATPS, Ian 8-tf r" s3-2- F. W. KERCHNER. Xtniii'Cifliifiililil rn-sSd'Aftei the lOthof January proximo, vaSmtT&a South will Uake the Trains at tTmon'lJenot MacRae St, I ;w)4 nosdcont4asir4i WINDER, Snpt. 'y CT FIRS-C 1 UkidUiM-J f Ji cvr.uii.cxeu.iiiLtruuiia riutni s?rfVt ax aiij-i'j a i new, doss SOQ-eaetn nu tin i: J oji aj n seed, jnix"! J3ira jeea, ipey tited iVUiOJ Uwn Graaa, Seed ; Sage, Pepper, Jtoarda 8oy Jmaejr ?J?Teld a1i4 FlOWef Seed. On i - Si, -r ; i south Water Street, ' T ': - ."" ; ''f' tilrivjn "f: I TO BE' DRAWN; CI Vy.nA-. iKloAfOStA. JULT' I. (aa t C & f-' ..... . .jlniAj- -'' , P ;E 11 1 OtD I xrr-. Ilecbsiciendscl and Endorsed SEVEN; HlTiTtJEEIi DOOTOES W Oy iM j'j i i,'i-"rujull --s.jY!ii v- - A ......... . .a., f "jr. .1 ...:. "stands KnriEKfe fH - 1 ff ' .. ...... 'is h Z? .:.'.! J tf T.;.'i.-i.'.tU5ift Bfielaily Stlnmlmtea And Core el k ? rt tionar iJeiwrementa of the ', : J li . - . -V . . . . .-i vTv pTiTPTOMS OF COMPLAINT, AD jOiEXr THt DISEASES PRO- f 0 ) OfJ t tStTCT RV TT.i. jjkf ajaWJ vv or yauow; coiozpr jne sun or yeiJkrirUhjrownapoCa on the faeo ad other jparti of tne body? frolmess'aud ffttlneBS, BometiineaJdacha: bUtwVocwd iaate'in tho month.; Iniefnal heat? i nutay eeserf a dry, teasing eongh j nnsteaay appetite j some times a soar atomach,; vith .a raiaihg of the food ; a bloated or full feeting about the stom aAn'at'eidea'j aggravathig paW in teaides, back, or breast, and abotth ahoolders ;4ton- atipauott or tta ppweia pl luntse,cold- t The Liver is onto of tbeifaoW important Or gansBt(ojly;; aa:Ui4;4? Pf dlgestlo'n and' assimilation: Sepeodo" trnon a healy performance of its ronolras VVnen It tcjomeangod, anct fails Uk. tta aenltny action, these Important functions in the ani mal eihomyaremtnnpted;aiKlUfcaddition, tha bile being crowded back, is reabsorbed and oarrled Into the blood, poisoning Jta life giving qualities, giving rise to sallowaesa of the complexion, SUtousness, Jaundice. Head ache, Despoaflency, and the wholet train, of Uypoehondriae feelings. A tbo.oiio ila tae natnrU powatire bywhich tho bowels; jtte stimulated to carry . off he excmeaiitioni matter, if there IS a deficient secretion xf the tiyerf cosUVenesa results,' and In its tura ag gravatesaii thesoLvarlotisxilsordeTs. 'Tjnder these eirenmstanoes, if the Liver is nej lated to healthy action by "appropriatoi dies, it booomea swollen and engorgodf;and intlammatlon is set np Da. LAwaxxos's &os xoo &is a dircet and powerful action upon the Liver, and will with great certainty, relieve torpidity. Md. congestion of .this Important viscera, and ait this aeoount is superior to any L other medicine yet brought' to the notice of 1 the public, vln these various deragements of the Liver a full dose of the Koexoo should, be taken regularly, with a view to ita alterative effect npon the Liver, gradually restoring it to its former healthy action. : - -A - f FOB SALE BY LIPP!tT 4 CO- AND aetSLoam - w . Jy V Louioiaiia State Lottery I nco r porated Angnst 17, .18C8. - CHARLES T. HOWARD. PR PRESIDENT. SINGLE NUMBER LOTTEItT. ..." ,N fe.j... .... - '. .' SPLENDIDSCHEJf E ONLY 20,000 NUMBERS - - :.; . . ."'!' ' ' - ' CAPITAL PBIZE.. 30,000. A 'AT NEW ORLEANS ON SATIIISAT,' iauaonry jU" I8TI. -,r HOWARD, SIMMONS A CO , CoHTBACTOaa. inriaeof so,ox?ia. fZ.JL.. . 1 prize of ' jaiOoo is... ..4..a. 1 prize of U,000 i3......Mfc.w......S, i .r 1 nior.8i:ta,..,u),A.';4.4''v-.s1a o 1 prize of 7,oo is.....l....II..,;.i7 r) 1 wise of r.iko- iau:A.:.;..-r Arju 1 prize of 6, 00 is.. .... r. . t.irSu. a. AffirR 1 prize of is., i.. Tsi".. looo i prize or b,imj is.. 3,oou 1 prize of 2 00Jia., 2,000 zg or loool , Dria4ofrfajOOOlro:. I Bg S- MS l prize or- l.oooi 1 nrize c I prize of 1,000 H 1 prize of 1,000 " i prize oi -1 prize of 1,000 1 prize of 1,000 ' 1 prize of 1,000 'i 1 prize of . T 1,0 o 1 prize of 1,000 ll prize of .1,000 i?l prize of -lflBD "i ' 1 nrize of . 1.000 pi prize bff,i,tee ii prize or . .i.uw a prize oi - ' SO Drlzea of tOj . r....i.iLrrs---2,1000 1 prizea Of ' 2W 1 are....riin?atfrf J -1Q Approximation prizes. ....-! w0 'MQ prizes, aniOunting to.:.V.. .raUi-n l-,prizes payable without deduction,.. .'r , f, - !t(B reorders to te addressed to " 't f . : CHAS..T. HOWARD ;, ','t. ' lwfcx Ppst)flNeV SCTd Post-Offlce Money Or4er or Regia- tcr your Letter. ' t fjanl-tf ., i 7 , lf - i "in i ' n 'l- ' ii T i'ldfl-ii i nnn .w-stt tale nci a Q-Ji'B.T'! 31i 50 BBLS FINE APPLESrrritrT To 7 BOXES FIRE CRACKERS, J BOXES LBMONS,! f if-f , Jr- i7.0:'-t' Pi Fresh Nuts, Raisins, Candies Terys4U9 viae aux v, i.Mt . ...!. i dec24-Srtf f.w. , :7t al . o lTI ii capstan crct;n-rrcca,cco. John Dawso, Aleak JanrJTi 1 r ? ; Dr. C TV Jfarphy tnpt.1 John BV Spearman, CoUU&Wjify vaps. x. a. wronger, John'pawBOh.rrr8jnU Ax.Jomi5on,Jr;..rt;..firetaryi Dr. K. A.'AdersOtt. t iMeoiinrectori W. A. Wright and C M. Stedman . V Attotncya; lion. EHsur WrJsihji9nsnWng Actnaiy. V7. BEcnan.General Superviaiag Agent. TCippanylsfonndcvponnponalirm audi' cndarinir naanU. the Chief corner tn being lasting and wnaeiunnle tfoeuxfij1 otdjP. Me, Jt'andri t:ctnue- cesses naa oeen rapia. its ass oz poiicj-nojur erf embraces the grst nenrof Wilnungtelx and korth: Carolina. : Its -Capital Stock forms a guarantee capitoi in aaainon so us assets, Which are constantlYoehag increased by profitable mvestniehts.'''" T ; Theiaocrplebf crt3i Carolina are here., pi-e- aepiwse$xuM tfjmi wompanrj sne.oqscvsui'JWiWKn iuuam our dpniesUcpro-petity ana giro to xne state a stfbrig and pabn&apirlted financial ins tit u tion which will fectexious. pecuniary iniereai here at home and place us In pbseeeskm-oHtS; advantaffea;35!'5'-'" 1 Justice, towards ourselves urges a retention of our 'means, at home.- The:,5Vjrmino6nMf8,.? is a, great intrmenjt kftt .thtWPajsntof dconestiQ properityy andlia .incttasinffr.lts rtrengthand farwowrsf da.':c '"''s.'-SfSi I Ite rates are on an ,arerage as 1w as any tlri$5Sr0o are llberali itspaymentaromplu ( rounded uu' ibeiAsa principle, it in. sure- aconVacy ai t3s ontsetr .Ita Offloara and Directors arc basinets moil and fla&BCierB f atindfiig an epitene.fe)aa-ntt i. ana means are;aBs.,psns. institution wnicn naa aireaay oeen so emi ncnUy snccoaafnirnrtK f Do not neglect the opportunity of insuring in a Home Company, and participating, in t advantages; HJt:: Polieies all : participating:' non forfeitable after two- jrears; : mcon testabieafir.fljB .years. .... ... v,a . .- : .pro. g. OesftOratl Agnt 4UM JwIPralottrleav OFTICE WITH THB COMP ANTVXo. 50BT nov 15-tl Fifty !IiXIt6TIdnrm ipffal Tho ;Btntnr.jrjtwjn,iy - C Widtr Tovlx tn pany In tneJVorld P a-- Assets, $12,000,t6,'betog$12, than ' any other Company: Cash prviDZHna, paid in 1869, $3,69630, being v wipsspix iaxr jan,any, ptnep company. . 'z Vei:-r. '.h ? ' .v56'i idi i.itV. Piedmont'" Gtosrton i flNTGU R A fJ CE co The Host Sneeesatnl jMa4 Wealthiest tnsnrnnco onpanT xmnmt, tf"- tea ova ' int. I C29S)Ctt Security Insurance Company of jNew ' - - " - York, .Assets, $2,000,000 Continental Insurance . Company! of . New Yerk.-.:, ............. .Assets, JcrthAnieTica) North, American, T -rOpmpaayox;r.':f OTt ; HartroTd . .'. Asest, taoa,. Putnam Jfc I Companyjo' Hartf0r?Aw, : ..m . .-.........i.-.f A aseja-sBKigo Home Insurance tympany otiJEaonrec 1 mond Assess, 1400,000 For every description ot Insurance, Apply- 2f iI3jHO"f .? in JOHNrVTlLDEB ATKINSON, Prlneess St between Fit and Water.' ; -OQtlS-U - . THE STEAMER 5LITTiE SAM. rl now running vegnlarlrTe WUmtog ton and PointCaawelL leaving Wilmington Tuesdays. Thnraday mxriL 4SaiaMayTi-ll o'clock A. M and Pointy CasweU Mondays. Wednesdava and Frldavr it V oIock JtfZ tonchingntnii tnterinediaie IsacilliSi flar tia.: sengera or rreigns. Jrara, iwmeau jextra, Freht charge vcijrinodeTfctei-f ror rreigns or passage, appiy Kuapcanv PE2 Cotton fTi BALES. OV-i RTEpUMBERS, 4 For sale by . ; v ; i j i aug -u WILLASD.BR OS Hrpkory;nutq .Kt :irw- DUJUlli ar i .Mum ua, 7 ? ENGLISH WALNtJTSj ' !'I3 n. . BRAZIL QRBDTTER NUTS ' ANECAyS;,,it. 1 jffiiki-.''-' i !xnei rnncipai vxaeo oim twnipany is iocalca:m:WIlming I aaa.fl U U - - - UaJ-aJlVVJ alU e-iV..,-:i :..' .r?Ms kiKl 'i-.tlG- ",7L. y s vo; Hi -Jnst Opened .tcay; fV V--'I' 1 .ItjipfnOf-CiiJXvrl. 7? i JHIHOELLAITEOUat ( B " - -., 4 ' ii I- i . " ' r aai-fwinfc r. Acalnat tZt LntrxCiri sad Cenlili. Co-mcrrs j-Cht.-I- fTM-rrA -r-ac7f r--v ? t aicalOetet'-ratJ mIL.'' t -as-iaCLJ- dren':uid-lt3 C&.-ea.yili: At 4 hat A&re to r; Marry. . IV. Is Continence Injurious! v. Per aonal Pollu ion. VL lsj-rrious ECecta of Ex cess. VII" lf-tt"vi- to Pr" Concep tion and tLt t ce i.-Inf ansi - jeide. IX. Conjttsal ILc!itloat Durinr Hen i sruauon. x, uo. go. cetween us uia. ii.' ? what May betSwraa LZzpjj Caawarrl ; Bound, I. Modern Womjenviar-tj.tat is Said of and Passion. Selected from the best autnoraiit a-;ovd i - ' THX rEOPLKn TATIiilTSTiJOClrAL.; ; j ? "i , , ?g r fi Higsrzilat srilX eiT i-i ; . -; . iiiii iA-xiiiaoo -,enuiil'J ibh.' I tVrvAisJ.wnyatbe4bsU A T PBKSENt'tnerc areTbGreat Stories ruMinir ioroir-;ir its columns.; .and at leass Os)avon nBnCtnrli ftwr.-710 I JSwanneeMswniastetirascania commencement of a new oontinued story Isnr natter when thev anha&riha lrr thM : www a v . mi tai-si wwi 4 a am aiHaMI ooataiHa- soTcral; oeantiraa4unaaittnsvmA. Vak ViwKa a Oti V Wn t SssTV V rf y Wav V-aV v av . aa aav f : rev it &d ,(( N E W Y.ORK W IJ I?K does not oonflnelta uaafalnoia tioaTatWtoeirt. Dutr,pnbusftes-n great, quantity of uvajvent jrtrnctivB matter.-ui the xsoonaenaadrnsw'i . 7 lVty,jbAllen6e and -VaVA lisf ar'Ba9er r ThnPUaAS EaSAKTr. lKxxiuoHArua arevtasie b 'iWl: kaaByrBrtnaa .ThCJBWTJCDlls eonnn4;to!' ulmfojnatlo-rt bttail manr-of4mbata-f ' Tho NEWS tTElXS" gtr4 l4lR6Jec turds' t too jntAt,i mtfm- H" ovr t rri'r atatoamaers:tonpoQfv NEW YOBK WEEKLY - 'Each Issfoa "Odetanii fnw &ifrirrT t4 iTN SHORT 8TORIR8 ANDAKSTCHES, and half a dozen POEMS, in addition to b,rX8E RIAL 8TORIKi-aadtbe -VAEHrtf1faiTRT. MENTS. . . ar specimen pc uaBioratf rmc.- r.3e -t 'i'JUJ III V ,L-jTiJ03i rTTf li Tito T' i One One OneYear-bBigttf Copie, Those. en4ba ipr a raufe i C2sbsbaTI ent at One. time, .wia Do ati -RUlSJf JttSBi I- MptdlSSFSnUM odJ trsci nirad oi rut jYr . . a. . J . a ?a - ..f. r . . i f-. . n jo "OI.75ST., ..-3peci oai iv vt. Bp-?- t jfoa; sJiifivwai s'nos tC. .... ) in a Ho frpca atCSTk ,fioiJl:Z5S0 oi er A 1A 11 liAA LI tf .awoTa .fcwMiCi ,tfr , ,-iaaaoO ,iaa.w llyOfrcM JIsdalf ,-raionaSCjsiwaJ ,kj. 4 i9mir '5Jdii ,or;s3 5tiiiv. I ; tO IUIB" cwWW. WJW MUkf, J.l . ryii tall-.,'! -tfvT .troJfoil2ioJi -coacafcirJHi j Ai iton, Tobacco, and U rr.J,: 11 via a irivAit onnr luimcuvu vu crops and vegetables iM lestOlSK--?! rnrwolioi odM;ns ' .r-r Tit ... r . ., if D. llAcRAS, Trea. and 8eev t i , -. , c. !. UiUUE 1aJU. C fc -; rv .-i," t ---1 - " j r ? ri- tin-r. j - octlttf .771 .rrV 1 t aaa4wr - t"S Il.U I nola&ei and Cyrair ' HrQJ'"tftfcw"y''' vuzr VUxiJa. faWUtr Muscovado Molaasca and ajTupij. i j s . h For tale, at very lorctttaT&S-atfiLT'a " .-paSfr.fT-r,t rg?aceestfn?flawc. i ,.. ,. l.v . ... ) j iooJ Trra ear orrxiJjulS ttlttxrio't rilqlo::.-t; s ! 'ifcUi-iV violaxas-tpilaosxJ if cmt r ( fitta nvT TaaJ'nTtrcji Z3oi1 nbi'i ITT VLT i 1 31$ - a vn a--a. wa-a. . tt v Tev ar t-w at v- v . aA r-TiirM .. Ill1- fill; air. vJ'.'. :-vPrlu 'frWi. ins 1H Vrm 1 i fit I- ... 1' if j hi Iff ; ! VJ i in the field .ii ifljjrt .Jinne ?6ff . ! ; j5; r '!0cxs'3??VP . ... ' . .. - m ... v ,, - '" - ' . . . ' . ' '. ' -

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