( 4 a .-... The signs oi " rpponstructioo" thicken (Special Distch to the Baltimore 8un.i iff88? btrasburg, the Amazon of Alsac l R R O iij o m i Mui7,uajr,.auUwrvaf 4. fx. " V W assist: : 23 1 u . W a ...Editor. fH..E-Jov jon th JCo.n e iJzrgt: 3y; J ion id .-f ;4 Orleans, be fic' f thV M'.d's i xpVts! Tmmuure UTU-Deeff-SenTeq, Meantime. J h-wiot tM-,.- ! j f i . r 1 r ri m r? f u f s )QQU4 YipSwUnn t. .. &-jjimm(utm Ah, Inn nr.I. Lb otatiwjg!timi4iUii:u and sentimentfloi iajjears past, we ! IMPOIlTED MnkirxoM ijmzz UNT OTIDSJI DAILY 2Z2. A7T17 Sfi rm. A-r neatest. Sfrotigcafc 1 tnom correct way: iaalatbeae-J 'reOiyictrcre-L trort liluvft dJ-uVl uloa isn is! ' 1 !Alt - .. Ierlenee has shown thaithey do npt break, as ianv of the CABT ImSS x u-s 5u i; hit? j&ii2xi uuivzm r- Tnw?3olwtsiax.-!rr staWB-JgtJfral be?g5atid3 Ws : quota . from a rnt iiombr the c!; AWft;r.aUc OoTenrarannit ml tbe barwwd'lhwi4ttfb'W5fi n 'ACurofoiOlpthert'a'!" Mullen tti ioisaiaiswfww act m IK ericeaas.io or lower thai GOODUCS ctn be' bot aVfcintkarkt liL!iCoa8t, American shermen from th Toanghoo. sotjaoXiwrioeam . tbx-tfej i atiff 'blerentlemireil yeatyTndiana, TTTinois and treaainde N thinly yeVtaTkrOwfng taste for Oils sort of the SottfBeXI j:iai J r All lnterestec!, please read the lot kwih extract frotw a, w4-wr-jiuii B M&aon, wife oXHa-r Tv. f.ii .u.6u.w,jMinuui: r-::j ir.,.,- FASHION If OTKS. Isa or h raited State, h tea as nTiniwOfflecri mm& CiMaUI Vimsi a Deart IalkiUiTtra Ofle two Ballora Dro from tbe r,? m?1 ently aicOc with ifllp- jKD3:ixiaE not even the aanft-. i rjr j-. t. r - , r if . - . iiirrii luinnfrrmiKii-t tti -rrTrrif kitmKi . -, 5f- nf fK. 7WX.in ar " :n u frj!. !. . . V "w" x.vy, BAN JfKANCISCO: Jannanr ft winiahi--K-- n ffttiAfrltA IgyituaACfaKnceU . News , have been iyid here tha volable njaacked by ,or scarfs are now wpm by ladies, Metal mwBSSS fW'PBa,. the ic heeled shofis. azaio ruin draw in. SS Miiora Drow.,d- Belief tt&l ZltZCf&V LJMi 3 - " fi I ,i.e' "nail doses inwardly, ldl&ao. San FRAKPTttYV (Tt.ii- q and touid the srarsrle lnvariahi- m ! - - ii" - i Ijaal. jr- , -.-. 3SSt Tribune : "Viat we want to 1 U WW O-Ula I-1 I II II II L lllll. I M I T P W -jt r tnu 'i:rV?rv' iwmi;aiuciv t ii-c.Ketaon mat .ra'BonroT-twntf is- rjecflmin-n. o l c ouuc heele uperseded; .bjagoldroTerei gns 19, 1870, on Ocean IslandpTOeasfcr s Ihoals, near MidwtrYsfgFgW inmnAK UA.M.. J , . .-:J -u..uB,6W.-,ul(TiiriiniU 806 DDSllT I W uwmi auu gnawis are n rvrii fnr tho rnA- ti-frtft'tri VJai. n:kHK i "V, morefCTeri,hGtn,otto5ltel, ,h.t st Ta Hsajs:nai - i - j , " j gjiw uviim vjwruWD, I ' w w u iv4, ituu i?!5i?lfo!S? painted cheeks, courflastered lips and racUce oT Beating anoTshoorlng and com Trade manners are.fihW.Wo ; . is das tiox pwuce 01 oeauDg ana snooting muting acts of tiolence on men. og ac 01 Tioience on men. . I places &Mkiin are fashidaabl iXgie "tJecoralton ot heads for evenine J ' -6-fi?fr'.x" CTvv, ninety in nomber.4 - - i ua tavuubo tuatcnai ior hardly feel authorized toiirge upon tlem bridesmaids toilets thhrason. it ? to flee from the afflictions incidental to hf worn ovW white silk. -o.r refuge' in this semi-barbarous region. Yet ... . we assurheat tb Tie are almost entire te ae pfed VtV, note the "eTi iy nee worn norse-WMpping, cow-hiding uen?e,9in Rrown ot.-Pemocratic. prin aodr'tV)Otinff WOBiefli- Orlnn-ii hciplesTn the West.'ln"dlcatd" V.- VhV '-' TJ Plca8ant i"6 reminder, from lDS 01 a new journal at LouisTille--to.,b. iaraTOeaderm to meet Democratic some ' remote kinship with tfie"people north ot waota loharsection. The new-' pjpcr is nous extent caum 'Cdw-Hiarne asnira ny we tion eizen.jrpmfif.in;itJxisTjection JS?Mfe A'loRatttrabfcTa J cash.tapitakoffiAy th olasaWblKfa: The ri0!i& ber is to be issued Wifff - ' - - .. r . ...I T r T" . daily and weekly. It is to be owned by . aj9llrt3tiiieSmnyaWq KKreie invariably cut .off 'the OAied-ret 42r'a- VKtlNM an1 V : srs in onr land whb are Ibslna ' Dur Pain KlUiSilftfWl cjc soor- jr jarge out I I V H W WM aakaW WaTWaoWi WaB Wa,l al U a II AfwrvvtAtfVMM..M.. 1 1 a 1 . . . rude manners are, ikahinr.h In 12 "' vZ7TrlacS v ww mt k WORKS 'QF-5Sfi-- PEEE8 AND JORltRuc ' V5 2?j wt-iiTAi-ii-iiiLiXlJ jTr"- - HOI V.lT.VJc.l :v. . 1 AmerlAAn TafAii-. JtndUardf peAgaiPliwaaptr,'.. of 4htir.cooturu .aUfttarda; ipnTatioocffi)ti uf?rr , rOiiciinio iJctico. uinu8H8a uq iraaeon apneatibn, tuiade generally. WlMleaolo 'Wawoeai.. it Ualden enclosing: business card. Forsaleky the 'i .0 K i VWt;AuarrmaatM jlamea K Act to Raise Bevenue." ratitMt,a jf.rf tJA WtB, M70t41- totaiwititMi-hi m. a t 1 t; - r aitu um w 1 t n ww w nv v w wyv - . - HfT fTTT f T !J i 1 ! .T.'T T " CO.. 143 St., ClwSpa, til f,teiJS 8 PCw!r lr n-tluxt auraoha iJ . ,- " - vf. ijjmui&WMm, -Or 118107 1 - ro bb n r y V4W1 niaa . m av . . aa - i - - rh a,a rZTnUXCZfirr rsfT! ;rti W av i uitx mkss pokk, drt salwd ores tolorwarrtto Honoluluthe iewa ot license, nrosecutlon wiii.h- : 1 . ... . . 1 ' . vu 1 mriva. . ianai, ana tne loss of the on Thursday, the itthlnst-at 12 li--toJi:x ..B:uana,v,vcay Viano. ?naon receipt PfyTOS idw dot! r .. , K rV 1 j www-m r 1? 1 vfr. o. ne Mobile w-j for41acicrfeitj! twt!lVsacn4, w '-.y j .Jt... u-s -, - settiilVlffife griaroait is Mw the stylefor . -7. TTuunsr ladle to-b Tav,Tn- li 4. r-L- - --'r- ---t rn wi men uiaiiuk. a rn 1 the casfipwi ill I Mil: fViTffm lnW' Mediately dispatchedfceVthV tBSH? W :.l?.IAi;is ..-j ucw irom aeam DT ttarr-t oriifiixi ' WlLrirl3Tnv mr n "l DAddle weel. cariftVI a "7n , , , , 77,7 ",UfHHr Teen r "jV 4. . ' "'aiu w xnew. xprk, 1 u r.ii i..o ia-.i- ""insmrn ni tier (nine farors an abAl!t!XaixtwWuirw ul l:r - . Vf - - r.i wiIL; wwuga uoeajwtAppear to see of SWartl -jfc rot- rnu' I A iLwrr. uatimisnrrF toejonce. JrouM-not m. at Uincinnatitm thentrfkft41' lonb t m proye the creed 01 the chan1in nnrm.v.l ' fjfin TAoanl, T? T-.t,-JUr ri doubted w the t. .uia's wlTesmore dacornn. . , J been invitedto deliTErjin nniin k..- J M lta.instlgatora 9mTWfiorL.-L . ,T . . A Hint waa Hia- " " TtlSta5a! telh ju YCTT nicrn tDfma i ' a - - sww cicu iniinniT f MUMuti;muirinAE. mis TKS4. 1 r Itm Ii r . !- -"f--Bi 1 ' II 1ST A.A1SV T14 HT1. I AW ' 1 . ' 1' I ' ' . - ' ' - I - ZJ vmnm lain of tne last wfi ri!: P" " vniirlestbn' Jaii: on tlu utaUB I UIT. LO nmrTmmnrijnn , .giuaw ai rcean island, and onjece: iue iDiramooa IMI 4ttriStates lied le ".eJosW 'SiW.lMjns3SCXJlSK minister chartered jthe Kona packet, JaaMtH csci5 "yvra ncl TslaiayWBf " -placed a supply of provFsions and water sl. yg-dih- - '.oaiiiand dispatched her to the relief or inCtpwreckedayunan..T..Tu 4 DWreckert-aeaxnn Tm H... ' JFfPandwich Island ffovernm.nt w-E'. J4dnan Mr iaoeaat theice If. ?Tl lJT;;.,r wasrtbe iiTUnntioano'Ihir :i 11 -1 ; t f June-17-tf - JOjaxaro-. ,ne vooi Trad. AShonlders, hhcts. and boxes Xiry-halted .5ldpoe frjdT WW Aaojced, -Tastern! m t ?14et...d.t Br, aWaat, atripai -Bans.., eorered and naked. - ' .ARD Pure Piime Natural and Extra, In j ruecoeaDaxxettswaxabas:- ' : IXTItA WNja TABLS BUTXXS, tabs. r 7 Stmdiifea. s rFKKata-IwaaTrf tecVraii grades" UUR-U gradual SUQARhlU rraoes I t S CttlCKEKs; aM.kln61nl)hla aaid . v ; - Hons1 rani,Oranges i f titled " X & ri) '.;! . aa I AteexieaJi; iJncs i;f ci vnewjn. Tobacoo, caddlea, uaxtarjAaA half Jnnt,Ial 0OMft -tA ta.ffsSSS - . - wjaaawjtaw-.'- ' i H'.v TT c" I--;: XTOtlCOav , , If slauad Lflrwtn-wwwvV H. VOLLKRP ffiejjm miSlfcf'cfiftfl -rn We Icoal ADRIAN &Unu etdq ggiana, rppnrren in our telcmphier-tiofri- . JTinSDlLuvV-rlJS T!T5-f "t" w',tiR ?WXwrt-? llOTwLaiTa i VW ariwnLana Metrf.fa ' 1 1 wwavw. i'.;.ixj . .T .i . ."s r -j.' i i T FE50 , :3aFa .ijrine, 0Choloa,acidp.w -i i t wit wm -anraw tu a n raTaai nsrsT am mmwaavmam -intei4r or that it-trilH- nerlftf n tiwnnIfi33iTi Yonf.iairt. is4av Wlt4re-YrWfoef,Witf WC3Wt Jfil :3T anol it fMwaiWa iXMCT'The strike will Ani i ..... vuu. iWUi- I g aw.: - 1 vu.w,.rtii-uT,ji 8QOIT Sestinn 'Ta I1 ' .1 nn WillTn v T-L ir IJTlOfi oegging lor tne otSce, there sVems? Wi "eiriC8CaP om the House o tqorwetion J- a f - ' ffAjf . xwuuciu sociatTv,'PPany 19 com 01 -fJlU t.A.n ar-T. yr hefo Gert road I tne,nnng ppon Fort; Mont Av r ww f aJiri i " w una vi uu a. aiimwiYYi rnsw iKtneiTOareoUy:j 0n Tn& - .1 a' n . - J mc.unng upon 10ft Mont AvSnTcnTfr: to impress ns'Tr .IIL The'CharreifnK7SL4 JIV I?? 8eged parties, but that ii-natwJJ? F ?,Wflweg.VriBit of 8ebastopoL ich lasted elflfatnHf-m oJ impress pansonKCWJa-s. flohj whl -. j 4I j mere remarkable Don to' auu me rest of them 9 , '-- iirsjAAZ-a-ygnitot-we Bounrdeat nH SXtf ot - Coonecticuf i.1 PiiloKto-B. Xee. 1 a - r . I - ud v ii y iiiia ni HTf tTte New .YskggBrt hT lnill VrJZlr? KoHCTieau,iaoTllle "d leading memt,en 3a- IQenfcrarftietd., tf3oedsi i rrT' itmljaw)dpeompdy'imo4 September. iss!i 7 a i 1 . r .f . . . . . . . lift ' as i u. -vt w w l u f Hal psf l t r. s vi.j'rvj -r.ritTt wii.r r w T2i;f 1 . WKTwl . . . ' . I AIIU1D UU1 M w. Mwumuisnau as leaious ere4tc The; Prussians have bteii i successfni d uzea.aa len! : Claxets'Baberrv Bvrnr Rt'v ! beVrJ' BfafidyVellles, tastes, and Qi ocers PrngsLye and - - . """" 4-1 w y . tta- xpr .saie. ax wnoiessJAoi-. h7rttaVw. wSralf(aw I Jani-lm JAlWiJOsTttf'Ste1 "Ml I Hire determined tZ"'. iwpnfa30-crtc I' a t rr? . Call and try it at "j it.ui. .i '.st'l uiWj ef fifth .frmlm-f 3 f 1 TrTTrT r :vrrrtix Hant rrocx f jib esot .i9siiftaf i -at v.Snr -.iyr.. A.v.'..'J i.Ja v linWiinSn Tt.t! c r . : ---.v- a --- w . mmai f w.Tir ti- i " Irtji. f ' ww- I ii .Ml ll I V u LatsrmTM.V'iM w .. iw --vi .iMfi'l-rTtifft-f . iVJUt"" au-uonties and ead no- m&V?VTZ? ' V rWwffllrifr - ; 'ici aiucz nroHC5ou.tely. become the UK? .-. 1. ' .. . v- ' v. , . . , .... H- .. - ' - , ; Ne WvH tilled Baclrt-bea-W illllffe'Pf Inylted to wrtTns ooas wlll be Shown wltb nra. 9u A andino lm two PQrtnnltiM. m r . u J I tari ap j Vlair ayrMPwTf - xraatWP' pnactlnn- . . r-. V T ' I . IWT 1 I H k JWW U Of Namf5 TTft-Tr , I r - t. ,.i 1 1 11 f M" .......... . Corn! Com V rari BAti y .ccitlotmii w . flrt Proprietor. f -W,fyUiailarirJa tf if. JJ?"20?80 T fi iPfJi toAlfr tll:r ' . tut' J. n s . a Jill --r eii -q WORTH WORTH. Jan7.tf O, Q, PARSLET A CO.